#albert dasilva my beloved <3
tarantulas4davey · 1 year
last sentence tag game
tagged by: @lailuhhh
Rules: Write the latest line from your wip (or post where you last left off in your art) and tag as many people as there are words in the line. Make a new post, don’t reblog.
It takes until Race is sitting up sharply on the couch, the warm, dark hands of his older brother tight around his wrists, to realize that the person screaming is him. He breathes harshly, rough in and out of his spasming lungs, throat raw from all the noise he was making. His face is wet with tears, he realizes.
Albert’s laugh is still echoing in his ears.
@we-are-inevitable @roideny @jack-kellys @enter-plot-holes-here
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jack-kellys · 1 year
for the fic title thing !!!!
“there are worse ways to stay alive” ORRRR
“my engine works perfect on empty (i guess i’ll drive)”
- @we-are-inevitable ✨
so im doing both bc why the fuck not
send me a fic title and i'll think up a fic!
GENUINELY my first thought for the first one is a santa clarita diet au LMAO?? i've never seen it though so technically im still original. but like jack and crutchie are roommates. jack either eats something that gets him sick or something insane like an nyc rat bites his ankle bc this is a comedy. jack starts acting... weirder, and crutchie picks up on it pretty fast bc they are 🤝. it's almost like jack has this concussive brain fog and it takes him a while to form sentences, he's talking a lot less, eating less, much more irritable. kinda of like crutchie is dealing with a moody, hungry teenager. but the night after when c's smoking on the first escape (medicinal....not medicinal... c’est la vie) jack comes out to join him and like.
"you ever get these weird, like. cravings for stuff you can't eat?"
"god yeah, i used to want to eat lava and playdough and shit like that all the–"
"like yeah, that stuff too but like...when you bite your hand and you keep biting it, you know, 'cause it's kind of squishy and like. food?"
"did. you... you did hit the joint i left out, right?"
"nah, i was just thinking, i guess.. or i've been thinking."
so it's Charlie's Terrible Horrible No-Good Very Bad time of trying to hide the fact that his best friend is now half-zombie, and especially how not to tell david jacobs, jack's boyfriend and c's longtime friend. i usually make charlie into the enigma but i think jack should be it, for fun. also i think it'd be funny if it took crutchie kinda longer to realize that what's wrong with jack is zombification specifically because honestly... jack is just like that LMAO??? he hates waking up in the morning, he's tired a lot, he has weird eating habits, makes weird noises, not a lot of perception on if he's being loud or not, zones out a lot. jack's basically halfway there already tbh. but he'd stopped creating, which is what initially tips c off.
the shenanigans of hiding it and then needing to find a cure before it's too late is just fun asf. also jack gets to literally lose his mind. haha. ha. ha. :)
now the SECOND title. lmao
~davey is pushing himself to hard againnn yeahhhhh!!!~
college au, davey has an exam coming up that he's going crazy about. hours on hours of studying, isolation, stressing, not eating as much...jack is really worried. he asks his friends what to do- some say to leave him be to get through it, some say to talk to him, and then albert dasilva says "why don't you just..kidnap him."
"yeah, so he doesn't have access to any of his textbooks or notes or laptop, you just toss him in the car and drive."
"what is wrong with you," charlie says, but jack is nodding.
"no wait. say more rn."
so during the late night before the day before the test, it's like 3am when davey finally falls asleep at his desk, and then like. the cueing text is sent in the group chat from jack and all the besties scurry into action.
jack lifts davey into his arms, and their dorm door is opened for them silently by albert. race right next to him surgically places a sleepmask onto daveys face so the hall light doesnt wake him. romeo's holding the elevator open. mush and blink are holding the downstairs doors open. specs and crutchie drove daveys car (having stolen the keys earlier in the day of course) over, open the passenger door for davey, lower the seat, set a blanket over him, carefully close the door, and wish jack luck.
davey wakes up two hours of driving later to signs saying they're in south jersey of all fucking places. it's now the day before his test. and davey is livid.
"you kidnapped me."
"technically it was albert's idea"
"i don't see albert driving my damn car. turn around, jack, it's really not the time to be fucking funny right now."
"i'm a little insulted at you not thinking i know you well enough to do this. if i really thought you'd hate me for this, if i really thought it would- destroy your grade, or your college career, do you really think i'd be doing it?"
"no, sweetheart, jeez. you've studied for the past fifteen days- if you just relax, you'll make the grade, and there's no way you would've let yourself do that back on campus. so, i kidnapped you."
they spend the day together fucking around at the atlantic city boardwalk and dipping their feet into the ocean and watching the sunset before driving back. david gets a 90% on his test and maybe he wanted a 92% but he wouldn't trade grades for the world if it meant not getting kidnapped by his boyfriend and their friends. :)
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God made Albert Dasilva a demiboy and there’s nothing you can do about it /j
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tarantulas4davey · 1 year
Ralbert, Sadness
7) “I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I feel like I can’t even breathe without you!”
sorry i do not remember what list this is from that’s my bad
jac !! my love !! i kinda lied when i messaged you about this cause it did not stay nearly as sad as i meant it to but it was fun and i regret nothing !! thank u sm for this even if it took me forever to reply to <33
i don’t think there’s any TWs for this one, i just imply they have an argument of some kind before the start
without further ado, ✨them✨
The dead silence is heavy.
The cold of the bathroom door digs into his back, hard and unrelenting, spine curved awkwardly against the wood from when he slammed it and promptly slunk to the floor, desperately trying to ebb the flow of tears down his cheeks. He can almost see Albert, still frozen in the kitchen of their apartment, suddenly deflated where he was puffed up with anger a moment before. The drop of his head, the red rimmed eyes full of tears that he’ll grit his teeth against. They don’t fight very much, rarely have it in them. But when they do, the Earth shifts with it, rocking rough and dark to its core.
Race doesn’t even remember how it started. They bicker endlessly, a chess match of wit and bark with no bite, a torrent of flirting that comes out snarky, but this wasn’t funny. He goes back to school on Friday, the last semesters before he finally returns to the city of endless motion. It’s been eating him alive, the idea of going back after a winter break that gave him everything he misses when he’s out on the sunny coast of California.
Two more semesters until he’s back in Albert’s little apartment, happy and content. At least… that’s what he expects. Based on their current showing, he’s never been less sure.
If he had to guess, he started it. Albert couldn’t bother him on his own if he wanted to, regardless of how hard he tries, but Race has the unfortunate habit of refusing to admit something else is bothering him. Then, suddenly, unpredictably, he’s fighting with his boyfriend about dinner, and then how much homework he’s still got left to do. And Albert does his best, he really does, but he’s snappy when he’s hungry.
Race really doesn’t know why he’s crying, but he is, and it just won’t stop.
The footsteps aren’t loud, but Race could pick them out in a crowded hall, let alone the crushing quiet. He hadn’t turned the lock on the door, but the door handle doesn’t even rattle, there’s just the rustle of someone sitting on the floor outside of the door. They both know that Race knows he’s there, he always does.
His heart stops trying to shatter through his diaphragm when he twists up onto his knees and opens the door a crack. Albert’s smooth expression cracks at his face, scrunched up and ruddy with traitorous tears, but he barely lets him look before slinking into his arms and hiding his face in his neck.
“‘M sorry I shouted at you. Wasn’t fair,” Albert’s terrible at hiding the chopped up accent when he’s emotional. All his effort goes into sounding soft and sweet instead. “You’ve been stressin’ over whatever’s in that head of yours and I let it bug me.”
“My fault.” It’s barely a murmur, muffled in all the fabric and emotion, words he can feel being protested, but he hates that Albert still lets everything be his fault even when it isn’t.
His tan face has gone blotchy with muddled red, and he sounds like a little kid with a cold, but he lifts his head, letting himself sink into the hold Albert’s got on him so he can see the face he’s got memorized down to the last of the millions of freckles smattered across his nose. There’s a shaky breath, a long moment where all he does is sit, stare, and breathe before he can make himself speak. “I.. Caltech is a crazy experience. I couldn’t have said no when I got that letter on principle, even if I wanted to. But there’s so little there for me, not when you’re here. And it’s two more semesters, I’ll survive, but it’s been crushing me since I left in August.”
“I’m right here waiting for you to come back the entire time you’re gone, you know that?” The arms around his shoulders squeeze tighter, and he squeezes right back around Albert’s middle.
“I know, I promise I know, I just- I.. I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I feel like I can’t even breathe without you!” Race brings a hand up to his cheek, pressing their foreheads together, like he can physically force the clinical cold he feels in the objective warm, welcoming brightness of sunny Pasadena, California, into Albert’s mind through pure will.
“I hear you, I got you, okay?” His callused, warm hand covers Race’s wrist, thumb moving back and forth over the skin. “I’m right there with you, darlin’, like you wouldn’t believe. I miss you somethin’ fierce when you’re gone.”
Despite himself, he can’t help the little laugh at Albert, the halting exasperation at his own southern-ness, even in a serious moment. There’s a long pause, not crushing or uncomfortable or heavy, where he just sits against Albert on the floor and listens to his lungs fill and empty, over and over and over again.
“..You’re supposed to visit your mama upstate over spring break, right?” He hums his assent, eyes roving over his face to try and pick out what he’s getting at. “Have you scheduled your flight yet?”
“No, I was gonna do it on the phone with Jack tomorrow so he can pick me up from the airport once he’s driven up there.” Race’s brow scrunches together, still not seeing what’s making Albert’s eyes light up like that.
“How about I pick you up from JFK and I drive us upstate instead? Unless Miss Medda has some anti-boyfriend policy?” Medda loves him better than any of her own sons and he damn well knows it.
“Really?” Much happier tears well in Race’s eyes now, weepy as he is at the moment. “You’d suffer through two weeks of Jack and Charlie’s shit for me?”
“Might as well, Toni, I get plenty of it texting you when you’re in California, anyway.” Race’s laugh is bright, making Albert’s whole system warm in an instant, glad to have that sunny smile back after days of looming gloom.
“What about your aunts?” He did the several-day-Georgia-road-trip with Albert and his aunts last July, and it was a fun kind of chaotic. This year, the trip is supposed to be in April instead. “Don’t they want you to go south with them?”
“Oh, I’m sure they’ll be glad to have a few days to themselves before they get to grandmama’s. I only played nice on that road trip ‘cause I had someone to impress.” Race would’ve been able to pick out his grin from the sound of his voice alone. “I’m usually much more insufferable.”
He rolls his eyes affectionately, chest full to bursting. “I’ll believe that when I see it.. Thank you.”
Albert hums lightly, and Race can feel it rumble in both of their chests. “I love you, darlin’.”
Race pecks his lips shortly once, then again, and again. “And I love you, even if you yell at me.” He puts petulant anger in his emphasis, like a stompy toddler pouting about a toy.
“I did not yell, drama queen–” He doesn’t want to hear it, so he slaps a hand over Albert’s mouth, having the audacity to act shocked when he rips it away a moment later wet with saliva. Fingers dig in under Race’s ribs, making him squawk and squirm away, their eloquent chess match beginning anew, plans aflame and roiling with light.
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tarantulas4davey · 2 years
race race race
god fuckin bless dude
gender identity headcanon
he/him ftm trans guy
or a personal favorite they/he genderfluid person
sexuality headcanon
gay. likes men.
or. non women ig
a non woman who likes non women. bc. gender confusion
otp i have with them
s.. sprace
but you knew that
i refuse to start discourse on here tho so just leave it at that pls
race and finch !!!
i’m also a REALLY BIG FAN of race and davey’s bromance i think they’re giggly n fun
favorite actor that plays them
benjamin tyler cook
<3 he <3
favorite headcanon about them
this one is actually evil how am i supposed to pick one
uh. uh.
math geek. actual genius. 174 iq level but still needs to be told to stop cartwheeling on the concrete. i love him
opinion of them
he is a beloved
like God i love him sm
what a lad honestly
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tarantulas4davey · 3 years
jac my beloved you have made a DREADFUL mistake i’m so mean to race
tw for headcanon c !!!!
vague mentions of death, murder, violence, alcoholism and loss :))))
headcanon a: realistic
race is an insomniac. he can’t sleep. this is borderline canon “them fire sirens kept me awake all night” but. i think he is the person that regardless of era will be found by jack or albert sitting on the fire escape at 4am cause he couldn’t sleep. oh also he’s in love with albert but that feels a bit obvious coming from me ngl
headcanon b: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
he gets into a lot of fights just because he has a very loud mouth and it makes people angry, but the unrealistic part is that he WINS a lot of fights he didn’t even start. is his technique good? no. but doesn’t he get hit as much as he hits? no !!! and that’s all that matters !!!!
headcanon c: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
this is literally just the canon backstory for half my race stories ngl. he grew up with an alcoholic abusive father, an absent but loving mother, and a little sister he ADORED. when he was 8 or 9, his dad unalived his mom and sister while he was at school and hurt him when he got home before he ran away, and his dad was arrested. he was in foster care for a year or so before he ended up with medda and charlie, and jack got there about 2 years after that <3
headcanon d: unrealistic, but i will disregard canon about it because i reject canon reality and substitute my own
i mean literally 90% of my hcs pls point me towards anything canon era i’ve ever expanded on. he’s a youtuber. him and albert actually get married. he’s a math genius. he’s got a shit ton of dumb patchwork tattoos, not to mention his fair share of stick n pokes. he’s deeply affected by music but hates his singing voice so he started dancing instead. has the entirety of the hsm franchise memorized. he can’t drive for shit. i could go on but i feel like i’ve made my point.
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tarantulas4davey · 3 years
*grabby hands* car guy Albert
this,,, this has been a long time in the making. a very long time in the making. long enough in the making that the inspo for this au, the lovely @we-are-inevitable , has since moved on from this thought to many a new thing (all of which i demand you go check out if you haven’t yet, jac is an angel and one of the most talented people i know, go love on them rn they deserve it. jac, ilysfm) and. jorja. my love. thank you for listening to my rants about this au, you helped make this into coherent thoughts. also @enter-plot-holes-here tq for making me get off my ass and create something you’re wonderful and ily. finally, @santagae jack, you actually force me to do something creative for my own or your sake, which means i actually know what the fuck i’m doing when we get to,,, here. mwah ilysm
i’m gonna stop stalling and get to what y’all have been waiting for—
hcs under the cut cause this is a Long One :))
*cracks knuckles*
ok, so god i missed typing that
he grew up in a small town, pretty much everybody knows everybody, and if they don’t it won’t be very long after you drive into town that they will. popular for lower to middle class families, retired people, and people requiring something new. sometimes it’s a combo of those things.
albert’s dad worked a few odd jobs when he was a kid
construction, lumber, mostly physical labor
but when he was 6 or so, his dad started an apprenticeship with a local mechanic, and the rest is sorta history
albert had always been one of those boys that loved cars, from the second he got his grubby hands on his first hot wheel
he used to sit in front of the tv watching auctions, absolutely mesmerized by the ongoing train of shiny cars and all the moving parts that worked to make it function
by the time he was 12, he had this extensive catalog of knowledge sitting in his brain waiting to be used, cause curse him he’s good at everything, so the second he figured out cars it was only a matter of getting his hands on one
he sorta lucked out, getting older brothers, cause his oldest brother started driving when he was 13 and the other when he was 15
he spent nearly all his free time in the shop, to the point the guy his dad apprenticed under actually offered to start albert’s apprenticeship when he was,,, 17? probably? earlier than most guys would even consider offering
he leaps at the offer. it’s the most excited he’s been since his brother let him amp up the sound system in his truck and he got to fuck around with all the wires for hours it really should only take. like 20 minutes. but he was 14 and figuring it out so,,,, i’ll give him a pass
by the time he graduates, he’s trusted to actually work on customers’ cars without someone breathing down his neck the whole time
and it’s around this time our dear jack francisco kelly joins the story. ma decided he and his brothers needed a new place to exist, so here he is.
now, jack’s all city boy. fresh outta college with some sorta of artsy degree that makes the very gruff “I grew up with bugs tougher than you” man who owns the auto shop peer at him suspiciously over his glasses
but jack’s also charismatic, and funny, and he knows a thing or two about cars
he’s also got the type of dinosaur he calls a truck that fits right in around there. duct tape on the front bumper, precariously balanced tailgate and all
so albert’s damn near solitary existence becomes half of a ridiculous duo that makes everyone in town roll their eyes and shake their heads fondly
obviously albert grew up with two brothers, he’s absolutely used to the kind of camaraderie he’s got with jack, at least to some capacity
but this isn’t one of his brothers, not by blood, and he’s not required to hang with albert. he actively chooses to, even with the long winded rants about various carburetors and sleek sports cars neither of them will ever reasonably be able to afford but dream about having one day
they’re the dumbasses that get caught smoking weed on the roof of the high school at 4am and run like there’s literally any chance anybody else in town could’ve been the ones doing it. they even run to the diner with the sleep deprived teenager behind the counter and make silent eye contact before bursting out laughing at how stupid they are. everyone knows them as a pair, even if they’d known albert his whole entire life before jack got there
and, of course, when they’re not out wreaking havoc on innocent bystanders, they’re bantering in the auto shop while they work. this is the easiest place to find them, actually, considering the absolutely ridiculous amount of time they spend there. can’t find al and jack? have you checked the auto shop?
which is exactly the question jack’s little brother gets asked when he’s searching for jack
enter, antonio “racetrack” higgins. ta da
he doesn’t walk into the auto shop shouting for jack and then come up completely short when he’s faced with a very tall, very pretty redhead who definitely isn’t his brother
he doesn’t. why would you ever say such a thing?
listen, in all fairness, albert isn’t doing much better. he just,,, hadn’t been talking when race walked in
“i— i’m so sorry, just... um... is jack here?”
“oh! uh— yeah, he’s... in the back. gimme a minute?”
it comes out like a question, but albert’s already running away before race can get any more words out. honestly it’s probably a good thing
the heat is just starting to rise in his cheeks when he nearly runs headlong into jack in the hall
“your— there’s someone here for you.”
“yeah, i thought i heard racer’s voice. why so red, red?”
jack knows. he knows exactly why albert’s so red, and why he’s making that face and shoving him down the hall. albert even knows jack knows cause of the stupid grin on his face and the way his teasing laugh echoes through the hallway
cause in all of the times they’ve talked about girls, or boys, or relationships, or any of that, jack had conveniently forgotten to mention albert could’ve been describing his little brother from a picture. the little brother than was two months older than albert
jack kelly was evil
it’s honestly kind of a mystery how they haven’t met before now, but it just,,,,, never seemed to work out. all the times albert had been over at jack’s, race was out or had online classes or a million other things that made them just miss each other
and despite their incredibly awkward start, they click immediately, just like albert had with jack. actually they click over their annoyance with jack, considering they both think that goddamn grin is aimed at them, and it’s perfectly smooth sailing from there
and so the duo becomes a trio, whenever it can at least
and this absolutely won’t end with some sort of development of feelings. it won’t. right?
i know, i know. i’m cruel and awful and the absolute worst. /j
luckily for you, my dears, i’m already halfway through the second part of this. if it’s not already up when your find this, it will be shortly. i got hit with the inspiration bus, sue me. love yall xxx
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tarantulas4davey · 3 years
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kath and rizz did it so. @we-are-inevitable made me a pumpkin chain albert and god is real <3
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tarantulas4davey · 2 years
3, 21, and 23 !!!
jac ilysm
3: favorite line/scene you’ve written this year
Race basked in the loud banter and laughter in his tiny kitchen, thanking the universe for sending that out of place butterfly down the cold city streets of New York on a cold morning in March.
it’s the very cheesy ending line to the butterfly effect and i. am still really proud of that one for being my first fic
21: most memorable comment/review
so. this one is actually from you fucking shocking ik and it’s not technically a comment or review but. it still means the Entire World to me even though you tell me this like. once a week now
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23: fics (or hcs cause i said so) you wanted to write but didn’t
car guy al part 2. royalty au part 2. youtuber au fic. soulmate au.
finish the band au. and the bar au. and the photographer al au. and the small town au. and the canon era fic. AND THE SONG FIC.
there’s so many idea i have that i just. have NOT finished or even started yet that i really really want to get around to and !!! i’m very excited to actually do that at some point
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tarantulas4davey · 2 years
3, 4, 19 !!
3: what is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
ok so. i consistently get mentally stuck on fake/secret dating stuff but physically don’t have the patience for something like that ??? like the idea of race and albert 1) fake dating and accidentally falling in love or 2) secretly dating and not having the chance to be all. Them in front of everyone is SO COMPELLING but i don’t have the patience for that kind of set up at this very moment. particularly the fake dating one cause something about them being affectionate and having kissed and stuff in public and then it just. slowly becoming a thing they just Do with nobody around to try and convince is. mwah.
4: share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
i already replied to this one !!! find that here
19: is there something you find yourself repeating in your writing? (favorite verb, something you describe ‘too often,’ trope you can’t get enough of?)
there’s honestly a lot of things ??? i love describing really niche pictures of things, rather than little pieces as scenes go by, cause i sorta find myself noticing everything all at once. i describe lots of freckles, lots of embarrassed flushes, lots of hair and curls and ruffling. i love talking about voices, especially someone noticing the difference between a regular speaking voice and a morning voice the first time they hear it, or when an accent sticks out more. pet names. i also find myself deceiving race’s laugh as “giggling” a lot, but that is sorta how i think he laughs so it makes sense. i also feel like i spend So Much Time talking about minute changes in someone’s smile, or about how people shift to being someone else closer. i’m a really big fan of the. smiling into kisses trope, and pretty much everything about hand holding. i write lots of fluff cause it’s the stuff that makes me happy to describe fjdhdhhd
thank u jac ilysm mwah mwah mwah
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tarantulas4davey · 2 years
question 4, but gimme 3 sentences!!! -💥
4: share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
you asked for 3 sentences, so you’re getting 3 sentences from wildly different contexts cause that’s what i wanna do. ta da ✨
“Documentation of every angle, every reflection, the manifestation of how Albert’s eyes saw him.”
this is from let me photograph you in this light. it’s the description of how race sees the pictures albert took of him, why he’s so fond of them. it’s sort of the crux the entire “““plot””” hinges on, and i’m just. really fond of what it represents AND how i phrased it
“‘Holy shit—’ Race’s reaction was breathless and automatic, immediately going from bubbly and relaxed to sharp and alert in a moment’s time.”
idk if this is cheating but. this is from an rp with @proud-and-defiant (small town au my beloved <3) and it’s. right when albert’s Less Than Accepting dad catches them mid kith. it’s the rapid shift from happy and bubbly and in love to the sharp reality of their situation, and it was honestly really fun to write considering i don’t usually like Angst
“Albert gasped in offense and retorted in mock answer, Jack immediately jumping in to defend Race’s opinion, considering he was right. David jumped in soon after, and Race basked in the loud banter and laughter in his tiny kitchen, thanking the universe for sending that out of place butterfly down the cold city streets of New York on a cold morning in March.”
more than a sentence but i needed the whole paragraph for my own well-being. the end of the butterfly effect which is. not my best work but probably the one i’m most fond of. it’s just bubbly and light and it’s that Thing where everything just gets to fall in place and. yeah idk man this fic just makes me really fuckin happy for no reason
bro ilysm thank u for this ask it was so fuckin fun
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tarantulas4davey · 3 years
top 5 ralbert aus 👀
the absolute can of worms you have opened here
these are in no particular order cause it comes and goes with The Dopamine
1) youtuber au. probably my longest running au and i. am still obsessed with them
2) them in the iwtbyfn au (and like. football aus in general.)
3) MAFIA/1920s AU. race having to keep albert from saying the wrong thing and Getting Wrecked my beloved
4) hockey al/figure skater race !! i got really stuck like,,,, 3 chapters in but i still Love Them
5) ufc albert au !! cause they’re so married even if it’s not legally !! and it’s very self indulgent so Obviously I Love Them
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tarantulas4davey · 3 years
Thinking about how Olivia Rodrigo's Good 4 U sounds like a Javid-ish song if Jack stayed unhappy when Davey had his unhappy
highschool relationship javid,,,, and both of them are super in love but BUT BUT
david is staying in NY for school and jack is moving to new mexico for art school
and jack, in all his self sacrificing glory, breaks up with davey to “save him” from the long distance relationship thing,,,,,,,
and then, in true jack fashion, pining over the internet THE ENTIRE TIME HES GONE
but davey doesn’t know that, obviously. he doesn’t even know the real reason jack broke up with him, he thought jack just wasn’t interested anymore-
and davey’s in college so obviously he makes new friends and does fun things etc etc
and absolutely every time he posts any pictures or stories or even gets tagged by someone else jack’s heart drops cause that’s it for me and him and god i’m such an idiot why’d i break up with him-
and obviously, davey’s NOT with any of them (for context, i think race went to the same college as davey, but for math shit instead of english/history and the new person was albert - we all know who i’m putting together in this situation) but jack’s not there to KNOW that
and because i’m a sucker for a happy ending jack comes home for the summer to visit medda (aka his mom cause i’m predictable) and race and katherine and even davey
and they run into eachother and jack asks the awkward “so,,,,, you with anyone” question cause he can’t help himself-
and davey says no and jack looks vaguely surprised and maybe kinda accidentally tells davey he’s been lowkey stalking him by asking about “the muscly red headed one” (hello, simps, i know you’re lurking. yes that’s actually how i explain albert to people)
and davey just laughs at him cause “holy shit he’s jealous omg”
and then,,,,,,, they probably start actually talking and god they missed eachother
and they figure their shit out cause there’s no unhappy endings allowed on my page <3
audrey,,,,,, YOUR MIND OMG
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tarantulas4davey · 3 years
Ufc Fighter Albert Dasilva Headcanons
hello, people who still follow me despite the fact i never post cause i’m a mess. how y’all doin? my favorite ufc fighter won the other day so now ✨this is what we’re doing✨. also i originally sent this thought to @we-are-inevitable ‘s ask box so find that post here (hi jac ilysm mwah mwah mwah)
i also wrote a part 2 so find that here !!
also,,,,, this is fairly obvious. but trigger warning for violence/physical fighting, and well as blood and injury. (it’s a rough gig y’all fjdhdb)
i sincerely apologize in advance for what a mess this post is gonna be i just had a monster and i’m hyped up on the win and this is a hyperfixation i don’t get to talk about very often so feel free to ask questions and HERE WE FUCKIN GO
albert is just,,,,,, a violent sports guy. always has been, probably always will be.
most forms of recreational fighting, football, hockey, rugby, fuck even soccer if he gets too into it. he’s just a Built Person, and he wicked competitive, and that makes for violent displays of athleticism
I think he was probably a hockey or football guy in high school, but he was also on the wrestling team cause i said so
then after graduation he got really into kickboxing, just to have something to do cause he didn’t have school sports to play and train for all the time
and then one day his coach is like ‘hey. you’re like,,, stupid good at this. you should sign up for competitions, you might make some money.’
he does, in fact, ‘make some money’, cause in straight kickboxing? he’s pretty much unmatched on the regional scene, which is ridiculous cause he didn’t start training his stand up game til he was 18 or 19
then American Top Team (ATT, it’s a really big MMA training camp that had trained a boat load of the top talent in the UFC) approaches him like ‘y’know if you worked on your grappling you could be a really solid mma fighter’
which is HUGE, but obviously albert can’t pick up his entire life and move to florida to train with them, so him and race (this is me, of course race is with al. supportive boyfriend and number one fan alert <3) find gyms willing to work with him based in new york. then he starts signing up for shit.
he sticks with stand up fighting when he can, he likes it more and cause,,,,, well. it’s more entertaining. the higher your entertainment value, the more people watch your fights. the more people watch your fights, the more likely you are to get noticed by big promotions (like the ufc)
he uses his wrestling to keep grapplers on their feet (he’s got like a 90% takedown defense, what an icon) and he picks people apart.
he has a lot of technical skill, but he also is fiery and passionate and scrappy. he gets hit too much for his own good a lot of the time.
he’s super durable. this man can get hit clean over and over and stay on his feet, but that’s not gonna hold up forever. it takes a loss or two in a row to motivate him to change it
and oh boy does he change it
he spends a month in auckland, new zealand at city kickboxing (one of the best kickboxing gyms in the world, and they lean heavily on tactics rather than just charging forward blindly)
he’s straight up a different fighter after that. he’s quick, light on his feet, and avoids punches way easier while also setting up the angles for his own. he gets signed to the ufc 2 fights later.
his first fight is short notice. no training camp, he’s got 5 days to make weight, AND it’s against a top 10 ranked opponent. no big deal, right?
and albert, being albert, is super chill about it. sure, this is the opportunity of a lifetime, could decide his entire future as a fighter, and he’s barely got time to prepare.
but he’s in the gym every single day of the week, he doesn’t super cut on weight like most ex-wrestlers, and most importantly, it’s just fighting. all he has to do is get in the octagon and punch some dude in the face. he can do that all day.
race on the other hand,,,,,,,,
he believes in albert with his whole soul, he really does, but Fuck watching your boyfriend get hit in the head is no fucking fun. especially when you know that the guy throwing the punches has been training for months, and your guy hasn’t even had a week
so he brings jack for moral support. also cause jack is DEFINITELY a ufc fan and was the only one that would understand what was happening.
at some point in the first round albert gets caught clean, opening a cut on his cheek, which makes race Panic Even More
but he gets cleaned up between rounds, and it’s not swelling so he can still see, and it’s over by the middle of the second.
and albert wins, cause (this is fiction and i’m telling a story) of fucking course he does, and he probably wins with some stupid dramatic spinning back kick and gets clipped on twitter cause he’s just Like That
the part that makes me, as the ralbert shipper, super fucking happy is coming up but i need to add a lil real talk first
considering albert is like,,,, openly in a relationship with a man when he gets into the ufc,,,,, that makes him the first publicly gay ufc fighter. like,,,, ever.
this is realized after his hand gets raised after the ref calls the stoppage.
bruce buffer makes the official announcement, al gets his hand raised, he gets interviewed by joe rogan, and then his coaches, jack and race get to come into the cage
at first everyone things it’s a best friend or something, especially after the dap up bro hug things he gives his coaches and jack
but then albert sees race, and you can watch this boy’s face light up on the camera. then race throws his arms around albert’s neck and albert half lifts him off the ground in a hug around his waist and ok, sure, that’s not the most platonic thing you’ve ever seen, but that doesn’t prove anything
and then albert kisses race. like full, actual, on the mouth in front of all the cameras kiss. cause he doesn’t give a shit.
and nobody’s talking about his spinning back kick anymore, cause Holy Shit That Wasn’t Very Straight Of You Dasilva
but he doesn’t address it, cause every other fighter gets to kiss their wife or girlfriend or whatever in the cage after they win and nobody bats an eye, so why should it be any different for him and his boyfriend?
also, because it needs to be said, statistically there are ALREADY lgbtq+ male fighters in the ufc. like currently, in real life. they’re just not out publicly. the ufc has openly supported queer people’s rights in the past, and is partnered with 4 prominent HIV/AIDS awareness organizations. there is multiple openly queer women currently fighting in the ufc, including amanda nunes, who has been repeatedly called the greatest women’s fighter of all time. but as of right now, there is no openly mlm ufc fighters, so that would technically make albert the first. we love a trend setter. now back to what i’m supposed to be talking about djdhdbd
and eventually interviewers and fans on twitter realize that they’re only going to get one answer to vague questions about sexuality, which is “i’m dating a man and i fight people for a living. if that makes me a revolutionary, so be it bro.”
he includes race in a lot of his answers, especially in interviews where they ask more personal questions or grill him on his mental game, cause he loves race and thinks he deserves credit for everything he does to make al a better person and a better fighter
also, purely for my own entertainment, i think after he becomes champion (cause of course he does) he goes on the joe rogan podcast, and joe is pretty much the only one who gets albert to talk about any of it in a genuine way
he doesn’t get sarcasm or a blunt “can we talk about fighting, now?” like everyone else, he gets a real answer, cause that’s what albert came on to do anyway
he talks about getting together in highschool, and how it was race’s idea for him to start kickboxing in the first place, and what a fucking genius race is and how he’s getting his PhD right now, and how he didn’t want to talk about it cause he didn’t want to be the “gay fighter”, and how that’s a trivialization of his relationship with race and he refuses to let it be seen as anything but what it is, which is the best fucking thing that’s ever happened to him
just. Ugh. them <3
y e a h. albert dasilva would rock anyone’s shit. if i keep having thoughts about this i’ll make one about him becoming champion. thank you for your time ✨
also gonna tag @soaps-posts cause the brainrot is powerful so here you are my dear <3
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tarantulas4davey · 3 years
hihi here!! have an albert!!
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also a r m
have one back <3
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tarantulas4davey · 3 years
i am nothing if not a whore for long fic titles, so:
"we own these streets like we're royalty (with empty pockets and worn out jeans)"
listened to Diamond Dreams again and !! that sounds like such a banger title so, here you go, babes <3
y’all ready for me to divert expectations kind of…. only a little but not really
this feels like something i would ironically title a small town au, particularly one that’s like. jack and albert friendship centric. which, as you well know, is sorta the catalyst for my entire car guy al au.
i feel like it would follow their friendship from the very beginning. the vague hello albert gives when jack first walks through the doors, albert helping jack figure out car stuff, meeting to watch a mediocre movie in the theater a town or two over. the slow build up of their friendship until we reach the point that their smoking weed on a rooftop and having weirdly deep conversations and albert blurting out his sexuality cause jack isn’t scared of his, so why do i have to be scared of mine?
albert meeting medda, who treats him like her son before she’s even met him, and jack sizing up the dad that he hasn’t heard the best things about but respects cause of how much he stood up for his kid. albert’s not so subtle questions about race and jack rambling on and on about the guy from his math class freshman year of college he’s had a massive crush on but didn’t start talking to until after they graduated
just !!!!! albert and jack being best friends and supportive and great !!! they’re mean to each other but they love each other so much and if they didn’t already have two brothers a piece this would be the brother they never had !!!! i. just love them.
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