#Water Waste
kuchipark · 4 months
everyone is always yelling about how i need to drink more water, drink more water to what? pee it all out again?? uhm, no thanks. to me, that sounds like a huge waste of water, but I’m glad you’re all comfortable peeing your way through our earth’s water resource, you bunch of wasteful fuckers. sorry for caring about the environment, i guess
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kedreeva · 4 months
There's some dude (derogatory) on FB who is PISSED people are pricing their farm fresh eggs at $2 and $3 a dozen instead of $4+, saying it's "disrespectful" and "undignified" and "I'm trying to feed my kids" like Sir, you are on a Facebook group page bitching about your neighbors egg prices because your pet chickens aren't earning you a living wage and you think it's your neighbors' fault, you do not have a leg to stand on here wrt dignity.
Also half the answers are like "I give them to friends and family free" or "I donate them to food banks" or "I'm making them affordable to folks who might not otherwise be able to get them now that they're so expensive in the store" and "if you think you're going to turn a profit keeping backyard chickens you have been wildly misled" and so on, and so forth, and I'm so living for it.
and I can tell you right now, he did NOT like my answer of "if you're trying to feed your kids, I hear eggs are edible."
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owlbloop · 4 months
The amount of times I get bored and start researching random things.
Today's rabbit hole was pools.
Not only do we bio and salt chlorine pools figured out, but they are cheaper AND more hygienic AND more accessible to people with skin conditions??? They use less energy, are way less destructive, and save water?? They're healthier for skin/hair and the salt chlorine pools have low enough concentrations to avoid irritation??
Also also a lot of these pools are more durable and lower maintenance. Why are we not using these?
And the ada apparently has an entire thing on pools, detailing accessibility minimums with extremely specific guide measurements and suggestions, including stuff that just round the board improves basic safety like not putting sharp corners on stairs, and I guess nobody uses this because I've seen a pool lift maybe twice in my life
I feel robbed by american pools right now
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regreenvietnam · 5 months
COD trong nước thải là gì?
COD trong xử lý nước thải thường được sử dụng để đo lường chất ô nhiễm trong nước, nước thải và chất thải nguy hại trong môi trường nước.
Một trong các ứng dụng của kiểm tra COD là đo lượng COD trong xử lý nước thải hòa tan trong nước thải, vì đặc trưng chỉ số COD trong nước thải là cực kỳ quan trọng để mô phỏng chính xác quá trình biến đổi sinh học trong các quá trình xử lý nước thải.
Xem chi tiết: https://regreen.vn/tim-hieu-va-phan-biet-cod-bod-trong-xu-ly-nuoc-thai
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alessia-sandoval07 · 7 months
Water Contamination in Walkerton, Ontario, Canada (2000)
In May 2000, Escherichia coli and Campylobacter jejuni contaminated the drinking water supply in Walkerton, Ontario. Seven people died and over 2,000 were ill as a result. The Ontario Provincial Government set up a judicial Inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the outbreak and also moved quickly to introduce a new Drinking Water Regulation that incorporated some significant requirements for drinking water providers.
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Basically many people were intoxicated by a bacteria that was in the water that everyone drank many people from Ohio also died from the same issue from that water, so that's why people started the protests.
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lovelynerdy4chan · 9 months
she ain't gonna be happy in the ocean with a homosexual alliance and they need to drain the tank to feed her
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mscapolan · 11 months
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La gamma SEKO di soffianti a canale laterale è la soluzione efficace per la movimentazione dell’aria in molte applicazioni.
Le soffianti a canale laterale si basano sul principio di movimentazione, tramite una girante, dell’aria e il conseguente aumento di pressione della stessa al passaggio all’interno di un canale toroidale posto “lateralmente” (da qui la definizione di Soffiante a canale laterale) rispetto all’asse della girante, e sono progettate per lavorare in servizio continuo. La girante è montata direttamente sull’albero del motore e questo, insieme ad un cover appositamente sagomato per formare il canale laterale, consente un funzionamento senza attriti. Le soffianti a canale laterale SEKO sono costruite in pressofusione di alluminio, garantendo la massima robustezza e maneggevolezza. La lubrificazione non è necessaria perché non c’è contatto tra parti statiche e rotanti. Il mezzo pompato viene aspirato e compresso, il che rende possibile utilizzare una soffiante a canale laterale sia in fase di aspirazione che di compressione dell’aria. La potenza nominale del motore determina la pressione differenziale massima della soffiante. I silenziatori installati sui canali di aspirazione e di scarico garantiscono un funzionamento silenzioso. La massima affidabilità di funzionamento, anche con differenziale di pressione elevato, è assicurata dal posizionamento del cuscinetto all’esterno della camera di compressione.
Per saperne di più, contattaci
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When at Home...
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People spend most of their time at home resting, spending quality time with their families, and doing other essential activities such as preparing food, cooking, eating, and many others. It is important to take the necessary actions and to develop sustainable habits in order to conserve electricity and water.
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greenbuildermedia · 2 years
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abbeyofcyn · 10 months
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*phaneang curry contains peanuts
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little7soldier · 2 years
So I just came back home from visiting my family in my homecountry for a week to a water issue in my flat. The worse is that my flatmate and her boyfriend who is staying over temporarily discovered the issue days ago and did nothing until we have now a continuous leak of water in one of the bathroom😤😤😤😤 They were going to ignore it even today. I had to look for a tutorial on youtube about how to find and switch of the water tap. Their excuse: we dont pay for water and it will be absorb in the building common cost ?! WTF like yeah let's waste tones of fucking water for days who cares that lots of people don't even have acces to water to survive??
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avaaricee · 2 years
21-Day Challenge Blog #10
June 13th
Overall Evaluation:
Did your action plan make any kind of difference to lessen your impact on the environment?
Yes, the actions I used to prevent water wastage have led to a lesser impact on the environment. I went from wasting water and being very unaware of how much water I was waiting, to becoming aware of the water I waste.
Do you feel like your action of reducing/eliminating your environmental impact in a certain area(s) was an impractical and inefficient exercise?
I felt like I could've done more than just save water, I feel like I could have made the challenge a little more challenging. Maybe by adding more rules, limiting rules and creating a more broad area of study.
Could you maintain this challenge for a longer period of time?
I could easily maintain this challenge as it was more of an awareness piece than an actual lifestyle change. Knowing the damage you cause actually helps with changing your lifestyle which makes it easier for me to follow the rules made for myself. Ill probably continue this lifestyle beyond the 21 day mark as I find it was very easy to maintain.
Did anyone else try to make changes in their lives based on what they saw you doing?
On my 9th blog I mentioned staying over at a friend's place and she actually said that cold showers aren't that bad, and as discussed in one of my earlier blogs cold showers save water, so I guess my one friend did when I told her about the cold showers I was taking.
What kind of support did your friends and family provide to you during this action plan?
No one helped me achieve goals, as I wanted to keep the activity independent, but with every new fact  I’ve learned I’ve told it to my family and friends cause I get bored and talk to them about school. So I guess they provided me with someone to share my findings with.
What would you have done differently if you were to do this eco-action again?
I would make my topic more broad to maybe something like carbon footprint. Although this  topic was very interesting, I found that it was easy to complete my challenges and that my work and research wasn’t broad enough. I felt like I could've done more.
Could this small action grow into something bigger?
100% this challenge could grow into something bigger, either just focusing on water and using less and less, or maybe even branching out and maybe doing water AND food wastage, or something along those lines.
Do you think this action has the potential to change the world?  
I do think that the actions I have taken could change the world, BUT that would be very unlikely. To make a change globally everyone would have to know about the issue, meaning 8 billion people would have to be taught about it. We would also have to get everyone onboard by using less water daily and people are stubborn and don't want to do that.
What questions were you left with at the end?
I answered most of the questions I was curious about through research, the only question I’m really left with is “When will schools educate the students on the water crisis a lot of countries are facing? and when will a national level change be put in place?”
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lord-of-the-ducks · 3 months
Apologies to everyone who follows me because you’re about to be subjected to SO much Lisa Frankenstein posting, I am so deeply abnormal about this movie and I would not be surprised if it ended up being one of my top ten favorite movies of all time.
My only wish is that my theatre could have been more crowded, it was a pretty dead audience (pun intended) which meant I spent a solid 60% of my energy trying not to cause a scene every time there was a needle drop or anything that felt like it was specifically calling me out for being a weird little goth.
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strawhatyami · 8 months
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wachinyeya · 3 months
Indian IT Worker Designs New Eco-Friendly Sewage Treatment Method with the Sacred Cow as His Inspiration https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/indian-it-worker-designs-new-eco-friendly-sewage-treatment-method-with-the-sacred-cow-as-his-inspiration/
Tharun Kumar began to imagine ways to build a better sewage treatment method that could produce good quality water without chemicals.
In 2017, Kumar started ECOSTP with the chambered stomach of the cow as his “bovine inspiration.”
Typical wastewater plants use aerobic bacteria, or metabolism with oxygen, to break down sewage, but this requires the ventilation system that continually runs on energy. Regular sewage treatment also tends to use chemicals, and has the presence of a full-time employee. Kumar has eliminated almost all of these drawbacks.
At the base of the ECOSTP septic tank is a layer of cow dung that provides the bacterial workers. With the water moving via gravity, it enters the second bacterial chamber before passing into the third space which is a filter of sand and gravel. The fourth chamber lies under a garden of select vascular plants which removes suspended solids, pathogens, nitrogen, and phosphorus, the latter two going to feed the plants.
The resulting water is graded by health inspectors as good quality for toilet water and gardening applications. With the aid of a grant from the US-based Biomimicry Solutions, ECOSTP now has 325 clients across 22 states in India, and their septic tanks are unmanned and unpowered, saving thousands in running costs.
“We are proud to have reclaimed 2 billion liters of sewage so far without power or chemicals.”
ECOSTP is now seeing if it’s possible to identify anaerobic bacteria that can remove the harmful compounds of industrial effluent.
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