#W. Lee Wilder
weirdlookindog · 10 months
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The Man Without a Body (1957)
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gatutor · 2 months
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Corinne Calvet-George Sanders "El asesino de mujeres" (Bluebeards ten honeymoons) 1960, de W. Lee Wilder.
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oldshowbiz · 1 year
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Billy Wilder's brother made several low-budget creature features in the 1950s. Among his films are Phantom from Space (1953), Killers From Space (1954), The Snow Creature (1954), Man-Fish (1956), and this obscurity - The Man Without a Body (1956).
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movie-titlecards · 2 years
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Killers from Space (1954)
My rating: 4/10
Standard issue cold war paranoia fueled alien invasion movie, with just enough of a plot to give Peter Graves a reason to run around and shout at people. There are one or two amusing bits, and it's short enough that it's not too excruciating to sit through, but there's still very, very little to this movie.
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moviesandmania · 2 months
THE SNOW CREATURE Reviews and free on YouTube
‘Half man! Half monster!’ The Snow Creature is a 1954 sci-fi horror film in which an American botanical expedition stumbles across a Yeti den in the Himalayas. They capture a Yeti and transport it back to Los Angeles, where it escapes while customs officials are debating whether it is animal or human. Produced and directed by W. Lee Wilder (Fright; Phantom from Space; Killers from Space), based…
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schlock-luster-video · 4 months
On January 23, 1954, Killers From Space debuted in the United States.
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esonetwork · 1 year
Killers From Space | Episode 357
New Post has been published on http://esonetwork.com/killers-from-space/
Killers From Space | Episode 357
Jim tales a somewhat humorous look at a cult sci-fi from 1954- W. Lee Wilder’s “Killers From Space,” starring Peter Graves, Barbara Bestar, James Seay, Frank Gerstle, Steve Pendleton, John Frederick and Ben Welden. A nuclear physicist (Graves) is abducted by aliens and told of their plan to conquer the Earth … but, no one believes him. Find out more on this episode of MONSTER ATTACK!, The Podcast Dedicated To Old Monster Movies.
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kekwcomics · 10 days
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KILLERS FROM SPACE (W Lee Wilder, 1954)
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gen15gg · 1 year
nah bc the foreshadowing of nat losing the moose n then the same happening to javi is making me so sick dude it’s so sad
booooooo i’m so upset lmao
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lottiezilla · 10 months
Lottie didn’t know Laura Lee had jumped. Didn’t know Laura Lee was falling from the plane. Didn’t know that the explosion and smoke cloud covered her descent. Didn’t know that her back hit the water and fire licked her face. Didn’t know that Laura Lee was floating and then sinking, sinking, drowning. Lottie didn’t know until she felt like she was drowning, too. or Laura Lee survives the plane explosion, which means everything is going to change. The wilderness wanted a sacrfice and now it's lost two. AU canon divergence that explores what might've happened had Laura Lee lived and how her influence might effect Lottie and the Wilderness they worship.
Chapters: 3/?
Relationships: Laura Lee/Lottie Matthews, Shauna Shipman/Jackie Taylor, Vanessa "Van" Palmer/Taissa Turner, Akilah/Mari (Yellowjackets), Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Characters: Lottie Matthews, Laura Lee (Yellowjackets), Shauna Shipman, Jackie Taylor (Yellowjackets), Natalie Scatorccio, Misty Quigley, Taissa Turner, Van Palmer, Akilah (Yellowjackets), Mari (Yellowjackets)
Additional Tags: I'll tag more characters later but ya know, for now, Angst, Laura Lee Lives (Yellowjackets), which also means, Jackie Taylor Lives (Yellowjackets), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, listen i'm going off what jane widdop said, that if laura lee lives, then so does jackie, So here we are
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nataliesscatorccio · 9 months
Dead cabin guy and his technicolor dreamcoat have haunted me since the wardrobe reveal in season two, and today im going to make it everyone's problem.
Travis wears the coat first. He and Natalie take the blessing and go out to look for Javi. Travis hallucinates (prophesies?) that Javi is dead and buried beneath the snow, but Natalie shows him it's only a fox. Travis finds the strange, mossy tree stump. The next day Travis has strong feelings about which direction is best to search for Javi in, and we don't see more of him until Nat reveals the bloody pants. Not that weird, all things considered. New season, new wardrobe additions. Hiking on a caloric deficit with PTSD, you'll probably hallucinate. Pretty standard stuff.
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Then Nat wears the coat. She takes it to lay Jackie's bones to rest at the crash site, and while she wears it she sees (hallucinates? prophesies? I'm not sure!) the white moose that they'll later lose to the lake (ergo the hunt, ergo Javi dies for real but more on that later).
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We get to Old Wounds, the hunting competition, and Lottie wears the coat now. You see where I'm going with this but just to be thorough: she enters the realm of death dreams, talks with Laura Lee, almost freezes to death.
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Episode five. Melissa wears the coat. Maybe that's not important! Maybe it's just to show that they all share the wardrobe, and that the side characters are as equally All In This Together as the main characters are. Or it could mean something that a peripheral character, wearing important wardrobe, framed in antlers (not unlike Travis in 2.01), has the line "maybe he did die, and that's his ghost." It's a little suspicious, and at this point starts to feel like a pattern.
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Who wears it next, who wore it best!? That's right baby, it's Paul! For his dreamworld drifter, hallucination hunk Coach Ben Scott. Nicholas Urfe himself. Ben spends almost all of his time in a dream, until *drumroll please* Paul, very pointedly, takes the coat and walks out the door. "Where do you think you are, Ben?" he puts the coat on. "You had to have known you couldn't stay here forever. [...] What matters now is that you aren't welcome here anymore." Following Paul means committing to death (to dream), and until interruption that's the choice Ben makes. Because letting Paul (and the coat) go would mean committing entirely to reality.
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Of course, the pièce de résistance is something I didn't even notice until I went looking for it. The first dozen times I watched, I thought that after Lottie's beating Shauna brought her a blanket. "Lottie's cold." But she doesn't. She brings her the coat. Lottie is laying with it when, in a fever dream, she witnesses/hallucinates/prophesies parts of the hunt.
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It's there again (on the back of the chair) when she sits by the fire and speaks for the wilderness, appointing Nat their queen. Ben watches, having woken from the dream himself, as they all bow to Natalie and leave reality behind for good.
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Of course, there are a lot of times when characters hallucinate strange things in the cabin while not wearing the coat, because they're all starving to death and traumatized. Mari. Shauna. Akilah. But in addition to that, it seems like a pattern worth noting that in each instance where a character wears the technicolor coat, the line between the real and the imagined seems to blur with more ease. Does dead cabin guy's technicolor dreamcoat help the Yellowjackets connect to the dream realm?
I'll be brief here with the biblical parallel: blah blah Joseph is the favorite son (you were always its favorite), his father gives him a technicolor coat (they're nothing special, they don't change color in the cold or anything). blah blah Joseph starts having prophetic dreams etc etc his jealous brothers throw Joseph down a pit (the wilderness chose) and bring his bloodstained coat back as false proof of his death (hanging on a branch. a couple miles back). You get my drift.
Does it mean anything? Who knows. But in a series where wardrobe is such an integral part of the storytelling, it felt worth paying attention to.
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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Phantom from Space (1953) - Italian Poster
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gatutor · 11 months
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Ingrid Pitt "The omegans" 1968, de W. Lee Wilder.
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nerd-at-sea5 · 15 days
yellowjackets season 3 predictions/theories?
- we find out who pit girl is (and it isn’t mari??)
- the jv’s get last names
- lottie gets out of the psych ward. my moneys on either van breaking her out or some unexplainable wilderness thing
- along with that either van’s cancer is cured due to nat’s sacrifice, or she’s the season finale big death
- lisa and callie get more involved with the wilderness against lottie and shauna’s wishes (also jeff does bc ofc he does)
- someone brutally murders pedo cop. idgaf who (shauna) but someone should kill that man
- lottienat moments during the time in the wilderness and maybe more parallels w taivan?
- hoping we get more precrash scenes
- lottie has a jackieshauna type situation w hallucinating teen!nat while in the psych ward (bounds points if laura lee is also there)
- i don’t think we’re going to get much more jackie scenes but a dude can hope
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movie-titlecards · 1 year
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Phantom from Space (1953)
My rating: 3/10
Radar Secret Service, but with a big lumpy radioactive spaceman. Still just as dull, though.
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lottiescutecultt · 4 months
top three yj characters and why?
1. jackie taylor or shauna shipman - because they're gay. these two characters are my top one because it's hard to choose among them but also because they're one whole person together. like i love how well both of them are written, even in past and in the present. and all their scenes : the exchanging of the necklace as a symbol of love, the jealousy, the betrayal, shauna putting the necklace in the neck of the girls she hunts so that she could eat jackie over and over again (cannibalism has often been portrayed as a symbol of love in many literatures), their little staring at each other moments, jackie haunting shauna forever, shauna keeping her old diaries and clothes just so she could revisit their time in the wilderness. i will start crying now :(
2. misty quigley - she has to be the greatest fictional character ever created cause omg??? the way she actually CRIED when she killed (accidentally killed) nat. i really like her because how complex her character is. she was willing to help all the other girls in the past (even tho she was the one to destroy the black box lol) and even in the present w/o any second thought. probably is one of the most interesting character of yj
3. laura lee - first of all laura lee my bbg didn't deserve to die like that – in a fucking plane explosion??? like she already survived the plane crash then why ahh. but on the serious note, her character too, like misty's is really interesting. even tho she had a short role, she created quite a few plots for the show and her death was so necessary and important for the show. because you see laura would never let lottie literally start a CANNIBALISTIC cult like never ever!! and even if she didn't die she would never participate in the cult. not willingly, never and then she would either be hunted down by the other girls or she'd have to die starving so yes, her death does make a lot of sense. laura's innocence and willingness to sacrifice herself for others are what made me love her so much.
ty @the-lonelyshepherd for asking such an interesting question <3333
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