#ah the fig tree
caterpillarinacave · 6 months
girles, it’s bell jar season
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
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Beregond can you stop being a dad for just one (1) second
(I’m kidding don’t stop ever)
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mrsbrookemunson · 4 months
Hi, love you’re writing! I was wondering if you were open to a Sebastian request… there’s a HC that the reason his hair is always so chaotic is due to Solomon taking sheep shears to his head, and I was wondering if you could use that to do a small fluff, possibly revealing a crush, between Sebastian and MC, in which he’s received another Solomon haircut and is feeling really self conscious about it, so MC assures him it’s not so bad/he’s still handsome
I'm not even kidding, I saw this request and immediately had to do it because I love it so much - I recently went to Universal (Islands of Adventure) and saw the Hogwarts castle and Hogsmeade... I may have cried a little. Summary: The request Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x MC (No pronouns used) Warnings: Uncle Solomon (there, I said it), angst, fluff, food mentioned, use of 'MC', honestly just real fluffy fluff which I feel like we don't have a lot of. Wrote this in one sitting so most definitely typos. If you're on a computer, the pictures might be formatted weirdly. Contains (Or Lacks): No specific house mentioned. The main plot of the game still happened, but Sebastian's side quest did not. Which means Solomon's alive, but Anne is not cured. Set in summer.
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(Pictures Found on Pinterest)
The summer sun was always a lovely feeling after the long and cold winters that occurred in the Scottish Highlands. You could admit the snow was pretty, but the way the warmth engulfed you as your journey took you through fields of flowers, across crystal clear water streams, all whist surrounds by tall mountains that were accented with green. Green was everywhere - green grass, green trees, green bushes, and everything so forth. Each breath you took filled you with peace.
Then there you were.
It was only a month and a half ago since you last saw your best friend, Sebastian. The end of your 6th year left you torn. Why? Because ever since you and him met in 5th year, you couldn't deny the spark that ignited when your eyes first met his. It was almost as if Merlin himself wrote in the stars that the two of you would find each other one day. And thank Merlin you did. He was there for you during your fight in the Goblin War, he was there for you in the search to find all the answers that led to more questions, and he was there for you when you lost Professor Fig. But, there were lows that came with it.
You couldn't help him. Over the last two school years, you've tried and failed to have found a cure for his twin sister Anne. You both now knew Rookwood was behind the cruelty and not a goblin, but what good did it do when you were too blinded by the fight to have forgotten to force the answers Sebastian so desperately needed out of him? At least, that's what you tell yourself. Sebastian had to have told you a million times not to blame yourself, but you couldn't follow through. The only way to fix things was to find a cure for Anne.
You clutched the handle of your trunk as your eyes caught the all too familiar well of Feldcroft.
"Off on another adventure?"
You turned your head with a raised eyebrow toward Ignatia Wildsmith. With a chuckle, you continued forward.
"Ah! MC, good to see you again!" Bernard Ndiaye, the Feldcroft shopkeeper, called out.
You smiled and walked up to him. "Hello, Bernard. Doing well?"
"As good as one can be," he answered. "What brings you to town?"
"Oh, I'm just visiting a friend," you replied, vaguely. "Sebastian," you added.
"Ah... young Sallow. I've seen quite a bit of him recently."
"Hm?" You gave him a questionable look.
"He's been helping the folks around here with some labor. He's been a great help to me, keeping my shop tidy and stocked!"
"Sounds like Sebastian," you laugh.
He echoed your laughter. "I shouldn't have been surprised of your arrival, he's been talking about you."
"Has he?" You perked.
"Oh yes... all good things, of course." He grinned, smugly.
You furrowed your eyebrows at him in suspicion. "I'll take your work for it..." you dragged in amusement. "Well, I should probably be going, they are expecting me."
"Yes! Yes! Don't let me keep them waiting." He waved you off as he takes a sip of his tea.
You smiled and waved goodbye. You walked away toward the Sallows' house which you deemed as the most whimsical looking one out of Feldcroft, but maybe you were biased. You sighed as you took in the house. It was small, but beautiful. You took note of the new elements that have appeared since the last time you were here. A few new plants, a few new fruits and vegetables in their garden, even a new painted wood sign that claimed their residency. Everything looked perfectly tended to.
You raise your fist to knock, but before your knuckles could touch the door you heard what sounded like a grunt coming from behind the house. You froze in attempt to make it easier to hear. Your eyebrows furrowed when you heard yet another one. You took a step back from the door and set down your luggage. Your curiosity led your feet around the house, eyes bouncing around to spot the source of the sound.
You stopped over by the training dummies when you heard another sound, louder than had been before. You turned your head rather abruptly knowing you had finally found your conclusion but that backfired when you felt your knees nearly give out on you.
Your face flushed when your attention was suddenly drawn to none other than your best friend. Your best friend that you fancied like mad, right here in front of you, skin glistening from sweat, breathing heavily with the occasional grunt as he moved large trunks of wood. Your eyes widened the more you continued to gawk at him, you didn't even notice that your jaw had dropped a little at the sight of him.
He stood up straight and lifted his hat a little to wipe the sweat off his forehead. He let out a long sigh of exhaustion and let his head hang low for a moment before shaking it off and turning his body to where you stood. You swore you saw his soul leave his body when he was smacked in the face by your presence.
He jumped and grasped his chest with a gasp. "Merlin MC, don't do that to me! How long were you standing there?" he scolded.
Your brain didn't process his scolding. You smiled and walked with vigor up to him. Without a word you threw your arms around your neck and pulled him into an embrace. He stiffened for a second before hugging you back
"I missed you," you said.
He wouldn't have admit it in that moment, but hearing your voice after haven't heard it in a while made his stomach flutter. A smile made its way onto his face. "I missed you too."
You pulled away, but not too far as you scanned his face for any changes. He did the same.
"You've grown," you pointed out.
"Have I?" He smirked.
"At least an inch." You narrowed her eyes. "And you got a new freckle... right... there." You poked his cheek.
He jokingly slapped your hand away. "I see you haven't change one bit," he teased.
You rolled your eyes. You raised a hand to block your eyes from the sun. "Merlin Sebastian, how are you wearing a hat right now in this weather?"
You didn't mention it, but you saw the way his cheeks turned a light shade of red.
"Where's your luggage?" he asked.
"At the front." You jutted your head in the direction.
"C'mon, let's get you settled then." He placed a hand at the small of your back and guided you to the front of the house. He grabbed your luggage and brought it inside, holding the door open for you.
The first thing you saw was Anne. She was standing there with a weak smile on her face. She had gotten a lot thinner since last summer when you saw her, and the dark circles under her eyes were more noticeable. It was a jab to your heart seeing her this way, knowing you couldn't control it.
"MC!" she exclaimed, happily.
"Anne!" You opened your arms and hugged the girl.
"How've you been?" she asked, moving so she could look at you as she spoke.
"I've been good - busy - but good." You hesitated at first, but asked, "And you? How have you been feeling?"
"Some days are worse than others, but today has been good. Probably because I knew you'd be here today." You laughed together. "Uncle has gone out to go get supplies for supper tonight, he should be back soon."
Sebastian behind you muttered something incoherently.
Anne looked at him. "Something on your mind?"
He glanced up from the palm of his hand which he had been absentmindedly tracing. He formed his lips into a tight line. "Nope. Nothing at all... I'll be outside if you girls need anything." He was quick to leave.
You grew a little confused at his rushed exit. "Is there anything I should be aware of?"
Anne scoffed a little. "Oh, it's - it's nothing, it's silly." She brought you to sit at the dining table with her. "He's just a little snippy because Solomon gave him a haircut," she explained.
You didn't know whether to laugh or not. "What?"
Anne shook her head a little. "Ever since we were young, after our parents died, every summer Uncle Solomon will give Sebastian a haircut if he thinks it's gotten too long to do labor with."
You grimaced at the thought of that man giving you a haircut and began to felt sympathy for Sebastian the more you thought about it. "Oh..."
"Solomon recently thought it had gotten too long... I have never seen Sebastian fight it more than he did this time. Honestly, I think it had something to do with you coming so soon."
You frowned. "I'd never make fun of him if that's what he thought."
"He knows that, it's just..."
You tilted your head. "It's just... what?"
She leaned in a little. "It's just that he wants to look his best when he's around you."
"Why should that matter?"
She looked a little taken aback. "My Merlin, do you really not know?"
"Know what?"
"You don't!" she exasperated.
"Don't know what?" You were starting to get a little desperate.
Anne looked around as if to make sure no one was listening. "Be honest with me here... do you fancy my brother?"
You nearly choked out your saliva as you gasped in shock. "What?! No! Me?! No!" You avoided her eye contact as well as her wide grin.
"Oh my gods! You do!" She began to laugh as if it was hysterical. "I knew it!" She slapped the table. "And Sebastian told me you didn't think of him that way..." She shook her head. "I should've listened to Ominis." She began to ramble off about you, Sebastian, and Ominis.
"What are you talking about?"
"You can't tell him I told you, but sister to sister you have to know... that my brother - my twin - is totally in love with you."
You blinked a few times as you attempt to process this information. "What?"
"Now before you start asking - "
"Has he told you that?! Since when?! Why has he never told me?!" you blurted.
"He - "
Suddenly, the door swung open. Heavy footsteps treaded in, the wooden floors creaked underneath the new weight. You turned your head and was met with Solomon whose facial expression hadn't changed since the last time you saw him. A deep scowl.
"You're here early," he grumbled.
Your eyes glimpsed at the grandfather clock in their house. You weren't early, in fact you were actually a little late, but there was no way you would correct him. So, instead, you gave a sweet smile. "I had anticipated some interruption during my travels, but lucky for me none came."
He gave a stiff nod and shuffled his way to the kitchen. "Hope you like Shepard's pie."
Even if you didn't, you would never admit it. "Love it!" You eyed Anne who was holding back a giggle.
"Where's that boy?" he asked, unpacking the produce and meat.
"He's outside, working in the back," Anne answered.
He glared. It wasn't directed toward Anne, but it still managed to make you two cower a little. "No manners that boy has! Invites a guest over and then - " The rest of it was mumbled as he stormed out of the house.
You and Anne could hear muffled shouting.
You turned to Anne. "Anne, about Sebastian - " You were interrupted this time by the door. However, Solomon was now accompanied by Sebastian.
So, that's why he's wearing a hat. You thought to yourself.
Solomon shoved his toward the table where you and Anne sat at. He huffed and sat down beside you.
Anne glanced between the two of you with a sly smile. "So, MC... you said you've been busy, doing what exactly?"
"I've been helping Mr. Weekes at Spintwitches Sporting Needs, he has some new ideas for broom upgrades that I've been assisting him with."
"Sebastian told me you were a good flyer, better than Imelda from what he's told me."
Sebastian had seemed to've perked up. "She's the best on the team."
You breathily scoffed. "That's pushing it a little."
"Nonsense, people think you're gonna get chosen for captain in this new year," he said.
"Don't let Imelda hear that, it'd be over her dead body would I get that position," you half-heartedly joke.
"Anything else you've been doing?" Anne inquired, resting her chin against her knuckles.
"I've been helping Mr. Hill with modeling clothes, helping Sirona at the Three Broom Sticks - cleaning and whatnot, helping J. Pippins with potion deliveries, of course running my own shop - "
"Have you been taking breaks?" Sebastian asked.
You frowned a little at his look of concern. "Of course I have been taking breaks, I''m taking one right now, being here." You could tell that didn't ease him. "It's a busy season, but I've been managing."
"But, you've been drinking enough water, right? Eating enough? Sleeping enough?"
Anne could relate this back to the 'he's in love with you' claim, but you could relate it back to the two of them. He's had to care for Anne for a while now and witnessed her downfall, it's to no surprise he'd be protective over your health and making sure you're okay.
"Yes, Sebastian," you assured.
Solomon was cutting carrots (why is that funny to imagine?), when he grumbled to himself about something. He set his knife down shook his head. "Boy! What did I say about wearing hats indoors?"
You eyed Sebastian's expression. It flickered with embarrassment.
"I am not taking off this hat," he argued.
Solomon crossed his arms and stared down Sebastian. "And why is that?"
Sebastian's lip trembled a little. "W-Well, because - " He sighed in defeat, he didn't want to argue in front of you. That was an embarrassment in itself as he learned the more he thought about the day you first met Anne. "Yes, sir."
Solomon went back to cooking. You didn't know whether to watch or not as Sebastian slowly took off his hat. His eyes casted down in shame. Some of his hair was matted down from the sweat while the rest of it had it's own mind. You had never really seen his natural hair, always tamed with gel. This was the first time you had seen the chaos that was Sebastian's hair, and oh how Solomon did not understand it.
Sebastian ran a hand through it, but it only seemed to have stirred it more. The shorter layers sticking out a little, some parts wavy, some parts straight. The longer layers uneven. You deep down hoped that one day it'd be you who'd give his hair the treatment it deserved, because you knew how much Sebastian cared about it.
"I'm just going to step away for a moment - " Sebastian started.
"No, I need your hand in the kitchen," Solomon countered.
Sebastian shut his eyes. His nostrils flared ever-so-slightly as he breathed in sharply. He stood up and walked to the kitchen.
"Due to the arguing, Solomon did haste the cutting process," Anne explained in a hushed tone
"What does he use for it?" You scooted closer toward her so Sebastian nor Solomon heard.
"Sheep shears." Anne cringed at the thought. "I've been fortunate enough to have never experienced it, Sebastian on the other hand..." she paused. "In our second year, Solomon cut it right before the start of first term, and let's just say... it ended him up with an awful nickname."
"Oh, poor Sebastian..." You sympathized.
"After that he learned how to style his hair and built a new reputation for himself, but I know it haunts him every time this season comes around. I think he's just scared you'll somehow lose interest in him all together if you see him - well... this way..."
You frown and looked at Sebastian whose energy drained in the last hour.
"I don't think that's possible," you whisper, unknowingly.
Anne grabbed your hand that laid on the table. "Maybe it's time to tell him that."
You bit your lip. Your nerves grew the more you thought about such a conversation between you and Sebastian. Where you'd reveal the feelings you've contained since the day you met him. Yes, when you met him, you thought he was attractive, but then you got to know him and suddenly he was beautiful. Inside and out, and that's what scared you.
Were you enough for someone beautiful?
You know Anne said he liked you back, but what if it was all a big misunderstanding? It wouldn't have been the first time.
Could you afford to get your heartbroken by Sebastian?
You think not. Which is why when you got your plate of food, you managed to build up no appetite. You pushed around the potato meat and vegetables until it was nothing but a pile of mush. You could feel the heat of Sebastian's gaze burn into you, but you did you best to avoid it. Eventually, Anne allowed the awkward silence to take over until everyone was done with dinner.
Sebastian stood up. "I'm gonna go get some air," he announced before leaving.
You watched him carefully as he left.
Anne picked at her fingernails. "I'm gonna go help Uncle with the rhubarb pie," she said, slowly, as if hinting toward something. "If you know... you wanna... talk." She eyed the door.
You picked it up her cues rather easily. "Yeah," you breathed. "Yeah, maybe that's for the best." You cleared your throat as the both of you stood.
Anne could read by your stance how nervous you were. She grasped your upper arm. and gave it a comforting squeeze. "Hey, believe me when I tell you that you have nothing to worry about. I know my brother better than anyone and I know... you're everything to him."
You could've argued against that, but chose to bite your tongue and nod. She smiled and gave your upper arm one more squeeze. She walked past you to the kitchen. You sighed and glanced at the door. After what felt like a lifetime you took the first step toward exiting the house until you felt the cool breeze against your face. You ventured out a little and turned your head to your right. It was where you two met up the day you first came to Feldcroft all that time ago, before you met Anne, before him and Solomon got into that fight, and before you told Sebastian all about the keepers.
You walked up the steps and to him where he was leaning against the railing. His back was still turned to you which prompted you to rest against the railing next to him. The two of you wallow in the silence.
"I'm sorry," he said, breaking the silence.
"What for?"
"For being distance."
"It's okay - "
"It's not okay..." He groaned a little. "It's stupid." He shook his head.
"What is? I can tell you, whatever it is, it is not stupid if it's affecting you this much." You knew what it was, but for you to truly understand, you needed to hear his feelings on it.
He shakily sighed. "I know you've noticed, how could you not notice?" He tugged at a strand of his hair which stuck up and out of place. "I swear he treats me as though I'm still a child."
"Don't even lie and tell me it doesn't look bad."
"Could you look at me, please?" He hesitates but does so. "Here..." You stand upright, guiding him to do the same. Cautiously, you began to run your fingers through his hair. You don't verbally mention the way he shuddered immediately when doing so, or when he sighs again, this time of content. You smile, and continue to use your fingers to carefully style his hair. "This is the first time you've ever let me do this."
"Is it really?" He sounded absent. You noticed he had close his eyes and was now leaning into your touch a little more than before. "I've been missing out..."
"Just give me the word and I'll do this at any time for you." You smiled even though he couldn't see it.
"Careful... I think I'd tell you to never stop at some point."
You chuckle but don't respond. You finish by brushing his bangs to the side. Your eyes flickered all around his face. You were so close, you could've counted every freckle, every eyelash, every scar and imperfection that was perfection simply because it was him. Without another thought, your fingers dragged to trace the side of his face down to his jawline. During that, his eyes slowly opened. Your hand didn't leave his face as his eyes bored into yours.
Have they always looked at you that way?
"Have I told you lately that no matter what... you're beautiful... to me?" you stammered.
His breath hitched in his throat. "No," he breathed. "But, then again, I've been doing a terrible job reminding you that as well."
"We ought to really work on that together then, hm?"
He lifted up a hand and pushed your hair back behind your ear. "Yeah..."
"Kiss me."
You could only describe the moment as the stars having finally aligned. He wasted no time placing his lips against yours. There was no barrier of friendship keeping him from doing the thing he's been wanting to do for so long. You both have well crossed that safe line and now there was so turning back. Sebastian pulled you closer as he deepened the kiss. He wanted to make up for all the time he let go by without making you his. And he really wanted you to be his as much as he wanted to be yours. He wanted to memorize the feeling of your lips against his, your body pressed to his body, the tickle of your hair of his face, the feeling of your fingers in his hair. All that he wanted to consume was you.
The two of you pulled away to catch your breath. You both laughed and leaned into each other as you processed the moment as it was really happening.
You sighed, happily. "You know, your uncle is going to be wondering where we went."
"I honestly could care less about that right now." He couldn't stop smiling. He goes to lean in again but is interrupted by someone clearing their throat.
"As much as I'd love for you guys to continue your moment, I was ordered to tell you that the pie is ready," Anne said with an amused glint in her eye. "I'd also like to mention that I told you so, to both of you." She spun on her heel and began to slowly walk away.
You and Sebastian watched Anne walk away with wide eyes. Sebastian intertwined your fingers with his. "I guess we do have all of summer to spend time with each other."
"I'd like to think it wouldn't end just there," you tease as the you both start to walk back to the house.
"Don't you worry, you're gonna be stuck with me for life. Bad haircuts and all." He nudges you, playfully.
A perfect life.
Your eyes soften. "Lucky me," you whisper.
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verydeadaten · 8 months
It's in the Blood
It was a lazy Saturday at the Arc household. Pyrrha and Jaune are both taking a well deserved day off. Their first and second youngest, Helen and Gorga, were with their Aunt Nora and their Uncle Ren. It was peaceful.
Pyrrha: *lounging outside* It's so nice out.
???: Just hold still!
???: Yeah, I know!
Pyrrha: Hmm? What's that?
Pyrrha gets off her chair, walking to the side of the house. There she sees her middle children, the Twins. Romula and Remus Lupus Arc, both 8 years old. Romula was standing in front of a tree, with an apple sitting on top of her head of red hair.
Her brother, Remus, was standing a few yards in front of her. His blue eyes were squinted in concentration, and he seemed to be holding... A KNIFE?!
Romula: RIP IT DUDE!
Remus: Alright, here it goes! *throws knife*
Pyrrha: OH OUM!!!
Pyrrha quickly used her semblance, stopping the knife before it even got close to Romula, and then putting it in her hand.
Pyrrha: By the cracked moon, what the hell are you doing?!
Remus: Practicing knife throwing.
Pyrrha: WHY?
Romula: We saw some videos online, and it looked really cool!
Remus: Yeah, and Papa told us about when he threw knives with his sisters. And it sounded so awesome.
Romula: Mega awesome.
Pyrrha: Okay, but why would you use yourselves as targets? What if you got hurt, or worse?
Romula: We were aiming for the apples. And we have our auras. We were fine.
Pyrrha: *sighs really deeply and rubs her eyes* You're both grounded.
R+R: Mama!
Pyrrha: You're both grounded for a week. No videogames! Where's Michael. He should be watching you.
Remus: He said he would be at the big tree.
Romula: *upset* He left before we even started!
Pyrrha: *sighs even deeper* Of course he is. Just, just go to your room.
R+R: *dejected* Yes mom.
As Pyrrha storms off to the tree, the twins started to collude.
Romula: Wanna watch a scary movie?
Remus: Sure.
The Arc home was surrounded by forest. About a 100 yards away was the Big Tree, the biggest tree in the whole forest. You could see the top of the tree from the front of the house. Michael Cherub Arc, a 12 year old and the oldest Arc child, preferred the tree as his hangout of choice, somehow getting all the way to the top. Pyrrha never really knew how he got up there, but right know she really didn't care.
Pyrrha was nearing the foot of the tree. Craning her neck up, she could see some blond locks. Her son for sure. He was looking at the sky, away from the house, and before she could even open her mouth, he spoke.
Michael: Hey mom.
Pyrrha: Michael Cherub Arc, what are you doing up here?! I told you to watch the twins!
Michael: *munch* I wanted to look at the heavens again. Anyway, they're fine. They weren't going to do anything dangerous.
Pyrrha: They were throwing knives.
Michael: ...oh. *chewing* Well, with their aura, it couldn't be that dangerous.
Pyrrha: Wait... What are... What are you chewing? Are you eating my figs again?!
Michael: N-No...
Pyrrha: I swear to the Brothers. Get your butt down that tree and go to your room! You are grounded mister!
Michael: *figs falling out his mouth* B-B-BUT MAMA!
Pyrrha; No buts mister. I told you to do this one thing, and you didn't do it! You left! And on top of that, you ate my figs! You know your father grows those for me!
Michael: Mama I'm sorry!
Pyrrha: Sorry doesn't cut it. You better be at the house in ten minutes, or I'm adding another week to your punishment.
Michael: Okay.
Pyrrha released another sigh. She was just so tired.
Later, at the Arc house...
Pyrrha was stressed. She needed to snack on something, and maybe have a small sip of wine. As she walked to the kitchen, she could hear the mad yelling of her second eldest, Constantine, from his room upstairs.
Constantine: You PEASANT ants. You think you can come into MY kingdom, take a bite of MY rations? I'll show you. I'LL SHOW YOU ALL! AH HAHAHAHAHA!
...Nope. Not dealing with that now. She needed to recharge. Upon entering the kitchen, she saw her beloved husband, Jaune Arc. He was also relaxing for today, since there where no missions. He as at the counter, putting milk, white bread, and... beer? into a bowl, which he then put powdered sugar on top of.
Pyrrha: Beloved, what are you eating?
Jaune: Oh, hey Pyr. I'm just having a snack. I would've used brandy, but it's just too early for that.
Pyrrha: *somehow sighs even deeper*
Jaune: *walks over to pyrrha* Pyr, are you okay?
Pyrrha: *embraces jaune* Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that our kids are crazy. I really don't know why I'm acting surprised, all you Arcs are crazy. I mean, for Oum's sake, their father decided it was a good idea to fake his way into a top huntsman school, without any prior training or even having his aura unlocked.
Jaune: Hey. I'm not that crazy.
Pyrrha: As your partner and wife, I can say with confidence that you are.
Jaune: Hmm. Is there anything I can do to help?
Pyrrha: Could you make me some lasagna?
Jaune: *kisses her forehead* One steaming hot lasagna coming up.
Pyrrha went to make herself a cup of coffee, and she looked at her husband cook. She smiled to herself, even though her family was completely mad, she wouldn't trade them for the world.
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falpiancaraxus · 4 months
Shamane & Kumar prompt
Where Kumar was casted out from their home when she was 18 years old. Shamane vehemently against his father decision, and then decided to follow her sister when he found out she had left. His father managed to catch him sneaking out and in the struggle of trying to get loose from his father grip, he tripped and hit his head on a rock. Which then lead to him waking up forgetting a part of his life, and him not remembering his sister.
OR his father uses an arcane skill on him to make him forget about her sister.
Imagine Kumar feeling guilty that she left her younger brother behind to their myopic father, going back to her hometown to do her "business" and at the same time to coerce her brother to leave the blasted place together with her.
Imagine her strolling, taking her time to reach the place that had been once called home. The wind was gently carressing her face when she saw the tall sacred fig tree, and the nostalgia hit her before a young teenager roughly bumped into her, making she fell backward on the rough pebbled road.
"Ah! I'm sorry, Miss. Are you hurt?" A voice speak to her, sounding genuinely concerned before a hand appeared in front of her.
"It's okay, I should be aware of my surrounding." She waved away the concern but gratefully took the offered hand.
But it's not when she finally looked up at the person, that the smile crept up on her face. "Shamane?"
Her little brother was not so little anymore. She remembered back then Shamane has always been a frail kid, a little wind could knock him over. But, now he looks so much better (and taller too! How did he grows so tall in such a short amount of time?)
She was so caught up at being happy to meet his brother again that she missed what her brother had said.
"What?" She asked.
Shamane smiled, Kumar couldn't help but reply the gesture.
"I'm sorry, but do I know you, miss?"
And the smile was immediately wiped from her face.
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halevren · 3 months
FHJY Spoilers || my live thoughts as I watch episode 9
i got a new job and I felt sick last night so. I'm watching this very late. it has been tough avoiding spoilers but I Have Done So
hiiii one and all!!! hii intrepid heroes!!!!
i have been told stuff happens this episode. I'm so excited
"You're mad we're not doing drugs."
"I think this might be gorgug's worst day of his life."
so much happened last episode
totally healthy adult activity.
I love the projections
I think Brennan is loving being the vulture king
"One answer and it's Riz."
"I'm so glad I died on that battlefield."
A crisp 500 dollar bill
I love this so much
This is so silly
"Hey, I'll kill you, you fucker." "kiss him!"
"Can you bring his parents up here—" "NO."
"Feels like five"
"You wanna be in our crew?"
Kristen is really trying to get her friends to romance the vultures.
"Are you a God of some kind?" "I don't mind man."
This season is just Brennan breaking the PCs
oh good god
"Summons 1d4 vultures, they are not under your command."
no bring us back to the vulture dimension im obsessed with it
18 damage 😭😭😭
"I'm going to think about that for days."
"get out of my yard."
(Brennan rolling too many dice.)
the little fireball that could!
Concentration lost 🔥🔥🔥
is Ruben only able to give bardic
what are we making dex saves for.
"I'm dead from shame."
So many dice for Fabian
"Don't worry I got the ones out guys" Emily 😭😭😭
"I'm actually a huge fan."
so now that grix is destroyed does that mean there's no principal?
Ruben's frantically calling for Wanda
"I'm real right?"
"What happened? I was taking a shit."
"Do you have a warrant? Do you have a fucking warrant?"
Adaine is still dead on the ground
grix is untampered with
I miss ayda
29 investigation 🔥
24 points glowing red
Rage connection!!
"Can we get some hot sauce before we leave?"
"Found another glass of water"
Fabian finally getting his kisses in.
Nat 20 history rat check
"You know thats triggering for me!"
Rat stores
"There's not a rat world under the school."
Rat World!!!
oh god fig gave Fabian a bardic
sexuality inclusivity for cassandra!
aww..... fabian took bardic from fig earlier...
"You are. Cursed."
RIZ NAT 20!!!!
Force damage...
Three hours????
ah yes another use of the identity spell!
"You could multi class into wizard!" "Yeah, add it to the fuckin' pile."
There's something under the tree?? glyth???
I think Fig's bad luck is genuinely effecting Emily too with all these bad rolls 😭😭😭😭
Did.... Did the rat grinders kill Lucy???????
let adaine use the diamonds. finders keepers
divine intervention........
Kristen will have to work so hard to get cassandra back
spies tongue curse???
"Call an adult?"
"You were such a good teacher, I'm sorry I just got a C..." 😭😭
level of exhaustion :(
elmville police departments always on fire
did he just take the dirt like a line of drugs?
one becomes a 10 which becomes a 19
*head in hands* "is it okay if I ask you about your case, mom?"
"So I'm unbelievably wealthy. And me and my friends just discovered the site of a double homicide. So....."
Group IV time, or group shock therapy.
Gorgug putting barbarian first
"We need a word."
Gorgug talking to Porter is so funny
ok. wait this is actually kinda sweet between Porter and Gorgug
"I feel lucky to have you in my class." 😭😭😭😭
The Last Stand exam?
oh god. 4 stress tokens
I wonder if the intrepid heroes are aware of the 5 stress token
"I'm in a lot of school."
Gorgug looking into building a time machine real as hell
Oh my god gorgug is still on the owlbears
"Okay I think I have to lie down."
I'm going to fight the wizard teacher
"I love my life. Everything is perfect."
10 CATS??
aelwyn and adaine bonding 😭😭
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verosvault · 2 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 7 "Stress Tested"
Timestamp: 1:50:43
Video Length: 3min. & 50sec.
Fig incepts Ruben's dreams with Wanda Childa 💀
Brennan: "Let's do any Mystery rolls that we have here at the very end."
Emily: "I have a mystery thing I wanna do."
Brennan: "Cool."
Emily: "I basically want to- if we can't do it on campus, I don't have to do it on campus. I can do it around the town. I basically want to disguise myself as various eligible high schoolers and probe about Ruben's dating past."
Brennan: "Oh-hooo! Go ahead and gimme a Mystery roll. This is your third roll, so the DC's 15, but successes past a certain point will get you even more. You can give me Perception, Investigation, or Insight."
Emily: "All right, I think the goal is that I was gonna try and use my Actor feat, but okay, I'll do that."
Brennan: "I'll let you use the Actor feat to get advantage, but not to use your Performance skill. Cool?"
Emily: "Okay." *rolls dice* *scoffs*
Brennan: "You could take a stress." (Why is he so evil?! 😭✋)
Emily: "I'll take a stress. I'm gonna take a stress."
Lou: "You can take a stress."
Emily: "I want this."
Ally: "Ah, a stress pusher."
Lou: "You could take a stress."
Emily: *rolls dice* "That's 19."
Brennan: "That definitely passes. You ask about Ruben's-"
Emily: "And like, I wanna go through all of his lyrics and basically get a profile of what he might be attracted to."
Brennan: "You talk to a student. There's a Triton student at Aguefort whose name is Lashra. And you see she says like,"
Lashra: "Oh, Ruben's dated a lot of people. Like, he's in everyone's DMs. He's, like, constantly talking. I haven't heard anything that's, like, that gross beyond, like, what you would expect for someone who, like, got famous quickly."
Fig: "Yeah, no, I meant more like, does he have a type?"
Lashra: "I would say anyone who thinks he's cool, straight up. I haven't seen like a strong type. Oh! He talked a lot about this girl at the beginning of the year, Wanda."
Fig: "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I heard she's super hot and mysterious."
Ally: "Wanda Childa?!"
Lashra: "Yeah. Oh! He asked me if I knew if Wanda was gonna be at Frosty Fair."
Fig: "Okay. That's crazy. I'm so jealous of Wanda."
Lashra: "Yeah, he was like, 'I hope she's there.' 'Cause he's- I dunno if you heard, he's headlining."
Fig: "Is he?"
Lashra: "Yeah, he's headlining at Frosty Fair."
Fig: "Interesting."
Lashra: "Mm-hmm."
Fig: "Cool"
Emily: "So I wanna use that information to...I took the Dream spell and I wanna, just every night, give him dreams of Wanda."
(Ally laughing 😂😂)
Emily: "Just dreams of Wanda saying how good he is. Dreams of like-"
Ally: "You're invading a teenage boy's dreams. Inserting your alter-ego."
Emily: "My alter-ego."
Brennan: "My alter-ego."
Murph: "Alter-emo." 😂😂
Ally: "Alter-emo!"
Emily: "I think it's like- who did 'Tree of Life?' Like, Terrence Malick, kind of flashbacky. Her in fields."
Brennan: "Yeah."
Emily: "Her showing him her poetry tattoos, her putting hair behind her ear. It's just, like, everything is montages of that."
Brennan: "So you're incepting Ruben with Wanda Childa."
Emily: "Like a buildup of this crush on Wanda Childa."
Brennan: "Incredible. You successfully do that."
Siobhan: "Why is she always under a white sheet?"
Emily: "It's always like, yeah. It's always over her shoulder, like that Instagram travel."
(Siobhan and Ally laughing)
Lou: "Your mouth is talking, but it's just the sound of waves crashing."
Zac: "She's on the end of a pier?"
Emily: "Yeah. It moves in and out."
Siobhan: "Are there piers? Aren't we in a landlocked city?"
Emily: "Just like, her in the passenger seat doing this in the window."
Ally: "omg."
Brennan: "Incredible. Like a week after that, a single hits the thing of 'Not All Who Wanda Are Lost.'"
(Emily, Zac and Siobhan laughing)
Ally: "omg." 😂😂
Brennan: "Incredible."
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sebastianswallows · 1 year
What are your thoughts on Sebastian and Ominis as monster boys? What kinds, what kinks would they have, etc?
Ah, I'm not sure what monster boys means 😅 You mean like, some teratophilia stuff or mythological creatures? I'll take it to mean that...
Ominis — Naga (aka Ominisss)
Due to his association with snakes, I think he'd make a perfect Naga. He would be a sleek little snake boy, with a pale body and lean muscles, very lethal and growing to impressive lengths.
However, he would dream of being a mermaid. He'd spend a long time underwater just trying to get accepted by mermaid society. He would be enchanted by their elegance and grace and overall sophistication, in contrast with his Naga family who is cruel and callous and just coldblooded. Mermaids are cruel too, but he'd just find it prettier when they do it. I think the harsh treatment he would've received from his parents would've greatly contributed with him feeling ashamed of his snake body (like how in the game it made him resentful of being a pureblood).
He would, therefore, be very weak to praises of any kind. He'd find himself disgusting, with all the coiling and the crawling and the periodic shedding of skin. To be admired at long last, and liked and caressed and spoken to gently would definitely open up a new world for him. I think he'd be pretty starved of affection, and would fall head over heels for whoever gave it to him.
And he'd like warmth for sure. Mermaid-realm might be cool, but it's deep and cold and not all that comfortable. I think Ominisss would love to bask in the sun a lot, like a cat, and fall asleep there for hours.
Gives the best hugs. He loves getting warm, soft, fleshy hugs, when he can wrap himself around his love and just snuggle them to death.
He might eventually discover that he can control Basilisks, like some Nagas can, and he wouldn't know exactly how to feel about it. On the one hand, it would be another reminder of his family. On the other hand, it could be useful... If his love finds it fascinating, he might be persuaded to warm up to the idea and embrace what he is, his heritage, and what he can do. He might not be a graceful mysterious mermaid, but if he is loved for what he is, he'll no longer feel the need to be anyone or anything else.
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Sebastian — Faun (aka Sebaaastian)
Not exactly a monster, but it's the closest I could think of for him. Fauns are half-goats, and that's the sort of animals they'd have up in the Scottish highlands anyway. Sebastian a pure country boy who grew up around nature, with tousled brown hair and rosy cheeks and he loves to cause trouble, so he would make a perfect Faun.
He'd have been born to a very loving and close family, but lost both his parents to hunters very early on. He and Anne pretty much only had each other after that, and growing up was an adventurous and trying time. Being raised by disinterested uncle Solomon hardly counted.
He would be curious, playful, constantly in trouble, and would know every corner of the forest by the time he was 15. He'd get into fights with bigger, stronger animals, and win every time.
He may or may not also stalk travellers that come through the woods, and casually pick things up that "conveniently" fell from their carriage... This is how he discovered books. He'd already have amassed a collection of them before he found a wise old Owl (Professor Fig). He wouldn't stop pestering Fig until he taught him how to read.
As he grew up, Sebaaastian would spend more and more time in the crook of tree roots, reading or playing music on his flute. Eventually, that wouldn't be enough and he'd want to go to a village or perhaps even a town, and find more books to read.
In terms of affection, he would be very soft. As he and Anne grew up pretty much roughhousing, he wouldn't experience many soft pets. He would adore to have his hair played with, or to be lightly scratched across his body. His feet would kick with pleasure.
From the books he read, he'd also have certain ideas of romance, of courtship, of chivalry, and would try to act them out if he found someone he was interested in. He'd go all in to try and impress them and would put into action the most gentlemanly behaviours, although those would clash eventually with his more wild nature, his impatience, and a certain childish impulsivity.
Couldn't find a good Faun pic, so here's a Bambi.
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poptod · 2 years
Taste of the Rich (Ahkmenrah x Reader)
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Description: Ahkmenrah feeds you fruit. That’s it.
Notes: ive written so many long serious fics about ahk i think im just tired. heres me having a giant crush on him and having nowhere to put that love. WC: 1.8k
It started out so innocent.
You'd been called to the Prince's chambers––nothing new at all, considering you had already been there a number of times to complete menial duties. Most of the time you cleaned his room, prepared incense, or carried bowls of fresh blue lotus flowers to lay at his bedside. As such you hauled your cleaning tools up the steps, wondering if you were to clean the whole of his room by yourself. A daunting task, but not impossible.
This, however, was not what you were expecting.
Unlike the other times, the Prince was inside, waiting for you. Usually you only saw him once you were done, at which point he thanked you as you quickly left the room. Now he was sitting on his bed, his legs crossed neatly, a soft smile on his face as the door creaked open.
"Iiti im hotep," he said, lifting his chin ever so slightly. A polite smile tugged at his dark lips.
"Good afternoon, my Prince," you said quietly, hesitant to meet his eye.
Instead, you set your tools in a far corner, and got to sweeping up the piles of sand and dust that naturally accumulated within the palace. For the next couple minutes, you ignored how his eyes trailed wherever you went, and stuck to yourself.
You barely noticed that the door opened until it shut behind the leaving feet of another servant. With that tiny noise you looked up, and realized Ahkmen had been left with a large platter of fruit. You watched, unable to look away, as he tested one of the grapes.
Once he swallowed, his gaze turned to you.
"How long have you been working here?" He asked, and the sound made you realize you'd been staring motionless at him.
"Um.. since I was 14," you answered quietly.
"Hm." He looked to the plate, took another grape, and turned back to you, his brow knotted curiously. "What do you think of it?"
"Don't be afraid to be critical," he said, moving to lay down with his hands entwined behind his head. "I'm only curious. Won't tell anyone." He winked. "Promise."
"I do not.. have much to say," you said with a weak chuckle as you resumed sweeping. "I am told what to do, and if I do it well, I am given food and beer for my family. There isn't much to it."
"Do you not get tired of bread?" He asked, his eyes narrowing. "It's all you're given, isn't it?"
"My brother and father catch fish in the Nile, and my mother picks the fallen figs of the city's trees. She, uh, she bakes them in the sun, and it makes them sweet. I do not have... bad food. I'm happy with what I have now. It is better from what I had as a child."
He paused to contemplate his words, gently chewing at his lips. You wandered to imagine what he was thinking about––what questions he would continue to ask, what things he wouldn't understand under the virtue of his fortunes as a Prince. After all, in your experience, rich people simply didn't understand the lives of those beneath them.
"How did you come upon this job, then?"
Ah, yes. In Egypt the child always trained under the job of their parent when they grew up. Not so much, in your case; your father was never a servant in the palace.
"My father was a soldier for the Hyksos. When he was captured, he was, uh, enslaved. The Pharaoh made him a soldier for Egypt. After that, he um... he was given a job here, as servant in the palace, but I took his place. He cannot work good anymore."
"I'm sorry to hear that. Is he doing alright? Is he happy?"
"Yes," you said, and this time you couldn't stop a chuckle from warming your cheeks. "Yes, my brother and I keep him fed."
What an odd question for a Prince, you thought.
He hummed again and nodded. You returned to cleaning, organizing his scrolls and papyrus, and his palette of water-stained colors.
"I want to send you home with a gift," he said suddenly.
Your shuffling stopped just as abruptly, leaving the room heavied with silence.
"Uh.. thank you, my Prince," you said, slow and hesitant. "But m - may I ask why?"
"Hm?" He raised his brows like he hadn't heard you. "Oh, oh no reason really. I just know you've done your share of chores for me, and I think it is good to share what one has. Especially with one as obedient as yourself."
You bit down a nervous laugh.
"Come here," he commanded.
Without hesitation, you moved to stand before him.
"Sit down."
You did as he asked. He called you obedient, after all. You didn't want to disappoint him.
He sat up, scanning your features for a good minute, with an eye that scrutinized each of your micro-expressions. When he reached for you, it took everything not to flinch away.
His thumb ran down your jawline, then gently gripped your chin and forced you to face him.
"You are quite beautiful, too," he said quietly. As though he hadn't noticed you before.
"Thank you, my Prince," you said, your voice verging between mouthing and a whisper.
"Of course." He smiled. "Now open up."
You nearly spluttered. You opened your mouth to say something, anything, but the moment you did, his thumb hooked into your jaw, silencing you as he pulled you forward towards him.
He kept his thumb where it was as he turned, plucking a grape from the vine before turning back to you and placing it in your mouth.
It was smooth and cool on your tongue. Once he removed his thumb you bit down, allowing a sweet taste to fill your senses. You chewed slowly, testing the flavor with a sense of appreciation. You'd never had grapes before. As your eyes flickered up to him from the floor, you found him staring at you, gauging your reaction.
"What do you think?" He asked, a smile tugging at his lips.
"It's very good," you admitted. "There is more... taste, than I thought."
"Very good."
He reached for the plate again, and returned with a fruit you'd never seen before. It was red, with a thick crown where it grew from a branch, and fit well into his hand. When he cracked it open, thin lines of white flesh separated a multitude of blood red seeds. He must've noticed your eyes bulging, because he laughed, throwing his head back.
"It's a pomegranate. Have you never seen one before?" He asked through his chuckles.
"I've never eaten a grape before, sir," you pointed out.
"Right, right. I forget sometimes. It's from your land, actually, it's called a pomegranate. Imported specially from the Hyksos for the palace. You won't see it outside these walls."
"How do you... eat it?"
"Quite simple. Just..." he peeled a length of seeds away from the fruit, "bite in."
The taste of this one was sharper––stronger, deeper, and plunged into your senses in a way not dissimilar to its' vibrant color. When you swallowed, he asked again for your opinion, which you gave quietly.
"It is good. It.. is how I think wine would taste," you said rather decisively, which seemed to amuse the Prince.
"You've never had wine, either?" He asked, but this time there was less astonishment in his voice, and instead he was politely inquisitive.
"Uh... no," you answered slowly.
He stood, leaving you on his bed as you stared, your eyes trailing after him as he poked his head into the hallway, catching the attention of the nearest servant. He said something to them––something you couldn't quite make out––and soon returned to sit by your side.
"I'll warn you that wine doesn't actually taste like pomegranates, at least not to me. You'll soon make that decision for yourself. In the meantime," he gripped your chin gently, "close your eyes."
You did.
His thumb rested on your lower lip, and when it dug in you allowed him to open up your mouth, till the pad of his thumb rested on your teeth and tongue. This time, a dried, wrinkled fruit was placed in your mouth, and you decided quickly that it tasted very similar to dates, if it wasn't a date at all.
"Now there's two ways of eating these, that was the dried one. Here's a fresh one. It's a little different. Keep your eyes closed, darling."
A 'little' different was an understatement. Instead of the soft, honey-like flesh surrounded by a thin layer of dry skin, this one was crisp and more juicy than the previous.
"What was that?" You asked when you finished.
"Jujube berries." He leaned back and smiled. "Do you like them?"
"Yes, it's very good."
His eyes narrowed.
"Now you're not just saying this to make me happy, are you?" He asked, tilting his head curiously.
A grin grew across his face when your eyes widened and you tried to stammer out some sort of answer. Fortunately, he took mercy on you, and laughed away your nervousness.
"Don't worry yourself. But I don't mind if you don't like them, you can tell me if you don't. This is a gift for you, after all."
He continued to feed you a variety of fruits, ranging from the cherries of the Persea tree and pears that grew from desert cacti. Then, when he ran out of new fruit for you to try, he continued to feed you what you deemed your favorites. Pomegranate seeds––though covered in sweet flesh––were bitter when crushed. Fresh jujube berries were tough on your teeth. Mimusops were light and fruity, and the soft flesh was easy to chew, so he was happy to feed you those along with the grapes you first had.
You did find it strange, however, that he wouldn't hand them to you. Each of the fruits came from his hand, and his alone. Not that you would complain. You could never do that in his presence.
By the end of it you were left with a woven basket of reeds, refilled at Ahkmen's beck and call to the servant who returned with a clay bottle of wine. Long, branching vines of grapes and ripe pomegranates encircled dates and mimusops like a wreath. The bottle, kept shut with a thick cork, had a rounded bottom that couldn't stand on its' own, as well as a thin neck flanked by handles carved into with grape leaves.
"I hope you and your family enjoys these," the Prince said quietly, arranging the fruits on the platter in your hands.
"I'm certain they will," you said, staring up at him. "Thank you, my Prince."
He chuckled, and a warm smile met your eyes.
"No need to thank me." He reached up, stroking the crease of your lips with his thumb, and removing the red stains of pomegranates. "Come back for more if you'd like, as well. You're always welcome in my chambers."
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queen-rainy-love · 2 months
Costume Rating Part 14
Let's rate some costumes!
Name: Actually Festive 
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For who: Wizard Cookie
Rarity: (Common)
Set: The Holiday Gift
Thoughts: This is one of the few costumes from Ovenbreak and it fits its theme. But it just reminds me of a christmas tree.
Rating: 6/10
Name: Elasti-sweater 
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For who: Muscle Cookie
Rarity: (Common)
Set: The Holiday Gift
Thoughts: This looks so cute and it is funny to see him walking around with the sweater. Also that nose! Ah! So cute!
Rating: 8/10
Name: Bringer of Joy 
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For who: Fig Cookie
Rarity: (Common)
Set: The Holiday Gift
Thoughts: They look adorable and festive! The only thing I don’t like about it is that they don’t have a red reindeer nose outside of the set art. That would have been so cute!
Rating: 9/10
Name: Brr, Moa Wice Cakes! 
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For who: Moon Rabbit Cookie
Rarity: Rare
Set: The Holiday Gift
Thoughts: It’s so adorable that she looks like a snow rabbit! And the colors of her costume mix pretty well.
Rating: 10/10 
Name: It's Jolly… 
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For who: Dark Choco Cookie
Rarity: (Rare)
Set: The Holiday Gift
Thoughts: Every time I look at this costume, I can't help but giggle. The fact that he just threw on some Christmas lights over his shoulders is just too silly to pass up.
Rating: 9/10
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nymphdiariesdotcom · 10 months
drop the x reader NEEEOWWWW 🤨🤨🤨
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content warning(s): fingering, oral sex, and little blood.
It was dusk and the sounds of ravens cawing barely penetrated the dark trees shrouding land for miles ahead. In the midst of the pine forest laid a speck of ivory white, like a drop of milk in Pu'er tea; it spread wider and took more space than needed as it writhed and shuffled on about. Ah, a.. dress, of some sort. Motioning alongside the article of clothing were coils of dark hair accompanied by rich laughter erupting from a joyful woman. Her skin and eyes were painted with cacao and figs, only leaving the sclera, bone, and teeth blank to luminate the night sky in replacement of the stars.
"The air is so fresh.. Come, come! You must enjoy this with me, my love!" Oh, she wasn't alone? She beckoned forward a tall and faceless figure in the shadows once content in its lonesome, admiring from afar. It reluctantly abided, having only inched close enough to be seen in the sliver of light bleeding through the trees. His features were sharp and his presence stretched as high as walls of the forest itself, lulling his surroundings to a chilling quiet. What a baleful existence. It was that dreary, somber mass of substance he carried that she loved; what was more beautiful than a silent thunderstorm that screamed in pain of being unloved for too long? Tearing through endless mounds of flesh in hopes of digging deep enough for the longing that ailed him to be satiated defined his very being; and finally, he sunk his jagged teeth in a tenderness unfamiliar to him. She was no prey, but an elixir. She continued to dance, with each stride she called him closer with her arms wide and inviting.
He took her hand and lifting it above her head, as he watched her frame elegantly be spun around, like an antique ballerina figurine. She beamed, revealing the gap between her pearl teeth. There was an otherworldly beauty to how her skin practically blended in with the dark oak surrounding the two of them. Felicity immersed in it. He immersed in her. He hadn't realized it until she told him.
"Oh, Felicity honey! Y-your eyes.. they're glowing.." He blinked, shaking his head and ready to pull away. She grabbed his hand before he had gotten the chance, and gingerly placed hers on the side of his face. "Stop! They are a marvelous sight.. Don't turn away from me. I'm not afraid." She softly pleaded, caressing his cheek.
Felicity's tense shoulders began to relax. "You should be." He stated coarsely in protest, avoiding eye contact. She only smiled in response. Her thumb that idly grazed his cheek slowly made it's way down and traced the outline of his jaw, then chin, upward toward his lips. His eyes flickered to her frame and eyed her movements intently as tension began to flood their bodies, quickening their heartbeats. "You're so.. handsome." She was practically dazed. A sultry smile ghosted his lips. Lust clouded his vision and he could no longer help himself. He leaned down and whispered, "I'd look better covered in you." By the time she could process what he had meant, his hands had already begun snaking their way up her dress and fiddled with the strings of her lace panties. She finally gasped when he backed her up against a tree, feverishly leaving a trail of kisses along her neck and chest. She clung to him hopelessly and bit her lip to suppress a moan as she watched him pull the straps of her brasserie off of her shoulders, exposing more of her warm skin to the cool night breeze. Felicity stroked her nipple with his thumb in a circular motion until he was able to see the bud sticking out in arousal, then proceeded to cup her breast into his mouth, looking up to watch her face contort in pleasure, her lips parted to take labored breaths. Her clitoris pulsated against his fingertips, like a nuclear reaction. This pleased him. He pulls away to speak, breathing against her now wet and very hard nipples.
"That felt good, love?"
She couldn't speak and only mumbled incoherent speech in response. Felicity smiled triumphantly. He got his answer.
"Good. I'm not done yet." And with that he peeled off the remainder of her clothes that barely clung to her half-naked frame, pushing her up farther against the tree and spreading her legs open to reveal her vagina slick with precum. There was a twinkle of amusement in his cat-like eyes. Wrapping her legs around his shoulder he lowered himself until he was eye level with her lower region, slowly parting her folds with two fingers while he prodded and fingered. She whined desperately, but he ignored her pleas to stop teasing her. He liked playing with his food. "Darling, please. I need you so bad..!" It was music to his ears. When Felicity finally had enough, he slipped his tongue inside of her, lapping up her fluids with quick and aggressive swishing motions. Her eyes shot open and she loudly gasped.
"OH! THERE! RIGHT THERE- AH!" She gripped his head, moaning helplessly. Her clit throbbing violently against his tongue and teeth, along with the sweet sounds of his lover overwhelmed his senses causing his fangs to protrude. A guttural groan escaped his lips and before he could stop himself, he sunk his teeth into the tender flesh of her thigh, making her shriek and jerk her hips forward. Felicity's eyes widened, and just as he was going to pull away and apologize, she shoves his head deeper in between her legs and grinded her pelvis against his lips.
"More! MORE!!!" She was practically roaring in ecstasy, consumed with this feeling she couldn't quite comprehend. The bite hurt so bad, but felt so good after. It was a fleeting pain that soon was replaced with an immense rush of dopamine to the brain; dangerously addicting. Felicity faltered, but ultimately was drawn to how demanding she was. It turned him on. He did what he was told, licking the open wound and grazing his teeth on the growing bruise, sending waves of shock up her spine. He did this continuously, alternating between the bite mark and her vagina until her eyes rolled back and bucked her hips forward, releasing inside of his mouth and staining his open-collared dress shirt. They were breathless, but content. He glanced up at her once more, a large smile exposing his bloodstained fangs painting his discerning features. She looks away sheepishly, biting her lip. She had gotten quite beside herself.
"I don't.. know what got into me. I'm sorr-"
He swiftly pulls himself up and her along with him, lowering her legs to his waist as he kisses her lips so deeply, so passionately. They were greedy, grabbing parts of each other while their tongues sloshed around with no directive other than desire. They pulled away for air, leaving a long string of saliva mixed with blood.
"You taste.. so sweet." She frowned. "Oh? I know how much you don't like sweets.."
"Looks like I've developed quite the sweet tooth, haven't I?" He humored. Was he making a... joke? She laughed and leaned forward, placing a chaste kiss on his neck and resting her head on his broad chest. Goosebumps raised all along his arms as he closed his eyes and enveloped his arms around her smaller frame into a secure embrace. Their comfortable silence matched frequencies with that of the smallest animals' heartbeats, and the quiet whistles of the wind.
They silently said 'I love you.'
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foodandfolklore · 7 months
Iduna and her Apples: how Loki put the gods in danger
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It's apple season! Okay it's almost the end of apple season where I am, but still! Apples may be seen as over rated these days, but they have a long history in many cultures as being a divine fruit. They contain properties of Love, Divination, Immortality, Rebirth, Hidden Knowledge, Longevity, and more. The apple has become the symbol for fruit in general. So much so that depictions of the story of Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit show them eating an apple. However, the original scripture describes a fig. Likely because apples were not cultivated yet thus were not as widely eaten. But apples are also seen in Greek stories like the Golden Apples, and everyone knows how Snow White ate a poisoned apple, only to wake again at true love's kiss.
Apples have also changed a lot over the past few thousand years. Humans have worked to grow them sweeter, bigger, and more colourful. Pretty good considering it started from crab apples! There is so much info out there about apples, there's no way I can fit it all in one post. But I wanted to share this Nordic Mythology/Folktale with apples. It helps really hammer home just how important and in how high regard apples were seen.
In Asgard there was a garden, and in that garden there grew a tree, and on that tree there grew shining apples. Thou knowst, O well-loved one, that every day that passes makes us older and brings us to that day when we will be bent and feeble, gray-headed and weak-eyed. But those shining apples that grew in Asgard—they who ate of them every day grew never a day older, for the eating of the apples kept old age away.
Iduna, the Goddess, tended the tree on which the shining apples grew. None would grow on the tree unless she was there to tend it. No one but Iduna might pluck the shining apples. Each morning she plucked them and left them in her basket and every day the Gods and Goddesses came to her garden that they might eat the shining apples and so stay for ever young.
Iduna never went from her garden. All day and every day she stayed in the garden or in her golden house beside it, and all day and every day she listened to Bragi, her husband, tell a story that never had an end. Ah, but a time came when Iduna and her apples were lost to Asgard, and the Gods and Goddesses felt old age approach them. How all that happened shall be told thee, O well beloved.
Odin, the Father of the Gods, often went into the land of men to watch over their doings. Once he took Loki with him, Loki, the doer of good and the doer of evil. For a long time they went traveling through the world of men. At last they came near Jötunheim, the realm of the Giants.
It was a bleak and empty region. There were no growing things there, not even trees with berries. There were no birds, there were no animals. As Odin, the Father of the Gods, and Loki, the doer of good and the doer of evil, went through this region hunger came upon them. But in all the land around they saw nothing that they could eat.
Loki, running here and running there, came at last upon a herd of wild cattle. Creeping up on them, he caught hold of a young bull and killed him. Then he cut up the flesh into strips of meat. He lighted a fire and put the meat on spits to roast. While the meat was being cooked, Odin, the Father of the Gods, a little way off, sat thinking on the things he had seen in the world of men.
Loki made himself busy putting more and more logs on the fire. At last he called to Odin, and the Father of the Gods came and sat down near the fire to eat the meal.
But when the meat was taken off the cooking-spits and when Odin went to cut it, he found that it was still raw. He smiled at Loki for thinking the meat was cooked, and Loki, troubled that he had made a mistake, put the meat back, and put more logs upon the fire. Again Loki took the meat off the cooking-spits and called Odin to the meal.
Odin, when he took the meat that Loki brought him, found that it was as raw as if it had never been put upon the fire. "Is this a trick of yours, Loki?" he said.
Loki was so angry at the meat being uncooked that Odin saw he was playing no tricks. In his hunger he raged at the meat and he raged at the fire. Again he put the meat on the cooking-spits and put more logs on the fire. Every hour he would take up the meat, sure that it was now cooked, and every time he took it off Odin would find that the meat was as raw as the first time they took it off the fire.
Now Odin knew that the meat must be under some enchantment by the Giants. He stood up and went on his way, hungry but strong. Loki, however, would not leave the meat that he had put back on the fire. He would make it be cooked, he declared, and he would not leave that place hungry.
The dawn came and he took up the meat again. As he was lifting it off the fire he heard a whirr of wings above his head. Looking up, he saw a mighty eagle, the largest eagle that ever appeared in the sky. The eagle circled round and round and came above Loki's head. "Canst thou not cook thy food?" the eagle screamed to him.
"I cannot cook it," said Loki.
"I will cook it for thee, if thou wilt give me a share," screamed the eagle.
"Come, then, and cook it for me," said Loki.
The eagle circled round until he was above the fire. Then flapping his great wings over it, he made the fire blaze and blaze. A heat that Loki had never felt before came from the burning logs. In a minute he drew the meat from the spits and found it was well cooked.
"My share, my share, give me my share," the eagle screamed at him. He flew down, and seizing on a large piece of meat instantly devoured it. He seized on another piece. Piece after piece he devoured until it looked as if Loki would be left with no meat for his meal.
As the eagle seized on the last piece Loki became angry indeed. Taking up the spit on which the meat had been cooked, he struck at the eagle. There was a clang as if he had struck some metal. The wood of the spit did not come away. It stuck to the breast of the eagle. But Loki did not let go his hold on the spit. Suddenly the eagle rose up in the air. Loki, who held to the spit that was fastened to the eagle's breast, was drawn up with him.
Before he knew what had happened Loki was miles and miles up in the air and the eagle was flying with him to ward Jötunheim, the Realm of the Giants. And the eagle was screaming out, "Loki, friend Loki, I have thee at last. It was thou who didst cheat my brother of his reward for building the wall round Asgard. But, Loki, I have thee at last. Know now that Thiassi the Giant has captured thee, O Loki, most cunning of the dwellers in Asgard."
Thus the eagle screamed as he went flying with Loki toward Jötunheim, the Realm of the Giants. They passed over the river that divides Jötunheim from Midgard, the World of Men. And now Loki saw a terrible place beneath him, a land of ice and rock. Great mountains were there: they were lighted by neither sun nor moon, but by columns of fire thrown up now and again through cracks in the earth or out of the peaks of the mountains.
Over a great iceberg the eagle hovered. Suddenly he shook the spit from his breast and Loki fell down on the ice. The eagle screamed out to him, "Thou art in my power at last, O thou most cunning of all the Dwellers in Asgard." The eagle left Loki there and flew within a crack in the mountain.
Miserable indeed was Loki upon that iceberg. The cold was deadly. He could not die there, for he was one of the Dwellers in Asgard and death might not come to him that way. He might not die, but he felt bound to that iceberg with chains of cold.
After a day his captor came to him, not as an eagle this time, but in his own form, Thiassi the Giant.
"Wouldst thou leave thine iceberg, Loki," he said, "and return to thy pleasant place in Asgard? Thou dost delight in Asgard, although only by one-half dost thou belong to the Gods. Thy father, Loki, was the Wind Giant."
"O that I might leave this iceberg," Loki said, with the tears freezing on his face.
"Thou mayst leave it when thou showest thyself ready to pay thy ransom to me," said Thiassi. "Thou wilt have to get me the shining apples that Iduna keeps in her basket."
"I cannot get Iduna's apples for thee, Thiassi," said Loki.
"Then stay upon the iceberg," said Thiassi the Giant. He went away and left Loki there with the terrible winds buffeting him as with blows of a hammer.
When Thiassi came again and spoke to him about his ransom, Loki said, "There is no way of getting the shining apples from Iduna."
"There must be some way, O cunning Loki," said the Giant.
"Iduna, although she guards well the shining apples, is simple-minded," said Loki. "It may be that I shall be able to get her to go outside the wall of Asgard. If she goes she will bring her shining apples with her, for she never lets them go out of her hand except when she gives them to the Gods and Goddesses to eat."
"Make it so that she will go beyond the wall of Asgard," said the Giant. "If she goes outside of the wall I shall get the apples from her. Swear by the World-Tree that thou wilt lure Iduna beyond the wall of Asgard. Swear it, Loki, and I shall let thee go."
"I swear it by Ygdrassil, the World-Tree, that I will lure Iduna beyond the wall of Asgard if thou wilt take me off this iceberg," said Loki.
Then Thiassi changed himself into a mighty eagle, and taking Loki in his talons, he flew with him over the stream that divides Jötunheim, the Realm of the Giants, from Midgard, the World of Men. He left Loki on the ground of Midgard, and Loki then went on his way to Asgard.
Now Odin had already returned and he had told the Dwellers in Asgard of Loki's attempt to cook the enchanted meat. All laughed to think that Loki had been left hungry for all his cunning. Then when he came into Asgard looking so famished, they thought it was because Loki had had nothing to eat. They laughed at him more and more. But they brought him into the Feast Hall and they gave him the best of food with wine out of Odin's wine cup. When the feast was over the Dwellers in Asgard went to Iduna's garden as was their wont.
There sat Iduna in the golden house that opened on her garden. Had she been in the world of men, every one who saw her would have remembered their own innocence, seeing one who was so fair and good. She had eyes blue as the blue sky, and she smiled as if she were remembering lovely things she had seen or heard. The basket of shining apples was beside her.
To each God and Goddess Iduna gave a shining apple. Each one ate the apple given, rejoicing to think that they would never become a day older. Then Odin, the Father of the Gods, said the runes that were always said in praise of Iduna, and the Dwellers in Asgard went out of Iduna's garden, each one going to his or her own shining house.
All went except Loki, the doer of good and the doer of evil. Loki sat in the garden, watching fair and simple Iduna. After a while she spoke to him and said, "Why dost thou still stay here, wise Loki?"
"To look well on thine apples," Loki said. "I am wondering if the apples I saw yesterday are really as shining as the apples that are in thy basket."
"There are no apples in the world as shining as mine," said Iduna.
"The apples I saw were more shining," said Loki. "Aye, and they smelled better, Iduna."
Iduna was troubled at what Loki, whom she deemed so wise, told her. Her eyes filled with tears that there might be more shining apples in the world than hers. "O Loki," she said, "it cannot be. No apples are more shining, and none smell so sweet, as the apples I pluck off the tree in my garden."
"Go, then, and see," said Loki. "Just outside Asgard is the tree that has the apples I saw. Thou, Iduna, dost never leave thy garden, and so thou dost not know what grows in the world. Go outside of Asgard and see."
"I will go, Loki," said Iduna, the fair and simple.
Iduna went outside the wall of Asgard. She went to the place Loki had told her that the apples grew in. But as she looked this way and that way, Iduna heard a whirr of wings above her. Looking up, she saw a mighty eagle, the largest eagle that had ever appeared in the sky.
She drew back toward the gate of Asgard. Then the great eagle swooped down; Iduna felt herself lifted up, and then she was being carried away from Asgard, away, away; away over Midgard where men lived, away toward the rocks and snows of Jötunheim. Across the river that flows between the World of Men and the Realm of the Giants Iduna was borne. Then the eagle flew into a cleft in a mountain and Iduna was left in a cavernous hall lighted up by columns of fire that burst up from the earth.
The eagle loosened his grip on Iduna and she sank down on the ground of the cavern. The wings and the feathers fell from him and she saw her captor as a terrible Giant.
"Oh, why have you carried me off from Asgard and brought me to this place?" Iduna cried.
"That I might eat your shining apples, Iduna," said Thiassi the Giant.
"That will never be, for I will not give them to you," said Iduna.
"Give me the apples to eat, and I shall carry you back to Asgard."
"No, no, that cannot be. I have been trusted with the shining apples that I might give them to the Gods only."
"Then I shall take the apples from you," said Thiassi the Giant.
He took the basket out of her hands and opened it. But when he touched the apples they shriveled under his hands. He left them in the basket and he set the basket down, for he knew now that the apples would be no good to him unless Iduna gave them to him with her own hands.
"You must stay with me here until you give me the shining apples," he said to her.
Then was poor Iduna frightened: she was frightened of the strange cave and frightened of the fire that kept bursting up out of the earth and she was frightened of the terrible Giant. But above all she was frightened to think of the evil that would fall upon the Dwellers in Asgard if she were not there to give them the shining apples to eat.
The Giant came to her again. But still Iduna would not give him the shining apples. And there in the cave she stayed, the Giant troubling her every day. And she grew more and more fearful as she saw in her dreams the Dwellers in Asgard go to her garden—go there, and not being given the shining apples, feel and see a change coming over themselves and over each other.
It was as Iduna saw it in her dreams. Every day the Dwellers in Asgard went to her garden—Odin and Thor, Hödur and Baldur, Tyr and Heimdall, Vidar and Vali, with Frigga, Freya, Nanna, and Sif. There was no one to pluck the apples of their tree. And a change began to come over the Gods and Goddesses.
They no longer walked lightly; their shoulders became bent; their eyes no longer were as bright as dewdrops. And when they looked upon one another they saw the change. Age was coming upon the Dwellers in Asgard.
They knew that the time would come when Frigga would be gray and old; when Sif's golden hair would fade; when Odin would no longer have his clear wisdom, and when Thor would not have strength enough to raise and fling his thunderbolts. And the Dwellers in Asgard were saddened by this knowledge, and it seemed to them that all brightness had gone from their shining City.
Where was Iduna whose apples would give back youth and strength and beauty to the Dwellers in Asgard? The Gods had searched for her through the World of Men. No trace of her did they find. But now Odin, searching through his wisdom, saw a means to get knowledge of where Iduna was hidden.
He summoned his two ravens, Hugin and Munin, his two ravens that flew through the earth and through the Realm of the Giants and that knew all things that were past and all things that were to come. He summoned Hugin and Munin and they came, and one sat on his right shoulder and one sat on his left shoulder and they told him deep secrets: they told him of Thiassi and of his desire for the shining apples that the Dwellers in Asgard ate, and of Loki's deception of Iduna, the fair and simple.
What Odin learnt from his ravens was told in the Council of the Gods. Then Thor the Strong went to Loki and laid hands upon him. When Loki found himself in the grip of the strong God, he said, "What wouldst thou with me, O Thor?"
"I would hurl thee into a chasm in the ground and strike thee with my thunder," said the strong God. "It was thou who didst bring it about that Iduna went from Asgard."
"O Thor," said Loki, "do not crush me with thy thunder. Let me stay in Asgard. I will strive to win Iduna back."
"The judgment of the Gods," said Thor, "is that thou, the cunning one, shouldst go to Jötunheim, and by thy craft win Iduna back from the Giants. Go or else I shall hurl thee into a chasm and crush thee with my thunder."
"I will go," said Loki.
From Frigga, the wife of Odin, Loki borrowed the dress of falcon feathers that she owned. He clad himself in it, and flew to Jötunheim in the form of a falcon.
He searched through Jötunheim until he found Thiassi's daughter, Skadi. He flew before Skadi and he let the Giant maid catch him and hold him as a pet. One day the Giant maid carried him into the cave where Iduna, the fair and simple, was held.
When Loki saw Iduna there he knew that part of his quest was ended. Now he had to get Iduna out of Jötunheim and away to Asgard. He stayed no more with the Giant maid, but flew up into the high rocks of the cave. Skadi wept for the flight of her pet, but she ceased to search and to call and went away from the cave.
Then Loki, the doer of good and the doer of evil, flew to where Iduna was sitting and spoke to her. Iduna, when she knew that one of the Dwellers in Asgard was near, wept with joy.
Loki told her what she was to do. By the power of a spell that was given him he was able to change her into the form of a sparrow. But before she did this she took the shining apples out of her basket and flung them into places where the Giant would never find them.
Skadi, coming back to the cave, saw the falcon fly out with the sparrow beside him. She cried out to her father and the Giant knew that the falcon was Loki and the sparrow was Iduna. He changed himself into the form of a mighty eagle. By this time sparrow and falcon were out of sight, but Thiassi, knowing that he could make better flight than they, flew toward Asgard.
Soon he saw them. They flew with all the power they had, but the great wings of the eagle brought him nearer and nearer to them. The Dwellers in Asgard, standing on the wall, saw the falcon and the sparrow with the great eagle pursuing them. They knew who they were—Loki and Iduna with Thiassi in pursuit.
As they watched the eagle winging nearer and nearer, the Dwellers in Asgard were fearful that the falcon and the sparrow would be caught upon and that Iduna would be taken again by Thiassi. They lighted great fires upon the wall, knowing that Loki would find a way through the fires, bringing Iduna with him, but that Thiassi would not find a way.
The falcon and the sparrow flew toward the fires. Loki went between the flames and brought Iduna with him. And Thiassi, coming up to the fires and finding no way through, beat his wings against the flames. He fell down from the wall and the death that came to him afterwards was laid to Loki.
Thus Iduna was brought back to Asgard. Once again she sat in the golden house that opened to her garden, once again she plucked the shining apples off the tree she tended, and once again she gave them to the Dwellers in Asgard. And the Dwellers in Asgard walked lightly again, and brightness came into their eyes and into their cheeks; age no more approached them; youth came back; light and joy were again in Asgard.
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unsleepingtales · 4 months
Episode four! I missed the bad kid’s insanity so much <3
Episode four of every season they’re shy!
In space no one can feel you dying 💀
“What’s the drinking age?” “You guys have murdered SO many people”
Oh she’s an actual cat now!
She/they pronouns for Cassandra are back!
Kristen’s middle name is on her character page now!! Kristen Chilis Applebees!
Catchin me on my left foot hereeee gato.
Ooh they’ve got other offers
Why would you SAY that
That definitely circumvents the truth in a cool way……
When your only two followers fight :(
Just stop saying it pleaseeeeee
Say a n y t h i n g other than that
Oooh the mall!
Why would you SAY THAT
So many of them have stars in their hats! And I have stars in my body! :D
I love Cassandra so so much
Aaaaaaaaaaaaa Kristen when you’re in the dark she’s there holding your hand. She gives you forehead kisses
Oh well that makes it all okay then!
Oh my GOD
What the fuck Bill
God the fucking. D20 directly reflecting my life experiences.
Simeon du Vayne the new lunch lad. What’s your vibe
Ooh third eye is sick
I love that they’re never gonna say her name right
Gorthalax! Hi!
On my first day of high school this guy yelled fresh meat at all of us and he continued to be a pain in the ass all fucking year
Fig. Fig no.
It does seem like the rat grinders might be direct foils to the bad kids. Let’s see how this goes!
Kipperlilly did not come at y’all nearly as hard as Kristen went aggro at her
Is it the sack of rats trick?? Is that where they got the name???
I love how pissed they all are about this
THIS is what riz has never been more mad about ❤️
The bad guy this season is just xp leveling 😭😭
God how high level are they????
Kindlesnap Whatsherface
He’s just a guy!
Please please nat 20
Crushing. That’s crushing
I love ripped jeans gorgug <3
That is SO much
Corsica Jones is HOT
Kristen and Riz dynamic duoooo
Riz Gukgak character of all time
Archaeologist Siobhan Thompson!!
Really emphasizing the ‘sorry what’ thing that post was talking about
Fig barbarian level!
That energy is more intense than anything fig tried to imply from goldenhoard
If the cig figs break up I’m gonna be fucking devastated
Oh yeah the junior year eggs. Okay.
Can I have some of your girlfriend’s hair? I need it for school.
I love that we all called the kill mum idea
She really should get paid for the elven oracle shit
Inclusive kinggggg
Ooh maybe I’ll wear my owlbears sweatshirt tomorrow. (Best holiday gift I got!
Ah the epic highs and lows of high school bloodrush
Max Durden!! He’s so cute.
Love that for him tbh
Who is this motherfucker
What the fuck are you doing
(Zac wheezing in excruciating pain)
Don’t align yourself with her Riz
I love that everyone is going so aggro on the buttcrushers. Absolutely demolish their asses.
“You don’t have to call me coach” oh OUCH
Bucky Applebees!!!
Love the paladin repppppp
Oh kiddo
Oh Kiddo :(
I’m not trying to be cool I’m trying to be president
She’s had a lot of jobs but not that many of them were… legal.
Fabian’s so lonely :(
Bad kids study party!!! Real and confirmed!!!!
Aww I was so excited for Adaine to work at Basrar’s but the mall is fun too
Hmm. Sketchy!
German shepherd mode <3
Emily and Ally are having SO much fun with this
The procrastination is so fucking real
I’ve deeply missed you
WHAT what does that mean why is this the case
Oooh okay I’m really getting the sense that that blue mall battle set is the Synod
Sunglass kiosk. Palm tree. Mall things.
Ooh I just noticed seacaster manor in the background of the dome art
Strudel dimension, don’t put your hand in it. Don’t! Put your hand in it!
We don’t know if the strudel is infinite it just hasn’t ended yet.
I’m obsessed with this guy.
I’m so obsesssed
Mazey Phaedraaaaa
Oh my godddddddd
“I’m from hell” girly I love you to death but you are from downtown elmville
Ooohohohohoh she’s good at this
I love dnd mechanics manifesting as real elements of life within game
I don’t know as much about warlocks as I should really do this is great
Babe you cannot make student government cool. You just can’t.
What is this energy
Crab kinggggggg
We’re so fucking back
I’m Christian Delnore and I have Children!
Kristen’s energy is SO wild this year. She said she was trying to move past chaos and then came out the gate with This energy
Tracker’s dating the fucking Princess. Of course.
Messy high school relationships :)
That’s how it goes!
The intense side eye I am giving the whole situation
Kristen do you wanna fuck Kalina
What do you want with the president??? (To say hi)
Hell yeah gsa member Kristen Applebees
Torek with the button press!
I love them SO much I missed the bad kids SO FUCKING MUCH
Ohhhh this is the backstory of that button from the merch drop ok
They’re so unhinged
Torek Railgrinder Theater Kid!!
Oh noooo
Oh fuck
Why would you volunteer ANY information
She was a fucking turncoatttt
The name keeps getting further and further from anything
Stone cold
So excited for the party
Oh god
Zero separation of church and state
What oh no oh god please no
AAAAAAAAAAA okay I guess next weeks is the mall fight!
I am so scared and so excited.
It’s our time! It’s our year! It’s all gonna be okay!
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maverickcalf · 8 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤️
Dang, so uhhhh i love all my fic pretty equally. And I am going to limit the five I go into detail about to be finished fics. Which does cut down the number to 46...
Also this has been sitting in my drafts and is late but i think i got all of them!
5. A Mark of a Fig Tree -Mission Impossible
A soul mate au with a bit of a twist. I never really liked standard soul mate aus because it leaves very little room for people to grow into different relationships. There is also time, time changes people. So what would happen if one of those marked was trans.
This goes into a bit more of a happy ending, but Ethan goes through a lot of self hatred to get there. Pretty short but sweet.
4. Dance around the Subject - Cocktail (1988)
Ah so this one. I feel like i really captured the characters well. This fic is an au where Jordan saw Brian walk off with Doug to sleep with him instead.
It's a bit messed up, but it captures things well and made me actually grow attached to Jordan and Brian as a couple.
3. Done with Love - Top Gun
I wrote this fic in one night but you can tell how much i love it by the placement!
It's a fic going into Carole's and Maverick's relationship post Goose's passing and how part of the queerplatonic partnership sticks together even if things seem hopeless.
(Best read listening to the song of the same name)
2. Beach Static - The Firm (1993)
Mitch Mcdeere deals with nightmares. It's post canon, and it really is one of my favorites. I feel pain when i read it but i... like that? The warnings are important but i feel the fic captures my feelings on the firm and how certain feelings don't hit you until you are safe.
Even if you don't feel safe.
(Please read Beach Static, it is very underappreciated)
1. The way I wanna feel - Top Gun
This is the story of Goose and Maverick coming together in a different sort of relationship with some help from Carole, who also loves them.
This fic has a lot of good family stuff but also Maverick being a reckless fool. Also they just love...
Makes me feel warm and fuzzy everytime i read it. Queerplatonic Goosemavcarole rules!
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46ten · 26 days
Brockholst Livingston and his duel
I was reading through some different contemporary accounts of NYC lawyers and came across a description of the brilliant qualities of Brockholst Livingston as an attorney.
For those who don't know, he was actually Henry Brockholst Livington (1757-1823), the son of William Livingston (he eventually inherited Liberty Hall). Other interesting facts about him (for purposes of this blog) are that he was briefly a secretary/aide to Philip Schuyler, he got captured by the British, he served as secretary to his brother-in-law John Jay (he and Sarah Livingston Jay are siblings) and had a complete bust-up with him with some rather serious implications (this is really interesting, but I won't get into it now) - the two don't work to resolve it until nearly a decade later, he became an Anti-Federalist, he opposed the Jay Treaty and was the one verbally arguing with AHamilton when the Federalists try to have a town meeting about the treaty in NYC, and then he argued with AH in the newspapers too (writing under the pseudonym Decius), he survived an assassination attempt, but even through all this AH and he acted as co-counsel for the Weeks trial and AH once asked Brockholst to file a case for him, but he also gloats a bit when the court rules in his favor when Brockholst was opposing counsel.
And Brockholst made a major contribution to NY property law while a member of the NY Supreme Court and eventually ended up a U.S. Supreme Court Justice (Jefferson).
But I really want to talk about the duel he fought in 1798 where he killed James Jones. Jones was a Federalist, and in an article supposedly authored by Brockholst, it is stated that he attended a Democratic-Republican meeting. Obviously this was so offensive that Jones physically assaulted Brockholst, caning him on the street in front of his wife and children, and wringing his nose? So they dueled at Weehawken, where Jones's bullet grazed Brockholst's nose while Brockholst shot him in the groin and hit a major artery; Jones bled out and died.
A very funny anecdote, possibly apocryphal but I don't feel like confirming it: supposedly in Niemcewicz's translated travel journey published as Under their Vine and Fig tree, he relates George Washington hearing of this duel and stating something like, "grazed his nose? With that as a target, how could he have missed?" And they all have a laugh about the size of Brockholst's nose.
And gosh, it's great that the Van Rensselaer/Van Cordtlandt/Schuyler/Livington line started marrying out, because yes, there are some STRONG features being passed on in that wreath of a family line otherwise.
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lotuscrownedcetra · 2 months
The castle of the sky sings again. And like every time I enter it to see what it wants.
There, in the center of it, the doorway is now open. It wasn't open before. I whisper the incantation, in a language you can't write, take me to grandmother. It translates to mother which... Fitting I suppose. She is the mother of humanity.
It lights up. Responding to the words. I wonder what changed, I know what changed. I enter it.
Gold, trees of gold and with silver leaves, on it grows figs and pomegranates abundantly. The fruits of knowledge. I know where I am.
She sits near a tree and waits for me, she is.. Ethereal. Beautiful. The embodiment of grace and beauty. Yet her appearance is ever changing, as if she can't decide what to look like. She looks... Like someone I know.
I cast my eyes down, looking at her directly feels wrong. Like I'm not supposed to see her. But I sit down next to her and wait.
Hello little one, we finally meet in this life.
Ah right, I was an angel once. It makes sense that I've met her before.
Tell me everything, I ask her, even if I won't remember it now, tell me and my memories will reappear when I'm ready.
She plucks down a fruit and peels it, plucking out the seeds and placing them in a bag.
I can't. She sighs. You have to discover it on your own. Plant these into a tree, when the fruit grows they will reveal everything.
I nod and put the pouch in my pocket. Fair enough, pursuit of knowledge is sacred, not something that can be skipped. Answer my questions then? If you can?
She agrees. I get my suspicions confirmed. Most of them.
Tell me.. It wasn't an apple was it?
She gives me a look. You are not western, you need to stop letting their mindsets seep into yours Nero.
An apple is easy to consume. All you do is bite into it. When has knowledge ever been an easy thing to obtain? That handed to you is often riddled in lies. Just like the apple picture is.
She grows quiet and looks at me. Studying me maybe? Its difficult to tell.
You have Israfils rage and wisdom within you, seek him out for answers. He will respond.
And. Enough doubting yourself.
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