#Types of Anxiety in Dogs
fushigurro · 19 days
i need ‘came back wrong’ gojo who’s nonverbal and has his scary powers but who also like… clings to you like a toddler because you make him feel good 😭
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woosh-floosh · 1 year
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comic about the mundanity of intrusive thoughts
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overx · 5 months
How hard is it for you to approach new people you want to interact with?
Anxious Munday Meme! [still accepting]
[[Oh I am the worst at this. There are people I have been mutuals with for literal years and never spoken to until a third party introduced us directly. And not just mutuals but like, we have followed each other across several different blogs (both mine and theirs) for mulitple years levels of bad.
Some examples of this include but aren't limited to my wife Cris (@thegatesofinfinitespace ) and Spoop ( @darckcarnival ) and in both cases someone else had to put us into a group chat before we started talking. Oops.
I try to at the very least send memes / asks/ headcanon stuff to people who I'm moots with as a sort of gentle ice breaker but even that is kind of tough for me at times.
I also am pretty bad at DMing people first. I've managed it a handful of times in the past but that required me already knowing they were interested (they sent asks, liked for starters, etc). Like in theory I know if we're following each other, people want to interact with me, but in practice I am very bad at remembering it.
Most of the people you see me regularly interacting with and reaching out to approached me first and did so several times. They have effectively brute forced me into friendship and it's working 10/10 love my extroverted buddies because without them I would be lost.]]
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hag-o-hags · 1 month
There's a trainer in my area who's apparently considered a ~wonderworker~ with Problem Dogs. My friend took her boy to this lady's program and came back with
Detailed instructions for using the shock collar
Spray bottle
Wand of Rolled Up Newspaper
Bigger issue with defensiveness over the dog's behavior, reactivity, and needs than before
NOW, this poor boy won the Behavioural Issues Lottery
(weened at 4 weeks)
(because his dam was too young and trying to kill her litter)
(herding dog mix)
(first 13ish months living mostly in an apartment)
(mom works in the hospitality industry so schedule and stability for dog is NOT GREAT!)
(several issues with VERY BAD pet sitters) (all relatives of mom or other mom) (moms were furious and none of those people are allowed to be alone with EITHER dog)
so like. I'm not at all gonna pretend like this kiddo doesn't have some pretty bad issues. I've been on the receiving end of his warnings a couple times, but he was warning me -- very clear visual snarl that he didn't want me near the barrier that he was behind (kennel once, pet gate once). I backed off and we were immediately cool. I got some sniffs when we were back on the same side of the gate.
And that's my thing with this boy. He's got Needs. Me too man, I'm right there with you.
I'm pet sitting right now, and in all honesty, all we're doing is hanging out. Nobody's getting redirected beyond "don't jump on me, and quit mouthing my sleeve". We had one incident of Misdemeanor Countersurfing and Resource Guarding with Intent. And I know -- I know -- how scary and intimidating it is to be on the receiving end of a reactive dog's warning! Second Mom is very scared of trying to take food from him and they have a whole protocol that uses the Wondertrainer's techniques.
But all he needed to give up the forbidden food was a normal ass dog biscuit. Swapsies, nabbed the remains, reactivity back to zero.
This dog, not least because of Our Lady of Aversion Training, is treated like a live grenade and the moment something SLIGHTLY bad happens, oh god no, klaxons, strobing lights, women and children to the lifeboats first.
He's not, though, he's just a boy who has had ALL his boundaries and communication ignored, and people are stressed out AT him. All the time. I'm sitting outside writing this, and the dogs run up, get up in my business hoping that this is a Sharing Doughnut I've got here (NOPE!!!!!) We started this weekend with him kinda sorta being okay with some ear scritches after he gave my hand a good sniff. This morning he wasn't fully sure about me initiating head pets, but he communicates that super clearly if you know what you're looking at. I'd offer, he'd get tense, I'd back off, and WHAT DO YOU FUCKIN KNOW. Now he running up and shoving his head into my elbow for pets.
BECAUSE IT WASN'T A BIG DEAL WHEN HE TOLD ME NO. Nothing he can do can make me freak out, so HE'S not gonna freak out.
Super bonus, I've been working on muzzle desensitizing with him as well, because right now the method is Mom And Only Mom Traps Him And Tough Tits If You Miss The First Time, Call The Vet to Say We'll Be Really Really Late. Which. Mmrg. Muzzle was a requirement to attend the Wonderclasses, which I get, it's a basket muzzle, we want everyone to stay safe. I guess the instructions were "Bring the dog muzzled and shock collared and be prepared to zap him if he gets aggressive or out of line." (FUCKIN. WHAT ARE PEOPLE PAYING THIS LADY FOR. JESUS FUCKING. SHRIEK.) (I mean where even is the fucking spray bottle in this hierarchy? FUCK.)
Anyway, boyo does not care if I walk around with the muzzle, will HAPPILY eat peanut butter off a plate with the muzzle ... this is a very, very teachable dog. He's not a live grenade, he's like. At WORST a firework. If you're a moron and you fuck around, sure. Finding out may involve losing your arm. But MAYBE you shouldn't have been fucking around that hard and engaged your giant primate brain for 12 seconds. Don't try to douse a fire with gasoline maybe?
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theadventurek9 · 1 year
She is starting to have some stress responses to this training area. Similar to a trial environment with how she behaves. I think next time I'm at this location I need to work on some happy engagement games and not expect much from her to bring back her happy and goofy self. For her there is a slight lack in wanting to line up. I got one no for a start button, and some mild avoidance behaviors. She also was unable to settle in the crate I had her in. So I think I may bring her own next time and see if that's better for her.
Even with some stress we worked through she was working very well though! Great heeling, some phenomenal go outs, and pretty solid about turns with distractions.
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lonely-dog-song · 1 year
vent post
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imaginary-wanderer · 11 months
I wanted to send an anon to someone about plant toxicity and cats, since it's relevant to their recent activity, but I never know how this kind of advice will be received. People tend to be annoyed by this kind of comments, even it's absolutely not to tell them "shame on you, you have toxic plants around your cat!" but more like "i don't know if you know so just in case"...
So I just hope they know.
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I have the mental state of a VERY small yippy dog rn
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killerbees-hehe · 1 year
I have anxiety and someone knocked at my door. My dog started barking and when I checked the camera to see who was outside I saw some old guy I’d never seen in my life. I did not want to speak to him and panicked because my dog was alerting him that there were living beings home. I turned to my dog with a look on my face and she stopped barking because she also has anxiety and recognizes when to hide.
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beaversatemygrandma · 23 days
ah shit
they found the first diamondback rattler on property for this year It got beheaded with a shovel instantly, bc yeah. goats, cats, kid, and uhh everybody's safety. But holy shit was it a big one. BIG Boi. The rattly will-kill-you kinda boi. I mean. he was like 4-5 ft long and THICK.
the corn and rat snakes are chill. already found a rat snake. he's fine. the outdoor cat bullied a tiny one to death a couple months ago. But the Rattlers. Oh god.
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slvttyplum · 4 months
suguru is the type to answer the phone while he’s fucking you.
ugh the man he is, while he’s deep inside you and he gets a call and he’s contemplating on answering but does it anyways.
this doesn’t happen all the time but it happens most of the time, he’s a busy man who has a lot of people who rely on him.
you’ve gotten used to it but your eyes will still go big when you see him reaching for his as he’s mid stroke.
your walls clenching up from anxiety but all he’s does is smirk and presses the accept button quickly covering your mouth.
muffled moans will come out and he’ll shoot you a glare as he pushes into you even harder as the distant voices from the phone come out.
“hello?… yeah of course i’m not busy… just chilling out.” you feel so good that he himself can’t even keep his moans down but he’s gotten better over time.
especially with how you clench around him when you hear how nonchalantly he’s talking to the other person on the side.
suguru even thinks your pussy feels better when you’re on the phone, the way you clench around him and make those wide eyes turns him on so much.
he’ll lean down and lower his phone down so he can be at a distance to where the other person can’t hear and say…
“you’re being such a good girl, just keep being quiet.” praising you for lying under him as he pushes all his length inside of you, quiet curses slipping out of his mouth.
the other person will question what he said and he’ll just laugh and shoot you a wink as he smirks before deepening his strokes.
“huh? oh nothing nothing i pushed into something too hard.” sometimes you’ll laugh but the other times you’ll be crying under his hand because of how good it feels.
the way he purposely does things so you can let out a whimper loud enough so the other person can hear.
they’ll ask with a lot of concern coating their voice what was that and suguru will say every time…
“it’s just my dog… she’s being a bad girl.” then push into you quickly causing you to moan so loud there was no way the person wouldn’t notice.
it turns him on so much to answer calls in the middle of fucking, he actually encourages people to call him then flips you over and gets to work.
it’s like a kink, that keeps him going.
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traitormithos · 2 years
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soapsbaby · 1 year
Take the hint
Summary: The CoD guys and Valeria's reaction to you being hit on at a club.
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Characters: Simon “Ghost” Riley, Johnny “Soap” MacTavish, König, Kyle “Gaz” Garrick, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra, John Price, Valeria Garza, all x gn!reader Rating: SFW Word count: 800ish
He gets jealous really easily, he doesn’t like sharing you at all. Still, usually he’ll just stand somewhere where he can see you well, arms crossed in front of his chest and waiting for you to reject the person.
The moment you’re with him again he’ll have an arm tightly around you, pulling you as closely to him as he can, proving to himself that he is the only one who gets to do this with you.
If the person is too persistent he will go into guard dog mode. He would absolutely break someone’s bones for you.
He gets jealous too, but he always tries his very best to not show it. He knows in his core that he is your one and only and would never betray him so he will just push the feeling down and look forward to you being back by his side.
He will absolutely make fun of the other person once it’s just the two of you, can’t believe a guy like that thinks he could get with you… So delusional, hm? 
He doesn’t really go out much in the first place and when he does, he is pretty much attached to you at the waist and no one dares hit on you when you are with that mountain of a man.
If it does happen, because you went to quickly grab a drink or went to the bathroom, he will start spiraling quickly. He already has a lot of anxiety about you leaving him and the moment he sees you speaking with someone else his alarm bells go off, that it’s finally happening and he won’t be the one you’ll go home with today.
He wants to intervene, but he doesn’t dare to, he can just watch, but he feels better immediately when you finally get rid of the other person, rolling your eyes and giving König a bright grin, mouthing “what a weirdo” towards him and immediately get on your tiptoes to give him a kiss. 
He’ll make sure to not let go of your hand for the rest of the night and be as affectionate as possible. 
He’s super relaxed about it, just standing in the corner sipping his beer and waiting for you to deal with it. He finds it incredibly attractive how well you handle yourself.
He also takes it as a compliment that other people find you that attractive, but of course he is the one you ultimately go back home with.
Can’t blame them, honey. You look out of this world.
He tries to not let it bother him, but it always does. He is always afraid you’ll leave him and he has had some bad experiences in the past with other people that sensitized him to it.
You know about that so you always make sure to shut down the other person as quickly as possible to get back to his side again.
You can tell that he is unhappy when you come back but once you pull him in for a kiss, still in view of the person who hit on you, he feels better immediately. 
The types of places she takes you out to are full of people that know you belong to her and wouldn’t dare hit on you. You stay by her side anyway so there is barely any chance for someone to try and hit on you.
If it does happen she gets very possessive. Has pulled a gun on someone who got inappropriate with you before and would absolutely do it again. 
He will watch on with a grin. He trusts you completely and he knows you’ll handle it.
If the other person is too persistent, he might get involved, a cold smile on his lips as he yells across the bar. Sorry, dude. They’re not into blonds. Believe me, I’d know. 
Will be extremely relaxed up until the point where he sees you get uncomfortable with the other person’s behavior. He will get really heated when he sees you struggle and has beaten up someone before, smashing them against the bar and hissing at them to get some damn manners before he breaks their ribs. 
Alejandro knows you can deal with it yourself but he still likes to be present as a safety net so you don’t have to feel on your own in case things go wrong.
Usually will come up to you and just listen in, putting an arm around your waist if you seem uncomfortable. Usually the other person gets the hint by then but if not he’ll get involved. 
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starrystevie · 8 months
hurt/comfort | mentions of anxiety and trauma | crossposted to twitter
"what's that?" eddie murmurs into the quiet darkness of their bedroom.
dread piles into steve's stomach. he wants to tug his sleeve over his hands so eddie can't see the writing on his palm anymore. wants to hide the pen marks by holding onto his hips instead.
"it's nothing," he whispers back, attaching his lips to the underside of eddie's jaw. he knows his boyfriend melts at the kisses he puts there. knows it will distract him from asking any more prying questions.
the ink is smudged, hardly legible anymore after a day at work. between washing his hands and shuffling papers and rubbing subconsciously at his palm when that certain type of anxiety knots into his gut, the pen marks from earlier are halfway to disappearing until he starts it all over again the next morning.
steve can't help it. he thought that moving in with eddie, having his support, would make it easier to cope with it all. thought that having someone else to help hold him accountable was the answer.
yet here he is, writing a list on his hand every morning, just to help him remember simple things.
he turns on the coffee pot in the morning, makes a note of it on his palm, crosses it out when he turns the pot off and tells himself over and over that it's actually off and he's not imagining it.
he locks the door and writes "LOCKED" in all caps so he doesn't come home halfway through the day to check and make sure it's actually locked.
he brushes his teeth, he feeds the dog, he puts his wallet in his briefcase, he closes the refrigerator door after breakfast and writes reminder after reminder on his palm in sticky black ink.
it helps, really it does, when steve's mind starts to wander in a boring meeting and he gets that hot rush of guilt of forgetting something burning through his veins. he'll look at his hand under the table and scan over the notes, find what's looking for, and try to breathe.
he'll read it over and over, the crossed out "coffee pot" or the "wallet in bag" or the "fed duke", until he feels like it sinks in, blinking back into real time to focus.
it's some strange mix of anxiety and lack of control and head trauma, robin thinks.
steve can't talk to a lot of people about it, embarrassed that he can't remember doing simple fucking tasks, but robin gets it. gets him. robin lets him swing his legs into her lap and pulls his hand up to her face so she can inspect the notes from the day to piece them all together.
it was her idea in the first place to write on his hand. she had suggested paper first but that was too easy to lose especially if he couldn't remember setting it down. she traces over the ink and lets him vent about feeling like a failure or stupid or some type of broken, reminding him gently that none of them got out hawkins without scars.
but steve hasn't let eddie see that yet, too afraid of breaking whatever they've made together, too afraid of scaring him off with his cracked brain and clenched jaw. too afraid of being built so wrong that he'll look like a once shiny penny covered in rust-colored problems.
so he digs his fingers into his palm, nails slicing into flesh & ink, and presses his lips fiercely into eddie's jaw to stop him from spilling any secrets. lets his tongue sneak out as an apology for not showing him his jagged edges. lets his teeth bite against the words he wants to say.
"baby," eddie whispers, his gentle callused hands trailing over steve's arms to settle on his clenched fist. he shakes his head against eddie's chin, bites at his neck again, ignores the way the love of his fucking life is trying to peel his fingers open to see it. see him.
steve feels raw, a live wire, one second away from snapping into sparks of electricity. he shakes his hand free and curls it around the small of eddie's back, tugging him closer, hiding his shame.
"it's nothing," he repeats, voice shaky and rough against eddie's skin.
if he just slots his leg right, if he just presses into eddie right, if he just tips his head and rolls his hips and plays his cards right, he can avoid all of this all together. he can take eddie's mind away from the writing on his hand and convince them both everything is okay.
but it's not that easy, it never is, because there fingers wrapping around his wrist at an awkward angle to pull his hand back and heat flares up in his cheeks. eddie's going to see, going to ask, going to figure out that steve is broken beyond repair and it's all thanks to one too many blows to the head & one too many times of fucking up & one too many times of leaving the goddamn door unlocked.
"i just-" he bites out, trying and failing to pull his arm out from eddie's grasp. maybe some part of him wants to come clean and get the inevitable over and done with. "-they're just some notes okay?"
and now eddie's looking between him and his palm with those eyes that hold love and the pity that he hates, so he blinks away, jolts to get his arm free again. he doesn't want pity, he doesn't want puppy dog eyes, he doesn't want the reminder that he can't-
but then there's lips pressing oh so gently to the hand he rubbed raw earlier when he could have sworn he didn't triple check that he paid the water bill. there's the flutter of eyelashes against his fingertips as eddie trails kisses over the thing that makes him feel less than.
steve doesn't fight to pull his arm back anymore. his shoulders drop, his muscles relax, and that ball of dread in the pit of his stomach eases away into something that feels more like acceptance.
"that's smart," eddie mutters against his palm. "to help you remember?"
and just like that, it isn't secret anymore. just like that eddie's peeled back the layers of bravado and nonchalance and seen steve for the mess he is.
he kisses the notes like it's the easiest thing to do and maybe for eddie it is. maybe taking a piece of steve's hurt is what they found each other for. maybe eddie was made to understand every inch of steve from the inside out like the way a vine instinctually knows to follow the sun.
steve resettles his face in eddie's neck, nods and breathes him in so he has him deep in his lungs. "it was robin's idea."
"she's smart too, then." eddie hums and drops steve's hand gently, letting it wind back around him so he can tangle his in steve's hair. "does it help?"
"yep," steve mumbles.
"how have i never noticed you scribbling on your hand everyday?" eddie asks with his lips pressed into the crown of steve's head.
"i didn't want you to see. i'm pretty good at hiding."
he can feel when eddie takes in a deep breath. feel when his chest expands and collapses before whispering "start adding 'eddie loves me' on there."
steve shakes his head with a small grin, his heart beat slowing from an anxious jack-rabbiting speed to something more eddie paced. "i never need a reminder of that one."
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chailovesu · 8 months
a list of everything ive manifested and what i want to manifest
having alot of friends + also having at least one best friend (in short never being lonely)
people always approaching me first
not living with desired people
instant appearance changes
instant weather changes
very very pretty almond doe eyes and long eyelashes
a puppy
oddly specific tiktoks to pop on my fyp
being "popular" in school
having big boobs and a big butt naturally
being a semi big submaker
my face shape (younger me listened to round shape face subliminals but i had a thin one before)
alot of mcdonalds
bigger prettier lips
alot of sps coming back because i believed in the saying "they always come back"
revising something completely and there being no evidence of it ever happening
long breaks off of school (i feel like since i was listening to ALOT of "cancel school" subliminals b4 the corona break and i've had so many breaks off of school)
soft pretty 3a/3b hair
alotttt of compliments
being seen as very attractive in my own eyes and other ppls
being alot of ppls comfort person everyone tells me they enjoy my company
being right abt random things
manifested alot of things for my old friend
constantly passing classes knowing damn well i didn't do any work 😭 went from a 34 to a 92 doing absolutely nothing
all my teachers liking me enough to bump my grades to passing even if i did nothing in their classes
strangers always being nice to me all the time
people being obsessed with me (i don't recommend manifesting this 😭) 
being lucky in games 
immediate weight loss
having 300+ absences when the county's limit was 10 a semester and never getting in trouble for it
moving out of houses 
being spoiled by people irl and online simply for being attractive
ppl texting me immediately after i think abt them
being able to manifest fast in general 
having a high pitched cute voice
+ other tiny things
what im current manifesting
being extremely rich + living in a mansion
knowing how to speak Spanish, Korean, and French
revising any trauma I've experienced
desired baby pictures and childhood memories
having no anxiety and never overthinking
being everyones type + being like kokomi teruhashi
revising that i have close childhood friends
butt length hair
having no body hair
having a vivid imagination
4.0 gpa + perfect attendance + being naturally smart + being good at math
hazel eyes with mostly green
a cat and a pink bird and a bunny + my current dogs but they're all going to be babies and get along well (also manifesting that ik how to manage all of them)
being shorter
desired parents + only one sibling
a lot of rich love interests
desired body and face
old friends coming back
being a huge submaker like roy
bringing certain family members back to life
im manifesting this by affirming and listening to subliminals because thats what i prefer
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gremlingottoosilly · 4 months
Reader with really low pain tolerance, probs cries at a papercut X Konig
Konig is an old dog who wouldn't wince even if he was shot. Okay, maybe he will wince a little, but he won't yelp from pain, he is a serious and dangerous man. And yes, he does get ticklish when his precious girlfriend/wife is getting too close to his neck, but it's simply because this is a very dangerous spot to have someone else's hands on! He will protect you from any harm, this is what matters, really. He doesn't like seeing you cry from anything but pleasure, but it would take him a long time to even see that you're sensitive. He lived in pain for so long it's hard for him to recognize that some other people might not have the same tolerance as him. He knows it's hard, for someone like you - but even when you start to sob because you hit your pinky finger on a corner or because he squished your wrist a bit too much, he can't quite see why you're acting so damn sensitive. You're positively adorable, but he just can't understand why you're like this. Would even be a bit demeaning to you at first, not really seeing why you're so sensitive...until you start to cry more and he, obviously, understands that you need support right now, not his nagging. Konig is kissing every part of you that is hurting. If you're the type to get bruises or cuts often, he will get on his knees and kiss every place where it's hurting, right after patching it up with some bandaids and the skills he got in service. He might not be the perfect medic, but he knows how to take care of most mundane things like paper cuts or bruises - he got them a lot throughout his life, and often, his social anxiety prevented him from getting proper treatment. He loves to take care of you - to be completely honest, he kinda finds your misery just a bit arousing, as your sobs grow louder and louder...he is a bastard, honestly, no sane person should like hearing their partner cry - but oh god, just how much he loves you.
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