#all the restaurants i wanna share with my friend are Not Where We Are Staying
flatoatchi · 11 months
it really hits me that i don’t comprehend how large manhattan is when i look up how much an uber from the financial district to jersey city would cost. it’s like $120 btw
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starversresource · 11 months
when it gets hard || sentence starters.
CW for panic attacks, depressive themes
"hey. you look tired. you alright?"
"something wrong?"
"look. i can tell you're not feeling great. want to talk about it?"
"i won't leave you. not now, not ever."
"it's okay to rest. i'm right here."
"sometimes your brain will lie to you and tell you bad stuff, but it's not true. it's never as bad as it seems."
"it will be okay. i promise."
"hey, it's alright to let it out."
"you hide behind that facade so much. why?"
"you're not going to leave me, right?"
"want to do something stupid to take your mind off all this?"
"we'll live. we'll live, both of us will, please believe me!"
"don't do this. it's not good for you."
"we will survive and afterwards, we'll... get some ice cream. or go to a nice restaurant."
"i don't know if anyone has ever told you this, but it gets better. it will get better, i promise."
"do you have anyone who supports you? do you have anyone who cares about you?"
"can i have a hug?"
"maybe it's not okay right now. maybe it won't be for a while. whichever it is, i won't leave you."
"hey, stay for a while. i gotta share this popcorn with someone."
"sleep fixes a lot of stuff. it's like emptying garbage cans in your brain."
"stay with me, please?"
"follow my breathing, okay? in for one, two, three, four... hold for one, two, three, four... out for one, two, three, four."
"let's go for a walk together. where do you wanna go?"
"there - you can cry. it's okay. i would never judge you for that."
"it doesn't matter what you say or do, i won't let you be sad alone."
"i'm your friend, idiot. i'm not going to abandon you."
"don't just repress everything! that's dumb, and it'll hurt your brain."
"if you need a breath of fresh air or a change of scenery, i know a place we can go."
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mechaknight-98 · 4 months
Celebrations (NSFW) Ft: Jihyo
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Authors note: A little something for the birthday girl
You arrive at the restaurant where we agreed to meet. I’m as usual several minutes early as I wait for you to come in. After you get in Max is the next to arrive then Vlad. You and I notice Vlad is being dropped off by a very pretty girl with dark hair. She kisses his cheek before leaving and says, “Text me when you’re done, sweetie.” Vlad smiles at her adorably and nods.
He runs up to you and me and says “Sorry I’m late guys Natty’s practice went on a little longer than usual. You look at me and I look at you.
“Who’s Natty?” You ask
“Oh, a girl I met on Tinder a while back. We have been dating for a while now.” We look at each other again but let the subject go.
“Well you’re not too late because we’re waiting on…oh there he is,” you say as Max comes rushing in. He looks stressed but he’s here.
“Sorry I’m late…” he starts but you hold up your hand dismissing his words
“Look boss it’s fine, but let’s get started because my girlfriend’s birthday is today and I promised her a major portion of my time.” Max Nods
“Wait I thought Sana’s birthday just happened?” Vlad asked. I nodded in agreement.
“Guys I'm dating Sana and Jihyo remember,” you answer I squint at You and shrug.
“ Look I know it sounds wrong but they chose this, and have made it very clear they are only willing to share me.” you defend. I relent and. We talk about the dig we are about to go on It is nothing too important: just locations and objects, artifacts we are looking for. Normal paleontologist stuff. After that, we all go our separate ways. You get a text from Jihyo saying she’s ready to go. You smile and go to your car to pick her up. She hops in the car and instantly grabs your free hand.
“Where to honey it’s all about you tonight?” You ask Jihyo. She looks at you with her big soft brown eyes and ponders the choices.
“That burger place in the hills, but shower first.” She replies authoritatively. You nod and drive her to your apartment so she can shower, then use your sky-warp powers to take you to the burger spot. You paid for lunch and walked with her to a nearby park overlooking all of Whittier and much of Socal.
“This is so nice and quiet.” jihyo says as she eats. A little piece of lettuce drips down her cheek and you wipe it off with a napkin.
“Oh what a gentleman.” jihyo teases
You smile then reply, “Anything for my birthday girl.” jihyo smiles and then looks into the distance.
“I could retire out here,” Jiyho says happily.
“Oh you retire but you royalty why would you give that up,” you tease
“Well I wanna live my life and maybe I wanna start a family with you.” Jihyo teases. “You ever consider that Gally?” she adds looking at you with a teasing grin. You're flustered speechless. Jihyo nestles in, “Okay ten more minutes then we go back okay.” Jihyo says. You nod and stay with her as you watch the sunset. After night fully takes hold you skywarp Jihyo back to your apartment.
“Oh, that's so helpful. Why can't we just do that everywhere?” jihyo whines
“Because it's super tiring for me,” you respond with your hands on your hips setting buckets. Jihyo laughs and then tells you to shower. After you finish you walk back into the living room of your apartment. Jihyo eyes you hungrily but recomposes herself you chuckle as she gets herself ready for her “surprise party” Dahyun is the one who messed up but to her credit, She does double-check to make sure Jihyo isn't there. She just walked in when she specifically mentioned the party. It was a huge laugh but what can you do?
You smile and drive her back to her apartment where Sana is waiting along with the rest of the members of Twice. They bought her a cake and quite a few of her favorite things. Sejeong was also there eager to support her closest friend. Jihyo was overwhelmed with joy and appreciation.
“Ah, you guys. She says the sniffles and almost tears. Dahyun who was the one physically closest to her began to ball her eyes out seeing her crying.
“Unnie I’m so happy to have you in my life. She said as she hugged your girlfriend. You watched happily to see Jihyo getting so much love. After the little mini-party, only you Sana, and Sejeong remained. You had already given Jihyo her the necklace you picked up a while ago with Vlad and as predicted she loved it despite you strategically avoiding the topic of price. You only told her that she was a priceless girl and the cost was irrelevant.
Jihyo sat in your lap while you ran your fingers through her hair. She nestled into your chest relaxed and content. Sejeong watched pouting, “Ugh sky two are too cute.” Sejeong lamented.
“You don't have anyone interested in you unnie?” Jihyo said looking up confused.
“No apparently I'm intimidating,” Sejeong answered you laughed because those are the exact words you heard me say a while back when you asked me the same question. Sejeong unaware you weren't laughing at her left in an annoyed huff. Leaving Jihyo and you. Sana got a “call” and had to leave the apartment for a couple of hours.
As soon as the door closed Jihyo heard the lock click. The switch in her flipped. She looked up at your blue eyes and kissed you. As she did she unbuckled your belt.
“Mommy needs your cock.” she whispered as she got up and led you to her bedroom. She slides her pants down low enough that you get a view of her pussy. You reach a finger out to stroke her but she sees it and smacks your finger away. “Don't make mommy repeat herself.” jihyo says. You nod and take your cock out. You give your cock a few preparation strokes before thrusting into her drenched pussy. You slide in easily but as you pull out her pussy grips you so tight it's almost as if she's trying to tear your dick off. You groan which fuels your girlfriend's arousal, “yes moan for mommy.” she demands as her pussy gets tighter and wetter causing more noises and breaths to escape your lips. Jihyo is elated. Since not having sex for almost two months Jihyo is not long away from her orgasm and you are not far off as well.
“Harder. Smack Mommy’s ass.” Jihyo growls. Jihyo must need it tonight. She is never this demanding of you, but is her birthday and you oblige slapping her ass harder and harder until
“Ahhh I'm cumming.” Jihyo moans as she explodes all over your cock. She begins to squirt a deluge, with such intensity it forces you out. You watch amused as Jihyo rides her orgasm for as long as she can. After she's done she pushes you back onto the chair and starts riding you.
“Now mommy needs your cum.” Jihyo states matter of a fact as she begins to bounce on your cock. Despite her previous orgasm, she's somehow tighter than before.
“Oh god yes.” jihyo says as you begin your slow and deliberate thrusts. In and out you go as her pussy grips you like an oil but ungodly tight vice. Jihyo is obscenely tight tonight. “Fucking bred me,” she says, and due to a lack of time together, you give in at that exact moment. You explode inside Jihyo and she looks back at you stunned. Before laughing.
“It's okay Mommy didn't give you any prep so she's unsurprised you would make a mess.” she looks at her watch and when she realizes the time she says “shit we'll have to continue this later.
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hetalimagines · 3 months
General headcanons for Alfred as a boyfriend (SFW)
Here's my first actual post on this blog, hehe... I can't find the ask but someone requested some Alfred headcanons, so here are my rambles about what I think he's like as a boyfriend!
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He’s honestly not the most traditionally romantic person. Your relationship is more like friends who make out sometimes. But he does have his own little ways of showing you he loves you!
He’ll put together playlists of songs that remind him of you. They’re mostly loose connections, like maybe a song mentions your eye color, or the lyrics remind him of a date you went on together, or it just sounds romantic and makes him wanna kiss you. He likes to sit with you while you listen (to every single song), and he interrupts the songs a bit to explain why he chose them.
“This one had me thinking what if we were dancing in a ballroom together, and out of nowhere, bam! Zombies bust in. The door crashes to the ground! Our dance turns into one of those cool fighting scenes with the—oh, this part reminded me of the time I woke up early and you were about to fall off the bed. You had a cute bedhead.”
(You have no idea what the lyrics are at this point.)
Dates with him are pretty casual, more like “hanging out” than anything fancy. Maybe you stay at home and watch movies/play games, or you go out for dinner at a local diner, or you go do awful karaoke together, or you go and prank a friend together.
He’s happy as long as he’s with you. Bonus if there’s food and/or drink.
He occasionally takes you out to a more traditional restaurant and dresses for the occasion. They’re usually expensive, too. The food isn’t his preference (too complicated for his palate), but if it makes you happy, he’s all for dealing with it for just one night.
His primary love languages are acts of service and quality time. He’s always doing what he can to help you out (and feel proud of himself in the process). Whether he helps you run errands, runs a bath for you ahead of time, or fluffs your pillow before you get in bed, it’s all because he wants to make your life easier!
He gets a little jealous if you ever spend time with your shared friends without him, or if you spend more time with others than him.
He’s so excited if you take interest in any of his hobbies. Movies? He’ll ask if you want to co-write a script with him. (He’s very relaxed about what exactly ends up in the script.) Archaeology? He has so many random facts to dump on you, and he’ll be super impressed by any knowledge you have on it. Conspiracy theories? Time to watch a bunch of documentaries! He enjoys them despite their flaws, but lets you know exactly when something is false and what actually happened.
He tries to take interest in your hobbies, too, even if he doesn’t understand what you’re talking about. It could be the most boring thing and he’d still listen and ask you questions about it. If it makes you happy, he wants to know all about it.
Pet names from him consist of things like babe, dude (💀), honey, occasionally sweetie, (jokingly… mostly) prince or princess. It’s all over the place. He’ll call you honey and dude back-to-back sometimes.
He loves debating if you’re comfortable with it! But be warned, he gets very heated about certain topics. His sense of justice is important to him. Otherwise, he’s usually not serious about these debates and doesn’t care who wins.
He tries to keep things light and doesn’t usually let people see his more serious side. He’ll open up to you more over time, however. It’s really him letting a wall down and allowing himself to get closer to you.
Every now and then, he has days where he’s a lot quieter and calmer than usual. He just wants to relax, stay on the couch with you and watch movies or simply chat. Maybe a movie chattering in the background as he tells you about his childhood. He doesn’t try so hard to keep up this energetic, heroic persona.
He’s right back to normal the next day like nothing happened.
Likes to annoy you for fun. Not in a mean-spirited way. He just thinks your responses are cute and has poor impulse control. Poking your cheeks or ruffling your hair or playing an obnoxious song loudly on the stereo while he dances. But he’ll back off if you’re genuinely upset with him. He means no harm.
He loves if you’re willing to play along with whatever he gets up to. Maybe he’s decided he’s going to try and vacuum the whole house while doing a handstand on the vacuum. You can hold onto his legs to help him stay balanced.
This man is very impulsive and has a tendency to get himself hurt. Random bruises all over his body or a cut along his forearm. He bounces back easily, and doesn’t want to fuss over it, but he lowkey likes if you baby him about it. He’ll always say how it’s not a big deal and he can take it, but his heart does this little flutter when you show concern, and even more if you force him to take better care of himself.
He burns himself in the kitchen and you force him to run it under cold water. He’s swooning inside.
He likes to gossip about others, especially over breakfast. He can’t help it; he’s just nosy, and he always has an idea of what’s going on and how he can help out. Huge bonus if you gossip with him!
He loves to feed you, but the majority of the food he brings for you is burgers or tubs of ice cream. He likes to experiment with the burgers’ toppings and seasonings, but they’re all burgers nonetheless.
Every now and then, he does plan some big romantic endeavor. It’s like a surprise. You never know when it’s coming… You wake up one morning and find out he’s booked a week long cruise, your bedroom is filled with balloons, and there’s enough breakfast food on the table to feed an army.
He does this thing sometimes (often) where he swoops in and has to save you. A puddle on the ground? No need to fear! He picks you up and swiftly carries you over it. The safest place for you is in his arms. He’ll even lay down and let you use him as a bridge if you want.
A suspicious penny on the sidewalk? LOOK OUT, IT MIGHT BE A BOMB! Let HIM step on it before you get blown up!
He steps on it. Nothing happens. Better safe than sorry!
If you’re the more independent type, that won’t stop him from trying. He just wants to keep you safe and have you appreciate his efforts. Being disinterested or resistant will just make him try harder.
Says cheesy stuff like “happy wife, happy life” unironically. He’s also the type to use terrible pickup lines to flirt with you. Totally unaware of how bad they are until you start laughing.
He also doesn’t care that they’re bad. He’s just having fun.
Loves to give you his clothes to wear. Seriously. You want one of his hoodies? Try six of them.
You complain when one stops smelling like him so he puts it on, works out, then gives it back to you like :D! Fixed the problem!
He takes so many pictures of you guys. Videos, too. His phone storage is eaten up by it. His favorite thing is to take selfies together. Usually with some silly filter. Or an even sillier caption.
“me and the babe out shopping” and it’s a picture of you, holding a piece of fruit with the dog ears filter
He’s not the most physically affectionate, but he always gives you morning kisses and especially kisses before leaving the house. He also loves carrying you around (mostly bridal style) in his arms for no reason other than he can. A hand on your back, another on your thighs, your head pressed against his chest. He loves it.
He loves knowing you find him physically attractive! He worries sometimes about being too overweight, so any reassurance that you like his body helps. If you think he’s hot, and you’re hot yourself, that must mean he definitely is.
Has a tendency to call you hot, but he’ll call you other things if it makes you uncomfortable.
Occasionally brags about you and how lucky he is. Not as often as you might think. Though he gets oddly competitive if anyone acts like their partner is better than you and starts spouting whatever he can so everyone knows you’re the absolute best. No competition.
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xjoonchildx · 6 months
Yeah I totally agree as to how writers are leaving. I agree. Why are they leaving you think?
me figuring out how much trouble i wanna get in tonight
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okay, listen. i have thoughts. i have observations. and i’m going to share some of them with you.
in my experience, most writers have been leaving for one of these three reasons:
1. engagement (rather, the lack thereof)
yeah, yeah i know, writers post about this a lot but here’s why: it’s true. readers on this site, for whatever reason, don’t interact with fics as much as they used to. even some fics that get a lot of likes may only have one or two comments, maybe a couple of reblogs with no feedback.
for what it’s worth, i’ve always felt that for the size of my blog (and how flipping long it takes me to post something) i get wonderful reader feedback and engagement. but i see so many writers struggling out in these tumblr streets, posting really great work that gets very little feedback and it’s discouraging for them. i get it.
i will also be transparent and say that as a writer who biases a “less popular member” it kills me when amazing stories about him (and other “less popular members”) just fall flat.
one of the best hobi stories i ever read had 20 notes when i found it by accident. twenty. it had been posted for some time. in my mind, that was a crime—that story was an absolute masterpiece and it had 20 notes (!). i sent it to every person i knew short of my mama because i was offended that people hadn’t recognized its brilliance. sadly, that writer left tumblr and took her masterpiece with her which brings me to my next point:
2. drama and writer-on-writer crime
phew y’all, there’s just so much of it. i don’t know what it is about tumblr that makes some people lose their absolute minds but they sure damned do. i’ve been here for a minute and i have seen it all.
writers mounting anonymous hate campaigns against one another (this happens a lot). writers mounting anonymous hate campaigns against people they pretended were friends (this one happens a lot a lot). writers sending themselves a boatload of hate anons to get sympathy and attention on the dash (this one happens a lot a lot a lot).
popular writers going out of their way to befriend up-and-coming writers only to then turn around and start nasty whisper campaigns about them when the up-and-coming writer’s blogs and stories eclipse their own in popularity.
insecurity is a hell of a drug.
there are some writers who get on here and they’re cool and they stay cool and they enjoy success and guess what? they’re cool about it.
and then there are the writers who get a few thousand followers and a bunch of notes and delude themselves into thinking they’re real-life celebrities. to those writers i would say: pick the fanciest restaurant in your city, call to make a reservation on a friday night and if they don’t have a slot make sure you let them know you’re really big on tumblr. let me know how that works out for you, okay?
it sounds stupid and it is stupid but this happens on this site all the time. what makes me sad is that it drives people away. they take their personalities and stories and contributions to this insane little space we have here with them, which sucks. the author of that amazing hobi fic? deactivated her account over tumblr drama.
so if you have a blog here and you are so wrapped up in jealousy and insecurity that you feel the need to harass someone off the site (including “friends”), log off and seek help.
3. life (adulting, sigh)
this is the boring one, but it still tracks. this community blew up when covid hit and we all had a lot more time to muse about what kim namjoon would look like in his underwear. but so many people had to get back to the grind after a while, and that meant less time for tumblr and for writing in general (wait is this entire one about me oops)
when i started tumblr i wasn’t working full time. then covid hit. so i had a long stretch where i could dedicate a lot of time to writing and posting. and YES i was still slow, so go ahead and throw that tomato lmao but STILL. it really does impact the number of stories going up and some people who joined during the pandemic just don’t have the time to go back to this like they had before.
so yeah, that’s what i’ve personally seen and experienced on this site. the good news is that for every nasty, insecure writer on this site there are dozens of great people telling great stories. i’m going to stick around for them and i hope you do, too 💕
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jazziejax · 4 days
𝐈. 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐲 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬
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Pairings- Priest!Art Donaldson x Reader, Priest!Patrick Zwieg x Reader
Summary- Odessa and Antoinette get a creepy letter in the mail
Warnings- religious talk, swearing, inside thoughts, not well written…
Jazzie’s Notes!- I just wanna preface this with saying that I don’t really know how to write this style of writing. I have to learn to write well in first person, but then if I do that, I would have to switch person to person all the time. Let if know if this is good or not, don’t be afraid to give feedback. Also, this isn’t meant to offensive to a religious group, I am religious myself. Sorry for any spelling errors!!!
Word Count- 5,313
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Antoinette’s life was far from perfect. She lived in a crappy apartment in a sketchy part of New York with barely any money to afford to live. But she tended to find the bright side of most things. She shared said apartment with her best friend, and she always dreamed of living in New York. Plus, her job was a cute diner with a surprisingly stylish apron. She felt like one of those girls in the rom-com movies. Life could be worse.
“Hi, what can I help you guys with today?” The chipper voice of the young lady said as she pulled the notepad out of her blue apron pocket. She looked expectedly around the group that sat at the diner booth.
“Uh, can we get two French toast meals with the strawberry and whipped cream on them, no bacon or eggs on one of them? And two chocolate chip pancake meals with no whipped cream, just the bananas and blueberries. Four milkshakes, one chocolate with no cherry no whipped cream, one strawberry with the cherry and whipped cream, one vanilla with just the whipped cream, and another chocolate with the cherry and the whipped cream.” Said a blonde woman in one go, before looking up to smile at the waiter.
What a…hearty breakfast. Is it even breakfast time?
The girl squinted, caught off guard by everything that was thrown at her so fast, and didn’t write anything down past the ‘no eggs no bacon’ part. “Um, okay, yeah. I totally have all of that. I’m just gonna repeat it back to make sure it’s correct.” The curly-haired waiter smiled, looking down at the small amount of words scribbled on the yellow paper. Before she could even start talking, the blonde girl spoke up again.
“Oh, no need.” She smiled sweetly, which was obviously fake and condescending by the way she then waved the girl off before continuing the conversation she was in with her friends. Antoinette's eyes darted from one person to the next, utter shock but not surprised at how they all just continued to ignore her presence. She offered a small smile, whispering a small “Okay.” Before walking off to tell Lonny what she remembered of the order.
Which also didn’t go in her favor.
“Why the hell didn’t you write it down?” The older man asked, his New York accent thick on his tongue as she looked down at the small piece of paper the girl handed him.
I totally didn’t even think of that.
“I tried, she was going too fast and wouldn’t let me stay any longer to get it correct.” The girl whined. “I can tell you what I remember from my brain.”
My brain, what am I, seven years old? I need to expand my vocabulary.
“I don’t need what you have in your brain, I need the order on paper! I’m running a restaurant here, curly fry, not a school!” The grump yelled, before moving around the kitchen to continue to cook. Antoinette just stood there, arms stiff at her sides as her eyes drifted towards the open box where the orders got dropped off to see the more than half-empty restaurant. Her brows furrowed inwards only a smidge as she looked back over at her boss.
“Lonny, they’re the only people here.” She stated. All she got in response was the slam of the man’s fist against the metal table out of frustration. Not caring, or rather not paying attention, Antoinette continued. “I mean, them and the homeless guy that sleeps in the booth at the very back. And the occasional person with a laptop to charge.” She shrugged.
Lonny then turned, glaring from afar at the girl who was at least a foot taller than him. Granted, he was a short man.
“You’re lucky I like you curlyfry.” The man grumbled. “Now write down what you can remember then get back to work.” He hissed, turning to the batter he had before him. Antoinette was almost tempted to ask, what work? but refrained from making the situation worse. “Okay.” Was all she said before starting to scribble what she caught of the order on the paper.
My handwriting is atrocious, I need to work on that. Ooh, that’s a big word. Maybe my vocabulary isn’t so terrible. Hey, they do say bad handwriting is a sign of intelligence.
“Also, can you go kick out that homeless guy?” Lonny started, talking to the girl over his shoulder.
“Why can’t you?” She immediately asked, not even thinking over the statement. The older man threw his head back, letting out a deep sigh. “Because I’m working. Ya know, the thing you don’t do.”
Antoinette softly gasped in offense, placing a hand over her heart. “I work. I’m getting this order to you right now.” She said, tripping g the paper from the bit pad and sliding it over to the order station. “Plus, Joey’s gonna be here any second for my shift to end. Although a little late. He can handle it though.”
“Yeah, but I asked you, and I want it done now.” The man spat, never once looking back at the girl as he continued to make the dough for his bread at the cooking station.
“Well, I can’t because I have to wait.” She said, starting to take off her apron. Lonny screamed in annoyance, turning to face his employee. “What did I tell you about that word?!” He screamed desperation and anger in his tone.
“That it’s only used by stinky European teenage boys.” Antoinette related like a mantra at this point. “So stop it!” He yelled as she then tried to walk out of the kitchen, actually having to pee. “And what did I tell you about telling me when you have to pee.”
“I just thought you should know!” Antoinette yelled back through the closing kitchen door. She sighed, starting to continue her way to the bathroom before briefly pausing when she realized the table from earlier was now looking at her in irritation and confusion.
Great, they probably heard me talking about having to pee.
She smiled at them, her dimples being the cherry on top of her adorable face. “Your food will be out shortly.” She said as she encapsulated one hand in the other, voice now calm in contrast to her previous yelling. She went to walk about before stopping once more. “Hopefully.” She said before continuing, taking her apron off in the process and laying it on a hook in the back where her bag and coat were.
She wakes in the dingey bathroom, pulling down her pants and squatting over the bowl. Finally, in some semblance of peace, she had the same thoughts she had every time she used the bathroom at the diner.
My calves have to be extremely strong after doing this for four years. Can they hear me? Gosh, I hope they can’t hear me. I think I’d kill myself. Well no, I wouldn’t because that’s a sin.
Finished, the file looked over next to her for the toilet paper, seeing the roll bare but the sake of two thin sheets stuck to the adhesive. “Aw, man. No paper.” She said to herself. She then tried forward, scouring her mind for a solution to such a predicament. Here she was, leaning forward with her rosary handing in her face, squatted over the toilet seat with urine dripping from her privates.
Today couldn’t be any worse.
Just then, the door shot open and slammed into the girl's head. Antoinette yelped at the harsh contact, not even paying attention to the scream let out by the man above her as she focused on her now throbbing head and tried not to fall into the toilet bowl. “Dammit, Antoinette, lock the door next time.” The man groaned. Antoinette held her head as if her hand would bring some sort of red to the area.
“Ok, Joey can you go grab me some toilet paper? We’re out.” She said, trying to focus on how embarrassing this whole ordeal was.
“Uh, yeah, give me a sec.” He said through the door before drifting away.
Antoinette sighed, her head flopping down as she was once again left in that weird position, now even more embarrassed that someone saw her and that she was hit in the head. And it was her coworker.
Lord. I’m sorry but I must die today.
Joey then came back with a new roll of tissue, handing it to the girl through a crack in the bathroom door, even though he could see the girl in the small bathroom mirror. A few seconds after a flush and the sink running, Antoinette emerged with an awkward smile on her face to see Joey standing in front of the bathroom door.
“Hi.” Was all she said, looking everywhere but his eyes.
“Hey.” The taller olive-skinned man said back. They stood in front of each other for a few moments in silence.
“You should go—“
“Sorry about—“
They stared at the same time, pausing before awkwardly laughing.
“I was gonna say sorry about your head. I kinda just barged in.” Joey continued, smiling down at the girl in front of him.
“It’s fine, I was sitting there very awkwardly. Squatting rather.” She stared, brushing it off. “I was saying that you should head on in there and…do whatever you were going to do.” She shrugged. She could feel her heatwave pick up just being in his presence. And the longer she looked at him in those sultry brown eyes, the feeling of a hot pool started to rumble in her lower stomach. She might’ve been a virgin, but she wasn’t stupid.
Well, not entirely.
She knew she found Joey attractive, but the feeling she got when she stood too close to him was not okay in her book. It triggered her fight or flight, but instead of running away or throwing fists at him, she wanted to jump into his arms.
Yeah, I can’t do this. It’s time to leave.
“Well, it was nice speaking to you Joey, have a nice day. Oh, and Lonny wants you to remove the homeless guy from the booth in the back.” She spat out in a hurry as she grabbed her bag from the hook, along with her coat, and walked back to the front. She passed the table on her way out, seeing that they were now eating. “Oh, you guys got your food. Great.” She said with a small customer service smile as she continued walking.
“Yeah, our order is actually wrong—.” The woman from before couldn’t get out much more before Antoinette was cutting her off.
“Sorry, I’m off the clock. Bye.” She cheesed on her last words and walked out of the door, a bell ringing above her head. She scurried to the alley on the side of the building, to see her bike still double-chained to a random pipe in the next building over. It was basically a little game at this point to come around the corner and see if her bike was still there. Sighing in relief, she rushed over to the baby blue bike with a wicker basket in the front. She unclasped her key from her wrist and unlocked the heavy-duty chains she bought with her last few dollars when she moved to New York. This elderly couple had given her the bike when they saw the girl walking in the rain, saying it was their daughter’s old bike. But since the girl was lost and confused in a very nice neighborhood, she had to buy some chains so she didn’t get jacked before she could get to enjoy its labor.
The girl opened the basket in the front of her bike to place her chains into when she paused at the sight of something wrapped in the large bin. The thing was moving underneath the black cloth and Antoinette was just frozen. She glanced around at the alley to see if anyone was watching her but spotted not a single soul. Sighing, the girl reached out and pulled back the back fabric, being sure to keep her head as far away as she could whilst also being able to see within the basket. Seeing that whatever it was didn’t violently react to her movements, she eased forward to see a tuft of sandy white hair.
What in tarnation is this?
Now confused, the girl leaned forward and pulled the cloth back more to see two small kittens in her backseat, one was this sanely blonde color, the darker part of its body being its nose area and its tail. The other kitten was a mix of colors, mainly orange and black with white spots here and there. Antoinette’s heart immediately melted at the sight of the two kittens.
“Awww!” The girl said, pouting at the creatures who lay in her basket. Well, one creature lay while the other moved around in the basket as best as it could. “Well, aren’t you two just the cutest?” The girl gushed as she lifted the blanket with them two in it to place the chains at the bottom of the basket. Once placing them back down, she looked at the cats, who eventually acknowledged the woman above them with tiny meows, as if they were speaking to her speaking voice. Antoinette nearly cried as she continued to fawn over the cute little animals.
“Yeah, you two are coming home with me.” She said as she mounted her bike and washed her way out of the alley. “Des is just gonna love you two!” She said excitedly, closing the top of her basket and riding off into the New York City streets.
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“Why the hell are there kittens in the kitchen?” The light skin girl said as she walked into the small flat and hung her keys and coat near the door before turning to her right to see two kittens in the kitchen licking at a bowl of milk on the corner. Antoinette smiled at the girl as the light from her laptop reflected off her large glasses.
“Hello, Odessa.” The girl said formally laying one hand on top of another as she sat straighter in her seat. The lighter girl furrowed her brows, eyeing her friend across from her in the small kitchen.
“What do you have to say?” The girl demanded out of her rather than asked, already tired from a long work day and knowing Antoinette had something up her sleeve.
She’s sneaky for a catholic…Well, aren’t they all? According to history.
“Well, to answer your previous question, these cats are here because some holy being left them in my basket on my bike.” She started. She could see Odessa was about to speak again but she interrupted before she could. “And before you say anything discouraging, I’d just like to say I did some extensive research. The multicolored one is a calico kitten, and did you know that approximately one calico in 3,000 is male? And guess what? He’s male!” The girl with glasses said, faking her shock again to add to the dramatic value in front of Odessa. The leather-clad girl just leaned against the kitchen archway with her arms folded, face stoic. Seeing that Antoinette was waiting for some sort of reaction before she continued, the woman slightly opened her mouth to let out a small gasp, glancing over at the kitten near her feet.
Antoinette smiled before continuing. “And that quiet and mysterious beauty is a ragdoll kitten. They have an above-average life span, fully grown at 4 years old, quiet by nature, as you can tell. And they are one of the largest cat breeds out there, which is also kind of confusing because you’re supposed to mix other breeds to get a ragdoll cat.” She said, trailing off at the end as she looked at her laptop in confusion, those two facts not making much sense in her mind. Shaking off the thought, the spec-wearing girl looked over at her cooler friend, who just stared at her. Antoinette put on her best smile.
Well, not her best. She was sort of anxious about the whole situation so the smile was kind of awkward, the girl showing all of her adult teeth while her eyes waited on an answer, her brows giving away her concern.
After a moment of silence, the two just looking at one another, Odessa cracked first.
“We can’t keep the cats.” That was all she said before all hell broke loose.
“But, I did so much research on them! I could probably work as a veterinarian with all the knowledge I know now.” The girl in pink whined.
Odessa just started, moving to put her hands in the pockets of her leather pants, the tattoos on her arms showing.
“It was basically a sign from God- well the universe that I’m meant to keep them. They just appeared in my basket, begging for my care.” She continued, changing her words when she saw the girl's brow spike at the mention of the guy up above. That still didn’t get a reaction out of the girl, Odessa just moved across the small kitchen and past the tiny table to the fridge. Antoinette followed her moments within her seat, desperation etched into her face.
“I mean, it won’t cost us much. I can use the bin we use for our socks as their litter box and just use sand from the cigarette pot downstairs.” I’m grasping at freaking straws here.
Odessa turned around once she had the beer in her hands and used the counter to pop the lid off. “And for now we can just give them milk, ya know since we always have some that go bad and we’re lactose intolerant anyway.” She continued, taking her glasses off her face to look at her friend.
Odessa cringed at her words, and leaned against the counter now, which was only about three feet away from the other girl. “That sounds like a terrible life for these poor kittens, Antoinette. And us.” She said before taking a swig of her beer. “We can’t afford them.”
“I mean, it's not like we’re poor. We can take care of them.”
“We have a box television in the year 2023…” Odessa started, “And it’s not even in our living room, it’s in the kitchen and it’s the size of a basketball.” She finished, pointing over to the small television on the corner of the table that softly played reruns of old television shows with the antenna that aimed at the small kitchen window. “We don’t even have fucking cable.”
“Language,” Antoinette muttered. “I mean, at least we get to watch Sex & The City and Living Single for free.” She smiled over at Odessa, who gave her a simple stare. “We can’t afford them, Bennie.” She said softly.
Antoinette then deflated, shoulders sagging as she leaned back in the old wooden chair. She had lost all hope as soon as the girl said that name, Odessa only calling her that when she was serious about something. Mainly because Odessa hated nicknames. “Okay, I’ll find them somewhere tomorrow.” She softly whined before putting her head in her hands. Odessa pursed her lips in sadness, patting the girl on the shoulder for comfort before making her way out of the kitchen. It only took her about three steps before she was in what most would call a living room, but Odessa liked to call it her room. Since it essentially was her room.
The far wall was made of brick, with a green couch in front of it that let out into her bed and a small back circle table in the middle, on top of an ugly carpet.
The girl sighed as she turned and dropped down onto the couch, letting her back hit the seat cushions. The old ceiling light hurt her eyes and made her already terrible hangover headache worse, so she threw her arms over her eye, placing her face in her elbow. Getting home late last night from one of her small concerts, she liked to call them, at the bar she worked at, she got a little too wasted. It was a recurring theme for her honestly.
Get up, go to work at the bar, wait till 10 to start performing, do that until about 2 am, get drunk afterward and either go home with whoever she decides to lay with that night or go to her humble abode. She didn’t perform every night, but when she did, that was usually the routine. And now she was suffering the consequences of getting drunk and staying up until 5 am when she had to work only hours later. At least she didn’t perform tonight, now she could stay in longer since it was only 6.
Her head becoming too much, the girl sat up from the couch to head to the bathroom to see if she could salvage some pain pills. But before she could, the sight of a pile of letters caught her eye. Reaching over, she grabbed the small pile to sort through.
Bill, bill, bill, creepy letter, postcards, bill, rent, perfume samples…What the hell?…
Odessa paused at the sight of the letter, the off-white paper wax-sealed with a red stamp. She squinted, looking at the seal to see if she knew the symbol from somewhere. Looking at it in just the wax form, she couldn’t quite make it out but she knew it looked familiar. Standing up, she kept her eyes on the letter as she walked back to the kitchen.
“Did you see this creepy ass letter in the mail?” She asked, standing the the archway and turning the letter to face Antoinette, who had her head propped on her chin as she sadly looked at places where she could drop the kittens off. Speaking of kittens, they now lay in the girls’ lap, curled into one another in almost a yin and yang symbol.
Antoinette looked up, squinting at the girl who was blurry since she didn’t have on her glasses. Odessa walked forward, placing the letter in front of her roommate.
Placing her spec on, Antoinette inspected the letter more, immediately recognizing the symbol. She furrowed her brows, glancing up at the even more confused Odessa. Gliding her long bare nails under the wax seal, she popped the envelope open and pulled out the letter. “Ohh, handwritten.” She said to herself as she looked at the unfolded paper.
She was silent as she read through the letter, causing Odessa to just stand before her and wait for the girl to speak. She watched Antoinette read the letter, her face going through a mix of emotions. First, her brows raised in surprise in the beginning as she hummed in contempt. Then her eyes widened as she continued before she got to the end of the letter and gasped.
“What is it?! You’re making my blood pressure rise.” Odessa said, watching the girl intensely.
“It’s from Saint Mary’s.” She started, not looking up to see Odessa cringe at the words. “They said a lot has changed in the last four years. Mother Agnes died, and they refurbished the church and built it. And they even have new staff, but the community is failing. They sent letters to all the kids that grew up in the foster home to see if they’d come to work there to improve their quality of life. Pay and free housing included.” She finished, looking up at the girl before her.
Neither of them could look each other in the eyes at the news, both of them still processing everything. Mainly the information about Mother Agnes dying. There was a sense of relief as if the girls had been haunted by everything that woman did to them. And in a sense, they were. They’ve endured too much pain at the hands of Mother Agnes. So much pain that they had to live with their whole lives, and leaving there didn’t help as much as they thought it would. They just now had a place to express such feelings out loud. Although they never did. Conditioning at its finest. Just thinking about their youth made Odessa want to break down and cry after so many years of pushing those memories away. And Antoinette…she could have a panic attack just being back at such a place.
After a moment of silence, Antoinette read over the letter again and again while Odessa just started in thought, someone finally spoke.
“We should do it.” She said softly, not looking up in fear of Odessa’s reaction.
“And why the hell would we do that?” The other girl asked harshly, offended that Antoinette even thought of such a possibility.
“Because it could help.” She answered softly. “We could use the money.”
“We have money. You and I both work.”
“You said it yourself, Des,” Antoinette said looking up, her hands slightly shaking as she played with the letter in her hands. The thought of going back wasn’t doing her psyche any good, but she felt as if this was a good opportunity. Maybe this could be good for us. “We don’t have the money.”
“I said that about your cats. Me and you are living just fine.” Odessa spat, her words harsh as she looked down at the darker-skinned girl. Antoinette subtly flinched at her tone, looking back down at the letter in her hands. Odessa saw her small movements and immediately felt bad, she wasn’t making the situation any better.
“It could be good for us.” Antoinette started again, not looking up this time. “We could go there and help out. Make it a better place than it was when we were there. Be nicer to the children so they…don’t end up like us.” She said. Her words hung in the air for a moment. “I mean, what other place is gonna offer us free housing and a job?”
“We go back just so we can be in debt to those people?” Odessa stated, ignoring what the girl previously said about helping the children. “So they can treat us like some charity case? Like they did when we were foster children?” She continued to ask, staring at the top of Antoinette’s head since she refused to lift her eyes from the wax she was ripping off the paper envelope. “I’m not going through that again, not for some people who didn’t give a damn about us then.”
“There’s new people.”
“Yeah, and who do you think taught them what they know?” She asked, folding her arms. There was a thick silence between them.
Antoinette nodded, never looking up. “You're right.” She closed her old laptop and adjusted the kittens into her arms. She then tucked her laptop under her arm and stood up. “I’m gonna go to bed now, good night.” She said softly, walking past Odessa and into the small room on the other side of the living room. Odessa sighed, placing her head into her head as she heard the girl's door softly close from her place in the kitchen.
Antoinette didn’t come out of her room after that, but Odessa could hear her shuffling around in the very small space. She now lay on her bed couch, looking over at the skinny door every time she heard the slightest moment from the room. She would wait to see if the girl would come out in the middle of the night like she always did to ask her random questions, say a random fact, or go to the kitchen to get some water and get caught up in the small television. But none of that ever came.
As soon as Odessa thought sleep was about to finally meet her halfway, she got caught in the words Antoinette said earlier. About helping the children.
Now, Odessa was far from a children's type of person. She was far from a people person, honestly, but she had to make a living somehow. So, for the life of her, she couldn’t understand why she was so affected by the girl's words as soon as they left her mouth. But deep down, she knew why. And so did Antoinette.
Even in the foster home, Odessa would always protect the younger kids from punishment. Taking all their lashing so she didn’t have to hear the cries of children being hurt. Antoinette is one of those kids when the others would blame things on her. And she would take their pain with no words since the age of fourteen. She never vocally expressed the pain she felt emotionally, mentally, and definitely not physically. That mentality infuriated Mother Agnes to the point she would single the girl out and beat the girl harder to see if she could make her break. But Odessa only let tears slip when she was alone.
Now Antoinette didn’t know the severity her words would have on Odessa’s mind, so she couldn’t blame the girl. But she knew that the girl was right. Odessa would do anything in her power to make sure no other kids ended up like her. She would do anything to not hear the cries of pain from children who busted and wanted to be accepted and loved.
And with that thought, she got up from the bed and walked over to Antoinette’s room. She opened the small door that led to the tiny room to see the girl’s back facing the door, looking out the window at the city as she lay in bed and petted the two cats.
“I changed my mind.” She said softly.
Antoinette glanced over her shoulder. “About the cats?” She started. “Nah, I think you’re right. I don’t think I can care for them properly.” She said sadly, turning to look back out of the window.
“No, not about the cats,” Odessa stated.
There was a pause between the two, Antoinette processing the girl's words. She then sat up in her bed and turned to face the girl at her door, five feet away from her. “What made you change your mind?” She asked softly.
“You were right. About everything.” She shrugged, biting her lip. She was anxious about the whole situation. Coming to such a conclusion about her feelings and the thought of going back to the town brought more bad memories than good. But also to how her best friend would react. But that was all washed away when she saw the girl smile.
“Can I bring the cats?” She asked, pointing to the sleeping kittens in her bed. Odessa giggled, looking at the pleading smile on her friend's face.
“Yeah, sure. I mean, they’ll have more space to grow. Its a better life than here.” She said shrugging.
Antoinette then gasped. “Oh! Now I can get one of those cute wax melt sets so I can’t write back to them.” She smiled excitedly. “Oh, this is gonna be so great!”
Odessa smiled at the girl's excitement. “Now get some sleep, we have some things to sort out before we head up.” That was all she said before she closed the door behind her and made her way back to bed. She let out one final sigh before closing her eyes and letting sleep take her away.
Antoinette smiled at the door as it closed before looking down at the animals at her side. “Ya see, prayers do get answered, guys.” She said, holding up her right hand that was wrapped in her rosary, showing it to the sleeping cats. “Oh, you guys can’t hear me. Or understand me. Or understand religion. I need to go to bed.” She hugged before plopping down onto her pillow with an anxious smile and closing her eyes.
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Let me know if you guys like the story and if you’d liked to be added to the taglist!!!
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aangelinakii · 1 year
in which you and tangerine share a kiss without an umbrella
character : tangerine
song : pictures of us , beabadoobee
date : 17th june 2023
warnings : swearing
note : again,, so sorry for my hiatus !! 😭😭 but here i am <3<3
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red flames flickered in the soft, chilling breeze, as your thumb clicked the flint of your lighter, setting the end of tangerine's cigarette ablaze.
smoke billowed around the two of you, its expensive scent filling your lungs, a cloak keeping you warm from the nipping chill of an autumn night in london.
for the past two weeks, your fiancé had been on a mission in paris, and you'd been left in your apartment to fend for yourself. i mean, of course you had visited friends and focused on your own job and hobbies, but whenever tangerine went on longer missions it was difficult to cope. that's why tonight, with him being back from paris for only a day, he'd treated you to dinner as a way to make up for his long absence.
now, bellies filled with the warm food from your favourite restaurant, the two of you walked arm in arm down the pavement, sky pitch, street dim.
cigarette settled between the index and middle fingers of his free hand, tangerine looked down at you, his piercing blue eyes darkened in the low lighting, turned into crescents with admiration.
"i don't know how many times i've told you tonight, but you look amazing," he smiled down at you, the arm linked with yours flexing to squeeze it. "no idea how i can stay so long away from you sometimes."
a soft laugh brushed past your lips, and you used your free hand to squeeze tangerine's bicep in return, muttering a small thank you.
for a moment you were quiet, taking in tangerine's musky cologne. "yeah," you began slowly, "it's difficult when it's just a couple days, but two weeks? you're kidding."
now it was tangerine's turn to laugh, taking another toke of his cigarette.
"i know, it's insane. i missed you like crazy this time. 'specially in paris, city of love and all. i should take you one time, when i don't have a job coming up."
your lips pulled up into a wistful grin. "paris? i'd love that."
just the thought of the couple of you strolling through the heart of paris at night, the dazzling eiffel tower peeking at you through a break between two townhouses, made you nostalgic of something that hadn't even happened yet. perhaps for your honeymoon?
"do you know where you're off to next?"
tangerine shrugged in response, exhaling more rich smoke. "lemon's handling it this time. he mentioned it on our way back, but i don't know much yet. i think somewhere in south america — bolivia? argentina? don't remember."
you only hummed back, acknowledging his response, but not asking any more as it was clear not even he knew that much.
as the two of you continued to stroll down the dark pavement, the few orange street lanterns highlighting your faces. matching in sync with your footsteps, raindrops pierced the grey concrete.
a drop landed square on tangerine's forehead, causing him to abruptly stop in his tracks. "shit!" he groaned. "if it starts shitting it down i'm gonna ruin this suit."
"hey, hey, don't worry about your suit," you spoke up, laughing all the while, the rain around you beginning to pick up in power and speed.
you removed your arm from out of tangerine's link, and moved to stand opposite him, placing your hands on each shoulder. "it's just rain, yeah? we can take it to the dry cleaner's tomorrow."
as he looked down at you, albeit droplets of rain rolling down his face, his expression softened. "i really don't wanna ruin my suit, love," he spoke, softer this time.
"dry cleaner's," you repeated, leaning closer, hands on his shoulders pressing down tighter.
opposite you, tangerine's face scrunched up, a mixture of defeat and exasperation. "god, you're impossible." with this, he inhaled from his cigarette and tried to push down his smile.
above you, dark clouds darkened the sky, if that were even possible, and the rain picked up pace. needless to say, tangerine's suit, and your overcoat, were going to the dry cleaner's tomorrow. tangerine's brown locks, which had previously been gelled back, were now spilling down his temples, weighed down by the rain.
the cigarette in his hand was of no use at this point, and he flicked it away.
"alright, love, d'you think we can keep walking now?" he asked, eyes squinting as he tried to see through the rain.
grin on your face, although rain-stricken, you shook your head. "no, let's stay for a bit. you're not in a rush, are you?"
"to get dry? yeah, kinda."
your hands on tangerine's shoulders moved up to his neck, pulling him towards yourself even more. the distance between you was closed, lips against lips.
warmth spread between the two of you, a high contrast to the striking rain falling down from the clouds above.
tangerine's larger hands took in your waist, pulling you further into him, trying to keep himself warm.
the kiss lasted a few moments, and when you pulled away, your eyes lingered closed, and your arms wrapped around tangerine's broad frame, encapsulating the two of you into the odd sensation of a warm embrace and a cold atmosphere.
your fiancé was back. in your arms. in the rain.
"my love?" his voice a ghost in your ear. you hummed in return. "paris isn't as cold as london, d'you think we can head home now?"
eyes halved into crescents as you pull out of your embrace, you looked up at tangerine with a half-laugh. "yes, oh my god, i'm so cold."
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mymoodwriting · 17 days
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3.8k, deja vu au, reader appears in the end, alcohol, drinking, depression, past relationship, amnesia, gaslighting, manipulation, denial, character deaths, implied character deaths, car accident, lingering spirits, traveling dimensions, 99% certain you will cry, I cried writing this (@starillusion13)
“Hey… it’s me again…”
Yeonjun laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling while he was on the phone. There was so much he wanted to say, but it was hard to find the words at times.
“I know you’re busy but… you know it’d be nice to hear your voice again… I’m really-”
The beep cut him off as that was all the time he had to leave a message. He thought to try again but he left it that way. He sent you a lot of messages throughout the day, and he didn’t want to piss you off more than you already were. He laid in bed for a while longer before getting up and preparing for the day. The apartment was a lot quieter without you around, and he was well aware of that everyday. Still he didn’t touch your things, leaving them as they were, always waiting for the day you’d forgive him and come home.
On his way out he stopped to look himself over in the mirror, wiping away the tears on his face. He always woke up crying, and he couldn’t understand why. He never remembered his dreams, but he always felt such heartache every morning. He knew he missed you so much, but perhaps he missed you a lot more than he even realized. Once he was out of the apartment he texted his coworker, letting them know he was on his way. He worked as a line cook at a small little joint. It wasn’t anything fancy but it paid the bills and gave him a consistent schedule, so he didn’t hate it too much.
For his lunch break Yeonjun went up to the rooftop, eating in peace and watching the world go by. The scene was quite lovely and it brought back memories. Back then when you had been dating you’d stop by to visit him during his lunch break whenever you had a chance. You could enjoy the view together, and had taken a few pictures together, as well as shared a handful of kisses. It was a little awkward now for Yeonjun, knowing you wouldn’t come up there to meet him anymore, but the memory of you here was what always brought him back. When he heard the door open he perked up, thinking a miracle was about to happen, but instead he saw Soobin walking over. His friends knew of his lunch spot too after all.
“Where you been, man?”
“Ah, you know, just living my life.”
“But you don’t have time to text or call?”
“My bad.”
“It’s okay. I understand.” Soobin took a seat next to Yeonjun. “How you been though?”
“Okay, I guess. Just going through the motions.”
“You know we’re here for you, right?”
“I know. I just don’t wanna burden you guys or sound like a whiny bitch.”
“You wouldn’t be a burden, or annoyance, you know that.”
“Yeah, but I don’t wanna test our friendship over something like this. It’s not a break up, just some miscommunication. We’re taking a break, that’s all.”
“… oh…”
“I’m fine though, really.”
“… yeah… yeah I can see…” Soobin cleared his throat. “You know, the guys are gonna get together on Friday for some drinks, you wanna come? Wouldn’t be bad to spend a night out with us, right?”
“I’d like that.”
“Cool. I’ll text you the details.”
Yeonjun admired the view once more, deciding to take a picture and send it to you. Soobin watched him curiously. He could admit it was nice to see the world from up here.
“Who you texting?”
“Y/n. We used to come up here a lot and enjoy the view together. This way we can still share it even if she’s not here now.”
“… right… I, uh… I gotta get going, but I’ll see you Friday?”
“Good. See you later.”
“Be safe.”
Yeonjun stayed up on the roof for a while longer before heading back down to finish his shift. He lived close to work, so the commute wasn’t that long, but most nights he’d pick up a few odd jobs doing deliveries. That way he got to travel past all the places you’ve made memories together. The restaurants you’ve dined at, the walks you took together, the ice cream you shared. It was a happy trip down memory lane, and he hoped to do it all again someday. He stopped along the way to check his messages, and just like before you hadn’t responded. Countless messages have gone unanswered, and he could see that you haven’t even opened them. When he finally got home he decided to try giving you a call.
“Hi, you’ve reached y/n, I can’t come to the phone right now, but I’ll get back to you as soon as I can! And if it’s you, Yeonjun, I’m sorry I missed you, but I’ll see you later, love you! Okay, bye!”
Hearing your voicemail message always brought a smile to his face. Perhaps that’s why he kept calling. After the beep though his mind went blank, unsure of what to say at first until the words came to him.
“Hey… how are you? I hope you’re doing well… I, uh, I sent you a picture earlier from the rooftop… it brought back a lot of memories… you know, you could at least let me know you’ve seen my messages… I don’t mind if you leave me on read, but I guess you must be busy… Soobin came by today, told me this Friday-”
Another beep told him his time was up and the line then went dead. He sighed and looked back at his texts, but there was nothing new from you. He lingered in the shower afterwards, trying not to break down in tears. It had been so long now without you, but he was still doing pretty well to hold himself together. He laid in bed, staring at the ceiling for who knows how long before he finally fell asleep. His alarm would wake him in the morning, freeing him from whatever tear filled dream he wouldn’t remember. It was probably more accurate to call them nightmares, but all he knew was what he felt in the morning, nothing else.
This was his usual routine, so he just went about his day as normal. He’d call and leave a message, getting ready for work and spending his day out in the world, distracting himself from your absence. He felt cold in a way he couldn’t describe. It was spring, leading into summer, so the weather itself wasn’t a reason for his feelings. He knew what was, but he didn’t want to dwell on it too long for fear of being swallowed up whole. Yet every passing day made him feel as if you were fading away, and that’s the last thing he wanted. 
Every morning he’d feel the tears on his face. Sometimes he’d wake before his alarm, sobbing uncontrollably, his throat burning from the tears. His face hurt from all the crying, but it seemed he was getting used to the pain now. Once he calmed down he found himself staring at the blank ceiling once more. It was easy to zone out that way, drifting back into the memories of the past, the memories forgotten. Although every time he tried to look back it seemed harder to grasp those moments, to grasp onto you. Such feelings always led him to call, even if you wouldn’t answer. He still hoped that someday you would.
“I miss you… I really fucken miss you… and I’m sorry… I honestly can’t remember what we fought about that day but I know it must have been something stupid… we’ve fought before over worse things but this… whatever it was… y/n please… please let me make it up to you… I want to hear your voice again, I want you to say my name again… I can’t… I can’t lose you-”
He screamed after the beep and threw his phone across the room. It was all true. He missed you like crazy and yet you were nowhere to be found. He desperately wanted to remember what happened that day, but even after all this time it was a blur. The stupid anger he felt, knowing you were leaving upset. Things shouldn’t end that way, and all he wanted was to make it up to you, to see you again and apologize for hurting you. Yet ever since that day you’ve disappeared from his life and gone silent. All his messages and texts have gotten him no response, and he was quietly going insane. Somehow he still managed to live his life, day by day, but it was becoming unbearable the longer this went on.
“Yeonjun! It’s so good to see you!”
Taehyun and Kai ran up to hug their friend when they saw him, the atmosphere growing brighter with his presence. Everyone was happy to see him as it had been a long time since they all last hung out together.
“Thanks. Soobin invited me, and I thought I’d see how you were all doing.”
“This is gonna be fun.” Kai admitted. “I’m so glad you’re here.”
“Let’s drink till sunrise.” Taehyun added. “I’ve built up my tolerance, I can totally take you on.”
“Ya, relax.” Soobin stated. “We haven’t even ordered the first round. We’ll see if your words hold up later. Sit, sit.”
“I’ll order.” Beomgyu said. “It really is great to see you, Yeonjun.”
“Same here.”
To be surrounded by friends, and drinking for joy, it was truly something Yeonjun had needed. He wasn’t alone, and he could forget his sorrows while in this moment. Everyone talked about what they had been up to, their plans going forward, and they all promised to see each other again soon. It was kinda strange to feel happiness like this again after so long, and Yeonjun wished to share it with you. By sunrise they were all pretty gone, but Yeonjun still had enough sense of self to act on his own.
“Excuse me for a minute, I gotta do something.”
“Hurry back.”
Yeonjun got up from the table, stumbling a bit towards the door. He pulled out his phone and dialed your number. Of course he was met with the usual ringing, but this time things were different. As he was walking out he stopped, hearing a familiar sound. 
“Y/n, could you please pick up the phone, it’s your boyfriend calling.”
Yeonjun had recorded a special message for you to use as a ringtone whenever he called. So hearing it now sent chills down his spine, sobering him up in a second. He looked around the place, searching for the source, but it was naive to think you were there somehow. Out of the corner of his eye he caught the truth. Beomgyu pulled out a phone, your phone, quickly shutting it off before slowly looking up at Yeonjun. Their eyes met and for a moment the world froze. It was just the two of them in this silence, but the rage inside Yeonjun quickly burned away the cold and he stormed back over to the table. Yeonjun dropped his phone and reached over to pull Beomgyu close, getting up in his face.
“Why the fuck do you have y/n’s phone!”
“Yeonjun, I, I can explain.”
“What the fuck! I have been trying to reach her for weeks! Why the fuck do you have her phone!”
“Yeonjun, calm down!”
Everyone had sobered up in an instance. Soobin and Kai grabbed Yeonjun, pulling him away from Beomgyu. The boy took a few breaths, Taehyun looking him over. Yeonjun tried to free himself, a fire burning inside him, and his eyes locked on Beomgyu.
“Where is she!?” Yeonjun yelled. “Where is she, Beomgyu!?”
“Tell me! Where the fuck is she! You fucken bitch! Where-”
“Yeonjun, stop it.” Soobin interrupted. “Don’t do this here.”
“Let me go! I need him to tell me the truth.”
“That’s not gonna help.”
“Fuck you! Tell me where she is, Beomgyu! What has she told you!? Where is she!?”
“She’s gone!” Taehyun spat. “Yeonjun, she’s fucken dead.”
“… huh?”
“Taehyun, don’t.” Kai said. “This isn’t-”
“She got into a car accident a few weeks back.” Taehyun continued. “You were there, you went with her to the hospital and she… she didn’t make it…”
“… no… no… no, that’s not true! Liar! You fucken liar!”
“It’s true.” Beomgyu added. “You disappeared after the doctors pronounced her dead. You didn’t even go to her funeral. We didn’t see you for days, and when you suddenly reappeared you were talking about some fight and that you two were taking a break. You fucken gaslight yourself, and we just let you be cause surely you’d come to your senses eventually.”
“She… where is she?”
“I can tell you where she’s been laid to rest…”
“No, no… no…”
“We all miss her too, Yeonjun.” Kai added. “I’m sorry…”
“… you’re lying… you’re all liars…”
Yeonjun fell to his knees, his vision being blurred by tears. He didn’t want to believe any of this, yet his heart hurt like never before in this moment. Soobin and Kai let him go, cautiously stepping away to give him space. They all knew the truth had to surface somehow, but they didn’t want it to happen this way.
“Why did you have her phone?” Soobin questioned. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I was the one who took her belongings and before I could deactivate the phone I noticed Yeonjun kept texting and leaving messages. I couldn’t… I don’t know what would happen if I suddenly cut the line.”
“You should have told me you had it. I thought he did and he was feeding his own delusion. Why did you even bring it!?”
“I forgot to leave it at home, besides I didn’t think he’d leave a message right now.”
“Yeonjun- where did he go?”
When the others tried to look for Yeonjun they realized the boy was already gone, having run off when he had the chance. Yeonjun had no idea where he was running too, but he just had to get away. Tears blurred his vision, wiped away only for a moment by the wind. Somehow he wound up running away from civilization and out into the fields. The light from the sunrise illuminated his path, but it did nothing to soothe the pain in his chest. His legs could only take him so far and he eventually collapsed, falling to the ground. He struggled to breathe, the lack of air and pain from his tears making it hard to regain his breath. 
While he laid there images began to flash before him. A car wreck, fire, sirens in the distance getting louder and louder. The crowds around him, screaming and calling for help. A vague image of an injured hand sticking out from an overturned car. He stood frozen in place, taking in the whole scene before screaming and running towards the fire. Yeonjun jolted up, still in the field and looking around at the emptiness. He was alone, completely alone. He didn’t want to believe you were gone, he couldn’t, yet he felt it in his heart. All those dreams he had, they had truly been nightmares, memories of that day. Yet he wanted to deny it all.
“Please… please…”
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Yeonjun had gotten on his knees, praying, begging, to see you again. Things couldn’t end this way, definitely not like this. He had been terrible at times, unable to keep promises or leaving you alone in all kinds of ways. Still he loved you, he loved you more than anyone else, and he’d never love another like he loved you. So he prayed, begged, to anyone who would listen, if he could have you back, promising to never let go again.
“You lost her, didn’t you?”
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Yeonjun opened his eyes to see Beomgyu standing before him, then the boy kneeled down to embrace him in a hug.
“It’s okay, it’s okay… I lost her too…”
“She can’t be gone… she can’t be…”
“She is… but I can give her back.”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“Promise me you’ll look after her.”
“I don’t understand.”
Yeonjun turned around to see his friends running in his direction, all four of them. Once it clicked in his head he looked back at the Beomgyu by his side.
“There isn’t much time. Please, promise us you’ll take care of her. She can’t be alone.”
“Promise us.”
“… I promise.”
A blinding white light changed day into night. Yeonjun found himself alone once more, standing in the middle of nowhere. It took him a moment to truly regain his composure, confused about what had just happened.
Your voice, he had almost forgotten what it sounded like in real life, and not just some recording. Tears stung his eyes, except they were of joy this time. Although that feeling only lasted for a bit. When he turned around his eyes went wide, memories rushing in. That day you had come to pick him up, the two of you planning to get the others and you were all going to go on a weekend trip. He had a bad day at work and just snapped at you for no reason. You were rightfully upset, telling him to get himself together and call you when he wanted to be picked up. You drove off without another word. He already regretted his actions as he watched you leave, and when he turned his back he heard a loud noise.
Screams soon filled the air and he ran over, seeing smoke rising into the air. He was met with a horrifying scene. Your car was turned over, some other idiot hitting you and causing the whole wreck. He was frozen in shock, being able to see your hand sticking out of a broken window. When he saw your fingers move he snapped into action and rushed over. It was all really a blur from there but now he stood before a similar scenario. There was an overturned car just off the road, a giant fire roaring from it and the bits of debris around were also engulfed in flames. You were on your hands and knees before a body, screaming and crying.
“Yeonjun! Yeonjun! Yeonjun, get up! Please, Yeonjun… Yeonjun… you can’t leave me alone… please… Yeonjun! Get up! Please… please… yeonjun…”
Yeonjun wasn’t dreaming this time, or reliving a memory, this was something else entirely, and there was no waking up to reality. This was the real world, and it was like deja vu. He took a shaky step forward, one foot after another. Your name escaped his lips as a whisper, in the moment he struggled to call to you although seeing you again was what he had desperately wanted. As he got closer he noticed four other bodies scattered around, and your face became clearer, illuminated by the fire.
“… y/n…”
“… yeonjun… please wake up… please…”
Yeonjun choked back tears as he said your name. From where he was he could see your clothes were torn up, and that you were covered in cuts and bruises. When you looked up to meet his eyes he froze. It really was you, he could never forget those beautiful eyes, even when they were full of tears and agony. He couldn’t forget your face either, regardless of how many injuries decorated it.
“Yeonjun… Yeonjun!”
You scrambled to your feet, ignoring the searing pain from your leg as you finally stood. You tried to run, but it was more of a desperate limp as you made your way over to Yeonjun, tears blurring your vision. Maybe this was all just some hallucination, or maybe Yeonjun had come back for you, either way there was only one way to know for sure. Yeonjun caught you in his arms, almost in disbelief that it was really you. He held you tightly, so fearful you’d suddenly disappear again.
“Yeonjun, is it really you…?” You sobbed into his shirt. “Don’t leave me alone… please…”
“No… no, I’m not going anywhere… I got you… I promise.”
Yeonjun’s legs gave out, the adrenaline wearing off, but he kept his hold on you. The two of you collapsed to the ground, but neither said much. Yeonjun stared at the car wreck, slowly looking down at your battered body. The car suddenly exploded, causing you to scream and hold Yeonjun tighter. He did his best to shield you, watching the flames grow brighter, and noting all the bodies were suddenly gone.
“Yeonjun… what’s going on?”
When Yeonjun heard his name he looked over to see his friends walking towards him. They looked worried, and confused, coming to Yeonjun for answers, but he had none.
“I… I don’t know…”
Yeonjun noticed his friends covered in injuries as well, their clothes different from when he last saw them and now torn up. He suddenly winced, looking down at his own body, seeing injuries that hadn’t been there before, and realizing his own clothes had changed.
“I thought you were dead…” You sobbed. “I thought you were all gone…”
“Y/n?” Kai questioned. “Is that…”
“We’re all okay.” Yeonjun cut in. “We’re all gonna be okay. I promise.”
The boys all looked at each other, but now wasn’t the time for questions. Soobin and Taehyun helped you and Yeonjun get up. You were in no position to walk, so Soobin picked you up in his arms, carrying you bridal style and having you wrap your arms around his neck. They all had a vague sense as to where to go, starting to walk away from the wreck. Yeonjun stayed close to you, softly petting your head and assuring you he was right here with you, they all were. Your eyes stared deeply into his, feeling that his words were true. Yeonjun saw the fire reflecting in your eyes, seeing something strange and turning around. Among the flames he saw five silhouettes, not needing to wonder what that was.
“I promise.”
The smoke overtook the fire and he turned back to you, offering you a smile. You reached out to hold his hand and he took it, feeling the warmth it brought him. He may not know the past here but whatever the future held he knew you’d see it all together, and make new memories. He leaned forward to place a gentle kiss on your hand, forever grateful his prayers were answered. Yeonjun would keep his promise, as he was sure they all would.
“Everything’s gonna be okay… we’re gonna be okay… right?”
“Yes. I promise.”
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loserdiaz · 11 months
fic rec friday fun! 💌
rules: share the links to your wonderful words with the most hits/most kudos/most comments/most bookmarks /most words/least words
tagged by @spotsandsocks @littlebitofdiaz @prince-buck-diaz and @bekkachaos 💗
most hits, most kudos and most bookmarks
and this is when the feeling sinks in ( i don't wanna miss you like this ) mature | 17.4k words
Buck was supposed to come home in a couple months, pretty close to Eddie's birthday. He was finishing his tour with the Navy and then they'll get their happy ending. That's how it was supposed to go.
Then two officers showed up at Eddie's door with a flag and thanking his husband for serving their country.
And everything changed.
2. most comments
believe in one thing (i won't go away) mature | 24k words
"I think— I think we should go to therapy. Together." Eddie says one night and takes Buck completely by surprise. "Therapy? Together?" "Yeah, like, couple's therapy or something. Frank told me he can recommend someone for us." "Eddie…" Buck says slowly, as if he's trying to explain the hardest math problem in the universe to a five year old. "We're not, uh— We're not a couple." "No, I know." Eddie frowns and looks down, fidgeting with the beer in between his hands. "But we're partners." He says, this time a lot lower that Buck barely hears it. "Right?"
or; the one where buck is figuring out stuff after waking up from a coma, eddie misses his best friend and they go to couple's therapy.
3. most words
made my way to a life i would choose | explicit | 26.1k words
In which Eddie transfers from his station to the Dispatch Center to be the LAFD Liaison, change is hard, staying away from Dispatcher Evan Buckley is even harder and not falling in love with the man is god-damned impossible. Eddie makes his way to a life he would choose and to a family who will choose him back. or affectionately called the buddie at dispatch fic <3
4. least words
I'm the one on the phone as you whisper | teen and up | 1.2k words (it has 999 kudos so if someone wanted to go and read it and leave a kudo i wouldn't complain about it 👀)
"Hey, how do you feel about an impromptu romantic date at a fancy restaurant with the love of your life?" He asks once he hears the call has been picked up. There's silence on the other line for longer than it's normal and Buck is about to check if Hen hang up on him when someone finally speaks— and Buck suddenly feels sick to his stomach. "Okay." Says the voice that is certainly not Hen's. The voice that's been haunting Buck's every dream for forever. "Eddie?" Buck chokes out, stuttering and hoping to God it's not him. "Yeah…" Of course it is..Buck looks up at his ceiling again, cursing the damn universe and its awful sense of humor. He's sure its laughing at him at this point. "Why? D-Did you mean to call someone else?"
or: Buck's date cancels but he has already made the restaurant reservation, so he decides to call Hen and ask if she'd like to take Karen there. He dials the wrong number. It all works in the end.
honorary mention to famous buck au bc it might not fit in any of this categories but it's still one of my fave fics i've written:
he never thinks of me (except when i'm on TV) mature | 18.1k words
"I have been in love, yes." He says after the most torturous of seconds. "Would you mind expanding on that?" Buck hesitates for a few seconds and then Eddie sees the exact moment he decides 'fuck it' as he straightens in his seat. "There was this guy in high school. He was my best friend." Wait. Hold on. Eddie freezes. Is Buck— Is Buck talking about him? or: In which Eddie finds out years later that his unrequited feelings for his high school best friend were not actually unrequited, Buck is stupidly famous now and they pine. They get there in the end, they just need to get their timing right. Inspired by the prompt: “you’re famous and just got asked if you were ever in love this should be good– WAIT WHAT."
tagging (no pressure): @monsterrae1 @buddierights @barbiediaz @cowboy-buddie @transbuck @transboybuckley @honestlydarkprincess @bigfootsmom @lesbianmaygrant @maygrantgf @buckitup @the-likesofus @spaceprincessem @alyxmastershipper @elvensorceress @ebdaydreamer @greyacebuckley @starlingbite @lovebuck @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy @911onabc @hippolotamus @shortsighted-owl and anyone else who wants to do it! 💗
129 notes · View notes
sparkle-d · 2 years
waiting game | daniel ricciardo
pairing: daniel ricciardo x you
summary: in which you switch your phone with daniel's without knowing
tags: falling in love; chatting and messages; kind of enemies to friends to lovers
warnings: insecure reader; f!reader; dumb people
chapter: 2/?
(you: blue/ daniel: orange)
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chapter 2 - exchanges
hot stuff said: i have something to tell
hot stuff said: but please
hot stuff said: don’t be mad
hot stuff said: i dropped your phone today
hot stuff said: i’m a little clumsy sometimes but it’s one hundred per cent okay
hot stuff said: trust me
ma fraise said: i have no other option than to believe you
ma fraise said: it’s okay this phone has seen worst days
ma fraise said: a little fall won’t hurt
hot stuff said: phew
hot stuff said: glad we aren’t too attached to our phones’ conditions
ma fraise said: our phones are warriors then!
You put almost the whole toast inside your mouth, munching it slowly. The phone keeps on buzzing with new messages and it can only be one person - your contact list being downsized to one person during those two weeks. You’ve been talking nonstop, mostly about nothing serious, just like you would do with your friends normally. 
He’s with you all the time, telling you about his day, sending pictures of cocktails he’s drinking in a bar with his friend, knowing how stupid you can get when you forget where his phone is. Or when you say you want to listen to a new song and he immediately sends you the most unexpected song - that you secretly love but won’t tell him right away. 
You show him the flowers near your apartment, the food you eat in the restaurant and share with him places you’re visiting in Monaco, even though he says he already knows Monaco. Well, you too, but he doesn’t need to know about it.
He’s as you expected after your first chat: easy going, nice and respectful. Every time Charles and Pierre messages you, he’s there to tell you all about it. He finds it weird that they keep messaging your phone, knowing you’re not in possession of it, but doesn’t mind being the messenger with your friends. 
It’s been like living with him, but you continue not to know who he is, and probably won’t know until you decide to reveal yourselves. You won’t be joining the boys for the next race, because you’re on vacation, so your phone will be handed to him by Charles and Pierre. 
This is great, actually. You’ve been telling yourself about your connection with this stranger, how it’s easy to chat with him, even on bad days, but you don’t feel confident to meet him in person, yet. Your best friends don’t understand you, they never did, but your self confidence is nowhere to be found since you were younger. They think you’re pretty, but inside your head, you keep track of all of your flaws - and they are too many. You don’t want your new friend to know this other side of you. You want him to stay close, to be with you during your days and nights. You can’t meet him, you need to keep your identity a secret.
He doesn’t seem to care about not knowing who you are, he actually enjoys the mystery. It makes you more entertaining, you think, and that keeps him entertained. 
After finishing your small meal, you go back to your room. It’s already late at night, completely dark inside your room. The only bright thing is the screen of your phone while you type the messages. 
ma fraise said: what are you doing awake right now
ma fraise said: it’s already late where you are 
hot stuff said: well i’m spending my night talking with a stranger
hot stuff said: when i was supposed to be sleeping
hot stuff said: i have to be up very early tomorrow
ma fraise said:  oh i don’t wanna be a bad influence to you 
hot stuff said: i’m already here
hot stuff said: more sleep less sleep it won’t make a different ig
ma fraise said: i’m the opposite
ma fraise said: every second of sleep is precious
ma fraise said: if i can sleep longer i will
hot stuff said: you sound like a healthy man
ma fraise said: a man who appreciates the act of sleeping 
ma fraise said: if you’re not going to sleep... 
ma fraise said: let’s chat a little more 
ma fraise said: what do you enjoy doing?
hot stuff said: this the type of question that i totally know the answer
hot stuff said: but when people ask me 
hot stuff said: i just forget
hot stuff said: everything. 
hot stuff said: i don’t know things i enjoy 
hot stuff said: well. i know. i just cant name them right now 
ma fraise said: same
ma fraise said: i hate when people ask my good qualities
ma fraise said: like cmon
ma fraise said: i have plenty
ma fraise said: but i just forgot all of them because you asked
hot stuff said: RIGHT?
hot stuff said: i like arts
hot stuff said: i guess
hot stuff said: movies too
hot stuff said: and sports
hot stuff said: well of course i like sports i work with it
ma fraise said: hmmm so you are indeed working in the f1 field
hot stuff said: damnnnnnnn 
hot stuff said: there goes my plan in you not finding out who i’m
ma fraise said: don’t worry there’s a lot of people working there
ma fraise said: i still have no idea who you are
ma fraise said: but i like to think that we are close
ma fraise said: maybe i will stop by your work someday
ma fraise said: who knows
hot stuff said: please doooon’t 
hot stuff said: also you’ll have to go through a bunch of boring ass engineers
hot stuff said: before finding me in there 
ma fraise said: maybe you’ll stand out to me 
ma fraise said: when i see you
ma fraise said: my eyes will shine and know it’s you
hot stuff said: no you won’t ha 
hot stuff said: i’m pretty ordinary
hot stuff said: your eyes would never shine for me
ma fraise said: if we ever meet irl
ma fraise said: you’ll see if they’re shining or not
ma fraise said: but until then
ma fraise said: i’d like to think they would
hot stuff said: you’re too nice
ma fraise said: i think we make a good pair
It’s already the day Pierre and Charles have to leave for race week and they will take the stranger’s phone to exchange it with yours. Everything is already planned, the two of them will leave the phone on a table in the Ferrari space in the paddock, since he knows you’re a Ferrari fan. And after practice day, he will leave your phone there too. That means two things: he will be there the whole race weekend and no cell phone for you in the next following days.
That could be a good thing, because you will enjoy your vacations more, spend more you-time than you would with a phone on sight. You can freely do whatever you want. Go swimming, shopping or even hiking, the options are endless. 
But you end up spending the weekend in front of the tv, watching Formula 1 content. Maybe you’re destined to only enjoy that, it’s your work, your hobby and you can’t escape it. Also, every time the camera focuses on someone in the garages a thought crosses your mind that they could be the stranger you created a bond with. You hug your legs and eat your granola as you enjoy your time alone watching the preparations for the race.
It’s actually enjoyable now, since you don’t have to worry about your work, your heart only beats faster because you want your best friends to do good on track, and especially this weekend, they are having amazing results. Everything is going according to plan and you get to be at ease a little.
Pierre and Charles are always saying about how you worry too much, your brain is always making things up inside of it, creating unreal and real problems for it to solve. But about this? You feel as if you are freeing yourself more and more, especially because you don’t have to worry about things you normally put all your energy into.
bubbles said: phones switched!
bubbles said: but he might have bumped into us accidentally while doing it
You look at your friends, arms crossed in front of your chest. Your phone is between you on the table of your kitchen. The boys are having breakfast, Pierre having a bowl of cereal and Charles eating all the strawberries he found in your fridge. 
“So?” You ask, waiting for them to talk, the ice in your orange juice melting as you wait.
“Yeah, that happened, he saw us.” Charles starts, not giving much thought to the story “Pierre wanted to pee and then stopped to talk with his crew, so we got late and when we arrived to leave the phone, he was already there, waiting.” 
You feel like snorting at them, because they have seen the mysterious guy you’ve been talking to for those two weeks, but they did more than expected. Race week is already chaotic for them, too stressful, and they did you a favor. You can’t blame them for meeting your stranger.
“Have he said something?” You switched your position in your chair.
“He laughed.” Charles shrugs “Like a lot, because he thought I was the owner of the phone for a moment and was pretending to be a girl.”
“So, you already know him?” 
“Yeah, a bit, maybe.” Now it’s time for Pierre to talk, he sounds as bored as Charles, but you know they are faking it. They want to sound unenthusiastic so you won’t get a hint of who the mysterious guy is “He definitely is a guy.”
There’s a question that gets stuck in your throat, the words almost leaving your mouth, but you hold up. You rephrase your thought “H-How does he look? Normal?”
“You mean two eyes and one nose? Yeah, normal.” Pierre sips from his juice.
Charles chuckles “She wants to know if he’s handsome.” You try to defend yourself, your mouth opening and closing as you try to choose which word you should. In the end nothing comes out “He’s pretty decent, don’t worry.”
“I’m not worried about it.” You try not to blush at his comment. Of course you wanted to know more about his appearance, but him being handsome or not wouldn’t change anything. This was the point of it all, not caring about his looks, you remember yourself “If you two know him and have seen him, are you more at ease about me exchanging messages with him?”
They both nod, exchanging a look you can’t catch what it means. You take your phone from the spot it has been sitting for a moment. It feels new, as if you got a brand new one, but it’s your old phone that took a break from you. When the lock screen lights up you feel a chuckle bubble up your throat. 
hot stuff said: i thought pierre was catfishing me this whole time i’m glad you’re not him
hot stuff said: i knew it wasn’t him after all!!
hot stuff said: also will never leave charles alone about his nickname being bubbles
ma fraise said: won’t you tell me what you did in front of pierre to be so embarrassed of him?
hot stuff said: nothing too serious only drunk people doing shit hahah
hot stuff said: but he always remembers me about it when i see him
ma fraise said: ugh you already know too much about me
ma fraise said: you already know i’m friends with these idiots but i know nothing about you
ma fraise said: are you an engineer? a journalist? a mechanic? NO IDEA
hot stuff said: i’m liking this whole secretive thing
hot stuff said: won’t open my mouth about it. it was your idea deal with it
You sigh at the message, not because you desperately wanted to know who this person is - you don’t, really - but you want to know more about him. You feel like he already knows too much about you, he’s so close to you and you still know nothing about him. It feels unfair. 
“We are going to meet the boys in Max’s house, you wanna join? Or are you in a formula-1-free-time even for this?” Charles asks, finishing his snack. You debate if it’s better to go with them, or stay alone, but you've been alone for too many days.
“No, it sounds nice. I like Max’s company, he’s always doing something embarrassing in my presence.”
“Because you only saw him drunk outside of tracks.” Pierre says.
“So I hope there’s booze today too.” You smile at them, leaving for your room to get ready.
But first you text your mysterious boy.
ma fraise said: tell me a secret about you
ma fraise said: something that will surprise me
ma fraise said: then we will be even with all of this 
When you arrive at Max’s apartment with your two best friends you remember why you always ditch them when they invite you to these kinds of meetings. It’s basically you with a bunch of boys drinking together, and there’s nothing that will get into your insecurities than being in the presence of men that are always around perfect women and models.
You’re not like that, far from being perfect in any way. You’re way too ordinary, and even if that’s not a flaw, you feel like it is in this world. Charles has literally slapped you one time because you were talking lowly about you on a night out and he totally disagreed with you. Pierre sided with Charles that night.
Tonight there’s no one for you to compare with, no girlfriends in sight, but you still have those thoughts wandering inside your mind. You try to hide them with a sweet smile. The others that are there are also drivers, friends with Charles and Pierre, and obviously, with Max too. They are drinking beer and eating snacks in front of the television when you three arrive.
They are watching a volleyball match as background and with music on, not your favorite sport but enough for you to engage with. You greet all of them and sit on a spot near the tv, more interested in the game than in their silly conversation. Pierre telling them about the stories you’ve already heard him telling you about.
“Hey.” you look away from the tv to Daniel Ricciardo sitting next to you, with a bowl full of peanuts in one hand and the other holding his beer “want some?” 
“No, thank you, Daniel.” You smile at him.
“Oh, you know who I am!” He sits beside you and sounds indeed surprised.
You raise one of your eyebrows because yes, you know him. He’s friends with your friends for years, you’ve been introduced to him more than once through the years. And of course, he’s a famous driver, even if Charles and Pierre never introduced you two, you would know who he is. 
“Well, we met before so yeah, I do.” Your smile fades a bit, only staying in your lips as you try to sound well mannered.
“We did?” He has an amused tone to it that makes something sting inside of you.
“Maybe you were a bit too drunk in those encounters, but we definitely met.” You put a bit of space between you two and this time, you let your annoyance show in your face.
“Come on, are you offended I don’t remember who you are? Did I hook up with you or…?” Daniel says it, touching your shoulder with his and you try to control yourself and not roll your eyes at him.
“I’m not offended at all, but if I’m not interesting to you, I see no reason in sharing a longer conversation with you right now.” You say, hardly looking in Daniel’s direction, keeping your eyes away from his.
You aren’t offended as you said, but there’s something twisting inside of you. You know you have nothing special in you. There’s no reason for him or anyone to remember who you are, you’re like a ghost to everyone most of the time… You try to block your thoughts from going into that specific part of your mind, or you would sink into it too quickly.
“Okay, if you’re not offended we can talk a bit.” He smiles at you, leaving his beer on the floor and starting to eat the peanuts from his bowl “If you tell me your name right now, I promise I won’t forget.”
You roll your eyes “I don’t think that’s important to you at all.” You almost hiss it in his direction, crossing your arms “As you made it seem you don’t even remember the name of the people you hook up, mine isn’t as necessary as those.”
“This leaves me no option, but to call you the way I want.” You shrug, not caring about his opinion - just a bit maybe.
“Go ahead.”
“So you won’t mind if I call you…” He leans into your direction, now you can smell the beer on his breath. Nice, he’s alway drunk when he’s around you “baby girl?”
You almost choke when he whispers the words near you. You look at him, to find him smiling big at your reaction. You become dead serious, hearing him laughing because even if you have a straight face, you must be blushing.
But two can play this game.
“Are you trying to tell me something?” You raise your eyebrows “I’m sorry, but this doesn’t work with me, especially from men that act more like a kid.” 
You get up from where you’re sitting, feeling annoyed and bothered by him, finding it more peaceful to be near your best friends. Even if you’ve heard this event story too many times.
hot stuff said: a secret? hot stuff said: lemme thnk aoubt somwthing
(prev chap // next chap)
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soulkeeper801 · 1 year
Hope - Twice Sana
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Requested:  hello coud i req Sana x Reader “hugs that last a little longer than they should & continuously denying others who think they are together ” prompt. thank youuuu
Sana x reader
“No, it’s too cold to keep practicing!” Sana whined as she pulled the blanket towards her to stay warm.
It was almost midnight and the girls were reunited at the practice room, getting ready for the new set of promotions that were coming with their next single.
“And Y/N is too comfy to let go,” she continued as she snuggled towards you, getting a glare from her leader. You pulled her towards you as she hid her face on the crook of your neck
“Will I have to ban you from our practices so Sana can do her job properly?” Jihyo asked, a playful smile adorning her face.
You stood up immediately. “No, ma’am,” you replied, “let’s go, only one more round to go,” you told Sana to get her to stand up and continue.
She wrapped her arms around your neck as a koala so you would help her stand up.
“Wait for us and drive us home?” She asked you, before letting your neck go.
You nodded and booped her nose, getting a giggle from her.
“It’s seriously so cold,” you said, rubbing your hands together to keep them warm.
Sana was standing in front of you at the door of the shared apartment. The girls had already gone inside and it was only the two of you.
“It is,” she replied, trapping your hands with hers to make them warm. “Thank you for bringing us tonight”.
You nodded as a reply.
“Wanna come in?” She proposed, her eyes still locked on yours.
“I have to wake up really early tomorrow,” you said, gaining a small pout from her which made you smile. “But we can meet for dinner, how does that sound?”
“Yay!” she replied, wrapping your waist with her arms and bringing you closer. 
You engulfed her in a tight hug that lasted a couple of seconds. 
Neither of you being aware of the wide smiles on your faces.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been to this part of the city,” Sana said, looking expectantly through the window.
You were on your way to the dinner you had promised the night before.
“It’s an old friend's restaurant,” you told her, reminiscing old times, “waiting tables here was actually my first job”.
She looked at you, surprised. “You never told me you were a waitress before”.
“Yeah, when I was in high school. Auntie would let me do my homework when there were no customers here”.
She smiled at you dearly, thinking about all the years and experiences you have lived before meeting each other.
“We’re here,” you announced while parking in front of a small shop with a small sign that said open.
As you two walked in, an old lady approached you with the biggest smile on her face. “My dear Y/N,” she said, “it’s been so long!”
You bowed at her before introducing Sana.
“Please, sit here and I’ll bring your favorite for you and your girlfriend”.
“Oh,” you said immediately, “she’s not my…” but she had already gone back to the kitchen.
Sana was blushing, her gaze focused on something else, pretending she didn’t hear anything.
“Sorry,” you whispered.
She shook her head as if trying to let that go and her eyes found yours one more time.
“Unnie, it’s almost midnight, where have you been? We were worried,” Tzuyu said from the couch as Sana crossed the door. 
“She had a date with her girl, let her be!” Jeongyeon replied jokingly, making Sana roll her eyes at the remark.
“She’s not my girl and it wasn’t a date,” she clarified. “We were out for dinner,” she continued, “she took me to this beautiful place where she used to work when she was in high school. The auntie there thought I was her girlfriend, can you believe that?” Sana said with an amusing smile on her face.
Eight girls shared a knowing look.
“I think we all can,” Jihyo replied.
Sana tried to suppress a hopeful smile. She also could.
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trentsixtysix · 2 years
Trent angst request: one where Trent is the only guy you’ve been with sexually and then you guys go to a party of one of Trent’s old frmale friends together. And whilst you there she starts talking about how her and Trent were each other’s firsts and it makes you insecure bc you didn’t know so then you get mad at him and u can decide the rest. It doesn’t even have to end with fluff if u don’t want it to xx
WARNINGS: mentions of sex, oblivious Trent
Sorry this is so short I hope I did it justice!
Word Count: 1.6k
Angst, Fluff
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It had been a while since you and Trent had spent time together. Although you lived together and saw each other frequently it was rare for you both to appreciate each others presence recently.
Trent was focused on his games and you were focused with work, which is exactly why you were looking forward to spending both of your odd night off this week together, sat inside with a takeaway watching the new series you both promised to start.
Instead you found yourself stood in your shared closet, staring at yourself in the mirror as you wore a black midi dress, your hair curled and makeup perfected whilst you prepared for this party.
It annoyed you that you had to be there tonight, practically begging Trent to just stay home, telling him no one would necessarily miss you both too much.
'She's my mate Y/n.' He said, for what felt like the 1000th time whilst he fixed his pants, all while you sat down next to him staring him down in annoyance.
'And this mate is more important than us? Or me?' You asked, aware you were reaching slightly, but not understanding why he was so determined to attend.
'Don’t be like that, it's her birthday and we've not seen her in ages.' He reprimanded.
'I don't care, I've not seen you in ages.' You said, perched on the stool next to him.
'We go to bed with each other every night, you see me every morning, all day Y/n.' He said, rolling his eyes.
'And you're still not present, that's saying something!' You laughed.
'It's not worth arguing about, you can drag me to all of your friends' parties whenever you want.' He argued.
'That's different, my friends don't wanna fuck me, she clearly likes you.' You informed him.
'Of course they do, don't be ridiculous. And I’ve always been friends with her Y/n, when did you become so insecure?' Challenged Trent, getting on your last nerve now.
'When I found out my boyfriend had fucked half of Liverpool before I came along.' You mocked, taking into account the fact you'd had so many girls come over to you, telling you about how they'd been with Trent at some point or another back in the day, making you uncomfortable as Trent was the only person you'd slept with.
'Key word; before, I fuck you now and you seem to love it so what's the problem?'
'The problem is I'm not your priority, I'd rather do anything else than watch you flirt with your little girlfriend tonight.' You challenged.
'Do you hear yourself? If you don't wanna come then don't. I'm sick of your constant whining.' He suggested, grabbing his car keys as you got ready to go.
You were hurt at his words, but couldn't let him know it ever, you strutted off away from him, walking ahead as you speeded to the car, waiting outside for him to finally meet you there - there was no way you were gonna miss this party now.
He tried to converse with you in the car, but you weren't having any of it. You were visibly annoyed he had made you attend tonight knowing you didn't get on with her, not only ruining your time together but now ruining your mood and night with his harsh words.
'You wanna put some music on babe?' He asked, trying to be nice as he noticed your change in body language; you were turned away from him towards the window in the passenger seat as you held your hand on your head, over the night already before it'd even started.
He opted for the radio instead when he noticed you weren't in the mood and ignoring him, and finally pulled up to the restaurant where she was celebrating.
You felt more at ease seeing there were loads more guys there, as you knew she had a tendency to chase after yours specifically, thankful she had other options now.
'Trentski!' She exclaimed, rushing over to give him a hug, and you wished you could pull her to the ground right there.
'Happy birthday Lily.' He said, handing her a gift.
'This is from me and Y/n.' He said, lying as you both knew he picked and bought the gift, and you wouldn't know what to get her, even if you wanted to.
'Y/n thank you so much! So nice to see you, and I love the outfit, you're so brave!' She said, leaning in to kiss your cheek, and you couldn't believe the audacity she had to hand out that backhanded compliment.
You got seated next to Trent, and you had all finally ordered your food when the waiter came round, watching as she remained heavy in conversation with her other friends.
'You ok?' Whispered Trent, kissing your forehead, and from across the table you could see Lily shooting you both a glare.
'I'll survive.' You sarcastically said, suddenly feeling guilty as you felt your mood was ruining his night too.
After you guys had ate everyone had planned to go to the club, and you had loosened up a little after a glass of wine, not minding to meet everyone there.
Upon entering you saw everyone had got there before you, with the birthday girl grabbing your arm to take you to dance.
You weren't big on dancing infront of people, and only Trent truly knew what you could get up to when no one was there, but here you were dancing away with Lily, even though you never thought you would be.
'Look at you! Trent is one lucky man.' She said, giggling with you.
'I'm the lucky one! He's the best.' You told her, watching him from across the room as he sat shyly with some of his friends, gossiping.
'You're right, he's always been like that. He's such boyfriend material right? So glad you guys are together.' She explained, shooting you a wide smile.
'How would you know?' You asked, unsure if you heard her correctly, suddenly putting your dancing to a stop.
'Silly, from back when me and Trent used to date!' She revealed, noticing your rapid change in expression.
'Don't worry we were nothing serious.' She added, laughing.
'How serious was it then?' You questioned, and she definitely noticed you were now becoming annoyed, shocked as to why Trent had never told you they dated.
'Y/n, we just dated back and forth when we were younger, we were each others' firsts but we were so young it doesn't matter!' She laughed, adding more fuel to the fire.
You walked away from her, heading towards Trent, and he could see from a mile away you were not happy, signalling for his friends next to him to give you guys some space.
'Give me the keys.' You demanded, holding your hand out to him.
He placed them in your hands, before you began to storm out of the club, walking into the carpark, with him following closely behind.
'Woah Y/n what's up?' He asked, gently grabbing ahold of you to face him.
'I'm driving home, call yourself a taxi or get your girlfriend to drop you home when you decide you wanna come back to me.' You snapped.
'Y/n what are you on about now?' He questioned, following you closely still.
'Do you think I'm an idiot Trent? This is why you've been so adamant on coming to her party? You guys used to be together!' You shouted, unlocking the car.
'Woah woah, did she tell you that?' He asked, watching you lose patience, getting into the driver's seat.
He stepped into the car with you, seating himself in the passenger to avoid you driving away.
'Is it true?' You grilled.
'Yes but-.'
'So why wouldn't you tell me? This doesn't look good for you Trent.' You scoffed.
'Because I knew you'd overreact and make a scene like this Y/n!' He shouted, silencing you.
'Can you not see why I am upset?' You said, suddenly teary eyed.
'Don't do that, don't cry. She's a friend Y/n nothing more.' He explained, wiping your face.
'You lost your virginities to each other? Clearly there's gotta be some sort of feeling there?' You muttered.
'Not at all, it's in the past.'
'I'm sorry. It's just not the first time this has happened Trent, everywhere I go I have girls telling me about you in bed, and I've only been with you.'
'It makes me insecure, knowing you've probably had better than me.' You explained, realising you were being a little irrational before.
'You're joking. You're the best I've ever had Y/n, the best I'll ever have.' He told you, making you feel a lot better.
'You've got no reason to be insecure, I've not had better than you before.' Added Trent, making you smile.
'But that doesn't explain why you're so keen on going to her party, seeing her again when you know she's not the nicest to me.' You said.
'I'm not, our parents are friends and I have to play nice. I'm sorry if I haven't noticed it before.' He apologised, placing a kiss on your cheek.
'Whatever, it's probably me overreacting again.' You said, pettily unbuckling your seatbelt as you prepared to go back inside.
'No. I'm done with this party, let's go home and watch TV all night, yeah?' He proposed.
'You sure? Or are you sick of my whining?' You said, mocking him.
'I could listen to your whining for the rest of my life baby.' He replied, kissing you again. 'I love you Y/n, only you.'
'And you agree I'm the sexiest, best girl you've ever been with?' You bantered, chuckling.
'Oh 100%...but if you want we can test that statement again.' He winked, making you laugh, as you got into the passenger seat to allow him to drive, being too tired tonight and wanting to make up, but making sure you'd let him hear the rest of your thoughts another night for sure..
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spkyspc · 1 year
for once in my life, i finally asked him out. it's quite a ride really, we had our ups and downs but for once, its official. well, not yet at least, but a date is a start to it; that being a few minutes later so. all i could do as of now is just wait. he's always been a little shy in the brinks of our eyes meeting, but i hope today changes that thought of his - it just has to. a change in our ever-so-cycling routine of constant interactions, it's about time.
it's 8pm and drizzle began to drip down as the night sky shuts its starry gaze with a camouflaging haze. at that point, i was already near arriving the supposed place of where everything should unfold. its a pity really; i didn't bring an umbrella and what else a ruiner it is that an outfit meant to please the eye be ruined by smudges of small drops and stops.
as i stepped out of the cab i ordered; giving the payment for my ride, i felt this uneasy feeling of warmth and shiver - two sets of emotion polar opposite to eachother yet are intertwined at this moment on. expecting the light from the cafe shine onto the car instead blocked by a shadow. with instinct, i turn around to not be surprised by the gentleman who we offered dinner to.
i say so as i know it's one of his attempts to persuade, but let me remind you it isn't yet the main event
"can't stay wet yet, you know," he says. "save that thought for after-dinner at least". silence fills the room until he breaks into laughter while taking back his words into a joke.
i love that about him
we've been friends for quite some time, hearing stuff like this is normal - though an occasion as this? i can't help but think different of it
as we escort ourselves to the entrance of the cafe, we ask whether seats are available; no, says the receptionist. "wait, I thought you did the reservations," i say. "but you asked me out???," reply he.
as our eyes lock during a stressful exchange, a conclusion was set that a change of plans had to be made. we apologised immediately to the receptionist and bid our fairwell amidst the rain.
so, what now?
the rain is beginning to catch on into a more intense weather; leaving us two in the rain beneath a singular umbrella. drips, tacks and taps could be heard from the umbrella; the cold breeze finishes as the cherry on top, but what stops me from thinking of those struggles is just being beside him.
he's warm, so very warm. i could listen to his heavy breathing despite the loud shudders of the surroundings - you could say it's alarming. from this on, all i wanted to do was just get closer to him. feel all the more warmer, i want him to be my blanket or at least just a hug is enough.
i couldnt help but get lost in thought until he began to speak his mind - "you know, we should really find something to do before things get worse, maybe find cover or at least the nearest restaurant? it doesnt need to be fancy."
"you hungry?" i ask
"not really," he answered, then in a panic: "but let's not waste any more time, we gotta find someplace before it all goes away"
"right," i say. i take my phone out and start loo-
all of sudden, my hand was dragged - we're both running now. phone still being held; the umbrella was shut closed and whats left is just us two sprinting through the rain ontop of the city pavement.
he's laughing, and i can't help but chuckle a bit as well. his hand wrapped around my wrist, all i could focus of now is just the sight of him and me running through the streets. the city lights shunning our eyes uniformly as we pass through them one by one.
as we ran, i asked while out of breath "where are we going?"
"no idea!!!!" he replied with a burst of ecstasy.
editor's note: sooo uhhhh this is my first ever post and one shot, if there's anything that u guys think i should write or maybe if u wanna share ur thoughts, feel free to say anything! also, im a bit new to tumblr so pls do share on what i should do and most importantly, hope u enjoyed this one shot :D
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Rachel Daly x Reader
Part Twelve - Fight Night
Rachel’s phone rang, breaking us out of our little bubble, it was Millie “hey, wanna get food?” Rachel glanced at you, “hell yes!… wait, am I invited?” You laughed “obviously! I know you’ve practically moved in, I wouldn’t not invite you too!” Millie laughed. “Okay give us half hour, you driving?” Rachel asked, “yeah okay I’ll be over soon”. You both jumped in the shower and quickly got ready.
As you were doing your hair, Millie let herself into the house to come find you both. “Hey I’ve got something for you, our video worked! Dyson have sent you a hair wrap too, you’ve gotta do three posts with it though”. You were in shock “I could get used to being a wag!” You laughed while buttoning up your shirt. “We’ll make one of you showing me how to use it later?” you proposed “Yeah! I’ve bought my stuff, I’m staying tonight” she said matter-of-factly “didn’t think about asking then?” Rachel laughed “Hey I didn’t ask before, I’m not asking now you have a girlfriend!” Mills went onto the defence “Fine with me!” you piped up. “Where are you taking us then?” Rachel asked “I was thinking Chinese” “omg I could actually devour a Chinese right now!” you shouted excitedly ready to stuff yourself with prawn toast “built up an appetite you two?” Millie smirked, you and Rach eyed each other each other suspiciously. “Prepare yourselves though, I need to rant”. Leaving for the restaurant, you sat in the back and zoned out of their conversation. Millie was moaning about Levi for some reason but you weren’t listening, you were too busy texting your friends.
Arriving at the Chinese, Millie linked arms with Rachel, your girlfriend held your hand and asked for a quiet table at the back. It was an all you can eat buffet and you all stuffed yourselves silly. Millie told you both how Levi wasn’t interested in the sex shop and when they got home he went straight to bed leaving her new lingerie and toys untouched and unseen. You felt gutted for her, “you deserve better Mill” as you took her hand “yeah you deserve someone that looks at you like (y/n/n) looks at me” Rach said taking her other hand “you looked at each other like that before I came along” you said flippantly. They both looked at you quizzically “hey, I’ve seen the photos and the TikTok’s! You love each other, platonically maybe but you look at each other with love in your eyes and you deserve a person that looks at you that way Mills” They both nodded in agreement. “Maybe you just need Rach back in your life and not think about men for a while, just feel that platonic love for a bit yknow” you said before shoving another chicken ball into your mouth “why don’t you move in with us?” Rach asked, you shot her a look “us?!” you exclaimed “Well, you already have a key and I can’t remember the last time we spent a night apart. So yeah, us” she smiled as she took your hand under the table and leant in to kiss you. “Guys I don’t wanna get in the way of all of this” she said gesturing at you both with her hands “Mills you won’t be, we’re going away soon anyway” Rach said, then you both at the same time squealed “move in with us!” excitedly. “Okay, okay! I’ll move in!” You and Rach both cheered at the acceptance. “I better go back and get some clothes” she pondered over the decision she just made “why, you both share clothes anyway?” they looked at you with raised eyebrows “I’ve seen the TikTok’s!” you shouted pushing your chair back “I think you both forget I was a fan before your girlfriend” you laughed. “Still a big fan by the way” you leant over to kiss her. “Right, one more drink and we’ll go get your stuff.” They chatted amongst themselves while you went to get more drinks.
Packing yourselves back in the car as Millie drove to her house, we pulled up outside but she noticed another car on the driveway “he said he had a fight tonight…” Millie said quietly. You sat across the road watching the house until a blonde woman left in the car. Rachel was fuming and Millie was crying. You leant through from the back to give Millie a pep talk saying we were gonna barge in there, get her stuff and leave. “Millie you are an amazing, beautiful and strong woman - you don’t need that lying son of a bitch! You don’t need him to be happy, you can get far better than that! Wipe your tears away, we’re gonna go get your shit and go home”. Millie didn’t know if she could move from her seat so stayed in the car while you and Rachel marched over and banged on the door. Levi opened the door shocked to see you both, “MOVE!” you shouted forcing him inside and onto the sofa as Rachel ran up the stairs packing as much as she could. You stared at him making him extremely uncomfortable, not saying a word. He tried to talk which resulted in you slamming your hand onto the table telling him to shut the fuck up. “You are wasting your fucking breath, you don’t deserve her, cheating in your own fucking home you bought together! You just lost the best thing that will ever happen to you!” He tried to interrupt but you wouldn’t let him. Rachel threw bags downstairs and came down carrying more, you picked the ones up off the floor turned to look at him emotionless “you’ve got two weeks to get out!” slamming the door behind you.
Shoving them into the boot, you told Millie to move over as she was still crying. Rachel jumped in the back and you drove everyone home. Rach grabbed your shoulders from behind “that felt so good! Babe you were well hot, Mills you should have seen her she scared the shit out of him!” Millie chuckled a little while wiping her face with her sleeve “really?” with a slight smile forming on her lips “Yeah she wouldn’t let him speak! Honestly if I’m in a fight I want you in my corner!” Rach continued to big you up “I’ve got your backs always girls” you touched Rachel’s hand on your shoulder and then Millie’s thigh before turning the radio up. “Come on! Sing out the anger!” you shouted!
Arriving home and putting the kettle on, Rachel took Millie upstairs to unpack her belongings, you joined with teas and helped make up the spare bed. “I’ll sleep in here tonight, you two have our bed” you offered “our bed?” Rachel questioned with a smirk “don’t see you sleeping with anyone else” you hit back with sass. “Can’t we all sleep together?” Millie whined “I need my girls” as she pulled you both in for a hug. After unpacking, you all climbed in bed with your drinks and put the TV on proclaiming you knew what would cheer everyone up - funny videos of people falling over on YouTube, soon you were all laughing. Millie fell asleep, Rachel was in the middle and turned towards you “if you ever cheat on me I’ll make sure you never play football again” you warned her “don’t worry baby, I wouldn’t risk this for the world” pulling you in for a tight squeeze before rolling over to spoon Millie.
Part Thirteen - Jealous
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r1999-transcript · 6 months
A Nightmare at Green Lake 17 - The New Exodus
Horropedia: Honestly, can’t we just show her our sincerity and care? To share something from the bottom of our hearts, to cure her agony caused by the antagonist’s lonely childhood. Oh, there she is.
Jessica: Just like I expected, you made it! Did you enjoy the story? Oh. I didn’t give you any background information in advance. But it’s okay. You will see a familiar face or two. I believe you haven’t forgotten them. Just like I can’t forget you, Jennifer. Come with me. I’ve prepared you a new home, a home where you may sleep on beds made of soft moss and drink clear, cold spring water. I will get you toffees, coffee, and so many teeth in beautiful shapes. You can even have mine, if you like. You will stay here with me happily ever after, till … till a time even I don’t know of.
Blonney: Huh, Jessica, let us talk. You’ve been thinking of me, haven’t you?
Jessica: Of course, I have!
Blonney: You are fond of me, as well as the stories I made, aren’t you?
Jessica: Yes, I’m fond of you, Jennifer.
The young girl takes a deep breath and tries to show a smile.
Blonney: Do you wanna make me happy?
Jessica: I think so. I have made you happy once. Would you let me do it again? Do you like my story?
Blonney: Let us go, then, including Jason, Freddie, and Michael. Let all of us go.
Jessica: Why?
Blonney: You have made a mistake. You hurt people, and that is unacceptable. This is not funny. I was to blame for misleading you. I can’t let you keep on doing his. I …
Jessica: Don’t you like my story?
Blonney: Yes, I like it very much. It resembles a lot of the stories I wrote when I was a kid. You must have really liked them so much that you would remember them, as well as me, for such a long time. I will not leave you alone again. I’ll come back for you. Every year, no, every six months. I’ll have more time after the graduation. If I make a new movie, you’ll be my first audience, like what we used to do.
Jessica: But I hate living by myself. I don’t wanna live like this anymore. I have no one to talk to. The friends I have here can do nothing but roar. I sing with them as the sun comes up and wake up among them as the moon rises. Jennifer, you know, I used to have the same dream over and over again. A forest and a grassland. Not in Green Lake, nor any places that I know of. I can hear music that I’ve never heard before. After we met, there is you in that dream. You’d wake up in that dream with me, giving me a wreath. In that dream, I can truly rest. But when I wake up, I found myself in Green Lake again. Do I belong here, in Green Lake Campsite? Or somewhere afar? In the days when no one is here, I always hum the melody in the dream, quietly waiting, until my figure almost blended into the mosses. But I’ve waited for too long—so long that you are no longer a girl but a woman now. I’m tired of waiting for you. I’m tired of living all by myself. I was hoping that you may like my story, that you are different from all those people who always try to run away.
The fog starts to surge, bringing a suffocating smell of grass. In the middle of the fog vortex, the deer girl approaches her targets step by step, her eyes glowing green.
Tooth Fairy: The fog starts to gather around her. Step back! Cover your mouth and nose. Don’t breathe the fog in.
Sonetto: Her wounds are healing, and I sense her arcanum is getting stronger. We need to leave now, Timekeeper!
Jessica: No, please don’t go.
The voice of Jessica comes out of the fog. She sounds like a little girl who’s begging her mother for a puppy.
Jessica: Please stay here. I will get you the best beds, honey, and fruits. I will search for foods for you. I will take the responsibility to take care of you.
Blonney: Jessica, we will not stay. Now listen to me carefully!
Jessica: No, I hate living alone!
Blonney: Come with me! I will get you a beautiful house, much better than the one you have here! I will show you around, restaurants, shopping malls, and discos. We can have fun in so many places! I will also get you a room, right in our house. I don’t care whether my parents allow this or not.
Jessica: Jennifer. I really want to be with you, but I don’t want to leave here. I have no desire for the outside world. I will quickly reveal this true look of mine, and people will look at me as if I’ve done something wrong! I don’t like that. I hate when my power gets weakened. I … I want you to stay, here, with me!
Vertin: If I say I could stay?
Sonetto: Timekeeper?!
Vertin: Jessica, if I stay, what will you get me? Except for food and shelter, what else will you get me?
Jessica: Will you?
Jessica wipes the tears off her face and smiles.
Jessica: If you stay, I will share my critter friends with you. Along with my cave, my keys, my little buttons … anything you want!
Vertin: Sounds great. We will definitely have great fun. But Jessica, where are the people who once chose to stay here? When they stayed for long enough, after you ran out of all available games, they were no longer attractive to you and no longer adored by you. I can stay longer than them, but with no exception, I will become boring one day. You will be alone again. Every day, waking up, falling asleep, roaming in the dream alone …
Jessica: No, I don’t want that. I don’t wanna live like that anymore!
Vertin: You can lead a different life. You can embrace a diversified and meaningful life.
Jessica: A diversified, meaningful life?
Vertin: When you were Anne, you asked what my wishes were. Now I know the answer. I know what I want. It’s you. Do you want to come with me? I will find you a good place to stay, where nobody will consider you to be weird, nor will they keep staring at you. You will see the world with us—the amazing and unique outside world.
Jessica: This outside world … what else will it have?
Vertin: There are a lot of people and fantastic things out there. There, some people eat gold bars; some others dance on the crocodile skin. Some people ride a rocket, dashing into the sky, and eventually fall into an unknown Zero-G. Even the grassland and the anonymous music in your dream, they truly exist … in the outside world. If you are willing to come with me, you will have them all.
Jessica: Will you really take me to that place?
Vertin: Of course.
Jessica: Why would I trust you?
Vertin: I promise, with everything I can offer.
Jessica: Promise … I know that word. It means words that cannot be broken.
Jessica’s breath gently touches Vertin, from her forehead to her jaw. She sniffs at her discreetly, like a cautious animal. When she finally stops, she smiles like a happy child.
Jessica: I will make your wish come true. I like you. I hope you can be my friend. This is new. I haven’t made a friend like you in a really long time.
In the deer girl’s palm lies a delicate yet worn remote.
Vertin: What’s this?
Jessica: This is a gift to you. Press it. You will find out.
Vertin: I see.
That gift, looking like an old black remote control, makes a “beep” sound.
Vertin: …!
The next second, the sky splits into two halves and then restores itself to one piece again. Under the sun appears the icon of Zeno. The night is over, and the fog has lifted. The horror story has reached its final act.
Zeno Soldier: They are here! Hey, come here!
Female Foundation Investigator: The medics are ready. Please leave the injured to us.
Zeno Soldier: Captain, captain, we found the target and are now carrying out the rescue. Over.
Vertin: There are no enemies here. Everyone here is a member of our squad! Please don’t attack. Repeat, please don’t attack!
Horropedia: Oh, come on … seriously? First we persuaded her with love and care, then we presented the deus ex machina. Now we are doing this? This is the worst antagonist ever! Everything is so screwed! Commentators won’t write anything nice for us! Well, if it were them to write the story, characters like me would always fail to live long enough to see the end. So I don’t oppose to end this peacefully, but to end like this … err …
Tooth Fairy: Aren’t you happy? They did it, like what you said. Some emotional and comforting plots. Eventually, it shows us that love always wins.
Horropedia: Emm, Ms. Tooth Fairy, that was a joke, a joke to show you my sense of humour.
An acquaintance gets out of the crowd and approaches the children quickly.
Male Foundation Investigator: Timekeeper, it’s great to see that you are fine. And Mr. Horropedia, Madam Z is waiting for you in the car outside the woods. Please come with us.
Horropedia: What? Madam Z? She’s here? Oh, hiss, ah, my wounds … Ah, how painful! Medics … where are the medics?
Jessica: What are these?
Vertin: People from the “outside world.” Don’t worry. They won’t hurt you. You might receive some training for a period. It might be a bit boring, but I promise it won’t last too long.
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tkblythofficial · 4 months
Chemistry can fade if it isn’t natured but fondness might stay. X-files, I wanna believe so I’ll go with it tbh.
Oh, yin and yang mean harmony but lends well enough for lust and arousal. However, from what I googled, they can also have dramatic arguments, whatever that means.  Care to expand?
R’s a taurus, right? That’s a home sign? Sorry, I’m not very familiar with tarot lmfao. But the website I’m on said they prefer familiarity and comfort and it takes a lot to make them budge from a POV so J has for the time being.
BB won’t let Tom go easily though. If anything, I’m convinced she can pose more of a headache to him than J.
Now, I’m raising my eyebrows. What do you mean, “you don’t think T and R hangout too much without J?”  You mean to say he’s always lurking??  I call it coded tweets and shares but it’s more her ‘likes’ and the stuff she re-posts. So, she liked a post saying she wanted a co-dependent relationship with a friend. She liked a post saying she was feeling lonely (hello, she’s already in a relationship. Shouldn’t her relationship be providing her with solace?  She liked a post a months ago which said understood Ariana Grande and that desire can be all consuming. That it takes brass to go through such pain but sometimes pain is desire. I’m serious. She constantly sings Tom praises and every-time BB’s private account makes some airy literature quote etc. etc. 
 I love that! A forbidden fruit, but forbidden fruit also brings guilt, right? Flirting and rapport is normal amongst people who get on well. But guilt mixed with desire can get very masochistic, fast. Her freezing/clamming up is because she wants to sublimate her desire. She wants Tom to absorb her sexuality and have it fuel him when they interact but not actually do anything. That can be a difficult place for men. Take, that video where they are staring into each-other’s eyes on the red-carpet. R kinda bites her lip when she looks up at him and as if sensing it, T wraps his arm gently around her waist. There’s a brief moment where Rachel shivers, no it isn’t from the weather - but then she gradually leans onto his shoulder. Her body relaxing into him as Tom looks back at the cameras. Their dynamic is utter damsel wanting it but only with a baked in get-out clause.
I do wonder if they’ve ever visited each-other’s places? Like does R know what his apartment looks like? Does T know hers? The implication of this really gets the neurons firing.
Your friend’s got to elaborate. Are we talking passionate, I want your baby inside me hell (would that be hell? Lol) or chaotic-paparazzi/tabloid bloggy hell?
1. Dramatic arguments? I can see that because yin and yang are opposites so sometimes they can bump heads until they find a balance or compromise to their situation.
2. Yes, R is Taurus. They seem to love familiarity and stability.
3. BB isn’t letting go anytime soon either. She’ll stay as long as T wants her.
4. Yeah I don’t think R and T would hang out in a restaurant alone, ya know? J would be there too. R and T was alone during filming and certain events but if it’s not job related, I can’t see J wanting her to be alone with him. Why BB doesn’t go with them is a better question. Why is T always alone with R and J?
R always likes different tweets but I agree. Liking tweets about codependent friendships is eyebrow raising.
But I don’t get what you mean about BB? Can you clarify about “BB’s private acct making some airy literature quote?” Are you on her acct lol?
5. Interesting body language analysis. Which red carpet? From the below photo? If so, then yes, she was very flirty the entire time.
6. Since R has seen his motorcycle then yes, I’m sure she’s seen his apartment. T has visited her before so yes, he’s been in her apartment.
7. lol I’ll ask her!
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