darkmedolie · 2 years
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I saw that smile, you big tsundere
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strawberrus0da · 2 years
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If you know, you know.
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prince-snatcher · 2 years
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"I'm going to make sure you pay if you take my STAR!"
(redo of this drawing whew)
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queens-nightmare · 1 year
This might just be me, but I feel like yungtown's snatcher voice fits your snatcher better than bit-b's. Like bit-b's just doesn't feel right coming out of that mouth almost, even though it sounds like his Canon voice! It might be a familiarity kinda situation (I can't hear yungtown's restraint order without thinking about your animatic) but still.
That's an interesting opinion for sure because did you know that Yungtonw's Snatcher voice in the stream is different to how it was in the game?
Also know I am curious, so I put a side-by-side comparison together.
My preference lies by Bit-B. Partially because if I would put Yungtown's voice (both) and Bit-B's on a color wheel, Yungtown come off as more sharp and scary, while Bit-B has a slightly more warm and goofy tone to Snatcher.
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And in my opinion that fits more to my Snatcher, lol.
The other reason is I pay my VAs and Bit-B is more affordable
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mapleykin · 2 years
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Watched Yungtown’s stream, and had to do some rough sketches >:)
now my brain be fried-
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beautifully-lumpy · 1 year
click on that link and enjoy! :D
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If the World was Ending (JP Saxe)
I know, you know, we know/We weren't meant for each other and it's fine/But if the world was ending/You'd come over, right/You'd come over and you'd stay the night
"I think this song tapped into our innate desire for connection esp in this turbulent time, in a very down to earth way. The song start by describing a man stuck in traffic and thinking about his ex when he realized there's an earthquake. During the pandemic, I suddenly realized that there are many friends and loved ones whom I have gone out of touch with, along with the sudden realization that I might never see them again. This song encapsulates that mood, along with the idea of not wishing to let go of a friend or lover even when you've already parted."
Late Night Thoughts (Yungtown)
Critique should only be from those people you trust/Now a days opinions hit you from all angles/If you start chasing approval you brain will re-construct/Even right now as I'm thinking of releasing this song/I keep wondering what people will think of it, ugh/I'm defeated when I finally read what someone thinks/Can someone please bring me the tweezers for once/Cause the negative words, are splinters, can they ever be cured/Once they've entered you
"Okay, so quick background, Yungtown used to make parody raps based on video games and a fair amount of them got very popular. One of them was even noticed by Nintendo of America, which praised the song. But he stopped making music and just left the internet for a few years and when he finally came back, it was with this song. This song, Late Night Thoughts, is a retrospective of his past on the internet. It’s his journey of his self-discovery, of who he is and what he’s been doing and what it means to not just him, but other people. It’s a very emotional song for him that he worked a long time on and god. Man. The lyrics. I can’t relate cuz I’m not like, an online figure, I’m just a guy, but I can FEEL the emotion and feeling of the song. It hits me HARD."
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retrofuturefairyhouse · 2 months
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Its fucked up that luke and ian were never in hardcore together Lyrics from Native Tongue by My Kid Brother
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crucian-tador · 2 years
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art as a gift is clear for who uwu
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strawberrus0da · 2 years
I’m still not over the fact that this happened tbh
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yungtown doodle yippee
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please watch my crunchy luka luka night fever yungtown mmd. thank you
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aloftmelevar · 2 years
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the absolute GRIP these guys had on us in 2014-18
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This was my shit when I was in like third grade
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beautifully-lumpy · 1 year
hidden block was founded on this day 10 years ago!
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onewingedsparrow · 2 years
Yungtown is BACK with a brand new album and I am so, so excited for him. To hear his story across all these amazing songs is...powerful, and not just because of the Epic Raps and Sick Beats (TM). This song in particular (“Bump That”) is so refreshing...it really nails the feeling of starting anew, making a comeback, revitalizing. The line I never settle on a source of love that is proportional to porcelain in particular got me good. I have always admired Luke’s lyrical skill, and this album really highlights that through every single song. I’ll probably type up my thoughts on all his new songs at some point haha because they’re all SO GOOD, but for now I’m too busy listening to all of them ;)
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