#akiyama saeko
siplick · 2 months
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My new RGG linking charms are now open for preorders!
Grab your favourite Like a Dragon or Judgment charaters and assemble a team of your favourites 🌟
Shop link
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waferefawafer · 2 years
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2nd batch of my rgg draw the squad meme, everyone seems to be having fun <3
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saiyef · 6 months
Spoilers for the Yakuza Series
So, the Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth Bucket List Trailer dropped some really juicy reveals which longtime Yakuza fans will happily eat up, that being RETURNING CHARACTERS FROM PREVIOUS GAMES! Which is a big deal for the longtime Yakuza fans because, which Yakuza does bring back characters semi-consistently, the series also has a tendency to completely shelve and forget characters from game to game without even a mention (notable examples being the playable characters Tanimura from 4 and Shinada from 5 and longtime recurring character the Florist of Sai who after Yakuza 5 just disappears without any explanation). It’s also a big reason why fans disliked Yakuza 6, with it being touted and marketed as the ‘End of Kiryu’s Story’, it featured very little of Kiryu’s friends he met along his long journey and instead took place in a new city Onomichi and focused more on characters introduced in 6.
We got Kiryu returning to the classic Yakuza series location, the graves of Nishiki, Yumi and Kazama, where he of course meets Date.
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Then we have Kiryu walk into Survive Bar and gets a blast from the past through finally meeting the bar’s bartender, Kashiwagi (he actually did go to Survive during Like a Dragon Gaiden but it was right when Kashiwagi was out).
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Next, fresh off his surprise reappearance at the end of Like a Dragon Gaiden, Taichi surrounded by gaggle of hostesses. Gaiden reveals Taichi got a job as a firefighter, but it looks like he acquired some major money somehow. Maybe he achieved his childhood dream of becoming a pro-wrestler between 2019 and 2023/2024?
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Next, we get Yuya, who RGG Studio has given an actual human-looking face to; after he had previously kept his weirdly-shaped uncanny PS2 modelled head that had his cheeks concaved in.
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Then, of course, we have the man, the myth, the legend, Shun Akiyama of Sky Finance (don’t know about you guys, but I personally believe Nick Ogata in 7, who is a character I do like, was created as a fill-in character for Akiyama and Akiyama was originally written to do all the things Nick did in 7, being this enigmatic financier and sheltering Daigo, Majima and Saejima).
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And, yet another major surprise, Kaoru Sayama who was major character in Yakuza 2 and famously unceremoniously leaving the series to move to America finally returns to the series after a 14/15 year absence; leaving fans especially flabbergasted considering she became Kiryu’s love interest in 2 and she never even gets talked about (in fact, I’m fairly sure the RGG team tried to pretend that their romance never happened as the recaps of Yakuza 2 put in the sequels to fill in first-time players never mention their romance and the Yakuza 3 character sheet on the start menu which denotes characters’ relationships with each other says “Just friends” with Kiryu and Kaoru). But, based on a teaser where Kiryu tells Ichiban he did in fact propose to someone before, it seems it might have been Kaoru. Plus, it seems that Kaoru is still single (I was thinking she might have been married with kids) and the dub trailer made Kaoru sound bitter about staying loyal to Kiryu.
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An Ono Michio keychain. Wondering whose bag it’s on. I think maybe Haruka, Haruto or Hiromi (Kiyomi and Someya’s daughter from 6). Perhaps a hint that we might return to Onomichi and see the old Hirose Clan.
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We even get a return of Yuki and Koyuki, who have seemingly kept Club Four Shine going, plus it looks like Saeko and Seong-hui are joining in. Sadly, the story hostesses from 0’s Cabaret Club Czar and Kiwami 2’s Cabaret Club Grand Prix don’t seem to be returning. Yeah, I think that characters that were played by AV actresses (i.e. almost all of the hostesses in the Yakuza series) will not come back; which I’m really disappointed by as I really liked each of the 0 hostess’ substorys. Also, that sadly means that Eri from 7 is probably not coming back as she was also played by an AV actress.
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Kiryu also reunites with another old friend from all the way back since Yakuza 1, his old trainer Komaki. Infinite Wealth will stick to the RPG-style battles and job systems, and even before then the games have more-or-less moved past Komaki and other trainer characters teaching you new moves in favour of Kiryu just levelling up a skill tree on the menu, but Kiryu meeting his old master who he owes much of his acquired strength to is still great to see.
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And, of course, 1 out of 4 of Kiryu oldest still living friends since 0 (the others being Daigo, Kashiwagi and Majima), Pocket Circuit Fighter; still having that photo of the two of them together that he pulls when singing Baka Mitai in Kiwami 1.
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We also hear Haruka in the trailer, who I’m fairly sure was also replaced from her original English voice actor from Yakuza 1 Debi Derryberry, the voice of Jimmy Neutron. I don’t want to get into the whole voice acting controversy but, considering that Bill Farmer reprised his role of Date from Yakuza 1, I feel a little sad that all the characters who first appeared from Yakuza 1 have gotten replaced (Kiryu: Darryl Kurlyo -> Yong Yea, Majima: Mark Hamill -> Matthew Mercer, Kashiwagi: John DiMaggio -> David Hayter and Gary Buster Holmes: Gary Anthony Williams -> Isaac C. Singleton Jr.)
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mejomonster · 2 years
Actually I lied I have one complaint of yakuza like a dragon
I thought I'd get him in chapter 5!!! Then my friend said no you only get the girls in 5!!
I'm glad I have the girls but where's my cutie my boy where's Zhao when is Zhao I want the cutie ;-;
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keyboardlink · 6 months
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I've got some more old doodles/art for today!!! This time we have Saeko, Tsukumo (ONE OF MY FAVES), Haruka, Hana, & Akiyama.
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moophinz · 6 months
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overdevelopedglasses · 6 months
Alright I'm trying to get over myself and actually start sharing my original stuff (le gasp!).
Welcome to Essence.
I'm writing it to be a video game series but it can easily be adapted into anything.
Essence is a world of energized spirits, fantastical powers, but with a story of found family and usurping destiny. The best way to describe it is: a mix of Xenoblade Chronicles and Yakuza/RGG.
Let's start at a good spot. The characters. I'll keep this post updated as they get updated
For today, let's introduce the main party of 6! Feel free to send asks about them, as this is the Very Bare Bones stuff.
Lily Tovio (she/her):
17-20 years old. Lily is the main protagonist of the series. She's a kind-hearted girl but also doesn't take shit from anyone. She is very clever, is a good leader, and adheres to her beliefs, but sometimes her emotions can get the better of her. She is really confident in herself, until things start becoming unclear, and then her doubts crawl in. She has a lot of self doubt in many aspects of herself, especially as she's assigned the role of the world's hero.
Background Inspirations: Shionne (tales of arise), Kazuma Kiryu (yakuza 5 specifically)
Personality Inspirations: Phoenix wright (aa3 specifically), Wonder-Red (The Wonderful 101), Noctis (post crystal dive, FFXV)
Character Songs: The Fighter, Superman, Stab Unjust
Battle Themes Inspo: My Own Style, Cornered, Hopes and Dreams
William Paladi (he/him):
19-22 years old. As Lily's older cousin, William is a stoic man, trying to play tough and emotionless. He wants to be a sturdy pillar for Lily to lean on. He shoulders a lot of burdens and emotions but bottles them up until they implode. Underneath it all, he cares for Lily and the rest of the team, but also yearns for his goals to be fulfilled.
Background Inspirations: Taiga Saejima, Dunban (Xenoblade)
Personality Inspirations: Dunban, Testu Tachibana, Gladious (FFXV), angy Roy Mustang
Character Songs: Shield of the King
Battle Theme Inspo: Unstoppable, The Blazing Tactician
Alex Russel (he/him):
17-19 years old. Alex is very smart, but also steadfast and honest. He's Lily's best friend, and is often her voice of reason. Despite his origins and newfound discoveries, he chooses to stand by the people he loves.
Background Inspirations: none as of yet....
Personality Inspirations: Prompto (FFXV), Reyn (Xenoblade), Apollo Justice (AA4 specific), Nanba (LaD)
Character Songs: Blood, Sound of My Heart
Battle Theme Inspo: In A Trance, Devil Trigger
Percival "Percy" Ignaza (he/him)
18-20 years old. Percival is a suave man, confident to a fault, almost. To those close to him, he's a big nerd and is very chaotic. His mysteries draw people in, and he quickly sees the world as a vain and hollow place. Selfish people is all he's known. That is, until he encounters Lily.
Background Inspirations: Percival De Rolo (CR), Miles Edgeworth
Personality Inspirations: Ignis (FFXV), Akiyama (Yakuza 4-6), Han Solo (OG Star Wars)
Character Songs: Bang!, Darkness before the Dawn, Traveler's Song
Battle Theme Inspo: I need to find one soon ack
Robin Vasili (she/her)
18-20 years old. Robin is the heir to the throne of a nation-state. She's well-respected, but doesn't fancy herself in the role of ruler. She considers herself too hot-headed and improper for that role. In fact, she's a bit confused that she's the chosen heir, when her older sibling is right there and is more than willing to lead. So she runs to get a taste of life away from her duties, and crosses paths with the team.
Background Inspirations: Melia (Xenoblade), Dohalim (Tales of Arise)
Personality Inspirations: Saeko (LaD), Katara (A:TLA)
Character Songs: none yet...
Battle Theme Inspo: The Flower of Chivalry, Fatal Blooms in the Moonlight
Enzo Wilson (they/them)
16-18 years old. Outwardly, Enzo is very quiet and their appearance is very intimidating. Spend some time with them however, and you'll find they're a huge softie. Taking after their older brother, they act like papa bear to the rest of the cast. But, they still have their grudges, and their issues...
Background Inspirations: Higashi (Judgment)
Personality Inspirations: Ichiban (LaD), Sig (Puyo Puyo), Caduceus Clay (CR)
Character Songs: Brokenbrow, A Reason to Fight
Battle Theme Inspo: also doesn't have any yet
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canonsinthehead · 1 year
RGG/Yakuza/Judgement at the Olympics
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Kiryu: Japanese Micheal Phelps Or Modern Pentathlon Akiyama: Golf Haruka: Rhythmic Gymnastic Nishiki: On The Same Swimming Team As Kiryu, Speed Skating Or Runining Hurdle Daigo: Archery Or Shooting Saejima: Discus Throw Or Wrestling Yasuko: Badminton Ryuji: Weight Lifthing Kuze: Curling Yuya: Long Jump Kazuki: High Jump Minami: Handball Nishida: Bobsled With Majima And Minami Hahaha, Majima: Judo, Karate, Wrestling (All Of Them) Rikiya: Soccer Nishitani: Something Crazy Like Mhhhh Luge Or Freestyle Skiing Mine: Tennis Shinida : Baseball Tachibana: Diving Baba: Cross Country Skiing Makoto: Badminton Shimano: Shot Put Or Javelin Throw Lee: Rugby Or Boxing Mirei: Track Cycling Minami: Taekwondo Kashiwagi: Waterpolo
Yakuza 7/Like A Dragon
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Ichiban: 100 M Runner/The Fastest Man In The World (Bronze) And Athletic Decathlon Eri: Badminton Adachi: Shot Put Or Hammer Throw Mitsuo: Shot Put Nanba: Marathon Or Crosscountry Han Jong Hi: Shooting Zhao: Gymnastics (Floor) Mabuchi: Gymnastics (Parallel Bars) Ishioda: Race Walk Tendo: Boxing Saeko: Trampoline (With The Rest Of The Y7 To Catch On The Side) And Figure Skating Seong Hi: Beach Volleyball Ryo Aoki: Figure Skater Taka The Striker: BMX Racer Yumeno: Artistic Gymnastics Hajime Ogasawara : Figure Skater (Rival Of Aoki) Hamako: Snowboard
Judgement/Lost Judgement/Judge Eyes
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Yagami: Softball Or Soccer Kaito: Boxing Or Beach Volleyball Tsukumo: Ping Pong Higashi: Archery Or Figure Skating Mafuyu: Volleyball Saori-San:Equestrian Or Fencing Tashiro: Hockey Tesso: Gymnastics (Vault) Hoshino : Equestrian Cane-Man: Fencing / Marathon Kengo:  Bmx Freestyle Or Soccer Sawa-Sensei: Figure Skating Kazuki Soma: Archery, Akutsu Daimu: Basketball Kyoko Amasawa:Artistic Swimming   Mami Koda: Artistic Swimming Sugiura: Mountain Bike
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ghoooooooooooooooost · 2 months
ok my opinion now that i finished y8's story (spoilers)
tldr; overall it's a flawed but better end for kiryu than 6 imo. n ichiban is there <3 don't play this as your first yakuza game please don't you will get so much more out of this if you actually know who tf anyone is
it wasn't as awesomesauce as it seemed like it was gonna n it fell into the usual rgg problems - while surprisingly fixing a big one
kiryu's story effected me a lot 🥲 while ichiban's was just mostly "well i get to see ichiban yay". not to say i didn't care at all lmao the hawaii plot definitely still had it's strong moments (especially the scene w chitose after the bryce boss!!!) it just didn't hit the same overall
positive: KIRYU. i honestly loved most of the kiryu stuff. letting him look back outside of traumatic flashbacks.... letting him have a nice time..... giving him all these new friends that won't die on top of reassuring him that his old connections are still alright.... getting his ass punched by akiyama lmao. it really makes you realize how weird of an ending y6 would've been if that was truly kiryu's last game. so nice to finally be able to acknowledge previously tossed out characters/story beats in-game. seeing shinada mentioned… i cheered (i wish he was actually in there tho). on the hawaii side: tomizawa n chitose r sooooo good i didn't even think i'd end up liking chitose but i lov her.... n ichiban is the ichiban as usual
n the main villains don't die this game!? they're expected to live w what they did, even the evil cult leader!?!? kiryu's line abt not being able to change anything if you're dead wow wow wow hearing that after the prev games where a lot of them die even when they were able to change wooooooow. the pre-credits ending was sooooooo strong. I LUV KIRYU :( :) :(
<3 the tweaks to gameplay were nice too + it was a very pretty game
it had to grow on me but i like kiryu's y8 look a whole lot it's very nice n goes well w his softer expressions
negative: not as well optimized for pc (or in general) as y7 it feels like? i already said i liked kiryu's plot more than ichiban's... yeah. pretty mad that hanawa died but whatevar i guess... i understand saeko's conflict w ichiban but don't really like how they wrote her at times it made me kinda frustrated. esp w the joke at the end. really the whole y7 party took a step backwards in some ways (tho they're still great mostly) it's just saeko got it the worst. also i really don't like how long they took to get me to actually like yamai bc his reason for being in hawaii was constantly in the back of my head n then at the very end after all the fun stuff already happened they were like "actually he didn't try to assault her she framed him" fuuuuuuck you at least tell us that way earlier instead of suddenly detouring in the penultimate chapter. "well they had you warm up to him so you'd know something was up! they wouldn't make an sa-er likable!" listen. listen. i love rgg but if you think i trust them w women.... n if you think i forgot y4......... i didn't realize they still had the dating thing from 7 in there either till i saw someone else mention it n i refuse to touch it :/
too many blonde blue eyed white ppl in the substories wtf why do they outnumber the natives
my one gripe abt the kiryu side is that we didn't get to see him actually reunite w haruka n haruto IN GAAAAME BEFORE IT ENDED. LIKE WE KNO HE WILL BUT I WANTED TO SEEEEEEEE ON SCREEEEEEEN
my current ranking:
y0 = y7 > y3 > y5 > y8?? (not entirely sure bc its like. the highs n lows are so drastic) > kiwami 1 = y1 > kiwami 2 (don't get mad at me) > y6 (doooon't get mad at me i started liking it less when 8 was announced) > y4
gaiden not there bc its a short side game but i liked it so i'll mention it. didn't play the og y2 </3
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siplick · 1 year
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I’ve just finished updating my stock on my online store! 
You can check my Yakuza merch over here 🐲
Paired acrylic charms  · Majima linking charms
Bun-chan wooden pins · Ono Michio plush balls
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tokenlad · 4 months
So I was thinking about a Yakuza Like A Dragon X Borderlands type of crossover, so I decided to give some of the playable Yakuza characters a Borderlands playable characters toolset and abilities. I won’t be including Eri, Eric, or Chitose in this one as Eri isn’t part of the main story canonically and Eric and Chitose need to be established a little more for me when Yakuza 8 comes out so I could make my choice for them.
I am curious to hear your opinion on it, and if you want you can make your ideas as well.
Kazuma Kiryu - Roland
Goro Majima - Timothy Lawrence
Taiga Saejima- Brick
Shun Akiyama - Mordecai
Tatsuo Shinada - Athena
Masayoshi Tanimura - Nisha
Kasuga Ichiban - Zane
Yu Nanba - FL4K
Koichi Adachi - Salvador
Saeko Mukoda - Maya
Tianyou Zhao - Wilhelm
Joon-gi Han - Zer0
Seonhee/Seong-Hui - Aurelia
I mean...you nailed it my guy
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rggshiptournament · 1 year
#001: tsuyoshi nagumo vs yuta usami
#002: mikiko sadamoto vs kaoru sayama
#003: takayuki yagami vs masayoshi tanimura
#004: nick ogata vs christina
#005: shintaro kazama vs osamu kashiwagi
#006: keiji shibusawa vs koichi adachi
#007: saori shirosaki vs makoto makimura
#008: makoto date vs makoto tsukumo
#009: joon-gi han (y6) vs fumiya sugiura
#010: daisaku kuze vs hiroki awano
#011: shusuke kenmochi vs seong-hui
#012: daisaku minami vs rikiya shimabukuro
#013: saeko mukoda vs eri kamataki
#014: masaharu kaito vs yuya
#015: yasuko saejima vs jin kuwana
#016: kazuki vs tetsu tachibana
#017: tashiro vs daigo dojima (y2)
#018: naoki katsuya vs the lingerie thief
#019: satoshi shioya vs masaru watase
#020: dd vs mitsuru kuroiwa
#021: hana vs yuki
#022: producer kiryu vs american boy mitsuo
#023: yoshitaka mine vs akira mabuchi
#024: jun sadamoto vs yu nanba
#025: ai uehera vs hibiki otsuki
#026: chika arimura vs saki hatsumi
#027: the areshi brothers vs etsuko
#028: toru higashi vs shun akiyama
#029: shinada vs shrimpnada
#030: ryuji goda vs daimu akutsu
#031: sohei dojima vs masumi arakawa
#032: reina vs yayoi dojima
#033: ryo aoki vs hiroaki arai
#034: jo sawashiro vs jun oda
#035: futoshi shimano vs akira nishikiyama (y1)
#036: masaru sera vs tsukasa sagawa
#037: shigeki baba vs joon-gi han (y7)
#038: shinji tanaka vs takeshi kido
#039: nishida vs taiga saejima
#040: tesso vs akira nishikiyama (y0)
#041: goh hamazaki vs wen hai lee
#042: homare nishitani vs sosuke komaki
#043: miss tatsu vs mirei park
#044: bacchus vs sotaro komaki
#045: ono michio vs kamulop
#046: haruka sawamura vs kyoko amasawa
#047: goro majima vs the florist
#048: toranosuke sengoku vs kazuma kiryu
#049: yoko sawa vs yumi sawamura
#050: gary "buster" holmes vs andre richardson
#051: tianyou zhao vs takumi someya
#052: ichiban kasuga vs daigo dojima (post y2)
#053: masato arakawa vs masato aizawa
BONUS ROUND: dead souls costumes
BONUS ROUND: wildcard qualifier
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Genuinely hoping they don’t give Ichiban a love interest or something. I just detest focusing on romances with some exceptions like whatever Nanba and Saeko keep doing tbh 💀 And I do not have high hopes after the things they kept doing with Kiryu in different games. Actually that’s one of my fears with 8 😭😭
if it's any consolidation, i doubt they'll give ichi a love interest- or it won't be a main plot point anyhow
rgg's never really handled romance with tact, and i think as the series went on they kinda realized that and had romance plots sort of fizzle out (Y1's climax was Certainly a love triangle, and while Y2 had kiryu and kaoru romance is never a major prevalent thing again. closest we get is akiyama and yasuko but it's about as relevant as akiyama's part, then it's not really brought up again)
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katedrawscomics · 1 year
i got tagged by @mercuryhat
three ships: ehhh, not much of a shipper in general, but have three yakuza ones that make me nod approvingly- majima/kiryu, ryuji/daigo and seong-hui/saeko. i would say akiyama/hana but tbh our girl deserves better
currently reading: just finished reading Sorry, Bro by Taleen Voskuni. definite recommend for romance fans! probably gonna read another of the Dortmunder books by Donald Westlake next.
last movie i watched: Magnificent Warriors, kinda sketchy towards the end but worth it if you wanna see 80s era Michelle Yeoh kicking ass in an aviator jacket while doing her best Indiana Jones whip tricks, and who doesn't wanna see that
craving: black coffee, but i am only allowed one a day or my guts get angry ;_;
tagging: YOU. if you see this consider yourself tagged!!
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zevzevarainai · 2 years
for the Yakuza asks- a:13, b:2 and d:2?
tysm for asking!! if anyone else would like to send me some the questions are here!!
A13: Favorite minigame(s)?
Karaoke no contest we get full tracks of them singing. Disco is a close runner up even though I am bad at it. It took me like 50 tries to beat the fan lady and then she was like wow... you beat me... and i'm like do you not remember the last 49 dance offs
B2: What’s a scene that never fails to make you cry?
The part at the end of y0 where Makoto is visiting Tachibana's grave/deathsite whatever and the little music box starts playing and she digs up the watch and starts crying and saying thank you to majima, wherever he is, and then i start weepin'.
Also that made me think of another one that also involves her which is the one where she finally finds her brother and she touches him and he's dead and she starts sobbing and she's like "i see... you're tired. it's been hard I know" and kiryu is just holding tachibana trying not to cry I'm getting emotional just thinking about it
D2: Who is the most underrated character?
This one was hard and I had to do some thinkin'. I have come to the conclusion of Nanba (y7). And I know in my heart it's because he is not conventionally attractive. His backstory and dynamic with Ichiban is crack for the girls and gays who play rgg games but I don't see hardly any fan content of him because he doesn't look like kiryu or akiyama etc.
actually on that note Saeko??? I see some stuff of her but not enough. She's the first playable woman who beats people up. And yes, she does it in a very feminine way, but that's half the fun!! She's so different compared to all the macho men using their fists and kicks... Would I like to see a woman who uses similar moves as kiryu/saejima/akiyama/majima/etc? Of course I would, but I know the track record of these games and Saeko is a very good step in the direction of getting women who fight. (I would have liked to see Seong Hui kill a man but that's beside the point.) Also I owe Saeko and Eri my victory against Kiryu. The fact that he is programmed not to touch them is so fucking funny
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mejomonster · 1 year
I have branched off from Yakuza games and am now playing Judgement
1 this game is so fucking pretty
2 Ryu ga gotoku games are like. 1/3 fun weird do what you want slice of life 1/3 serious deadly angst crime drama 1/3 cutscenesssss (the movies so many movies and I'm used to kingdom hearts level cutscenes but damn rgg games feel like I'm Playing a yakuza TV show sometimes for both good and bad)
3 Yagami wears skinny jeans I'm calling him a millennial (although he may be Gen x and older than me? Depends how much younger he is than kiryu I guess o3o) I just think it's funny I'm playing this adult private detective in a white undershirt a leather jacket and skinny jeans he just looks like me in college lmao. U roll up to the yakuza family who paid ur lawyer degree and can commit crimes while ur fucking Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright who accidentally got a real serial killer acquitted and u look like a bisexual college disaster. Congrats. Ur really rocking A Specific Vibe my dude. Nothing like Kiryus "I'm wearing my 80s suit forever or else a Hawaiian flower shirt" vibe but definitely A Distinct one. It makes Yagami feel way more modern but like... My age group modern rather than the gen z modern kid who probably just turned 18 when this came out
4 Yagami. I'm a gay shdjfj I'm sorry death note did this to me. It's beyond hilarious to me he's got a same last name as Light Yagami thank FUCK this Yagami is an ex lawyer and now private eye. If he'd have been yet another cop I would've well. Dreaded his potential as anything but evil frankly. Even Date, Kiryus bro, quit the force to be a journalist (at least for a while).
5 finally a return to form in the sense there's MULTIPLE CUTE MEN ON SCREEN. Yakuza 0, Kiwami 1, Kiwami 2 all basically gave u hot leads and hot bad guys. Basically if a fucker was hot and not ur best friend then he was gonna be the main villain. Then I played Yakuza 7 Like a Dragon and for the most part very few hotties (saeko, tianyou, the guy with white hair, and maybe ichiban if you happen to like that kinda guy but if u didn't think kiryu was eyecandy then ichiban isnt really either). I'm glad there's now like at least 1 cutie on screen again at all times. Cause I can be shallow sometimes. Djdjf also the pick for Yagamis coworker ex yakuza guy is like nishiki eye candy compared to the kiryu/ichiban variety (which I love with my whole heart but it's not oogle type). His coworker is like akiyama or Tachibana or majima design wise. It's <3 and with a flowery kiryu type shirt but long sleeved and silky
6 I am still reeling that ur basically playing Phoenix Wright if he fucked up and saved a serial killer. But still impressive u know, to win as a defense attorney in Japan with that 99.9 conviction rate (also kudos to the game saying it immediately). I wonder if Yagami has his own Edgeworth? (God but not shinitani his sempai nooo not him he's introduced to early! Tho... u could argue he's his lawyer rival kinda).
7 playing all evening I still haven't found any side missions? I hope this game still has side stories??
8 I actually love the detective portions which I imagine annoyed some people but I love being a little fucking detective figuring stuff out it's why I love Devil Summoner Raidou game and mystery shows and novels and its just fun to me puts a little spice on a murder mystery story shdhd in yakuza games kiryu just hears a bitch dies, now I get to go figure out if the fucker actually killed someone. It's fun to be in like a random outsiders shoes while functionally the same opening to Yakuza 0 happens where kiryu doesn't kill a guy but is suspected. Except instead of playing the suspect, u play the outsider trying to figure out who's actually dropping ppl dead in kamurocho. It's a nice fresh perspective shift on a pretty common plot occurrence in the yakuza games.
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