#chandler the ralbert cult leader
last sentence tag game
tagged by: @lailuhhh
Rules: Write the latest line from your wip (or post where you last left off in your art) and tag as many people as there are words in the line. Make a new post, don’t reblog.
It takes until Race is sitting up sharply on the couch, the warm, dark hands of his older brother tight around his wrists, to realize that the person screaming is him. He breathes harshly, rough in and out of his spasming lungs, throat raw from all the noise he was making. His face is wet with tears, he realizes.
Albert’s laugh is still echoing in his ears.
@we-are-inevitable @roideny @jack-kellys @enter-plot-holes-here
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jack-whatsyourangle · 2 years
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@tarantulas4davey how does it feel to be winning
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Albert brushes his teeth in the shower -Martin/Races-Stupid-Cigar
he 100% does and i know this bc i quite literally have an answer to every question about this man
also its because he’s an athlete with adhd so once he’s tired he’s never gonna have the attention span to remember to brush his teeth once he’s out of the shower so. ta da
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bringin’ out the freedom in your eyes
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visiting albert’s small southern town over their summer, the pair’s silly date shenanigans are interrupted
aka ralbert getting together in college and race realizing just how much of a shit albert was in highschool
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- @we-are-inevitable ✨
this is !!! javid au. davey pov, long distance relationship/online friends/songwriters au ????
it starts before they get together with the flirting and the pining and the blah blah blah blah blah and it’s basically. david jacobs’ elaborate plan to woo jack kelly via meticulous plans with all of jack’s irls to visit him. it’s a good time but i’m not very far into it
the title is from bugbear by chloe moriondo bc. david jacobs is incredibly intelligent but man if jack kelly doesn’t shut his mind down like a 2007 dell desktop computer <3
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Any more about oh lei oh lai oh lord? -el
@roideny u and jac are the most predictable mfs i’ve ever met in my entire life
soldier/poet/king au inspired by this post
finch is the heir to the throne that ran away just before his father was killed by his belligerent uncle, albert is a (fairly newly) knighted soldier that fled the castle after the assassination of his king, and race is a low born poet with such eloquent writing skills he managed to land himself a seat at the previous king’s table. race and al escaped together, and once they manage to collect themselves, their mission is to find the prince, take back the castle, and save the kingdom. whether or not they’ll be able to is up to fate <3
the title is from soldier poet king by the oh hellos for. obvious reasons.
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Going to ask about 'there’s no plan (no race to be run)' because that sounds fun.
ok so !! small town au. race and jack have just moved from nyc to al’s tiny town in georgia. al and jack are on the same baseball team even tho jack’s a couple years old bc. school teams. race shows up to practice exactly (1) time and then an entire season’s worth of time is dedicated to a ridiculous amount of pining. multiple chapters bc i’ve already written 2 or 3 :))
title from no plan by hozier bc it has incurable small town au vibes and all of the lyrics make good chapter titles
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bouncin’ off the walls (floatin’ on air)
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slow dancing and sweet nothings.
aka. i write nothing but useless fluff based on country love songs when i’m bored so have Whatever This Is. it’s not good but i love it so 🤷
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i have been violently thrown back into my ralbert phase and i just wanna say i love ur writings so much <3 they are my faves
AWH thank u sm !!! i’m glad u like them <333
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Happy Birthday Chandler!!!
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I'm late to the party. But 33 for the ask thing.
ayyyyyy thank u cam mwah
33: the last adventure you’ve been on?
week before last me n my absolutely-not-crush friend went n saw bullet train in theaters cause i love going to see movies and then we just like. hung out. got dinner. pushed me through walmart grocery in a shopping cart. it was a good time and i got a cryptid picture of myself out of it LMFAO
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Hi bestie,
4, 8, 12 (I am aware that you have answered this), 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 47
You’re welcome,
“you’re getting every 4th number except 48 #gostupidgocrazy”
i fucking hate u mwah
4: which cryptid being do you believe in?
none of them, but i DO have a deep rooted obsession with mothman that confuses u so that’s funky. i’m also very fond of bigfoot,,,,, do MiB count as cryptids ??? cause they’re fun too
8: how many water bottles are in your room right now?
zero !! i exclusively drink water out of my giant gudetama cup <3
16: can you drive?
yes, both legally and in practice
20: do you say soda or pop?
soda, i’m not midwestern 🤝
24: if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
i would be pushing you off it (/j). nah i would be blasting music and we would be having an in depth discussion about something really stupid cause that’s just our whole friendship fr
28: do you wear a mask?
yes !
32: do you have a favorite towel?
yes. when i bought said towel and it’s brethren i made my entire family sign a contract to not steal my towels and they do anyway
36: how many times have you changed your url?
once !! never again. (unless i stop posting about newsies which feels…. unlikely.)
40: did you have any snacks today?
currently attempting to microwave my pasta from last night while typing but it’s going poorly. no snacks tho.
44: you get a free pass to kill anyone, who would it be?
you <3 or annoying football boy from my theology class last year.
47: what was the last message you sent?
“i’m gonna shake him up in a pringles can fr i LOVE HIM” to one of my irls about a fictional man i will not disclose at this time HEHEHE
elliot u are the worst i adore u pls step on a lego <333
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y’all are enablers so. ralbert art
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Another one of my favorite ideas I literally just thought up:
Lifeguard Albert and Swimmer Race
i’ve been trying to write this for MONTHS so. have a thing
this is one of my favorites !! they’re just. really really cute and sweet and it’s one of those aus that’s not really got a plot it’s just. me rambling about Them cause they’re cute
ok so
i feel like this happens somewhere smaller than manhattan. borderline small town au. still in NY, just. not the city
albert moves to [insert random medium-small town name here] from [insert definitely smaller southern town here] (cause y’all can pry southern al from my cold, dead hands) just after the end of his sophomore year. literally the first week of june
and. he decides that if he has to be stuck Here he might as well do something with his time other than sit inside playing video games cause he doesn’t know anybody
and he got his lifeguard certification last summer cause he was always at the pool anyway
so. summer lifeguarding job. ta da
race is a competitive swimmer, but also just sorta a fish. he grew up in the water, he loves the water, he spends his entire summer in the pool, even if he’s not actually practicing. honestly a majority of the time he’s just fuckin around with his friends
this is how he first sees albert
albert stands out on a good day. 6’2, athletic, bright red hair, kinda stoic but a laugh that fills a room and a voice that carries for miles when he finally says something. put him on a lifeguard tower and that increases about tenfold
race doesn’t know there’s a new lifeguard until they switch but OH BOY DOES HE NOTICE
he falls into the pool
like there’s no other way to put it he sees albert walk out and gets so distracted he trips and tips into the pool
jack laughs his ass off
race spends the first week fawning over the new lifeguard and vehemently refusing to actually speak to him
“i can’t talk to HIM, are you kidding??? he’s probably straight anyway”
he’s not straight
albert pretends he doesn’t hear race’s very loud friends start teasing him every time he does. literally anything
albert also absolutely does not stop wearing a shirt for a reaction from the cute blond boy
no. nope. doesn’t do that. not at all. yea he does
there’s even a couple of girls bold enough to ask albert out and he. very kindly tells them no and “oh my god racer he turned them down then winked at you can you get your shit together and GO TALK TO HIM”
the second week consists of one jack kelly dragging race over to start conversations with albert before his watch starts
and he even lets albert keep calling him toni without correcting him cause he heard jack say it and honestly he doesn’t mind it that much coming from albert
by the end of week two race has lost all fear and is shamelessly flirting with cute lifeguard boy without having to be dragged along by jack
actually, jack doesn’t even bother tagging along anymore cause he doesn’t particularly want to watch his little (he’s like 18 months younger but OKAY) brother flirt
and then. there’s an actual swim meet. cause it’s summer and that’s when shit like this happens
i’m ngl i only know a little bit about swim meets from my cousins but. half of this is for plot convenience so just go with it
albert isn’t working, but he’s always been around the pool and swimming environment so. he goes to the meet cause Why Not
and, surprise surprise, his favorite regular is competing
he doesn’t get a chance to talk to him until after he competes (and wins, cause i said so) but. hhhhh
“you never told me you competed! you were great, toni”
“thank you! honestly i kinda forgot—”
and then. cause race and albert are standing suspiciously close together and race’s face has gone all pink and these two can never go very long without getting embarrassed
race’s teammates notice them <3
“ohhhhhh, who’s this, higgins?”
“i thought you hated being called toni?”
“damn, okay! i see you racer!”
race is fuckin mortified LMAO
albert thinks it’s funny. and he’s laughing when race grumbles and grabs his arm and drags him away from his “terrible, awful, good for nothing” teammates.
which makes race sigh and fight a smile cause how in the hell is he supposed to be annoyed around a laugh like that ???
“you don’t like being called ‘toni’, huh? don’t seem to mind when i do it”
“oh, shut up”
“i’m just saying! y’never told me to stop, either, darlin’”
and race stops dead cause he called him a pet name AND it had that stupid lil accent on it that made his heart stop functioning properly
and then he decides to say fuck it and just commit cause GOD he really wants to kiss him
“probably ‘cause i didn’t want you to stop. s’cute when you say it”
and his hand was already on albert’s arm, and now they’re even closer together and race doesn’t know this but albert is losing his shit internally cause THERE IS A CUTE BOY CALLING THINGS HE DOES CUTE AND STANDING VERY CLOSE OH MY GO—
and then one of them figures out what they’re doing and leans in. inconclusive who tbh but it happens
race’s teammates and friends try to ruin it by catcalling them but it doesn’t work cause albert just laughs against his lips and dips him for the Dramatics
now instead of flirting in the pool house before albert has to go out they just make out or smth idk don’t ask questions
they go on cheesy movie dates and they get ice cream and they hang out and talk in albert’s pickup he got as a present from his dad after they moved and. yeah <3
they get caught staring at eachother like. an embarrassing amount of times ngl
also those girls come back fully intending to ask albert out again but uh. he walks out to do his watch with his arm around race’s shoulder and kisses him before he switches so. their hopes die pretty quickly LMAO
and then august comes and they’re going back to school and they’re Stupid so they’re like !!! oh no i’m never gonna see you !!!
and then on the first day of school albert’s stupid pickup pulls into the parking lot and race almost falls over where he’s standing next to jack
long story short, albert almost gets tackled and race confuses his classmates with the fact he’s trying his nonexistent football skills on the new kid
and then albert kisses race and everyone that isn’t race’s friends gets a helluva lot MORE confused
they don’t even fuckin notice they’re too busy giggling to each other and being horrible and awful and adorable
yeah no they’re That couple and i hate them (obviously)
by the end of august everyone’s gotten used to them cause. it’s adjust or die they’re not gonna get any less ridiculous
and that’s them !!!! they’re my favs <33333
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what's your favorite flavor of ralbert
so. y’know that duo you know that is always described as A Unit
they are not 2 people, they are a Duo and their names are said like it’s one word when someone mentions them. they’re not “race and albert.” they’re “race-n-al.”
THATS my favorite brand of ralbert. entirely inseparable, but in a way that people also can’t conceive the idea they’re Actually Dating cause they spend so much time together.
they’re best friends, first and foremost, they just. also kiss n stuff. even if albert refuses to call race his best friend cause of the smile race does when al calls him his boyfriend
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turn a little faster (the world will follow after)
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albert’s been flustering race since they were in middle school. now is no different, even with his friends and a skateboard involved.
or the boys fall in love through skateboarding. based on the anon dialogue prompt “somebody’s in love!”. dearest cam ( @enter-plot-holes-here ), thank u for suffering through my bullshit for the sake of content. i love you so fuckin much dude. moodboard made by yours truly <3
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