#old fanfic
odd-g0ul · 1 month
I was reading some of my oldest fanfics and I remembered my old Glam Bonnie design and I miss him so I redrew him !
I love Bonnie's new design but this guy will always hold a special place in my heart :(
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(You can go way back on my account and see him)
If anyone is interested in my old old very first fanfic series, it's on my Wattpad @Odd_G0ul (first book: "Starshine"~
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hermitcraft-shifter · 3 months
Currently brainrotting over an unfinished fic I wrote with a friend years ago. Like, I'm not joking. Why did the character motivations and actions have to be that good.
The protagonist is Grian, and you know what? He's not a good person. The antagonist is Doc, and you know what? He's not a good person.
You can see how they become that way. People always saw Grian as a hero. People always saw Doc as a villain. You can see why they did what they did. You can forgive their actions even... or well, understand them. They both pass the reasonable moral horizon. They both do mindless violence just for a point. There's so many parallels between them.
I'm half tempted to reread it and ask said friend if I could edit it and post it.
Edit: It's almost 13k words long. Holy shit. It cut off during the final battle between Grian and Doc too.
Edit again: I forgot it was in first person perspective. This is a conundrum.
Edit once more: Grian is losing it y'all. Just wanted to let you know, if you didn't already. He is also a wet rag of a man and it's amazing. Yes, Grian, bad things happened. Yes, Grian, they are bad. Yes, Grian, this was your fault. What did you think was happening?
Edit from Painville, Deckessee: Wow, that's some inaccurate brain damage right there.
Oh, what's this? Another edit: Alas, we've come to (one of) my favourite parts of the fic. "What is this, some story written by 12 year olds?"
UPDATE: It's available!! Mockingbird.
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living-carto0n · 1 month
The Legend of the Lost Smurfette (a.k.a. How the Forbidden Falls Were Renamed)
Once upon a time, Papa Smurf was waiting for an important delivery....
This was no ordinary package, mind you. This was a package from the Fairy Queen Mersandra’s Great Stork.
The Great Stork delivers all of the children of magic creatures to their rightful parents.
As everyone knows, no Smurf brought by Mersandra’s Stork is ever a girl, simply because there was no visible need for women in the village. This child.... she was different.
There was a knock at Papa’s door, one stroke till midnight. When Papa answered it, Mersandra herself walked in. She said that her stork had refused to make the delivery, and took the girl far away, instead.
Mersandra wasn’t able to find him on her own and retrieve the child, so she came to seek his help. Papa immediately got out of his nightclothes and began the search.
They finally did find the stork, but they were too late. The child had already been thrown through the magic portal in the falls of the Blue Moon Springs.
Papa and Mersandra scolded the stork severely and sent him home.
Early the next morning, Papa put up signs on the path leading to the spring, renaming it the Forbidden Falls so that he wouldn’t see his other smurfs face the same fate as his Lost Smurfette, Ariel.
The Part They Don’t Know...
As Papa Smurf left the Blue Moon Springs, Mersandra secretly slipped through the portal to look for Ariel. When she found the child, however, the vortex had already vanished, so she cast a special spell on the girl to turn her human... with some exceptions. For she knew that Papa Smurf would eventually find the world that was on the other side of that waterfall.
She raised Ariel as her own until she was one-hundred and forty. When she left, she used a disguise and watched her as she grew up.
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prettysquishygirl · 4 months
Not sure how I'm doing right now. I'm not able to write but I have gone back to AO3 and started answering the lovely comments from people who responded to my Sherlock pics of moons ago. I thought I'd never get into any fandom again and never thought I would write again, but it seems I needed to.
It's taking a while to respond and weirdly it's had me reading the fic I wrote and it's almost like I didn't write it. And some of it seems pretty good. I worried when I wrote Good Omens fanfic that I would repeat myself, that the dialogue would sound the same and I'm sure there's similarity in the style, but the dialogue is different. I'm quite proud. And enjoying it.
And I need some inspiration to write something new, some other way for Aziraphale and Crowley to get all entangled. I don't know if I can do fix it, or even want to. But a situation, something fun and fluffy and yeah, maybe smutty, I want that.
Any ideas?
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Man my younger self was wilding with some of these Ninjago Fanfics
Having Maya cheat on Ray with Chen is not the plot twist I was expecting, let alone saying Nya was his daughter as a result making her the half sister of Skylor.
Like 14 year old me what in the world *wheezing*
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tyanis · 7 months
Reminiscing about old RE fanfics from the very early 2000s that are likely lost to time and just remembered this one that was about Leon, Claire, Rebecca, and the book characters John and David all fantasizing about banging each other but doing nothing about it while on that plane in the fourth book.
Can't remember Rebecca's fantasy and I think John's was about a threesome with the girls... but Leon's was this innocent ass fantasy about Raccoon City not happening and meeting Claire somewhere else and they get caught in the rain and go back to his place and he's all nervous and drops his keys and then they have some really vanilla sex.
Claire, on the other hand, is fantasizing about getting railed by Leon on a table while he is holding AND FIRING a literal rocket launcher.
And then David is just sitting there like, "but... what if orgy?"
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queenofthecats · 2 months
HELP, I FINALLY FOUND THE FANFIC CRACKSHIP I HAVE BEEN SEARCHING FOR! It was deleted from ao3, but somebody uploaded nearly every fanfic published for years now up to a public folder to download. It was the only one ever written, and I got it now. The only one with that tag, and relationship.
P.S. if anybody of any fandom is looking for an old ao3 fanfic, lmk! It takes a while due to the fic folders being huge, the one I’m downloading after downloading a 6.3 gb file is now 34.8 gb, though it is the biggest sooo. IT WILL take a while, but I will find fics for people if anybody needs. Took me so long to understand.
I’m so happy.
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chibi-lioness · 2 months
Wanted for crimes (not really) against nostalgia.
This is such a longshot, but hey, you never know.
So, once more, as is yearly tradition for my brain, it's missing Magi: The Kingdom of Magic hours. And what does the goblin in me want this time? A VERY specific fanfic series I used to read in the ye olden days of 2015.
Naturally I go looking. Now, deviantart - where the series was - is actively an AI hellscape of doom and not much help, as the artist has apparently deleted their account for quite a while.
Next stop was the wayback machine and to my delight, most of the chapters were on there! Key word being: MOST.
Now, is it greed, is it hubris, is it the goblin in me gnawing at my synapses, I don't know. But I need the rest. My options though have very much dried up.
So, to anyone who has ever read the series A Thousand Lights by an artist named Kagamiaoi on Deviantart, if you know the artist, are the artist, or had the forethought I very much lacked to save the series, could you please reach out?
To anyone who read this ENTIRE tirade, thank you very much.
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oscill4te · 2 months
im laughing at this fanfic rough-draft i wrote almost a year ago. I wrote it for fun just to get my ideas out and its thus very messy. Heres the last page of it. It takes place when they are in middle school
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im sorry but wayne calling tony "b**** boy" "PLUS IM BORED" will never not be the funniest thing to me,. The story takes place when they are both in middle school and u cant tell me wayne wouldnt be swearing by that point and just being very insufferable, always ready to fight, lolol.
The context for the dialogue is: Tony goes to middle school and Lucien has a new friend group. They are a grade apart and don't share many classes as is. Tony slowly stops talking to Lucien, but its because of struggles he is having at home, not because of Lucien himself. But hey, its middle school and miscommunications and misunderstandings happen a lot during that time with friends. Lucien doesn't know Tony is struggling and assumes Tony is just mad at him for avoiding him the way he does.
Also theres this (not a fanfic, just rambles)
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Maybe i should draw agent X and Walter shaking hands like past-me wanted. Im not as crazy hyperfixated anymore where it consumes my brain 24/7, but I still do enjoy this cartoon. I always headcanoned that Walter Winkle had a rag to riches story line and that Seth feels abandoned by Mr. Winkle for leaving the Swamp to pursue a better life.
No wonder I had so many fanfic/AU ideas for this cartoon. It had a lot of interesting characters and mini subplots that I wish were explored more
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mexigum · 3 months
Hello Tumblr,
I've once again come crawling back to ask for help finding a fanfiction... about Hetalia..
I might have a problem, a nostalgia problem
ANYWAYS! does anyone here know the name of that one Gerita and USUK fanfic where Italy ends up in a mental asylum for being gay during the 1940s/50s. And like, America works there as a doctor but he's secretly just as insane as his patients if not worse. Because he and England are just straight up serial killers who call themselves the "Message Man". I think Italy loses an eye to them at some point?
OH! And France runs the damn place as a priest of all things.
I read it a couple years back during middle school/first two years of highschool. I want to reread it but i don't remember the name and can't find it. :( and with the whole, authors going scorched earth and deleting all of their fics recently, I'm worried that it might be gone forever. I can't be the only one that remembers this fic, I could have sworn that it was really popular at the time.
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petiolata · 4 months
Reading fic on Livejournal feels like digging up some clay or stone tablet with chiseled words on it to read.
can't believe this used to be the norm. Now if only all ye fans of olde would back their shit up to AO3
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interdimensionalvoid · 11 months
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gabriel-sprite · 8 months
when you try and go back to reread a fanfic that left you in tears but you can’t find it
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wicked-inspiration · 1 year
like many of us tumblr veterans, i use to write fanfiction in 2016.....that feels like such a long time ago...
i have made posts before on my desires to finish those fics, some left hanging for 8 years.
my readers are likely long gone, the stories from all those years ago are written by a completely different person, but all that being said, i still want to finish off my work and even reprise some of my old completed fics like I've seen other writers do.
I'm not necessarily invested in half these fandom anymore, but as I get older i realize how you don't need to grow out of things, you can still love and honour things you loved in the past, and how much I love fandom culture.
I'm also a non-finisher. I desperately want to finish even one thing to prove to myself I can.
So let's see where this new era takes us.
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memphisboomarts · 3 months
Thinking about posting my old wattpad fics to AO3 (mostly for safe keeping, but they are really bad; wrote them around the age of 12-15. Also fics that wrote back in the day, but the person got canceled, which was well deserved, a couple years back). But I'm going to leave it up to you guys because I can't make a decision
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jam-and-spiders · 2 years
Not art but I was scrolling thru my phone gallery and spotted THIS. HOLY GRAIL. It's highlights from my old (super problematic, tbh) undertale fanfics. I had to share. PEAK 2015. Art to come soon!! Promise! (NOT of the fanfic hahaha)
Half considering doing "professional" recordings of these (me doing dumb voices and little illustrations) but I dont know if there'd actually be any interest 💀💀
(And yes these were all written 100% unironically, which is awful considering there were multiple full, uninterrupted copyrighted songs shoved in some chapters;;)
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