#akumatized ladynoir
art-the-f-up · 1 year
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aww..... oh.
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Go ask Alice Alix
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I think she’ll know
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When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead
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And the White Knight is talking backwards
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And the Red Queen's off with her head
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Remember what the dormouse said
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Feed your head
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Feed your head
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White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane
And if you go chasing rabbits And you know you're going to fall Tell 'em a hookah-smoking caterpillar Has given you the call Call Alice Alix When she was just small
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aliciedraws · 1 year
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Together forever
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inimoo · 1 year
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marinette as cat blanc sketch 🕺
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mikodrawnnarratives · 4 months
Oh hey shout out to my old art in 2022 for a half baked Akumanette and Akumadrien story that I only remember bits and pieces of
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doesn't look half bad
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wackus-bonkus-maximus · 11 months
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Chat Noir and his lady play a game of cards; both their Miraculous go to the winner. Written for Ladynoir July - Prompt 4 “Cards”
“My lady,” he said, his heart tight in his throat. “I don’t want to fight you.” Her voice was soft as she replied, “I don’t want to fight you either.” She sat down then, cross-legged on the concrete, and looked up at him with mild blue eyes. Like this was just another end to another patrol. Just another sunset, just another game, just another excuse to spend just another moment with her. “Sit,” she said, sweeping her hand over the cement before her, her smile smooth like the glossy surface of the cards she passed between her palms. “I’ll explain everything, I promise.”
written for @ladynoirjuly 2023 Prompt 4 "Cards"
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miraculousfanworks · 1 year
Fanfiction Prompt
The unthinkable has happened - Chat Noir has failed to take a hit for his Lady, and she's been mind-controlled by the akuma. He isn't sure what to do, until he remembers Dark Cupid! Mentally begging Ladybug for forgiveness and shoving aside his own feelings (and making sure the Ladyblogger isn't nearby for good measure - no reason to piss off LB more than necessary), Chat Noir manages to plant a quick smack right on her kisser. And... nothing happens. Fleeing to rethink his strategy, Chat comes to the obvious conclusion... the kiss wasn't good enough! Barely a platonic smooch between friends! They are French for kwami's sake. He's got to step up his game. And so Paris bears witness as their hero sets up increasingly romantic scenarios for his Lady, all to engineer The Perfect Kiss. At this point even the akumatized villain is watching each attempt with bated breath. Meanwhile Ladybug herself is flustered, confused, and annoyed by the fact that she doesn't really want Chat to stop trying...
Prompt by techRomancer
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cheesyakumas · 2 years
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I came to the USA, went to guy fieri’s restaurant and then drew ladynoir there. Because.
Also meeting @jelliedoodles & @dahldahlbills is pretty cool 👀
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paracosmicat · 1 year
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“Marinette, you can resist. I know you can, okay? You are so strong and brave. If anyone can do it, it’s you.”
She looked at him, her eyes brimming with desperation and tears. “Adrien, I love you,” she choked out, mouthing the words ‘say it back’ afterwards.
His mind went blank. He wished he could say he had a better reaction, especially when she was actively fighting off an akuma, but it was too late. He waited a beat too long and with the nod of her head the akuma took her over.
Read Here
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miracutrashcan · 10 months
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Just some Akumatized Miraculous Holders I've drew the last couple of days thanks to the Miraculous Fanworks Fanart Wars prompt! Lady Blanche is probably my favorite one out of the trio.
Akumatized Mister Bug currently doesn't have a name, but his color scheme was inspired by the Asian Lady Beetle.
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kuronekoo98 · 2 years
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ChatNoire: Our love M’Lady has done this to the world!
Do you remember the Chat Blanc episode? I loved it a lot 💗
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lostinbooks14 · 1 year
A Rose For Your Heart- Pt.5
Part 1, Part 4
She felt her mind freeze. What was Nino talking about? What did he mean 'twist his ring' and 'terrorising, psycho of a father'?
"Bet he told you to lock them up in a coffin like your mom!"
Chat noir stumbled back, his eyes wide as his claws pulled at his hair. He looked so hurt. She'd never seen him hurt before. Except for Chat Blanc.
She felt a wave of rage in her that told her to punch Nino in the face and stop him from hurting her kitty who wouldn't even harm a fly. But the logical, heroic part of her mind told her to calm down. She couldn't hurt a civilian.
"Nino, don't," she heard him whisper. He sounded so scared. And lost.
"Or maybe he just threatened to tell everyone that you're a senti-MONSTER. Or just snap his fingers and make you dissapear. Whatever it is, I DON'T CARE!" He screamed, spitting in his face.
She froze. Senti-monster? Dissapear? Was this all a trick of Shadowmoth's? Maybe this isn't the real Chat. Maybe the real Chat is still safe at home trying to get his sibling or someone out of his room so he could transform?
She was brought back to Earth by the sound of people screaming and jeering. She looked to where Chat was cowering in a corner, and his green eyes met hers.
He's not a fake, and these aren't lies, she knew immediately. She knew those eyes, had gotten lost in them a million times. They'd looked into her very soul whenever she felt sad or discouraged.
And now they held tears in a way she never thought possible for her cheerful, light-hearted kitty.
She walked forward confidently, trying to suppress the stinging in her throat. The crowd quieted down, but she could read their emotions as easily as reading a children's book. Everyone was tensed, waiting for a dramatic confrontation. A few teens were obviously expecting her to kiss either him or Nino, she could see it in their faces. But most others were expecting her to slap him or yell.
And slap and yell she did. Just not, him.
"You!" She shrieked, voice laced with disgust as she pulled Nino away from her kitty and got between the two of them. "How DARE you!? You have no right to yell at him after everything he's done for this ungrateful city," she was adressing the general crowd now, but still stabbing a finger at Nino.
"Feather or not, he's just as human as everyone else, and a great deal more human than you!"
She slapped him then. Not as hard as she'd like to, but she couldn't afford him flying off and falling unconscious, no matter how much the idea appealed to her.
He did fall on his bottom with a hand at his cheek though, which would have to be enough for now. She'd give him the rest as Marinette.
She turned around without a second glance before pulling Chat up. She pulled his baton out of his belt and thrust it at him, before using her own yoyo to swing onto the roof.
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sunsketch · 2 years
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“Ok Hawkmoth, I’ll play your little game.”
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aliciedraws · 2 years
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Chat Blanc with Lady Blanc 💙🤍 drawn by aliciedraws
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uptoolateart · 2 years
A Monumental Disaster
There came a point when you had to say enough was enough – and Eiffel was so there.
Constantly being flung about – knocked over – severed in two – bent in demeaning poses – vanished from existence – sent to the Sahara – flooded – completely obliterated – dressed up like a Christmas tree…. There was only so much a tower could take.
[The Eiffel Tower gets akumatised - short one-shot]
Keep reading at Ao3
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Legit I’d want Marinette and Adrien to be separate people from Ladybug and Chat Noir if only it would mean Marichat and Ladrien could be cannon to absolutely piss tf out of that stupid ice cream man
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