#a: he lost almost all his clothes in an incident. that's why they're in the store
shusuikokuto · 5 months
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zoro got lost in the store and thought this would help him find the rest of the crew (it did work but probably not the way he imagined)
inspired by this art by @bluechanas!!
reference: showing baby to supermarket camera meme
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So if Arkham Knight Jason kidnapped Darling not just out of a desire to be with them again but to also protect them from the war zone Gotham will be, how do you think he’d respond if darling was like, “Alright you kidnapped me to save me from the impending danger but what about my friends? My family? 🤨 You gonna save them too or is it just me?”
I like to imagine that a pre-Arkham Knight Jason wouldn’t have been really cordial with darling’s friends. He wouldn’t be outright rude or hostile to them, but if it’s a yandere Jason we’re talking about he might resent them for monopolizing darling’s time/would be suspicious that some of them like darling more than a friend. As for darling’s family, if they are on good terms with their family then Jason will be as well. After all, those are his future-in-laws…
But Arkham Knight Jason might be hesitant on giving his darling’s friends and family the same protection and care he gave darling. Maybe he’ll give them a tip to leave Gotham before all hell breaks loose, but having a bunch of civilians running around his base (darling is always an exception) isn’t very safe.
Tbf in Arkham Knight, the city is entirely evacuated except for the rogues, the GCPD, and the Batfam. Scarecrow orchestrates the fear gas attack at Pauli's Diner and warns that on Halloween he's turning loose the same thing on all of Gotham. So I think Jason's schedule is: kidnap Darling, release the gas at Pauli's Diner at least a week later, make final prep while everyone evacuates, start the plan, kidnap Barbara when shit goes south, and the rest of the night is him basically doing it live lmao.
He only keeps Darling with him because he's selfish and has been so deprived from them that on the night he finally reveals himself to Bruce, he wants them to be the first one he shows his face to. Having them with him technically puts them in MORE danger than evacuating, but he's so desperate to be with them again that he takes them and tries to minimize the risk to them as much as possible. Hence, the bunker and them being locked in there.
Now he'd be kidnapping them at least a week before the Pauli's Diner incident because he needs a minimum amount of time to spend with them before Halloween night. He knows he's going to be busy dealing with Batman and the other rogues, but he wants time to just be with Darling before all that. And during Halloween night, he's constantly checking in and making sure his trusted team are keeping them locked down and safe. The instant someone even THINKS they're compromised or that Batman (or another rogue trying to use Darling as a bargaining chip) shows up, he needs to know.
Like gameplay wise, I would have Darling's disappearance being investigated as a side mission during the game. Batman doesn't necessarily have to take Darling from Jason, and by the end of the game Jason and Darling have both disappeared together. But one of the hints the Knight is Jason can be that Darling's disappearance is linked to the Arkham Knight, and Batman wonders why since they're only tangentially related to him. Kidnapping Barbara/Oracle makes sense tactically. But why Darling?
Bonus points: when Bruce does find them and try to get them to safety, they don't want to leave Jason. They already lost him once, and even if his plan for revenge is too much and is getting people killed...They can't abandon him, can they? He hasn't hurt them--well, not on purpose, he just had the armor on and he grabbed them. And they did tell him to stop when he first took them and started taking off their clothes, but that was because he hadn't explained ANYTHING about how he was alive yet! And they tried to escape, but when Jason had dragged them back...he looked so scared that he'd almost lost them again. It's not the right way to keep them with him, but if they DO leave it'll break him more than he's already broken. He needs them there!
And Bruce just gets angrier and angrier the more he hears. His protege, his de facto son, has fallen so far and he feels responsible for everything Jason has done since Joker kidnapped him. Jason's Darling has a few bruises matching what they'd described, plus a tracking ring AND collar (if it detects Darling leaving the compound, Jason has to either input a shutdown code or it immediately injects them with a relaxant to render them unconscious and alerts the nearest militia members to their location).
And once Jason discovers Bruce is with Darling and also trying to get them out, he flips his shit. Like yelling for Scarecrow to get away from Barbara and insisting that anyone who touches her is a dead man was NOTHING. Even if it isn't Bruce/Bruce has Dick or Tim with him, Jason isn't holding back and will throw everything he has to get them to back off and leave Darling with him. He doesn't want to kill Dick if he doesn't have to, but losing Darling is a line that can't be crossed. As for Tim, this already adds to a VERY negative relationship with Jason lmao. Like you replace me as Robin AND you try to steal my loved ones? Fuck you dude.
Jason can also confront and taunt Bruce by pointing out that if he had looked into Darling's disappearance sooner, he might've figured out who the Knight was before the plan even started.
"You know, when I took them, they told me that you'd said you'd keep an eye on them. You remember that? At my funeral. You refused to let them see the footage of Joker shooting me because 'It would be too traumatizing.' Just trying to look out for them, even if it was just out of pity for your old sidekick's girlfriend. What a protector.
And yet when I took them, you didn't even bother to look. Let me guess--you had other important things to do first? Were you too busy trying to find a cure for your blood, or maybe you were too focused on the aftermath of Joker dying. Funny how he always takes priority even after he died. Maybe you could have outsourced her disappearance to Dick, Barb, or even my replacement. Or maybe you never did care about them. Wouldn't be the first time, right? And now that you abandoned them, like you did me, I'll be here to do what you couldn't and watch over them."
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "Swedish House Mafia ft. John Martin - Don't You Worry Child (Official Video)" on YouTube
People are very obnoxious Peter had that was a huge a****** and train misses are dead she couldn't stand him that's one of our son's guns I think yeah and it looks like from suicide squad too and it's Harley Quinn's actually it's suicide one and two she had a little bit in the second one and she's going to retrieve it and she's going to bring it back and the cartridge is sealed but you can load it the other way. So some said thank you to the woman because the clones and she said you're welcome and it kind of buried the clone thing and then she said don't make me to you he's ducking pretend to she's shooting at him and bounces off as any of those don't worry they're going to them and he pretended she was shooting them four or five times and it was awesome so you see the clothes and they're signaling that they want the pain formula but yeah we're right on that I mean you're f****** lunatics these people are buying guns to shoot clones with. And there's a lot of them and they're trying to stop Mac but really this is going to be interesting. But really this is in Russia and it's us and there's a lot going on it's a lot to handle for one person even though he came up with it it's everywhere the building is all look like buildings make some nauseous but it does that to a lot of people. I have two babies while it's my wife and I and yes she's a goddess of Russia and there's plenty of them. We put it somewhere special and he wouldn't guess but once I say it he would know it's not at UMass and he put his where he had an incident with the truck the keys were made and he drove off so you left the keys in one and he left it out there in that lot a lot of people are going after it and she put it nearby and she wanted to be near and he says that's great and I love you and it's similar and it's true too the guys are partying with him and he's supposed to run off and get lost and they're going to kidnap him and tell me if it's waiting there too and Tommy efforts waiting at the plow there's a truck with a snow plow and it was horrible and he said with a cloaked Yeager and Trump almost lost it he's got everybody thinking you can't do it cuz my claim can't because they'll get beat up and he started to tank up on stuff and see it and that's why I actually. He does want John Gallagher to try and figure out the story so you can figure out when and where and he's looking it up. And there's a storm heading here and it is going on we put it somewhere interesting it has something to do with Boston all of this it has something to do with what they were calling The offspring and they're not really ours no but they are making children there and they got ruined by Tommy F and they blame Trump and the evidence is in those bunkers along with two babies one in downtown Boston under Trump Tower which is what he calls it that's not really and the other is on the shore at Trump's place which was not really Trump's place it was the governor's but they're deep below where he found them and put them in there along with the evidence that Tommy have is doing most of the murders and blaming Trump he can look like him exactly like him just like him the band that seems nice and white satin it's not a trump
Apollo and caught his wife goddess wife I'm going to fix these people
We the bike somewhere too. It's kind of a neat arrangement and we put it somewhere and it's in disguise it's about this a****** Trump and we're mad at him too he doesn't care and all this he's a prick it's not because of his reaction he has a couple motorcycle places keeps taunting our son we have two Vincent's and we put them at powersports place and we did it last week and people look at it and they can't tell what it is and the clone saw it and it started fighting each other and people saw them fighting over it and couldn't figure it out then they saw what it was and said it's one of your bikes and they got mad tried to figure out which one and couldn't and they're all fighting over it the other one is of the Harley-Davidson dealer as he used bike no it's disguised as a new one so no one can buy any bikes at all and they thought it was there and someone identified it and left and tried to come back and buy it and you can see who it is and it's not who you think
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February 23: End of Week; Three Men on a Boat
This day has strong Friday energy. By which I probably mean that I am just so tired and so worn that I do not see how I'm going to get through tomorrow... I took a nap after work hoping it would help and maybe tomorrow I'll find that it did but right now I just feel, like... tired from the other end. Tired from not wanting to get up instead of tired from needing to go to sleep.
But I can't skip out on Friday because there is free breakfast and also, more importantly and less importantly, I have Production Studio training. I'm excited about the training, nervous about getting there. I almost never go to the undergrad library and about half the times I've attempted to go there I get lost because it is very big but it's also, like, not on any street. It's in a sort of rounded area that simply does not make sense to me.
I am continuing to read Three Men on a Boat, getting to about the halfway point, I think. Or have just reached it? I'm still enjoying it a lot. I especially like the little intros to each chapter. They're very funny but also pleasing in a hard to describe way... I sort of wish all books had little summaries like that because it helps soothe my obsessive need to quiz myself on every single paragraph I've read.
I also enjoy how J. creates humor out of being self-aware but pretending he is not self-aware; sort of making fun of himself, as he makes fun of his friends, but by pretending to be quite serious and straight-faced about it. I'm also struck by how much physical humor there is for it being a book. I can see why there were so many adaptations of it, although on the other hand, another big chunk of the humor comes from linguistic tricks like register changes that would be hard to adapt. Finally, I might have said this before, but I really think this book, or Jerome himself if alive and on social media, would do big numbers on tumblr. The humor is so intensely relatable and a lot of it has aged well: yes, I too have had problems packing my toothbrush!! Etc.
Some of my favorite incidents so far, in no particular order:
The whole towing chapter, especially the anecdote about the couple who lost the old aunt (I laughed so loud at this I wondered if my coworkers could hear me but no one expressed concern for my safety so I guess it was okay);
The slapstick comedy of packing;
Getting lost on the river and then being saved, just at the same moment as he starts thinking about banshees and ghosts, by accordion music;
Montmorency is an angel, in the form of a dog, who must surely be taken too soon....;
The slapstick comedy of getting the cover on the boat;
The 'fashion-plate' ladies on the boat;
Putting the basin of water by George's bed for him to step into when he woke up;
George's misplaced confidence in his ability to do things like wash clothes in the river or play the banjo.
Sadly, and embarrassingly, I don't know enough about boating to always understand quite what they're doing. Looking up what the boat looked like wasn't too difficult but I feel like I could use a boat-terms dictionary and also a few youtube videos for context.
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tsunonotarou · 4 years
reaction when S/O gets jealous and protective
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notes: I notice us writers mostly write about—usually the canon male/female—being dominant and the other party is timid and shy, while I love that concept and idea since I’m a submissive bitch myself, I feel like we should get more S/O or reader who gets protective and goes grr
: gender-neutral reader!
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So there’s this crazy bitch who’s all over Leona ever since he was fucking born
They’re from a neighboring country and have been obsessed with Leona when they first saw him (honestly same) and as much as Leona didn’t want to admit it felt like heaven to attend Night Raven College because they’re AWAY from him
Magift is a nightmare because it’s open for everyone from everywhere to attend so he had already expected them
He planned to ignore them and steers clear of them as usual but they were extra persistent today
If they’re a guy Leona would have no problem scaring them away with a growl and possible threats
If they’re a girl though, it’s not going to be easy for Leona since he was raised to treat females with respect but then again, he knows that she does not deserve it
He also knows that you’re seething with anger
Your crossed arms while shifting your weight from side to side showed your frustration and impatience for them to get off
At this point he’d try harder and uses more of his energy to deal with them (he was a little lazy before) and tell them to go away but they just kept clinging and clinging
Leona’s eyes widened when you shoved them away, hard but not hard enough to make them fall on the ground and scrape their knee, just enough to keep them away
Your own arms wrapped around his and you stuck close, head resting on his shoulder, nuzzling your nose against his neck or trail your fingers a little lower on his waist than usual, anything to send the message across as you stare boredly at the ever persistent troublesome person
“Piss off.”
Normally people would get embarrassed/awkward after this and they’d leave but if they’re still on about it, pull Leona in for a kiss
A long, deep and passionate kiss from you sends him off the edge as he grabs you, smirking slightly at your behavior and also at the outsider staring at the both of you furiously
Will never let you forget this because he teases you almost everyday about this
If you're naturally a timid and shy person it's gonna be hell for you, because Leona is going to tease you ten times more
"Hey remember that time when you-" You smacked his head, hard.
"I don't regret it though, they were too close and I don't like it." Your adorable pout and red blush from his teasings only made his grin wider, and his heart racing faster
Proud of his herbivore, 100/10, would definitely want to see you getting protective again
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They shamelessly flirted with him in Mostro Lounge, right in front of you
Constantly asking for Jade's assistance, ordering more and more just to have Jade serve them and if he's not available, they'll throw a tantrum
Of course Jade know about boundaries, he'd never want to make his lover upset, but then again, he's also curious as to what you'll do
Will you sit there and watch? Pout and wait for them to finally go away when Mostro Lounge closes? Be extra clingy with him afterwards? Silently cursing them? Or will you choose the popular trope of getting back at him by being physically close to another person?
Whatever you chose, he sure did not expect you to have a smile on your face as you call out to him, you are sitting just two seats away from them on the stool, so it is fairly easy to catch his attention without you trying to desperately cut off the one-sided conversation
You did what they couldn't. Holding his hand loosely as you talked about something semi-private (?)
"Hey, Jade. Where did I put my clothes again? That cream colored one. I know it's in your room but is it on the bed or bathroom? Have you seen it? Gotta go check it later..." To indicate that you've been to his room, countless of times
"Ah! I think you left your jacket in my room. Be sure to take it back before you go back to your dorm, okay?"
While Jade watches you and reply with an amused expression
This got them clenching fists and gritting teeth, and Jade can't exactly ignore them when they call for him since they're a customer, even if he's enjoying this a lot
You'd also pull on your clothes, kind of like flapping them when you're hot—even though it's quite chilly in Mostro Lounge—just to show them the bite marks Jade left the day before
*Thought I'd put this out just in case anyone misunderstands, y'all didn't have sex lmao because Jade is under 18, but he does leave bite marks every now and then ;)
When he does get away from their conversation and goes to you, like with Leona, you'd linger your hands a little lower on his waist than usual, or brush the bite marks you left that escaped the covers of his shirt collar
Nevertheless, expect Jade shaking his head when Mostro Lounge finally closes and them finally gone, though he can't hide the smile on his face
"My, my, I never knew you'd get to this point to drive them away."
He will forever remember this moment and the act you've pulled, truly memorable
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The basketball team is having a friendly match with another school and the other school's team happen to have a manager
And man were they PERSISTENT
Offering to refill NRC's water bottles too when they went to refill for their own school's
Of course you're thankful for their help and thought it was out of pure kindness, but when their fingers brush over Floyd's for a little too long to hand him his water bottle and stays longer with Floyd than with other basketball players you knew something was wrong
Are they hitting on Floyd???
Ace and Jamil picked up on it and glances over you, with Ace shit talking about them and "If they're gonna do it, at least try to do it right." while criticizing their lame flirting skills and Jamil disapproving of their actions when Floyd clearly has a lover
Even if they're from another school, saying you didn't know is a lame excuse, not with how painfully different Floyd is with you than with others, it was obvious you two are together
Floyd, of course, is not dumb and oblivious and he is beyond annoyed at their constant touches and babblings he had no intention to listen to
Before Floyd could threaten to squeeze them to death, you're wrapping arms around his figure and called them out on their antics
"Don't you have your own team to attend to? Stop flirting with my boyfriend, he's not interested, take a sign."
Ace spit out his water and choked (yes he laughed)
Poor student scurried back to their own team's side and stayed there, as they should
Floyd would not care about attention as he picked you up in his arms, hugging you tightly and nuzzling close to you
"Shrimpyyy~! I love this side of you! Why haven't I seen it before?"
He probably already forgot about that student's existence as he only thinks of your jealous gazes and protective arms around him
Expect him to ask you to act like that again randomly, being all brave and calling people out, he loves this side of you!
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Rook is a social butterfly and will talk to anyone in anywhere
Much like Jade, he never intended to hurt his lover and upset them, but he's itching to know what you'll do. He has extremely good eyesight and knew you were close by, listening in to their conversation, possibly with a frown
Ah, a frown on your lips. That's not a sight he'd want to see! But the urge to reveal what kind of moves you'd make is stronger, so he refrained from walking away and chatted on
A smile played on his lips as he watches you stomp over, not sparing a glance to the other person as you locked your arms around his waist, tightly, then began to attempt to lift him up
...it didn't work
You didn't have enough strength so instead of lifting him over your shoulder (like what Rook usually do) you grabbed his gloves hand and dragged him away
Rook was certainly surprised, a big grin on his face as he laughed his heart out, bidding goodbye to the random student who had their mouth wide open
This only made you tug on his arm harder as an annoyed grunt and groan escaped you
When you looked back to them and sent a glare, that's when he lost it
He's sure he fell in love with you even more
When the two of you are alone he'd have your cheeks in his hands, staring at you lovingly, your squishy cheeks, furrowed brows and pouting lips are just too cute for him!
He will assure you that he will never do this again not telling you he was doing it on purpose to see what you'll do because you'll probably hate him his sweet words would surely calm you down
If you ever see Rook suddenly having a smile on his lips, you know that he's thinking about this incident again, and it freaks Vil out
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liibrii · 3 years
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fem!Miya!Reader & Miya family
Part of the Third Miya Series
Synopsis: Three is a weird number. It's only two units bigger than one and only a unit more than two and yet it seems to be so much more, especially when the three in question are toddlers needed to be dressed for kindergarten.
wc: 2.1k
a/n: baby Miyas, the ultimate serotonin providers 🙃 if you wanna be tagged in future chapters let me know, and as always feedback is greatly appreciated!
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Mrs Miya has always trusted her gut feeling and in that moment it was telling her the bathroom was down the corridor, last door on the left, and, just as Mr Miya had told her that morning, eating leftover curry for breakfast was a dreadful idea.
Doctor repeats her words and Mrs Miya's neck becomes completely stiff. If it wouldn't she'd perhaps be able to look at her husband whose face turned ashen pale. “Triplets?“
Well, this will take buy one get one for free jokes on a whole new level.
Doctor's words are just buzzing and the soon to be Miya parents nod and smile and nod and hold on each others' hand as if there's no tomorrow. They're silent on the way out.
Mr Miya turns to his wife. “Do they even sell strollers for three kids?”
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Three is a weird number. It's only two units bigger than one and only a unit more than two and yet it seems to be so much more, especially when the three in question are toddlers needed to be dressed for daycare.
You all wear the same colours because Atsumu would throw a tantrum if your jumper wasn't the same colour as his and you would throw a tantrum when yours was a different colour than Osamu's, who in turn would throw a tantrum because his jumper was now the same colour as Atsumu's.
Mrs Miya had read advices that one should always dress their twins (or, in this case, triplets) differently as it is good for their personality development; which is all well and good and a great advice, except that whoever wrote it forgot to take into account that two and a half out of her three children saw being dressed differently as their siblings as a horrific violation of their toddler rights.
Your parents tell themselves one day you'll grow out of this phase, but till then mom stitches little numbers one, two, and three on the edges of your clothes. She did start stitching your names, but with only two pairs of hands in the house and three little sprouts in constant need of attention there was never enough time to finish them.
“One,“ says Mr Miya and Atsumu raises his hands.
“Ichi!“ he proudly chimes.
“Two,“ Mr Miya grabs you before you'd crawl out of the reach of his arms.
“Ni!“ like his brother Osamu too raises his chubby fists, but only halfway.
“And three!”
“San!“ You hug your dad's neck, perhaps hoping that will get you out of having to wear socks.
And heaven forbid they ever messed up which jumper belonged to whom. It was beyond your parents' wisdom how you could tell the number stitched on the edge was not the same they said when counting your heads, but you could.
“Must be yer superpower,“ jokes Mr Miya while changing your sweater that has the wrong number on the edge. He barely pulls it off when Atsumu's chubby hands already grab it and begin pulling it over his head. He screams when his father offers to help, pouting even if he's completely lost between the left sleeve and the opening for the head.
“Alright buddy,“ muses Mr Miya and turns his attention to Osamu who already pulled his socks off so, naturally, now you've mysteriously lost one of your socks too. Mr Miya sighs. Maybe it's time to let his boss know he's going to be late.
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Three is an enormous number, when the three in question are a feverish toddler in your arms and two more running around doctor's office. Perhaps it was time to ask the daycare to put you three into different groups. That will cause an outrage, oh ever since the 'One child, one pillow' incident Mrs Miya is well aware of that. But then again, better that than all of you throwing a tantrum when only one got to leave the daycare early.
“One, two, three,“ she counts your heads under her breath, then hurries over to where you just picked up a very interesting small stone that probably fell from the soles of someone's shoes, “San! I mean y/n, sweetie, that's a stone. See, it's rough and cold.“ You whine when she takes the treasure from you but still  listen closely to her words that spark Atsumu's interest too, and he trots closer to see what is happening. Thankfully feverish Osamu has fallen asleep in her arms. Really, the last thing she needs is his firm conviction the stone is just greyish candy. Mrs Miya still lets Atsumu take the stone in his hands. “No,“ she grabs his hand when he lifts it towards his mouth that is already curving into a grimace. “Hey, hey, no need to cry over it sweetie. Yer gonna wake up yer brother and he needs sleep right now.“
“Is he sick?” your tiny voice chimes in. Mrs Miya nods. “Because he ate melon seeds,“ you nod with all the wisdom of a 3 year old. “He's growin' melons in his tum-tum,“ you tell Atsumu whose wide eyes blink twice before he bursts into tears.
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“One, two, three,“ Mrs Miya counts your heads while you play around the house. If you hide from her sight sooner or later screaming and crying alerts her something happened. A moment later Mr Miya returns to the living room with a very much red faced and screaming Atsumu in his arms.
“What happened?“ she asks, crouching down to console you, also crying because there's no way you'd let your brother scream his lungs out by himself.
“Ah the usual,“ he places the scissors on the counter, “wouldn't let him shred his shirt. Osamu, no!“ He quickly grabs his other son who also starts crying, shocked that his own father would take the lost sock from him before he got the chance to find out how it tastes.
Ah, just another Sunday.
The good thing about three children running around is they're never lonely. There are always games to play, fights to win, faces to colour. Most of the days all of you exhaust yours (sometimes apparently infinite) supplies of energy by the time evening falls. Mr Miya puts you to bed (one bed, because trying to make you sleep in separate cribs is apparently a disgusting violation of Toddler convention) before he collapses beside his wife.
“Asleep?“ she asks.
Mr Miya hums. “For now.“
The moment they turn the lights off slide door across the hallway open. Light steps cross the dangerous waters of the dark hallway, enter the bedroom and climb over Mr Miya to the safe haven between the parents.
“Bad dreams?“ asks Mrs Miya. In response Osamu sniffles and snuggles closer. Not a minute passes when two more pairs of legs pass through the darkness of the hallway and climb to be beside their brother. You shriek when Atsumu pushes his cold feet on your back, but dad's stern word makes you stop. A few moments later you're all asleep.  
“One, two, three,“ sleepily mumbles Mrs Miya, patting each of your heads.
“Four,“ says Mr Miya and his wife giggles.
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Three is the number of band-aid packages your parents buy per month. Ever since you've grown for about a chopstick taller, well you only grew for about three thirds of a chopstick because nature thought it would be funny if you got outgrown by your brothers at the tender age of 5, it turned out the tall tree in the park could in fact be climbed, if you climbed on someone's shoulders and then pull them on the lowest branch. Sadly the branches aren't big fans of being climbed on but no amount of scratches and falls could stop you from trying.
“A champignon never stops tryin'!“ proclaims Atsumu after the failed attempt that left bark in his hair and Osamu laughing on the branch.
“What's a champignon?“ you ask.
“It's the person who's the best! It's what I'll be one day!“
Osamu snorts, firmly grabbing on the thin branch he's sitting on. “Champignon's a mushroom.“
“No it ain't!“
A mushroom, you make a little note in your memory, because no matter how much Atsumu protests you're more inclined to believe Osamu when it comes to mushrooms.
Your heads turn when you hear mom calling and waving, waiting for Osamu to climb down before running over to her.
“I win!“ announces Atsumu despite Osamu reaching her first.
“Why, because yer a champignon?“
“Are we all here?“ loudly asks Mr Miya before his boys could jump into each other's hair, “identify yerselves!“
“One!“ calls Atsumu.
“Two!“ calls Osamu, louder.
“Three!“ you call and jump, because being louder than them was never an option.
Four heads turn to Mrs Miya. “Mom,“ she raises her hand.
“Excellent!“ proclaims Mr Miya as three small voices cheer. “Then we can get goin'!“
“Where to?“ you ask.
Mr Miya picks up a stick and starts drawing lines in the sand covering the path. “It's a secret but maybe ya can guess, we'll go down this path-“
“A treasure hunt!”
“Almost. At the fountain we'll turn left, and what lies down the fountain path?“
“Pigeons?“ you try guessing.
Osamu bumps his fist on the open palm. “Ice cream stand!“
Mr Miya nods.
“Last one there's a loser!“ shouts Atsumu who starts running before even finishing the sentence. Osamu immediately follows, both ignoring your shouts to wait up.
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Three is a funny number. It only works when the two and one have the third , because otherwise it's just one and two. Like a clover that got munched on by a picky rabbit that tried a leaf and then decided it doesn't fit its taste.
Volleyball sort of became the rabbit munching on the clover. One day teachers simply decided you're not allowed to play on the same team as your brothers anymore. And no amount of crying, screaming and sulking could convince the rabbit to give the leaf back.
“Maybe we can sneak ya in,“ suggests Atsumu one night, “all ya hafta do is wear our clothes. No one will know!“
So you try that and funnily enough, people do notice when one and two together make a three, and what surprises children even more is that parents also notice when they return late from school because they had to stay in detention. And as if cleaning the school hallways for a month wasn't enough, now they have to clean the house too.
It is however enough to discourage you from trying to sneak into practice again, so you stick with only coming to games and waiting for their practice to end so you can walk home together. From time to time some of their teammates stop to say hello or to complain to you about their shenanigans, but that's knowledge you hold to yourself, since you never knew when blackmail material might come in handy.
It's only when Osamu teases they get to go to a volleyball workshop and you don't that you get envious.
“It sounds stupid anyway,“ you try pretending you couldn't care less.
“It would be perfect for ya then,“ Osamu shots back and sprints away as you dive after him.
Maybe you are just a teensy bit envious, still as long as you get to play with them when they are home it's not that bad. After returning from their workshops you don't even let them take their shoes off before dragging them to the volleyball net dad set up in the garden. You stand where you always stand, by the net so you can throw balls for them to hit over.
Atsumu pushes you away. “No, this is my position now. I wanna be a setter.“
You don' mind, and throw the ball towards Atsumu who sends it back into a bit of an awkward place and you end up not even hitting it.
Osamu bursts into laughter. “Ya suck.“ He jumps to avoid the kick aimed at his knee. “We play with good players now so yer gonna hafta practice more. There was this tall player with a cool name! Right, Tsumu?“
“Tsumu?“ you repeat.
“Tsumu and Samu. It's our names but they sound way cooler now!“ proudly declares Atsumu.
Your eyes widen in admiration. “I want that too! What should I call myself?“
“Yer always copyin' us,“ complains Osamu but he gets ignored as the first name Atsumu suggests earns him a ball to the face.
“Oh I know!“ You bump your fist on your open palm. “I'll be San!“
Atsumu thinks it over with the same expression Osamu has when trying to decide which udon toppings to order. “San,... Y/n... San,... It sounds so cool! Whaddaja think Samu?“
Osamu shrugs. “San, let me show ya how to spike the ball properly.“
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tag list: @espressons @trashy-simp @nachotrash​
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starlightsearches · 4 years
hey!!! i absolutely loved reading your kylo soulmate au!!! could we please get one for hux to even the scales??? ^^ maybe one where he knows before the reader that they're soulmates, and he's really nervous trying to decide how to reveal it and look smooth and cool doing it :o
Something to Live For
I’m so glad someone asked for this because I wanted to write it so bad 😫😫😫 I will probably write three parts as well.
Part 2
Requests are open ✨
Armitage Hux x Resistance Pilot! Reader Soulmate AU
Warnings: language and violence against the reader
The stormtrooper’s grip is tight on your arm as he drags you through the hallways of the First Order vessel, pulling you at a pace that you can’t match in your current state. Crashing your X-Wing into a First Order outpost was certainly not ideal, but you’re in relatively good shape, all things considered. There’s a gash in your flight suit from when they pulled you from the wreckage—the cool air of the ship brushing against the skin of your side sending a chill through your body—and your head aches from when you hit it upon impact. Your helmet protected you from any serious damage, but you’re still dizzy, and there’s a small cut above your left eye, dripping blood down to your cheek and leaving your skin sticky. The trooper yanks on your arm more harshly, and you pull back, escaping their grip.
“I can walk without your help,” you say, and he doesn’t reach for you again, but continues on the way down the hall, watching to make sure follow. The panic in you is rising, threatening to become overwhelming, and you try to quell it with deep breaths because if you lose focus, it will be harder to find a way out. The halls of the Steadfast are angular and unchanging, and soon you’ve lost track of how many turns you’ve taken since you were dragged from the transport. Getting back to a hangar on your own will be almost impossible, but you have to believe you’ll make it out of this one, like you always do. You and the trooper arrive at the bridge, but no one notices either of you amid the flurry of activity. He grabs your arm again, dragging you to the front.
“I have the prisoner, General,” the trooper says, shoving you forward, and you stumble. The general turns, the look of disgust on his face quickly replaced with surprise and then something akin to fear. He says nothing, and instead studies you with a careful eye and a deepening concern, his brow furrowed.
“You’re dismissed, RV-7568, I’ll take the prisoner from here,” he says, and the trooper turns to leave, but the three of you are interrupted by another man, much older, with coarse, dark hair and a scowl.
“What’s this about, General?” he asks, and your newest captor turns to him, schooling his expression. 
“Allegiant General Pryde, this is the prisoner that was taken from the scene of the crash.” Pryde looks at you with disgust, and you’re sure you’re mirroring it. A well of rage rises in you, and your next action is instinctual; it happens before you can stop yourself. You spit in his face. Without warning, your legs go out from under you as the trooper kicks you behind your knees, and shards of pain echo up through your thighs when you hit the floor of the bridge, unable to catch yourself with your cuffed hands. You don’t have time to process the sensation before the allegiant general brings the back of his gloved hand across your cheek with considerable force, and the sting brings tears to your eyes. You blink the stars from your vision, try to regain your sight, and through the haze you notice the general’s shiny leather boots flinch out of the corner of your eye, a practically imperceptible movement.
“Rebel scum,” the allegiant general sneers at you, “take her to a holding cell to await execution.” Your heart drops through the floor, and any chance of escape with it.
“General Pryde,” the other man steps forward as you’re pulled back to your feet by the trooper, “I’d like to interrogate the prisoner before the execution.” The trooper stops, but Pryde seems unconvinced.
“For what purpose, General?” Pryde asks, and your stomach lurches with dread. What the hell would the general want with you?
“Standard procedure, Allegiant General, for any onboarded prisoner. I wouldn’t want to break protocol.” Pryde’s mouth flattens into a thin frown, like a scar across his face, and he waits a moment before he speaks.
“Fine, General, since you’re not needed here,” Pryde says, turning away from the conversation and shutting the general out, satisfied now that he’d had the last word. You look to General Hux, curious to see his reaction to the slight, but there’s no sting of the insult evident on his face; in fact, he looks quite relieved. The trooper lingers for only a moment before turning and walking out, and suddenly, it’s just him and you, standing in the middle of the bridge. You’re feeling inexplicably lonely in the crowded space.
“Come with me,” he says, and you follow closely behind him as he sets out down the corridor. You have to jog a little to keep up as he weaves through the bodies pressing through the halls—a difficult task with your hands cuffed in front of you. Eventually, the crowds taper off, and you catch up to him, matching his quick pace by lengthening your strides.
Without warning, he stops before a control panel, typing in a complicated set of instructions. A door opens, and he gestures for you to enter first. It’s a holding cell—not an interrogation room—there’s a small slab that you assume is supposed to function as a bed and not much else. Did he change his mind about an interrogation? Or is something much worse than execution about to happen to you? You clench your fists tightly, ready to protect yourself. You’ll be dead before you let the general touch you.
“Take a seat,” he follows you in, and you’re on high-alert as the sound of the door sealing fills the small space. You turn to face him and hope that he can’t hear the fear in your voice.
“Don’t come any closer,” you hold your hands out in warning—not exactly threatening, since you’re still cuffed—and he pauses, surprised.
“What are you doing?” He’s confused, and you are as well, but he doesn’t move from his space by the door.
“Um, what are you doing?” You return the question, and he looks at you quizzically before realization dawns on him.
“You don’t know who I am,” he says, and you’re not sure how to respond. Of course you know who he is; that’s why you’re worried.
“You’re General Hux of the First Order?” you say it like a question, even though you know, and his jaw clenches in frustration, rolling his head back and running a gloved hand through his hair. He walks towards you and you falter, falling back onto the low bench.
“I said don’t come any closer!” You raise your hands to block your face, and that’s when you finally see it.
You hadn’t noticed any difference before: the halls of the Steadfast all had looked the same, the officers and the machinery decked out in shades of grey, but your flight suit is different, unmistakably so; a florescent orange that’s almost blinding compared to the muted colors the general wears.
“What the hell?” you mutter the words under your breath, your heartbeat pounding against your chest underneath your flight suit.
“It would appear that we are,” the general hesitates, and removes the cuffs from your wrists, avoiding eye contact, “soulmates.”
This is not how General Hux imagined that this encounter would go, after he first caught sight of you on the bridge. He had hoped, foolishly, that everything would have gone more smoothly: that Pryde had not insisted on making him look like a fool, that you wouldn’t have been so afraid of him. And now that you’re aware of the strange and sudden development, he’s a little disappointed in your reaction. He wonders if you’re disappointed in him, too.
“This is new,” you say, taking in the unfamiliar color of your clothing. Hux is unsure what to say in response, but you continue talking anyways, more than happy to fill the silence. You turn to him, studying him intently now before saying, “you know, I always thought that you’d be taller.” 
“Excuse me-” he begins, and offense mars his words, but you interrupt him as you continue to connect the dots.
“Wait a second,” you stand from your seat and move to him, dangerously close, no longer afraid, “you’re the spy! You’ve been spying for the Resistance, haven’t you?”
Hux debates whether or not he should put a hand over your mouth, but he’s fairly certain that no one can hear you in here. This is not a well-traveled part of the ship, and the room should be soundproof. Still, one can never be too careful. He shushes you instead, and you lower your voice, speaking in an excited whisper.
“I’m right though, aren’t I? You are the spy!” Your eyes go wide, and you look up at him with unbroken exhilaration on your face, “you can get us out of here!” Bloody hell, were you always this rash? Hux takes in your appearance once again, noticing the scars and bruising marking your skin, some of the injuries clearly from incidents long before your crash, and your cheek is beginning to bruise from where Pryde hit you; so he has his answer.
“I think you need to observe this situation more carefully,” he says, and you falter, your excitement leaving just as quickly as it came, “we can’t afford to be reckless.”
“What do you mean? This seems like the perfect time to be reckless! Didn’t you hear him back there? He ordered for my execution, and if they find out you’re hiding me, they’ll know you’re the spy!”
“No one is going to find out,” Hux says with more confidence than he feels. He knows that Pryde probably suspects him, but he’s been careful to cover up any real evidence. Having you here will certainly change the way he works, though. He’ll have to be twice as cautious. “As far as anyone knows, this containment cell is empty, and I’ll make sure that no one else has access to it. I am still collecting information for the Resistance, information that they’ll need if they want to take down the Final Order.” There’s a stubborn set to your jaw, and it looks like you want to argue with him but aren’t sure how. Hux takes advantage of your silence and heads for the door, sure that he’s already stayed for too long, but you follow him.
“You’re leaving me here?” There’s panic in your voice now as well, and it hurts him to see you this way, an ache that is much stronger than he anticipated, and it’s becoming harder to predict an outcome where this will end well for him. Everything about this is more risky than he’d like it to be.
“I’ll come back for you,” he says, trying to remain composed, “do you trust me?”
“Um, no! Not really!” You grab hold of his arm, trying to keep him in place, and even though there’s nothing hostile about it, Hux still feels himself flinch. You pull your hand back when you see his reaction, a flutter of curiosity ghosting over your countenance. It’s like you’re reading him, and the pressure of your eyes roaming over him makes him shiver.
“Well, you don’t really have a choice.” He says it quietly, and your gaze falls away from his. He takes a chance to look at you again, knowing that you can’t see the admiration in his expression. He already knows that you’re impulsive, reckless, but there’s something about you that’s incredibly bold and unthinkably bright, and it’s that radiance which makes him want to help you. 
Maybe it’s a sign of trust, or maybe it’s defeat, but you step away from him, backing up into the corner of the room, and he opens the door, walking into the hallway without risking another look back. Hux takes a deep breath, regaining his usual authoritative demeanor before returning to the bridge. Still, there’s a feeling that he’s had since he first saw you—one that hit him like a blaster bolt in the chest and hasn’t left since—and it’s so at odds with how he’s felt for so long that he has trouble losing it: maybe, at least for now, he does have something to live for.
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curiousconch · 3 years
Free Fall
Chapter 4 of Ricochet (An Open Heart AU)
Catch up here: Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Chapter Synopsis: Bryce takes Heather out to distract her, while a real threat looms closer than ever.
Pairing: Rafael Aveiro x MC (Dr. Heather Song) | Bryce Lahela x MC (Dr. Heather Song) 
Words: 1.9k | Genre: Crime, Mystery, Thriller, Romance
Rating/Warnings: Mature (16+) / hints of violence, stalking
Author’s Notes: I always wanted to try trampoline basketball (not sure if that's the right term?), it looked cool on videos. BUT lockdown happened, so here I am manifesting what could've been a great date night alternative. I have also long imagined to bounce around in slow motion while the chorus of Fallin' All In You by Shawn Mendes was playing on the background. Hope I made the wait for this chapter worth it. Also, disclaimer: majority of the characters are owned by Pixelberry, except the main character Heather Song.
Please let me know if you want me to tag you for the rest of this series. Thank you for reading!
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Jordan whistled as he walked through the off-white hallways, pushing a cart full of cleaning supplies forward. Although he knew that this was just a temp job, a means to an ends, it didn't mean he can't enjoy its perks.
His gray overall was already damp, as he just finished mopping the hallways of the building's seventh floor. He was heading to his last assignment for the day, which was also his favorite. His black sneakers squeaked against the tiled floor, but he didn't seem to mind. He was feeling accomplished today, seeing his art splayed across the local news. He gave himself a mental pat on the back, knowing he's running closer toward the finish line of his master plan.  
He adjusted his baseball cap before tapping his key card on the scanner by the glass door, then stepped inside the empty office. 
He cleared the tables of assorted food wrappers in record time. But there was a table where he liked to linger a little bit longer. 
His fingers grazed on the surface of the desk - she always kept hers tidy. He read through the pages of the medical books browsing where bookmarks were sandwiched in, trying to get an idea of where she left off. He then reached out to the purple bottle of hand cream on the left side of the computer screen, and pumped it to get a few drops on his palms. He loved the jasmine scent of it, reminding him of the same fragrance of the clothes in her closet. 
He tapped on the keyboard and the screen display came to life, revealing a picture of her and her mother when she was a teenager. He logged himself in, checking her emails. He found what he was looking for, and took a picture of the itinerary using his phone. He closed the applications and locked the computer, the screen display reverting back to the wallpaper earlier. He smiled sadly as he looked on, thinking what a waste it will be when her day of reckoning comes. It's a pity that she threw herself in the middle of a crossfire, so he had no choice. He felt bad for her, recalling the months of stalking he did to know her life. He always thought she was no different from him, alone in a city, no parents to turn to, no one but themselves to rely on. 
After switching off the computer monitor, he retrieved his cleaning supplies and sprayed a disinfectant on the surface of her desk. He was about to wipe it when he heard the distinct beep of the electronic lock, followed by the subsequent opening of the glass door behind him. 
"Oh, hey Pete," Heather waved at him as she approached. "Sorry for uhm, interrupting. I'm just here to get some of my books."
He tried to hide his initial shock, grinning goofily at her then stepped back from her desk. "No problem, doc. I'll get out of your hair so you could do whatcha have to do."
She smiled back at him. "No, no need. I'll just grab these," she took the bundle of books sitting on top of her desk, "and then these..." she trailed off as she unlocked the drawers and retrieved a small bottle of the hand cream and a few markers. She put the small items in her purse and stepped back.
"Thanks, Pete. I'll see you around," she bid him goodbye, hastily getting out of the diagnostics office.
Jordan followed her figure until she was out of his sight. He then approached the glass windows and slid his fingers in between the blinds, waiting until he saw her crossing the parking lot and got into a familiar silver Camry.
Aha, so you're with the ADA. No wonder he didn't see her with the special agent. She stayed with someone else. 
It was smart for her to stay somewhere he wouldn't expect. But it didn't matter now. Phase 2 didn't concern where she lived at the moment. His lips twisted into a sinister smile, knowing she never had a clue of what was to come.
Oh doc, I'll see you soon.
Bryce honked his horn the moment he saw what was cradled in her arms. "Nerd alert!" he shouted.
"Ugh, shut up!" she groaned, her eyes rolling as she dropped the books into the backseat of his car.  
"Seriously, Heath, you are such a dork. It's Sunday!" he said as he began driving out of Edenbrook's parking lot.
She snapped on her seat belt and leaned back, crossing her arms. "You are a hypocrite, Lahela! Deep down you know we are on the same league," she said as she glared at him. 
"Nope, not at the moment, I'm no hypocrite. Do you even see me checking my phone for emails?" 
"Psh, you're driving, you just can't," she ruffled her bangs, annoyed. "So, what's the plan here?" 
"Lighten up, Doctor Song, have some little spontaneity!" he shuffled his shoulders as he said the last word. "I promised to distract you today, did you not trust this handsome face when you said so this morning?" Bryce pouted in an effort to mock her. 
She huffed in reply, settling into silence. She did trust him. She trusted him last night when she poured out her heartbreak to him. She also chose to trust him this morning, taking up his offer to go out today. He gave a convincing pitch about what he had planned for the day. But really, Heather would take any opportunity to get her mind off from the incidents of the past two days.
Besides, it was easy to say yes to Bryce. She was comfortable around him. He reminded her of her carefree days before her life all went downhill. He balanced her out, his dazzling personality never failed to brighten up even the starkest days for Heather. And this was her darkest season in recent memory. It was just apt to let someone like Bryce shine upon it. 
So she agreed to leave at noon, but asked to swing by the hospital to get some of her books so she could catch up on some reading. She wanted to stay sharp since she'll be flying back to Maryland to continue her cancer research.
Now they're driving along the freeway, she had no idea where their car is headed. After almost an hour, Bryce took an exit and then a few turns, before entering a parking lot full of cars. 
"We're here!" he said as he tapped the steering wheel and turned off the ignition. She got out of the car along with him, staring at the white signage in front of the building. 
"Sky zone?" Heather squinted at him, a queasy feeling rising in her stomach.
Seeing her hesitation, he practically dragged her to the front door and pushed her inside. A sight of kids and adults alike bouncing up and down on various complex trampoline structures welcomed her. 
She'd never seen Bryce this giddy, who went straight to the reception to register both of them. She was left alone and dumbfounded. She had no idea a place like this in Boston existed. But all the laughter surrounding her made her suddenly excited. 
He pulled her into an area full of lockers, and helped her shove her shoes and purse inside an empty one. He shoved his into another beside hers. 
"So? What do you think?" Bryce walked up to the nearest trampoline platform looking at her expectantly. 
"You sure you're an adult?" she said sarcastically, chuckling as she said it. 
"Aha! I knew it! I just know you'll like this!" he teased. "Dibs on the first bounce!" he leaped onto one then did a backflip, as Heather watched in amazement. He did another flip, even posing midair to make it look effortless. Seeing him enjoying himself, she couldn't resist any longer and dived right in. 
"This... Feels... Awesome!" she shouted to him in between bouncing, trying to propel herself higher with each jump. Bryce simply nodded back, giggling with her as they alternated between bouncing and running to the different trampoline stages in the park. 
Heather never felt as exhilarated as she was at that moment. With every jump, she felt a piece of her heartbreak shedding away. In her mind, she screamed at the looming threats that washed over her the past few weeks. It was getting more and more difficult to hold on to the grudges that wrapped her heart. So she let herself go. She leaped on every surface, on every stage, on every setup. She bounced until there was nothing left of the anxieties that seemed to anchor her with heaviness in the past 48 hours. 
When she started losing steam, she lifted herself with all her might and leaped into a pit of sponges, savoring the few moments of free fall. She then stood up on her feet and went down, found somewhere to sit and rest. Bryce followed her shortly after. 
While they were sipping ice cold water from one of the vending machines, he watched her. She was lost in her thoughts, a pensive look in her face. He perked up when she finally spoke. 
"The metaphor isn't lost in me. I get why you brought me here." she punched his arm playfully, before wiping the sweat on her forehead with a paper towel. 
"I never doubted you'd get it," he nodded, his face turning serious. "Look, let me tell you a secret," he leaned forward closing the gap between them. "This is where I kinda sulk after I lose a case, or when my head gets caught up in a rut," he paused for a few moments, pursing his lips. "Look, I know you've been through some hard times recently, but in my gut I know you're tougher than that. You're strong, you're a victor, you always, always overcome. Even when things get difficult, you just leverage the situation so you could bounce back. If there's anyone who can emerge from all of this triumphantly, it's you. Because you know why? You're one hell of a woman, Heather."
He stopped himself from saying anything more and finished his speech, as he gave her an endearing look.
She was taken aback by his words, unsure how to react. It took her a few moments before it sunk in - that he was exactly right. When times did get rough, she always managed to rise above it. She didn't buckle. But she had a tendency to forget, not because she's overwhelmed, but because she buzzed right through every painful experience. She used them as stepping stones, as fuel to her dreams and desires. She only needed a rousing reminder.
And that's what Bryce gave her today. With her spirit lifted by his overwhelming encouragement, she placed her hand over his and gave it a soft squeeze. Without thinking, she planted a quick peck on his cheek. 
"Thank you, Bryce. Thanks for bringing me here. I needed this." she whispered, staring back at him. 
It took all of Bryce's strength to stop himself from kissing her. Instead, he settled on ruffling her damp hair, smiling brightly back at her. 
"Like I said, I always got your back." He opened his arms and shrugged, a smug smile pasted on his face. "So if you're done moping around, you wanna play some more?"
Heather can't help but laugh. 
They hit the trampolines again, with Bryce flipping himself and shooting into some hoops. They even had a contest, where they tried besting each other over dodge ball. They didn't stop until they got both hungry. He eventually drove them to a nearby food truck, and together they ate hotdogs and greasy fries in his car. Heather's friends called her while they were parked, inviting them both for a quick hangout at Donahues. 
As they drove back into the town center in silence, she couldn't ignore the tugging in her heart that this wasn't just two friends hanging out. Yet she didn't feel guilty or confused at all. That Sunday afternoon, she felt entirely certain that she was with someone who she was supposed to be with. It didn't feel forced, exhausting or boring. It simply felt good. 
Tags: @choicesficwriterscreations for Fics of the Week
Ricochet AU tags: @eleanorbloom @ramsey-lahela
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the-cosmic-blogger · 4 years
Vin's Master Post 2
Once a human born in 1805 training to be a lawyer, Vin died in Vanessa’s cellar in 1825, barely twenty years old. He became a demon (ghost) who lives in the corrupted Subcon Forest, reluctantly subsisting every now and then on souls and guiding those lost through his forest.
He grew more and more depressed over time, and his hurt was slowly becoming a bitter rage that caused him to lash out at anything that wasn’t his minions or sometimes the dwellers. Eventually, fifty years later, it took hold completely, and Vin, having seen no end to it, chose to revel in it, becoming the “tsundere” he was during the game. It took Hat Kid arriving around 2014ish to change this, to bring out some of his humanity. Now he’s sweet and patient as can be, with deep regrets.
by @lemonykleonella
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by @subconniving
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with shading, effects and extra details by me
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by @xxlunartrapxx
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by @karmaluck
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Some Facts:
215 years old, but he himself hasn't exactly been keeping track.
he’s pan. Demiromantic pan.
he discovered his hunger for souls twenty minutes into his unlife.
at first subsisted on animal souls, albeit reluctantly
these animals gradually became extinct from Subcon, and he starved
until, however, another person stumbled upon the forest
he had an appetite for sapient souls since
he doesn’t like eating souls, only does it because he needs to.
he wants to stop.
he goes feral if he gets really, really hungry, which is often, but only if souls are near.
has the ability to sense souls, and it automatically kicks in (and often stays active) when incredibly hungry.
like hearts, to him souls make a repeating thudding sound in his head
round pupils turn to slits when feral
can and often will outright eat people when feral
kind and friendly
hates hurting people
suffers from anxiety, PTSD and depression
6 ft tall, but can grow (or shrink!)
can shapeshift, but cannot shift into a human form like his own
a tired, kindly ghost demon at heart
always has dark circles under his eyes, even if they're not noticeable sometimes
a complete dad
likes and makes puns
his appearance is due to most of his humanity returning, and green is directly across from red, which is close to orange, his hair color when human.
eyebrows are white because old
is a father figure and best friend to Alaina and Booky, @mun-auroralore 's OCs.
a friend to all living things, especially children
he absolutely adores children, to the point he might start crying with joy upon seeing babies of any species; there's another reason he'll cry though. His Subcon Forest is devoid of life, so he rarely ever sees babies or children who are, well, alive.
he and Hat Kid are penpals, and sometimes Hat Kid will send him a wayward soul for him to eat. He doesn’t know how she does this though. And is too afraid to ask.
Bow Kid also exists, as Hat Kid's sister, and she finds out about Hat Kid being penpals with Vin later down the line. She also starts sending letters.
has a slight disdain for authority and authoritarianism, due to the fact that most authority in his past were unruly and unjust.
It's why he was so angry at Mu, while still a cruel tsundere at that point in time, despite her being a kid.
He wants to find her and apologize.
and he did!
his tail is sensitive! don’t touch unless it’s expected or you have his permission!
he doesn't do anything violent though, just squeaks like a mouse
he doesn’t necessarily need contracts. He used them because they were a reminder of what he once had.
he desperately wants things in Subcon to go back to how they used to be, but knows it's impossible.
he secretly and constantly craves an experience that's similar to how things used to be, when everyone was alive, but knows it'll never truly be his own.
above all, he wants to be human again, even if that means he dies permanently.*
he has some holes in his memory, such as not knowing what happened for a part of his forest to burn eternally and his very early childhood. He barely even remembers his former name.
he was gifted a tablet from Hat Kid that he barely uses.
is insanely rich due to Vanessa flooding him with Pons when he was alive.
freezing temperatures throw him out of whatever body he might be possessing, and cause his mind to relive the cellar experience.
chains, when they're on him for trapping reasons, and being unable to move are also triggers.
due to an incident in Gamble Galaxy, he doesn't like people touching his back. Friends and found family are exempt. Though it may fade over time because he's a cuddle bug by nature.
absolutely loves warmth, hugs and cuddles
is the type to just lie in clothes or sheets straight from the dryer
don't be surprised to find a relatively small, fluffy purple noodle in your sheets or clothes; he's harmless. :3
he does have and can generate his own body heat.
is into fashion and often wears clothing. Main: pink jacket, white top hat or green and pink hoodie.
his elbows, wrists and shoulders are fluffy
can sew
is like a big, friendly cat
licks wounds
loves food, especially bacon and pancakes
he has a keen sense of smell, sight and hearing.
is a big eater
was not a prince, but a prodigal commoner
*He cares about Hat Kid, Alaina and Booky, and several other things and people, but he doesn't care what happens to himself. As long as they're there for him, he won't figure out ways to essentially kill himself off.
If he were based in Undertale, his SOUL traits would at first be Guidance, then Despair, then Hate, and then Kindness and Patience, and then Guidance once more.
Human Facts:
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by @karmaluck
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Vincent Hildin (Hill-den)
born May 7th, 1805
was a prodigy
was a big eater
voiceclaim [Owl House Spoilers maybe?]
had the verbal tic “kid/kiddo” since 12
wore patchy, casual clothes
rescued and owned a bush cat he named Rough Patch
parents were concerned about his "problematic" behavior (feminine side, fatherly nature, the "kid/kiddo" tic, liking to draw, etc). 
ultimately because he wanted to keep Rough Patch and had an argument with them at 15, they made him move out to Subcon, washing their hands of him.
noticed by Vanessa at 17 when he finally visited the manor’s grounds for a weekly feast her mother, Queen Victoria, threw
almost quit law due to an extremely unfair crime trial, involving a kid, in which he was accidentally thrown into and assigned as defense.
had a small breathing issue
died at 19, barely 20
by @fizzysquish
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Highly primal and animalistic, he can only think about consuming souls in this state, and has much more heightened senses, which says a lot. If he goes hungry or starves himself for too long, he'll enter ferality until either he eats a soul or two (or three!) or if the person or people he's after escapes him and he's unable to sense them anymore. Also, badly hurting him or mentioning Hat Kid will bring him back to his senses for a while.
Sometimes though, he can fight it off, but usually not for long.
Other Images:
by @snailpaint
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by @cave-of-nightmares
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The Cellar
Never Asked For This
Hunger (TW Mild Gore)
Apologies and Fulfilled Wishes
Vin's Timeline
All of these, save for Vin’s Timeline, are now on AO3! enjoy!
His Themes (YouTube Playlist)
He also has an ask blog! go ask him questions! :3
If y'all wanna know more about him, send in asks or send me questions on Discord; DM me for my tag. :3
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shalebridgecradle · 7 years
Re: our convo about Five's past from last night: I kinda want someone from Mullins showing up at Abel now. Someone eager to see the famous Runner 5, someone who gets utterly baffled and incredulous when they bring them the weird girl from the fort that no one liked or cared about. He thinks they're playing a joke on him, snarks that if she was that impressive they wouldn’t have let Abel keep her in the first place. And then pregnant Maxine hits him with a chair.
…oops, my hand slipped and I wrote a thing. Which was probably your intention all along, you horrible enabler. :P (Couldn’t arrange the chair hitting though. I tried, but it turns out there’s a short list of people Maxine would 100% flatten with a chair, and this dude’s not on it. …Yet.)
[2,869 words, ft. a mute, female Five. Spoilers through S4M4. Maybe a tiny warning for abuse if you read between the lines too hard.]
“Iredid most of Abel’s security after the unfortunate…incident thatwas Ms. Spens’s brief tenure,” Janine explained as they turnedthe corner from the armory. “You can see it surpasses even Ministrystandards.”
Theman walking at her side, one Captain Morden of Mullins Base, began tochuckle. “I never doubted it, ma’am. But it also never hurts tobe too careful when it comes to a visit from the Minister.”
“Ofcourse not.”
Thegate alarm sounded at that moment, pulling his attention away fromher. Morden shielded his eyes with a pale hand, squinting through thelate afternoon sunlight. “Is that one of your runners?” Heindicated a silhouette running across the gate threshold under theguards’ watchful eyes.
Janinechecked her watch. “That should be Runner Five, actually. Right onschedule.”
Morden’seyebrows shot up. “Oh? I’d been hoping to meet the famous RunnerFive on this trip.”
Ashints went, she thought that rather obvious. “Yes, there’s beenquite a demand for that of late. Since Five’s mission is completedI don’t see the harm, and we’ll need to coordinate with therunners for the Minister’s visit in any event.” She motioned himforward. “After you, Captain.”
Meanwhile, Runner Five foundherself preoccupied trying to brush all the dirt and dust off herclothes. She’d managed to trip into one of the outer trenches NewCanton had dug during their mind-controlled siege. They’d filledmost of them back in over the months, but this one had beenoverlooked—and was now overgrown with grass and weeds. Hence thetripping.
In her headset, Sam was telling herabout a massive DVD stockpile Cameo and Kytan had just stumbled overin between trying to fill out a work order to fix the trench. On topof that, the alarm still sounded as the gate slid shut and the guardswere all making idle small talk, both with her and around her. Itbordered on overwhelming and made it hard to focus on any one thingfor very long, which perhaps explained why she didn’t noticeJanine’s approach.
When she did finally look up,she took a sudden step backwards, almost into the gate.
A ghost out of her past stoodright there in front of her with that same old crooked smile.Lieutenant Morden. He didn’t look like he’d aged a day, save fora few new lines around the mouth. Maybe he’d lost a little weight.
It took him a moment torecognize her; when he did, his eyebrows shot up almost into his darkhair, but he said nothing. Just tilted his head to look at hersideways.
“Excellenttiming as usual, Runner Five,” Janine was saying. Five forcedherself to pay attention, hoping that if she ignored Morden he’ddisappear back into whateverhole he’d crawled out of.“This is Captain Morden from Mullins.” Apparently there’d beena promotion in her absence. “He’s here toreview our security ahead ofthe Minister’s visit, giventhat Mr. Sissay is occupied at New Canton.”
“RunnerFive,isit?”Something about the way he said her name made the hair on her armsstand on end. Heextendedhis hand,still smiling. Shedidn’t take it, and after an awkward moment he slid it into thepocket of his khakis instead.“Well.Pleasureto finallymeet you. Thewhole country’s singing your praises, you know.”
“Indeed.”Thefaint flicker of irritation in Janine’s voice made Five smile.Neither of them had quite figured out how to deal with all the fameand praisethathad descended on them over the past months.Mostly they’d mutually agreed to ignore it and hope it went away sothey could work in peace. “Ifyou have a minute, Five, I’dlike you toaccompany us back to the farmhouse. We need to discuss who’llbe running interference for the convoy. The Ministry trucks are boundto attract undue attention from the zombies.”
“Andit’ll give us a chance to talk,” Morden added. There was anundercurrent of mockery in his voice that Janine seemed to miss. “Getto know each other better.”
I’dsooner kiss a zom, wasFive’s first panicked thought. She didn’t say it out loud; it’drequire too much explaining. Instead she latched onto the firstexcuse that popped into her head.
“Later?I need to head to the infirmary,” she signed. On seeing Janine’sfrown she was quick to add, “Ran across some zoms. Routinescreening.”
“Isee. I was under the impression the route between Abel and New Cantonwas free of hostiles for the time being. Clearly my information isout of date.”
“Itwas clear,” Samchimed in at her ear. She could picture his brow furrowing inconfusion. “I mean, there was that scarecrow that looked likea zom, and we really need to talk to that one New Canton enclaveabout leaving their art projects lying around like that, but—areyou sure you’re okay, Five?”
Fivedidn’t answer him. She handed her overloaded backpack off to one ofthe gate guards while she waited for Janine’s response.
“Protocolis protocol for a reason,”she agreed with a short nod.“Go, Five. We’ll meetwith you later.”
“Thankyou.” She didn’t wait another moment before taking offat a quick jog, weaving her way through the scant crowd.
Notmore than ten feet later, she heard a familiar shout behind her.“Runner Five! Wait up!” Morden.Shethought about speeding up—running pell-mell through Abel wasgenerally frowned on unless there was an emergency, but she couldprobably get away with it. Thenin the next breathshe paused at a corner,decidingshe could hear him out. If only for a minute. She was a far differentperson than she’d been at Mullins—several times over by thispoint. She could handle him.
Andif she couldn’t, she could always outrun him.
“Itis you, isn’t it?Little Mouse?”
Well,he hadn’t changed at all.
“Mouse?”Sam was trying not to snicker. Five meanwhile was trying very hardnot to grimace. “I know you’re quiet, Five, but come on. Wait—youknow him? From Mullins?”
Mordengrinned at her, all teeth. “I don’t believe it. Imean, we heard all sorts of rumors—yousurvived the crash, you were dead orgone grey, the Exmoor Militiawere trying to hold you for ransom, all sorts of things. Thebrass never got around to telling us the real story. Guessthey figured it wouldn’t matter.” He tilted his head, waiting tosee if she’d notice the sideways jab. She had, but she refused toreact and give him the satisfaction. “Anyway,it’sgood to see you, Mouse.We all missed you, you know?”
Shebit the inside of her cheekto stop herself from laughingin his face. “I doubt it,”she retorted.
Morden,as ever, didn’t understand. “Sure, sure. Hell of a way from CBlock, isn’t it? Guess you’re living the high life these days.Ministry loves this littlehole in the wall.”
Somehowthe slight against Abel was what offended her the most. She turnedand resumed her jog toward the hospital. If Morden couldn’t keepup, that was his problem.
“Hey!Come back!”
“I’mguessing he’s…not your long-lost best friend?” Sam asked at thesame time. She heard his chair creak as he shifted hisweight.
“Notexactly.” That was all she was able to explain to her headcambefore Morden caught up.
“You’refaster than I remember. Now,where’s Runner Five?”
Thatcaused her to slow her step. She turned to look back at him, hereyebrows arched as if to say,what? Even Mordencould figure out what she meant.
“They’reputting me on, yeah?” He’dstarted to laugh. “It’s alla prank, right? De Luca wasin on it the whole time. AndI heard she had no sense of humor.Come on. Where’s the real RunnerFive?”
“Thisis the ‘real’Runner Five, you—” Sam stopped short of actually swearing, optinginstead for a frustrated, inaudiblegrumble. “Is everyone at Mullins as thick as he is? No wonder youdidn’t want to go back, Five.”
Five,her face drawn and placid, indicated the armband on her bicep, whichonly made Mordenlaugh harder. “No, come on!You’re really sticking with this, Mouse?Bloody hell,I remember back when youcouldn’t take a joke, letalone pull one off.”
“What’she on about?”
Shedebated switching her headset off altogether butknew that would only serve to upset Sam. It wouldn’t stop him fromwatching on the nearest security camera, either.
Mordenmeanwhile insisted on carrying on. Hesounded less and less amused by the second.“All right, fine, you’vegot me! Ha-bloody-ha. Now we’re even, Mouse. Is that what you wantto hear?”
Youcan’t deck him, shethought, schooling her expression into one of steely indifference.It’d just causean incident.
Whenshe didn’t respond he reached out and grabbed her elbow, jerkingher backwards a step and forcingher to stop. Inher ear she heard a sharp intake of breath.
“D’youreally expect me tobelieve that you’re the hero of Comansys Tower? The Minister’sgolden child? You?”His voice had dropped to a low, harshwhisper. She shook his hand off, elbowing him in the side in theprocess.
“Five.I can have a guard there in tenseconds. Just say the word.”
Shesigned a quick no toherheadcam and keptmoving.
Mordeninsisted on following her. He made another grab for her elbow but sheanticipated it, dodging sideways out of his reach.
Still,as she pushed through the doors to the hospital, hefollowed right at her heels. She could hear him huffing and puffingfor breath as she sped upstill more. Apparentlyhe’d fallen out of shape since she’d seen him last, she notedwith some faint vindictive amusement. “Come on,” he cajoledbetween one breath and the next. “This is just getting sad now!”
Fiveignored him, winding her way through the crowded halls to Maxine’soffice. She knew the route by muscle memory alone now. That made iteasier to tune Morden out. Atleast until they reached the office door—wherehe put on a burst of speed and beat her there by seconds. He grabbedthe doorknob and held it tight, blocking her path.
Fivemet his icy stare without flinching.A white-hot anger had started to burn its way up her chest. “Move.”She finished with a shooing motion that he couldn’t possiblymisunderstand. Still, he didn’t move. She could feel thefrustration practically rolling off him. Anger management wasn’t arequirement for promotion at Mullins, shesupposed.
“Faceit, little Mouse. You were never that impressive. Youthink the higher-ups at Mullins would’ve left you out here in thebloody boonies if you werethat special? You remember CBlock, don’t you? ‘The C stands for cannon fodder.’Isn’t that what we used tosay? Nobody from there’sworth a scrap. Not me, andsure as hell not you.”
Well.He was half right. She flipped him off beforeshe elbowed him right in the stomach, forcing him tomove out of her way. He letgo of the door to rub his sternum, grimacing. “You and your damnsharp elbows—”
Sheturned the doorknob at the same time someone inside the room did.“Five,” Maxine murmured in quiet surprise. She had one hand onthe door, the other rubbing a sore spot on her lower back. Behindher, Dr. Lobatse waved tothem over a stack of filefolders. “Janine radioed tosay you’d be stopping in.” Hergaze fell on Morden next, her lips pursing into a frown. Fivewondered how much she’d overheard. Sam had gone oddly quiet too.
“CaptainMorden.” The ice in her voice told Five she’d overheard more thanenough. She stood aside, leaving just enough room betweenher growing stomach and the doorframe forFive to slip into the room sideways.
UnfortunatelyMorden didn’t get the subtle message that he wasn’t invited. WhenMaxine tried to close the door in his face he caught it, pushing hisway into the room after them. “So sorry to intrude, Dr. Myers. Dr.Lobatse,” he added, nodding to Kefilwe. “Yourrunner and I were just catching up on old times. Isn’tthat right, Runner Five?”As he said it he clapped Fiveacross the back. Five didn’t move.
Maxine,still frowning, glancedback and forth between the two of them. “Is that right? Ididn’t realize you two knew each other.”At the same time she signedto Five, “If you want himgone…”
“Oh,sure.” Morden carried on,all cheer, like he hadn’teven noticed her signing. Maybe he hadn’t.“Mullins is divided up into all those wards and blocks since wetook on so many refugees,you know?” When Maxinenodded, he continued, “Iused torun C Block back in the day,where our friend here used tolive. Guess you got tired of me bossing you around, eh, Mouse? Tookoff for greener pastures?”
Fivesigned something. She’dbarely finished before Mordenclapped her across the shoulders again, laughing.
“Yousee? Old pals.” Ashe said it she’d tensed her whole back, shrugging his hand off her.
“Oh,”Maxine began, deadpan, “so you must understand sign language,then.”
Morden,jamming his hands in his pockets now,shrugged and kept grinning. “Ofcourse! Might be a little rusty after all this time, but—”
“ThenI guess what Five just said about you and that goat must be true?”Behind her, Dr. Lobatse hadstarted to snicker into her hand. “Ifyou’re not going to dispute it, I mean.”
“I—”Morden’swhole face had begun to turn red, starting from the ears on down.Five made a quick sidewaysstep to get out of the inevitable blast radius as he continued tostammer. “Listen, this isall just some stupid bloody joke you lot have come up with—we allknow that’s not the real RunnerFive. It can’t be! I—”
Maxinelistened to him for a few moments before she turned to Five, archingan eyebrow.
“Throwhim out,” Fivesaid, pointing backto the door for emphasis.
Dr.Lobatse reacted before Maxine could, jumping to her feet. In a momentshe’d taken Morden’s arm, spinninghim around so fast Five almost made herself dizzy watching it. “Thisis a secure area, Captain,”she was saying as she steeredhim straight back out the door overhis protests.“We really can’t have youin here while we have a patient. And I’m sure you’ve kept Janinewaiting long enough as it is—” Kefilwehad them moving at double-time. They’d disappeared down the hall inthe next minute.
“Janine’sdefinitely going to hearabout this,” came the grumpy mutter from her headset. “They can’tjust waltz in here and treat our runners like that. Idon’t care who he works for. Youstay with Maxine, Five. I’m going to go talk to her.” Hisvoice had grown more distant as he talked, until sheheard the door to the comms shack click shut andthen nothing.
Whenthey were well and truly alone in the room, Maxine sighed,tight-lipped and tense. “Youreally knew him from Mullins?”
Fivenodded. “He was telling the truth about that much.”
“And…whatwas all that about you not being Runner Five?”
“It’sa long story.” She shrugged, holding her palms up. “Things weredifferent at Mullins. I wasn’t much use to anyone, and they didn’thave much use for me, either.”
Frowning,Maxine had just started to respond when the door opened again.
“Well!”Dr. Lobatsecame back in, dusting off herhands. “He seemedthoroughly unpleasant. Ithink Imight’ve strained his shoulder a little more than was necessary.”
“Oh.Too bad.” The sarcasm inMaxine’s voice was so thick it had a palpable presence in the room.
“Anyway,I was about to go put thekettle on. Five?”
Shenodded, slipping her headsetoff and setting it aside now that there was nothing therebesides empty air. Dr.Lobatse smiled and ducked into the next room to start on the tea.
Whenshe’d gone, Maxine called after her, “You’dbetter make mine decaf, Kefilwe.” Then, lowering her voice, “Areyou okay, Five?”
Sheconsidered her answer for a long moment, fingers twisting together.“I thinkso.” Morden might be asunpleasant as ever, but she could take some comfort in knowing shewasn’t his mute little Mouse anymore. If he didn’t want to seethat, that was his problem. Not hers.
“Younever talked much aboutMullins. I hope he didn’t bring up any bad memories for you.”
Asfar as she was concerned he was abad memory. Five shrugged again.
“Right,”Maxine sighed. “Well, if he has any sense he’ll apologize beforeJanine or Sam forces himto. Come have some tea in themeantime, Five. We can talkif you want.”
“I’dlike that.”
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