#ali loves her mutuals
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pausing your regularly scheduled drama to announce that camp tensions are finally relaxing ~
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dulcewrites · 2 years
Fool Me Once
Pairing: aemond targaryen x reader (wc: 2.4k)
Summary: Learning about Aemond’s indiscretions hurts more than you thought it would, and leads you to accepting help from an unlikely source.
Warnings: gaslighting and manipulation on Aemond’s part, reader being slightly naive :(
A/N: I love rewatching certain eps or scenes for inspo. I got inspo for this watching the iconic knife scene. Very interested lately in writing women that eventually (and rightfully) snap after being actively harmed by patriarchy/the men in their lives. Also alys and aemond meet after the dance starts but let’s pretend they meet right before viserys passes. This will have a slightly ambiguous ending… for funsies 🫶🏽
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You consider yourself a forbearing person. Your resigned nature was natural to you, but also the way you’ve been bred to be. Your mother especially preaching that good things come to those who not only wait but keep their heads while waiting. This idea only got compounded once your family arrived at court in King’s Landing. Now you had septas, on top of your mother, teaching you the ways of a ‘proper’ lady. Demure, well read and groomed, and obedient. You did was expected because what else could you do. Your parents were in your ear telling you do not waste the opportunity in front of you. An opportunity for a better life.
For a time, you thought your mother had a point. You did as you were told, and good things fell into place. Princess Helaena and you became fast friends through your lessons. Your interest in plants crossing over with her interest in insects and arachnids. Through your friendship with her, you caught the eye of Queen Alicent.
Despite your shy disposition, you managed to get in the good graces of the most powerful family in the Seven Kingdoms. You trusted the process.
But the cracks in the restrictive facade started once the discussion marriage entered the picture. You knew marrying for love was not something everyone was afforded, but you thought maybe you had a chance. There were tries for courtships here and there, but it was something you kept putting off. The clock was ticking, and no one let you forget it. Especially after your friends, including Helaena, started getting married and having families of their own.
You still remember the thrilled smile on your mother’s face when Queen Alicent not so subtly suggested a union between Prince Aemond and you.
The One-Eyed Prince. He had been nice enough towards you. But you were sure most of that was out of sheer obligation because his mother and sister liked you. Despite the love you have for Helaena and the respect you have for the queen, the idea of marrying into the family terrified you. You saw the burden and hurt each of them carried. Even with the possibility that Aemond wasn’t as bad as Prince Aegon or King Viserys, his brooding nature still made you nervous for what a marriage with him would mean.
“Your work has paid off my sweet girl”
It took a simple sentence from your mother to change your mind. The ever growing need to be validated spurred you into a decision you’d later question.
The courtship was quick and to the point, much like Aemond. He wasn’t thrilled with the decision. Then again, happiness was not an emotion you’d seen him exude very often. You did not know what it looked like.
Throughout the courting, wedding celebrations, wedding itself and after, you two had a mutual understanding or so you thought.
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You saw the change in him. When you’re all but forced to spend your days with someone, you notice their behavior more. He’s lighter it seems. You don’t know how to explain it, but he moves different.
The only feeling you can compare it to is when you were pregnant with Daella, your daughter. For all his faults, you can acknowledge that Aemond is a good father. He was from the moment the maester told you two the news. He was attentive and uncharacteristically warm to you during your pregnancy. And then he acted as if a weight was lifted off his shoulders when she was born. Even now, he indulges her rambunctious antics and playful conduct in a way he wouldn’t for anyone else. His precious byka zaldrīzes
His devotion never wanes when it comes to her. It was a different story for you and him.
It was foolish, but so typical of you. You had done your duty so well that you’re now in the position of having genuine feelings for him. Wanting your husband shouldn’t be a problem. But craving the love and affection of an enigma like Aemond is not for the faint hearted.
“Is my brother with his whore tonight,” his words were cruel, but he genuinely seemed curious. Aegon and you always had a strange relationship. He wasn’t rude though certainly not kind. You remember overhearing the way he described you after you two first met: pretty but terribly dull. You didn’t know what hurt worse: him saying that or the lack of pushback from Aemond.
Alicent gives you a pained look before pulling Aegon to side during dinner. You can tell by her scowl and his now sheepish facial expression that she’s using some choice words.
You thank the seven that Daella was asleep after a long day of playing with her cousins and wasn’t at dinner. The empty spot next to you feels vast. This is the third dinner he has missed. It never occurred to you that Aemond would seek companionship elsewhere. Now that it’s on your mind, you can’t forget it.
His whore
Aemond and Aegon are not the same. You know Aemond is not the type for frivolous intimate moments with silk street brothel women. You also know the intimacy he seeks requires knowing someone. He requires way more stimulation. Whether that is a blessing or a curse… you don’t know.
Aegon’s comment had you on high alert. Paranoid even. When Aemond is away, you wonder what he’s doing and who with. It only gets worse the sicker King Viserys grows. It shows on everyone in the family. Queen Alicent gets more anxious for what’s to come, Aegon lashes out, Helaena becomes more cryptic and silent, you wonder how this will impact your already complex relationship with this family, but then there’s Aemond. He shrugs off any ill feelings towards the situation.
At first you wondered if it is because he’s the only one that’s made peace with that relationship never being mended. He didn’t seem to seek out the same approval or explanation for Viserys’ bad parenting that everyone else still craves. With the King dying, meant the chance of change dying as well. But really his mind is elsewhere.
You know you’ve reached a new low when you try to pry information from Ser Criston. If anyone knows where Aemond sneaks off to, you assume it would be Criston. But in the end, it was wrong to go to him. Criston is fiercely loyal to Alicent and in turn fiercely loyal to her children. Though he has treated you kindly, he would never give up more information than he had to.
The idea greatly backfires when then you find yourself the one being questioned.
“If you want to know where I go, you could simply ask,” Aemond’s tone is cool and composed. It makes you uneasy.
He leans leisurely against the wall. You freeze hearing that declaration. Criston must’ve told him about your worries. It feels a bit surreal now having the opportunity to confront him about your thoughts. The words run through your head but never seem to make it out of your mouth.
“You know I like going for long rides with Vhagar,” he starts walking towards you. “She’s older; she needs to stay sharp.”
You do know that. It’s something you found endearing about him, despite how you feel about dragons.
“I just feel like I haven’t seen you much,” you manage to get it out with a forced smile. “Like you’re always away.”
He tilts his head to the side in question. You feel like one of Helaena’s bugs. Inspected and poked.
“You don’t like being around Vhagar,” he points out. “I’d love to take you with me, but you don’t want that now do you.”
You look down at your hands. He doesn’t get it. He has the blood of the dragon flowing through him. For him, Vhagar is a symbol of pride and declaration of love for his ancestors and house. To you, she’s an unpredictable power that you still think humans should not mess with. It’s better to chalk it up to you fearing versus bringing up how you really feel about them. How you share the same skepticism many people across the Seven Kingdoms do. It scares you to think about Daella getting a dragon of her own. You see the awe in her eyes when she looks at her egg or when Aemond tells her stories of the past and present that include them.
Oh, the irony of you being weary of dragons while bounded to a man who rides the biggest of them all.
“No, I don’t,” you mumble. You finally work up the courage to bring up what you really want. “It’s just Aegon said something about you, and I guess it made me think about where you go so often.”
The words adultery or whore make your tongue feel heavy, and don’t come out He sighs once he reaches you, grabbing your face in his hands making you look at him.
“My wife do not let the thoughts of the small minded people cloud your judgment,” he leans his forehead down to yours. “You’re smarter than that.”
He’s not wrong, it is like Aegon stir things up. Aemond has a way of doing this. A way of making you feel silly with his self-assurance. He makes it easy to doubt your gut instincts. His affection has a similar debilitating quality. It’s why your head gets a bit fuzzy when he kisses you. A warm and gentle kiss that left you a bit weak in the knees. You sigh when his lips move to the sensitive spot under your ear.
“We should have another babe,” his whisper makes your eyes shoot open. “Give Daella a sibling.”
You pull away, eyes wide. As much as you loved how Aemond doted on you while you were with Daella, you also remember how difficult the experience was. How towards the end, you were basically confined to the castle as to not risk your health or the babe’s. Your every thought being on the life in your stomach.
“A little warrior would be nice, no?”
Aemond had told you he’s not picky about how many children you two have or even the sex of them. But you’re sure like any noble man, he wants his blood and name passed on as much as possible. Especially as a Targaryen. You’d be lying if you said the thought of a little boy didn’t make you happy. Your children hopefully having a strong bond.
You look at the seemingly earnest look in his eye. You nod with a nervous smile, and he kisses you again. That night being the first of many he tried to put an heir in you.
He wouldn’t want another child while his heart is not it… right?
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You gingerly rub your stomach while leaning your head back against the seat. Ever grateful that you have Queen Alicent and Helaena to keep you company and help. Taking Daella off your hands during the day while you rest, your pregnancy making you more tired.
Before you can fall asleep, your lady in waiting peaks her head in the room.
“I’m sorry to disturb you princess, but Lord Strong has requested to see you.”
Your brows furrow. You have seen Larys Strong around, but outside of that he’s been a mystery to you. A figure looming in the background but never someone you interacted with regularly.
“Send him in.”
Lord Strong comes in, small smile on his face. You motion for him to sit in the chair next to you.
“Princess, you’re glowing,” he starts as he sits. “The halls are buzzing with excitement about a new babe.”
You raise a brow. Maybe you outwardly look better than you feel because you don’t feel positively glowing. Not in the slightest. You didn’t feel this exhausted till later when you had Daella.
“Thank you Lord Strong,” you try to keep a kind smile on your face. “What can I do for you today?”
“I just wanted to check in. Let you know that if you need anything, I am always of service.”
You nod slowly, confused about where this is all coming from. What service?
“I know how stressful being with child can be, especially when the father is… busy,” he continues, leaning back in the seat.
Your smile drops. For a time, you did think things were getting better. Aemond seemed excited when you two found out you were with child again. Things were good till they weren’t anymore. He’s not around again, and now you are going to bring another life into an unstable situation. The tone of Larys’ voice makes you uneasy. He smiles like he knows something you don’t.
“I appreciate the kindness, but I do not think your um services are needed.”
He nods at that before reaching into his pocket and handing you what you assume is a letter. He motions you to read it. You stare at the outside of letter. recognizing your husband’s handwriting.
My Alys
Your hands shake as you open the letter. Your vision gets blurred with tears as certain words and phrases stand out. Miss you, need to see you, miserable at King’s Landing, love you. Your squeeze your eyes shut when you see words mistake, baby, and your name in the same sentence.
“Those pesky ravens, sometimes they do the maddest things,” Larys whispers softly. “My princess, the woman the letter is for is an… old friend of mine. If you need me to keep an eye on this or even take care of anything, just let me know. I am always here.”
You look at him as he gets up to leave, lip trembling. Your eyes move stare at the fire in front of you. Fire, blood, and dragons have all consumed your life now.
Is this why you don’t under the understand the obsession with dragons. You hate the ludicrous insistence that you can control them. That if you give them enough love and patience that they will need you the way you need them. Good behavior has gotten you nothing. Doing right by the dragons in your life has gotten you nowhere. Aemond is not yours despite the vows you took, or sacrifices you’ve made for him. The same way your children will never be yours despite the pain you take to have them.
You’ve been burned by the very dragon that’s supposed to protect you.
“Lord Strong,” you blurt before he gets to the door. He turns to you expectedly. “There is something you can do for me actually.”
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f1version · 5 months
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pairing: Mick Schumacher x reader ( she/her )
summary: Mick and you have been best friends for years, been through the good and bad, but feelings change and thoughts spiral. Will this holiday time make both of you realize that you could be the one?
warnings/info: fluff, best friends to lovers, miscommunication (they’re avoiding each other), kissing, a bit of anxiety, a try-to hallmark movie my way through fics. 
word count: 2.1k words
note: inspired on sabrina carpenter’s song! hope you like it, have a good day and happy holidays! 
snowglobe, a holiday special
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DECEMBER 20, 2023
It’s cold outside; snow is falling everywhere but not with enough force to block the streets or close the stores. Usually, when the weather looks like this, you would call Mick and bake those cookies he loves. He would put on his ‘Emotional Support’ apron and pretend to help. You would tease him about how he never does anything, just there to eat, and he would laugh, eyes lighten up, and say something along the lines of—I just passed you the flour! or whatever ingredient he helped you grab from the shelf ten minutes back.
Sometimes you wonder how you ended up in this place, so desperately in love with your best friend, with butterflies in your stomach when he hugs you, a silly smile on your face when he tells some awful joke, and an enormous fear of telling him, sort of. It doesn’t matter; that won't stop you from baking cookies on such a pretty snowy day.
You: Wanna come over? I’m making cookies
Mick: Very busy right now
Mick: Just do them without me
You: that's alright
Here’s the thing: Mick’s been acting as cold as snow since the last time you saw each other a week ago. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, not that you are aware of; you were watching Hallmark movies together, and he decided to leave abruptly before the movie ended. Maybe it’s just an emergency, he said, but he’s been running away from you for days, your friends confused over the whole thing. 
You wonder if he’s noticed. Lately, your friends have spent a lot of time telling you how obvious it looks—shiny eyes paired with a never-ending smile. They have also suggested it’s mutual, which you hope because all you've wanted to do before your family's Christmas party is to confess, but who knows, maybe you’ve all been watching too many movies.
DECEMBER 22, 2023
“Are you sure you didn’t do anything to make him mad?” Alicia, your best friend, asks. She came in to leave some decorations for the party on Sunday, but one life update lent to another and of course, the Mick situation came up.
“It doesn't even seem like he’s mad at me,” You say because it’s true, you’ve known Mick long enough to know how he acts when mad,  “he’s just ignoring me.”
She sighs. “Then why don’t you ask him what’s wrong?” 
You’ve asked yourself that a couple of times, but the answer is still not clear, usually is as easy as walking down the street to his house but this time the thought overwhelms you. “Because I'm scared?” You answer, out of breath. “I don't know. I’m focusing on the party, especially because Mom doesn’t come back until tomorrow evening.”
“Honestly, my suggestion is for you to ask him before the party.” 
You sigh, knowing she’s right. The Christmas party is a tradition your families started eleven years ago, after Alicia, Gina, Esteban, Mick, and you decided to become inseparable at one of Mick’s birthday parties. This year it will be hosted at your family home, and with your mom away in Germany for a work conference, you’ve had your friends come around and help. They’ve all shown up but Mick. What the hell is his problem?
“I know Ali but,” Your phone starts ringing, Mickey is displayed on your screen with a picture of Mick carrying Angie. Alicia rolls her eyes and encourages you to take it with her head. “Hello?” 
“Hi. I'm panicking a bit,” he says, the background noise lets you know he's in his car. 
“Why?” You ask, forgetting you were having a crisis on this. “Is everything okay?”
He sighs. “It’s embarrassing, but I have no idea what to get your mom,” he says, and you laugh. Last year, you were having this exact crisis about Corinna.
You hum, thinking, “She wanted new pedals for her bike. Loved some she saw in Bike World; you’ll have to drive a bit, but I’ll send you the pic.” You put your phone away, change the call to speaker, and open messages, sending the picture your mom sent you a month ago. “There you go.”
“You are a lifesaver.”
You smile, letting out a laugh. “I know, idiot.”
“Bye, love you,” he says. Your calls always end like this; it’s a habit, so you mutter Love you back and hang up.
Alicia is staring at you, a grin on her red lips. “I hate both of you,” and she laughs, grabbing her keys and purse, about to leave. You’re somehow dumbfounded. 
“Bye, love you. Love you,” she mimics, and you feel heat rise up your cheeks. “You guys really need to talk; I’m done dealing with him too.”
“What? Ali, it’s a ha-”
“I’m coming back at six”
“Just ask him!” She closes de door before you can even ask her to come back.
DECEMBER 24, 2023
Needless to say, you didn’t talk with Mick on the 23rd. Too busy dealing with the party and, as Esteban said, too busy avoiding the topic. 
Now it’s 7 p.m., warm lights tint the house while friends and family sway along the music in the background. Mick has been around since ten in the morning, bringing presents, a couple of ingredients that your mom was missing, and decorations, which he then helped put together. Now he’s just in full black attire, wine in hand, singing along to the song playing. Once again, you're too busy in your world to notice him approaching you.
“You always know which songs to play,” he says. Because he knows it’s your playlist reproducing. You know that’s one of his favorite songs.
“I try my best. But I also know it’s one of your favorites,” you answer, and he hums. There’s a void between you, one that hasn't been there before. It's not the tension when you fight or the longing when you're upset; it's not the excitement of seeing each other after months of traveling or the mischief when you prank your friends. It’s different—something that has been building itself for months—and you are too oblivious to understand what it is.
“You look beautiful,” Mick says, not looking at you but at his drink. He’s looked at you enough tonight, he thinks. You look up, suddenly feeling an outrageous urge to kiss him. Try and see if that’s the answer to all your questions.
He’s faster though, clears his throat, and says, “I’m going for more cookies.”
And he leaves. Your eyes stay on his back as he takes one cookie from the snack table. See him hum to the taste. You smile, bittersweet, What is going on, Mick? You want to shout at him, tell him in a million different ways how confusing all of this is, but that’s a talk for tomorrow; you’ve decided, you can't escape it any longer then.
"Shatz,” Someone calls and then says your name.
“Hm, yes, mom?” You ask, and it’s time to eat.
[ 10 minutes later ]
You are in the middle of dinner, or gossiping time, as Gina calls it, when Aunt Adelaide starts asking each one of you—the single, young members of the family and friends—about relationships. It’s not your favorite part, but a lot of fun commentary comes out of it.
Hearing your name, you know it's your turn. “Do you have anyone special yet? Maybe a secret boyfriend you don't want to tell us about?"
You laugh, “No, no. But I hope someone comes along this year.” First, you have to get over Mick, you think, and laugh a bit more.
“I have a neighbor I could introduce you to, dear. He’s a lovely young man.” She always has someone to present you to; it’s surprising. You try to go on dates with them, but they never end up working.
“I’ll think about it.” You say this as the loud sound of silver hitting the floor calls everyone’s attention.
Mick abruptly stands up. “I’m sorry,” he says as he picks up his fallen fork. He looks uncomfortable, like he’s had enough of the food, the music, or the topic. “Excuse me, I’m going for another one.”
The table has fallen silent. Aunt Adelaide is looking at you in amusement, a playful grin on her face. Someone nudges your shoulder, and you know it’s Alicia. Her eyes stand on a strange middle ground between confused and knowing, tilting her head in encouragement, like she always does. You also stand up, not so abruptly, but now everyone looks at you expectantly. “I’m going. Excuse me.”
You follow Mick to the kitchen; thankfully, it's far enough from the dining room that no one will bother.
“Mick?” You call once you’re there. His head is on his hands, and he is murmuring inaudible words to himself. "Mick, what is going on?"
He looks up, his hair messy. He’s overthinking, and you don't know what to do. You feel lost looking at him, far away from his thoughts and feelings. “What do you mean? Everything is alright.”
“You don’t look alright,” you say, shaking your head. “You’ve been acting strange.”
“No, I haven't. We’re alright,” he lies once again, picking on his thumbs.
You sigh, knowing this is when you talk about it—no script, no thinking, just questions and hope for answers. Whatever is budging him has his anxiety running in full force. “No, you’re not, and we're not; I have no idea what just happened, and you're acting as if you barely know me."
He takes a deep breath, runs his fingers through his hair, and looks at you with his deep blue eyes. You see questions being asked but don’t understand how to answer them. “It’s nothing; I'm just. It’s hard to explain; you won't understand.”
“I will try to understand then, like I always do.” You promise, taking two steps forward, close enough to reach out and hold him, "Just please talk to me."
“I don’t want to mess things up between us,” he says, sounding afraid. It reminds you of the time sixteen-year-old Mick broke your favorite perfume by accident. He didn’t want to tell you, too afraid you would stop talking to him. You really hope he didn’t break anything, material or not.
“You won't. I will be here for you.”
“I just want,” he stops himself once again. His eyes never leave yours, so you open yours a bit, waiting, listening to whatever he has to say, and it seems to work because he just says, “You."
“What?” You blank, not knowing what to say or do, not knowing if you understood correctly or if it’s the movie's effect once again. You see the exact moment in which he panics.
“No, fuck. I’m sorry, I.” He looks everywhere but your eyes, searching for an exit. Your first instinct is to grab his hand, keeping him where he is.
“I could,” you say slowly, looking at your now-intertwined hands. “I could be misunderstanding all of this, but, Mick,” you say, looking at him. He’s looking back, hope in his gorgeous sky blue eyes. “I like you, but no, not even. Mick, I’m so in love with you it hurts. I’ve been wanting to tell you for a while, but then you disappeared. You didn’t want to see me; you were acting different, and I got so worried, but I think...”
“That we are both idiots,” he says, a small smirk growing on his lips.
“Yes, yes, we are.”
He smiles and brings his free hand to your cheek, says your name like it’s meant for him to say forever. “I’m in love with you too, so much. I got so scared when I realized that I didn't just like you, that I couldn’t hide it anymore. And then our friends started saying how obvious I was being.”
“Same here,” you say, laughing. He moves his hand, pulling you in for a warm hug. It feels different than any other you’ve shared; the last two pieces of a puzzle you’ve been building together, finally finding their place. It’s a breath of fresh air. Mick’s hands are all around you, softly caressing your back, his head buried in your neck, leaving a small peck before distancing himself enough so he can see your face. You want to ask if it's appropriate to kiss him now.
But he's the first to talk. “Quick question."
“Do I need a mistletoe to kiss you?” He asks, and you laugh loudly. Shake your head in embarrassment. Oh, how you love this man.
“As much as I enjoy the tradition, all you, Mick Schumacher, have to do is ask,” and now it's his turn to laugh, brings you closer while doing so.
“Can I please kiss you?"
You pretend to think about it and decide to tease him a little bit: “Is that what you asked for Christmas?"
“It’s the exact thing I asked Santa Claus for."
“Then merry Christmas, Mick.”
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jennaispunk · 4 months
Just Another Saturday Night....
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Note: Happy Valentine's Day Ali @pedgito. I'm your Space Sisters secret Valentine!!! I hope you enjoy it!
Summary: Javi invites himself to help you babysit for Steve and Connie on Valentine's Day. What happens between you is completely unexpected.
Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader
Warnings/Tags: fluff, sexual tension, kissing, touching, Valentine's Day, friends to lovers, language (Javi, who else?), brief smoking, brief alcohol consumption, mutual pining, no significant age gap, brief use of Spanish, Javi and reader work in the same building but aren't co-workers. Reader understands Spanish, Reader is shorter than Javi and has hair long enough to tuck behind her ear, no other physical description of reader is given. The photos in the moodboard are for aesthetic only.
Word Count: ~5.5k
Other notes: This is my first published fic so please be nice! I am beyond nervous about putting this out there.
Special Thanks to @sawymredfox for the amazing moodboard, @beefrobeefcal for your advice, and @fallingforthearch for beta reading and squealing about this with me.
Divider by @saradika-graphics
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It seemed everyone in this damn building was talking about their plans for Valentines Day. Everyone except for you. Today was just a normal Thursday. You shook your head, trying to clear your mind as you made your way through the bustle of the DEA headquarters. There was no use in giving it any more thought. Love was overrated anyway, right? You dropped off some paperwork to the director’s secretary and headed back to your own desk in the Embassy. The clacking keys of typewriters and sharp ringing of telephones hummed around you as you crossed the room, and you narrowly avoided a collision with an agent with his head stuck in file.  The sound of your name being called across the bullpen made you stop in your tracks.
You scanned the room to see Steve Murphy, smiling at you from his office door. You smiled warmly in return and made your way over to him. Steve and his wife Connie had welcomed you with open arms when you first arrived in Colombia. They had taken you under their wing and the three of you had become close over the last 6 months, frequently sharing dinners at their apartment with their adopted daughter, Olivia, and occasionally Steve’s partner, Javier Peña.
Javi….he was always an enigma to you. He was handsome and a shameless flirt. He was quick with a line and a smile, and he used it to his advantage. There wasn’t a woman that worked in this building that hadn’t been subjected to his charms, and you were no exception. Of course, you had a thing for him. How could you not, with his aquiline nose and pouty lips that just begged to be kissed.  You’d spent enough time with him to know him pretty well, but he held you at arm’s length, never letting you get too close. He seemed content to keep it that way and you let him. It’s not like you actually had a chance with him anyway.
“Hey Steve, what’s up?” You studied him as he grinned at you in that goofy way he always did. That smile reminded you of your brother and it made you miss him. Maybe you should call him and check in.
“I need a huge favor.” he asked with a soft smile.
You groaned softly. You hoped Connie wasn’t trying to set you up on another blind date. The last one was an absolute disaster.
“I don’t like the sound of this.” Your eyes narrowed. “What did you do this time?”
He chuckled and crossed his arms across his chest. “I didn’t do anything. I need a babysitter on Saturday. I was able to score reservations at that new restaurant downtown for Valentine’s Day. Connie’s been dying to try it since they opened, and I thought that it would be a nice surprise for her.”
You chuckled softly. “And you thought that your little spinster friend would be free on the most romantic night of the year?”
“You just haven’t mentioned any one special lately, so I thought you’d be free.” He cocked his head. “Why are you calling yourself a spinster, anyway? You’re gorgeous.”
The familiar combination of cigarette smoke and aftershave hit your nostrils before you saw him, and your breath hitched. Steve’s eyes darted over your shoulder, and you followed his gaze. “Ain’t that right, Javi?” The turquoise button-down shirt and tight dark wash jeans accentuated his biceps and his cinched waist. Javi appraised you, arching his brow and quickly raking up and down your body. “Sure, you’re at least a 7, princess.” He teased in the way only he could, flashing you that grin that made your knees weak. Your hands curled into fists at your sides.
Princess. That word single handedly made your blood boil and your stomach flip at the same time.
“Thanks, Javi.” you shot back, rolling your eyes.  He moved closer to Steve’s office door, crowding you with his broad frame. “What are you two talking about anyway?”
“I’m trying to get our friend here to babysit for me and Connie on Saturday.” Steve grinned, his puppy dog eyes staring you down.
“I’ll babysit for you.” You said. “I’d love to spend some time with Olivia.”
Javi wasted no time and butted in. This was his chance to get you alone and he was going to take it.
Javi smiled, his eyes dancing. “Why don’t I join you? I don’t have any plans for V-day either. What’d ya say, princess? Want some company for babysitting duty?”
Your words failed you and you just looked at him, your eyes wide.  His chocolate chip eyes stared down at you, waiting for you to speak.
“Ummm….” You stammered, your nails digging into your palms. “Sure. Why not?”
He gave you a crooked grin and nothing else.
“What time do you need me?” Your head swiveled back to Steve.
“Six o’clock?”
“I’ll be there.” You flashed a quick smile and turned on your heels.
“See ya then, princess.” Javi shouted to your retreating form.
You knocked on the apartment door at 5:50 pm, tapping your foot rhythmically as you wait. Olivia’s laughter seeped through the door and the tension drained from your shoulders. Connie’s smiling face greeted you a moment later. “Thank you so much for watching Liv for us.”
“It’s no problem at all. You know I love spending time with her.” You smiled warmly at her and walked over to the couch, making yourself comfortable. “You look amazing, by the way. You’re going to have to let me borrow that dress sometime.”
Steve came around the corner bouncing Olivia in his arms while she laughed. The sight made your chest tighten. “Look who’s here, Liv.” The little girl gave you the biggest smile and you stood to take her from her father’s arms.
“We’re going to have a lot of fun tonight, huh?”
Olivia giggled and grabbed for your necklace.
You and Connie chatted idly, while Steve headed into the kitchen. A knock on the door interrupted the conversation.
“Hey, Javi!” Steve ushered him into the living room.
Javi’s eyes settled on you, his hands clenching into fists then relaxing. His chin jutted forward almost imperceptibly. Even in a simple T-shirt and jeans, you still managed to make him want you even though he knew he shouldn’t.
Why did he have to wear that plaid shirt? You thought to yourself as he sat down in the armchair adjacent to the couch. The red and white plaid shirt stretched across the broad expanse of his shoulders. Your heart began to beat a little bit faster, and you bit the inside of your cheek.
“Babe…. we’d better head out or we’re going to be late.” Connie stood and you watched as Steve helped Connie with her coat. He wrapped his arms around her from behind and nuzzled her neck. You sighed quietly and looked away.
“Have a great time.” You take Olivia’s hand to wave at her parents. “Bye Mommy and Daddy.”
Connie leaned down and kissed Olivia’s cheek. “Be good for your Auntie and Uncle.” She looked at you. “Call us if you need anything.”
“There’s beer in the fridge.” Steve said, his eyes darting between you and Javi. “You two behave yourselves. That’s a brand-new couch you’re sitting on.” He wiggled his eyebrows.
The click of the door latching echoed in your ears, making you painfully aware of the fact you and Javi were alone. The television droned in the background as the two of you looked at each other.
“I…” you both start. The sound of your combined nervous laughter made Olivia join in with her own forced laugh, breaking some of the awkward tension that had been building between you. Your eyes snap back to Javi as he clears his throat.
“You first.” His lips lift into a crooked grin.
“I was just going to say that I’m surprised that you were serious about babysitting with me tonight. I thought you’d have a hot date tonight.” He hadn’t mentioned that he had been seeing anyone lately, but maybe he was just keeping it quiet for now.
His throaty chuckle filled your ears. “Why would I want to shell out big bucks on Valentine’s Day when I get to have two pretty girls all to myself tonight?” He teased. His trademark smirk flashed across his face, but his eyes betrayed him with a softness that made the blood rush directly to your cheeks. His eyes flitted away from yours.
You opened your mouth to ask him what he was about to say but Olivia had other plans. She grabbed at your shirt and let out a whine. You realized she was probably hungry. Connie had told you she’d prepared Liv’s dinner and put it in the fridge. “You hungry, bug?” Her babbles confirmed your suspicions, and you sat her on the floor in front of her toys while you warmed up her dinner.
Although the night had started awkwardly, you and Javi settled into comfortable conversation. The pizza he’d ordered had just been delivered and you put Olivia in her highchair with her own dinner in front of her.
“The pizza here is good.” You told him as he took a bite of his slice, “but it’s got nothing on the pizza back home.”
His brow arched. “Oh yeah?”
You never talked about your home much. The subject never really came up in conversation between the two of you.
“Yeah.” You said with a smirk. “There’s this small pizza joint there…. It’s the best pizza in the world. I would fight anyone on that.”
The sound of his chuckle reverberated through your entire body and his eyes settled on you. “That’s pretty big talk, maybe I’ll have to try it sometime.” He finished his slice and wiped his hands on a napkin. “Anything else special about your hometown?”
You told him more about your hometown, and he told you about Laredo as you finished eating. Olivia, never one to sit still for long, voiced her impatience and you lifted her from her highchair.
“I’ll clean up.” he volunteered, causing you to raise your eyebrows.
“Don’t look so surprised.” he smirked.
You laughed and adjusted Olivia on your hip. “If you insist. Liv and I will be playing in the living room.”
You spread some toys out on the living room floor and sat Olivia down. You stretched out on the floor, stacking some blocks in a pyramid. Olivia babbled and knocked them down, causing you to laugh softly. The sound of his footsteps made you both look up at him. Olivia grabbed a block and held it out to him. “You want Uncle Javi to play? Say ‘Come play with me, Uncle Javi’” Your eyes drifted up to meet his, your eyes twinkling at the double meaning behind those words.
Javi’s hands immediately went to his hips, his left knee jutting out slightly. His eyes darkened as his tongue pressed against his cheek. His eyes darted to the floor then back at you. You smirked as he turned away, your confidence soaring at the fact that you’d managed to rattle him, even if it was only a little. “Maybe Uncle Javi needs a minute.”
Javi stood with his back to you, willing himself to calm down; He wasn’t a man to get flustered easily. The idea of playing with you made him hard. He thought about football…..the amount of paperwork on his desk….anything to stop thinking about you.
A few moments later, he spun back around with the cool, confident mask firmly back in place. He didn’t acknowledge what had just passed between you and you let it slide, not wanting to push your luck. He sat down on the floor with you and picked up a block, smiling at Olivia.
The three of you played on the floor, you and Javi taking turns with the blocks and watching Olivia squeal with delight as she knocked them down. You wondered if you would ever have this……the man and the baby. Maybe it wasn’t in the cards for you. Maybe you were always meant to be on the outside looking in.
Olivia’s yawn snapped you from your thoughts. You smiled as Olivia pouted and rubbed her eyes. “Looks like someone’s getting sleepy.” You sat up and gathered the little girl into your arms. “Let’s get you to bed, little one.” A warm feeling flowed through you as Olivia nestled her head into your shoulder. You cuddled her closer, relishing the feeling of someone needing you.
As you walked the hall to her room, she began to cry. Soft sobs filled your ears, and it broke your heart. “Hey, it’s okay babygirl.” You tried your best to soothe her as you bounced her lightly in your arms. Her sobs only grew louder as you paced her room, murmuring soft words into her ear. It seemed the more you tried, the louder she got. You tried everything you could think of, but nothing seemed to help. The sound of her cries made your stomach drop. You tried to think about what Connie would do if she were here as Olivia’s wails grew even louder. “I know I’m not your mama, but I’m trying kiddo.” Panic gripped you as you struggled to calm her. It shouldn’t be this hard to calm a crying baby, right? You couldn’t just let her continue to cry like this, you had to do something, but you were at a loss. Tears stung your eyes as you desperately racked your brain for the magical solution to your problem.
Javi silently watched you as struggled in vain to soothe Olivia. The nightlight in the corner cast a soft glow over you, highlighting your features in a way that made his breath catch in his throat. You looked beautiful holding a child in your arms, even if that child was currently wailing in your ear. It reminded him of a life he could have had if he had done things differently. A life that he still wanted but was afraid to reach for. He lived in a dangerous world, and he couldn’t ask someone, ask you, to sign up for that; but fuck if he didn’t want to.
“Do you think I could try?” Javi’s voice carried over the sound of Olivia’s cries. A wave of relief washed over you as you saw his unmistakeable frame leaning against the doorway.
“Please….” You said as you handed Olivia to him. “I’m out of ideas.”
“What seems to be the problem here, bebecita?” he cooed. “Did your auntie pinch you?” He chuckled softly at his own joke. Olivia wailed even louder, clearly not impressed by his attempt at humor.
You leaned against the wall as he paced the small room, bouncing the Olivia in his arms. He spoke to her softly, murmuring sweet words in Spanish. Olivia seemed to respond to him, her wails lessening in intensity. The tension you were holding in your shoulders began to slowly melt away and you closed your eyes.
“Duermete mi nino (sleep my child)…..duermete mi amor (sleep my love)…..” Javi crooned quietly.
Your eyes immediately snapped open. He was singing to her. Your chest tightened as the words of the lullaby floated to your ears. Holding a baby looks so good on him. The tenderness in his voice was unexpected and you ached to know that side of him. The image of Javi holding a child the two of you created danced in your head as he continued to sing slightly offkey. You tried to shake the image from your head, but it was no use, it was seared into your brain.
“Duermete pedazo de mi corazon (sleep little piece of my heart)….” Olivia was fast asleep on his shoulder by the time he finished the song. He gently laid her in her crib, covering her with a blanket. He looked to you, pressing a thick finger to his lips and motioned toward the door. The two of you quietly crept out of the room, closing the door behind you.
You couldn’t wipe the smile from your face as the two of you plopped down onto the couch.
“Why are you smiling like that?” He asked. His eyes held a look you’d never seen from him before.
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, the heat rising to your cheeks. “What are you talking about?”
He smirked at you, making your face heat up even more. “You know exactly what I’m talking about, princess. What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?”
You looked away for just a moment before meeting his gaze again. “You were so good with her. Where did you learn to do that?” His smile made you want to lean in and kiss him, but you held back.
“I grew up in a large family, lots of cousins. There were always babies around.” His eyes fell to the floor. “My mom used to sing that song to me and my little sister when we were little.” The raucous melody of the cartoons you had on for Olivia cut sharply through the sudden shift in your conversation.
“It was a beautiful song.” You offer, not knowing exactly what to say. That was the most personal thing he’d ever shared with you. The silence lingered as you struggled to come up with the perfect thing to say to cut the tension in the room. “Even if it was offkey.”
His eyes jerked up to meet yours, his signature smirk plastered to his face. “You think you could do better?” he teased.  Laughter drowned out the din of the television. “Probably not.” You admitted.
You let go of a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. Your heart raced a little bit faster at the realization of how close you came to confessing your feelings. Did you see something in his eyes before he looked away? You couldn’t be sure, and you certainly weren’t going to ask. You settled back into your seat on the couch and searched for the remote. “I don’t know about you, but I’ve had enough cartoons for a while.”
Javi’s large hand engulfed the remote as he held it up. “Found it.” You immediately reached for it, but he held it out of your grasp. “Finder’s keepers, princess.” he teased. “I’m choosing what we watch.”
Your bottom lip jutted out and you narrowed your eyes. For a split second, you contemplated trying to fight him for it, but your head won out in the end. Sinking back into the couch, you admitted defeat. “Fine” you pouted, “just don’t pick anything stupid, okay?”
He laughed, the sound filling your stomach with butterflies. The smirk plastered to his face as he started flipping channels.
“I’m grabbing a beer.” You stood from the couch, stretching your arms above your head. “You want one?”
You notice his eyes on you and quickly lowered your arms, suddenly aware that your shirt was riding up, giving him the perfect view of your stomach.
He noticed that you noticed, and he cleared his throat, dragging his eyes away from your body. “I’d love one, thanks.”
Javi let out a deep breath. He’d come so close to telling you how much he wanted you. He wanted to take you in his arms and show you just how deeply he felt for you. That was his plan when he showed up tonight, but now that he was so close to you; he was chickening out. He’d only hurt you in the end, he’d find a way to mess it up.
You returned with two cold beers, and you offer him a bottle. Your fingers brush against his, sending sparks through your body. Settling back into the couch, you tucked your legs under you and took a long drag from your bottle. The cool liquid slides down your throat easily as you try to focus your attention on the television. He finally settled on something and leaned back into the couch. His legs deliciously spread wide, dangerously close to yours despite the distance between you. The heat was radiating from his body, and you struggled to maintain your focus on the movie he chose.
The two of you watched in silence, drinking your beer. It’s comfortable in a strange way and you find yourself wanting more of this. Just being in each other’s presence, not needing words. You could almost imagine this being a normal evening at home, curled up next to him on the couch with your head on his shoulder.
His laugh snaps you from your thoughts. Your attention is drawn back to the movie and it’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever seen.
“You actually like this movie?” You grimace at the absurd scene on the screen.
“How can you not like this movie? It’s a goddamn classic!” He took a long drag from his beer and peered at you over the bottle.
Your brow furrowed. “That’s debatable, but whatever you say, Javi.”
“Just give it a chance, princess. It gets better, I promise.”
A playful scoff erupts from your lips. “It better or I’m never letting you pick the movie again.” The heat rises to your cheeks again. This isn’t a date and your eyes dart toward him to see his reaction. His eyes were focused on the screen, but his moustache twitched slightly. You bit your lip and prayed he wouldn’t say anything. He didn’t but you could’ve sworn he moved a little closer to you.
The credits had barely started to roll when you snatched the remote of his thigh. “My turn!” Your lips curve into a playful smirk as you point the remote at the television. He reached for the remote and you swat his hand away.
“Oh….so that’s how it’s going to be.” He smirked back at you.
You weren’t going to back down, even though you knew he could easily wrestle it away from you if he wanted. “Yep.” You responded; the cockiness dripped from the word.
His jaw twitched and his eyebrows raised. Without warning, he leaned forward and grabbed for the remote. You stopped him with a hand to his chest and tsked. “Didn’t your mother ever teach you to share?” she teased. His eyes narrowed as you laughed.
“You’re asking for it, princess…..I fight dirty.” A devilish smirk formed on his lips.
“Ooooh, I’m so scared.” You rolled your eyes knowing that the size difference between you meant you didn’t stand a chance but part of you wanted to see what he would do.
Without warning, he pounced. He reached out for the remote again and somehow you kept it just out of his reach. The sound of your laughter filled the room. His tongue darted out to wet his full lips and then he descended on you.
He grabbed you by the waist and tickled you. Your shriek pierced the silence, and you covered your mouth to keep from walking up Olivia. He was relentless as he leaned into you, pinning your back against the armrest, tickling you mercilessly. You pulled your hand away from your mouth, laughing and struggling to breathe.
“Javi, please….” you laugh as you squirmed in his grasp.
“Oh, now you want mercy?” he teased, tickling you even harder with a smirk on his face.
“Okay, okay. You win. I give up……I give up!” Your breath is ragged, and tears leak from your eyes from laughing so hard.
You suck in a deep breath as he finally stops tickling you, but he doesn’t move away. He had you caged in with his muscular arms.  He just stared at you, and you found it impossible to hold his intense gaze. You can feel the heat radiating from his body. His lips, so soft and full, were close enough to yours to feel his breath against your cheeks. His hand cupped your cheek and suddenly his lips were on yours. You froze, unable to process what was happening and he pulled back. His brow furrowed and his brown eyes searched your wide eyes.
“What are you doing?” You weakly croaked out.
Javi chuckled softly and smirked. “What does it look like I’m doing?”
Your face burns with heat. What an idiotic thing to say. Of course you know what he’s doing. What you want to know is why, but your pride keeps you from asking. You already knew the answer.
“Haven’t you noticed the way I flirt with you is different from the way I flirt with the other women at the office?” His voice is low and husky and for once he’s the one having a hard time keeping your gaze.
You shook your head slowly and your brows furrowed. Maybe you had noticed, but you thought it was because he could never possibly be interested in you romantically. You never let yourself entertain the thought of him wanting you in that way.
“It’s because you’re not like them, princess…. you’re different.” The corner of his mouth twitched into a crooked grin. He gently tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
You blinked rapidly, thinking that you’re imagining this. You’ve been wanting to hear these words for so long. Suddenly, it feels like all the air has been sucked out of the room and your lungs fight for oxygen.
“Javi….” He immediately cut you off with a finger to your lips.
His Adam’s apple bobbed, and he exhaled loudly through nose. He shouldn’t tell you this, but it’s too late. He’s already kissed you once and now he wants more; he’s too far gone.
“Just let me say this, please.” You watch his eyes close for a moment, then open again; His brown eyes intensely focused on you. “I have feelings for you, princess……. I want to give you everything.” His eyes narrow slightly. “Would you give me that chance?” His voice is pleading, bordering on desperate.
You nodded, too overwhelmed to speak. You had wanted this for so long and now it was finally happening. The slight hum from the baby monitor filled the room as you continued to stare at each other. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed, his tongue darted out to wet his lips.
His thumb brushed your bottom lip as he looked into your eyes. Your skin tingled with the sensation, and you somehow resisted the urge to take the thick digit into your mouth and suck it. The rise and fall of your chest matched the pounding of your heart as he slowly leaned in and captured your lips with his.
His tongue touched your lips, and you parted them without a second thought, allowing him access to your mouth.  
This feels like heaven. You had dreamt about what it would feel like to kiss him and the reality is better than you could have ever imagined. His kiss was surprisingly gentle, his soft tongue probed your mouth with a quiet intensity that made you throb for more.
His large hand cupped the back of your head as he gently pushed you down into the couch. His breath was quick and heavy as he leaned into you. His nose pressed against you as he deepened the kiss, pushing you further underneath him.
The rest of the world was completely forgotten as you pulled him even closer to you, snaking your fingers into his dark hair. Your tongues danced to a perfect rhythm as you both lost yourself in desire.
His hand found the hem of your shirt and his fingers slowly crept under the fabric. A soft moan escaped you as he finally came into contact with your bare skin. His calloused fingers skated across the smooth skin of your stomach, brushing across your ribcage, moving higher at a painfully slow pace surely designed to drive you insane.
The taste of the cherries mixed with the bitterness of the beer on your lips made his head swim. The way you had parted your lips for his tongue......God, he wanted to devour you. He wanted to take you right here on this couch and claim you as his.
He settled into the cradle of your thighs, his growing bulge pressing firmly against your aching heat.  “Fuck, cariño.” The words left his lips in a breathy whisper, the want blanketing you like a thick fog blinding you to anything other than him. Your tongue licked into his mouth hungrily, almost desperately. His tongue pushed back against yours with equal force, letting you know  he was just as much into this as you were. The ornamental clock on the wall ticking to the pace of your breathing as you fell deeper under his spell.
Javi’s thick fingers traced the lace of your bra, the thin material leaving little between his hand and your skin. Your breath faltered as his thumb brushed across your nipple until it sharpened under his ministrations. He quietly moaned his approval into your mouth along with a more forceful thrust of his tongue. Your back arched, pushing your body into his hand…..the desire pooling at your core.
Neither one of you heard the click of the latch as the front door swung open.
“Oh, fuck!” Steve’s voice brought you both crashing back to reality.
Javi’s head snapped up, his eyes wide and mouth agape. You scrambled out from underneath him, tugging at your shirt in a desperate attempt to cover up.
Steve chuckled and shook his head. His eyes danced between the two of you and he smirked. “I knew you two fuckers wouldn’t be able to keep your hands off each other.” His keys clanked against the bowl, and he shot a glance at Connie trying to suppress her giggles. “There better not be any cum stains on my couch.”
Javi’s jaw twitched as he moved away from you but otherwise, he was the picture of calm, not a shred of embarrassment shown on his beautiful face. You, on the other hand, were a different story. Your face burned as your eyes bored holes into the floor. You couldn’t even bring yourself to look at Connie or Steve, even though the smile on your face could have lit up the darkest night. You were embarrassed about being caught but you didn’t regret a single moment of what happened between you and Javi on that couch. You swallowed your feelings of embarrassment and lifted your chin. You weren’t a teenager who’d just been caught making out with your boyfriend by your parents, you were an adult and you had nothing to be ashamed of.
“Did you enjoy the restaurant?” You asked Connie, changing the subject to calm your racing heart.
“Oh my god, it was amazing! The food was ridiculous. You would love it.” Her eyes darted to Javi and the subtle raise of her brow didn’t go unnoticed by you.
“I’m glad you had such a great time.” The two of you chatted briefly about how Olivia did throughout the night. Your eyes darted toward Javi and Steve, the two of them engrossed in their own conversation.
You grabbed your purse and called out to Steve, telling him you’d see him at work on Monday.
“Do I see double dates in our future?” Connie asked quietly as the two of you hugged.
You laughed softly. “Maybe?” Your eyes darted to Javi and the two of you locked eyes for a brief moment.
Your eyes drifted back to the couch. The heat of the moment you and Javi shared spreading through your body like smoldering embers. Your eyes fell on Javi one last time, his lips twitched into a crooked grin.
“I guess I should get out of here too.” Javi clapped Steve on the shoulder. “I’ll walk you out.”
He pecked Connie on the cheek and opened the door, allowing you to exit first. His hand rested gently at the small of your back as he guided you toward the stairs.
“You know, Valentine’s Day isn’t over yet Princess.” Javi whispered in your ear, his breath hot against your skin.
The warmth of his hand at your back made your skin tingle. “No, I guess it’s not.” Your lips twisted into a small smirk.
When you reached your car, he grabbed you by the waist spinning you around to face him, his eyes intense with desire. “I’m not ready to stop celebrating.”
Your breath hitched in your throat as he pressed his body against yours. “Me either.”  He leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to your lips before pulling away just enough to look at you.
“My place.” His voice was rough with desire. It wasn’t a question; it was a statement.
You slowly nodded, not wanting to seem too eager. He brushed his lips against yours one last time before releasing you from his grip and walking toward his own car; pausing momentarily to tilt his head to light a cigarette.
Was this the start of something? You had no idea…..but you were damn sure going to find out.
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mermaidgirl30 · 6 months
✨Look for the Light Masterlist✨
Outbreak! Joel Miller x OFC
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Decided to do a mood board for my fic “Look for the Light” 🩵 It’s on A03 as well and has a playlist. This one is a slow burn, action packed, twisty ride. I hope you enjoy! Their relationship is absolutely canon 😍 This is my very first fic, and I put my entire heart and soul into it and have been working on it for six months. I am so over the moon with how well this story came out and am just so proud of it 🥰 This is forever my baby, and I cannot wait to continue my writing and more Joel fics! I hope you enjoy this beautiful work of art I have put together. Comments and reblogs are always appreciated 😊
Rating: Explicit (18+ only MDNI)
Word Count: 187,394
Summary: Aly finds herself trying to escape the Boston QZ. What Aly doesn’t know is Tess is pairing her up with Joel to go on a dangerous mission to find Tommy. Will Aly survive the brooding, moody Joel or will she find herself falling hard for him? (This fic is in both Aly and Joel’s POV)
Tags: Angst, fluff, smut, slow burn, attempted sexual assault, kidnapping, enemies to lovers, unprotected p in v, gratuitous smut, original character, protective Joel, anxiety, ptsd, sexual tension, mutual pining, eventual smut, younger female/older man, grumpy Joel, death, violence
This is me trying is so Joel coded, and I got a lot of inspiration in this story from this song 🩵
Chapter 1: Introductions
Chapter 2: Escaping
Chapter 3: Knife Practice
Chapter 4: Rock & Roll Hall of Fame
Chapter 5: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Chapter 6: Panic Attacks and Blue Eyes
Chapter 7: What You Say Goes
Chapter 8: Thunderstorms and Heartbreak
Chapter 9: Safe, In My Arms
Chapter 10: Bow and Arrow Lessons
Chapter 11: Vacancy in a Cabin
Chapter 12: Taken
Chapter 13: David’s Territory
Chapter 14: What Town!
Chapter 15: Held Hostage
Chapter 16: Stay With Me
Chapter 17: Your Hand In Mine
Chapter 18: Slow Dancing In a Burning Room
Chapter 19: Back to the Lodge
Chapter 20: Taking David Down
Chapter 21: Burn It Down, Burn It All Down
Chapter 22: Liars
Chapter 23: Finding Ellie
Chapter 24: Welcome to Jackson
Chapter 25: Slow Hands
Chapter 26: You Are In Love
Chapter 27: Bubble Baths and Sweet Affections
Chapter 28: Guitar Lessons and Heart Strings
Chapter 29: Complications
Chapter 30: Protecting What’s Yours
Chapter 31: This Love
Epilogue : Proposal
Epilogue Pt II: Wedding Day
Soft - Extra little piece I wrote about Joel being in love
Trailer for my series 🥰
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epiphainie · 4 hours
why do you think bucktommy has been "hitting differently"? i love them don't get me wrong, but i don't think it's been written much differently than buck's previous love interests (yet)
Hi anon, 
I don't think I agree with you there. Well, first of all I think talking about all of Buck's previous romantic relationships as one thing is doing injustice to those different arcs and Buck's character journey. All served different purposes, all were written differently from each other. When I make the distinction that BuckTommy has been "hitting differently" what I mean is that it has what worked in those previous relationships as well as what was lacking. And I think the reason is twofold: the writers being intentional with their choices and how it's all been executed. 
Just to be clear, I don't mean anyone has had endgame BuckTommy intentions. Tim has been very clear about how he doesn't plan that far ahead and it's hard to talk endgames with a procedural format like this. But we know they wrote the bi Buck arc with more care, hence being more intentional with their choices than some of his previous relationships. We know that their first kiss had taken multiple shapes before it ended up being this gentle, surprising but still mutual kiss. We know that they wanted to create a story where Buck felt connected to this guy but also safe and light. We know that they wanted to make Tommy a character who can be understanding and lead Buck as he stumbles. We know that Tim thought Lou's buy was important because he didn't want to repeat the same mistake of creating a LI who didn't fit with the rest of the cast etc.
Now you can say some of these fit previous LIs one way or another but it brings me to execution:
Many people talked about this before me, obviously, but I think the execution of everything they planned with Tommy has been great. I mean before their first kiss, this guy goes out of his way and shows up at Buck's to "clean the air" with this virtual stranger because he believes he caused bad blood between him and his friend. Not just that, he reassures Buck about his place in his friend's life and apologizes for making him feel excluded. Now as the audience we know Buck is the kid who'd get hurt on purpose so his dad would pay him attention, he's the guy who sued the fire department because he felt pushed out and isolated, but Tommy doesn't. I think an LI addressing one of Buck's core insecurities in such a direct and reassuring manner before even knowing him is a great way to set up why Buck would feel safe with and understood by him.
Another is that Tommy immediately meets Buck at that vulnerable place when he admits to being jealous of the 118's bond and Buck reassures him back. This for example, is something Abby had done with Buck imo but Buck back then didn't know himself enough to embrace his own insecurities and at a maturity level to address Abby's despite his best intentions. With Taylor, their whole issue was that they couldn't be honest and vulnerable with each other. BuckTommy in this aspect feels different because from the get-go as they're being honest and are on the same frequency when it comes to this.
Episode five, we see them on their failing date, then we see Buck being nervous that he fucked it up in the coffee scene. We've seen this Buck before, when he got into that anxious mode to make sure Abby knew he wasn't cheating on her. Obviously, the context and the stage of the relationship are very different and they both reassure Buck about it not being his fault. Great on both Tommy and Abby.
But then, the immediate follow-up in Abby's case is that she's leaving for abroad. I don't think Abby is being evil or mean with this decision (where I have a problem with is when she starts ghosting him and doesn't just end it, but that's another topic) but again knowing what we know about Buck as the audience, we know this is a big deal. We know this - and later Ali leaving - adds on his issues of feeling like he's not worth it, we know it leads to him basically trapping Taylor because he's so afraid she'll leave. Again, Tommy doesn't. But Tommy gives him a second chance and then shows up at the wedding.
You can say showing up on one date is not proof that Tommy will always be there for Buck, but I think the execution is so good in painting Tommy as very reliable concerning this. Because Tommy doesn't just show up. If the writers' only concern was to write Tommy out of the A plot of episode 6, he could just come to the ceremony and be like "my shift just ended". No, Tommy says he'll try his damnest to make it to the wedding and then he enters the hospital all rushed, haphazard, covered in soot, hair a mess. The dramatique of that entrance immediately validates in the audiences' mind that yeah this is a guy who will do his damnest to be there for Buck. It, again, addresses a core insecurity of Buck's.
Back half of the season doesn't do anything different but we again see Tommy notice Buck's emotional state, meet him in that vulnerable place, and also match his flirty vibe. They're comfortable; it feels earned even in such a short span because of the well execution of their initial arc. This to me what Buck said about Natalia when they thought the show wasn't coming back (and before that relationship was recontextualized as being a dud), about how he feels seen and comfortable etc. Only this time, there's intention, effort, and execution.
One final note in execution - and this is very ymmv because I've seen even from some BuckTommys that they wished they did this differently - I genuinely love how little BuckTommy there is in 7x03. More specifically, I love that Tommy's reintroduction to the series is not through being Buck's potential love interest. He's there in that episode for Hen, Chim, and Bobby. In 10 mins screentime he's quickly established with motives and personality quirks, is involved in the main plot, bounces off of other characters. Again, great execution of a thing Tim intended to do: a love interest who can fill more roles than just the love interest. This basically makes him in his own category in how purposeful and functional he can be as a character in the greater narrative. So yeah I think both as a person in-story and a character, Tommy has been hitting different.
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queen-of-reptiles · 6 months
description: In which alisha lehmann and her best friend finally get together after a west ham game of course.
alisha lehmann x female reader
disclaimer: this is all fiction! Do not take any of this seriously.
warnings: language, cuteness - like so much, mutual pining, slightly suggestive
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y/n just posted on their story
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alishalehmann7 just posted on her story
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username1: parents have fed us !!! 🥺🥺
username2: ARE THEY DATING???
username3: NOOOOO
username4: bullshit!!!!! THEY SHOULD FUCKING BE 👏👏
username5: I get it but it is not our business 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
username6: ALISHA AND Y/N
username7: i want to have a friendship like y/n and alisha so bad :(((
see all comments...
y/n just posted
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liked by, racheldaly7, mackenziearnold, and 203, 122 others
tagged alishalehmann7
y/n we cute - even tho i fell asleep twenty minutes after this … <3
view 11, 291 comments
username1: just dateeeeeeee 😤
username2: 😂😂😂
username3: 🥺🥺
mackenziearnold: your ability to sleep anywhere and any when is fantastic 👏
y/n: 😴😴
samanthakerr20: skin and jawline thoooo 😍
y/n: thanks sissy! 😘
username4: wtf? are they related???? 🫨
username5: Na, Sam and y/n met through Mac and became really really close! Even call each other sister 🥹🥹.
username4: awwwwww 🥺
kirstysmith.11: macca why don’t we take cute photos like this??
mackenziearnold: cause you can’t sit still babe 😂
alishalehmann: <3
y/n: <3
username6: 😏😏
see more comments…
alishalehmann just posted
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liked by _adrianaleon_, racheldaly3 and 982, 333 others
tagged y/n
alishalehmann meine liebe <3
view 416, 281 comments
username1: 🥺🥺🥺
username2: ☺️☺️🫣
username3: hmmmmmmm 😩😩
username4: JUST DATE
username5: she is so hot ugh 🫣🫣
username6: 😍😍
username7: 🔥🔥🔥
username8: 🥺🥹
y/n: <3333
alishalehmann: <3
username9: 🫢🫢
racheldaly3: cuties ;)
y/n: shhhh
vivi_asseyi: see you tomorrow Ali!! xx
alishalehmann: tomorrow vivi! xxx
y/n: cuties 🥺
vivi_asseyi: dramatic ass
username10: 😂😂😂
username11: ❤️💙
see more comments…
westhamwomen just posted on their story
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y/n sighed as she chased after Rachel, the final whistle on the edge of being blow to give West Ham the three points, not that the team currently in fifth needed it compared to Villa who were sat worryingly in tenth.
The whistle finally blew and y/n groaned in relief, falling onto her back as Rachel Daly fell onto her, the latter laughing at the woman who she knew well from England camp.
"Rach, get off me ya prick!" y/n called out with a laugh.
"Wouldn't mind if it was Alisha." Rachel teased quietly making kissy noises which caused her to be shoved onto the mud. "Ow." Rachel whined and y/n laughed.
"That's what you get." y/n states, the defender sighing as Rachel sits up and suddenly bolts away. A body blocks the light over y/n's still fallen body and the beautiful face of Alisha is staring back at her.
"Up you get, meine liebe." Alisha hummed and she moved to help y/n to her feet, the defender groaning as her hip popped, the injury still sore.
y/n had only just gotten back from a hip operation, during a game in the world cup, y/n had to be rushed into hospital to have a hip operation and in the December of 2023, was only just okay to come back on.
The loved vice-captain of West Ham was relieved to be back on the pitch, but forgot how fast and physical Rachel was as a opponent and winced as she pressed a hand to her hip.
"Are you okay?" Alisha asked quietly, her hand falling down to her best friend's hip to rub small circles into the muscle with her thumb.
y/n groaned in relief at the pressure on the tight muscle and she hissed as she pulled away, hearing the crowd start to go crazy of the two's proximity.
y/n smiled at Alisha before limping to her medics who handed her an ice pack, she took some photos with fans, before being one of the last people into the tunnel.
"Meine liebe." Alisha called as y/n got to one of the spare physio rooms.
y/n turned and Alisha pulled her into the room, keeping the lights off as she scanned over y/n worry clear on her face now that y/n was ice-less as well.
"Ali, I'm fine, promise love." y/n tried but winced and Alisha sighed.
"You lie like a matt." Alisha hissed.
"Rug." y/n corrected as Alisha shrugged and pushed y/n to sit back on the physio bed, lying her down so she could peel back y/n's shorts just slightly.
"Oh." Alisha sighed, noticing the deep bruising which was around the scar, y/n clearly having pushed her body too far in the game. "Why didn't you ask to be subbed?" Alisha asked.
"Because I'm fine Ali." y/n stated, sitting up and pushing the blonde's hands away.
"No you are not." Alisha stated back, annoyance flooding through her tone.
"You're not playing for the Hammers anymore Ali. You don't need to worry." y/n promises.
"I worry because the love of my life is so careless with her bones." Alisha states loudly.
"Body." y/n corrects before she freezes. "Wait what?" y/n asks.
"What?" Alisha asks her confused at why y/n had paused.
"Say what you just said again." y/n demands.
"What?" Alisha repeats and y/n just huffs and gestures 'before that'. "I worry because the love of..." Alisha starts before trailing off. "That wasn't how I wanted to tell you." She sighs.
"It's real?" y/n asks and Alisha scoffs.
"Of course." She says as she sighs. "Look, you don't have to feel the same, I'm sorry for making this friendship hard." Alisha says, putting some space between her and y/n.
y/n however ignores her rambling and jumps from the physio bed, walking toward Alisha with a new found sense of purpose as the blonde reaches out.
"Careful! Your hip." Alisha chides, but y/n snorted as her hands grabbed the smaller woman's hips and pulled her into her chest.
"Shut up." The defender ordered the blonde, before she dived her head down and pushed her lips against Alisha's, the Swiss moaning in relief and gripping desperately onto y/n's broad shoulders.
The kiss was tight, harsh, plump lips practically glued together as tongues battled in a want for dominance. y/n couldn't help but slide her hands down, gripping Alisha's ass tightly and pulling her closer.
Alisha's moan was a reward for her desperate actions. Eventually the pace slowed, hands stopped wandering and with one final swat against Alisha's bum, y/n pulled away.
"Let me take you out." y/n whispered and Alisha nodded her head, a smile on her face. Rachel then decided it was a good time to chip in.
"About time! Also ew."
"Fuck off Rach ya prick!"
y/n just posted on their close friends story
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alishalehmann posted on her close friends story
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she's so hot oml
tho my friend yesterday accused her of being a shifter and ngl that sent us into a spiral broooooo
lotta love xo
Queenie x
185 notes · View notes
flowerandblood · 9 months
The Pearl and the Sapphire 
[ modern! • Aemond x Baratheon! • female ]
[ warnings: sexual tension, obsession, angst ]
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[ description: As a representative of a large family-owned gemstone business, Aemond is attending a major jewellery event where jewellery makers from all over the world are exhibiting. One of them is the Baratheon family. Aemond is tasked with focusing on attracting new customers, but his attention is diverted by the youngest daughter of the eminent maker Borros Baratheon. Slow burn, bitchy, possessive and obsessive Aemond, lots of dark angst and sexual tension. ]
A story which is an alternative universe of The Impossbile Choice taking place in modern times. The characters are all the same as in the main series, however, for obvious reasons they will behave differently and experience things differently from medieval times. You can read this without having to delve into the main series.
Series moodboard: Aemond & Miss Baratheon
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous and next chapters: Masterlist
Crystal EXPO was their company's most important annual event. The Targaryen family had been trading and selling precious ores and stones for decades, supplying major jewellery houses. Companies from all over the world flocked to this festival, traders like them looking for new customers and connoisseurs of exquisite jewellery looking around for outstanding makers and their creations.
That year Otto, as the head of their company's management, was to be accompanied by Aemond. Otto insisted that Aemond should also represent the family business physically and wear a sapphire exchanger instead of the artificial eye he wore every day.
Aemond felt that he would have made himself look ridiculous and attracted widespread attention, but his grandfather said he had to put it on and stop acting like a little baby.
He was furious and frustrated, but he managed to at least take Alys with him as his assistant. With her, he was able to vent his anger in different ways like when he fucked her so hard on the hotel bed, while strangling her at her request, that he felt like he was going to pierce her stomach.
Alys loved the environment she was surrounded by. She loved his gifts, the sapphire earrings and necklaces she wore whenever she went out somewhere with him, to his satisfaction.
She was much older than him and he knew that their relation was her feeling that she could still please a younger man. Even after the first time he fucked her on the desk in his office, he had already specified to her what this acquaintance would be like.
She was to ask no questions and expect nothing from him.
This was not a relationship.
It was an exchange of mutual benefits that suited him. To her too, apparently.
His grandfather pretended not to see what was going on, nor did he say anything to his mother.
He did, however, warn him not to be a fool and fall in love, because this woman would squeeze all the money out of him. Aemond involuntarily burst out laughing at his words, his smile, however, did not reach his eye.
"Don't be ridiculous." He said with an amusement that elicited a grimace of embarrassment on his grandfather's face.
He felt a sense of satisfaction at the thought that it depended on his whim to decide what would happen to her, how many gifts and money she would get, whether she would feel beautiful or ugly, smart or stupid. She was a witty and bright woman, but not as much as she thought.
She knew how to fuck well, though, and she fulfilled his every whim without a word of objection.
Her presence was comfortable for him.
As always, there were jewellers exhibiting at the Crystal EXPO. They also often had the kind of shows where models presented their jewellery, which could then be admired up close at their big stands. These shows were often very elaborate and themed, with the audience sitting in a circle around them watching.
Aemond grew tired of these, usually boring and exaggerated, but his grandfather pressed him to go and see how their clients presented themselves and whether it was worth investing in someone new.
The Targaryen company worked most closely with the Lannisters, a company that mainly made jewellery from gold, which was their domain. Their small works of art cost crores, often reached for by big stars going on the red carpet or to some important events.
Their show was pompous and, for Aemond, downright embarrassing, baroque overkill circling his eye as models dressed in gold glittering gowns walked in front of him, the reflections from the columns of light falling on them making him have to turn his face away and close his eyelids once in a while.
In addition to them, the company that used the precious stones they bought from them were the Hightowers, who specialised in handling emeralds. Green was their dominant colour and, although the theme changed every year, this colour was their trademark.
After them it was time for the Baratheon family show. They were a small family business with centuries of tradition, specialising in making high-end jewellery reminiscent of the Victorian era.
Their works were a treat for connoisseurs, and although business-wise they had no interest in their family, Aemond had to admit that the pieces by Borros Baratheon and his son were some of the most beautiful he had ever seen.
He was surprised when the lights dimmed a little, changing to a warm colour, large vases of flowers placed all around. He leaned back comfortably in his chair and watched with interest as young models of essentially portrait beauty strolled around in exceptionally finely tailored attires from different eras, wearing jewellery that matched their colours, with calm music playing in the background that made him think of medieval royal balls.
He thought it was a very good marketing move on their part, he saw that he wasn't the only one impressed, the other guests were talking to each other about what they had seen with interest.
After a while, the music changed. It too sounded like something suitable for a court dance, however there was a much older sound. A couple emerged from the entrance dressed in renaissance costumes sewn with incredible for him details.
The attire of the young dark-haired, bearded and well-built men consisted of an elaborate black tunic over which was superimposed a chain with animal head motifs. He, however, could not take his eye off the girl who walked holding his hand.
Her gown was phenomenal, a brownish-blue, its bodice only beginning below her breasts, which were covered only by a thin white undershirt. Her buff-coloured sleeves were slit and tied with ribbons, with white fabric sticking out from underneath, he had the impression that the whole thing was made up of coloured stripes.
Around her neck hung a beautiful, delicate gold necklace of three teardrop-shaped pearls, complementing her sun-shaped earrings. Her dark hair was woven into an elegant braid, with the netting at the back of her head, characteristic of renaissance hairstyles, also interspersed with pearls.
There was something about her appearance, the way she gazed softly and warmly at the men standing before her, her barely perceptible smile, the glint in her eye, the lightness of her movement made him hold his breath.
He swallowed loudly when they suddenly began to dance, he felt as if he had been transported back in time and was in an italian renaissance mansion at a feast of one of the great princes of Florence or Milan, their movements unforced, fluid, graceful and respectful.
They made motions to the rhythm of the music moving in a circle so that everyone could see up close what they wore around their necks and hands. Only then did he see that there were beautiful rings on her tiny fingers, one of which had a sapphire wrapped in a gold leaf border.
The whole time he was looking at them his throat was squeezed, his heart pounding hard for some reason.
He wasn't sure he had ever been so enamoured of anything or anyone as he was of this young girl he had just seen before him.
Unlike the other models her facial expression was not indifferent or neutral, she was smiling all the way through as was her partner, she seemed to him to be really enjoying what she was doing.
There was something noble, at the same time proud and tender beaming from her person, something inviting, a kind of openness that by his nature was completely alien to him.
He wondered who she was.
Was she simply a model, or perhaps a dancer hired for a show?
Despite the fact that Alys was sitting next to him, he thought hard about what to do to make her end up with him that night in his bed.
He imagined how sweetly she would moan beneath him, how warm her gaze and touch would be, how much reassurance and tenderness he would have to put into caressing her body to win her trust and let him consume her.
He licked his lower lip involuntarily at the thought, Alys' voice leaning towards him snapping him out of his reverie.
"Beautiful costumes, don't you think?" She asked softly.
"Mmm." He muttered in reply, his eye did not leave her for a moment. And then suddenly it happened.
At one of their turns, as they shifted position and both turned their faces sideways from each other, she looked up at him.
He was sure their gazes met for a second and a great shudder went through him. He thought she must have seen the flash of his sapphire artificial eye and swallowed loudly at the thought.
Do it again, he thought.
Look at me again, give me assurance that this was no accident.
The music ended, there was thunderous applause all around him, he heard even Alys give her admiration in this way. He didn't clap, he looked at her intensely, playing involuntarily with his fingers extended on his armrest.
The men she was dancing with kissed her hand while saying something quickly to her, and she laughed and nodded, a lively joy on her face from which he felt discomfort.
Were they together?
And suddenly it happened again.
The men were speaking to her as they went to bow before the audience, and she froze in mid-answer when she saw his gaze from afar. She turned her head away, a microexpression of embarrassment passed across her face, through which she pressed her lips together and immediately went back to continuing her answer.
Aemond felt with shame that his thoughts were reflected in what was going on his trousers.
For all the shows that followed, he couldn't concentrate, staring blankly ahead, tense. He never looked forward to the opening banquet, finding it a tiring event that required talking to many people he hated.
This time he awaited it with eager anticipation.
When it was all over Otto told him about the shows he had enjoyed and surprisingly they appeared to have similar feelings.
"I think the Baratheons' idea was exceptionally apt and brilliantly executed. I'm sure a lot of their goods will sell out this year even before the event is over. His children did a great job at the end, you can see they are very supportive of their father every step of the way." He said with some kind of admiration, taking a sip of the coffee the waitress had literally brought him earlier. Aemond lifted his gaze at him, confused.
Otto raised an eyebrow, clearly amused.
"That couple who danced at the end were his youngest daughter and only son. You can see right away, they resemble him, although this girl has more of her mother." He said lightly, but Aemond was no longer listening to him, looking dully at the coffee table in front of him.
This was not a model.
This was his daughter.
He pressed his lips together at the thought, feeling a tightening in his stomach.
He couldn't just fuck Borros Baratheon's youngest daughter.
"I have to say that their collection this year has made a special impression on me. I am considering whether to speak to Borros. He turned down my generous offer a few years ago, but I know he is conflicted with his current supplier. I admit that, despite our company policy, I would like to include him in our patronage. It would greatly enhance our prestige in the eyes of other clients." He said thoughtfully, and Aemond raised his eye at him. He answered him before he had time to think about what was coming out of his mouth.
"I'll talk to him." He said dryly and coldly in a tone his grandfather hated. He saw his disgruntled expression and continued, wondering in the back of his mind what he was actually doing.
"Since you haven't succeeded it's worth having someone else to try. I'll just talk to him and present him with options without any pressure." He explained quickly taking a sip of coffee between his words in an attempt to somehow alleviate the sudden dryness in his throat.
Otto pondered silently, looking at him suspiciously, his brow raised in indecision. He knew he found his behaviour strange; Aemond always took after the big shots and didn't deal with the lesser customers deeming them unworthy of attention.
After a moment, however, he nodded, letting out a quiet breath as he reached for his cup.
"Fine, but you can't insult him even if he refuses outright. Borros has an impulsive temper, but even if he is not our client we must remain on good terms with him." He said, looking at him knowingly, and Aemond nodded.
He was tense during the banquet. He tried to concentrate on what Alys was saying to him, dressed in a long, golden evening gown with a thigh-high cut-out, emphasising well her large, firm breasts which he had suckled so often, between them the sapphire necklace he had given her.
He couldn't enjoy the view, his gaze turned to the entrance all the time in suspense. He took a sip of the whisky he had ordered moments earlier to calm himself down. He nodded and answered "Mhm", swallowing hard when he saw her, she entered the room with her father and brother.
He was fascinated that she as well as her brother were still dressed in their costumes from the show, walking together arm-in-arm. He thought they were still fulfilling a marketing role for their father, there was no way they could show off his artwork better than on her long neck and fingers.
He watched as people came up to her and her family congratulating them on their success and wonderful performance, praising her dancing and her looks for sure. She looked around the room and met his gaze. She didn't look away this time.
She smiled.
So warm, friendly, light, as if they had known each other for ages, as if they had seen each other for the hundredth time.
There was comfort in that smile, some promise of solace and understanding, of peace. He felt uncomfortable and this time he looked away, taking a sip from his glass, realising how much his heart was pounding, his member betraying against his will what he thought of her.
He thought he should stop.
That he would hurt her.
He would use her, get bored and leave her.
That didn't stop him, after he'd fucked Alys in her hotel room as brutally as ever, imagining her lying beneath him, from finding her on every social media possible.
He had ghost accounts there, anonymous and without a profile picture, needed sometimes for private dealings. Now he felt like a regular stalker, but he decided he didn't give a shit.
He needed to find out more about her.
He easily found her on Facebook but, not being friends with her, he could see practically nothing. Apart from being relieved to learn that she was of legal age he found out very little. Frustrated, he tried on Instagram and pressed his lips together with a smirk seeing the hit.
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Her account was very deliberate, consisting of photos of her figure, but usually backwards. There were also photos of her sewing and a whole host of historical gowns in which she herself posed.
He got curious and began to look through her photos reading the descriptions as well.
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There she sometimes described her days, ideas or projects she was working on. It turned out that she designed and sewed costumes for producers of TV series and historical films at their request. Her father's money certainly helped her, but there was no denying that she had talent.
Her profile was satisfyingly aesthetic and thoughtful, dominated by blues, whites and pinks. As someone who read books on history and ancient kingdoms in his spare time, her interest seemed extremely intriguing to him. Like when she danced in her beautiful costume, he had the impression that she was transporting him skilfully to a particular era.
He couldn't stop thinking about her.
The next day, sitting at the hotel breakfast table, talking to Alys about the day's plan and where she could squeeze his meeting with Borros in, he spotted her standing by the coffee machine.
Now he no longer had a sapphire in his eye socket, but his usual prosthetic eye, which, if it were not for the long scar on half of his face, at first glance was no different from the real one. He felt more confident with this thought.
"I'll make myself a coffee." He said suddenly, rising, Alys furrowed her brow.
"I asked you if you wanted coffee when I made mine for myself." She said in surprise, but he sidestepped her and walked over to the table.
She didn't notice him at first.
She was leaning over an open box of various teas, part of her hair tied back with a blue ribbon, her body framed by a pretty, navy blue fitted strapless dress with small white flowers.
He wondered if she had sewn it herself.
Involuntarily, he reached for the free cup and set it under the machine. She twitched as she heard the clatter of dishes beside her and glanced up at him. He looked at her out of the corner of his eye and saw the same warm smile on her face as when he had seen her at the banquet.
"Good morning." She said softly, noncommittally, looking down at her mug again, her choice was Earl Grey.
He lowered his gaze to the coffee machine, looking at it dispassionately, pressing the double espresso button. He felt a tightening in his chest at the sound of her voice, pleasant and smooth.
"Good morning." He replied dispassionately feeling as if it was obvious from his tense face that all night he had been browsing her Instagram account, reading and looking at all her posts several times each.
He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye and saw that she had poured two teaspoons of sugar into her cup.
For some reason this didn't surprise him.
She looked at him and he pressed his lips together feeling as if she had caught him in the act. He felt he should say something, that watching her like that for no reason was strange to say the least, and she looked at him expectantly.
He'd been thinking about her for hours, and now that she was standing in front of him, he couldn't get anything out.
She dropped her gaze and smiled slightly. He felt embarrassed at the thought that she had seen his inner struggle, that she had noticed that she had gained his interest.
He felt like a fool.
He took his cup and wanted to walk away, but her voice stopped him.
"Your sapphire eye. It's beautiful."
He looked at her in disbelief, feeling a twist in his stomach at the thought of her taking notice, of her thinking about him, his scar, the fact that he had no eye.
That he was a fucking cripple.
He wanted to see pity and sympathy in her face, something by which he could look down on her or walk away. But her face was gentle and content, her gaze warm.
She turned her head and set her cup under his automaton, taking a few steps closer to him, his nostrils struck by her floral scent.
"Who made these for you?" She deepened her question, and he watched her alertly, coolly, wondering if he should tell her.
Did he even want to go into it.
He hadn't even told Alys about it, and she was a stranger to him.
"The Hightowers." He replied cautiously after a moment. The gaze of her bright eyes lifted to him again with curiosity, her dark lashes obscuring her irises slightly.
She nodded and did not speak again, evidently thinking she had exhausted the subject. He stared at her with clenched lips, watching as her cup filled with water, the liquid beginning to colour into shades of tea.
She would be going in no time.
He will never speak to her again.
"The jewellery you were wearing at the show. Will it be possible to see it up close?" He asked dispassionately and she looked at him surprised. She nodded with a slight, contented smile.
"Yes, of course. At our stand, they will be on display along with other works of my father and brother worn yesterday by me and my sisters." She said softly, and he blinked, wrinkling his brow.
Were the other models her sisters too?
They both picked up their mugs seeing that another person had stood down in line to make their coffee and moved aside. He looked down at her and only then was struck by the height difference between them.
She was so little.
So gentle.
It seemed to him that her skin must have been softer than velvet.
She looked up at him and smiled.
"See you later." She said lightly and he nodded practically invisibly.
She walked away towards the table where the rest of her family was already seated, and he swallowed loudly, only now feeling his throat dry up, his heart pounding like mad.
Their exchange had lasted less than three minutes and he was in a complete muddle. He returned to his table, Alys' gaze betraying that she had noticed their conversation.
"Are you being chatted up by little girls? I think she likes you." She said feigning indifference, the amusement in her voice on the edge of mockery from which he threw her a warning glance.
"What is your problem? Is menopause slowly getting to you?" He asked coolly and ironically, he didn't even have to look at her to notice how she froze.
Their age difference was the cause of her biggest complexes even though she pretended it didn't matter. He saw how she chose her make-up to cover the wrinkles that were appearing, how she chose her dresses and outfits to make her breasts distract from her neck.
Whenever she frustrated him, whenever she crossed the line he had set for her, he showed her no mercy. He knew she clung to him to make herself feel better, to have the satisfaction of keeping a young, rich, high-powered men with her to boast about.
She swallowed his words with difficulty, taking a bite of her sandwich, her cheeks red with rage and shame.
"I see she's carried you out of balance." She said inadvertently, and he set his cup down with a loud clack on the table, standing up, a cool displeasure mixed with a kind of disgust on his face.
"Send me my schedule to my email." He said and moved ahead without even turning around.
Stupid bitch.
Despite meeting clients and strolling around the stands with his grandfather, he kept looking around him nervously wondering if he would see her again.
Their conversation this morning had brought him out of his thoughts. He felt ashamed at the memory of not being able to get anything out of him, silent like a complete idiot.
When they reached their stand he was tense. He spotted her immediately, she was discussing something with some older woman showing her one of the rich ruby necklaces.
He thought he could reward her for how good and gentle she was, for the way she affected him, that when he looked at her he felt a tickling in his fingertips.
He thought he would love to visit her in her room and kneel between her thighs, see if she tasted there as sweet as she smiled.
He would drive her crazy just as she did him.
He didn't understand what was happening to him.
Why this desperation, this rush.
He stood with his hands folded behind his back looking at the showcases of rich, almost regal jewellery created with such detail that he had to consider them little works of art.
He glanced at her nervously, heard her brother with whom she had danced the day before mention her and say something to her quickly. She answered him something and he nodded. He froze when he saw that she had moved towards him, the warmth and contentment on her face.
"Come with me." She said softly as she walked past him. His legs spontaneously moved behind her.
They entered a dark small room in the middle of which stood a large illuminated table, on which lay her pearl necklace, earrings, apart form that tiaras, rings and a few other things decorated with sapphires.
She prepared a whole display for him.
"I heard that you wanted to talk to my father. He sent me away to discuss the matter with you." She said with surprising lightness as she walked around the table, looking at its contents thoughtfully.
He looked at her from a distance disbelieving what he had heard.
Was he supposed to set possible business terms with her?
The girl looked at him apparently anticipating his answer, but seeing his reaction she laughed heartily.
"Believe me, you'd rather talk to me than my father." She said amused.
His gaze escaped to the table and for a moment he wondered if they would be very audible if he sat her on it, slipped her panties off and fucked her.
Would he have to press his mouth against her full, pink lips to silence her mewling as he stretched her tight, hot walls with his cock again and again.
He grunted, wondering what was happening to him, how he could think about such things right now.
"We'll talk on my terms." He said cooler than he wanted it to sound. He lifted a look of tension to her and met her uncertain, surprised gaze.
She waited to see what he would say.
"Tonight at 7 p.m. You, me, wine and a hotel restaurant."
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Maroon (part two)
modern!Aemond Targaryen x f!reader
And I wake with your memory over me
That's a real fucking legacy to leave
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A series loosely based on the song Maroon of off Midnights by Taylor Swift ▪︎ read more Daemon & Aemond midnights imagines here: masterlist
series list: part one - part two - part three -
themes/warnings: fluff, angst, slow burn, mutual pining, slight love triangle, language, accident/severe injury (towards the end)
word count: 7.3k
a/n: just a little explanation on their ages, since they are aged up for this series. Jace, the reader, Helaena and Aemond are in their mid-twenties. Alys is in her mid-thirties. Luke is around 21/22. Feel free to adjust if you wish.
Also, the photo I used is of Tom Bennett, as I felt the need to use a modernized look for Aemond, but nevertheless, he is still Aemond - silver haired, sullen, and soon enough, sapphire-eyed. If my photo editing skills are up to par, then I would have edited shoulder-length (yup, for this story) silver hair and modern clothes on our Aemond, but alas...
happy reading, beautiful people. 🖤
The morning after their interrupted kiss, the reader learns more about Aemond's apparent lover. She grows discouraged with striking up a romance with him, but he is determined to change her mind.
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There is a curious knot in your stomach when you wake, remembering the night before. Aemond had leaned in close, so close, that you feel as if his scent still surrounds you.
The deep green walls of his bedroom are still burned into your eyes. From then on, there is no way that this particular shade of green won’t bring you back to that night. With him.
With Aemond. The one who has flooded your thoughts for almost a year now. The object of your desire.
Although, it seems… that he might already have his own object of desire.
Why did Alys visit him so late last night? You want to feign innocence, and remain oblivious to any and all lewd possibilities. Maybe she’s just a dear friend, who needed some company. Perhaps to have a drink, or to borrow a book? Or perhaps she has had some romantic trouble earlier last evening, and needed to vent her heart out to Aemond, who is nothing if not an attentive listener.
Well, shit. You slam your palm to your forehead as you allow reality to set in. You can continue to hope, but deep down, you know that Alys is not just a friend to Aemond.
This might be one of the very few instances wherein tabloid fodder has some truth to it. Dragonstone heir and model socialite spotted leaving Claridge’s Hotel in London after a wild night out.
That was just one of the several headlines that caught your eye, and immediately chose to ignore. You don’t even remember how long ago that was, but it seems as if their story is yet to reach its end.
If, indeed, it ever will.
But why was he going to kiss me? I mean, he was, wasn’t he?
You turn to the side, and notice that you’re all alone in bed. Helaena always wakes up much earlier, preferring to be awake as the sun rises, which leaves her ample time to go about her extensive morning routine.
Before you allow your rampant thoughts to get the better of you, you finally get up, wiping sleep from your eyes, and stumble to her bathroom. As you study your reflection is the mirror, one thing springs to your mind. What is going to happen if you meet Aemond downstairs? Granted, it is rare for the whole family to convene early during weekdays, but he did say he will meet you in the morning.
You take your sweet time getting ready, delaying the inevitable, before finally heading downstairs.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The clock above an alcove in the kitchen reads 8:17. The smell of pancakes waft through the air, calming your senses. Breakfast food is always a good idea.
Helaena comes into view, stacking the last pancakes on a plate.
“Hey, sleepyhead. Nice face.” She jokes, smiling in her carefree way.
“What about it?” You scrunch your nose in response, picking off a blueberry from a glass bowl on the kitchen counter.
“Rough night?” She turns off the induction stove, having finished, and you help her carry the dishes to the dining table.
Talia, their housekeeper, walks in the kitchen. A worried look is etched on her face. “Ma’am, are you sure there isn’t anything I can do for you? I can cook you something else, or fetch something from the store? Your mother says - ”
“Everything’s fine, Talia.” Helaena assures her. She has never really indulged having a maid to clean up after her. One thing about Helaena, she’s very likely the most simple one out of the family, not bothering with the usual trappings of luxury, and that includes having a maid at her every beck and call. Helaena only asks for help when she needs it, and as it stands, she’s perfectly capable of cooking up a damn good breakfast. “Why don’t you attend to yourself this morning?”
“A-attend to myself, ma’am?” Talia asks.
“Yes,” Helaena shoots a smile at you conspiratorially, “Talia, go out and take a walk, or watch a movie, or get a massage. Whatever you want, it’s on us. The rest of the family are either busy working, hungover somewhere, or out of town, anyway. We’ll be fine for today.”
Talia smiles brightly in appreciation. “Very well then. Thank you, ma’am. Please do call me if you need anything at all.”
Helaena nods her head once. Talia makes a move to leave, but she seems to recall something.
“Oh, uh, Miss Y/n?” She addresses you this time. “Sir Aemond did say that he’s very sorry that he isn’t able to see you this morning. He left very early, quite in a rush. There must have been something very pressing at work.”
“Oh.” You could not hide the disappointment in your voice. Or was it relief? “Aemond’s not here?”
“He did say he would call you, though, as soon as he can.”
Aemond isn’t here. “Right. Well, thanks for letting me know, Talia.”You smile at her genuinely, while feeling slightly empty inside from the notion of Aemond’s absence. There was no reason to be excited or nervous, after all. A shame, really. “And please, call me Y/n.”
“Of course, Y/n. And, it’s not a problem. Sir Aemond did seem quite distressed about having to leave. I’m sure he’d be annoyed with me if I don’t let you know.”
“Oh, that’s for sure.” Helaena rolls her eyes, smiling at you. “If I didn’t know any better, I would say that my brother’s kinda infatuated with you.”
Before a warmth can develop in your chest from what Helaena claims, another person walks in the kitchen. A long-legged, impossibly unblemished figure that is Alys Rivers.
Talia straightens, not as comfortable around Alys as she is with you and Helaena. She takes that as her cue to leave. She politely addresses each of you in turn. “Have a lovely morning, Ma’am. Y/n. Miss Alys.” Her tone bristles at the last name.
“Sooo,” Alys saunters over to the table, and daintily plops down on the seat opposite you and Helaena, “good morning, girls. You don’t mind if I join you for breakfast, do you?” She pops a piece of fruit in her mouth before you could respond.
“Not at all, Alys.” Helaena sighs. “It would be nice to finally speak to my brother’s…” She trails off, one eyebrow raising slyly. “…friend.”
Alys simply laughs it off, unfazed. “That’s nice of you, Helaena, but you don’t need to watch your words around me. I know that Aemond has never clearly stated what we are yet. But we are something, that much I’m sure of.” Her gaze trails over to you. “Nice sweater. You know, it looks a lot like my Aemond’s.”
My Aemond’s. God help me. “Oh, uhm,” you balk, not wanting to overstep the line with something that is completely none of your business, as far as you’re concerned, “he lent it to me last night. Clumsy ol’ me apparently can’t handle too much red wine. Literally and figuratively.”
You smile at Alys placatingly, but you’re not sure what for. Nothing happened last night, right? Nothing at all.
“Well, it looks good on you, darling.” She winks at you. The more she speaks, the more you realize how self-assured she is. Your first meeting, you’re wearing her… boyfriend’s…. sweater, and she’s only quick to accept your explanation. It’s as if she’s truly certain that no one can steal Aemond away from her.
“Thank you.” You awkwardly say, taking a sip of your coffee.
“So, Alys,” Helaena says, “tell us more about yourself. Surely we cannot just believe everything the gossip blogs say about you.”
“Right, well. I’m aware that I do have a certain image, but that’s all it is. An image. A kind of persona. It makes it easier to draw a line between my job and my personal life. I do enjoy the luxurious and fast-paced lifestyle that modelling brings, but that’s not everything. I am… more than that.”
Her statements catch you by surprise, slightly. You knew more than just to take her reputation at face value, but it’s different now. Aemond’s attraction to her might run deeper than you had hoped.
“I think it’s right that you do whatever you feel is best for you.” You find yourself genuinely saying, empathizing with how she feels. “I can’t claim to know exactly what it’s like, being in the public eye like that, but it must be hard. You should protect yourself, and if keeping up a kind of mask is something that works, then…” You purse your lips, and tilt your head, a show of your approval.
“Solidarity, sister.” Alys smiles at you, one which you return. “I mean, thanks for not judging me right away. Most people do.”
The rest of the morning is spent in a way you never would have expected to enjoy, but you do. Alys turns out to be more friendly than she seems, and it’s plain to see that she truly cares for Aemond. She did share her insecurities when it comes to him, and how he has set implicit boundaries between them.
Whenever she gets too close, he’s only quick to pull away. Aemond has predictably not made it clear what they are, and has never protested when Alys goes on dates with other people. Although she wishes that he would.
Each time Alys hints at how Aemond means to her makes you feel guilty. You know you want him, but she has been in the picture much longer than you. Do you even have a chance? Do you want one?
Eventually, Alys receives a call, which she explains is from her disgruntled manager, telling her that the call time for her photoshoot is nearing. She excuses herself, sashaying confidently out of the apartment. You can’t help but feel small, and the fact that you find her a tad intimidating is the least of your worries.
Aemond seems farther away from you, if he ever was close. Helaena notices your lowered spirits, and she spends the rest of the morning helping you get your mind off things.
But no movie, series, or copious amount of baked goods proves effective.
Despite your best efforts, Aemond Targaryen has taken refuge in your mind. And perhaps, your heart. But you would never admit that too soon.
Especially not now.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The weekend is a welcome respite from your busy university schedule. Although you have to work a full shift at a local bookstore, you wouldn’t complain about it. It’s a calm and decent enough part-time job, and while it doesn’t pay much, you’re more than happy to be surrounded by books all day.
You rush into the bookstore, already half an hour late. Your bus was delayed for too long, and you did not even get to pick up your usual coffee on the way.
“Mel?” You call out to the owner. She’s always the first to come in, and open up shop. You rub your boots on the welcome mat, and make your way around the tall bookshelves. You spot her at the counter, arranging yesterday’s receipts into a folder.
“Good morning.” She greets you with her usual warm smile. “Don’t even worry about it, y/n.” She reassures you in time, already knowing you would apologize profusely for being late.
You breathe a sigh of relief, dropping your bag behind the counter. “I’ll just stay a bit later after closing. Help clean up everything.”
“No need.” She places a hand on your shoulder, and whispers close. “By the way, you have a visitor.”
“A visitor?”
“A handsome one, might I add. He’s sitting in the corner desk by the Classics section. I found him waiting outside so early. Poor kid said he wanted to be here as soon as the shop opened, and I don’t know about you, but I hardly believe it is because of his raging love for literature.”
“Oh, I see.” You stand dumbfounded, a new sense of nervousness settling over you. That handsome visitor can only be Aemond, can it?
“Go on, honey. Take your time. It’s not like the shop gets particularly busy this early.”
You slowly walk deeper into the shop, past the new releases, the sci-fi section, and then the romance.
And sure enough, there he sits.
His shoulder-length silver hair is in its usual half-up style, and his expensive black coat is draped on the back of his seat. His left hand holds a book on the table, while the other props up his face, his index finger absentmindedly running over his lips, deep in thought.
Your footsteps carry no sound, so he does not notice as you walk closer. You almost don’t want to bother him, as he looks so serene. Faint sunlight from an awning window warms the scene, casting a glow over him. Beautiful.
You find yourself leaning against a bookshelf, studying him, flashes of that night running through your head. He did leave you a message, explaining why he had to leave the morning after. You were not sure what to respond with, apart from “No problem. See you soon.”
Impersonal. Direct. Safe. Getting to know his lover that morning was a sort of wake-up call. You aren’t sure whether you’re ready to dive in deeper into the enigma that he poses. So you decided to leave it at that.
But it clearly was not enough for him, as evidenced by numerous subsequent missed calls.
His head turns, languidly, finally sensing your presence. When your eyes meet, a soft smile forms on his lips.
“Hello, darling.”
Shit. Two simple words and you’re all but ready to let go of any uncertainty you might have about him, then and there.
“Aemond,” you can’t help but smile in return, “to what do I owe this visit?”
He closes his book and sets it down on the table. He turns his body towards you, still seated, leaning back to take you in.
“Would you believe me if I said that I missed you?” He says smoothly, so sure of himself. He stresses, “I miss you.”
“It’s only been days since I last saw you, Aemond.” You roll your eyes in a poor attempt to hide the way you grow flustered.
“Feels like forever.” He stands, walking over to the bookshelf you’re leaning on, making a show of perusing the titles. “You have not answered my calls, darling. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that you’re ignoring me.” He steps closer to you, mirroring your position.
“I was busy.” You respond quickly with a defensive tone. And you were, but not busy enough to avoid staring at your phone every time his name blinks on the screen, waiting for his call to drop.
“Hmm. I was hoping we could have a moment alone. To… talk,” His eyes rake your face, landing on your lips, “or perhaps, more?”
“More? Getting ahead of yourself, Aemond?” You look down, unable to meet his heated gaze.
“I really enjoyed our night together, and I was hoping we could have some more time to ourselves.”
“I’m sure we will. The next time Hel invites me over, or you guys throw a party…” You trail off, raising your head to look at him again, and sure enough, he continues to watch every change in your expression.
“How about now? Could I steal you away for an hour or two? I’m sure Melanie wouldn’t mind.”
“Already on first-name basis with my boss. Fast work, Aemond.”
“She’s a sweet woman. Nurturing. I’m glad you have someone like her as your supervisor.” His lips quirk in amusement.
“Really…” you raise your eyebrows.
“Mhmm. If she was unfair or unpleasant to you in any way, I would not hesitate to have someone better appointed in her stead.” He explains smugly.
“It’s an independent bookstore, Aemond, and not one of the hundred businesses your great empire owns. You wouldn’t have the jurisdiction.”
“Oh, you’d be surprised.” He lowers his face nearer to yours, his breath fanning your face. He continues, “I don’t believe you understand how much I would be willing to do for you.”
His proximity makes you short of breath, so you take a step back, wanting to clear your head. A frown materializes on his face, but it disappears just as quick as it arrived. He is determined to make himself heard.
“I have known you for a good part of a year now, y/n. And… my admiration for you has only blossomed as time passed. When we had a moment to ourselves that night, it just felt… right.”
“Aemond… ”
“I’m inclined to assume that you feel the same way. At least, I hope.”
Your throat feels dry all of a sudden, and you struggle to match his unabashed sincerity. “I’m not sure where this will lead. What you expect this to be. You already have… someone… ”
“Someone?” Props to him for seeming genuinely clueless as to who you’re referring to.
“I met her the morning after. Alys. She’s actually quite lovely.”
“It’s not what you think.” He finally looks away, his mood changed with the mention of Alys.
You sigh flatly, "That is exactly what someone involved would say. Look, I have no interest in ruining anyone's relationship - "
"I am not in a relationship - "
"But there is something between you and Alys, isn't there?"
"We aren't together. I have made this clear to her, time and again." He paces at the aisle, running his hand over the books. "Though I admit, in the times when I need... company... she's the one I have become accustomed to calling."
"Company." You almost roll your eyes at his casual implication.
"Hmm." His lips curl in distaste. "It does not come easy for me to connect with anyone. Even for a purpose as unseemly as that."
"There's nothing wrong with that."
"I know, I just... hope that you don't think any less of me."
"Aemond," you take a step forward, "you're free to want... company with whomever you want. So is Alys. But I can't get into this, whatever this is, with you if I will have to share you with anyone else."
"You won't. That already is far from the truth, darling. I have not even considered anyone else for a while now."
"But Alys - "
"I did not invite her over that night. I hadn't even seen her in weeks. Nothing happened after you left my bedroom."
"She cares about you. A lot."
"I know," he shakes his head slightly, "and I care about her, too. But it never became..." He bows his head, almost sheepishly. "... it's not... I don't love her."
Your gaze softens as you watch the torment in his expression. It becomes clear that Aemond does not throw around the word love without care. He sounds cautious. Nervous, almost.
His eyes find yours suddenly, the intensity behind them catching you by surprise.
"But you..." His brows furrow in frustration. He takes a deep breath, before repeating, almost accusingly, "You."
Suddenly, he pulls you close by the waist. His violet eyes keep you in place, holding you dear.
You take each other in with hungry eyes. His every little movement, every twitch, catches your attention. The way his lips purse, the way he swallows nervously. A stray strand of silver hair has fallen in front of his face, and you unconsciously reach up for it, your hand freezing mid-air when you realize what you're doing.
His hand comes up to caress yours, and slowly, he presses a soft kiss to your palm.
A soft moan nearly escapes your lips at how soft the gesture is. How gentle it feels. How right.
"I want you." He says, still holding your hand.
The two of you stand, mere inches away from one another.
Until a startled voice pierces the atmosphere, destroying the mood. "Shit, excuse me."
A boy stands in the middle of the aisle, a book in his hand. The day's first customer. He smiles sheepishly, pointing to the section you and Aemond have conveniently blocked, "Sorry, uh, I need to check out some of those."
You quickly step away from the shelf, and from Aemond. "Oh, excuse us. Please go right ahead." You wave him through.
Aemond does not move, his eyes irately landing on the boy. He is plainly displeased at the intrusion, not bothering to hide it. Spoiled, rich baby.
"Aemond, move over here." You address him, pulling at his hand. That gets his attention.
He does not let go of your hand, and directs you to the next aisle. But the haze has subsided for you. Or at least, it has to, for now.
"I have to work." You mumble. The words sound so dull after everything that has been said.
"Alright. I'll wait here."
"I'll wait here until you can leave with me for a little while."
Your mouth parts in frustration, confusion, or is it awe? You no longer know for sure. This day is certainly shaping up to be more eventful than you are prepared for.
"Aemond," you try to implore gently, "my first break is in four hours. Surely, you won't just wait here until then."
"Why ever not?" He looks amused at your growing incredulity. "I've got time to kill. Besides, I've got all these books to keep me busy."
"You would wait for me for four hours, and then what?"
"Then, I suppose, I'll take you out for lunch." His thumb continues to draw circles on the back of your hand, which almost escapes your notice. It felt so normal, just as if he has held your hand a thousand times before.
His hand reaches up to stroke your cheekbone, before tilting your head up at him. "Please say yes, darling."
Your heart races, even without its usual helping of caffeine. Looking at Aemond, you think that your break cannot come soon enough.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
For the next four hours, Aemond keeps his word and waits.
He moves to a table within eyeshot of the counter where you're working. It is clear that he is watching you, glancing at you from time to time and throwing a smirk your way.
You struggle to keep up appearances, cordially greeting customers and ringing in their purchases. You fight the temptation to walk over to Aemond, nudge his face towards his book, and tell him to quit staring at you like that.
His presence makes you infinitely more self-aware, and you try not to watch your every move, but you do anyway.
Aemond seems content to wait in silence, poring over the pages of his novel, until someone in particular walks in the store.
“I’m sorry, miss, I must be in the wrong place. My good friend Y/n promised that this would be the best bookstore in the city.” A familiar voice says. “Seems cozy, sure, but far from the best, wouldn’t you say?”
You look up at the new arrival, whom you immediately recognize. Aemond visibly straightens in his corner, noticing him as well.
“Jace!” You exclaim brightly, reaching over the counter to give him a hug.
Jacaerys chuckles deeply, and you can't help but feel warm at the sound. The sound of his laughter is something you love about him, genuine and free.
"Somebody missed me." His voice is muffled against your hair, and his arms wrap around you tightly.
"Course I did." You move to stand in front of him. "Back from Pentos so soon?"
"Yes, I finished my course early. I'm just that smart, as you well know." He taps the side of his head smugly.
"Ha-ha." You playfully punch his shoulder.
"Nephew." Aemond greets, interrupting your little reunion. "It's been a while."
"Aemond," Jace turns around to face him, "I didn't notice you, dear uncle. You look well."
"As do you." Aemond replies stoically. His hands are neatly kept behind his back, and he watches you and Jacaerys with keen eyes. "I was not aware that you and Y/n are so close."
You know that Aemond does not have the best relationship with his half-sister Rhaenyra's children. At first, you could not understand why. Jace and his siblings are among the kindest boys you've met. Luke is a bit roguish, but that is part of his charm.
But that was before Helaena explained to you how Aemond must have felt neglected growing up, always in the shadow of his nephews, who are much favoured by his own father Viserys. Helaena learned not to mind, telling you how she has found peace with her own self and her passions. She is aware that Viserys loves Rhaenyra above everyone else, and by extension, Rhaenyra's children. His marriage to their mother Alicent was borne out of necessity, not love.
And she only hinted at it, but apparently, Aemond was also bullied by the younger boys when they were children. Of course, that was long ago, but some scars never fully heal.
"We're good friends, Aemond." Jace responds, putting one arm over your shoulders, a movement that makes Aemond's lips curl in distaste. "Met her through Hel, of course, and I just couldn't get enough of this little rascal." He squeezes your shoulders, pulling you closer, making you wrap an arm around his waist.
"You're the rascal, leaving me for nearly half a year like that." You jest, matching his smile.
"Well, I'm back now, aren't I?" He says, then he turns back to his uncle, "What are you doing here, by the way? Just browsing for a new read?"
"No," Aemond loosens his stance a bit, looking at you, "I'm actually waiting to take Y/n out on a date."
A date? Is that what I agreed to?
"To lunch." You clarify, meeting his gaze.
"A lunch date." Aemond simply shrugs, deeming the matter settled.
"Uh-huh." Jace looks between the two of you, growing amused. "Listen, uncle, could you give me just a few minutes with Y/n. Then, I promise, she's all yours."
Aemond stands still for a few seconds, deliberating whether he should leave you with Jace. The silence is utterly deafening, so you say, "Aemond. I'll be with you in a bit. We can head out soon."
"Hmm." He relents, then stalks back to his table, his silver hair gently flowing behind his neck.
Jace watches Aemond walk away with a weird look on his face, and you already know what's coming next.
"Y/n?" Jace smirks at you. "What is going on?"
"He's... here for me."
"Worked your magic on him, I see? I remember you having a crush on him and all..."
"Alright, pipe down about it." Your face becomes flushed, and you catch Aemond's eye in the corner. "I didn't even do anything. He sought me out."
"Riiiight," Jace says, "and this is what you want?"
You shrug, "I do like him. You know this."
Jace studies your expression, seeing sincerity but also a tinge of something else. Doubt, perhaps? "Just be careful, alright? My uncle can be a little... unpredictable."
"He's... I mean, he actually seems a lot better than I expected. It's a shame you two aren't close."
"Yes, well, some things can't be helped." Jace's eyebrows furrow in thought. "What about that model that he's rumoured to be seeing? He can't keep messing around with her, if he wants you, y/n."
"Oh, I even met her, actually. She's nice. But Aemond says that they're apparently... over. Or... not working out. You know, I'm not sure." You shake your head, not wanting to think about it any further. It isn't really a matter that's been resolved yet.
"Okay, just be careful, alright? You're too good for him, y/n."
"Don't worry about me, Jace." You smile, looping your arm with his as you lean against the counter. "How's the family? How are Luke and Joffrey?"
"Well, Luke is Luke. You know. Gets into a fair share of trouble, what with his penchant for racing cars and all. Bloody well gives mum a heart attack each time he has to do a competition. I think he's coming back tomorrow from some race in Casterly Rock."
"That's our Luke." You sigh fondly.
"And Joff's as sweet as ever. Nearly done with middle school, that one. You're invited to his finishing ceremony, of course."
You smirk at his assurance, "I think Joff should be the one to invite me, no?"
Jace moves to stand in front of you again. "Doesn't matter. I'm the big brother, I say you're in."
He cages you in, with each of his hands on the counter. You then press your forehead against his chest, and he rests his chin atop your head. A position that the two of you have gotten so used to doing. Jace is truly like a brother to you, and he loves you like his actual sister in turn.
"Mmm, I did miss this." You breathe.
Aemond's fist bunches on the table, his book long-forgotten. You and Jacaerys were only friends, right? So why did he have to feel so uneasy?
He stands, not able to watch the scene any longer, and walks over to claim what he thinks should be his.
"Let's go." Aemond's voice pierces the silence, catching you by surprise. You move away from Jace, and throw him a sheepish smile, as if to apologize for Aemond's behaviour.
“I guess that’s my cue to leave.” Jace’s arm drops from your sides, and he takes a step back to keep Aemond’s envy from worsening.
“Won’t you join us for lunch?” You ask Jace. One glance at Aemond, and it’s plain to see that he’s not particularly fond of that idea.
“Nah, you two go ahead. I’ve got some matters to attend to.” Jace is quick to respond. Whether he’s telling the truth, or he just wants to appease Aemond, you remind yourself to ask him about it later.
“Nice seeing you, uncle.” Jace says to Aemond, as he heads for the door.
His hand is already at the doorknob, when he recalls something. He calls out to you, “Y/n, you will be coming to the Dragonstone ball, right?”
“Oh, I don’t know yet.” You reply. The annual Dragonstone ball is a grand event held by the Targaryens, and almost anyone of repute is sure to be invited. Celebrities, philanthropists, academics. You vaguely recall seeing last year’s ball everywhere in the news. That must have been around the time you first met Helaena, your friendship quickly developing soon after.
“Well if you are, would you - ” Jace begins to say, but he is immediately interrupted by Aemond.
“She’ll be coming with me.” Aemond declares.
“I am?” You say, startled, as you pick up your bag from behind the counter.
“Mmm. You are, darling.”
What the hell?
“See you around, y/n.” Jace relents, taking note of the heightened tension in the room.  
As soon as he’s gone, you address the silver-haired scoundrel who was quick to make a decision for you, much to your annoyance. “Listen, sweetheart,” you pat him on the chest, and head for the door, expecting him to follow suit, “it’s not going to be that easy.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The two of you sit in the secluded veranda of a Valyrian restaurant that, unsurprisingly, is owned by the Targaryens. Beautifully gilded tables are nestled in a garden, and Aemond had led you to their best section under an archway. The restaurant had been empty when you arrived, with all the staff standing ready to usher you inside. You suspect that Aemond went ahead and purposefully reserved the entire place for this very afternoon, but you let it slide.
“When is the Dragonstone ball?” you ask, after finishing most of your meal.
“I’d say in around two months. My mother is overseeing everything, as usual, so it’s really all up to her.”
“And,” you lean back, smiling wryly, “apparently, I am going with you?”
Aemond smirks, “Why wouldn’t you?”
You scoff. The ‘Prince of the city’ sure has a pair on him. “I don’t know, Aemond. Maybe because you did not really ask me to come with you.”
His smirk does not fade. He leans forward, taking your hand from across the table, his fingers tracing your skin. Your prideful facade is at risk of breaking, and you wish to simply hold his hand back lovingly.
But you keep a hold of yourself, waiting.
“Darling,” the corner of his lips turn up in amusement, most likely at your rapidly changing expression, “would you do me the honour of being my partner…” He deliberately pauses, taking delight in how your eyes widen, “… to the Dragonstone ball?”
Oh, you little shit. “Mmm,” you swallow, attempting to steel your nerves. Aemond patiently waits for your response, the damage already done. For a split second, he gets the urge to reach for your knee underneath the table.
Perhaps to comfort you. Or solely for his pleasure, adding to your already fluttering heartbeat. Or both.
“Okay,” you clear your throat, “I will go with you. Thank you for asking.”
Aemond smiles brightly, the dimples on his cheeks deepening. “I’m glad, darling.”
Something crosses your mind, and before you can push it down, curiosity gets the better of you. You find yourself asking, “By the way, who did you go with last year?”
His face falls, “You probably already know. Alys.”
“Of course,” you nod, “and the year before that? Her as well?”
“Y/n,” he says sternly, “that’s not of any importance.”
“Won’t she be expecting to go with you again this year?” You ask.
He simply shrugs, “She may have mentioned something recently to that effect.”
“Aemond - ”
“Look, the main reason why I brought her to previous balls was because I’ve always been expected to take a date. It’s just the proper thing to do, to keep up appearances, though I don’t really agree with it. If I were to bring someone, I don’t want to do it out of obligation. And I can finally do that now, with you. I want to be with you, and take you as my partner for the ball.”
How can I argue with that? It’s almost impossible, when his violet eyes blaze at me in the way that they always do.
“I just,” you look away, choosing to admire the way the vines wrap themselves around the archway, to distract yourself from Aemond’s heated gaze, “I don’t want her to feel like she’s being slighted in any way. I don't want her to feel like I’m… stealing you away… or something.”
Aemond smiles, “By all means, steal me away, darling.”
“I’m being serious.” You attempt a stern tone, but it falls flat as soon as you see his smile.
“I was never hers to keep. You, however…”
“You’re more than welcome to call me yours, if you wish.”
“Aemond.” You want to scold him for being so forward, not when there are some things that still need to be resolved. But you also want to trust him, to trust in whatever it is the two of you are becoming.
You realize you are already in too deep. How? The possibility of ever losing him is enough to fill your stomach with dread. If Aemond will be yours, then he will also be yours to lose.
And you don’t know what you will do if that happens.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The next two weeks pass by in relative bliss. Aemond makes an effort to see you almost every day, visiting you in the bookstore or meeting you after your lectures. You learn more about him in this time, than in the past year you’ve known him. The two of you have always admired each other from afar, but now that Aemond has begun to completely open up to you, it’s as if you’ve known him your whole life.
It's as if he’s one of the pillars holding everything together around you. A comfortable constant. As well as a conflagration, casting his radiance over everything. Aemond is like a magnet, a desirable paradox drawing everyone to him. The amount of looks you get from your fellow students whenever Aemond picks you up from university made you uneasy at first, but you’ve learned to find the humour in it.
Aemond’s smug smirk at their reaction each time he takes your hand, stealing you away, is surely enough to make you feel giddy inside.
Everything seemed too good to be true, and perhaps it was.
The abrupt end to this brief golden period began one evening, as you and Helaena are in her bedroom, perusing through countless gown designs online to wear for the Dragonstone ball.
Aemond had been away on business to a nearby city, and you eagerly await his return. Then a sharp ringing echoes throughout the room, coming from Helaena’s phone, a sound that makes you anxious though you cannot pinpoint why in the moment.
She glances at the screen, before quickly turning to you. “It’s my father.”
“Oh, answer it then.”
“That’s strange,” her face contorts in confusion, “he almost never calls.”
Helaena excuses herself, walking over to stand in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. Her reflection on the glass is only faintly visible to you, and you struggle to make anything out of the muffled conversation.
A long, torturous minute passes before the call finishes. When Helaena turns to face you, her face is white as a sheet.
You stand, and rush over to her side. “Hel? What is it?”
At your touch, something snaps in her, and she becomes frantic. “It’s… it’s my brother… it’s Aemond… ” She quickly scrambles around the room, putting on her coat and shoes.
“Aemond?” You feel nauseous with worry. “What happened, Hel?”
“I have to get to the hospital. Aemond and Luke got into an accident.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
An entire week passes before you hear from any of them. Helaena had rushed off alone to the hospital that night, and while you were desperate to come along and see Aemond, she explained that her parents preferred that only family came to visit.
You understood. Or at least, you tried to. You went home feeling weak all over, and it only worsened when you saw that the accident was already plastered all over the news.
It was reported that Aemond and Lucerys were each driving their cars at dangerous speeds, when one of them must have collided with the other, crashing onto the freeway. It was alleged that Aemond’s car had flipped over multiple times before finally landing down a hill. The extent of their injuries are not made public, probably at the authority of Viserys himself, but the masses have been quick to speculate.
Jace calls you while you are staying home one afternoon, having opted out of attending all your lectures for the day. For the past few days, actually.
“Hey, you,” He greets softly, knowing how you must already be reeling with stress. “Holding up okay?”
“Me? What about you, Jace? How is everyone? How is Luke? Aemond? Fuck, I haven’t heard from anyone.”
He breathes, “We’re fine, y/n. Luke just has a broken leg, but it should heal fine. He does have to put up with a cast for several weeks, though.”
Okay. Luke is alright. But you still can’t let out a sigh of relief, not until…
“What about Aemond?” You ask nervously.
“That’s… another thing.”
“Please just tell me, Jace.”
“Are you home? I’m actually nearby. We should maybe discuss this in person.” He offers.
And only half an hour later, he is standing at your door. You quickly envelop him in a tight hug, and he breathes deeply, feeling comforted by your presence.
Once the two of you are settled on your couch, cups of warm tea held between each of your hands, you begin talking.
“Aemond is fine. For the most part.” He says. “He’s alive and well, but he’s suffered an injury.”
“What injury?”
“He doesn’t want anyone to know, Y/n. At least, not just yet.”
You pause, unsure if you want to press further. You do want to know, but you also want to respect Aemond’s privacy. Besides, if he wanted you to know, he would tell you himself, wouldn’t he?
“I understand,” you relent, sinking into the couch, “I’m just glad they’re okay.”
Jace notices your distress, and reaches for you, “Come here.”
The embrace offers a momentary respite. Your head drops down on his shoulder, and you both enjoy the silence that follows.
“One thing’s for sure,” Jace says after a while, “There’s no way in hell that mum is letting Luke drive again. At least not for a long, long fucking time.”
You smile at that, feeling light for the first time in a while.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Dragonstone ball is once again making its rounds in the media, and this year, it is reported to have been delayed for two more months, allowing the dust to settle over the terrible accident that befell two of the Targaryen heirs.
Just a week after you learn about this piece of news, you finally hear from Aemond.
Your heart skips a beat when his name flashes on the screen, and you pick up your phone with a slightly trembling hand. You press the green button, and lift the phone to one ear.
Nothing. But then, you hear soft breathing at the other end. It’s a silly notion, but you think you recognize those breaths to be his. It can only be him.
“Aemond, I know you’re there.” You say, biting your lip in anticipation.
“Dar…” he cuts himself off, “Y/n. I’m alright, I apologize for only calling you now.”
Coldness seeps in your bones when you notice how he corrected himself. Why?
“It’s alright, Aemond. I’m just relieved that you’re fine. I was so worried, you have no idea.”
The sound of your voice tugs at his heart, one which he sorely missed. He swallows, struggling to bring himself to say what he means to. “I need to tell you something. About the ball… I’ve decided that I should take Alys instead. She was already expecting that she is to be my date, and I just think that it’s rude if I…”
“That’s fine.” You say, far too quickly, not believing your own words. “I… I did consider that. You should take her.”
“Darling,” Aemond finally says, unable to hold back, “I…”
“It’s okay,” you attempt to comfort him, but it’s mostly for your own sake, “I completely understand.”
He takes a deep breath. As he envisions how you must look on the other line, he instantly feels a pang of regret.
“I’ll… I’ll see you around, yeah?” You say, wanting to be done with this damned call.
“Hmm. I’ll see you, darling.”
You throw your phone down on your desk. Feeling numb all over, you make your way to the kitchen, and quickly take a bottle of red bottle from the cabinet. You make quick work of the cork, and pour yourself a hefty amount.
You slosh the liquid around your glass, staring at that familiar shade of maroon.
And sure enough, it brings you back to that night on their balcony.
“For fuck’s sake.” You whisper to yourself. Closing your eyes, you see him.
What happened, Aemond? Have I already lost you?
“How could I?” You say bitterly. “When he was never mine?”
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The part two preview that I posted, has been relegated to part three, after much editing. It's meant to be a steamy, little scene that unfolds in the Dragonstone ball.
And I had to work in the tragic injury that Aemond suffers in a way that might be suited to this modern setting. It's just hard for me to picture child on child violence happening here, with one of them taking a brutal dagger to the eye. At least not in this world, which is meant to resemble ours 😂
Oohh and thoughts on Jace? I actually don't intend him to be a love interest for the reader, and more so a genuine friend. But Aemond doesn't need to know that, does he? He surely won't believe it in the events at follow... 😏
Taglist for this series is still open (for now) so comment below if you wish to be added. 🤍
Series taglist: @caught-in-the-afterglow @aemondtargaryensrider @punggo66 @dollfaceyourfear @candypurplebutterfly @moonmaiden1996 @bdpst-massacre @mxrgodsstuff @lolitaisreal @blue-serendipity @depressedperson88 @melsunshine @thejanecampaign @fxngsfxgxrty @padfooteyes @msmarvel-19 @noxytopy @louschan @aemondssuit @virginslut08 @tempo-rary-fix @lauraneedstochill @julczimozart @booknerd2004 @sarcasticfangirl @witchyvik @julieeba @pyjama-shorts @bellaisasleep @account3168 @this-is-a-bad-idea @zillahvathek @thincrusttheworks @krispold @yougotthatlove @raging-panda @fleetingly-artistic @its-hopes-world @ririrare @throughgoeshamilton @polireader @katsav17 @minttea07
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blythings · 5 months
— pairing: tom blyth x filmmaker!oc (fem.)
— summary: it's gotta be more than nothing.
— warnings: allusions to sex but nothing explicit.
— word count: 669
— notes: if you've read an older version of this back when i was part of choices tumblr no u didn't. my inbox is open if you wanna chat!!
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He revels in the sight of her like this, sprawled across the tousled sheets of his bed, bathed in the soft moonlight that delicately traces lines over her naked form.
She's pretty when she emerges from her bedroom after blitzing through her studies and she's pretty when she's knocking back a shot in a bar during nights out with Mari and the rest of their friends. Yet, Tom is convinced that this particular version of Alexis is his favorite. Everything feels a little warmer, a little gentler, deceptively tender in a way that should alarm him.
"You're staring," she accuses, though her eyes are still closed. With a leisurely stretch, she raises her arms over her head, and he can't help but chuckle. Were he less informed, he might think Alexis is oblivious to the effect she has on him. But, a ghost of a smirk plays on her lips, confirming what he already knows — Alexis Nakamura is a force, effortlessly dismantling the invisible walls he's constructed around himself. It feels as though his world has tilted on its axis, standing and falling simultaneously.
"How could I not?" he responds. Pressing her body closer, Tom ducks his head, burying his face into the crook of her neck. His hand finds a comfortable spot in the dip of her side, fingertips gliding up and along the grooves of her ribs. "You could ogle at me too. Quid pro quo."
She huffs out a laugh. "Is that a part of this?"
"It could be."
In the unfolding of their interactions, Tom and Alexis find themselves slipping into something neither can define. It begins with stolen glances that linger for a beat too long, drawing them into moments simultaneously familiar and uncharted. They haven't officially labeled what is evolving between them, but the unspoken understanding hints at a magnetic pull neither can resist, signalling the quiet inception of something more than friendship but less than a commitment.
Cuddling after sex is a newfound occurrence born from this arrangement, born without explicit agreement or discussion. It starts by accident. Exhaustion that seeps into their bones, and the craving for the comfort that a warm body brings. Only the faint sound of the city from outside his window can be heard and Tom wonders if this is the most peace he's gotten in months.
"Ali?" He whispers, more to himself than her.
Stay. "It's almost 1."
She hums, sitting up. Tom follows suit, arms still wrapped around her waist as he plants soft kisses along the side of her throat. "I should probably go then."
Cuddling after sex has become a routine, but staying over hasn't. Still, there's the urge to draw her closer, to fall asleep enveloped in her warmth and weight. To wake up beside her, to go see mutual friends with her and let rumours swirl — labels aside, relationship status pending, she's with him. But despite his wishes, the words are lodged in his throat.
"Sorry." Alexis grins, slipping out of his hold before he can reel her back in. Almost falling face-first to the floor, her legs refuse to cooperate, aching. Tom suppresses a smirk. "I have class at 8."
"Don't apologise." He clears his throat, watching as she gathers her scattered clothes. "You're probably the worse person to share a bed with."
"Wouldn't you like to know," she laughs, pulling on her jeans and buttoning up her shirt. Once fully dressed, she leans in, her nose brushing against his before a lingering kiss lands on his lips. "Goodnight."
"Do you need me to walk you to the door, darling?"
"Nah, I'm a big girl." Alexis replies as she heads to the door. Mid-stride, she cranes her neck. Over her shoulder, she says, "Don't miss me too much, Blyth."
The front door shuts behind her, leaving Tom's bed feeling infinitely colder. The room echoes with the absence of her presence, and as he lies there, he contemplates the space she left behind, a lingering warmth that fades too quickly.
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sevensoulmates · 2 months
Buck, Eddie, Love Interests & Vulnerability
So I noticed something interesting while I was watching a romcom with my friend tonight and I wanted to share my thoughts.
I remembered that in writing romance, whether for screen or in written format, one of the fundamental keys to making your characters establish a deep relationship is to have them share vulnerable moments.
Why is it important for two characters to be mutually vulnerable to develop a romance? Because if your potential partner is not able to see the most vulnerable parts of yourself and love you for it even more, then that's not the partner for you. Most of us are aware of this, and that's why those moments in any romance where two characters open up and let each other in are extremely important.
Now I want to talk about Buck and Eddie's relationships with their various LI's (hopefully as briefly as I can) and analyze the relationships and the audience's reception to them.
With Buck, his relationship with Abby, love it or hate it, definitely included many vulnerable moments with the two of them opening up to each other. Buck felt like Abby could see him, and he was able to be vulnerable with her about how he felt. Abby was very open about her struggles with her mom. This bonded them together quickly and allowed the audience to at least understand why they were into each other if nothing else. I still believe Buck's relationship with Abby was the strongest of his female love interests in the show (even despite all the faults).
With Ali, the only time we see Buck be vulnerable is right after the truck explosion, and instead of that vulnerability being accepted, it is rejected by Ali, hence why their relationship does not continue.
With Taylor....this relationship was lopsided. Taylor managed to open up to Buck during the pandemic episodes, and about her past, and Buck accepted her and supported her, but the same could not be said vice versa. With the exception of the scene where Taylor tries to help Buck after Eddie is shot (and even that has him rejecting her and her insisting but I digress), when Buck opened up about things, his insecurities, etc, they were almost always met with skepticism, mockery, and even exasperation, even though she was no longer outwardly cruel. Buck made a lot of mistakes in their relationship too, but all of this (in my personal opinion) was done because he knew, subconsciously, that he and Taylor were not fully connecting on the emotional level they both needed, and that led to their ultimate breakup.
With Natalia, the girl wasn't comfortable with any part of Buck's life, and I don't think either of them really shared any truly vulnerable moments at all. Even though they were talking a lot about Buck's death. I think at first, Buck misunderstood Natalia's interest in his death as acceptance of his vulnerabilities (exactly what he was missing in his last relationship with Taylor) but in the end, he realized that once again, they were not connecting the way they needed to, and he ended it.
Now, I'm going to shift to Eddie because he's interesting. The first relationship we see him in is with Shannon. We see moments between the two of them where Shannon is able to open up about her vulnerabilities with Eddie...but (in my opinion) I don't know if Eddie was ever able to truly accept them, as evidenced by him being "unable to trust her" even after he's already begun sleeping with her. In contrast, I don't think we ever really see Eddie open up to her, not really, not even during the very last time they have dinner together. His speech to Shannon is less about him being open and honest with his vulnerabilities, but more so a promise to stifle his worries about their relationship, his fears about what she could do to Chris (and Eddie) emotionally, to fall back into the comfortable nuclear family they'd made, to keep his issues to himself all in the pursuit of "making it right" with her. In Eddie Begins, we also see that when Shannon tries to make vulnerable connections with Eddie they are shut down, and when Eddie is given opportunities to open up to Shannon and let her in on how he's feeling, he denies them. I understand why some people find their relationship fascinating, but I think most people agree these two were never right for each other because Eddie and Shannon are never able to make the true, deep vulnerable connections necessary in order to really truly be there and accept and love each other as true forever partners.
Next, we have Ana. Good lord the only vulnerable conversation these two ever had on screen was their breakup. They have awkward dates where they talk about math, and when Ana tries to get Eddie to start talking about Shannon ie "I know there's not been anyone in his life since his mom" Eddie very promptly shuts down that convo. Later on, even after Eddie is shot, they still don't have any vulnerable conversations. Then, when Eddie has his panic attacks, still nothing. The only time Eddie is ever 100% honest with her is when they break up. And that's why literally no one watching had any investment in these two as a couple.
I want to spare a brief interlude for Felisa Valdez and Vanessa. I hypothesize a lot of the reason why people think Eddie "had chemistry" with these two was not just because they are all hot individuals or had any sort of special connection (let's be real they were all virtual strangers to each other). But there is one thing that sets both of them apart from Eddie's other two love interests. Felisa was able to be very open and honest with Eddie about why she stays in not-so-healthy friendships, and in turn, Eddie shared with her about the tsunami and Chris. They were able to connect through mutual vulnerability (even though it wasn't too deep on Eddie's end). Similarly, Vanessa is able to be open with Eddie about how she was hurt by her ex-fiance in the past and that she wants to protect her own feelings now. Eddie both admires her honesty and connects with her vulnerability (as it is a shared one even though Eddie doesn't tell her so onscreen). But because of that vulnerable moment, most of us actually really liked Vanessa and thought she and Eddie were cute.
Moving on to Marisol, it could be argued that Eddie sees Marisol in her most vulnerable moment (when she thinks her brother is gonna die), but that was not really a moment where Marisol chooses to be vulnerable with Eddie, he just happens to be there witnessing it. Then fast forward through the rest of the scenes they have in season 6, there are no moments of them being open and vulnerable with each other (and no I don't count the asking-out scene that was just awkwardness). Then we head into season 7, she's been in one scene, and that was all surface level too. In fact, the person that Eddie's being most vulnerable with in that same scene is Buck. For that reason, and external reasons related to the actress, most people are not interested in Eddie/Marisol at all.
Which brings me to my next and biggest point.
The person that Buck and Eddie have been able to share most of, if not all, their biggest vulnerability moments with is each other. Yes, Buck has vulnerable scenes with Maddie (but that's his sister), and both of them have vulnerable scenes with Bobby (but that's their father), but even those moments are outshined by just how deeply vulnerable Buck and Eddie are able to be with each other.
I could go on to list each and every moment Buck and Eddie have been vulnerable with each other and then found equal and reciprocated acceptance each and every time, but that's unnecessary because most of us already just flash-forwarded through all their scenes at light speed, so I don't need to tell you what you already know. But I think the sheer amount of times that Buck and Eddie have been vulnerable with each other in ways that are EXCLUSIVE to each other, is why a fuckton of us in this fandom are so down bad for them as a couple and will fight tooth and nail for them to get their happy ending together.
So, with that being said I'm interested to see where the rest of season 7 goes. Are we going to get some actual real moments of vulnerability between Eddie and Marisol (or Buck and *maybe* Tommy)? Or are they just going to remain surface level, never actually developing their relationship into anything worthwhile. And if what the endless amount of articles on Buddie keep saying is true, then it's Buck and Eddie who are going to keep being open and vulnerable with each other, getting closer, and seeing their relationship develop into new territory.
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kckt88 · 3 months
Take My Breath Away What If! NSFW Alphabet ft. Aemond & Aegon with Vaeryna.
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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon or Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used.
Comments, likes, and reblogs are very much appreciated.
A = Aftercare (what Aemond & Aegon are like after sex with Vaeryna)
Aemond: After he’s finished basking in the afterglow of sex, Aemond will fetch a cloth and clean Vaeryna up whilst nuzzling her neck and pressing gentle kisses to her skin.
Aegon: Asks if she’s ok and then wants to cuddle.
B = Body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also Vaeryna’s)
Aemond: His favourite body part of his own is his hair, he just loves it when Vaeryna pulls on it when they have sex or how she runs her fingers through it whilst he’s bathing after a hard training session. His favourite body part on Vaeryna is her breasts, he loves licking/sucking her rosy nipples, especially when she’s producing milk to feed one of their babes.
Aegon: His favourite body part is his hands; he just loves to run his fingers along Vaeryna’s soft pale skin and listen to her giggles as he tickles her. His favourite part of Vaeryna is her lips, they are plump and look fantastic wrapped around his cock.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Aemond: Loves to cum inside his wife. Although he prefers to spill his seed inside her cunny, he also enjoys spilling inside her mouth on occasion and watching her swallow.
Aegon: Likes to cum anywhere, he’s not fussy.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Aemond: The whole threesome thing they have going on – His mother would probably have a heart attack if she knew.
Aegon: Maybe the threesome thing, but he’s pretty sure that his mother and the council would literally implode if they knew Vaeryna had sucked his cock whilst he sat on the Iron Throne.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Aemond: Only bedded 3-no 4 people, (he doesn’t like to reminisce about his past involvement with the whore on the Streets of Silk or Alys) but the years he’s been with Vaeryna have served him well and he knows his wife’s soft luscious body and how to make her scream his name.
Aegon: Had more sex than hot dinners, man has a wealth of knowledge that he likes to put to good use.
F = Favourite position (this goes without saying)
Aemond: Loves being on top, there’s just something about the intimacy of being able to look into Vaeryna’s eyes or how he can kiss her as he thrusts his cock inside her, he also loves it when she wraps her legs around his waist and holds his body close as she tells him she loves him.
Aegon: Loves Vaeryna being on top, his fingers digging into her waist as she rides him like an unclaimed dragon. But then he does thoroughly enjoy being bent over by his brother.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Aemond: Can be very serious during sex, mutual pleasure is very important.
Aegon: Depends on the day.
H = Hair (how well-groomed are they?)
Aemond: Well-groomed and clean.
Aegon: Doesn’t actually have a lot of hair down there as that’s where some of his burn scars are from the Battle above Rooks Rest.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Aemond: Will often tell Vaeryna how much he loves her and perfect she is, loves to tell her when they have sex. His wife knowing how much he wants her is important.
Although he does enjoy it when Vaeryna runs her fingers through the sparse hairs on his chest as they cuddle afterwards or the way she noses the trail of hair that leads from his bellybutton down to his cock.
Aegon: Does asking Vaeryna if she’s ready for his cock before he sticks it inside her count? He’s not sure about the whole romance thing, its not something he’s ever been used too.
J = Jack off (masturbation)
Aemond: Has regular sex so he doesn’t need to touch himself that often, but there have been times when Vaeryna was heavy with his child and they couldn’t have sex so he indulged in the act of self-pleasure, seeing her all round, and swollen with his seed does things to him.
Aegon: Everyday, can’t help it. He loves to touch himself as he thinks of Vaeryna and Aemond.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Aemond: Lactation Kink, Breeding Kink, Spit Kink, Daddy Kink, Slight Dom, Hair pulling.
Aegon: Loves a bit of over stimulation, hair pulling, and he likes to be slapped.
L = Location (favourite places to do the deed)
Aemond: Their chambers (The bed, the desk, the floor in front of the fireplace and in the bath) but he is partial to a bit of outside fucking.
Aegon: Anywhere really, it doesn’t matter.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Aemond: Pretty much anything when it comes to Vaeryna, she knows exactly how to get his cock hard.
Aegon: Vaeryna has a certain smile she reserves just for him, and he knows exactly what it means.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Aemond: Nothing to do with piss and NO he will not let Aegon stick his cock inside him-he’s a top.
Aegon: Anything goes-He’s not shy.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Aemond: He could spend all day, every day devouring Vaeryna’s delicious cunny, he loves bringing her to peak on his tongue. As for receiving, Vaeryna and Aegon have different techniques, but he loves it either way.
Aegon: Loves devouring the cunny, especially Vaeryna she’s gets so deliciously wet, its glorious. But he does love it when she returns the favour, the way her teeth gently graze against his length drives him crazy.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Aemond: Depends on how he feels, he loves slow and a gentle, making sure to take his time, but he also loves fast and rough.
Aegon: Doesn’t matter, he loves it all.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Aemond: YES!! Especially that time they had a quickie in the council chambers.
Aegon: Of course, can’t complain. The risk is half the reward.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Aemond: In a threesome with his wife and brother, pretty self-explanatory.
Aegon: Up for anything freaky, doesn’t discriminate.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Aemond: Very fast recovery time (it’s actually scary how quick he can be ready again) loves going multiple rounds.
Aegon: Needs a cup of wine and a quick rest, then he’s good to go.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Aemond: Never really thought about it.
Aegon: Is not ashamed to admit that he does have a number of wooden cocks.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Aemond: Loves to tease to the point of frustration, enjoys listening to Vaeryna begging for his cock.
Aegon: Doesn’t have much patience for that kind of thing.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Aemond: Can be loud/vocal.
Aegon: Moans and whimpers.
W = Wild card (a random head canon for the character)
Aemond: Would love to fuck Vaeryna on dragon back-he can’t believe they haven’t done it yet.
Aegon: Loves Vaeryna more than he admits, her reaction to his burn scars meant everything to him. He considers himself ugly, but she makes him feel beautiful.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Aemond: Very impressive. Length and girth. Man has been blessed.
Aegon: More girth than length, his groin is heavily scarred so doesn’t like to dwell too much on that area.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Aemond: High- He can’t get enough of his wife.
Aegon: High – Would live in bed if he could. Spends most of his time day dreaming about Vaeryna and Aemond.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Aemond: Depends if he wants another round, but he loves cuddling up to Vaeryna and holding her naked body against his as he drifts off.
Aegon: Instantly out cold, the release he feels just completely relaxes him.
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sourcreammachine · 6 months
✨My Favourite Moments of 2024!✨
uk prime minister keir starmer resigns in disgrace after accidentally referring to a trans woman by her correct pronouns
elon musk attempts to prove the safety of the tesla truck by letting mitch mcconnell drive. both men die within seconds of entering the vehicle
in response to worldwide famine, the World Food Programme appoints taylor swift as its director-for-life
the IDF continues carpetbombing occupied gaza after the ghosts of hamas are spotted. all gazans are required to evacuate into a shallow grave
the conclave repeatedly fails to elect a new pope, causing a schism. one conclave elects some italian bishop you’ve never heard of while the other conclave elects agent Q
the IMF buys pakistan
donald trump wins the republican primary carrying 60 states, 14 countries, and 8 circles of hell. during his victory broadcast from prison he suffers what it clinically described as a MegaStroke, removing his ability to move and speak. he declares one of his busty nurses to be his running mate and leads biden by 30 points
following the death of musk twitter is divided by gavelkind amongst multiple rival warlords
joe biden finally finishes his 13th genocide, winning a bet he made with obama
after it retreats from ukraine and georgia, putin personally murders every single member of the russian army. he is reelected in a landslide
his holiness the ayatollah ali khamenei dies peacefully of old age surrounded by his loving family and a grieving nation. days later he is found in a disused oil pipeline hiding from protesters while off his tits on heroin, and is dragged through the streets and beaten to death
the largest war in human history erupts in africa, costing dozens of millions of lives. it is a slow news day at the UN
president millei attaches argentina to the dollar. the us economy immediately crashes and undergoes apocalyptic hyperinflation, the dollar becoming the first currency to have a negative value. the only surviving american industry is joe biden ‘i did that’ stickers
the PLA begins its amphibious invasion of taiwan. the war claims the lives of one million PLA soldiers, ending within 20 minutes when the generals learn that tanks can’t swim
donald trump wins the us presidential election carrying all 100 states. during his victory broadcast from the intensive care unit, he suffers what is clinically described as a Heart Apocalypse, rupturing every single artery in his body and leaving him as pile of blood and gore. the supreme court rules that despite being, quote, “the most dead person ever recorded”, he is still eligible to be president. he and vp-elect Busty Nurse will be inaugurated on 20 january
due to a weird loophole, elon musk’s trans daughter inherits his entire estate. she immediately uses all her wealth to found a mutually-owned food distribution network, ending world hunger
the switch 2 still doesn’t have fucking analogue triggers
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puffballlofdoom · 4 months
On "alysmond" and "helaemond"
For some reason, there’s a petty war going on between fierce “helaemond” and “alysmond” stans. Fr, I totally don’t understand why should those ships be mutually exclusive? If “helaemond” actually becomes the show canon, I can totally see Helaena breaking up with her brother-boyfriend after B’n’C. IMO Aemond’s recklessness and long-harbored, ill-concealed hatred for Luke , contributing to Jaehaerys’ tragic death is a reason enough for Hel to stay away from him, never mind how dear the siblings (with benefits) used to be to each other. In this scenario, Aeamond could pursue a relationship with Alys, never mind his previous (more or less romantic) engagement with Helaena…
In addition, if “helaemond” is confirmed, this subplot doesn’t necessary have to be some fabulous love story. I mean the siblings *may* have been getting along with each other pretty well , and I really enjoy the idea of young Aemond having a crush on his big sister. I find it really cute, that’s all. In my opinion teenage Aemond, doubtlessly familiar with the idea of “courtly love” (I’m guessing this concept could exist in the quasi-medieval Westeros), might have enjoyed performing the role of righteous knight, worshipping his “future queen” from afar , as if there was a “secret RPG session”, going on but in his head. Frankly speaking, the young !Knight Aemond and his !Lady Helaena don’t even have to get sexually involved and their “forbidden love” could remain just cute, childish crush, as the time goes by turning into mature friendship, mutual care and understanding. Perhaps older Aemond, driven with his sense of responsibility, would want to become a proprer father figure/ role model for his little nephews and niece? I like to think well-educated, smart  Aemond, familiar with the story of Daenys the Dreamer, and keeping his sister company more often than her joke of a husband, found out Hel was a Dragon Dreamer.
On the other hand, we cannot rule out Helaena and Aemond becoming lovers, but IMO such a scenario would be pretty dark. It seems to me it could happened only if the show version of Helaena remained childless after two or three years of marriage (yet again, I am speaking about the show counterpart of the FnB Helaena, who canonically bore the twins about a year after she had wed Aegon) and Aemond started to fear someone like Larys Strong would simply get rid of Hel, so that the WIDOWED crown prince could take another bride. So, Aemond shared his fears with his sister, and the siblings agreed they ought to cuckold Aegon in order to secure Helaena’s position as the future queen, and thusly save her life… It’s possible the righteous prince Aemond , loathing the mere idea of fathering bastards, could have secretly married his sister (it could have been a traditional Valyrian ceremony, which still wouldn’t make the whole situation any romantic).  However, even as a “secretly married” couple, who could grow to quite enjoy performing their “conjugal duty”,  Aemond and Helaena could remain but “siblings with benefits” (which sounds awful, but given they’re Targaryens, it kinda makes sense) and never develop romantic feelings for each other. In this scenario, they could be still sleeping together after Aegon’s heir had been born, just out of sheer need for comfort, closeness or affection, or simply willing to reduce stress, feel better or have fun.  Messed up as Helaena and Aemond seem, they could have perceived sex as yet another form of bonding…  Whatever could have been going on between the siblings, their breakup after Jaehaerys’ death appears inevitable.
 As far as Aemond’s relationship with Alys is concerned, I wouldn’t call it an overly romantic love story, either. Let’s say it out loud – in spite of her sharp wits, charms and whatnot, Alys was a prisoner of war and even if Aemond had fallen madly in love with her, I would risk saying she wasn’t in the position to truly reciprocate his feelings. Thanks to Alys’ good looks, the prince “generously” spared her life, there’s no two ways about it, BUT however “besotted” Aemond was with Alys, becoming his “war bride” literally meant she was chosen to be a freakin’ sex slave. In my honest opinion, the woman deserved better and I don’t believe she reciprocated his love. Alys certainly was not in the position to fully consent to be the prince’s paramour, although I can totally see Aemond developing genuine romantic feelings for her – however twisted it may sound. It seems to me in the very beginning, it was just about lust, but later on, the prince could have taken to the “witch” because of her personality and even become fascinated with her supernatural powers. Frankly speaking, I am not the fan of the “Alys casting a love spell on Aemond” theory. She might have been using her totally prosy, feminine charms in order to endear the prince to her, and thusly make sure she would be treated as well as she could possibly be under so dire circumstances. And no, I don’t mean Alys was just offering Aemond sexual favors. Intelligent person she no doubt was, the “witch queen” could do her best in order to forge an emotional bond with Aemond, too. For instance listening to what the prince had to say and showing him affection. Paradoxically, learning Aemond’s story could make Alys take to the prince at least a little, since in this scenario, she could realize in spite of coming from different social backgrounds, they shared a bunch of experiences. For instance, earlier in her life, unwed and pregnant Alys, born out of wedlock herself, had been no doubt an outcast – just like Aemond the Kinslayer, having blood of his close relative on his hands. Could it be a reason enough for Alys to start sympathizing with Aemond? Yes, indeed. In addition, the “witch” had lost both her child and their father – even if  we are not familiar with the details and the moment she met Aemond Alys was probably over it. If the “helaemond” theory is confirmed, Aemond gets involved with Alys when his first “girlfriend” is also like dead to the world, not to mention the fact his son and/or nephew died gruesome death.
Here, I would like to admit I am not a fan of fetishizing Alys’ age and deeming her a “milf”. The woman was certainly more than just her looks and age. If Aemond had actually loved her – which I find highly probable  - there must have been something more than just physical attraction! In addition, in the quasi-medieval world of Ice and Fire, girls in their early teens are considered eligible maidens, so in this universe, it isn’t out of usual for women in their late, if not mid-twenties to become grandmothers! Taking the fact FnB is supposed to be a historical source by a bunch of unreliable narrators, we don’t actually know how old Alys was. If we rule out the ageless witch/ red priestess theory, we could safely assume she was, for instance, in her 40s or 30s, but knowing the Westerosi customs, well, it is still possible she was just a few years older than then-twentyish Aemond. There is also an option Alys didn’t even exist and all the war bride/captor romance was made up by pro-Black maesters and scribes, willing to paint the prince in a negative light. After all making some lowly born wet nurse his wife, Aemond would insult House Baratheon, impudently breaking the pact which had to be sealed with his marriage to Lord Borros’ daughter. You just keep in mind both the Witch Queen and Aemond’s bastard son disappear  from the “historical chronicles” shortly after the Dance ends. In addition, stressing Alys’ alleged “old age”  could have made him look ridiculous in the eyes of Westerosi readers.
Personally, I prefer to imagine Alys existed, had prophetic skills and played a significant role in Aemond’s life. Perhaps at some point, she even developed some sympathy and twisted fondness for the prince (still her captor and, yes, her rapist) but never had second thoughts about having kept it to herself that Aemond would meet his end in God’s Eye and no one could blame her for it.
To sum up, I think shipping Aemond with Helaena does not automatically make the shipper anti-“alysmond”. In my view, adding one more (for want of a better word) romantic relationship to Aemond’s arc makes sense. It could be an interesting way to show how the character’s attitude towards his love interests and his interactions with them evolve as various experiences are shaping his personality. I would never pit Helaena against Alys. They’re two different women and the fact at some points of their lives, they happened to get involved with the same guy does not make them natural born enemies. In my honest opinion, if the show version of Helaena had a chance to meet Alys (here, I mean my own idea of this character, since we don’t learn much about her from FnB and her show counterpart is still a mystery), they would become… good friends.
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lovemyromance · 3 months
(lol not me running back to make my 2nd ACOTAR post EVER because I've had it with the stupid ship drama)
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I'm just going to say it: I don't even care if Elriel aren't true mates or whatever. I don't care if Elain has 2 mates. I don't care if the weird bond with Elucien is real, I don't care if Azriel's mate ends up being Mor, or Gwyn, or mf Alis.
It doesn't matter to me, for one SIMPLE reason.
The readers-us-me & you-are human. Mates, bonds- these concepts are fictional to us. They are not real. We do not understand them because we're not fae/animals/whatevers. The way SJM makes us understand the mating bond is by saying it is soul-level love, it is a love that craves the other person at all times, yada yada yada.
At the end of the day, we don't understand mating bonds unless you compare it to something we humans do understand - love.
THAT is why it was so important to have these couples fall in love/well on their way to the falling in love stage before the mating bond is revealed. That is what makes us understand the true implication of "fated mates". The mating bond isn't about fate about the Mother about whatever the hell spark and glow and fae territorial instincts. At its core, we only understand it and think of it as a positive thing because to us- we see it as everlasting LOVE.
That's why we didn't understand, nor applauded the pairings between Tamlin's parents, why there was no mating bond between Feyre and Tamlin, why Rhys's parents were mates and still had an awful relationship. We only like a mating bond if the pairing is clearly also in love.
That's why to me, the Elucien bond doesn't mean anything. Why are we revering a mating bond that doesn't have any love associated with it? Just what are we revering then? A claim to ownership? A chance of future everlasting soulmate love (aka, it doesn't currently exist though)?
What does it mean to have a mating bond if there is no love to us humans? Why are we cheering for something that's the equivalent of "oh I put a post-it note on your forehead that says you're mine...so...you must be with me now??" Make it make sense. Tell me why you are so hellbent on shipping these characters together who have shown no hint of any attraction or care towards one another.
If Elucien had fallen in love post Elain being yeeted out the Cauldron, I would've been all for it. But we got nothing from them. Nothing other than 3 more books of Elain avoiding him, Lucien avoiding her, no conversation, nothing, nada, zilch.
Why would I root for them? Just because they have a "mating bond"?
To put it in simple terms: A mating bond doesn't mean anything to me if it is not associated with love. Therefore, I am not going to cheer for an Elucien ship that has only a mating bond (not love, at least not currently), nor a Gw*nriel ship that has neither a mating bond (not printed or proven in the text), nor love (not proven or hinted anywhere in the text).
I am going to cheer for the obvious choice, because elriel the only ship that has shown they care for each other and are mutually attracted to each other.
That's all :)
Ok I'm done now someone please take my access to this platform away from me before I post 5000 other Elriel things
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lovejosephquinn · 1 year
A highly requested sequel to this imagine
I hope you all love it, I put my all into it and I still feel like it could be better, UGH 💀
Taglist: @daleyeahson @thegemaqua @quinnyfairy @ali-r3n @josephfakingquinn @mybffjoe @cinemaquinn @tlclick73 @live-love-be-unique @marveltramp @aysheashea @palomahasenteredthechat @psycheberenike @josephquinnswife @ireneeee00 @lovelyblueness @lifealwayslearning @pizzafreak220 @emma77645 @ellen-m-ichiban81 @noirrose21-blog
Word Count: 4.3k (my longest JQ imagine to date)
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There was no one who completely engulfed your mind like him; a close friend from over the years that you'd grown up with who had become so much more than a friend in your head. The feelings were unfathomable and you couldn't control them near as much as you'd hoped to. The way you clearly flirted around him to see if he'd catch your drift, he never did. The way you'd touch him softly and the way you'd take his soft features in, the way he spoke to you, the way he called you love, pretty, HIS darling girl. The way he looked at you gave you hope, but to no avail. To some it probably meant nothing, but to you; it was everything. So it was a thing that you just fantasised about almost every single day and you'd continue to keep your mouth shut on the basis of not wanting to ruin the closeness you already held with Joe, it had to be enough.
It wasn't just the things that you did to try and prove a point, Joe's features were in engraved in your mind, his eyes being your personal favourite - they held a thousand secrets yet screamed a million words, just not ones of mutual emotion, or so you thought. His sarcasm, the little cheeky side to him but also the shy side to him, his ability to make you laugh in any mood and then join you in chuckling slight when he heard you giggle, his toothy grin enough to heal the world, the way his hands soothed your back when he gave you a hug, the way he'd make time for you even out of your friendship circle. There was just no point in denying that you couldn't quit the way you felt, he gave you a new excuse to fall down deeper every day.
Your phone rang interrupting your thoughts as you laid alone in your bed that evening, the man himself popped up on your screen, his contact photo of him crossing his eyes and making the most idiotic of faces had you smiling, he cursed you for keeping that photo he took every god damn day, but it was impossible to remove it from your camera roll and the image was practically tattooed onto your eyelids, you could picture it now without even looking. You tapped answer and held the phone to your ear immediately before you unintentionally missed the call.
"Hello." You tried to sound the upmost upbeat, yet it came out profoundly louder than you thought.
"Hello love, I was bored so I thought I'd distract you from whatever you were doing." He was distracting you from himself inside your head, the real thing was much better though.
"Oh how gentlemanly of you, well I'm doing nothing so you made a good decision." There was the flirty act again.
"That's me! Best damn gentleman you'll ever meet." You giggled at his involuntary cockiness yet sarcastic remark.
You talked shit for at least an hour, general chit chat yet laughing over conversations you'd probably had at least 20 times, yet they were still as hilarious as the last time. The moment you yawned had him sighing over the other end of the phone.
"Am I boring you, pretty? Does Y/N need her beauty sleep?"
"Y/N does. Y/N also needs Joe to shut up talking trash about her being pretty." You don't know why you came out with that last part, maybe it was to try and avoid the butterflies that erupted into the pit of your stomach when he embedded the nickname he often called you into your ear drum whilst you were cosy and comfy in bed. You'd shut your eyes, placing your phone onto the pillow with him on loud speaker as if he were there next to you, minus the contact.
"What if I mean it? I'm not going to stop if I'm telling the truth now am I?" Joe muttered, the way he was biting down on his lip revelling in the way the same butterflies practically punched his insides.
"Well do you?" Your eyes flung open, staring to the phone inches away from your head, curious as to why you hadn't shut yourself up yet and ended the conversation before.
"Always, babe." Babe. That was new.
Becoming as ignorant as you could've been, shooting your walls straight up that were already barricading your emotions towards your friend, you said goodnight eventually after trying to find the right words to say, it took every ounce of you not to just blurt out the words I LIKE YOU, NOTICE ME. And just like that, once you'd hung up, the thoughts took over more than ever as you tried to ignore the heat growing between your thighs. Just two words had drove you and the entirety of your body insane, it was the tone of voice he'd uttered those two words together that made it so perfect, you had to relieve yourself of the tension you'd created alone, the fact you relished in his voice now carved into your thoughts made your fingers wander downward as you laid bare, stroking a straight line through your slit making you shudder, goose bumps caressing your skin like Joe had put them there.
Spreading your legs further apart to open up wide for your hand to gain perfect access, you spat onto your fingers, lapping it straight onto your clit, lathering what was already becoming a mess on your cunt, your hole gaped at nothingness as you shut your eyes and began to imagine Joe's face pressed between your legs, humming as his tongue flickered over your aching bud, staring up at you with his sparkling brown eyes, you'd of liked to think he was enjoying what he saw, the way you squirmed your hips, bucking them upward as his lips sucked harshly. You bit down on your lip, muffling the moans escaping you, it truly never felt the same on your own and even though you'd never felt his touch, you just knew it had to be a million times better than anyone's; including yours.
You were too busy to notice that your phone had slipped under your elbow and that you'd unintentionally leaned on the answer button when Joe was calling once more, bad timing. You were too involved in reaching your climax to hear him shout your name when you didn't reply, he shut up when he heard the borderline pornographic noises from the receiving end. You were also to busy to notice that he'd heard your fingers faintly fucking your pussy at a marvellous speed and as soon as you groaned "Ugh, yes fuck me Joey" he hung up. He knew instantly that you were referring to him, you only called him Joey - heck there were no other Joseph's that you were actually friends with that he knew of.
Your body relaxed instantly tightening from a surge of power that rushed through your body when you hit the spot, moving your fingers into the weak place over and over saw electricity jolting up in your stomach as you slowly moved and then fastened your pace once more, a sharp breath led you to leaking out onto the sheets, climaxing over the building desire that was your friend's cock fucking you deep. Your thighs shut together as you tried to make the sensitive ache last longer, clenching your walls around the small, narrow length of your two fingers. Not far after you'd laid staring at the ceiling for a while, you dragged yourself to the bathroom to clean up, you swatted your head to the faint knock at the front door, still in a daze yet confused as to who would be paying a visit at this time.
Unknowing to you, the moment Joe had hung up the phone and realised what on earth was obviously happening mirrored the way he'd clearly been masturbating over you earlier that evening. He grabbed his keys, barely pushed his feet into his shoes before he'd launched himself out of the front door of his flat and made a run to the car to get to you as fast as he possibly could. He had to know.
A louder knock came from the door this time as you unhooked your dressing gown from the back of the bathroom door, tying the robe up nice and tight and rushing to take your keys to open up. The moment you flung it open, your friend stood before you in a mesmerised state. You furrowed your brow at him, extremely bewildered yet of course in your head and heart, happy to see him. "Hey Joey, um didn't we speak on the phone all of 20 minutes ago, what are you doing here at this hour?"
You stared at each other, his silence actually starting to nerve you a little, it wasn't like Joe to be speechless around you, yet here he was, his mouth opened slightly as if he was going to reply, yet no sound was made. His eyes bore into yours as you blinked back at him. "Is everything... ok?" You asked, tilting your head to the side.
"Did you-" His voice whispered as if he couldn't quite string the words together.
"Did I?" You choked on your reply, giggling at his out of character and way less chaotic and more stern looking behaviour.
You gestured for him to come in, still realising in the last two minutes that you'd not got an answer, that he was still stood out in the corridor that led to your flat. He walked through and leaned his elbows down straight to the countertop beside the door, you shut it and leaned against it, scrunching your face up at his weird etiquette.
"Are you going to tell me what's the matter or am I-"
"Did you moan my name?" Joe blurted out, staring to the ground not being able to even look you in the eye after his organs had pretty much vomited themselves upward the second the words came out of his mouth.
Your jaw fell to the floor, slightly scoffing at his question. "Excuse me?" He looked at you this time.
"You heard what I said Y/N and I'm pretty sure I heard you. Did you moan my name?"
Shit. "I- I-" You stuttered, your cheeks flashing red.
"I called you to tell you something I failed to mention before and you answered but you were clearly busy..." His eyes fell down to your thighs insinuating he knew exactly what you were up too. "But then I heard you moan my-"
You rushed into your bedroom cutting him off, picking up your phone and checking your call log. It was there as clear as day. Incoming call: Joey - 1 minute 42 seconds. Your whole body was sweating, your heart was beating out of your chest at 100 miles per hour. Joe shortly followed after you into your bedroom, slouching on your door frame whilst you sat at the edge of your bed, now you were the one that simply couldn't look him in the eye. You made yourself look as small as possible, lifting your knees up to your face to hug them, gently sitting your chin on top, your arms caging them tightly in a firm grip.
He slowly moved towards you, kneeling down on the floor, resting his hands either side of you onto the sheets. "Y/N?" He was trying to get a response, you owed him your honesty.
"I did." You muttered lowly.
"You meant to?" Joe whispered shyly. A state you'd rarely seen him in before.
"I did." You matched his tone, there was no going back now. Not especially when his hands pushed your shoulders back forcefully, making you land flat down on the mattress, Joe brought himself to the side of you, laying next to you, his doe eyes almost forcing you like a magnet to draw yours to his.
"What were you thinking about?"
"You." You bit down on your lip, speaking the obvious, yet the other obvious thing was that he already knew that, Joe just wanted to hear you say it out loud.
"That's all well and good Y/N, but I need you to be a bit more specific." His face lowered merely inches away from yours, his watch fluttered to your lips a couple of times.
"This is weird, I-I'm sorry." You attempted to sit back up, trying to ignore the situation unravelling before you. Even though you wanted him bad and had done for a long time, he was still only your friend. Joe didn't let you get as far as lifting your back up before his hand pressed against your shoulder again, his fingers playing with the material of your dressing gown as you instantly looked submissive in his touch. "Tell me." He growled.
"The way you would fuck me." You purred.
"Is that what you want?" A rising smirk fell onto his features, his mind was running wild, how could you actually want him as much as he wanted you; yet you both never realised. You nodded to his question and his face lowered fully, his lips pushing themselves firmly to yours as you quickly reciprocated the contact, his hand came up to cup your jaw as your lips moved in unison. His tongue begged for entrance and you gladly let it, the muscles working together to make the open kiss a more desperate one as they writhed around each other sweetly.
Your eyes fluttered open when Joe broke the kiss, a kiss you never thought would ever happen. "Wait is that what you want?" You asked quickly, your nerves only relaxing slight after that reaction. "Because I don't want this to be a pity snog." Joe chuckled at you, snorting laughter from his throat making his cute dimples shine.
"My darling, I've been wanting you for so long it's stupid." Joe smiled truthfully and you believed him, you were both almost completely vulnerable to each other now that the first kiss had come into play so there was no way you were hiding your feelings anymore.
"Wanting to just fuck me? or-"
"Absolutely not. That's what I called for, I wanted to confess how much I like you Y/N, but it's not just that, it's wanting to kiss you, wanting to hold your hand, wanting to hold you at night, wanting to call you mine-"
You cut him off reaching your lips to his once more, passionately smacking your mouth against his, your stomach was doing flips, your heart was punching the air proudly. Joe untied your robe revealing your naked body to him, abruptly stopping the heated moment and giving it a glance over, he sighed returning his gaze to yours. "So beautiful, I told you that you were pretty. I just knew the rest of you would be too. My god."
"So does that mean I can see you?" Joe nodded and stood up before you, you eyed down at his crotch to see his tightening bulge bursting from his zipper line. He stripped completely naked in front of you, not feeling awkward in the slightest as you examined his body, his top half you'd seen before, still as sexy as ever, yet the way your eyes grew a little lower down had him licking his lips, an all too confident smirk hit him. "Fucking hell Quinn, you're big." You blurted out without even thinking and it only made his confidence leap. You removed your dressing gown off of your arms and pushed it to the floor as Joe made a bee line for you as a fire grew in his eyes, your legs spreading apart as they had before but now with the man of your dreams laid between them.
His hands roamed onto your boobs, grabbing hold of them and letting his fingertips massage your nipples, hardening them between his digits. You gasped when his lips latched onto your neck, kissing, nibbling ever so slightly and moving downward to meet his fingers that were kept busy, they moved to the side to squish your breasts closer together, replacing them little flickers of his tongue one at a time, the ache between your legs soaring higher than before.
"What else were you thinking about love?" Joe raised his face to look up at you.
"Your h-head between my legs." You looked downward innocently as if you hadn't just said that.
"Your wish is my command then." He kissed down your stomach, back kneeling down at the end of the bed where he'd started before he'd got the first answer from you that he needed. Reaching his arms out and pulling your thighs, he dominantly took a hold of them, the tips of his fingers moulding into your skin when he dragged you towards him, kissing around your thighs slowly, making the ache only more painful due to his now teasing nature. Joe took one look at your wet slit, massaging his thumb on your folds as he opened them up to the side to get a better view. "Look at that pretty little pussy, all wet, just for me." Joe groaned, his cock clearly reacting to it, his tip twitching as a little pre-cum leaked out, he could've probably came from just staring at your cunt.
Joe spat down onto your clit, using one hand to keep you opened up as his thick finger stroked from top to bottom, the slick instantly coating him. "Fuck she's ready." He let out a breathy moan and dug in. His lips sucked onto your clit, clamping onto it for dear life as he earned a moan from your throat when he slurped, the taste of you almost ending him. The way his tongue flickered over your bud was better than your fantasy, the way he lapped up your juices, the way he teased you further down, circling around your entrance.
"Is that what you wanted baby, is this what your wet cunt needed? My mouth around it, did it need this too?" His tongue shoved its way through your hole, your hips flying upward as your hands came to fist his messy curls, pushing him inward, surely suffocating him as you let him tongue fuck you deep. "Oh my god yes! Just like that!" You squealed almost suddenly as his thumb reached back up, his tongue at work and you were now being frantically rubbed vigorously by the pressure of his thumb moving over your clit in a constant motion. Your body was in ecstasy, you knew you were right about him touching you this way, better than anybody had ever touched you. Nobody had ever made you cum in foreplay, not one man had given you a real climax, but Joe was too much of an expert, knowing your body better than you did so quickly for you to be faking this orgasm. Your breathing hitched and you swatted your face backward, your eyes rolling to the back of your head when you felt your second pinnacle of the night starting. "J-J-Joey. I'm going to-"
His tongue curled upward and flattened out wide, hitting the right places and you gushed onto it, the loudest moan fell out of your mouth, your lungs fought for air when the sudden wave of sensitivity filled your body, your thighs twitching as you wrapped your legs around the back of his head, squeezing to fill any gap you might have had between one another, which was slim to nothing. Joe took a deep breath in as he pulled away, moaning into your cunt one last time, your legs relaxing back to their previous position and it wasn't long till Joe was back up met with your face again. "Your pussy is heaven Y/N, so fucking pretty and ready for my cock, now I get to fuck you - tell me how you want it baby." Joe moved his lips back to your neck, sucking at a part that made the soft little hairs at the back of your head stand up right.
"Ruin me." You groaned noisily and that was all he needed to hear.
He lifted himself above you, using his hands to hold himself up right as he lined himself up at your entrance, Joe knew he wasn't going to last terribly long at the expense of wanting you this way for so long and from the way he'd just eaten you like a starving animal but the time he had, he'd make it count. "Anything for my girl." My girl.
He slowly pushed inward and you took the entirety of his length perfectly, though scrunched your face up a little from his size. "Fuck you're so tight, you ready?" He was so sexy yet so thoughtful even still, making sure that you were ok before he completely wrecked you just as you'd asked him to. How was it possible to be so horny for someone yet still have those damn butterflies flipping around in your stomach like it was something beknown, like love. You nodded briefly. "Fuck me Joey."
"Where have I heard that before?" You instantly threw your hands over your face, embarrassed at what he was referring to. His came up to swipe them away from your face so he could look at you whilst he started to thrust his hips, starting slow and then building up a pace which saw his cock slamming in and out, his balls slapping against your ass. Your foreheads pressed down together, looking in unison at the way he shattered your hole, the way he fucked you so good.
"You take my cock so well pretty girl, so fucking well." You clenched your walls around him, squeezing the length of his cock making his arms flex as he shuddered above you, the headboard was smacking itself against the wall the more frantic his hips moved into you. "Shit don't do that I'll cum." You met each other's stare, biting your lip hard and he knew the game you were playing. Ripping himself apart from and kneeling upward, towering over you without any warning he flipped you over. "Fucking hell, that peachy bum is perfect, I knew it." He was completely done and you were completely under any command he could lay upon you, the way he man handled you almost made you cum again. "Arse up now."
You got into position straight away, your head pressed into the sheets as you raised your back end upward and his cock met your twinging cunt once more, his hands gripping at your waist as he pounded into you from behind, his head arching backward as he felt himself getting closer. "Oh god yes you feel amazing, better than I ever thought possible. Now tell me who you belong to baby, I want to hear it."
Your head was pushed down into the sheets as you tried to use your words, though you simply couldn't get them out. "Answer me when I ask you a fucking question." He demanded, one hand raised into the air and spanked straight down to your cheek making your head lean to the side, letting out a whimpered yelp from the hard blow. "I'm yours Joey, I've always been yours."
"And I'm yours, my darling, all fucking yours. Shit-" He pulled out quickly, jerking at his cock desperately, a moan so hot you couldn't quite comprehend if you'd heard it right saw him spewing his seed all over your ass cheeks. Slowly bringing himself back down from heaven, you remained in the same position whilst he darted to the bathroom and cleaned you up with a towel he found on the floor. Little did he know, this particular towel was the one you'd use to clean up earlier.
You rolled onto your back one he'd sorted you out, wiping his cock dry and tossing it to the floor beside your robe, he joined next to you, laying beside you as your chests heaved for air, looking up to the plain ceiling finding some sort of way to fathom on what just occurred. Both of your feelings now out in the open good and proper.
"Come here." Joe opened his arm out to you, instantly pulling yourself to rest your head down on his chest as his fingers bent awkwardly to sooth your still naked back.
"That was amazing Y/N, jesus christ." He sighed, pecking his lips onto the top of your head, your smiles beaming so hard you couldn't quite rip them apart from your features, it was like they were permanently moulded on your faces forever.
"Perfect. I'm so glad I accidentally answered you." Your cheeks flushed at your response, you had to start thinking before you spoke, idiot. You changed the subject quickly. "But what did you mean when you said better than you ever thought possible, Joey?" He wasn't dumb, he knew exactly what you were trying to get out of him. Joe licked his lips, his throat producing a small stifled laugh.
"You're not the only one who's had indecent thoughts about their friend love."
You laughed together, not an ounce of what had just happened was uncomfortable, it came so natural like it was genuinely meant to happen; the way Joe made you feel was like nothing you'd ever felt in your entire life. And now you laid there naked, snuggling like a couple that had been in love for years.
"Say yes to me taking you to dinner tomorrow night and I might just make you more than my friend." Joe pulled you in closer as you lifted yourself up to look over at him.
"I'd love to go to dinner with you tomorrow night." Your eyes spoke to one another as a pleasant silence fell between you. You loved him.
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