#Wanda Maimoff x reader
vase-of-lilies · 9 months
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❀ Pairing: Dark!Wanda Maximoff x Little!Reader (F) x Dark!Natasha Romanoff
❀ Warnings: Mentions of established kidnapping, faking of death, not much smut but small mentions of it, mentions of NON-CON and DUB-CON, MDLG, dark content that is not suitable for minors, forced age regression (if there are some that I missed, please let me know!!)
❀ A/N: Welcome back to the tiny verse everyone! This is the main story of how these other stories are slightly connected. This will be short and straight to the point so not really a story just some main points! This has spoilers to ALL of the fics mentioned! I recommend reading it in this order: Ours For The Taking, Their Little One, Mommy Knows Best, Into the Tiny-verse (this one:) ), His Sisters Keepers, And then any drabbles or stories after that:)
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It was well-known information that Natasha could not have a baby. The horrors of the red room she had to endure were to blame. Wanda could, but she didn't want any children. All she wanted was to take care of someone. You. However, Bucky was a very overprotective brother and kept you away from the two women with everything he had. He thought they were dangerous.
During a mission, it was time for the two women to take you away from Bucky for good, making sure that you were truly theirs. And you were Theirs For The Taking. They made you feel so good, making sure you came with ease and teased you and touched you. You were afraid, and sadly you broke just as easily. They were grateful that all of those exhausting orgasms chased all the thoughts of escape out of your mind. Getting settled in with Nat and Wanda, they were discussing that they did want a child, and they knew that your inner child was just waiting to come out. It was something you missed out on after getting hurt with Steve and Bucky.
So, they forced their way into your mind to fish out what little girl they wanted to find. They made you Their Little One and kept you safe in the cabin that you all lived in, in the woods. When Bucky went to Wakanda to fight with Steve, Wanda, and Nat stayed behind with you, making sure you were taken care of. Wanda, being your main source of milk and more Mommy!dom type care, was your "Mommy" and Nat was your "Mama."
Something the three of you figured out was that really only three words pushed you to your tipping point; your Tiny Space. And those three words? Mommy Knows Best. Tiny space is where you have become completely dependent on your mommies. Needing to be carried everywhere, they trained you to put you in diapers when you are in that space, they even make sure that you have all your stuffies in your crib with you at a time. They truly love you and you love them. But now all that's left is making sure the team falls in love with little you, making sure that they love you like your mommies do.
Showing Bucky the real you... That was their biggest fear, showing you to Bucky after they faked your death and took you to make you their own. He knew something and thinks he knows His Sisters Keepers. Now living in their cabin they made just for you, they went to work, you stayed home and colored, played with your stuffies, and napped while they were gone. They would call you, make sure you were okay, and once they were back home it was snuggle time! This was your favorite time of day because this was when you were able to fall asleep the most comfortably.
After drinking some of your mommy Wanda's milk from your favorite pink baby bottle, you were out like a light holding onto Nat's hand. When Nat needs to go get your diaper changed, she brings your toy lion to you, helping you snuggle with it while she pulls your footie pajamas over your diaper-clad bottom. Still slightly asleep from the sedative they put in the bottle with your milk, little whines pour from your mouth. Wanda is quick to soothe you as she carries you with her to her bedroom, laying you down on her bed as she starts to get ready for bed as well.
All this time, they just needed someone to take care of, love, and adore. They were so damn lucky to have found you, and they wouldn't know what to do without you. But they don't have to find out any time soon. And you won't ever find out what it's like to live without them either.
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Unintended Love - Part 1
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Summary: You're an Avenger and a former FBI agent. You're also a witch who can also control earth and electricity. After dating Steve for a year, your world comes crashing down when something happens that you never saw coming. You turn to your best friend, Bucky Barnes, for comfort. After moving in with him, the two of you end up falling for each other. It was never expected, but it happened and it's beautiful and it's real. This is a story of unintended love and the trials and tribulations that come along with it.
Pairings: Bucky x Fem!Reader (Eventual), Steve x Fem!Reader
Characters: Fem!Reader, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maimoff, Sam Wilson, Tony Stark, Sharon Carter. Penelope Garcia, Jennifer “JJ” Jareau, Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan, Spencer Reid, David Rossi, Aaron Hotchner (Mentioned)
Warnings: Mentions of sex, swearing, angst
Requested by: @iamwarrenspeace
A/N: A big thank you to @mo320 for being my beta for this series.
Well, that was another day over and done with. You'd been out for a girls day with Natasha and Wanda. You'd also met up for lunch and a coffee with JJ, Emily, Spencer, Derek, Aaron and David, your friends and old colleagues from the BAU who had just wrapped up a case in the city. It was a shame Penelope was back in Quantico and couldn't join you in person, you did call her so she could join you that way. The sun would be going down soon, so you, Natasha and Wanda had decided to come home a little earlier than expected, you were going to go out for dinner, but then decided to order takeout and watch movies at home instead. Plus, now you could surprise Steve. You dropped your bags off in your room and then walked down the halls to Steve's room. You knew he would probably be drawing in his sketchbook or watching TV.
You had a smile on your face and you were humming a tune as you walked down the halls. The tower was quiet, but that wasn't surprising, everyone would be off doing their own thing since it was a rare day off. Tony and Bruce would probably be in the lab, Thor was in Asgard, T'Challa was in Wakanda, Sam and Clint were probably getting ready for tonight's football game, Natasha and Wanda were probably putting their clothes away, Rhodey was god knows where, Peter would be at home studying, Scott was probably spending the day with his daughter and Bucky was at home in his apartment relaxing for the day. It was always nice to have a day off. 
You weren't as active as the other Avengers, you mainly stayed behind and gathered intel on missions and the bad guys. With your background in the Behavioural Analysis Unit of the FBI, you were the right person to get a lot of information on these guys, asses them and learn their behaviors, etc. You even interrogated the odd few when necessary.
You were also a witch who could control earth and electricity as well as perform spells. Your powers came in handy when you actually went on missions. Or just when you wanted to do a spell or two to train yourself and get stronger.
You finally got to Steve's room. Just as you were about to open the door, you heard what sounded like a groan or a moan. You paused, your hand hovering over the doorknob as you listened. Your heart jumped into your throat when you heard a woman moan Steve's name. You really didn't want to go in there, but your hand moved by itself and opened the door. You had to see for yourself what was going on behind that door. What you saw shattered your heart into a million pieces. It literally felt like someone had ripped your heart from your chest and stomped on it. Steve was in the bed with Sharon Carter.
Neither of them noticed you, they were too busy. “What the fuck?!” you screeched. That got their attention, they stopped and looked at you with the classic deer caught in the headlights look. You didn't say another word, you just glared at them both, and stormed out of the bedroom, slamming the door on your way out. Angry tears formed in your eyes as you stormed down the halls. The tears weren't falling, not yet.
“Shit,” Steve cursed. He jumped out of bed and pulled on his sweatpants.
“You're really going after her? Unbelievable,” Sharon scoffed.
Steve ignored Sharon's comment and rushed out of the bedroom and chased after you. He kept calling your name as he ran after you. He caught up to you on the floor below after chasing you down the stairs. “Y/N! Wait!” he shouted. You just kept walking. “Y/N! Stop!”
You couldn't bring yourself to face Steve. That was until he grabbed your arm and spun you to face him. “Let go of me. Now,” you hissed through clenched teeth. The unshed tears were still swimming in your eyes. His eyes were full of guilt and sadness. You tried pulling your arm out of his grip, but he was much stronger than you. Damn super-soldier serum. “Let. Go. Of. Me.” 
“Baby, please, please just listen to me” Steve begged.
“No. Don’t you dare call me that. You lost the right to call me that the moment you started fucking another woman,” you seethed. “I suggest you let go of me. Now.” When he didn't let go, you grew frustrated and angry, even more so than you already were. You slapped him. Hard. His head swung to the side from the impact of your hand. A bright red mark formed on his cheek, but you didn't feel an ounce of guilt. His grip on your arm loosened, so you quickly pulled your arm away from him. His hand moved for yours, but you took a step back and glared at him. “Don't fucking touch me,” you warned.
Wanda had been sat in the common room with Natasha when she'd heard Steve calling out for you. She, Natasha, Sam, who had been in the kitchen, and Tony, who had come out of his lab for some food, went to see what was going on. “What the hell is going on?” asked Wanda.
“What's with the yelling? Y/N, are you okay?” Sam asked.
You blinked your tears away as you looked at the others. You could see Wanda trying to read your mind or Steve's mind to see what was going. You had used a spell on yourself to block her from reading your mind, as much as you loved her, you hated the thought of her, or anyone else for that matter, reading your mind. One of the perks of being a witch. “He was in bed with Sharon,” you informed them. Everyone looked at you and Steve with wide eyes. Anger and pity was written all over their faces. You took the opportunity to leave, you didn't even look back as you practically ran towards the garage.
“What the fuck, Steven?!” Natasha yelled. She was so angry that Steve would hurt you like that, but she could yell at him later. Right now, she needed to go to you.
“I'm going to fucking kill you,” Tony threatened Steve, shooting a glare at the other man before he, Sam, Natasha, and Wanda ran after you. Tony had always been really close to you, you were like a niece to him. He loved you like family and seeing you hurt like this made his blood boil.
Steve ran his hands through his hair and blinked away the tears. He rubbed his cheek that was still stinging from your slap as he breathed out a heavy, frustrated and shaky breath. Then he turned and went to the gym to punch away his frustrations.
You pulled your car keys out of your jeans and unlocked your car, you had just opened the door when you heard voices behind you calling your name. You turned to face them. “Guys, I...I don't want to talk about this right now. I have to get out of here.”
“We know, we just wanted to see you before you left,” Sam said. The four of them hugged you tightly for a moment.
“Where are you gonna to go?” Natasha asked.
“The only place where I actually want to be right now. I'm gonna go to Bucky's,” you replied. You really needed your best friend right now. He was the only person you wanted to see.
“We'll pack your stuff and bring them to Bucky's apartment for you,” Wanda told you.
“Thank you,” you smiled. “I...I have to go.” You said your goodbyes to them, got in your car and drove out of the tower towards Bucky's apartment that was only a ten-minute drive from the tower, praying he’d be okay with you just showing up like this.
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Tags: @mo320 @zoesmama2024 @mpwriterus @justaclumsybrunette @bane-is-my-masked-bitch @metxphysicxl @23aprliee @infinity1321 @ice-wolfie @bemystucky @feelmyroarrrr @shamvictoria11 @yaszx @alievans007 @smol-flower-kiddo @omgopalsapphire @bad-wolf87 @supernotnaturalcas @theoneandonlysaucymo @grace-for-sale @vashanatasha @grimesftwinchester @caitsymichelle13 @petals-overdaisies @izzy-obwan @smilexcaptainx @capsheadquaters @princess-evans-addict @oh-soldier-my-soldier @jennylovelyheart @molethemollie @hortonhearsahoeblr @pollaluci @illuminationunknown @geeksareunique @mus1cal-barnes @httpmcrvel @patzammit @veroinnumera @blacktithe7 @anahi0101 @hista-girl @thecometseries @koizorahana @buckysforeverprincess @joannie95
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