candlelightsjuju · 5 years
⌿i 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 need 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 help⍀
Heon leans back in his chair, swings his head back and makes a sound that sounds kind of like an annoyed groan. Surprisingly, Heon does visit the library sometimes. Mostly to sleep, because the library is so quiet and Heon needs his sleep, but sometimes also just to read about magical creatures because he finds them interesting, charms? He doesn’t find those interesting at all. And Heon is well aware of the fact that he isn’t doing so well in charms, mostly because he sleeps in the class, or manages to skip it or sneak out unnoticed, but does he need to be here?
Firstly. What can you possibly learn about charms by being at a library? In what way does that make sense? Secondly, why is he here with a student that is literally three years younger than him, is this some amazing student who knows everything, or is this their indirect way of calling Heon dumb?
He swings his head forward again, look lands at the young boy, does he want to be here? He doesn’t, does he? Why would he? There’s no way this dude would want to be tutoring a guy three years older than himself, especially a guy like Heon who doesn’t even want this help so—
“I got an offer. I leave, and neither of us say anything about it to anyone?”
making this one for @acjinwoo
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acxyoon · 5 years
𝖆 𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖑𝖊 𝖈𝖑𝖚𝖒𝖘𝖞
➵ @acjinwoo
Jet black hair could be seen peeping out from the large stack of books, ranging from Dark Arts to Muggle studies. The person carrying them must love to keep themselves busy with reading.
...Oh of course it was Hogwarts resident Slytherin nerd Yoongi, everyone swears he can read one whole book every hour, absorbing all the information instantly. He spends almost all of his free time in the library, he’ll probably finish all of the books before he leaves Hogwarts. 
Feet moved carefully, trying not to knock into anything despite his lack of vision of the path in front of him, Yoongi had done this many times and had no issues, knowing the library like the back of his hand. Especially at this time of the day, no one will be around to cause a blockage in his path. 
But the male was wrong... The pile of books he had been holding went flying, and the next thing he knew he was on the floor, face pressed against the cold wooden floor. Oh No! Such an embarrassment, he hoped no one saw!
However, someone did see.
Yoongi started to lift himself up but froze at the sight of black shoes, quietly cursing to himself. Oh great... who could that be...
A Ravenclaw. huh... grabbing all of his books he stood to his feet, perhaps standing on his tippy toes to make himself seem more intimidating. 
The Slytherin glared, his low voice grumbling “ Tell anyone and you’re dead meat “
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acsoohyuk · 7 years
writing’s on the wall ft. @acjinwoo
fortuitously a late evening, and jinwoo was spotted at a striking venue—the blue house. or to put it into precision, in the reclusive comfort of what the latter called a room. as the two friends studied each other for a solid minute, letting the silent gradually seeping in, probably in the hopes that the words uttered before would not erupt such a misunderstanding.
which it probably did anyways.
“don’t give me that look,” he snickered. recalling that he may, or may not disclose albeit too much information regarding the relationship with his counterpart, daldal. it was only the fact that the taller felt like spilling the beans, after all, jinwoo is seen as trustworthy. bros for life, in a sense. even though both of them were slightly polar opposites from each other, as it was often muttered by the students. the latter was bright, whereas it contrasted greatly with having much of a cold persona for the latter. yet, they bonded throughout the years.
“it’s not like you don’t have a girlfriend,“ plastering a nonchalant look now as the first son proceeded in fidgeting the gadget in his hand. wanting to look somewhat preoccupied. “so like, i don’t owe you anything from now on,“ fingers unlocking the screen and clicking on a random app. for the sake of a random act. 
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acdaldal-blog · 7 years
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              “ We've always taken shelter                                     in our unhelpable pride “
@acjinwoo @acreiko
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acminjae-blog · 7 years
“you can’t stay home! it’s the biggest event of the season!”
PROMPT STARTERS ; source —— @acjinwoo
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he rests his chin on top of his arms, which were folded on the desk in front of him. minjae stares ahead as the other nags, and nags, and nags about how he wasn’t allowed to stay home -- even if it was close to the weekend. the leader sounded almost like his parents, if he wasn’t still half awake he would’ve thought the male was his mother at one point. minjae lets out a huff in frustration because he’s aware of how big the event is, but he just doesn’t want to go. he also knows theres a boat load of people in the honor society that is smarter than he is so, why is he needed?
“ but hyung, i’m tired! when i get home i’m not going to even be able to lay in bed because i’m going to have to study something that i don’t even need to study. then you’re making me stay at this school when all i want to do is close my eyes, and sleep for probably the next six years. ” 
minjae complained with yet another huff. he was cranky, and tired. that wasn’t a good combination, not for someone like minjae who was always focused and working probably harder than the average hard-working person. what he needed was to rejuvenate himself, and jinwoo just wasn’t letting that happen. 
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academiakrp-blog · 7 years
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SCHEDULE: Science A1, Math A1, Korean A1, French, Intro to Business, Philosophy EXTRACURRICULARS: Honors Society (president)
CHUNGHWA SCHOOL NEWSPAPER, 05.01.17: New student Soo Jinwoo has officially joined the third year class! Jinwoo is eighteen years old and has been reported to be confident, smooth, and charming but also cruel, two-faced, and narcissistic. His personality will take him far as the president of the honors society. Let’s welcome Jinwoo to the school and wish him a good year!
Name and pronouns: trice, she/her
Other muses: N/A
Time zone: PST
Muse name: soo jinwoo
Birthday (or age): 12 June 1998, age 18
Faceclaim: kim mingyu
School: chunghwa
Grade: third year
Desired clubs: honors society president
Positive traits: confident + smooth + charming Negative traits: cruel - two-faced - narcissistic
Proficiency: jinwoo excels at foreign language, along with math. however, he is absolutely terrible at science. he desperately tries to hide this fact by taking science a1 instead of a2, praying that people don’t bother digging deep enough into a1’s reputation to find out that a2 science is actually better than a1.
Electives: intro to business and philosophy.
prelude—- (jinwoo has been all the life of the party for as long as he can remember, toothy and laughing and flirting and playing. he’s mastered the art of working a room a long time ago. each smile thrown his way is a weight off his shoulders, a conceited reassurance that he’s won over another heart with artful compliments and well-targeted aegyo. his older brothers, his real ones, tell him sometimes that he wouldn’t have turned out this way if their parents hadn’t died so early. jinwoo wouldn’t know.)
i. it begins with a two-year-old in a hospital waiting room. his eldest brother, fourteen years old, bows to a doctor. his middle brother, ten years old, weeps in a chair and holds the youngest close to him. their uncle, an aging, wrinkled man sheds tears as well; he cries for his nephews and for his dead brother and sister-in-law. the tears don’t stop even as he carries the boys’ possessions to the trunk of his car and moves them into the spare rooms in his home. they stop only when the two year old looks him in the eye and says,
ii. “enough,” and he returns to coloring a brutal picture of a car crash on the paper before him.
iii. (the two-year-old, of course, doesn’t stay two forever. aside from striking the fear of god into his uncle’s heart, he’s quite well-behaved his first few years of orphanhood.)
iv. they find out early on that he has a talent for dance. he sets down his crayons only to start moving to the beat of whatever song his middle brother plays on a stereo to drown his sorrows. the eldest brother takes on a job at the age of sixteen to save up for jinwoo’s future enrollment in kurin. the youngest spends more of his early years in a dance studio than at home, and he can dance before he can properly say his own name.
v. he is jinwoo, and he is now fourteen. he’s grown up quite well. he is well-fed and well-kept and well-spoiled, even though his uncle never had much to give him in the first place. but now his eldest brother, twenty-six, walks across a stage in a ceremonial cap and gown and beams with pride at jinwoo and his middle brother. the three of them are bound as closely together as the petals of a tulip.
vi. age fifteen. the eldest is a doctor now, and jinwoo crows about it like the title is his own. granted, he hardly knows at all what his brother does or if his position in the hospital is even a high one, but it’s become easy for him to dance around if anyone pries. he enters high school with confidence dripping down his back from his eldest brother’s accomplishments, and a newfound charm stemming from that. he shows off his dancing skills wherever he can and takes names of anyone who thinks they’re better. it’s a good year for jinwoo, filled with girls hanging off his every word and the discovery that being cute is a sheddable costume that gets him what he wants. but then his middle brother finally gets a job.
vii. “he’s becoming an office worker?” jinwoo says it like it’s a complete disgrace, but to him, it is. his eldest brother was supposed to be good, his middle brother was supposed to be better, and he, seo jinwoo, talented and smart and attractive (or at least that’s what he tells himself in the mirror), would be the best. that’s the way he’s always thought, and now that mindset is shattered.  his eldest brother smacks him upside the head and scolds him because there’s no good reason for jinwoo to say “office worker” with that tone of voice, and he should be happy that their middle brother gets to do something he loves, and you can be such a brat sometimes, jinwoo. but in the younger boy’s humble opinion, the three brothers were destined to be great, not to work their lives away in a cubicle with the rest of the rabble, dressed in stuffy button-downs and ridiculous-looking khakis.
viii. (not once does jinwoo’s middle brother come home looking like that. his profession does nothing to him besides change the clothes he wears when he leaves the house, but the youngest never notices.)
ix. jinwoo still broods about it though. he no longer brags about either of his brothers, and begins to raise hell. the sleek, silken costume that is his “cute persona” makes less and less of an appearance around his family, giving way to something more devilish. classmates and teachers notice how his smiles get wider and the glint in his eyes becomes more wicked; they attribute it to a growing mischief within the boy, because after all, he’s only fifteen, and any fifteen-year-old needs time to grow into himself.
x. the eldest has had enough of jinwoo before autumn ends that year. “you want to be the best?” he snaps, “fine. be the best.”
xi. and that’s how the money saved up for kurin goes to chunghwa instead.
xii. chunghwa enrollments are that week. he aces the entrance tests and, with fake smiles and an overdose of schmooze (and maybe just a little bit of good timing on his part—- him running into the dean just in time to catch his papers was definitely a coincidence), he wins over the superintendents as well. he is strutting down the halls by the time he is a first-year.
xiii. pride is a ridiculous thing, he thinks sometimes. he sits at his desk and thinks, i should be at kurin. he stands at the podium and thinks, i should be at kurin. he leads the chunghwa honors society and thinks, i should be at kurin. he’s been dancing since he was born, and he should be at kurin. but he has a knack for public speaking, so he trains himself on that. yet like his personality, his deliverances are fake and shallow. he’s absolutely exhausted at the end of every day when he arrives home, thinking i should be at kurin, but there’s definitely no way he’ll be at a second-best school when his brothers are clearly testing him. in any case, his respect for them raises just a little bit when he realizes that they deliberately sent him through this hell.
xiv. he at first finds it hard learning to become close to his fellow honors society officers. the members are fine; he’s perfectly okay with wooing them by playing mr. good president. he really, genuinely does try not to be insufferable to his other heads of the society, but the part of him that’s always treated his real brothers callously quickly wears him down and he starts getting lazy with formalities and with checking his attitude. his appreciation for their talents, however, is boundless, and he believes they should be so lucky to deserve his approval.
xv. jinwoo is eighteen and a third-year, having been the chunghwa honors society president for all three years of his high school career now.. he’s adjusted quite well into chunghwa life and has grown more comfortable and considerate with the rest of his clubmates, although he still can’t be considered well-behaved. he’s in tune with them all, pumping out orders and excellence like a well-oiled machine, and his competence in empathy steadily improves, according to his teachers. he watches other schools with a critical eye; chunghwa is as good as them, even better, and he knows that their club will take seoul by storm.
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acdaldal-blog · 7 years
“planning’s going a lot better than i thought it would.”
               『❀』 Daldal raised one eyebrow towards the boy’s statement, a sided smiled on her lips.
                            ❝I believe finding a date is not on your plans then.❞
She managed to snap back at Jinwoo, still focused on the math exercises, only to put it aside and point her pen towards the boy.                    ❝    - By the way, were you the one that started this whole SNSD rumor? Because it’s not going to happen. There are limits for these things and we certainly don’t need a bunch of hardcore SONES trying to break in the dance. Safety comes first.   ❞She sighed, she was also one of the people that wanted to see SNSD live but what could she do about it? It was a school dance, not SBS Gayo Daejun. She wasn’t even part of the committee yet many students came to her begging to not be in the same room as Techon, she surely didn’t want to deal with more headaches like YoonA’s gigantic fan-club. The most they could have was  a Gee dance cover made by Kurin but that’s it. in the end, Heejun is the budgets head and he’s the one with the final word, not SNSD fans                    ❝    - But now that you’ve already started talking, tell me about the planning, mister head planner Jinwoo oppa.   ❞
 The latest sounded much more like a mocking point then her trying to be cute.  She had nothing against Jinwoo, but she hated when people tried to interrupt her studies.
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acminjae-blog · 7 years
acjinwoo replied to your post: .
h ow ;aksfj;ladsj f;dk f they’re still broken for me rip
i emailed help support lakjdf they said it was a glitch, i guess if you email them they will fix it idk i just know it works for me now!!
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academiakrp-blog · 7 years
It’s been a long time coming, and we’re horribly sad to see the blog closing down. You all know that, clearly, so at this point this is more a message for anybody who might stumble upon the blog than it is for the members. The admins no longer have the time to run this blog, and interest is at an all-time low. There was excitement after the revamp; however, we were unable to keep it going, and our time here has run its course. It’s been an excellent six months with all of you, full of laughter and fun, and we couldn’t possibly have asked for a more welcoming group. Friends were made and characters were developed . . . we hope you all decide to keep the relationships you’ve forged through Academia, and maybe one day we can open again. But for now, it’s goodbye, so thank you once more!
I’ve had a blast getting to know all of you! You’ve all been so sweet and nice, and I’m glad that we helped you guys create a safe place to make new friends. You’ve given me an amazing platform on which to develop my character and helped him along with his journey. I hope I can keep him with me, and the gift you’ve all given me of his transformation will stick with me for as long as I have him. Feel free to ask for my contact information, and if you need me, I’m here. -Admin Tadashi / Trice / acjinwoo
Wow. This has been a pretty wild ride, don’t you think? This has literally been high school incarnate, to a point. Sprinkled with romance and drama and friendships that were so fun to create, I can honestly say I will remember these months for a good while to come. I’ve really enjoyed developing characters and planning plots and generally just freaking out. Maybe we can consider this as some kind of graduation? We’re all moving on. Academia 90210, its been real. Thanks for joining us. -Admin Gogo / Rocket / acreiko
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