goodlucksnez · 5 months
I made a resolution that in 2024 every month i would make a surprise wav for one of my snzblr friends, so i made a random wheel with freinds on it and spun it so this months friend is *drum roll* ....@dustenfuego!!!!
So I reached into my brain of er//aser//mic and made a short little gift!
cw: sneezing (duh), muffles sneezes, mentions of contagion, mentions of dead relative, 1 nose blow
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taichouu · 24 days
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volfoss · 5 months
i need to blow up (redacted author) because my fucking god. in a series about oh fighting oh war is BAD (supposedly his message. it doesnt show) the one majorly important character that is disabled has gone from oh theyre the STRONGEST and coolest and soooo awesome ^-^ arent they sooo cool -> post disability talk of oh theyre sooo pathetic cant even fight even when like... they still have an arm and are a formidable character still. but yeah sooo true they should basically just die due to being disabled (and they do lol!!!)
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
♣ bella just. always ends up crushing on certain characters and i'm
>:C i don't wanna seem like the one oc rper who just. collects canon characters for ships!!!
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bunnimew · 11 months
Hi! Are you in the Blackice fandom too? Sorry, I know I’m probably being so random to a bunch of you in the fandom, but I just joined and I’m obsessed! This seems like a rather small fandom at this point, not too many people are in it, are they? Anyways, happy to know at least some people are in the fandom!
Any tips you could give me about black ice art/fics/blogs/content/etc would be greatly appreciated!
The fandom is quite small, but I think that makes for a better experience honestly. :) More cozy, more personal, easier to get to know and support each other! IN FACT. We (there are two of us who run this blog) are mods for a little rotg discord server, if you’d like to join and scream with us! :D Just let us know if you’d like an invite and we can hook you up. 
I believe @9haharharley1 (who also has some great fics! <3) recommended some artists and writers already, but HERE’S MORE: 
I know @miss-evening has a huge archive of blackice arts/writings/headcanons on their blog. We found a lot of content from the fandom in its hay day there. :) 
@department-of-fagriculture‘s and @livori ‘s art of the past are some of my personal favorites if you scroll through the blackice tag. Also @madam--mark actively makes lovely blackice art in such an expressive style! And @froggyfeetsies has some really sweet and hilarious blackice! Also check out @candraz, @sigilspell, @overmooneleven, @nyuzzz, @drei-zawa, just to name a few! 
For fics, both of us tend to like the more fluffy/fun variety with Pitch and Jack being a badass power couple (who are also disasters) getting into all kinds of shenanigans. 😂To rec just a few: 
PLS check out Five Veils and a Heartbeat by BurrrdBrainedInsomnia. Royal AU that has a bit of a dark premise but totally flips some common tropes around. It’s so refreshing and the dynamic between the boys is just fun and cozy and I JUST WANT THEM TO KISS ALREADY. 🤣 Also check out their other fics. They write blackice in all kinds of flavors. :) AND THEY DO ART SOMETIMES! THE WHOLE PACKAGE RIGHT HERE! @stuffdone 👈
A Dragon and His Prince by Frostre. PITCH IS A DRAGON. AND HE’S ACE. AND IT’S A WILD RIDE. Top ten easily. ;D 
To Dream of Respite by shipwreck. Modern AU with ace!Jack and it’s SO good. Just. Totally compelling, emotional story. Highly recommend. 
The Device has Been Modified by Lindzzz. Their evil boyfriend series was great but this AU is so cute! Jack is an AI accidentally made by Pitch! Chaos ensues! 
Also PLS check out fics by penning the stars! They have so many cute blackice one shots! 
And we’re just gonna second Lines And Colors. They have so many blackice fics that are just *chef’s kiss*. 
Hope that’s good to start! Hit us up any time if you want more anything. We could scream about these boys forever. 🤣
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daily-hyosatsu · 1 year
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Dug up an eighth zawa/sawa name! 相澤 can be read Aizawa, Aisawa, or Sōzawa.
相 (ai, sō, or shō) means mutual, inter-, together, each other, or aspect. Some vocab includes 相手 (aite) meaning partner or companion (or, more closely, the other person/party in an interaction, so the word is used much more often than “partner” would be in English) or opponent in sports.
澤 (sawa, zawa, uruo.i, uruo.su, tsuya, or taku) is used mostly in proper nouns. It's the fancy form of 沢, meaning blessing/grace, brilliant/glossy, or swamp/marsh.
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trinketprince · 1 year
Let's talk Microsoft Mascots!
You might actually know a few of them! Microsoft first started having mascots for their products starting with Internet Explorer mascot,
Aizawa Inori (相沢いのり)!
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Aizawa Inori is a "fan-design"-turned official design made as a response to other OStan designs around 2013! Her name is actually a pun (a trend you'll find a lot) to the software she reperesents! If you take the first syllables of family and given name, it forms the acronym for Internet Explorer! (Ai + I = IE)! She has a full wikipedia article where you can read up on her conception as well as her basic profile! She's also the mascot for Microsoft Edge after Internet Explorer's service ended.
Aizawa Hikaru (藍澤光)!
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Microsoft Taiwan's mascot for Microsoft Silverlight, a programming software, created around 2010! Her family name Ai "藍" meaning blue, which is the signature color of Microsoft! The second character Zawa "澤" means "shine" or "luster" which is the "Silver" part while Hikaru's given name means "Light" from Silverlight! Together her name is a direct callback to "Microsoft Silverlight". While she initially was the mascot for the software, she became the defacto mascot for Microsoft Taiwan's branch. She has her own wikipedia article!
Hikaru and Inori aren't related, despite both of them being "Aizawa"s (albeit different characters), but Hikaru has some family herself! Aizawa Lei, Yuu and Aoi
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Who join Hikaru as mascots for Microsoft Taiwan!
The Aizawa's aren't the only Microsoft mascots to have a family! Introducting the Madobes!
Madobe Nanami (窓辺ななみ)
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She is the mascot for Windows 7 who first appeared around 2009! She is voiced by Mizuki Nana. Her name is a pun! Mado (窓) meaning window and her given name containing the word for 7, Nana (なな).
She actually wasn't created by Microsoft themselves but designed by Wakaba and Windows 7 Mania. She was used to promote Windows 7 and has been Window's main mascot (as seen on their twitter) until Ai and Yu's reveal and her retirement after support for Windows 7 ended in 2020 and she passed the torch of main mascot to Touko!
Before I continue with Windows 8 let me introduce a few mascots revealed after Nanami.
Claudia Madobe (クラウディア・窓辺)
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Claudia is the mascot for Windows Azure, Microsoft's Cloud service. She's actually one of the more utilized mascots, created by Microsoft themselves to promote the service! She is voiced by Kitamura Eri. She actually has a duet with Nanami!
Madobe Mutsumi (窓辺むつみ)
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Mutsumi is Nanami's bigger sister who takes over the Nanami twitter account sometimes! She often jokes about not being forgotten and being left behind. If it isn't immediately apparent, Mutsumi is the "mascot" for Windows Vista, aka the 6th Major Windows OS. (Mascot in parenthesis since she didn't debut with the OS and in fact, debuted AFTER 7's release)
She was designed by Shimoogawa and takes inspiration from Nanami as seen by her appearance which takes notes from Nanami's own clothes like the skirt and waistcoat. Her name is also a pun, Mutsu (むつ) meaning 6. As such ends her tweets with #6me (mutsumi), she stopped tweeting when support for Windows Vista ended in 2017. Nanami also used to end her tweets with #7me but since she tweets more than Mutsumi she tweets without it.
Madobe Yu and Madobe Ai (窓辺ゆう&窓辺あい)
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Ai and Yu are Mascots for Windows 8! (Ai on the left, Yu on the right), Not much to say about them! They're Microsoft's first Windows mascot they created themselves. Yu is voiced by Nishi Asuka while Ai is voiced by Tamura Nao. Ever since they're release Microsoft releases a few albums where the mascots sing together, they have a few songs out. The origin of their names aren't known but it is assumed that their taken from one of the Windows 8 slogans "You and I"
They didn't take over the Madobe Nanami twitter and were promoted alongside her and Claudia instead. Presumably, until their graduation when support for Windows 8 and 8.1 ends, they will continue promoting Windows with Touko.
Madobe Touko (窓辺 とうこ)
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Microsoft's latest mascot for Windows 10! Touko's name comes from the an alternate reading of the word 10! She currently takes the mantle for promoting Windows. She is voiced by Nonaka Ai!
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goresugarsxx · 1 year
looking for more ai/zawa merch and i love the titles on e/tsy they give for him such classics as
"sleepy daddy" " t i r e d man who needs a break" "that one time I got turned into a sleeping bag"
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dorkydragon · 2 years
Yakuza games kanji info 21
Masato Aizawa (相沢 聖人, Aizawa Masato)
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The black koi fast-tracking his way to the Dragon’s Gate.
相 ai = inter-, mutual, together, each other, minister of state, councillor, aspect, phase, physiognomy
沢 zawa = swamp, marsh, brilliance, grace
聖 masa = holy, saint, sage, master, priest
人 to = person
- About his family name: The kanji 相 has many meanings. As a prefix, it means 'mutual,' 'together' or any similar expression used to refer to a relationship with a second party. Aizawa is first introduced as a Tojo bodyguard, but it turns out he is actually working with his father Kurosawa and his many accomplices to take over both the Tojo Clan and the Omi Alliance. This large scheme requires the cooperation of many people, but in the end the one who will benefit the most is Aizawa himself. As a noun, 相 can mean 'aspect' or 'physiognomy.' Aizawa initially looks and acts like a humble and respectful bodyguard concerned about the people he is supposed to be protecting. He eventually reveals he is actually an ambitious, power-hungry and proud man.
Like his father, his family name also has a kanji that means 'swamp' or 'marsh,' but in this case, it can also mean 'brilliance' or 'grace.' Aizawa is an important part of Kurosawa's secret plan, but he would rather take care of business directly, with his own hands. He is the one who will inherit Kurosawa's "grace" when he dies.
- About his given name: It's an indication of the role his father chose for him: Aizawa is to become the leader of the two largest criminal organizations in Japan. He is the "holy saint" who has received this gift from his father. Unlike a sage, a master or a priest, he has not achieved this position through his own efforts, but he challenges Kiryu to prove he deserves to be at the top.
Extra - Here are some characters that have the same kanji with the same pronunciation in their names:
(沢 sawa) 大沢 あずさ, Ōsawa Azusa
(沢 sawa) 沢城 丈, Sawashiro Jō
(人 to) 荒瀬 和人, Arase Kazuto
(人 to) 田頭 直人, Tagashira Naoto
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stodareegg · 2 years
he ai on my zawa til im expelled
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goodlucksnez · 1 year
C.W : coughing, sneezing (duh), hitching, nose blow, general fatigue and sickness talk, audio clipping the mic(I tried to fix it but the audio got messed up when uploading idk why 😡 )
For @waterfallofspace you are the sweetest person and I asked you if I could record one of your fics and you agreed so I did! The original fic can be found on their page and I will be linking it below. Their writing is amazing and now they’re starting to do audios as well and I’m so happy and proud of them. I hope this was worth the wait!!!
original Fic by Waterfallofspace here
Also, I recorded this when I was sick you can probably tell it in the voice of Mic I’m not as peppy as I normally am for him and you can hear how wet my congestion is 😣 😣 Sorry if you guys don’t like that, I personally don’t like it either but You gotta do what you Gotta do! well enough rambling enjoy
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divertedcourse · 2 years
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“one of the hero course teachers told me to give this to you, i think it was ai. . . zawa?” it’s a small envelope. the letter inside reads ‘you better be taking care of yourself, asshole.’
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historias-multorum · 2 years
Zawa Zawa Ai-san you didn't answer my question!!!
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"I don't know what you're going on about."
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chonky-moth · 3 years
it's my birthday and I'm tryna think of smthn to draw... maybe some tf inspired by shit my mutuals have been posting... maybe I'll do a wg/egg drive or smthn cause I'm broke... there's possibilities, is what I'm sayin
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chytilovian-daisy · 3 years
the night b4 last i had a dream mana had a series on netflix he was in..and i was making a mana plushie....last night i had a dream that involved me going off abt nana like “yea its good, but it wouldve been better if the creator wasnt a coward and made them gay”
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plethorangels · 5 years
            @negazed           /           s . c .
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                    “       you———   HID   my    teaching    guidebook  .  .  ? ?         ”
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