askoinari · 1 year
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It’s ok Pops, you don’t have to exert yourself! Wouldn’t want to throw that back out!
But I’ve grown pretty bored of this place anyway. so I’ll be on my way.
Better luck next time, Grandpa! 👋
( Yako has left the area! )
{ @asksavel }
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askoinari · 1 year
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{ Yako is available for interactions! Their Ask Hints have been updated! }
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askoinari · 1 year
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Not to state the obvious, but I’m getting the feeling that the devil’s in the details.
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It’s like a meal with no meat, not even sauce or seasoning! How boring, how bland!
Well I guess after a while Boring and Bland is the best you’ve got at your age. If you’re going to be ornery maybe asking the Lovesick Titans will answer some questions.
( @asksavel )
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askoinari · 1 year
Yako, what’s your opinion on Humans?
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I’ll never see what Inari sees in them, but to each their own I guess.
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askoinari · 1 year
This… certainly was a tall Thievul, Mirio thought. Mirio himself was a foot taller then the average zoroa-.. Human. Maybe this is just the normal size of Theivuls where ever they're from? If the vibes weren't off about this fox, Mirio would have asked to take his picture.
"You were.. 'eating prayers' yeah? What does that even taste like?.. Does that even have any nutritional value??"
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Hm, I see.
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I wouldn’t call prayers a balanced part of any yokais’ breakfast, but they’ll suffice in a pinch. They’re more like snacks if you’re feeling peckish, like a dream.
The essence of a prayer comes from the soul, which holds a lot more value than the prayer itself. It’s this essence that can give a god a boost in their own power, especially a god like Inari. When you have hundreds and thousands of people and Pokémon praying to you every day, you’d be sitting pretty golden up there in the clouds too, wouldn’t you?
As for taste, it all depends on the state of the soul when the prayer is given. A prayer offered in sadness tends to be bitter, while one offered in happiness can be sweet. An angry prayer cursing another tends to be spicy, but I’m sure you get the idea by now.
By the way, you may as well take that picture for your Instaglam, I guarantee you won’t find another fox like me around here. But a word of advice: If you’re going to disguise yourself as a human, I wouldn’t go making friends with dogs a regular habit, personally. You’ll live longer.
( @excursioningzoroark )
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askoinari · 1 year
Vekpa @ Yako: EATING PRAYERS? That doesn’t sound VERY SUSTAINABLE. SURELY there is something more nutritious and tasty that you LOVE YOU EAT?
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Well, you’re certainly not wrong. Prayers are barely a snack, to be honest. But it’ll do in a pinch.
Souls on the other hand? A fair meal, for the most part.
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Sometimes I’ll eat the body too, If I’m the mood. Definitely crunchier and messier than a soul, but at least more filling. Fresh is best.
{ @askvekpa }
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askoinari · 1 year
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Hello, and welcome to Ō-Inari’s alter. Here you may leave an offering of money, sake or food for Ō-Inari alongside a prayer.
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askoinari · 1 year
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What had happened
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askoinari · 1 year
[ @ Yako ] "Seems like you and Inari have known each other for a time, now. I wonder for how long, though." Capital tilted their head to one side. "Perhaps you two go back to before Inari became a deity... would that be too bold of a guess to make?"
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Well I suppose you’re right, we’ve known each other for quite some time, though I wouldn’t call us childhood friends. It’s been a good…3500 years, I’d say?
What’s that trope humans like so much for their stories? “Friends to [ REDACTED ] to Enemies” ? I suppose our story is something along those lines.
Funny how things work out.
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ask-the-shiny-pokemons · 10 months
{ @AskOInari } @Wil: Aren’t you tired of being nice? Don’t you just wanna go apeshit sometimes? What does that feel like? A penny for your thoughts? - Yako
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As Wil sees Yako, he gets enraged.
His hand was shaking. He is ready to use a move. He gets nervous because he is facing an alpha Pokémon. However, he hears a familiar feminine voice.
“OH, WILY!!!” a shiny Absol appears, running directly to Wil.
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“C-Cath??? What are you doing here?”
“First, I’m gonna ask you: why are you going to attack that huge Thievul?”
Wil scratches his head. “Well, I’m… I want to show how angry I am. And I also don’t like his look.”
“I foresaw the disaster that you are gonna hit him. It might end badly for you, but thank Arceus I’m here to rescue.”
“Fair.” He nods. “Anyway, what brings you to the studios anyway?”
“Oh, I wanna see you at work.”
“Well, it has been months since I’ve been working here and nothing extraordinary for me yet.”
“Did something change between this?”
“Welp, I got the salary raise and my name is at least in the credits.”
“Oh, very nice! Even if it's a small step, it's still a big achievement!”
“So, it’s good to see you here, Cath! It’s been a very while since we last talked. I think it was after my job appointment. I wish to talk to you very often. I made a friend with Rimi!”
“It’s okay. I’m Rimi’s #1 fan too and I’m glad that you and her and now friends!”
“You are still one of the best. I’m just good at making friends.”
Cath smiles at Wil, they both spend the time together at the studio.
“What about a disaster?”
“Eh, it’s not very important anyway! Anyway, Mr. Big Thief.” she says to Yako “I think if I was a casting director, I might hire ya to play in folklore movies.”
[ @askoinari ]
Catherine a.k.a. Cath is now ready to shine! She’s available for a limited time.
Ask hints also updated for her.
Bonus under the cut:
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askoinari · 1 year
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Oh, welcome back! Is everything alright?
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I apologize for inconvenience but that damned yako has been interfering with our work again. I’ve been able to salvage most of the prayers they stole, but unfortunately some have been lost to them.
The kiko that was attacked did not suffer any serious injury, so they should make a full recovery quickly enough.
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That’s good to hear, at least. I will do what I can to help the other kiko.
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I will see to it that the barrier remains intact, and check the other nearby alters in case they’ve managed to steal from them too.
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Thank you for your hard work, I really appreciate it. I wish you safer travels.
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It is my pleasure, Ō-Inari; thank you.
< Kiko has left the room >
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I’d greatly appreciate it if you didn’t torment my kiko so callously. Their jobs are already hard enough, you’re not making it any easier for anyone.
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Oh, but what’s the fun in that, my most dearest friend?
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askoinari · 1 year
{ Previously… }
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Well, if you’re going to just sit here and wait for something to happen, you’ll be sitting pretty until the world ends, at the rate this is going!
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May as well put on your cap and cloak and look for some clues, Sherlock!
{ @ask-meitra }
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askoinari · 11 months
@Yako: Souls and Prayers, I can relate, in a way. But you are interesting. Like how that mask seems to shift and move like flesh... But lets talk about something else. You know that god well. 'Dearest' friend, you called them. Your connection with the one known as 'Inari' seems settled, like a cracked foundation on an old building. You know them well enough to mock them specifically, to know how to best spite them. Just how storied is your past with this 'god' known as Inari?
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Well, you’re certainly a perceptive one, aren’t you? Luckily for you, I like drinking tea just as much as I like spilling it, but only under favorable conditions.
As you might’ve already guessed, ours is a long history lifetimes in the making. While I didn’t have the pleasure of sharing their childhood, I met them at a time when we were both trying to figure out our place in this beautifully complicated world of ours. Throughout our time together I’ve come to love them just as well as any friend would. Just as well as any lover would.
While our foundations have weathered many a fierce storm with none worse for wear, it still stands, albeit with nothing a little duct tape and gorilla glue can’t fix.
Despite my best efforts, Inari’s heart belongs to the people of this world, and they’ve left me not much choice but to either take it or leave it. So I take what I can get, which is only as much as they’re willing to give.
If you’d like to see their side of the coin, I suggest offering them a penny for their thoughts.
( @iamyourdoubt )
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askoinari · 1 year
Minal @ Yako: So your name is Yako, right? Does it have a meaning or something? It seems like a cool name!
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Well, depending on context and where you’re from, it usually refers to “wild foxes” or your garden variety fox of no importance or magical ability.
Alternatively, it’s also a term referring to terrible trickster fox spirits who delight in the torment and terror of mortal and spiritual prey.
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Much like yourself.
( @pmd-paths-to-requiem )
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askoinari · 1 year
(@ask-team-searchlights) Gen@Yako: Trembling, the little Oshawott asked. "Um...p-people and prayers aren't th-the only things y-you eat, right? I, uh, c-could make you some o-okanomiyaki if you'd l-like."
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I admit, it’s been a while since I had something a little different.
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Alrighty, I’ll take you up on your offer, human. Preferably with chicken, thank you.
{ @ask-team-searchlights }
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askoinari · 1 year
Yako, what would you consider your greatest accomplishment?
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I suppose, despite everything, I lived.
You don’t get to my age and power easily, and not without making a few enemies along the way.
( @bakfoo )
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