ferrisraccoon · 1 year
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Happy Bellcollar day, Bellhomies!
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kittanthalos · 2 years
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#bellweather family reunion 😩
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weirdgirlbutch · 2 years
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you look so pretty. well thank you, dwight.
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Motherland Fort Salem season 3 premier be like:
We have the couples:
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Then there's Tally:
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also Tally:
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Adil: Abigail is going to cook something
Tally: shE’S GOING TO WHAT?!
Adil: Is that a problem?
Tally: CODE RED!
Scylla: *ducking under a table*
Abigail: *reading the recipe* “beat the eggs” in what? Hand to hand combat?
Adil: I see.
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talder-week · 9 months
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bettykissme · 2 years
To be fair I said that I knew Talder would not be canon so I'm not disappointed because of that. But the fact that they decided that every romantic relationship in this show would be cute as fuck and also developed and just very beautiful all except for Tally who gets a character that has not appeared all season. And he was only midly relevant last season. I like Gregorio and when he first appeared I was honestly rooting for him and Tally but now it just feels like Tally has evolved so much without him? Like if that was the plan they should have found a way to at least include him this season. Like Rae gets kinda the main love story in the show which I love, Abigail gets literally the best person ever who is perfect for her and loves her and respects her. And Tally? Well Tally gets a decent guy that has had a total of 10 minutes of screentime in the entire show. I'm not saying give us Talder, I'm saying show us that you care about Tally lol.
Anyways stan Raylla and Adigail the only canon relationships I see.
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bellxcollar · 1 year
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Valentine’s Day approaches!
Get your fave MFS ships all dressed up and ready to go for this Valentine's gala! Ball gowns, cocktail dresses, suits, whatever of the like if you got ‘em ✨💃🏽✨
Post it all on Feb 14th 2023 and tag #MFSVDay
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jaxthepigeon · 2 years
I was super bored at work today so enjoy these Motherland Fort Salem head canons that I came up with
-Raelle can’t cook anything that isn’t on a grill. Her dad taught her everything
-Scylla loves scary movies and forces Raelle and sometimes the rest of the unit to watch them
-Raelle, Adil, and Khalida love having conversations in Mother Tongue especially because Abigail, Tally, and Scylla usually have no idea what they’re talking about
-Scylla and Abigail are cat people, Raelle is a dog person, and Tally won’t decide because she doesn’t want to hurt any animal’s feelings
-Tally loves writing in calligraphy, when they were at the hide out with the dodgers she would write the kids names all fancy on paper for them to have
-Raelle likes to peel the crust off her bread and eat it first before eating the rest of her sandwich, toast, or whatever she’s eating
-Abigail doesn’t know how to ride a bike, all three of her dads tried to teach her but it just didn’t work out
I love coming up with head canons so if anyone wants anything specific let me know
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chin07ming · 2 years
I can't remember the last time I've been su h a bundle of emotions omg so much happened in episode 9. From Raelle moving speech to Wade slapping a bitch, to a double wedding to chaos... Whew I'm a nervous wreck.
Going into episode 9 we knew from preview it was packed and the scenes literally felt like cut and paste go we had to fill in the blanks but it's obvious they're tying up all storylines and trying to reach a worthy conclusion.
President Wade walking in the way she did was everything I hoped and expected beating Silver at his own game on public tv which lead to the pardoning of core 4 (rightfully deserved) and a moment we all wanted... Badly.
I think I lost my voice when #Raylla finally got to the lighthouse my babies are so deserving of this moment it's what they've wanted for so long and to finally share it was so emotional but with our ship peace is a fleeting moment and chaos come knocking, I'm scared for the finale to be honest I wish we had more time to see them be wives to be at peace and find their way 🤷🏻‍♀️...
The wedding 😭😭😭. Edwin is such a beautiful human being he loves Scylla has his own and telling her to call him Dad and him dancing with his daughters 😭😭😭. When I tell you I bawled and been bawling whole episode this is not exaggeration
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#Adigail 🗣️🗣️ deserve this too they've been a very solid couple from their inception and all through chaos they've been each other rock, I'm not a fan of shared weddings but in this case it felt like family sharing a special day together so I liked it both these couple deserve a MOMENT. A PAUSE. TO JUST BE. They've been through so much and they can't even enjoy their wedding night 😔
Listen here Sarah Alder you should've married Tally today too #Talder I get they aren't canon and yes, they were building Gregorio for Tally in S2 but after watching S3 and all that has taken place his presence and their romance just feels odd, out of character but it's neither the actor nor character fault its what's been giving to him.
Izadora... You beautiful brilliant woman I hope mother Mushroom take you into her blossom because it's where you belong, we will miss you
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I'm not ready to say goodbye to this show or these characters especially #Raylla the finale is going to hurt me in more ways than one, I just hope it doesn't break my heart in taking any of them from me.
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ferrisraccoon · 10 months
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My complete set for Abigail Bellweather Week 2023 ✨
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kittanthalos · 2 years
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soft soft soft
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rambling-addict · 2 years
Okay… I waited ‘til they released the post-episode video before I did this post, and I’m so glad I did. It put some stuff in perspective.
WARNING: This post will contain spoilers of MFS 3x01. So if you didn’t want to be spoiled, click away now. But if you’re as insane as me and want to read some mad ramblings, sit back and relax. If you’ve read my previous posts, you know I could go on and on.. (I’ve started already, look at that. Lol)
Anyway… Let’s get started, shall we?
I’ll skip the opening scene, and get back to that later.
So first off, we find out that our beloved fugitives are “trying” to blend in with the dodgers. They work at this paper factory that functions as a cover-up for the dodger community. We see Tally ever so hard at work… Abigail as cool as ever, and Nicte in disguise. Then of course, we have our two troublemakers “working” by themselves. I’m so not surprised. Lol. I’m so hyped! Not even five minutes into the episode and we get a Raylla make-out session! This show just keeps on giving, I swear. If this is really the final season (which I’m still praying that it won’t be), then this scene is a nice homage to the first ever wlw pair to have a hot sesh in the very first episode of the first season. No slow burn, just straight on fire and explosion.
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Look at them! These bunnies, seriously… They’re in honeymoon phase. And that last pic, when someone just passed by in a bathrobe— this makes me think Raylla has been caught so many times by other people there that they’re not even surprised anymore. Look at their faces, no shame whatsoever. In my head, people are probably betting on who can catch Raylla making out the most, or where is the most outrageous place they’ve caught Raylla making out in. Lol. I live for this!
If this was a regular factory, Raylla would be fired a long time ago for slacking off and also for work misconduct, hahaha. Meanwhile, we have Tally who’s employee-of-the-month material… Abigail who still stands in attention like a soldier… Adil who’s just there… and Nicte, who’s basically done with it all. Nicte’s expression, lol.
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And another subtle Raylla moment in that third pic… While Raelle is being her clueless self, Scylla is staring at her. It’s everything, omg.
Then, not long after that… we have another moment. Raylla being bunnies once again… and then a cute Adigail kiss… and then, Tally the fifth wheel.
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Tally, my poor baby is feeling alone. She still heavily feels the guilt of what happened to Penelope… still thinking of Alder’s passing… and just basically feeling trapped in their situation. She’s so pure. She’s torn between wanting to stay united in the unit’s decision not to change faces and wanting to keep the dodgers safe. While I’m glad she has Nicte training her and pushing her to the limits, I’m still a little bit on the fence about Nicte. Nicte has too much hate in her and the world, and she admits she’s still not at peace even with Alder’s “death”. It makes me think what is it really that she’s after. She’s already had her “revenge” on Alder. She could literally step back now… but she’s still helping Tally and others. What is her endgame? But anyway, she’s a good mentor… Tally is slowly working up to her greatest potential.
Back to a lighter topic… we meet another ex of Scylla.
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All their expressions are gold! Haha. The moment this Vira grabbed hold of Scylla’s face for a kiss (very similar to the way Raelle does it), Raelle was just like ???. For a self-proclaimed badass, she was full on loading… She didn’t even stake her claim! Lol.
Then you have Scylla guilty face with fidgety fingers… tsk tsk. How many more exes you got, Ramshorn? (If they get to the Cession, I hope we have an encounter with any ex of Raelle. I feel like Scylla would be the one who’s gonna react more. She just got back in to Raelle’s good graces. She would definitely not want any ex to take Raelle away from her.)
Then, there’s Tally with that “awkward” expression… and Abigail standing up for them… It’s subtle but I know she did it for her shitbird. That tomato comment just about had me, too, hahaha. And if you didn’t notice, Tally stole a celery off Raelle’s plate when Scylla and Vira came back. It’s such a Tally thing to do, lol.
Meanwhile, in the other side, the army has bigger problems. Just as they thought that they finally have a solution for the witch plague, this weird (witch-plague like) rain happened—almost like “something” is preventing the vaccination from happening. But that song being sung… that was what Penelope was singing in the church before. And that quote “I suppose it’s a little late for me”—definitely Penelope. We all know that every witch who dies isn’t really gone. They go “back” to the mycelium as collective beings of dead witches powers. Penelope died being the source of the witch plague. This could either be really bad or really good for the witches. I’m curious to see how this all ties together.
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And then we have MamaCostia! Still a badass, and doing excellent work with Sterling. Now, she’s recruited M! I’m so happy M is getting some screen time. It broke my heart seeing them talk about their coven, Sekhmet. They really do care for the coven, it gives them purpose.
Scylla, take notes on proper espionage. Haha. Don’t wear too many colourful clothes. Don’t enter from the front door, where everyone can see you. And definnitely, don’t blow your cover! This is how you gather intel. Lol. Seriously though, M was the right person for this. I’m looking forward to this new tandem of M and Anacostia.
Now we know that the Camarilla are gonna try and poison the mycelium. I’m feeling anxious for Raelle, who’s basically an extension of the mycelium. I don’t believe the Camarilla knows about this connection yet, but if they do, they’re gonna go after Raelle again. She better not die, or I’m gonna riot!
Then, Adigail… I have mentioned this before way back in season 2. The Camarilla tried to annihilate the Tarim (earthwork), and they actively hunted the Bellweathers (weatherwork). Alban Hearst mentioned the union of earth and sky must be prevented at all cost. Adigail together is definitely a force to be reckoned with, but they just haven’t realised it as they don’t know about it. But think back on Jem Bellweather, the most powerful Bellweather with works that no one in the Bellweather line had been able to replicate…yet. Could she have been an offspring of an earth-mover and a storm-bringer? Or maybe she was involved with an earth-mover? Either way, I’m excited to know more about this. Earth and sky, such a classic… *Clexa, ahem*
Btw, Adil is such an adorable dork… Did he really just propose? While they’re on the run as fugitives??
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Also, I’m glad Abigail managed to talk to her mother. She seemed so lost without her. Ashley’s acting was top notch in that last scene, you can see her eye shining with so much emotion. Scylla made this happen. Who needs a phone when you’ve got Spree-facetime? Hahaha.
Everyone’s dynamics with each other really shows in this episode. Really, such a talented cast.
The unit bond is still so strong, and it helps that they’re all friends in real life because it really shows the chemistry. And the most developed is Abigail and Scylla. They went from snarky responses and barely even looking at each other, to now exchanging compliments and smiles. We all know it meant a lot for Abigail that she got to speak to her mum.
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I especially love that Khalida is still the little firecracker. She managed to shut up Nicte with one sentence and a look, lol.
Speaking of, Khalida really is mature for her age. Instead of playing/ mingling with kids her age, she teaches them. She talked about the six witch sisters that started it all.
In the post-episode video, Elliot talked about different factions of witchdom that we have yet to see. He calls the song form the opening scene as the “First Song”. Is the mycelium related to them as well? Because it was mentioned before that it was Alder’s song of grief that birthed the mycelium. Is the mycelium just Fort Salem, or the whole witchdom?? I have so many questions… I really wish we had more seasons to explore all this..
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Then there’s Alder… resurrected? Or the embodiment of the mycelium now? We know that the mycelium liked it when Raelle sang… and then Alder was summoned because someone was singing. Hmm… again, so many questions.
The episode wasn’t as explosive as the last episodes of season 2, but it’s a good setup for the start of season 3. The tone is set.
Also, please let Raylla adopt Tiffany! Look how motherly Scylla is to her. I hope it happens! And now, I’m just thinking… where the hell is Morrigan?
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Anyway, to finish off… here’s another Raylla collage… because why not? Can’t get enough of them. Haha.
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Their chemistry is still otherworldly. Their micro expressions… their little gestures and stares… *chef’s kiss*
We are definitely fed this episode… which makes me think the next episodes will devastate us. Oh well… we’ll have to wait and see.
And that’s it, I guess. Lol. Until my next ramble… bye.
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itsalexwin · 2 years
Not changing their faces is such a stupid thing to be adamant about? Like y'all are literally on every TV wanted for the murder of the president's daughter??? Also? Adil??? Start a family????? You really think now is the time for this????????? Honestly Adigail just being the dumbest couple so far lmao what even
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yessikg · 2 years
My fellow Switches, I humbly present to you my remix of episodes 3x09 and 3x10:
The first 15 minutes are the same as the original, the rest is my off-canon work
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jaxthepigeon · 2 years
Does anyone have some good ideas for one shot prompts for Motherland Fort Salem.
It can be Raylla, just the unit, maybe some Mamacostia, alternate universes. Just about anything.
I just need ideas to get my motivation moving.
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