exocynraku · 2 years
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the kits have grown! haypaws mentor is lakeface, bluepaws is parsleyspring, goldpaws is mintshadow and podpaws is cindersplash! 
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aaaand there goes bluepaw and volestripe :(
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the 3 apprentices have grown up again! too bad goldpaw couldnt grow up with them :( 
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sloenettle passes away, crookedwhisker, the deputys father, has retired and riverbee had 4 kits!
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olivekit is very cute :]
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cloverponyz · 7 years
Let's talk about Warriors
For all it’s (many) faults, I adore this series and I have a ton of ideas and ocs for it
My oldest oc is Deerspirit, who is from 2012? I think. She had a cliche plot (family dying, forbidden romance with Onetail from WindClan I think tho Swiftriver of ThunderClan loved her and they were really cute??) she also had five kits and changed her name to Brokenheart because she is very dramatic (RiverClan also enslaves ThunderClan at one point and she has a pointless rivalry with a ShadowClan cat)
Then there’s Berrystar, who was my self-insert in a Clan of my friends who have never read Warriors and don’t know the Clan exists She’s a ginger tabby and leader of NutClan with my best friends as med cat (Petalheart), deputy (Sparkstrike) and senior warriors (Nightclaw and Brackenpelt). My sister was Sharppaw and her bestie was Shinepaw and I’ve had this Clan for a few years now
My first warriors fanfic was unplanned and rushed, following Rolo and Hershey (I think) who become ShadeClan cats when their owner dies named Volestripe and Sparrownose??? There were evil cats and a badly thought out plot (this was 2014 I think and it’s still on my Wattpad lol)
My ocs are a lot better now if I do say so myself
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ailuronymy · 7 years
Guest Warriors-ify: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (original trilogy)
(There will be spoilers!!! These games have a billion characters so I narrowed it down to the most important ones. Sorry if someone you were hoping to see isn’t in here!) 
(I might come back for Dual Destinies…)        
Phoenix Wright: Dark blue mackerel tabby tom. Thick, medium-length fur that has a tendency to stick upright. Others make fun of him for this. Zealous with an overactive imagination. Clingy with his friends, becomes lethargic when ignored or abandoned. Never, ever gives up. Highly unpredictable. Direct and confrontational, even to the point of yelling in the face of much bigger cats who he knows are dangerous. Keeps managing to fake his way through tough situations in ways that make him look like a prodigy. Because of this, he’s been struggling to maintain this reputation - and keeps barely scraping by. (name: Dovestorm) 
Miles Edgeworth: Dark ginger classic tabby tom with a wavy white splash on his chest and on his tailtip. Sleek-furred shorthair. Resting grumpy face. Convinced that his father’s death was his own fault; lashes out his over this guilt by enforcing the warrior code a bit too fiercely. Apprentice-hood friends with Dovestorm; they grew apart when his father died. An actual prodigy who views Dovestorm’s brash rise to fame with contempt. After learning the truth about his father, he’ll go on a long journey to become a much nicer, calmer cat. (name: Sorrelheart) 
Dick Gumshoe: Big, stocky tom. Dark brown spotted tabby with a pale underside. Long, scruffy, unkept fur. Sorrelheart’s loyal  henchman  right-hand man. Far from intelligent but loyal and loving to a fault. Doesn’t have one single bad bone in his body - but has been known to do bad things when ordered to because he’s too naive to fully realize what he’s doing. Jumps to conclusions. Deeply affectionate. (name: Buzzardflower) 
Manfred Von Karma: Loud, intimidating blue-silver mackerel tabby tom. Long, elegant fur that’s grayed quite a bit with age. Vicious and egotistical. A bitter, abusive perfectionist with a nasty habit of attacking anyone who disagrees with him - verbally and physically. Has even been known to order the leader around (who, to be fair, is kind of a coward). Sorrelheart’s manipulative former mentor. Killed Sorrelheart’s father and, thanks to Dovestorm, will one day be banished for this. (name: Ashclaw) 
Franziska Von Karma: Equally loud, equally intimidating blue-silver mackerel tabby molly. Long, elegant fur that’s still young and beautiful. The spitting image of her father. Perfectionist to the point of intense self-critique. Lashes out violently in response to her insecurities. Does not yet realize that her father was abusive and is bitter over his banishment. Torn between respect for him and sisterly love for Sorrelheart. (name: Birchclaw) 
Mia Fey: Black smoke shorthair molly with a long tail. As she is smoke, her mackerel stripes show a bit on her chest and legs. Tall and beautiful. A remarkably just and outspoken warrior who is highly respected for her sense of duty. Murdered by a dangerous rogue she’d been tracking, much to the devastation of her former apprentice, Dovestorm. (name: Sootheart) 
Maya Fey: Smoke tortoiseshell shorthair. Has an adorable bushy tail. Supposed to be a medicine cat apprentice but she keeps slacking off. Mischievous molly who is cute enough to pass as innocent, which she uses to her advantage. However, heavily spiritual and mature when she needs to be. Teams up with Dovestorm after her sister, Sootheart, dies. They hunt down that rogue together and become friends in the process, having many more misadventures together afterward. (name: Duckpaw - later Ducktail.) 
Pearl: Classic lilac-silver tabby longhair. Very tiny. Much more durable than she appears, both physically and mentally/emotionally. Likes to play matchmaker with the grown-up cats. Another medicine cat apprentice, as it’s normal for this clan to have more than one. Very gifted in her connection to StarClan. (name: Mousepaw - later Mouseleaf.) 
Dahlia and Iris: Identical sisters, both lilac tortoiseshells of medium fur length. Both lithe and beautiful. Able to easily pass as each other. One is a violently toxic individual with dreams of revenge; the other is shy and helpless when faced with her sister’s manipulation. (names: Yewfur and Fallowpelt) 
Diego/Godot: Originally a handsome dark brown mackerel tabby longhair, poison killed most pigmentation in his body. His nerves (including vision) have been severely impacted as well. Now he’s white with unfocused red-pink eyes. Sootheart’s mate. Was unconscious for quite some time after being poisoned. Sootheart died while he was in this coma, which is a source of much rage and grief for him. Was once cool and collected, difficult to provoke. Now, he lashes out with petty revenge schemes, primarily against Dovestorm, who he blames for letting Sootheart die. Arrogant. Likes to think he’s mysterious but he’s actually just a jerk. (name: Tigercloud - changed to Whitefur) 
Larry Butz: Ginger ticked tom of medium fur length and white underbelly. Unpredictable. Has horrible luck; keeps getting in trouble with authority through little fault of his own. Always optimistic, always loud, always dumb. When something goes wrong, he’s usually at the center of it. Nobody likes him and yet he somehow keeps getting dates. (name: Honeystorm) 
The Judge: Once-chocolate longhair tom who’s almost completely grayed with age. Supposedly has a strong sense of justice…but easily swayed by threats and sob stories. Pushover. He’s technically the leader but he hardly leads. This guy’s been around forever. How many lives does he have left? Will he ever lose all of them? We just don’t know. (Batstar - once Batfur.)   
BONUS: Rise From The Ashes DLC! 
Damon Gant: Massive longhair ticked ginger tabby tom. Graying heavily with age but still young at heart. A selfish sociopath who passes as a fun-loving, generous senior warrior. Despises non-clan-cats with a passion. Soft spot for warriors who go above and beyond the call of duty. You are either terrified of him or he’s your best friend. Or both. Most likely both. (name: Lionwhisker) 
Lana Skye: Chocolate burmese molly. Shorthair. Deputy but forced into being Lionwhisker’s figurehead. Eternally stoic. Used to be much more gentle and friendly before Lionwhisker started blackmailing her over a murder that her sister was almost framed for. After that, she started to block people out of her life to protect them. (name: Ottercloud) 
Ema Skye: Chocolate burmese snowshoe molly with one white paw. Shorthair. Not even remotely stoic. Passionate, ambitious apprentice. Smart but a little too ahead of herself, often missing details and jumping to conclusions. Angry with Ottercloud for growing distant with her, however, is nevertheless determined to get her back as a sister. (Minkpaw - later Minknose.) 
Jake Marshall: Pale brown mackerel tabby tom. Long, thick fluff around his neck/chest but otherwise very smooth-furred. Acts laid-back but is actually bottling up his emotions. Useful in a crisis but not very good at long-term planning. Suspects fowl play in his brother’s murder, convinced that it wasn’t a rogue like everyone thinks. (name: Volestripe) 
Neil Marshall: Pale brown ticked tabby tom. White tux markings that skip his chin. Very short fur. Eager and hardworking. Former deputy, murdered by Lionwhisker. Minkpaw was originally framed for his murder; Ottercloud found his body, thought her sister had done it, and begged for Lionwhisker’s help to make it look like a rogue did it instead. Ottercloud became deputy in his place. (name: Deerclaw) 
Angel Starr: Gorgeous longhair calico with very little visible ginger. Soft, fluffy fur, especially on her tail and around her chest. Highly ambitious and intimidating warrior; however, she knows this and shows off a little too much, which sometimes makes her hard to take seriously. Volestripe’s mate, teamed up with him to investigate Deerclaw’s murder. Deeply despises Ottercloud. (name: Sheepfang) 
Bruce Goodman: Black-and-white van tom with medium fur length. Once a reluctant member of Volestripe and Sheepfang’s investigation trio. However, he made the mistake of politely asking Lionwhisker to help them, which got him killed in a fit of panic. (name: Swanpelt) 
Mike Meekins: Pale gray-brown shorthair tom. Long-bodied, long-legged, and lithe. Young cat who probably wasn’t ready for the promotion to warrior yet. His main duties include screaming at inappropriate times and annoying Sorrelheart. Looks up to Buzzardflower as a personal hero. (name: Snailfoot) 
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