cyellolemon · 6 months
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I recently read Houseki no Kuni :3
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sans-guy · 8 months
Crumb are you excited for halloween? Are you going to dress up as anything? :o
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Oh shoot, Michael
Your buddy Amy is having a relapse. Time for comfort-
You could try help her plant something! Like possibly a nice tree or flowers :)))))))))
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"they're going to come back for me."
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"... i don't know, michael. i don't."
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"i don't know."
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"run to where? sterling? they're there, too. they're everywhere. and even if we do make it past them- what then? we have no shelter. no food. no water. no one we can even trust. if the cops find us, they'll either shoot us or send you back to your parents and me back to yale. do you want that? i don't want that."
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"i... i'm sorry. i didn't mean to yell."
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"... it's okay."
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"i'm scared, too."
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luxielle · 1 year
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ほら Catch You Catch You Catch Me Catch Me 待って
mysme x cardcaptor 💕
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didderd · 10 months
What’s Tic’s and Tac’s type?
hmm. that's a hard one
these mens aren't picky
Tac likes someone he can easily fluster, but if you can fluster him, he's putty in your hands. :3 (his Grillby's one of the few that can fluster him with flirts, most ppl will have to get vry sweet with him to get him all red (example: kissing his bite scares))
Tic likes a big sweetheart (and a big flirt), one of his main receiving love languages probably being words of affirmation.
physical appearance wise, they don't really care. in monster culture, it's not common to care about that, with everyone looking so different.
tho Tac might have a bit more fun teasing someone shorter than him, and both might like soft and squishy skin, and soft hair, in contrast to their bone.
(suggestive bits under th cut 👀)
ofc Tac will have plenty of fun with someone who's already easily submissive, but he might have even more fun with someone feisty, someone who plays hard to get, the challenge of getting the stubborn ones flustered/submissive being a fun and rewarding one. (and if someone manages to dominate him, i mean.. he's not complaining. 👀)
Tic does not mind a submissive partner, however he is a lot more receptive to a dominant one than Tac. He's likely to be the one in bindings. (also.. might be turned on by a more. scary/intimidating person.)
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enden-k · 6 months
anw aventio gay sex. thanks for listening
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yanyanderes · 2 years
Did I ask you this? I can't remember.
Ok, what if y/n were to sacrifice themselves instead of leo in rottmnt movie, but the reason was that she wanted to get away from the boys and their yandere tendencies
hey! yeah, i got your other ask, i’m just kinda slow when it comes to responses.
as long as there’s some hope that (y/n) is still alive in that prison dimension, no matter how slim the chances may be, the guys are gonna keep trying to save them, even if they don’t want them to.
leo’s got a portal-making sword! surely, he’ll be able to save them!
mikey’s future self was able to use magic! he’s sure he can use magic, too! he just has to keep trying!
donnie’s a technological genius! he’s certain he can make a machine or a gateway or something that can get (y/n) out of there!
and raph… well, raph isn’t completely sure what he can do, but he has to do something! he can’t just let (y/n) rot in another dimension alone with the kraang!
they refuse to believe (y/n) simply doesn’t want to be saved. if they somehow manage to get them back, they refuse to listen to their words. they’ve always been so selfless!
too selfless.
the boys delude themselves into thinking (y/n) sacrificed themselves to save them, and decide that to lock them up to keep them from pulling a stunt like that again.
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roobylavender · 2 years
do you believe Bruce is emotionally abusive? ik fans prioritise physical abuse and ultimately ignore emotional abuse tactics like parentification etc because it’s not “that bad”. I don’t believe Dick ever resents Bruce for letting him be robin (he’s grateful for it) , but in ntt he mostly resents him for being emotionally closed off, and rejecting him as a partner. Bruce worries for his kids safety so he pushes the whole “if you’re not perfect you’re dead” mentality onto Dick which ultimately is harmful to him. He’ll never regret being a hero but the rift between the two isn’t just a “we want different things” scenario but more that they’re incapable of giving the other what they want.
bruce being emotionally closed off from dick is what’s revisionist about that version of canon though. i think bruce can be bad at communicating sometimes esp when he’s deeply pained (like in knightfall, for example) but for the most part he and dick are shown to have great communication for decades before new teen titans and the adjacent post crisis starlin canon starts to rewrite that dynamic into something else entirely. per that version of canon i do believe he’s emotionally abusive but it’s not a version of canon i particularly appreciate bc it requires overriding the dynamic they had previously where they could certainly be prone to disagree at times but bruce was nonetheless willing to have an open and understanding conversation with dick about whatever the disagreement was. even the whole idea that bruce is responsible for dick believing that he has to be perfect or he has to be dead is one that new teen titans cements (or that issue of batman where bruce makes dick quit and jason is introduced thereafter)
i get that it’s easy to take new teen titans as gospel bc it is in essence the textbook source for dick but i think there should be some awareness too of how it twists that relationship between them and not necessarily for the better. i’m not opposed to bruce having faults he has to answer for. i absolutely agree he’s not cognizant enough of the complexes dick develops as a result of wanting to be seen as an equal, and thereby can’t realize the effect it has on dick for him to still be protective and fearful even if it’s ultimately out of goodwill and love. and there’s also the fact that even if he gives dick the space he desires to lead his own life it doesn’t mean he should be hesitant to reach out bc he’s afraid he’ll overstep by doing so, as a parent he should reaffirm his love for dick regularly regardless of knowing he might get some pushback bc dick is growing into his own (again, knightfall is a really superb example of this). but i also think those are tensions you can wholeheartedly explore without rendering bruce into a controlling and abusive figure, and i’m not sure who it benefits to write bruce as such in the long run
some of dick’s problems have to be his own, and he’ll never escape bruce’s shadow if the only source point of issues in his life is his relationship with bruce. that’s something i would actually apply to the robins at large. hardly any of them are allowed to explore problems entirely unique to themselves and i think that’s in large part bc writers simultaneously portray a mildly to explicitly abusive bruce at their leisure while refusing to ever actually address the elephant in the room that is literally of their own creation. a lot of people believe the bruce shouldn’t be an abuser argument is framed entirely as a resistance to bruce’s character assassination and for me i can admit that’s part of it, but a more pertinent part of it should also be the fact that bruce being written as an abuser is what truly chains his children to him forever to the point that they can never grow beyond that abuse bc writers refuse to allow them to. imagine the problems the robins could be addressing individually in their lives if not everything came down to them being fucked up bc that’s the way bruce raised them or failed to thereby. there’s a lot about the robins as individuals that’s deeply interesting and i think it’s not just a disservice to bruce but to them as well to write the relationships this way bc it obscures their own agency and ability to be explored for more than a haunted legacy narrative
#sry this is so very long. please know it is not me venting at you i simply have many thoughts 😭#but yeah like i think something that gets lost in translation is like. i absolutely do think those portrayals of bruce are abusive#i simply don’t think he should have been portrayed as such to begin with#starlin era bruce is very bewildering for me in all honesty i dislike it deeply#the issue where dick meets jason is one of my least favorite for the way it portrays bruce it feels so out of character for me#considering bruce was more than happy for dick to go off to college or to find his own place with the titans#and even with that famous issue where dick meets bruce after learning jason has died the writing is quite odd to me#i think bruce is very much someone who directs blame and frustration inward as opposed to outward#he’ll let himself get dog walked if he thinks he deserves it. which i think knightfall illustrates fabulously#the beginning of no man’s land as well#what i don’t think he would ever do is lash out at others when he knows the blame lies with himself. bruce is very self critical#so honestly that whole scene in the cave with him and dick. doesn’t exist to me i would literally rewrite it 😭#and i think it is very significant that wolfman chose to recreate that slap three times if memory serves while every other write in bat#editorial at the time straight up ignored it and acted like it never happened. like idk that plus the way bruce was characterized during#knightfall to me says a lot about how that was not supposed to be the status quo at all#anyway. sorry this has devolved into a whole other rant please do not mind me 😔#outbox
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lemongogo · 7 months
ahyways hi . liteally hey .whats up
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themosthatedbeingg · 1 month
Hmm. Lucifer's asleep. Whatever is a bored and affectionate James to do? Perhaps... biting is in order. Just to wake him up. (I absolutely believe they just show up to each other's palaces whenever they want lol)
Lucifer was happily knocked out in his bed unaware his boyfriend was about to wake him up.
He was startled suddenly by the feeling of teeth in his flesh and snarled loudly transforming into a large snake to wrap his coils tightly around the intruder —- “JAMES ?!”
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seithr · 8 months
10 Mutuals I'd like to know better
Tagged by @milkywayes !! Hi heehoo thanks for the tag!!
Under a cut because uhhh when prompted I like talking,
Last song I listened to: Dramaturgy by Eve! me and the songs with identity/mask/heart/gunshot themes. you know how it is <-oc brained
Favorite content to watch: Animation of any sort, variety gaming youtube, HEMA/medieval weaponry or armour videos and talks. And animals rolling around doing things.
Favorite games: Fire Emblem Three Houses, Mass Effect Trilogy, Katana Zero, Final Fantasy XIV. Shoutout to Dragon's Dogma and BlazBlue also. I just made a wholeass chart abt this on twitter, I'll add it in a moment,
Favorite color: Electric, neon, radioactive, eyeburning cyan.
Favorite animals: Dragons, crocodilians, hedgehogs, manuls, med-to-large dogs.
Favorite food: Shrimp tempura, mashed potatoes, butter chicken, schnitzel... dollar store chocolate truffles. Tomatoes in general?
Sweet, spicy, or savory: ohhh tough choice... "It depends" is a copout answer though, but I can't handle anything above mildly spicy so not that 😔 Currently sweet..? I'm having a granola bar and coffee rn
Current obsessions: massy fect... I have moments of being gripped hard by scifi (and mech stuff), and I have been IN this grip for over a month now... Mechs are just another kind of suit of armour. the constant obsession is dragons/fantasy in general tho
Last book I read: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley! Really good, I read it on the beach a while back—currently forcing my way thru Moby Dick by Herman Melville. Why do I always read books about being miserable in the cold while on the beach.
Last thing I googled: "wyvern ammo monhun" <- fake MH HBG fan forgot what the ammo types were called before I made a joke
Relationship: single and good w that 👍
Fun fact: 🇨🇱🇨🇦‼️ I collect cool looking coins and dragon figures/statues! I've been interested in medieval armour and weaponry since I was like eight or younger. I was a chess team nerd before I eventually upgraded to Fire Emblem. I like 3D modelling and animation when I'm not doin 2D art and have old models of my own chars lying around somewhere.
As for tags UHHHHH. Hm im not sure I regularly talk to ten people here as much as I show up in your tags... Nevertheless @arundolyn @goofballproximitysurveyor @jinkisaragi @p3n-dragon @alduinffxiv @kirseber @rexbolt @angelictactics @lululeighsworld @davexander hiii you guys are neat and I like seeing you around. feel free to answer if you like maybe,
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aseplant · 2 years
mildly rabid ember knight trivia
so i've been compiling a (slightly obsessive) mini wiki to write ember knight fics over the past year or so, since last i checked the fandom wiki page is a little... lacking? (then again, that was like back in december, so it may have improved since then.)
anyway, i figured i'd post some of the more useful bits as a resource in case anyone else is interested ✨
spoilers for both gilgamesh (the prequel) and ember knight, up to episode 80ish? i read the raws (sort of) so pls proceed with caution if you are not keen on that.
General World Notes
mechanics of an apprenticeship
the general populace are just considered citizens of the empire.
up from that is a knight-in-training, who is still considered a citizen. it's not clear to me exactly what this entails, but in gilgamesh, i believe tludia says that she mostly did menial tasks for the knights? and it seems the woodion apprentices were receiving training from fadiyan for this in the beginning.
a selection process is held after this; there are different proctors in different regions. if you pass that, next is knight's apprentice - these people are no longer citizens (ek 5). our delightful protagonist is mucking around in this stage rn.
a typical class seems to focus on training + gaining a good understanding of honor through knighthood lessons
these knighthood lessons seem to be directed by your peers, but the knights do comment on the presentations
noteworthy is that their class (2nd special class) functions differently than most - in anticipation of war with the eastern continent, the second special class is intended to also perform knights' missions while training (ek 8).
it's not too clear yet what happened to the first special class, but its survivors are introduced in ek 70 or so (forgot the exact number sry)
knighthood - "you either try to become worthy of the title, or are given the title because you are worthy" (ek 8)
slightly unrelated and possibly just speculation, but it seems that training the next generation is looked down upon (not sure if this is for all apprenticeships in general, or just for training the knights-in-training).
when tink gets assigned to teaching the knights-in-training, kandentia says "the trainee camp?! are you out of your mind? or did you not recognize his talent? he shouldn't be wasting his talent in a place like that!" - gilgamesh 112
knighthood as an institution
there are two types of knights - order knights and free knights. the five teachers & fadiyan in ember knight are all order knights, meaning they go through rigorous training and are therefore more consistently strong (gilgamesh 20 // i know zius mentions this in ember knight too but i don't have an ep for that).
free knights, on the other hand, are simply given a title - it seems to be bc they're exceptional/for political purposes, but uhhh don't quote me on that...
on honor:
knights are controlled through honor. they can't break their word and can only participate in wars/fights with permission from the emperor. but know that honor has no meaning if no one is watching... (gilgamesh 22). some spicy quotes:
"there is no set standard for honor. it can be different for each person. something that is dishonorable to me may not be to waron." tink, gilgamesh 67
"honor, for a knight, is in some ways more important than their lives. and entrusting it to another is to give up all personal values, even the emperor, and granting them a chance to command with absolute authority." ram, gilgamesh 88
geas is a knight's weakness. it is the method in which the emperor controls knights; knights swear one oath to the emperor, and another is bestowed upon them as a set of conditions that they must follow.
honestly, this isn't really something that has consequences, except for those that knights enforce upon each other after the devil knight.
recently tho there have been reported cases of (usually weak knights) developing supernatural abilities after swearing by their geas. like with narin weapons, it seems understanding how to use this power is instinctual once bestowed. zius's event horizon would be an example of this.
"truth be told, there's no price to pay even if the oath is broken. if anything, i guess there may be something to be gained by keeping it that way. i think the supernatural power of the knight may also have something to do with it" - zius, ek 61
this is also backed by an otherworldly being that intervenes when ram tries to destroy the world - he explains that the world is incomplete, so when things transcend the limits of the world a new rule/law (translations are not very clear on the difference) is established. a knight's strength is considered one of these things that is capped, and then he vagueblogs abt geas (gilgamesh 116)
anyway it's all v sus <3
quotes abt important qualities of a knight:
"never forget. knowledge is mightier than power. only one who knows that... can become a knight." fadiyan, ek 1
"you know you're the strongest here! and that teamwork is vital for knights...!" luzian, ek 1
"facing an opponent you could not defeat... the worst situation possible... you did not succumb. you kept your head held high, and chose to act in a righteous way. that is the true virtue at the basis of knighthood, and the most important skill you can harness." ludika, ek 18
"one cannot become a knight with strength alone. without the ability to persuade, even the strongest knight cannot lead. a knight must have their own sense of justice that is persuasive. to be able to do something on your own, unswayed by outside forces. that is justice. don't mock others for how they think. it's not your way or the highway." - zius, ek 20
world map
there's an official map at the end of gilgamesh 75 and a fan map here, produced by 0l0lmono. some notable locations:
west bridge - where knights fight against demons (the inhabitants of the eastern continent. they're not really demons, just a different race, probably). tink was once assigned here and demoted (gilgamesh 20 & 23), and waron replaced him at some point (gilgamesh 64)
the capital - the knights' stomping grounds. knight accolading is held here.
a note on the timeline between gilgamesh & ember knight
so... we know zius was knighted 5 years ago in ember knight, and that he met & fought with waron a couple months after being knighted.
meanwhile, in gilgamesh 106, when waron fights hinsher, she thinks there should be about 5 people who can beat hinsher, and zius's silhouette is displayed. it's clear she'd already met him at that point, then, and not recently either, since she'd been stationed at west bridge for a while - so ember knight is at most, let's say, 4 years out from the end of gilgamesh.
given the slight time skip at the end in which tludia's hair grows out, i have been informed by a friend that this would take about 2 years, so if we take that to be accurate ember knight is probably only two years after the events of gilgamesh.
(not that this matters too much, but thought i'd put it out there if anyone needs or is keen on constructing a better timeline.)
Factions Crash Course (past & present)
Malto - a religion of sorts (gilgamesh 20). here, knighthood means nothing, and magic power is everything.
lower ranks shave their hair off (gilgamesh 26); they are extremely cult-like and used very coercive tactics to force knights & knights-in-training alike to join their ranks
tludia was in fact expelled by tink to avoid this fate (gilgamesh 103)
they aim to discover and record everything there is to know about magic, starting from the 2nd great mage all the way down to the great immortal (gilgamesh 37)
in truth, the organization was created to protect the existence of magic after the first great mage went down the wrong path (gilgamesh epilogue)
at the end of the events of gilgamesh, malto is dissolved and their research propagated through the world
Oni - an elite group of warriors from the eastern continent. oni training starts at age 7 (gilgamesh 64). their throats are slit so that they cannot talk, and they are not taught to read or write so that their secrets may die with them.
they typically communicate through sign language
they are named after the notch of an arrow. unlike the western continent (where ember knight & gilgamesh take place), they attach onis (knocks) to their arrows rather than carving it into the arrow directly; the replaceable nature of the oni is where their name comes from.
Dragon's Descendants - the masked bandits. zius confirms in one episode (nooot sure which but it's probably late 70s) that they are not actually descended from dragons; it's simply their tribe name.
notable members include liamin and laurun - and, based on the naming scheme and hair/eye color, probably lauzun as well.
they seem to be seeking revenge for the destruction of their village under the knights' sanction. i think six or so years ago (?? don't quote me on this one tho), darang and a couple other knights slaughtered most of their tribe and burned the entire village down.
it's a fascinating parallel to what they have done with nagyunn!
not too clear what their connection with the real najin was, but many fan theories speculate that fadiyan had originally ordered najin to join them as a spy.
five years ago, laurun worked with zius & regia to research zius's geas-induced ability. he mentions that the dragon's descendants have been, for a long time, swearing oaths that granted similar abilities, and that the knights are late to the game (ek 65)
Free Knights - i'm going to take a moment to list them separately as a faction, bc it's clear atp that the free knights have their own agenda. the schism first started, according to darang, back in the war conference abt what to do with tink's body (final ep of gilgamesh), and she blames regia for it.
for his part, regia tells zius to his face that whatever happens, it's the order knights' karma coming for them. i wouldn't be surprised if they're colluding with the dragons' descendants in some way, but it's a little early to say.
Character Notes
age hell
so... we have like. next to no official character age data. here's what we do have from gilgamesh tho!
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waron is placed between hinsher and tink here, but god knows if that means she's between 22 & 31 or if she's been 22 & 531. (also - although it's labeled as ???, after the events of gilgamesh it's probably safe to say that ram is around 2000 years old.)
i'll talk about the knight characters first. here, tludia was a knight-in-training. i'm not sure if tanshirin was a knight's apprentice or a knight-in-training, though she does become a knight post-timeskip at the end of gilgamesh (which would put her at around 23-24 when she was knighted). tink was considered a genius but still young for a knight at age 22.
so we can see that ages can vary for characters. going off vibes alone, i would put the ember knight apprentices as younger than tludia, but probably still in their late teens, so all in the 16-19 range probably.
as for the ember knight teacher knights: it seems to be common to be knighted in your early 20s. ludika, zius, and fadiyan are all from the same apprentice class, so they're probably 27-30, i'd say? waron and darang are almost certainly older, though i'm not sure by how much; going off vibes alone i'd say darang is probably only one or two years older than zius & ludika, but who knows. no idea where to place fidorance because we haven't seen any of his past yet.
finally, i wanted to point out nepherin, the dragon. she's 600 but still a child. it's been hinted at in the raws (ek ep80-82?? somewhere around there) that dragons' development is not chronological, but instead contingent on their understanding of the world; the more they understand about their place as a magical being and the rules of the world, the more mature they will become. since nepherin was raised by an absentee human father, it seems she hasn't developed any of this awareness yet. so the youthfulness says less about dragons than it says about her, i'd say.
strength rankings
or my best guess of it, anyway. masked bandits not included, but they do seem to be better trained than their knights' apprentice peers.
kandentia/event horizon zius
fidorance (probably)
gatekeepers (senior apprentices)
normal zius/yulnia
other apprentices
random notes on how people refer to one another
take everything here with a grain of salt bc i can barely read the korean alphabet and do not have the best understanding of honorifics/speech patterns.
the kids never actually call her fadiyan - instead, they call her knight-nim (기사님)
ludika simply calls her deer/doe (not sure which is more accurate), but can be seen calling her fadi in flashbacks
fadiyan calls her 'crybaby' and ludi theyre gfs fr
the woodion apprentices initially also call her knight-nim, but begin to clarify that as fox-nim after episode 10
zius & fidorance call her fox (no honorifics)
darang calls her ludika (no honorifics) - i think this implies they are closer than the others...? dont at me akefhweewf i didnt watch enough kdramas for this
zius & fidorance call her raccoon
zius & fidorance: black hen, but have both referred to her as waron to others
ludika: has called her waron to others, not sure what she calls waron by to her face tho
darang: waron-ssi
waron & zius: wild dog
darang: haven't seen it yet, but probably fidorance-ssi
ludika, waron (probably fidorance too): qilin
darang: zius-ssi
ludika mentally refers to them as 에송이 (stripling, greenhorn, children) and 병아리 (literally "chicks", translated to "little baby chicks")
fidorance also calls them chicks in ek 35, i genuinely do not understand if there is some other implication here
lauzun & nagyunn both address najin as jin-ah (진아) which is supposed to denote affection, i think
it's interesting to note here that while pretending to be najin, nagyunn has always just called him lauzun. ouch.
after ~ep 24, the woodion apprentices (nagyunn included) start calling him jun instead of lauzun tho
najin simply calls nagyunn by name in ep 2&4, but calls him gyunn-ah in flashbacks (ep 3 & 9)
Miscellaneous notes:
tyr & nagyunn both refer to the knights as [animal]-nim (ex: raccoon-nim, qilin-nim), while lauzun & luzian do [name]-nim (ex: waron-nim, fidorance-nim). i've been told this is mostly up to personal preference, and in fact calling them [name]-nim might be more formal??? but i did not get a super clear answer on this.
nagyunn sometimes refers to knights by their full title (color + animal, ex: cerulean qilin zius) rather than [animal]-nim. notably, i've only really seen this in the episodes where he's pretending to be a spy for the skeleton, so that may be related.
zius has called both ludika & fidorance by name when they were arguing (ek 44) - it seems he tends to pull this card during emotionally tense situations?
Bonus: Knighthood Trivia
kandentia became the youngest knight ever at the unprecedented age of 14 (gilgamesh 146)
hinsher was the first female knight (gilgamesh 128)
zius graduated at the bottom of his class (ek 64)
and that's a wrap!
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manasurge · 9 months
scoots into your asks about the commander love interest prompt.
i dont know who to ask you about so take your own pick but can i get uhhhhh 1, 4, and 10?
Omg I'm actually just hoarding these prompts atm (for later when I've had more time to post more of her fleshed out lore so it isn't all just in note form on my end sjldfsf), but for you, I'll still bite! (Tho a lot of answers could be subject to some change in the future based on what might develop down the road aslfjsf)
Fortunately (or unfortunately) I only have the one OC (Mourynn) bc otherwise it'd be too overwhelming for me lksjflksdf. Anywho! 1. Who are they and what's their dynamic with the commander? The main pairing I have is Mourynn x Caithe, and since they're both Firstborn (albeit Mourynn was a very late bloomer, like... a year late. More on that later), they have a couple dynamics going on. First being (what I've always interpreted as) the intrinsic bond Firstborn share. With Mourynn being the youngest (at least in my timeline), she looks up a lot to Caithe (and the others), and Caithe is also one of the only ones who can read her social cues and is patient with her (especially in the early years), and especially so since the Shadow of the Dragon still appears in her dream, so they still have that shared link + Wyld Hunt (though if anything it was more like a rescue mission as Mourynn would've died too it/was too physically weak at this time, and only remembers the bit at the end of the dragon attack. So Caithe is a bit of a hero to her to some degree as well). There's another dramatic lesbian arc in between involving Faolain as well (all 3 actually), but that's a hot mess for another day. During the Commander era, since basically her whole Commander arc is "Imposter Syndrome the Musical™", and with Mourynn feeling constantly behind the other Firstborn Luminaries, and trying to fulfill an important role that's partly due to trying to prove to herself (and others) that she is indeed capable. She is a bit naive in the beginning with trying to impress Caithe and fulfill their shared Hunt, and feels lost/depressed when she isn't around during these times. Basically there's a lot of slow burn and silent gestures and quiet intimacies and moments going on, but there's still the extra layer of the Faolain break up that Caithe is also struggling with, making Mourynn is too afraid to tread further due to the sensitive situation. In general they more or less have the same loner vibe, but Mourynn's a bit more whimsical and accident-proned. They're just glad to have each other around and lean on each other in different ways, a comforting bond with a bit of a mentor dynamic sprinkled in. Caithe is also one of the only ppl who understands Mourynn's weird quirks.
4. What was their initial opinion of the commander? Has that changed at all? I guess most of this was already answered above (lol). I'd say Caithe became a bit more proud to see her grow into her role as time went on and became more of her own person (and get a little bit more confidence). The dragon thing was a bit of a shocker though. Other than that, I'd say, surprisingly, opinions shared remains fairly constant (mostly bc they've known each other for so long) 10. Are there any events in the story that happen differently because of/to/involving them? UHM A LOT TBH. I'm lowkey using Mourynn's lore to also change a lot of points in the game story to better fit what I like best and want to see a bit different. In the case with Caithe, I'm having her involved a lot more (for self indulgent reasons), and bc there's a lot of situations I could expand upon. Also I'M INCLUDING ALL THE STUFF NOT INCLUDED IN THE ORIGINAL HoT STORYLINE!!!!!!! One very notable moment I have down is involving the Exalted and Aurene's egg. The Exalted DO NOT like Mourynn (jungle dragon reasons and all, they see her more as a threat sent by Mordy, and Mourynn will wind up hating anything gilded/gold bc of them bc of Exalted trauma), and with Caithe taking the egg first, that combo makes them both fairly distrusted by the Exalted (and others), which is... kinda bad. They both have to defend each other AND Aurene's egg, all while trying to convince the Exalted they are trustworthy (along with like, everyone else...). Then there's the Vinetooth Faolain fight... (that's gonna be fun :3c firstborn x firstborn Wynne mirroring, plus just the dynamic the 3 of them have in general. Mourynn almost dies, but that's normal. Caithe will get to do more fun things during the fight too)
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pangolen · 8 months
space monster isekai rambling in the tags
#reading the comments on space monster isekai#people dropping after the nth chapter complaining it's not explained why mc doesn't feel remorse about killing#when it... IS brought up. actually. a couple chapters later (if not in the very next one)#like sry not to defend the power fantasy isekai#but you can't complain about the author Not Explaining Something when you're not even reading long enough to get the explanation#i'm also. not sure why it needed to be explained. he's a space monster now.#the kind that eats anything that breathes.#(& tbh. part of why im keeping with this story is that he DOESNT feel bad about eating.)#('waaaugh i turned into a man eating monster and now i have to eat people :(((' <- is that what you want?#you want him to spend time being sad about something he can't control?#well i don't. i want him to eat people and go 'yay this is fun and it tastes good :)')#(and that's what i'm getting. so.)#anyway the most valid critiques i've seen are 'there's no women' and 'the villains are cartoonishly evil'#these are both true#though in later webnovel chapters it seems like the author is slowly ? including more women ?#('later chapters' as in... some 20-30 chapters in)#not that it super matters though because everyone gets eaten in the end#and there are still Not Many. however. the women have tended to have bigger roles than the men#it kinda feels like the author got complaints about this and then started adding women in#interestingly nearly every woman introduced has been The Most Powerful in whatever group she's in#i think adding in some normal-ass women would also be good but yknow baby steps#and then for the cartoon villains........ i mean yeah it's pretty goofy#you can kinda handwave it if you pretend it's because theyre technically video game characters#but you Kinda Know. the author is just really young and doesn't have a good grasp on how malintentioned ppl act irl#oh well#like someone else in the comments said: after the author gets some more stories + life experiences under their belt#they'll probably put out some pretty good stuff#and tbh!! i'm still having fun :)#pangorambles
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emahriel · 6 months
that tattoo is phenomenal! do you follow a tutorial or...? found some body painting that i want on a tav, but i have no idea how to take it from one format to actually... showing up in game. lol
Thank you so much!! I feel like the way I did it was very unorthodox to be honest, but I found no guide online or whatsoever as to how to make your own unique tav body tattoo so I just tried things until it worked... the only resources I had were these -> here & here Initially I drew over the hmvy body texture directly, but that meant everyone else in-game with the same textures shared the tattoo (which sucked). At least now with this mod, not only does it only apply on my Tav, but I also don't mess with the body textures at all! If you'd like, I could eventually make a tutorial or explain to the best of my ability how I made the tattoo, the format I used when I exported, etc.! I kinda talked about my process in this post, but I really didn't explain much lol It definitely wouldn't be a... very good tutorial because truthfully I have 0 modding knowledge, but I'll see what I can share when I have some time!
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tophsazulas · 1 year
Prompt: Hyde finally moves out of the Forman’s house, and how red and kitty would react
Hyde had been packing his stuff out of his room for the past several minutes. He couldn’t believe that he was moving out. The Formans were like family to him for the past few years. It still felt like yesterday that Forman offered him a place to stay and now he’s moving into his own house to be with Jackie.
He heard someone’s footsteps and saw that it was Eric. “Hey Forman. I thought you were in Chicago.” After Eric married Donna, they both went back to Chicago with Leia. Red was proud of his son for being independent but Kitty was a blubbering mess and wanted her baby boy to stay. She was already a mess when Laurie left and got married.
“My flight isn’t until a few hours. So you’re leaving?” Hyde exhaled, “Yeah. Me and Jackie found a place to live. It’s only a few blocks away.” Eric nodded slowly, “That’s great man. I’m happy for you.” Hyde nodded. Despite their moments, Eric has always been like a brother to him from the day they met. “How’s Leia?”
“Great! She actually said her first word: Star Trek.” Eric put a hand on his heart and teared up. “It was the greatest day of my life.” Hyde gave him a look that implied he didn’t believe him. Eric groaned, “Fine, her first word was mom.” Hyde shook his head, “I knew it man. Just because you named her after a Star Wars character, doesn’t mean she’s a nerd.” Eric nodded, “I actually feel a lot better now about you moving out.”
“You’re moving out?” The boys turned to see Red and Kitty standing in the basement. Eric gulped, "I'm gonna...go check on Leia right now." He scurried past his parent in a jiffy, leaving the three alone. Kitty looked sad while Red's face looked unreadable. Hyde gulped, “Yeah. Me and Jackie found a place to live. It’s close by but not in Point Place.” Red nodded, “I’m proud of you son. Takes a lot to do what you’re doing.”
Hyde nodded, “Thanks Red.” Kitty began to cry and latched onto Hyde. “My other baby boy is leaving me. All my babies will be gone. They won’t be in the house anymore.” Red began to stroke Kitty’s shoulder. Jackie then entered the basement, dragging her suitcase. “Steven?” Hyde looked at her in awe. That was the woman he was going to spend the rest of his life with. “Jackie…” Jackie came over and kissed him. “Are you ready?” Hyde looked around at his family. “Just a sec. You can head to the car.” Jackie nodded and kissed him again. She gave the Formans a hug, heading to the car.
Kitty was sobbing and held onto him. “Whenever you need me, I’ll come over. Just call me, please.” Hyde hugged her back. Kitty squeezed onto him tighter. “Mrs.Forman, I can’t breathe.” Red pat his wife on the shoulder. “Honey.” Kitty let go of him and sighed. She wiped her tears. Red looked at Hyde. “We’re proud of you Steven. Take care. You and the loud one.” Kitty nodded, “Yes, you and Jackie take care.” She said while sobbing.
Jackie nodded, “Thank you Mr and Mrs.Forman. And you can visit us anytime.” Kitty sobbed and leapt into Jackie’s arms. “Mrs.Forman…” Kitty sniffed, “I’ll miss you so much.” Jackie nodded, “Me too.” Kitty let go and Jackie headed towards Hyde. He put his arm around her and they walked off together, giving their foster parents one last look right before walking upstairs. “This is it.” Jackie stated. Hyde nodded, “Yeah doll.” He put his arm around her as they looked back at the basement entrance. They exhaled and walked out the back door.
Edit: now on AO3
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