#Ushijima x y/n
cottonlemonade · 2 days
hi! can i take menu b with a drink of strawberry and mochi and sit next to ushijima?
Marking His Territory
“How are you so calm?”
“Shouldn’t I be?”
Tendou frowned, then looked in your direction again, watching with simmering anger how some guy from Inarizaki obviously flirted as you laughed politely.
Ushijima studied the situation from afar for a moment, then went back to stretching.
“She has everything under control.”, he noted, letting out a long breath as he raised his knee to his chest.
“But- aren’t you gonna go over there and … I dunno, mark your territory? He is clearly flirting with her!”
“Mark my territory?”
“Metaphorically.”, Tendou quickly added, “You know? Put your arm around her or even give her a kiss.”
“But we’re in public.”
“So, she told me she gets shy when I kiss her in public.”
The red haired boy sighed and put a hand on his friend’s shoulder.
“You are so lucky you have me.”
“I know.”
Blinking for a moment at his earnest response, Tendou went on, “I mean, yes, she may have said she gets shy when you do PDA - uhm, public displays of affection”, he explained, “but getting shy is a good thing. As cool as she is when she pulls the manager card on us, it’s adorable when such a bossy girl gets all shy.”
“Y/n is not bossy.”, Ushijima cut in immediately and this was probably the first time ever Tendou experienced his friend glaring at him.
“You know what I mean. Not bossy but… competent! In charge.”
Ushijima nodded slowly.
Sensing he was getting closer, Tendou continued, “So go over there and be the jealous boyfriend. Kiss her and tell the other dude to back off.”
With a spirited pat on his back Tendou sent his friend on his way, crossing his arms, watching from a distance. And well, Ushijima did exactly as instructed. He put his arm around the chubby waist of his very surprised girlfriend and pulled her in for a kiss. Both y/n and the Inarizaki player looked at the captain in shock. A moment later Ushijima said something to the other player who hastened to bow apologetically and skedaddled. Goshiki joined Tendou just as Ushijima turned around and looked to his best friend for approval. Tendou nodded, satisfied, and raised two thumbs.
Even from here it was evident that your face was beet red.
“What’s going on?”, Goshiki asked, rolling his shoulders and turning his torso from left to right, warming up, but not taking his eyes off the ace.
“Just single-handedly saved a relationship. No big deal.”, Tendou beamed, watching as his friend said something to you before bending way down to give you another kiss. This one a lot longer. Goshiki started to blush and clear his throat repeatedly but Tendou enjoyed the show. The middle blocker felt a panicked tug on his jersey when Ushijima dipped his head lower to kiss your neck.
“Shouldn’t we stop him?!”
The red head shrugged, grinning proudly. “No, why? He’s just marking his territory.”
a/n: I love all of them - Tendou sure is a great teacher. Thank you so much for the request! Please enjoy 🌟
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hiraethwa · 2 months
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fuck, wakatoshi thinks as he wakes up to you being pressed into him so closely. he is painfully aware of the throbbing hard on that you were grinding on in your slumber, and he knows you are asleep from the way you just twitched against him seconds ago.
he would hate to wake you up from your deep sleep, but he couldn't stop himself as his fingers wander between your thighs. and much to his surprise, he finds no barriers between him and the slickness of your folds. fuck.
he remembers the last time he sneaked off to the bathroom to handle his problem when you were asleep. you had gotten angry at him for not waking you up when you found out that he had been doing that frequently.
"the only place you are cumming in or on is me." you had scowled at him. it had left him shocked, to say the least. his sweet girl who loves cute cafe dates and flowers. never had he expected you to be freakier than him.
he woke you up the next morning by working his hips into you, unbelievably turned on by your demand for him to use you for his own pleasure even in your sleep.
and now... fuck, were you having a wet dream? his fingers slipped into you easily with your wetness coating them. wakatoshi lets out a small groan as he stretches you out with two of his thick digits, realizing that you didn't need much preparation at all with how wet and ready you are for him.
his boxers are quickly discarded. your juices coating him as he pumps himself with the same hand that just touched you. he shakily guides himself between your lips, pushing into you as gently as he could in the haze of lust.
fuck. wakatoshi curses at how tightly your walls are gripping onto him. a moan spills from his lips as he buries his head into the crook of your neck, strong hands holding onto your hips that are sure to leave bruises later.
you stir, drowsy eyes slowly blinking awake as your sleep is interrupted by ushijima’s movements. the glint that appears in them as you realize that your man is using you for his own relief, any semblance of dignity leaving you with your hips wiggling down against his to take as much of him as you possible could.
“good morning baby” his husky voice blazes your burning fervor, a whine escaping your lips as your grind against him.
his fingers wrap around your throat, easily encasing you, and he gives you what you want. his other hand still holding onto your hip as he thrusts into you deeply at an increasing pace.
“is this what you asked for?” he lovingly strokes your cheek and looks into your eyes, all while continuing to fuck you silly. you make an incoherent noise, relinquishing any control to ushijima.
safe to say, you haven't gotten angry at him for that since then.
a/n whew that was intense!! i love y’all <3 welcome to suffering with me
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forusomimiya · 1 year
Ushijima praising your beautiful pussy that he abuses until he sees his cock covered in white. He'll hold your hips and just watch you devour his cock endlessly.
"Don't stop please, keep - fucking me baby. Keep sucking me s-so good… this cock is all yours, all yours babe… keep it up."
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kentobb · 5 months
The Promise
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Character: Ushijima Wakatoshi x F!Reader
Warnings: Heavy angst, cursing, slight comfort on the end.
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It has been a rough month and Ushijima knows it. He has been overworking himself, pushing his limits at each practice. His typically calm and composed face is now etched with stress and strain. His temperament, once steady as a rock, is now volatile and erratic, akin to a stormy sea. The month had been grueling, a relentless onslaught of training sessions and personal workouts. His body is aching, his mind is strained, and his spirit is beginning to waver.
Today, he returns to his apartment later than usual, bone-tired, his muscles screaming in protest, only to be greeted by your sight, his sweet and loving girlfriend. Your smile always warm, eyes filled with concern, having dinner ready, a hot bath drawn, and comforting words falling from your lips.
He should feel guilty for his recent behavior, matter of fact he should apologize. He was not a man prone to emotional outbursts or thoughtless actions, and yet, he had allowed his stress to control him, to turn him into someone he hardly recognized these days.
He had ignored you, brushed off your attempts at conversations, and retreated into himself. He had been mean, cold, distant. He had forgotten your presence, forgotten the warmth you brought into his life, forgotten the love that had once made his heart flutter.
And tonight was no different, the weight of the day pressing heavily on his shoulders, his mind foggy and his spirit was weary. As he kicked off his shoes and hung his jacket on the hook, the tantalizing aroma of dinner wafted through the apartment. He followed the scent into the kitchen, his eyes landing on the sight of you, sitting at the kitchen table, a spread of dishes laid out in front of you.
You looked up the entrance and your face lights up with a smile that reaches your eyes. A sight that used to warm his heart, a sight that used to make him forget about exhaustion, a sight that used to make him feel loved.
“‘Toshi, you’re home!” You smiled happily.
But today, he could only muster a tired sigh in response. He saw you on your feet in an instant, your chair scraping against the floor as you rushed towards him. Your arms wrapped around him in a tight hug, your warmth seeping into him. But he didn’t return the hug, didn’t wrap his arms around you, didn’t press a kiss to your forehead like he always does. He just stood there, his body rigid, his mind elsewhere.
You pulled away, you don’t know if it is out of embarrassment or…due to a sudden heartbreak due to the neglect you have been suffering, but your hands suddenly cup his face, eyes searching his for a sign of the man you loved. “Um, we should, well, you should go eat,” You urged, your voice soft and your touch gentle. But he shook his head, his voice coming out gruff as he muttered, “I’m tired.”
But you didn’t back down this time, didn’t let him retreat into himself like he has done all this month. You tugged at his hand, tried to lead him to the table with the dinner you worked very hard for, trying to make him eat. “Come on, Toshi, you been avoiding me this past month,” You insisted, your voice firm, your grip tight. “Just be here, yeah?” You smiled.
But he snapped. “For fuck sakes Y/N, I’m tired!” He barked, his voice louder that he intended, his tone harsher than he meant. He yanked his hand out of your grip, his eyes flashing with a mixture of frustration and exhaustion. “You have been nagging me all these past nights to have fucking dinner and you don’t understand that I am tired.” He yelled again.
The silence that followed was deafening, the tension in the room palpable. You took a step back, embarrassed that your boyfriend had to yelled at you like that, “Ah, sorry, I just thought—“ You were saying but were cut off immediately by his sharp words.
“Thought what? Thought what, Y/N?” He yelled in disbelief, “That you have been a pain in the ass for the past few days?” He asked as he raised his voice louder, tone meaner.
“I-I’m sorry,” You apologized, trying to mask your disappointment, “I have missed you…” You mumbled embarrassedly, trying to hide your flushed face from him.
“Missed me?” He yelled, “We live in the same fucking apartment and we see each other every night!” He yelled, his voice echoing in the quiet apartment.
“I- I know, I know, Toshi,” You said, trying to calm him down, “B-But we haven’t been able to talk, you haven’t kissed me or touched me…” You admit painfully as you looked at him with teary eyes.
“God, you’re so fucking clingy and needy,” He yells as he rolled his eyes out of frustration. “All of this mess because of that?” He chuckled, “I am tired for this crap right now.” He said.
The room fell silent, the tension hanging heavy in the air. He watched your face fall, your eyes reflecting the hurt his words had caused. And guilt washed over him like a tidal wave, his heart clenching at your sight.
You know he didn’t mean any single word of it, right? He was just tired, so incredibly tired. His days were filled with endless practices, his nights consumed by restless sleep. He was pushing himself to the brink, his body and mind paying the price.
He didn’t mean it.
“Sorry,” You mumbled, “I will clean the mess,” You said as you hid your face away from his, walking towards the kitchen again.
His mind raced, guilt and regret swirling within him. He wanted to apologize, to explain, to make you understand that fuck, he didn’t mean any of it. But the words wouldn’t come, his throat tight with emotion. He was trapped in his own guilt, his own exhaustion, his own regret. And he didn’t know how to escape.
He watched from the doorway as you busied yourself in the kitchen, cleaning up the dinner he had refused to eat. His heart clenching at the sight, guilt gnawing at his insides. He had been harsh, mean even, and he regretted it.
Your movements were mechanical, your usual cheerfulness replaced with a somber silence. He watched as you wiped the table clean, packed the uneaten food, and washed the dishes. Your shoulders are tense, lips pressed into a thin line.
And he noticed, noticed how you tried to compose yourself, how you tried to hold back the tears. But despite your efforts, a few escaped, trailing down your cheeks and disappearing into the collar of your shirt. Each tear was a stab to his heart, a painful reminder of the hurt he had caused.
Once you were done, you turned off the lights, plunging the kitchen into the darkness. The only sound was the sound of the soft padding of your feet as you made your way to the bedroom, where he was waiting.
Both of you sat on opposite sides of the bed, an uncomfortable silence hanging between both of you. He watched as you changed into your sleeping clothes, your movements slow and deliberate. You climbed into bed, your back to him, body curling up on your side.
He was at a loss. He didn’t knew what to do, didn’t know what to say. He was worried, his mind filled with the thoughts of you, of the hurt he had caused. He knew you had taken his words to heart, knew that you were hurting. And it was all of his fault.
In the dimly lit room, his silhouette was barely visible as he climbed into bed next to you. The only sound that broke silence was your soft, muffled sobs. His heart clenched at the sound. He reached out tentatively, his hands finding their way around your waist. He drew you close, his chest against your back, both of your hearts beating in a rhythm that was painfully off sync.
He leaned in, pressing his lips against your swollen and teary face, tasting the saltiness of your tears. “I’m sorry,” He whispered into your hair, his voice barely audible. His words hung heavy in the air, a confession and a plea all at once.
You remained silent, sobs subsiding into quiet sniffles. And he could feel your body stiffen at his words. It was an unspoken tension that made his heart race with worry. He wanted to say more, you deserved way more, to explain, to ask for forgiveness, but the words stuck in his throat.
“Talk to me, love.” He implored, his voice barely a whisper. His fingers tracing circles on your waist, a silent plea for you to respond.
But you don’t. Your silence was deafening wrapping you both in a shroud of uncertainty. And he held you tighter, his mind racing with thoughts and fears. He didn’t know what was going to happen next, and that scared him.
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The morning sun streamed through the window, casting a warm glow over the room. He stirred, his eyes fluttering open to a new day. His body felt heavy, his heart even more so. The events of the previous night replayed in his mind like a haunting melody.
He found you in the kitchen, a solitary figure bathed in the morning light. You were cradling a cup of coffee, your gaze fixed in the steaming liquid. Your face was pale, eyes rimmed with red. The sight of you, so vulnerable and distant, twisted his heart.
“Good morning,” he tried, he really did, his voice echoing in the silence. But you didn’t respond, didn’t even lift your gaze to meet his. It was as if he was a ghost, unseen, unheard. He felt a pang of guilt, a sharp reminder of his words last night.
“For fuck sakes Y/N.”
“You have been nagging me all these past nights to have fucking dinner and you don’t understand that I am tired.”
“God, you’re so fucking clingy and needy.”
His mind was whirlwind of thoughts. He had hoped that giving you space would help, that it would give you time to heal, time to warm up to him like you always do. But as the day dragged on, the silence between both of you grew. His phone remained silent, devoid of your usual messages.
No updates about your day, no reminders about dinner, nothing.
It was a silence that spoke volumes, and it terrified him.
Who would have thought? Ushijima Wakatoshi, the man who faced countless opponents on the court, was scared. He was scared that his actions had created a chasm between you, a distance he didn’t knew how to bridge.
As he returned from practice on the night, the apartment was dark. The usually welcoming lights were all turned off, a stark reminder of the cold silence that awaited him. He knew you would be in bed, probably feigning sleep. There would be no warm welcome, no home-cooked meal, no soft smiles.
He lingered at the door, his hand hovering over the knob. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for the silence that awaited him. As he stepped into the dark apartment, he couldn’t shake off the feeling of dread that clung to him. He was walking into a battlefield, and he didn’t know how to fight this war.
The silence was deafening, a stark contrast to the noise of the world outside. He stepped in, his heart heavy with the weight of unspoken words. The sight of the shared room, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight, was a painful reminder of the happier times.
There you were, a small figure curled up on the bed, your back to him just like last night. Your eyes were open, staring blankly at the window. The sadness in your gaze was palpable, a silent cry for help that tore at his heart.
He took off his shoes, placing his gym bag in the kitchen before making his way towards you. He tried to speak, to break the silence that hung between both of you.
“How are you?” He asked softly, but his words fell on deaf ears. You didn’t respond, didn’t even acknowledge his presence.
Undeterred, he climbed onto the bed, his large frame curling around your smaller one. His hands found their way to your waist, pulling you closer, making you face him. He kissed your forehead, your cheeks, each kiss a silent promise to make things right.
And then he hears it, he hears you crying. Tears falling like rain, burying your face on his chest and soaking his shirt. Your sobs were heart-wrenching, a testament to the pain he had caused.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. He held you tightly, as if his touch could somehow ease the pain he had caused. His apologies were a soft murmur against your hair, a desperate plea for forgiveness.
He gently lifted your face, fingers tracing the contours of your features. His lips found yours in a tender kiss, a silent vow of his love for you. He kissed away your salty tears, each one a testament to her pain, each one a reminder of his mistakes.
“I love you,” He whispered, his voice barely audible. His words were soft, filled with emotion so raw yet so powerful that it took his breath away. He repeated the words over and over, a mantra of love and regret.
Slowly, your sobs subsided. Your breathing evened out, your body relaxing against his. Falling asleep in his arms, your tear-streaked face buried in his chest. He watched you sleep, his heart aching with relief and regret.
He ran his fingers through your hair, his touch gentle and soothing. His eyes welled up with tears, the guilt and regret overwhelming him. He kisses your forehead, a silent promise etched into your skin.
“This is the last time,” He vowed to himself, his voice chocked with emotion. “This is the last time I’ll make you cry,” He promised.
He held you close, his arms a protective shield around you.
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Reblogs, notes and comments are appreciated <3
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chosovixen · 2 years
never tease ushijima. he thinks you’re just super horny, and you need someone to fuck you good and proper.
it starts with subtle pants on his thigh, cute winks, and the batting of your lashes. next thing you know he’s pulling you into the nearest bathroom and pulling your panties down to your ankles. 
pussy now on display, he gawks at the way your hole glistens with your arousal. he gives it one long lick from clit to hole and then swirls his tongue as he begins to prod at your sex.
tits pressed against the mirror, one leg propped on top the sink, you’re a moaning mess. you were practically begging for him to fuck you, so he happily made your fantasy come true. 
he stands up slowly and looks at your nearly fucked out expression through the mirror, and smiles. ushijima bends down and places a soft kiss on your ass before lining the tip with your entrance. you shudder at the motion and try to adjust yourself against the sink, but you jerk forward as he pushes his whole length inside with no warning.
the bathroom fills with lewd sounds of skin slapping and slutty moans. ushijima hips start to stammer, and you can feel his cock twitch deep inside you. he whines and huffs as his hips still, cum spilling inside your sore cunt. he rests his head on your back, still inside you, and you feel his cum starting to drip down your thigh. 
he insists on cleaning up, but you pull your panties up, trapping the cum there, and flash him an innocent smile before making your way out of the bathroom. 
ushijima loves a good tease.
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xfgpng · 1 year
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he’s going to pull out. he repeats it like a mantra in his head because he knows he’ll forget if he doesn’t. he’s all about taking risks but this was dangerous.
you’re not on the pill, he’d never ask that of you and he respects you enough to know his place when it came to your body. he just gets so lost in your pussy and it hugs him so tightly like it doesn’t want him to leave. he doesn’t want to leave either. he loves your pussy so much, he’s emotionally attached to her so he’ll gladly cum if he could but you never told him it was okay. he won’t do that to you even if his body is begging him to stuff you full.
he’s so close, his abdominal muscles are tightening up fast and the way you’re moaning so high and pretty, he’s scared he’ll lose it any moment and he really is going to pull out, he goes to move his hips but your legs lock around his waist and you moan right in his ear.
“cum for me” you whine, biting his earlobe and he’s gone. he doesn’t remember the last time he’s ever came that fucking hard that he gets a cramp in his leg.
“baby” he whines. he doesn’t even know what to say because he’s still in shock from his orgasm and you’re giggling.
“oops” you gasp, eyes hazy as you grin up at him
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|| bokuto, ushijima, sakusa, atsumu&aran
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w-a-t-e-r-m-e-l-o-n-e · 4 months
haikyuu confessing over text pt. 3
featuring: ushijima wakatoshi, Iwaizumi hajime, miya osamu, and hinata shoyo
warnings: none, fluffy, sfw
haikyuu x g/n reader
a/n: idk what is up with me and making all of them confused in this series but it’s hilarious to me
haikyuu confessing over text pt. 1
haikyuu confessing over text pt. 2
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thank you for reading <3
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introloves · 5 days
i feel like ushi is the type of person who has a breeding kink and likes to put you in a mating position lol
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ohhh yeah, bad one- nasty breeding kink. the singular thought of grabbing your thighs and pressing your ankles to his shoulders, the singular thought makes him dizzy and there's next to nothing that can stop him from putting you that in that press and filing you up.
the talk that comes with it too, leaves you dizzy and breathless- wondering who's replaced the usually stoic man. seeing the way he's descended into the singular drive to press his cockhead against your womb and give you all of the hot cum he has to offer. pushing past his own limit, until his thrusts waver and he physically cant swing his hips down onto yours.
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doingitforbokuto · 7 months
haikyuu boys and their kinks pt. 4
-> other parts
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-> nipple play (on him) 
"I wanna make you feel good today," you whispered into his ear as you rocked your hips into his lap. His mind was already hazy with pleasure that he just nodded. Anything to keep you close to his cock. 
Usually he was the one making you lose your mind with pleasure but every now and then, he enjoyed just sitting back and letting you do what you liked with him. Kisses were pressed to his face, down his jawline to his neck. Your face pressed into him as you tried to get closer and closer, lips pushed against his sensitive adam's apple. 
"You smell so good." You inhaled his scent as you slipped your hands under his shirt, scratching against his abdomen ever so slightly before pulling the fabric over his head. "And you look so good, too." 
Wakatoshi watched you with his half-lidded eyes, trying to stop himself from closing them all tge way and throwing his head back when you moved lower and started groping his hard cock through his pants. He moaned out loud as his hand shot up to grab the back of your head, not realizing how he pressed you into him in the process. It only dawned on him when he felt you kissing up and down his chest, lips carefully brushing against his left nipple. 
Never in his life had he made a sound like the one he made in that moment, a surprised, choked up half moan-half gasp. His hips pushed into you, cock furiously jumping into your hand that had managed to squeeze into his now tight pants. 
"Do that again." The way his voice came out almost made you pause for a second - it was rough and husky, but just above a whisper. It was demanding and begging all at the same time. You had never heard him sound like that before. You almost paused - almost. But his pressing request and the way he was pushing you back into his chest gave you no time to actually think about it. 
You went right back to kissing him, first around his nipple, then right on it before experimentally sucking on it for a second. The cock in your hand was begging for attention at the same time, jumping every time you touched his nipple. Wakatoshi was panting above you, his head now actually thrown back and his eyes no doubt squeezed shut as he tried to focus on your movements. 
"You like this, huh?" The moment you stopped sucking on his left nipple you let your hand run over his right one, twisting it between your thumb and index finger before tugging on it gently. His lips were parted and you could swear that they looked puffy, almost like he had been biting his lower lip. "Don't worry, I'll make you feel good. Just like I promised."
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moonswolfie · 7 months
SPA day
Ushijima x fem!reader
hehehehe thinking of our clueless pookie bear ushijima getting pampered by a skincare girlie😙
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"What is that?" he asked flatly when you held the first strange (atleast to him) product to his face.
He understood face foam cleansers and facial creams but a strange lip-shaped... thing completely eluded him. He never expected something so strange when he agreed to let you pamper him.
"It's a lip mask! it's gonna make those boring lips of yours all moist and plump!" You waved it in front of his face, smiling heartily. So that's how you get your lips to look so nice, he thought. "You're staring really hard at it, Toshi. Want plump lips so bad?"
"I have no use for plump lips." his simple answer made you giggle. To be fair, you had a hard time not giggling throughout this entire spa session. Wakatoshi looks surprisingly cute in a fluffy bunny ear headband. The contrast to his manly features and muscular body is almost artistic.
"Uh, yeah you do. You look more kissable that way." you playfully rolled your eyes, taking out the lip mask and gently placing it on his lips before he can say anything else.
"Now, for the under eye masks..." you dug through your pile of various face masks, taking out the perfect ones as Wakatoshi kept his eyes on you from the couch.
Kissable.... Now that he thinks of it, he definitely wants to look kissable to you. He loves receiving your kisses, after all.
You gently place on the under eye masks, smiling at how funny he looks.
He himself finds the experience oddly relaxing, his eyes slipping shut. He never quite understood why you spend so much time in the bathroom placing on masks and applying creams but he thinks he understands now.
You gently run a finger over the side of his face. "Yahhh, your skin is so soft now! We should do this way more often."
He doesn't need soft skin. It doesn't matter to him at all.
But to see you this happy, he would wear all the lip masks in the world.
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kitasgloves · 3 months
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event masterlist
— ♬ "You realize how fine she is. She's just what you've been looking for"
— ♬ Ushijima x Reader, SFW, timeskip, fem reader, strangers to friends to lovers, no beta
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Usually, Ushijima Wakatoshi left no room for miscalculation. For a long time, he lived with logic and facts. He made no unnecessary actions and did what he thought was fit. He received comments calling him some robot, he understood where it came from but never understood if it was supposed to be a form of insult or harmless teasing. Nonetheless, he paid no attention to it. On the other hand, Ushijima received countless compliments regarding his looks and appreciated it to a certain extent. However, others had way more time in their hands to waste screaming deranged sentences about how they were 'down bad' or 'thirsting' over his physical physic. Ushijima doesn't want to elaborate further on how he felt about those sides of his fanbase.
The athlete had a stable support system from his father and friends, he's endlessly grateful for their support. Ushijima found himself contented with the people he surrounded himself with, he wasn't the kind to linger in crowds but rather the crowd tended to linger around him. After all, he was a famous athlete so he thought it was natural. People often approaching him for photos or autographs wasn't out of the norm but when you decided to approach him one evening, Ushijima was admittedly astonished.
You started with a mere hello. Ushijima peered to his left and saw you standing there with your glimmering dress and lipgloss shining under the chandelier lights. Tonight was an official gathering for Volleyball athletes, the program ended thirty-five minutes ago and everyone was free to scatter around and enjoy the evening. Fortunately, interviewers or the annoying paparazzi weren't allowed inside the venue.
Ushijima greeted back, he thought it was only polite. He didn't recognize you so you weren't an athlete, perhaps you were one of the staff, or maybe one of the organizers of the event.
"I'm [Name] [Surname]"
"Ushijima Wakatoshi"
"Oh, I know. Everybody knows the famous UshiWaka"
Then he learns your name and he instinctively replies with his. Of course, you knew him and he's used to people knowing who he was. Fame doesn't phase him. But what strikes him as perplexed is why you have decided to approach him.
"Would you like an autograph or a photo?"
"Oh, no thank you! I was wondering if you fancy chatting with me"
He hummed, it was harmless. He finishes his champagne and waits for you to talk, but you only stare at him through your thick lashes and sweet smile. Were you waiting for him to speak first? Now, he has no problem with that but he has to admit that he doesn't do it often. Ushijima adjusts his collar and clears his throat.
"How are you finding this evening?"
"Great! I hope you enjoyed your time here"
"Everything is well"
You nodded but didn't reply after. Ushijima finds it odd that his mind is scrambling to keep the conversation alive knowing he could stop talking if he wishes to and wait for you to walk away. But somehow, he doesn't want you to leave. So, the athlete racks his clever mind for anything to say to make you stay longer.
"Do you like chocolates, [Surname]-san?"
"Yes, I do"
"What do you think about volleyball?"
"I think it's a fantastic sport"
He asks you innocent questions to get you to open up and surprisingly it keeps the conversation going. Later, you start spurring hilarious stories about your friends and he'll take note of every detail. You'd share about the music you listen to and he finds your music taste similar to his as he'd share his input about his favorite songs. You and he talked and talked until the venue slowly emptied. You found your cue to leave but Ushijima frowns at that, he insists on walking you out and calling a ride for you.
"You're incredibly sweet, Ushijima-san"
"You can call me Wakatoshi"
"Okay, Wakatoshi"
You winked and Ushijima felt his chest flutter. He opened the car door for you as you waved him goodbye. He wonders when will he see you again because he keeps thinking about you until his head rests on his pillow. He had no idea where to contact you until he brought your name up to Kuroo Tetsuro and by his luck, you happened to be his co-worker. Ushijima had a hold on your number within seconds thanks to Kuroo.
"Hello? Who is this?"
"This is Wakatoshi"
Ushijima can hear you gasping and falling out of your chair dramatically. There were a few chaotic noises on the other line until he heard your voice again. His chest flutters like it did previously.
"Hi! Did you need something? How did you get my number"
"I got it from Kuroo"
"That sly cat"
"I was wondering if you're free to eat dinner with me tomorrow evening"
"You want to eat dinner with me...?"
"Oh, what an honor! Sure! I'll go"
Your answer makes the corner of Ushijima's lips quirk up, it was so unusual that even he was taken aback. He consulted with Tendou Satori afterward via phone call and told him everything, he asked if he did the right thing. His best friend only laughs.
"Just whatever makes your heartbeat go faster, Wakatoshi-kun"
Ushijima didn't understand it at first but when he finally sees you that evening, his heartbeat spikes up. You were wearing one of those dresses that makes him gulp. When you wrap your hand around his arm and go inside the restaurant, Ushijima gets the similar feeling he gets when he's playing on the volleyball court. During dinner, he notices your finer qualities. And the magic of your rare personality.
When dinner is finished, Ushijima lends you his coat when the evening gets windy. You keep his coat until he takes you home. That evening you reached to the tip of your toes to peck him on the cheek before softly shutting your door. Ushijima stood in front of the door, rigid. His hand creeps up to his cheek where you have kissed him. Suddenly, his face feels warm and his chest palpitates wildly. If he hadn't known any better, he thinks he's going down with something.
But he knew what this was. He has read the shoujo mangas Tendou was recommending to him and watched the romcoms available on his television. Ushijima was falling in love. It seemed so foreign yet natural to experience it for the first time. He never prioritized romance during his high school days, having a girlfriend never crossed his mind. However, when you came into the picture, he thought he wouldn't mind having you as his girlfriend.
Ushijima takes his time to woo you, to see if you could return his feelings. He took you to meet his friends, he asked you to have dinner with his father, and he'd even gone far as to bring you to Paris with him to visit Tendou. On the trip back to the country, Ushijima knew he was head over heels for you. He asks what your sign is and he'll find you two are compatible. He realizes how fine you are. You were just what he was looking for.
Everything you did affected him greatly, you plagued his mind with your smile and scent, and he couldn't imagine another lifetime where he didn't meet you. So, as he asked you out on an aquarium date, he specified it was a date and not just one of your random hangouts, and you said yes, Ushijima felt so happy that he could do twenty sets of a volleyball match.
His cheeks ached from smiling as you pointed out every sea creature you saw and yelled out its name. His phone gallery was filled with pictures of you at that moment. When he admires the colorful jellyfish with you, he sucks in a breath and snakes a hand around your back. His heart skips a beat when you lean against him.
"Isn't this nice?"
"It is. I want to do this with you all the time"
"Me too, 'Toshi"
"I like you"
You turn your head to face him and giggle. Ushijima couldn't deny it, he was bound to falling in love. He was bound to falling in love with you.
"I like you too, 'Toshi"
"So, will you be my girlfriend"
"Of course, ya goofball!"
When Ushijima looks at you it is visible in his eyes. He was beyond lovestruck with you. From the tenderness in his features and the brightness of his smile. His heart wouldn't have wanted it any other way. 
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©kitasgloves (do not steal or copy)
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hiraethwa · 5 months
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ushijima wakatoshi treats you like a princess, but in the bedroom, you are his to pleasure, his to play with. when the lights go out, and the room barely illuminated by the small lamp, he knows how you love to be treated. not like a princess.
after all, it is his responsibility to take care of your needs. a responsibility he fully enjoys. he recognizes the glint in your eyes when he gets home late from practice, but he leaves you waiting in the bed while he showers, making sure he is clean before climbing in bed.
clothes fall off the bed onto the floor as you writhe in the sheets, his fingers hitting the spot the way you have been dreaming about the whole day. he feels pleased that he can bring you pleasure that your own fingers can't.
most of all, he loves when you squirm on his cock while he is fully sheathed deep inside you. his large hand resting on the top of your head, fingers threading through your hair, gently rubbing your scalp. an action that is in stark contrast of the corrupt act you are in.
and squirm you do as he patiently rubs your scalp after pushing himself deep inside you. the sensation of his dick moving inside you as you rock yourself on him makes your mind go blank and crazy at the same time. you are an addict beyond saving when it comes to him.
"be a good girl and stay still," he says in your ear, head buried in the crook of your neck. you nod, eager to please him, not a single thought in your mind. you know he will take care of you, he always does.
a/n: sorry not sorry :P not edited oops
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forusomimiya · 1 year
Yes, ushijima fucks you deep to see his cock through your belly. So big and so deep inside you, you can feel him, you can /see/ him. His cock bulges your belly with every thrust and you, you just appreciate every of them.
"I'm here baby, just right here... can ya feel it?" he says as he touches the bulge and feels the tip under his palm, kissing deep inside you.
A/N: This greatest ushijima’s fact has crossed my mind and I had to share it. I couldn't let it go ´cause I was sure to forget it. After posting this, I'm back to sleep again 😴
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dabiekql · 10 months
HQ Seijoh & Ushijima - Y/N Being Seijoh's Manager and Ushijima's Girlfriend (Fluff)
If Seijoh had a manager, they will really cherish her. They each have their own way of cherishing her. Hanamaki usually shares his snacks with her while Matsukawa gives her hugs. Meanwhile, Iwaizumi and Oikawa especially cherishes her because she's their childhood friend. They grew up together. Iwaizumi will take care of her as if he is her mom while Oikawa is like her brother. They are like a one big family.
But imagine, what if y/n, the manager they cherish a lot, is in love with Ushijima? What if Ushijima returns her feelings and they end up dating? It is as if the world is ending for Seijoh. They don't want to believe it. They refuse to.
Usually, Iwaizumi would have threw a volleyball to Oikawa by now for being loud, but this time was an exception. He agrees with Oikawa. In fact, everyone else agrees with him. They would have disapproved anyone, but out of everyone, why him?
Oikawa, out of everyone, will try his hardest to reason out with y/n regarding her relationship with Ushijima, but it wasn't enough to make y/n change her mind. "Don't worry, I'm still rooting for Seijoh and not Shiratorizawa. Regardless of my relationship with Toshi, I'm still Seijoh's only manager."
Oikawa sulks at it, but in the end, he raised the white flag. This seems to put an end to the discussion regarding her relationship with Ushijima, but imagine them meeting each other during the tournament. Now that's a different story. They will all be letting out dark aura as they glared at Ushijima. Although Ushijima wouldn't care.
"Toshi!" y/n ran towards him with open arms.
Ushijima opened his arms as well and let her run into him. Y/n smiled widely as she tilted her head upwards to look at him. Ushijima smiled softly at that as he tightened his arms around her.
When Seijoh saw this scene, they were stunned. Same thing goes for Shiratorizawa. That Ushijima smiled?! But they can see that Ushijima cherishes her as he is supposed to, and how happy y/n looks with him.
"As long as she is happy." Iwaizumi said to which everyone nodded at.
Bonus not really:
When Oikawa saw Ushijima, he immediately scowled as he stomped towards him along with Iwaizumi following after him.
"You better not make y/n-chan cry, Ushiwaka!" Oikawa scowled with his arms crossed.
"Why will I do that?" Ushijima tilted his head in confusion.
"I know that's what I needed to hear, but why am I incredibly annoyed by this?!" Oikawa ruffled his hair in frustration.
"For once I agree with you," Iwaizumi scowled as well as he looked like he was about to strangle someone. "I just can't stand him, but I need to for y/n."
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kairismess · 7 months
ushijima wakatoshi: your shy secret admirer.
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ushijima wakatoshi had this weird knack for being interested in things, concepts, and people he couldn't exactly understand; and this is where you come in—the object of ushijima's accidental affection, affection he hadn't realized he harbored for you until, after probably three years of tendou pointing out how strange his interest with you was—that was kind of on the level of him loving volleyball... it was like you casted a spell on him to not want anything or anyone else, but to do volleyball and... to see you everyday.
ushijima wakatoshi has a hard time understanding others' feelings, let alone his own. he struggles to show how he really feels about you, so he tries to be subtle and ultimately straight up asks the guys on the team about what it's like falling in love.
ushijima wakatoshi is catapulted into unfamiliar territory; what he understands of 'falling in love' is kind of like that feeling one gets when they receive a perfect spike, or pull off a kickass service ace, or feeling that burning passion that erupts in your chest when you finally realize that what may seem fruitless at first, if you dedicate enough time to it, will yield fresh, ripe fruits in no time—no matter how barren the land is.
ushijima wakatoshi is the barren land in this case; he's the clueless, hopelessly in love, yet unaware of it, loverboy that's so into you. it might be a little ridiculous to say that the super ace ushijima wakatoshi is a loverboy when he's not always that expressive—but if you only knew how much and how often you occupied his mind, you'd be convinced he was as dense as a boulder, because his feelings were so obvious... yet he never realizes it.
ushijima wakatoshi used to be able to only talk about one thing, and it was always volleyball—everything else was the about what the others wanted to talk about, but he never really felt engaged in those conversations... until they were about you. about how cool you were, how interesting of a person you were, and about how... "their eyes always look so full of wonder. it's like... you feel gravitated towards them." "...pretty sure that's just a you thing, wakatoshi." "that can't be right. well, anyway, i'm a bit concerned about the chest pain i've been feeling recently. whenever they come into mind, a sort of... strange feeling rises up my chest and lingers there, i don't know why, i haven't been lifting recently, but—" "wakatoshi, i'm your best friend so i'll just spell it out for you, you're in love, big fella."
ushijima wakatoshi feels the feeling surge up and rises to his cheeks. for the first time in ever... the shiratorizawa boys' volleyball team witnesses ushijima wakatoshi, their super ace, all flushed and embarrassed, red in the cheeks, because of how much he loved you and being confronted with the fact that he did, indeed, love you.
ushijima wakatoshi wanted to do something about these feelings, he didn't want to be burdened with eternal chest pain and a heat in his face that felt feverish, but in a good way, whenever he looked at you, heard you speak, or thought about or even dreamed about you. he wanted to make the first move... no matter how impossible that seemed for him to do.
ushijima wakatoshi no blocks could ever stop ushijima wakatoshi from spiking, nobody could ever stop this man when he was on a roll... except in terms of love, only you could stop ushijima from thinking straight and sending him in into tunnel vision, thinking about and focusing only on you.
ushijima wakatoshi blushes at the notion tendou encouraged him to go through with, clutching the bouquet he arranged on his own with flowers fresh from his family's garden, and with a lump in his throat he could never swallow down. "hey," he says in a low, rumbling voice. the thought of him being scary or intimidating never entered his head—all that he could think of was how adorably tinier and sweeter you seemed in comparison to him; making him love you all the more. he hands you the bouquet, maintaining eye contact with you as the feverish flush came back. "...you're beautiful." he mumbles, the red in his cheeks becoming more and more evident the longer he spent around you. he was whipped for you, he was smitten with you—ushijima wakatoshi wanted to let you know... "...and i love you."
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natriae · 1 year
a/n: i have baby fever.
Teen dad Ushi!
ushijima wakatoshi x reader
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teen dad! Ushijima who was the first person you told that you were pregnant
Teen dad! Ushijima who let a tear fall beacuse he was so excited about the news. But he tried to stop the tears because he wanted to be tough. You brought him into a tight hug and told him to let it out.
Teen dad! Ushijima who told his mother straight up that he would be a dad at 18.
Teen dad! Ushijima that told her that if she disowned him for that then it's her loss.
Teen dad! Ushijima who had the baby bag for the hospital ready before the second trimester
Teen dad! Ushijima who would have you come to practice so he could be there for any contractions
Teen dad! Ushijima who would ask your parents if he could sleep over so he could be there to hold you or help you through out any pain in the night.
Teen dad! Ushijima who explained to you one night about how scared he was of being a dad.
Teen dad! Ushijima who would keep his straight face even when your pregnancy hormones made you mad at him. He would never leave your side.
Teen dad! Ushijima who was scared to hold your daughter because he was scared to break her. When he finally had her in his arms he began to cry.
Teen dad! Ushijima who holds his daughter like shes made of glass
Teen dad! Ushijima who lets his daughter waddle and crawl around the shiratorizawa gym
Teen dad!Ushijima who is terrified of his baby getting sick. One time she got sick and he wouldn't go to school for a week so that he could watch her.
Teen dad! Ushijima who's daughter is basically the teams mascot or pet. She would throw her hands up and "wOo" or "aiee" you better believe everyone on the shiratorizawa team felt like they were on top of the world
Teen dad! Ushijima whos daughters first words were "Waka Waka"
Teen dad! Ushijima who you caught one night rocking your baby in the kitchen of your shared apartment while he told her the story of y'all's first date
Teen dad! Ushijima who brought his daughter to every achievement in his life. She was there in university, playing for the adlers, playing in the Olympics, and now in poland playing with the Orzel Warszawa.
He will always be with her and there for her.
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