#You x Jumin Han
i-l-arva · 10 months
It really was mystic messenger that ruined my life. You are really going to give me a scenario in which a super mega rich 26 y/o with his entire life together falls in love with me without seeing what I look like then proposes to me within like 10ish days of meeting me via text OH AND ALSO HES SO HOT?!?!?!? I have been set up to fail.
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saesix · 1 year
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Yandere Jumin Han headcanon
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Jumin would be a possessive and controlling yandere.
He would have a trust issue with people who say they "love" him.
Jumin believes that they all just want money or power.
But Jumin is not blind.
He immediately sees that you are different.
And because of this, he really falls for you
Your courtship would start normally.
Lots of dates and time spent together.
Jumi just can't seem to get enough of you.
He wants more.
And at the same time he becomes worried.
What if something happens to you and he can't protect you?
What if you just disappear from his life?
Jumin wouldn't let that happen.
He would have no desire to share the person he loves with the world.
Instead, he would lock you out.
and preferably throw away the key.
Jumin gets what he wants.
Of course he would like you to love him yourself.
But he is NOT above blackmail.
When you "live" with him, Jumin would still be protective and possessive.
You get very little freedom at first.
but not so much that you slip through his fingers.
If you behaved, you would also get lots of gifts and love.
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ilyvanderwood · 9 months
Railing you \(//∇//)\ (MM)
Mystic Messenger Men
Versions -> Genshin Impact | Honkai Star Rail Masterlist | Requests Open! (All have same text w/ diff characters)
Them railing and edging you until you become a begging and whimpering mess under them. Their fat cock hitting every place you love every single thrust in they give to you, not letting you cum until they've fully emptied their balls into you, making sure to breed you and to leave your hole a dripping mess full of their cum. If you even let a single drop fall out they make sure to thrust it back into you with their fingers or dick and overstimulate your poor little hole again.
Vanderwood, Zen, Jumin, Saeran
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lexsssu · 2 months
Enchantment (Han Jumin)
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TAGS: Jumin/F!reader, bathroom sex, cockwarming, smut, drabble Ao3 ver. | Ko-fi | Commissions (OPEN)
Despite being a man primarily ruled by logic and facts for most of his life, Han Jumin is sure you’ve cast some sort of enchantment on him.
“ ...mmm tired, honey bunny…”
“ Just lean against me, my love. Rest assured that your honey bunny will watch over you while you rest. ”
Not too long ago, Jumin would have never imagined himself in this exact situation. You leaning back against him as the two of you lounged inside the spacious bathtub after being tuckered out from your previous activities. 
His marks littered your skin like paint on a canvas, and every time he saw it, he feels his soft cock threatening to twitch back into life even as it enjoyed the warmth of your walls.
Magic or not, he supposes that he doesn’t really care either way as long as it’s you.
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juminhandfs · 10 months
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natasha-in-space · 5 months
RFA boys+ jihyun having a child who is a "daddy's kid" to the point that their wives are annoyed (like why does he love you so much)
Yoosung is a dad who I think is laid-back and fun. He is a parent, with whom you can share your stressful day at school and get genuine understanding and an uplifting pat on the head that will leave you feeling relieved and secure almost immediately. He's a bit clumsy, of course, as he's used to being the youngest in practically every group he has ever been in. And now that place is taken by someone else! His kid can build a genuine bond with him through mutual trust and understanding, thanks to his easy-going attitude. It's not surprising to see his child growing up to have a deep affection for their cool father. Yoosung will chuckle and pinch your cheeks if you pout and grumble about him stealing all the attention for himself. He finds it absolutely adorable to see you huff and puff, but you can't hide the smile blooming in the corners of your mouth as your child clings at his legs with happy giggles falling from their lips. The sight is too cute to be upset about. On the weekend, he will make certain to arrange a family picnic for you two. One where you all will be spending quality time together as a family.
Zen is a doting father, hands down. His family did not provide him with support, self-confidence, or even a trustful place for him to share his real struggles during his childhood. With his own family now with you, he will make sure to never make those same mistakes again. Unfortunately, that means that he has a habit of spoiling his kid a bit too much. It's nothing too bad, but it still leaves you as the one being the strict parent telling your kid that, no, eating another ice-cream is not a good idea, and that will make them sick. I'm not saying that Zen isn't capable of being strict. Despite this, he may encounter difficulties with his approach. He's anxious to not come off as too controlling or judgemental. And hey, there is nothing wrong with having a couple of hurdles. Parenthood is a journey filled with many twists and turns that you can't be ready for. With you two working as a team, though, you will get through anything. Zen's love language is words of affirmation, so he'll be praising you in the eyes of your kid quite often. It's sweet. It teaches your child to be confident in sharing their inner thoughts.
Jumin is... he's a bit clumsy when it comes to parenthood, but in a very endearing and sweet way. Unfortunately, Jumin didn't have a very good and healthy childhood to look back on. I actually think that having a child of his own will nudge him into actually processing and acknowledging the neglect and abuse he had to go through in his childhood and early adulthood. He wants to believe that his father a good man. That their relationship is one of support and love. After all, Jumin is a family man. But, as he tries to seek out his father for advice, he realizes that... he doesn't want to raise his own child in the same way his father raised him. And that makes him pause. Jumin is a father who is deeply loving and tender. His child receives all the respect and warmth in the world from him. He supports them on every tiny interest they have, almost to a funny degree. His kid likes dinosaurs? You will receive a package filled with encyclopedias and scientific literature on the subject that he will read through with the most captivated look on his face. Does his kid like watching magical girl anime? Well, now he has sparkly pink stickers on his every office supply, and he is not ashamed to show them off. Jumin Han loves his family with all his heart, and he will express it to the world without any shame. However, if he notices that you are growing a bit jealous of the way your child is always showering him with affection, he will have a talk with them. It's almost unbelievable how well he communicates with his child. You will come home to an adorably drawn card with you three holding hands and smiling, that your child has drawn for you. And a small doodle from Jumin on the back.
Saeyoung is yet another father who is devoted to his child almost to a fault. He is both excited and terrified about his future as a parent at the same time. To say that he had a difficult childhood would be like saying nothing at all. Heck, if you ask him, he'll tell you that he feels like he had no childhood. From as early as he can remember, he has always been the caretaker. The protector. He had to. To survive, it was necessary for him and his brother. So, all he has on what it means to be a good parent is based on media he has consumed. He has no other source to seek advice from. Sure, he considered V to be his father, but... he'd much rather not think about that now. He's trapped in a very paralyzing dilemma. He's a family man, and he wants to start his own happy family with you. He adores kids, and the idea of having a tiny person to spoil and take care of makes him grin so wide. But, at the same time, he feels utterly terrified at the prospect of becoming a parent. He is afraid of hurting the child, even if it wasn't his intention. Terrified of making the same mistakes his caretakers have made. Terrified of this responsibility. It's something he'll have to resolve in therapy, before you two decide on having children, be it by adoption or natural means. As an actual father, however? His child will never feel unloved. He showers them in gifts, treats, books, all kinds of things! He spends his every evening with them. He is involved in their school life and their interests. He is always there for them. So, it's not that hard to imagine your kid growing a bit too attached to their amazing dad. Saeyoung will tease you about a bit, sure. But, in a typical Saeyoung fashion, he will prepare a surprise for you and your child. One that will connect you and provide you with much-needed alone time. Maybe a game of an escape room, or maybe a video game he created just for you two. Either way, it's a fun way to remind you just how wonderful this man truly is.
Talking about this with Jihyun is amusing because Lucy is shown to be quite playful with him. But, who's to say he can't switch your roles at times? Jihyun's perk as a father is his supportive attitude. Much like Zen, he grew up in a family that forced him to deny his true wants and desires, and he wants to do all he can to make sure that Lucy never has to be ashamed of what her tiny heart is longing for. He'll just be a bit concerned if she starts hanging out with Uncle Saeyoung too much, to the point where she wants to build robots for a living. Jihyun is not very good at technology! He does his best to engage with her, though. You can't help but laugh as you catch them playing video games one evening, Lucy absolutely crushing your husband on every single round. From what you can tell, Uncle Saeyoung taught her well. If Lucy doesn't spend enough time with you, I don't think it'll be an ongoing issue. You and Jihyun have built a very healthy and open communication between yourselves, so the problem will get brought up almost immediately. And resolved just as quickly.
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xelasrecords · 8 months
Tea! Would You Like Some?
Han Jumin x Reader
Jumin Week 2023 - Day 3: Quality Time @juminweek2019
High-quality time shared between two people highly stupid about their feelings. And for each other.
My x reader comeback after so long! Had a meet cute recently so y'all get a lighthearted crushing stage fic for once :)
Words: 3.9k
Masterlist Read on AO3
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How soon you could come had no correlation to Jumin's expectation of seeing you materialise in his living room. At least, that was what he told himself. His traitorous fingers told a different thing. They had typed out a message asking where you were, if there was any problem with your ride, if you had input the correct address in your map, and if he needed to send out a search party if you didn't reply in the next five minutes, but that, he felt, would be too drastic.
Jumin erased the last part and sent the text. He sighed, fingers drumming on the arm of his white sofa. Contrary to Zen's belief, he was not one to blow things out of proportion. He always did just enough and everything else was simply a precaution.
Perhaps a five-minute grace was not precaution enough. Four minutes. He could wait for four.
The second his doorbell rang, Jumin leapt to his feet. He never considered the distance from the living room to the entrance too far, but now he doubted the interior design of his penthouse. Large spaces allowed him to breathe—until you took it away just by not reneging on your promise to visit. You were someone he had only met a handful of times, always with the other members and never at his own place.
Today was special. Today he decided to ignore his fear of being left behind by his loved ones and let you in.
You could be someone he loved. You could be the one who stayed.
Jumin composed himself and opened the door, and there you were, standing with your hands deep in your pockets, waiting for him.
Nothing could have prepared him for the sight of you. Despite being mussed by the wind, your hair fell beautifully around your face like a divine frame that accentuated your features. Your eyes were bright, your smile was wide, and you were wrapped in a coat that must be your favourite. He never saw you without it. He wished he knew more about your fashion sense so he could gift you clothes that you would like. He also wished he was close enough to see himself in your eyes' reflection, but that time would come later. Everything had its order, and patience was a virtue that had been drilled into him since childhood.
"I have been waiting for you," said Jumin, not bothering to hide the relief in his voice. "Did anything happen on your way here? You didn't reply to my text."
"I was rushing." Your smile turned apologetic. "Didn't check my phone, sorry."
Jumin stepped aside to let you in. The fact that your hand could have grazed his had you walked nearer to him did not escape his attention. "No matter. It's all right now that you're here."
Leading you to the white plush sofa where he had waited with perfect calmness, he felt tense and oddly exposed, like he was anticipating a foreboding that might come to pass. He did not feel like Han Jumin. This was an iteration of him that he had not been acquainted with.
"Did I make you wait too long?" you asked.
"No," Jumin said. "You didn't have to hurry. You were not yet late." He hoped the sofa would be good enough for you. He had asked his housekeeper to clean off every speck of dust he could detect, twice over.
You sat down and stared at him with a look that he couldn't discern. "I wanted to be early."
Jumin took a seat beside you, careful to maintain a respectful distance despite his heart's protest. "You possess an excellent sense of time management. We will get along well." Compliments flowed out of him easily when it came to you. If you let him, he would graciously point out your strengths one by one.
But was that disappointment on your face?—though it disappeared before he could probe further. "Yes, I love time and managing stuff." You sighed. "That's why I'm the assigned party coordinator."
Now that you were at the spot where he had cast secret spells to summon you, Jumin wasn't sure what to say. He was desperate to know if you shared his jitters. You were motionless, spine straight and hands clasped on your lap, studiously watching the black television screen. There was nothing save for the blurred reflection of both of you sitting in a similar position. He had been imagining all sorts of exciting conversations with you, but your presence had flung them out of his head. This had never happened before. An MRI scan was in order after you went home.
It was possible that you were growing bored, though your affable expression had not indicated so. But it might not mean anything, for you always seemed pleasant. You were very, very pleasant to look at. It was also possible that he was the only one with an insatiable curiosity towards you. For all he knew, you could be with a partner and merely accepted his invitation to hang out with him as a newly anointed member of the RFA. And you were a member. This was a friendly meet-up, nothing more.
"Tea," said Jumin suddenly. His voice echoed in the silence.
Startled, your head snapped to him. "What?"
"Everyone in my family learns to brew tea," Jumin explained. "The tea leaves in my pantry are directly imported from China, obtained from the only six three-hundred-year-old Wuyi trees in existence. The legend of this tea can be traced back to the age of emperors and dynasties, and it has become extraordinarily rare over time. It has the best quality in the world."
"How did you get it if it's so rare?" You were trying to hold a smile back, but it was not a mocking sneer. There was a certain fondness in it that made him want to let all his guard down and pull you into his arms.
"Auctions," Jumin simply said. "You ought to try it. It will keep you warm." Only then he noticed that you still had your coat on and was promptly filled with horror. "My apologies. I seem to have lost my manners." He outstretched his arm. "Leave your coat with me. It can't have been comfortable sitting in that."
"Shame." You handed it over. "I was planning to take a nap in this."
"Is that how people normally sleep? Or is it a tradition unique to you?" Jumin folded your coat into a perfect half over his forearm. "I'd appreciate it if you could teach me your ways."
"I was joking, Jumin. Should I teach you how to make one?" you said, in a tone so kind that he was taken aback. People tended to laugh at his face or look away politely when he failed to understand a joke.
"There is no need. I already have a handbook for it." Jumin was unable to keep smugness out of his voice. "It includes a list of one hundred jokes that you can make to both family and work colleagues alike. I have made good use of it when I need to break the ice."
"But does it include learning how to take one?"
"Unfortunately, I have yet to encounter a book for it."
You squeezed his shoulder, and the warmth of your touch penetrated all layers of his clothing that he had carefully planned. Navy blue suit, black tie, complete with a beige waistcoat and white striped shirt. Everything was new. "Don't worry," you said. "It just means the joke isn't funny to you. A good joke will make you laugh naturally."
"I see." Jumin fixed his tie. "I promise to laugh at your next joke."
"I said naturally. Honestly, Jumin. Please don't plan for it. You're going to give me performance anxiety."
"Then I look forward to your performance." He smirked, and you groaned. Something about you brought out the childlike side in him that he didn't know was still alive. "If you would wait here for a moment. I shall brew you a cup of tea. It won't be long."
Without waiting for your response, Jumin stood up, hung your coat on the silver coat rack by the hallway, and headed to the kitchen. Something was wrong with him. A smile kept threatening to break out of his face and there was a palpable beating in his throat when it should stay underneath his ribcage and he felt giddy about something. He was sure that this was abnormal. Was he finally living up to Zen's senseless claim that he was a strange creature? Jumin stowed these additional symptoms away for his next doctor's appointment. Forget MRI, he needed a full-body checkup.
Jumin heard a soft padding behind him as he turned on the kettle. Your footsteps were quiet, almost drowned by the gurgling of the boiling water and it reminded him of the elegance of Elizabeth the Third. He'd introduce you to her when she decided to make an appearance. The thought of the two of you getting along put a smile on his face.
"I thought you would've offered me wine before tea. Are you really Jumin?" you teased, peering from behind him. He was scooping oolong tea leaves into the strainer in a precise measurement when his muscles turned rigid. Your chin was nearly perched on his shoulder. He regretted that you didn't.
But Jumin dearly wished he knew either. He paused and looked over at you. Now he could see himself in your mischievous eyes. Now he saw how happy he was. The opportunity came sooner than he was prepared for. His breath hitched. "Would you like some wine instead?" he asked, keeping his gaze steady. "I have a wide variety you can choose from in the cellar."
"Tea is fine," you said. "I'll take anything you give me, really."
"Beware," Jumin said dryly. "You have not known me long. There could be poison in your drink."
It took a second for his joke to register, but when it did, you started to laugh. Jumin was stunned, then relaxed when he realised you were not under any pretences of politeness. He felt as if he got a high score for a competition he had unknowingly participated. He never used to put high importance on winning. As someone who consistently broke his own records, achievements were just another thing that his office and father would hold a customary celebration for.
But you were different. Your laughter was a prize he wanted to win all the time. He liked seeing you in joy, and liked that he was the source of it. It was a high that he never wanted to come down from.
"Did you copy that joke from your handbook?" you asked.
"I came up with it on the spot," said Jumin proudly, and your grin widened.
Your eyes flitted to the only china cup laid out on the marble countertop. "Aren't you making another for yourself?"
Jumin shook his head. "I'm not in the mood for tea."
You lifted a brow. "I am so surprised."
Jumin's forehead furrowed in genuine confusion. "Why would you be?"
You flailed your arms about. "Is tea not your passion?" you said. "You were fired up when you talked about it. That's all you've talked about. If I didn't know you better, I'd think it's your favourite drink in the world."
"I merely wanted to keep you warm, and a cup of tea was the fastest way to do it." Actually, Jumin thought being embraced by him would be faster, but he doubted you would accept his advanced advances. "You're the one who has been on my mind, not tea."
"Not tea," you repeated.
"It's nothing compared to you," Jumin affirmed.
"Oh." You pressed your palm against your cheek. "That's nice. You're nice." You gave a perfunctory sweep at his polished monochromatic penthouse, sparse but efficiently filled with the essential household items. "Your place is also nice."
But you were looking at everywhere but him, and that didn't feel as nice. "You might be the first person calling me nice besides V," Jumin said, deciding to focus on the positive. "And V is exempted as he is my closest friend. I'm not sure how to feel about this, to be honest. I'll have to think about it later."
"Take your time," you said, finally looking at him. "I'm not going anywhere."
Quietly, Jumin poured hot water into the teacup and stirred sugar into the steaming amber liquid, allowing the clinking of the teaspoon to fill the space he couldn't. For all his desire to have his interest in you reciprocated, he could not picture the reality if you did. He wouldn't know what to do with himself. He wanted to invite you into his mind, yet was frightened by the thought of you being repelled after knowing him.
"Careful, it's hot," Jumin warned as you lifted the teacup to your lips. "Tell me, how do you find it? Is it to your taste?"
You took your time sipping the tea. He suspected you did it to keep him on his toes, and had to admit that it was part of your intrigue. Jumin could never guess your next move. Anything he predicted you would prove him wrong in the most delightful way possible.
You looked up from the rim of the cup. "What if I say it isn't?"
A connoisseur in understanding your jest now, Jumin replied, "I shall melt into a puddle and lie on the floor until you give me an honest review."
"I will mop your puddle and wring it out the window."
He looked at you thoughtfully. "I'd say I'm offended, but I heard that committing murder is an expressway to one's heart."
"Sometimes even literally," you agreed.
Jumin's eyes widened. "The double meaning escaped me. You are a genius."
You set your cup down on its saucer with a delicate clink. "But is murder the only way to your heart?"
Jumin forgot the mechanism of speaking. Due to his years of experience with women whom he never spared a glance for, he could detect the act of flirting when he saw one. And you were flirting. With him. He was eighty-nine per cent sure of it. You deemed him worthy to be flirted with. Jumin almost slid down to his knees.
"No." He managed to get a full sentence out. "No," he tried again, "but you don't even have to try. Whatever you're doing, you are doing it well." Two better sentences. Magnificent.
"That's too bad," you said. Jumin noticed that your hand was still wrapped around your cup, steam unfurling on the top of it. You must still be cold. "I've been waiting to hack through your chest with an axe."
Jumin walked towards the heater controller and turned it on. "Is homicide the only thing in your mind?"
"It's more of an ad break from the thoughts of you."
At that, Jumin turned around. You had been thinking about him. He knew how impossible it was to stop thinking about you, and your admission was making him lightheaded. Did you ever dream of him and then scramble for your phone the first thing in the morning just to hear his voice? Did you ever yearn to talk about him to your friends the way he did, except his only friend was doing his habitual disappearance and the loneliness was more profound now that you were his constant excitement but he had no one to tell it to? Did you have anyone you hold dear to your heart? Were you open to considering him as one someday? It was not yet appropriate to be so upfront with his questions, he knew.
But one question should be fine. "How long have you been thinking of me?" Jumin asked.
You leaned against the counter and crossed your legs. "I talk to you every day. So, every day." He wondered if your composure was a facade, the way his was.
Jumin nodded. "We share the same habit. I can't quite recall what I used to think about before you entered our lives."
"Your darling white cat, the cat projects that generate a steady loss for your company, and some new cat-friendly inventions? Jaehee's nightmares, basically."
Jumin chuckled. "You know me well. I must say I'm surprised." It wasn't so bad to be known. He could get used to the feeling. "Assistant Kang doesn't appreciate the fine things in life. It's a pity that Elizabeth the Third is hiding somewhere right now. If you see her, you'll understand why I do all those things for her."
"You love her," you said kindly. "I understand that enough."
Jumin stared at you. You kept saying the right things and he kept falling, falling, falling.
"You've finished your tea," Jumin noted, but not without regret. He dreaded having to let you go.
You studied the empty cup. "Wow, I think I inhaled it. You were right, it was the best tea I've ever tasted. Thank you."
"I hope you will stay longer. Do you have other arrangements for the evening?" Jumin, who had arranged his whole weekend around your visit, calmly inquired.
"I don't," you said, with just as much calmness.
"My collection doesn't stop at drinks," he said. "I have a brand new record player and an array of classic vinyls. You can peruse them if you'd like. A three-star Michelin chef will be flying in to prepare dinner and you can request anything you want, provided that you do it three hours prior. There's also a gym on the second floor, though exercising is probably not the best activity since you don't bring a change of clothes." He paused. "You don't happen to bring one, do you?"
"Jumin, I—no. But I could wear yours if I so desperately need to shower here."
He thought he saw your eyes suspiciously glittered, but it was gone when you blinked. "I don't have clothes that would fit you perfectly." He frowned. "They're all tailored to my body, you see. I'm afraid you wouldn't find much comfort in them. Now, would you like to sit down? I've made you stand for too long." He guided you to the kitchen island, fingers light around your wrist, and pulled out one of the brass bar stools. "Please excuse my bad manners today. Something must have come over me. I don't tend to be like this."
You settled in your seat only to swivel back to meet his towering figure. Your knees nudged his legs, and Jumin was stunned, unmoving. He thought an attraction was supposed to burn him alive, to light him up from the inside. What he felt now was akin to petrification. It crept up on him from the ground he stood and incapacitated his ability to form coherent thoughts.
"Jumin," you enunciated his name with great care. He had never thought his name was beautiful until it lulled out of your mouth. He wanted to brand it into his memory.
"Yes," he said, because it was the only thing his mouth could form.
"Your house sounds like a treat."
"That's because it is. You can entertain yourself here. Whatever you want, I will do my best to provide it for you."
"Other guys could give me those too. There have been some, you know," you confessed, and Jumin was torn between wanting to know more about your past and quelling down the illogical jealousy it spurred. "Gold-dipped bouquets with diamonds, fancy restaurants where they ordered for me without asking about my preferences, jewellery that I wouldn't pick for myself." Your voice was tinted with slight distaste, but it was gone in the next instance. "Do you think I was swayed by them?"
Now Jumin's gaze turned sharp. This was a test, he realised. Your intention was not to compare him to other men, nor was it to flaunt how desired you were. Jumin knew the latter well without needing you to prove it to him. He felt the torrent of his desire all the time. It threatened to wash him ashore and pull him back into the raging sea, never letting him be at peace until he could be certain you wanted him back. So what would you get out of your question? Whatever your goal was, he knew what he was supposed to do. You favoured honesty, just as he did. That was one of the many things he respected about you.
"I doubt you were," Jumin said. "Your affection isn't the kind that could be bought. I may not know you intimately, but I know you would not budge under insensitive bribery, and your tale reeked of one. What they did was foul and not driven by the best intentions. That's not how you, or anyone, should be treated."
Your expression softened as you reached for his hand. "I know you're not trying to impress me with your wealth. I'm sorry if I made you think so. I meant to show you that I'd be here even without you throwing those things at me. You called me just to meet up and I came right away. If I stay back, it's because I want to spend more time with you." You averted your eyes. "Did you have to make me say all that?"
Emboldened by your hold that you hadn't let go, Jumin tilted your chin and you leaned forward by a fraction. "You enjoy my company," he said, assessing your earnest face. He could hear his racing heartbeat in his ears. "But will you stay?"
"You'd really like an encore to embarrass me," you grumbled. "Didn't you hear what I just said?"
"You phrased it as a hypothesis. I cannot be sure that staying with me is what you want unless you state it clearly," Jumin pressed. Though he was always surrounded by people, no one had ever bothered to stay. Not for long. Not for the person he was.
His fear and desperation must have shown on his face, for you let out a small breath and gently squeezed his arm, before trailing your sight to the empty cup waiting on the counter. "I think you should refill my tea," you said slowly. "I need more if we'll talk into the night, won't I?"
The warmth from your hold spread throughout his body and a smile broke through Jumin's face, his uncertainty receding. Someone as beautiful and brilliant as you, a gem rarer than his tea—for those tea leaves could be reproduced but you were one of a kind—wanted him as much as he wanted you. It was the first real smile he wore in a while. "We can switch to something stronger after dinner," Jumin suggested.
"Wine," you guessed. Oh, how he loved that you could read his mind. "I knew it. You always default to wine. Farewell, tea. His affair with you has been short but memorable."
Jumin was all too eager to agree. "Farewell."
Jumin hoped it would be a long, long time before his relationship with you could end. If it would ever end.
The footnotes that I thought would be an occasional extra but they just won't go away:
This fic is inspired by good dates and bad dates and that early crush feeling when you don't quite know the person yet so everything feels exciting and scary.
Don't worry, Jumin's tea rambles didn't deviate from canon. On day 8 he wishes you to learn tea brewing since all his family does it. I thought it'd be fun to highlight his nervousness by making him do something unexpected, especially since he's the type who would randomly do something out of pocket while still maintaining his gravitas.
The tea's legend is based on Da Hong Pao, a very rare, government-protected Chinese tea that you can only get if the president honours you some and from auctions. I didn't think I'd research that deep for accuracy for a mere fic but what am I if not committed.
The header is made to seem like a cheeky ad in the spirit of Jumin's tea endorsement. Contemporary fun with a touch of antiquity is what I was going for to capture the fic's mood and Jumin's preference. The challenge was to make a dynamic animation without looking flat or too complicated but still fit the time, format and size constraints. People still need to be able to immediately read the text, which means no over-the-top entrances and transitions. Truthfully, I die a little bit inside whenever I have to sacrifice aesthetics for function but it is what it is!
Buy me a glass of something that's definitely not coffee because I can't stand it but it is the website's name if my story touches you in some way? No worries if you don't. I'm still grateful you've read all the way through here.
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diavolosbaby · 1 year
Can I ask for something with Jumin Han? Taking Jumin to therapy after his good ending and just how it ends up lmao. I feel like it can be a mixture of both a crack headcanon as well as possibly serious, up to you how you wanna write it! Thanks!
Sure :)
(Sorry this took so long, and sorry if it sucks it's my first fic after my hiatus from writing)
Taking Jumin to Therapy After His Good Ending
Characters: Jumin
Genre: Crack, slight angst but mostly crack and sillyness
Format: headcanons
Pronouns if used: they/them
- will be hesitant and will even straight up say no, but of course you convince him
- "hmmm no therapy? Guess that means no " physical " therapy either..."
- he changed his tune rather quickly
- he requested you be there with him, even talking to the therapist
- was very slow opening up and would often look at you to answer for him with his cat like wide eyes, even when you didn't know what the hell the answer was
"So...your mother...did she ever comfort you when you were sad? Did you ever show you were sad?" *he turns to you, expectantly* ???
- very very awkward, reaches your your hand or is always touching you. Is awkward, feels awkward. Doesn't like it, feels out of place.
- Always felt like therapy was for people who had problems, he never thought he had problems til you pointed them out to him
"Jumin, dont you think this overprotective nature comes from somewhere? Maybe you're insecure hon?" *confused wide eyed cat stare and hear tilt*
- just be patient with him, he'll get there
- the more sessions he has the more he'll open up and get it
- will eventually even stop needing you in there with him. When he tells you he wants to go alone, he's very proud. Be proud with him.
"No MC, I think I'll go myself this time. *smug smirk as he looks at you waiting for some sign of pride from you* (please be proud of him its a big accomplishment for him)
- when he does something sort of topic he'll rail it back and start monologuing about how his therapist talked to him about this. Will explain to you where it comes from and that he's working on it, apologizes
-toxic behavior reduces a lot less, mommy and daddy issues reduce a lot less, insecurities reduce a lot less
- ultimately, you won!
- remember, his toxic teauts are reduces but they are most definitely still there! Its him, after all
Again sorry this is so late!!!
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Hi can you do yan malleus,jumin,lelouch and L(separately)with female reader where secretly planning to escape,they pretending to submit,obey and behave well to them but they notice and put something in their food so that their body is weak to escape from them.So when the reader is weak and sick because they eat 'something ' they said "this is why you need me,I'm the only one who will care for you no one will.Even your family doesn't care about you,don't you see it, even if you were to escape from me no one would help you. What would you do without me?Your so weak like this. So vulnerable. Something so pure like you shouldn't go outside. Just depends on me."
Hahhhhh.... want am i requesting 🥲.I guess could you make it a story,maybe a short one.
I do this now with... Uhmmmm Jumin
Others come later
Yandere Jumin Han
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Jumin had noticed a change in your behavior.
A change that seemed to happen overnight.
suddenly you were much more obedient.
You were also much nicer to him.
Literally yesterday you cursed him to the lowest hell.
Jumin would like to believe that you finally love him.
He would like to believe that you have really changed.
But sadly, Jumin wouldn't be a delusional yandere.
Even if he enjoys your affection and love.
Jumin would start watching you more.
He would have cameras in your house.
But nothing strange would happen.
Not at first.
However, Jumin would not stop monitoring the situation.
While he would enjoy your love.
Then one day when he was at work he would see you doing something weird.
It looks like you're packing some things and shoving your backpack under their shared bed.
This would be the sign that Jumin has been waiting for all along.
Now he would know why you've been nice for the past couple of months.
You would try to escape him.
Oh you cute naive thing.
That night when Jumin came home everything would be normal.
He would not at first reveal what he saw that day.
You give him a kiss on the cheek and go eat together.
However, when you eat more you will feel strange.
Your body starts to feel weak.
And your head starts spinning.
Then Jumin would reveal everything.
How would he know your plot and put something in your food.
You wouldn't be able to do anything….
Your body would have weakened rapidly.
Before you pass out, you will hear these words in your ears.
"This is why you need me,I'm the only one who will care for you no one will. Even your family doesn't care about you,don't you see it, even if you were to escape from me no one would help you. What would you do without me? Your so weak like this. So vulnerable. Something so pure like you shouldn't go outside. Just depends on me."
When you woke up you would be tied to Jumin's bed.
There would be no hope that you could ever leave again.
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ticklygiggles · 7 months
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[You & I event - entries closed!]
A/N: This was requested by our most amazing @otomiyaa before the catastrophe *sobbing quietly*, so I hope you enjoy it baby! We love one trust fund kid! Fem!Reader for this one!
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Jumin Han was a busy man.
That was something everyone knew. Meetings, business trips, business parties, conferences; he was in all of them. He had already become more than accustomed to that busy life. Elizabeth the 3rd was waiting for him at home and it was all he needed to feel happy and rested, but something had changed. A small factor had been added to his life and now all those activities that he did almost without thinking, became tiring and tedious. Now the only thing he wanted when he opened his eyes in the morning was for the day to be over so he could return home and find what had changed his life.
Or rather, not a 'what' but a 'someone'.
"Welcome back, Jumin."
There you were. As charming and beautiful as ever. With that warm smile, bright eyes and reddened cheeks. There you were. Receiving him with your most comfortable clothes and with open arms. There you were. His beloved wife, the person who had come to change his life in the best way possible.
"Hello," he said sheepishly, stepping out of his shoes in a hurry, making you laugh softly. 
"I'm right here, take your time- oof!" 
Jumin ran to you like a kid seeing his mother after school. He held you tightly in his arms and pressed you against his chest, and suddenly, all the stress and problems from work that he had been dragging behind him disappeared and he could only feel peace and tranquility while breathing in that delicious fruity smell of your shampoo. Why were you so warm, so fragile, so small and so beautiful? Did you even know what you were causing in his heart and mind?
"Did you have a good day today?" You asked with your kind smile, searching his face that refused to leave your neck. You laughed and his heart jumped with joy. "N-Now, Mr. Hahan, you're tickling mehe."
A spark of childlike joy settled in his chest and with a playful smile that he made sure you couldn't see, he grabbed your waist and squeezed it, making you jump with a giggle.
"Dohon't stahahart thihis!" You said laughing, squirming in his arms as he squeezed your waist again and again. "Juhuhumihihin!"
"Yes, my love, I'm listening," he said, finally bringing his head up to look at your face. 
Oh, what a wonderful sight. Your pink cheeks were red as you giggled, trying to push his hands away from your body. Jumin chuckled, easily following your every move. 
"Look at you, my love. I don't think I will ever stop."
"You ahahalwahahays say sohoho!"
His cheeks blushed and he chuckled again. "Is that so? Are you saying I do this often? Well, it is your fault because you are this ticklish and your smile is just so beautiful."
You shook your head and your laughter increased when his hands moved lower to your hips. His thumbs pressed firmly, but gently in your hipbones and you legs almost gave up on you. 
"Huh, I think you are expectionally ticklish tonight, love. Why could that be?"
"Lihihies! Juhuhumihihin!"
He was exceptionally teasy that night, but as soon as he heard your bubbly laughter he just couldn't stop tickling you. He also had missed you a lot more that day, having you giggling and laughing like this had him feeling at ease, relaxed even and he knew you didn't mind this at all. 
"AHAHA, n-not thehehere!" You cackled when his fingers moved up towards your ribs and to his surprise, you were able to escape his touches and without a second thought, you ran away from him, first making sure Elizabeth was safe in her small bed. She barely paid attention to you both, even when her master started chasing you around the penthouse.
You squealed with laughter, "no chahahasing! Bad Jumin! Bahahad!"
Jumin laughed, hot behind you. "Why are you running away from me, love? Don't you want my love? I missed you so much today!"
Jumin laughed wholeheartedly when he caught you and you let out a loud shriek. Thankfully for him, you had caught yourself in your shared bedroom and he was quick to push you into the bed and start tickling you all over. 
Your exquisit laughter ringed in his ears once again and as he found all your weak points, he couldn't help but think that he was a lucky man. He never thought he would find someone like you: someone who would make him sincerely happy even by doing the most mundane thing like tickling.
Oh, how he loved you and even though some days his insecurities were stronger than him, Jumin knew that you also loved him as sincerely as he loved you and that every day you spent together was something worth remembering forever.
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juminies · 1 year
I think that after jumin & you get married he becomes very determined to do things he would & could easily hire people to do before - he wants everything to feel more personal, now he has someone to enjoy his life with. this man absolutely shows you his love through acts of service. he's already good at cooking, but he gets better so he can make you meals more often. he lets you taste as he cooks, makes sure to perfect your favourites. he is convinced he needs to actually get his driving license so he can drive you places. he does get it after a painstakingly long time and many grumpy declarations of "why do I need a piece of paper to tell me I can drive? I'm perfectly fine as is." he doesn't end up driving often anyway, but when he does he can never help but constantly sneak glances at you across from him when he knows it's safe (he's accidentally stayed still when a light changes to green a few times though. you're better at keeping his attention than a traffic light is). he never really had much reason to take spur of the moment photos before, but he has a revelation one day when he desperately wants to capture a moment of you but every single one of the photos he took are horrible. he calls jihyun and before he can even get out a hello, jumin announces that jihyun must clear his schedule because he needs photography lessons immediately. he buys a digital camera to carry with him everywhere and for a while every single photo on it is of you. he starts a photo album, which finally convinces him to let you take some photos of him to add. he's not good at selfies, but insists you take them together and they go in the album too. he absolutely loves doing little touchy affectionate things for you every now and then; taking off your makeup when you're tired, washing your hair when you shower together. he is determined to make everything intimate now, because he so deeply believes you deserve his time however he can give it to you
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Period Cramps! -Jumin han imagine;
"My love, i just finish my meeting.Have you get ur lunch?"
"Uhm... i haven't. Honestly, i'm at the pent house now."
"You are at the pent house?" Jumin get confused.
"Yeah, i got my period just now and awfully it crams really bad, so i am asking permission to get a rest."
"Why didn't you tell me dear?!" He looks rather worried now.
"I am about to tell u when u call me first."
"I am heading back now."
"No! Babe.. you didn't have to!"
"I have, i need to check ur condition."
"But i'm okay now!" You reassured him.
"I won't be long."
Tut.. Tut..
Like that, he end ur phone call
It doesn't take an half hour for you to hear your pent house door's open.
Jumin rush to you with a hand full of thing he think you may need or want.
"Love... how's ur condition? it still feel bad? do we need to call a doctor?"
"No, no! we don't have to. It's better since you are here." You smile. Trying to calm him down.
"Alright then, i will prepare u the hot towel."
It's not his first time dealing with ur period crams, so he already good enough to know what to do.
He come back with a bottle of hot water and a small towel wrap around it.
He help u to get ur comfort position then rise ur shirt up a little to put in on ur low tummy.
You moved to squish his arm in order to release ur pain.He doesn't get bothered at all.Beside, he look at you with a big concern that showed clearly in his eyes.
He pat ur head softly and asking do u already feel better.
You tell him honestly that it still feel awful but is a better a little.
"Do u want to eat the medicine? i heard that good to help ur crams."
You shake your head. "No i don't want to..."
"Alright, i won't force you then. But how about a warm tea?" He tilt his head.
You think for a while before finally nod.
You take over his hand job to hold the bottle while he prepare a warm tea for you.
Not long after , he come back with the tea on his hand and the smile on his face.
"Drink it slowly"
After you take a few sip, you hand it again to your husband.
"Lay down." He told you with a really soft voice. A kind of voice that he will only use when speaking to you.
You do as he told without complaining.
He take over the hot bottle again while his other hand is patting ur head.
"I'm so blessed to have you as mine." You lock ur eyes with his.
"Can't imagine how i pass this without you."
Jumin ofc, smile widely. Kissing your forehead a bit too long.
"I'm the one who is blessed to get to taking care an amazing person like you."
His words success to make u flustered that make you hit his arm slow.
"Whatever.." You say while try to keep ur smile.
"I'm serious." Jumin reply.
"Yeah.. yeah.. got it."
"If i sleep, can you promise me to be the first thing i see when i wake up?"
"I promise." He pinched ur nose.
"Alright then."
*He keep his promised cause when u open ur eyes, you see him laying lower beside u with his hand still holding the hot bottle to stay on ur tummy. :)
(sorry for my bad english and storyyy.This is my first time so i apologize that it's not worth enough, haha. But still i hope u can enjoy it cause i make this for all jumin's lover outside!!!)
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pochipop · 2 years
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#. synopsis! — asking them to slow dance with you at the official rfa party .
#. characters! — jumin, yoosung, hyun (zen) .
#. warnings! — none .
#. alt accounts! — @ddollipop (nsfw) @yyolkchi (reblog/spam) .
#. others! — navigation & masterlist .
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𖦹. ━ JUMIN !!
Jumin took a few ballroom dancing classes when he was young, but never found himself enjoying it. He'd only attended diligently because his father had insisted that he do so, and back then, Jumin had yet to learn how to stand against that man's frivolous wishes. Thankfully, the need to attend the classes went out the window after Jumin's father and one of the young, female instructors ended their fleeting relationship. So, he never went back, and the proper way to dance elegantly with a partner that Jumin once memorized in order to appease those around him eventually got lost to time.
When you take hold of his hand, your warmth seeping from your palm to his own, and ask him if he wants to dance with you to the slow song that just began playing. . . He hesitates.
"I'm not much of a dancer," he says, —but he hates the way that little twinkle of excitement in your eyes dies out like a meteor crashing to Earth's surface. 
You're not going to force him to do something he's uncomfortable with, and that much he knows for certain. But he also knows that you've put yourself in some very precarious situations in order to help and even protect him, and he feels it would be wrong to deny you something so small. In the end, if he were to make a fool of himself, you'd still love him. You'd still be there, even if everyone else were to turn his way and laugh. Your opinion matters to him more than anyone else's in the room.
"As long as you're alright with having me as a partner, though. . . I'll give it my best," Jumin adds.
It doesn't really matter to you how he performs. You just want to feel his hands on you, holding steady along your hips with your own arms around his neck. This isn't a dancing competition, after all, you're simply seeking closeness and something a little romantic to sweeten the pot. Two slow songs had gone by, and you were worried that as the party drew to a close, you might not get another chance to ask. By the time the third one began, you'd gathered up nerve to do so, and you were elated when he didn't choose to turn you down.
Your heart bursts as the dimmed lights glimmer off his eyes. A rainbow of colors reflects off his irises like stained glass windows to the soul. He takes one of your hands in his own, and you watch as his long, lithe fingers find their homes in the slits between your own. His other arm reaches out, allowing the flat of his hand to match the curve of your body, touching just along your side. Sheepishly, you bring your free hand up to rest along his shoulder.
Even now, when you can feel the stiffness and slight apprehension in his body and in the way he moves, Jumin looks as elegant as ever. There's something regal about him, as if he were born with such high confidence and the ability to work his way smoothly through any situation. Of course, you've seen many sides of him by now, but. . . You'd still venture to call him princely, even after knowing all you do.
When you meet his gaze and offer him a small, bashful smile, his lips curve up at the edges.
"I feel honored when you smile at me," he comments softly, mumbling the words into your hair before pressing a gentle kiss to the crown of your head.
Some eyes naturally draw to Jumin as he dances with you, stiffness melding into something much more fluid as he relaxes into the movements. You know a few women here at the party are looking on with scorn in their eyes, jealous of you for being so close to the man they dream of. Still, you can't bring yourself to care much about them when Jumin pulls you closer, his grip steadying.
Others are simply shocked that Jumin is dancing with someone so intimately, seeing as he's gone the vast majority of his career without ever parading a lover about. And even now, that's hardly what he plans to do. He doesn't care if people don't understand. . . All that matters is that you see right through him as if he's made of glass. Shattered glass that you've somehow managed smoothed back together.
You've taken the mangled threads inside him into your graceful hands, nimble fingers untangling the mess he's been caught in for as long as he can remember. You've soothed the ache inside him, —and your heart skips a beat when his breath ghosts against the shell of your ear as he whispers to you that he loves you.
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𖦹. ━ YOOSUNG !!
Yoosung has lived a fairly normal life, all things considered. He never learned how to slow dance, just like many young men his age. There wasn't really a reason for him to do so, and if he's being honest, the idea of it has never particularly appealed to him. After all, you're the first lover he's ever had, and he's at least eighty-five percent sure that you need a partner to slow dance with before you can really figure out how to get the hang of it.
So, when you ask Yoosung if he'd like to dance with you, he initially panics a little, worried that maybe slow dancing is just something everyone knows how to do, and somehow he's been left completely out of the loop.
"I. . . I don't really know how," he admits, "—but if you want to, then I'd like to try!"
If you were anyone else, he'd have wrapped that up by requesting that you not make fun of him for having no clue what he's doing. But, you are, in fact, you, and Yoosung knows that you're not the type to make fun of him when he's making an active effort to please you.
The music is soft and slow. It plays in the background like a living soundtrack synced to your heartbeat as Yoosung puts his arms around your middle and you rest your hands along his shoulders. He shivers under your touch, still reeling from the idea that someone like you is his, —his to love, to respect, and to admire like you're some celestial being that ascended from the heavens above. His heart is beating like a drum, and with you being so close, his cheeks flush a pale pink at the idea that you may be able to hear it.
"Am I doing this right?" The blond asks, glancing down at his feet for the fifth time within a minute, careful not to step on your toes.
"You're doing fine," you reply, massaging your fingers into his shoulder ever so gently in hopes that it might soothe some of his worries.
Yoosung feels his heart blossom at your touch. He's never felt like this before, and he's not sure what to do with himself. His heart throbs more with every brush of your fingertips, and all he can think about is you, —your eyes that temper the anxiety as it crawls up his spine, threatening to send him into another downward spiral. Your lips that he's brushed his own over, and every single time it's sent a shockwave of starkly innocent pleasure to every cell in his body.
"It doesn't even matter how you dance," you add softly, "—as long as I'm dancing with you, I don't care about anything else."
He feels himself melt like wax under a wick's flickering flame. If he could, he'd like to crawl inside your heart and live there, safe and warm. Yoosung feels comfortable here, when he's close to you and has nothing left to hide. His walls have come down, and you've embraced him, —all of him. The broken young man he still is on dark, lonely nights as well as the smiling student he shows the world so they won't worry. He wants you to see every face, meet every version of him, because he knows you'll love each and every one of them down until he's learned how to weld himself back together again.
"I'm really happy to hear that," he says, voice nearly catching in the back of his throat.
You feel his arms tighten around you, pulling you closer to him. When you rest your forehead against his chest, he doesn't bother to bite back the happy smile that forces its way onto his face.
This is what true love feels like. . .
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𖦹. ━ HYUN (ZEN) !!
Hyun is no stranger to dancing. In his line of work, he's mastered lots of talents in order to be eligible for a wider array of roles. It's certainly paid off, if his diverse history of characters and projects is anything to go off of, —but even so, dancing with his lover seems to present a completely different challenge. There are so many more emotions with this; real ones that he doesn't have to muster up the skill to act out. These are raw and just about as genuine as Hyun has ever felt anything at all, —so authentic that it's driving him wild.
It's not that he fears messing up. Much the opposite in fact, Hyun is fairly certain everything will go his way, and even if it didn't, he knows you would be the last person in the room to laugh at his expense. Still, he's never been in love. Not for real, anyway. He's played a lovesick fool under blindly white lights or up on a velvety stage, but he's never let someone in like this. He's never torn himself open to let someone else see everything that lingers below that confident, handsome surface. You're the first to know him inside and out, and that scares him as much as it quenches his anxiety.
When you ask him to dance, he shoots you a smile and quickly agrees, but you take note of the way his crimson eyes quiver. The sharpness of them dulls a bit, —and you make note of it, reminding yourself to tread gently with him.
While he plays up the inner beast that seeks to devour his love, you know well and good that sometimes, that so-called beast is nothing more than a silly little puppy frolicking behind in Hyun's shadow.
"I've slow danced for performances before, but this. . . This is my first time with someone I actually love," Hyun admits.
His strong arms are tight around your waist, keeping you close to him, while your arms are wrapped around his neck. He guides you, clearly being the more experienced of the two when it comes to dancing of this kind, —and he does it with such delicate precision that it's hard to imagine he could be anything less than perfectly confident about it. But, then again, Hyun does seem to be completely and utterly golden in nearly every aspect, almost too much to be real. . . And yet there's something much less flattering (in his own eyes, anyway,) that lingers below the surface.
"It still feels a little bit like a dream," you admit, "—to hear you say you love me, that is."
With robotic precision, Hyun guides you in this dance. His grip is secure and snug, but far from tight. He offers just enough pressure to set your heart on fire.
"Really?" He blinks, shocked to hear you say that to him, as if you've managed to read his mind and spout his own sentiments right back at him. "I feel like I should be the one saying that to you."
The giggle that erupts from the back of your throat leaves Hyun laughing softly with you before he bends over slightly and presses his forehead to your own. Sighing gently, he mumbles your name under his breath. Your heart skips a beat at the mere sound of it as it falls from his full lips. If it were physically possible, he'd pull you close. But, unfortunately for the both of you, it's not, —especially if you're keen on continuing this dance with him.
Hyun likes that there's no pressure here with you, no demands that he knows he has to meet at the end of it all. You don't want anything in particular from him. . . You just want him as he is, no qualifiers or conditions attached.
This, he thinks to himself, is what falling in love feels like.
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omgjumin · 2 years
Omg Jumin with fem reader smut prompt #17 please HELP ME RELINQUISH MY THIRST MA'AM
the meeting - han jumin!
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summary: you have jumin wrapped around your finger which makes him miss a meeting
tags: thigh riding, pet names (princess, love, baby), praise, manhandling (?), i think that's it
notes: id like to think that jumin has a marriage kink. anytime you call yourself his wife, he just loses his composure. there's only two things in his mind, work and his wife.
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"you're going to make me late."
"and?" you stood firm in your beliefs as you followed jumin around the house, watching him get reading for the day. though you knew at one point you have to let him go, but now wasn't the time. "love, i have a meeting in 45 minutes." jumin sighed as your hands found its place around his tie once more. "oh really? what's the meeting for?" you asked as if you weren't begging him to fuck you then and there. "it's a meeting with an important client and if it goes well-" jumin paused, clearing his throat as you pulled him closer by his tie. "if it goes well, then i won't be as stressed in the months following." you hummed a response before wrapping your lips around a patch of skin on his neck. "princess... don't press your luck." jumin warned like you cared. "what? you don't want your precious wife to kiss you goodbye?" jumin gripped onto your hips, quickly flipping you around to lean against the wall. "now you know damn well enough that's not your intention here."
there's this look on your face that jumin has really never seen before. the low-lidded eyes that were filled with lust, eyes that if jumin kept looking into, he would be turned into dust. the small grin that has jumin gripping onto your waist tighter, letting out a curse because you've got him exactly where you wanted him to be.
"fucking brat." jumin swore under his breath. he was puddy in your hands, you knew that and used it to your advantage. though it doesn't surprise him— not one bit. it was often you had him around your finger just like that, so easily. it was so easy to beg him to stay just five more minutes in bed so you could bask in his warmth. five minutes that happened to have jumin's long slender fingers run down your body, into your pajama shorts, to tease at your sensitive clit. the five minutes that turned into 20 minutes as jumin fucked you against the bed. his lips just mere inches away from yours as he panted. "god... you feel so good." loud whimpers of your name fell past his lips as his hips began to stutter. "fuck- im sso close... yea, right there?" with a yelp of his name, your orgasm was ripped from you.
swiftly, jumin placed his knee in-between your thighs, forcing them to spread. "go ahead." with your lack of response, jumin pressed his lower thigh against your cunt. "get off on my thigh since you insist on being a brat." a low whimper only left your lips when you began to roll your hips against his clothed thigh. the friction of his thigh felt so euphoric yet you needed more. you grabbed onto jumin's arms to keep you steady. your cunt, only separated by one thin cloth from his flexed thigh made eager to feel more. jumin only laughed to see you to needy for him. the meeting long forgotten as he watched you struggle against him. you begged for jumin to help you, to use his hands to touch you, to keep your hips moving in a steady pace to reach your release. but he shook his head as if he was mocking your desires.
jumin bounced his thigh underneath you, a silent warning to keep going. "i didn't say you could stop, princess." you knew whining wasn't going to get you anywhere, especially with jumin, yet you did so anyway. "come on baby, you can do it. just like that, good girl." jumin leaned down to whisper, his hot breath tickling right underneath your ear. and just like you knew jumin was puddy in your hands from just a simple "please" from his wife, he knew you lost control just from his voice. a kink of yours he knew from the beginning. it wasn't hard to figure out when you kept begging him to moan more, to let you hear him. and it was especially not hard to figure out when your cunt would squeeze his cock ever so tightly when he whispered praises into your ear. "im so- ng cumming!" you yelped out as your hips faltered, stopping for a split second as you came against his thigh. "do you feel better love?" jumin chuckled as he brought your eyes to meet his before placing a soft kiss onto your lips. embarrassing enough, you nodded your head. beginning to shy away from jumin once you realized he let you use him for your own relief. "now don't shy away from your husband hm?" your eyes locked with his before looking down at his watch then further down to his used thigh. "your meeting!!" you gasped as you pushed jumin away from you. "im already late for that because of someone." burrying your face in your hands, you mumbled a 'sorry' before turning away. "don't apologize, after all, i did enjoy it too but-"
jumin softly laughed before pushing stray strands of hair behind your ear. "what do you think your punishment should be?"
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