#Zohakuten x reader
doumadono · 1 year
Upper Moons & Muzan & blind s/o - headcanons
Warnings: blind fem!reader Requested by: anonymous
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Initially, he dismisses you as someone unworthy of his attention. He sees your disability as a weakness, something that only hinders your existence. This disdainful attitude stems from his belief in power and dominance, where strength is synonymous with worth. As Muzan observes you navigating the world with remarkable resilience and adaptability, a small flicker of curiosity sparks within him. Your ability to face adversity head-on, overcoming obstacles that would have left others paralyzed, commands his respect. He is fascinated by your sheer willpower and the strength you exhibit despite your visual impairment.
At first, Kokushibo maintains his stoic demeanor, but as he observes you, a flicker of curiosity sparks within him. He is intrigued by the your ability to navigate the world without relying on sight. Secretly, he admires your resilience and resourcefulness, seeing it as a testament to the power of human adaptability. Kokushibo deeply admires the strength you possess, recognizing the immense challenges of living and navigating life without vision.
Akaza, with his fierce and protective nature, feels a strong sense of responsibility towards you. He becomes your steadfast guardian, always ensuring your safety and offering unwavering support. Despite his own frustrations and inner turmoil, witnessing your unwavering determination inspires him to overcome his own obstacles. Driven by his deep respect for women, he wholeheartedly dedicates himself to providing you with unwavering care and assistance. He sees it as his personal mission to ensure your well-being, going above and beyond to support you in every possible way.
At first, Douma finds amusement in the fact that you are blind. He has never encountered someone like you before, whose heightened senses compensate for the lack of sight. Your unique perspective and abilities intrigue him, adding an element of novelty to your interactions. However, as he spends more time with you, he begins to unravel a newfound empathy within himself. He realizes that your lack of sight accentuates your other senses, making them acutely perceptive and sensitive. In a rare display of vulnerability, Douma becomes your confidant, offering solace and a listening ear, understanding that sometimes, the most profound connections are forged in darkness.
Sekido, with his straightforward and practical nature, struggles to comprehend your blindness. Sekido's frustration simmers beneath the surface when you get lost easily or face moments of doubt due to your blindness. It's difficult for him to find the right words to console you, as his anger clouds his ability to express empathy. He approaches the situation with a mix of confusion and frustration, finding it difficult to relate to your experiences. However, as he witnesses your unwavering determination and unwavering spirit, he gains a newfound appreciation for your resilience. Slowly, he learns to adapt his straightforward ways to offer support in practical ways, becoming your dependable ally in a sightless world.
Urogi, with his carefree and whimsical personality, takes an immediate liking to you. He sees your lack of sight as an opportunity to introduce you to a different perspective on life. Urogi becomes your guide, using vivid descriptions and tactile experiences to paint a vivid picture of the world around you. Urogi, in his playful nature, frequently explores the heightened sensitivity of your other senses, particularly touch. Sometimes, without any warning, he runs his talons gently up and down your back, causing you to let out an unexpected yelp of surprise.
Karaku is initially uncertain how to approach you. He chooses to observe from the sidelines, quietly noting your interactions with others. Karaku, known for his mischievous nature, approaches the situation with a lighthearted demeanor. He teases you about being blind, using humor as a way to cope with the circumstances. While his jests may sometimes border on insensitivity, his intention is to bring levity and laughter into your life. He sees it as an opportunity to foster resilience and self-empowerment, encouraging you to rise above the limitations and find strength within yourself. Inspired by your perceptive nature, Karaku finds solace in your presence, learning that sometimes, silence speaks louder than any visual spectacle.
Aizetsu, embodying the essence of sorrow, can't help but feel a deep sadness in witnessing your lack of vision. He understands the profound impact that sight has on one's perception of the world and the emotions that arise from not being able to experience it fully. Aizetsu feels an immediate sense of protectiveness towards you. He becomes your unwavering support, offering a steady arm and a calming presence. His gentle guidance allows you to navigate the world with confidence, providing reassurance in your moments of doubt. Aizetsu, the reflection of sorrow, feels a deep connection to you. He recognizes a kindred spirit in you, as you both carry a weight of darkness within.
Zohakuten, with his brash and impulsive nature, struggles to comprehend your blindness. He often finds himself frustrated by your inability to appreciate the beauty he sees in the world. However, as he witnesses your unwavering determination and strength, he begins to question his own prejudices. Zohakuten begins to admire the profound strength that emanates from deep within you, independent of your senses. He's quick to defend you when his counterparts treat you in a manner he deems unacceptable. He engages in heated arguments with them, standing up for your well-being and demanding that you be treated with the respect and care he believes you deserve.
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hantengu (+plus all of his clones) reaction to their wife giving them their first ever kiss on the lips. This would probably take place like at the beginning of their marriage. Also if you don’t feel comfortable with making wife reader kiss Zohakuten on the lips, you could do like his nose or the area above his lips. Thank you! :))
𝓐 𝓚𝓲𝓼𝓼 𝓕𝓸𝓻 𝓖𝓸𝓸𝓭 𝓛𝓾𝓬𝓴.
Hantengu x Fem!Reader Kissing HCs
Synopsis: The Upper Rank 4's now wife couldn't resist kissing her sweet husband just to see his reaction, or in her case, her sweet husbands.
Warnings: A bit of NSFW elements on Sekido's, Karaku's and Urogi's parts, otherwise it's just a whole lot of sweetness \(>v<)/
Divider credits:
Saradika's roses, golden railing and that weird green thing
Purples sparkles and paint roll splodge thing
Water like waves
Note: OMG THIS IS SUCH A CUTE IDEA!!! I LOVE IT!!!! ALL OF YOU HAVE THE BEST IDEAS!! (I wrote this really quickly cuz the smut is taking WAY too long for even me so have at it in the meantime, anyways, enjoy the food ^3^) + please forgive me if this isn't too great, this is my first time doing HCs. I couldn't really picture a full on one-shot with this so I turned them to HCs, it's also a great way for me to try it out for the first time (° 3 °) + did not proofread (I never do)
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The mere fact that the Upper Moon Four out of all the six (eight) upper moons actually got married, much less got into a relationship and somehow managed to keep it is a shock in itself for not only the other moons but for Muzan himself. If anything, he thought it'd all end in just a few days, but no, his fourth strongest demon is married now. Oh well, he could care less for any of his employees. As long as they did as they were told, they were free to do as they wish.
As for the newlyweds, they were perfect and happy. The wife's family was very happy for the pair, though, they had been under the impression that it was just one man and not a demon that could split into younger versions of himself. That would've been quite the scandal. Now, the day – or in this case, night – after the wedding, they are all simply relaxing in their shared home after having returned from a mission.
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— The first thing this little demon does is rush to his wife, sobbing and bawling his eyes out about the fact that demon slayers tried to kill him, claiming that he "can do no wrong" or that he's being "wrongly accused of crimes". It's the same old thing and even then, she listens to every word he has to say as he shivers in her palm.
— Is quite surprised to say the least. He didn't expect the soft lips of his perfect wife to press against his small head but that doesn't mean it wasn't welcomed, if anything he cried more, though this time, not about the fact that he was hunted by demon slayers. Well, maybe that too, but that was only so his wife could pity him more and give him more kisses.
"T-They were all s-so awful! Their b-blades against my n-n-neck was so a-agonising!! It scared me!" He sobbed while hugging her thumb, wiping his tears and snot on the sleeve of his kimono as he continued his complaints. "Oh, my poor husband. Maybe some kisses will make you feel better." She said as she places a multitude of soft pecks on not only his head but also his small body. The small demon could not resist the feeling of his wife's lips against him and thus moved closer so more of his body could gain the sensation of her lips pressing against it.
— Is far too shy (scared) to ask for kisses. Instead, he uses his manipulation tactics to get her to pity him and so she could kiss him. A little bit of guilt here and there but it is all worth it for a few of his wife's kisses.
— Is the one who enjoys getting kissed by his wife the most after Aizetsu and surprisingly enough is very greedy for them to the point where he forgets being shy and simply begs for her to kiss him.
"P-Please kiss me again, d-dear! Just o-one more time!" He pleaded, almost on the verge of crying again at the thought of his wife's show of affection stopping. She chuckles softly at his desperacy for her kisses and is even a little bit surprised at how much he craves them. Usually he's busy cowering in a corner or something. "Of course, my love. I'll give you all the kisses you want." She cooed before her lips pressed themselves against his cheeks.
— Gets extremely flustered if it's on the lips. He'll begin to stutter and perhaps even forget how to speak as his face flushes a bright red despite his still heart not really giving a proper blood flow.
— Must always kiss him whenever he leaves for a mission or in general, or if you go to bed or anywhere else really and it must be on the lips, he will settle for nothing less. And I mean nothing less.
— Will kiss you softly in your sleep if he returns from a mission and you're already lights out before cuddling up beside you.
— Favourite places to kiss you are your lips, forehead and cheeks, how cute.
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— Sekido is probably at the patio rubbing his temples, trying to get a moment of silence and peace all to himself after having dealt with his annoying younger selves. Their tomfoolery and clown-like behaviour makes him want to absorb them so they shut up, especially Karaku who doesn't know when to keep his trap shut.
— The tension in his head is instantly relieved at the mere sound of his wife. He had heard her approaching from a few rooms away and is pleased with her presence before standing up to give her a firm hug and sighing heavily to begin his complaining about the other clones.
— Completely caught off guard and stunned to silence when he suddenly feels his wife's lips against his face, only blinking in pleasant surprise as his crimson eyes stare into hers. He never knew how much he liked her kisses until now.
"They are such a pain to manage and it makes want to rip them all to shreds so they could shut their traps for once!" He spat angrily while shaking his head in annoyance. The urge to punch something grew ever so stronger as he then got up to grab and throw something before he was interrupted by the feeling of soft lips on his jawline. "Don't break stuff, Sekido, those are expensive." Her soothing voice rang out in the large space, the soft sound waves of her voice reaching his hypersensitive pointed ears and instantly calming his extreme rage.
— Will immediately ask for more kisses and is not ashamed about it, though that won't encourage him to openly ask infront of the others, especially not Karaku.
— Surprisingly enough, he gets a bit hot and bothered at just your kisses alone and even moreso when on the lips. Poor clone is constantly stressed out that any outlet of relief already gets him so worked up. Doesn't mean it's unattractive, if you know what I mean 👀
"Again." He huffs softly, rough hands grabbing onto her waist and pulling her to his frame before his lips connect to hers. Immediately, his tongue fights its way through her mouth, intertwining with hers and venturing as deep as it could. His hands hold onto her waist firmly before one of his them slips just below her buttock and groped it firmly, the other slipping upwards and cupping her breast.
— He was beginning to enjoy himself before his advances were stopped by you with the excuse that the others would hear and would also want to join, much to his disappointment and irritation.
— Nevertheless, he's well-aware that you're right. While he doesn't mind sharing you with the others in the slightest, he'd like to have you alone for a little while due to how worked up he is.
— Will give you kisses should you go anywhere that's not near them and may even follow you just ensure your safety and expect the same when he's going on missions.
— Favourite places to kiss are neck, lips and jawline.
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— At this point, she's had the idea to go around and kiss the other clones to see how they'd react and she had a fair idea of what Karaku's reaction would be. Karaku, who was in the kitchen doing God knows what, was surprised when his wife suddenly approached him and kissed him on the lips.
— I mean, who said he's complaining? If anything, he can put aside time he had made to play fight with Urogi for a few kisses and perhaps more from his wife (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)
"Am I that irresistible to you, sweet thing?" He purred teasingly, face leaning in far beyond her personal space (not that she minds). "Perhaps." She teased back before backing away her head. "Oh no, no, stay a little. I'd like to have some more little kisses from my little wife!" Karaku wasn't going to let her get away that easily, no way. The demon grabbed her hips and pulled her closer before kissing her neck and jawline, slowly trailing his lips upwards towards her lips.
— Instantly got handsy with you (no surprise there), hands busy down there groping your asscheeks as if they were some stress toys while he's busy making out with you. Almost seemed like he wanted to lift you up...
— His mouth was definitely everywhere, especially near your cleavage. The guy has a weird obsession with your boobs and not just in the horny way.
— Was definitely disappointed when you pulled away and said you still have the other clones to attend to but didn't fuss about it. He's just happy he got to get a few grabs on his wife here and there and managed to get a make out session with her, even if short.
"Alright, alright, fine. But were definitely continuing this when you're done." Karaku says before giving her rear a slap and disappearing into the living room as she stood there chuckling at his behaviour. She expected nothing less from the pleasure demon.
— Will often try to engage a make out session with you whether or not the others are present and not giving a rat's ass about what they may think, do, or say as long as he got to taste your lips.
— Favourite places to kiss are definitely cleavage/boobs and neck. He's that guy.
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— Shocked but gladly welcomed it as his face gained a light red colour before he kissed back harder. Instantly went soft and (politely) asked for more kisses, also wanting to feel his head be held in her delicate hands.
— Immediately begins to complain about Sekido having yelled at him too much and that he was following orders. Out of each clone so far, Aizetsu appeared the most stressed and frustrated and the only way he could out that was through crying since he didn't really possess any other emotional receptors other than sorrow.
"He always yells so much, it hurts my ears and head... Even when I do what I'm told he still yells." The now crying demon sniffles softly into the crook of her neck. She pat his back softly as she listened to him vent while also scolding Sekido in her head at his brash behaviour. "Please kiss me, darling... Your love always makes me feel better." Even if he couldn't feel the emotion love itself, he loved it when his wife would express her love for him no matter what way that may be (pause).
— The longer this goes on, the sappier he gets as he constantly asks for words of affirmation and kisses while snuggling you more. While he prefers kisses on his forehead and cheek, he isn't too shy to kiss back on the lips and they're not just the soft once you see in those love story movies.
— The man (demon) can kiss just as well as the others, I mean for goodness' sake, they're the same person but at different ages of their shared life (even though that's barely noticeable). Aizetsu can start a whole make out session if he so wished with the way his tongue was dancing with yours right now, but all he wants right now is comfort from the frustration his second oldest counterpart had caused (Urami is the oldest, dumb dumb excluding Hantengu).
— Like Hantengu, he's a sucker for kisses. Please kiss this man anywhere (pause) because he loves it. He'll kiss you too in return, can't only take without giving something in return for his lovely wife, now can he?
— He comes to you when he's sadder than usual for kisses and snuggles so he can calm down or in case the others are too loud.
— Favourite places to kiss are corner of your lip, nose and temple
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— Oh boy, this one is already so hyperactive and it only gets worse when he gets attention from his wife, so imagine how giggly and jumpy he was when he suddenly felt her lips connect to his. He could almost ascend to the heavens even though that's not where he's ever going.
— Will demand for more because it makes him happy and according to him, he gets "a pleasant feeling" in his chest that he can't get enough of.
— Will instantly grab hold of her to deepen the kiss, so much so that he forgets she needs to breathe (oopsie). He does apologise for forgetting so there's a plus.
"You taste exquisite, songbird. I could kiss those lips forever and not get tired from it." Said the lively harpy clone before once again going in for a deep and passionate kiss while being mindful of his talons and wrapping his wings around her.
— Guaranteed privacy screen with his wings when your kissing him. It reminds him of how you belong to nobody else but him, that you love only him (and the clones) and have eyes for nobody else. It's also a way of asserting his dominance.
— Absolutely LOVES it when you put your hands on his chest, it fuels his already inflated ego since he's the clone who shows off the most ("How do you like my talons?" ahh). Not only does he like to gloat about his talons and their strength, but he also LOVES to show off his body to you and boast about how good he looks (for you).
— Can't have Urogi headcanons without mentioning his wings now, can I? Since – according to actual research – caressing a bird's wings can get them aroused/sexually frustrated (if you don't do anything else), Urogi loves it when you place small kisses on his wings. It makes him feel oh so good. Sometimes he forgets he can't just grab you randomly and make love to you right then and there. Oh well, a kiss will do for now.
"Kiss my wings, it feels good." Urogi commands rather bluntly as he flared his wings out for her, caressing her face gently to coax her into kissing them. She chuckled softly before doing what was requested from her. She was quite surprised to hear a soft, barely audible moan from Urogi before realising why he wanted her to kiss his wings. That gives her ideas for... future playtime.
— Gets embarrassed when you hear him moan and uses the excuse that you must've heard wrong or teases you about wanting him (I sure do 😝). He will never admit that his wings do more than just get him to moan.
— Favourite places to kiss are ears, collarbone, forehead and lips.
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Now, hear me out. While I among many other people see Zohakuten as a child, I've got a more complicated view on it. I see Zohakuten as an adult child if that makes sense. I am comfortable with writing him being married to an adult woman because essentially, he is still an adult, like he has the mental age of an 87 year old man. I can write stuff like kissing and even minor spicy stuff for him but that extends only so far (i.e: him purposely shoving his face into Y/N's breasts like Karaku just to get attention or just very slight groping). I will not go any further than that point. No exceptions. He still physically appears as a child.
— Now, this is a little different. After everyone had calmed down and the wife was wandering elsewhere, they all had gotten the sudden strong urge to fuse. They all realised that Zohakuten wants to have a turn and who could blame him? They just got married and not to mention he rarely ever reveals himself.
— Imagine her surprise when she hears a deep voice – somewhere in the range of Sekido's voice – calling out to her "Woman." and turning around to see a the youngest clone standing there with his arms behind his back.
— Of course, like a good husband, he asked how she fared while he was out on a mission and the usual before respectfully asking for a kiss, however, there was a very faint hint of envy present. She knew he was a tad bit envious of his older counterparts being able to gain her affection at any time of the day or night while he couldn't so of course she couldn't resist him.
"I've missed you..." He mumbles softly before wrapping his arms around his precious wife, reveling the feeling of getting to hold her in his arms even if only for a moment. "I've missed you more, my darling." She coos in return before cupping his small face and placing a soft kiss on his lips. Zohakuten in turn intensified the kiss, his fangs grazing her lower lip as he did so and arms tightening around her waist.
— Believe it or not, this little fella is a certified gentleman. Ignoring what he said to the Love Hashira (💀), this boy is the most gentlemanly after Urami. He's the type to hold your hand like those princes with their princesses to assist you when walking down the stairs.
— I mean, everytime he reveals himself, he greets you with a small bow and a kiss to the back of your palm, idk what more you could want from this little cutie.
— Although, he can be quite vulgar, he tones it down a massive amount when he's around you and is less scornful thanks to the calming effect your presence has on him.
— Do not he surprised when he's simply staring at you with a harsh look as if you've just murdered his main body, that's just him suppressing the urge to kiss you.
"Uhm, d-dear?" The wife calls softly to Zohakuten who's been doing nothing but stare at her with the harshest glare she's ever seen him stare at her with. Zohakuten snaps out of his daze as his expression softens before he hums inquistively. "You've been staring at me like I've just sided with the demon slayers. Is everything, okay?" His eyes then widen slightly before he sighs and shakes his head. "Oh... no. I just simply wish to kiss you, that is all." Her cheeks gained a red tint after that surprisingly blunt and honest confession as she then smiles. "Oh, well... Who am I to say no?"
— Is very honest about what he wants if he's caught. Unlike the other clones – excluding Urami – and the main body, who try to hide what they want, Zohakuten is not shy to admit that he wants your lips against his and he will say that with the straightest face.
— Loves it when you kiss his forehead, it makes him feel all soft inside and he doesn't know why or how.
— Favourite places to kiss are hands, temple and lips.
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— His presence alone surprised her even more than Zohakuten, especially when he walked out of the room that Hantengu was in. Urami reveals himself every once in a blue moon due to the fact that he simply wishes not to deal with his younger selves' bickering and monkey business. However, seeing as all the others gained a bit of affection from their wife and that they're newlyweds, he too wished to spend some time with his wife.
— Much like Zohakuten, he's very gentlemanly when it comes to asking for affection from his wife. He respectfully asked if he could hold her and lift her up to his level so he could kiss her properly.
— Hear me out. The best kisser after Karaku. I don't know, he just looks like he has so much experience with women (which he kinda does 😒), like look how massive he is 😳.
She was surprised when a rather large hand gently grabbed her waist to turn her around. "Oh! Hello you!" She greeted happily as she looked up at her massive husband before hugging his legs. He was surprised but allowed it and even picked her up into his arms before kissing her temple. "Yes. I figured why not also be present when the others are gaining your addicting love?" Quite a flirt.
— Urami is surprisingly chill when it comes to kissing yet also really passionate. Like think of just wanting a quick kiss from big ass hubby over there and he picks you up only to give the most leg-shaking casual kiss ever 😫.
— He's quite a flirt. You could almost say he's near Karaku's level just minus to pervert stares, touches and so on. Like, he's the type of "Formal old man dilf" type of flirt and knows how to use his words, he just doesn't do it often due to how rarely he's present and even if he is, he's just mostly quiet (most sane clone).
— Should he ever engage in flirting with you, be prepared to have a face painted red and him drinking blood as if it were tea as he sits there with his most neutral expression.
— I swear, his kisses make you think you're a virgin again with how well he does it. Like, he even uses his fangs to graze your lips and even your tongue softly while also (respectfully) touching you to the point where your legs aren't even jelly, they're straight up water (😏).
Urami felt the familiar grip of his wife's hands on his kimono and knew that he was once again doing a flawless job at making her melt like ice in his arms and he couldn't be more satisfied at that fact as his fangs gently graze her tongue that was being twirled with his as if it were a sort of waltz. "You're doing it again." The tall clone teased before resuming their kiss.
— Holds your face or hands when he's kissing you cuz he's just that guy.
— Favourite places to kiss are hands, neck and forehead.
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magicalbunbun · 11 months
Angel in cover
||Hantengu clones x angel! Reader|| + zohakuten ||
Warning!!bad grammar!!
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How did you found yourself in this situation?
You were just taking a small walk in the forest, and now? A uppermoon 4 just have to show up and ruin your nice calm walk.
🪽- sekido
At first sekido thought that you were some pathetic human, till he was your wings, they were beautiful, but what shock him was that, you didnt feel like a Demon... What are you? This is his first thing that come in his maid. Sekido being sekido of course he attack you, but after the fight you may or may not win.
If you win the fight:
Sekido will be in shock seeing how strong you are, as he Lays on the ground he looks at you in interest/shock but after some time, if he sees you once more, he will but try to get close to you, and if that happens, congratulations you have a soft sekido.
-"....you have beautiful wings....that dosent mean I like you! Dont get funny ideas!"-
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🪽- karaku
Karaku at first think that you were a Demon, but seeing you not eating humans or act like the Demons? But he quickly understood that you are no Demon, but a real angle!
-"my my! I didnt think that a angel would find themselves in pleasure!~"-
Since you are a angel, he likes to help you around, but loves to sleep with you. Your wings bring so much warm that makes him fall asleep quite quickly.
He secretly wants to have sex with you-
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🪽- Aizetsu
Aizetsu was in shock to see a beautiful/handsome angle walkin calmy in the forest.
He was like w..wha? Angel? In this cruel world?... thinking about that makes me feel so much sadnnes
Aizetsu will help you Also around the house, or at last try to help you with wings, to clean them off.
Aizetsu is a sweet heart for you, please hold him close and hide him in your wings, it will make him feel loved.
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🪽- urogi
At first urogi was so happy! Like very happy! Seeing someone who haves wings? Like him? He will be so happy!!
But after he learn that you are a angel not a Demon, he will make sure you wont damage your wings, he dosent know if you can heal like Demons, so he will be cerfull with you.
Will fly with you at night! Loves to fly around the night sky, just to see your wings shine in moon light, and your happy expression.
-"keke! You have wings!? Thats so cool! It makes me feel so much happyness!"-
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🪽- zohakuten
...a angel?... A real angel?... He was shock to see a angel.
But of course he will attack you! After some time he will calm himself down but wont let you come any closer to him.
After some time, your motherly act got him the best.
He will like glue to you, he will stick to you and wont let go of you, he love when you read him something when you lay your wing on him, making him feel warm.
He feels weird but he likes it.
-" ...how are you warm?....hm...I like it... "-
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|| ~ 🪻I hope you enjoy reading 🪻 ~ ||
• { request are still open } •
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wisteriaw0rld · 1 year
Can I request this scenario?
Zohakuten starts seeing a human girl behind the other clones’ backs and the clones become suspicious cause he’s literally “sneaking” off each night. The four decide to secretly follow him and walk in on him and the girl having a romantic moment (EX. Them sharing their first kiss). If you don’t write for Zohakuten romantically then you can make it platonic and have the clones walk in on them playing with each other?
-ˋˏ ༻zohakuten x reader༺ ˎˊ-
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||Synopsis: The four clone’s had slowly been realizing the weird behavior coming Zohakuten. Usually, they wouldn’t exactly care and they would choose to mind their own business, until they find him sneaking off at night. The first time, they chose to shake it off. Then, he begins sneaking off every night. (fem! reader) - (thank you for requesting<3!)
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“They say I’m too young to love you, I don’t know what I need.” -Lana Del Rey
It was the dead of night. You had no trouble sneaking off as you did every night, seeing as your parents would always be dead asleep. Zohakuten on the other hand had to to struggle going unnoticed by four different people. Somehow, he had managed to do it previous nights and he only assumed tonight would be the exact same. 
Except the moment he left, he didn’t realize Urogi and Karaku secretly following after him.
“Where the hell are you two going?” Both Urogi and Karaku got pulled back by their hair, showing none other than Sekido who had been pulling them back, Aizetsu standing behind him. “Don’t tell me your sneaking off like Zohakuten.” Sekido muttered angrily before finally letting go of Urogi and Karaku’s hair.
“If we were sneaking out, we would be much better at it.” Karaku whisper yelled back, rubbing his scalp gently with a small frown on his face. Urogi simply nodded his head, agreeing with Karaku.
“I wanna know where he’s going. What if he made a new friend!” Urogi let out a small laugh, feeling that with Zohakuten’s rude manners, there wouldn’t be a chance he made a new friend. Suddenly, he was smacked on the back of the head by Sekido who continued glaring at him. 
“And you couldn’t have just told us that you were going to follow him?” Aizetsu asked while watching as Karaku ignored Sekido and continued his way to follow Zohakuten outside.
“Karaku!” Sekido yelled out as the green eyed demon just turned around to face him. 
“You can’t tell him you don’t wanna know where he’s going. He’s been sneaking off for so long already!” Karaku exclaimed as Urogi tried his best to persuade Sekido.
Sekido only stayed quiet, exchanging a small glance with Aizetsu, who seemed all for following Zohakuten. A small sigh left the anger demons mouth as a small shrug followed. Truth be told, he was curious. He had been for a while, just like the others 
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“Jeez, you guys need to put off a few pounds!” Urogi exclaimed attempting to fly while holding all three of the other clones. 
“Hey, over there!” 
“Where?” Urogi attention quickly moved down to where Sekido had been motioning, only to see Zohakuten sitting on the grass with a young girl sitting across of him, a smile on her face as she talked to the demon in front of her.
“HEY! Look out idiot!” Karaku yelled, holding onto Urogi’s foot and shaking it aggressively, trying to show him the large tree that he could possibly run into.
“A girl!?” Urogi yelled out in disbelief, his focus still on the two below him, who were both unaware of the four demons. The moment Urogi yelled that out, he ran into the large pine tree, each of the four clones falling to the floor with a loud thud and the sound of rustling leaves tracing after them.
“Why weren’t you paying attention!?” Sekido yelled out, raising a fist at Urogi. Karaku was  quick to throw his hands in Sekido’s mouth in an attempt to silence him.
“Shush! Look!” Karaku whisper yelled, moving his hands of Sekido’s mouth to point at Zohakuten who was sitting down on the floor, talking to a young girl with the smallest smile on his face. Aizetsu was quick to move into a bush to get a closer look at the two. The others followed, each of them poking there heads out of the bush in a not so secret way.
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“When can I meet the others?” You asked, glancing over at Zohakuten before turning your attention back to a small field of flowers.
“Never.” He responded quickly with a small head shake. “They’re all idiots.” He added with a small mutter before choosing to lay down.
A small giggle left you before you moved over to where Zohakuten was, joining him and laying down on the soft grass.
“That’s like me asking when I can see your parents.” He retorted sarcastically, moving his head over to the side to look at you. You looked back at him, shrugging slightly with a small smile.
You knew they were demons just like him, so there could also be a possibility they would hurt you. You had been lucky enough to peek Zohakuten’s interest when the two of you first met. Eventually it led to you two developing a friendship and sneaking off every night to see each other.
“You know, I’m glad I met you.” You changed the subject after realizing Zohakuten’s disliking of talking about the others. A smile graced your lips before turning your attention up at the night sky.
“I’m glad I met you too.” He muttered in a low voice. If the two of you hadn’t been laying right next to each other, you probably wouldn’t have heard him. Your smile widened as you quickly sat up, noticing Zohakuten’s confused face.
You noticed the smallest blush on Zohakuten after he saw your happy expression at his reply. 
“I really like you.” You smiled, your cheeks turning a light pink as you hoped for a similar reply.
“I really like you too.” He spoke in the same practically silent voice as before. Your hands gently grabbed onto his cold ones as you carefully pulled him up from sitting down. 
Zohakuten’s face burned a light shade of red as he realized what he had said. And the loving look on your face only seemed to make him appear more flustered. Although he refused to show his nervousness as he slowly leaned in, making your face turn a darker red as well. 
Just as your lips were about to touch, you heard rustling coming from one of the bushes not to far from you both. You and Zohakuten were quick to turn to look over at the bush and pause your actions.
Instantly, someone came falling out of the bush, falling face first into the dirt. You cringed slightly. The face then looked up. The more you looked at it, the more you realized it was a demon. But also one of the ones Zohakuten had described to you before.
Two small horns on his head, hair a little passed his shoulders and blue eyes with Kanji on it. Your first reaction was to quickly hide behind Zohakuten. 
The sorrow demon looked up sadly at Zohakuten, mostly ashamed of getting caught. Especially since it wasn’t his fault to begin with.
You heard a displeased sigh escape Zohakuten. “And where are the others?” He asked as Aizetsu looked back the bush, signaling they were all hiding in there.
“Great going Sekido, you blew our cover!” 
“I didn’t even push him that hard!”
“You both be quiet!”
Soon enough, three other demons left the bush not at all looking as guilty as Aizetsu did. Zohakuten glared at them, trying his best to hide you behind his back.
“So she’s why you’ve been sneaking out.” You heard a sly laugh from behind you, making you jump as you turned around, seeing a green eyed demon looming over you. 
“Why didn’t you tell us about this little human girl?” Urogi asked, trying to get his own look at you. Suddenly, you felt yourself get pulled up by your arm and next thing you knew, you were on the green eyed demons shoulders.
“I like her!” Karaku suddenly yelled, walking around in circles with you still on his shoulders, completely terrified and refusing to move one bit.
“That’s why.” Zohakuten muttered in annoyance, signaling over to Karaku who was completely scaring you, despite wanting to meet all of them a few moments ago.
Eventually, you felt yourself get pulled off the demons shoulders and placed on the floor. In front of you was the sorrow demon who still had a guilty look on his face. “Are you okay?” He asked after setting you on the floor again.
You hesitantly nodded, not exactly knowing how to feel at the sudden appearance of the four demons. Aizetsu just gave a small nod before you suddenly felt yourself get pulled away again, this time by Zohakuten. 
Before you knew it, Zohakuten picked you up off your feet. “Don’t follow this time.” Zohakuten told the others before quickly running off.
“I can’t believe he already found someone before be.”
“You’re too ugly to find someone anyways.”
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Time for a Taisho Secret!: Both you and Zohakuten had to keep changing the place you would meet up because the four either separate or all together, would follow and spy on the two of you. The only one your both fine with being there is Aizetsu, as long as he keeps his distance.
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nimmie-nugget · 9 months
~Hantengu Clones x Disgust Clone Reader~
Reminder: drink water and eat a full meal! Turn on dark mode if it’s currently night where you live~ wouldn’t want ya eyes to hurt right?~ —go to your profile and press the icon that’s on the VERY right, then click “General Settings” and scroll down a bit till you see “Color Palette” and there should be a few options for ya there!—
Warnings: ooc, not proofread, your not gonna like Karaku’s part, you might shit your pants
Note: I’ve had this in my mind for quite a long time!!! Google better be right for the kanji’s I have next to the clone’s names or Istg- This doesn’t mean I won’t stop doing Tokito twins content tho! I’ve been posting some other things instead of Tokito content so i just wanted to reassure~ don’t worry Tokito enthusiastic’s! Your emotion is disgust and your color is a mix of Yellow and Green~ Platonic ofc or else self love has a new meaning💀 Enjoy <3
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Sekido 怒
You CANNOT come to me and tell me this is not toxic. 💀🖕
Both of you argue the most out of the clones
There was a time your argument got WAY out of hand ‘n both of you started using your BDA like crazy!
Your always pointing out his lil flaws
Tho Sekido’s clothes are more tolerable.
You tease him but not as much as Karaku
Long story short both of you want each other to die 😣
“Why not you fix your hair before you start talking?”
These two lines kinda giving sibling energy- 👆
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Karaku 愉
Your grossed out by the fact he doesn’t wear proper clothing.
Just one touch and you go
Teases you A LOT. You and Sekido most likely teamed up once just to get him to shut up 😬
I think he just considers you a whore at this point-
Considering you always look at his abs ‘n shit but your just trynna tell him to wear some clothes in the most judging way possible 😭
How did he even miss that gaze full of disgust!? HECK it’s your emotion-
“I know you like this Y/n~” he says as he licks his hand. Bro’s a cat fr💀
You gave him the most disgusted look ever that day.
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Urogi 幸
He’s too much for you to handle-
Your losing your sanity yeah tots like you didn’t lose it years ago😃
Let’s just say your BDA is to be able to mind control-
The moment he uses his BDA you instantly use your BDA on him if your near.
Tho despite you literally being disgusted of him in every single way, you still hold some respect for him.
You groan as you activate your BDA “I don’t have time for this! And keep ya mouth shut would ya?! Your voice is disgusting.”
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Aizetsu 愁
You must admit he is quite tolerable then the other clones but that’s what makes it more disgusting.
You two have a pretty decent relationship.
Tho his outfit…it’s disgusting.
You don’t really hold…much disgust towards him???
Tho it’s just probably because he doesn’t annoy you much as the other clones.
Your the only clone who doesn’t tease him or act serious.
That’s the explanation to him latching to your arm 24/7 👆💀
“…Y/n don’t yell…that makes me sad…” he said clutching onto his staff
“This disgusts me. You disgust me.”
Yep, ya had to use your BDA to get him off.
But why ya gotta be so mean!!? >:(
But hey! Aizetsu’s confirmed to be a cat 😼
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Zohakuten 憎
Let’s just say ALL of the clones are in a black void when Hantengu is in control 😶
Never though I’d say this but this relationship is WAY more toxic then yours with Sekido 😰
Your always commenting on how disgusting he is.
Roast him like a Roblox kid 😎
Tho you won’t be getting away just easily.
Considering he’s the STRONGEST of the clones you’ll def be beat to pieces 😭
“Ngh!…is that all you got? Your unreliable dragons can’t do shit to me! Utterly disgusting.” You say with a grin.
Hell you faced so many tortures that day- tho what scared ya the most was the fact that your regeneration slowed down 😰
Like- HOW!?!?
You swore to never go overboard with HIM ever again 🫡
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Ion see a lot of Zohakuten headcanon’s so here’s mine.🤗
I’m purposely making you a human for this, and he sees you as a Mother/Father.
My personal Zohakuten hc’s!
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This little fucker is a complete brat, but you love him like your son so you don’t mind usually.
You love him dearly but, he bosses you around almost all of the time.
He cares about you, but he would want to slap the fuck out of you sometimes.
Example; If he asked for you to do something and you messed it up JUST A TINYY bit, he’s giving you the silent treatment for the rest of the day, no matter how many times you try to apologize.
Sadly you don’t see him a-lot, because he’s either at the Infinity Castle or with his older brothers.
If he’s ever out on a mission for longer than he’d expected, he’s shiting himself, hoping that you’re still alive and you weren’t attacked by any demons.
Whenever he’s done with his mission, he’s running to your house. Once he arrives, he literally knock’s your door down, yelling “Y/N WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?! YOU DIDNT DIE ON ME RIGHT!?”
When you came out of your room, you was shocked to see that he broke your door down. He just hugged you,his arms around your waist and his head at your stomach, not saying a word.
You were honestly confused but didn’t say anything, because he seemed calm. Once he stopped hugging you, you plucked him on the nose, for breaking your door.
Back to main topic. He usually comes to your house late. I’m talking midnight.
He usually see that you’re up, waiting for him, it made him smile on the inside really, but he ends up scolding you for staying up late, as if he’s the parent and you’re the kid.
If you’re ever sick, he there for you, half of the time..but he tries his best. He honestly doesn’t know what to get for you, so you would have to tell him.
He would bring back food, and a-lot of medicine. He doesn’t know which one was the right one so he took any he could find, steal.
If you ever baby him, he wouldn’t like it.. he does secretly, but rather not say that. He finds it embarrassing and think it makes him seem weak.
When you first met Zohakuten, he was going to kill and eat you, but he saw how sick and pale you were, so he went behind Sekido back and took care of you.
But overall this kid loves you a-lot and would do anything to keep his mother/father alive and safe.
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mothxliin · 8 months
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Zohakuten x FEM! Reader
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Please, read the Warnings first..
Warnings: fem!Human reader, reader is Zohakuten's lover, Angst to fluff, Dom Zohakuten, Jealousy, bites to the bone, blood.
Please, if you Consider Zohakuten as a child, leave and don't read, don't comment inofensive and mean comments, please.
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"Zohakuten?..Please..I already told you I'm sorry.." I said touching Zohakuten's shoulder, instead he hit my hand, and removed it from his shoulder
"Tsk, do you think I care about your stupid forgiveness, human? Go away, I don't want you and I don't want to see you." Zohakuten now looks at you with hate, but what happened to him to talk to you so badly?
His Lord, or rather, Muzan Kibutsuji, sent him on a mission, of course not him,Hantengu, but the clones had some complications with the Demon Slayers, and ended up creating Zohakuten.
On the other hand, you always wanted to see how your boyfriend fight, but you didn't always see zohakuten, since you've spent months without seeing him because the clones didn't fusion, In other words, you were like a friend to the clones, a 'friend' on the other hand they considered you their girlfriend since they were part of zohakuten, but that didn't mean that they would always be by your side, since they didn't have time to be with you or fusion into Zohakuten just for you to see him, that sounded to them a bit... stupid, but that didn't mean they didn't love you, in their ways of course.
And since you missed zohakuten, you wanted to see him fight or at least see him since you hadn't seen him in a long time, and after months, you finally found him casually fighting and you hid behind a tree admiring your boyfriend, you never saw him fight, because Zohakuten didn't want his lord to bother with him just because you distracted him in his fights.
You hoped that everything would go well, and that zohakuten would kill those Demon Slayers so that later you could go and throw yourself into his arms, to be able to kiss him, hug him and many more things...
But you didn't expect that the Demon Slayers would notice you.. Less that they would get close to you.
"Hey!! You, get out of here before you hurt yourself!" said one of the boys who looked like a kinoe rank ran to you, and pulled you out of hiding behind the tree.
"I-I.." You said while getting nervous and afraid that zohakuten will notice you.. But luck was not on your side today.
"Miss, I ask you to please get out of here!" said the boy grabbing your elbow as he pulled you towards him
Zohakuten turned his eyes to see you surprised... He hadn't seen you for a long time either, he missed you, maybe... But what were you doing here?... And more with that Demon Slayer touching you... That filthy Demon Slayer was touching you?... While zohakuten continued to look at them surprised and with anger flowing through his veins to see how you were so close to that Demon slayer... Was it jealousy?... No, it was hate, anger... Jealousy... How did you know? Did that damn demon slayer dare to touch you with his dirty hands?.. to you?..
Veins appeared on the zohakuten's face, enraged with hatred and jealousy, he quickly played his drums behind his back, and the huge wooden dragon turned to look at you and the Demon slayer, and attacked you two.
"Miss, go away!" Said the boy, putting himself in front of you, pointing his sword towards the wooden dragon that was going straight towards you two
But instead you didn't know how to react and you stayed there still, while the demon slayer ran towards the wooden dragon, with the intention of being able to drift it with his sword, but he didn't expect more wooden dragons to come at the same time to stop him. to attack him, so the poor boy, without knowing how to react, the wooden dragons bit him to the bone and ripped his skin while he let out cries of pain and died, and you stood paralyzed watching the horrifying scene, while the other Demon Slayers that remained, the same thing happened to them
(In the present)
"Z-Zohakuten... Please, that wasn't my intention... I... I just wanted to see you... I haven't seen you in a long time..." you said while looking at the ground sadly, instead zohakuten didn't even flinch to make you feel better.
"You stupid human, how dare you get into one of my fights? You idiot!" Said zohakuten while looking at you angrily, and pointing his finger at you "Get out of here you damn human, I don't want to see you." Zohakuten said, in his tone of voice it was obvious that he was angry, so it was better that you leave it, so as not to make things worse, you knew that making him angry was not right, he was worse than Sekido..
"I-I.. F-Fine.. I-I'll go.." You said as you turned to walk away from zohakuten, walking towards your house, while small tears formed in your eyes and fell down your cheeks.. You just missed him a lot.. But apparently he didn't.
You opened the door of your house, and you changed your clothes and got into your bed, still crying, while you cried yourself to sleep...
. . .
You opened your eyes which were swollen from crying, while trying to get back to sleep, but you couldn't, you still thought about zohakuten, but maybe it was time you forgot about him... After all, he treated you like a simple and pathetic human, as if he was no longer interested in you, or as if he didn't even know you and took you like other humans... He didn't love you anymore?
Thoughts invaded you as you kept shedding little tears.. It hurt so much to know... You loved him so much and you miss him so much... And he just treated you like shit and like he didn't even care about you..
But maybe you should forget about him, and continue with your normal life, like a simple human... You wiped your tears and got up from the futon and walked towards the kitchen to drink a glass of water, from crying so much, your throat was dry.
While you were drinking water, you noticed that the door of your house was open, and then you started to get scared... Who had entered your house? A thief? An animal? Or worse... A demon that wants to devour you?..
You slowly put the glass on the table and trembled as you walked towards the door to close it, and when you got there you closed it slightly without making any noise... Perhaps the thing that had entered in your house could hear you and come towards you, and that was the least you wanted...
While you turned slightly to go to your room and hide somewhere until daylight, you paid yourself dry when you saw bright eyes staring at you from the dark corridor... Those eyes... Red and orange staring at you from the deep darkness.. As if they were going to devour you in an instant..
You began to tremble and sweat from the cold as fear and panic invaded you...
"W-Who are you?..." You said with a shaky voice as you took a step back, but when you wanted to take another, some root-like branches wrapped around your leg as more came out of the ground and wrapped around you, you wanted to scream but a branch wrapped behind your neck and mouth, and they began to attract you towards that darkness and those eyes which were still staring at you..
You tried to struggle and try to free yourself from the branches which were on your body, but it was useless because they were too strong and were pressing more and more on your body.. Until you arrived in front of those orange and red eyes.. While fear and panic invaded you again when you saw how those eyes were moving more and more towards you ..
You closed your eyes tightly in fear that thing being in front of you would do you some harm... But all he did was caress your cheek.
Then you widened your eyes in confusion as you looked into those orange eyes..
"Are you really so weak and pathetic that you can't recognize me?" He said with a deep and strong voice as he continued caressing your cheek, and then you felt that the branches of your body were beginning to let go until they let your feet touch the ground again, and then you looked at him confused until you realized that It was nothing more and nothing less than... Zohakuten.
"Zohakuten?.." You muttered while looking a little sad at zohakuten.. What was he doing here? After he said those harsh words to you.. "What are you doing here?... I thought you didn't want to see me anymore.."
Zohakuten instead grabbed your waist and attached you to him while he frowned and growled.
"What makes you think I meant that? Seriously, you are a pathetic human and too weak to believe everything I say, you are mine, and you will remain being mine until my lord Muzan dies." Zohakuten said sarcastically as he captured your lips in a fierce and strong kiss as he held you close tightly tightening his grip on your waist.
Opening your eyes with surprise when you felt that Zohakuten would kiss you fiercely.. You were confused and surprised not knowing what to do... Should you kiss Zohakuten back, or separate from him and confront him?..
The second one was too dangerous and risky.. But you loved Zohakuten too much to choose the second one.. So you kissed him back while placing your hands on his chest.
Zohakuten carried you and walked to your room while he kept kissing you, and laid you down on the futon and he got on top of you, and he slowly pulled away from the kiss to look at you with his orange and red eyes...
"Y/N...I...I'm...sorry for treating you like this...I missed you so much, I just got angry, not with you, but with those stupid Demon Slayers..." Zohakuten caressed your cheek while looking at you with his mischievous face of hate, but it was even more relaxed and calm..
"It's o-okay Zohakuten.. I understand you.. I just wanted to see you fight the Demon Slayers since I missed you a lot..."
Zohakuten looked at you as you spoke and then he sighed and put his head on your chest as he hugged you tightly, you smiled and patted his head as he smiled slightly
"Just... Let's forget about it and let's enjoy this moment..." Zohakuten lifted his head from your chest to look at you again, now you could see that his brow wasn't so furrowed anymore and he seemed calmer, and then Zohakuten kissed you again, now it was a loving and sweet kiss...
As you two snuggled and held each other and slept...
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colourstreakgryffin · 9 months
may I have Zohakuten with a little sister reader? Like he the hate clone and she the love clone and is basically views him as a hero? She also loves to cuddle him and she sorta like Daki due to her innocent but tiny demon nature she cries a lot whenever she hurt and she always calls for her big brother for help whenever she struggling
Another Hantengu clone and a special one! But for real, I absolutely love this type of contrast and I’m totally do this so thank you so much for this! I hope you enjoy!
Zohakuten- Hate and Love, Black and White
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Zohakuten feels a bit in the limelight when you proclaim your loving idolisation over him. Sure, he is the product of all four of the main clones fusing into one but he isn’t the best clone to view as a hero and you’re a very pure and loving clone
Zohakuten is a very hateful person that can’t bring himself to tolerate any living being, even his own fellow clones but there is just one creature he has found out he can truly tolerate. You, the Love clone of Hantengu, who is so sweet and compassionate that Zohakuten becomes affected by your “magic”
Zohakuten is very protective over you. You don’t like to express any other emotion and expression, other than love, to literal everything walking and breathing you find. You don’t like to fight so that’s why your hero, Zohakuten is there. To take lives for you and help spread your love
Zohakuten will immediately drop whoever scares you and makes you cry. You’ll scream out his name for help, your loving heart cracking at the cruelty and he will tear their head off with immense anger. He can’t stand ANYBODY daring to hurt the one he feels passion for, his surrogate sister
Zohakuten doesn’t really know how to respond to your cuddling but he just lets you, patting your head gently and encouragingly. He can’t really hug back good enough, he will bump your face in one way or another. He will never push you back, he will let you hug him all you want
Zohakuten may not like the way you idolise him as a hero but he does his best to meet your expectations and provide stable protection. You can handle yourself decently, thanks to your immense strength as a blood demon art product of Upper Moon 4, but your innocent and friendly nature makes you susceptible. He will be that wall defending you at all causes
Zohakuten cannot care least for all his other clones, they are merely steps to boost himself up whilst you’re his pride and the only most important thing to him. He won’t let slayers nor the sun take you away from him, his precious loving sister. He may be a hateful big brother but he doesn’t express that hate to you at all
“Little sister. Please don’t try do anything silly, it’ll ruin your beautiful face and your beautiful personality. Allow me to take care of this and you just sit here, safe and sound”
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sdr2lovemail · 9 months
Hello, could I request Mitsuri x reader headcanons?
A little backstory: It's a modern au where reader is the sister of the clones. She's dating Mitsuri and Zohakuten doesn't approve. Like that's his big sister get away from her! Zohakuten probably give Mitsuri such a hard time when he's around.
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Zohakuten wants Mitsuri out of your life (FEM Reader)
Synopsis: Zohakuten hates your girlfriend and is very open about it.
Notes: I love Mitsuri and I love Zohakuten, thank you for requesting this. Double posting, I felt inspired by this ask.
Requests are open!
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Mitsuri would be ecstatic. Pacing around, anticipating your younger brother getting home. She wants to make a good impression. She loves you so much and wants your brother to approve of her.
You try to get her to lower her expectations. “Uhh, I wouldn’t be too excited. Zohakuten isn’t the most… friendly.” 
As if summoned by his name, Zohakuten walks into the room. His usual scowl seems to deepen upon seeing Mitsuri. “Who is that.” It wasn’t a question. It was a demand.
Before you could introduce her, Mitsuri bounds up to the boy. She offers her hand with a wide smile. “I’m Mitsuri Kanroji, your sister’s girlfriend. You must be Zohakuten. I’ve heard so much about you.”
Ignoring her hand, Zohakuten is silent as he glares at her. His brow furrowed with anger. Though, his expression doesn’t daunt Mitsuri. She instead grabs something out of her bag.
“I brought you a gift! It’s the latest copy of Jump. My brother loves it.” She offers him the manga, hoping he will like it.
“I hate that magazine. Don’t think you can sway my judgment with pointless entertainment.” With that, Zohakuten stomps to his room, ignoring your reprimands, leaving you to comfort Mitsuri.
The two of you had a rather rough childhood. Your brothers moved out the second they could, and your father had the tendency to just up and leave, which left you to raise Zohakuten pretty much on your own.
He’s always been a closed-off kid, protective of those he loves and quick to anger. He hates others trying to get in his space. You were the only family member he had around. He didn’t want a stranger ruining his normalcy.
Zohakuten tells that to her face, of course. “You are just a shameless harlot trying to seduce my sister. You’ll never be a part of my family.”
No matter how much you reprimand him or put him on punishment, his feelings hardly change. Mitsuri would try everything to get him to like her. She’d offer gifts like sweets and games, try to bond with him, anything to try and get to know him. But her efforts are met with the presents being trashed and mean words.
He goes out of his way to make Mitsuri feel unwelcome.
One time, Mitsuri had come over for dinner. Zohakuten had set the table with only two plates. When you asked him to set another out, he said you shouldn’t waste your money feeding her. After getting scolded, he would get a plate for Mitsuri, with as much attitude as possible.
Mitsuri will eventually learn that this is just how he is. No amount of presents, food, or small talk can get him to like her. Though, she’ll still offer him things.
I can see Zohakuten capitalizing on your love for him. You wanna hang out with Mitsuri? Well, his stomach hurts and he needs you to help him feel better. You and Mitsuri are snuggling in bed? Zohakuten had a nightmare and wants to sleep in your bed tonight. 
Your four other brothers might take him off your hands if they could be bothered to. It’s Aizetsu who watches him the most. He feels bad that Zohakuten keeps meddling in your love life.
Give him a few years, and he will grow to tolerate Mitsuri, nothing past that. He’ll start taking her presents and not try and lock her out of the house. Zohakuten will always carry a sense of resentment. You’ll be at your wedding and he’ll pull you aside to ask if this is really what you want. “The papers haven’t been signed you can still leave.”
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adoremexxs · 10 months
Hellooooo,, I’m super bad at requestinh😢 but like. CUDDLING ZOHAKUTEN… ur au breaks my heart omfg I want to make him feel better,,
guys i’m going to be honest, i’m so scared to write physcial affection for zoha ☠️ it’s a bit short but it got a lil plot‼️‼️
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You were at home, studying for your quiz that was tomorrow. You quite literally were going to fail it if you didn’t study.
You almost fell out of your chair whenever you heard your bedroom door slam open. It was your boyfriend, Zohakuten or as you like to call him, Zozo. He doesn’t like that name.
And just by the look on his face, you can tell he didn’t have a good day at all.
And especially with the giant cut on his forehead.
“Zohakuten, what happened?” You ask, brushing the dust off your pants before standing to go walk over to him.
Zohakuten just glared at you and you were not about to deal with his attitude. You just rolled your eyes at him and walked past him to get your first aid kit.
You made him sit on your bed. He was sitting criss cross applesauce with his hands in his lap while you took a q-tip with disinfectant on it, running it gently along the cut on his forehead.
His leg was shaking so much. You could tell how anxious he was. This clearly wasn’t good. You didn’t say anything as you cleaned the cut on his forehead and gently patched it up. You looked at him expectantly.
He looked at you, back at his lap and then back at you, “I don’t want to talk about it.”
You just sighed once again. Zohakuten was hard to get to open up but you were certain that he would later. So you just plop your head down on your pillow with your hands behind your head, looking at Zohakuten. He knows what this means. It’s you offering to let him cuddle with you. And Zohakuten is so bipolar about cuddling.
He was sitting there awkwardly for 10 minutes, staring at you. Zohakuten decided to get over his fear and lay ontop of you. It knocks the wind out of you because you weren’t expecting it. You just closed your eyes within those 10 minutes to relax and next thing you know Zoha is resting his head on your chest.
“I’m sorry for being hard to love, (Y/N).”
This caught you off guard. Sure, what he said was true but you enjoy it. You love Zohakuten, he’s a sweetheart, hell, he’s your boyfriend.
You smile down at him, running your hand through his messy hair while your other hand wraps around him.
“Zohakuten, don’t apologize. It’s not your fault.” Your sweet words make his heart flutter. He hates this. He hates how obsessed and weak and vulnerable he is with you. He shouldn’t be like this. He really shouldn’t.
But you have a way of making him come undone.
“Yes, it is. It’s my fault that I constantly make you feel bad and I-“
“Zohakuten, you don’t make me feel bad. You make me feel so loved, even if you have a hard time expressing your feelings. That’s what I’m here for, Zo. I’m here to help heal you and allow you to move on from your past.” You just give him that sickly sweet smile and cup his face, running your thumb over his cheekbone.
Zohakuten is staring deeply into your eyes, searching for any hint of lying. There is none. He feels bad. He tries to convince himself that he isn’t that into you, that he should leave you because he doesn’t like you.
He is literally in love with you.
All he can do is bury his head into your chest and hug onto you tighter.
You smile at him, his face buried into your chest. You didn’t care if he didn’t respond to you or not, he’s clearly embarrassed. His arms wrapped around you tighter and refused to let you go.
“I love you, Zo.” You absentmindedly say, hugging him tighter to you. You didn’t care if he said it back or not. You didn’t care at all. You knew he loved you anyways.
You were a bit surprised to hear a small, “I love you more, (Y/N)…”
All you do is smile and play with his hair again. You knew that Zohakuten would always love you, would always care about you, just like you would him.
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gamergirl-niffler · 10 months
Thank you for the last request you fulfilled, it was adorable 🥰
Can I request one more? I would love to read about Aizetsu and other clones, including Zohakuten, if possible, who are dealing with a fem reader who is chronically ill and very weak because she's dealing with strong anemia? Please do it fluff and angst if possible, sfw and separately for every clone. Thank you 🙏
I am terrible with requests... but I hope you will forgive me and enjoy what I wrote!
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Hantengu clones and chronically ill fem!reader
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- It annoys him a lot.
- He hoped for you to be useful yet... you are not.
- You're always tired and weak, he doesn't need that around himself. 
- Every time you complain about chest pains or headaches, he's getting one himself!
- He wanted to use you to be his "spy" during the day, but you are useless.
- "Why! Why can't you be normal?!" He growls, looking at you with anger in his crimson eyes. 
- "I... I don't know... It's just who I am. I am sick and can't help it..." You explain.
- Finally one day he decides to drop you. 
- No matter how much you cry, beg and promise to do your best to be useful. He doesn't listen.
- "Be grateful," Sekido snaps, pushing you away, "I should eat you, but I won't. Such a weakling isn't worth any more of my time." 
- And just like that, he disappears from your life. You can look for him as much as you want, but he's gone for good, not caring if you will live or not.
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- He is confused.
- If you are sick, why won't you just go and get some help? Medicine or whatever you humans need.
- Just don't be mad at him! He is trying to understand but it's hard since he doesn't need to worry about his health.
- If your skin has a slightly different color because of the illness, he won't look differently at you. He will even praise it!
- "Wow! Your skin looks so pale! Are you sure you're even a human? Maybe you're a demon, like me? It's pretty," Karaku mutters, caressing the skin of your arm. - Whenever you feel lightheaded or out of breath, he is there to assist you. He will even use his pretty fan to help you.
- Karaku likes to give you piggyback rides, especially since you often complain that you are tired. It's fun for him as well!
- He could eat you. It would end your sad existence but for some reason he actually likes to help you around.
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- He is confused as Karaku and a little annoyed with it.
- Urogi as well as the rest of the clones doesn't need to worry about health or such, and he is really playful.
- Sometimes your symptoms spoil the fun. He doesn't like it, but on the other hand he tries to understand! You can't help it, right?
- He likes to help you out! Because you are so sweet! At least you don't scream at him like someone else (cough, cough, hi, Sekido!) just because he wants to help!
- "You are so light!" He hums, carrying you in his arms. Urogi is doing it every time you are tired or/and feel bad.
- "Thank you so much, Urogi," you always thank him, making him feel useful.
- He loves the feeling! He holds you close, and you praise him for this! It makes him coo.
- He will protect you. If someone dares to insult you, try to hurt you just because you are weaker - they won't see their next sunrise.
- It's a little embarrassing for him, but he made a little nest. Just a place where he can keep you safe and comfy. He just wants you to feel good. 
- "Are you feeling alright?" He asks in a surprisingly quiet voice. Urogi is cuddling you, his long talons are scratching your scalp as he is trying to ease your headache.
- You just look at him and smile. "Thanks to you, it's better."
- Urogi starts purring while nuzzling you. He is just happy he can be useful.
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- Oh, you poor thing!
- This must be a sad life.
- Aizetsu feels his heart break every time you struggle with chest or headaches, when you feel weak and tired or when you suddenly get dizzy.
- You are like a fragile doll, which is sad.
- He is a demon and doesn't really understand why these terrible things happen to you, but as sad as it can be, he is there to help.
- "Just... Try to relax. Take a breath, in and out, you poor thing," he whispers when you try to calm down your heart and get rid of a chest pain. 
- When you get tired, and you're out of breath, he will gladly carry you, trying his best to comfort you with words.
"Don't worry... One day all the suffering will be over. You won't struggle or feel pain ever again." No one said he is good at this. 
- He doesn't really know what to do when you suffer from any of your symptoms. Just tell him or he will be there crying.
- Surprisingly, despite him being a really depressing character, he will never let you say anything bad about yourself.
- "My skin... It's pale as a snow... I am not pretty like other girls and women. I'll never be," you whisper, sitting on your bed.
- "It breaks my heart, don't say that about yourself," Aizetsu says, sitting down near you on the bed. "Your healthy is poor, but you are beautiful. I love your skin and for example I also love your hands, even if they are cold," he picks your palm and nuzzles it.
- If you start crying, he will cry with you.
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- He actually makes fun of you.
- You're such a weakling!
- Your condition and each symptom is a laughing matter for him.
- "Look at you. Out of breath that quickly? Pathetic!" Zohakuten says, looking right at you.
- This is simply another reason to dislike men.
- You are weak and useless.
- He isn't gently with you. 
- You are in pain? It's like a joke for him.
- Troubles with moving? Sucks to be you, then.
- For him, it only proves that humans are pathetic creatures, not worth being alive. 
- He is the worst out of all the clones.
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Happy Wife, Happy Life.
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Hantengu clones x Fem!Reader [Yandere-Angst-Fluff]
Part one.
Dividers by Saradika
Dividers by Saradika
Synopsis: Another punishment causes her to finally go cold with her 'beloveds'. They finally know what has been bubbling up inside of her after the many harsh punishments given to her.
Warnings: Possessiveness (duh), gaslighting(?), manipulation, coddling, isolation, monophobia, stalking, reader loses her shit at them, ANGST, more suffering! :D
Requested by: luvcOree
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Ps: I didn't notice that my tumblr auto updated and I had saved this on schedule only to find out that I couldn't edit it, so I had to delete the whole thing and rewrite it only to find out later that you could edit the post 😭 so that's why I have to reset to this- I'M SORRY
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Y/N inhaled deeply before timidly asking him the question. "May I go spend some time with my family for today? I promise I'll be home early! I just... want to see them. It's been too long..." To Y/N, this was nothing more than a simple request and perhaps even a reward for having been the obedient wife they wanted and giving them all an equal amount of attention, keeping them all satisfied. To the Hantengus however, this was a question they all dreaded. Their dear wife asking to go outside, even more so to visit someone? What was wrong with staying home? They provide her with everything she needs, get her everything she asks for one way or another. What more does she want? Cowardly as the demon may be, he could not let his dear go. Not the one who he knows believes in his innocence. Not the one he needs. "N.. No... You can't! W-What if you get hurt and.. and I'm not... there?" "But it's just my family! I'll just be there for today and nowhere else! Please, let me go visit them!" But the wife was desperate. She doesn't ask much of neither him or the clones, much less Zohakuten, who she knows is more strict and harsh. Y/N does as she is told, stays home where she is safe and gives them attention.
Even Urami and Zohakuten on the rare occasions they reveal themselves. Y/N is a good wife, never asks for anything, but this time, she was desperate. She even said that she'll be home before dusk. But the husbands, they disagree. She cannot leave. She'd be out of their sights, vulnerable, in danger. They cannot risk their lovely wife dying, the risk is too grave. "No! You c-cannot go! You'll... You'll get hurt!" What would he do without her? What they do without her? All he would offer is to stay home and spend some time with him which she reluctantly agreed to. Y/N wasn't happy. She could never be happy. Her family! She needs to see them at least once after having left without much of a valid explanation.This morning was no different from the others except for a little bit of harsh weather. Y/N was simply cooking for herself while also being deep in thought. She's been thinking about her family for some time now, especially her sibling. She's been missing her mother and father dearly and it's been eating up at her for too long, she can't take it anymore. After having finished making herself her meal, the woman took a deep, nervous breath and left for the dark room her husbands stayed during daytime.
Walking up the stairs, Y/N was certain that they had already heard her since she was in the kitchen and by the time she arrived, they were all in the darkest corners of the room, or in this case, he was. "Dear?" He was quick to flinch at the mere sound of her voice, but that was just him in general which did not surprise Y/N in the slightest. Hantengu, the main body of the clones, was currently the only one present due to the clones not being seperated. They often stayed merged together with Hantengu to avoid the sun and only revealed themselves at night. This gave Hantengu time to spend with her since his clones would all simply want her attention to themselves (if you like the clones, love him too beuz they're all the same person). "Y.. Yes?" The demon answered timidly to his wife as she entered the room, closing the shōji door behind her.
If they wouldn't let her see them once, then she'll go herself with or without their permission.
For the entire day until dark, Y/N was with Hantengu and didn't really do much. She did have some surprisingly pleasant conversations (and with his constant complaining of the evil around him and that he is an innocent demon), cuddled with him the same way she would with the clones, took a day nap and so on. However, while she was a sweet and loving wife towards him, she was waiting for him to leave in search for humans to eat and to find the Blue Spider Lily for his master. Soon, evening would arrive and Hantengu would go out for his hunt and mission leaving Y/N alone until he would return. She watched him shrink and leave through the dark forest of where their shared home is located. When she was sure she was alone, she too would leave. Y/N would pack her delicious sweets for her parents and sibling before then leaving her home.
After almost forty five minutes of travelling by foot, Y/N finally made it to the home of her parents. luckily for her, her sibling was there as well. Running up to the door excitedly, Y/N knocked and waited for one of her family members to open for her. Eventually, all would go as she had hoped. Y/N managed to see her parents after so long, caught up with her sibling and would finally be able to spend some time with them after not having seen them in so long. She laughed, she conversed, she cooked with her father/ mother, played with her sibling like children once more knowing that Hantengu would return at midnight. But that wasn't the case this time.
The clones were beyond furious that their wife was not where they had left her. They were all lucky enough to have returned home early after successfully killing demon slayers and humans, but another unsuccessful scavenge for the Blue Spider Lily. The entire ordeal had left them all irritated as usual and they simply wanted to be comforted by the loving embrace of their betrothed only to find out that she wasn't there. Sekido yelled and threw a fit, as expected from the clone of anger, and in a desperate attempt to have her back, he forcefully fused. The only reasons the others did not have a problem with Sekido's rather daring stunt is of course for none other than Y/N. Once Zohakuten was formed and Urami had revealed himself, both clones immediately went for the search of their beloved wife. They immediately knew where she was anyways and she would return by choice or by force.
Both clones watched from afar as Y/N laughed loudly with a person who they assume is their sibling. Neither of them could believe she would ever do such a thing despite having been told that she wasn't allowed to go! Both would soon close in on the home of where she was, but would keep their distance. Zohakuten would hit one of his drums and would command one of his wooden dragon heads to close in and for Y/N to return. He was still quite furious at the fact that she left despite having been told not to and Urami even more so. It wouldn't be long before Y/N noticed a strange piece of wood moving and eventually realise who it was. Soon, she would bid her family farewell and leave as they hoped she would. Without wasting any more time, she went to the forested area where Urami and Zohakuten stood and would timidly approach. Zohakuten gave her a steely glare and simply pointed towards his wooden dragon head while Urami would already begin his scolding. "How dare you leave! You had us all worried sick! Did we not tell you that you could not visit your family? You could've gotten hurt or worse! Do you know how much it would've broken us if you did?" That is all she heard until she arrived home.
Urami carried her inside and placed her down before shrinking back to Hantengu, who began to bawl his eyes out. Zohakuten eyed Hantengu for a moment with pity before returning his intimidating gaze back to her. "How dare you leave me, woman. Have you no shame? I thought you were hurt!" Zohakuten continued to go off angrily at Y/N, blaming her for his anxiety and worry. Being the foul-mouthed boy he is, he cursed in his sentences. "You ungrateful wench! This time, punishment will be longer and harsher! You want to disobey me? Fine! I've been too lenient with your behavior!" Said the boy while dragging her by the wrist to the solitary room. "I'm sorry! I just wanted to-" "Silence! I won't hear it!" The door to her punishment once again opened as Zohakuten then so rudely shoved her into the room, this time without a candle before slamming and locking the door shut. "No... No!" Begging would get her nowhere. Not this time.
"Sweet thing... You've disappointed me."
"When we tell you something, you listen. You will regret disobeying us."
"My little songbird, I thought we had an agreement!"
"... Perhaps a harsher treatment shall remind you not to disobey us again, dewdrop."
And it starts again.
But she didn't beg this time. Perhaps a few tears, but Y/N didn't beg nor did she scream or cry. It dawned on her that perhaps they truly don't care for her feelings and only their own. Perhaps they are selfish monsters who only want to hurt her for their own amusement. At least, that's what their wife began to think. Y/N dragged her futon to the corner and made herself comfortable (as comfortable as she could get in a cold, dark and solitary room), simply staring up at the ceiling in the pitch black room deep in thought of the husbands she loved so much. Before long, the woman fell asleep with a new hatred for her husbands.
The punishment went on for three days instead of the usual two hours. Three entire days of no social interaction, not a word from them and almost no food or water as well. The clones truly did consider depriving her of human necessities, but Urogi had convinced them to be more merciful on their poor wife, having convinced them that she would learn her lesson.
The end of her punishment had arrived. It was over and the clones couldn't wait to hear her say that she had learned her lesson. That she would be a good wife and admit that she will be home where it's safe. That she'll apologise for her misbehaviour. But no, that's not what happened. The clones were absolutely shocked at her behavior when they finally let her out of the room. She was irritable, scornful and suddenly sharp-tongued almost as if someone had flipped a switch and changed her personality entirely. She didn't even want to be in his same room as them, much less have them look at her. Even Sekido began trying the gentle treatment to get closer to her, but that didn't work. "Dewdrop... What happened to her... This isn't the woman I married..." Aizetsu's sapphire coloured eyes began tearing up as he thought of her disrespectful behavior. Y/N would spout hurtful comments at them and express her hatred towards them as if they had hurt her in some way and Aizetsu, he hated that very much. It made him quite sad.
"How dare she speak to us that way!" Sekido growled angrily while thinking of her new behavior towards them. Karaku and Urogi stayed mostly silent about the situation, thinking of what could've happened for her to act like this (hm, I wonder why). They would all continue to discuss among themselves, trying to figure out a way to get closer to her without being met with scorn. "It doesn't matter if either three of us say it, she won't believe us. She'll just shove us away and continue with this." Urogi argues while looking at Sekido. It is true, any apology from either Karaku or Urogi would sound fake and from Aizetsu would sound merely like something to ease her hard feelings. "He's right, you know..." Karaku mumbles quietly while playing around with his uchiwa. Aizetsu knew Sekido would have a huge problem with apologising since he finds it pathetic for someone such as himself, and considering the emotion he is, he would absolutely refuse due to his pride and brash personality. "I already told you fools, I'm not going to apologise!" "Then how do you want her to trust us again, Sekido? If we want our dear back, we have to apologise." Said the relaxed clone in a rather stern tone. Karaku would be the last clone to ever speak in such a stern and serious tone due to his mischievous behavior, but there were times even he knew when it was needed.
He got up from where he said and got face-to-face with his older self, staring at him with a blank expression. "You do it. You'd be the most convincing out of all of us. That or we risk losing her, because then, we'd have to move to measures that we would all like to avoid for her sake." Sekido knew exactly what Karaku meant, he wasn't stupid. If they let her continue this, she would grow more reckless and rebellious, and they couldn't risk that. The vexed clone huffed reluctantly, acknowledging the fact that what his clone stated was indeed correct. He, out of every clone, is least likely to apologise and admit that he was wrong. It's a rather stupid solution in his eyes, but the one that they've come up with currently and they will act on it.So, with a deep breath and some preparation from his clone brethren, he walks to the room where his lovely wife is to apologise.
"Y/N-" "You again? I told you not to even look at me, you disgusting demon!" Those hurtful comments irked him, yes, but if he wanted to get on her good side again, he would have to swallow his pride and apologise like a mature adult. "What do you want from me? Just looking at your hellish eyes makes me sick! How did I even fall in love with you?" Her crude comments continue to flow freely and uncensored as if he were a mere stranger to her. The woman didn't even give him a chance to speak which led him to approach her in the blink of an eye, gripping her shoulders tightly. "Will you let me speak, woman?" Sekido asked and as usual, his snappy tone seemed to slip through. This did not come off well to the wife, as she merely continued to berate him and his clones. Finally, Sekido lost it and yelled at her, shutting her up for the moment. "LISTEN TO ME. I..."
It was a struggle trying to utter those embarrassing words. A demon doesn't apologise, much less an Upper Moon! How dare she make him seem like a fool! How dare she make him be so- so... so weak! This wasn't how things were supposed to be! But... Sekido will play nice, for now, suck it up and apologise. "I'm... sor... I..." Sekido huffs again while interally cursing at himself for being so pathetic. ["It's just a damn sentence...!"] His monstrous grip tightens, but he remembers to tone it down for her fragile human body. After almost a minute of struggling to get out a simple sentence, Sekido does it. It was the simple thought of Y/N leaving him that pushed him to do so. What would they do without her? Who would calm him down when he would have one of his rage fits? Who would Karaku tell his hunts and mission to? Who would keep Aizetsu from sulking? Who would preen Urogi's wings? Who would love him?
There was no one like you. Not in their demented eyes.
"I'm sorry."
Her expression immediately went from annoyed and hateful to shocked and confused. Sekido apologising? What possessed him to do such a 'shameful' act? "I... Understand that what we did to you was too far... My dear wife." It was rough at first, but soon, the words flowed out flawlessly. "My dear wife, I apologise for my and Zohakuten's brash behavior. In a moment of desperation I lost my composure and did not realise what the consequences of my actions would lead to." It was pathetic, but better to seem like a fool than lose the one thing you cannot live without. But she wouldn't fall for it a second time. "How dare you..." Sekido was understandably surprised. "You think a simple apology would have me running back into your arms like the many, many times before? Have you forgotten what you did to me, Sekido? Have you forgotten the many tears I cried because of my fear?" No, he did not. Did they really think she was going to forget it all just like that? All the torture, the punishment just because they did not see whatever she did that time fit? "How many times have you lied to me? How many times have you guilt tripped me into thinking it was my fault even though it was yours?!" "Y/N I-"
"DON'T interrupt ME while I'm TALKING!!"
It was practically trauma at that point and the clones had no one to blame but themselves. What did they expect? The pain and fear would've caught up eventually.
"I'm afraid of you... I don't love you anymore. I-I..." But even then, does she truly believe her own words? Is she that naive that she truly can't see what is wrong here?
"You put me alone in a room without a single thing but a futon and a chamberstick. You're insane...! All of you know I hate being alone! I'm afraid of being alone!! Do my endless screams and cries, begging and hitting the door entertain any of you?" Y/N hoped it wasn't true, but at this point, she was smart to know it was. Her fear entertained them. They were after all still demons and a human fearing a demon is the greatest sight and feeling a demon can get. "No-" "Don't lie to me..." He knew he needed to tell the truth eventually. "... Yes." The thick streams of tears continued more and more like a raging river crashing down a dam and flowing freely. "Get away from me..."
They can't lose you.
She was in their arms faster than she could blink. "Dewdrop... I'm sorry... Don't leave us... please." The sight of his betrothed's beautiful face stained with tears was enough to shatter Aizetsu. He didn't mean to push her this far. What kind of husband tortures his wife? Oh, how wrong they were. "Songbird, you can do anything but leave. You can scream and yell at us, hit and stab us, we will take it all with grace, but please, I beg of you don't leave. I swear on my lord's name we will be better!" The all clung onto her as if she were their lifeline. They will beg, scream and cry if they must in order to get her to stay. She cannot leave. "I'll never laugh at your tears again, I'll never make you cry. Sweet thing, don't leave. I will get on my knees if I have to..." The woman can put them all on a leash if it meant that she'd stay. They might have been all high and mighty then, but the moment she even hints at leaving for good, suddenly they're her lapdogs. It would crush them if she were to leave for good. They cannot lose that one good feeling not even they can describe. It wasn't joy or pleasure... What it was? They did not know, but it felt too good to be let go and she was the cause of this. Neither dignity or pride was no longer of importance to them, only Y/N was.
"You can put me on a leash and I'd say 'Thank you'... Do whatever you want, but you will not leave me." The lengths these psychopaths would go for one woman is near insanity. They were all demented and she was the one person keeping them sane. Possessiveness in a human can only go so far, but a demon is a new thing entirely. Considering their power, they will do what they must for their love, for that one person. They cannot leave, who said they could leave? Some may hurt them and prevent them from doing so, others may become their servants. Whatever works is what they will do. That one person is their entire life. They cannot live without that one person.
"Don't leave me, please."
No, she could never. They had gotten her too far in. She was theirs, she was already claimed by them. Y/N was going nowhere and she accepted that. Horrid as their actions may be, these man-eating demons loved her. They love her.
"I won't."
So it all starts again. Y/N goes back to them, rushing into their arms as they had hoped for. Their arms clung onto to her as if she would disappear if they didn't hold her. They hugged her tightly, not daring to let go of her in fear of her disappearing. They all told her how much they loved her, how they would sell their soul for her to be happy. The clones and their wife cuddled together for the entire night, not daring to let go of her. She was constantly met with kisses, small love bites, licks, whatever, as long as it expressed their love and affection to her.
She wouldn't ever leave them. She was theirs and it was written in stone.
Which still begs the question Sekido had asked last time.
"... Would you like to bear us a child?"
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Ps: I added Zohakuten, because he too is a clone. Yes, he does see reader as his wife, but that doesn't mean he engages in those acts with reader. He loves her too, but only in a romantic sense. He has the physical build of a child, yes, but that doesn't mean it's sexual. Just thought I'd clear it up for you snowflakes out there.
Note: Yes daddy, I would love for you to breed me.
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zohakuten x gn!reader
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❗️ pairings: zohakuten x gn!reader
❗️ warnings (?): sleeping problems, cussing, brief angst between two random unnamed (unless you pick the name) characters, breakup, and maybe fluff.
❗ cuss words will be crossed out.
❗️ characters (briefly/fully mentioned or appeared): zohakuten, sekido, aizetsu, urogi, karaku, muichiro, mitsuri, obanai
❗️ context: y/n (your name) becomes zohakuten's play date.
❗️ extra information: y/n will be 13 years old while zohakuten will be 12. they go to the same middle school and are technically neighbors, but they don't exactly interact.
hantengu will be briefly mentioned, sekido is 19, karaku is 18, aizetsu will be 17, and urogi will be 16.
please excuse my way of writing, if there is grammar errors or i have worded it offensively, tell me IMMEDIATELY.
the characters speaking will be color coded.
y/n will be using they/them/their pronouns so there won't be any problems.
[r/b/n] (random boy name) is zohakuten's friend who was dating y/n's best friend, [r/g/n] (random girl name]
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y/n's eyes fluttered open.
the bakery of their family's was put into view; they saw how bright the place was, how the scent in the air reflected cinnamon and flour, and even sometimes chocolate.
their heart softly beated as they flattened the dough with the roller pin, their forehead wrinkled and their eyes slightly wide to possibly decrease their desire to sleep.
y/n always stayed up late to read their favorite books or to write, and would sleep once they were satisfied with everything. but that has always been a problem, because they'd tend to lose focus and doze off at the wrong time.
their father, obanai kanroji, was always scolding them of this.
obanai is a strict, but a caring father. he was the one who mostly talked to y/n and would listen to their problems, if they had any.
he believed the lack of sleep was due to not going out much unless at school, and he didn't want anything bad to happen to his child.
so he went to talk to his wife, y/n's mother, mitsuri kanroji, about the problem.
"n/n has been suffering of sleeping late, and they can't get anything done right before drifting off to sleep!"
mitsuri is a kind mother, she would do anything, at least one, to make sure her family isn't crumbling.
so the night before, mitsuri had spoken to y/n.
"oh my sweet, i know you love reading and doing the things you adore most at night, but you are lacking sleep, and it's unhealthy, dear. so tomorrow, we will arrange you a playdate, if that's okay with you?"
y/n was amused by this, and hadn't minded at all, though they were also against the idea of having a playdate, but it was too late to protest.
they used to have a playdate; it was a 14 year old by the name of muichiro tokito.
he also went to their school.
soon enough, mitsuri came out from the front desk of the bakery and tapped her child on their shoulder, "y/n, dear? your father will take care of your chores, i'll be taking you to your playdate!"
y/n hummed in response, and then set the roller pin to the side and went upstairs to change.
they just wore a white crop top and brown shorts and moon jelly crocs.
they also brought a bag with them, just in case.
mitsuri and y/n walked down the street from their bakery and stopped at a pretty cool house.
just before their mom knocked on the door, y/n saw a glimpse of the backyard, and was flabbergasted to see a boy, who looked to be 12 years.
he had brown-ish skin, short black hair that spiked upward around his head and narrow gold eyes, he was also wearing a white oversized shirt and black shorts that reached to his knees.
he looked vaguely familiar…
he saw y/n too, and seemed to be as shocked as them.
y/n looked away from his eye and watched their mother speak to an old man whose hair was balding and seemed to have a massive bump on his forehead.
mitsuri waved at y/n and walked back to their bakery, with them just awkwardly entering the home of their playdate.
the old man had gone, but he had given them permission to wander around just before he left.
but as after y/n removed their crocs, four guys appeared from the living room and waved, except for the red one.
one was blue-eyed, one was yellow-eyed, and one was green-eyed.
and behind them was the boy from the backyard.
their playdate.
he was staring at them with his still narrow eyes.
"eyyyyy~ zo, you have a kid older than you as your playdate!"
the green one said, patting y/n on the back and forcing them into the living room.
"it's been sooo loooonnngggg since you even interacted with little shits like them, huh, zo~?"
the yellow one cackled, giving y/n a dabbing hand gesture, to which they returned.
"err.. guys, shouldn't we… you know, introduce ourselves..? it'd be embarrassing.. to not know.. their name… v- very pitiful, indeed.."
the blue one softly spoke, looking sorrowful. the red one rolled his eyes and stepped forward.
"i am sekido, this is aizetsu," he gestured to the blue one, his voice growling. "i'm karaku~" the green one added after.
"and i'm urogi!" the yellow one cheerfully said.
the 12 year old didn't say anything.
after a while, sekido finally said, "introduce yourself, you cunt!"
"i'm zohakuten." he muttered, crossing his arms and looked pissed at sekido.
y/n's eyes became wider at the boy's voice. (and also the fact sekido called him a "c u n t")
it was deep, even for someone one year younger than her! and raspy too.
no wonder he looked familiar; they went to the same school and are in the same grade.
".. i'm y/n."
y/n said with a blank face, looking into zohakuten's glare.
zohakuten stared back.
it was a really tense moment.
they both knew each other, not that they communicated much, but they used to hang out because of y/n's friend's bf being zohakuten's friend.
zohakuten gave them a look of 'don't tell them' which could've meant that don't tell the older ones that they knew each other.
y/n didn't understand why, but they didn't bother telling anyway and gave him a reassuring look.
"soooo, what'cha gonna doo?" karaku tapped his hands onto the couch's surface.
"er.. i'll talk to y/n at the backyard for a bit." zohakuten said.
y/n blinked at surprise. even sekido, aizetsu, karaku, and urogi was stunned at this.
y/n hummed and got off the couch to follow zohakuten into the backyard.
zohakuten opened the clear door for y/n, and as they stepped out, they could hear zohakuten's voice to the other four, "don't you dare try to find out what we're talking about, you fucking weasels!"
y/n approached a chair and settled down, placing their bag on the small table.
it was a neatly decorated patio that was welcoming the yard. they had a swimming pool, (woah, a swimming pool?! are they rich?!), and a trampoline.
still slightly amazed, y/n turned to look at zohakuten and realized his face was just inches away from theirs, and he jumped back at surprise of their sudden turn.
embarrassed at this, he sat down on the chair opposite of them.
y/n, confused, didn't find the fact he was looking at them intensely embarrassing at all, but did not say anything further of it.
".. soo?" y/n raised a curious brow at them, trying to engage conversation after all that happened.
"so." zohakuten repeated, raising a haughty eyebrow at y/n.
"… how has, uhh, [r/b/n] been doing?" they asked, curious. [r/g/n] broke up with [r/b/n] just about a two months ago, and he had been looking empty for the past school days.
sometimes, y/n would pass him in the school hallways and they'd see dark eyebags beneath his eyes, and a slightly red tint in his nose. they wondered if he had been nonstop crying for one month.
"he's.. beyond than okay." zohakuten said reluctantly, "he's getting desperate and devastated every time he sees [r/g/n]. i'm starting to wonder why [r/g/n] just suddenly broke up. they were doing really well.." y/n sighed.
"it confused me too, but [r/g/n] told me she couldn't bear to see [r/b/n] hurt if there were anything to downfall their relationship, so she decided to break up. it was really a hard choice for her, and still misses him, 'but sometimes sacrifices have to be made', she said." y/n scratched their neck.
"it's kind of poetic, don't you think?" they asked the boy, looking at him.
"hm. well, yeah, i guess." he mumbled, "still, it was a bad choice." he said to himself, and recovered immediately when you asked, "what?" "nothing."
"do you- uh, wanna play volleyball? or badminton?" zohakuten suddenly asked, as if he wanted to change the topic.
to which y/n took granted.
"of course!" they smiled, standing up.
"alright, volleyball first, yeah?" zohakuten said, standing up from his chair too and grabbed the volleyball from the pool. y/n nodded and ran to the right side of the volleyball net.
for the past three or four hours of spending time with zohakuten, you guys have been playing volleyball or badminton, scaring the birds that dared to come to the backyard grass or the fence, tricking sekido into wearing his slippers (which had glue on them) while he got out of the shower (though they debated for a while because sekido believed you don't need to wear your slippers while you walk out the shower, but you had to say some things to convince him, and when he did put it on, you made a run for it), helping aizetsu with his grocery things and the food, and watching the nba finals between the heat and nuggets with urogi and karaku. (yes i know it passed buuuttttt i just had to.)
(zohakuten's pov)
y/n <3 was talking to their mom on the phone (just checking on you dw) in the kitchen, while i was just sitting with the other four when suddenly, karaku elbowed me.
"hey little guy~ you're so obvious, y'know~?" he said, grinning from ear-to-ear.
i gave him a confused face and asked, "what do you mean?" karaku laughed.
"well, of course you don't want them to know, so you'd play dumb, i see~ i mean, would they return your feelings at all? that'd be so worrying, ain't it~?"
"what are you talking about?" i furrowed my eyebrows at him, like, what is up with this guy?!
"you full know what i'm talking about, zo!~"
he really pisses me off.
"no, i don't! tell me, now!" i said in a loud, demanding voice. "it is SO obvious what he's talking about, zohakuten." sekido growled, glaring at me, "you have feelings for that kid." he bobbed his head at y/n <3
"no i don't." i quickly mutter, scowling.
"yeah, you do!" urogi cackled, "it makes sense! why else would you look at them like that?" "like what, exactly?"
i butt in, crossing my hands as karaku took out his phone and showed me a picture.
it was me, from earlier to when i was talking to y/n <3 at the backyard, to when we were talking about [r/b/n] and [r/g/n].
i immediately knew what they were talking about when urogi said about the way i looked at them.
i was smiling at them and looking hopeful!
idiot! idiot! idiot!
i gritted my teeth slightly, "that's photoshopped." i said, still in doubt.
"nah it isn't, and you should know i don't have the photoshop app thingy in my phone." karaku snickered, showing off his teeth to its fullest extent.
"whatever, the point is, i don't have feelings for them! they're just-"
"a friend?" uttered aizetsu, who had been quiet.
i looked at him, surprised that he finished my sentence before i could.
"you can't deny that you've been smiling at them lately.. and mind you, they just came today, and whether you do have those feelings or not, it is still obvious that you've taken a liking to them… friendly or crush." aizetsu continued on.
i sighed.
he was right, i couldn't deny it.
but i wanted to.
looking over to y/n <3, i watched them end their call with their mom and stuffed their phone into their bag and walk to the living room, to which i relaxed a bit and pretended nothing much had happened.
do i really have feelings for them?
[y/n time]
"alright, thanks mom, see you." y/n said and ended the call, putting the phone into their bag and turned to enter the living room.
they noticed that the four older ones were looking oddly suspicious at zohakuten, who had relaxed just as they came in.
it looked so suspicious!
y/n smiled and sat down on the empty spot (that zohakuten kept tapping) beside the little guy.
"what were y'all talking about?" they asked, and not even a second, zohakuten answered, "nothing much."
y/n hummed, fidgeting with their fingers, "my mom's gonna pick me up at nine o' clock, we still have ten minutes to spend time together-" "don't worry about it."
they turned their head to peer at zohakuten. what was up with him? what really happened when they were talking?
karaku looked like he was about to laugh.
y/n eyed the little guy up and down. he looked distracted, maybe annoyed.
for the past five minutes, it was just silence, except for some cars passing the house outside.
y/n looked a bit distraught, did they anger zohakuten earlier? was he uncomfortable because they said something weird? they wanted to know so badly!
"hey, zo.. what's-" "can i have your number, n/n?"
shocked, y/n froze of this.
their number?
are they asking them out???
are they more than friends?????
what does this mean??!
what was going on?!
or maybe he just wants to talk to them on the phone more?
stammering slightly, y/n said 'sure' in the fakest cheerful, positive voice ever!
as they shared numbers, sekido just facepalmed his forehead, aizetsu looked like he was on the brink of crying (or bawling, whichever), karaku and urogi looked more like they wanted to push the two together so they could smash faces.
little troublemakers.
there was a knock on the door, and y/n sprang up onto their feet, glad that they could change the awkward atmosphere.
as zohakuten walked with them to the door (with the rest following behind them, still having the same faces as described on the last 3 parts), y/n slid their crocs on and the door opened by sekido, who started talking to mitsuri.
"thank you so much for letting my daughter have this playdate!"
mitsuri thanked, bowing, to which sekido did in return, though looked as though he was ghastly while doing it, as if he was forced to.
"it's not a problem ma'am.. tomorrow again, yes?"
"yes! thank you so much! see you tomorrow! come on, sweetheart." mitsuri urged y/n to walk, and they did, while waving bye at zohakuten, sekido, urogi, aizetsu, and karaku, who was also waving back.
on the way to their half bakery, half house, their mom had asked how was the playdate.
y/n smiled, humming quietly.
"it was fun… i'll be glad to come back tomorrow.."
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"i hope they do come back."
zohakuten muttered on his bed, then drifted off to sleep, awaiting for tomorrow.
(Fun fact: in zohakuten's pov, y/n's name has a <3 beside it! It's because he's developing a crush on you slowly!) Part two will come! Might make this into a series~ lol I made this like at 1 am in the morning dont laugh at me 😭
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wisteriaw0rld · 1 year
Can I request a semi-part 2 for Zohakuten x Reader where the clones invite Reader over for dinner/a hangout, which leads to the Clones becoming closer to Reader (platonically), making Zohakuten jealous cause less of Reader’s attention is on him now. Baby just wants his alone time with Reader 😭
-ˋˏ ༻zohakuten x reader༺ ˎˊ-
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||synopsis: Zohakuten was quick to assume that after the first few incidents occurred of the clones interrupting his time with you, they’d eventually get bored and leave the two of you alone again. He was wrong. Very wrong. No wonder he kept you a secret from them. (fem! reader) - (thank you for requesting<;3)
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“You say you miss me and I wanna say I miss you so much”  -Lana Del Rey
From the first time you met the clones, you had genuinely gotten a little scared of them. The green eyed and yellow eyed ones acted carelessly with you, despite knowing of your fragility compared to them. As for the anger one, he was simply just ill-mannered 
The only one you seemed to get along with was Aizetsu. And Zohakuten already felt a slight pang of jealousy whenever you hung out with him. Zohakuten knew you wouldn’t leave him. Not when you were constantly clinging to him. He simply found it hard to watch you get along with the other clones. 
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“A what?” You asked with a confused face while staring up at the sorrow demon in front of you. 
“A dinner.” He stated once more, in his usual sad voice. Upon hearing the same answer you only got even more confused. A dinner? With all the other clones?
“But I thought demons don’t eat human food.” You questioned Aizetsu, tilting your head to the side in a confused manner. Aizetsu simply nodded, confirming your statement.
“We’ll cook for you. We stole a cook book for you from the last family we…” Aizetsu trailed off, not exactly understanding how to tell a human that he slaughtered another human family just for a cook book.
“Yeah, alright. So when did you say to come over for dinner?” You questioned, laughing at Aizetsu’s inexperience of talking to a human.
“Later tonight.” He replied with his usual sad smile. “Now I have to go before Zohakuten comes. I’ll come back to pick you up.” Aizetsu gave you a small head pat before disappearing into the woods. You smiled, hoping to actually learn more about the other clones and get less fearful around them. 
 ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ ˚ ༘
A visible frown formed on your lips at the putrid smell coming from the small bowl of what was supposed to be soup. You looked up hesitantly at Sekido who had made the soup for you. He was wearing a small Chef hat given to him by Urogi. 
“Hah! I told you she wouldn’t like your cooking!” Karaku teased while nudging Sekido. From what Aizetsu told you, Karaku made the soup for you, Karaku and Urogi made the bread, and Aizetsu had simply made a juice for you. And you were so ready to wash down the soup if you desperately needed to.
“She hasn’t even tried it yet!” Sekido argued back while nudging Karaku back harder.
You mentally sighed to yourself as you got a spoonful of the soup. The disgusting smell filled your lungs. The soup itself didn’t look bad. It just smelled bad. Really bad.
Despite not at all wanting to take a single sip of the soup, you looked up again feeling bad if you didn’t. Aizetsu gave a small thumbs up as you quickly shoved the spoon into your mouth.
You paused. It didn’t taste bad. In fact, it had actually tasted really good. The moment you your eyes lit up at the taste, Sekido smiled at Karaku being proven wrong. 
“I told you she’d like it!” Sekido yelled in triumph while you let out a small laugh. 
Suddenly, you heard another person enter the room. Looking over, you saw Zohakuten enter. The moment he noticed you he seemed shocked that you were even there to begin with. “Y/n?” He asked looking over at you before looking at the others, each of them either wearing a chef hat or an apron.
An annoyed sigh left Zohakuten as he was just about to leave to visit you in the usual spot. But seems like you were already here. Without any words, Zohakuten walked over to you, grabbing your hand in his own and pulling you over to the room he had been in.
“Y/n why are you here with them?” He asked while his grip on your hand slowly got tighter. Just by the way he had been acting, you could tell he was a little jealous. 
“They invited me over for dinner. It felt rude to pass up the offer..” You responded, making Zohakuten turn his gaze to the shoji door.
You look around the room before finally choosing to sit down in the tatami cushion on the floor. Zohakuten took a seat next you, whispering a small apology as if you were forced to come here.
“Don’t worry about it, they seem nice.” You put your head down gently in his shoulder. You felt him stiffen for a few moments before relaxing once more. Only a few seconds later, you heard the shoji door behind the two of you slide open.
“Y/n! You didn’t try my bread yet!” Karaku intruded, hoisting you up to walk you out of the room. You gave an apologetic look to Zohakuten as he just silently glared daggers at the other clone.
 ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ ˚ 
You thought that the moment you were done with eating the bread they prepared, your time with them would end and you would go back to Zohakuten.
But the moment you finished the bread, you saw Aizetsu. And his hair was a mess. You offered to brush it quickly to return to Zohakuten right after. 
“You really didn’t have to do this. He’s probably looking for you..” Aizetsu told you while sitting criss cross on the floor as you gently brushed through his tangled hair.
“AIZETSU!-” Urogi burst through the door, Karaku following close behind. The moment Urogi saw you brushing Aizetsu’s hair, he let out a loud and joyful gasp.
“Hey! Brush my hair too!“ He yelled enthusiastically, taking a seat next to Aizetsu while you let out a small laugh. Soon enough, Karaku joined, taking a seat in front of you as well.
You nodded with a small smile, thankfully the two didn’t have much tangled hair which made it easier and faster to brush. That was until Sekido also walked into the room, confused at what was going on. Before he could get a word out, Karaku dragged him over to sit in front of you.
Without a doubt he had tangled hair. Which wasn’t much of a shock. Eventually you came across a large tangle which you didn’t mind brushing through. While brushing, your body jolted at the shoji door making a loud bank as it was slid open. Showing Zohakuten.
Who obviously didn’t seem to happy to see you with the others. Silently, he walked over, grabbing your hand making you drop the brush on the floor.
“Hey, she was just about to brush mine again!” Karaku whined. Almost immediately, Zohakuten grabbed the brush off the floor and smacked the back of it against Karaku’s head.
He muttered a small shut up before he intertwined his fingers with yours, walking you out of the room and sliding the door shut.
“Sorry, I got distracted..” You told Zohakuten as you finally entered the room you were in earlier. He took a seat in the same tatami cushion as earlier. He pulled you gently by his side, your head soon after falling gently onto his shoulder once again. 
It didn’t take long for Zohakuten to then lay his head on yours, you falling asleep short after. 
He wasn’t able to sleep, no demons were. But he closes his eyes, enjoying the moment with you as the smallest blush dusted his cheeks.
Even with his eyes closed, he could tell all four of the clones were peeking through the small opening of the door. He didn’t mind. At first. Then he opened his eyes, shooting a glare at the clones while Aizetsu just hurriedly closed the door. At least he would finally get some time with you.
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dulaglutide · 1 year
Zohakuten as your boyfriend!
If I get attacked for writing this istg. ⚠️: swearing and mention of torture nothing in detail
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When he comes home from a mission he will go on a rant about how people keep bullying the weak
Honestly all he wants you to do when he goes on rants about that stuff is to just listen
He will love it if he sees you being nice to Hantengu
He is very thankful that he finally found somebody who doesn’t torment the weak
He will love it if you kiss his forehead
He’s a big softie for you but he hates showing it
He will punch you not to hard if you try to be the big spoon when you two cuddle
It’s hard for him to make time for you but he always manages
His wood dragons are very nice to you and they are kinda like your pet
He will bring you on some missions with him and if it starts to get bad you are going to be protected by his wood dragons with Hantengu
He will torture the shit out of people if they hurt you
He will very rarely initiate affection
When he does you can’t make fun of him for it because he will leave if you do and he won’t do it again for a long time
When he does say “I love you” it will be a sentence he never knew he would be able to say and he won’t even realize what he said when he says it
He will grab you hand and lead you to missions because “you don’t know the way” he really just wants to hold your hand
He will carry you if you beg him or if you act really tired
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doumadono · 1 year
While on my trip to Japan, I find myself short on time for writing, but an intriguing idea has caught my attention. With numerous pending requests, I'm diligently working on fulfilling them. However, I need your opinion on something.
I've been contemplating whether to create a Bikers AU or a Tattoo Artists AU for Hantengu's clones 💙💚🧡💜❤️
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