#affordable ethical home decor
sabfarocollectives · 2 years
Whether you're doing a full-scale, remodel or want to add a few extra pieces to finalise the look, adding decorative objects made of natural materials can bring that extra texture to your house. Natural home décor is the best thing to add to your home, and there are so many things in the market, such as a bamboo light shade. This article blog the advantages of designing your home with natural materials. 
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bitchesgetriches · 2 years
The normalization of poverty
Put simply, all that glitters isn’t gold. The reality is that the contemporary ubiquity of side hustles is just another sign of the normalization of poverty wages and our current shitty economy. While a side hustle might indeed shower untold wealth upon many, for others it’s just shiny new packaging on the solution to an old problem: stagnant wages in the face of inflation and the need for two or more jobs to make ends meet.
Like the tiny house craze, the romanticization of the side hustle is a way of normalizing wage stagnation. A family of four was not meant to cohabitate in thirty square feet of impractical, made-for-HGTV decorating during a Michigan winter. And given an affordable choice, I sincerely doubt they would. (Trust not the charlatans of Tiny House Hunters. Theirs is the snake oil of willful discomfort.)
Tiny houses likely started out as a practical solution to rapidly rising housing costs in major cities. But what used to be a way of surviving a tough economy became an Ethical Lifestyle Choice™, a trendy way to display to the world how minimalist and efficient you are.
Likewise, the side hustle. Or rather, as most Americans making minimum wage call it, the second job. It’s something the poor have done out of necessity for ages. But now we slap the fancy label of “side hustle” on the packaging and suddenly it’s a glamorous vocation!
Really what you’re saying with your side hustle is “I am not making enough money to meet my goals with one full time job so I need a second one.” Or even worse: “If I rest I’ll lose my home.”
- Romanticizing the Side Hustle: When 1 Job Isn't Enough
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tlbodine · 1 year
A PSA Written While Taking a Break from Cleaning My Home (because I am old and my knees need a rest)
If there is one thing that being in my thirties has finally taught me, it's this: If there's something in your day-to-day life that you are really struggling with, some seemingly simple and obvious task that you feel stupid or incompetent for not being able to do like everybody else, that paralyzes you with shame, or that you feel the need to beat yourself up over to tough-love your way into accomplishing it...
...there's probably an obstacle between you and completing it, and a practical solution for that specific obstacle.
In other words, the solution to "I can't fix this problem" is absolutely never going to be "I need to verbally abuse myself into somehow being a better person with more energy/willpower/work ethic."
The solution is almost always going to be, "I need an accommodation that might look a little different from what I perceive as 'normal' but suits my needs just fine."
Because, first of all, and I say this with my whole chest as someone who works in the advertising industry: fuck normal. "Normal" is a lie sold to you by advertisers and Hollywood taste-makers (who are often also advertisers) and lifestyle influencers (who are definitely also advertisers). "Normal" standards for how you should look and how your house should be kept and everything else? Those are set by folks who want to sell you things, so throw those expectations right out the window.
Instead, ask yourself with 100% honesty: What is actually the thing holding me back here? Physically, practically, specifically, what is the actual thing that is stopping me from getting the result that I want?
Because once you dig down deep into it, sometimes the answer is way simpler than you think it is.
Sometimes it's "The cord to the steam mop isn't long enough" (you can buy a cordless one!)
Or "Trash keeps piling up on end tables" (your garbage cans probably aren't in the right place!)
Or "My counter tops are covered in clutter so I can't even clean the surface" (you could buy some cute containers to give all your clutter a home!)
You would be frankly astonished at just how many personal failings and character flaws can actually be overcome with 1.) devices made for making specific tasks easier 2.) decorative containers to stash stuff in 3.) better-quality products (that require less effort on your part)
And yeah, I 100% will acknowledge that sometimes your house (or whatever) gets super grimy because you're too depressed to deal with it, or because you can't afford the things that would make it easier to deal with.
But you know what? That's not your fault, either.
Why the hell are you judging yourself against a standard set by people who aren't (in that moment) paralyzed by mental illness or poverty? That's not very fair. You should be nicer to yourself.
And then, when you can tackle it again, you can start building things into your routine that will make your life easier. Like buying machine-washable slip-covers and rugs instead of stressing about how to shampoo furniture/carpets. Or watching a five minute YouTube video on how to clean out your dishwasher drain so your dishes get cleaned properly the first time instead of needing multiple runs through.
If something isn't working, you probably just need to learn how to fix it.
You've got this. I promise.
Now back to work for me.
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blackhillsantlers · 5 months
Black Hills Antlers
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Website: https://www.blackhillsantlers.com
Address : Rapid City, South Dakota, USA
Black Hills Antlers, based in Rapid City, SD, specializes in providing unique, all-natural antler dog chews. These chews cater to various dog types, particularly aiding in dental care and reducing anxiety and energy levels in pets. The company prides itself on exceptional customer service and offers a range of antler qualities, from economy to premium grades. Additionally, Black Hills Antlers deals in repurposed taxidermy, offering unique pieces for sale.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Black-Hills-Antlers/100076119704015/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/blackhillsantlers/
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bufomancer · 2 years
idk if you would know the answer to this, and maybe this is a dumb question, but how do people become breeders? i feel like, as with anything, it requires practice but it sounds like itd be scary to make any mistakes even once. im so curious though, particularly when it comes to rodent breeders. i hope this ask makes sense
The short answer is you get a male rodent and a female rodent and you put them together. Anyone can breed, it isn't difficult to get rodents to have babies.
But when it comes to responsible, ethical breeding that improves the species? That's a little more difficult.
First, determine which species you want to breed (and why). Mice, syrian hamsters, degus, african soft furs, guinea pigs, etc. The list goes on and on.
If you've never owned the species you want to breed, DO THIS FIRST. Take care of a few individuals of that species, preferably for a year or more, before getting into breeding. You can use this time to figure out the specifics of your breeding operation. But just because you think that species is right for you, doesn't mean it will be once you actually own them. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the ins and outs of their care, learn how long maintenance takes you, etc before breeding.
There are a LOT of things you need to consider when it comes to breeding.
-Are you breeding for food, pets, or to win at shows? Or a combination of the three? -Will you be keeping the majority of the animals you breed, or rehoming to other homes? -If you are going to be sending some of your babies to other homes, how popular is this species in your area? How far are you willing to travel to meet adopters? Are you willing to work with transport companies to bring animals to homes further away from you? Who else is breeding in your area? Do they have a hard time rehoming their animals or is there a lot of interest? -Speak to other breeders, particularly other local breeders. What do they do that you want to emulate, and what would you want to do differently? Are the other breeders specializing in any particular aspects of breeding (ie a focus on blue, or on curly coats)? If so, you may want to breed a different color or coat variety in order to stand out and to avoid upsetting anyone by stepping on their toes. Or not! Ultimately it's up to you. -What is the planned scale for your operation? How many litters will you be producing on a monthly or yearly basis? How many individuals will you need in order to prevent excessive inbreeding? How many enclosures will you need to house these animals? Where will you put the enclosures? -Write a budget. How much are enclosures? How much does it cost to fill them with bedding, decor, etc? How much will you be spending on food, toys, bedding, and so on each month? Can you afford this? -Determine what is most important to you. For me, if I was breeding, that would be health/longevity followed by temperament. Coat color, physical 'type', and so on is completely unimportant to me- I think its fun to have a variety of colors, but I could not care less if a friendly, healthy individual has a show standard appearance or not. For some breeders, type and color is extremely important. -How will you vet new homes, and how much is the rehoming fee? What does a good setup look like to you? -Figure out where to source your foundational stock. Take your time and be choosy with this! Are you able to have stock from far away transported to you, or are you limited to what is available locally? -Figure out how you're going to track records. You'll want to be keeping detailed track of lineages, health, when you fed and cleaned each enclosure last, and so on. -How does care for babies differ from care for adults? How will you house nursing mothers, young babies, etc? At what age will you start picking your keepers and rehoming the ones you don't plan to keep? -What health issues are common in this species, and can they be avoided? What are the symptoms? Do you have a quality vet nearby who can treat your animals?
And more!
Once you have everything figured out and feel pretty confident that breeding is right for you, have your first litter.
The first litter, in my opinion, is kind of a test litter. All the research and reading in the world does not fully prepare you for the realities of raising a litter. You'll probably want to keep the entirety of your first several litters, or only rehome to people who understand that your lines are not yet established and you can't as accurately predict temperament, health, longevity, etc. The longer your lines have been established, if you track them carefully, the more accurately you'll be able to make predictions about new litters.
Or, after your first litter you might realize breeding isn't right for you and that's okay too. Ensure that the parents and all babies will be able to be cared for appropriately for their whole life, and then simply don't breed again!
It helps to find an established breeder that you respect who is willing to act as a mentor and give you advice and recommendations.
Breeding is a lot of work, and honestly a lot of rodent breeders are not all that great. It can be tricky for someone just starting out to carve out a space for themselves, but if you truly enjoy doing it and you are dedicated, hardworking, and patient, it is doable and can be very rewarding.
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goonlalagoon · 2 years
A house, a home || Young Wizards
I saw the ask response around the current canon ages of the YW kids while in the midst of camp NaNo, and wrote 1,800 words of spontaneous domestic fluff
Also on AO3
Nita flopped down onto the couch, letting out a sigh of relief. She enjoyed her job - mostly - but she still treasured her weekends, and Friday evening had finally come. Kit dropped down next to her, handing over a glass of water and only just avoiding spilling his own. She waved a hand in vague gratitude, knowing he’d understand it to mean thanks! Great to be home and good to see you, hi! without her saying a word, whether verbally or mentally. After over a decade of being each other’s closest friend and wizardry partner, they could have whole implied conversations through a few gestures or the twitch of an eyebrow.
 After a few minutes, she twisted to curl up against him, head on his shoulder. He pressed a quick kiss to the top of her hair.
“Long day?”
“Yeah. Good! We got the agreement through, but it’s such a - ugh. You know.” Kit nodded, though she couldn’t see it. Even without listening to her talk about the ins and outs of environmental policy campaigning, he had a pretty good background understanding of his own. It was hard not to, as a wizard who could speak to the trees and understand what they said about the changing seasons and patterns, had friends who happened to be whales or dolphins (and sometimes wizards) who were as sensitive to the changes to the ocean as it was possible to be, or flip open your manual and see detailed readings of any atmospheric variation or pattern you cared to look at for as long as it had been possible to get measurements - in some cases longer, though those were less reliable. Some days Nita found the work invigorating, a way of following her Oath of wizardry in her day to day life. Other days it was just depressing.
 Kit nudged her gently in the ribs.
“Okay, let me up. I’m gonna make mama’s chicken for dinner - it’s already marinading, we finished up a bit early ‘cause we had a super early call.” Nita let herself slump sideways into his vacated seat.
“See, this is why you’re the best.” He laughed, patted her ankle on the way by, and headed back into the kitchen. Nita wriggled until she was on her back, feet propped on the arm of the couch and staring up at the ceiling. She wrinkled her nose at the cracks in the paintwork. They’d fixed anything structural, mostly through subtle wizardry, though one or two things they’d had to get someone in to help with just to make it not too obvious that there was something odd going on.
 They hadn’t gotten through much of the decorating yet, still getting used to the idea that they could decorate the place however they wanted. Splotches of paint samples dotted the walls, though Ronan had laughed his head off when they told him and then reminded them that you could buy pretty much anything you wanted at the Crossings. Including time in a nifty device that threw incredibly detailed holograms up, accounting for objects in 3D space, so that you could make a lifelike mock up of any room you chose and walk around it, seeing how different colours worked and what furniture you wanted to use. It wasn’t cheap, but Nita still had a lot of credit worked up with the staff of the Crossings from various dramatic exploits, and a solid in with the stationmaster. Also a very healthy alien bank account that was built largely on investments and returns from Carmela and Ronan’s ongoing side business of ethical chocolate exports. Writing them a custom wizardry for filtering through the business practices of every step of their pipeline to help quantify as much as possible the ethics of each partner had earned her several shares, and they were paying dividends.
 It was largely how she and Kit had been able to afford the apartment.
Nita had been torn on the option. On the one hand, being able to play around in a SIMs style mock up was appealing. On the other, there was something nostalgic about putting up swatches, trying to imagine how the room would look. Eventually they’d decided it would be fun, and spent a day up at the Crossings getting increasingly distracted by different options - particularly after taking off the filter to limit them to what could be reasonably implemented on Earth, and could goof around with anything that the Crossings system could find labeled for sale anywhere related to ‘interior design’. Even if most of it had been for fun rather than useful, it had helped narrow down their colours and had given them ideas for things they might not have dreamed up otherwise, and for a few pieces of alien technology that they could pass off as slightly weird decorating choices or furniture, or even that just wouldn’t be visible.
 (Alien temperature regulating systems, for example, ranged massively as you would expect, but there were several very discreet options that you could get that blended in perfectly to the join between wall and ceiling. While they could use Wizardry to achieve the same effect - and regularly did if they went anywhere out of atmosphere - it was also the kind of frivolous use of Power that they tried to avoid, particularly when there was a perfectly reasonable solution available.)
 - Kit, do we have any plans this weekend? - There was a thoughtful hum from the kitchen, just about audible under the clatter of pans.
- Uh, think we’re seeing your dad for dinner on Sunday. There wasn’t anything urgent on my Manual when I looked earlier, not sure if anyone’s clamoring for more of your time more urgently - His mental tone was teasing, and Nita snickered. There was always someone asking for time from one or both of them; they’d taken on deputy-Advisory responsibilities for the region some years ago and taken on increasing responsibility since then. They’d talked it over a few times, and Kit thought he was likely to phase out of the pipeline for full Advisory soon. He liked working with other Wizards, but he dealt better going in depth with one or two as a mentor or support on a specific project, rather than trying to keep on top of what was going on with several people. In his own words, this is why I don’t want to be a manager at work, Neets. Better play to my strengths, yeah? Nothing concrete had been said, but Nita suspected that once they were more settled into their new home there would be more official movement coming through to back it up; the Powers and their on-planet network tried where they could to not pile new responsibilities on when you were dealing with something major outside of Wizardry, whether positive or negative.
 Nita pulled her manual out of her otherspace pocket, skimming through messages.
- Nah, unless something comes up think it should be fine for my usual hours, a few consults and a request to look at a spell calculation, but no fires to put out -
- Nice! Why d’you ask? -
- Figure maybe we should actually take the plunge and do some of the decorating. If we hate it, we can always change it, right? -
- I was gonna say, actually, Chel and I were chatting, and he said - Kit broke off mid thought, the oven beeping. Nita tucked her manual away and rolled to her feet with a groan, going to set the table. Once they were sat down, plates piled high, Kit continued -
“Like I was saying, Cheleb was really interested in what we were doing, and told me that they do a kind of paint in one of the - ugh, I can’t remember where - anyway, someone, somewhere, does a kind of paint that changes colour really easily. Like, you don’t need Wizardry, just ask it nicely in the Speech with a passcode, and it can change to loads of different colours. Chameleon particles, it translated at, but not sure if that’s literal or a cultural translation.” Nita grinned, raising her glass in salute.
“That sounds perfect. Painting party this weekend?” Kit clinked his glass against hers solemnly.
“Sounds like a plan.”
They clattered into Nita’s old family home on Sunday evening, shaking rain off of their umbrella before propping it in the bucket left by the door. Her father called a greeting from the kitchen, echoed by Dairine, Roshaun and Filif. Nita lit up, sticking her head into the kitchen.
“Filif! I didn’t know you were gonna be here, how’s my favourite Christmas tree!” He waved back, and the house filled with chatter about what everyone had been up to.
“Nita and I are officially adults now,” Kit declared when it was their turn, helping carry plates over to the table. Dairine snickered, and her dad raised an eyebrow as he sat down.
“And you weren’t for the past decade? Well, almost decade for Kit, give or take a few weeks.” Nita giggled.
“We’ve discovered we have strong opinions about curtains.” Kit nodded solemnly, trying and failing not to grin. “Seriously, we spent forty-seven minutes discussing options and I don’t think I’ve ever felt so much like I’m an actual grown up.” Dairine spluttered with laughter.
“So, you didn’t feel like an adult when we did that errantry right after your birthday - you know the one,” she grimaced and there was a collective shudder. It hadn’t been terrible work, not the most stressful situation they’d worked on by a long shot, but it had been a spectacularly uncomfortable location. “Or when you both finished college -“
“- or, Nita, when new wizards started popping up in your manual first, rather than in your senior advisory’s to triage support -“ Roshaun added with a smirk, Dairine nudging him in the ribs with false irritation for interrupting.
“Or when the pair of you got jobs, or bought a flat together.” Harry added with a grin. Filif rustled his leaves, obviously cataloging this list of markers of human adult life. Nita and Kit both shook their heads, grinning.
“Nope. Turns out you’re actually an adult when you spend your spare time thinking about colour swatches, curtains, and whether it really matters if all the place-mats match or not.” Harry chuckled.
“Ah yes, true responsibility - the first time you understand why your parents were always so adamant that you be careful of the paintwork and not eat on the couch. Even if you do have the benefit of that little mini alien roomba…thing. Thanks for that, by the way, it does making keeping everything clean so much easier, even if I do have to remember to hide it whenever the neighbours pop by so I don’t cause an extremely international incident.”
 Nita grinned, nudging Kit’s ankle under the table. He nudged her back, smiling, and hooked his ankle around hers companionably.
- I still think the green will look best -
- Ugh, I don’t know! I like it, but I’m worried it will be too dark -
- Well, maybe whichever planet it was that does chameleon paint also does a chameleon curtain… -
- The perks of being a Wizard, huh? -
- Carmela will be so proud of us. Let’s not tell her and see if she notices anything -
- Agreed -
“Hey, Dair, pass the potatoes? Filif, how’s that spell circle you were working on going, I haven’t had a chance to take a look at progress…”
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loominaire · 12 hours
Best Rugs for Living Room: Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Home Decor
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In today's world, the emphasis on eco-friendly and sustainable home decor is stronger than ever. As more people become conscious of their environmental impact, the demand for sustainable products, including rugs, has surged. Choosing the right rug for your living room not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your space but also contributes to a healthier planet. One brand that stands out in providing quality, eco-friendly rugs is Loominaire. Here's a closer look at why Loominaire's rugs are a top choice for sustainable home decor.
The Importance of Eco-Friendly Rugs
Eco-friendly rugs are made using sustainable materials and processes that minimize environmental impact. These rugs often use natural fibers such as wool, jute, and organic cotton, and are manufactured with eco-conscious methods. By choosing eco-friendly rugs, you:
Reduce Chemical Exposure: Conventional rugs often contain harmful chemicals and synthetic materials that can off-gas into your home. Eco-friendly rugs are made with natural materials that are safer for your health and the environment.
Support Sustainable Practices: Eco-friendly rug manufacturers prioritize sustainable practices, from sourcing raw materials to production and distribution. This supports a healthier planet and encourages responsible industry practices.
Enhance Indoor Air Quality: Natural fibers in eco-friendly rugs can improve indoor air quality by trapping dust and allergens, making them a great choice for households with allergy sufferers.
Best Eco-Friendly Rugs for Your Living Room
When it comes to choosing an eco-friendly rug for your living room, it's essential to consider both style and sustainability. Here are some top options that blend aesthetics with eco-consciousness:
Wool Rugs: Wool is a renewable resource that is biodegradable and recyclable. Wool rugs are durable, naturally stain-resistant, and come in a variety of styles and colors. They provide warmth and comfort, making them ideal for cozy living rooms.
Jute Rugs: Jute is a fast-growing, renewable plant fiber that is both strong and biodegradable. Jute rugs have a rustic, earthy look that adds texture and warmth to any living room. They are also relatively affordable and durable.
Organic Cotton Rugs: Organic cotton is grown without the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, making it an environmentally friendly option. Organic cotton rugs are soft, comfortable, and come in a wide range of patterns and colors.
Bamboo Rugs: Bamboo is a highly renewable resource that grows quickly and requires minimal water and pesticides. Bamboo rugs are durable, easy to clean, and have a sleek, modern appearance that suits contemporary living rooms.
Loominaire: Quality and Sustainability
Loominaire is a brand that excels in providing high-quality, eco-friendly rugs. Their commitment to sustainability and craftsmanship makes them a standout choice for those looking to enhance their living room decor while minimizing their environmental footprint.
Quality Craftsmanship: Loominaire rugs are handcrafted by skilled artisans, ensuring each piece is unique and made to last. The attention to detail and quality control processes ensure that you receive a rug that is both beautiful and durable.
Sustainable Materials: Loominaire uses only the finest sustainable materials, including organic wool, jute, and natural dyes. Their rugs are free from harmful chemicals, making them safe for your home and the environment.
Ethical Practices: Loominaire is dedicated to ethical practices, ensuring fair wages and safe working conditions for their artisans. By supporting Loominaire, you are also supporting communities and contributing to the preservation of traditional craftsmanship.
Innovative Designs: Loominaire offers a wide range of designs, from traditional to contemporary, allowing you to find the perfect rug to match your living room decor. Their innovative approach to design ensures that each rug is a work of art.
Incorporating eco-friendly rugs into your living room decor is a simple yet impactful way to support sustainability and enhance the beauty of your home. Brands like Loominaire make it easy to find high-quality, stylish rugs that align with your eco-conscious values. By choosing Loominaire, you are investing in products that are not only beautiful and durable but also kind to the planet. Make a statement with your home decor and contribute to a greener future with eco-friendly rugs from Loominaire.
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interiorxwork · 25 days
How to Select Best Interior Designers in Gurgaon?
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Interior designing includes planning the interior decoration according to the demand for space. Living in a beguiling residence is the thing that everybody wishes for. Interior X Design is one the Best Interior Designers in Gurgaon, providing one of the most inventive and pioneering interior decorator solutions. Interior designs at Interior X Design present a perfect blend of aesthetics and practicality, be it residential interior or commercial, Interior x Design always has your back.
As an interior designer, we entirely renovate the interior of your abode giving it a more attractive and aesthetic appearance. With our team of professionals, we pull off the tough errands such as making tailored furniture, option color schemes, purchasing new design stuff, positioning furniture layouts, hanging wall art, etc with great ease.
At Interior X Design we offer our clientele with professional support that assists you to pick and plan your preferred designs. We at Interior X Design take extreme care of the chief interior designing essentials including room, contour forms, color, radiance, grain, and outline. With rigorous organized study, Interior X Design sustains steadiness to create aesthetically pleasing interiors with inclusive satisfaction experienced by our clientele.
What makes Interior X Design the best interior designer in Gurgaon
All of our services symbolize the ideal blend of innovation with expediency without conciliation on security factors. Not just houses, we likewise plan buildings, flats, hospitals, hotels, temples, lobbies, halls, complexes, offices, shops, and so on. We develop them to furnish an amiable look, so people admire them and visit them. Our altruistic services make us the leading Top 10 Interior Designers in Gurgaon.
We have a team of experts to deal with all our patron necessities. The company stands firm on the brawny pillar of principles, value-for-money policy, and quality ethics. We have the comprehensive standards to complete better than all others in the dominion of interior design. Our client-focused services make us one of the primary designers in Gurgaon. We have come up with a realistic design plan that suits your lifestyle.
We have a wide assortment of services for all your commercial and housing needs.
Why choose us
Selecting will be beneficial to create indoor spaces competent, safe, color-coordinated, and stunning. We also present services for redecorating and renovating. We plan the whole process and act consequently that we attach to the financial plan and complete the project within the timetable. Our plans replicate thoughts and upgrading. We are also known for our better-quality usage of technology to transmit splendid homes for our clients. Our team includes the apex Interior Designer in Gurgaon. They have been a part of copious first-rate interior design projects, completing all our interior design projects with tremendous exactness. We also operate the optimal resources in finalizing our projects.
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johnthejacobs · 25 days
Fabindia Share Price Escalating High
Introduction: A Remarkable Success Story Unfolds
In the realm of retail and artisanal craftsmanship, one name has been consistently ascending to new heights – Fabindia. Renowned for its exquisite range of garments, home décor, furnishings, and handmade products sourced from rural artisans across India, Fabindia Share Price has captured the imagination of consumers and investors alike. As the Fabindia Share Price experiences an unprecedented surge, it beckons us to delve deeper into the factors fueling this remarkable ascent. Fabindia stands as a distinguished retail chain in India, renowned for its exquisite array of garments, home decor, furnishings, fabrics, and an eclectic assortment of products meticulously crafted by skilled artisans hailing from rural corners of the country. Initially conceived as an exporter of home furnishings, Fabindia has since evolved into a multifaceted enterprise, offering a diverse range of merchandise spanning clothing, accessories, home decor, gastronomic delights, and personal care essentials.
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The ethos of Fabindia revolves around championing traditional craftsmanship and empowering rural artisans, with the company's extensive network comprising over 55,000 artisans and craft producers dispersed across rural India. By fostering collaborations with these artisans, Fabindia not only provides them with a platform to showcase their talent but also extends critical support in the form of training, design assistance, and access to broader markets, thereby facilitating socio-economic empowerment at the grassroots level.
Embracing sustainability and heritage, Fabindia's products are meticulously crafted using natural materials and age-old techniques, ensuring an authentic and eco-conscious offering. Despite upholding superior quality and artisanal craftsmanship, Fabindia remains committed to offering its diverse clientele affordable pricing, thereby democratizing access to culturally rich and aesthetically pleasing merchandise.
With a sprawling retail footprint encompassing over 350 stores across India and an additional 13 international outlets, Fabindia's reach transcends geographical boundaries. Moreover, in tune with the digital age, Fabindia has embraced e-commerce, enabling customers to access its curated offerings online, further augmenting its accessibility and outreach.
Beyond its commercial pursuits, Fabindia exemplifies its commitment to social responsibility through the Fabindia Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to uplifting artisans and craft producers in India. Through various initiatives, the foundation endeavors to preserve traditional craftsmanship, foster community development, and promote sustainable livelihoods among rural artisans, thereby catalyzing positive social change.
Founded in 1960 by the visionary American entrepreneur John Bissell, Fabindia Limited India embarked on its journey to celebrate India's rich cultural heritage while fostering economic empowerment at the grassroots level. With its incorporation on 14 December 1976, Fabindia emerged as a beacon of ethical retailing, melding tradition with innovation to redefine the retail landscape in India and beyond.
Fabindia: A Beacon of Ethical Retail
Since its inception, Fabindia has epitomized the ethos of ethical retailing, championing the cause of sustainability, fair trade, and artisanal empowerment. By bridging the gap between rural artisans and urban consumers, Fabindia has not only showcased the rich cultural heritage of India but has also provided livelihood opportunities to countless artisans, thereby fostering economic growth and social empowerment.
Diversified Product Portfolio:
At the heart of Fabindia's success lies its diverse product portfolio, spanning a wide array of categories including garments, home décor, furnishings, and organic food products. Each product is a testament to the rich tapestry of Indian craftsmanship, with intricate designs and handcrafted details that resonate with discerning consumers seeking authenticity and quality.
Embracing Tradition in a Modern World:
In an era marked by fast fashion and mass-produced goods, Fabindia stands out as a beacon of tradition in a modern world. By preserving age-old artisanal techniques and supporting indigenous crafts, Fabindia has redefined the concept of luxury, offering consumers an opportunity to connect with the cultural heritage of India while making a conscious choice towards sustainability and ethical consumption.
Strategic Expansion and Market Penetration:
Fabindia's strategic expansion initiatives have played a pivotal role in driving its share price to new heights. From expanding its footprint across tier 2 and tier 3 cities to strengthening its presence in international markets, Fabindia has pursued a multi-pronged approach to growth, capitalizing on emerging consumer trends and evolving market dynamics.
Building Brand Loyalty and Trust:
Central to Fabindia's success is its unwavering commitment to building brand loyalty and trust among its customers. Through personalized customer experiences, innovative marketing campaigns, and a relentless focus on quality and authenticity, Fabindia has forged deep connections with its clientele, transforming them into loyal brand advocates and ambassadors.
As Fabindia continues its journey of growth and expansion, the escalating trajectory of its share price serves as a testament to its unwavering commitment to excellence, sustainability, and ethical retailing. With a rich legacy of craftsmanship and a vision for the future, Fabindia is poised to chart new territories and redefine the contours of the retail industry in the years to come.
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zenasflower · 1 month
Send Flowers to Liverpool
Flowers are a beautiful way to show loved ones how much you care. They also make great gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, or other special occasions.
Choose from a range of bespoke floral gifts and arrangements. These can be giftwrapped for added elegance and ease of presentation. Their prices are competitive, and their customer service is top notch.
Dovedale Florist
Dovedale Florist is a local Sending Flowers to Liverpool for its gorgeous floral arrangements. It offers same-day flower delivery and a variety of gift bouquets for any occasion.
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This florist is located in the heart of Liverpool, and has a unique selection of flowers. Their staff is helpful and can help you create a custom bouquet for your loved one.
The shop also carries a selection of decorative gifts, including the Sculptural Organi Vase by House Doctor. The store is open seven days a week. It also offers delivery and in-store pickups. They are known for their great customer service. The shop is known for its beautiful and affordable arrangements.
Fishlocks Flowers
This family-run florist is renowned for creating flower arrangements and bouquets for all occasions. They have a wide selection of rose bouquets on offer this Valentine’s Day, including red roses and blue roses. Their customers include the likes of Liverpool FC and Everton FC, Paul McCartney, and the Queen.
Their feed is filled with aesthetically pleasing posts and close up videos of their floral designs. They also provide wedding flowers and event decor services.
They offer same-day delivery in Liverpool from Tuesday to Saturday and can deliver funeral flowers across the UK. They accept multiple payment methods, including Visa, Mastercard, and Maestro. Their online store allows you to modify flower colours and sizes, as well as choose a specific delivery time.
Mersey Flowers
With its expansive open green spaces, Liverpool is home to many stunning gardens and floral boutiques. From the manicured lawns of Allerton and Aigburth to the wild elegance of Rose & Bloom, these florists provide blossoming details for weddings and events.
Booker Flowers & Gifts is a local favourite, delighting customers with deliveries of handtied bouquets for more than 30 years. Rated as Best Liverpool Florist by Three Best Rated and North West Regional Winner at the English Wedding Awards 2022, they have the experience to create bespoke wedding flowers.
Lula Flower Shop offers a wide selection of houseplants, plants and blooms for delivery across the city. Their colourful flora would look perfect paired with the stylish Hector Vase from Broste Copenhagen.
Flowers by Carol
A mother, wife and dedicated homemaker, Carol loved to create a warm, loving household where the family would laugh together and share meaningful traditions. She was also a talented photographer, visual merchandising specialist and cosmetology teacher, but her most cherished pursuit was being a beloved mother and grandmother.
She was a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution and enjoyed traveling with her family to places such as Williamsburg, Washington D.C, Boston and many state fairs as well as unforgettable trips out West. She was an avid hummingbird watcher and felt at one with nature. Carol was an inspiration to all who knew her.
Booker Flowers & Gifts
Booker Flowers & Gifts is an award-winning florist based on Booker Avenue, Allerton, Mossley Hill, Liverpool L18. They offer same day flower delivery in Liverpool and UKwide deliveries via Interflora. They also have a range of gifts.
This florist is a member of the Good Florist Guide, the ‘gold standard’ for British florists. Their blooms are sourced ethically and they use environmentally friendly packaging.
You can order online, by phone, or in person at their shop. The team is always happy to help you choose the perfect bouquet for any occasion. They can even create a bespoke wedding design for you. You can also get your wedding flowers delivered to the venue and reception.
Passion For Flowers
As a florist known for its stunning Sympathy flowers arrangements and community-minded approach, Passion For Flowers is a popular choice among customers. The company also specializes in wedding floral arrangements and provides bespoke bouquets for special occasions.
The company offers a subscription service that delivers four different bouquet designs every month. Customers can pause, restart, or cancel their subscriptions at any time. Its flowers are long-lasting and come with detailed care instructions. However, some of our testers found the bouquets slightly smaller than advertised images and came with fewer stems than they expected. They also didn’t always receive any flower food with their deliveries.
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becoration · 1 month
Home Decor and Lifestyle
Post has been published on becoration
Home Decor and Lifestyle
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At a recent event, Jensen Huang, the CEO of Nvidia, unveiled a futuristic vision that could change not just how we interact with technology but also how we live and decorate our homes. Huang foresees a future with affordable humanoid robots, priced similarly to cars, potentially revolutionizing home decor and lifestyle.
During the CadenceLIVE event, Huang expressed excitement about a future where robots are not just tools for big corporations but accessible companions for the average user. He imagines a humanoid robot priced between $10,000 to $20,000, ready to assist with household chores and contribute to home efficiency.
**Impact on Home and Decoration**
The introduction of humanoid robots into the home opens new avenues in decoration and space planning. These robots could perform tasks ranging from cleaning to organizing, prompting a reevaluation of how we use space in our homes. With a reduced need for storage of cleaning products or tools, designers might focus on creating more open and multifunctional environments that reflect a more interactive and technologically integrated lifestyle.
**Custom Design and Home Aesthetics**
Humanoid robots could also customize their appearance to complement a home’s decor style. With customization options, these robots wouldn’t only be functional but also aesthetic, capable of fitting into the interior design, from minimalist to more baroque styles.
**A New Way to “Live”**
Huang emphasizes that these developments are within reach, bringing about a new way to “live” that seems straight out of science fiction. The impact on daily life and home decor could be profound, offering new ways of interaction and functionality previously confined to fantasy.
**The Future Is Now**
While some might view the integration of AI and robots as a disruptive change, Nvidia sees it as an opportunity to enrich the human experience, radically transforming both our workspaces and living spaces. Although this future vision is optimistic, it also calls for consideration of the ethical and practical implications of such technologies in our most personal spaces.
This vision of the future will not only alter how we interact with our living spaces but also how these spaces are designed, decorated, and organized. As these advancements become closer to reality, it will be fascinating to see how our homes and workplaces adapt and transform. These are undoubtedly exciting times for decoration and interior design, on the verge of a new era where technology and lifestyle merge like never before.
Source: Decoración 2.0, decoration news in Spanish
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rootsoutdoor · 2 months
Explore a Wide Selection of Raw Building Materials From Leading Timber Suppliers in Melbourne
Through ethical forestry techniques, timber suppliers in Melbourne have reserves that may be replenished, unlike other materials that are extracted from finite resources. Because of this, it's a sustainable option for both homeowners and builders. Additionally, wood acts as a natural insulator, keeping your home cool in the summer and warm in the winter. This can assist in lowering energy costs as well as a building's total carbon impact.
Timber fencing in Melbourne is not only known for its durable nature but also various other perks offered by them. Long-term environmental benefits include biodegradability and the fact that it is a natural substance. Melbourne Timber Supplies is the one-stop shop for ecologically conscious timber supplies in Melbourne.
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Why Are Fencing Known for Their Most Aesthetically Properties
Nothing compares to timber fencing when it comes to installing a fence with warmth and charm. It may be painted or stained to fit the property's decor, and the wood's grain and texture give it a timeless, traditional appearance.
Wooden fencing is without a doubt a great option if you want to add fencing to your home to improve both its appearance and security. Reputable suppliers and installers of fences may assist you in selecting a design and obtaining an estimate of costs.
Budget-Friendly Timber Supplies From Dependable Manufacturers
For your timber needs, we can therefore attest that you obtain the most reasonably priced and excellent timber suppliers in Melbourne. The professional unrivalled blend of affordability and excellence has positioned it as Melbourne's top provider of timber supplies!
It's also important to note that they are always up-forward and honest about the bids and costs. Timber can be found locally and is reasonably priced compared to other materials, which lowers shipping costs and boosts local economies. Because of this, it's perfect for homes on a tight budget.
Additionally, wood is an extremely flexible material that can be bent, drilled, and cut to fit a variety of needs. Because of this, it's a great option for personalised designs and distinctive places. It's also lightweight and simple to work with, which makes it a great option for do-it-yourself tasks and house remodelling.
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luxuryshopper · 2 months
Elevate Your Style with Luxury Consignment in Australia
In the realm of luxury fashion, the allure of owning timeless pieces from prestigious brands like Chanel, Hermes, and Christian Dior is undeniable. However, acquiring these coveted items often comes with a hefty price tag, making them out of reach for many. Enter the world of consignment, where luxury meets affordability, and exclusivity merges with accessibility. In Australia, discerning fashion enthusiasts are turning to online consignment stores like phluxuryshopper to indulge in the finest offerings from the world's most renowned designers.
Consignment Chanel
At phluxuryshopper, discerning clients are treated to a curated selection of sought-after pieces from iconic fashion houses such as Hermes, Chanel, Christian Dior, Bottega Veneta, Cartier, and more. With a focus on quality, authenticity, and exceptional service, the platform has established itself as the go-to destination for luxury consignment in Australia.
For those enamored with the timeless elegance of Chanel or the exquisite craftsmanship of Hermes, phluxuryshopper.com.au offers a treasure trove of pre-loved and gently used pieces that exude sophistication and style. From classic handbags and accessories to rare collectibles and bespoke homewares, there's something to cater to every taste and preference.
Consignment Hermes
What sets phluxuryshopper apart is its commitment to providing a seamless and personalized shopping experience. With a team of dedicated experts, the platform ensures that each item is thoroughly inspected for authenticity and quality before being listed for sale. Whether you're in search of a vintage Chanel flap bag or a limited-edition Hermes scarf, you can shop with confidence knowing that every purchase is backed by the assurance of authenticity.
Luxury consignment Australia
In addition to its extensive collection of luxury fashion items, phluxuryshopper has expanded its offerings to include bespoke homewares, allowing clients to elevate their living spaces with custom marble sculptures and other exquisite pieces. From statement decor pieces to functional accessories, each item is carefully selected to reflect the discerning tastes of the modern connoisseur.
With the convenience of online shopping, luxury consignment has never been more accessible to Australian consumers. Whether you're based in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, or beyond, you can browse phluxuryshopper curated selection from the comfort of your own home and have your favorite pieces delivered straight to your doorstep.
Online consignment store Australia
Moreover, consignment shopping is not only a savvy way to indulge in luxury fashion but also a sustainable choice that promotes ethical consumption. By giving pre-loved items a second lease on life, clients can reduce their environmental footprint while still enjoying the prestige and exclusivity associated with luxury brands.
In conclusion, phluxuryshopper stands as a beacon of luxury consignment in Australia, offering discerning clients a curated selection of coveted pieces from the world's most prestigious fashion houses. With its commitment to authenticity, quality, and personalized service, the platform continues to redefine the way Australians experience luxury fashion. So why wait? Elevate your style and adorn your life with the finest offerings from phluxuryshopper today.
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cremationburial · 2 months
Affordable Farewell: Exploring The Inclusions Of Cheapest Cremation Services
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In times of loss, the emotional burden can be compounded by financial strain, making it challenging for families to give their loved ones a dignified farewell. However, affordable options like cremation services offer a solution, providing a respectful and meaningful way to honour the departed without breaking the bank. In this blog post, we'll delve into the inclusions of the cheapest cremation services, highlighting the essential elements that make them a practical and compassionate choice for families on a budget.
Cremation Process: At the core of any cremation service is the cremation process itself. The deceased's body is respectfully placed in a cremation chamber, where it is subjected to intense heat and flames, resulting in the reduction of the body to ashes. Cheapest cremation services ensure that this process is carried out with care and dignity, adhering to strict ethical and legal standards to honor the wishes of the deceased and their loved ones.
Transportation of the Deceased: Another essential inclusion of cheapest cremation services is the transportation of the deceased from the place of death to the crematorium. This may involve coordination with a funeral home or cremation provider to ensure that the deceased is respectfully and safely transported to the cremation facility. Transportation services may also include the provision of a simple, dignified casket or container for the deceased's remains.
Cremation Container: Cheapest cremation services typically provide a basic cremation container or alternative container for the deceased's body. These containers are designed to hold the body securely during the cremation process and are typically made of materials such as cardboard or wood. While simple in design, these containers fulfill the necessary requirements for a respectful and dignified cremation.
Cremation Permit and Documentation: As with any end-of-life service, there is paperwork involved in arranging a cremation. Cheapest cremation services typically handle the necessary permits and documentation required for the cremation process, ensuring that all legal requirements are met. This may include obtaining a cremation permit from the local authorities, as well as completing and filing the necessary paperwork with the crematorium and other relevant agencies.
Return of Cremated Remains: After the cremation process is complete, the cremated remains, or cremains, are carefully collected and placed in a temporary container or urn. Cheapest cremation services typically include the return of the cremains to the family or designated individual, allowing them to decide how they wish to memorialize their loved one. This may involve scattering the ashes in a meaningful location, burying them in a cemetery or memorial garden, or keeping them in a decorative urn at home.
Basic Memorialization Options: While cheapest cremation services may not include elaborate memorialization options, they often provide basic options for honoring the departed. This may include the opportunity for a simple memorial service or gathering, where family and friends can come together to share memories, offer support, and pay their respects. Alternatively, families may choose to hold a private memorial ceremony or celebration of life at a later date, allowing for greater flexibility and personalization.
In conclusion, cheapest cremation services offer families a practical and affordable way to honor their loved ones with dignity and respect. By including essential elements such as the cremation process, transportation of the deceased, cremation container, permits and documentation, return of cremated remains, and basic memorialization options, these services provide families with the peace of mind that their loved one's final wishes are being honored in a compassionate and respectful manner. While cost-effective, cheapest cremation services do not compromise on the quality of care or the importance of honoring the departed, making them a practical and compassionate choice for families facing financial constraints during a difficult time.
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saintsir4n · 2 months
11. You can’t take it with jules
WAS the world coming to an end or had Nicholas Lott entered the Dubois estate? He agreed to a meeting with the Dubois patriarch and slowly started to regret it. When he discovered Zoya's scholarship was at stake, options were limited and with his income, he couldn't afford tuition in the new year, so he gingerly took his daughter's suggestion and decided to meet with the only option they had. The Devils of the Upper East Side.
"What's the catch?" Nick inquired, opposite Luc and Winnie in their sitting room.
Zoya nudged him, "Dad."
Winnie's lips twitched in amusement at the looks they exchanged that certainly said more than a thousand words. Their relationship certainly appeared warm and welcoming, which unnerved the Dubois'.
"There's no catch is there, Dad?" Winnie interrupted, not sparing a glance at her father who wore a soft smile.
Luc dryly laughed, "Simply helping out a friend. My wife informed me what talent and drive your daughter has, and who would we be to let the faults of a despicable man disrupt that? Davis Calloway shouldn't be an obstacle, and so he's not. The school board love nothing more than to take my money so why shouldn't they?"
"Dad, this way I can stay and this coming January we won't have to pay tuition," Zoya's eyes were practically begging when she turned back to her father.
She could tell he wanted to be anywhere but there. He adorned his smartest suit, vigorously polished his shoes and combed out his hair, so he didn't embarrass either of them, but he was very apprehensive.
The atmosphere of the sitting room, was rather cold, regardless of the Christmas decorations.
Nick locked eyes with Luc and replied, "It seems everything is sorted out, however, I assume there's a clause in this act of yours, pardon me, but I hardly know you, our daughters are friendly, but putting Zoya's future in the hands of Dubois doesn't sound sustainable."
"Spoken like a true lawyer," Luc chuckled, "so I've had one of mine draw up," he placed the contract on the table separating them, "You'll see that the board have signed off on it, as has the Headmistress Burton. I assure you, there is no catch, other than Zoya continuing to excel like the bright girl she is."
Nick blinked rapidly, before picking up the 3 page contract.
Zoya gulped, "Dad –"
"I'll look over this," Nick replied, staring at Luc as they stood up.
The girls followed their actions.
Zoya frowned, "But –"
Luc cast her a smile, "Your father is being smart Zoya, don't sign your life away without reading every detail. It was nice speaking with you all, but I have a meeting with some associates of mine, and like me, they value punctuality," he extended his hand for Nick to shake, "Mr Lott."
Nick mirrored his actions, "Mr. Dubois."
"Girls," Luc nodded at both of them, narrowing his eyes at his daughter especially, then strolled out of the room with his phone in hand.
Winnie pulled out hers as she watched the tense exchange between Nick and Zoya.
"We'll talk about this when you get home from school," he whispered, placing the contract in his briefcase.
Winnie plastered on a smile as he turned to her, "Nice to meet you, Mr Lott, Zoya has told me great things."
Nick nodded yet said nothing in response and hastily walked out of the room.
"I don't get why he won't sign it already," Zoya exclaimed, picking up her school bag as Winnie picked up hers.
Monet wouldn't be joining them this morning, she had plans with Luna, but that didn't stop the promiscuous texts she and Winnie exchanged.
"Like my dad said, don't make a deal with the devil without reading the small print. And I know you like to believe my family's company is far from ethical," she stated. Caesar came into the room, and before he could get a word in she said, "We're coming."
"But it's a written contract," Zoya's age was certainly showing.
"Don't be dull, you're the daughter of a lawyer, they know more than anyone that big fucks little. Be realistic," Winnie went on as they have escorted out of the townhouse and towards the car,  "there will always be people at the top and that means there have to be people at the bottom, getting fucked but the puppeteers. You know it's true... people fuck people and that's the way of the world."
Zoya made a face, "I'm convinced you were created in a lab."
A genuine smile grew on Winnie's face, "Thank you."
Caesar pulled open them, he waited until they were comfortable and hopped in.
Zoya turned to Winnie as the car took off, "No, thank you for helping me. Even if you've got an ulterior motive."
Winnie feigned offence, "Do you think that lowly of me?" 
Winnie chuckled, "Good."
But before she could smile, Zoya had to ask, "But I wanna know why you're doing this for me?"
"You've got potential. How annoying and overbearing you can be even a perpetually irritated bitch like me can recognise it," Winnie explained, pulling her black sunglasses out of her bag, "You go on and on about issues that I don't care or relate to and for that I respect you. You've got this fierce spirit. It's annoying but I admire that."
Zoya was stunned, "Wow."
"I know."
Winnie wasn't lying, she respected Zoya, just as much as she found her deeply annoying.
"Can I ask something else? Just one last thing I promise?"
Caesar suppressed a smile at the childish exchange and turned to face the window.
Winnie groaned, "If you must."
"What medication were you taking back there? I saw when my dad and I walked in."
Zoya regretted asking when Winnie clicked her fingers.
"Codeine," Winnie whispered rather teasingly.
"Funny," Zoya rolled her eyes.
"Aren't I?"
Winnie had started taking her medication. Hooray, however, she felt moodier than anything, her appetite was smaller and tended to snack on the goods Max made, provided he didn't lace them.
Zoya decided to change the subject, "I saw them protesting Veloticty Inc. again. You know there are ways for them to be more environmentally friendly. The harm it's causing to the environment —"
"Take a day off Zoya, social issues aren't going anywhere," Winnie huffed, ceasing the girl's ranting, "Besides it's Christmas."
"In a week."
"Still, we're almost at school."
They didn't speak until they pulled up to campus.
Caesar hastily stepped out of the car.
Zoya quickly reached for the handle,  "Meeting Shan, literally now."
"Don't skip your first period," Winnie grinned at the confusion on her face.
"How did you know about that?"
Winnie simply shrugged and the car door was pulled open for her.
"Bye," Zoya went on her way.
Winnie slipped on her shades and immediately felt someone loop their arms with hers as they walked up the front stairs.
Ginny didn't say anything and simply stared, feeling a mellow yet moody vibe emit from her friend.
Winniw tsked, "Only I'm allowed to stare. What is it?"
"Nothing," she's taking her medication, the blonde realised.
"Bullshit," Winnie scoffed just as the lacrosse captain drifted over, "Billy my dad said you're coming around for Christmas this year."
He nodded, snaking an arm around Ginny's shoulders, "Only a few days before we go to Cancun."
They both turned, mildly perplexed.
"You going there as well?" Ginny questioned.
Winnie added, "On the 2nd right?"
He quickly realised, "So we're all going."
Their parents were up to something and Winnie tried to block out nausea creeping up her throat.
When they reached their table, Winnie searched the courtyard and saw the blandest couple on earth.
"Menzies!" her voice got Aki's attention.
He nodded, "Dubois."
He and Audrey begrudgingly made their way over.
"Are you going to Mexico for New Year's by any chance?"
"Yes, why?" Aki blinked in confusion.
Ginny groaned against her hook-up, "You're not alone."
"Well that sounds like fun," Audrey fake marvelled.
"What sounds like fun?" they turned to Julian who sent her friend a small smile that wasn't reciprocated. Winnie and Ginny peeked at the interaction but said nothing for once. "What am I missing?"
"Forced proximity," Billy mused as Monet and Luna joined them. The latter quickly chastised Julian who deleted her account.
"Babe," Monet greeted, pressing a kiss to Winnie's lips.
Ginny rolled her eyes and clung to Billy who sniggered at the interaction.
"Beautiful," Winnie smiled, making her girlfriend realise.
"You're taking them aren't you?" she asked quietly.
Winnie tutted, annoyed at how easily her people could read her.
"Did you hear about the trip?" she asked, changing the subject.
Julian grew impatient, "What trip?"
"Cancun, our parents set it up," Aki answered, dapping up Obie when he hesitantly came over.
"Why, I have no idea," Monet drawled.
Luna gasped, "Why didn't I get an invite?"
"Be lucky you didn't, sounds like hell," Audrey remarked.
"Sounds like a conspiracy," Obie muttered, rubbing the back of his neck, which gained Julian's attention.
But it seemed like the people she wanted to make amends with didn't want to talk.
The sharp ringing of the bell brought the conversation to a halt.
"Classics," Winnie announced just when other students rushed into the front entrance.
"Text me," Ginny called out as she and Billy dispersed.
Luna nudged Monet, "Biology."
The De Haan girl nodded, then pressed a kiss to her girlfriend's lips.
Julian followed them, as they walked away.
Winnie locked eyes with Max who mustered a smile when he jogged over.
Audrey's eyes lit up as did Aki's.
"We've got trig," Obie nudged the couple.
"Pooh Bear, let's go," Max took Winnie's hand.
Audrey tried, "Max —"
"Now," he urged, and practically dragged her away.
She chuckled at the defeated looks on their faces, "Trouble in paradise?"
"There is no paradise, so there's no trouble."
"Good," she was glad he was done with them, "did you by chance make some pastries for me?"
He retrieved a Tupperware from his bag, "of course." She uncharacteristically squealed, making his eyes double in size, "Oh, you're for sure a pill popper now."
"Shut up."
(@gossipgirl tweeted)
Is there anything merrier than Christmas in New York? That dear followers, depends on if you've made my naughty or nice list. Are you trying to wipe the slate clean, but coming up short? Pining for happier holidays past? Maybe wishing you could avoid the holidays altogether this year. Or are you drowning your sorrows the old-fashioned way, with some therapeutic online shopping? Whatever the reason for your season, my lovelies, rest assured that Gossip Grinch is watching and waiting. Waiting to snatch your presents right out from under your nose.
"I'm bored and I completed my Christmas shopping last week," Winnie declared, walking beside Max as they were the last two to leave their classroom.
He cast her an expectant look, "And what are you getting for me?"
She laughed, "Who says I'm gifting you anything?"
"Hurtful," he playfully nudged her,  "and I need coffee, want anything?"
"Hot Cocoa."
He eyed her in faux disgust, "How basic."
"Fuck you."
She shook her head, feeling a smile tug on her lips, watching him disappear into the crowds.
Monet suddenly appeared, showing off a brand-new pair of Versace sunglasses.
"Have you seen this?" she paused, "You'll be unwrapping this in a week."
Winnie lowered the phone, "I thought you wanted to keep the presents a secret."
"No secrets remember," Monet insisted, squinting her eyes.
"Yeah, no secrets," Winnie agreed rather quickly, despite herself. "Then you'll need a cart for all of the gifts I've got you."
She pulled Monet into a rather scandalous kiss before she could get a response, that deepened with every second. They moved like each other was the very air they needed to breathe.
Luna's face was a picture of contempt when she found them, flustered and panting.
"I feel extremely single. Please stop, before I go from Kendall Jenner to Kendall Roy," she hissed.
Winnie pulled out her phone to correct her make-up, "Killer or drug addict?"
"Potentially both depending on how long this radiating lust lasts. Please separate."
Luna forced herself between them.
Winnie scoffed, whilst Monet fixed her lipgloss, shooting glares at anyone who eyed them.
Winnie announced, "I have a scheduled post and no it's not our Dior sponsor," she specified to Monet who nodded.
Luna cocked her head to the side, "You're willingly conversing with Mr. Depp?"
Winnie glowered, "Please we're not near that man, they keep de-ageing him, I've seen how they do it whenever I speak to the COO, embarrassing right?"
"Obviously," they replied in unison.
"Anyways I've gotta go," Winnie smirked when Monet shot her a wink.
Ginny was next to find her, "Did you know bland bangs and dry Aki tried inviting Billy into their bed?"
Winnie snorted, "God no and how did you find out?"
"He tells me a lot."
Winnie was confused by her irked tone, "That's good right?"
"Yes. we agreed to pretend that we're dating to our parents to keep them off our backs," Ginny explained as they looked out into the courtyard.
Winnie poured her lips, "How very Netflix of you."
Ginny rolled her eyes, "It's working. And I think it's a causal thing."
"You think or you want it to be?"
"I don't know."
"Just talk to him," Winnie's advice startled the blonde.
"How unlike you," Ginny poked her face as if to see if she was possessed, "Give me back my friend."
Winnie swatted her hand away, "Fuck off. I'm serious and I need to post something."
"GG take down stage 1?"
"Yes." Winnie nodded, "But seriously, go and talk to him."
"Go talk to your therapist," Ginny teased.
Winnie playfully glared, "Oh, that's low."
"Love you," the blonde called out before going to find the cheeky lacrosse captain.
With a minute to go, before she hit tweet, Max appeared two drinks in hand.
He passed hers over, "Poor Bear, here's your hot cocoa, I need to go and do something."
"Up to no good?" she recognised the mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Always," he pressed a kiss to her cheek and went on his way.
(@slytherWin tweeted)
It's time for some tea my dear Winners. I'm indeed in therapy, however, that should've been my decision to share. Since Gossipgirl has announced its poor return, it's been doing far more damage than good. It's mocked and ridiculed plenty of minors, me included and I'm appalled that people are still reading and viewing their posts. I mean, how dare a cowardly nobody try and expose us? We've all been through hell and back and just went we thought we could reach peace, an anonymous account tries and takes that away. I shouldn't be ashamed to go to a place that wants only to help me. And I must admit, the constant clowning and tearing down of my character is the reason I started seeking help. I am only a child, just like most of you. So I want all of my followers, on Twitter, TikTok and insta, and my subscribers on Snapchat and YouTube to unfollow this cruel account. Because we should all strive in the face of adversity. It's time to take the power back, now! #blackmindsmatter #richmindsmatter #imatterespecially.
"GG's followers have dropped by 30%," Monet informed her girlfriend.
Winnie cursed, "Only 30? What is this bitch, Kanye?"
"Easy, it'll take a lot for something this prominent to get cancelled. Just like Kanye," Monet said, "but it's progress."
Winnie tossed back her head in annoyance, "I guess."
It had been hours since school had finished and she had been waiting for good results and this was a fucking disappointment.
"And before we go to Cancun -- I'll never know why they chose that holiday destination."
Winnie heard the uncertainty in Monet's tone, "Really? Your parents suggested it."
"We share blood, not a brain Mon," Winnie retorted, slightly suspicious.
"Moodiness. Another side effect of Ritalin, you're skating through them today."
Winnie clenched her teeth, "I'm hanging up now."
"Wait, I wanted to tell you saying."
"Go on."
Winnie grew even more suspicious when Monet took a minute to say, "...I... miss you."
"Fuck you," Monet softly scoffed.
"I miss you too."
After she ended the call with her darling girlfriend she got one from an unknown number. It was Obie — she never saved his number. He blurted out several things regarding Max, his sister Heidi and her fiancée. Why she told any of this, she didn't know, but the weirdest part of it all was that she showed up at the restaurant.
Her tongue swiped against her cheek as she glanced at Obie, "I'm here, why?"
"We have suspicions," the performative activist answered.
"You've got Wolfe in this too?" she shot a wry look at the smirking playboy.
The trio discussed several things in front of the coat check.
The Dubois heiress grumbled when she heard her name being called. Max looked highly amused at the look on her face.
"Oh fuck," she cursed.
Obie winced, "Sorry."
She spun on her heel and plastered on a forced smile, "Heidi,"
The Bergmann women went to kiss her cheeks, but Winnie took a step back, still adorning a smile.
Heidi cleared her throat, "This is my fiancée Klaus Wagner."
"Another friend of Obie's?" the blonde man in question held out his hand.
"Not a friend. Not even a fan," Winnie replied, earning chuckled from the two adults.
She didn't shake the man's hand which made Max's smirk broaden.
"He's a French hotel heir," Max said, looping his arm with her.
Winnie tilted her head to the side, eying the man, "Really which hotel?"
"Yes, which hotel?" Max curiously leaned in, "Winnie here is practically French royalty."
"Winifred Dubois," Winnie stated, seeing elation in Klaus' eyes.
"Of Velocity Inc.?" he asked.
"Of what else?"
The teens left shortly after, leaving the engaged couple to do whatever.
"I think he's a scammer. Your sister should know better. Hell, you should too," Winnie hissed at Obie.
"I'll talk to her," he shot a nod at Max, before walking away.
"I'll hire a private investigator," Max went on a rant about the conversation he had over during the dinner.
Winnie remained quiet, she didn't care what happened to Heidi, not when Heidi used to sleep with Max who was almost 10 years her junior.
She was creeped out by the woman.
"But thank you for coming through Poor Bear," he smiled at her.
"I'll get the information myself if you stay away from her," his smile fell at her words.
"But we had fun times," he sounded like a whining child.
"Max. I'm serious, stay away, promise me," Winnie tugged on her LV fur coat.
His brows furrowed, "Why?"
She pinched the bridge of her nose, "She took your v-card at what age? 13 and she was what —"
"It's not like that," he cut her off, rapidly shaking his head.
"Sounds like like Deja vu," she rasped.
He exhaled deeply, "Come on."
Max didn't think it was think it was the same as Rafa, It couldn't be right? Right.
"Promise me and I'll help you. And I'll stay over tonight. Quid pro quo, but on friendship terms," she exclaimed.
His face lit up with a childlike glee, "I'm your friend?"
"Yes, you child, now just drop her after you drop the bomb."
"I promise," he quickly agreed, saluting at her, drawing an annoyed grin, "now, will I see you later?"
She grimaced, "No, too much interaction for the day."
"Overstimulation? And I thought sapphics loved it." She let out a genuine laugh as he threw an arm around her shoulder. "Come on, let's get hot cocoa."
"How basic."
"Very basic."
"We burn them. They scorch us Grayson, you know that," Monet pressed her ear up to her parent's room, having heard them in a heated discussion for quite some time now.
She mentioned the trip to Cancun during dinner and they stopped speaking until they finished their food. Had she known it was a sensitive topic she would've brought it up ages ago.
Her father replied, "We could always flip the score, this trip to Cancun can be our chance to come out on top."
"What about our daughter's relationship with theirs?"
Monet's heart raced and jaw tightened at the mention of her girlfriend and her family.
"Oh please, we know that Winifred is Margaux's carbon copy, she'll dump Monet with ease. She'll do more harm to our daughter. Hasn't she already? I mean, think about it, this blog Gossip Girl might be good for one thing and that's receipts."
Monet harshly swallowed as her mind roared with suspicion that had been gnawing at her ever since she saw those notes in her girlfriend's room on Halloween.
Her mother scoffed, "Don't be absurd, Grayson, Monet and Winnie have battled and surprisingly they've come out unscathed."
"This family has secrets, secrets that Luc knows and we can't let our family, our legacy turn to ruin because of his own faults," her father snarled.
Monet's nose flared and body stiffened when she thought of the billion possibilities, but in actuality, she had an inkling of what they were referencing.
"Then what do you suppose we do?"
"Well I'm glad you came through on your promise," Winnie felt comfortable in the Wolfe's west village townhouse.
It was homey, unlike her own and despite Gideon's personal views on the arrogant teen, he didn't have a problem with her being there.
"You would've assassinated me if I didn't - both literally and figuratively," Max quipped, turning back to the girl who was now in her nightwear.
He thought she looked hot but didn't have it in him to say.
She agreed as they were away from the kitchen, "Got that right."
"Who was on the phone?" he wondered who she was speaking to before.
Max cheekily smiled, "Your child."
Winnie's face dropped, "The idea of having children is disgusting to me, so I take deep offence in that."
"What? She is. What's your endgame, creating a mini-me?" he kicked the living room door open with his feet and led her in.
"We'll see," Winnie mused, knowing deep down she wanted Zoya to carry her torch.
From Buffalo to Billionaire, how cute.
"What did she want?" Max asked down on the couch whilst Winnie lowered herself into a chair and crossed her legs. He brought out some pastries for her to take with her medication, whilst he snacked on some ice cream.
An inferno roared within the walls of the fireplace, inspiring warmth to flow around the teens but Max didn't want it. He didn't want to look at the Christmas tree, or the ornaments, that were not supposed to be up and yet they were.
Winnie pursed her lips, "Something about her sister moving in with her. She's not a fan but her dad pushed it because Julian's annoying grandmother wanted to pack her up and ship her away to whatever country bumkin town she originated from."
"I wish I could escape this city," he murmured, halting her in her bite.
"Today's been that bad?"
"This year," Max reiterated.
"Second that," She eyed his desolated demeanour, "but is this moodiness about what happened tonight with Bergmann?"
"Something like that," he took another bite of his rocky road.
Max felt trapped, what he once perceived wasn't how it was. Nothing fit, not how it used to. Hell, if he told himself last year he would be spilling his guts to Winifred Dubois, he would've laughed and she would've cackled in his face.
"Are you in love with her?"
Winnie almost choked on her pill when she heard his question. Max wasn't looking at her, he stared ahead, facing the fireplace, clutching the ice cream so it wouldn't slip through his fingers.
He scoffed at her faux innocence, "Who do you think?"
"And why do you ask?" she threw back the question, not wanting to answer.
"Do you think you're capable of love?" he sighed when she didn't answer, "I'm only asking because my dads are divorcing. Pops sent divorce papers. The separation was enough and I don't want their relationship to end. They were my constant and now everything else is slipping."
"Has Gideon signed the papers?" she asked after eating another Pain au chocolate.
"He hasn't looked at them since he saw them," Max said, slumping back on the sofa. "I don't blame him, he's wasted so much time when he should've just stayed single."
"And then you wouldn't exist," Winnie argued, now drawing his sorrow-filled gaze. "And then the world would miss out on the charismatic man-whore who is Maximus Wolfe."
"I'm starting to think that isn't a bad thing," he murmured, putting his ice cream to the side. "All people do is use and abuse me and expect to be this happy and grateful guy. When I can't keep up."
"Then stop, stop living up to other people's expectations."
"Easier said than done."
"I know. People have tried changing me," Winnie admitted, "even the people who raised me. You said before that it's the people that make shit better, but it's hard. Living up to someone else's idea of you is fucking gutwrenching."
"Trust me, all I've been feeling recently is like I've been constantly kicked and pushed around and nothing is helping."
She frowned, "Max..."
"But I'm fine," he blurted, humourlessly chuckling at himself.
"You're spirally. I would know because I've been doing it since I was born apparently," Winnie said with an eye roll, "I've never been good at giving decent advice. Criticism, I'm amazing at so if you don't mind I'll do that."
Max breathed out, "Please."
Winnie put aside her snack and leaned in, not tearing her eyes from his and said,
"You like things that you can't have. It's an obsession, or a fetish, whatever way you want to look at it and I can't blame you for it because of your past and it's repeating. And the shit that's happening with your parents has nothing to do with you. It's fucked because your dads seemed okay, one of the last good parents in this area code. But what you need to get, is Aki and Audrey like you, lust over you but you won't be enough for them. They will use you as glue to their decaying relationship. Sure it'll seem like fun at first but remember how the beginning of that felt. Like an ass, I'd imagine. So now, you have two options, let people keep affecting how you see yourself or do something about it. Because I'm tired watching it, so god knows how your fucking feeling."
The pair just sat back, letting their suppressed emotions dance with the flames illuminating the room. It was raw and gritty but that was their reality.
And It was fucking exhausting.
(@gossipgirl tweeted)
They say it isn't the holidays until somebody cries. But that doesn't mean they can't be happy tears. Because the holidays aren't about conflict, they're about resolution. It's a time to put the ghosts of Christmas Pasts behind us. A time to grab our Christmas Futures by their bony hands without fear, only excitement about what's to come. But you can't do that without facing the past. Facing what you've done. And nobody knows better what you've done than me. Your confessional. Your therapist. Your friend who tells you the truth. Or do I? I don't think I've been entirely honest. How could I be, anonymously? Like a certain someone called me out. So maybe it's time to give you the best gift I can offer. I told you I saw you, but I meant I saw through you. And it's not fair for me to be the only one with that superpower. So this Christmas, I'm giving it to you. And while you may think you don't deserve it, I know it's just what you need. I made my list. I checked it twice. You know you've been naughty. Now pay the price. X-ho-ho-ho, Gossip Girl.
getting towards the end of this book and as i'm going through the show, i didn't realise how many pedophiles we're around max. like heidi taking his virginity when online it states she graduated constance only 2 years after the NJBC means she's around 28... ewww right? and considering the influence she's got, she's more likely to get away with it, which she has. so to change the end of the episode i made sure max stayed with winnie instead. in season 2 they annoyingly continue their fling which is icky. it's like the show saw pretty little liars and thought it was good.
monet overhearing her parents... yikes. and zoya being winnie's kid is the funniest thing, but honestly quite sad when you realise that she would ultimately become another version of winnie.
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marblemurti1 · 4 months
Marble Ganesh Statue Suppliers & Exporters in Bangalore, Karnataka, South India- Marble Murti Jaipur
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Marble Ganesh Statue Suppliers & Exporters in Bangalore, Karnataka, South India play a crucial role in meeting the demand for these revered sculptures. Marble Ganesh statues hold significant importance in Hindu culture, representing wisdom, prosperity, and the remover of obstacles. In cities like Bangalore, Karnataka, and throughout South India, there is a consistent demand for these exquisite sculptures. It is essential to find the right supplier who comprehends the intricacies of crafting these statues with finesse and reverence.
Introduction to Marble Ganesh Statues
Marble Ganesh statues are crafted with precision and devotion, often serving as focal points in homes, temples, and public spaces. Their serene expressions and intricate detailing make them a sought-after choice for both religious and decorative purposes.
Importance of Ganesh Statues in Hindu Culture
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Among the notable suppliers of marble Ganesh statues is “Marble Murti Jaipur” a company known for its exceptional craftsmanship and attention to detail. Situated in the historic city of Jaipur, the company has garnered acclaim for its exquisite designs and superior quality.
Also Read: Buy Online Best Quality Hanuman Marble Murti & Statue at Affordable Prices in Bangalore, Karnataka, South India-Marble Murti Jaipur
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Marble Murti Jaipur prides itself on its team of skilled artisans who meticulously carve each statue by hand, ensuring precision and authenticity. Stringent quality control measures are implemented at every stage of production to maintain the highest standards.
Overview of Marble Ganesh Statue Suppliers
Choosing the right supplier for marble Ganesh statues is crucial to ensure authenticity, quality craftsmanship, and ethical practices. Suppliers who understand the cultural significance of these statues can provide customers with products that resonate deeply with their spiritual beliefs.
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