whispedcream · 2 years
the amount of joy in seeing that stupid weed cat standing JUSTICE for the way you guys treated incineroar 
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paintingformike · 1 year
mlvns will accuse bylers of only seeing mike as an accessory to will but if you ask them what they think mike’s arc is outside of his romantic relationship it’s crickets...
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
Share Mine notes please I beg (and on the arakawa fam if you have the timefkfd)
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forgive me if these are messy as all fuck i'm not good at making notes BUT here's everything i generally keep in mind when drawing mine and hijikata + the reference sheets i look at when drawing them :)
arakawa family notes + references below:
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(more notes about aoki + sawashiro's faces ft. ikumi here)
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mihai-florescu · 5 months
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Ive been on an izumi kick lately but i must add. Its not only izumi that steals the show in every story theyre in, but eichi too. Got me giggling and kicking my feet after just a few frames of screentime
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I had an angsty idea about completely one-sided billford where Ford gets Bill's attention during his portal travels and Bill is like "oh yeah, you. Surprised you're still alive I guess lol" but I can't find where I wrote down the line that Bill was gonna say to Ford that made me go "augh I'm writing this". Pain and suffering on planet earth.
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devinwolfi · 7 months
surprising egg win! soft boiled with toast
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kelpiemomma · 2 years
Okay but like @betasuppe got me thinking of Champion Emmet & Zoroakari crossover and got me considering that whenever Emmet ended up going to the past, Akari had been a Zoroark for a minute so it’s just this like. Open secret that people tend to Know- yeah, Akari, the survey kid, she died and became a Zoroark! Everybody knows that! That Zoroark is Akari! Full stop! It’s not hot gossip anymore, nobody brings up pre-murder Akari. Sure, people give the Zoroark the stink-eye every now and then, but hey. Stranger danger! People probably give Emmet the stink-eye too!
So everyone knows except Emmet, who wasn’t around to meet pre-murder Akari and therefore, the only Akari he knows IS the Zoroark-Akari, whom he only ever sees as a Zoroark. Maybe he doesn’t think anything of it, given the Zoroarks he knew in Unova, and just kind of goes with “yeah, that’s Ingo’s daughter who’s a pokemon, okay. Kind of weird, but okay.” Maybe he does think about it and doesn’t ask, or if he tries to ask "so how did you get a zoroark for a daughter" he gets a non-answer of "I took care of her and we bonded :)" or something. 
Until he like. Sees a photo of pre-Zoroark Akari with Ingo, or finds her talking to Ingo in her human illusion. But either way Ingo and Akari are both around and he goes, “Who’s the girl in the photo?” or “Who’s this kid?” and there’s an awkward silence of oh, right. He doesn’t know. And either Ingo or Akari has to drop the bomb of “fun fact: Akari got murdered and came back as a pokemon" 
Just- his reaction of finding out "yeah she used to be human but then someone killed her and she came back as a zoroark and Shit Happened :( but at least she's alive!"  fjdsakflasd
(and then of course, the next bomb dropped (later) is "also she's killed someone before" xD)
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lunarcry · 1 year
i lov this set sooooo muuuccchhhhh
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toastsnaffler · 11 months
nvm im too tired and overstimulated for this shit
#.vent#i only slept a couple hours last night man. i cant do short notice evening socials on an empty tank let alone resist unexpected rsd#if they had let me know earlier then i wouldve taken a nap and worked out beforehand to get my energy back up#idk just. if u rly want my company then maybe u should actually invite me next time. its not like they didnt plan it#even if they just forgot its not particularly pleasant to be the one person insignificant enough to forget abt. theres only 5 of us#they rly remembered to ask the one guy who isnt even here before me yknow. ugh u see the stupid thoughts i have to battle!!#like on a rational level ik it was probably genuinely accidental. but the way i instinctively react is not always rational#so regardless someone has to deal with the emotional fallout and thats me. regulating this shit is hard work even when im NOT tired asf#i really really dont want to be an asshole and spoil anyones fun bc its no-ones fault + as real as it feels to me rn ik im overreacting#but i cant voluntarily expose myself to personal triggers when im already exhausted + more vulnerable than usual#so just gotta shut myself in my room and deal with it in my own super healthy ways as per usual. may they never fucking find out#trying my best not to be an asshole i hope to fucking god they dont think im being an asshole i just told them i was tired + i meant it#this wouldnt be so much of a problem if it hadnt happened to me before. and also ik its bc one rsd trigger makes me more sensitive-#to picking up unrelated cues but there ARE other things they do that i find ostracising which rly dont fucking help. but-#theyre not things i can actually confront them abt so usually i just gotta deal w it which is fine but it lowers my general tolerance#its ok. its ok i like them all a lot theyre lovely ppl and it doesnt matter if there is a some grain of truth in the things im thinking#bc the risk of me believing + acting on a bad faith irrational thought leads to outcomes that are far worse than those from#misidentifying someones malicious behaviour towards me as neutral by accident/in good faith. okay im done now i think#just ignore me spewing out the old brain gunk on main again eurgh anyway im gonna go calm myself and read and SLEEP#ill be normal by tomorrow morning farewell comrades#honestly i dont mind dealing w shit this way bc its the best option for everyone but man. sometimes its so fucking lonely#like there are sides of me ppl will never engage with and for good reason but without them being acknowledged i find it rly hard to feel-#any real emotional intimacy or closeness with another person. but what other option is there#i sure as hell dont miss the fights i used to constantly get into when i wasnt able to regulate myself i lost so many friends that way#it is what it is. on we go for now
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hannieehaee · 4 months
Hi! I love your work I was hoping I could request something? this may be a little nsfw but I was wondering how SVT would react to having a girlfriend who likes to cockwarm them? like even after they’re done she just wants them to stay inside her like she could literally go to sleep like that. I just think it’d be interesting! you don’t have to do it though!
18+ / mdi
reaction to you liking to cockwarm them
content: afab reader, smut, cockwarming, mentions of riding, etc.
wc: 966
a/n: thank u for requesting!! i hope i did this justice <3
seungcheol -
this wouldve become a common occurrence during his hiatus from seventeen. due to his injury, you'd have to ride him whenever the two of you wanted to have sex. at some point he wouldve dragged you back down as you moved to slip him out of you, pleading with his eyes to stay around him. would probably be unable to control himself and eventually try to fuck into you, not caring for the pain he'd bring himself.
jeonghan -
smirks to himself any time you whine at him when he goes to slip out of you after you're both done. the moment you showed any indication that you wanted to cockwarm him, he'd to squeeze your hips and feel up your ass and back rather than remove you. would entice you into another round after some time, hoping to create a vicious cycle in which he fucked you and you cockwarmed him, only for him to fuck you again.
joshua -
he'd wanna take care of you in any and every way, so if you were too sleepy after sex to get up from his cock, that simply meant you'd be going to sleep with his cock still buried deep inside you. it was a win-win situation for joshua. he'd have a restful sleep with the prettiest girl he'd ever held in his arms, and he'd probably get to fuck you just as the two of you woke up. there were no bad sides to the situation.
jun -
a little caught off guard the moment you simply pressed down against him after both your orgasms had subsided. regardless, he would understand you might be tired and just hold you as the two of you fell asleep. the next morning it would click that you'd slept literally wrapped around each other all through the night. that might've been one of his best sleeps ever, making him want to do it again and again.
soonyoung -
practically becomes hypnotized the moment you bring up cockwarming, now obsessed with the idea. he'd be so giddy every single time the two of you had sex right before going to bed, knowing he'd get to go to sleep while your arms held onto him and your pussy held onto his dick just as tightly. this would become his new favorite act of intimacy to do with you.
wonwoo -
would naturally happen one day in which you rode him while he was gaming. you'd both finish and you'd simply fall limp against him. after a few moments of no movement, he'd ask if you wanted to just stay sitting on his dick (not complaining! just wondering, he'd clarify). after your tired affirmation, he would smile and hold you closer, continuing to game but caressing your back every so often, adoring the intimacy of the situation.
jihoon -
it kills him every time you insist on letting him stay inside, face scrunching up in pleasure at the feeling of your warmth wrapped around him in such an intimate way. would insist that you can only do it for a little bit, knowing he'd probably cum the moment he grew hard again.
dokyeom -
would reluctantly agree, wanting nothing more than to be as close to you as possible, but knowing your cunt would overpower his senses at some point, which would probably make him beg you to fuck him in the middle of the night. the obvious would end up happening, making you ride him in the early hours of the am, only to cockwarm him again all the way into the morning.
mingyu -
he'd nod in agreement so fast his neck would hurt. holding you in his arms after sex? hell yes. being inside you as he held you in his arms as you fell asleep? nothing sounded better to him. would probably underestimate how pussydrunk he could get and beg to fuck you halfway through the night and then proceed to fall asleep buried deep inside you, only to fuck you again in the morning.
minghao -
he'd be a lil flustered at the bold way in which you simply tightened around him the moment he tried to slip out, wordlessly allowing you to lean against him as he stayed buried in you. would easily fall into the habit of you cockwarming him, now looking forward to that part of the day every single day. would feel most relaxed in those moments, feeling a level of intimacy with you he had never before.
vernon -
he'd insist you cockwarm him. after cumming you'd both probably be super spent and wanna rest, so he'd ask if it was okay for him to just stay in your cunt as the two of you cuddled and eventually fell asleep. this would prove to be a bit of a challenge, as the pulsing of your cunt and softness of your walls would probably take him a bit to get used to.
seungkwan -
he would also fall asleep right after sex, only waking up a few hours later to realize you were still wrapped around him as the two of you cuddled. his heart would swell at the warmth he felt both from your embrace and the tightness around him. he'd want this again and again, wordlessly begging you day after day to please give him your warmth as he slept.
chan -
he'd thank god under his breath as soon as you brought it up to him. he'd have wanted to try it out, knowing how warm and cozy it'd be to have you wrapped around him as he held you in his sleep, but he wasnt sure if you'd be into it. would probably underestimate how good itd feel, making him not realize how hard it was going to be to not fuck into you as you slept in his arms.
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AITA for not helping my family pay for hospital bills?
🎷🔥 so i can find it later
This is going to need a lot of context right off the bat. I (20'sM) am a gay man that comes from an extremely conservative family. My sister (20'sF) is also a lesbian and recently got married and adopted a child. I'm very proud of her, but that's not the issue.
My parents seem to have little to no issue with my sister marrying a woman. They do have a very big issue with me liking dudes, however. Like, it was the reason my parents got divorced "big issue." I'm not gonna go into everything, but my sister ended up with my dad and I stayed with my mom for reasons I'd rather not share.
Our last parting was on... less than decent terms. Upon finding out that I was of the homosexual variety, my dad flipped his lid. He called me several slurs and said some other very hurtful things, and even made moves to physically attack me. My mom, also a very homophobic woman, stepped in and thankfully talked him down. Then divorce, etc etc.
I saved up enough money to move out when I turned 18 and may have done some impulsive things including completely trashing my mom's bathroom, which I know I'm definitely the asshole for, but in my defense my mom kept "forgetting" to pick up my prescriptions and I was manic (I have bipolar). But, again, I know I'm the AH for that.
I now live with my two best friends R (20sNB) and P (20sM) in a house we all pay for. R comes from money so they help out a lot, and I love them both to death. We kind of have a sort of situationship but none of us are poly? Idk it's weird we're just going with it rn.
Anyway, I bring them up bc we all went to my sister's wedding together, and my parents separately chewed me out for bringing them (and for R daring to wear a dress. They're amab for context) and I obviously argued back bc hey they're my best friends and my sister specifically said it was okay for me to bring them (she and R are also friends and they wouldve been invited regardless of me bringing P) and also because R looks very good in a dress and i can handle them shit-talking me but i will not tolerate slander towards R or P.
At the wedding, I went full no contact with them and told them to lose my number. They, ofc, did Not lose my number and I got several calls from extended family saying about what you would expect them to say, so I switched numbers and gave only my sister and her wife my new number.
My sister. I love her to pieces but sometimes she gets on my nerves. She gives my number to my mom to have "just in case," but she reassures me that she won't give it to my dad or any other family. So far, she's made good on that promise, I just have to deal with periodic calls about getting a girlfriend and having kids.
Now, my dad isn't the healthiest guy out there. He has arthritis, osteoporosis, and several other things that i don't really wanna get into. As he's aged he's only gotten worse and there have been several times he's almost died, but recently he's been put on hospice and has an estimated Not Very Long to live.
Here's where I may be the AH. My dad calls me while I'm at a very important, personal event for R (he got my number from my mom) and goes on a long rant on how I'm an unlovable disgrace and how he fed me and clothed me and I could make up for all that by helping him pay off hospital debt. I say no immediately and tell him that he's never been my dad, only my dna donor, and that he's going to be dead anyway and that selling his house could cover all the bills. He calls me many more names and tells me he wishes I was never born (calling my mom some very derogatory names too (she's asian)) and that i should just go ahead and off myself to save the world someone like me. I tell him he should die faster while he's at it because God knows the world already has enough bigots in it and there could never be too many mentally ill queers.
I hung up, but now I'm thinking I went a bit too far. AITA for not helping out with his hospital bills and yelling at him?
What are these acronyms?
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attourney-at-lycan · 10 months
sometimes i about how stressful it must’ve been for dante during the 15 year timeskip.
this mf tried to singlehandedly keep a village from collapsing.
he’s fresh out of a guard academy, he’s never fucking had anyone teach him how to take care of a village. sure he knows how to protect them, but he doesn’t know how to do anything else? he had to learn how to care for a village that had also JUST GONE THROUGH A BATTLE.
i can imagine other allies tried to help but they also had gone through the same thing. regardless of who won or lost, they also still had limited resources.
so it wouldve been extremely hard for dante to pick the village back up to how it was previously.
IT’S JUST STUCK IN MY HEAD— a villager going up to dante and apologizing, saying that they’re planning on moving to their hometown because they cannot raise their children under these circumstances anymore. dante is shocked, although he knew this was bound to happen, he still feels frustration and disappointment. he knows it’s not their fault, it’s been hard on everyone, so he just smiles and says that he understands, and that if they need anything for the road he will try to scrounge up something for them.
when others see the first villager move out, you can 100% bet your ass that this just opens a dam of others leaving one after the other.
so soon enough, dante is left with a desolate village, only a handful of them left. although it’s less people to take care of, it is also less hands to work. i do not doubt that dante himself did a lot of farming, building and hunting etc etc
i cld talk about how nicole and nana factor in, but you can probably guess it urself. nicole left, dante was stressed, im sure nana could’ve probably approached and tried to help him.
at the time perhaps dante did treat nana like some sort of rebound or temporary comfort (i dont mean it in a sexual manner) but i dont doubt nana also treated him as some sort of temporary comfort. it rlly cldve been two people who just put themselves together because they needed someone to help them or to hold each other up, then eventually really did fall in love.
w/ nicole stressed about her life and dante too, it explains their lack of communication. i don’t think anyone is rlly at fault. it’s just that life fucking happened to them, yknow?
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nikethestatue · 4 months
It makes me a little sad with all the talk of SJM’s declining writing and how her first drafts are better because it got me thinking how I’d kill to read whatever drafts or snippets she has of the Elriel book from like 2018. I know that shit wouldve slapped. I know I’ll love the Elriel book regardless, but I just know any draft or scraps SJM had originally written for it would have that signature SJM ACOTAR romance feel that’s been missing recently..
I think that's what's missing, innit? Romance. Good ol' love story.
Since ACOMFAS, i'd say. Because ACOSF was fucking, but romance it was not. And I think a lot could be forgiven if you get emotionally entangled with the characters. Plot holes and imperfections would be forgivable, if there was more of a continuous love story where we, as readers, can get lost.
I do wonder what she had in mind originally for Elain's book. I am sure it was different from what will be in the final product.
Plot is fine and smut is fine, but they need to mean something.
i think that the problem with Quinlar was that it stopped meaning anything. No one was emotionally attached to Quinlar. And SJM keeps diminishing Nessian more and more, so I dont know what she is trying to do with them if anything.
I hope Elriel doesnt suffer a similar fate.
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justablah56 · 9 months
okay just remembered I have so many thoughts about s2 morglenn's relationship so you're all getting that now <33
AH ok , so ! ive seen lots of people talking about it and saying that they don't like it bcs it kinda un-does a lot of glenns character development n shit with moving on from Morgan , bUT ! come with me to my silly little magical brain where this isn't true okay . let me show you a better world .
alright ! so ! personally , I think the fact that Glenn and Morgan get together post-s1 and they *work* actually really shows off all the character development Glenn went through . the fact that Glenn can love this new Morgan just proves (imo) that he's moved on from *his* Morgan . he isn't waiting for her to become his Morgan again , he knows she isn't *his* Morgan , but he loves her regardless . The fact that he can be with Morgan and it *not* just be an absolutely devastating reminder of his loss all those years ago is *incredible* . If Glenn hadn't moved on , I think that yeah he probably wouldve tried to get with jodies Morgan , but they wouldn't have stayed together . they wouldn't have *worked* . If Glenn hadn't moved on , he would have just been waiting for her to become his Morgan again , or all the things she did that his Morgan might not have done would have bugged him . they wouldn't have worked because Glenn would have gone in with expectations that Morgan couldn't meet anymore . Morgan wouldn't know him at all and Glenn would know a version of her that doesn't exist and any time he was reminded of that their relationship would have broken just a bit more . but y'all . they're together . they work . they love each other . Glenn at the end of s1 says that she's not his morgan , and she isn't . Glenn knows this . his Morgan is dead and gone , he can't have her again . but he's still willing to know this new Morgan . he listens to her and respects her and she's her own person , she's not *his* Morgan . she's just Morgan . Glenn *moved on* . and that's the only reason his relationship with Morgan is season two works .
anyways I'm probably getting repetitive but you guys I'm literally insane about them I love them so much
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herboretum · 1 month
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since i’m full of hatred and negativity i will be answering this
(to emphasize Like these are just nuances and inconsistencies i’ve found with myself and the fandom Like genuinely idrgaf i could care less about any of the points i will make in retrospect)
the anthropomorphization of unpleasant from this fandom has genuinely WRECKED its character and made it. not that unique compared to the other npcs. like i dont know it being this like fucking gooner-type character is so awful? and i really hate it? if anything that trope given to unpleasant should have stayed with scag and ended with her, since she’s a genuine npc with more writing and thoughts attached
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i saw people bring up this point again and im glad but HELLO!!!!! LETS STOP JUST ASSOCIATING LAMPERT AS WALLTER AND MARK'S SON? EVEN WHEN IT HAS BEEN DISCREDITED /MULTIPLE/ TIMES? like DAMN this fandom only attributes characteristics if it is attached to literally anyone else besides that person. its horrible. people NEED to learn to find the balance between having fun with that headcanon while also acknowledging lampert as his own separate person that is (to be quite frank) not even associated with them that much in canon
(+ people saying that the headcanon of lampert being wallmark's son is canon and fucking REPLYING saying to people who ship wallter & lampert or mark & lampert that they shouldn't. you are fucking embarrassing)
more of a fandom thing but yall ship too much lmfaoo. like guys i promise, you can interpret some of these relationships as genuine friendships i promise you'll live. can we stop with the rhetoric that just because two characters have good dynamics with each other that means that theyre in love (heavily side-eyeing protoscag and lampfected and milby dare i say)
the regretevator fandom is EXACTLY like the phighting fandom with how shipping is handled. i mean this in not a positive way
people gotta stop relying on the wiki for information man. so much lore from yeucc's tumblr has been retconned and at this point, when there's now WRITERS for the game that are actually keeping tabs, all if not the good majority of what is said on the wiki should be taken with a grain of salt. nowadays the lore is unpredictable, and only a select few (by few i mean like. 4 out of the 17 npcs) has had their lore expanded on significantly
general facts i think is fine so long as theres an annotation backing it but my point still stands . moreso with lore generally
also saw this point being brought up in the qrts but the demonization and infantilization of certain characterss (cough spud pilby pest and poob) is like. wild. i dunno i can't say much since i'm very fortunate enough to not have seen that much but my god is it prevalent from what people are saying
with pest especially since he has npd and aspd i do think that. people generally associating him as evil has NOT been the greatest thing, especially since it reduces him to a stigma of people with personality disorders which is horrific and terrifying. idk what goes on in the background but i feel like the fandom + yeucc & the people working on regretevator should have done more research on the disorders and consulted people who do have these issues better instead of using those labels haphazardly
another thing i will and always will be vocal (dog on) about the axosun team is them keeping gnarpy. like there was no reason to keep xem in other than for revenue gain let's be honest and True to ourselves. the philosophy "ohh but you can separate the art from the artist!!!!" i feel does not really apply to this scenario cause xe got a whole ass revamp despite the obvious fact that it STILL is gnarpy, a character created by a bad person regardless of the ownership change and discredited history. its the underlying thought that they were essentially built off a bad origin if this makes any sense. idk i think it wouldve been better for everyone if xe were just removed ENTIRELY from the game but. you do you i guess
lastly in this essay: i think more people should Be Kinder to each other in this fandom <3 peace and love
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cannoliparty · 4 months
what are your thoughts on witch of heart?
THANKS FOR THE ASK!!! the first time i looked this over i knew it was going to be super fun to write about hehehe
the witch of heart is, up front, an interesting classpect!! i love looking at both the class and aspect, especially how witches act in general, so thisll be great ^_^
the witch
"an active change class, witches are players with great power and an even greater defiance/breaking of the rules in their aspect. with their great power of change, a witch is “one who changes/changes through their aspect”. this can mean using their aspect to create change in their session. their challenge is to manipulate their aspect while staying morally conscious of their rule-breaking tendencies."
so witches naturally tend to break the usual "rules" or boundaries of their aspect! they change it on a whim to fit their own needs, and this level of power can be indredibly useful to both the witch themselves and their session as a whole. their rulebreaking nature also turns into one of rebellion, where a witch outright refuses to stick to their aspect's more usual behaviors. but that ties into their challenge, where they dont have to keep their rebellion at a low, but instead harness it to the best of their ability and break the rules for good!
a great example is jade harley, witch of space. she defied and manipulated reality itself to fit her own needs! this is shown through her room and countless hobbies (gardening, engineering, RIFLE-SHOOTING??), which is how she takes control of the reality around her to fit her own needs. not to mention its shown she has a huge number of different fetch moduses, allowing jade to further control the reality of her own inventory in any way she pleases! another instance of this is when she subtly breaks the 4th wall, and just for funsies too!
a more barren example is damara megido and the handmaid, both witches of time. neither of them cared to give other people the time of day, and also rebelled in time-related elements like inevitability, the handmaid especially. she was constantly running away from doc scratch, trying to escape her inevitably and untimely demise. eventually, she settled with serving lord english (lord english, in turn, becoming a sort of "witch's familiar") and she controlled time while under his command.
feferi peixes doesnt get much screentime, but in her short amount of it she made a grand impression as a witch of life! she wished to rebel against the usual experiences of life on alternia, and she dreamed of controlling her planet in a more equal way! if not for sgrub, this wouldve been very possible for her! but she does get this in another universe, hence beforus' kinder society.
its also of note that all of the witches in homestuck had a familiar of sorts! jade with becquerel, the handmaid with lord english, and even feferi with gl'bgolyb.
the heart aspect is very personal. it affiliates with feelings, inner thoughts/opinions, and even goes so far to your very soul. heart players will naturally/usually feel things very deeply, whether they'd like to or not. depending on things like the heart player's class, lunar sway, or just outright their personality, they'll vary in the ways of how they deal with their feelings. for example, and heir of heart would be very in tune with their feelings, and sway easily along with them. a witch of heart, however, would defy their emotional tendencies and instead view them as a tool, or maybe in a negative light that cannot be trusted. but regardless, these two examples both use emotions to their own will when reaching the heart player's full potential.
an example is nepeta leijon, rogue of heart. with her robin hood archetype of a class, she "stole" pieces of the heart aspect and gave it to her friends in the form of shipping! unfortunately, rogues aren't usually sure how to interact with their own aspect for themselves, and this was shown for nepeta's loss of courage in her feelings and inability to truly confess her crush to karkat.
dirk strider, prince of heart is another example. if he destroyed heart/destroyed through heart, you could consider it as hurting the feelings/souls of people around him. whether it's through being off-putting in relationships or ripping out and destroying someone's own soul! but this destruction of one aspect leads to more of the opposite one. by destroying feelings/impulsiveness, dirk left mind, the aspect of logic and strategy.
the witch of heart
so lets put the terms together!
a witch of heart would be able to take control of/manipulate heart-related things like emotions, identity, gut feelings/impulsiveness, and the soul itself.
this witch would be able to manipulate people, most obviously. whether literally or physically, they can alter anyones feelings or personal thoughts/opinions, or even control their identity & soul. the witch of heart does not mind toying with emotions! they like to see what happens if someones feeling an intense emotion or if someones gut feeling is something in particular.
of course, this heart player takes extreme pride in their own identity! the witch would have considerably high control over their identity too, able to manipulate their own internal person and how theyre perceived by others.
but this witch would also be very emotionally distant, as someone whos used to being in control of personal attributes would have lots of trouble connecting with others on a deeper level. thats why their specific challenge would be to learn when its morally right to use their powers!
and when would their abilities be optimal? more specifically, the witch of heart can alter someones allegiance, such as bringing a strong enemy to their side, or even strike intense and sudden thoughts into their enemies, such as terror or cowardice. towards their allies, the witch would be able to control their team's feelings to be more positive and motivated, or give them more feelings of passion!
overall, the witch of heart is a very emotionally interesting classpect!! its always fun looking at how witches can perceive their aspect with such a rebellious and extreme nature, and when looking at the heart aspect things can get really personal too ^_^ thanks a ton for reading, and as always, critiques & requests are always welcome!!!
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