#absolutely love fisher tiger
eroguron0nsense · 2 months
Doflamingo, Love, and Arrested Development
This is mostly just me paraphrasing other Doffy metas and comments I've made but I kinda feel like the real tragedy behind Doflamingo's warped psychology kind of gets missed by people who focus more on his trauma in and of itself and get lost in discourses about having sympathy for characters despite their complete lack of morality and disregard for everyone (perfectly possible), or whether Doflamingo has any redeeming characteristics or genuine concern for anyone or anything outside of himself (he doesn't).
Doffy's story is fundamentally a tragedy, but not because of his childhood traumas or how drastic and painful they are; plenty of One Piece characters experience severe abuses or incomprehensible loss, but they're ultimately stories of how to find hope in the face of the incomprehensibly traumatic, or the salvation/redemptive power of love. Even characters who don't necessarily see their goals fulfilled (see Fisher Tiger, Pedro, Ashura Doji, EGGHEAD SPOILERS etc) aren't fundamentally tragic ones in the way that, say, Ace is, in that they die having fulfilled their goals to the best of their ability and knowing that people will carry on where they left off, even if they don't get to see the liberation they hoped for. Rosinante's story isn't a tragedy because he dies satisfied that he's given hope to someone he loves deeply (and to some extent tried to make amends for some of the guilt he clearly feels for participating in an institution that ruined that child's life).
Doffy, on the other hand, is a never-ending downward spiral from day 1. He was indoctrinated by evil people from birth and never has it addressed (his parents, for all their talk about living more simply than the Celestial Dragons, NEVER actually say "slavery is bad" to Doffy when he asks them why they don't own people any more and I have my own theory on why), who then suffers unbelievable trauma and has his sense of loss–both of his "birthright" and his innocence/ childhood–weaponized for evil. And he spends the rest of his life in this semi-permanent state of arrested development and violent entitlement. He can't have the station and privilege of the Celestial Dragons to... own slaves and live in luxury, so he builds a kingdom where HE reigns supreme and everyone who crosses him is killed or enslaved as a toy. His mother dies and he kills his father, so he assembles a cult-like "family" to try and compensate for the one he's lost/destroyed, but he doesn't and likely doesn't know how to love them in any meaningful way beyond being possessive of them and seeing them as extensions of himself (e.g. he's willing to kill anyone who makes fun of Pica because no one's allowed to antagonize his "family", but he also orders Monet to do a suicide bombing in Punk Hazard, and he's willing to sacrifice one of them for the eternal life surgery, etc). I think that might be why, even though he should know Corazon has every reason to hate and fear him, he's still so eager to take his brother in when they reunite as adults–he shouldn't trust him, and he eventually comes to suspect him of treason, but he's desperate to have a family and Corazon is emblematic of something he wants but can never have because he's a cruel stunted person who knows nothing but entitlement and violence and cannot process the idea that anything has value or merits selflessness and sacrifice.
Everything Doflamingo does is defined by trying to replace or compensate for the family and privilege he was "supposed" to have, but he doesn't love anyone or even understand how real love works because he's been taught to have no regard for human life and all he knows is that love = absolute servitude, that his interests are ultimately more important than the wellbeing of his "family" members, and that betrayal means death. And far be it from me to sympathize with a fallen aristocrat's deranged revenge power fantasies, but it does demonstrate how oppressive institutions inevitably deprive their own beneficiaries of some of their humanity, and consequently fuck them for life. Doffy craves genuine affection and has had his capacity for it permanently stunted by his former class station and indoctrination.
This craving for love combined with an inability to actually feel it in any meaningful way factors into why he's so obsessed with Law, who he kept hardcore projecting onto in the flashbacks and who he expected to turn out just like him. His brother chose Law over Doflamingo and even his undercover mission out of love, and for all his traumas and hangups, Law can find his own crew and friends who he cares about, and he's able to live on and find meaning even after losing EVERYTHING because Corazon genuinely loved him enough to die protecting him. Doffy, on the other hand, is doomed to a loveless, misanthropic, cruel existence where he tortures countless people to compensate, but he can't replace what he's lost and he'll never find it. It's not what Corazon would have wanted, but Law fighting for and honouring Corazon's memory in everything he does enrages Doffy, who will never be able to understand why they cared for each other so deeply, and why both of them are integral to his downfall.
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nobody-is-here01 · 2 months
back on my bullshit, (im here to spam you Marine Luffy stuff)
Thinking about Marine Luffy’s dynamic with the 7 warlords and it's one of the funniest things ever.
Boa Hancock is going to get her own post because I have SO MUCH to say about her and Canon! Luffy along with Marine Luffy’s dynamic with her.
Anyway, personal headcanons of what I think Marine Luffy and the Warlords dynamics are.
Doflamingo: Luffy is usually the one who during Warlord meetings has to deal with Doflamingo’s bullshit. This is partially because Luffy is the only thing that really puts the fear of god back into Doflamingo. Also, Marine luffy is absolutely feral, and terrifying, and does indeed bite. I think in some twisted ways Luffy in this AU reminds Doflamingo of when he's younger. In some fucked up way of trying to cope with trauma Doflamingo tries to simulate situations that he went through as a kid to see how Luffy reacts. To see if things had been a bit better, if things had been different, if Doflamingo could have been a better person. The Dressrosa Arc still happens in this AU except a bit later. As Doflamingo’s tyrant rein finally falls he realizes that “huh maybe we never were that similar…”
(I have no idea if this AU is a Crocomom AU or not but I’ll go ahead and write up how it would go in either situations.)
Crocodile: Dynamic is definitely more cold and distant than in an AU where Crocodile is Luffy’s other parent. Luffy is seen as a threat, and Crocodile has at least 15 different drawn-up plans on how to deal with him. (none of these plans would actually work in practice.) The dynamic is pretty much just business, you leave me be I’ll leave you be.
Crocomom: Similar to the first one. Except the first time he meets Luffy and he hears that he's Garp's grandkid he's freaking the fuck out. Because holyshit, that's his alive, grownup, kid. Crocodile has no idea how to explain to Luffy that like “hey im your biological mother, now a man, hahaha…” So Crocodile simply doesn't. (The two of them do have a heart-to-heart much later alone in Impel down during the breakout.)
Moria: Honestly I don't have much to say about him. Luffy absolutely hates Hogback and Absolom though. So Luffy has a dislike for Moria and what he does. But Moria out of all the warlords not including Kuma is the easiest to deal with, so that earns him some brownie points.
Kuma: Im not sure if you caught up with the latest chapters. (specifically his backstory chapters) so I will be staying silent for now as not to spoil anything for you.
Mihawk: Mihawk is both intrigued and concerned at the beginning. Because that is Shank’s hat, and Shank’s kid. Why is Shank’s brat in the Marines?? Mihawk also like all the other warlords tends to use Luffy as some form of a coping mechanism. It's not uncommon to hear about Luffy and Mihawk getting into another physical fight. But after a while, Mihawk does realize that he has been accidentally treating Luffy as if he is Shanks. Mihawk realizes that he can't force Luffy to become his new sparring partner. Luffy is not Shanks, and he can't fill that hole either. After Marine Ford Mihawk reads the news regularly, a rare grin on his face whenever he catches sight of a straw hat.
Jinbei: That is Luffy’s emotional support parental figure your honor! The only one who is normal, safe, and sane. Also, the only one to look at Luffy and go “Are you okay?? I don't think healthy humans are supposed to act like that.” Also, the one to get Luffy to open up and heal slowly after Marineford. Also Luffy definitely knows the full truth of what happened to Fisher Tiger in this AU, so yeah that's something.
(I am so sorry, this is a really long post 💀)
Aaaahhhhhh!!! I've missed you and your bullshit bombarding my asks!
I love how with each dynamic all of them are also like, 'alright this kid is fucked up, keep an eye on him' but for different reasons
So here are some of my thoughts on what Marine Luffy’s relationship is with the warlords (love yours so much)
Crocodile : so unfortunately not a coco-mom au, like you said their relationship is strictly business, Luffy doesn't really care for the warlords as long as they don't get in his way.
Domflamingo : Luffy finds him kinda annoying so he tries to avoid any situation where he would meet him, unfortunately he can't at warlord meetings, but he's tried, probably one of the only warlords Luffy wouldn't mind punching out of the blue, dude would punch him without reason (gets away with it too)
Kuma : (no sadly not that far yet but I know a bit of his background not much though) but Luffy likes him
Moria : almost the same relationship as Domflamingo, except he just straight up avoids him, unless he has to deal with Moria then he will and he'll do it quickly
Mihawk : one of the few warlords Luffy actually respects, he admires his fighting and his character, granted it annoyed him a bit to constantly be reminded of Shanks, like you said he also like the other warlords used luffy as some form of coping, but after he realized what he did he stopped and him and Luffy kinda became like gossip buddies, like they'd hang out whenever Mihawk was in the area, but Luffy wouldn't actively seek him out, Mihawk would have to come to him if he wanted someone to talk to or spar with,
Jimbe : only warlord and person that Luffy actually likes from the warlords, yes he likes Mihawk, but Jimbe is different, Luffy has a sort of awe for Jimbe and felt very honored to know about him and his past with Fisher Tiger, Jimbe is the only one who knows that Luffy secretly wishes he was a pirate instead of a Marine, when Jimbe asked why Luffy didn't just become a pirate now Luffy replied saying that he's made so many promises to the people he protects that he doesn't want to go back, not now at least, Jimbe is also the only one who knows about Ace and Sabo and how much Luffy misses them and how proud he is of them
absolutely love your asks 🩷
Have aa good day/night
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mamamittens · 11 months
A Lone Melody (Pt. 7)
soft Platonic Yandere Arlong & OC (Melody)
Warnings: Canonical mentions of slavery and racism. As well as mentions of branding but, to be honest, I'm pretty damn sure re-branding an ex-slave isn't the most... sensitive way to address trauma. So uh... I'm not doing that. Maybe Koala gets a tattoo over it later but like... no.
Anyway! Howdy! Been a bit, yeah? Well, there's no going back now, I suppose. I wanted to get at least a chapter out before tomorrow since I'll absolutely be playing Pikmin 4 this weekend lol
Thank you all for your patience as things start to get heated soon~!
Word Count: 1,489
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Koala… didn’t know how to handle this.
It’d been three years since she was ‘freed’ by Fisher Tiger’s unexpected rampage and fleeing to this island. Sure, she was free now. No longer a slave. She understood that.
In her head.
But even three years later she flinched at loud voices. Messes made her anxious until she cleaned them up herself. Any mistake had her heart pounding. What was once a desperate hope to cope with her cruel reality became a hazy daydream.
Her mother, sweet and loving in the kitchen making breakfast. Her quant village full of faces she couldn’t remember. It was all fading away under the brutality of her memories of slavery. The name branded into her mind out of desperation, hotter than the brand that sealed her fate. She would go home but… she was just a kid. And the seas were a big place.
And then, shockingly, a vaguely familiar face came into port. Fishmen, which brought back memories of screams and smoke, lead by Fisher Tiger. Bright red skin and dark eyes staring out as he looked around.
His crew, the Sun Pirates, were in port. And possibly the only crew willing (maybe) and able (definitely) to take her home.
The townspeople asked on her behalf, nervous but hopeful to send her back home finally.
Fisher Tiger had a strange look on his face at that. A twisting expression that seemed to be an awful mix of emotions as he looked down at her. ‘Happy slave’ smile still etched onto her face—had been since she was beaten unconscious for frowning so long ago the edges of the pain blurred.
His eyes held sympathy and heartache as he smiled.
“Of course I will take her home.” He promised, elation rising in her chest.
Though, uhm, he didn’t appear to clear that with his crew. Several looked like they swallowed lemons.
A fishman with blue skin and a jagged nose looked like he wanted to beat her to a pulp before a small body darted between his legs.
“Hi! I’m Melody!” The little girl giggled, a bit shorter than herself. Light gray skin flush with a warm blush as red peeked out from under thick, white, black-tipped bangs. Her teeth were sharp and impressive as she bounced in excitement. “Are you human?!” she asked.
Koala… was incredibly lost.
“…Yes?” She flinched at the questioning tone, expecting someone to lash out at her—which may well have been the blue fishman if it wasn’t for a taller, broader fishman shoving his crewmate’s head down.
Melody gasped in elation.
“Cool! I’m half!” She crowed reaching out to grasp her hands. Her skin was smooth with a strange texture. Stronger than herself but aware of it.
Half? Half?
Somehow, this was the most shocking piece of information Koala had heard in a long time.
Melody grasped Koala’s hand and rubbed the back against her cheek with a giggle.
“You’re so soft! Wanna play?” She asked, still bouncing in elation. “Pah banned Dah from hosting tea parties cause he keeps going on and on about how cool fishmen are and ruins the fun.”
“… A tea party?” Koala asked.
Melody nodded.
“Yeah! Auntie Shar and her friends taught me! It’s easy, you just gotta drink tea and talk.” Melody informed her seriously. “And if we’re quiet we get to have cookies too—oops. I wasn’t supposed to let Pah hear that part.” Melody grimaced.
The taller fishman sighed, shaking his head.
“I already knew, pup. Arlong isn’t half as slick as he thinks he is.” He huffed, settling his hand on the other fishman’s shoulder with a stern look.
‘Arlong’ looked like he wanted to scream and rip her to pieces.
“Oh… does this mean I don’t gotta sneak cookies anymore?” Melody asked innocently, completely ignoring the tense atmosphere.
Tiger Fisher snorted.
“You go play tea party, pup. Jinbe will bring you two some snacks while I… talk to Arlong.”
Judging by the sour look on Arlong’s face, he already knew what kind of lecture he was in for.
“And let some filth—” Jinbe slammed his hand onto Arlong’s head with a hiss, Melody already dragging Koala away. An octopus fishman waved his many arms around and smiled nervously.
“W-Well! How about that tea party!”
“Okay! Wait… do you need six cups or is one fine, Hah-chan?” Melody asked curiously as quickly ushered them away.
“J-Just one, Melody~” He laughed with a look over his soulder.
She just heard Jinbe’s voice as she rounded a corner.
“Do. Not. Ruin this for her. Let her have a friend or I’ll—"
Fisher Tiger scowled at the maps, not really reading any of them. He already knew that he had never sailed to Foolshout before. But a little girl had been away from home long enough.
He had never really considered where the slaves he freed only a few years prior would go when he acted as he did. Just that they all deserved to be free. It was luck that Koala ended up on such a kind island, though she was human so it wasn’t much of a worry to begin with. He didn’t remember her, not really, but there was no mistaking that look in her eyes.
The look of someone made a slave too young. Emotions masked behind a fixed, unnatural smile. Hair a mess from lack of basic care. She was about ten or maybe eleven, old enough to know how to care for it. But just like him, she was still haunted from her time as a slave. It was a miracle she even remembered where she came from.
It was difficult to look at her, sometimes. But Fisher Tiger had grown a lot from that sad man in chains. It helped that he had such a supportive crew and, though he wasn’t sure how, the childlike wonder of his niece. Without that, he would have taken on this task with bitterness in his heart. Seen the marks of slavery still on her soul and done something drastic to try and wipe it away as he had tried with himself.
But Melody was taken with Koala. Always wanting to play with her hair and have Koala braid hers.
Arlong hadn’t stopped scowling since Koala boarded, pissed off that his daughter was close to a human. The first human she’d actually met, in fact. His amusement at Arlong’s plight helped temper that desperation in his soul. Jinbe certainly had his hands full keeping his friend in check around the little girl.
“Uncle Fishy!” Melody bounded into the room, her small hand grasping Koala’s thin wrist as the human’s fake smile faltered with nerves. Melody beamed, ruby eyes glittering behind her hair.
“Yes, Melody?” He asked with a fond smile.
“It’s food time! Food! Eat!” Melody bounced, reaching out for his hand. Fisher Tiger reached back and allowed Melody’s painfully small hand to pull on his fingers. He glanced at Koala with a soft smile.
“We’ll find your home soon, Koala. I promise.” He reassured her, “You’ve been free for three years… it’s time you went home.”
Melody paused, tilting her head as she glanced between the two of them. Letting go of his hand, she reached out and rubbed her thumb over Koala’s cheek, the human flinching at the motion.
“…It’s okay to cry, you know. Dah cried last week when Pah measured my height and found out I gained another half inch.” Melody informed her gravely.
That false smile wavered like a mirage and Fisher Tiger sighed.
“She’s right you know.” He whispered solemnly. “It’s okay to cry.”
He’d wept for hours in the comforting embrace of the sea when he finally found freedom. His brand burning in his flesh as he sobbed and wailed so deep only the sea beasts heard him.
Koala’s eyes watered, wavering smile falling to pieces as Fisher Tiger instinctively scooped up the two children.
He never would have done this a few years ago.
He still felt weak and pathetic from his time in chains, but he was undeniably a stronger man now. Shame no longer dogging his steps so heavily.
Koala would find her way to true freedom. The kind that cleanses the heart and soul that even he had yet to find. She just needed support and kindness she never had while in chains.
It wasn’t, after all, piracy or his flag that brought light to his heart after so long in the dark.
Fisher Tiger looked at Melody who reached out to Koala with gentle hands to pet her hair and shoulders soothingly. Not truly understanding the cause of Koala’s sadness but reaching out anyway.
He was a better man now… but deep in his heart, he knew he was still that pathetic wretch who could never quite let go of his hatred.
Maybe given time they’d both put the past behind them.
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elizmanderson · 1 year
Henlo :3
I'm currently reading the Remarkable Retirement of Edna Fisher, and it was bugging me that I didn't know why Amir was flinching when Edna touched him, so (based on Akida's hijab and Amir's prayer rug) I looked into customs of Islam and learned some stuff and I just want to say thanks for having so many different kinds of lives in this book (: I always appreciate learning real world stuff in fun ways.
thank you so much for reading! I had a lot of help with Amir's character from Muslim friends who kindly answered my questions and/or read early drafts and gave me feedback. I'd like to take this opportunity to recommend a couple Muslim authors and their books*!
Adiba Jaigirdar is an auto-buy author for me! three of her books are queer YA romance - The Henna Wars, Hani & Ishu's Guide to Fake Dating, and The Dos and Donuts of Love (the last one is coming out in June) - but she also has A Million to One, which is a heist story set on the Titanic. that one just released in December, so I haven't read it yet, but I'm SO EXCITED for it. check out Adiba's books on her website.
Priyanka Taslim is a fellow 2023 debut whose book I looked forward to for ages, and it did not disappoint! The Love Match is pitched as a Bangladeshi-American YA romance that will appeal to fans of Jane Austen (and also it will appeal to tea-lovers everywhere). it has fake dating, complicated family dynamics, and a love triangle that really kept me guessing. Priyanka also has an adult novel, From Mumbai With Love, anticipated to release early in 2024, so add it on GoodReads now. check out Priyanka's website here.
Kataru Yahya is another fellow debut whose book is alas not out yet, but I can't wait to read it! Home Is a Silhouette is a loose, contemporary retelling of Beauty & the Beast that is set in Ghana. If you haven't seen the cover yet, be sure to take a look, because it's ridiculously gorgeous. add the book on GoodReads now, and check out Kataru's Linktree here. (she is also a poet, and some of her poetry is linked on Linktree if you're interested!)
Aamna Qureshi is the definition of "it's about the range": if you're looking for an author who can do contemporary, fantasy, long-form, short-form - look no further. The Lady or the Lion and The Man or the Monster (a YA fantasy duology retelling of the story "The Lady or the Tiger") are out now. keep an eye out for When a Brown Girl Flees (2023), If I Loved You Less (2024), and My Big, Fat, Desi Wedding (edited by Prerna Pickett, 2024) if you prefer contemporary! see more details on Aamna's website.
Khadijah VanBrakle is another fellow debut, and her book comes out next month! Fatima Tate Takes the Cake is recommended for fans of Elizabeth Acevedo and Ibi Zoboi (um, YES) and is yet another debut with an absolutely gorgeous cover that I'm obsessed with. if you like coming-of-age stories that are gritty yet hopeful, be sure to give this one a look. see more details on Khadijah's website!
*I write adult contemporary fantasy, and you'll notice this list is like. mostly YA contemporary/YA romance with a sprinkling of YA fantasy. that is because, as much as I love adult fantasy and writing in the adult fantasy space, most of what I read in general tends to be YA, and most of what I've read since the pandemic started leans romance (because low stakes and a guaranteed HEA are exactly what I have needed since the pandemic started).
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oldshrewsburyian · 1 year
For your ask game: Joan Plowright, Francesa Annis, Robert Hardy, Jeremy Brett and Derek Jacobi; in Miss Fisher, Campion, Poirot, either Wimsey series. You decide who goes in what, please disregard age/time issues.
Derek Jacobi would, I suspect, have an absolutely marvelous time as Uncle Paul. But if I'm trying to fit him into the chronology of the existing ones: give him an effervescent cameo as Wellers-the-F.O.-man who gives all the journalists a speech to which they daren't not listen. I barely know Wellers but I like him so much.
I could see Tommy-and-Tuppence-era Francesca Annis as Meg Elginbrodde in Tiger in the Smoke, actually.
Robert Hardy did such a great line in Horrible Old Men; he could be one of the Poirot patriarchs (but I'd actually love to see him as the complicated and charismatic Sir Hubert Handsley in A Man Lay Dead, or the scheming Jonathan Small in Death and the Dancing Footman, if I may be allowed an Alleyn interpolation.)
Joan Plowright for the Duchess in The Case of the Definite Article (notorious in her day.)
I would add more gratuitous Gilbert and Sullivan into Miss Fisher just so that Jeremy Brett could do it. Give him a whole number before we get to the murderous part of the plot. It's more than we deserve, but wouldn't it be a delight? I'm picturing "My Gallant Crew/I am the Captain of the Pinafore." But he would also, of course, be magnificent as Sir Joseph Porter.
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oakdll · 5 months
my favorite straw hats ranked :3
01 robin - she is genuinely just so unbelievably well written, her concept as a character is insane, but my favorite trait of hers is how she thinks so similarly to luffy. this place is also interchangeable w luffy
02 luffy - i normally don’t like main characters this much, but luffy is just so likable, i love his backstory so much, and having him be the emotional core of the paramount war saga + him losing ace is a stroke of genius. one of the best written characters literally ever
03 zoro - he’s cool as fuck and his tits are the biggest on the whole crew
04 nami - her character arc in east blue is so perfect, and seeing her be so happy in the straw hats is just amazing. her character interactions with the rest of the straw hats are so entertaining, her faith in luffy (like w her fight against ulti) is undying, and the fact she is so frightened yet so brave is super cool. she normally gets very afraid by the situations luffys antics get them into, but when things get serious, she knows she can’t stop luffy and suddenly gets very brave. i love her
05 usopp - i hope after elbaf this ranking will be a bit higher, but having such a human character in contrast to literal gods like luffy is so cool. his bravery and character moments are peak, water 7 in particular might have the single most emotional and realistic moment in one piece with his argument and fight with luffy. i just wish he had more character moments post time skip. the only time he really had a standout moment was dressrosa and i hope elbaf can give him some needed character development
06 sanji - he would be so much higher, maybe top 3, but the whole “pervert” gimmick sucks and i hate it. not only is his backstory amazing in east blue, but he is SO CLUTCH ALWAYS. he is constantly making super important decisions behind the scenes and saving everyone constantly. mr prince in alabasta, sea train in water 7, not to mention his importance being the cook of the straw hats. his backstory was already good enough, but then he got a SECOND ONE in whole cake, one of the best arcs in the whole series. one of my favorite moments of his is when he was kidnapped by black maria in wano and asked robin for help, his sheer faith in robin makes me so happy. his emotional moments are incredible, his fight scenes are amazing, the only issue is how annoying the “perverted” gimmick is.
07 franky - SUPER!!! he’s just so fun, his personality and dynamic with the whole crew is amazing. him being a cyborg and everybody being so enamored with his silly mechanics is an incredible bit. him being able to press on his nose to change hairstyles, and his massive hands post time skip having smaller hands inside of them is hilarious. the moment with robin and the big robot transformation on thriller bark where she rejects their transformation is one of the best jokes in the whole series. he doesn’t have too many emotional moments besides his backstory and his fight with senor pink (incredible fight btw) but he’s one of my favorites because of just how fun he is
08 jinbei - jinbei is kind of tied with franky, i love him but he has only really been a straw hat for like 1-2 arcs. him being so nice and noble is amazing, his relationship with nami and feeling guilty for arlongs actions, and his backstory with fisher tiger is absolutely phenomenal, i just wish there was more of him. he hasn’t had too many defining character moments as an actual straw hat besides showing no fear in front of big mom (but even then he wasn’t really a straw hat at the time). i love him as a character i love him though
09 brook - brook is also just a super fun character, his skeleton puns never get old, and his moments on whole cake and wano were COLD (literally). calling big mom “young lady” is a moment for history books and him actually getting the road poneglyph is amazing. his backstory is tragic, maybe the saddest on the whole crew, and him being a musician makes me very happy (as a musician). he is a great character but he also has the “pervert” gimmick which kinda sucks. it’s definitely less bad than sanji though, it doesn’t really interfere with his character much, he just blushes and asks to see women’s panties (asking to see big moms panties is insane btw) and it’s definitely a big character flaw, but it’s not as irritating as with sanji.
10 chopper - chopper is the only straw hat i’m kinda disappointed by. he’s a great character, but as a straw hat he barely has any defining moments. his personality is kinda basic, and the last really impactful moment for me was monster point on enies lobby. the interesting thing about monster point is that he can’t control it, and then he only uses it like one more time for a tiny bit on sabaody before he gains control of it over the time skip. other than that, he’s just kind of a nice person with a really sad backstory. this feels a bit too harsh on him, i do really like him as a character, but for being one of the main characters, he is a little lackluster.
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 3 years
The Voyage So Far: Fishman Island
east blue (1 | 2) || alabasta (1 | 2) || skypiea || water 7 || enies lobby || thriller bark || paramount war (1 | 2) || fishman island || punk hazard || dressrosa (1 | 2) || whole cake island || wano (1 | 2)
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i know i’ve said it before but i really, really love the entirety of reunion arc. it might be short, but there’s just so much fun and joy packed into it after the extremely fraught and upsetting paramount war. there’s something exhilarating about seeing characters who could barely compete on the world stage two years ago not just come back from nigh-obliteration, but come back so much stronger. this is true about fishman island as a whole as well, really, which is the main reason i enjoy it so much. 
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every time we get to see luffy flex his conqueror’s haki absolutely fills me with delight.
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brook’s return to the crew is, i think, the most meaningful of all of them. he knew them for, what, a week or two in-universe prior to the separation at sabaody? and in the two-year interim, he becomes basically an extremely successful rock star known worldwide and selling out stadiums. and yet he doesn’t hesitate a moment to drop all of that, to declare before the world that luffy is alive and will be king, because he might have only known the strawhats for a little while but they saved him, and he’s going to see his dream through to the end with them. 
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this is possibly my favorite panel in all of one piece. it just makes me so fucking happy to finally see him again! 
i’m a big fan of oda’s choice in not revealing his full design until this moment, so that we get to see him finally appear in all his glory the same moment the rest of the world does, just in time for him to explode back into the public consciousness and fuck up sentoumaru’s whole day. 
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i feel like i might be repeating myself a little with regards to reunion arc, but i don’t really care- it just makes me happy. this spread where luffy finally arrives back at the sunny- look how delighted they all are to see him! look how much they missed him! the strawhats are such a family, even though at this point they’ve just spent far more time apart than they’ve ever spent together, and i just adore them so much. 
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roger is one of my favorite flashback characters and definitely one of the characters i wonder about the most, and a lot of the thoughts i have about him circle back around to this panel right here. where did he get the hat? why did he give it to shanks? why did he choose to set out to sea who is he- 
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i think about kuma a lot. for such a minor character his tragedy is immense, and i would really like to know more about him, why he chose to do the things he did, what his relationship with dragon and the other revolutionaries was like- whether there’s any chance he can still be saved. 
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fishman island is absolutely gorgeously drawn. i’d call it absolutely the prettiest setting in the series until wano, and i think that, like wano, it’s clear oda was waiting to draw it for a very long time. the amount of detail and care put into all of the big establishing shots is really breathtaking.
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one of the reason i think fishman island is so fun is because the comparatively lower stakes, combined with how much stronger the strawhats are, means they get to be at their most fully chaotic best. they take ryuuguu palace hostage almost completely unintentionally, off-screen, and then immediately start bickering and making ransom demands. i love them so much. 
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i love luffy and shirahoshi’s relationship so much- i love how much she trusts him to keep her safe, and i love how easily he does it. i love how he’s brutally honest with her but never really mean and how he encourages her to open up her world and do new things even when it’s scary and dangerous, and lets her take things at her own pace. 
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i think the sun pirates’ symbol is probably my favorite jolly roger in the series, both because it’s so well-established in the story, all the way back to arlong park, and because it has so much meaning. the shadow of fisher tiger’s life and death is cast over the entire story long before we even know he existed. 
the symbolic destruction and replacement of the slave brand with the rising sun is so, so cool, and the knowledge of the reasoning behind the symbol also makes it clear long before its confirmed in-story just how empty hody and his crew are. their versions of the symbol are open, with the silhouette of a decapitated human, because they have no brand to cover. 
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i care so much about koala and fisher tiger, and the relationship between them as two former slaves and two deeply injured people, and how fisher tiger still manages to muster the strength to be good and gentle to her even after how much humans have hurt him. 
i think it’s really a shame that he never got to see who and what she grew up to be as a direct result of his kindness. i think he would’ve been really proud of her.
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i’ve always really liked that otohime isn’t perfect. she’s not as flawless as she first appears to be- gets angry and frustrated and even drunk and shouty when her own people won’t listen to her trying to help them, and it makes her feel so much more real. her patience and pacifism feel much more admirable when we’re also shown how hard she fights to keep them up. she works to be good.
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one thing i like in one piece is how much value is placed on just the value of knowledge, of writing, of reading and understanding. it’s visible in how one of the rarest powers in the world is the ability to hear the voice of all things, and in the poneglyphs, too. 
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one of my favorite things about luffy is how he becomes a hero by trying not to be one. he doesn’t care about how people view him, and he never has; he really only cares about his friends and loved ones. it’s just that he’s also an incredibly easy person to befriend, and if those friends need help, then he’ll help them, regardless of the cost. most of the island-saving he does is just positive collateral to luffy’s driving desire for the people he cares about to be safe and happy. 
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i have always loved strawhat group shots ever since back in east blue when the crew was just three people, and they’ve only gotten more exhilarating as the crew has expanded and full-crew shots have become less common in the new world. it’s always just awesome, seeing them all together and united for a common purpose, whether it’s saving robin in enies lobby or kicking hody’s ass here.
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my friend zeph grainjew calls moments like these, where other members of the strawhats deal with a problem so luffy doesn’t have to, ‘honor guard moments’, and i really like them. they’re a display of both the loyalty luffy’s crew has for him and the trust luffy has for them right back.
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the thing about shirahoshi is that she’s not a coward. she’s a crybaby and overemotional and extremely skittish (which, for the record, is fully understandable for someone who’s been the subject of constant assassination attempts since she was six), but when it comes down to it, she’s fully ready and willing to let herself get killed by the noah in order to protect her people and her country. she’s so brave.
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i sometimes see people complain that the villains of fishman island are flat and boring, as though that’s not the whole point, as though the entire arc isn’t a treatise on the importance of not passing hatred down to children. of course hody and his crew are hollow, they’re the equivalent of malcontented shitty white men who become neo-nazis because it’s easier to blame minorities for their problems. 
luffy’s victory over hody itself is nothing. it’s easy, it’s only barely a challenge because they fight in the open water and luffy is a devil fruit user, and in the larger scheme of the one piece world, hody is nobody to even take notice of, no matter how grand his ambitions might be. what’s important isn’t hody’s defeat itself, it’s that the children of fishman island see luffy come when shirahoshi calls, and that at the end of the arc, they all want straw hats of their very own.  
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this might genuinely be a coincidence, but i’ve always liked that fishman island, an arc all about inheritance and what we pass down to our successors, is when luffy first pulls out red hawk, an attack clearly inspired by ace. inheritance can positive or negative- the negative examples in this arc are obvious, but there are positive ones, too. we can also see it with koala and fisher tiger, or with jinbe and both of the legacies he’s shouldered. it’s up to us what we leave behind. 
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for all that fishman island isn’t the strongest arc on its own, i do think it has by far one of the strongest endings. it’s an arc all about hurt and loss and how it gets passed down and renewed over generations, and it ends with a return to zero. everything’s not better, but the wound’s been cleaned and bandaged, and now it can finally, finally start to heal. 
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and into the new world we go! with skies full of fire and oceans full of lightning, looking just like the entrance to hell- and all our crew can’t wait to get there. 
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azazelsconfessional · 3 years
((Azazel's abilities(and some combat abilities for the other Missionaries as they continue to be side characters when this event ends)
Azazel is ridiculously powerful. He's easily the most powerful member of the Missionaries, after Nyarlathotep.
Shame about the chains that keep his power and true form locked away.
Rule of Revelation (Sacred Artifact: Bible "Eyes of the Fallen")
Azazel's Bible is always on his person. He does NOT put it down and does not give it to people except those he trusts. He's willing at times to show its contents to people but he won't let most anyone hold it.
If you do get a hold of it it will stop working/won't show you anything. It will just become a book with glowing symbols on/in it or a regular Bible with an eye on the front.
Eyes of the Fallen allows Azazel to view and proccess anything the pages see, including outside of Missionaries territory.
In order to use Eyes of the Fallen, Azazel needs to expose his chains, causing him to remove his cassock.
Azazel can move the pages wherever he pleases. They're magical so there's some resistance in them, however they are paper and thus easily destroyed or removed or displaced.
Large eyes made of light will appear in the sky over large areas he's searching.
Within Missionaries Territory Azazel can see anything without the aid of his Artifact.
Azazel can see anything there is to be seen and a bit more. Though he can't see "how" someone came to be who/what they are, he can see their current form and see them for what they really are(MC has 24+ souls and he can see and identify them all; Nomad is a human modified into a tiger and he can see his human soul; Shino is a Shadow/ghost/etc and he can see that he's no longer really alive/his original form; when Raphael made them all see zombies and the Fisher King he was able to confirm they weren't real zombies but the memories of a past occurrence; etc)
He can both see and hear things, however the other senses don't work.
There are little to no combat capabilities to Eyes of the Fallen.
Healing capabilities slightly described below.
Magic & Game Unit Skills
Azazel is insanely powerful to the point that his Summopedia page described him as being the most powerful of the Missionaries. However his chains prevent him from accessing his true form or power.
Azazel is able to use bursts of Aether(equivalent Light, Holy, etc) magic despite being a Fallen Angel.
They're not super strong, but they do have a decent range. He can use them more or less infinitely due to his huge power reserve that's otherwise restricted to him.
He's able to heal himself and others. In-game limits this to using Eyes of The Fallen/his Charge Skill and only to allies in his immediate vicinity, so I'll consider this healing happening through use of the pages of his Artifact over wounds.
Applies the effect 'Blessing' to his allies around himself(heals over time temporarily.)
Can remove a debuff of people he hits; weaken(defense) of people he hits; temporarily prevent use of skills of those he hits; heal allies after damaging opponents
Taking damage can strengthen allies(increase their charge points, which isn't really a concern in terms of writing since they can use their powers more or less instantly)
Azazel has wings he can magically produce/retract. He can use them to fly.
Azazel's pain tolerance is obscenely high. He responds to pain as though it's pleasure.
Azazel cannot be killed. Killing him will change him into his true form.
Breaking his chains(accessible only to beings with powers on level with a Supreme God/King of Gods; Archangel Raphael; and entities with Rules that can cut through/break/open things absolutely(MC's Rule of Rending, primarily) and a few others) will also change him into his true form and return to him his powers.
Eyes of the Fallen and some other things can make his tail turn from a goat tail into a snake tail. His scales are slightly keeled and more keeled when agitated/fighting, making them spiky like a spiny bush viper
Exists but is inaccessible--a spear with the Rule of Corruption inherit in his true body. Cannot access it unless chains are 'loosened' by an Archangel or are cut enough maybe????? I haven't decided how this headcanon works since he can't use it anyway
Under the cut a small rundown on side characters' powers
Artifact is a shamshir that can spray an infinite amount of sacred oil
Oil is fired at a speed that can knock one off their feet or knock weapons out of one's hand
Oil is obviously slippery and heavy enough to prevent use of wings as well; holding things and maintaining footing is very difficult
Allies are adept at fighting through/with his oil and thus are uninhibited except if their wings get too oily
Always covered in oil himself, hard to hold on to
Oil has healing properties(Unction), hurts enemies after they've been hit by Arsalan(Unction Weakness)
Oil is flammable, Zabaniyya controls his flames and uses the oil to spread Hellfire if need be(see: Zabaniyya)
Sword is strong against demons in particular; sacred oil is all over his body and makes him strong against/resistant to demons as well
Rarely uses sword as weapon, sticks to oil and physical combat unless given permission by Jacob or in a desperate situation that requires it
Physically and mentally extremely strong and resilient, uninhibited by his own oils even when manhandling enemies via wrestling
Sword allows him to resist oil and temptation as well
Teeth and claws are very sharp
Incredible leader, almost all of Aoyama Guild will obey him without question
Artifact is thorns that can move pain to and from others and herself(including painful memories)
Thorns are able to grow just about anywhere, including inside, and cover spaces
Applies Stigma to herself and those she hits or is hit by(applies damage over time and reduces defense)
Heals self and allies, especially by transferring damage from them to enemies through thorns
Temporarily disable skills
Leader of the Aoyama Guild, obeyed by most of the current members
Rule/Sacred Artifact(undisclosed? May be a microphone?/magical girl wand?) allows her to drive others to madness through the power of moonlight. Dubiously part of her Rule is her ability to make others fall for/obey her simply by commanding them
Likely also has a sword Artifact, rarely uses it, similar circumstances as Arsalan
The latter usually is used to make people stop attacking(Charm)
Very support-based, strengthening, healing, and motivating self and allies through song and magic
Has wings, can fly quickly
Maddened people are probably controllable by her, or at least they adore her and will probably listen and attack allies that threaten her?
Role of the Torturer; Rule of Hellfire; Sacred Artifact is a fiery spear, however he doesn't use it, similar circumstances to Arsalan
Fights using martial arts, mastering the 'Fiery Spear Hand' in which he channels his weapon through his hands
Can also fight from a distance using fire, but rarely does
Inflicts internal and external burns through his Artifact. Rule of Hellfire under the Role of the Torturer causes eternal pain.
Internally burning all the time, high pain tolerance, considers pain a penance and doesn't shy away from it very much; probably essentially immune to fire? Basically a firey tank. V high defense.
Applies Stigma and deals additional damage to those afflicted with Stigma and Burn; also applies Stigma to those who hit him
Can harm others from a distance using a chain of cross-shaped flames if they're afflicted with Stigma; chains are probably homing?
Heals allies apparently???
Rule of Hellfire purges people of sin and evil through flames, thus likely more effective against demons
Can ignite flames of passion/love, although he refuses to do this
Has wings, can fly, rarely uses them
Will not fight unless ordered by appropriate parties or the enemy has broken divine law
Kimun/Wen Kamui
Rule allows him to strip others (of their growth). Artifact is the 'Mankiller Sword' which he uses on himself as Kimun and others as Wen.
Mankiller Sword, if it's able to strip someone of their clothing, fur, hair, or flesh, is able to spawn a copy of the person's past self for them to fight--losing the fight against themself will cause them to lose their growth. If they win, the copy disappears.
Can spawn multiple copies if he cuts them multiple times
Can duplicate himself this way as well
Copies(of himself or enemies) might not cooperate with him although they mostly obey, depends on the person and their traumas/what they're struggling to grow or move on from/etc
Temporarily can't attack after doing this????/after using his Charge Skill
Can copy enemy buffs
Able to heal self and allies
Very high defense and pain tolerance due to his role/rule causing him to strip himself of his own skin/pelt/fur to give it to others
Hurts you even if he misses.
Unable to be frozen
Can apply freeze(lowers defense, damage over time) if he misses
Sacred Artifact is a Pillar allowing him to remember all previous loops; connected to the Tree of Life in Eden; cannot be killed
Sacred Artifact is the Archangel Uriel's whirling sword of flame. Doesn't use it in flame form most of the time, only uses it to enhance his punches and kicks and movements; it also guides him around due to his blindness; also able to restore people's memories from previous loops(including people he doesn't know and he "can reach even those who have never appeared in this Tokyo with his Rule") and makes a pillar of holy light that leads to the Tree of Life in Eden, making him more effective against either angels or the undead(hard to tell because it was used against undead angels, possibly both)
Blind, thus unaffected by anything that requires sight
Leader of the Aoyama Guild, although a lot of people aren't aware of it due to his absence, thus obeyed by most of its members(if not all of them because the Admins obey him)
Can multihit/punch very fast. He's no Captain Falcon but his fists are Dangerous.
Relies mostly on sound for navigation but can also be guided by his Artifact. Can probably blind others with the massive pillar of light from it.
Cannot be forced to move backwards. Can pull people in a certain range towards him/get in people's personal space easily to fight since he fights with his fists
Weakens enemies, applies Blessing(healing over time) to himself
Artifact heals him, removes ALL debuffs, and makes him highly resistent to damage temporarily
Artifact also provides him a shield that keeps him from being exposed to life-threatening conditions(Korpokkur's blizzard is how we learned about this--also keeps him warm and guides him to people and things he should meet)
Takes less damage from other close range fighters using their bare hands/fists(and any enhancements like knuckles, claws, etc--basically if you're a Blow unit/hit in a singular space in front of you he takes less damage from you)
Can use his Artifact as a sword but generally refuses to. It's a big, spinning sword of flame and would apply burn but he avoids using it because he hates weapons
NPC Angels
Primarily attack in a group. Always guarding the Church and its activities and almost always accompany its admins. The church is rarely unattended.
Fight with spears which can be thrown. Some level of magic?
Apply stigma to hit enemies. Deal more damage to Stigmafied enemies.
Can heal surrounding allies.
You just die. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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When Brooke awakens his Devil Fruit
Brooke never really thought he could awaken his devil fruit. It’s not like he can turn everything around him to string like Doflamingo. But along his journey and when Luffy becomes King of the Pirates, what he discovers is his awakening allows him to call back the souls of the dead. And he takes full advantage of this.
Brooke specifically waits for the right time to use it for his crew
He waits for Luffy, Sabo, and Garp to be back at their hole town with Makino, Dadan and the other Mountain bandits to have them speak to Ace one last time and tell him he was able to achieve his dream of becoming King of the Pirates. Ace tells Garp that he loves him and that he is sorry for all the pain he has caused him. He is overjoyed to see Sabo alive and thanks him for looking out for Luffy when he couldn’t and Sabo thanks him for the same. Dadan and Makino are overjoyed seeing those three reunited again. Maybe call White beards Soul and Gold Rogers for Ace as well. Roger meeting Luffy and being proud to have someone like Luffy be the next king of the pirates. Luffy made sure to have Shanks and Rayleigh there too so theycan see his old Captain. Roger tells Shanks that he did a job and gave his hat to a worthy man. Rayleigh gets to see his bestfriend one more time and Roger thanks him for helping train Luffy. Roger thanks Garp for taking care of Ace for him and Garp just punches him because he is about to cry (Maybe have Kobe there as a Bonus because Luffy values his friendship and wants to introduce him to his brothers)
They travel to Zoro’s hike town with his sensei and call back Kuina’s soul so he can tell her he achieved his dream and became the worlds greatest swordsman. He tells her that he made sure to take extra care of her sword and that he never forgot their promise to each other and trained hard every day. He even pokes fun at her talking about how Tashigi looks and acts just like her and how she has been chasing him all over the world so it was like Kuina was also chasing after him, trying to achieve her dream which made Zoro train even harder.
They return to Cocoyasi Village to meet up with Nojiko and Genzo and call back Bellmere soo they can talk to her again and Nami tells her she achieved her dream of drawing a map of the entire world. She tells her mom about all her travels and how she found a family that can always make her smile. She even shows her the Tangerine trees in the Sunny saying she grows them exactly the same way to make sure her nakama get to have a taste of Bellmere’s tangerines.
They call Usopp’s mom’s soul at his home town so he can tell her he became a brave warrior of the see like his father. He tells her all the adventures he has been on. He starts off by saying “Hi mom. You came back to us” like he used to say about his father. His Dad standing beside him saying that Usopp keep his promise and became a brave pirate, even more great than himself. He introduces his mom and dad to Kaya. His mom absolutely loves her and is happy he found someone. They bond when his mom tells Kaya that it will be hard to love Usopp since he is a pirate and neve home and Kaya responds saying she knows it may be hard, but if Usopp is free, and happy that is all she could ask for. Besides, that the kind of man she fell in love with in the first place.
They meet up with Zeff at the Baratie and call back Sanji’s mom’s soul to tell her that he became and amazing chef and found the all blue. Sanji’s mom thanks Zeff for looking after her son and for teaching him how to be a great chef. Everyone at the Baratie wonder how someone as annoying and argumentative as Sanji could ever come from such a sweet woman. Then Sanji kicks them and they all laugh. (Luffy asked Nami to contact Reiju and tell them to come because he knew she would want to see her kids again and they would love it so Sanji is with his siblings, Judge, and Zeph. Sanji wasn’t happy about it but he realized they were her family too and he couldn’t just keep them from speaking to their mom one more time. Even if most of them are jerks) Sanji shows his mom his cooking by cooking a special meal for her. A variation of the first meal he ever made for her. She says it’s the most wonderful food she has ever tasted and can tell that she actually meant it (i know I know. How can she eat if she’s a soul? Just go with it) Reiju tells her mom she loves her and how sorry she is for not taking better care of Sanji. Her mom tells her what a wonderful job she did and that she loves her. The other brothers finally show emotion that they never knew they could. Seeing their mom again after she died woke something up in them and they apologize for being dicks their entire life and that they love her. She responds by saying that they are her sons and she loves them no matter what. She tells her children what fine and strong people they became. Judge even apologizes to her for everything he’s done (What Sanji did during the Whole Cake Arc really made them reevaluate their life)
They return to The Sakura Kingdome to see Doctor Kureha and Dalton, where they call back Dr. Hiriluk’s should back to tell him that his son went out to see and became an doctor and travelled the seas as a pirate just like Hiriluk wanted. They also recreate his powder again and show him the cherry blossoms one last time before his soul returns to beyond the grave. Chopper even teacher Hiriluk the new things he learned while at sea and all the different diseases and things he has cured. Hiriluk is happy his son went out to sea and thankful when Chopper tells him what Luffy did for him and his flag even before he really knew chopper.
Even though they cannot return to Robin’s home, they sail the Sunny to where the island used to be located and call back Robin’s mom and the others archaeologists so Robin can see her mother again and tell them about the lost history. She tells her mom about the Poneglyphs and the other ancient cities she found like Skypiea. As a bonus Brooke also calls back Jaguar D. Saul and Robin tells him that she found her nakama who will protect and cherish her and will never leave her. Saul thanks the Strawhats and after hearing what they did for her at Enies Lobby, he knew she found an amazing crew. He even laughed and smiles at the story saying that Robin has joined one crazy crew. Saul took one last long look at the people who would challenge the world if it meant protecting Robin and knew that she would never be lonely and sad again. Her mother gave her a hug and said she’s happy that she survived the buster call and how proud she is for becoming an archaeologist and finding out the lost history.
They return to Water 7 and meet with Granny Kokoro and call back Tom’s soul. Cranky gets to tell him that he created a ship that sailed across the entire world just like he did and is now the shipwright to the new King of the Pirates. Iceberg tells him that he is working on or completed making Water 7 float. Tom is proud of the man iceberg became, and how successful and beloved he is as the mayor of Water 7. Tom takes a look at the Sunny and says it’s even greater than anything he could have built including the Oro Jackson, Roger’s ship. He admires the work and detail Frank put into the ship and could tell that the crew loved their ship very much. Tom meets Nico Robin and apologizing for doubting her and believing she would use her knowledge for evil. Robin smiles and says it’s ok and they talk all night. Tom meets the Franky Family, the people willing to storm Enies Lobby to save Franky. He thanks them and The Strawhats for saving his son hd apologizes to Franky and Iceberg for even putting them through that by passing down the Pluton blueprints. They laugh it off and Franky says he is actually thankful to have had them because without it, he would have never joined the Strawhats and build the ship of his dream.
They return to Fishman island where they reunite with Shirahoshi, and her family. With Jinbe, the recall Fisher Tiger and Queen Otohime’s soul. They get to tell the two that the relationship between fishmen and humans have gotten better. Jinbe can tell Fisher Tiger all he had accomplished including jointing the Strawhats. Shirahoshi and her family can tell Otohime that they returned to they participate in discussions with the world government and other countries and have a good relationship with humans. Shirahoshi tells her mom about how Luffy taught her to be brave. They both leave knowing their species is in good hands and thank the Strawhats for being the gateway to the fishmen co-existing with humans
When they return and see Laboon again, Brooke calls back the spirits of his old crew so they can all keep their promis to Laboon. They play their music for Laboon again so he can hear the real thing instead of the recording (don’t ask me how they can play jules if if their dead just go along with it. It’s sweeter that way). Brooke can introduce his old crew to his new one, telling his old captain not to worry because even with them gone, he has found a new place he can call home.
Vivi: (and the rest of the crew)
If Vivi’s father dies (because it seems like that may happen) They return to Alabasta and Vivi and Karoo get to see the King Nefertari again and maybe her mom too considering I don’t actually know what happened to her. Vivi is happy to meet to new crew members and love how none of them have changed personality wise. Robin apologizes nonstop and Vivi forgives her in a second. She says that anyone Luffy likes is a good person so Robin doesn’t need to apologize anymore. She even thanks her for not telling Crocodile where Pluton is and for all the times she has saved Luffy. While there at Alabasta, he aslo calls back the spirit of the Going Merry. The very same Klabautermann that saved them time after time. They thought about doing this at Usopp’s village but he said that Vivi was once a part of their crew too and deserves the chance to see the Merry again. The spirit of the merry is happy they found a new ship to call home and is thankful to Franky building the ship. It even says that it knew of the ship because part of her spirit is still with them, on the mini merry and thanks Franky for building it out of her wood. This causes every to cry saying how happy they are that the Merry is still with them (yes even Zoro. He tried to not cry but couldn’t help it. He turned around thinking Sanji would make fun of him But Sanji knew that he could never make fun of him for this). Usopp and Luffy immediately says that the mini merry cannot be in the docking stations anymkre and bring her onto the deck. No one disagrees or argues with them.
As a thanks to Trafalgar Law for all his help and everything they’ve been through, they call back Corazone’s soul and he tells him that he loves him and is greatful for everything he did for him. He introduces him to the Heart pirates, named in honor of Corazone and shows him that he made the right decision in saving his life. Law also insisted that Sengoku be there because he loved Corazone like a son. Sengoku at this point is retired and he’s never admit this, but he is happy that Law and Luffy met because it gave him another moment with the man he viewed as a son. (Sengoku also couldn’t help but notice how much alike Luffy and Garp are. Especially when Garp was Luffy’s age and laughs knowing how much trouble Luffy will give the Navy considering the amount of trouble Garp gave the Navy and he worked for them)
They return to Dressrosa and let Rebecca,Kyros, Viola and the other see Scarlett again where she sees that her daughter grew up to be an amazing woman and that Kyros has protected ever since.
They Return to Wano and Momonosuke, Hiyori, kin and the other Samurai can see Oden again and his wife. Momonosuke can tell his father that he is following in his footsteps in order to become a great Shogun to make sure Wano prospers. Hiyori tells her father that she gave his sword, Enma, to Zoro. She thought he’d be mad so she tried to explain to him that he saved her life, Saved Wano, and is a worthy swordsman but Oden stops her midway saying that he doesn’t care about the sword. He’s just happy his family is safe and that if she gave his sword away, he knows that it would have been for a good cause and to someone worthy. The other Samurai get to tell Oden that they avenged him and saved his country like they promised. They even bring back Yasui so his daughter can see him again. Momonosuke also introduce his father to O-Tama and his father likes her and thinks she’s a good math for his son. Momonosuke blushes but Luffy, Kin, Nami, Robin, Sanji, Zoro and honestly everyone agrees and already consider them as a couple. Brooke even brings back Ryuma so they can clear Zoro’s name of stealing Shisui. Zoro spars with Ryuma and Oden. Their fight changes the geography of Wano a bit.
They go to Zou and call back Pedro’s soul so Carrot and everyone can see him. Carrot thanks him and shows him how strong she became. Luffy thanks him for sacrificing himself for him and Pedro is happy knowing the Dawn of the New World that he believed was coming has finally arrived. He never regretted his sacrifice for a second.
I’m assuming there is a 24 hour limit to each soul called back or something like it. But if not consider that after they each have their own individual heartfelt moment with their loved ones that they lost, the Strawhats bring EVERYONE, and yes I mean everyone that was mentioned, to Laugh Tale for a huge party. All the souls of the departed that where mentioned meet each other and celebrate the Luffy becoming King of the Pirates. Roger, Rayleigh and Whitebeard get to see Oden again. Nami ends up punching Gold Roger for doing something stupid on a reflex thinking it was Luffy. It actually really hurts Roger and as Nami apologizes, Bellmere looks proudly at her. Luffy laughs and Nami beats him up twice as hard. Roger, Whitebeard, Shanks, Oden and Fisher Tiger are now scared of her. They know Luffy has the best Navigator in the world, but are wondering if it’s worth it with him much she has punched Luffy in the short time they’ve know her. All while Brooke and the Rumbar Pirates play Bink’s Sake the entire time.
(If someone wants to make art of this, please do and tag me in it so I can see it and cry of happiness)
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easilysuggestible · 4 years
Top 5 OP characters who deserved better uwu
Basi!! ♥♥♥ wait isn’t it almost 3am
1. if i don’t say ace i’m gonna be kicked out of the server so better be safe uwu (but also...yeah)
2. is it cheating? i don’t know and i don’t care, all the charlotte children
3. all the op moms lmao
5. fisher tiger i love you so much and you deserved everything and to see the world changing and the wg go up in flames
actually the order means absolutely nothing because i just put them down as i thought of them
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pwnyta · 4 years
If you’re in an OP mood I’d love if you could answer which character is your favorite each arc. Characters that debuted in that arc, I mean. Or if you don’t want to break down every single arc, maybe just a collection of your faves off the top of your head. (I’m still struggling with reading through OP and having characters to look forward to might help me focus)
Theres A LOT OF ARCS.... I’ll do my favs! UNDER THE CUT!!!
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The Orange Town to Arlong- You got (most of) the Strawhats as favs. Nami especially is a stand out but I think Usopp is underrated. I also loved Gin in Baratie... obviously.
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Alabasta is terrific. Vivi is great... especially later on and at least for me... I miss her. Shes a good lass. Crocodile is introd here hes great. Daz. Robin!!! Robin especially. Also Ace I think if youre into that kinda thing.
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Some people arent a fan of Skypiea but those people are buttholes. So. Stand out favs are Calgara and Norland and not Southbird. How dare Oda make me care so very much for characters who are ancient.
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Water 7/Enies Lobby is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE ARC. So many good characters!!! Iceburg, Paulie, Lucci, Kaku! You get Franky and Robins backstory which brings with it some heavy and beautiful stuff... Oda didnt have to go so hard but... HEY.
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Thriller Bark also comes with a shit tone of fun characters. Brook is the stand out... also just CHOICE Zoro action.
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Sabaody starts off fun... and then just spirals into insanity! Lotta great characters, some returning good bois. Kizaru is my stand out but you also get the Supernova and info on a bunch of stuff.
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Impel Down is also great... Amazon Lily before that you also get some great new characters but Impel Down is A RIOT. More returning good bois and also IVA-CHAN AND HIS MERRY BAND OF MISFITS.
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Marineford is HIGH KEY everything. Marcos the Phoenix my fav introd BUT WHAT A LINEUP!!!! And what an arc. Only Water7 outdoes it for me probably.
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People tend not to like Fishman Island either but I rather enjoyed it... or I rather enjoyed the flashbacks... its sort of like Skypeia in that way... AND YET OPPOSITE!!! Its a toss up... I love Shyarly and Den but Queen Otohime and Fisher Tiger and Koala... and all that good shit is more important.
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I didnt like the Dressrosa saga... I dont like Law... You might hes really popular. But Doflamingos gang is pretty swell. You at least cant go wrong with Monet!
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Zou gets things back on track for me! A new bunch of characters introd. Obviously Carrot is a stand out but my fav is Nekomamushi!!
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Whole Cake is mostly great. Depending how you feel about Sanji you may not care for his part in it... I didnt but I also despise Sanji. But Katakuri is TOP NOTCH. Really everything EXCEPT Sanji is great in Whole Cake. Big Mom? Amazing as well.
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Levely is a sharp turn into shenanigans. Serious (kinda) shenanigans. Lots of old faces lots of new faces... Karasus probably my fav introd.
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Wano is still going strong... Lotsa good shit. Lotsa characters. Best girl Kiku but theres lots of contenders.
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jellysigil · 4 years
okay okay okay okay so hmmm heat, rosinante, kuzan, killer, barto and fisher tiger
Push off a cliff: Barto. Once again his df would be kinda useful here so I think he'll be fine.. I think Kiss: ehehehh eheh hahhe heh.. Marry: Rosinante,, I'm gonna be Law's new mom who is only slightly older than he is and make his life absolutely miserable Set on Fire: Heat. (heh) Not because I dislike him, though. I believe he'd think it's funny probably. A cool party trick Wrap a Blanket around: Fisher becaaause I don't actually remember him that well??? Or that entire arc for that matter Be Roommates with: Mister Kuzan
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butchyena · 4 years
Idk if this is weird or if u knew this but u mentioned in ur tag not knowing lions could swim. As a fun fact I believe some big cats absolutely love to swim! This doesn't include lions, but tigers habitually swim when they are in their habitats just for fun and a way to cool down. They love it!
yeah i knew tigers liked to swim! i wondered if like, a lion's mane would weight them down and that big guy's head did bob a few times... also arent there like fishing cats hold on
okay everybody shut the fuck up i just found out this fucking thing exists and i saw one in a tree when i was in middle school alone walking off-path on a nature trail and nobody believed me because i described it as a bear cat
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its called a fisher and it growled at me
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illustratedjai · 4 years
Quarantine Tag Game (tagged by @rubecso​)
Are you staying home from school/work? Until this past week I was working from home (my work took the sensible option to send us working from home the week before the lockdown was officially announced), but I’m starting furlough next week, so... yes??? I’m not really sure... how to answer that question, to be honest. 
Who is at home with you? My partner @izzetengineer, and his partner @theanachronisticengineer, who’re both working from home. 
Are you a homebody? I do tend to be - I’ve had a lot of energy issues over the last couple years, but I had made a goal of getting out more with my friends and saying yes to more things... but, uh, that’s... not going to really happen. 
Any event that you were looking forward to that got canceled? My weekly DnD game is actually the biggest one - none of us are really into doing our usual game over discord, at least partially because our DM puts so much effort into the minis, but also because I find voice chat these days drains me in a weird way... I’m not sure if the LARP event I’m booked in for in October is still going ahead, and I suspect neither do the game runners. We were also meant to be doing the M:tG Ikoria Prerelease, but that’s also been pushed into the future.
What movies have you been watching recently? Lots of documentaries on Netflix - I love me a weird-ass documentary. The most recent one I watched was ‘Three Identical Strangers’ - it’s well worth a watch, though there is discussion of suicide and mental health issues in the later half, so be prepared for that if you decide to give it a go. 
What are you doing for self care? I’ve taken up looking after our little back garden (mostly a concrete box with some greenery along one side) - I’m hoping to get some lawn furniture back there before the summer kicks off so that we can have suppers outdoors, and so that I have somewhere to sit outdoors and do art if all this continues and I can’t go sit in the park or at the LARP site like I usually would. 
I’m also planning a lot of art working, in order to keep up a steady schedule, so I don’t fall into the trap of just sitting on the couch all day every day and letting myself slide back into my depression, which I am already feeling clawing at the edges of my emotions.  We’re making sure to get out on our mandated once per day walks, and trying to get out the backdoor in the morning to at least simulate the walk to and from work that we all would normally have. 
What shows are you watching? Ms Fisher’s Murder Mysteries is my on-going evening ‘put an episode on before bed’ entertainment - I’ve probably watched the whole series at least a couple dozen times at this point. Continuing my documentaries theme, I’m slowly working my way through Tiger King (I get frustrated at the way some things are presented as ‘fact’ by some of the figures in it and need to take a break sometimes). I just finished Don’t Fuck With Cats (also on Netflix), which has some disturbing imagery and themes, but doesn’t actually show any of the actual footage, just has the interviewees give descriptions of it. Still, definitely one to watch when you feel particularly resilient. 
What music have you been listening to? Mostly John Prine the last few days, as he passed on the 7th, due to Covid-19. He was a huge part of my childhood (being one of my parents’ favourite musicians), and I’m really sad he’s gone. (If you want to give him a shot, start with ‘Please Don’t Bury Me’, ‘Flag Decal’ or ‘Illegal Smile’ to get a pretty good idea of what he’s like. For his sadder music ‘Some People Ain’t People’ and ‘Angel from Montgomery’ and ‘Paradise’ are all sure ways to hit me in the feels.) 
What books are you reading? I’m... not really reading much at the moment - I haven’t been for a while, related to the energy level issues I mentioned above. The most recent thing I’ve read was @copperbadge ‘s Six Harvests in Lea, Texas, which is a piece of really fantastic original fiction. It’s relatively short and left me wanting more in that world, and was an absolute page-turner of a book. Copperbadge did an amazing job of fitting writing style to setting and the voices of the characters are all super clear and unique.  Tagging: @panijeziora @puppetstringgallows @mychemicalseal @theredkite - anyone else who wants to do the thing. (No pressure for those who don’t want to do the thing.)
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 4 years
Hi Jonny! Now that you're caught up, please once again rank the strawhats' backstories in terms of how much they hurt you T^T You didnt include Luffy the last time I think
yeah! last time was... just after thriller bark, i think. couldn’t find my old post to consult, so we’re starting from scratch but with everybody this time. obligatory this is just my personal experience and opinion, everybody is going to have different emotional reactions to different things. 
1. nami: since the last time i made this list i watched the anime version of arlong park for the first time, and like... it really hit me. i felt like i got gut punched. also i recently wrote some fanfic about nami’s backstory too which just made me think about how badly she suffered and how strong she had to be, which also made me cry some more. anyways, i love nami.
2. robin: robin’s backstory still holds the esteem of being the first strawhat backstory to make me cry real tears. in the middle of a school day, no less. 
3. brook: yeah. 
4. sanji: even setting aside the fact that sanji’s initial backstory hit me so hard it was one of the first things to really hook me into the manga’s story (together with zoro’s duel with mihawk), everything about him and the vinsmokes in the first half of whole cake island was so upsetting for me that it like, genuinely detracted from my enjoyment of the arc until things started brightening up.
5. chopper: chopper is one i don’t think i properly appreciated when i first read it, because drum island as a whole was a really difficult arc for me reading comprehension-wise, but. he was just a baby? he was little baby? and he accidentally helped kill his dad? i’m sad. 
6. franky: chopper and franky are really about even in my mind, in terms of tragedy, but eventually i decided rank franky a little lower because he got a lot more time with his family and didn’t lose tom until he was an adult. though i still am VERY emotional about tom’s workers they were a FAMILY.
7. luffy: luffy would probably be a lot higher if i hadn’t already known while reading his backstory that sabo was going to live. don’t get me wrong, his flashback still hits like a bus and i am very :((, but i can’t place him higher than any of the others i think.
8. jinbe: it’s not that the fishman island flashback isn’t sad, because it absolutely is, it’s sheer multilayered tragedy, but, uh. i didn’t really... register it was also jinbe’s backstory flashback until a friend of mine actually pointed it out. the focus is all on otohime and fisher tiger. so despite the fact that it’s super sad and well-told, i feel like i can’t rank it any higher than this as strawhat backstories go, if that makes sense. 
9. usopp: usopp barely has a backstory- which makes sense, given he’s basically the everyman of the crew and has never even left his island before meeting the crew. the loss of his mom and the justification it provides for his actions is still sad, but it’s also very everyday and unavoidable, and only really gets a couple pages dedicated to it.
10. zoro: zoro’s backstory comes too early and ends too fast to really hit, i think, especially because even within the flashback everything seems so sudden. i think some of this is just oda’s early style, but in any case i’m so sorry, kuina, you deserved better. 
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bluebuzzmusic · 4 years
EDC Las Vegas 2020 Lineup – Or Most Of It, At Least
What a crazy 45 minutes! Those tracks absolutely flew by on Night Owl Radio with Pasquale Rotella, and Shazam wasn’t doing us any favors, either. Still, we managed to catch a bunch of names who could be playing EDC Vegas in 2020– we’re curious if your picks match ours.
MAJOR DISCLAIMER: our list derived from the Night Owl broadcast might not be 100% correct, and it does NOT contain all names playing the festival. It’s more than likely we missed some, or some show up on more than one stage. It does not account for b2b sets or special alias sets.
Check out who we heard on the radio show below, and check back tomorrow for the full lineup released in standard fashion!
We just found out that Love Regenerator, the new project from Calvin Harris, appears to be playing EDC 2020 as well!
Black Tiger Sex Machine
Spag Heddy
Andy C
Zeds Dead
Space Jesus
The Prototypes
Code Black
Da Tweekaz
Sound Rush
TNT (Technoboy & Tuneboy)
Wasted Penguinz
Radical Redemption
Darren Styles
Ben Nicky
DJ Mad Dog
Deadly Guns
Stan Kolev
Ilan Bluestone
Jason Ross
Andrew Bayer
Markus Schulz
Abraxis (Seven Lions + Dimibo)
Vini Vici
Ahmed Romel
Alessandra Roncone
Aly & Fila
Paul van Dyk
Kai Tracid
Billy Gillies
Giuseppe Ottaviani
Oliver Heldens
Martin Garrix
Yellow Claw
Eli Brown
Golf Clap
Sonny Fodera
Moon Boots
J. Worra
Dr Fresch
Ilario Alicante
Reinier Zonneveld
Len Faki
Boris Brejcha
Patrick Topping
Ann Clue
Maceo PLex
Denis Sulta
DJ Seinfeld
Richie Hawtin
Sven Vath
Joseph Capriati
Franky Wah
Danny Tenaglia
Max Chapman
Friend Within
Sosa UK
Paul Woolford
Lee Foss
GG Magree
Louis The Child
Major Lazer
Boys Noize
Born Dirty
Knife Party
Walker & Royce
Yolanda Be Cool
Wax Motif
Anna Lunoe
Yung Bae
Said The Sky
The Chainsmokers
Lost Kings
Loud Luxury
Don Diablo
Nicky Romero
Alan Walker
Vini Vici
David Guetta
  Photo via Rukes.com
This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: EDC Las Vegas 2020 Lineup – Or Most Of It, At Least
source https://www.youredm.com/2020/02/20/edc-las-vegas-2020-lineup-or-most-of-it-at-least/
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