yeyayeya · 7 months
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Tellius fans how we doin?
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FEH also decided to include Sanaki’s two lesbian moms and two gay dads
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vellatra · 2 months
Fire Emblem Heroes - Wild West Alts!
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Doc Rhys - he's a tender-hearted and kindly town doctor, but don't cross him - he's got a mean surgeon's knife! >:)
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Miss Calill and Miss "May" (Almedha!), barmaids from the local saloon. Almedha sends rowdy patrons on their way with her darkness tome, but Calill uses a good ol' fashioned whiskey bottle about the ears!
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Nobody dares get into any mischief with Sheriff Zelgius on duty!
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But head out of town and you might get waylaid by the Pirates of the Highway - Tribesmen Janaff and Ulki!
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It takes a brave sort to run the Pony Express - Aran and Jill take their job very seriously. Haar, on the other hand... (^_^*)
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feh-alt-battle · 2 months
Request Poll - Black Knight/Zelgius
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Please do not criticize any art you may not like or compare one art to another in terms of quality, it's unkind and downplays the amount of work that the feh artists put into them. Please treat the feh artists how you would as any other artist - with kindness and with love.
Artists in order: Daisuke Izuka, Yamada kotaro, Daisuke Izuka, HAGIYA Kaoru
Notes: While being under different names and categorized under different games (despite being a direct sequel), this is a request poll so both are included as they are the same character
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yuriprince · 10 months
Did you play the gamecube fire emblem games growing up :o
i actually never owned a gamecube :( i started my gamer journey with the ds and wii
i have watched. most of a playthrough of path of radiance tho! it’s a really cool game! and ike is awesome, i love that guy. i gotta finish that playthrough one of these days, and watch radiant dawn too
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rubywolf0201 · 1 year
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This came from FEH’s Twitter account but it looks like Black Knight and Annette would have a Christmas alt judging from their silhouettes alone.
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asterouslyaesthetic · 6 months
thinking about zelmica at the ninja festival
he can't keep his eyes off her and ends up following her and sanaki during their game
she knows he's there the entire time. every time they restart their game, she lingers near him to catch a glimpse
sanaki is deeply confused and annoyed as to why her sister is acting weird. she thinks it has something to do with sothe and gets upset when miccy starts laughing
when sanaki ends up falling asleep, miccy starts carrying her. and who should appear by her but her friendly neighborhood knight
he tries to help her but she insists on carrying her sister, like she used to carry sothe
she asks him why he didn't come say hi. he says he didn't want to interrupt. they would hold hands if miccy wasn't giving her sister a piggyback ride
he walks her to her room (where sanaki falls asleep). miccy wants to let her retainers+altina+sephiran know sanaki is staying over, so she leaves sanaki temporarily in his care
he thinks about the future and how they won't be able to share one, especially since he knows what's going to happen. but damn it, the thought of a family is very appealing to the part of him that wants to be loved and appreciated
when miccy returns, she sees him off. they very nearly kiss, but sanaki ends up talking in her sleep and interrupting
speaking of which, sanaki has a vague recollection of someone else joining them and ends up having to ask sothe about it (which kickstarts their own sibling relationship)
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jillfizzart · 7 months
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Hagiya Kaoru, the artist of ninja Zelgius alt, has drawn an additional picture of Zelgius
original post
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slyfire · 7 months
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I'm begging...give him red armour. They messed up with his winter alt.
As for the right person, I see Lene the most? Otherwise I have no clue.
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cripitique · 7 months
I can't believe I have to go back to FEH because of a Zelgius alt...
Time to farm for orbs, I guess
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kimium · 7 months
Ninja Banner! We don't have Duo Saizo or Kaze (shame) but at least Saizo is our Tempest Trial unit!
Also, I gasped happily when I saw Reina on the banner! It's about time she's in the game, even if it's alt hell. I'm also super excited for Ninja Zelgius! I hope I get him (and Reina).
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childofaura · 1 year
Well... Banner thoughts
1. Black Knight/Zelgius is absolutely perfect. I laughed at his “accosted by children” line and also just love that he’s CHRISTMAS-themed.
2. Dorothea...
Ok look... I very very very VERY rarely use this word because it’s either misused as all hell, or people are making an exaggeration over it.
But... I genuinely think IS is being sexist with Dorothea. In a way that’s so hurtfully ironic to her character. I hate using the word “sexist” because she’s NOT REAL, I get that, but like I honestly don’t know how else to go about it. Dorothea hasn’t even been included as a base alt in this game; She’s so far had the most alts out of any character without actually being in the game. And that’s not a BAD thing. But... Look at all her alts: Summer swimsuit alt, Plegian alt with skimpy clothing, and now her Christmas alt with a SUPER low-cut top and fishnet stockings. Like wasn’t the whole point of Dorothea’s character that she was seen as a low-class nobody who only gained value for her voice and her body? And all IS keeps doing is giving her more sexy alts BEFORE EVEN GIVING HER A BASE UNIT IN THE GAME?
And ok, let me absolutely clarify: These are just lines at the end of the day. It’s just a drawing. In the long run, I don’t give a shit and it doesn’t affect me. But in the short run... Fuck, I wish they’d be a little more balanced and less blatant with who their fan-service is for. Oh, also STOP MAKING THE THREE HOUSES UNITS MANDATORY ADDITIONS TO THE CHRISTMAS BANNER.
3. Annette. Sweetie, darling, love of my life, honey, I love you. I really do. You are precious to me.
... But you are also a Three Houses character and the fact that both you AND Dorothea are on this banner means that you’re killing the banner diversity.
(I still love you though, puddin’ ;w; )
4. Cordelia and Selena.
HRGHHHHHH.... Really mixed on this one.
On the one hand, it’s... really weird that they’re going “Haha look, it’s a Harmonic Hero” when no. It’s not. Shuddup. Also hell, could they not have made Selena the main unit? This is her “first” alt in the game (but really no it isn’t, the Easter alt is), and they decided to make Cordelia ANOTHER alt primarily. Also right on the heels of her Fates alt being added? Really? So now we have Regular Cordelia, Bridal Cordelia, Summer Cordelia, Resplendent Cordelia, Caeldori, and finally this Christmas one. Yaaaay.
But on the other hand, it’s sweet that Cordelia and Severa are finally in a Duo Heroes together. So I’ll let it slide.
5. Bruno.
Augh... I haven’t seen the art yet but Bruno is slowly stepping into Dorothea’s territory, just in the male version of it. IS, please just give us Bruno as a Legendary Hero for the next banner. Please don’t make him like Dorothea where all we’re getting is man-tiddy. Like... Do as much fan-service as you want AFTER their base unit gets added, but consider adding him first. Also maybe do the cool thing you did with Conrad where his mask is off when you check his profile.
Actually, I kind of hope he has his mask off for this banner.
All in all, I honestly hate to say it but this Christmas banner is a pass for me. I might try to free Summon for Black Knight but that’s it.
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yeyayeya · 7 months
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Lol after my last post about Ike FEH is gonna give me Zelgius
Well played
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zerobound · 7 months
our path ahead summons!!! :D
i've been saving a good portion of easy/hard maps from the story and paralogues to grind out in an emergency and this banner was A BIG EMERGENCY. i didn't anticipate wanting anyone on the ninja banner... and then i saw the zelgius silhouette and i knew it was immediately over for me, at least at SOME point i'd be spending. micaiah and heather were just the cherries on top, and reina was long anticipated! not to mention that FINALLY saizo gets an alt too!!! hopefully kaze gets one soon, he's my husband on my main fates file and always has my heart 🥰
i spent literally roughly like 11 hours grinding out the tempest and maps, and thankfully got very rewarded for it!!! :D
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all absolutely fantastic pulls!!! i didn't have syrene or caeldori and wanted them so i was SUPER happy to get them!! plus, i could never complain about lethality fodder since i already have volke! i also got three 4 star reinas :D
for my 40 summon, i chose...
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duo sanaki!!! i absolutely ADORE this duo, the art, the theme, everything was so on point and super cute!!! im so happy i got them!!!
of course, i also hit my guaranteed event character threshold a while back, so i magically found some extra orbs (with my wallet) and kept going!!
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sadly no zelgius, but i will ABSOLUTELY take heather because i love her plus she's SO GORGEOUS AAA definitely going to be supporting her with nephenee!! im also so relieved i don't have to deal with color sharing in the future, i'll be back for zelgius either on a rerun or double special heroes banner!!!
this honestly might be my favorite banner they've come out with this year, i've found them to be a little bit lackluster this year in particular with a few standouts (new year's, valentine's, and halloween in particular) so this felt like such a treat!!! now i have to start saving for whenever valentine's leo gets his rerun (and i'll delusionally hope for an overdue ranulf alt too) because i missed out on getting him earlier this year 😭😭 good luck to everyone summoning!!!
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stringcheese777 · 1 year
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Feh’s CYL 7 interim top 20 in order of average rank in past CYL events.
*I accidentally put that Yuri is a backpack, meant M!Robin MY B*
I am using OVERALL rank, not split between male and female (example: Leo was 10th among males in CYL 10, but 21st overall his rank for that year is counted as 21).
For units who’s votes were split in year 1 & 2, I used the highest of their rankings. This skews them lower than they would be if votes had been combined since the start, but I ain’t doing the math to add their votes and rerank them. Anna is more complicated since IS did not combine her votes after CYL 2. I used her Awakening version as it has been the best performing of all of her alts. Of course if her votes were combined she would have won already but IS hates us.
Resplendents and backpacks (ie in duo or harmonic but not lead unit) are NOT counted as alts, however are noted.
Lif does not count as Alfonse, Zelgius does not count as BK. Grima DOES count as Robin.
I am including release date of last alt because I’m biased and it’s been 4 and a half years since we got a Takumi alt. There are 5 units in the interim results that we haven’t received an alt of in this decade, being Sharena, Petra, Takumi, Leo, and Reinhardt. There are 5 units without their base version in the game, being Felix, Sylvain, Ashe, Dorothea, and Touma/Cain (I'm not counting Gullveig, y’all are just thirsty).
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tsukai22 · 1 year
My last Soleil vote has been lodged. Let’s hope she did well enough for IS to stop ignoring her and give her an Alt, or at least a Resplendent. That hasn’t worked for Ayra though...
Soleil’s far from the only character being screwed over by IS in regards to CYL voting versus in-game representation, which I’ve been thinking about for a while. Examples below (long read):
- The aforementioned Ayra not getting anything is especially bizarre - she's not only been in every top 100 of CYL, she's also always been the highest scoring female AND the highest scoring non-Lord from Jugdral yet doesn't have an alt. At a stretch, it could be because of "Ayragate" but that wasn't to do with the character herself, rather that she happened to be a powerful character who was unannounced and color-shared with a mediocre unit who wasn't new. - Ranulf not getting an alt is also really weird, as aside from popularity FEH is starved of potential Beast unit candidates to the point where most new OCs are Beast units. He also gets mentioned a lot by NY!Lyre and NY!Kyza but still hasn't been on a New Year's banner - usually, when a character gets mentioned by other seasonal characters they end up getting their own seasonal version the next year. Oh, and he's got the second-most lifetime votes of any character who's been eligible for all 6 CYL events but doesn't have an alt. - Felix. Especially Felix. He still only has 1 version despite finishing as the #3 Male in CYL last year, and as a seasonal grail unit. Meanwhile, there's 4 Hildas going around even though Felix has outscored her in every CYL event they've been eligible in. - There's also only being 2 Bernadettas despite her outscoring Hilda in every CYL event they've been eligible in. I suppose I could compare a lot of 3H characters to Hilda though... - The Black Knight only having 2 versions until last Christmas. Notable because Zelgius was released shortly after Black Knight and is basically exactly the same character but not wearing a helmet and with a marginally different stat distribution. - Nephenee only having 2 versions despite consistently being one of the highest scoring non-Lord units in the series, and has popularity on par with Mia (4 versions) and more than Ilyana (3 versions) - Only one Jill, no Lucia in the game at all... I think Tellius characters are getting screwed over for whatever reason - especially weird since, as a whole, they've gotten more seasonal alts than most other games, so I'm not sure how this is possible. Large cast problems I guess. - Anankos not being in the game at all despite being in every top 200 CYL event - notable since most final villains don't score anywhere near that high. It seems like he's too important to be a GHB unit but they don't want to make him a Mythic unit for whatever reason. - There's also Finn, who consistenlty gets high votes - which is difficult for a non-Lord from (primarily) Thracia - but only has 1 version. - The power of memes got Bartre an alt, but it hasn't gotten the more popular Wrys a vote - nor has it gotten Gatekeeper a version that wasn't voted in. - And one final one since I could go on and on and I need to stop at some point: The fact that we still only have 3 Annas - despite the fact that her combined popularity gives her the 6th most CYL lifetime votes of any character. The playable version of Awakening Anna isn't in despite having by far the most votes of any character not in the game yet. The second most is Fates Anna, who doesn't even have an Apotheosis Anna equivalent in the game. It's hard to put into words how screwed over she's been in FEH, and that's BEFORE I get to how poor her versions in FEH perform as units.
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vganimefanatic · 2 years
It may not be this year but one year he's gonna get his red armor
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