#a ridiculous amount of playable characters
loregoddess · 7 months
"13. what's one thing you'd change about fe3h?" for the ask game :D
Ooooh, lots and lots in regards to the story writing, if only to try and patch all the holes in the worldbuilding. But if I could only have one (1) thing, I think I'd add a way for the player to access Sothis's memories as she regains them, as a way of giving narrative insight into past events, since that's one of the murkier parts of the worldbuilding.
Mechanically though I'd remove the gender-locked classes, which I'm sure is a shock to everyone. But the game should not keep me from slamming Hubert and Linhardt into the gremory class (or dark flier, do you know how much I am miffed I can't make Hubert a dark flier?), and Hilda would work SO well in the warmaster class (and also it's stupid I can't have women in the highest-tier class capable of punching people out; an all-brawling run would be SO funny, esp. if I could use everyone from the same house).
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Round 1 poll 18: Antonio the Violinist from Identity V vs Waldo Trumbull from The Comedy of Terrors
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Propaganda under the cut:
Antonio the Violinist
Antonio is a less popular character from an obscure video game. He's an incredibly tall, lanky, undead man based partially on the real life Niccolò Paganini and legends surrounding him. I have purchased things for research on Paganini to fuel my obsession with Antonio. He has prehensile hair and I just want him to carry me in it. I research harder into his lore than I do for any other character in this game, and he has very little. He's possessed by the devil because the devil got him out of music based slavery. He plays the violin and spins around when he hits a survivor. His original animation for a survivor struggling out of his hold was changed from him falling on the ground and getting up without using his arms to him swiping at the air around him. He has music magic that hurts you. He has no connection to any other playable character as of my submission. He's spooky yet handsome. One of his accessories implies he died alone in the cold of winter. He has insane amounts of gender. He can play violin on a single string. He can play that single stringed violin with his HAIR. He's full of skill and diseases. His first deduction(lore snippet gained by completing tasks) shows that he's got a CVS receipt length of medical disorders, and the second one shows that he's the only character in the game confirmed to fuck for pleasure. I want him carnally. I want him to be my bestie IRL. I want to be him. I want to hold him. I want to comfort him. I want to tear his limbs off and stitch them back on. I want him to be turned into a marketable plushie.
Waldo Trumbull
He's from a rarely talked about 1963 film which is absolutely ridiculous slapstick + dark comedy combined. He's a complete arsehole who there is no good reason to like--not only is he a serial killer (murders people to bring in customers to his undertaker's business) but he's also just a petty dick. He is built like a stick insect and moves around like a live-action cartoon, ungainliest creature ever. Has the personality of a scraggly feral cat that will bite and scratch if you get too close. He asks "May I?" before touching the breast of a *wooden carving* of a woman. His name is *Waldo Trumbull*, his first name only being revealed late in the film as he seems to know it's ridiculous and goes by his last name or "Mr W. Trumbull" (you can't pretend your first name is just W, Waldo, that's not how it works). Half of me wants to grab and shake him, half of me wants to keep him as a pet, he is such a creature.
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'Scaramouche’s Reaction To You Saving For Him’ SAGAU
'Scaramouche's Reaction To You Saving For Him' (SAGAU!Scaramouche x Reader)
Word count- 766
A/N- It was just too good of an opportunity to pass on. I think that after retrieving the gnosis, Scaramouche would have trouble processing his feelings. He wouldn’t know what most of them mean and would be mad about it.
@fatuifucker​ I hope you like it. As a Scaramouche wanter as well, I can’t wait for 3.3.
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Here you were again, farming primogems like you usually did. Just to ensure that when his banner finally comes you'd have enough to get him. 
It was funny, really, how enthralled the players were when they first encountered him. How he was the character who gained the most popularity in the shortest amount of time, despite not even being announced as playable yet. How everyone seemed to adore him, even though his appearances in the game so far have been short and scarce. He had everyone's attention. And there you were, dutifully farming once again for none other than him.
In the beginning, he didn't pay you much attention. He still didn't like to admit it, but with time you had grown on him. You and your stubborn determination to farm for a character whose banner has not even been announced! How much foolish can you get? He would stifle a smile whenever he thought of it. Has it never occurred to you that he might not even become playable? Did you really want him that much that you saved for months only on the off chance that one day he'd get his own banner?
The irony of it was ridiculous. The defective puppet, discarded by his own mother, stripped of his very heart, now adored by so many. And most importantly you. So single-minded in your pursuit of gathering enough to have him join your team. He did so much wrong, going as far as being responsible for the death of that NPC you were friends with. What was his name again? He honestly didn't even remember. And La Signora too. Didn't you like her as well? Either you were the stupidest person he's ever met or the most forgiving. The first. Definitely, the first… 
So why did it make him feel so wrong? He couldn't make much sense of human emotion, but this was different. It wasn't like the anger he had been acquainted with for so long. This feeling was new, and it made his chest hurt whenever he saw that big, dumb grin plastered over your face after you obtained enough for another pull. He'd have time to figure that out after he'd join you. 
After he ran away with Ei's gnosis, he's been experiencing a lot more emotions that he's unfamiliar with. It was the first time he's ever felt fear. Or anxiousness.
Rumors were floating all around. And then it happened. The news of the redesign. His element was said to be changed to Anemo. Scaramouche scoffed. He clearly looked more suited for Electro. The players were unhappy. More and more stopped saving for him. 'He's wielding the wrong element,' they'd say. 'I wanted an Electro catalyst! I have no use for another Anemo unit!'
Abandoned once again. The few who stuck around were skeptical. Not only was he said to have an Anemo Vision, but some spoke of a potential redesign. He didn't want one. He was happy with his current outfit, and the players seemed happy as well. It was a disaster. He watched most of them slowly give up and spend their savings on other characters. Then there was you. Stupid, stubborn you. Banner after banner, you resisted the temptation to pull. Instead, you kept saving and saving, going past 100 Intertwined Fates and still not stopping. 'I want to get his weapon too!' You really were something else. 
His banner was said to come in version 3.3. Reruns of your favorite characters came and went, and still, your will didn't falter. What if he was Anemo? You still wanted him. What if he got a redesign? You knew you'd like him regardless. Hell, he could even become a healer and you'd still main him! It made Scaramouche's 'heart' ache. 
There was still a long way until 3.3, and perhaps you'd change your mind about him. He didn’t think he could bring himself to hate you, even if you did. But you gave him hope- something that he never thought he'd have and he found himself latching onto it, afraid of what would happen if it would be ripped away. Unbeknownst to you, with every new pull you saved for, he was there, cheering for you.
'You can do this!' 
'Come on, that commission is not even that hard…'
'You're skipping Childe's rerun? Hah! Suck it, ginger!'
'Spiral Abyss, really? You can't even beat the 11th floor? I bet I would clear it in no time without breaking a sweat. That's why you need me!
So wait for me…
Don't you dare leave me too!'
╚═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝
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shuttershocky · 1 year
I know your ideal combo. Fate game with Bayonetta gameplay/crossover. It’s got the style, it’s got the flair, it’s got the substance for those that want it. And more importantly it’s got crazy amounts of ridiculous that wraps around to be awesome. Plus, it’d be fun to see Bayonetta’s cast in a Fate situation.
My ideal TM dream game is specifically playing as Ryougi Shiki with a gimmick similar to DMC5 Nero where she constantly attaches various puppet arms with different abilities from Touko like Nero burns through Nico's Devil Breakers. Then to burn Devil Trigger meter rather than transform she goes into Death Perception mode like Raiden in MGR with the weakpoints in Blade Mode being death lines, tracing all of them always kills the enemy, but since going into Death Perception doesn't slow down time, (Shiki has no super speed) she has to combo the shit out of them and then slice up all the death lines one by one as they're vulnerable from being combo'd.
Shiki can also clash attacks by attacking at the same time an enemy does to stun the enemy's attack (but putting herself at risk if she mistimes it) and then quickly going into Death Perception and cutting the enemy up while they're reeling, and she can of course cut down attacks (even projectiles from magic or shields) by going into Death Perception mode and killing the attacks.
But of course like a good DMC game you also need two more playable characters and one secret character to unlock.
Unlockable character#1 is Tohno Shiki who can slow down time (he has a faster moving body) while his Death Perception is turned on, but it burns HP instead of a special / mana bar, so if he uses his MEoDP he needs to finish fights fast or he'll run out of health. Since he doesn't have Ryougi's puppet arms or sword mastery, rather than varying abilities he has Dante's Trick teleports and Nero's Table Hopper to make up for the shorter reach of his knife and to show off his speed.
Unlockable character#2 is Emiya Shirou (duh) who is the weapon master character with a billion swappable weapons like Dante. He has Kanshou and Bakuya, Gae Bolg, Aestus Estus, Heracles' Axe-sword, his bow for ranged attacks, and Excalibur Image (uses DT), but a special feature he has is being able to project a copy of a weapon held by the enemy with a limited moveset by scanning it with Trace On, swapping it out with a new projection if he traces another weapon giving him the most complex skillset. Plus if he fully charges a bow shot the arrow becomes Caladbolg and explodes, tossing enemies in an AOE into the air.
The Secret Character is Aozaki Aoko, whose superior strength and power lets her ragdoll enemies out of their moves like Nero with his Devil Bringer, while her magic bullets and beams let her annihilate enemies from range too, like Lady with the Kalina-Ann. Absurdly overpowered, meant to bully the entire game for fun.
Paid DLC character for the Special Edition is Gudako playing a summoner style like DMC V, including the mechanic where she has to deal the killing blow to an enemy herself like V does. Edmond Dantes acts as Shadow doing all the major attacks as well as slides across the ground as a shadow with Gudako riding him to dash and pulling her around to dodge. Nursery Rhyme flapping around in book form acts as Griffon, firing all the projectiles + spells, as well as flapping in midair while Gudako hangs on to her in order to double jump and fall slowly. She can also read Nursery Rhyme while walking in order to recharge DT and even command seals if done long enough, though she will be unsafe and will need Dantes to cover for her. Avicebron summoning a golem acts as Nightmare, where Gudako must burn DT for Avicebron to summon a large golem to independently attack enemies and smash stuff onscreen. Gudako can also hop on to its back along with Avicebron to avoid damage.
While Avicebron is invincible due to being a DT move, Dantes and Nursery Rhyme have their own health. Gudako can forcibly recall them to her by dashing or dodging with Dantes or double jump / glide / read with Nusery Rhyme, otherwise when she commands them to attack they will attack where they are and move towards the enemy that's locked on to. If any of them are knocked out, Gudako loses a command seal to revive them, which recharges over time or by reading Nursery Rhyme and overcharging mana.
Second DLC is Mash, who is a heavy weapon type character with slow but very powerful swings of her shield and Dante's Royal Guard. Perfectly timing blocks builds her power, then Royal Release Mana Burst unleashes all the built up strength with a shield bash that will send even bosses flying. Since she's a shield type of character Mash can also do things like charge with the shield to beat out attacks and knock enemies down while having difficulty turning. So that she's not always stuck being slow, Mash can throw the shield and temporarily swap to a lighter and faster hand to hand combat style until the shield bounces back. Mash can also grapple and brutalize enemies like Nero, because Nasu may have quickly moved past Mash's "unappealing" temper and brutality but I never did
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gascon-en-exil · 4 months
2, 3, 8, 25 for Hubert?
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
That he's a murderer, and a patricide at that.
In past FEs and especially in Genealogy, voluntary kinslaying is presented as pretty much the worst crime you can commit, and a shorthand indicating that a character is an irredeemable monster who needs to die (ex. Chagall, Andrey). There are multiple conversations to that effect in FE4, and it crops up in a few other games as well; it's why the big Gaiden/Echoes twist is meant to hit as hard as it does, or why Ashnard has zero redeeming qualities when his backstory essentially amounts to "removing" his entire family.
And meanwhile Hubert's over here casually killing his father offscreen in two separate continuities for no greater reason than political expedience, and sometimes even getting away with it. Koei-Tecmo doesn't appear to place the same moral weight on kinslaying, since Dimitri, Claude, and...Ferdinand all perform such an act onscreen in Hopes (hmm, I wonder if the reason Edelgard is the only house leader excluded here has anything to do with the topic of my latest video...?), but I don't think that detracts from Hubert committing Obvious Villain Act #1 and giving not one single solitary fuck about it.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
Mostly his Lysithea supports in Hopes, which try to spin him as loving his mother and younger sister in spite of the aforementioned gleeful kinslaying. You can't tell me he wouldn't murder his other relatives if he believed they somehow posed a threat to Edelgard's reign. Like a few of his other Hopes supports, it's a conspicuously cutesy spin on a character who otherwise escapes the generally ridiculous ways that the writing of both games attempts to make Edelgard and Jeritza sympathetic. (She draws pictures of her teacher! He likes kittens and ice cream!)
8. What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Related to the above, any attempt at softening Hubert. He's a calculating, ruthless murderer who would do literally anything if he thought it would further Edelgard's rule even if it's behind her back or she expressly forbids it, because he - in that standard incel vein - thinks he knows what a woman wants better than she does. That characterization has the potential for so much black comedy, especially when thrown up against the guileless and indefatigable Ferdinand.
Why anyone would want to throw that away and replace it with an angsty emo who's not really a bad guy once you get to know him is beyond me. If you want an angsty guy with a massive guilty complex, Dimitri's right there and even gayer.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
When we first got his character intro in spring 2019: "He looks like Iago. He's going to push Edelgard into evil, or betray her halfway through the story...but still be playable, probably?"
Now, he's every bit as ugly and evil as I expected, and then some. Carries the constantly-faltering tone of Crimson Flower on his bony shoulders, a badass dark mage and a playable patricide, and to top it all off he's bisexual in a way that none of the bi-for-Byleth options can even touch, and unlike Dimitri fandom at large has turned Ferdibert into his most popular ship. One of the mostly unexpectedly good characters to have come out of FE16, considering that at the end of the day he still pretty much is "but what if we made Iago playable?"
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mr-deblob · 5 months
Hear me out on this: I honestly think Kairi could be the main playable character in Kingdom Hearts 4
Or at least a significant playable one.
I know that it sounds ridiculous to entertain the idea, especially with how badly she's been sidelined for the past 20 years. But taking into account the structure of mainline games and the current locations of our characters, it starts to look likely for both narrative and game design purposes.
Sora and Riku are stuck in Quadratum
First things first- there's no way in hell Nomura's letting Riku rescue Sora in the beginning hours of KH4. They definitely won't just hop back to the Realm of Light when they find each other. He might make questionable plot decisions, but he's not gonna pass up a chance to torture the two of them even more, especially since *something's* going on with Yozora and the Master of Masters.
In a GameInformer interview he gave, he was asked about how much time we'd spend in Quadratum.
I think it will be a pretty good amount of time since it is set as the initial base within the game. You spend time there and then go to different worlds and then go back there. Because the graphics are more realistic this time around, I feel like there’s more of a realistic daily life aspect to Sora’s life. You can see him go in and out of his room and spend time there. I feel like players will get to see more of the day-to-day routines he goes through.
It sounds like Quadratum will act more like an interlude between worlds, where the developments that happen in the Realm of Light (or wherever else) will cause more troubles to pop in the city. We've already seen Sora fighting a giant Heartless(?) that just showed up out of nowhere. There might be more events like that, or even encounters with the mysterious figures staring down from the rooftops. And when nothing's threatening the world, Sora might simply be living daily life with Strelitzia.
I'm uncertain on how much we'll actually get on the nature of Quadratum since it is just Tokyo, but part of me is feeling like the story beats will be more important than the setting on this side.
Kairi can have a blank-slate start
I'm sure everyone who picked Kairi in that final fight was a bit surprised by how aggressive it was. A strike raid teleport and a barrage of light flooding the battlefield were amazing to see in her first time in the spotlight. We know she can fight, so wouldn't those skills carry over to her next game?
But she's been asleep for a whole year to have her memories explored. They could easily explain the loss of former skills. Besides, the reasons for Sora always resetting to Level 1 are basically on the same scale. If you wanted more reasoning, then maybe Aqua's training is having her develop her own fighting style from scratch. It's very obvious she's trying to emulate Sora in her stance.
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We also know that Kairi has her own unique combat pose. They've shown it to us at least twice in DDD and the KH3 opening, but we've never seen her actively using it in-game AFAIK. It sure would be an opportune moment to have her adopt it to signify her becoming her own person independent of Sora and Riku.
If the training time with Aqua seems like it would be too short to warrant Kairi going off on her own, keep in mind that we don't know how much time disparity there is between Quadratum and the RoL It could be synched up or be off by weeks, even months, more than enough to get her through the fundamentals.
Also, a mini-timeskip would give Nomura the chance to give the Destiny Trio new designs again. How Riku gets a new outfit and hairstyle while looking for Sora, I don't know, but he already pushed him through the Shadow Barber Shop. He can probably come up with something.
We still gotta have different Keyblades
Straight-up the title of this section. It's incredibly unlikely that Nomura would cut these, but as before, it's equally unlikely that Sora will get out of Quadratum into the RoL. Disney worlds are confirmed, and unless all of them are entirely new, I don't think there's a satisfying way to justify why he couldn't get help from the inhabitants, try to get off-world, or at least get in touch with someone if he still has his Gummiphone.
So if anyone else could go around to these worlds and collect these keychains, Kairi seems like a good candidate for that.
"But what about Destiny's Embrace?" Fair point. It's still got sentimental value to her and has familiarity. They wouldn't just dump it entirely.
However, I believe (and earnestly hope) that Kairi finally gets meaningful character development now. There's so much we could delve into (and we will later), but her current goal of growing stronger seemingly stems from a desire to determine her fate. For so long she's been carried by the tides of chance, waiting for what will happen rather than actively reaching towards her goals. In the end, it brought her down the path that led to Sora's disappearance, so she can't keep placing her faith in destiny.
Kairi might temporarily retire Destiny's Embrace, or perhaps her new mindset will trigger something in her Keyblade. We've seen that with Riku and the Way to the Dawn. It might be a more basic Keyblade like Braveheart, or she could end up wielding an iteration of the Kingdom Key to represent herself starting anew. Hell, maybe Sora fighting in her place in MoM passed it on to her, or she manifests it from her memories.
It'd be a convenient way to keep giving out new keychains while still making it feel like Sora experienced actual consequences for his misuse of the Power of Waking. They could even have Sora gain access to them through Kairi. His temporary possession of her at the end of MoM could be used as an in-universe way to hand-off the main PoV in a natural-feeling way, and she might be able to send him manifestations of the keychains as memories or something else that could cross over to Quadratum.
Masters and Maleficent will go wild
The KH3 ending brought back the Lost Masters through some unexplained mechanic. It also implies that they'll be the main antagonists of the new arc, but they're currently in the Realm of Light. I don't know how much Sora could do from the other side of reality. Not to mention Maleficent making even more schemes.
So the Keyblade wielders and their allies will have to defend against them and whatever other enemies crop up in their wake. But why would Kairi be the one pursuing their main goal? Why not Master Aqua, or at least one of the battle-hardened wielders?
Depending on the numbers, it'd be easy to say the other wielders are busy defending the worlds from the new threats, that they're spread too thin to take up whatever role Kairi would theoretically take. Maybe her status as a Princess of Heart could come up as another reason why it'd have to be her.
In any case, whatever Luxu has in that mysterious box spells bad news. The fact that there are going to be five ancient Keyblade Masters carrying out the Master of Masters' plan spells catastrophic news. Perhaps the missing Master Ava could work from the shadows to stymie them or to help Kairi on her quest.
Also, the Heartless are still gonna be wreaking havoc even if the Masters aren't. That will practically always be true, especially now that Xehanort's not controlling them all. Maleficent is going to do what Maleficent does best and use this to her advantage. With all these potential villains in the RoL, someone's gotta take care of them.
New worlds can develop Kairi further
Now that KH3 is finished and out of development hell, they're now free to consider new Disney properties, even those beyond 2014. And there's quite a few that could easily be connected to Kairi's desire to grow beyond her past and choose her own path:
Moana - Island girls who want to seize their destinies to see what lies beyond everyday life, both struggling with self-doubt. Also have grandmas who know more than they let on.
Coco - How memories connect us, that we can be together in heart when apart, the pains of love and separation. Fighting for your dream even when you're alone.
Encanto - Especially heavy exploration of breaking from the roles others place on us and that we take on, acknowledging and expressing emotions we hide from others.
Brave - "If you had the chance to change your fate, would ya?" Besides that, accepting that people can grow apart, that we each take our own paths, that it doesn't need to break our bonds.
WALL-E - Be open to change, don't let familiarity keep you stuck. Trust in the future, trust in yourself, break through the limits of your past. Go on even when all seems lost.
Frozen 2 - Self-determination and independence, grieving what has been lost, righting the wrongs of the past. Pain is a fact of life, do not let your fear of it keep you from doing what is necessary.
There's likely other films that could fit or other themes of these movies that parallel with Kairi, but these are rife with potential. Plus, the trend of female protagonists with little to no romantic storylines could let Kairi be perceived as more than Sora's love interest or someone to be saved.
Kairi is finally free to change
I don't think it's controversial to say that Nomura really mishandled Kairi's role in the series up til now. She's been stuck in character limbo, and even if we know more stuff *about* her since KH1, we haven't really gotten much *from* her. She's never had enough focus to really showcase her inner world, but I don't think it's due to disinterest on Nomura's part. Instead, I think that it was a result of very poor planning of her arc and his weakness at indirect characterization.
From the start, he probably had an idea of where he wanted to take Kairi's character. He must've, at minimum, pinned down the major strokes of her backstory involving Radiant Garden given the brief mention of her not remembering her home and the flashback with her grandma in KH1. KH2 and BBS both manage to flesh her out a bit more, and even her portrayal in the first game seemed to hint at something going on beneath her surface. Even so, she still outwardly appears as the same cheerful, kind, caring girl from the beginning of the series. I don't think Nomura decided to completely rip those seeds of growth from her character, but he has at least stifled them up til now.
In comparison to all the other main and supporting characters in KH, Kairi is noticeably lacking in any major character insights. From what I've seen, even people who dislike how the female cast is written can tell that the story is practically avoiding any chances for Kairi to verbalize her emotions. The conversations we do get with her almost always shift focus to the other person's feelings. If it does focus on her, the thoughts she does express tend to explore her relationships with other people instead of letting us know more about Kairi herself. As to why he'd make this writing choice with her, there's two possible answers beyond him just not wanting to deal with her.
The first is that he's trying to characterize her through her lack of characterization, that she's a people-pleaser who tends to put others' needs and wants before her own. We've already seen shades of this in KH1 on the dock and when Sora tells her to stay behind in Traverse Town.
In the former, it comes across as her trying to convince herself to go along with the plan about the raft, telling herself that she's ready to go wherever and holding onto the idea that she can always come back to Destiny Islands. Even so, you can hear a hesitation and uncertainty in those words. The only parts where she lets her fears bleed through are when she tells Sora not to change and arguably when she jokes about just the two of them taking the raft. Kairi tests the waters to see if Sora would be willing to go along with her alone before backing down. I don't think she'd actually go through with it, she's not that type of person. I can't say for certain that she hasn't entertained the thought, even if only half-seriously, but it's clear that she said it to avoid her thoughts on how Riku's changed. Kairi doesn't want to show Sora her doubts, especially when they're so close to setting sail. The only assurance she allows herself is asking Sora not to change, to stay her familiar friend, before shifting to expressing apparent excitement at setting sail.
When Sora and Kairi make their promise with the Wayfinder, she's afraid of how their friendship with Riku will have changed if he comes back. Still, she's willing to go help save Riku after seeing Sora's resolve to do so. When he tells her no, she pushes back, telling him that they have to stick together. She only starts to relent when Sora tells her that they won't be alone even if they're apart, then gives up entirely when he says she'd be in his way. Her laugh almost seems like an automatic response to cope with the hurt that statement would naturally provoke. Before he goes, she makes a compromise between their wants, getting Sora to promise that he'll return her Wayfinder to her- that he'll come back after everything's done. Then she tells him that she's always with him wherever he goes, taking Sora's statement and using it to reassure herself more than him. She doesn't want to inconvenience the ones she cares for, so she changes herself, adapting to their desires and opinions to ease any friction between them.
The other answer would be that Nomura's plan for her required her to retain her starting character traits until certain conditions were fulfilled. From where we are in the story, I'd wager that he she needed to be separated from Sora and Riku and for her to gain a meaningful motivation get stronger, at least according to Nomura's standards. The first half of that has been true for almost the entire series, as sad as it is, but we've only just now fulfilled the second. It's possible that he underestimated how long he would need to keep Kairi relatively unchanged for whatever he had planned in the future, causing her to be a static character for all this time.
Now, she's had to confront her fears head-on, needed to acknowledge the feelings of weakness and inferiority getting shattered by Xehanort gave her. It's Xehanort's fault that Sora disappeared, but she might partly blame herself for needing to be rescued rather than saving herself. Her tendencies of staying out of everyone's way and going along with their plans wasn't enough to keep Sora out of harm's way, to protect him. That failure can drive her to grow strong, to realize that valuing herself doesn't mean having to devalue others, that caring for yourself is an act of kindness for those who care about you.
I will acknowledge that even if these answers are accurate, reasonable intentions still don't excuse a sloppy execution. Nomura has skill in weaving a character's motivation into their actions and personality to add depth. However, he often relies on the characters voicing these out loud instead of letting the audience draw their own conclusions from what's presented. While this works well-enough for the series, it means that any indirect characterization he tries to do often ends up falling flat. Aqua at the Keyblade Graveyard is the biggest example of this. It's clear now that her time in the Realm of Darkness left her with some serious PTSD and that the massive storm of Heartless caused her to freeze up at the sight, but the way it was shown pre-Re:Mind ended up frustrating more people with her inaction instead of having them understand why she didn't act.
I'd argue the same thing's been happening with Kairi throughout the series up until now. A character like Kairi isn't inclined to express their unfiltered thoughts, leaving her to rely on indirect characterization to be fleshed out. Combine that with a weakness at subtle storytelling and a severe lack of focus and screentime, and you'll leave your audience almost nothing to discern about her character without close examination. Not to mention, any frustrations or disappointments or boredom regarding her character would only serve to make people even less willing to engage with her, especially stretched out over two decades.
Hopefully, Nomura feels free to put his plans regarding Kairi into motion now that she's gained the space for agency beyond Sora and Riku. I even think Nomura himself is aware of his struggles with nuanced character writing, something he hopes to fix. If you haven't heard, he brought on Akiko Ishibashi, the writer for Neo: The World Ends with You, to help write KH4. Anyone whose played that game can tell you about the amount of depth and complexity the cast of that game had, and her ability to transform one-dimensional archetypes into fully-realized people. I have little doubt that she'll breathe new life into the world of Kingdom Hearts, and I think that we'll see the start of this change through Kairi first and foremost.
In the future
This all sounds like wishful thinking, and it is, but I hope that it's not entirely unfounded. I'm mainly making this before any major trailers drop because, if this does happen, I can't imagine them hiding it for too long.
Maybe Nomura will finally give Kairi the screentime she deserves, and if he doesn't... well, guess we'll go through even more years of rightful disappointment in Nomura's handling of her.
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gaymer-hag-stan · 7 months
Inspired by fistsofcarnage's post found here:
I decided to share my own opinion on the Tekken 8 base roster while we wait for its release!
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A more detailed ranking:
1. Nina Williams - My Queen since c. 2005
2. Jun Kazama - I really really missed her
3. Lili - Crazy rich girl? Love it
4. Zafina - Weird spider / scarecrow / praying mantis Egyptian lady? Of course I love her
5. Azucena Milagros Ortiz Castillo - La Reina del cafe is looking GREAT
6. Jin Kazama - Him and Hwoarang have been my main "men allowed on the upper tiers" for a while now
7. Ling Xiaoyu - My love for Xiao is a relatively more recent development but she's a queen alright
8. Hwoarang - Angery kick boi. You love to see it
Love (?) Is a strong word to describe my feelings for the following but I like them alright and maybe even played as them in past Tekken games
9. King - I mean it's king
10. Shaheen - A huge downgrade over his Tekken 7 design, still cool
11. Asuka Kazama - Asuka had tons of potential for me but her one-sided rivalry with Lili and them being positioned as the main female rivalry of the series for a while now (I wonder if it has anything to do with them being teenagers~) has kinda damaged her characterisation a bit for me. She's kinda there for Lili to have something to play with nowadays rather than being her own character. I still like her but nowhere near the amount I liked her in her Tekken 5 era.
12. Steve Fox - Steve is cool. He's okay.
13. Lee Chaolan - This is such a weird redesign... Lee is so extra and fun but I can't stand the new look.
14. Yoshimitsu - Yoshimitsu is Yoshimitsu
15. Reina - Kinda basic but cute
16. Leo Kliesen - Kinda basic but cute
17. Lars - Kinda basic
Neutral / Dislike - My phone and also Tumblr only had an orange-y yellow marker so I merged these two together
18. Victor Chevalier - French James Bond Ninja Noctis Samurai looks kinda cool
19. Raven - I liked Master Raven more
20. Claudio Serafino - I liked him back when he was revealed but he ultimately became too forgettable for me
21. Devil Jin - Edgier Jin. Whatevs
22. Alisa Bosconovitch - Sex slave robot modelled after an old man's dead teenage daughter that a middle-aged man has the hots for will never not be creepy
23. Leroy Smith - Meh
24. Kuma - Even bigger meh, and I'm also still mad that both him and the other fucking bear keep taking up TWO slots but Christie being playable alongside Eddy in Tekken 7 was such a ludicrous idea for Namco
25. Marshall Law - I liked his Tekken 4 / 5 moustached look more. Him gulping all the fucking steroids in the world between Tekken 7 and 8 was not a wise choice
26. Panda - Read Kuma's entry. She's lower than him because she looks weirder now and I think both look weird when they put clothes on them but she looks weirder this time
27. Kazuya Mishima - Too boring
28. Bryan Fury - Too ugly, boring and loud
29. Paul Phoenix - Too ugly and boring, and also he looks his worst in this redesign
30. Sergei Dragunov - Too boring and ugly but at least he's fun to play with
31. Feng Wei - Too ugly and loud
32. Jack-8 - It's a JACK unit... All these redesigns and upgraded models and Jane still hasn't figured out how to not make him look fucking ridiculous
I'm still missing Anna Williams, Christie Montero and (mum) Kunimitsu. I hope Anna at least fucking makes it as Christie is probably gonna be left out in favour of Eddy again and since they introduced a younger, cutesier and more boring version of Kunimitsu in the form of her daughter I don't think we're ever seeing her again.
I wouldn't mind seeing Katarina return either, Miguel's chest is always nice to look at and I'm DEFINITELY on the Lucky Chloe did nothing wrong camp! I also think that over the years I've grown more fond of Forest than Marshall but unless his dad's liver stops working from all the extra steroids he took I don't see him making it back until the next Tag Tournament
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awildofnothing · 21 days
Hades 2 continued thoughts (spoilers under cut)
Okay I got real carried away describing my first winning run below. It was ridiculous luck with boons though.
Anyone else finding themselves humming “I am gonna claw out your eyes and drown you to death” at work or out at bars? Lol. I feel little crazy whenever I catch myself.
I predicted in my earlier post after like 10 hours of play that Hades / Zag / other OG characters would become playable each time you defeated Chronos (as in, you’d get to free one member of the house of Hades for each defeat, and they’d then be playable for surface runs). This was obviously far fetched because it would multiply the work needed when developing the game, but I’m taking the brief moment where you pilot Hades in the flashback to Chronos’ takeover as confirmation and claiming I was right 🤷
I still think it would be cool if you did get to free one trapped family member at a time once you got to a certain number of defeats against Chronos- it would be a cool narrative way to justify repeated runs.
I’m still in love with Nemesis but I think I might be equally enamored with Moros. What a beautiful antlered man. I feel like him and Melinoe would relate so much with the constraints and expectations of their fated upbringings and distance from any actual closeness with family.
I was feeling super dejected after losing run #24 to Chronos when I had a frankly amazing setup. I imagined Melinoe would also feel dejected. Moros was so sweet and immediately lifted my spirits. Nemesis stomped on them extra and then continued to insult me even after winning. Perfect duo ❤️
Okay winning run thoughts:
1. Finally beat Chronos on run 27. Was pretty surprised it took me that long because around run 15 (with sprint and death defiance arcana unlocked and a good amount of grasp) it really felt like it should happen any run. There were a good number of surface runs mixed in there too so that made it take a little longer.
2. I think the biggest factor in me finally winning the Chronos fight, outside of getting the exact boons I wanted (more below), was realizing I do not actually want to be distant from him all the time in phase 1. Same as Hades, there are some attacks that are really only dodgeable if you dart through him.
2a. Also for phase 2, I made a rule for myself that I mostly shouldn’t be sprinting and it helped. Phase 2 is just about not panicking and planning your dashes to safety. Chronos himself does not do crazy damage in Phase 2, so if you stay safe from the moving terrain you are basically good.
3. I had only two boons at the end of second biome on this run (Hephaestus blast on attack and Apollo sprint- these alone carried my run). By the time I got to Chronos I had 7 poms on the attack blast and it was triggering for 200 damage in a small aoe every 3 seconds 🤯. Plus, using Melinoe staff, omega attack would trigger the blast and aoe on each mob that was hit.
4. This was mostly accidental lol. I had an epic cast boon in Erebus but Nemesis offered me a deal to trade it for 3 poms. I only had attack and cast so this seemed like a bad deal at the time; however I want her to destroy me romantically and physically so I was never going to say no to her. Then I realized my attack, which I’d aimed for with Heph’s trinket, was triggering more often instead of just for more damage and was like hold on… I can work with this.
5. Avoided all other boons except Zeus after that because I wanted blitz on special (the first chaos trial I’d just unlocked the run prior to this helped solidify this strategy in my mind because of the basically unlimited magic - blitz and blast on special and attack, 1-2 punch where special sets blitz and then omega attack blast triggers it) and just aimed for poms otherwise to see how quick I could make the attack cooldown for giggles mostly. Ended up being rewarded with a rare special blitz in the Mourning Fields after choosing a Zeus boss room over a normal Selene and hammer room, which felt amazing.
6. Idk why I’m typing all this out really, I don’t expect anyone to actually read through it. I don’t have anyone in real life to discuss it with so I’m shouting at the void I guess. It was very satisfying to struggle for a good 10 runs with Chronos and then have a few aha moments and basically beat him with full health and all death defiances the next run.
7. I understand better how to build high damage builds in hades 2 now. I feel like I had to actively avoid gods I wasn’t aiming for, sometimes choosing bones or grasp over boons. I used two god trinkets that run in the first two biomes and was intentional about what I wanted.
8. Forgot to even mention my girl Selene and the healing hex, which let me bank 11 charges of +35 healing going into the Chronos fight 😇. Also got Demeter’s freeze cast at the very end, and I could be wrong, but it seems to me like that one CCs even armored enemies??? Not just reduces movement speed to approaching zero like the cast, but stopping attack and other actions as well??? Seems OP and like either a big or something I misinterpreted in the frenzy of play, but I’ll test more later in a surface run.
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Do you have any gameplay ideas for Lucia (Devil May Cry)?
Oh okay, that's a new type of question I've never been asked before. People on here don't tend to talk about gameplay aspects on here that much and tend to just talk about the characters - or at from what I've seen my three years on this site. But I'll take it sure!
Well, I'm not the best person to ask since I'm not really a game designer but I think I can think of at least a couple ideas to put her in more on how modern dmc 3-5 characters play with more complexities than Dante/Lucia/Trish had in dmc 1 and 2.
Okay to start off if Lucia would ever be hypothetically playable in a future dmc game she doesn't necessarily need new weapons, pretty much everyone else who isn't Dante with his ridiculous amount of weapons that only gets larger and larger with each game, specifically Nero, Vergil, Lady and Trish in dmc 4 proves this that small arsenals and tools you can work with like the devil bringer which you can throw in a buster whenever in a combo you like to add a little ✨️style spice✨️ A small rotation I find easier to work with and even so everything in that small rotation has a long list of moves and combos that you can steadily form your patterns you can strategize certain take downs for specific enemies.
But that's not saying you can't add anything new for her though, however including all the unlockable blades and knifes she could get in dmc 2 I think she should be okay as long as maybe you change some of their move sets to moreso differentiate them and make them each more unique instead of same knife/blade but reskinned and stronger. Again while you don't have to change anything like what she comes with, just look at Vergil the guy has had the same 4 weapons (counting summon swords) and basic play style since he was more formally introduced in dmc 3 and therefore being playable. However if they do go down this route with adding new things I hope they pull a dmc 4 revamp on us because playable Vergil from dmc 3 and playable Vergil from dmc 4 are very different beats. Dmc 3 Vergil is very, very simple and basic in his move set, similar to current day Lucia actually but - and this is true about every single version of Vergil since he's been playable - he is very overpowered. Like I don't know if this is because I've been playing dmc 3 since almost day 1 that it came out and I'm old but I don't know maybe it's just me but even in very hard and dante must die he makes the entire fucking game feel like a joke. Dmc 4 however (and don't get wrong he is still fucking overpowered as shit compared to everyone else in the game, he can absolutely break the entire game like he can in 3 if you know how to properly use him) I think he's less as OP in higher difficulties (I'm going to be 100% real here enemies in dmc 4 on human and devil hunter are like punchable paper once you play those higher difficulties just once and its veeeery noticeable) however to compensate for more heavy tankable enemies (Vergil in every mode is still a boss deleter no matter what) they they completely revamped his 3 moveset, keeping the all the simplicities and they MEGA built off it in literally every way; new moves, new combos, the motivation concentration meter and mechanics, new summon sword abilities, playable executable judgment cut end 💀, ect. But Lucia doesn't have to be as overpowered and game breaking, I think personally that should stay with just Vergil as like a gimmick afterall he has been that OP since day one and no other characters except Dante in a good several amount of occasions (dmc 4 and 5 particularly) have been able to be on that same level. But in a way story wise her being more strong and confident in her abilities moreso than in dmc 2 would show off more character development and being able to show that off in gameplay would be just perfect.
Sooo learning from that take her simplistic moveset and just revamp it in a similar fashion and that way she could still feel like better dmc 2 version of herself but she'd get more unique moves and combos and maybe build up her older playstyle in a way that feels more in tune with modern dmc without disrespecting her original playable debut despite the unfortunate game she came from, which I always thought anyway that out of the main two out of box playable characters (so not counting Trish who is better out of all three of them by miles) that she always felt good and better to play than the clunky, sword useless, Dante in that game.
Devil trigger gameplay? Since 2 and besides Dante's sin trigger in dmc 5 which is its own can of worms mechanically and runs off its own system very different then how it was dmc 2, no one else really has had a flying form and how it worked in 2 so if they just kept that exclusive to Lucia and modified it where A. It'd feel comfortable to play in modern gaming standards B. Expand on it, maybe make her airborne like 99% of the time and incorporate that into trigger exclusive moves maybe she can switch between the elemental moves that where in dmc 2 just you can switch between them on the fly without having to go through subscreens and menus and it doesn't cancel out your trigger gage and maybe each one has its own pool of moves besides being just that element boosting already established attacks, making it when you do trigger you do have more options and moves to integrate into your combo chain each time ect.
Uhm and I think that's all I have to say about it? Sorry if this was rambled and I didn't explicitly give much ideas this was just the way I think if Lucia ever were to be playable again (which honestly I really do hope, it fucking sucks she's chained down to such a "Yes it is actually that bad as everyone says it is." of a game) this is the technical ways I think Capcom should go about it.
Tldr: Take Lucia's very simplistic moveset from dmc 2 and treat it with a make over like they did with Vergil's from dmc 3 going into 4. Devil trigger should be mostly the same taking in the flight mechanics from dmc 2 and making it Lucia's own while incorporating the element mechanics that would also give her new moves to work with while in trigger.
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Thank you for the ask btw!
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so I've been playing this Digimon Rumble Arena fangame this past week and it's really really good!! there's a ridiculous amount of love gone into this and it shows in the sheer quantity of content, from creative new stages (my favourites are the Trailmon station and the one based off of the DMW3 boss battle arena!) and arcade mode paths to all the unlockable characters and alternate evolutions....... thank god for Cyber Sleuth and ReArise because it means we have the models to make stuff like this for my niche faves like Valdurmon or RhinoBeetlemon lol
also most of the Frontier cast are playable and function like Pokemon Trainer in Smash, so you can swap between Human and Beast spirits on the fly and auhghghsgbskja it's fantastic,,, ,
I'm horrible at fighting games and the higher difficulties are a genuine challenge for me, but I've been slowly trying my luck at unlocking things from above normal mode even if it takes me a few retries just to get past one battle haha :'D
aaaaa I just really wanted to gush about this lmao, not many of my friends or family would care but it's so well-made ////
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enbyleighlines · 6 months
Leigh plays Tellius prt 12
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I forgot how dramatic Geoffrey can be. But I guess with a best friend like Bastian, he would have to be a little dramatic.
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I love how Ike continues to value his work as a mercenary above everything else. Of course, I don't think this high level of integrity is common amongst mercenary groups, but the Greil Mercs have always been different. Like how Greil himself would take work without pay, if it meant helping out someone in need. They fight for people, not for ideals such as honor or glory.
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Now, I remember this map giving me so much trouble when I was a kid. This was the map that had me give up on not losing any units. I remember sacrificing Calill here, back in 2007, just so I could finally advance to the next chapter.
So when it came time to face this map again, 16 years later, I was feeling rather nervous.
Turns out I had no reason to be nervous, because I wiped the floor with all the enemies without issue. The boss gave me a scare at first, when I realized he was activating a skill in battle. I was afraid it was Resolve, but it turned out to be Parity, which was far less intimidating.
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What a gorgeous scene! I love this moment between Elincia and her retainers. Their friendship is so great, and I'm glad that they got to be reunited.
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This may be my shipper goggles blinding me again, but... was there something in that letter you don't want others seeing, Tibarn?
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I understand where he's coming from, but it is jarring to be see a young boy say "Kill 'em all!"
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Love this base conversation. Ike cannot be bothered to figure out what the hell Bastian is talking about half the time. And we learn that, though Ike's not a fan of desserts, he does drink tea! Unsweetened, I imagine, but still. Idk why, but I really love the idea of manly man Ike sitting down and having a cup of tea. Maybe he even used to have tea parties with Mist as a child. Too cute!
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Here comes Largo. I do think this entire conversation is hilarious enough to justify Largo's existence as a playable unit, but otherwise I have never used him and probably never will. That being said, I love his character development in Radiant Dawn, where he goes from a fame-seeking beserker for hire to a humble restaurant owner and doting father.
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I made Jill another custom javelin, and I named it Diablo because of how much it cost. Plus it's red, to match her armor!
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Funniest NPC? Funniest NPC.
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They don't go into it, but I can imagine that Soren must be really nervous at this moment. He's about to lead a discussion in front of an army that includes judgemental Begnion knights, beast laguz, and hawk laguz, including the king of the hawk laguz. That's a lot of pressure, especially for a character who doesn't feel comfortable talking to anyone that isn't Ike. He did a brilliant job, though! It probably helps that he has an A rank with Ike now, so his biggest insecurity has been put to rest.
Kudos, Soren! You're going to need that growing confidence when you're promoted to chief strategist of the Laguz Alliance.
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I love how Ike is just so taken off guard here. This conversation also raises some questions for me. Namely, how long do pegasi live? Didn't Elincia say that this one belonged to her great-grandmother? Are they just like... immortal?
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Time to seize Fort Pinell! This map is a little intimidating due to its sheer size, especially it doesn't have many choke points. However, I managed to beat this map on my first try. Luckily, they let you take a ridiculous amount of units, so I managed to just cross the field by lining up my defensive fighters in a long vertical wall to keep my squishies protected. Meanwhile, Ike, Soren, and Ranulf destroyed the entire upper right section of the map all by themselves.
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The Black Knight fight is coming!! I'm so nervous ahhhhhh
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It was also around this point that I realized that it would be nearly impossible to achieve one of my goals. I intended to get Ranulf to level 20 with as many capped stats as possible. Unfortunately, after doing the math, it looks like the only stats it's possible to cap are strength and defense, because you get him so late in the game, and his stat caps are so ridiculously high.
For example, you get him at level 9, which means he will only level up 11 times. In order to cap his strength, he has to level up strength 10 times, which is possible, but not without a lot of resetting. Meanwhile, in order to cap his defense, he has to level up his defense 13 times, which is only possible if you get him to level up defense Every Single Level, plus give him a Draco Shield for that +2 defense.
As much as I love Ranulf, I want to use that Draco Shield for someone else if I can. So in the end, I only capped his strength. And I was only able to do so by burning through the rest of my bexp. Ugh!
Was this worth it, or a massive waste of resources?
Probably the latter, but what's done is done.
Either way, Ike's 1v1 match with the Black Knight is imminent. I would like to save Nasir if I can, so I'm hoping that I get lucky with triggering Aether.
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lorz-ix · 10 months
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Undead Knights (2009)
This is the most 2009 game imaginable, and you can bet your ass my 2009 (and 2023) self loved it. Wiiiith some caveats. Or a lot of them.
Imagine this: it's a medieval setting, seemingly serious at first, but with some "silly anime elements", like the Queen sporting a cleavage ridiculous enough to kill a man (as seen in the game's opening sequence). The Blood family has been accused of treason and is therefore slaughtered, just wiped off the face of the Earth. But brothers Romulus and Remus, and Sylvia, Remus's fiancee, rise from the dead, with powers that allow them to turn their enemies into zombies, and are determined to get their revenge.
Yes, this story is nothing that original, and the premise is a bit cheesy, but thankfully the game doesn't take itself fully seriously. There's a heavy metal soundtrack, raunchy and totally anachronistic language, goofy one-liners... the plot is rather simple and has just the right amount of depth (very little) and escalation of stakes to be fun in a b-movie kinda way.
The massive downside the game has, which prevents it from being the hidden gem I want it to be, is that the gameplay honestly sucks ass. It's pretty much all combat with some extremely minor and simple "environmental puzzles" you solve using zombies, mainly disarming traps and the like. The combat is terribly simple and repetitive, like the worst kind of Dynasty Warriors where the gimmicks aren't nearly enough to be fun or break the monotony. It gets frustrating, it really drags, god damn do I wish such a fun, cheesy premise wasn't wasted like this.
The little variety in battle is brought to you by the 3 playable characters and their different fighting styles. It's a shame you're discouraged from changing between them during the campaign, since their stat upgrades aren't shared and you don't get nearly enough points during a single playthrough to steadily build up all 3 of them.
I can't in good faith recommend Undead Knights to anyone, unless you have a lot of patience and tolerance for boring gameplay and the premise sounds like something that would carry you through the slog. This is a solid case of "I like the idea of the game in my head, but not what the final product actually is".
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 8 months
Okay we're stopping playing Sonic for now because it's nearly 1am, but some thoughts woo, completely unstructured because yeah. Important context but I'm not actually finished with all the stuff yet either soooo
I think this update is fucking awesome! Like so much so that I don't even know where to start. I guess the most obvious part is playable Tails, Knuckles and Amy - all of them are fucking fantastic. I'm not without my nitpicks for them - Tails not having a homing attack really sucks and Knuckles' gliding is clunky, Amy though actually perfect lol - but I think in terms of general feel as well as how multiple playable characters should be handled in 3D Sonic, they're great. Cause the thing is they're all fundamentally still Sonic, even down to having the boost and shit, so before you've even gotten the chance to play them you already know most of what to expect - the surprises just come in the form of their other mobility and combat options, but obviously everything controls the same and nobody's like ungodly slow or locked out of the spindash or anything like that, it's genuinely awesome. Honestly there's a degree to which they leave Sonic himself in the dust with their absolutely ridiculous aerial mobility, especially Tails who gets a certain upgrade that is like, actually fucking gamebreaking (and btw I'm completely about it lmao). But yeah no they're incredible, and it still feels downright unreal playing as them in a new 3D title. Would be more than happy for this to be the template going forward in terms of multiple characters.
That's very much the main new thing and core appeal of the update, so I'll have less to say going forward, but I'm still really enjoying everything else on the table. One of the main things is just that the story additions and various optional character conversations do a shockingly huge amount to flesh out the Ancients and the Starfall Islands - in a way that makes this entire aspect of what is now part of series lore and canon feel so much more rich and alive. All of a sudden we have some answers to "what's up with those ruins over there?", and it feels nice! Although one huge narrative L is that they clarify that Big's presence is an illusion crafted from Sonic's memories, which I think is significantly more boring than Big just comedically being here for whatever reason. That aside though I think the steps taken here to flesh out the world and these backstories and the Ancients themselves who play such a key role in the story anyway is a really good call.
Guardians and specifically island mystery whatever thing M120 aside as detailed in my last post, I also really enjoy the general difficulty increase within this update's content. The island puzzles are generally a lot more involved, and will take multiple steps to complete and/or operate on significantly stricter time limits - it's a nice level of challenge for the final major area of the game. Doubly so for the various platforming challenges - which are about on par with the "new koko" challenges from update 2, i.e. really quite long and involved and precarious and it's awesome and many of them make great use of Tails/Amy/Knuckles' different mobility from Sonic. On Sonic's platforming though, holy fuck am I glad they added more tower climbs. Not even kidding the Rhea Island tower climbing was one of my favourite things about base Frontiers, it's an extremely tense and enjoyable platforming challenge that takes full advantage of Sonic's capabilities and expects a lot out of you, the player, and your knowledge of how to use said capabilities to their fullest. And dog they added more of them? Shit got me hype as fuck dude, greatly enjoyed the challenge, and the feeling of getting better and better at specific sections over time as well as learning the layouts such that I knew where to aim for if I fell so I could lose the least progress and shit, they're just so kino man. I fucking adore them.
One thing I haven't really engaged with surprisingly, is the new Cyberspace levels - I've done 2 of them and I mainly went for just beating the levels as opposed to spending time working on the misc objectives, but the ones I did do were kinda sick as hell and the objectives are all new compared to just red rings and x amount of normal rings and clearing in x time, fuck some of them even have different goals amongst themselves. I think cyberspace levels really grew on me after a couple more stabs at each level so I'm excited to give more of these new ones a shot - I think I'm kinda just mentally prioritising them less than the story content and character upgrades lol. These do seem really awesome though, and again are a pretty great level of challenge, at the very least the two I did were like, Unleashed DLC level of challenge or something, albeit shorter obviously. The S-Rank times seem pretty damn tough this time around too, going through a cyberspace level once and having cleared all the missions without even trying this is not. And I'm super about that lmao.
Must say I find the tower trials I've done so far are, kinda bizarrely balanced. First one is defeat a few normal Soldier enemies in a more than generous time window, third one is defeat those circling dog things that you just parry in a very generous time window, fourth one was defeat a Ninja or Shinobi or Kunoichi or you know that family of enemy with ten entire minutes on the clock, and the second one is you've got 2 minutes to defeat 4 of the enemies that you need to cyloop their shell, which I beat with less than 5 seconds left because they set a certain stat level for Sonic so all I could do was cyloop, homing attack, stomp, repeat - with fairly little room for error else I'd run out of time. If I'm missing something obvious that makes that trial way easier then woe is me but I did find it very funny that it's the only one that took me more than one attempt.
I'm running out of things that come to mind immediately, so just gonna leave off by saying the new music fucks hard. Fun update, looking forward to completing it, and further ahead than that I'm looking forward to doing a playthrough of like, the complete Sonic Frontiers experience, updates 1 and 2 already did a lot of work to make the game just feel more like a complete product, so I'm excited to kind of holistically look at it now that it's done. Good stuff.
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spinningbuster98 · 1 year
Mega Man X5 Ending (Zero)
So Zero’s fight against X is actually a bit harder than when you’re playing as X vs Zero
Here you can even find a secret Dr.Light capsule. With X (assuming you’re armorless X otherwise you won’t find anything) you’ll get the Ultimate Armor. With Zero you get Black Zero, which doubles Attack and Defense.
I decided not to get it. Why? Because it’s a permanently missable power up that you won’t know exists on your first playthrough, meaning you’ll have to do the final level as regular Zero.
And oh the final level
The boss rush can be better as Zero, due to his higher damage output
Sigma though can go suck the world’s nastiest robot dick
The first phase is awkward enough to hit but the second?
The fucking second phase!?
All the issues I mentioned earlier as X are 10 times worse here! He does a RIDICULOUS amount of damage because of Zero’s lack of defensive uogrades, not to mention the fact that you can’t possibly maximize his health due to some heart tanks being exclusive to X.
Wanna know what one of my greatest memories of X5 is? Just trying to beat this asshole as Zero and getting killed over and over and over and over and over and...
Sigma was not properly balanced with Zero in mind, I’m sure of it. No other boss in the series is like this, it feels borderline broken. I genuinely think that, when playing as Zero, this is one of the, if not THE worst final boss in Mega Man (well maybe X7 Sigma takes that spot due to being X7 and all that entails).
In the end I only beat him because he just randomly decided not to spam that fucking block attack for once. So I just got lucky.
Everyone I see always uses Black Zero for this fight, which certainly makes it far more manageable, but I repeat: that’s supposed to be a misseable secret you’re not gonna know of unless you look up a guide, it’s asinine to expect me to use what is basically a sort of cheat code just to avoid having a miserable time against the final boss when the other playable character doesn’t have this problem.
Ok this concludes X5. I COULD show off the bad ending but that would require replaying the whole thing just to show 3-4 different cutscenes and I simply don’t think it’s worth it.
Well I guess there’s only one path to follow now...
Only one other game that I can play after this one
It’s time folks
To play a very....important Mega Man game from 2001
A game that I really was not looking forward
But I have to play it, because there’s no turning back now
It’s time to play Mega Man Battle Network
Why yes, it’s a VERY important game, I don’t think anyone could dispute that, just look at the sheer popularity that BN still has to this day!
Now it’s true that I’ve never beaten the game before
In fact I’m not really into BN in general
I wasn’t even counting into putting it into my retrospective!
It’s also true that I will probably not enjoy myself, especially since BN1 is kinda infamous for being very rough around its edges
But who knows? I may change my mind! And afterwards I will finally be able to get to the Zero series, which is one I have much attachement towards, and then afterwards I’ll handle ZX!
Hell now that I think about it I may just start doing the Legends games! The series pretty much died after 2000! At this point I’m just glad to have finally reached the end of the X se-
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cominy-kiwami · 2 years
had a dream where i started playing the sims 4 but it was like an over the shoulder story driven game. a bunch of alien crafts had landed down on earth, the landscape was dotted with so many craters, and there was one unspeakably giant ship that had landed and a huge amount of land had crashed upward from the sinkhole and now formed a dirt shardlike formation around the ship, like a freeze frame of something entering water fast. and now in the early stages of alien invasion they werent common to see but there was a huge amount of paranoia around them. there was this blond guy who we as the audience knew was an alien shapeshifter but the playable character didnt know.
at some times during playing, i would step away from the computer and climb this mountain overlooking the entire town (which was the same town as in the sims, just in real life. i would look off at the huge alien ship) and i along with a bunch of other random strangers would stand in a circle being guided by some kind of “sims expert” who would be asking us about what decisions we would make in the game. early in the game there was a shootout against aliens in a buckingham palace type place, and it was our decision whether to fight or flee.
but the guide also asked each of us whether we would cannibalize the blond man when it came down to it. this took all of us off guard and it was clearly something that would not come into play for a lot of ingame hours, but almost all of us said we wouldnt, except for this one guy who probably figured we could see both sides of the plot if he did and then we exchanged information. the tour guide saw our dismay at the idea and said “its sounds ridiculous but youll understand pretty soon”
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werejelly · 2 months
Chimeraland dead now and like. I'm really fucking sad about it.
It wasn't the best game, P2W kinda stuff. But I think a lot of that was later game, which I never got to.
It was a game which had 18 playable races with some really odd options. My character was a giant, muscular, purple squid man.
It was a game where you could catch like, any pet, and you could place it's parts with parts from other creatures. It had HUGE areas to explore. You could build a house anywhere you wanted to, it was sort of a survival game like ARK.
But it was just plain weird and ridiculous. Buggy as hell, but that was kinda part of the charm for me.
The amount of trees I knocked over while riding my pets was funny as hell. I spent two hours flying to space on a baby queztcoatl once, and then blew up in the sun when I got too close. Visited some homes build on asteroids.
Flew up to a giant rock above my home once, found a cave where a fish with man legs one shot me.
I found so many eggs on the ground abandoned by other players which I took in and hatched.
It was a good time. Might upload some pictures and videos just to remember things.
It ultimately made sense, ig, why it shut down. It rlly wasn't popular and I heard most people played it on mobile? I think it was too weird for most people, and the pay2win aspect was shitty. Very grindy to (even tho that's something I enjoyed).
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