#Yandere Leo
oleander-nin · 3 days
For the sentient bot au (rottmnt)
How would they react if their darling was able to crochet? Like every time they we’re watching the show, they’d be a little distracted with making a plushie or a piece of clothing. Would they be jealous that they aren’t paying attention, or if they bring them to their universe would they ask them to make something for them?
A/N, not important: This was super cool to write because I do a *lot* of needle work lol. I knit, crochet, sew, embroider, etc. I did headcannons for this, mostly because I didn't know how to write this as a proper fic and it's easier to get back into the groove. Apologies for my absence(and the fact this was requested back in September of 2023). Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me. - Ollie
CW: Stalking, being watched without your knowledge, sentient show characters, obsession, yandere themes, dark themes
Words: 849
Summary: You crochet, oblivious to the constant eyes on you.
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He thinks what you do is absolutely charming. Whenever the screen flickers and they can gaze back, he loves to watch you work. He admires the deftness of your craft, even going so far as to see if he could pick it up too. He sees it as a great way to bond. Whether he succeeds or not in picking up the needle work as well doesn’t matter much to him. He’s just delighted you’re a fellow artist in your own right.
He loves to design patterns for blankets or create his own unique stuffies for you to bring to life. He wants to bring his own touch into your work, to try and intertwine the both of you as much as possible. What better way than to combine your hobbies?
Obsesses over what you make to see if he can figure out what you like. He’ll take note of the colors you use, of whether you kept what you’ve been working on or gave it to a friend, or even sold it. He’ll see if you make more stuffies or sweaters, whether you prefer blankets or hats. He’s internalized every choice you’ve made, from the yarn fiber you prefer to where you most often work on your hobby.
Watches you in interest. He finds your hobby interesting and calming. He loves seeing your fingers curl around the yarn and how your hook moves so smoothly. It’s almost soothing to him, so much so he’ll do anything to keep watch. Home security system? Donnie can find a way to weasel his access from just your streaming devices to every electronic in your vicinity. He wants to keep an eye on you, and see what else you create.
Keeps a lot of knitted and crochet works for you to try and match what you have in your home. He’ll collect sweaters, blankets, stuffies, pillows, and anything in between that happens to be made via needle craft. He wants to make the lair seem more at home to you, and what better way then to find every sensory pleasing work he can?
Glad you have a hobby so you’re distracted while they work on bringing you ‘home’. Having you so focused on your work, while at times hurtful, makes their plans to cross the interdimensional barrier a lot easier. The less you pay attention to them, the more they can plan. Of course, once you’re actually in his arms that’ll change. He’s not fond of being ignored.
He’s ecstatic about it. He thinks it’s incredibly cute and uses it to solidify his image of you being some soft, fragile soul. He’ll internally coo and croon over you whenever they’re able to look back at you, eyeing your newest project with interest.
Raph has a lot of respect for your craft, especially since he’s tried to knit before. He hopes you’ll be able to teach him and let him work with you. He can hardly wait to snuggle next to you while you explain the steps to him.
He can’t help but hope for you to make him something when you’re finally able to come ‘home’. He wants to add your personal handiwork to his collection of stuffed animals. He’ll put it on his top shelf where no one can mess with it, only taking it down to cuddle on special occasions. It’ll be his pride and joy, something for him to treasure immensely.
Wanting to make it easier on you, he’ll start looking for patterns to give to you, some for when you’re finally with them and some for Donnie to nudge in your direction online. He’ll find yarn and hooks, creating a giant collection just for you. He wants to show you his love, show you that he can give you everything you need and more.
Thinks it’s sweet. He can’t help but view it in a cutesy way, no matter what you make. He sees it as part of your charm, knowing you at least have a hobby to keep you busy when he’s away. He just can’t help but wish you wouldn’t do it when you’re supposed to be watching him.
Leo wants you to pay more attention to him. As much as he adores your hobby, he despises how you only seem to do it when you’re watching them. You never give him your full attention, never have your eyes on the screen for the entire time he is. It makes him seethe inside. He’ll make sure to fix that habit once he has you in his arms though.
He always feels a bit bitter when you give something away in front of them, knowing he’d never be able to hold that piece himself. He wants nothing more than to hoard what you make. He can’t help but assume whoever you gifted something to is taking advantage of you. You shouldn’t give away your handiwork, especially when you could save it for him! He plans on finding everything you’ve made when they’re finally able to break the barrier between worlds to take you.
Tag list: @f1oricide @itsyagurlchip @lordfreg @acutiewithagun @rottmnttmnt2012 @lixnininotnay @lexiechr @ssak-i @rottmntsimp
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yanteetle · 9 months
Oh, you mean Yan Donnie and Yan Leo VS Y/n?? Now Let's talk about that <3 /hj
As much as I love the disaster twins fighting each other over y/n, I've seen enough of it that I've gotten a strange craving for them teaming up against y/n. They'd obviously bicker and fight each other still, but when it comes down to business, these twins don't play around <3
Imagine you slip up on an especially important rule (or try to escape) and they start looking at you like this while they decide on what punishment(s) to dish out..
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Leo would not hesitate to add fuel to the fire, and it that can only mean that Y/n is absolutely fucked. I will not elaborate any further <3
Taglist: @dynaspamm @faetaiity @fried-milkfish @milks-thoughts @hearteyedracooon @crystallinecryogenics @monster-fluffer @syrinxmeadow @zxphy @mellytumbles @nekonekoastume @sockidox @temmerlover @ramblehour @redak-ted @unnamedindividual @lampylamperson
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tmntxthings · 4 months
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Author’s notes: short lil drabble ish cause i don’t ever remember writing leo as a yandere, have i only ever done donnie???
Warnings: yandere tendencies, stalking, implied murder, intimidation, gaslighting, manipulation, unedited
Song: House of Balloons/Glass Table Girls by The Weeknd
Yandere!Leonardo who is tired of watching you. He’s itching to talk to you. To have your eyes finally recognize the shadow that follows after you. For that attention you give so freely to be his. No one else should matter, you’re his whole world. It’s only fair if he becomes yours in return.
Yandere!Leonardo who seamlessly enters your life like it wasn’t pre-meditated. Like he hadn’t planned every minute detail. He was meticulous when it came to you. Think of him as your knight in shining armor. Come to him with all your troubles.
Yandere!Leonardo who fixes all of those issues that you have. Your neighbors in the apartment aren’t as loud anymore, actually you haven’t heard them fighting for a couple nights now. They must’ve made up or maybe even broke up! Either way it didn’t matter to you, finally you could get a good nights rest.
Yandere!Leonardo who starts draping himself over you. You guys are friends now. Friends touch! It takes some getting used to, but don’t worry it’ll be second nature soon. Don’t think too much about it. His frame leaning into yours, his arms going over your shoulders. He’s tired, he stayed up too late again. Won’t you let him rest against you for a little while? He’ll even close his eyes.
Yandere!Leonardo who thought he had taken care of all your little love interests. But he portals over unannounced only to hear you gushing about this new guy, someone from your finance class. He creeps closer to your bedroom door, it’s cracked open, just a sliver. He peers through to see you bouncing around, jumping on your bed to kick your feet out happily.
Yandere!Leonardo whose eyes grow cold as the phone call hangs up. Words of encouragement were given to you. To finally go after a crush since the last couple had gone so horribly. He thinks this kind of puppy love isn’t good for you. Why can’t you just catch on already? Does he have to spell it out for you?
The door creaks open.
You lurch up, smile disappearing from your face.
So does your flush. You look ashen now.
Maybe it was because he had a sword out.
He’d never pointed one towards you.
Despite his weapon now facing you, he tilts his head and tries for a smile. It’s strained, his eyes looking at you with barely restrained mania. It’s been hard keeping his true self hidden from you. The side that wants to whisk you away and keep you from the rest of the world. No one else deserves you. Your happiness. Your smiles. Your attention, that was all his.
“You belong to me.”
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f1oricide · 7 months
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Functioning couple activities 💙
Sorry if y’all got confused as to why my post disappeared I JUST SEE LITTLE THINGS AND FIX IT
Taglist: @itsyagurlchip @moontail13 @rottmntsimp
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helpfandom · 6 months
nervously taps you on the shoulder
Hi, soooo uhhh if you're comfortable with topics like these, could you write the yandere ROTTMNT boys with a reader who has PTSD-?? (If you do groups/team-ups, then I'd like this to be one) Platonic or romantic, whatever you want :D
Flinches at the sound of a door opening in a room they're in and at yelling or loud noises, tears up when they're yelled at, gets nervous when someone looks angry or upset, and is terrified of pain. Very affectionate, but doesn't cross any lines, kind, soft, sensitive and compassionate. Projecting? Who, me? ..Yes, actually-
I read the rules and I didn't see anything about stuff like this, so I'm guessing it's alright with you? If it's not, I am terribly sorry, and you can ignore this ask! If it's not against your rules, and you want to write it, take your time! (*´▽`*)
I love you for reading the rules! Thank you for being nice, and as I asked the other anon, would you like an anon name?
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They all interact with you differently, but a few things will be the same, so it starts with the same activities they do, and then delves into the characters.
Similarities: They all recognize that this is what you have, and would never make you feel bad about it, but Donnie is the one who realizes first, seeing as he placed a tracker to track your mood and heartbeat, noticing how you flinch at little sounds, and the like. They all wish to find out who caused this to you, and why this happened to their little sibling, however their way of removing that being from your life is quite differing.
Raph: Raph is more babying than his typical Yandere counterpart, and often finds himself speaking softer and more vulnerable around you, trying to show you that it's okay to be vulnerable, and to tell your brothers friends what happened.
Leo: Leo is a lot more comforting, and a lot less cocky than he would be around a typical darling. He creates a tiny little space for them in his room, and lowers his voice rather than his typical scream/yell voice, for he doesn't want to upset you.
Mikey: Mikey is a lot more willing to cross edges or lines he wouldn't find himself crossing with a typical darling. He finds himself a lot more angry and more clingy, wanting to assure you that the person is gone now and to trust your brothers.
Donnie: Donnie is one of the most normal [aka the most like his typical yandere counterpart] and is more technologically giving, putting microphones on things you own to find out why, and finding out triggers [something that Raph and Leo forgot to do] to eliminate them from your life, and to make their home a safer space for you.
No matter what, you just need to trust your brothers!
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theangelcatalogue · 3 months
Gender-neutral !☆
Romantic !☆
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★ -> He feel for you when him and his brothers fought with you and P/N (That's mean Partner name,you can see it romantic or friendship)
☆ -> And after you two fight and you tease him a little,he is in love,oh god....
★ -> He is delusional,he thinks you are a good person,that you being forced to do everything you do and that you are asking for help while fighting
☆ -> He blames it on P/N,he thinks P/N is using you,manipulating and forcing you to act like that and doing everything you do,so he always will try to convince you manipulate and guilty trip you(he says to himself that is for your own good) to be on his and his brothers side
" I know that P/N is forcing you Y/N! You don't need to work for/with him anymore! "
" Come on! I hurt you and your brothers and you think i am a good person? "
" I know you are asking for help,i can help! "
" Gosh, you are kinda delusional, uh? "
★ -> He won't would say delusional, he knows you are a good person nop you are just a villain lol
☆ -> He is obsessive, he knows everything about you
★ -> Fight style? Yup! Favorite food? Yup! Favorite color? Yup! What do you said to him in their second fight? Yup! How? Maybe he already stalked you and heard your reunions with P/N...
☆ -> In the middle of your two fights, he would say things to make you join his side, resume?
★ -> Manipulation and Guilty trip!
" Look, you can join us! I know P/N is forcing you! But i- I mean, we can't help you! Set you free! "
" Pls Y/N i know you are a good person...! "
★ -> And when he sees P/N he focus more on him than you, like if he wanted to destroy him
☆ -> And he wants! He is the motive you are like that! When P/N be gone, you will be free
★ -> Because everything he is doing, is for you
☆ -> He already said about for his brothers, April and Splinter, did they understand him? No.
★ -> But he does not care! One day will you be in his side
☆ -> On the lair, on the good side, where you belong.
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NOTES || ★
✮ Tbh i dind't watch Hazbin Hotel,but Lute and Adam's designs are ✮
✮ and a person said that i could use these two in this hc,so here we are ✮
✮ Leo could be more delusional and obssesive than Donnie,omg(?) ✮
✮ Idk just remember of drink water and take care of yourself ✮
✮ Thanks for reading! ✮
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trashlama · 7 months
- Did I mention that I have a thing for muscles?
- May color this later
- I got so much to color...
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Rough-Rough Drafts ↓
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sinister-things · 1 year
Yandere ROTTMNT Headcanons
NOTE: I do not support this behavior in real life. This post is made for entertainment purposes ONLY. Everything in this post(and beyond) should always stay fictional. Please seek professional help if you or a loved one are experiencing any of these behaviors.
This post was inspired by @pianocat939 's headcanons
Also ⚠️TW⚠️: Mentions of stalking, murder, kidnapping, manipulation, and body restraints
Dependent + Protective
Everytime you visit the lair, he's dragging you to the training room to show you the newest move he learned
He just gets so much comfort when you're around! He feels so warm and safe!
But, overtime, he becomes dependent on your attention. He secretly follows you places without you knowing
Treats you like glass. Is super afraid to hurt you
Which results in babying you to the extreme. Basically deludes himself into believing you can't do anything by yourself
If he needs to go anywhere(like patrol or something) he has one of his brother's watch you
If you ever escape, he's sent into a rampage that not even his brother's can tame
"Hun, where are you? You're freakin' me out!"
Overall, he's very suffocating, but he means well... if locking you away in the sewers is your definition of well
Manipulative + Dependent
Master of mind games
He won't admit it, but he feels useless
So, to make himself feel better, he makes himself useful... by making you feel helpless
The reason he manipulates is because he want's you to see him as your knight in shining armor
Anything could trigger an obsession. Likely some kind of heart-to-heart interaction
If you're someone who isn't manipulated easily, he will up the ante
I imagine he'd snap if he found out one of your friends had a thing for you
He's 100% killing your friend
Then he's coming to your house to whisk you away
Don't bother trying to hide. He'll find you
"There you are, princess! Don't cry– your knight is here!"
You're his little darling, all vulnerable without him guiding you
Obsessive + Controlling
Poor Othello Von Ryan felt that his inventions weren't enough for his family(but he would never admit that)
You asked about one of his inventions and he immediately became an excited little boy on christmas morning
Praise him. Tell him he did a good job. He's weak at the knees
Finally, someone sees his genius!
He rarely shows emotion. But when he's alone, a dark voice drives him mad with horrible thoughts
You're just so precious! You mean the world to him!
Tends to stare. He likes to admire you but would never make eye contact
However, if you resist him, he won't hesitate to punish you
However, he's smart and thinks about aforementioned punishment. He wants to find the best way to break you
He's knows what he's doing is illegal and you don't like it, but he doesn't care
Get's jealous very easily
Either he'll kill those... pests or his tech will
"I don't express my feelings very much, but I love you dearly. You're just too paranoid to see that right now."
Delusional + Worshipper
Mikey develops an obsession quite rapidly
You're an angel to him! A goddess even!
Mikey believes that you can do no wrong and that nothing is ever your fault
He memorizes your routine and likes to sit outside your window at night
You just look adorable! So peaceful!
He considers you his "muse"
Pictures of you fill his sketch book and line the walls of his room
He believes that you love him just as much as he loves you
You visit the lair and greet him first? Oh, you little flirt!
You hug him a few seconds longer than you did Leo or Raph? You're dying to touch him as much he does with you!
He believes he is the best choice for you and that no one is worthy of your presence
But, if you try and resist him, he'll just tie you up in his kusari-fundo and cuddle you
Drugs your food if he gets that upset. Only sleeping pills, it's the only thing he has access to
He treats you like you solved world hunger
Oh no, your friend was murdered? How terrible!
You wouldn't blame him, would you?
"You're so pretty, like a goddess!"
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astral--horrorshow · 1 year
Around-The-Clock Shadows
Platonic Yandere ROTTMNT x Reader
Info: This will be a full-length fic including multiple ROTTMNT characters, the main storyline revolves around the Mad Dogs.
Fic Summary: You sure are likeable, aren't you?
Chapter 1: Preparations and Purple Dragons
Characters: Kendra, Jase, Jeremy, Donatello, Raphael, Michaelangelo, Leonardo
A/N: Kicking off the first day of my summer break with a fic! I've been working on this for a while now, so I hope you like it! Apologies for the short length and any bad writing! I was very inspired by @yanteetle , @pianocat939 , @yanyanderes , and @yandere-toons ! (edit: @oleander-nin too!!)
If you want to be added to a taglist, just say the word! If you want to draw fanart or make anything based off of this, I would be literally honored. Please don't be shy, I will love whatever you make! If you have any questions about the fic, feel free to ask!
TW: Kidnapping plans, toxic relationships, stalking, Jase gets kicked in the shin (spoiler: it's Kendra), attempted(?) peer pressure, Leo and Donnie are creepers.
I do not condone any of the behaviors found or done in this fic. This story is purely for entertainment purposes. If you or someone you know is being treated like this, please contact the authorities.
Please Reblog writer's work!
Chapter Summary: You hang out with the Purple Dragons, and the Hamato brothers prepare for your arrival.
Word Count: 1166
Kendra had her hand on the back of your neck, leading you further into the Purple Dragon's closed-off corner of the computer lab.
"And this is the Dragon's Tooth," she said as she pointed to a large, circular table with a small, green device suspended in a glass tube.
"Oooo!" You leaned towards it in curiosity, careful to not get too close to the lasers, "What does it do?" Before Kendra could answer you, Jase rushed over and started to explain with a speedy voice, "The Dragon's Tooth is a military-grade piece of technology that- ow!"
Kendra had kicked him in the shin. Hard. From what you had known about her, she didn't like to be interuppted.
"Shut up, Jase," Kendra snapped.
Jase kneeled on the ground on one leg, rubbing the kicked one with a grimace on his angular face. You reached out to him, but Kendra casually pulled you by the collar of your shirt next to her, placing her hand on the back of the neck you craned to see if Jase was okay and pushed you along yet again.
Your watch suddenly let out a long, piercing beep, which caused your gaze to turn to the plastic screen.
"Oh, I need to get home!" You exclaimed, rushing from Kendra to grab your bag.
"Awh, c'mon, can't you stay a little longer?" Jeremy strolled towards you along with the rest of the Purple Dragons. You were, quite literally, cornered by them, but you still persisted in your quest to return home.
"But I really gotta leave! I'll see you tommorow!" You rushed out, waving to the students strung up by their knickers outside their tech cubbyhole. The Purple Dragons didn't pursue, looking at the silent, red device on the collar of shirt in a cocktails of smugness and satisfaction (mostly from Kendra) and slight guilt of invading your privacy (mostly Jase).
You rushed to the bike racks as soon as you came out of the double doors of the High School. Going to unlock your bike, you spotted a figure in purple slink down an alleyway.
You pulled up to your residence, locking your bike and unlocking the door to your home. Taking off your shoes, and setting your bag down on your bed, you flopped down onto the carpet, feeling the rough material rubbing against your cheek. Despite it grating against your face, you found a sense of comfort in the act. You turned towards your bed, focusing on the underside. Stuck to one of the nails of the supports, was a bright orange piece of cloth. You reached out your arm, grabbing the fabric between your fingers. It was a bit worn, but perfectly clean otherwise. How odd, you didn't remember having any clothes like that.
You opened the freezer door, shivering at the blast of cold air hitting your face. You grabbed the ice cream container as fast you could, and gingerly closed the freezer as to not wake up your family. As you sucked the spoon free of the frozen treat, you gazed at the moonlight filtering through your kitchen. There were a few clouds, but otherwise it was clear. You couldn't see the stars, though. Not in New York City, where lights and air pollution thrive. Putting the ice cream back, (you couldn't eat so much to the point where it would be noticeable) you pulled your blanket tighter around your shoulders and tiptoed back to your bedroom. You buried yourself under the warm covers, a welcome respite from the cold, and closed your eyes, unaware of the being outside your window.
Leonardo chuckled to himself, and propped his elbows up on the windowstill. He watched you cutely snuggle your pillow, your cheek squishing against it. The only thing he wanted was to pinch and squish them 'till they got numb, but bringing you home sooner than planned would make the rest of your new brothers irritated at him. You fell asleep almost immediately, you must've been so tired, poor baby. He pulled out his phone, and dialed a number.
"Hey, Don- what? Yeah, I know it's late. Don't shout at me right now. Yeah, add ice cream to the list."
Mikey skipped into the room, holding a pair of slippers in his hand. He set them down near the bed just as Donatello finished spreading a thick, fluffy blanket on it.
"Ah, thank you, Michael," Donnie spoke upon seeing Mikey with the slippers.
"Anything for them!" Mikey squealed, obviously shaking with excitement.
"Hey, party people," Leo casually called out as he strolled into the room, holding his ōdachi over his shoulders like they were regular sticks instead of mystical, deadly weapons. Upon the red-earned sliders entrance, Donnie turned and glared.
"Leo, I don't see why you had to call me at exactly 2:38 AM last night. It could've waited until morning."
"What?" Leo pulled his hand to his chest in mock indignation, "And not complete the list? I swear, it's like you don't even want them to be happy here!"
"Of course I do!"
Before their squabble could turn into a full-on argument, Raph burst in the room with a number of plushies of different shapes, sizes, and colors in his arms, which he started to arrange on the bed. Donnie sauntered away from Leo to help Raph in an attempt to keep his temper under control, and Mikey arranged things around the room. Leo slumped his shoulders, made a portal with a single slash of his ōdachi, and fell backwards into it.
Donatello typed on his keyboard, occasionally turning his gaze to the other screens, which had a plethora of security cameras, locations of trackers, and information displayed on them. "Occasionally" being every few seconds. Eventually, he gave up on his coding and leaned back to soak up all the information on you and blue light the multiple moniters could give him. He was the number one expert on you, which he had to be if you were going to be happy in the Lair. He was also going to be your older brother soon, which meant he had to make up for all the missing years. You didn't know how much you needed them all, but you would soon. Very, very soon. A ping from his phone pulled him from his obsessive thoughts. He had sent S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N to guard you throughout the day when he or his brothers couldn't do it themselves. His eyes widened to saucers when he saw the feed from his creation.
You, standing there. With the Purple Dragons. Talking to you. Touching you. The Purple Dragons. You, oblivious to their danger.
Donnie leapt up from his chair and sprinted toward the door, racing through the halls. He wouldn't let that horrible, deceiving, Kendra and her flunkies take advantage of you. Over his dead body.
"I'll be there very soon," he thought, "Wait for me just a little longer.
I'll save you."
A/N: *chuckles* you're in danger.
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oleander-nin · 1 year
Yan!Rottmnt find you sleeping in their bed
A/N, not important: Told you I'd get out more this week. I figured out a system to (hopefully)stop me from burning out as quick. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
Tw: watching you sleep, implied kidnapping, yandere themes, Raph overthinking and slight babying, unconsentual touching(nonsexual)
Words: 961
Summary: The Yan!ROTTMNT turtles find you sleeping in their bed, and they didn't even have to bribe you for once.
He’s surprised at first.
You’ve been fighting him on this for so long, despite him trying to reason with you. You hadn’t even touched his bed of your own volition so far.
And yet here you were, curled up in between pillows and blankets and the small rabbit stuffie Mikey had given you when he first met you.
He doesn’t touch you at first, opting to silently watch from a distance.
Has the biggest grin on his face as he coos at your sleeping figure, admiring you.
In his mind, this was a step forward to you accepting him, to you loving him.
Depending on the time of day and what Mikey was doing/how important it is, he’ll either get in bed with you and cuddle you while trying not to wake you, or he’ll sit on his desk and watch you as he draws.
Mikey hushes anyone who walks by, making sure his loud brothers don’t disturb you.
Until he wants your attention.
Then you’re getting dragged out of bed, an excited Mikey holding you in his arms.
You can always sleep later, after all, you obviously don’t care about sleeping in his bed anymore.
Don’t fight it, he knows you better than you know yourself.
Knew about it as soon as you fell asleep.
Is a bit miffed, especially if you didn’t wash before getting into his bed. He’s big on cleanliness, and will not stand for you making his bed all gross. He has to sleep there too, you know.
If you didn’t wash up first, he wakes you up and makes you go take a shower/bath first, taking the sheets to be cleaned and replacing them with spares as you do so. Drags you back to bed once you’re done, you don’t get a choice now. Plus, if you're so eager to sleep in his bed dirty, you’d enjoy it even better now that you’re clean.
If you were already clean, he leaves you be for now, having SHELLDON keep an eye on you to make sure nothing goes wrong while you sleep if he’s too busy to do it himself.
If he can spare the time however, he goes into his room and sits at his desk, being able to work while still being near you.
If he’s done with his work and is feeling up to it, he’s crawling in with you, collapsing on top of you and using you as his pillow. You’re soft and warm, you should’ve expected this to happen.
Gets pissy if you fight back, considering you most likely awoke when he flopped on top of you.
You should be grateful he’s showing you such kindness, he can always make you sleep on the floor.
Overall, he is quite indifferent about it. He doesn’t need you to sleep in his bed by your own volition, he can always just make you. Thinks nothing of it as you should be doing so anyway.
Very pleased with you.
Seeing you sleeping under the covers of his bed of your own volition, just as he wanted you too was so comforting to him. He almost melted at the sight of you surrounded by his various plushies, one of the bears being held in your arms.
The problem lies with his anxiety, however.
You are currently in his bed, alone. If he leaves, you could get hurt. What if a plush falls on your face and suffocates you in your sleep? What if he leaves and you roll off the bed, breaking your neck? What if you have a nightmare, and he’s not here to comfort you?
Despite what he was doing prior, he drops it to watch over you, not trusting you to be safe on your own as you sleep. There were too many things that could go wrong, too many variables that could lead to your suffering.
No, he had to stay with you, to protect you.
It’s what he’s here for after all.
He tries to stay away for as long as he can hold out, watching you from the opposite end of his room as he sits on the floor, just silently staring.
If it gets too much for him, seeing you there all cozy paired with the worry he has for you, he’d crawl into bed with you. He tries his best to not wake you up, simply depositing your body on his plastron as his arms wrap around you.
Freaks out if he wakes you up by accident, shushing you and trying to coax you back to sleep. You need your sleep after all.
This man’s ego raises so high, you have no idea. Is incredibly smug for the rest of the day(unless you do something wrong after you wake up).
See’s this as a win, thinks you’re finally giving in to him. Takes a photo to commemorate the memory before walking over to you.
Depending on his mood, he’ll either slip into bed with you, or sit on the bed next to you and just watch you while you sleep, enjoying this small step towards your reciprocating love.
No matter what, he drops whatever he’s doing to stay near you, not caring how much his brothers fuss at him.
If he slips into bed with you, he’s full on wrapping his arms around you and clinging to you like he’s never felt the touch of a lover before. Absolutely milks it.
If you wake up from his movements, he just shushes your complaints, refusing to let you go now that he’s with you.
You’re the one who was here first, why do you want to leave now?
Is very proud he’s finally making some progress, he knew you’d come around.
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yanteetle · 1 year
if you’re doing requests, what about leo trying to separate y/n from their family/friends? or maybe guilt-tripping them or something, or hell even just being a manipulative little bastard, he *is* the king of mind games after all
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Y/n's been having a harder time leaving his prescence recently... it's quite a shame that he knows all the ways to make them stay, even if they aren't the most... morally ethical.
I was convinced to start drawing fangs on the turtles after one of my moots suggested I try it out! You could interpret this as a yandere Vampire!Leo messing with y/n's head, but it's really all up to you! (I prefer not to because I want to chalk it up to stylistic choice and whatnot) Either way, sorry for taking so long with this by the way, It's been a while since my last proper illustration after having undergone surgery and hospitalization recently! I tried to pay a subtle homage to one of my first drawings with the expressions shown here, and I had fun coming up with the concept of this piece! I played around with a bunch of concepts, but this one speaks the most to me and I hope it does the same for you as well! Thank you for requesting, I hope you have a nice day and it was a pleasure drawing this for you! Oh, and if the text isn't as legible, please let me know so I can fix it! Thank you for your patience!
Taglist: @dynaspamm@faetaiity@fried-milkfish@milks-thoughts@hearteyedracoon@crystallinecryogenics@m0nster-fluffer@syrinxmeadow
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channelinglament · 1 year
If you tried escaping? Yandere ROTTMNT
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Well, a Yandere Leo would definitely go/portal after their darling, and he definitely would not let their darling go after capturing them. Good luck being chained to his bed/ having a shock collar from Donnie. You lost his trust now, that was your only chance ig?
For a Yandere Mikey, he would go after his darling as soon as he found out they escaped. Not a second wasted. He would use his kusari fundo to chain you, and now you two can play a game called "Can you escape the chains that make you bleed?". You can try to squirm out or just let it be. After some time he'll get bored and loose them a bit. But you will still be chained, by either his kusari fundo or other chain. To his wall probably. Say Bye-bye to your personal space. You are always watched now. Yes even in bathroom.
Yandere Donnie would find his darling even before you managed to leave the lair, you have a few minutes of "freedom" and time to "run away" until he captures you. And he definitely would not let you leave again. Just like with Mikey, say bye bye to being alone. Oh and shock collar looks so pretty on your neck, y'know?
As for Yandere Raph, well -
He would definitely have an ear piercing, bone breaking rage attack (RAPH ALONEEE, sorry-)
But yeah, he would stand still for a few seconds, destroy a few things, "calm down" and go after you. You better hide, running won't help u. Hiding too, but you will be "free" for longer at least. Fuzzy chains, shock collar and all y'know? Also will invade your private space.
Basically you're never alone ever again.
Oh and if they ALL were yanderes? Well- you read what happens, you're punished and feel eyes on you all the time. See them. Always have someone who hugs you (Mikey and Raph, Leo?) and you can't do anything on your own again for a long time. Wanna eat? You're fed. Toilet/Bath, well, Donnie either created a bot to do that or well... No comment. Also no privacy.
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yanyanderes · 1 year
The yandere self aware concept is so appealing to me
The guy's falling inlove with the person in another universe? Yes, that's amazing. But, when they're yandere? That's some good shit
Imagine Donnie is desperate for reader to be with them, to the point he builds a machine that's supposed to be impossible to build cause of all the multiverse stuff but hey, he IS in a cartoon world so it isn't that impossible
The reader's so confused when they get transported into the rottmnt world, trying to process the scenerio happening to them while the guy's are so happy to actually meet you! They can protect them properly now :)
Reader getting isolated in the guy's home isn't a far fetched idea. If it guarantees reader's safety, why not?
Hey, why're you trying to leave? We're keeping you safe here!
oooh man, this one’s an old one sent back in october.
sorry it took so long! didn’t have any ideas at the time, so i kinda let this sit in my drafts and forgot to get back to it-
but anyways, this one’s a long one, so i put it under the cut.
“…it actually…!”
“i know… genius… thank me later…”
“…alright? ….been unconscious for…”
“i’m sure… soon.”
the voices all blend together. they all seem so familiar… yet (y/n) isn’t able to pinpoint who they belong to, or where they’ve heard them from, especially when their ears are still ringing.
they groan, their head throbbing in agony. what… happened? one moment, they were watching some cartoons on their laptop, and then…
they manage to pry their eyes open, only to shield them again when a bright light practically blinds them.
the ringing doesn’t stop, but it dies down, allowing (y/n) to hear the voices more clearly. they crane their head to the side and see four figures. three stand off to the side, talking amongst themselves, while the fourth is right next to their aching figure.
as their vision clears, they can’t help but think… are they hallucinating? did they have a concussion? there’s no way this is actually happening…
the figure closest to them seems to finally realize they’ve woken up, judging by the way they call out to the others.
“guys! they’re awake!”
(y/n) tries to sit up, yet the moment they do, they clutch their head in agony, a yell escaping their throat as they curl into a ball.
“hey, hey, take it easy.“
a hand rubs circles on their back. the speaker’s voice sounded so concerned for their well-being… hang on. they know that voice- in fact, they know all their voices!
“it’s you-! ah!”
(y/n) turns their head quickly. maybe a bit too quickly, since the pain quickly gets worse and they clutch their head yet again.
“i just told you to take it easy! here, lay back down.”
large yet gentle hands rest on their shoulders, ushering them to rest. even so, (y/n) stays upright.
“i- i know you! i know all of you! you’re- no, there’s no way…”
do their eyes deceive them? the fuzziness in their eyes slowly dissipates, and-
no. no, they don’t. these are in fact four talking mutant turtles standing in front of them.
“there’s no way, no way! i’m dreaming, aren’t i?”
“no, this is no dream, we are all very much real.”
“but- you’re from a tv show! this- this is so weird.”
“you think that’s weird?! imagine being us! we’re just minding our business, testing out mystic weapons, when all of a sudden we hear cheering!”
“not gonna lie, it was kinda creepy at first, but-“
“but you were so sweet, we couldn’t help but love it!”
mikey wraps his arms around (y/n) and pulls them into a hug, the sudden motion making them woozy yet again.
“you called us cool, you cried when we cried, you cheered us on!”
“you- you heard all that??”
“of course we did! and can i just say, you were absolutely adorable while you were gushing over us.”
it takes a moment for (y/n) to process all this information.
they wake up on a table with a throbbing headache… in one of their favorite cartoons… and now they’re being told the characters were watching them as well.
this is kinda cool, but mostly… really freaky. especially with the way they’re acting with them.
“i- um- thanks?”
(y/n) is admittedly really nervous talking to them face-to-face, especially after learning they had been listening to everything they said about them.
“i’m- it’s a pleasure to meet you, but… how am i here?”
“oh, you have me to thank for that! you see, with me being the genius i am, i managed to construct a machine that could transport you from your dimension into ours!”
he what.
“you… what?!”
“i know! incredible, isn’t it?”
“there’s a way to go back, right?”
“you wanna leave already?”
mikey’s excitement quickly dies hearing (y/n)’s words. he releases them from a hug, and they can see the panicked, almost frantic look in his eyes.
“i mean, it’s really nice meeting you all, i just… have a lot of business to catch up on in my world, and i’d like to get back as soon as possible.”
“but- but- there’s so much we still have to do!”
“and you said you loved us, didn’t you? every time you showed up, you’d be all over us!”
“i know, i just-“
their eyes dart to donnie, hoping he would butt in to help their case. donnie and leo give a quick glance at each other, with leo giving donnie a small nod.
“of course. we understand, pulling you from your dimension and forcing you into ours was wrong, and we apologize. we’ll get to work immediately to rectify our mistake.”
(y/n) lets out a relieved sigh, happy to hear they would be going home soon. though, was it just them, or was donnie acting a bit… off?
they had little time to think on it when mikey’s grip on them returns, this time nearly crushing their ribs.
“donnie, what’re you doing?! they can’t leave yet! raph, tell them they can’t leave yet!”
(y/n)’s gaze flickers over to donnie, who was currently working with the machine that had brought them there. however, they can’t help but worry for the strange noises that emit from the machine…
raph is quick to distract them by stepping in the way, blocking donnie from their field of vision. no matter how they crane their neck, raph seems determined to stay in their sights.
“before you go, why don’t you rest a bit? donnie said something about headaches, are you alright? need me to get you anything? drinks? food? pillows?”
“you can have all the drinks, food, and pillows you want if you stay!”
“but i can’t, i have a life to live! family to take care of, friends to visit, a home to go back to-!”
“this can be your new home!”
the desperation in mikey’s voice only gets more noticeable as he talks more and more.
“we’ll love you, we’ll take care of you! you won’t have to worry about visiting anyone! we’ll give you everything you want!”
by this point, (y/n) had started struggling to get out of mikey’s death grip. what is up with these guys?? they never acted like this in the show!
“i already told you, i can’t-!”
they’re interrupted by an explosion off to the side. no. no, this isn’t happening. raph steps out of the way and, to (y/n)’s horror, reveals the completely obliterated machinery that was supposed to bring them home.
“oh dear! it looks like my invention has spontaneously combusted! what in the world could have caused such an unfortunate event?”
(y/n)’s knows that tone of voice. the almost robotic way of speaking donnie uses only when he’s trying to lie. he did this on purpose.
“ahh, such a shame.”
leo doesn’t even try to hide his lack of concern, given his relaxed- almost pleased- expression, and the way he wraps an arm around (y/n)’s shoulders.
“how long will it take to fix that thing?”
“if we’re lucky, perhaps a year.”
those monsters.
“oh well. hey, don’t worry about it! you’ll love it here!”
“we’ve been getting ready for this day for weeks! we’ve got a room just for you, with all your favorite snacks, and a bunch of games and movies we think you’ll enjoy!”
“don’t worry, (y/n)! we’ll take care of you. we promise.”
‘take me home’.
didn’t know how to end this-
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pianocat939 · 6 months
Part 2 of this
A new competitor for the all-reigning Donnie- (Mean Girl)
Tw: brief mentions of murder and blood, MC being sad sad
When Leo notices the bloody sheets the morning after the murder, he's a little confused. Until he catches sight of the headline blaring on the TV. Immediately, he knows that it was Donnie. Since Raph committed felony during the daytime.
He watches your interactions with people and Donnie's expression all day. He feels a little bad, watching you mope around all day, like you were dead inside. He didn't like the person you were dating either, but in a way his morals are far too good to just see you suffer.
So out of Donnie's eye, he approaches you, asking how you're feeling over the whole disappearance. He's not intense or over pushing it. Just simply checking how you're functioning.
Inevitably, he gets on your good side in an instant. Sure, he may be a pick-me bimbo, but he's still nice to be around. Leo knows Donnie is looming over his back, absolutely livid that he's blocking him off.
But Leo could care less.
His sibling was stupid enough to commit a drastic crime after losing all his morals, so he was going to act hero instead. It humors Leo, knowing that his ever-so-perfect sibling has lost it. It's like watching ice melt. Slowly thawing out into a pitiful puddle of water.
After a few months, you're still completely avoiding Donnie, and seemingly unaffected by him (Leo has had some intense fights with Donnie at home).
Leo has slowly dug himself into your heart, and plans to stay there. He's willing to defend his title against Donnie's maniacal ways.
(Idk ig I'm just starting a little war between the two)
- Celina
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helpfandom · 4 months
Hi, so I felt in love in the way you write head canons for the RISE TMNT and I was thinking if you would feel okay writing something with a reader who had really weird type of memory.
Like,...she can say the same the story multiple times because they forgot they have already told it. (This have happened to me, I told my friend a story on 9th and repeated it on 11th with the same enthusiasm).
Drink some water and get some sleep. Love ya'
Love ya' too. @yanderefangirl
As usual for the 4 turtles, it'll be the group and then the four turtles separately.
Them looking at you while mentally going "we're so going to kidnap you." \/
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All: They all generally find it endearing that you forget little things like the stories you tell, taking it out of a memory issue and taking it as 'They get so happy and excited to be near us, they forget things often.' They each think it's adorable and let you talk to them all the time, regardless of the story being told before.
Leo: Leo is the only person who would actually tell you that you had told this story before, only to then tell you that he doesn't mind, and that he actually finds it adorable. He definitely uses this as a form of manipulation against you, using this opportunity like his brothers to semi - infantilize you. "Ya' know you told me this before, right? Oh don't worry, I like listening to you talk."
Raph: He leans heavily on this to justify it, saying to himself that if you forget simple things like this, than perhaps you do need them, just let him walk you places in case you forget the way there, or in case you forget something at home, or if... Raph is more accepting of the others, and less likely to get onto them for their obsession, but is more likely to stalk you rather than depend on the others for his information on things going on about you. "Are you sure you have everything? Do you want me to walk with you? Do you need me to check if you have everything?"
Mikey: He finds it so cute! You're just like him in that sense, seeing as he can find himself talking about the same thing over and over again, and finds himself connected to you further in that sense, using it to connect as the little sibling in his mind. Mikey is the one more likely to call you, to check up on you throughout the day. "Hey! I was just calling to make sure you hadn't forgotten about us hanging out later! Mhm, see you there!" [There was no hanging out, he was just gaslighting you.]
Donnie: He sees this as an opportunity to find out more and more things about the people around you, cross referencing the stories you tell them versus the stories you tell others, is this person in your story or are they not? "I was just checking, but what is this person doing in your story when last time you said that they weren't?" He tells his brothers these things to let them know who is stuck in your head more often, and if they need to get rid of them...
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theangelcatalogue · 3 months
eeeekk hiii!! I just saw your post, and I wanna make a request! I hope you don't mind..!
I was wondering if you can make some hcs about Yandere!ROTTMNT with a y/n who was brainwashed by someone? Now y/n is not their usual, happy go lucky self, but instead a stoic and empty shell of what they used to be...?
uuuurhhtrf bye bye! thanks for seeing this, and remember, you don't have to do this request! it's fine! ♡♡
Hii! Ofc,i can try! Also i made team up and only with the turtles! If you want i can make separate or with other characters :)
Gender Neutral!☆
Romantic!☆ (You can see as platonic too!)
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☆ -> They noticed you started to act really weird,towards them and everyone,they noticed that when you simply just said hi,it was not the Hi their Sunshine and Happy Y/n would say! It was....just a hello.
" Hi Guys! "
" Hello. "
☆ -> You can see the difference? They saw! And things got worst,anything you did was without emotion,you acted like a doll without emotion or a empty shell
☆ -> They got worried,too much! What happend? Tell them,you know you can count with them ok? If you are acting like that because a person did something with you they will help! (That's mean kill the person!)
☆ -> So days passed,and your situation was only getting worst and worst,you still acted like a emotionless doll,and they dind't know what is happening!
☆ -> So Donnie decided to study your new behavior and the brothers decided to stalk you more to know what happend
☆ -> Then Donnie did it,he discorved the motive,you got brainwashed
☆ -> So when they find the person who did this(They have their ways),this person is death.
☆ -> What they should do? Torture? Arson? Just stab the person? Well,they made this person tell how to reverse the brainwashing on you and after that they killed this person!
☆ -> When they turn you back to normal,is just happiness! For them
☆ -> Say Bye Bye to privacy because after that little accident,they start to act more overprotective and paranoic! And maybe they will kidnapp you! Maybe not,THEY WILL
☆ -> And don't try to escape! They are doing this for your good! Belive me(I am a liar)
☆ -> Don't worry,nothing wrong will happen to you in the lair! (Well if you try to escape is another story)
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☆ -> Not my best thing sorry! If you guys want i can remake that!
☆ -> Also you guys liked the idea of make playlist?
☆ -> Thanks for reading!
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