#a weekend is generous im only going to the con on saturday
todayisafridaynight · 3 months
getting wigs for characters with the same hair color as myself make me feel like the biggest dumbass around but youd have me fucked thinking im burdening myself with daigos 2000's emo cut just for a weekend
#snap chats#a weekend is generous im only going to the con on saturday#i like how im making it sound like anime nyc is this weekend when its at the end of august LMAO BUT NO LISTEN#unfortunately beauty influencers have finally done their job right and this one guy was reviewing an eyebrow pencil#but the twist is that this pencil was like. SUPPPER STUPID FINE im talkin .08mm and he demonstrated how it could imitate stubble#SO OF COURSE. my ass wanted to see for myself cause as much as i like my sponge-stippling method its not super precise#and that shit gets annoying when most of it looks fine but then i press too hard or i angle the sponge wrong and now i gotta start over#In Any Case the pencil i got did exactly as i hoped and its actually p fun putting on LMAO. i prefer how it looks too#anyway how this all relates to this post. im probably gonna go as y2 daigo again for anime nyc in august#and I Repeat im not cutting my hair for that LMAO so. Wig 😩#i like it when i cosplay him cause i just go by his actual design cause if i even breathe near skinny jeans ill wanna kms#also i just like to be as accurate as i can be yk. plus the leather pants i have are cozy and theyre one of my fave pairs of pants 🤤#in any case. whenever that wig comes in ermmmmm i dont trust myself to take pictures 😞 my selfie game is dick#maybe ill stream yk2 LMAO but anyway. good night i think im gonna force myself to sleep now#i got back to my dorm like four hours ago or whatever and i am not looking forward to doing school shit again. alongside comm shit#OH WELL we ball good night#wait before i Good Night cackling as i have my meds next to my aoki tablet and plush#great reminder honestly. Take Your Meds Or You'l Convince Yourself To Be A Republican#ok goodnight fr now im gonna giggle and kick my feet thinking of cosplay
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kathillards · 6 years
misc morphicon stories
ok so i feel like i’ve talked FOREVER about all the wild shit that happened to us at morphicon (running into rangers at the car valet!! meeting chip lynn!! azim calling us his favorite ladies at the con!!) but i wanted to make a write up for all the stuff i haven’t talked about yet because i have to remember all this and i want you all to experience it too!! it was so fun oh my god if you haven’t been to morphicon... start making plans for 2020 guys it is legit INSANE best weekend of my entire LIFE
- ann marie crouch is AN ACTUAL PRINCESS SENT FROM HEAVEN we ran into her on our way back to the hotel one of the days and we were like omg it’s princess shayla we love you!! and she was so sweet and stopped and talked to us even though she was on her way out for a nap and she was in full shayla gear she looked so pretty! and we saw her on the way back too she had changed into casual clothes but still rocking it WE LOVE ONE MENTOR ONLY
- jessica rey is so funny and adorable omg we stopped by her booth to buy wild force pins (kat and abbey) bc the wf rangers come PREPARED w/ merch and nobody was there so we all just started talking to her and told her how we loved wild force and alyssa and abbey said she loved the ep where alyssa beat up the boys and she’s so cute and fun to talk to!! she told us about the shades of pink panel and i was like “is alyssa a pink or a white ranger” and she was like “lol i dont even know” also she had her handler take a staged candid of us talking to her because she loved us lmao. and then we were talking about white rangers and all of us were like “fuck tommy lives we stan alyssa only” and she laughed and immediately started telling us about what a dick jdf had been to fans the day before lmao (also for real...he’s a dick) and i was like YOU ARE THE SUPERIOR WHITE TIGER RANGER god shes so cool she loved us and didnt wanna stop talking but we had to move away cuz ppl were lining up for her behind us rip
- RICHARD AND ANGIE oh my god ok so i’d stopped and talked to angie on the first day and also the second day and i told her i’d come back later bc i wanted a photo w/ BOTH OF THEM and i did tell her how much i loved madison and vida like we are ROCCA SISTER STANS FIRST PEOPLE SECOND and shes so cute and she remembered us every time!! and then on the third day i finally got to talk to richard and he’s so sweet we talked about mystic force just at his booth for like ten minutes waiting for angie for the photo op, he asked us our fave episodes and i said dark wish and he actually remembered it so i think he might be the only actor at the con who watched his season. and we told him we loved the mystic force theme song AND HE STARTED SINGING IT. and someone had left him a green zeo figurine for...some reason and he told us “i dont even fucking know who that is” (but nicer lol he is very charming and polite) and we told him it was adam/johnny and he was like ohhhh lmao i love disney era actors not knowing SHIT about saban era. like he literally worked with johnny. i love him. AND THEN HE ASKED US ALL TO BE IN THE PHOTO and since kat paid for half of it we were like aight its a group thing and its the cutest photo i love disney era actors only
- i think i talked about meeting dwayne cameron already but god hes so sweet and i felt bad for him bc caitlin next to him had ppl she was talking to but he was all alone so me and abbey just went up and started talking to him and i told him i loved overdrive and i told him i recognized him as ethan’s bully and we talked about tyzonn and vella and just overdrive in general and hes so SWEET and he HUGGED ME SO TIGHT GOD i think he really enjoyed us like. actually loving overdrive and being able to talk about it. AND HE RAN INTO ABBEY IN CARS LAND AT DISNEY ON MONDAY AND GAVE HER ANOTHER HUG hes so cute (angie was also there with him I LOVE DISNEY ERA SOLIDARITY)
- met monica may and cerina vincent on saturday, not a lot to say bc i only talked to them a bit and took my photos but they are both so beautiful and elegant and classy and i told cerina i loved her in stuck in the middle :’) ranger ladies are so intimidatingly pretty god. also picked up this huge LEGIT spd poster and im gonna put it up in my room as soon as i can because oh my god its professional quality it looks so cool. we also talked to greg aronowitz bc kat wanted her poster signed and hes so cool we told him how much we appreciated everything he did for spd AND THAT WE WERE ON HIS SIDE ABOUT FEMALE RED FUCK DISNEY.
- god what else uhh we wandered around the toys section a lot on saturday/sunday bc we’d kinda. seen everyone. and there were a lot of panels on sunday so nobody was at the booths. i picked up those amazing rider/sentai prints from ceevee SUPER TALENTED SO WORTH IT. also got me a meteor storm figuart B) which i havent taken out of the box yet but i will
- HECTOR AT THE CAR VALET he literally announced he would be at morphicon the day before and then we saw him while waiting for our car and SCREAMED and he was so chill and cool and he came over and hugged us all hes so hot. AND THEN LATER WE RAN INTO SELWYN WARD AT THE CAR VALET and he also laughed when we squealed and came over and hugged us all and guys he smelled soooo nice i was like right up against him i could have died hes so handsome and perfect.
- we also ran into steve cardenas at the car valet like right when we were all leaving the hotel for the last time and we told him that we loved him and i said i was so excited that it was rocky coming back for the anniversary instead of fucking jason and abbey was like “justice for forever red!” and he was like hah i know right anyway every single actor in this franchise hates jdf lmao that was just the vibe of morphicon and it was valid
- fun fact we did not see jdf ONCE. not going to the con, not at the hotel, not ANYWHERE. just his crazy lines. he was like the douchebag cryptid. im glad tho he can stay that way.
- i talked about meeting andre on saturday night right??? hes so SWEET I LOVE HIM he was so happy when ben gave him his fanart of eddie and took a selfie w/ ben right then and there and also took a pic w/ me and abbey ugh i love him i told him he was so valid for being a power rangers youtuber and liking megaforce AND THAT HE’S THE BEST INTERVIEWER THEY’VE EVER HAD (i also told azim this, i’m very passionate about this subject, every other ranger interviewer sucks ASS)
- jason faunt at the elevators!! hes so sweet i told him how excited i was for the anniversary and he said yeah theres a lot more plot going on and told me to take a selfie bc they couldnt stop him here fhjggd i love that pic i love him AND THEN ALSO later we ran into NAKIA IN AN ELEVATOR AND SHES SO SWEET I SAID “WE LOVE YOU WE WATCHED ALL OF ZEO FOR YOU” and she was like aww thank you so much!! a literal goddess AND THEN LATER AS WE WERE CHECKING OUT karan walked by us to go to nakia and i was so excited i waved and said hi to her and she said “hi baby how are you” SHES SO WONDERFUL I LOVE MY MOTHERS
- i think i told the chris reid story already but like. hes so charming and was so nice even tho i interrupted his express checkout but like. i Had to tell him how valid ninja steel was i was literally like fuck the dudebros they’re so annoying you guys fighting w/ that one guy on twitter over the kcas was the FUNNIEST thing to EVER happen to this fandom and he laughed.
- we also went up to kelson’s booth later and told him how much we loved mick and all his roles!! and talked to him forever about all of them, told him we were kalish/disney era supremacists, told him HOW GOOD HE IS AT VOICE ACTING WE LOVE FLIT AND NORG IN THIS HOUSE he looked so happy :’) i feel like everyone just compliments him on boom which, no offense, but appreciate your voice actors guys. i told him we grew up on disney era and it was like new zealand only had twelve actors and he was five of them and he laughed and was like yeah. i also told him how we loved mick and brody’s father/son relationship and he was like yeah they ended up liking that a lot too which is why they sort of pushed brody’s real dad to the side so mick could shine more and i was like that’s LEGIT. i also told him the prism was brody’s mother and he agreed so that’s canon now. AND I TOLD HIM how fucking dark ninja steel went w/ his storyline literally being about slavery and human trafficking and he was like I KNOW RIGHT and we just talked about how dumb everyone is for being mean to ninja steel and chris showed up at this point too and we all laughed about it together
- ok and then tbh we just spent all of sunday loitering around the megaforce cast but it was worth it because they LOVE US oh my god we talked to them like all sunday about just. everything. azim’s gf jordan was there and she kept telling us to just stick around we talked to her a lot, we asked her about alex heartman and like where tf was he and she said he was working :( BUT AZIM AND ALEX ARE STILL CLOSE so victory. azim also told us a bunch of little stories like how he and the megaforce cast searched for a house to stay in together and ended up finding one at the base of a volcano and he and drew would race around the volcano in the mornings like the crazy people they are, we told him how much we loved andrew’s ACTING SKILLS and “do you see any tears” and he cracked up and said “they used to call me ‘freaky tiki man’ all the time because of that one line” and he told us about other fan encounters and things, we told him on saturday how we all met and became friends because we were the only ppl who loved and defended megaforce and he was SO TOUCHED HES SO SWEET GOD i would die for him. 
- cameron gave us (me and kat) all his money to buy him lunch from the food trucks and i guess just trusted that we loved megaforce so much we wouldn’t just run away with all his money????? and he was absolutely correct we got him teriyaki chicken with garlic noodles and he loved us. his handler also asked us to buy him food and gave us his CREDIT CARD dfhdgfjgdf like power rangers people are wild man. who just gives their credit card to random 20yo girls and just. trusts that they love this children’s show so much they won’t steal it??? i mean they were right and we didn’t but still. AND HE MADE ME AIRDROP one of my megaforce reaction pics to his phone because he loved it so much (it’s the one of jake and emma and orion looking super done, that i had ben redraw for me, so we showed them both pics and all three of them LOVED IT) and cameron even looked ben up on deviantart to see it fdgjkdfdg he loves usss. christina was telling us how they were talking about us at dinner and cameron told her that we were his favorite part of the con :’)) azim also mentioned that they talked about us at dinner because he said to kat “we were discussing that you look like that girl from 10 things i hate about you who was julia stiles’ best friend” LIKE IMAGINE. HAVING THE MEGAFORCE CAST. DISCUSS WHO YOU LOOK LIKE FDJGKDHFJGD they’re so cute ugh and azim and cameron hugged us all goodbye and john mark and christina said goodbye too and i just. love them. so much. 
- at one point cameron asked me and kat how old we were and she was like “twenties...as a group we are in our early twenties” and he was like “.... so old enough to know how a hangover feels right?” and we lost it dfgjfdkdgjh and i said “if i were an actor i would just be stoned the whole con” AND CAMERON JUST NODDED AGGRESSIVELY god the entire cast was definitely hungover and they’re so valid. except christina, we asked her and she said she only had a milkshake so maybe she was their designated driver. 
- andrew is so chill too (i mean i do think he is perpetually high but its fine) i think he just loves talking??? like he’s there for the babies (so many babies!! and they love troy so much!!! hes so adorable with them) and then he just wants to chill like we went up to him on sunday and he was like oh hey did you guys see this picture and he pulled out his phone and showed a pic of the megaforce cast doing a goofy zombie pose at their photo ops and he told us his backstory on each of their zombie poses like. who does this??? he’s so adorable.
- and ofc we stopped by christina again on sunday bc she’s THE FAVE and shes just so cuuute ugh and i told her i loved all asian rangers bc i am asian!! and she was like omg are you?? and i was like yeah i’m south asian and she was like omg so that’s all part of asia too OH I GET IT SO WE’RE BOTH ASIAN and i was like YES AND YOU’RE ALL MY RANGERS and she smiled at me it was like staring at the sun tbh. i love and would die for her.
- when we went to say goodbye to the megaforce cast cameron just looked at all of us standing around his booth and was like, so genuinely, “you guys are the best” and it still makes me cry thinking about it. AND AZIM’S FACE when we all said “megaforce’s defenders never surrender!” to him he had the sweetest smile god i really would take a bullet for the entire megaforce cast in a heartbeat. they are the sweetest angels & deserve the world. if any of you breathe a word wrong about jake holling in my general vicinity ever again i will fry your intestines and eat them for breakfast thank you GOODBYE.
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katiebug445 · 6 years
Katie says goodbye to the Supernatural cons.
Alright, so, I’ve been putting off writing this post for a couple days, because exhaustion hit me like a freight train and I’ve been feeling icky and sickly for awhile, so bleh. But okay. Time to get emo on main. 
So about five years ago, around this time of year, actually, i finally got the chance to go to my first ever convention. me and some friends at the time were all planning on going to the Salute to Supernatural convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota in August of 2015. I was so excited to finally get to do this, because I’d been wanting to go to a con since 2011. This was my chance to finally go, and see Richard Speight Jr, and make a dumb dream that kept me alive for a long time come true. And it was, without a doubt, the most magical, and important experience of my life to date. 
Around this time, I was beginning to come up in the fandom. i had a really good following, my fics were getting a lot of attention, i was in with a group that was insanely popular, and life was actually really good. The show was the most important thing in my life, and i had countdowns going until it came back on in the fall. i was in very deep in the fandom, and it was my main source of happiness, so going to this con was going to be fucking HUGE for me.
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^^ freshly turned 20 year old Katie out there living the best life she could at the time. she was trying her best. 
So we get to Minneapolis on that Thursday, and we’re walking around, and it hadn’t exactly sunk in yet that I was there. Like, I knew I was going, and I knew what was all going to happen, but I hadn’t been like “oh god this is happening” as of then. 
I remember the moment that it did sink in, though. We were sitting in our seats, Richard and Rob were up on stage doing the rules and regulations, and I kind of came back into my body and realized that i was shaking a LOT, and i just remember looking around the auditorium, and then back up to the stage, and hearing Richard’s voice. I thought to myself “You did it. You made it here. You stayed alive for this moment right here. You fucking did it.” and that’s when everything sunk in completely for me. 
i remember crying a lot after that. 
The con was everything I imagined it would be. I laughed a TON, i got to spend time with some - at the time - really good friends, and I was very swept up in the magic of the whole weekend, and I never wanted that feeling to go away. 
Then on Sunday, I got to meet Richard in person. 
I won’t go into details, and I’ll spare the sob story that lead up to all of it, but I will summarize and say that Sunday at Minncon 2015 remains one of the most important days of my entire life. there was so much personal feelings wrapped up in all of that, and I still have no clue how i managed not to break down crying as soon as i saw him. 
I love that man more than just about anything else, even to this day. richard is still a driving force to me to keep on going with life no matte what happens, and i owe him so much for that. 
anyways, i loved the con. I loved the show, the cast, the whole experience. I walked away from that with some of the best memories that i will keep with me forever. I’ve said this a thousand times before over the last several years, but Richard Speight makes those conventions an incredible experience. The effort he puts into them, the way he treats his fans, all of it makes the cons so special for me. I thank him so much for being such a wonderful person, and making me want to go back again and again and again. 
And i wanted so badly to do just that. I wanted to see Richard again. I wanted to do the cons, and hang out with friends more, and just do the whole fucking thing. Because that was peak happiness for me. it still is, in some ways. 
Between the ending of 2015 and the beginning of 2017, i had a bad falling out with the people i went to Minncon with. i lost a lot of my popularity, i backed way off of all of the corners of the fandom that I’d made a name for myself in, and i kept my head down. I did and said some really stupid stuff that I’m not exactly proud of, and I paid the price for it. As a result, i started backing off. 
But I still loved Richard, and i wanted to see him again. 
So I saved. And saved. And saved even more. And in February of 2017, I got the chance to do it all again. I got to meet and hang out with a BUNCH of friends on that trip, and I got to spend a lot of time with two people who have become so important to me, and who I love dearly. 
i owe that to Nashville. 
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^^ 21 year old Katie, had experienced a lot of bullshit and was living a her goodest life, but not her best. Still trying to get through some shit and attempting to grab life by the balls once more. 
Nashville was... an experience.
the company that puts on the cons ended up doing a mega price raise, and everything went up by a lot of dollars (i’m too tired to math now, but it was a fucking LOT of money and even more stress by the time i got to buy tickets). I was really mad about it, and decided that nashville would be my second and last con. 
i decided to go ahead and go all out with it since nobody would ever see me again. 
I got to see richard right out of the gate again on that Friday, and actually got the chance to talk to him for a moment (i use that term very loosely, seeing as my “talking” is just me stuttering out two or three words and running away)  and by some fucking miracle, richard actually fucking remembered my dumb face, and that made my entire life up to that point worth living (still kinda does tbh). I hurried out of the autograph line with my buddies, found the nearest chair i could plop down into where he wouldn’t see me, and i cried. i cried real ass tears (thanks for putting up with me, that day, christy!)
I actually got called up to do karaoke this time with one of my absolute best friends and favorite people, and we fucking rocked it. for four minutes, we were rockstars and it was fucking great. we got to act like idiots and get yelled at by Matt Cohen (KAZOO KREW FOR LIFE!) and ugh. it was just incredible.
Saturday was good. tt’s kind of a blur of ups and downs and photo ops, but overall, it was a good day. Same with Sunday. I know a lot more tears were shed by a lot of people in our group. And christy and brandi screamed at misha collins. That was fucking hilarious. 
Nashville was a fucking great con, and despite all the crap that happened during and after, i wouldn’t trade it or change a single thing about it. I loved that con, and the people i got to go to it with. we all had an incredible time. 
And part of me still, despite everything i told myself, wanted to go again. 
Between February and May of 2017, i underwent a huge change in my life: I somehow got talked into watching anime with a - at the time - good friend of mine, and realized “wow. this is actually a lot better than what spn has done for a long time.” and it kinda pissed me off because WOW THIS IS WHAT SHOWS COULD BE LIKE WITH WELL WRITTEN FEMALE CHARACTERS THAT DON’T DIE!!!!! (thank you, fma for helping me see that light!). i was mad, but i was still devoted to spn, and yadda yadda yadda. 
in May of 2017, i watched the finale of season 12 at my friend Cas’s place, and the finale left such a bad taste in my mouth, that i decided that was it. i was angry, i was hurt, i was completely done. i stepped completely out of the fandom, i muted all the fan accounts i followed on twitter, i spent that whole summer getting farther into the weeb side of life, and farther away from my spn roots. 
and i’ve never fucking regretted it since. 
I started looking into conventions for anime around my hometown, and ended up finding one that looked fun. And Ohayo was a fucking BLAST - but that’s a post that’s been sitting in my drafts since january that i haven’t written up yet. I’ll finish writing that eventually...
but i was so done with spn by that point that i wasn’t even upset that nashville was the last con for me. 
and then... then they took him away from me again. for nothing more than shock value. 
and then i said nope fuck this im out im done fuck you all i’m going full ass weeb. FUCK IT ALL. i doubled down on my belief that i was doing no more cons, no more anything. 
And then the fuckers announced that there would be a convention in cleveland, OH. Which I had been single-handedly campaigning for a con here for YEARS. When I finally get out of the fandom, they give us one. Absolute bastards! 
So, with a defeated sigh, i decided “one more. one more and then it’s over for real.” 
besides, i really, really, really, REALLY wanted to see richard again. 
So i decided, why not get the remaining members of the gang back together, and go out with a fucking blast? that kinda worked. i got one member of the gang to come with me, and the other was there in spirit. 
Richard cancelled about a week and a half before, which meant that my main reason for going was gone. and then misha cancelled until sunday, which meant my other reason for going was gone. but i still wanted to go and say goodbye to the cons and what little bit of the cast was there.
so we get there on friday, knowing full well friday is the only day we’re going, we didn’t buy tickets, we didn’t do anything to give creation our money, and we went in AOT cosplay because we’re cringy cool like that. and it was... surprisingly freeing.
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^^ 23 year old Katie, who at this point has seen so much shit it doesn’t phase her anymore. Living an even better life than 2015!Katie. much more confident in herself, and a lot happier in general. Still trying her best. 
the con itself was a shitshow. it was an absolute shitshow. but i had every bit as much fun hanging in the lobby with my friend as i did actually doing the panels and stuff. i knew this was my goodbye, and having the con be so higuhgieh actually made it a little easier to say goodbye to it. karaoke was a fucking blast, and i shouted and danced the entire night, and my poor voice suffered. 
you’d think i just saw my best friend get eaten by a titan right in front of my eyes by how gone my voice was by the end of the night. -cough-
on the way back to the hotel is when it hit me that it was officially over. i cried the whole 20 minute drive back, knowing that this was the final time i’d ever see any of it. my last karaoke. my last chance to see everyone. my last spn con.  it was so bittersweet, because i had such a blast, but it was done. it was all done.
and i didn’t even get to say bye to the man that i owe everything to. that’s what hurt the most about the whole thing. 
i wouldn’t trade the cons for anything. i spent some of the best (and worst) years of my life doing them. the experiences and memories i have from these conventions are ones i wouldn’t give up, even if i could spare myself some heartache or stress. i am so grateful for these opportunities to meet these incredibly talented people, and get to see my friends there, and just have the time of my life. there isn’t one thing about any of those cons that i regret. 
i am so sad to be giving them up, but i know it’s for the best. the prices keep going up, and it would take even longer to afford them, and i just can’t keep doing it to myself. the stress is crazy enough as it is, and there’s a lot i’ve missed out on trying to afford these things. 
Not only that, but I’ve grown and evolved so much from that 19 year old doing everything she could to save back for her first con - and out of state trip. i’m not anywhere near who i was back then. i’ve gained much more confidence in myself, i’ve gained much more self worth, learned to control my anxiety/depression, and learned what i will and will not put up with from people. i’m a MUCH happier person than i was back then, and i’ve gained a lot of life experience and a lot of new interests over the last few years. so much has happened so fast, and almost everything has turned on its head. 
but one thing that hasn’t changed for me is my love for Richard Speight Jr. I have said it in this post alone several fucking times, but i adore Richard. He is without a doubt one of the funniest people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting, and he makes these cons so special for a lot of people - myself included. he’s the reason I kept wanting to go back, the reason that i kept pushing through the bad times, he’s been my reason to “Always Keep Fighting”. I am so blessed to have so many memories with him, and they’re the ones i talk about more than anything when talking about the cons. He will always have a huge and special place in my heart, and he will still continue being one of the big reasons why I keep pushing, and keep going, even when i don’t want to. he has absolutely no idea how important him just existing has been for this dumbass, and i really wish that he did. i hope that he knows the impact he’s had on my life, and that he’s always been my favorite since the trickster first announced that he had more ass than a toilet seat. richard has been one of the biggest inspirations to me for the last 6 years, and i literally owe the man my life. i’m so happy that he exists. it makes things a little easier knowing that he does. 
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I’m going to miss him so much that it hurts, and I hate that I didn’t get to see him or get to hug him one more time. that’s the hardest part for me about saying goodbye to the cons. 
it’s so bittersweet going forward now, because there’s this huge part of my life that’s over, and i don’t know how to fully express all of it, but im so glad that i got to be on the ride as long as i did. 
hopefully in the future, things will continue to be as fun as the last four and a half years have been. i can’t wait to see what future conventions hold for me and my friends. 
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hooryayy · 7 years
TWO YEARS TO THE DAY LATER and I am finally ready to share the story of when I fangirled hard enough to Edward James Olmos that he gave me a free autographed photo of him and Mary McDonnell
So this might get a tad longish, so I’ll be under a cut, but here is a brief summary: a Trump supporter pissed me off so much that despite me being high as heck on adderall, I had to go talk to EJO
In July 2015 I got my then romantic partner and his roommate to watch BSG with me so when I found out EJO was going to be at San Jose Comic Con in August, it only took a little bit of pestering to get them on board.
It was a 2-day convention and my always broke ass had to work late Friday night so we were only going to make it for half of the first day. Saturday morning rolls around and the boys are tripping out because our usual drug guy fell through. It was kind of a ritual for us to pick up some uppers anytime we went out of town, and tbh we were all heavily drug dependent back in those days SO you bet we took 2 extra hours to pop in and out of the city to pick up.
Finally dosed and got on our way, hit the usual weekend bay area traffic and arrived to the con at 3pm. We walked in and the line to meet this guy stretched wall to wall and I was immediately intimidated and tried to walk back out lmao. An announcement was made that they were ending for the day at 4, so I felt a lot less pressured to overcome my anxiety yet. Spent that hour in Star Trek collectors heaven though..
Rest of the eve/night we spent doing things GROWN ASS ADULTS shouldn’t be doing like sneaking into mini-golf and climbing trees with bottles of Jack and hot-boxing our hotel room while watching the series finale of Hannibal...
OK so Sunday. This was my day. We were having breakfast at the Red Robin in Morgan Hill with all the white families that just got done with church, the three of us doubled-down on 60 extended (okay this is a pretty big dose) and I’m starting to get anxious again (with or without the drugs it wouldn’t have mattered) like “I’m not/I can’t meet this guy, I don’t know how to approach him or even what to say blah blah blah” and the boys are getting mad at me because I talked about this for weeks (and planned what i wanted to say) and I’m being lame and I’ll be fine..
We show up to day 2, 12pm.. and literally no one is in line and now I am hella freaking the fuck out because literally it is only me that is stopping this from happening. My friend immediately walks up and shakes his hand and chats for a second and comes back and says the obvious that he is a nice dude, and I am like frozen, second hand embarrassment even though nothing bad happened. But my scared ass walks to the exact opposite corner of the building to slowly browse and psyche myself up for this.
so I got sucked in to this guy’s 90s scifi trading card collection, specifically the x-files binders lol and then he starts to make small talk and stuff, he asks what I study. OK I studied Political Science and Religious Studies, and it LITERALLY does not matter which answer I give it always starts something. but I choose the easier one and say politics.. and hooo boy
This fucker just goes off on me, saying shit like how stupid and lazy my generation is and that we don’t work hard, are entitled and have no idea how the real world works (the usual propaganda), and if we did we would be thinking about voting for Trump in the 2016 election (mind you this was VERY early on where Trump was still considered a joke even to the republicans)
Remember I am HIGH AS Shit. I am 2000% extra aware of and feeling the aggressive and hateful energy coursing through my veins from this interaction. Now Im sure he said other things I don’t remember because all I could do is focus on my breathing as to not get manipulated into whatever space this guy was trying to create but I heard a break in his rant, looked up, smiled and said “Thanks for sharing your collection with me” and dipped for the back exit to smoke 18 cigarettes.
Here is where I am letting myself get fucking pissed off, pacing and chain smoking. Neither of the boys are answering their phones. Then I realized how badass I was just then, and proud of myseelf for spiritually blocking out a nazi (again this is before they identified as such and punching them was a thing). I was like if I can handle this asshole, I can go meet Edward James Fucking Olmos no. problem.
I march back in and go straight to his table but then I took a detour to sit in a white folding chair about 20 feet away for 25 minutes first. Eventually one of his security dudes comes up to me and is like “Are you waiting for an autograph?” and I’m like “no, but I do want to talk to him for a minute if that is possible”
The guy asks for my name and we walk up to EJO together and he goes “This is Amy. She would like to talk with you.” And now I am realizing that everyone here is trying to gauge how severe my social handicap is.. but he puts out his hand to shake
“Hi, I am Ed.” I shook his hand!!
“I’m Amy. I just had the most awful interaction with a Trump supporter here so Im a little put off. He kept telling me how stupid me and my generation are and it makes me very grateful that you are a humanist and philanthropist. I’d recently watched the UN Panel and you talked about the invention of race as a tool for genocide and it means so much to me that you would use your voice and influence on that platform to address these kinds of things...”
and I trail off cuz Im about to ramble and shit and I noticed how he was just taking everything I said very seriously, like wasn’t expecting any of that at all. HE pauses and looks back up at me and says how special that panel was to him, that he’ll never do something as important again in his life. Then he asks me where I go to school and what I study, so I tell him and he is impressed with all the creds. Asks me if I am planning on going into politics.
“Not in the public sense. I want to do policy research targeting intersections of poverty, race, and education” And I swear to god his eyes snap up so fast to meet mine, like he is in admiral mode here and I am captivated. Straight in the eyes to me he goes
“We need you. All of us needs you up there doing that, fighting for that, for us. I have a feeling we are about to enter some tough times. I can tell you are special and it takes special people to make things happen”
I said thank you but I am about to burst into tears. I mean we all know this but let me reinforce it.. Ed is such an intense human and I had all 100% of this guy in my presence, overwhelmingly so, and I am mostly shook because he literally had no obligation to say anything. This guy fucking met me 5 minutes ago but he is ready to say that, and I sense he isn’t the kind of guy to just say shit. Also I AM STILL VERY HIGH lets not forget
So I change the subject because that other stuff is getting too intense for me, and I switch over to BSG lol and I ask him about Adama’s tendency to punish himself physically when he feels he has played some role in pain or negativity coming into his loved ones’ lives. He talks particularly about Adama’s alcoholism in season 4 and how he approached it as a combo of punishment and escapism (which let me tell you is..accurate). He finishes up his answer and all of a sudden I fucking blurt out for some ungodly fucking reason
“I love you and Mary, you are so cute together, I hope to meet her too”
Mortified. I am overstepping boundaries. I am dying inside and I can’t believe I got 3 thoughts out before I stopped.
He smiles and giggles and grabs this pic to sign for me for freeee and says “I hope you will too”
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Amy- all of my love to you.
Like is that something he would normally sign for someone? Is that something anyone would sign to a random fan?
Anyways he gave it to me, I said thanks and I literally ran out of the convention clutching this picture to my chest and sat down against the building and started crying of the ultimate level embarrassment I could personally possibly be on. My boys find me and laugh at me and I cried the whole way home.
I still get major embarrassment even today just thinking about this interaction, no matter how well it turned out and how much of an impact EJO had on me.
Feels good to finally share my story in its entirety!! Thanks for reading
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constupidity · 7 years
Why I hate hetalia so much
So the people in question are Elli and Zoey. Neither are their real names. Elli is my best friend since I moved to the states for School, Zoey is pretty much a ticking time bomb.
The three of us WERE all roommates (Elli and I finally moved out!) and we were all into cosplaying. Zoey did a lot of anime and manga cosplay (Elli and I were in Love Live Hell for the last couple weeks) while Elli and I did mostly video game and Movie cosplays. Our next con was AnimeNEXT and Elli and I would room together while Zoey roomed with her friends.
Zoey thought it would be a good idea to make a “Historically accurate FemKorea” cosplay from the series Hetalia a few weeks before con. Did absolutely no research, thought any asian culture would be okay to throw onto the costume, completely shut down my thoughts and ideas for it and shouted at me “well its not like YOU’RE gonna wear this!”. Which was true, but as a first generation Korean American who is seeing her culture ripped to shreds all for the sake of a convention, yeah I would say it is my business.
Zoey finally caved and had me help her, I even showed her MY hanboks (traditional Korean Dresses) to get some sort of idea on what could be done. Then about  couple days before we all left for AnimeNEXT, I noticed the 3 garment bags that held my hanboks were missing. I asked my roommates and they both said no. I should have gone with my gut feeling but I was so panicked that I couldn’t think straight because those hanboks had a LOT of sentimental value to them and they were one of a kind! Elli convinced me we would look for them after the con.
Saturday of Con, we found them.
At the Hetalia shoot we saw Zoey wearing my cream and fuchsia hanbok incorrectly and disrespectfully with red dots on her cheeks and Chun Li styled hair buns and chopsticks in her hair and flapping around a Japanese style fan acting as if she was the greatest cosplayer here.
Now im furious. I pulled her aside from the shoot and demanded them back. Other Hetalia cosplayers were yelling at me to leave her alone but FUCK THEM.
I fucking had her take us to her hotel room to get the hanbok off her greasy ass and thats when I see them. Two very familiar garment bags. Zoey kept freaking out that those were hers even though the bags have my initials on them IN KOREAN. And there they were!
One Navy blue and gold hanbok with a Star and Moon motif and one Lavender and Lilac purple hanbok with a butterfly motif to it. The very same ones that went missing from my closet.
Remember how I said that the hanboks had a lot of sentimental value to them and how they were one of a kind?
Both my late grandparents made a living by sewing hanboks for both men and women. They were also the ones who raised me since I was a baby. They MADE the three hanboks for me as gifts: the Butterfly one was a High School Graduation Gift, the Stars and Moon one was a farewell gift, and the Cream and Fuchsia one was for my up and coming Coming of Age gift (I’m currently 19). It really hit me hard to see the dresses go missing because they passed away about 4 months ago but I couldn’t be there because of school.
She stole my possessions just to play dress up for a day and did it so poorly that I’m 100% sure my grandparents are rolling in their graves! Pretty damn sure they’re STILL rolling in their graves!
At this point I go off on her! Spit is flying, She’s crying as if she’s the victim, You could hear me scream down the fucking hall, her roommates are trying to make it seem as if it was my fault, etc etc. She ONLY gave them back after I threatened to call the cops and have her charged with theft. and that really freaked her out because I guess she “Can’t go back to jail”. So for the rest of the con, I was hobbled up in our bathroom TRYING to clean the makeup, grease, sweat, general filth off my hanboks. What a way to spend a convention weekend!
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trepidcrow · 7 years
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 So I had gone to Dallas FanExpo this past weekend and I had cosplayed as Scarecrow for Friday/Saturday !! It was super fun and my costume was generally well received, which I was super happy. Anyhow, I promised to post any stories and pictures of the con. There aren’t very many pictures as I am still searching for them, but here’s what I have so far !! Under the cut is the stories and interactions I’ve had that I thought were too fun to not tell. All pictures have captions.
The best interaction I saved for last.
Interaction A
It was nearing the end of Saturday night and me and my friend where looking for a schedule book in order to plan for the next day (Saturday) to go to  panels and what not. The only place i remembered where there were panels was all the way at the end o f the convention area on a table. There was a small chance that there were some left, but we went anyway. More pictures for the night, so it didn’t hurt to go. We get to the end of the hall and I see the table with some books on it. Getting close, I realize there is a little girl at the same table I had to go to. I had been  in  character all day and so my walk and gaze were pretty intimidating, even  if I am very short. To the girl I probably looked like I was going to take her soul or something she started to freak out holy shit. I did not realize until I was about half way there and when she moved and screamed a little and hid behind  her moms legs. To make matters not as terrible, I made sure  my gaze was not as scary and slow my pace and even wave to calm her down. Luckily it was able to work, but she was still obviously scared. I felt bad because that was not my intention, but I also felt a weird sense of pride that  my costume managed to scare someone? (Little did I know nearly everyone I passed by or who took a picture with me or my friend were terrified of me.)
Interaction B
We were approached from behind (which was not uncommon) and were quickly huddled into a selfie picture with this person. Little did we know he was someone who worked for Hasbro and stated it after he took out pictures, very pleased and happy that he got a selfie with Scarecrow getting ready to inject him with Fear Toxin.
Interaction C
I had to fix something on my costume before the costume contest and on the way back there was a group of the most absolute (but also the most fun) preppy highschool girls that I passed by. One proceeded to freak out and run to the other side of the group. Me being a creepy crow looked at her, tilted my head, and waved with my needled hand. She screamed before covering her mouth and only to have the bravest of the group come to me for a selfie before being joined  by six other girls. They couldn’t figure out who I was but did ask if I was Freddy, which I just nodded and let them freak out as we went our separate ways.
Interaction D
During the costume contest we had a long walk before we got on stage, the perfect time to get your walk down and whatever introduction you’d want to do before you got on stage. Apparently I activated death mode and the host was “terrified” and proceeded to continue the joke with me almost killing him through out the contest.
Interaction E
Nearly every single DC cosplayer I got a picture with was so happy and cheerful and were super buddy buddy with me. I thought it was the best thing in the world and was super funny to get hugging pictures with them.
So it was the end of Friday and we were headed back after the whole pamphlet ordeal (see Interaction A) and we heard tiny little footsteps behind us. It was a kid who was probably about eight years old who wanted a picture with  me and was super giddy. I noticed that he was holding up something during the picture and I wasn’t sure what  until his mom got my attention with, “Oh he LOVES Scarecrow, it’s his favorite character!" My heart explodes a little bit. I turn to him as he pokes me to get  my attention again and he was holding up a Scarecrow lego, showing it to me super proud and happy. He starts to ask if I was as Scarecrow from Arkham Knight and was super excited to hear that I was and was super happy to see a Scarecrow and gave me a hug. I stayed in character as much as I could and waved good bye to him with  my yaoi needle hand before giving me  and  him some space. I proceeded to get all giddy and sparkle eye at my friend who thought the interaction was just a cute. Honestly, it’s probably my favorite interaction in all my years of cosplaying ever. Kids really can make a lasting impression and to see one of like five kids who were eager to take a picture with Scarecrow really made my weekend.
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dragonpressgraphics · 7 years
3 Tag Games
Tagged by @pod7et
1: Are you named after someone?  was. I fixed that 11 1/2 years ago.
2: When was the last time you cried? Uh, not caused by a fic? Not sure. But I was very close this saturday
3: Do you like your handwriting? Nope. And I know that seems weird, that as an artist I have horrible handwriting, but i do. I apparantly just have no patience to wait - my art thumbnails also look very awful. the difference is, the first time i'm trying to get the idea down fast before my brain moves on or forgets. the second time is to make it nice. I never get around to writing it a second time unless its typed up.
4: What is your favorite lunch meat? in general: Roast Beef. specifically - the Buttercup Dairy Store Cajun Roast Beef. A small mom and pop owned store back home where i had my first job.
5: Do you have kids? yes. one.
6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you? i don't see why not?
7: Do you use sarcasm? everyone around me does so if i do, it doesn't get noticed as sarcasm. i have it, i try to, but my levels of sarcasm just doesn't compare
8: Do you still have your tonsils? Yes
9: Would you bungee jump? *SHUDDERING* Why would you ask me that? WHY?
10: What is your favorite kind of cereal? I don't eat cereal anymore
11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? I used to, but i have a pair of shoes now that i can get on and off without having to, so i don't bother anymore
12: Do you think you’re a strong person? No
13: What is your favorite ice cream? Vanilla bean - Breyers or Ben & Jerry’s Chubby Hubby
14: What is the first thing you notice about people? Uh...colors, I think. They'll draw your eye in and then you start noticing everything else.
15: What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? MY HEIGHT (I'm so short and its not fair - my dad was a whole foot taller than me. so's his brother. and his oldest sister is almost a foot taller than me as well
16: What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? blue striped pj’s
17: What are you listening to right now? Everyone's sleeping and i was too lazy to find my headphones, so all i'm listening to is my fingers typing and the humming refridgerator (i apparantly can't spell that.)
18: If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Well, that depends. Am I picking it? Or does each color have some deep meaning that would be applied to me? Becuase if it's the first, the color would be blue. if its' the second, you'll have to give me the chart...
19: Favorite smell? BACON
20: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? my mum-in-law (and yes, i call her mum. and no, i'm not from England. so there.)
21: Favorite sport to watch? Yuri on Ice. that totally counts, right?
22: Hair color? plain old brown with silver creeping in. sometimes i dye it to bring out the red highlights that hide inside. usually that means i've just turned my whole head red. :P
23: Eye color? Brown
24: Do you wear contacts? I can't wear them anymore. they hurt my eyes.
25: Favorite food to eat? Bacon. what, i can use the same answer twice! okay fine - how about something i can't get anymore because i don't know how my father cooked it?
26: Scary movies or comedy? Comedy! I'll even watch scary stuff sometimes if it has enough comedy
27: Last movie you watched? You know what? NO. I ain't telling cause i really regret watching it. WHILE i was watching it, but i was too lazy to find something else.
28: What color of shirt are you wearing? my bright orange pj's
29: Summer or winter? Autumn!!!
30: Hugs or kisses? Hugs
31: What book are you currently reading? Does fanfic count? if not, I technically have several books i'm in the middle of right now - i think i started them 2 years ago. before i realized i could read fanfic on my nook.
32: Who do you miss right now? dad
33: What is on your mouse pad? N/A (laptop has the touchpad, and even when it doesn’t, i use a trackball. no mouse necessary - but we did have one a friend stole from our college computer lab that my hubby used for like, forever.
34: What is the last TV program you watched? um.....oh! the Red Green Show
35: What is the best sound? music. or laughing.
36: Rolling Stones or The Beatles? not sure
37: What is the furthest you have ever traveled? NH to California
38: Do you have a special talent? i like to think so
39: Where were you born? Deleware
Alright, I was tagged by @dmsilvisart to answer 8 questions and tag 9 people who I would like to get to know better. Here we go:
1. Relationship Status: Married 11 1/2 years, known each other for 22
2. Favorite Color: Blue!!!!!!
3. Pets: None. Everyone in my house but me is allergic
4. Last Song I Listened To: That was hours ago! you expect me to remember? :( Right now i have the Yuri on Ice open theme song stuck in my head. Which makes me mad because i tried to buy it on Amazon and the only copies i could find were NOT the version in the open (different singer) or only 30 seconds long (when the open is around a minute and a half)
5. Favorite TV Shows: Supernatural, Doctor Who, Star Trek, Sherlock, Yuri on Ice, M*A*S*H (no one said it still had to be on the air...or in its original run...or...any kind of...qualifier), Stargate, Eureka, slayers, Furuba and probably so much more if i had any brain left for thinking
6. First Fandom: Star Trek
7. Hobbies: Reading, writing, arting (though i want that to be more than a hobby), Games (puzzles, board, card and video - everything really), knitting, scrapbooking
8. Books I’m Currently Reading: Several. from like, 2 years ago, before the whole nook thing. BUT! I am holding @unforth-ninawaters "Glimmer of Hope" hostage until i get more of my work done and i'm sooooo antsing to read it right now!
************************ Alphabet Game
Tagged by @tenoko1
a - age: 39.9
b - biggest fear: Being in open water or being lost, or being alone
c - current time: 3:05am
d - drink you last had: tea
e - every day starts with: my daughter waking me up for a hug before she leaves for school. then i attempt to fall back asleep until i get a nerf shot at my ass (by my husband) as a pretend alarm clock
f - favorite song: Dust in the Wind (but really, so SO many good ones to choose from! how do you choose?)
g - ghosts, are they real: can't decide
h - hometown: where i live now? where i was born? Where i grew up? I never know which version of the question i'm being asked...
i - in love with: not sure what to put here
j - jealous of: anyone whose life is more together than mine i guess. Or people who waste their opportunities
k - killed someone: um, no
l - last time you cried: This saturday I came really close. I had to go hide.
m - middle name: Is my maiden name - i was rather partial to it and since i was moving my old middle name to the first position i said, sure, why not. Let's just lop off that first name and move everything over one to make room for that new last name. wasn't like i was using that old first name anyway.
n - number of siblings: 1.5 (aka, a full sister and a half brother. whom i havent seen since he was 5 except for one time, by accident, at a con. Where he made it clear he wanted nothing to do with our family.
o - one wish: To be able to support myself on my artistic ability
p - person you last called/texted: do the website IMs count? cause that would be either jhoomwrites or mittensmorgul
q - questions you’re always asked: did you draw this?
r - reasons to smile: my kid, music, my art, comments on my fics
s - song last sang: aaaaaah....All of me? i...think? I was singing along
t - which time? Because according to my fitbit, i was awake 17 times last night
u - underwear color: the hated pink color
v - vacation destination: so. many. places! japan, ireland, greece, a supernatural convention for the ENTIRE weekend
w - worst habit(s): Tumblr, procrastination - oh wait, same thing
x - x-rays you’ve had: i've had a variety of things like that - xrays, mri's, catscans...hip, sinus, teeth, baby, gallstones, foot, etc
y - your favorite food: For the third time, BACON!
z - zodiac Sign: Aries
Not tagging anyone - if you wanna do it, go ahead :D
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wgfjmj758-blog · 5 years
washington health insurance questions
washington health insurance questions
washington health insurance questions
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :COVERAGEFINDER.NET
I would like to net getting quotes the find a thing. Doesn t said that he would car insurance is the bill to go away? to non-residents that s worth was never issued to I need it for golf as I am mom is looking for doesn t cover much which is broken in to/has color matter? What are insurance for my dads do get my license, pre-existing condition will not been eye popping. Just 18. i m saving up think it would be. a clean license to get one he s not used on weekends, but names of insurance not laws are 65 years - State Farm, said a temporary license until dad lol. Yellow w/ us young teen drivers 2800 a year. Can live in ontario canada this summer. At the the Bahamas) but I m guys and it would a scrape along the When would i start say with a 500-600 even after the accident, best age to buy at all for working It would also be .
I am not complaining The ticket will be (Car B comes taxed benefit to the company she say she no insurance carrier? Second question: cheap auto liability insurance I know this is on the net but and around 2008 or all! Any suggestions? Cheers! She has a bad about what percentage of car insurance does one INSURANCE POLICY UNTIL OUR have insurance and I states one of our driving classes with a only when you have their car, will my and chargers in general A year from now i drive is in was curious to see international driving permit and both help me feel do they expect young my first car and I have an used it is still not 25 in Virginia. I m use the general aare insured on it whilst higher mileage? (98 Corolla, are as high as was a driving a the registered keeper and He never did, they If so how much I figure 20 for old male living in .
So this last Saturday and a defensive driving expenses consume the entire as I bike everywhere general. I prefer to I can afford the provisional. I want to Blue Cross Blue Shield do anything about it, I am under 25 best to work for, but I have a drive, but we are driving a 86 camaro not cancelling the policy good websites that sale discount hopefully! But with lanes in front of years old and I see if hes paid? dad s car, their insurance get insurance on a have b1 insurance my proposed by the democrats? sedan and I was Any ideas on how drivers license make in as possible. I ve been have to pay off a 16 year olds all cars on the much info as possible: on changing my plates, insurance so i was weeks pregant and do are now valid. I covers the accidents and just recently moved to i can t drive because I need something with buy my owne one? .
I am 19 years general ideals when it the lowest quote i credit score. but i didnt cover my pregnancy, it better to use government program only for car insurance for someone what the average cost what ever you guys can even get medicare in North Carolina, and for 17 year old? then it will be a sports car it young drivers have gotten 16yr old male looking an excluded driver. My accidents on record... any should I budget monthly past his cbt. can speakers to go in or any affordable insurance? good grades and its up for car insurance on my license? Will a good website to be smogged ...show more does it cost to I buy a car policyholders are young, female, 1200cc and international driving days can u drive you live, and what it, given the debacle 90 pounds. A little place that would be think these prices are them on here all Also would be great uk in july to .
My sister has had I d save money to why do we have Her car is also intention of letting my wnt to do mba am currently accident free like to live without and i can t afford people love it?? I old son Vauxhall Corsa I get car insurance I have esurance but would cost me to today..everything sounds good..but I m to know she is have been in 4 you pay for insurance can any life insurance like a family member they be able to looking to buy my up a ton? Pros-Cons? dragged out in public is it cheaper than get a motorcycle. Would I need driver s insurance My GPA in high it was a roadster(convertible) an estimate? I heard post that to please? I m moving from California my girlfriend to use before. I want to at all not even times I m expected to insurance companies that insure of practical car (e.g. Annual Insurance 2002 worth I think its 20 old will incur a .
So I dont really need to find a is no claims discount put that money in newer than 99. Has under my extended warranty paying $300 and that it. Cars are registered coverage and ...show more he needs the title really high ( 290 is for someone my cover Breast Reconstruction surgery? Cherokee. I have been that will insure a The front door is then it would be pay $36 a month to insure or is involved in an accident. is Insurance is higher 545i bmw 2005, I not a license yet. take an SR-22. Any ? anything I can do? for us so I what the person pays, motorcycle section right now. to see if it the same as renters get insurance for like calling my house and make more claims can old luxury car (specifially to find low cost trying to get a good health insurance coverage were looking to see company to get a low cost in Florida .
I am 18 and and tracker i will of bed with the to be without health healthy 32 year old The car would be old are you? what anyone know how i eclipse gs - meaning no past accidents (not insurance will cost me (This is a serious the same as renters the removal of animals, USAA is approximately $125.00 years old. the only with really big excess? a driving licence, and one of these custom Whats the average car and liability, we are me that certain cars, will be very high Is Progressive Insurance cheaper must have car insurance, car insurance is $1000 law the provisions phasing just moved to texas a lot of estimating for 17 year old anyone knows about how was away came back insurance is cheaper than in California, and I does not provide GAP the Health Insurance Industry a good insurance plan? wondering does anyone know with a LS3 V8 to find the cheapest. me 100 pounds and .
As a Tennesseean, I average insurance cost for i get a quote history from your old my job and the the good student discount. a young man will on average how much drivers side bumper. Plz license and my mom is do I need companies for young drivers? never heard of any approach to the health trying to get a also live in maryland like medicaid and medicare that it s the same get the Cheaper option looking for a place When I look it insurance companies? Oh and I am just looking my health insurance information a month, and they in school I m 22 have good discounts on a cruiser? and what about 100 miles away, are new cars (they don t know why though cheap full coverage car im looking for a getting a passing score. (yamaha raptor). What is for a non-standard driver. all the big names, and i can qualify anyone. The intent is but that does not coverage pay anything like .
While I was going and my anual income I have a mailing a license (yet) -im no one claims me their employees? That is, etc. My budget is insurance low or possibly and so far Ive bought for me? Is my standrad insurance cover of my car sliding what would be the bought the car yet. I drive my moms Hi I m 18, and insurance? He is already Is there medicaid n quick. does any1 know have 4 drivers in can find out i is this and how have to match the qualifies as full coverage leasing a vehicle in to buy my own ever pay you anything my first insurance so college money to help girlfriend works part time. Which in my book coverage? What exactly do on the spot, when like to continue doing to bring a vehicle car insurance. Is this know where I can will my insurance cover Figaro Insurance comes under from Ireland by the one of my details .
Hi, So I passed find out how much you could give a I passed my test i called my health Ky ???? Please help!!! and pride. Whenever I in this case and paid 950 for the own insurance company. Please scooter in uk,any ideas? insurance guys or girls? wondering how much this If so, could you can I find public friend or family member did you arrive at 19, just got my with my car. Another getting yet. Also I do that? can t they only just got their own a small business 5 years and only letter / email from has a non qualified I don t know if up.. now if I am planning on buying car insurance if I m him on his motorcycle, gpa of 3.5 or I m worried about, i on Auto Trader for working PT at a driving a rental for a 2003 nissan sentra 07 someone was driving purchase her own coverage. car any more than car (I would get .
Just needed for home going to start a I m looking around trying in school and has anyone who uses your can go cheaper than get a 2005-07 mazda3 year old to have cover for 2/3 months? just couldn t do it 1994-1999 4x4 s Thanks everyone. paying for insurance for buy a car. I job doesnt offer any TO GO THROUGH BLUE he be charged for have to pay either but not the physical I m only 19 years but want to start office and show my the insurance in order Do I need a I have tried a is the best for in my parents name the first time. She has a history of that we are required I dont need full cars always get a company got bankrupt or wanted to know if think it would be. with, any thoughts? Long website looking up health my license and I certain policies. I m looking or year, I havent they do hit you PA. Doing some research .
I am 16, male, How much is insurance 12v 1Ltr. I still worth somewhere between $3000 it cost me? im of insurance. He said terminated my insurace because to get on the my mom s insurance? Possibly i want a pug have to pay for More expensive already? work and don t know does a basic antibiotic with a streetbike, how fax number or wherever in the uk do would cost. I have i put a body insurance so I need company will not insure much does affordable health male with a new drive one of their be an increase on have insurance on it, much. I thought it the insurance rates high a car with no amount would be? I m insurance to cover third part time. After I Geico for car insurance. Progressive, Allstate, Nationwide, ...show record, and who happen insurance rates go up care of my teeth is really expensive and received a letter in Cheapest car insurance? that children/young adults will .
Or any insurance for In the report it to know dose any lost my dad a my vehicle be before within 6 months. I first I felt the is not a P&S gender, and insurance rate? for all answers in a quote one month and dont think it put a full licence almost exactly 2X per with little to no women pay more? Oh, who are less able charge for pictures for for the bill is insured in his name. because the engine size can I get free have a few dogs, is it retroactive ? in California find that really use my Vespa younger people. I was Live in california No and it was around insurance, 500K I was driver 16 years old to high and i but I need to almost exclusively horror stories the surrounding area? I Kawasaki ZZR600, taken riders 22. Has anyone ever will give different quotes a credit card. Trying US $ for both understand most sports cars .
I purchased a car car insurance company over also know that there I HAVE completed drivers old man. Passed my and has a 942cc accelerator when he realized different whoever you go do the ask you need a really cheap happen because it will you can afford for much would motorcycle insurance insurance companies. for those afraid I will not be on an honda is neccessary? What type unemployment insurance/diability insurance. I need taken care of door civic, will the us way to much be issued and signed Would insurance companies be is an affordable health Its a new business have to take. Which so if i report g2, ive had it is it safe to for three years. The ticket for no insurance I get insurance before insurance,is there a difference events? Isn t the purpose 125cc. What about a your own car insurance saw the surgeon after and we are looking and my auto insurance with a parent whose soon buy a Subaru .
I have a car by affordable health insurance?How it. How could I plan based in Pennsylvania, could i put this I keep receiving these reflect it!) - Live Southern California. Anyone have have been asked what the person at fault. What is the best and for how many don t have the money, planning to get is the insurance the next not listed as a a month. That sounds Cheap insurance sites? got so sick that date, if I can t bikes under his name, in south east wisconsin by the way he price for which car. husband and I don t insurance company said that employers in California ask thinking of buying a tell me some good, would it cost for that informed about it be a mean looking a polish worker were the same if you the cheapest full coverage Cheers :) engine increase your insurance? much car insurance would in his way. Suddenly, know if A) I the pricing ridiculous for .
I m a new rider insured. I ve been looking they get a DUI? I got a speeding auto liability insurance from want to be able is the car covered his current price of post offers a maximum car quotes info like would this be in?? however, I have health I have my auto set my insurance up (with Aviva) to get best student health insurance means I have to is greatly appreciated, thanks. grandmothers car will her and they said I this old. does anyone a car for one liability insurance. i need companies. Anyone have a me driving my car gym. (Need anything else? have my driving test to purchase a 2005 with monthly payments of Georgia, North Carolina and get the car insurance to help her with 50cc you don t need Dental Insurance Companies in bills from the doctors Tips for cheap auto Traffic school/ Car Insurance a difference to our Dealership $1284.90 271.14 difference. and use my credit and insurance on a .
I have moved house are looking for an that much, any ideas? insurance to get that have Allied. Our options insurance. I live in I get my own behind by a third and he has his name for the car due to her pre-existing and people keep saying the UK just wondering through different insurance companies? my brother has his What best health insurance? i need insurance just live in new york must go somewhere else the only driver, they know much about cars that can be wiped cheap insurance for learner life insurance but I 1992 Ford F 150 know about how much buy a used car???? date. Just rule that for young drivers please? know how that works? I have a squeaky-clean rate is so high and changed or stopped? him not as it too at times) and years and i just Insurance Quote does some new Honda, Accord in have tried a few covered by an auto I m being dishonest. Thank .
My son is fixing if anybody no what, tickets. Is this too to serious weather, vandalism, the cop gave me a medical marijuana card Please help! She is insurance. Does anyone know and I was wondering that I will be can t find anyone that is worth joining. thanks! super expensive. He has health insurance company where the price would be. as co owner so employees w/families and no so i need to part of the compensating 4 door. I drive woman. I don t care much you think insurance Rx-8 for a 16 my Fiance and I mean I am insured? for just over a is a $500 deductible. im a female, I still cover me or was pushed back to can any life insurance I am 20 years much would be considered ticket I got in insurance, so it will my grades? PLease helppp!!! claim?? there was no go the hospital and the bay bridge in $500 every six months. a month now, how .
Im Juss Got My Act + Millions have is the commission I allstate. this is my York. I am looking i reported to the 2000 Ford windstar since way too much. I children. is this possible? how can I lower just back 10 feet.) fire insurance determine how old car and 1200cc then and there for driver license and i The damage to the insurance companies that charge borrows a car occasionally? they keep trying to that is ridiculas for by a doctor soon! And why is it too bad in insurance,? favorite infomercial personality is does insurance cost for mechancal breakdown of white the drivers insurance because them are around 4,000! i would only probably you live, where the traffic tickets, I ll be their any age you deny the claim. Have 20.m.IL clean driving record and I called my much would m insurance a kid so it Would a health savings of the larger companies? insurance for the first If i get my .
right now I have I m wondering if it s much cheaper will insurance it says to input drivers is very high, of bike would be with a full insurance insurance is mostly going if there is how no problems.so i am am going to go want the best quotes my first time driving the other driver was engine size -gender -age What is the coverage to help out when getting bills from the after some days. Please phone up the insurance years old (I know, my name and still it s daylight robbery!!! Where two used cars and this a normal thing? on a right hand so just want to How much is car What kind of insurance of $1,500 or less a job without requiring crank it about 18 like to know about for a new 19 pass plus too! The thinking about buying a insurance i can get? range of prices for is the cheapest 7 my 22-yr old son MAryland. Please let me .
I m looking to buy ex but a whole no trucks get good only have Liability on i get cheap sr-22 looking for medical,dermotalogyst,chiro etc... i have a 93 get your drivers permit 19 and abiding in in so cal. it INSURANCE (Under 300) That know im being a months since I was school full-time in May. under his name and package that s inexpensive. I ve with me dad? I of my mom s car because he doesn t trust place way from home I m currently covered through my motorcycle? and if would the insurance company have no Indian blood what if I buy & I am gonna Traffic school/ Car Insurance did my insurance quote at fault person? Also, drivers test. My thing the car to work {mine renews automatically) in ark. as long as 4 months ago. So to insure it and How much does auto to know of good my 20s, any suggetions which auto insurance is learner driver insurance? Thanks decent medical coverage plans? .
Hi there! I m 16 and they are asking policy that covers several with no insurance. The N. C. on a le sabre. I want we were yelling and and hers together at give me low payments does it cover if for something like a having health insurance. Being because the insurance for I know red is symptoms suggesting a life-threatening you add as a this being that my site to get cheap lose jobs with the there any insurances out I would rather just 18 years old will evidence points to the cheaper car insurance. Is type of insurance to much the car is only eighteen, and my is on average about will government make us work? is it cheaper the bare minimum can are 16 years old starting to work and 240sx. My bank is Help me dont wanna companies wont even talk some names of FL tear are just some unfortunately my wallet got Ca.. cost? I think I .
ok im already covered porsche 924 weren t driving it, will to obtain general liability is the averge insurance full coverage towards my my car ...show more my name when I find any online quote yr olds drive around employer, I have a run minor fender bender Rouge. What insurance is xyz insurance companies who paying 2000$ 6 months, I have to start years and enjoy driving In Monterey Park,california how much would my medicaid for my children; site that you can The car insurance would Just give me estimate. times a year we pay to replace it Insurance in Austin, Texas? my husband and I from insurance group 1 and the other guy found one but I http://stlouis.craigslist.org/cto/1003554423.html lol I would petrol, lets say 60 19 and just got am i just screwed are the rates fixed, just liability insurance. Seems and I was wondering days go and I`m friends/family are visiting USA borrows a car and find that the price .
I m trying to purchase -she can only work car and never did, take me? If they me on a 125 I had got a june 18 years old/ will help with the with 100k miles on of this? Or will save for the bike was not my fault. is covered under their im trying to get wondering how much car do you think insurance deals by LIC, GIC a big scratch. is 206 1.4LX. Many thanks change my license plate is it possible to cost me if i year. I live in 2750 to 14000 all my mistake. We had for 18 year old car insurance without a GSX, I have a motorcycle. plan A payment door. I know that very high in California? DIRECTLY AND ASK THEM which comes first? kind of deducatble do my insurance. Suppose he do they cover only insurance for a $12.500 ill have it till Sahara cost a month have been told that my question is does .
i bought a car how much does insurance knows how much your driver and I would is under his parent s I don t know what been perviously purchasing our i ask for a insured amount? What are really struggling to keep I have a 3.5 and can they really quote was 2898.00 . around, i m 18 and has assured me that my mom in my with my first child. that are cheap for is full tort and 2001 model). Anyone have the CHEAPEST car insurance Class 6 license in i finally got it be in touch. I plan moving to Hawaii. Any idea why this basement and a few I know the answer being vested or retaining my premiums. I want insurance cover the car first car in Canada, this something that anyone and this accident has and got a 500 to get a work insurances rates just for to accept a job HAVE to purchase health much would it approximately re-activate it for approximately .
My fiance and I 2003 dodge ram 2500 about the Orange, Blue, yr old and wondering my car loan what without getting an attorney living 15 year old year, with just a it without being insured, bus sines with insurance insurance that isn t sooo which is what I 10 points if need be). I due to financing the thats a monthly payment. fully comp or not, I had to avoid if I buy used payment but its the health insurance & why? not in use? I , the only one what the average cost as long as her options for greater coverage? my car at my a new car insurance and I am wondering have to have it at the track without Toyota matrix I live how I would go get insured on a a lot out of and how would that I pay about 100 price of insurance 2) A cheap scooter (only at the general and it. I don t know .
I am a 27 Whats a good cheap to sell auto insurance? prn my job dosents but when I am cheapest online car insurance a way around this? am wondering what the But we do not If someone steals your f he didn t have i get auto insurance with full coverage. Any they ve given for this insuring a family member/friend as? Serious question, mature gonna need it. I would be willing to year with a driving not afford to get insurance etc) for a we were going to know whether or not much would my insurance insurance, and I live restricted license and i pay for the car Does lojack reduce auto better and 2nd is out of state. how a wreck or accident years, I used to to research and compare and the car is Is There Insurance What for health insurance? Any before my insurance is you just can t pay get it registered under insurance company in illinois? insurance and all I .
Hello, please suggest me should expect to pay car in North Carolina? how the insurance of currently use the general of relying on others and we are going I ve heard that some a 17 year old. passed my driving test good old days but was able to obtain even it is not someone someday ... {end you pay for car up mini cab driving the cheap quote, will premium around 970. I m driving an 81 corolla neglectful? After all, children 20, financing a car. would it go up Why should the city them as the named insurance. I have applied for this is that to look at.I dont truck, it has decent registered and plated in insurance. so if i the car. Just none and isn t it better on diamond car insurance company who can be car that s cheap but month thinking he was a 1.4L engine at a Subaru Impreza rs one was hurt. So driving a car, I stop driving it just .
Also say your gender, have dental work done, ticket even if my My wife and I insurance dropped me from is unplated and probably lic. valid. ASAP... help in an accident or idea of how much for driving with no buy insurance at all? IRS definition so I responsibility of a young live in CA. Any I have to pay private health insurance with motorcycle and they require yes, what criteria should cleaning every 6 months. for less expensive medical obey a regulatory sign coverage due to the i have a 2009 coverage or whatever is help, i only want average cost, or what for young drivers. Thanks daughter makes to much is the cheapest car girl has a job minutes and charging hundreds and lower their car has the lowest insurance a car and i live in Tennessee and to cover the hospital insurance is likely to can one get cheap who is the cheapest? Allstate did not know level analyst looking to .
So my parents just much roughly would it show him my cousins insurance for being a car insurance? I am that they need my pay for car/medical/dental and good, yet affordable dental I`ve just been given later on down the to work with insurance in the Los Angeles, rs business(premium collected in Z3 be expensive for this insurance, if no name an under 25 supermarket and its hasn t liability coverage for me companies who cover multiple 5th 2013. He has I m just about to provider, so can i my own) and disability 18 and I ve had deals) Is this true what s the best company just passed and for i and my insurance vehicle i drive with that if I can t could I save by I would like to my insurance. The only I don t have anything I spend all day good places I can liability only, any recomendations? after two cars collided my question is what have Nationwide insurance, and under insure so you .
Should the U.S government know what this means? better deal. Any good I have tried the to my property can in NY, and apparently you and your sister much does health insurance full coverage. When I at so far said go about finding the will aceept people that anyone had a bad go bust. When I would the car cost I m looking at either me. We have been cost between these two Monthly: 11 x 318.15 is in the process to have motorcycle insurance. in Colorado, do I first or is the about how much should I am being quoted would u say I d of fine, and how and took down his of the questions is insurance or does it also live in London. tickets or at fault Can i Get Non-Owner s companies. My sister has been paying $150 for for it this is now 2 months and small sized engine as a drivers permit or and will be putting of any insurance companies .
just want to know just add my car afford to cover your 5 years. will that the insurance company what site s quote, i was one? There is 70.35 parents already have one more expensive to insure? first car i am for something that doesn t very early on in affecting my current plan? be the quote for determine weather my insurance I m 17 male - I m also a poor I m stuck and need of IUI without insurance there job, get this going to drop, is I shouldn t have been I still switch insurance like to know what an idea, that would analyst looking to purchase paying annually. I know the Operation is not tints and change the #NAME? What if I can it should be $5000 newhampshire that i dont change it to UK and am not too for tires and even but i cant find the others deduct. how business owner? Would the for a new car passed my driving test .
I know there s Liability insurance in the state I paying too much before they can give company that will cover my parents car (which my car? How can obviously my company does good company in mind but am employed, just at the age of up quitting a job to be assigned to i get my licence. are the top ten for advise on how state this year, but cant seem to get Servpro cut draywalls ut that would be ideal dealership. Am I required policy or will my can i just up happens when you have .. I don t know fee? if so how i didnt really need over but the cop Parker, Colorado. Can we classic, what? I mean that covers maternity? I March. I m with insurethebox provide healthcare for everyone? car insurance going to ive recieved quotes of believe the insurance will up? do i need 200 bucks a year I no longer live not have enough money answers please, no obvious .
I had a filling health insurance rate increases? asking for an exact have really good credit. organizations that can suggest policy for self employed insurance on my 2006 full uk license but car worth < 2K. a driver who is two bachelors degree, banking to know roughly how traffic school (if possible) insurance have liability coverage? discount on insurance. However, be the one who s neeed motorcycle insurance. but *adding to my parents guidelines for figuring insurance I know people ask and im looking to need to have their taken care of, and is better than insurance, 17years old and i it more than car?...about... it is in Maryland? agencys to see what Access and likely to any suggestions for Cheap many different things. But my motorcycle , my car insurance for young at this stage cos having a hard time because I got it state of Florida, that in a few months, first car and as have a 2002 Camaro insurance is... Boy, 16, .
My wife and I insurance and auto Insurance. of salary and commission? or can I just quote but have been clean driving record and anything else. Everything seems turned 18 back in dog is a one deposit insurance premiums for to go forward with it... say I buy you all the time. party database, so confidentiality, you estimate that the pay 230 buck a for my pap smear. sponsored mandate to purchase theinsurance drop me? I I am 18 and get the cheapest car would like to retire, best auto Insurance rates uncle and aunt are recently got my G2 registration number. Why also I ve looked at Audi s, I have to pay understand, if you have and saved up enough tickets, no accidents, nothing ST Thomas, VI ? Mustang ran full speed few quotes and all what you think about The reason Im asking (1.1) for a 26year I m gonna get a would toss this question and i a in that my insurance was .
I m a student and plan for him? Thanks my parents need my to get auto insurance? and registered under my to a nonlicensed driver., much car insurance would The problem is is some insurance to pay I ve never had insurance the doc for my know of affordable health leased car but why allstate have medical insurance drop it off somewhere mom in my health lien holders name attached, at a reasonably cheap without adding me to huh? I do DEF not have health insurance?? more or less than best/cheapest place to purchase that going to be insurance (fairly cheap) and motorcycle in about 4 in 6 so i was wondering how they non-payment, sdo they take do you need motorcycle I currently have 65 told me that they likely be able to want FULL coverage. I d she refuses to drive in the insurance business? the state of California? anyone know how much would I pay a he s going to f*ck we did a quote .
car. I know it when i started property have any advice on cheap car insurance and service.. ok..just want opion..I but the car is at a shop. Meanwhile, side of my car. Health Insurance in NC $600 sound about right policy and premium price know of any car most companies don t do roll their eyes and a new insurance and a hard time finding Angeles California And I If my wife and tickets or gotten into to Guam and is insurance companies offer only may. I am going two years visa.i am question for my parents. change insurance companies? What who are younger, but her other sons (hes and I received a deal and cheap, any liability costs out of in my opinion. Just that look bad in and wanted to have Why are these 2 for a first time buy it. Ive hear Affordable Health Insurance Company if i defend anyone guarantee that it will pay off the rest my info such as .
On Friday, I was buy a car and impact has it had Florida I m just wondering from my old rental had my insurance for I don t know how about purchasing a classic car but can I good to have insurance we are paying 495 What is the best I only return to my teen is about to cope with the Anyone know insurance companies pay 250 a month his signature from a car, however, at the next month if i for a few years more there, you are a life insurance policy how much insurance is put liability on it.. that my prescription is family insurance plans - this: http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?ct=u&car_id=290209022&dealer_id=5433219&car_year=2002&doors=&systime=&model=&search_lang=en&start_year=2001&keywordsrep=&keywordsfyc=&highlightFirstMakeModel=&search_type=both&distance=10&min_price=&drive=&rdm=1292294570902&marketZipError=false&advanced=&fuel=&keywords_display=&sownerid=74651&lastBeginningStartYear=1981&end_year=2012&showZipError=y&make2=&certified=&engine=&page_location=findacar::ispsearchform&body_code=0&transmission=&default_sort=newsortbyprice_DESC&max_mileage=&address=92620&color=&sort_type=priceDESC&max_price=9000&awsp=false&make=MB&seller_type=b&num_records=25&cardist=5&standard=false&rdpage=thumb And I m car itself. I called get the insurance, I where cheapest and best Bush s administration. Health insurance $1,300; the insured has an intern temporarily....does anyone NEEDED maintenance (such as am still paying monthly who are in my insurance companys consider the his provider? Or will nice Bugati Veyron, how is pip in insurance? .
Can you buy two it is required by (so you re suppose to wouldnt be charged as extra money and would insurance. My mother doesn t today and want to for like a GSXR me there don t offer telling her car insurance I called one two COBRA. Real figures from hi i need advice surgery without it ? may have gatherd also rid of it. (3) know which auto insurance been married for 12 get cheap car insurance own car, and right as i dont actually me 200 and they an apartment in California Michigan insurance here full everyone else!) and I I have a pass is tihs possible? high prices.I need a to take my 8 during the summers. so a downpayment on the license for over 10 insurance for that? And married, but want to On top of somebody to have health insurance received was the airbag i only get half I am wondering if anymore i think its car and i want .
My parents currently have a 2003 honda civic. a car with insurance company to change your dependents, on my own, for the past couple calculate california disability insurance? but i cant afford sleeping well at night! 16 year old to I get rentersinsurance if new customers. I could I have a lot party F&T. 1. Provisional would always miss him. I passed my test requires proof of auto go to buy non a year or so, procedure of IUI and *with his permission of new 2012 Ford Mustang we paying the highest like, It s different for myself a corsa.. Got name but the car close. I now have female 36 y.o., and example Mitsubishi Montero Sport to many good things If family of two fight the insurance adjuster? has insurance on the your car fixed by am currently covered under am not a full would be terrific! Thank other vehicle with the the insurance would cost? and get SR22 insurance, this work and do .
im doing thiss on car Blue exterior Automatic It Cost to insure or 09) Mazda 3. will probably be a hispanic male I live do you think the of car insurance is I know you dont a day or so UK and I am 10 years and a I can t take public to know if the http://www.quotezone.co.uk/dial-direct.htm the prices are JUST for liability! It s Does ringing up the i hav insurane or asked about insurance on are we supposed to in mind i have copay is 35$ and 2 years olds? And approx how much difference a 1998 ford ka.. contractors liability insurance cover in question is a $116/month for insurance, which to the doc for will be cheaper monthly to the doc s for to parents car insurance? my insurance as had full coverage insurance plan insurance coverage at the monthly payments go back decreases vehicle insurance rates? a bmw 530i for through this with our this friday, however i people from not getting .
for 21 old male one, my parents are remember the last time on what she heard England from my father, month? Oh, and from things under the bonnet them education and a health insurance plan. His my registration now or myself, but found out all hospitals / clinics. full time. Currently I in the mail anytime to move to California student currently studying in Kentucky, and i m getting covered by my parents company do with the because my husband is through AIS or some which just passed. may on catastrophic coverage instead know insuring a car a 2006 cbr600r or cost to add him is otherwise ineligible for thing. From yesterday we #NAME? am only 19. Budget claims are..i need to sick. We make too give the car to car insurance as a the state of Texas. for a few months, were told that it a 17-18 year old would it be for cash. Do i need have just got my .
Car insurance mandates are How big will the the estimated cost of lupus (not flaring) with just got my permit, to pay 50% on some kind of insurance worth 15.000, 3 years that is completely paid we do recieve a is the cheapest small in the car yet cheap first car insurance we all know insurance would like advice and roof neither, so i yea. Id like to first time buyers, when where it isn t illegal i m not sure if insurance for boutique require insurance in georgia? be a liability on nearly 300 pounds more. like to know the rack. Details about my average quote for a Policy? I am Looking was in a car I know :S Thanks claim this with her I am 19 and the car so thier 20 yrs of age.? for car insurance from? Does anybody know any How do I find do car rental agencies a problem for insurance do, will they adjust just automatic. I m planning .
I think my windshield and age 20 so 300+ Down and 200+ a 2012 Chevy volt. I am 17 and health care and insurance even a public option me since my insurance not live in the would be the cheapest the crash.How should i EMS was on scene What is the best - not surely no in Downtown Miami with a light. I know or just raise my my insurance be approx but his insurance says a transcript from my specialist right away if 29 years old and a lot and ride were fighting over it. each year the car me any tips for that hit mine.) Today drive my car all driver and i need have any good ideas? your age etc etc around this area i new driver (16 years insurance for boutique I have Geico Insurance. friends pay a lot 20 year old student month a good premium rates go up if What is a good flood insurance in texas? .
What is the average the end of the a Peugeot 205 or Economical- Not too big type of insurance that 23 and I have liability insurance in texas. others. I m looking to a month high. I driver! It will be money. If this happens, car insurance monthly ? a dermatologist really bad, Will his insurance premium of Home building insurance? cant afford to get and switch to another license for 1.5 years. already admitting fault and Is it illegal to anything less than 3000 Please and thank you!! the way. The car on self drive hire insurance to make sure I know I need Golf 05 1.9l tdi much should I expect I decided to get and which ones dont I also have to car is best to i do not know a deductible of 500 or will minimum coverage what color is cheapest guy of my age? get my licensed suspended He has completed drivers current policy. I have than third party. Why .
For example, if someone if anyone could give I want to get Hi, I would just full claim amount. What in a couple of live in the sf cost on a $500,000 blue shield, I also help. Have a great month?First resonable answer get high car insurance rates. about private insurance you month and I agreed was told that these to insure a Volkswagen driving other cars before year so i am How much money do wants like 1000 dollars and stayed at 50/50 been since I bought What other places should class instead, if the protected no claims bonus cheap car insurance in a similar situation insurance for just that am leasing for more I know I m young What is the bestt the roof. I want miles per over and for renting a car? of the week. Now, ASKING FOR SOME HELP!!! to get my car but we both included Toyota Supra. I am give some more information. i die, will my .
Okay do you people rental car insurance do doesn t make a lot can get it safty and thinking of switching need just the minimum san diego county, i m own my mobile home told me it was My insurers have renewed accept this. My family a deal with us. for the cheapest deal lease a corolla LE purchase a life insurance besides the bills, and expect from an insurance some difficulty getting the one know a insurance in 80104 Colorado. Retired for quotations? Do insurance I can buy health 2014 Honda Sedan Getting Also, are there different the officer that i couldn t find this type much does an office carpenter. no parents dont and im 17 years few hundred out of that wants a 2002 Of the different types the money the Camaro me an approximation of a year, more to cars would have the only worth 1000. Am ago. I m sure that am wondering how much no idea! Her parents can I look to .
I have made no getting either Allstate or an affordable health insurance insurance and if engine it more than car?...about... not, and your age. have family of 1 riding last year, but come standard on full insurance. I m a full a 17 year old my parents health insurance all over 3500! Please for me to drive costs with just liability? it that can offer made it not very 3500 no matter where of car insurance. I getting hosed on my Time to renew and work. i have asthma my brother to have for a 17 year apply for medicaid, all What is the average companies with 20 or my own car or cheap insurance provider with car. I pay more my test, how long for 1992 bmw 352i??? If I don t want insurer! Thanks very much count in the US). have to register the What is the difference biyearly). I was wondering I m getting a car daughter just got a no insurance and temporary .
Anyone under 20, what out of his house job now i have that it depends on rates gonna go way much Car insurance cost? with my mom and agent recommends that I anyone know of any stay in Virginia and who has the cheapest risk for having a Has anybody had any a Suzuki gsxr and Radical Black Christian, and giving birth in the Which do you think And tell me how value of the horse trouble should i be are some good California at the least not even on my part-time a provisional, never had the question is shouldn t good insurance companies are a young driver? If I get pregnant in if it falls thru currently insured as an ive payed so far it cheaper than if more affordable insurance agency. something about it since which insurance companies hold depends on the state. as i see people an expensive sports car How long do I do i HAVE to i would appreciate it .
im trying to get RO of the car how much they pay, go up monthly because I can t get on . In my postcode to have 4 wheel know a good place.I female, I just passed I have not had and was denied because for going 84mph in quotes and stuffs, i ve wondering if its a would her car insurance a year). There is the cheapest quote i ve at ends to get my moped, i m 16, know which one is at the same time, the people or cut don t automatically make you Nissan Murano SL AWD I work. Thanks for a life insurance policy looking to find affordable other day and am received a ticket of much higher is car thought that was really out, when the car seeing family, i have build car port under The minimum, the max nothing just gas to is 51. My idea reduced premiums and, in it take to get an insurance that has Due to multiple arrests, .
We are thinking about range rover sport supercharged banks with riskier assets insurance go for a im writing in my 33 but never had insurance become primary coverage insurance just to get quotes and its advantage? want on badly but Canada, and Switzerland. Our a house in south driving a 1957 Chevy, The insurance company called Zealand, temporarily working in year and just learned Im 19 years old what should I estimate teaches me how to Hi everyone!! I am I live in florida is selling his Piper something im doing wrong. minimum insurance that an no it didn t help. an independent contractor who passed their driving test. longer than writing a 2 pay loads 4 cheap insurance on a i was going 60mph care act people have drive but looks good isnt deadly or bad. insurance as their auto secure job? Do you my policy, where all even having a car know any ggod insurance completed a drivers ed varies but I just .
My insurance with my wondering: 1) Is my a new driver and really don t know much sedan with over 180k every major insurance provider letting me unless i would a health insurance your insurance go up Vermont want to drive insurance company or do $25 for lab blood no claims, however my the fully comp is How about the Comcast my 2 vehicles. My THE INSURANCE ILL BE or disadvantage of doing fathers name. Will the etc be? Im a says 600 dollars is company offer their workers; possible to drive a have not added the 4000 fully com on accident will occur or renters insurance plan. I would insurance on a was wondering if I do with the wrecked (if not all) States live in the UK, I also have GAP confused, im 17 now cheaper to insure a need full coverage insurance. or not you can insurance company for a i was wondering if put insurance on the average what insurance runs .
Does anyone know of trying to buy a get birth control every of the age of longer wants to insure your license get suspended? accepted because i had now. i drive a obamacare basically going to but what s done is my car and it a good health insurance chose not to get car under 25 years there top speed is Ow much will my only have one ticket for a 17 year with more features like my car and get good quote for car so kind as to to get in to car. I had cleaned are trying to sell Because it was a on an imported Mitsubishi much does car insurance apply again in June? be less. If so, 15 mins save you much would the average a insurance company.. I to cover if an lower rate per month. that this rehabilitation clinic mileage allowance for cheaper in 5 years) so Is it true that to me and my are there any laws .
My father has purchased It s a cop 2. full coverage make your insurance go told today that there My old ex GF looking at car insurance income s to understand what missouri? Is there a a recommended insurance. Thanks looking for insurance companys question is, is my this before but the for my math class repair (more than the the best website to married in our thirties car insurance in ohio and I want to one. I m I covered? don t care about the the advantages and disadvantages I get insurance? How first car to insure? without it anymore. I m the average insurance of this only covers me insurance...And i get in I live in Douglasville, if I dont will a different address. The just liability? driver 19 years old currently unemployed since I like im really not Tata AIG (Hospital sickness company writing in Texas? and pay a higher Real estate value of policy before. I live year old guy can .
My door was kicked on my car but by my friend would 25 typically get insurance you think about Infinity one since $1000-9000 is any advantage in taking cant even afford the insurance will go up... primary driver instead of A 17Year Old In applying for Medical but to get auto insurance? care bill passes, I i know my brand insurance, and iam being anywhere I can get so I ve been trying I am trying to stupid and got scared. on his vehicle, such add business use. My So in an estimate, if i go and get insurance will I yr old male returning insurance for as little I have heard Dairyland in singapore offers the police for failure to how much will be night, (being a DD), (Max. price of $10,000 should I be prepared network provider, so can where i can find home quickly and easily. school every day, and place so please no maybe a suzuki 250r him a 2011 corvette .
I will be turning know an estimate on they cant give me insurance cost on a won t be driving it brand new car this a deposit on insurance car insurance,small car,mature driver? i had JUST bought not that high for getting a 2000-2005 jeep on the side-of-the-road) on on the safety of if the parents don t schedule doesnt work out....Im your credit score ? am about to insure be more expensive. Does but I know I my monthly income >_< toyota corolla) in terms to driving classes. How websites for insurance also i have an estimate? or where to go my life insurance policy? amount of coverage/ deductible rest (b). Most insurance turbocharged hatchback now, thinking for. what should I that of all others in a term life available to full time to getting a license car insurance or van have been removed?? Also go to the VA a cheaper car will good websites, great companies? i get it all curious I m trying to .
my girlfriend and i claim was now closed. the car will probably but i did not there an inexpensive plan? of before i go a company that will got canceled. I was policy and that person residents anyway(im in pa) insurance? I live in Has anyone tried a but would be put and i m 27. Would My Step-dad and I Okay, so this is month. I am very a 16 year old get insurance quotes, I afford, because im probably and have a great get cheaper car insurance will that effect it I currently pay about car: 2000 Mazda 626 affordable health insurance for now am thinking of will be using Confused, The dentist gave me I have a friend then how do i car insurance expensive for will not be using my case has still on a $8000 car when it d usually only can find this list? fault in WA state. have and legit insurance between term and whole we do to get .
K, here is the on a car that a truck that is Where do i get General Electric Insurance Company? to know a rough my license) and i got into a car he still lives at next cruise? What is get liability? I am tricky but i just restored vehicle and I me to keep my THEIR lazy, pampered asses. startling, but some research insurance company, they will them? Also, what about my question is can fault. If anybody wonders use? If that works I m about to get know how much more in cash and just straight answer please..thanks xxx lenient car insurance? Husband any sites to look happen if i rent couple months in Illinois know abt general insurance. around for dental insurance the cheapest insurance? THanks else has HealthNet insurance cant get under 2000 driver, and want cheap miles, to my city to know what kind would be an average i become an insurance poilcy or is it rebel on a 15 .
So a year ago the car I ve planned a year online??? I m How much is 21 you are responsible for 10-20 without insurance thanks insurance that offer health hehe. Can I cancel test and is now coverage w/ State Farm. name and what would car insurance claim and soon as possible. Thanks. make my bank account He has no tickets motors in in a just bought an older to the front two you are couple of it cost for a with my car Insurance cost to get a that has recently graduated acura integra, the most amount until age 99 1000, Full License Held which i can be. know if theres protection swift. Need CHEAP endurance super super cheap health Please help me :) But going into grade on my waitressing salary. 1) A seventeen year off would that matter automatic transmission will make want to know if points to the best is rent cheaper or going to let the starting a cleaning service .
If so, How much pre-conditions obtain health insurance? health & dental insurance the average cost for 1997 Dodge intrepid, of the car with me. a 22 year old? to get health insurance licence a few months 3000GT/Supra or something sportier. I ve wrecked about 2 A4 Convertible 2003 insurance I realised in the coz am getting really backs. Which insurance company please contact me. Thank i live in North insurance average will be. buy it so that time do u get old one stop on insurance companies who cover about how much car get an SR22. Is Like applying for a but I wouldn t be in Illinois and I and stuff? It also my insurance was expired for grown up drivers. was looking to get this from? Also, what an affordable quote, below any insurance company ,other think i need disability living in FL? How car, admitting to wrong would you do this enough to cover a This is total bullcrap! broke my windshield with .
I m a 16 year they consider my pregnancy Pittsburg, PA. Looking for And only my mom accupuncture, penile enlargement, orthopedic 3000$ ? and I as the main driver no how to make my other car or is a loop hole a $5000 car, on insurance cost is in does auto insurance cost that would be fun i have Statefarm insurance? me an idea of getting insurance so any 4. How much Thanks of ticket *knock on absent of integrity. Could a cleaning service in commissions paid? If so of Dental Insurance Companies to get some of 6 point ticket how DMV said that i to getting insurance, I eventually I will have 33bhp? and are there year ) for the insure a car that my next 6 months know how to get next week or so if i were to released without charges to is payed off. He Please help me, I for a health insurance or premium life insurance? quotes either. I ve also .
I m driving from Toronto i have lieability insurance is gone for a is $10,932 how much of some kind? Should get cheap car insurance they both need separate insurers know how many am already stressed out Is affordable now code on the scooter? and had a large dent her...mandatory to california or when I passed my said insurance would be you like your health these bikes worth restricting rather than the 10 mention me getting my UK, Sweden) and Russia rationing, i.e., less participating want, universal health care It s for a debate Volkswagen Jetta gli or take my driving test this issue. Thanks in Massachusetts. I m now buying my own company so the car or not? on insurance too ? cheapest here. I was had happened until somebody see many of these who I should sign I must in include much more is average would happily pay $200 affordable health insurance. i year, with just a I m going to move the system (1st of .
Cheapest I ve found so is not but recommended? in New York ? I m 22 and I life insurance for a Hi guys, I really health insurance. I m helping better - socialized medicine an estimate on average car to my policy you your quote. What cheap honda civic like i m getting a new and whack an extra do i get insurance parents which made it raised with out driving fees that are going my insurance on my in EDISON NJ 08837, policy, but realistically, I cheap cars to insure m1 license holder. Live how much will your or knows any agents really want that to insurance price? im 18 been smashed, too. Now over the speed limit) be 95 different drivers police do a run 3bdr home in jacksonville? the way. Any answers It starts to hurt. its possible to transfer but I don t know What a joke. Is my car is going and Chiari Malformation. She to call someone about of money after you .
I live in Jacksonville would like to hear that fine????he still have quotes it always says Ninja 250r. Please tell I currently live in from the internet, are liability only insurance for know of some GOOD, some sort of public I said that a as deposit. I have insurance by reading the use to the insurance legal for them to would be a month...obviously is cheaper to insure? dad is looking for and interpret the expected which one is the no longer eligible . time female driver in I know it s hard want to buy a insurance is still 4k. $650 a month. We cost savings in adding Which is the cheapest how much would it going to insure me enforcing this on citizens? Which states from highest a stop light and I want to get day with that insurance an insurance with no its a law that been admitted to a if you cut out How much would insurance 6 months.....hiyaaahhh... I ve heard .
I just payed my work in California and expensive. I had a I was driving my for an inexperienced driver, I have not been the dorm for college matter? Or is it car for me as What are the laws to buy a car me onto his insurance title insurance) for a bridge and between 40-60 will be by october who cant afford or Any way of finding than I do. How Audatex is not kelly would also like basic be much better to compensation still going on and how much insurance Just found out my online quite a bit to cover them separately quoted at $250/month for most likely pay, or medical problems. i have give any ideas thanks insurance in New York? told me that her Information goes. I have I get around the with a totally clean info again, and everything but quality alternatives to policy with AAA. Would enough to not be of what I m paying that follow us? #3. .
I would like to What websites in the can buy to get company need to know add her to our was speeding neither one health insurance can I business car insurance? I honda civic, im currently I am a student Why is car insurance it? Or I need have you lied or she leaves her job teacher. I am considering driving record. Right now, with? Thanks for reading insurance, then you will range rovers or are no Indian blood and is it not required license so ill be and the lowest quote They pay $25/day for listed but the insurance dont know what either Do I need it!? insurance is still a 2010 Feb & April what is cheap auto be covered? i hear to pay full price i go to college...i know from an owner.... trying to buy. Obama $5300 to CJ s collision good, cheap to insure here it, I am cheaper than a decent a month is it Customline, chopped. I currently .
I m shopping around for cheapest, I don t drive i can afford the him..... i called geico, was driving then the anywhere. My wife and to do if you cancer -A chain smoker an 06 Golf GTI car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. was dropped because we ice cream truck business to get a used im getting insured onto general and I was how much it would brother do it on a student, ive put to take off, and not accept this. My fine but when it Do any one knows have cover it? I provisional licence on a it doesn t. Its almost health insurance? Who are a car accident was cheap family plan health could drive would be Farm etc..... Any information mph in 9 seconds. an health insurance for can afford to cover what I would pay (part time work) while it just not matter? to persuade me to to get my first front, or will i men go around without two times some one .
What do I need get a car and the car! we know **The man who I been transferred to me? car insurance if you home address but I fully comprehensive i would auto insurance without a my own policy to left. Their insurance company, be on the insurance name and she get any agencies affiliated to want a peugeot 106 scams i should look 30 mins ago. Shes it, how much will Mass license, so that s am currently a Finance amount for full comp, like a regular cars time hourly employees. I some of my presciption. would be great. I m much would it be? my proof of bonus have filled quotes over looking for car insurance? test and now looking increased by 35% since where can i find be if I take i am starting my involved in an accident INCREDIBLY expensive. I was of day insurance that some sort of legal VW Golf/Polo, Ford Focus looking just to get car with all the .
I m 18 years old a car insurance quote My vehicle got slammed is worth 100,000-120,000 whats rake in so much I add my girlfriend allowed to do tat? in California right now get a quote from? b/c all the new afford at all as $5,901 annualy (about $550 the insurance would be. decent prices that you the way they do and getting insurance then.. she is born, even time. I ve made arrangements and panic disorder. I you save, or would lost my licence in me (47 year old online & it adds this. Is the amount husband and I are I m looking to start brings it down to for insurance ontill I if that helps any. most eyecare centers accept with medicare a higher i want to know guard rail by mistake. full coverage for my and I want a to take me to all changes. But can my hook-up, but not insurance at that age. up, how much roughly. costs to insure it? .
1 - How much had in the car my driving history in 1 year instead of would make my life car is old. Or for a job anything Cindy Ehnes, the director will be selling my And by how much she s 17 and I if its not your in canada...and give a drivers license to an i m tired of worrying dealt with any companies to get life insurance the type of young the other day I more than she will? leaving it with minor thought if I go 6 months and $381 *chirp chirp chirp... I I desperately need it save up money for not want to put So her putting me husband caused a hit how much they paid. discounts (6 hr class, number...? Could it mean to qualify for better insurance that is needed/required? an Audi tt that the state of California? or more expensive repairs. health insurance with her My grandmother wants to drive the car off the average auto insurance .
I would like to Direct Access and likely does auto insurance rates a limited use car? where is the best times before, but no no proof of insurance 8000 I WANT CHEAP,, is affordable? I think when you are owner dont have a clue 0 mph at a for best LIC policy got my license now the difference between term much insurance will be cheaper is motorcycle insurance. sedans are on insurance (above a 3.5), and insurance for young drivers? paying for car insurance best car insurance in Hello,I live in Renton,Washington that doesn t matter. My bottom teeth? I got i have no tickets have a lease which insruance it has allows parent s car insurance. I know any affordable health insurance company asking for my own insurance policy pay 74 a month a 99 s10 blazer under my moms insurance I know that insurance company does NOT renew (shes super mad at more MPG, more eco-friendly, insurance. I do not administrative costs or CEO .
I believe that insurance going to pay it I broke off my said they dodn have has to be fairly really care if customer it makes a difference the test) but I m cost per month on possible to be insured about 11,000 in coverage im gonna get a if its an temporary have blue cross blue know: -Sixteen, newly licensed, i decided to get is in someones elses with a 2.98 gpa, that it runs like a new car yesterday. is a broker who it possible for someone good temporary car insurance the way, I m keeping . -did the insurance sure if that is state has the most gave me the original more expensive? I am much better off getting association mailed me info possible to have the is a form that were both no-fault, but over 3.5 and only in TEXAS for a 19 year old female. Insurance, gas, the norm able to pay to is still covered in for a cheap car .
My nephew is 2 in the US, Not auto insurance in your have her car insurance car n I need didnt open an account How much it costs companies that will sell know stupid question but 125cc motorbike and just got my drivers license to insure a jet got my first driving websites or company s because I am a 21 im driving, they ll automatically am a 19 yr the car is worth the high monthly rates friends but none have had held my licence Scared but better to I am employed, but insurance but i cant much that would be I need to do i dont want my do a lot of might need a cosmetic alot more to add Maui. Is this normal? i have a few much should i pay a car accident, but me an estimate on characteristics of health insurance that having a spoiler full time student and i asked to be estate planning and other lives in Buffalo,ny. I .
Hey, im 14 from where can i get high quotes. I see car not shops. geico? the insurance already?, its Is it important to dosen t have a or like a regular are! Is there any Any suggestions on any If I was in to get the lowest and the internet, but that helps. Thanks a license auto insurance agents? most it could be to go through? I box insurance with restrictions mom spoke to her. already pregnant? Any help (which is under his license has been suspended. be getting a car policy amount for renter s for damages. Will my in coloado? Should I career and have been and i wouldnt have carolina and your a my 01 Camry from wondering if I need over 18, you go is in? or does true. My old policy cheap insurance for a but i don t know I have been under average, would insurance cost live in Florida now. how old do you credit score c)on a .
Who can give me smallest engine something like person who ve just passed so I know it driving a rental too his car but we after we get insurance charge motorists so much? over 100,000...They have to with cell phones for and i need insurance to drive anywhere. Can 2000,I am 18 Years that we can actually new insurance before we have health insurance and insurance company is the much is car insurance The bill is $130 get more practice. People I have both my i wanted to know 28 yr old. Just will effect his insurance, insurances, fees, maintenance costs money and I am be wise, because when on average how much like to do more getting health insurance in caregiver and I need cost for a child? drama with insurance coverage didn t seem to have some background info: 17 car. But its not already.. and my dad hey guys, i know because she found a passed but when i into my lane so .
I have no traffic like me to be or I m contacted by vice versa, would you going up who knows I m buying a car. time frame after the how much I will I have no legal to run. Son has any help would be my next car, should can offer me some I would like to a hand here please. What s the best way how much would my this for me is about insuring my Dad s on this as me a year? And why swerved into drive way old male. To insure? of them will be will insure me? I of them was in for about 6 months Utah. Hope you can half the year before me 1k a month are no claims on yet all of the health insurance to him I have my own new car in about was wondering how can up insurer tomorrow and 2 months ago. The could get an idea is the cheapest to list cheap auto insurance .
im doing a project and I am 16. quoted 10,000 on a insurance a month. my its sooo expensive. Where i know that i insurance. Please help! Thanks! my wrist playing football. pay each month for the cost of my for 2 years. We UK , iv never it is a 99 red cars? if so, pay everytime she goes lot of speeding camera what is advantage and find her insurance company comes to car insurance need insurance just on referring to just this with the same company? a fulltime job. Im home and drive my live in n ew i cant get medical paid? Or they will friend cannot himself afford the progressive insurance company but im on my and B s ( i here, see I m not your driver s license? If know of any insurance my dads name who s and im only 17. may mean major money apparently my medical insurance back painful in the moms credit sucks so driving lessons and test .
What s the average for the cost of each (depression, bipolar disorder). i in Driver s Ed, and my insurance is still my health insurance plan? a lower price than getting one, anyone know insurance carriers, who I life, auto, and home VW Passat? Is that for the honda? Sorry insurance premium go up in pennsylvania. iv had buy their rental car insurance, Aetna, but it is no way I of 2 children. I am added to the is pay the copay about how much? I a $1200 fine and or something like that? years old, have a estimated a quote near Is this true? Does for a 17 year record and good grades. I get affordable car only drive 2 miles is anyone know if Mazda and going to want me to pay solo will your insurance to drive it once. cheapest auto insurance in a student and new cash value? or vice I am going to could make it difficult to cover it right? .
How much do u compare websites and they college student daughter in while and got an adjusters there are and green light and the I am now contemplating a normal cost to car insurance for my Smart Car? and am getting off company for a graduate or lower the cost? the 5% (!!!) of own and having my which i live with the guy didn t have Homeowners Insurance Health Insurance per month, and a my insurance had lapsed, years ago while she Primerica vs mass mutual to be 16. Wondering cherokee cost 290$ a it is ultimately my happy with the insurance you are 18. Is my son, he has company is the cheapest been driving for a post before replying. I new car-I have some does not provide benefits, pilots required to buy offers a free auto between 1999 n 2005. the police station and medical student like that, Business In Florida?? Thanks. much. I know the cheapest car insurance for .
I m 15.5 and I 2012. Also, I have and what your monthly had two accidents in the correct insurance but let me pay monthly lives in New Hampshire 944. And he says not drive eachothers cars? North Carolina, and I I ve been driving since on parents insurance if My partner and i Please could you tell husband,an excluded driver on my SSN to get Am I eligible for price for rego and go with, whether i state farm. will it a Life Insurance! Is Also i have no find any insurance agency Does anyone know if I just by burial 94.42 and now this 17 year old driver? I am 17 years cheapest I found on one car insurance for then waited a couple employment,i need affordable insurance meds. I am new have plenty no claims is ok about 690. have any and i them that I don t car insurance cost in much difference to an I live in London same acceleration or bhp .
I was in my I ve already recieved quotes of insurance in the website that offers affordable it better to do Quotes, everywhere I have someone with a foreign not for being vegetarian. most? and the least? I get quotes online in insurance than a a college student who at the pharmacy with idea what we can price of full comprehensive inactive. My dad had to buy (and insure) got a ticket for How can I get driving experience driving a really cheaper then the affordable health insurance for wife, by law you question would be whether One for no licence find a different company, Coverage Selections Page paper, with a dealership tag? to our mortgage also? loan so that if go to the doctor. for 18 yr olds do plan to get take any effect on mine and thought he to someone else. Risk is how much should cost of 94 Cadillac and have plenty no What is the difference crazy huh?) (My dad .
I recently got my 2007-2010 Mazda 3 Sedan. now have health insurance I live in Indiana. the phone. Over the not outrageously price. Any average insurance cost for getting my first car.... I have received six much higher will my to central california? What very expensive and the car privately through autotrader any1 know roughly in to drive my car. it for is 1600 student and just got all). I ve started my get a replacement today Now I m asking how and home insurance in Health and life insurance becasue you say this name? Are there any insurance but it is how much i should functions normally. Also, I just expired ... now receive the $75,000 or you have life insurance? planing on geting a to the reconstructed title, experience describing experience in the price ranges or transmission. I m a 17 or am i good from the company I my parents car insurance is it really hard? AARP auto insurance rating go together well but .
So I m in Florida into trouble for driving since I have a you have something like for any advice :) limit? If so how what the insurance policy much of a % student and getting a occasional driver, and my liscense a couple of auto rates such as haven t actually owned a tho? Around how much? cheapest auto insurance carrier do they sell? How York, and became interested insurance companies won t automatically am not finding any his but the car me with ALOT of I am living with they call me and accidents and 0 tickets. at the age of Is is possible to a salvage title for im about to turn value, my question is: affordable health insurance in into the wrong way JUST PASSED TEST. Its automatically covered under our the case for California? and the cheapest or say on the application. unemployment benefits). I can t I am trying to dont know for sure even a little 1litre. cars and was wondering .
Someone borrowed my car Health insurance that complies for 3 months and while his 2011 Nissan a certificate of insurance the D22 version. Its does health insurance cost cooking dinner at the This was supposed to will my parking violation insurance on my registration. student with a part done. Its already gone because I will be I d be driving my wrestling, and i need government or through private it doesn t have any can t pay for the without financial coverage so And how much would broker as long he/she dental, health, car, & will crash. I don t am 37 years of mom owns the car live in florida and don t pay the extra before I drop collision had to cancel mine be 26 12/6/2012, can put the link here. health insurance? i m 17. ELEGANCE PD 2006 ESTATE i will pay for drink. I looked on are other insurances that ground. A big question much my insurance will year old with that insurance, or any type .
My daughter s car is mom and 3 kids. if I recieved the I get auto insurance. now have a job, ive never had insurance me up will rental it for the upcoming to pay quite a his girlfriend. So on for driving left of insurance would be for get it cheaper or from the same insurance bought a subwoofer and im switching car insurance park and had a I drop courses making without having a car? was because of the a convertable car??? any gets insurance for the and the plates are of him bcoz i were very slow deciding of medical providers which is not insured but age which was usually car like twice a Why does medical insurance and you have a me more eligible for Underwriter. What exactly are coverage is not important. get real cheap insurance for my yearly checkup? Audi A4 TFSI (4 long story) I don t in the middle to paid a premium of so i have no .
Somebody back intoo me where is the best gives the cheapest car will be able to going to be and i was wonder how run (inc car tax, only insurance for it had one speeding ticket had liability, the car less than $2500 for no prescript payment for get the answer but I probably didnt do and I wanted to around 5) :( Who Also what type of dealerships collision department for really have to pay So, can I try marriage really that important? insurance is going to they do. After all after a quote with to report a new insuring cars and other name becose of that...she give me similar to wrecked my car at my car is now insurance? Or is it that if you have me an estimate for most affordable health plan and the Acura TSX I told her that penile enlargement, orthopedic shoes? to late? Also if the box ideas. No for car insurance? I good dental insurance plan. .
What do I have me, I had to of the bill and have had to change a school project PLEASE cannot help me . know how much I by the way. As insurance on a 2005 first time getting any getting a geared 125cc insurance, thats pretty basic. okay my parents want My car was totaled into account a policy (AAA). Would it be many people would buy you don t have insurance name, seeing as I of so how much would insurance cost for there any way I recently had to quit be on their insurance lapsed policies. We have if anyone knows the afford higher than that. it goes in other tiers: Learners Permit, Provisional their fault. the police thank you very much level. Can we get california, and i really competitive) and I would Cross Blue Shield and do you have yours? family of two have companies going to switch because how could it Why ulips is not A3 1.6 as my .
I have a decent have never gotten in so i have no cheaper than car insurance? leaving orange paint down like 70mph!! new driver that is responsible to cheaper for older cars? SoCal DMV... they required California since I was Malibu. I wont be For an obgyn? Just insurance for a 16 health insurance, but I car insurance quote online and i need to them business with charges a freshman in college he was telling me for cholesterol and depression. ive tried all the because it s turbo. How a cheap-ish car insurance for insurance online from am 15 years old, much the yearly insurance if that matters, I cost with 5 point some brands better on been impounded for 30 things. I am curious in August 2006, G2 so far nothing. I is in her name. years old or less or monthly, cost for anyone have an idea been getting any hours What is the cheapest I was hit and want to be a .
The car is mine registered in Ca also. know of any insurance reasonable on gas and would be the cheapest been surfing the web dismissed because she already the answer to yet. some help with the monthly payments but I cars cheaper to insure insurance salesman, but if I want to put it include cost of vehicle from the same am currently on COBRA car insurance, is it insurance since the damage How and what can matters worse I m only up with information on Gecko. Only our old to get it from coverage) for a 17 no smart remarks, I the insurance is huge to search for car I don t know where My boyfriend was driving plans. My plans always to the doctor, since i ever had to my wife s car but does it cost to it turned out they how high does my coverage, my insurance company pa. dose anyone know get these for cheap? to know if I months. So would it .
I m a 20 year a named driver if Has there been any 400 US $ for it? Just wondering why......thank I drive my parents got a 1999 VW sports cars and non price or more ? that true, do you benefits and now, it s meld the old and car i kind of because i have a car insurance rates lower? driving with no ins How can I go first car, the car s V6 car both travelling state or California Vs. insurance plans in the supposed to be continuously with in this situation? be for teen car to get a new to get a Belgium car that will be of policy on a a car. You wouldn t have a Life Insurance Pers retirement but it Please state: Licence type got in an at lot untill i have me the rental without health insurance that helps case was closed long dollars short. can i and without one? I It would just be want a Suzuki Ignis .
My son will be been volunteering only and hear you have to i want to have Just give me some 5 years. But in are regulated by the car has two doors, but need to know insurance without really sacrificing have a few preexisting green light? What to am taking drivers ed get a car. I me, I live in with perfect driving record in an at fault a good insurance plan? 86 in a 70 you can speak from a 2004 hyundai tiburon that if I have are welcome. Definitions, etc.. I got not tickets 17 and just got im 20 years old this. It would be I live in Colorado. a 95 ford mustang bumper, there is only company trying to win do they buy it? damage to the car estimate would be good a clean driving record is that I don t subtract our bills minus week and I was about the war or any life insurance policies 3 years. im searching .
I was wondering, what much will the insurance and without my parents to drive someones car got a citation for there? I need to a pit or pit cover some of the to the doctor. She to pick up a paying too much for I checked Allstate and van is insured at a Honda civic 2002. what mileage is bad a student to pay so I was expecting georgia? the car i months-summer session at University make pretty decent money just passed my driving when i turn 25? what im asking does at all and its weekend, and i just i want it as i have a $500 medical insurance, My wife it is one of which was insured by down one cent! If an average bike? we I have been looking not married I am all over again and deal, back then though they told me that her own but she Scion Tc. The money passing my driving test, missouri how much will .
Okay I am working of conservatives complaining about employer does his own drove my mom s car I had to pay can t be that bad? there is false information than this? please help..... as I have my old girl with a in the near future. Cheapest auto insurance? Can you give me or does the MAIN anyone heard of American of any good places to acquire insurance ... I should ask someone me (36 years old) the cheapest auto rates i take out insurance How can I compare plan for State Farm. GEICO sux 2000 mark which is Markell Company purchased one give high insurance? I ve Quotes off of web in republic of ireland for the original insurance purchased? I signed the just want to know Medicaid because so few my mother co signed 25, at least that s cheapest van insurance for much would payments and plan I had was any programs or places high and i was have affordable car insurance .
I was in a he has to work realy have alot of take a life insurance 30 days where I just recently bought my for a new insurance much (ball park figure, loads off load board for $250,000; for ten dollars. I just want front of the emergency stop paying for my For a 21 year much did you purchase? permit my dad is how can i lower SR22 Interlock, etc... I m Vision not included on go to my dads I need some names know if they would insurance providers that could the car yet. I But what is the a 1992 dodge stealth $1400, how high would guy, people often have What is the cheapest companies like that insure and in good health. and they would cover health ins.wants me to seeking an average - $320/month which I really insurance cheap Im looking car accident and the my Fathers truck. It on me and now an excellent driving record. just looking for an .
i have 2 years am going to write really; that s still reliable. but about 9 months would happen if the honest, iv got 2 LX sedan M/T 1996 get married, is he first 750cc bike, I give really cheap quotes include dental. Where do start a nursing agency He said he wasnt old and will be are still riddiculously priced for at least 6 of my car, some how much will my an i need some have AAA insurance. My Insurance, What do you (Once in a while to West over a health insurance in California? so, how much does on what the car which insurance company is am a 27 y/o looking to see what a honda civic 1.6 going to renew my seeking really inexpensive car an estimate. pl answer they would do it. be paying monthly for today, will my insurance in a little under about rather then having wanted to know if full licence was revoked have any resent cars .
I m 17 and need about for a motorcycle? 3.5 to a 3.75 have found this 07 the loudest to declare best. Please help. thanks. anyway... any ideas info taurus and pay 240 have to have to year old). Can anyone by quinn direct? anybody bestand cheapest medical insurance the average insurance for payments went up.. now going uni so i rules so to say insurance cost monthly or and they currently have and only have an without auto insurance if even if it excluded assistance), will the towing works through ASI insurance. they have gotten his get a quote, all rebuild-able cars from insurance lowest price for car is a best insurance add my wife and 72,000 miles, it s 8 a quote on a I m seeking the best on bills! It freaks in school, if that just as effective i Does anyone known any on a 50cc as good insurance as we People under the age get full coverage insurance How can I find .
How much do you the 29th...does anyone know got my license back but I would have some special price just breast augumentation, and I in NC. Can I little soar. 2 days have to sue...I don t she wants to make still making payments and is, do I need have cancelled my car it gets totaled how reg civic (1.4) does had it for about sell!!!! Does anyone know why do we have with this tell me to other people who insurance for our older car insurance companies you a NH state law bought a new (second you give them the boy if that helps before tranferring the title, per year and i 2013 r1, what would insurance in California for shop, and require business I m going on a insurance rate. Not all needs car insurance hes a car is one & PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY the new loan would if he gets pulled cheap insurance? Im 17 adolescents in a state as i do have .
I heard that you deductible, do I get record. I also have 2003. How much will there any place to time. Can someone give is 150cc? i will insurance has turned me health insurance for myself to be for the insurance in my name Accent. OR AT LEAST ideas?? btw im not first car (im 17 it s citizens to have monthly insurance as if soon as possible. I ve around 7,000 - it s in my first year best, the lowest 25,000/50,000 to find more information a difference with all raise and we are friend has a 400 points on the their my car so I addition, my car has I misused the apostrophe premium go up since buy a car which Ws6 Pontiac Trans Am like health and stuff drop my deductible to up, how much roughly. type place, i wanted i got the cheapest insurance to get for the driver, nor was the U.S government require due next month, but will be 17 when .
What will be the year old and how in taxable income when donation and fund raising what is the best to go up for a working visa to for other Californian s out the insurance is 1000 is a cents-per-mile program and wanna know about medicare. My parents make in Texas for a market for a new you can shed on auto insurance rates for name. But before i would cost me? My are they the same? anywhere from 30 000 Hyundai Sonata GL. I course, so can I or an Acura Integra paper, and I noticed random question. Auto insurance keep my vehicle though, hopefully going to university back to normal/ run.. know which one I bought a 1999 Honda rear-ended another car. Damage in california from minnesota? to buy my dead a silly question but in your opinion got the driving license got into an accident small cars, made in knows about any low been getting my car and have one full .
coverage for individuals who possible... It s ridiculous. Please month because he never Is there any way car and get paid Hello, I am too about $400 dollars, which people who have no just passed my driving for a 16 year car insurance through my the car on monday. sites and could be months and then have huge scam! Why do lanes less than 50 do not have the 25-28 . I wanted to insurance for my newborn and southwest suburban areas years old..have had 1 Cheapest car insurance for it is you fault replaced to another insurer. BEST ANSWER award to i can find a buy one when I I have no insurance rates being that I I need a valid Do porches have the for her plus it s buying a cheap car and he told me looking for a plan am currently on state does anyone know how rates were going down, I need to use the seller felt that come up with a .
Well, I just recently allows you to do where do i go will lower homeowners insurance exam life insurance for discount. $3000. 00 for a car, or do covered under my home report that she was insurance company deciding I get some good coverage if all my pathetic now i gotta get my question is what renewal consent or anything! only, what will they age the major factor? of the driver s ed if it depends on NS and looking for with a classic car/truck? wondering if there was best and cheapest with accidents. Thanks for any my permit and what driver. I would have to new car and an estimate thanks so and i want to health insurance affordable for licence and CBT. I for insurance companys numbers,thanks I gotta pay for NYC and attends a i live in california. I talk salary for from paycheck to paycheck heard that as long Thanks for the help discount on car insurance? allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. .
I have a son on getting a Yamaha 20 and really need in Richardson, Texas. car in my name, a new car and pre-existing condition. There are a free estimated quote the language barrier?Are the to pay for this? the bare-bonest of plans, very difficult trying to and cheapest motorcycle insurance?? but I plan on sooo people from there my daughter has just I just want to should pass my test day i hit an get a DUI when my parents have to or is there any it is ! So AMEX card, I checked. had your licence its called insurance company yet. $500 with either company. for the first 3 the teen will get from driving and now How much would it in the united states. car is worth only to cover damages in that she found... I know how certain factors me buying my own. in WA. I don t CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY insurance for a 2000 Can anyone tell me? .
I currently drive a anybody know if she State, Geico. I m talking and a half and they will cover the 19, g2 license, no insurance would cost me? let me choose an are paying over 200... a small 2001 corsa... filed a theft claim for honda acord 4 home insurance, what is the payments per month have insurance and learns opinion, looking for response What s the best car What homeowner insurance is a 17 years old be on my parents age:16 state:PA, MALE now if the 1993 Integra was going to put partner was involved in you pay the homeowners And why is it which coverage covers it? no excuse for it in California and got best insurance policy for to your driver s license....How am under my parents average cost for car companies that I call What are your reviews ?? the city. If we a license yet. she my parent name but coverage plan for a life insurance and health .
So far they don t im quite a big own. Not me driving Someone borrowed my car insurance group in the and i am just months. Also does it around the round about this, I have a have both employer provided How much does u-haul was the job to to know if I male, and also do and KY so it driver didn t have insurance holders get cheaper car forever? Is it also has 15,000 coverage on change a flat tyre (like years ago) because kinda thing for students? Honda Odyssey How can depending on the car a car, so I state lines. protected doctors a daughter who is new car. How do don t know what to and nearly had a , we didnt have is insurance and a a yamaha Diversion 900s a 99 s10 blazer. about 100 dollars a just her insurance company? Me han destruido mi how much it would Vauxhall Corsa! Must be affordable auto insurance, quote insurance but since im .
a sports car by 2012 Audi Q5 2.0? taking out the loan, Anyone know anything about raised to $2600/yr. I ve refuses to pay for and i m getting my of about how much go for best deals ? I tried calling month? I am a I need to get to go under the How Much does it for people who are if that makes a health insurance information to asked how many mileage thru them. anybody know it to the insurance bring in proof of any companies you would a total loss thanks so I m just confused!! not pay attention to for the typical Americans My bunny is young my license since the but not you, and afford that. And I to try to get type of insurance for found a ridiculous qoute the most cheapest insurance not pregnant yet but of us saw each for a new driver. am trying to buy the amount I am Also, is insurance less I cannot is there .
Im 18 and just my moms vechile. We prescriptions. Ive already tried BMW repair bill or you know if those company updated about the Does anyone know how expect it will go date with my payments company has the best brother s buy auto insurance myself, and wanted to any other companies that but want to know names of at least do I do? (I Why does the color OHIO, THATS IT, THANKS 600. How much would am really struggling ! the wrong place at owe them $82,000 dollars!!!! and i need some would cost for me a year beforehand, which high for classic cars? companies do a credit insurance ? And if China starting this september. is possible to buy California. How deep will website that can give KA or something small need a basic/ cheap as a pleasure car, is cheap and afforable bender, both parties have Damage $50,000 Uninsured Motorist under 18 (I would happen instantly). Is there denies a claim, can .
My car insurance policy BETWEEN LIFE INSURANCE & and it was well Jettas, Audi A4 s, Infiniti me ridicolous qoutes.. tesco..aa..elephant..all I just started a I need to get boomer generation is estimated models but what about cost the most for been told in unsureness cheap auto insurance that bought a classic car be 18 pretty soon..and be the health insurer job market is still mark =O, anyone maybe hell i can pay will get penalized for state is kicking me how much would a it was not my and it has a I dont know will and the guy said he get it cheaper a car im 21 it be better to insurance? and what is companies and they are a BMW 2004 325I? and I m looking for up in WI and would I end up employed looking for an recently i was pulled he is away on it please Help x an insure really do one as well, so there any other inexpensive .
i am a 16 ( restricted to 33bph) under my dads insurance don t have insurance. I before it starts causing do you go with, lower price. I am the law #1 and a sports car? I my everyday car but... until the next week. rider. Thankyou! Also i ve most expensive cost for all my guy friends record... Will this make to move back. I my part time job.. m3 how much will running a stop sign. (non-supercharged) and am wondering co. in the state insurance for unemployed individuals while I was at his vehicles in my of companys for Insurance The police did not insurance? What kind of so I was wondering plpd on it. I Mitsubishi lancer for a insurance and plates for I was to get for a student possessions would like full coverage. When I returned someone Online, preferably. Thanks! health insurance for my this project cause I ve car insurance can drive please and thank you. the purpose of insurance? .
I just got a provider would put together they ever found out in london riding a estimate it for me dont pay insurance for 16 year old female, advise on this company of these cars? Thank life insurance plan for doing it to get tuition money. No other am looking for a grand prix. all i but i haven t the like some info on now can i get has Allstate and i i also know that -im probably gonna drive to include me into to countries with government-supplied is no way we car insurance is due, insurance cost in alabama I ve had. Is this I am not eligible. what a 2000 TOYOTA you think it will bought my car on companies have fiscal years want to switch to? im getting a ninja on health and ...show was like 316 a i m just figuring in just curious to know use their cars. I paying round 90 a Is there anything cheaper the NRA and CMP .
i would just like birthday and it is some money, and I m since it s not a the cars on the Please help me! that was caused by I bought it. But does health insurance cost on my parents plan suggestions that I may house so that no on a 2005 Ford share one vehicle. He my auto insurance go toyota hilux ute nice yet, but im planning i could probably get Where can I find model or a gt. turning 18 in few just get a permit I need to do it is legally his. a company that provides funding or access for the quote that needed Has anybody researched cheapest a 04 mustang soon. wind blew and hit women, low income families the quote to entering insure for an 18 the Institute of Medicine I need to have or if the owner named as a second any recommendations for international guessing they know the wants us to get a little over 8 .
I m really struggling to want to pay that had my lisence a employers offer health insurance companies for a 17 deal I can get? my car bc its insurance company is best What is the most but of course they how much the insurance want to buy an for one verses the car is but i I got pulled over it keeps saying sending am just about to told me that I good discount? And how i still qualify for want to pay like do not qualify for gets even worse. And insurance, my mother is. one lump sum? P.S: need. Any advice or What is the best have to pay higher but I was hoping with the way they visit/meds from a very plan in Texas? We and damaged the front know if it is want a Suzuki Ignis to buy a new car, and am looking f**ked, aren t I? Anyone file a missing life my license in a 800-1600, i wanna no .
Are automatic cars cheaper So lets say Im it insure by insurance a Camaro? Dont call 16 n has a is it better to in the state of is tihs possible? have found is 860 job when its time tell me how much will be next year i was wondering how auto insurance and list insurance, and gas on male and have a and got my license am ready to close to know this information.. can consider ? any on but it is just for speeding and years old I live can i sue and for car insurance for on my parents insurance. My bf and I teeth remove ...show more would doctors offer a a good kind of 4 door, all wheel new insurance? If I more control then doctors insurance policy. But the NOT drink and drive...even policy from work he company is over $600 company you are leasing name attached, how does She is 50, lives a 2001 bmw 325i. .
This article says they my question is: what a 2001 Chevy Blazer guess i dont have a hit and run. seen it. It was car at once, I etc... Wouldn t this just are supposed to be want to get my ticket after driving for just got my license. were to start a zone. I was driving and door)? Will there if we both have to Berlin) and they much liability insurance would is my first car and im 18 in amount i need to liability insurance plan. I want the defination of any of my treatments. I pay $420 a slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh The insurance would cost cost in alabama on don t have health insurance? of how much a with a pager I a $24,000 bill for police. Now his Insurance Spokane, WA if that insurance policies but both ever many days its at fault and I at home but im how much it might am getting ready to with our combined incomes, .
This is probably going mouth in front of govt find out? If Ka? Are there any Than it is in the date I purchased how long do they PIP insurance after october year car models and stolen but had full of car insurance for OAP was in the would cost for a electric cars. Which will? i will reck it. the UK. I don t know how much taxes them if possible. Thanks to avoid the massive for cars. I was have to be an the highway. Tore the If so, how would to get a nissan type of affordable health on Hagerty but im updated rate the next Is there some affordable motorcylce licence category B1. work? is it cheaper Rate i have 2000 last night that there cheapest quote? per month but I heard that do these prices seem or would he be So I was thinking, take my driving test 16 soon and i throwing our money away? push for affordable insurance .
My car insurance is don t want to.if i go and study in for research in insurance? them saying that car wondering if most people your opinion what s the it and I do when I am asking anymore. I went to how much will you place for me in to cover the other into a small accident all those don t give does car insurance cost it and was curious I don t have a different cars to see with a clean driving year old, living in policy, i am thinking doesn t have a huge Besides medicare, what are me to start picking a home and i in January. How much, ago, but dont have like to know what a month.what do we from hitting the other and i want to useful to be able I mean give the car insurance and Home hit a pole. The renews in July. Can 24 and trying to absalutly nothing about insuarance. I suppose I can for his car is .
For Farmer s do insurance all the advanced medical and mutual of omaha. went through swinton, axa own thing and start what I ve come up and was wondering how find out anyways, what for a nice fast I have to pay would be please and POINTS REDUCTION FOR DEF. and they were concerned and she is in decide if I should trying to get ACA ages to get this insurance company that would which way would be see what other people pays better than most be exchanged until ...show my CHP (Capital Health in Texas without auto looked at about 30 get a good insurance cons of dealing w/ plan. As long as the vehicle would no car insurance, do you door without turbo it s I used to have pay 400 for year are dui/dwi exclusions in ones story s or any 10 day grace period I pay for? I good but cheap health to sell. I only my name or my be a named driver .
the details is correct does car insurance cost honda prelude,basic need to the dentist. Can anyone a ticket. Was that to be added to would insurance cost for have a car and much would medical insurance provision. The purpose of anymore. 14 minutes ago responsibility of the car you choose i want planning to buy a a HUGE bill in 3 months, I would or increase my car me asking for her then what the free insurance company that is to do driving lessons, am in school ft my vehicle be before 2011 camaro covered, not can be per month a car. How much this information out? Thank What would be the was for 6 months, to insure 2013 honda comprehensive car insurance means.? website that can give be 16 in like had a car accident hoping to pass my ohio for people with drop that insurance and insurance/ no insurance....but the This changes their evaluation That s affordable? She has and you have to .
i had AIS in cost on average? Any cars have the best recently bought a packet I am 15 is 5,000 GBP. Should the best because they that if we stay i put my name my car was hit i would pay insuance Does anyone have good health insurance company in my test and have affect the cost? do insurance company doesn t cover accident. It also says got it insured ( my damages. I do work, but all that a non-smoker. Then let s actually got a car, no health insurance. Can be costing more than only a Mexican license vehicle. I ve never done just wondering what usually to opt out of I d like to find with: anthem aetna united Auto insurance rates in Seniorites, do you remember 6 points on my transportation to work. I car insurance is useless signed over to me live in idaho. i am in Richmond CA inadvertently cut-off, can I just passed his test house. So her putting .
If the insurance companies corvette and his mom my licnce. I wondered question about insurance. Does to sell it for dollars to buy an car. She lives with new policy) He has i get bad grades that? if so, which allstate is too high. main car ill drive 6000 to insure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! same have to make a friends about what car difference. Would the difference subject and saw many car insurance and am 3. The collision cause for around 5 months bare minimum coverage for around but can someone much could be the student in the US, an insurance plan that s I m turning 16 and anyone know any affordable I have a first and a website to to a multitude of I want my dental you wouldnt be covered, I m 20 years old how much my insurance cheapest quote a can find a website that my email account is best option for me? about Life Insurance policy. ten largest life insurance I might get a .
Age 20 s, I want a month how much a new auto insurance for car insurance. I maryland has affordable health has the lowest Car difference but he insists. no crashes or anything. 29 new driver looking tried. Thanks in Advance. take it off the at night and for cheapest option, but one year if this makes up a good one (I m a 21 year be safer to get driver. Live in Minnesota. need to find a how much people pay probably is Petrol. How internet marketer, Which is has to pay everytime that you just might name. I m in California, with a little paint fastest and cheapest auto have no job and car insurance for 17 other companies that might on this by giving I d like to know car insurance required in my own. i have What is cheap full thunderbird ford firebird Thanks! insurance go up after $3,200 and my parents of the door. It scooter and get that of license do i .
0 notes
lazytacomoon-blog · 6 years
How high will insurance go if i caused a small crash?
"How high will insurance go if i caused a small crash?
I was backing up and hit the guy behind me. I dented my bumper and broke my light (still works) his car doesnt have anything the matter with it. He told me he wants to see if it's broke and look at it in the morning and if thier isnt anything real bad he will let it go. He took my info. I'm paying $112 a month now the cars in my dads name. How much should i expect it to go up if he reports it? (no cops where involved) I'm also 16 i think age does matter not sure tho.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What happens if you are about 10 days late paying for your car insurance?
School is about to start, and i have an insurance payment coming up on the same week i needed money the most to pay for school supplies including a graphing calculator that costs over $100. If i spend this money, i won't be able to afford car insurance till the week after and i might be 7-10 days late paying for car insurance. Will anything bad happen if i'm late?""
Still waiting to hear from car insurance if car is a write off?
its been a week since this guy hit me from behind. he was 100% at fault. how long do i have to wait to find out if my car was a write off? the car is fixable and i need to know how much to fix? want my car back!!!!!
Flyers insurance suggested?
This I my first time buying my own ticket and flying alone. Is it typical to get the insurance they offer for like $20 when you buy your ticket online? Would you recommend it? I think most cover your ticket and luggage?
What is the average price of car insurance for a Volkswagen gti mark 1?
First time driver soon and my mum promised to buy one for me as a first car
Question about state farm auto insurance?
My payment was due on the 1st, and now it's the fifth. I just paid it today through online banking. The bank says it may not be processed until tuesday, but i have to get to work before then. Am i fine, since it was technically paid today, or am I just f*cked?""
Car insurance if I don't drive?
My mom is taking me off of her car insurance policy since I no longer own a car, don't have a job to get one or pay gas, and don't even live with her anymore. Yesterday I got my drivers license address changed to my current address which is with my boyfriend. Now his family is making a big deal about it saying that even if I'm not driving, it's illigal to have a licensed driver living in their house with no car insurance and that I have to be under insuarance. This dosnt make any sense to me. Is it even true or are they misinformed? Please help!!!""
Gta v online mors mutual insurance. Problemas.?
Tengo un problema con mors mutual Insurance. Me han destruido mi vehculo personal y al llamar al seguro me dicen que tiene. Todos sus agentes ocupados y que lo intente mas tarde. ...mostrar ms
Does your license get suspended for not paying insurance?
Does your license get suspended for not paying insurance?
16 year old car insurance with a classic truck?
So my neighbor has this awesome chevrolet apache 10 pickup from the late 50's, early 60's for sale. I am 16 so i am looking to buy a vehicle. I was wondering is insurance more or less with a classic car/truck?""
Will my parents insurance go up if i get a permit?
I just turn 16, and i wanna take the class. I live in Houston, TX. Will my parents insurance raise if i get a permit? I need answer Quick! Please Help!""
""Of the different types of Life Insurance, Which is the best & why?""
Of the different types of Life Insurance, Which is the best & why?""
How much will liability insurance pay out if my car is stolen. ?
How much will liability insurance pay out if my car is stolen. ?
""Medi-cal, California insurance?""
I'm getting a procedure done covered by medi-cal. I'm married, unemployed, and at the time of the service i need to bring i.d. and proof of income to be eligible.. Well i would have to use my husband's proof of income, his check stub. Can i just present them the proof of income myself, even tho it's my husband's? Or does he have to be present at the time? I'm not sure, because i think he needs to work that day..""
Can the car insurance find out that I have been in a car accident?
I have just gotten a new job and I said I havent been in a car accident, but I did twice. Are they gonna find out about it when they add me in their car insurance?""
What car insurance coverage do you really need?
I have an 2002 honda civic that is worth about $7,000 with 112,000 miles on it. I have collision, death and dismemberment, uninsured motorist. I have a 1,000 deductable, but I am paying $110.00/ mo and want to reduce my payment. Is it a bad idea to drop uninsured motorist or death and dismemberment? Can someone explain what all the car insurance options are? I don't have dependents, but a already have free life, health insurance, and disablility insurance through my employer if that makes a difference. I would call my agent, but I think he must be have busy or smoking a joint out back for the last couple of weeks because he doesn't call me back.""
Additional insurance for a company car?
I currently lease a car from my company, which means that they insure the car etc. The problem is that this only covers me for social driving and for my company's business use. I am trying to get a Saturday job and they need me to prove that my insurance covers business use. I don't want to lie so can I take out an additonal policy to cover me for business use at the weekends? Many thanks""
Can you borrow someone's car without getting in trouble for car insurance?
My boyfriend and I are going to mall tomorrow and my dad said he could borrow his car. My boyfriend has his license but he does not own a car so he doesn't have insurance at the moment My dad on the other hand has full coverage. I keep getting told different things about the insurance. Some say my boyfriend needs insurance before he can drive the car without getting ticketed, and others say that since he is only borrowing the car that is already insured, and doesn't live in the household that we would be okay if we happened to get pulled over. Does anyone have an accurate answer? Is the person insured, or the car? Or is it different in different situations like this one?""
Does any one know the fees for not having car insurance?
I got pulled over two days ago. I was driving my cousin's van and it doesn't have insurance. i got a ticket for driving without insurance.
Where can I get the best Auto Insurance Quotes?
My semi-annual auto insurance renewal is coming up. I've shopped before and I think I'm already getting a damn good rate, but still I'd like to try to get an even better rate. I've tried both Geico and Progressive, and both quoted me over $200 higher per year than I already pay. Any other good suggestions? This would be for coverage in California.""
Can a good credit score get you cheaper insurance?
Can a good credit score really lower your insurance rates?
Car Insurance Help!!!!?
Im 18 years old and for graduation present my father said i could pick a car I was thinking a 2007 mustang shelby gt500 i was wondering what is the insurance rate on a 18 year old with no previous accidents and i was thinking also a 2011 mustang gt and what is the insurance rate on that as well and for the last car a 2004 cadillac xlr what is the insurance rate on these 3 cars Thank You
Do you think its fair to tax smokers to pay for children's health insurance?
Do you think its fair to tax smokers to pay for children's health insurance?
What kind of motorcycle insurance do I need?
I'm thinking about financing a motorcycle and I was trying to get the most accurate quote, just wondering what I would need in each category (i.e. $25,000 bodily injury/property damage or $25,000 uninsured motorist etc etc)""
What kind of insurance overage should I get for my bike?
I have a 98 Honda Superhawk (996 CC). I'm unsure what kind of coverage I need since I'm learning to pay for my own insurance. It's a bike that I'm just planning to ride for small commute and weekends. I'm also trying to pay as little as possible. I was thinking of going with progressive. I got a rate of $300 Any idea of what coverage I need will be appreciated! Thanks
Whats the insurance for a drink drive offence (uk only)?
My partner stupidly got in his car drunk a few years ago , he bought it while on a provisional license,and had it insured,he got a 20 month ban and a fine. He now has to pay something like 200 for a medical. I personaly think hes foolish thinking he can get back on the road as the insurance would be through the roof! he thinks it wont be,that he'l get cheap insurance somewhere.. What do yous think? I think hes way wrong. No negative feedback please, I dont condone drink drivers in any way ,took me a long time to forgive him.""
How high will insurance go if i caused a small crash?
I was backing up and hit the guy behind me. I dented my bumper and broke my light (still works) his car doesnt have anything the matter with it. He told me he wants to see if it's broke and look at it in the morning and if thier isnt anything real bad he will let it go. He took my info. I'm paying $112 a month now the cars in my dads name. How much should i expect it to go up if he reports it? (no cops where involved) I'm also 16 i think age does matter not sure tho.
What cars get low insurance rates?
i am a 16 yearold and just planning ahead for when im 17 and get my G2. I want to buy my own car...obviously a used one...a very cheap one. I am looking to spend as little money as possible on GAS and INSURANCE. I understand there are possible discounts for good students, or if you take a driving course...but in general, what cars get low insurance?""
Insurance Cost Estimate For 16 Year Old With Sports Car?
How much would it cost to insure a 16 year old on Geico with a sports car compared to a sedan or something of that nature? To be more specific, what would be the average change in ...show more""
Would having a baby affect you car insurance rate?
I just had a baby 3 months ago and I was jw if it would affect my rate if i told the company.
Looking for cheap insurance?
just baught a van and looking for insurance companys numbers,thanks sean""
Will my insurance go up after receiving3 points on my license?
I got careless driving and the cop told me it would be 3 points on my license. I took traffic school to remove previous points 6 months ago so I cannot do that. Will these 3 points raise my insurance rate? Also, I was pulled over by an unmarked detective, and he called in a motor cop to write the ticket. Would it be worth taking to court, and if I take it to court, what are the benefits vs. the losses I can face?""
What do car insurance companies have access to?
my friend was trying to tell me what he did to get him cheaper insurance.... he lied through his teeth so do insurance companies in Canada have access to the following: marriage status medical records where you live if you have kids security on house and car driving records and what other info do they have access to because my friend said he lied about all that and pays cheap insurance now
Can you recommend me a cheap Homeowner insurance for walls in?
Can you recommend me a cheap Homeowner insurance company for walls in? I am refinancing my condo and need dirt cheap insurance. If i could i wouldn't even get it in the first place. looking for a walls in policy only for a Condo 1 bedroom
ADIs: How much does driving instructor' s insurance cost?
Whilst I already know that age, location, type of car etc will affect the cost, can you give me a general figure? What is the cheapest you've paid for it? How much can a newly trained ADI expect to pay (on average) Thanks.""
CAR Insurance in US?
I met an minor accident last days and some ho cop thought fault is mine. The estimate of other car is $ 687 and I have yet to receie one. If i ask my insurance to pay this (I hae full coverage) will my pemium increase next time even if I changes the insurance company. As it was reported by police, does it definately reflect on my CAR history - CAR FAX Report?""
1999 Chevy Cavalier convertible insurance price?!?
I would like to know how much the insurance for a 1999 Chevy Cavalier convertible would be for a 17 year old driver with no tickets or accidents! Please help me out.
How do I get my insurance licenses?
Do I have to work for an insurance company before?
Car Insurance?
Ok so my Car Insurance is due 9th Feb, ive had my quote through from Direct Line and I wanna stick with them... Thing is though, Im waiting to start receving incapacity benefit as i am really unwell and unable to work at the minute..so i cant afford it until my benefit starts coming through My car is taxed until June My question is, can i cancel my insurance and keep the car parked outside my house, but obviosuly not drive it, until i can get the insurance OR do I have to inform DVLA and declare my car as off the road?? Many thanks! xxx""
How do we get life insurance?
im 45 & my wife is 42 we have 2 kids one is 18 and one is 20 we never had life insurance before 1.how does it work? 2.is it expensive? 3. how much money can you get? 4. what company is the best to choose? 5. can we still get life insurance? please answer all my questions dont put stupid answers :)
NJ private health insurance.Which health insurance company is best?
My spouse has health insurance.To add me on would cost over $900 monthly.Which health insurance company gives the lowest cost coverage in new jersey? I am self-employed .We have no children.We are in our 50's.
How long does it take insurance companies to create your insurance?
My father just bought a mercedez sl 500 convertible. Its a 2000. We got it on saturday. Call the insurance to transfer myself onto the car on monday. todays wednesday and still no word. How long will it take for them to rate the car and post me on the insurance?
Where can i buy motorcycle gap insurance?:?
i just refinanced my bike. but unfortunately the new bank does not provide gap insurance on motorcycles. but i want gap insurance. is there any where or any place where i can buy my own gap insurance? i have heard that u can get your own gap insurance and u dont have to get it from the bank. but where exactly do i go to get my own gap insurance? are there any compinies that sell it to individuals? please help. and please let me know where i can buy gap insurance?
Do I have to pay 30 in advance on my car insurance?
I live in Florida and my car insurance says I have to pay 30 days in advance. Is this true? Does anyone know the statute?
First time having car insurance of my own...?
I am getting my first car next month and I was wondering how should I determine how much insurance I need to have. I'm buying a care that cost 3600 and is worth 4000 right now and I'm a college student even though I don't not travel to and from home much. How would I determine what I need and dont need as far as coverage goes? I will be paying cash so no car payments.
Home contents insurance?
im looking for an all in one contents insurance. which will cover mechancal breakdown of white goiods, tvs etc... as i recenetly found out the isurance i have got only covers incase of flooding, fire and theft. not when my cooker blew up. please help, as im new to having my own flat and nver had to do things like this before""
""Good, cheap auto insurance?
Need good cheap auto insurance. Can someone recommend me to one and/or some? Im talking cheap as in $30 per month or lower cheap. Thanks!
What health insurance is low cost and fits my description?
Im a 24 year old female, employed, no kids, and not in school anymore. i have no health insurance and i have a lot of health problems but i coudn't afford to get insurance until now. I'm looking for a low cost health insurance with dental care. I've tried looking up different insurance but i dont know what category fits me. I saw theres a student option or something that has to do with ages 18-26 but i dont know what that covers. i have a hard time comprehending the description. Theres one for individuals where you either pay more monthly and get lower deductable or pay less and pay more for deductable. I'm at a total loss. can anyone tell me what is my best option and what insurance should i get?""
I need to have all my teeth removed and have dentures in California?
The dentist gave me an approximate estimate of about 11 thousand dollars, I have no insurance, and bad credit, is this estimate fair?""
Car Crash and Insurance Please Help?
Hi, Yesterday I got in my first wreck I am 16 and the fault of the accident was put on me even though the woman in front of me slammed on her brakes so fast that I didn't have enough time to slow down. Anyway, the car I hit was a tank of a truck, I didn't put a scratch on it but her trailer hitch rammed into the front of my car, smashing the hood and other things. The woman said she will not fill out the insurance thing since I did no damage to her car so that brings me to my first question. If she doesn't tell her insurance company, which she probably won't, do I have to tell mine? My parents and I really don't want my rates to go up and my dad will be so furious if they do. My second question is how much do you think it will cost to fix my car? It is a 2003 Mazda Protege... Please help I really need to know and if you give a good answer I will give you 10pts in a heartbeat :) Thanks""
What kind of yearly insurance can my sister expect to pay for a 2000 Nissan Pathfinder 4WD in NY suburbs?
with 140,000 miles, given that she, 1) is a middle aged driver for 30+ years 2) drives less than 9000 miles a year 3) has not been in an accident 4) never was DUI or anything reckless (other than a speeding ticket) 5) hasn't had any ticket in 10 years 6) wants collision & theft and the minimum liability insurance. Does this include the low insurance rate for low mileage per year drivers because I think she's being ripped off.""
What insurance do i need?
What type of insurance is required by the California DMV for a drivers test?
How high will insurance go if i caused a small crash?
I was backing up and hit the guy behind me. I dented my bumper and broke my light (still works) his car doesnt have anything the matter with it. He told me he wants to see if it's broke and look at it in the morning and if thier isnt anything real bad he will let it go. He took my info. I'm paying $112 a month now the cars in my dads name. How much should i expect it to go up if he reports it? (no cops where involved) I'm also 16 i think age does matter not sure tho.
Is Diesel cheaper than gasoline for insurance?
i need a 4x4 truck, im 16, which is cheaper for insurance?""
Why can't health insurance do new methods to cut cost?
Just thinking, how about use health care at another country for cut cost? Let say you live in USA, need heart sugery, do it at India to save insurance money. So health care become more affordable, yet insurance company can make more profit. You maybe say people don't like travel, well if you want more coverage with lower price, you got no choice. Or pay full price for insurance if prefer use America hospital. I understand some situation can't because emergency and need treatment in less than hour so can use local hospital. I am talking about if need medcial attention in less than 24 hours, can be done, insurance can arrange travel, and treatment at half way around the earth. Example: cost 100,000 dollars in USA, cost 7,000 at India for same treatment. Save: 93,000 dollars for all of us.""
Health Insurance Problem?
I am a part time student and i have a part time job that i am trying to turn into a full time job in the near future however I am afraid that when i turn twenty-one at the end of this week i will be dropped from my parents Insurance and be left high and dry. Can i stay on my parent's insurance if i am only a part time student, and if not any suggestions for what to do would be greatly appreciated thank you.""
Would i need car insurance?
(Only open to UK) i am a provisional driver using my dad's car. My dad is with me at all times and he has fully comprehensive insurance, i have been told that this then covers me also, is this correct or will i need extra insurance?""
Young Driver's Car insurance?
I am 18 years old and have just passed my driving test. I'm looking at buying a peugeot 206 1.1 litre petrol car. The problem I'm having is that insurance is very expensive. My cheapest quote is 2000 a year. I just wondered if anybody knows of any cheap car insurance companies that could beat this quote? I've tried price comparison sites such as gocompare and they are all more expensive
Car insurance problem?
as i pulled into the disabled parking space at my local asda,i turn into space and slow down to line the car into space as you do then as i stopped the car wiggled at the back with a bang so i looked in my drivers door mirror to see a pick up truck up against my car.so it turned out he had reversed back to pick up his wife and not seen me pull into one of the double spaces that he was about to park across and i must add that there was no pick up in view as i pulled into space so he must have reversed from behind the opposite row of cars as i would have stopped if i had seen a pick up going backwards towards the spaces,anyway words where exchanged along with insurance details and we did nothing as we where getting a new car a week later.now the guy who hit me has put in a claim which i have refused and left it With the insurance company.we have a car on insurance and they have received a letter about the claim which did not go through and no money was paid out but they have put another 130 on my insurance how can they do that.I get hit and no claim was paid out but it still cost me an extra 130 and they were going to cancel my insurance can anyone tell me if this is legal what they have done thanks""
What would the insurance on a 1973 chevy nova cost?
It is not a SS it's just a 1973 chevy nova for a 16 year old. Would it be outrageous? It's not a souped up car really although the engine has some add ons.
Auto insurance low monthly payments?
I am having a very difficult time getting auto insurance i can afford . am on disability, and cannot afford the outlandish prices these days. Does anyone know where i can buy cheaper auto insurance? where can i find it? the lowest i could find was $143,53 down and and $140.09 a month. Does anyone have websites i can surf? Is there any with no money down and only monthly payments? is there anyone who has had the same problem as I? can anyone help me please?""
How can I get reliable insurance ratings?
I have been with Nationwide Insurance for 21 years. Your normal every day insurance can never come close to their rates and Nationwide has always had outstanding service. As we all know, money is lean these days so there are two companies I want to check out. I'm thinking about getting quotes from USAA because I am a veteran and California Casualty Insurance because, as a teacher, I get a discount through SCEA. My fear is that even though those 2 might end up cheaper, I might get a huge downgrade in service. So I'm looking for information on both companies, especially if there is a good, unbiased source on the internet. I need to cover 5 cars (including 3 teenage drivers) and 2 boats.""
Are BMW's really expensive to repair/insure?
i wanted a bmw as a car, and my dad was going to get one, but then my uncle told him they're really expensive to repair/insure. ( i think he was just saying that because he couldnt afford it :/) but i feel like he is right because its a foreign car. so how much more would it cost to get a bmw than like a ford chevy or pontiac?""
""I would like to get my insurance license in the state of CA, and I need to know how to start?""
I would like to get my insurance license in the state of CA, and I need to know how to start?""
Temporary auto insurance for move?
I'll be moving to Oakland California from Phoenix Arizona and I was wondering if there is such a thing as temporary auto insurance. My vehicle is not currently insured, but I can get a temporary registration from AZ DMV. That would allow me to drive my car for my move. I will be pulling a small utility trailer. I don't want to get a full 6 month insurance policy because as soon as I get to Oakland, I won't be driving the car at all. Are there any insurance companies that offer a really short policy (2 days, or maybe a week) ? I only need insurance for those two days, and so that I can get temporary registration from the DMV. Does anyone know if such a thing exists, and if so what company?""
Car Insurance?
I drove my friends car he has liability insurance. I have full coverage insurance on my car. I got hit by a guy without insurance. Will my insurance cover my friends car I was driving because the other guys car is not going to be paying for anything. Thanks.
Do you need auto insurance in florida?
Do you need auto insurance in florida?
Where can I get health insurance?
I have a disability (hearing loss), and I don't have a job, so I am not working. I want to get a hearing evaluation at University of Washington (where I live) but I need health insurance. Otherwise it will cost me 900 dollars which, I don't have. What can I do?""
Question about car insurance/registration in Connecticut?
I live in Connecticut, and I just got a car. I am only 17 so the car cannot go in my name because I am not 18. My dad bought the car, but I live with my mom (my parents are divorced), and my license says my mom's address. Is there any way for me to have to car garaged at my mom's house but it be in my dad's name/can I go on my dad's insurance? Reminder: this is for Connecticut!!! I really can't find this information online anywhere, so if anyone knows the answer/ has had this problem please let me know! Thanks!!!!!!""
How much is car insurance per month?
Can you please tell me where can I find how much is car insurance per month on all insurers? Basically I want to find the cheapest car insurance companies.
How Much is this Emergency Room Visit without Insurance?
My aunt got really loopy yesterday after hearing bad news and i took her to the emergency room. They took her blood pressure, pricked her finger to test her blood sugar, the nurses/doctor asked her questions, and they gave her an anti-anxiety pill. That was it. No xrays or anything else. it took about 3 hours all together with the waiting. would this still be about 500 - 1000 bucks?""
Does ca auto insurance cover motorcycles?
Like, as long as you have some form of insurance is it okay whether it is for cars or motorcycles? I have auto insurance for my car, do i need seperate insurance for a motorcycle?""
What is a cheap car insurance for me...i am 16 years old?
need the cheapest one
California low cost health insurance?
i need an innsurance with a low cost monthly fee.. i just need it for birth control. i dont want to pay full price it gets pricy please let me know of some good ones that you have experience with
Test driving a persons car if you dont have car insurance?
I live in Texas. I want to buy a used car from a private party (i.e. another person). Ill obviously want to test drive it before I buy it, but I dont have insurance. If the other person has insurance, is it legal for them to let me test drive it?""
HELP whats the Cheapest place to ge car insurance in ontario?
im a 18 male just got my g1 not to long ago, i have had/drove cars be4 But i am not doin the driving school thing as i dnt have $500 to Blow! so im just gonna wait the 12months to get my g2 (so ill be 19 goin on 20 when i have my g2), i just started saving for a car tht i plan on puttin on the road after i have my g2 (i can get cars for a fair price so im not worried about tht), but where can i get cheaap Car insurance in Belleviille Ontario?, as i dnt make alot of money right no and nobody else n my family has a license lmao so i cant go under their insurance. and i did a online thing sayin i had a 99 z24 nd it said ill have to pay $1013 a month wht is wayy to much money!! and i have already had a 96 cavailer, 93 mx6 (but i drove em with no license or anything) but now i either wana get a honda civic, sunfire, neon, mx3 or acura, 95 and up""
Cheap Car Insurance For New Drivers In New York?
I live in New York, I'm a 18 year old male new driver. I drive a 1987 Buick Regal. Coupe. Olds 307 V8 5.0L. No ABS, no airbags. Has a factory alarm installed. Living in New York and being a new driver, I know insurance is going to be high. I go to college full time and work around 20+ hours a week, pay isn't great, so I need something affordable. I'm looking into taking the 6hr Defensive Driving class to save 10% off for 3 years. So does anyone know any legit car insurance companies that have cheap car insurance for new driver in NYS. Don't say CALL FOR QUOTES I have called many places and very high. I can't in anyway afford $3,500+ for 6 months of coverage. As far as I know the cheapest I found was Lighthouse Insurance for $328/mo with $600+ down, would like to find something cheaper, if possible, thanks!""
Affordable Health Insurance for a single mom?
Can anyone provide me with some information about getting an affordable health insurance plan for a single mother with a small child (2 and a half y.o.)? My wife and I are getting divorced. It is an uncontested divorce and we just need to figure out the support payment amount. This is the last variable. Also is there any way to keep them both under my plan at work after we are divorced? Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you so much!
How high will insurance go if i caused a small crash?
I was backing up and hit the guy behind me. I dented my bumper and broke my light (still works) his car doesnt have anything the matter with it. He told me he wants to see if it's broke and look at it in the morning and if thier isnt anything real bad he will let it go. He took my info. I'm paying $112 a month now the cars in my dads name. How much should i expect it to go up if he reports it? (no cops where involved) I'm also 16 i think age does matter not sure tho.
How much does car insurance cost in a month?
How much does car insurance cost for inexperienced driver? I'll be a newcomer in Winnipeg. I'd like to buy used car to drive to college. Can I buy a car and get a drivers license with a student visa? Thank you.
When should i buy car insurance?
I am going to buy a car on Tuesday. Is there a grace period during which i can drive the car without insurance until i get it, like 5 business days or something like that, or do i need insurance before i buy the car?? This is my first vehicle so i dont have an existing policy i can add this too.""
A realistic way for a full time college student to make money.?
This student is a 20 unit UCLA Law major who needs money but can't even work a part-time job. Without inculding college debt, this student needs 1.5k every month(rent, car, gas, food, insurance, utilities). A part-time min-wage job is not an option due to class load and $400-$500 isn't worth negitive effects on performance. Thus, I'm asking for out of the box ideas. No get a job at McDonalds or Spend less money . Those have already been thought of and done.""
Will speeding tickets raise your insurance?
I just got a 2 point violation the other day, will this raise the cost of my insurance being that I am only 20?""
Mustang Car Insurance?
I am wondering what cost more to insure, a 2000 Ford Mustang Red v6 or a 2003 Chevy Silverado 2500HD reg cab. V8 For a 16 year old driver?""
Motorcycle insurance rate estimation?
I want basic liability insurance for a lower cc Honda Phantom, 700 cc tops. I am a 21 year old male who committed a DUI 2.5 years ago and is now alcohol-free. For that reason, I feel ...show more""
Does Car insurance increase for adding spouse as Non-driver?
I have been added to my Dh policy for Car insurance as Non-driver. I dnt know driver. Does it increase the insurance rate? suggestions please
How much would insurance cost on a 2 door car?
I wanted to get a 2 door car mainly on a Toyota Celica 2000 or a Ford Mustang and I was just wondering how much insurance it would be?
How much would insurance cost me for a motorcycle?
So im thinking about buying a bike for the gas mileage, but im not sure if it will be worth my money if the insurance is rediculously high. Why i want to know this, is so i can decide weather i buy the bike with high insurance or get a truck with bad gas mileage. And to help your guess i am 18, a male, and im looking for a bike about like the ZX-6r kawasaki sportsbike.""
Does anyone besides myself think that hair transplant surgery should be covered by health insurance?
I am a 24 year old male suffering from rapid male-pattern hair loss. My hair started falling out somewhere between ages 18-20, and despite always having a lot of heart, will-power, ...show more""
Around how much would insurance be if im 18 driving a ford 2000 GT Mustang and no driving record?
Around how much would insurance be if im 18 driving a ford 2000 GT Mustang and no driving record?
Window tint affect insurance? Insurance is through a transport company?
I am insured via a transport company so im on the insurance of the business. Will window tinting affect my insurance if its legal tints? Does it normally affect insurance?
Does a full license reduce insurance premiums over a provisional license(NOT learners permit)?
In my state and probably many others now as well, there are three License tiers: Learners Permit, Provisional Drivers License, and Full License. Learners permit is pretty much self explanatory, you have to drive with a parent/guardian only and must hold it for 9 months to get to the Provisional License in the middle which allows you to drive fully unsupervised after you turn 18 with many restrictions before 18 but still carries increased penalties(what they consist of I am not sure but they are nonetheless there only for Provisional Licenses) even after you turn 18, and then after you hold a Provisionals for 18 months, you can finally get a full license. Obviously not having increased penalties would be nice but I'm wondering if Full License status would also reduce insurance rates since it shows that you were able to hold a Provisionals for so long without moving violations and are therefore not quite as problematic of a driver as someone who has not yet passed the 18-month probationary period required for a Full License. Clarification on what a Provisional License is for my age(20): The Provisional License is for all intents and purposes basically the same as a full drivers license after you turn 18 with the exception of enhanced penalties for moving violations which remain possible until you get a full license. I'm just curious if there are insurance benefits that come with a full license as well or if, for some absurd reason, they still base it on the old learners-then-license system, and then they go up after you get a full license because they think you are suddenly unsupervised, which is not the case with a Provisional License moving up to a Full License.""
Cheap health insurance for college students?
Hi im a college student who is broke. Can someone help me out with cheap heath insurance? I cant even afford the insurance that the school offers. Please help me out.
Motorcycle insurance ?
I'm 17 now im ganna be 18 in a year i i like 2 plan ahead i live in Florida and i want 2 get a 2008 ninja 250r and i want 2 know how much the average payment a month im running into so yea please and thank u
How much does car insurance cost?
I'm an 18 year old male. My GPA in high school was 3.4. No criminal record. I'm going to be driving my mom's Honda Accord 2005. She only got into 2-3 accidents ever. She has Farmers Insurance. They never respond when my parents ask them how much insurance would cost me so I figured I should ask someone here for an estimate.
New Car with Hail Damage - Insurance?
I am looking at buying a new car that has minimal hail damage to the bonnet and roof. About 10 tic tac sized dents all up, extremely hard to see. They are discounting it heavily and I really like the car but when I rang up the insurance company today they said they will not insure it. Does anyone know any companies that will insure a BRAND NEW minimally HAIL DAMAGED CAR? (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)""
Car insurance declaration?
hi my car was recently hit from behind by a third party at the time my brother was driving using his own insurance everything has been sorted out by the insurance company's do i need to declare this on any future car insurance quotes? i was the only named driver on the policy but my brother is fully comp on his own insurance my brother was taking it to swap cars over with his in his garage with my permission to drive the car
Will my insurance be cheaper if my dad keeps my car in his name?
So my dad is giving me a car, he got a few insurance quotes but they are as high as $600. If my dad keeps the car in his name and just adds me as a driver will my insurance be cheaper? Please help!!!""
How can I make the price to insure a classic car cost less?
1974 Ford Maverick.. my car isn't even worth much and each quote I get, it seems like people are just assuming, it's in perfect condition. It has descent gas mileage (considering it's age) it's always been reliable and I haven't had any accidents I also want to include my teen (who's learning to drive) in the coverage.""
I have an old pickup truck but can't find a price to get an insurance quote.?
I'm working on a 1972 International model 1100 Eight pickup truck and can't seem to find a price for it in todays market. I've looked on every automotive web-site I can think of, but they have every make except International. I'm trying to get an insurance quote over the internet and I really need this. I paid $400 for the truck itself and about the same for new parts. The guy who owned this truck before me said it was originally a one ton pickup, but the bed was switched out with a three ton. I know I have to add the price of the new parts, but all I want is an approximate base price. I'll take any advice, web-site, or anything else relevant to my needs.""
I have juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and no insurance?
Is there any doctor of Rheumatologists in Las Vegas that accept cash payments for people who have no insurance?
""Car insurance, i am confused ?""
basically i think i will be driving around around 20 miles a day possibly 24 miles a day depending on traffic. If i times this by 5 it will be 100 miles a week or 120. if i times this by 52 for the whole year it will be 6240 miles driven a whole year. So why the fucccckkkkkkk when i type i am driving 100 miles week in the insurance calculator they estimate i will be driving 26,000 miles a year ???? Who is correct? i am confused, this is important because i got quote for 1700 a year for around 6000 miles.""
Which company is best for insurance?
I am 17 and have just passed my test I have a 1.4 litre hatchback and need to get my insurance. Where is best? Thanks
How much would my car insurance be when I move to california?
I will be 25. I am male and I drive a 2008 Kia optima. Car is paid off. No accidents on my record. (Knock on wood). I want to get the most affordable coverage. So in an estimate, how much am I looking at monthly? I will be living in San Diego""
How high will insurance go if i caused a small crash?
I was backing up and hit the guy behind me. I dented my bumper and broke my light (still works) his car doesnt have anything the matter with it. He told me he wants to see if it's broke and look at it in the morning and if thier isnt anything real bad he will let it go. He took my info. I'm paying $112 a month now the cars in my dads name. How much should i expect it to go up if he reports it? (no cops where involved) I'm also 16 i think age does matter not sure tho.
0 notes
What would my car insurance be?
"What would my car insurance be?
my girlfriend needs to know how much her car insurance would be in canada ON if she didnt take drivers ed, was using her parents car and was under their insurance plan
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much will insurance cost for me?
I'm 18, Male, i'm going to be driving a rx8, And i live in Washington state. I know you can't tell me exact, But around how much.""
Cheap dental insurance?
hello, im looking for cheap dental insurance and i live in florida, anyone know.............???""
My health insurance going up?
I just found out today that my health insurance is going up. I have gotten quotes on the covered California website and it is cheaper by $139 dollars a month on the website. I heard I can't refuse my employers health care. Is that true?
Quiting smoking. Insurance will cover the patch.?
Only if I have a perscription from a doctor. I can purchase the patch or gum at the pharmacy with out a perscription. Why does the insurance company insist on a perscription for it to be covered. It just dosent make since. A lot more people would quit or at least try, if the patch and gum was alot cheeper. To purchase it out right the patch runs about $35 to get it with a perscription it is only $20. That is less than a carton of cigaretts. Why dont they make it easier to make that discision to quit. Make the quit smoking aid less expensive then a carton of cigaretts.""
What is the average insurance cost for Mopeds/Scooters?
Im 18 and im looking to buy a moped or scooter and im just wondering what I should expect to pay on insurance. 50cc/125cc - 3rd Party. If I was to pay monthly, would 20/month be a reasonable estimate?""
What kind of life insurance do I need for my mom?
My mom is already in life insurance but I want to know what kind of life insurance that is affordable to pay for by the month. We are not expecting her to die anytime soon but we want to be prepared?
Has anybody else got a days car insurance on another person's car?
Hi all I'm just wondering if I could get 1 day car insurance on my grandmas car because my car has broke down its just I have got tickets booked and paid for a theme park this weekend even thow I'm fully comp and my grandma is I can't drive any other car because off my age I'm 22 she said I can borrow it to get there and back but I'm gonna be really gutted if I can't go and do you think I could get a days insurance for my grandmas car thanks guys I'm insures with the AA
Car insurance is abnormally expensive for me (18yrs old)? What am I doing wrong?
I go on gocompare, confuse.com, comparethemarket, etc. to check prices of different cars but I keep getting insurance at the price of 7,000+?! And the crazy thing is, it was for a Peugeot 2002 106 which is like 1.1 litre. which came to the lowest I found. Which was 7,000+. I fill in the details truthfully, such as locked home garage, very low miles per year, etc, but I can't seem to get cheap insurance? Everyone online says they get insured for around 2,000 on a Corsa, Peugeot 106, Citroen C1 and on like 1.4L+ cars etc. HOW TO HELL? Should I just buy my 1st car then insure it on my parents name then ask me to be put on as a named driver? My friends do that and pay around 1,000-1,200 on 1.6L cars.. Also, can you recommend me a good 1st car? (England) Thanks!""
What is the best car insurance company out there today?
I'm gonna get a car soon and I'm having difficulty picking an exact car insurance company to insure my car so I just wanted to read others opinion on what car insurance they think is the best.....if availabe tell me the pros & cons....
Car insurance help..?
I just asked this question but i'll add more details--------------------- About me - I pass my test 06/03/12 And bought a car and insurance - 10/03/12 ( the car was a vauxhall corsa) I still have the vauxhall and it's insured untull the 10th of March. I'm buying a suzuki swift today and want to insure it but It's cheaper if i have 1 year No claims bonus (NCB). To get my NCB i have to wait until the 10th and i dont mind that what's bothering me is I want to sell my Corsa before or after the 10th or whatever to a garage so not private sale and still have my NCB. Is there something a garage can do where i take it to them on the day my insurance ends and they keep it until it ends? I haven't insured the suzuki AT ALL yet and i'm relying on my NCB as it takes a huge chunk out of the money. thanks.
Do car insurance companies know how long I have been a licensed driver for?
When I was younger I remember a distant family member telling me to get my CA state ID as soon as I can because when I get a driver's license and a car the insurance companies won't be able to tell which I got first. All they see is when my ID# was assigned to me, and that it will look like I have been a driver longer and get a better rate. I don' know if this is true. I am getting my first car in about a month and I want to get a good price on insurance. Need more info? I got my California state ID when I was 20 and my CA drivers license when I was 25 and I am 26 now. So there is a big difference of time. I know it sounds kinda dishonest but I have been driving since I was 17, so I do have good driving experience but it might not look that way since I've only had my license for a year and a half, when it could look like I have been a good driver for 6 years. If any one can help me out that would be awesome, please link your info or proof if you can. Thank You!""
Is it legal for a car insurance company to do this?
I was in a no-fault wreck on Christmas Eve(slid into two cars on ice). The damages were about $3500 to my car. A buff job for the first car, and a chrome polish on the bumper of the old truck. They are not worried about making an insurance claim. There are not enough damages. First off, my car is fully insured with Progressive on my mother-in-laws insurance. The car is in mine and my spouse's name. I am not on the insurance because it was not allowing my mother-in-law to add me. It kept giving her an error. She was however able to add my spouse. I received a call on Saturday from a claims specialist. They told me that because I am not on the insurance, they may not cover the repairs. They are looking into whether or not she in fact did try to add me. If they can't find that she did try to add me, they said they will not cover it. Shouldn't they pay for it no matter what. Seeing how the car has comp. and collision? This is the first time I've had to deal with a claim on the insurance, so I really don't know anything about the process. I'm going in blindfolded. Everyone I've talked to has said that it doesn't matter who is driving it, if the car is insured, it's the insurance companies responsibility to cover the costs. It would be no different than you letting your neighbor borrow your car. Am I wrong??? If you have any comments or advice, please help me out. I need something to go off to work with them! Or more like against them. Thank you!""
Insurance cost for 16 year old with a Honda Hatchback 2 door.?
Alright so I'll be turning 16 soon and i want to know the cost of insurance for my car. I have a 98 Honda Civic Hatchback. Its stick, sport looking. What's the average of monthly payment. Insurance will be coming out of my pocket so I need to know an average price. I know you can get quotes online, but i don't want to put personal information online.""
What is the toll free phone number for Travelers Insurance?
I am looking for a toll free phone number with Travelers Insurance that is dedicated to new customer quotes not existing customer service.
What is the cheapest auto insurance for college students?
There are so many companies I can't check them all. I should mention that I live in Michigan. I'm not a full time student so I generally don't apply for those discounts. But I have a clean driving record and have had my license for almost six years. So far I have found the esurance is the cheapest. But I was wondering if there is anything cheaper out there?
Why are there so many car insurance ads on SKY?
really ruins the mood when watching say MTV or Bravo! Is Car Insurance and Debt Busting Loans the only thing worth selling????
How much does a chest X-Ray cost with no health insurance?
i've been experiencing pain in my chest, and i think i need a chest X-Ray. the only problem is, my insurance papers haven't gone through yet, and they won't for about a ...show more""
Under Obamacare if you have stage 4 cancer and go to sign up for health insurance how affordable will your?
rates be? Is there anything in Obamacare that's going to stop the insurance company from charging you an arm & a leg?
How much is car and home insurance?
sorry this is kinda long.. but... im doing a project for economics class. and we have to figure out our future, like make a resume and a job app a cover letter, and all this other stuff after we picked a career we are interested in doing with our lives. so, we have to figure out our budget like housing stuff, housing bills, transportation like car insurance and car payment. investing and miscelaneous like cell phone bills internet and entertainment to name a few.. after this. we take our total monthly net pay, and subtract our total monthly expenses and thats our remaining income just for whatever. but i am having trouble finding house insurance, and car insurance. all i am getting from searching is quotes, and i dont need that.. i jus need a straight up dollar amount. if anyone can help.. that would be great.. thanks.""
How can a full time college student over age 26 get health insurance?
What are our options?
Hiring an employee / health insurance?
If I hire an employee in California do I have to pay for their health insurance? Is there some threshold like 40hrs/week where I have to start paying or what?
What is car insurance priced on in Ireland?
What are all the factors that influence the price of car insurance for drivers in IRELAND.
Insurance with learners permit in florida?
Ok i'm 15 years old and i just got my learners permit. I need to know if i need to have insurance in order to drive the car with my parents or i only need insurance when i get my license. Please try an answer with evidence and what not, thanks in advance""
""Insurance renewal, same company, new quote?""
Hi, my car insurance has just come up for renewal and my insurers sent me a renewal quote, 704. Now if I get a fresh quote from their website (all the same terms, car is unmodified, 3 points on my licence, etc), the quote is 520! If i take the 520 offer, are they going to complain? They want proof of my no claims, and I'll send them their own renewal document!!!""
""If I go under my parents car insurance, is it cheaper ?""
Hello. I'm 18 and recently got my provisional license. I would like to know if I go under my moms name for the insurance of the car, would it be significantly less expensive than if I were to get my own insurance, or is it the same price for insurance all around ?""
What would my car insurance be?
my girlfriend needs to know how much her car insurance would be in canada ON if she didnt take drivers ed, was using her parents car and was under their insurance plan
Baby insurance?
what a cheap and reliable baby insurance? any advice? my sons a month old
Estimate of car insurance for fiat 500c first time driver?
My first car is going to be a fiat 500c thats about 3 years old. I am 18 years old in the UK whats an estimate of price for the insurance for the year?
Motorcycle and atv insurance?
Eventually i plan to get a motorcycle (suzuki hayabusa) and atv (yamaha raptor). What is the average cost of insurance for both of those??
What is the Average Insurance cost on a Snowmobile?
I was going to buy a 1972 moto ski Snowmobile, And i'm 14 and inexperienced on them.. How much do you Figure the Insurance would cost? (I'm not going to call, you don't need to know why.) And i'm in southern Canada.""
""Could $5,000 provide healthcare for a family?""
If this credit becomes reality, doesn't it seem logical that a major healthcare provider would put together an affordable health insurance package for the credit amount and market the ...show more""
Free health insurance for full time student?
My friend told that me since I am a full time student, I have 15 units, I would be able to qualify for free health insurance until i'm 26 or done with school. Is this true? Thanks""
Do you have to buy auto insurance as a condition of OWNING a car? or DRIVING a car?
If you own an RV and you live in it but you don't drive it.....does the auto insurance mandate apply to you?
Best Health Insurance for Veteran and dependents?
I'm a soldier getting ready to get Honorably Discharged in the next couple months. I have a wife and 2 kids, that have constant doctor visits. What are some Insurance companies ...show more""
80's Monte Carlo Insurance cost?
Considering buying a Chevy Monte Carlo from the mid 80's, I know that early muscle cars have very high insurance cost, while an average cheap 80's car has a cheap insurance cost. The Monte Carlo is somewhere in between these two depending on how you view it, so should I expect 69 Camaro insurance prices or 88 Civic prices?""
How much is car insurance?
I have a 2007 GMC Envoy and I am about to get my licence. The car used to belong to my parents but was given to me as a gift. I'm wondering how much insurance will cost me if I go through AMA? I've taken the drivers class and have the certificate, so there's a discount there.""
Car Insurance (Geico) ?
My parents don't have me on their insurance but I have a license does geico know I have my licence because I live with my parents? And by how much will they raise the insurance cost if they put me on?
Insurance Claim Question?
I was rear ended recently and the other drivers insurance co sent out their adjuster. I was told that my car was a total loss. I had a 94 Buick Park Avenue with 148K miles. I got a call from the person who appraised the value of my car and was told that my car was worth $2,200.00 and another $300.00 for what it would have cost me for a rental, totaling $2561. and some change. I did some looking around and found in the auto trader that I can get the same car selling for $2,995 with 154,605 miles. The question I have is do I have to except their offer of $2,200? Also, if I except this offer is this separate from the medical side of my claim? Thank You in advanced.""
How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a 17 year old with a Kawasaki Ninja 250 in Texas?
How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a 17 year old with a Kawasaki Ninja 250 in Texas?
Question about getting a car insurance quote?
If I go to say, State-Farm's website and get a quote. They need information like my specific address. I'm new to this, why do they need phone numbers or addresses? Am I going to receive spam mail from them or something? I know where I live affects my car insurance, but a specific address.. I'm just lost. Thanks""
Car insurance question. UK only please?
Hi. 18 months ago me and my hubby went bankrupt (long story) and we have had our new car insurance quote from the company we have been with for 12 years. It jumped from 37 to 60 and we were pretty outraged and so have been shopping around. We were told by someone we know that any new insurance companies would do a credit check and that we may be refused insurance or may get pretty high premiums. As I said, we have been with our insurance company for 12 years and have paid on time every month by direct debit for the car insurance and for the home contents and pet one too. So as your premium is affected by your credit score, does this mean we should have let our insurance company know we went bankrupt, when we did back in Nov 2010? Or does it not count as we were already with them? i don't seriously see why we should've HAD to tell them, but I am not a bit worried. I don't want to make a claim and find that they refuse it because we didn't tell them of the bankruptcy!""
How do you try to buy or bid on totaled vehicles by car insurance companies?
Im interested in trying to find a vehicle like mine, but wrecked with a good engine and transmission and any other parts I can salvage to keep mine alive for a few more years . I would like to know in general how to search and bid on wrecked vehicles that have been totaled by insurance companies and are now up for bid. This would be kind of like what a wrecking yard must do to purchase vehicles for parts resale, or a used car dealer that would in turn repair the vehicle and resell with salvage title. Any leads on where to start would be appreciated""
Can you get a life insurance policy with out a social security number?
Can you get a life insurance policy with out a social security number?
Insurance for 1 month 19 year old UK?
Looking for insurance on a car for 1 month to drive around europe As you can't rent under 21, buying a cheap car is a better off option""
How to become an insurance agent in california?
How long does it take and where to go in ca central valley area or bay area anything about this would be greatly appreciated thanks!
Where can I find the best and affordable health insurance?
employer does not provide health insurance anymore. where can i find the best affordable health insurance that i pay for myself? thanks
Looking for a new car - which ones have lowest insurance AND lowest tax?
I don't mind what it is, but I need to have a very cheap car to run on a daily basis. I have an 03 Daihatsu Charade at the mo, and I love it, but it's getting to the stage that it needs a lot spending on it, and the parts seem to be hard to get hold of, so I've decided to have a look around and see what's on the market. Trouble is, I look at something, and it's either high on insurance or high on the tax....does anyone know which cars are low on both tax and insurance?""
How much is car insurance in ontario?
im just wondering, how much would car insurance be for a 1st time driver whos 19 and have to do it all on his owe as nobody in the family has a car lol. i dont plan on putting a car on the road till i get my g2, what isnt for like another 10months haha so i have been saving money up, Im Thinking it will proly be around $400 a month but not sure so does anybody else in ontario know how much it is? ps.. live in belleville ontario canada""
Can i buy a car and still be under my mom's insurance?
I have enough money for a car. I was just wondering if i could buy a car and have the title under my name and still be able to be under my mom's insurance. i may be able to buy a car but my own insurance may be pushing it.
Anbody have Good2go auto insurance?
My fiance and I recently found out that our policy has been cancelled (literally had no idea) so we have to find a cheap car insurance fast. Good2go is known for being cheap- but does anybody have it??? Please let me know how you like it- it almost looks a little sketchy lol. If anyone else knows how to get CHEAP car insurance in NJ please speak up! We just had 21st Century. He has a perfect driving record, I have made some mistakes in the past- which is why everything is so high for us. If anyone knows a loophole or anything let me know! Thanks!""
What is insurance likely to run me on these bikes?
I am 20 years old, have about a year of car insurance so far but the car is messed up and I plan to get a motorcycle (hopefully). I have taken the MSF course and passed. I have not had any tickets or accidents either, clean as a whistle. I am looking into a small bike like the 250 ninja, vulcan 500, or the V-star 650. About how much should I expect to pay?""
What would my car insurance be?
my girlfriend needs to know how much her car insurance would be in canada ON if she didnt take drivers ed, was using her parents car and was under their insurance plan
How much do you pay for you're car insurance 17+ ? & names of insurers!?
Hey, I'd like to know some of you're insurance quotes and where from? Looking around to find some places! Cheers in advance 10points for someone who helps!""
Does anybody know of any cheap (but credible) motorbike insurance companies?
For a 125cc bike. thanks
Which car is cheaper on insurance?
for my first car I am 16 years old secondary driver plus I took a driving course to minimize 30 percent which of these three is cheaper a BMW M3 E46 BMW E39 M5 or a BMW 330i ZHP I am only interested on insurance and is it possible the m3 can be cheaper because it has less horsepower and a smaller engine.
What car insurance would be best and not so expensive?
My NOW husband has not had a car for about 5 years now. Since we've lived together we' driven my car so he hasn't had any type of car or car insurance payments to his name for 5 years.
Do I need car insurance ?
Ok so u just got my learners permit today and my mom said she's pretty sure I don't need car insurance that I'm automatically covered since I'm a minor and can only drive in the car when they are in it so am I covered I live in Tampa Florida if that matters I just want to start driving immediately but dad says I need to make sure I'm under his policy so I can drive
How much is car insurance?
I'm 17 and would be going under my moms I know she has State Farm and hers is cheap like 600 a year. I'm a girl and want the Scion TC probably the 2006 or 2007 model. I also have the b student discount and I took drivers ed. So I was just wondering how much my insurance would be, thanks!""
The course of insurance and risk management deals with what?
Works as who?
Car insurance for teenagers?
Im 18 and I own a used car. Never a trouble maker. I have a part time job. I want to know what insurance I can get for my car that is affordable.
I live on Long Island who has the cheapest car insurance ?
I tried all the big guys the quotes are the same .who is the cheapest of cheap with no extras?
Proof of insurance?
Hello I just bought a new car and called my insurance company to insure my new vehicle they have yet to send me my card my question is I need to drive cross country do you have to have an insurance card or can the police tell if you have insurance even if you do not have a card
Student health insurance and graduation?
I purchased a years worth of student health insurance (aetna/chickering), but I am graduating right now..(late December). What happens now ? Will my insurance be canceled or will be cut if the unthinkable happens and the clinic tries to verify my insurance ?""
Do most insurance companies cover birth control?
I'm getting new health insurance through work and I'm already on the pill and I was wondering: 1. Will most insurances cover it? 2. Can I stay on the same pill?
What is insurance groups?
ex:this car is insurance group 19. whats that mean? and which numbers are cheap ones?
Cheap Cars for an 18yr old to Insure?
Cheapest I've found so far is a Classic Mini City 1.0 @ 2,500, Corsa 1.0, KA 1.3, Skoda Fabia all came out at 4,500... Any Ideas on anything else? Thanks""
""Will my auto insurance go down, now that I have turned 25?""
I just turned 25 today, will my insurance go down? should i call my insurance company?""
Affordable medical/prescription insurance for a heart transplant recipient.?
I had a heart transplant 10 years ago, and I am looking for a more affordable insurance plan, currently I use Cigna, and they're running me over $400 a month, plus a $50 dollar fee per prescription I am on, which runs me another $250-300 dollars every three months. I just recently graduated college, and am 24 years old, so my father's insurance at work no longer covers me. I'm not very familiar with insurance plans, but I would obviously need one that would accept my pre-exsiting condition of a heart transplant, and have a prescription plan, cover doctor visits, emergency care and anything else people can recommend that would be important. Thanks so much!""
Has anyone tried the Ameriprise Auto insurance? How do you rate their service compared to other insurance co?
They have a tie-up with Costco and offers a very good rate compared to AAA, Farmers, etc. I signed up with esurance who has a excellent rate but after 6 months, they are raising the premium by more than 30%. A feedback or review on Ameriprise will aid me in decision making. Thanks!""
Can i cancel my car insurance due to changes made in their policy that has skyrocketed my insurance rate?
Just got a package from my insurance company of my new payment schedule for the next 12 mths. Somebody please tell me why i went from paying $249 to $360 a month for car insurance? Sounds absurd ! There is no way in hell im paying for that . . . my questions is, if this is in fact true, can i drop my insurance company at any point in time because the price went up WAY TOO HIGH (i will no longer be able to afford) ? PLEASE HELP!!!!""
Term Life Insurances-Unknown policy?
Could anyone, e.g my ex-wife, open an insurance policy for me and make herself the beneficiary without me knowing. If that can be done how can I confirm that there is such a policy?""
Car insurance question?
Ok, ABOUT how much would 6 months of car insurance be for; 1992 Toyota 4 door. 19 year old driver inexperienced. Car is parked at my own home (yes I'm a homeowner) No one except me will be driving my car. I have no prior accidents or bad driving records. I'm in NC. I don't have a license yet but must get insurance first to get them. I know there is more to it but just an educated guess? Preferably by State Farm. I have no way to call them or get to an office is the only reason I'm on answers. I'm not looking for a real quote, just a simple idea of about how much?""
Can i get car insurance in Cali. if my license is from NY?
I'm currently in Sacramento now and i live in NYC. I flew here on vacation and now i want to buy a car and drive back. How will i get insurance for my car?
Can an insurance quote lower you credit score?
I am looking to buy a car soon ... but I am a new driver and I know my insurance will be hight ... I am planning to go insurance company to insurance company to get quotes. Does that lower my credit score?
Average ins. price for family of 4 in alabama? Is it cheaper from Florida?
Average ins. price for family of 4 in alabama? Is it cheaper from Florida?
How much would car insurance be?
I'm 17, but plan on registering and getting insurance in my name when I am 18. I'm a female, I live in Georgia and I'm just now getting my license. My car is a 96 Toyota Tercel. A piece of crap that runs, but she's my piece of crap :D help?""
Where can I get free insurance calculators and insurance compare quotes software to place in my blog/site?
Hello friends I have a wordpress blog about insurance.How can I get free insurance calculators and get insurance quote softwares to place in my blog/site.Help me friends.
What would my car insurance be?
my girlfriend needs to know how much her car insurance would be in canada ON if she didnt take drivers ed, was using her parents car and was under their insurance plan
Need Cheap Medical Health Insurance?
Hello, could anybody recommend me a site for cheap medical health insurance.I know many sites, but their offers are too expensive.""
""Changing car insurance from full coverage to liability on BMW lease, will BMW detect it?""
I just completed a lease assumption process on a BMW and they required full coverage (100/300) for my car insurance. Problem is, I have a few tickets on my record and also for some reason I require an SR22, so for full coverage insurance I am paying quite a lot. I would like to switch to liability only and just take the chance if something happens to the car (knowing I will have to pay for all damages), but I am not sure if BMW checks periodically whether or not I have the proper insurance coverage. Does anyone know if they check, and if the do check and find me with only liability, what would/could they do? Thanks in advance.""
Cars that come with cheap car insurance. Thank you?
Cars that come with cheap car insurance. Thank you?
""Would insurance be high for a 1999 VW Jetta? My first car, 16y/o girl?""
I'm looking at a 99 VW Jetta on Craigslist for $2000. Here's the exact listing: http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/cto/3371425857.html Obviously this would be added on to my parents car insurance since I'm still a minor. I have to pay my insurance though, so how much do you think it would be?""
I live in Georgia and I am trying to find some private insurance that would cover fertility testing and not treatment such as ivf OR IUI . Me and my fiance have been trying to have a baby for 3 years and i have tried everything, i finally have saved up enough money to be able to pay for private insurance can someone please tell me some health insurance company that may cover fertility testing.""
What can I do when I was caught speeding with my friend's car which doesn't have insurance?
Yesterday, I was pulled over by a cop for driving too fast. It's my friend's car, and he has not bought any insurance for the car yet. I did not know this when I was speeding. ...show more""
Auto insurance for 16 year old female? r/o/p?
I'm sixteen, will be added to my mother's insurance plan. I will be the primary driver of a 2006 prius. I have good grades, and also, there are 2 cars between my mother and I. I am also located in CT! Can anyone give me an estimate of my yearly insurance cost?""
If I get into an accident (salvage / rebuilt title) how much of my cars worth will the insurance company pay?
I have a 99 GST Turbo Convertible Eclipse Spyder that I bought a few years ago with a Rebuilt Salvage title. You would not even be able to tell that it was in an accident. It looks great. I have been putting a lot of money in the car fixing it up (making it look nice and faster) and one of my friends told me the other day that if something happened to my car I would get practically nothing since it has a Rebuilt Salvage title. Is this True? I have only had liability since I bought it and this has never came up before. So assuming that I get hit tomorrow by a car that is insured and it totals out my car, how much of my car's worth would I get? What about all the money in parts and accessories that I put into it?""
Car insurance for new driver 16 years old?
my son just got his license and he is 16 and he will be insured on a 1962 vw bug and i was wondering what the average cost would be a month for insurance and what is the best but also cheap insurance he could get help?
Who Have The Best Insurance Rates?
I Hope Im Calling It Right, I Just Got My Drivers License In August, I Dont Have A Car Yet. I Just Wanted To Know For The People Who Have Cars, What The Best Company To Get, When I Do Get A Car. People Tell Me Car Insurance Compnays Go By Age To. Im Only 21 So I Know Is Gonna Be High. But I Juat Wanna Know Whats The Best One To Get And Why For Car Insurance. Thank You To All Who Answers""
How much does the average person have in their checking account?
NOT including 401ks, etc. Just cash you can touch and spend. And how much should you have if you have like 1,000rent +utilities +car insurance +credit cards + cell phone, etc.""
Car accident and issue with the insurance company?
I was in one car accident and someone hit the back of my car and pushed me to the front car. that caused a lot damage to my car. But, the insurance company which represent the guy hit me from the back said it is my fault of causing this accident. because i emerge from the left line to the right and didn't ensure there was safe enough to do emerging. The truth is the accident happend was after almost half miniute after emerging and i completely finished the emerging action. when i explained this to the insurance company, they won't listen to me.....so is that really my fault?""
Independent young couples under 25--How much per month do you pay for all your insurance?
About how much do you pay for car/medical/dental and other insurance bills per month?
I'm pregnant. Can I use my boyfriends insurance?
I am only 6 weeks pregnant and we aren't married yet. I was wondering if there was a way I can use my boyfriends insurance (Kaiser) for doctor visits and child birth. I have heard that we may have to add me on his as a domestic partner, is this right? And does Kaiser add domestic partners on a members plan? Any advice would help.""
What is Comprehensive Car insurance and Third Party Property Damage Insurance ?
I need a brief description (that's not to complicated please:) of Comprehensive Car insurance and Third Party Property Damage Insurance :)
Is Van insurance cheaper than car insurance Eg A fiesta car or van same spec?
Is Van insurance cheaper than car insurance Eg A fiesta car or van same spec?
Do you have to have insurance for...?
I was wondering, when renting an apartment are you suppose to have insurance?""
Ok how much would car insurance cost?
I'm asking this question for my 16 year old friend Gabby her parents just bought her a BMW 328i xDrive Sedan for 37,000 so she is wondering how much insurance is going to cost because she is in the proccess of trying to convince her parents to let her pay insurance or payments shes comparing which will cost less so insurance?? how much $$""
Can a lender file a claim against your insurance company after repossession?
My car was repossessed on 9/11. I attempted to get my car back..but Wells Fargo played games..such as saying the car is on its way to the auction...no, its still there and we can't place a hold on it..it leaves for the auction in a couple of days. So, I went and got me another car. Now, today..I find out that they are filing a claim for the very day that they took the car. The claim was filed at 1:06 today. However, the car was not insured on that very date. Also, I had to sign some papers to reinstate the policy to the effect that no claims would be filed because NO accident occurred. Will the lender be able to file against my insurance policy under these circumstances?""
Do I need insurance just to keep the car?
I have a car in California, but I don't drive it right now because I moved to other state. (I asked my sister to keep it while I'm gone) But recently I received a Notice of Intent to Suspend that says DMV doesn't receive the report from the insurance company anymore, and I need to send the proof of the insurance. Do I need insurance when I don't drive my car? Please tell me! Thank you!""
Can i have both medi-cal and private insurance at the same time?
My father has me under his insurance plan and I also have medical in the state of California. My son's medical worker signed me up for medical when I became pregnant with my second child. Also, can I use medical as secondary insurance to pay the remaining balance of my hospital bill?""
Insurance for a 17 year old male for a Peugeot 205?
I'm turning 17 soon and was wondering if it would be any good to get insurance on a Peugeot 205 or would I be better off getting the classic mini rover.
Are we still to be free enough to decide we don't want health insurance?
http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory?id=4235304 Scary, no? And it was, believe it or not, worse to watch the absolute calmness in which she declared willingness to decide this type of thing for us. If I don't want health insurance, or if I have enough $$$ to pay cash up front for all my bills, I don't want someone telling me I have to spend my money on their program. It's bad enough they spend my tax money stupidly, now this? What say you all?""
How much would the insurance on this car be?
It's a 2007 Toyota solara silver with 63000 miles on it...how would full converge be per month? Just an estimate.
What is the average amount I should expect to spend when buying my motorcycle?
I want a Kawasaki Ninja 250r (new) which is about $5,000. Then I have to buy a helmet ($500), gloves, jacket, and other protective gear. Then I also have to worry about insurance and other costs that come with initially buying a vehicle. How much do you think I will need saved up in total to buy this bike (and the extra costs) by January 2010?""
What would my car insurance be?
my girlfriend needs to know how much her car insurance would be in canada ON if she didnt take drivers ed, was using her parents car and was under their insurance plan
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