#Why was I banned anyway
turtleblogatlast · 4 months
Love the thought of Leo just casually being well traveled to absurd degrees. Like one day they’re facing their new Big Bad of the year and like, Draxum or whoever says that the key to their fight is located somewhere in, like, Latvia or some place, but no one knows where to start.
Then Leo’s like “oh I know a place” and when asked how the heck he could know of one it smash cuts to Leo falling through the ceiling of said place due to a portal mishap.
Also love the idea of Leo, being as accidentally (and then later, purposefully) well traveled as he is, sometimes taking his family on outings to different places all over, maybe to some new Yokai spots he found along the way.
In these places, Leo 100% lets his bros get scammed by tourist traps.
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die-rosastrasse · 4 months
I love you bad art, I love you amateur art, I love you self learning, I love you cheap art supplies, I love you journals, I love you crafts, I love you art available for everyone, I love you second hand art and objects, I love you free museums, I love you handmade gifts, I love you childish drawings, I love you art that nobody ever saw except for the artist, I love you taking time to learn a skill, I love you art history, I love you free tutorials, I love you art as a school subject, I love you things that took a long time to make, I love you art studies that are considered useless, I love you the human need to create and change the world around you to be more beautiful and more meaningful.
I hate you AI art, I hate you generated content, I hate you singe-use images, I hate you mindless consumption, I hate you stealing from artists, I hate you reposting without sources, I hate you lying about using AI, I hate you pretending like art is something unachievable and reserved only for the chosen ones.
Make art!! Make "bad" art that is actually special because you took the time to make it. Make art for yourself that you show no one. Make art for others that they'll cherish forever. See how your whole world changes, see how you start noticing beautiful and inspiring things all around you. Make things with love and devotion. Fuck AI.
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possamble · 1 month
In one of the extra comics Marcille mentions that elves don't have body hair, her included. So Falin staring at a naked pussy is Canon
I mean, I hear what you're saying but...
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To be 100% honest, this feels really ambiguous. She's a little too worked up in that second panel. Like, a lot of people have interpreted it as her being defensive and self-conscious about the fact that she shaves and waxes religiously (especially in the context of a trans headcanon) and that feels more right to me?
My personal interpretation is that she really doesn't grow little facial hairs (partially bc we've seen Senshi's huge beard turn into a tiny little elf stache so there is some real evidence for that). But then she doesn't actually know if she has peach fuzz or not and gets REALLY flustered about being scrutinized before she can check for herself and shave off anything she doesn't like.
But either way, my point is that I don't think we're meant to take Marcille's words here at 100% face value and consider it evidence for elf physiology.
And listen. I think Marcille should have a bald pussy in the bath scene bc rule of funny. But beyond that, I want to believe elves can grow pubic hair. I want to believe in the postcanon blondie bush. She's exponentially cuter with it, and I don't want Falin to have to eat bald pussy for the rest of her life. I'm only half joking when I say I want it as a part of her character growth. At the end of the story, Marcille Donato accepts that she is a living, breathing animal that eats and will be eaten and sweats and shits and grows hair all over her body. She learns to accept mortality, starts to reconcile with the inherent grotesqueness of being alive, and most importantly, lets her bush grow out for the first time in her life. And it's beautiful.
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youssefguedira · 9 days
V, JoeNicky & Nile
V. An abandoned or empty place.
When Joe pulls the sheet off the couch it kicks up enough dust that it makes Nile sneeze. The couch underneath is old, wooden frame rotting, fabric stained and full of holes where moths have eaten away at it. 
“Sorry,” Joe says to Nile when she finally manages to get the sneezing under control. “Didn’t realise it was that bad.” He puts his hands on his hips and looks down at the couch. Nile looks it over.
“There’s no saving that,” she says, wiping at her eyes. She can heal from falling over ten stories, but she can’t get away from allergies.
Joe frowns. “I liked that couch.”
The house is older than anywhere else they’ve brought her, and has been abandoned for long enough that it’s falling apart. But through some trick of posing as their own sons, or something, Joe and Nicky still own it, even if there’s a giant hole in the roof and all the windows are broken. Why they’d decided to come back here, Nile doesn’t know, but it’s a nice enough area, and a good distraction from, well. Everything. Growing back a leg, she’s discovered, is not fun. 
From one of the other rooms – she thinks it’s the kitchen, she’s not actually sure where Nicky had wandered to – there’s the sound of something breaking and crashing to the ground, and a muffled curse. 
Joe makes a questioning noise in the vague direction of the kitchen. A few moments later, Nicky appears in the doorway, covered in dust. “I am okay,” he says. “But I think we will need to go out to eat tonight.”
Nicky shakes his head. “Unless you want to start a fire and go hunt some rabbits.”
Joe grins. “Just like old times, right?”
Nile shakes her head firmly, which makes Nicky smile. She loves them, but there’s no way they’re doing that. 
“We can probably clear out enough space in here,” Joe says, gesturing to the floor. “Get the sleeping bags out of the car. Probably have to start a fire anyway, but…”
Nile looks around again while Joe says something to Nicky in Arabic that makes him laugh. The house is falling apart, sure, but it’s structurally stable, and the bones are all there. It could be something. They’ve got time to make it something. 
Nicky is the one who goes for pizza in the end – he doesn’t trust Nile and Joe to order it if left to their own devices – while they try to clear out a space in the living room. Eventually, though, after Nile has another sneezing fit, Joe suggests they just take the sleeping bags outside instead, which works out a lot better. He sets about starting a fire with practiced ease while Nile sets out the sleeping bags around it. They’re far enough away from civilisation that she can’t hear cars passing by, which is kind of surreal, and the stars are brighter than she’s ever seen them. 
When Nicky gets back, two boxes balanced on one arm and a bottle of wine in the other, he looks over their makeshift camp and laughs. “Just like old times, then?” he asks.
Joe grins. “Except we have pizza.”
“And actual sleeping bags,” Nile says.
“Ah, these modern inventions could never quite match the comfort of a pile of furs,” Joe says wistfully. Nile gives him a look. She’s ninety percent sure that one’s bullshit, but she can never quite tell with him. 
Nicky sets down the pizza boxes, and jogs back to the car to grab the pack of plastic wine glasses they’d bought before they got here. 
“We should’ve bought marshmallows,” Nile says. “Could have made s’mores.”
“Well, we’ll have to go to the hardware store tomorrow anyway,” Joe points out. “And I think it’ll be a little while before we can actually sleep in there.”
“Tomorrow, then?”
“Tomorrow,” Nicky agrees.
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designerpvssy · 1 month
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🛍️🛒~✦𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐬✦~🛒🛍️
As you can see, 𝙄'𝙢 𝙢𝙨.𝙨𝙠𝙮𝙮; the founder of 𝙙𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙣𝙚𝙧𝙥𝙫𝙨𝙨𝙮.𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙥 where you can read the most filthiest, nastiest, toe-curlying one shots you'll ever read all for free, I know- generous aren't I? And while I am quite new within the writing business, I will take requests if given respectfully (bc I'll respectfully cuss you out if you come at me with any sorta disrespect) and if I don't respond to your ask it's probably because I didn't feel comfortable doing so.
So I'd like it if people could understand and respect that and as far as boundaries- I'll make a list later of what I will and will not tolerate along with what I don't and won't write for.
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I write for mostly All fandoms just not the minors that are in them and that includes aging them up but whatsoever I don't judge people who do write for them because that's their choice just know you won't catch me reading it.
But besides that my lil shoppers- check out my products, feel free to send in requests for custom content and enjoy! (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)
@cafekitsune for the star dividers!! The other dividers including the gif were made by me so don't use w/o cred!!
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lunarharp · 6 months
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Very important conferences.
#witch hat tag#orufrey#some real serious discussions goin on in this atelier today. dont u doubt it.#agott is the only one who has ever thought about this because she is a 12 year old lesbian and UMM..FRIEND? LIKE FRIEND? IS THAT..LEGAL???#this is all i drew today because silly things like this take hours lol. at least it's practice for poses -_-#i got the pattern of the girls' dresses wrong but i couldn't be bothered to change halfway through.#don't worry if you're like what is the naakiwan downs. is that name even mentioned in the main manga#ANYWAY i KEEP thinking about what if it's actually banned for professors and watchful eyes to date like that would make a lot of sense.#like maybe it should be banned. SO??? are they just low-key Aware of what the deal is and they're just Putting their feelings aside#until graduation??? take my tassel as an unspoken reminder of how i feel?? living together trial period?? this feels like it's truly it#When we're free to be together........ Sensei loves homophobia parallels without there actually being homophobia#Let's invent reasons why men cant be together. Ummm well whatever. i'm screaming in my head but it's fine.#this will probably form the theme of my orufrey for a while. i've thought of this before but for some reason today it's big for me.#i guess the tassels might not specifically be a part of that since they exchanged them before tower of books#and qifrey made his mysterious decision to be a teacher after that and..well whatever. I need more of backstory and just..everything?#But i also don't mind when vinanna interrupts my wishes with just a chapter of just being really dreamy? I love witch hat?
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20cm · 1 year
hi, i unfortunately need help covering a combined bill that rounds to roughly ~$1500 due to the vehicle i share with my mother + my only transportation to work being suddenly very out of commission.
$500 is renting the cheapest vehicle we could for a week, the rest is for the part we need to repair it and the repair itself. the issues with it have already cost me hours at work.
i work 'full time' (a little under 40hrs) making minimum wage to support myself + my mom and our animals and we'd been coasting by despite having a $600 vet bill we were chipping away at. right now im prioritizing trying to get this $1500 off our backs.
if youre able anything helps, truly, even just reblogging this. thank you so much in advance (pls dont tag with b00st/etc)
♡ v3nmo: @/rookwind
♡ p@/pal: @/ceeqyinn
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aahsoka · 5 months
i dont like spike or angel hate bc its always like ‘this one did something worse than the other’ like they were both serial killers . they both did questionable shit with and without souls. i dont uhhhhh care. im operating on fantasy supernatural show rules both of these guys would suck objectively irl but theyre not real. why are u watching the show about fucked up people who save the world and date fucked up guys (gender neutral) and complaining about the fucked up guys they date. stop putting ur fave on a pedestal by calling the other one a creep or whatever they are the Same. also they are kissing each other on the mouth.
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can we talk about the katniss/lucy gray parallels (or lack thereof) for a sec?
they're superficially the same, because of the things we talk about all the time: they're both female victors from 12. there are things that come with that culture and background -- the mockingjay, the plants, the songs. those similarities aren't so much between them as people, as individuals -- they're born of coming from the same culture. the most significant thing they share is their resilience; their spirit of resistance and rebellion. their defiance.
but really, all those things they share, only serve to demonstrate just how different they are as individuals (because personality is different from upbringing or values).
we parallel their sarcastic bows, but they're so so different. lucy gray is a performer mockingly curtseying and saying "kiss my ass", where katniss is a hunter who doesn't have time for this society bullcrap.
they both sing the hanging tree, but as i've ranted about, their renditions show how different they are: lucy gray, again, a performer with a spirit unbroken, loud and charming and sassing right to the capitol's face, daring them to defy her, daring them to look away. katniss, again, a hunter, quiet but unyielding, sparking rebellion under the capitol's nose.
they both won their games, but in such different ways. lucy gray charmed the snakes (both literal and in the form of one coriolanus snow), while katniss threw down with weaponry.
lucy gray said look at me, care about me. katniss said fight for me, fight with me.
and so what we see is that they are not at all the same person, but that's what's so important. because it's not just one person or one type of person that puts their foot down and rebels. we don't need a specific kind of Chosen One to light the spark -- anyone can.
#seriously. why am i so invested.#I DON'T EVEN GO HERE#the hunger games#the ballad of songbirds and snakes#lucy gray baird#katniss everdeen#thg meta#anyways i do believe somewhere in the multiverse there's a timeline where lucy gray /does/ spark the rebellion#(in a deeper and more immediate way)#like. look at the way the capitol had to erase her. (and not just because snow was a salty scorned ex.)#there's a universe where she's too popular for the records to really be erased. where she becomes a celebrity and#gains a platform and a network and /access/. where she flexes those snake-charming skills on the capitol.#there's a universe where she sways coryo a little more thoroughly. where she's ripped from him by the capitol#and it radicalizes him. doesn't make him a good person or less of a ruthless player in the game. but one with different goals.#there's a universe where she doesn't have coryo there to cheat for her. in that one she can't hold the snakes off forever.#she dies in the arena. there is no victor and no hope. there is nothing but love for a girl who should've survived.#in this universe the people revolt because the capitol has grown to love her and the districts see nothing to lose.#there's a universe where she survives and gains the respect of all the academy students. children are the future.#this is how the capitol loses control.#there's a universe where lucy gray sticks around in 12 past the music ban. in this universe she'll write quiet songs of rebellion.#she'll run. not out of panem but within it. she will be a singing ghost starting fires throughout a country fractured.#ANYWAYS. I WILL STOP.
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wundrousarts · 9 months
Hi folks! It seems like people are discovering that there are people online who write some WEIRD! 👎 stuff for Nevermoor. Some tips and tricks for dealing with that:
Don't engage. Don't read the fics. Don't even comment to say how much you hate it.
Don't spread it around. It's gross as hell, I know! But being like "ew, guys, I found this gross fic" just means you're causing more people to seek out said gross fic, and that's just not great. If you don't want to see it, no one else wants to either.
If you can: block, mute, or filter. I don't really use any fanfic sites to know if these functionalities exist, but I'm sure people online have found ways. Edit: here's a way to do it on Ao3.
TL;DR: Ignore, Ignore, Ignore. 👍
(PS: Same thing goes for when people send weird inappropriate anon messages. Just delete them from your inbox and don't subject others to them.)
This is unfortunately something that's been present for years in the fandom, on both Ao3 and Wattpad. This is also why I essentially don't read Nevermoor fics unless they're for Mogtober, and even then I'm cautious. I have seen some weird stuff written about my favorite characters that I wish I could pluck from my brain and set on fire, or worse! But when I stumble across that stuff, I just quickly close the tab and pivot to something else to get my mind off of it.
We should not entertain these types of people in a fandom full of minors about a middle grade series, so: just don't engage with them, ignore them, filter them out, and maybe even drown them out with some fics of your own.
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varpusvaras · 10 months
Bail: *reading something for the Senate at his desk*
Fox: *comes slogging in*
Bail: Oh, hello love
Fox, faceplanting onto the couch: Helourhhghhhhdjdhfjgfh
Bail: Rough day at work?
Fox: Uhhhggghhgg, I don't even know where to start. First we get one suspect in and then the Jedi want to come and interrogate her, and then we get the Jedi murdering the suspect on tape, and then of course she is Skywalker's Padawan, and he comes in after Tarkin has been there-
Bail: *reaching for the comlink to ask Padmé if she has heard anything more*
Fox: - and he starts demanding to be let in because 'that's his Padawan' and he doesn't stop when I tell him that Tarkin said no, and then he gets mad and starts to threaten me if I'm not letting him in-
Bail: *eye twitching* what
Fox: - who does the think he is, who does he think I am? I cannot just jump from one order to another, if I did what he told me to then Tarkin would get mad and I would get hurt anyway, and now three of my troopers are dead and my head hurts and I want to slam it to a wall or something-
Bail: No, no, don't do that. I'm going to get you some water and painkillers, do you want a hug?
Fox: UughhhfhhfhhfhhhhHHHHHH yes
Bail: Of course, I'll just send this message
Bail: Padmé, I'll let you know that Anakin is not invited to our Garden Parties anymore until he stops being a Karen and starts respecting people who do unpaid labor. I'll sic Breha on him if he doesn't
Bail: Alright, c'mere
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freakinator · 28 days
the way minute just dead stops pacing for a few seconds after clown said he wasnt for peace after the discord votes turn 15
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coffeeworldsasaki · 21 days
I need to start naming the things I'm crocheting because everyone gives them names to sell them and their patterns but I'm so bad with names. Please propose some names for this little guy, I'm writing its pattern and I need something for the title, like "'whatever name' the octopus"
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monty-glasses-roxy · 4 months
I think it would be kinda funny if Roxy, with no attractions to run and not a lot else to do during the day, keeps getting really bored and showing up in the atrium with random shit that was discontinued years ago.
Like I dunno shows up driving a little train thing that used to drive people around all the different areas of the Plex or something and uses it to get people into areas they don't have a pass for as she runs over the staffbots that take your party passes. Starts her own robot wars thing on the main stage with a bunch of shitty remote controlled toys she found in the basement and taped a bunch of plastic cutlery to for weapons. Rallies a bunch of kids to call Freddy over and the second he pokes his head over the third floor balcony railing she fucking shoots him right in the face with a ball gun.
She does this kind of thing after hours too of course, but sometimes it's just a really slow day and she feels like the manager isn't mad at her enough yet lmao
#manager like: it's been a long week...#when it's only monday.#thing is she has literally nothing else to do#she's meant to entertain and she has no way of doing that other than arcade games and shit#which is bound to get boring eventually#hates golf so she's not playing that and she's banned from fazerblast#so either she goes and hangs out with the toddlers at the daycare (unlikely) watch a movie for the 800000th time in the theatre-#join Chica in her boring ass mazercise and fall over in a yoga class that's too slow for her#OR she can go bowling with Bonnie OR she can just piss the managers off and fuck off behind the scenes#just leaves to some abandoned area to entertain herself instead I guess#but like genuinely. she has so few choices and she's probably bored of all of them#why not spice it up with a remote control crab fight on the main stage? she's BORED!!!#she's got nothing better to do than hijack an old locomotive and start not-so-subtley sneaking people into places they didn't pay to go to!#some of these things don't even make her that much less bored but at least she's got something to do now!#might as well do it now she's got it right? management are gonna yell at her anyway!#choo choo motherfuckers Roxy just flattened a staffbot for shits and giggles!#quickly becoming the animatronic the kids think are so cool and amazing but are also too shy and nervous to approach#cause really who steals a fucking TRAIN?!#anyway.#roxanne wolf#fnaf security breach#WHY NOT PUT THIS IN THE MAIN TAGS ITS FUNNY#flys plex history#I guess? eh whatever close enough
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vv-ispy · 1 month
If decarabian was a gamer he would have the most decked out setup imaginable. 2000+ dollar custom keyboard where nearly everything but the internal components are made of solid gold. Top-of-the-line pc entirely encased in various ornately decorated gemstones. He would have at least five monitors (bonus points if they also double as surveillance monitors.) His gaming chair would in fact be a literal throne. At times he thinks that video game logic must surely apply to real life mortal human logic as well and vastly overestimates how durable most humans are.
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Someone save her
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I’m scared for the kids who might unknowingly buy the Harry Potter game or the books or the movies without knowing what’s going on. We need to ACTUALLY ban this franchise. Burn copies in stores. Smash your friend’s computer if you have to. I don’t know why we’re simply telling people to “read other books” and not going full scorched earth. There’s children out there who could be entrapped into this thing and not know until it’s too late…(It’s not censorship because it’s actually bad. Only minorities should be allowed to censor things because we know best.)
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Nice try, buddy.
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