#almedha fire emblem
People who blame Almedha/Deirdre/Cigyun for what happened in their games will not survive the winter.
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fe-smashorpass · 2 months
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gloamvonhrym · 1 year
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almedha, 🍷
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crestoflaminee · 2 years
How Old Is Soren Fire Emblem?
It’s an honest question, and not just for Fire Emblem veterans. Even the most superficial soldiers running around with their heads shoved up their own asses have wondered, ‘What is that small child doing on a battlefield with a Wind tome?’ Or worse,
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(Image alt under the cut.)
Soren’s battle prowess is not to be questioned, nor underestimated. Uncertainty arrives when trying to discern how old the Greil Mercenaries’ strategist and chief staff officer is.
Based on information from in-game conversations, from the canon timeline, and from the Tellius Recollection volumes, I have an answer. Read on under the cut. Or skip to the end, I don’t mind, I even put the important stuff in bold for you.
[Alt ID: the image is divided horizontally into two screenshots of a viral video of a young child running through a backyard. Soren’s original Fire Emblem Heroes portrait has been photoshopped over the child’s face. In the first panel, the caption at the bottom reads, ‘“Let me see what you have”’. In the second frame, Soren/the child is closer to the camera. A screenshot from Soren’s Wiki page reading “Skills: Knife” has been added to the left of the image. The caption at the bottom reads, in all caps, ‘“A knife!”’. End ID.]
Googling ‘soren fire emblem age’ yields a suspiciously simple result. According to the Tellius Recollection volumes, Soren is physically sixteen in both games. Immediately, it is clear there is more to Soren’s age than that answer. Since Soren is half-laguz and half-beorc, he ages differently from his beorc companions. In his Path of Radiance (PoR) A Support with Stefan, he admits, ‘I thought I was aging normally… Well, until about three years ago.’ There is some ambiguity here, as Soren only noticed he was aging differently ‘about three years’ from the time of this conversation during the latter part of PoR, but if nothing else, we know Soren must be older than sixteen. We may assume this line means Soren stopped aging three years before this point, and was sixteen at the time. If this is true, Soren would be about nineteen in PoR. But what if Soren is older?
What is the oldest Soren could be? To figure this out, I looked to Almedha and Ashnard. When Almedha met Ashnard, he was power hungry and if he wasn’t already, soon set on war with Goldoa. In Radiant Dawn (RD), Nasir informs Almedha that ‘the red dragon platoon which went in search of [her] was captured and turned into Feral Ones by King Ashnard’. Unaware of this at the time, Almedha continued to live with Ashnard until Rajaion’s capture ‘more than twenty years’ ago, at which point they ‘had a falling out and ended up living separately‘ according to Almedha’s conversation with Elincia. Though a ‘falling out’ is a weird way to describe the aftermath of her brother being drugged into insanity by her husband, we now know that Soren is more than twenty years old when RD takes place in year 648, though not too much older, or Almedha would have perhaps picked a different number to say than twenty.
Returning to Almedha’s conversation with Nasir, Kurthnaga, and Ena reveals that Ashnard’s cruelty toward the dragon laguz had intention. Nasir says Ashnard ‘did everything in his power to provoke King Dheginsea’. Indeed, near the end of the Mad King’s War, ‘the king thought he'd lost not only dragon soldiers but also his children’, not knowing Almedha and Soren were still alive, and was ready to join the war. Why was it that ‘Ashnard needed Goldoa to get involved in this war’? Goldoa was completely isolated from everything outside its borders until Almedha left, so Ashnard had no personal reason for provoking them. Nasir tells us that if the Goldoans had joined the war, they ‘would not have stopped until the continent was ashes. Then the spirit of chaos would have spread across Tellius, awakening the goddess’. Why would Ashnard want to destroy the continent and all humanity, when what he clearly wanted in PoR was to be the most powerful man alive? Awakening the goddess to pass judgement was Sephiran’s motivation. Thus, when Almedha met Ashnard, he was either already plotting with Sephiran or would conspire him in the short time between Almedha’s departure from Castle Goldoa and the arrival of the red dragon platoon sent to look for her in Daein. Based on this information, we know Soren could not have been born before the Serenes Massacre of 625, after which Sephiran decides humanity needs to be judged. So the oldest Soren could be during PoR is twenty years old.
So now that we have an upper limit, what is the youngest Soren could be? Another member of Goldoa’s royal family holds the answer to this question. Rajaion left Goldoa to rescue Almedha and Soren ‘some nineteen years ago’ according to Ena near the end of PoR. At this time, Soren was already born and determined to be worthless by Ashnard. We also know Ashnard was already king when Rajaion was captured, meaning this happened after 627. If Soren was born in 627 he would be eighteen at the start of PoR, and perhaps would turn nineteen before the end of the game in the spring of 646, meaning Ena’s line about ‘some nineteen years’ would still be accurate. This means eighteen is the youngest Soren could be while still keeping with the continuity of the game.
It is important to note that Ena’s line corroborates the earlier conclusion drawn from Soren’s support with Stefan that Soren is nineteen in PoR. Furthermore, if Soren were nineteen in PoR, he would have been born within the calendar year limits determined by the events surrounding Rajaion’s capture (625-627). Nineteen is also the average of the oldest and youngest he could possibly be (18-20). Thus, I conclude that
in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, Soren is nineteen years old
and factoring in the three year timeskip between the games and Almedha’s line about her and Ashnard’s separation,
in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, Soren is twenty-two years old
which makes a lot of sense. If I were twenty-two but looked like a sixteen-year-old boy, I would also get zero sleep, have the self-confidence of a duct-taped teacup, and cry at inopportune moments. Pre-T trans men, you are our strongest soldiers.
You have reached the end of my investigation into Soren’s age! As a bonus, Ike is seventeen in PoR, so the age difference between the two of them is two years.
Thank you for reading. Vote Soren for Choose Your Legends Seven.
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fiery-emblems · 11 months
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Radiant Dawn Secret Epilogue: Almedha's Discovery
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laurencin-draws · 11 months
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problematic milf of my heart
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squibs-art · 5 months
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an almedha for the new year 🎉
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eroguron0nsense · 17 days
Soren and Rajaion
I think sometimes about how Soren's entire identity and all of his insecurities stem from being abandoned and unwanted, and while that's generally associated with his subaltern branded status and the violent oppression that comes along with it/need for secrecy and consequent self hatred, there's also a lot to be said about how he fixates on the constant cruelty and denial of his childhood; in his B support, he expresses some envy over Ike having had loving parents, and repeatedly mentions how the people who raised him either resented having him or kept him around solely because of the false impression he was a spirit charmer rather than any kind of actual affection. His entire life up until he meets Ike is one of rejection and lovelessness, and he preemptively pushes anyone else away and keeps himself distant from anyone else at LEAST until the end of RD. We see him healing through his and Ike's friendship/love, him trying to come to terms with himself and opening up to people to some extent, and quite possibly trying to confront the violent internalized racism and rejection his life has been defined by, but he's still in many ways figuring himself as someone fundamentally unacceptable in his society and who's only able to trust a tiny number or arguably one single person with that identity, which is–unfortunately–true. There are a great many people in PoR/RD who would find him fundamentally unloveable and unacceptable if they clocked him and his very existence opens him up to anything from severe marginalization/exclusion to straight-up "honour killings". Ike isn't just the first friend and (arguably) the only friend Soren's ever had, he's the first person who hasn't immediately considered Soren unloveable and who continues to love him while affirming that the identity he's most ashamed of isn't going to put him in danger of yet another violent rejection
This makes it all the more heartbreaking when we realize that Soren was loved–deeply, in fact–by a family member, who willingly sacrificed his life and personhood in an uncertain bargain with Ashnard to save his infant nephew. Soren's life, which up until this point is regarded as entirely loveless, was regarded as precious enough by Rajaion so that he was willing not only to die for, but to subject himself to unspeakable torture and degradation, and his continued existence was only possible at all due to love and sacrifice that Soren himself will never know about, or realize that people found him worthy of
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aurantia-ignis · 5 months
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MY VERY BIG DRAGONS PROJECT. @vellatra asked for an AU in which everything worked out better for the Goldoans and they live a happy life, so I jumped at the chance to draw some of my favourite characters. I realised that the Goldoans clothing are very loosely inspired by manchurian clothes, with a mix of the POR/RD Euro-fantasy style, and a lot of capes. And as it turns out, Soren's magewear already looks very similar to that ;D (KITA SENRI DID YOU PLAN THIS. I'M READY TO BELIEVE THAT YOU DID) so I just added gold trimming and a more obvious side collar. Ena and Rajaion's baby's clothes are inspired by manchu baby photos. I kept parts of Almedha's original design, but gave her the cape that all Goldoan royals have, and eliminated the veil that gave her the whole WEEPING WIDOW look. Architecture based loosely on the meeting ground we see in POR, because we don't get to see anything of Goldoa otherwise. WHICH IS A CRYING SHAME I TELL YOU................!!
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aptericia · 6 months
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Some more attacks I did for the FE artscuffle, this time featuring Tellians!
Daein!Jarod for @reneethegreatandpowerful
Izuka and the Goldoan sibs + Lehran for @vellatra
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shiftingcuriosity · 3 months
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A goofy little scene from @vellatra fic called Friendship & Fireballs
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Almedha is the hottest Fire Emblem character. A mentally ill milf with curly green hair and a gorgeous dress? I am so in love w her
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Best Fire Emblem Parent Tournament: Round 1 - Match 21
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gloamvonhrym · 1 day
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when it’s a modern au so you get to save your wretched sister and her son from her terrible boyfriend
I had too much fun with this one
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silvergarnet12 · 9 days
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Finally finished this, for anyone wondering about their splashtags, I'll copy the text I added on my wip about it under the cut.
Edit: forget to mention the bg is hastily edited concept art from the Tellius Recollection books. Spoilers for the Tellius games are in, just a warning.
For weapons, every weapon here has the Kraken Royale special in Splatoon 3, and someone agessss ago tagged my first inkling Kurthnaga suggesting he could turn inot the Kraken, and I thought that was fun.
Kurthnaga: He has a roller purely based on the fact my brain thinks he'd use one. Don't ask why it's just vibes I guess.
"Promising Ruler" is a reference to the end of Radiant Dawn, and the number 3108 is a reference to 31/08 or Halloween, because of his Heroes debut. He has the lvl 999 Tableturf badge because I think he'd enjoy playing it, the gold Kraken badge because weapon reasons, the bronze Grizzco badge because I imagine Almedha ropes him in to joining her on shifts sometimes.
Almedha: She has a splatling because I think it looks cool, and does a lot of damage from a far just like a certain dragon laser beam.
"Restless Sister" is because she left Goldoa before the Tellius games and inadvertently helped set events in motion. 2202 is 22/02/07 and is Radiant Dawn's Japanese Release date.
I also think she has some tendency towards violence since in canon she had a child with Ashnard of all people, and I doubt he was ever non violent. So she has Salmon Run badges, the flyfish is because I hate them and anyone with that badge is automatically cool to me.
Ena: She gets the Gal because usually it's pink and so is she, I also think she'd find tricky ways to use the Splash wall it comes with.
"Fortunate Tactician" in this au Rajaion doesn't die(if I make any tragedy it'll be reversible because this is funny squid game au and I like happy endings), and she's still good tactically. 2004 is 20/04/05 and is Path of Radiance's Japanese release date.
She has the Kraken badge like Kurth because of her weapon, X Rank badge because she takes battling as a tactical challenge, and the gold Tableturf badge because I think she'd also enjoy it, but play it less than Kurth.
Rajaion: He gets the charger because I was running out of weapons with the Kraken, so he gets an Elitre because I think they look cool, even if I hate fighting them. Also the spawn in pose is cool as hell.
"Revived King" He gets to live in this au, and not die. With Dheginsea being retired from whatever his role ends up as, Rajaion is technically in charge now. 1004 is 10/04/07 and is Radiant Dawn's Australian release date.
He also gets a matching bg style with Ena.
All his badges reference his luck in not being dead in this AU. The gachapon badge is basically gambling, so luck based, Cuttlefish got revived in Splatoon 3's story, and the wavebreaker is used as a revival device a lot in Salmon Run!
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fiery-emblems · 4 months
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More interactions FEH could give us but won't
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