#alpha centauri is a great alien character
leaftilde · 11 months
What are your top 5 games?
GOOD QUESTION. I dunno if I can give them ranked, but I can give you a Top 5 (I think). These won't necessarily be The Best Games, but they will be my favourites. Games that made me sad when they were over.
Bioshock: Holds a special place in my heart. I love the aesthetics, I love the setting, I love the idea of playing with the idea of player *choice* in a video game, and though everyone points at this as like Patient Zero for ludonarrative dissonance, I think there's more of a metacontext in here than it's given credit for. It's a black arrow shot to the heart of Objectivism and Libertarian ideals of "great men" moving the world. it's practically a violent screed delivered on Ayn Rand's exhumed corpse. The only thing that isn't too hot about it is the shooting. Yes, one of my favourite games is actually not that good a game.
Star Control II: The Ur-Quan Masters: I absolutely love this game and what it accomplished, especially being a 3DO game originally. Exploring a vast galaxy, assembling a coalition of very silly aliens, and kicking the hell out of some space-tyrants. More like a series of minigames than a single one, it's nevertheless a wonderful experience best played blind and with a notepad for making your own notes/maps.
Final Fantasy XIV: I know, I know. It's gotten plenty of praise but it's genuinely one of the more emotionally moving video games I've ever played. I can't recommend it without massive caveats (the first 40 hours, a full game length, is incredibly mid) but the payoff is...it's quite good. G'raha Tia I LOVE YOU MY BEAUTIFUL BOY
Alpha Centauri: I'd be remiss if I didn't include a 4X game, given how much time I spent playing them in my 20s. AC is, IMO, their shining star. A deeply cynical but nevertheless interesting and exciting story told almost entirely through background details and cinematics you get when you unlock technologies. I've stolen so much from it over the years it's ridiculous.
Mass Effect 2: Bit of an odd choice I guess. It's great! But maybe not everyone's favourite game. Great characters, tight story, wonderful worldbuilding and I love the idea of putting together a ragtag team of scoundrels, roustabouts, and pals to pull off a suicide mission. But, importantly to me, it's the first game I tried out playing a female character because I heard "Femshep" was better than Maleshep and something fucking...clicked in my brain. Like shifting into drive and finding you can't put on the brakes anymore. It led me here, eventually, so I gotta give it a shoutout. Or damn it forever, I guess, for letting me know, in a small way, that things could be better.
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reachingforthevoid · 1 year
Doctor Who: The Curse of Peladon
I rewatched this serial on 10 February 2023. It’s been a long while since I last watched it, and I do get it a little muddled up with its sequel…
We begin the tale during a dark and stormy night on an alien world looking to join the Galactic Federation, but there’s a quarrel between two older guys. The one on the side of the king is killed by a beast, Aggedor. I love Aggedor. Haroon haroon haroon. 
The TARDIS arrives with a bored, then worried Jo. Given her experiences so far, I don’t blame her. She and the Doctor have to leave because the TARDIS slips off a cliff. Oops. The TARDIS does that rather a lot, which I’d never appreciated until now. 
Once inside a huge castle, our heroes wander about and see the Ice Warriors. They look amazing in colour, and I’m pleased to see the Ice Lord is wearing a sparkly cloak. The Doctor is a bit worried by their presence, which is fair enough. 
There are other aliens gathered on what little we see of the planet, a group delegation from the Galactic Federation. The Doctor jumps into the fray of the negotiations very quickly, almost as though he’s done this before… The delegates are great. Content warning: the Doctor tells Jo that Alpha Centauri’s pronouns are “it/its”, which was a bit dodgy even in 1972. Still, I say a qualified "yay" for Doctor Who showing a species that confounded twentieth century human expectations of binarised gender roles!
This serial has it all: romance, fights, politics, skulduggery, aliens, secret tunnels, jokes, and a wee misunderstood beastie… Of course, it also has sexism, and the humanoid characters are devoid of much diversity. Not that we really see all that many of them. Still, it’s nice to have a disabled character as the king’s champion. We’re also back to scantily clad extras, and King Peladon’s naked thighs are a statement.
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rawwkfingers · 6 months
The Monster of Peladon
Not gonna lie, I was not expecting a return to Peladon so soon. Or over really. But I'm not necessarily complaining, I've mentioned before in these tangent posts that I'm a sucker for pulp fantasy stuff
The serial itself was pretty good! Not great but definitely not bad either. I love Alpha Centauri and the Ice Warriors are one of my favorite villains so I was happy to see their return (though I am glad they explained that this is a rogue group because I do feel like their representation in the Federation was great worldbuilding)
The twists were all pretty obvious tbh but somehow that didn't bother me as much as much as it has in the past. I don't know if I'm just getting more in touch with the way stories were written in the 70s or if its the quality of the acting or what but I've noticed that I have been a lot more forgiving of stuff in Classic Who than I was before. I'm glad I'm able to enjoy it though
I do think the politics of the serial could have been done better. I liked the workers rights stuff that the majority of the episode was about, the power of striking and the sometimes necessity of full-blown revolution, but those messages were then immediately undercut by having the revolutionary leader go nuts and then having the nobleman who was the reason the miners were being treated poorly just suddenly have a heelturn and work with them against the aliens. It felt very centrist in its approach (derogatory)
The worst part of it though was the feminism stuff. Elisabeth Sladen is an amazing actress, and Sarah Jane has had some really, truly great moments in previous serials but this story she really was just a side character to it all. Observing but rarely, if ever, impacting the plot itself. Which, so long as thats not a normal thing, is fine but then she gives a speech to the queen about feminism in the episode where she's written to have no agency? A speech that the queen then never acts on and does nothing to change the way women are treated on Peladon? It just felt like lip service and not genuine belief in "women's lib" as the story calls it
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teddybasmanov · 2 years
Alright, a list, here we go (finally with descriptions):
Feel free to correct me.
I say "inactive" if a person either said themselves that they quit or haven't been active for six months or longer.
The order doesn't mean anything.
Some of these are just pretty generic boyfriend roleplays – I will just simply say that.
Low fantasy – the magical world coexists with the “real” one, mostly staying hidden (like in “Harry Potter”).
High fantasy – the magical world exists with no ties to the real one (like in “Lord of the Rings”).
It's really long (about 7 pages as a Word document).
Redacted ASMR/Audio - M4A – *this description has been redacted*. Story-based ASMR with great scripts and a lot of character development. Mostly low fantasy. The tagging system is immaculate – always check for trigger warnings.
Hollow_ VA - M4A – there’s a whole magical world, but the most popular video is still the delinquent. I mean, this man’s fictional world is so huge he has a Wiki page with a map and timelines figures. Mostly high fantasy, but sometimes also sci-fi and contemporary. Nothing is especially heavy, but trigger warnings are not really a thing.
YuuriVoice - M4A, M4M, M4F (the latter two rarely) – will make you fall in love with characters you’ve never heard about. Also has a bunch of great original characters with their own stories (everything is getting connected, but it’s not clear yet). Mostly contemporary.
Mint Maplewood - M4A, M4M, M4F (rarely) – cute boyfriend, so might as well make him a werewolf or a prince. Mostly contemporary boyfriend roleplays, but also some nice fantasy stuff (specifically some prince/prince and prince/knight stuff *eyebrow wiggle*). Has some really specific comfort audios.
ChomuVA - M4A, M4M (inactive) – you finally get to be an alpha. Wannabe Redacted in the best sense – fantasy world with both fictional races and contemporary boyfriends, but not really story-based. Was planning to get more of that, but then went on a hiatus.
salemAudio - M4A, M4M – learning magic has never been so relaxing. Incredibly comforting ASMRtist, recently has picked up on more story-heavy videos but has a lot of relaxational and comforting stuff. Mostly fantasy, has several not connected (for now at least) worlds.
Gav VA - M4A – how about an alien or two? For now, Magnum Opus is “Starline” – heavily story-based two-season alien sci-fi roleplay. Also has a mystical detective story and some fantasy and contemporary stuff sprinkled in-between.
Moody VA - M4A (inactive) – good evening, your grace. A person who created a yandere I (almost) fell for. Another – one big thing and a lot of small ones kind of artist – “The Estern Family” – a finished story with several characters and (kind of) an open ending and some other fantasy and contemporary bits as well. Can be really relaxing.
Audial Archivist VA (inactive) - M4A, M4M, M4F (rarely) – oh, and there’s some snake person in the corner? Inu-boys lover and a dinosaur nerd. Mostly monster boys and mostly fluff, however some semi-story-based videos as well.
Ted_F - M4M, M4A (rarely)(inactive) – that transfer student might be falling for you. Comforting M4M audios. One story-based series but mostly simple good fluff, comfort and sleep aid. Estonian – has a nice accent.
Love Boldly ASMR Audio - M4A, M4F – CBT might not mean what you think it does. Gives actual names to all the listeners. Story-based, mostly fantasy and interconnected (literally all fantasy characters know each other), contemporary stuff is all more or less BDSM-centered. Has Eric as one of the side characters.
Kabuyama VA/KabuyamaVA2.0 (moved channels) - M4A – you’ve received a new transmission from a faraway galaxy. Space and fantasy and a bit of everything. Two big story-based series – “Proxima Centaury” (next season coming soon!) and “Crossroads” (technically still continuing) and one very long-running character – flirty barmen, but a lot of little stuff fantasy and contemporary alike.
Riftcolt Productions - M4A, M4F – you’re in love with a werewolf, but the laws are shit. Australian accent. Has a werewolf series but mostly makes standalone fantasy and contemporary audios. Has more argument-themed stuff than most.
Kai Says Things - M4A, M4(T)M/F (like once) (inactive) – your Highness (derogatory) to your Highness (affectionate). Sweet boyfriend roleplays with an occasional fantasy bit. Also shitposting – can’t wait for the April Fools.
Ellis Audio - M4A, M4M, M4F (the latter two rarely) (inactive) – your mafia boyfriend is a man of culture. Mostly sweet relaxing stuff, sleep aids and comforts. Some nice reoccurring characters like the above-mentioned mafia boyfriend or a flirty demon.
IndigoAudio - M4M, M4A (rarely) (inactive) – domesticity in its purest. The first M4M channel I found and completely fell in love with – sweet, dorky boyfriends, flirting and feelings. *kiss on the forehead*
Cottonmouth Audio - M4A, M4M, F4A etc. (it's a mess, but it's a fun mess) (inactive) – who are you and who are you talking to? Let’s find out. Oh, where to start with this one? An obscure magical word where most stereotypical understandings of fantasy races don’t work. Also, making a listener someone generic everyone can relate to? Never heard of it. Everyone here is a character with their own features and backstory. Also, gender is fake so there are men, ladies and entities entirely too cool for it.
Angels&Bread ASMR - M4A, M4M (inactive) – want to make flower crowns for the dark prince? Several nice storylines fantasy and realistic alike also a lot of comforts and rambles and gaming. I miss the Celestial University series.
SoftSounds RP - M4A, M4M, M4F (the latter two rarely) (inactive) – give me my kuudere sunshine back. Two storylines – one college-themed and one royalty-ish. Also, soundscapes. Again – the kuudere is so perfect.
ice boy ASMR - M4A, M4M, M4F – a man who broke my perception of tutoring. A fighter against YouTube policies. Different contemporary scenarios of different levels of comfort and spiciness. Holds an award for the cutest catboy yawns.
Sir Midnight VA - M4M (inactive) – the tsundere is actually sweet. Nice little gay roleplays. Some anima-boys.
HydroKingVA - M4A, M4F, M4M (rarely) – the delinquent knows a lot about elevators. Scottish accent. Mostly pretty generic roleplays on both sides of realism. One of the rare examples of the “delinquent bully” trope done right.
Ash Vesper - M4A, M4M (inactive) – oh, that was an anime reference? Sweet little channel, mostly soft and comforting. Some videos are anime/video games based.
ZSakuVA - M4A, M4M (rarely) – mister smoothest voice on the internet. British accent. Everything is story-based and interconnected, pay attention to details – yes, even the ones said in another room. A whole bunch of interesting original characters with different personalities and all that. Mostly contemporary, but a fantasy guy here and there.
RangerPirate Audio - M4A, M4F (rarely) (inactive) – only two videos are actually pirate themed. Story-based and mostly fantasy-themed, some storylines are connected. Surprisingly a lot of vampires.
Ivan Marco ASMR - M4M (inactive) – your barista boyfriend has opinions on movies. Another sweet domestic gay channel – nothing more nothing less. Very nice.
PebblesASMR - M4A – knight/heir didn’t quite go right. Scottish accent (I like accents, okay?). Several not connected storylines, one is semi-based on the classical monsters, one is a high-school bully (done right thanks gods) and one above-mentioned knight. Great storytelling. Plus, a simple sweet Scottish boyfriend once in a while.
Stygian Murmurs ASMR - M4A (inactive) – the eldritch horror likes marshmallows, what of it? Underrated as hell – horror-themed roleplays with actually scary huge monsters and ancient abominations. Don’t be scared though – most of them are actually nice.
Hedral Wyrdsmythe - M4A (inactive) – roll for relaxation. Also, that’s William so why the hell does he still have less than a thousand subscribers? Anyway – DnD based roleplays and storytelling. Several plots happening in one world.
Nomads Tales & Audios - M4A, M4F, M4M (rarely) – my favourite is surprisingly a yandere. This is not even a joke – my favourite series is the arranged marriage to the villain. Not the point. Has a big interconnected magical world and a complicated storyline (one problem though, is that most of the important videos are M4F). Plus, some additional not related storylines and contemporary boyfriend audios.
LyraVA - M4A – these were not supposed to be Greek gods? I have no idea about that anime, but it never became a problem. So, a lot of videos (especially early on) are based on “Saint Seiya” anime which I have never even heard about, but it’s still very understandable. The original characters are great, as well as the art for them. Almost everything is story-based.
Cryptid ASMR - M4A (inactive) – Damien my beloved. Story-based fantasy, at least from what I remember is planned, but you can just go ask him.
Aethyr Audio - M4A (inactive) – almost Salem, also the dragon is fluffy. Calming and relaxing fantasy ASMR.
Mike's VA Corner - M4A (inactive) – an Italian hitman cooks Austrian pancakes. Story-based roleplays, that are hinted to be all happening in the same universe but it’s not that important at this point. Mostly cuteness. Magnum opus is the hitman series.
Sakura Audio (moved channels)- M4M, M4A (inactive) – there’s a character who sounds almost exactly like David. Generic fantasy and contemporary roleplays with an attempt at story-based semi-DnD, which never actually went anywhere.
A Warm Coffee Mug - M4M, M4F, M4A (rarely - but he makes almost all videos in two versions) – versions. A lot of versions. Contemporary and fantasy (mostly vampires) roleplays with an honest attempt at most inclusivity. Some are serialized and story-based, some are standalone comforts.
Clover_ Asmr - M4M – himbos and femboys. Sweet little gay channel. Cute art included.
Hearsay Dramas - F4A (inactive) – oh look, that’s a girl! Mostly fantasy girlfriend roleplay. Found through Hollow.
TwirTwir - M4A, M4(T)M (inactive) – sweet trans dude, hope he’s okay. Little queer roleplays where you can be happy for a person that his voice changes.
Sleeping3ffect - M4A, M4F (inactive) – vampire sugar daddy. Several storylines mostly included vampires and fantasy, but they’re not connected. I think, there might be some tagging issues, be careful with it.
Moonlight Haven - M4A, M4M – give your alpha werewolf some cheesecake. Some interconnected storylines with mafia and boyfriends and catboys. Also, a werewolf.
Mage Bunkshelf - M4A – so, what are your erogenous zones? A whole bunch of storylines fantasy and sci-fi themed. Aside from the alien (who I love!) I have to mention an incubus roommate – a lot of talk about feelings and consent – very nice.
Ashen Gray ASMR - M4A, M4F (inactive) – anti-goblincore. One big kinhunter adventure storyline and some standalone stuff here and there mostly contemporary.
Nightwatch ASMR - M4A (inactive) – you’re a villain, teach me how to be worse? Little story-based series, mostly sweet and humorous. Some cosy boyfriends are in-between. The amnesiac one is chef’s kiss.
Pale Audio - M4A (inactive) – what if we were an awkward demon and a shy werewolf and we were both boys? Some nice reoccurring characters with development and cuddles. There is a story-driven, it got rolled back once but it seems to be back on track now.
Samawry the Bard - M4A, M4M, M4F, M4NB (yes, specifically) (inactive) – ORC HUSBAND. Alright, so I’m still holding a little grudge for turning the werewolf story M4F mid-first season, but then again – Orc Husband. Specifically for non-binary listeners. Amazing. Also, gay dnd bartender and gay gruff cowboy. Anyway – story-based series in different universes.
NomadAudio - M4A (inactive) – I diagnose you with “Final Fantasy Fan”. Mostly fantasy standalone roleplays.
Liu's Audio - Archive - M4A (inactive) – those two videos are M4A but they’re M4M in our hearts. Small series and standalone videos, some fantasy, some contemporary. The biggest series is about a catboy in college. Miss him.
Parker Mae Audio - M4A, M4F, M4M (inactive) – at least someone is productive. A lot of standalone fantasy and contemporary videos. A lot.
Dark and Twisted Whisper - M4A – cryptids and DILF elves. Delfs. Mostly not series but more like “events” – where videos have a common theme but different characters (Sakura week, elves, breakout at a cryptid research compound). Very interesting characters with cool art. Give me my sun elf daddy back.
TheShyOne VA - M4A, M4M – everyone has Discord friends. Standalone contemporary and fantasy roleplays. Awkwardly humorous in a good way. About twenty per cent tsundere.
Zombie Cat ASMR/ ASMR Shadowghast - M4A, M4F, M4M (rarely) (inactive) – that master series was never continued. What a shame. Guy with a really deep voice and a really intense yandere series. Other than that – bits of different standalone stuff, some fantasy here and there. Be prepared for some shitpost-ish things as well.
MundaneFable/Fen Draven - M4A, M4F – Milo deserves the world. Two big fantasy series – one about a demi-human (Milo mentioned up there) and one based on Egyptian mythology. Plus, some more fantasy bits about dragons and werewolves.
Good Boy Audios - M4A, M4F – yo-ho-ho and a bottle of kanar. A man is surely known for his “The Space Pirates Saga” – which as you can guess is a sci-fi adventure with a hella lot of different characters. Also has “The Querian Saga” which is fantasy-themed and… a little more bizarre. Nice.
The Storyteller - M4A, M4M (inactive) – Echo wishes to be this guy. An incredibly sweet channel with several differently themed storylines and a metacharacter, who we meet in the early audios (he narrates their beginnings) and who then gets his own plot. Also, he’s a ray of absolute sunshine.
Atonal ASMR - M4A – what’s better than a werewolf? A himbo werewolf. Really nice fantasy world shown through several different plots. (One of which is a magical Uni and yes it does remind of something, but then again – a himbo werewolf.) Oh, also the vampire prince – he’s really good.
AuthASMR/AuthAudio(SomaAudios) - M4A, M4M – catboy Eric. Different accents, but actually Australian. A whole fantasy world (high fantasy) existing together with the low fantasy in real life Australia (which is a welcome change after everything. Everything. Being in the US). The listener also quite regularly gets an opportunity to be something magical, so that’s nice. The reupload process from the old channel to the new one is a bit of a mess.
Will o' the Wisp Audio - F4A – look, that’s my second Tumblr mutual on the list. A modern fantasy world with a lot of different heavily story-based plots (but some simple comforts as well). Also, amazing art.
Melon.Audios - F4A, A4A (inactive) - no seriously, why find good VAs yourself - just wait until your mutuals (in law) become them. Story driven, from what I understand it’s urban fantasy. 
Tally Mark ASMR - F4A - your turn to catch the mermaid. Story driven, fantasy, trope reversal (all the good things, you know).
Lightforged ASMR - F4A (inactive) - low fantasy, huge world, a lot of different characters - all the beloved classics - a caring alpha wolf, a flirty vampire, a fun illusionist (and it seems that my favourite storyline is yet again a humanborn magic user in a magical Academy - consistency).
LightHearted RP - M4A (inactive) – creative compatriot. So, funny story – I found this guy when he had like two videos, watched them and only after that found out that we literally live in the same city. Anyway – fantasy and adventure-based storylines. Sweet werewolf boyfriend included. Nice art as well.
grey_october_audio (rebooted channel) - M4M, M4A – still not a mass-maker vampire. Mostly domestic and mostly gay with a slightly different flavour than the previous ones.
Escapist ASMR - M4A, M4F (or at least there are a few pronounce mishaps) (inactive) - how the hell is this guy so small, if he’s listed in Hollow_VA’s subscriptions? A pretty small channel that has recently come back from the void - some popular tropes such as vampires, as well as some more original things like imaginary friends and phoenixes.
Tobi VA - M4A, M4M - you get called “creature“ a lot. Some original content - mostly plot based and/or serialized, as well as script-fills (more generic stuff).
Soltarak Audio - M4M, M4A (rarely) (inactive) - there’s literally Ollie, but with clumsiness x10. A cute M4M slice of life channel, plays out some stereotypical stuff like tsunderes and himboes but doesn’t overdo it.
NaughtPlusZero - M4A, M4F (rarely) - surprisingly a lot of nagas and dragons. Only does other people’s scripts but performs well and has a pretty good taste. I love the “Dreamer“ series.
CastleAudio - F4A - it is A Dragon. (It is so a drake though.) Low fantasy, small town packed with all sorts of magical races you get to interact with and you get to be yourself. I agree with older comrades - Beth is just Asher and David put in a blender.
Cobalt Kobold  - M4A - help find bestest. A very cute channel with a bunch of original characters - mostly fantasy and mostly one-shots, but some series as well. The supervillain is bloody adorable.
Jouska - M4A - more bity people. A channel with very good voice acting and very good taste for scripts (all videos are script fills). A lot of vampires - different takes on them, one sci-fi series I really want continued, a whole bunch of interesting one-shots.
Jimち ASMR - M4A – comrade commissar, why do you have such pointy ears? Actual roleplays – not just audio. Yes – there’s a video feed and he makes amazing costumes/cosplays for those! Some series and standalone videos, both original characters and from different media. As you could have guessed, I love the elf series a lot and his witcher video unexplainably flusters me. KGB officer Felix Sokolov, my beloved...
Capital M Audios  - F4A - queen of the kiddie pool. For now there’s a several lovely mostly humorous one-shots and one plot based series that promises to be lore-heavy. All fantasy-themed.
Extrovert Ed - M4A, M4F - vampire doctor/reckless werewolf seems to a popular trope these days.  A whole bunch of different stories - long and short alike, mostly fantasy in very different settings, but some contemporary stuff as well. (My favourite one is the special agent/assassin on the train though...)
OwlKnightVA - M4A, M4M - seems you got hurt, good thing there’s someone nice to heal you. Fantasy slash medieval setting with knights, royals, rogues and dragons. Not sure if they videos are connected in any way, though. A lot of injured listener trope, for now at least. Mostly wholesome and sweet.
Rambol_VA - M4M - is that a knife in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? Surprisingly a very cool channel, a lot of spice and TWs but they are handled pretty well (and at least the plots are interesting!). The bandit is sort of hard-core, if you ask me but I’m very curious where it’s going (I really hope it’s going to the ‘prey becomes the hunter’).
Phasmid ASMR - M4A, M4F - you know that fairytale, in which if the princess kisses her beloved, he turns into a bear? Well, here if you sleep with a vampire, he gets turned into a human. This is somewhat a joke. A nice channel with mostly fantasy and contemporary one-shots, rarely some sci-fi or short series. Most characters are surprisingly nice (there’s been a fashion for assholes in asmr lately).
SJ.Audios - M4A, M4M - this is not the reaction the naga prince expected. A sweet little channel with one-shots and short series both fantasy and contemporary (are superheroes either of those things? there are superheroes) and you get to be the unhuman one in the situation sometimes which is always nice.
Atlas ASMR - M4A, M4M (technically some are M4M) - man in ASMR roleplay. You’ve definitely seen his “Man on Train“ video in your YouTube suggestions and for a good reason - he’s brilliant. The best design/sets/video quality I’ve ever seen. Interesting ideas, good scripts, great acting, some short series but mostly stand-alone videos (and some hidden series). “The Gentlemen” roleplays own my brains (and other body parts). Oh, and he only murdered the listener once so far, which is a surprise if you know the scene. 
Ephemeral Rift - M4A (I guess?) - don’t even try to understand what’s going on. I have no clue. The lore is there, don’t even think it’s not, but what is it? I don’t know. It’s complicated. But nice.
ASMattR ASMR/Mattastic ASMR - M4A (and technically M4M for a bit) - yes, he is bald. That’s it, that’s the description. I’m kidding - a lot of film based roleplays (very good production) and a lot of “you are <something>” videos which are amusing.    
Tinglesmith ASMR - M4A - finish that knight’s gambit seires! I need the ending! Anyway, yeah there’s a very good knight series, but mostly he does fantasy, cyberpunk and steampunk roleplays. A lot are medical-ish, but they still have quite a bit of plot and lore. Has a few big cinematic collabs on his channel.
List of ASMRtists and VAs who I know exist and I even listen to sometimes but who are not on the list for the reasons I will be trying to explain here (some people are here because of tagging problems, so be cautious):
TheMusicalBoy'93 - M4A, M4M, M4F (rarely) (inactive)– daddies and monster boys and monster boy daddies. Honestly, not sure why is he here and not on the main list, maybe because I still way too vividly remember his early videos which for some reason seemed way too awkward. I don’t know. Generally speaking – a very nice channel with a lot of monster/anima boys themed roleplays and well as contemporary romance and comfort audios.
SunnyComforts (old channel)/Sundew Audios (new channel) - M4(T)M – I know you like this one. Nice simple comfort videos. Just for some reason not really my cup of tea.
Easton and Emmary Audios - M4A, F4A – it was very hard not to sing during the Jekyll&Hide video. A channel (expectedly) run by two people. Mostly slightly fantasy-themed yanderes (and the tsunderes are yet again better). You know how I feel about yanderes, right?
Splatbox (former kv va) - M4A (inactive) – I still like the tsundere better. Another master of trigger warnings (no joke) and gods do they need those. Some stuff here is brutal – when it says “sadistic” in the title – Adam can go take a smoke – it’s Really sadistic. Some characters are slightly nicer though.
MrFoxHound/Fox Hound /urlastchance(moved channels again) - M4F, M4M, M4A – Reddit dude. Everything here is low-key bara. Sometimes not very low-key. A lot of different roleplays more than often venture into the spicier territory. Magnus (orc/ogre) is pretty cool.
Azeru Official - M4A, M4F (it's not tagged, but it's there, trust me) - mister second smoothest voice on the internet. Some original characters as well as many anime/video game ones. Some are standalone, some have storylines. The bones to pick here are: a) tagging issue – the first two or three vampire videos are pretty explicitly M4F, but they are not tagged; everything else I’ve watched (not all) is technically gender-neutral; b) consent issues… yeah… since most of the videos are actually Patreon previews they end on NSFW-ish notes and sometimes I have a big problem with those. And I’m not even talking about the vampire – he’s supposed to be a bad guy, but the delinquent? Or hell, even the professor? How right it was handled by ZSaku and how wrong it’s done here. And I’m not saying I can’t enjoy it or anything, but it doesn’t feel self-aware enough.
Kindred Spirit - M4F, M4A (rarely) – that dragon is a lightweight. The only time I’ve ever seen a thing mistagged the other way around – the dragon series are tagged M4F but they’re actually – grammatically – fully M4A (or maybe I didn’t notice something, correct me in that case). Anyway – mostly standalone fantasy and contemporary roleplays with a short series here and there.
CardlinAudio - M4F, M4A, M4M – if he’s your favourite, I diagnose you with “straight woman” /j. Again, I’m sorry – I’m joking. But he has some regular tagging mishaps, under his older M4M videos literal portals to hell are opened and I find the butler series Really annoying (but that’s personal). The space princess series is great though – I have to admit. Started making more inclusive and M4M content lately and it’s pretty good. But then he also started privating them so you can only find older ones in playlist but not on the channel.
Dareon Audio - M4A, M4F, M4M (rarely) – Adrian is alive here (apparently not any more, because I cannot find this video). Some fantasy series (not exactly exciting, but maybe I missed something) and some generic boyfriend roleplays. A lot of Patreon previews.
Ycey Narrates - M4F – the mobster guy is kind of hot. Contemporary and fantasy roleplays. Several different series plus just domestic boyfriends/husbands.
Desmond ASMR - M4F – author of characters I want to stab. Yeah, so about that. Deep voice, lengthy-ish videos (tagging is for nerds sometimes /hj – it’s all M4F even if not tagged at all) but some of them just infuriate me. Why the hell am I supposed to like those people? They’re so stabbable. I might be completely wrong.
Cozy Cub ASMR - M4A, M4M, M4F – what are you doing, step-bro? Where do I start with this? Levels of cringe and problematism (problematicity? problematicality?) here are high. And yes, the joke at the beginning is not groundless – those exact videos are not there anymore (mostly because of YouTube policies) but some semblance of them still can be found. Anyways – a lot of stuff here is based on not-so-good porn cliches. So, the same as for Azeru – some consent issues. Also, fetishization, but that he’s actually self-aware about.
JupiterVA - M4A, M4F, M4M (the latter two rarely) (inactive) – neko – fluffy, dragon – warm, together – perfect. Fantasy roleplays and generic boyfriends. Some fluff, some more story-based series.
K ASMR - M4A (inactive) – Alucard in the flesh. Magnum opus is the Alucard (from the “Castlevania” cartoon, not “Hellsing” anime) series but there’re bits of other stuff as well. Now moved to another vampire (Astarion, it’s Astarion).
Solo's Hermit Shack - M4M, M4A (rarely)(inactive) – a tsundere boyfriend? How about three. Just little gay roleplays, mostly contemporary, but some fantasy stuff as well. Low-key humorous.
Jae ASMR – M4A, M4M (rarely) – yet another flirty delinquent, guess it’s alright. Generic boyfriends, sleep aids and more spicy stuff. Pretty alright.
VeremASMR - M4A, M4F (inactive) – forty per cent of these are F2L. If I had to try and find some key trait of this channel is that it’s very-very soft. Again, nothing too special – mostly comforting soothing friends and boyfriends.
Chilled Monkey Audios - M4A, M4F – wolf jock – big boy, fluffy ears. Serialized roleplays, mostly fantasy-themed. Some of these boys are fully furry and I can’t say I mind that.
Ruthie Ren - F4M, F4A (inactive) – I would die for my orc wife. Mostly fantasy roleplays, some are heavily story-based. NSFW continuations can be found on Soundgasm for free (I mean, she posts them there, it’s not a piracy thing or anything). Nothing is tagged but be prepared for it to be F4M.
SkittyKat - F4M, F4A, F4F (rarely) – headpats dealer. A lot of soft comforts (and mommies), some light-hearted humorous things, but some slightly more story-based things as well. Be prepared for the same tagging issues as before, but here it’s a little better (some videos have versions).
Thoughtless Audio ASMR - F4A, F4M, F4F (kind of, it's more of an audio drama) (inactive) – arranged marriage with a full-on medieval vibe. That’s a solid audio drama, just with one actor talking to the audience. In my perception, it’s mostly F4M, in a sense that the listener is the husband (to be), but I might be wrong. Hope it gets continued eventually.
Eiivory Official VA (ASMR) - M4M, F4F, M4A, F4A (the latter two rarely) - no it’s one person, he’s just doing voices. Alright, so it’s complicated, because some of the scripts are actually genuinely pretty good and gods damn he just cracks out forty minute long videos like it’s nothing, but then some of the scripts are really really cringy. Like that bully one for example (of course, the bully is the problem again). On average is worth checking out with caution.
The stroke Of Midnight  - M4A, M4F, M4M - insert a werewolf joke. Guy makes script fills mostly by one writer, has several not overlaping/interconnected (I sure hope) series, practically everything is high fantasy themed, but there are eventual jedis and superheroes (supervillains? No difference).
Dennis Day - M4A, M4F (inactive) - it’s HENRY Jekyll and EDWARD Hyde who the hell are Nicky and Damien? Guy makes some pretty specific comfort audios and plot driven ones (like that Jekyll and Hyde one I mention above). Lately more former than latter. Has slightly animated thumbnails which is nice.
ASMR Chic - M4F, M4A, M4M (rarely) - that’s my shame and my moral failing, so I’m not going to say anything else.
These are still obviously not all, but I'm not planning on emptying my GWAG bookmarks in front of you or anything like that.
Bonus - regular ASMRtists!
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secretgamergirl · 3 years
Dear Game Developers, I don’t want to be a rapacious colonizing blight on the world.
I like a pretty wide variety of games, but one general thing I’ve always been particularly keen on is the sort of game where I start off just kinda naked in the wilderness with nothing and have to build up a bunch of infrastructure to accomplish something. So you know, RTSes, Civ clones, survival games, sandbox-y Minecraft stuff, Dwarf Fortress and similar things, but these all have this really annoying habit of making my character the biggest existential threat to the entire world, and I would really like them to stop doing that all the time.
So, just to open up with an example of how to do this sort of thing in a way I like, Subnautica is one of my favorite games. I recently streamed the whole thing, so, links to that if you’d like: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Subnautica actively confronts my issue head on, and handles it right. I’m not slaughtering everything I see, I’m not strip mining the whole planet, I’m not leveling forests. I’m here by way of horrible tragic accident, and by the end of the game I’ve done my best to clean up the mess from that and address some other global issues to the point where I can confidently say my presence over the course of the game has made for a net positive impact on the environment in which it’s set. Plus it’s a great game in a bunch of other ways.
I’m also pretty happy with Factorio, oddly enough. In Factorio I AM strip mining the whole world, slaughtering absolutely all of the local wildlife, and any forests I’m not clear-cutting I’m choking out with industrial emissions that leave nothing but dry withered skeletons where there were once beautiful stretches of foliage. The thing of it is, between actually tracking my environmental impact as a mechanic and having such downer visuals, it at least feels like the developers and I are sharing a really dark joke about how awful you are in games like this.
Then on the other side of the coin here, we have, say, Satisfactory. A game in the same weird subgenre as Factorio (do we have a name for these yet? Convey’em Ups?) but... really gross. The player is explicitly just heading down to this really beautiful planet to extract and process all the resources they can. You’re rewarded for killing... basically all life you see despite it not generally posing any sort of real threat to you, clear cutting all the vegetation, and to keep the factory building vibes nice and chill, when you tap into a coal vein or set up an oil well, you get an endless supply of those burnable fuels to use forever, with absolutely no consequence, as you just consume all the things to make all the other things and ship them out to meet quotas. And that’s... kinda gross? Again, the fact that nothing you do has any sort of consequence despite half of it being stuff that is literally killing the world in reality makes it way worse.
Meanwhile, lately I’ve been keeping a lot of modded Minecraft videos going in the background to stave off the social isolation with the whole plague and all with some human voices, and see what cool new ideas people are testing there. One of the real popular new mods is this one called MineColonies, and you know what? It’s really neat. The idea is you find a big open plot of land somewhere, throw down blueprints for really huge multiblock structures of houses and workshops and such, get those built up a little, and NPCs start wandering in you can start giving jobs to. Here’s someone to harvest and replant trees, someone to go mining for underground resources, someone to build and upgrade the rest of these buildings, people to provide renewable food and medicine to all these other NPCs. Schools for their kids to get their stats up to good places by adulthood, a whole higher learning system to advance a tech tree, it’s cool.
But the thing is, as you probably gathered from the name, it’s DISGUSTINGLY colonialist. All these people coming in are explicitly white, with British accents, explicitly gendered and explicitly heterosexual too incidentally, and a huge part of the general infrastructure building is having to set up guard posts and barracks all over, training knights and archers to defend against the local barbarians native to the land you’re building on who wander out of the wilderness to attack everyone with some regularity. And I mean, how messed up is that? This mod is explicitly adding in native people’s just so there’s someone for you to displace and murder as you colonize some big chunk of unspoiled wilderness in the name of prosperity for your... British colony. Which of course works on an explicitly feudalist system (and then also for some reason has everyone grumbling about how you’re spending your gold, which you aren’t even doing). It totally thematically ruins what I’d otherwise be super super into. And not long after this was released, baseline Minecraft did basically the same thing. There are now roving barbarian tribes who go around trying to kill you and any villagers near you and you have to concern yourself with wiping out whole groups of them with some regularity, whereas previously the only enemies you really had to deal with were zombies and skeletons and a few other weird explicitly monstrous things. It’s gross.
My distaste for slaughtering barbarians extends to the civilization games too. Which... I mean I have put a LOT of hours into a lot of Civ games so it’s obviously not a total dealbreaker for me, but... you’re always this weird immortal dictator and even if you set your civilization up as a democracy, you sure do win every single election regardless of how unhappy people are with you, and you spend a good chunk of time slaughtering local barbarians. And increasingly, with each new game, smaller independent nations because they really keep putting more and more emphasis on military conquest being, if not the best path to victory, one you have to push pretty far no matter what you’re going for.
And it doesn’t have to work like that. My favorite game, mostly in the franchise, is still Alpha Centauri. Where the “barbarians” are brain eating space worms, not other humans, and even then, you can (and I consistently do) be a big tree-hugging hippy, enact worm-friendly social policies, make friends with them instead of killing them, and have them go devour a bunch of violent anti-science anti-environment right wing creeps, strongarm everyone else into adopting similar policies, and, like Subnautica, leave the world better than you found it by foregoing all the easier wins and doing the thing where you find a permanent solution to the local planetary superconsciousness accidentally going berserk and eating itself at periodic intervals. Happy ending for everyone! Except for Miriam. Screw Miriam.
Meanwhile, someone I know not to long ago just randomly pitched a game where there’s a big nature ravaging industrial sprawl, but you play as some sort of reclaiming embodiment of nature, strategically... I guess spreading trees to grow up through everything and have rats chew through the wiring and stuff, and yeah, I would play the hell out of that game. If nobody else gets to it before I clear my plate of all these other projects, I might even make that game.
I should stress again too that it’s not even that I don’t want games to ever put me in such a role as the player, just if you’re going to do it, acknowledge that that sort of thing isn’t cool, and either make it clear that the player character has been forced into a really unfortunate position, or that said character is just awful. Or both, both works.
What I don’t want to ever see people do is rationalize a way out of the issues. “Oh this is an infinite supply of clean-burning coal” does not fly with me. “Oh we’re establishing a colony but it’s on an alien planet” is still colonialism. The weird fetish the whole game industry seems to have with leveling forests is not made better by having those trees give you saplings that fully replace every tree cut down in like 2 minutes. If you don’t want to unpack the moral implications of something, you can just not include it to begin with. None of the stuff I’ve been laying out here is actually necessary for any of these games to work. Just... quit being weird and making me play coal-mining conquistadors already.
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thirddoctor · 3 years
I also agree about the over-use of Daleks and Cybermen. They never bring back classic villains and aliens that I actually want to see. Where Is Toymaker? Where is Alpha Centauri (that one episode in s10 doesn't count)? The Monk? At least, they gave The Great Intelligence quite a big part. From the limited amount of classic aliens they did bring back, my favourites are probably Silurians. I do like their re-imagined version. Who would you personally like to see? Also, hope you're doing well!
I was actually really happy with Alpha Centauri’s s10 cameo myself, since I never expected anything so it was a very pleasant surprise (especially as they got the original actress back). But yeah, bring the Monk back! Or the Rani! There are a lot of cool Time Lords besides the Master.
I personally wasn’t really satisfied with the New Who Silurians. The episodes were fine, but the redesign bothers me because they did some concept art of a beautifully updated version of the Classic Who design, then changed their minds and made them look more human to make it easier for the audience to connect with them, and imo that undermines the whole point - that they’re not human, but they’re still people who have just as much right to be here as humanity does.
I do think the show did a great job updating the Sontarans and the Zygons, both in terms of design and finding interesting ways to use them. I think the Sontarans work best when you don’t treat them as a serious threat but rather as a parody of the glory-obsessed warrior race trope that sci-fi loves. (It’s about time we saw the Rutans again though.)
As for other aliens I’d like to see... maybe the Sensorites? Though the Ood are basically their cousins. And uhhh Meglos because being an evil cactus man automatically makes him the best Doctor Who character.
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silveragelovechild · 4 years
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1. I loved the 1960s adventure series “Lost in Space” so much so that I think I wanted to “be” Will Robinson (played by Billy Mumy) whose best friend was a robot; and I think I cried myself to sleep when I read in the newspaper the show might be cancelled.
2. As a adult I still like the B&W first season - the art design looks great and there are many excellent episode that are still effective today (especially the first 6 or 7 episodes that could run as one continuous story).
3. I ignore the 2nd and 3rd seasons that tried to compete with Adam West’s “Batman” to see which show could be the most campy - but the prancing Dr. Smith, LIS will always win.
4. I saw the 1998 movie starring Matt Leblanc and William Hurt; Leblanc was fine but Hurt thought he was in a tragedy written by Shakespeare; both Jack Johnson and Jared Harris we’re horribly miscast as Will.
5. If you listen to the commentary on the DVD, at some point the producers start apologizing for the half finished effects and lamenting what might have been.
6. I’ve seen portions of the incomplete 2004 WB pilot - no Smith, Penny is a baby and they added another brother; production values were good but it was missing the spirit of the original.
7. Netflix released a new 10 episode series in 2018 that largely follows the format of the original show with some changes: the Robinsons are part of a larger colonist group traveling to Alpha Centauri; Dr Smith (played by Bill Mumy) has his identity stolen by the possibly psychotic June Harris (played by Parker Posey); and the robot is from an alien race with less than friendly intentions;
8. The first season involved numerous perilous events in each episode, emulating the original’s weekly cliffhangers; by the end I grew a little weary of them AND Smith’s shenanigans; and I wasn’t a fan of Maxwell Jenkins as Will who played him as a scaredy-cat.
9. Season 2 was released at Christmas and improved on the first season: Will’s character was stronger; Smith’s behavior was better established, as was the families treatment of her; and the plot diverted quite a bit from the original in new ways.
10. Best of all, the series design and special effects are movie quality so the show is a delight to watch for space enthusiasts.
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davidfarland · 5 years
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A plot doesn’t have to be brilliant for a story to work. It just needs to have some basic components: characters, in conflict, and in a setting. The characters must struggle to overcome some obstacle (or obtain some goal) on three or more occasions, and the tale must resolve in such a way so that the reader knows what happens. (If you don’t know the basics of what a plot is, there are a number of good books on the topic. Read Robert McKee’s Story. That’s a great place to start.)
The biggest problem with plot is when the author leaves one or more element missing. Usually the author gets a character in there, even more than one, but something gets left out.
When I’m reading for Writers of The Future, every quarter I get at least a couple stories that start out brilliantly. The author is often erudite, with a knack for description and dialog. A huge problem will evolve, and the character will go and solve it—on the first try.
I recall one excellent example: A young woman, a linguist, was put in charge of greeting the first aliens to land on Earth. During a previous encounter in space, mankind had sent an emissary to meet them in their own language. The ambassador spoke the greeting improperly, so the aliens killed him and destroyed a space station on Alpha Centauri.
So in this story the linguist literally has the fate of the world thrust on her shoulders.
She worries about it, she frets. The aliens come, and she greets them perfectly. The aliens then rejoice to find such a sophisticated, deserving people, and they shower mankind with technological gifts.
Well, it just doesn’t work. Telling a tale where something of import was accomplished in one try leaves the audience expecting more. Yet some writers don’t get this.
I once read a nice story of this type, and at the end, the author put a note which said, “I’ve been entering this contest for fourteen years, and I’ve never won a thing. This is the best that I can do. Could someone please tell me what I’m doing wrong?”
So I told him about try/fail cycles. I worry that I did so in vain. Someone who doesn’t “get it” naturally probably has something wrong in the head.
Now, you can’t just have try/fail cycles. Your goal is to have interesting attempts to resolve the problem. Fascinating attempts. Thrilling ones. And the attempts must turn out to be more mind-boggling than first imagined.
In other words, if you have a villain, the villain must try to thwart your hero in creative ways that deliver suspense, that keep us engaged. Similarly, your protagonist needs to deal with his problems in ways that are entertaining.
You need to break out of the mold. You can’t have heroes and villains meeting every challenge in the same way as has been done in a thousand other stories.
Have you ever watched Kung Fu movies?
How many times can a bunch of villains in black fight a bunch of heroes in white without things getting boring? The answer: only once. After one scene of hand-to-hand contact, you have to throw in swords or something, but even that gets tedious in a heartbeat.
Yet I’ve seen many novels that are the equivalent of Kung Fu movies. I was trying to read a novel by one vaunted fantasy author the other day, and I was surprised at how often the author resorted to the same trick. He wants to raise the tension, so he throws in a new encounter with “trolls.” The swords come out, and five minutes later the hero is back to plodding along across some interminable landscape.
But it isn’t just the try/fail cycles that get left out or get stale. Sometimes the proper tension just isn’t invested in a tale. The hero isn’t facing any challenge of consequence. Nothing is on the line.
For example, here’s a story: I just went out and got the mai.
Does that sound like a story to you? Not really. There was no challenge for me. Now, if I had to get the mail, but in order to do it I had to dodge bullets, stick my hand in a mailbox full of rattlesnakes, and fight off an IRS agent in order to get back to my door, then perhaps I’d have a story.
Or maybe not. Sometimes the try/fail cycles can be boring because they feel contrived. The author goes “over the top” as he or she struggles to entertain.
In short, you need to have a conflict that is properly balanced with the protagonist’s abilities.
Along with this, the author needs to vary the types of conflicts. By this I mean that it can’t all be Kung Fu fights. Protagonists often must face multiple types of problems, with both internal struggles and external conflicts, and possibly romantic conflicts. So on one level, our Kung Fu master might be struggling to get rid of the evil bandit who is forcing his sister into prostitution. On another level he’s trying to overcome his own fears. On a third track, he might be trying to solve a murder mystery, and so on.
More than one Hollywood story doctor has pointed out that in every great movie, there is an “external journey” that a hero takes, and an “internal story” that also comes out. They’re right. That internal journey often involves the hero struggling to reveal his true self to the rest of the world. They might think that he’s a coward, or dishonest, or ill-bred, but he knows that he has greatness hidden within him, and he proves it by his actions.
So a good plot flows quickly and logically, often while the stakes become greater as the story progresses. Let’s talk about the stakes for a moment. The major problem often broadens, so that it affects more and more people as the story goes on. For example, in a murder mystery, the victims begin to pile up over the course of a novel. But the problem can also deepen, having more deleterious consequences in the hero’s life. The detective in our story might find that he cannot sleep, cannot eat. He becomes obsessed with finding the killer, and it ruins his marriage and family life.
In fact, most of the time, a good conflict will both broaden and deepen.
Not every try/fail cycle in a story needs to be shown. In short fiction, we might pass over the easy attempts. For example, let’s say that we write a story about a young man who gets thrown out of his house, so he decides to secretly live in the attic, thereby having adventures. The young man might talk to his father early on, try to resolve their differences, but you might well feel that this doesn’t need to be in the story. Why? Because his first attempt to resolve the problem is boring. So rather than recount it in a scene, you might deal with it in a sentence or so and move on to something more worthwhile.
Unfortunately, in literary fiction it has become standard to throw out too much of the plot. Authors truncate stories by removing inciting incidents, then drop the ending by reasoning that any intelligent reader will be able to deduce the ending by recognizing the author’s tone. It is true that for sophisticated readers, a truncated story can work fine, but you must remember that not all readers are sophisticated. Even the ones who are sophisticated don’t necessarily want to have to struggle to understand your tale. Most of us read for relaxation and entertainment.
Given this, I prefer to read authors who put most of the story onto the page—who struggle to elucidate rather than to be obscure.
So at the end of a tale, I have to go back and examine the basic plot, and ask myself, how well did the author do? Guess what? It doesn’t have to be the best plot ever written. Many a fine movie or book might score only a five out of a scale of one to ten and still become a big hit. Why? Because plot is just one factor to making a great story.
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Review of the Third Doctor’s era so far
As I said in a previous post, consistently decent to good, but doesn’t appeal to me very much. 
Maybe because I’m not that interested in the stories. I mean what I care mostly in Three’s era are the characters. Obviously the Brigadier which is one of the best things to ever happen to Doctor Who (and it’s going to be painful when I’ll rewatch Death in Heaven). And Courtney delivers one of the best acting performance of the show. Jo is up there as one of my favorite companions. And you cannot not get attached to Benton and Yates... And Liz is great too! 
The Master never was particularly interesting to me. Like yes archenemy of the Doctor, dark mirror... The Doctor/The Master relationship is not something I'm particularly drawn to, and tbh I was pretty lukewarm to the “Missy redemption arc” (which was wonderfully written, and executed, but not an idea that initially appealed to me). But Delgado is just so great... 
So Three’s era for me is well made television, with an excellent supporting cast. I like the UNIT-based format... I’m just not that into the stories or the main character. 
Also Three’s era can get weird in the sense that there are two competing aesthetics, and the show finds himself torn apart between two directions. Like there is straight Pertwee (Season 7, The Mind of Evil, Colony in Space, Day of the Daleks, The Sea Devils) and camp Pertwee (The Claws of Axos, The Daemons, The Time Monster, The Three Doctors, Carnival of Monsters). You can guess which direction I prefer. 
Spearhead from Space is a great introduction/reboot of the show. The Auton plot is a bit basic, and not that interesting, but some great images.
The Silurians is okay
The Ambassadors of Death is probably the only straight-Pertwee story I really like. It’s well written, well made (well it’s David Whitaker and Malcolm Hulke). Lots of tension, and a great concept basically. Plus that episode uses UNIT in the best way possible which is : the baddies are the military itself, so UNIT actually has to protect the aliens while neutralising British army general gone bad. That’s basically the plot of Invasion of the Dinosaurs which is also great. 
Inferno is interesting because everyone’s acting in there is top notch. But really I think that story is overrated. The parallel universe is a great idea, and fun, but it quickly becomes catastrophe porn, and is not really resolved in a satisfying way. Also ideally you would have the Doctor realising that compared to their fascists counterparts, UNIT is basically not that bad, and what does he do instead ? Insult the Brigadier (seriously tho, Lethbridge-Stewart is a saint). Also the story really drags. 
Terror of the Autons is Spearhead from Space only funnier (invading earth with plastic daffodils and ugly-ass toys is one of the Master’s best plans to date). Also bonus points for that iconic Time Lord appearance. 
The Mind of Evil is brilliantly made and well put together, but not my thing. 
The Claws of Axos is one of Season 8′s best stories, and no you can’t change my mind. 
Colony in Space is a decent story
The Daemons is quite good, and a great fun. Also lots of Doctor/Brig content
Day of the Daleks has almost no daleks in it. It’s also one of the best Dalek stories. It starts as a ghost story, morphs into a Dalek story this time about collaborating with fascists regimes. It ends up being a story about time travel and the best one the show has made up to this point. (Yes it’s better than the Aztecs, again can’t change my mind). Also it scrap’s the expected Dalek/Doctor confrontation opting instead for a confrontation with the Controller. And again that’s a more interesting take. The Daleks = space nazis has already been done. Now the Dalek henchman's vs the Doctor, that's a better, meatier idea.
The Curse of Peladon is weird, it’s alien, it has Alpha Centauri in it, the Ice Warriors who have evolved from space vikings to diplomats, Jo almost becoming an alien princess, and having more sense then Peladon and the delegates together... and the Doctor singing Venusian lullabies. Also its a hilarious EU parable. 
Sea Devils is pretty boring, only redeemed by that swordfight.
The Mutants is actually interesting because here you have a successful mashup of the two aesthetics. A slightly over the top villain (but not that much really. The Marshall is supposed to be mad), mutants that are actually not horrible mutants carrying a disease but aliens on the first step of evolution toward all-powerfull rainbow angels. Really that’s a coming out story. And at the same time a decolonization parable and an Apartheid story. And all in all a pretty good story
The Time Monster is brilliant and probably one the funniest Who stories. 
The Three Doctors is also comedy gold. And Omega is great. He’s the extraTM villain the show needs.
Carnival of Monsters is a classic.
Frontier in Space is a bit iffy, But I have some very fond memories watching on Twitch with a friend and having a blast. 
I still have to finish Season 10 and watch Season 11. So far Three’s best season is Season 9, with The Curse of Peladon, Day of the Daleks, The Mutants and The Time Monster being very good, if not quite outstanding stories. The outlier being the Sea Devils. 
On the fic side, a really low amount of Three/The Brig, and suprising high amount of Liz/The Brig works ?? Like I never thought of them as an item. Sure they get on like a house on fire in Spearhead from Space, but other than that ?? As soon as the Doctor enters the picture, Liz tends to side with him in his contempt for UNIT/the military/the Brigadier/government officials. She draws the line at the human race. And tbh I can’t see Liz as anything else than a lesbian so...
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howlingwind · 5 years
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01. what’s your name/alias you go by ??
my name is jeff !! lmfao (i don’t let memes die) it’s not my real name but i’ve gone by cody on tumblr for a long time
02. what’s your age ??
twenty. jfc i’m old. but also apparently a fetus??
03. what’s your zodiac sign ??
aries, which couldn’t feel further from correct lmfao
04. what’s your ethnicity ??
uhh mostly italian & sicilian, but you could probably point to any white place in europe and i’ll have a little bit of that in me. i’m also 1/16th native american but it’s such a small amount and sadly i don’t even know which tribe to learn more about them.
05. what’s your nationality ??
06. what’s your favorite band and/or musical artist ??
i’m super indecisive about everything, so it’s difficult for me to pick faves (as you’ll see in a sec) but… mac miller,  post malone, johnny cash, eminem, tenacious d, colter wall, kehlani, bruno mars, snoop dogg, elvis presley, justin timberlake, sublime, the rolling stones, etc etc there’s probably a lot i’m forgetting tho. i like most types of music except country. well, modern country anyway.
07. what’s your dream job ??
uh, i don’t have one? i mean yeah, i’d love to be a writer, or game dev, or a narrative director on a game, or direct, write, or act in movies or television, but like…i could live without any of that stuff. i just want to make a decent living, be able to own a house, not completely hate my job. yknow, not a glamorous life but a good one.
08. what’s one place you would love to visit ??
idk there’s a lot of places i’d like to go, but i’d most like to visit alpha centauri, even tho that’ll never happen lol
09. what’s your favorite tv show ??
i can’t pick that! but i love a lot of shows. general hospital, lucifer, the 100, supernatural, stranger things, izombie, south park, legends of tomorrow, once upon a time, arrow (at times), dragon ball, big brother, riverdale, chilling adventures of sabrina, that 70′s show, the ranch, umm… i could probably keep listing forever.
10. what’s your favorite movie ??
hmmmm, again i’ve got a list but… joe dirt, the new guy, why him, the waterboy, 50 first dates, all the spider-man movies, thor ragnarok, man of steel, 21 jump street, 22 jump street ,and a fuckton more lol 
11. what’s your favorite song ??
constantly in flux, but the current faves are — creep by radiohead, stay by post malone, no below by speedy ortiz, unshaken by d’angelo, cruel cruel world by willie nelson, wanksta by 50 cent, shooter by lil wayne & robin thicke, stressed out by 21 pilots, self care by mac miller (along with practically everything on his final album), and i will always, un-ironically love only in america by riff raff. he’s not the greatest ever but that song is hilarious and always puts me in a good mood.
12. what’s your favorite sport ??
can i say rocket league? lol
13. what’s your favorite food ??
pizza, unquestionably. cereal is a damn close second tho. or pot stickers. damn, i’m hungry… 
14. what’s your favorite face claim to use ??
typically, i’ve always really liked using paul wesley, chris wood, and matt daddario. i’m using lindsey morgan for the first time now though, and i really like her as an fc too.
15. what’s your least favorite face claim ??
to use?? um pretty much any singer or model just bc their resources aren’t too great. i really didn’t enjoy using pete davidson as much as i thought i would, either lol
to see… uh probs emma roberts or andy biersack. emma for obvs reasons but also bc i once had a really bad experience with people using those fcs. idm people using whoever they feel like using tho.
16. what’s your favorite character of yours to play ?? which do you think you’re most like ??
oh man, uhh i really enjoy writing chrissy & theo. they both speak to me. but tbh i’m not much like any of my characters? i’m boring af so i tend not to make any like me lol. i am kinda like theo in the sense that i’m quiet, and really just try to be a good person. other than that i’m most like jason solely based on the fact we’re both human lol
17. what’s your sexuality ??
danversexual. attracted only to fictional danvers women, examples including carol, kara, and alex danvers.
lmfao but nah i’m just a boring straight boy. well, like 99.9% straight. jensen ackles makes me question shit.
18. what’s the last movie you saw in a cinema/theater ??
captain marvel (thanks to dani lol). only two months late but it was worth the experience haha.
19. what’s the worst injury you’ve ever had ??
thankfully i’ve never really hurt myself too terribly except for a broken wrist, but between the ages of 10-17 i’d occasionally hurt my back by sitting weird, usually in an attempt to play video games without the glasses i desperately needed lol. once when i was like 11 i laid belly down on the couch with my elbows up on the arm of it for like three hours, which messed me up for days, then a few other times i hurt myself, but another bad one when i was 17, i had my back curved while sitting and propping my laptop up on my knee, tried to move and literally just cried, crawled on the floor, and laid there all night until i forced myself to move in the morning. lol luckily it hasn’t happened since i lost a little weight.
20. what’s a random or interesting fact about you ??
uhm, nothing? i literally can’t think of one, i’m dull af. i uh.. i replaced my own cpu cooler once? lmfao
21. do you listen to music while you write ??
sometimes. a lot of time i just like the silence or ambient background noise, but if i’ve got a fitting playlist for the vibe of what i’m trying to write, i’ll use it!
22. are you a morning, day, evening, or night writer ??
i’m a never writer, apparently v___v but lol ideally a night writer, my best work is between the hours of 12am & 4am, but my sleeping schedule is so inconsistent, and so is my dad’s who spends literally every waking moment of his telling me different stuff he wants done, so it’s tough to hit that sweet spot. i write whenever i get a chance tho.
23. have you ever roleplayed intoxicated ??
lol nah i’ve never even had a drink. like what teenager doesn’t have a drink at some point?? i told you i’m lame.
24. what language or languages do you speak ??
english, barely. and assassin’s creed 2 taught me some italian swears. and ac: odyssey has had me occasionally dropping “malaka” bombs since the day i first played it haha.
25. how long have you roleplayed ??
officially, about 9 years. i started at 11 on myspace, rping dragon ball z stuff. but basically about 12 years, if you count how from the ages of 8-11 i’d put an anime pic up on my myspace, pretend i was older, and talk to roleplayers i didn’t realize were roleplayers lmfao.
26. favorite roleplay genre ??
i like pretty much anything, tbh. as long as it’s well thought out, has an interesting plot, or whatever. sometimes it doesn’t even need that, it just needs to catch my eye or line up with something i’m looking for. but yeah, supernatural, multi-fandom, sci-fi, romance, town rps, high school/college rps, anime rp (well, pokemon mostly), harry potter… i’ve done it all tbh and don’t particularly have a favorite.
27. one sound you hate & one you love ??
the sound of cotton stretching is the absolute worst thing to me. or scratching cotton. idk, it just sends chills up and down my spine and makes my hands feel weak lmfao. i’m weird. i really love the sound of rain, or fire crackling, or like “ambient” harp or ukulele music.
28. do you believe in ghosts ??
short answer, yes. long answer… i’m pretty sure i was friends with a ghost girl as a kid?? like no joke, even looking back at it through rational “adult” eyes, i’m still convinced. my fam moved into a new apartment, and pretty much right after that i started having dreams about a girl my age at the time (11-12). i’d never seen her before but the dreams would be like just conversations, like i was visiting a friend or something. i don’t remember them much, but i do remember the feeling of someone else in my room all the time, like you know how if someone else is around you just know even if you’re not looking at them? like that. there was even one night i was getting in bed, laid there a minute, and then i could have absolutely sworn somebody came in the room and sat down next to me on the bed because i felt the bed sink a little under their weight, but i looked and no one was there. i had a really vivid conversation/dream/thing that night. then a few nights later, for the first time since moving there i didn’t have one. the next morning my dad was really freaked out and said he fell asleep in the chair, but woke up and couldn’t breathe, and felt cold little hands over his mouth. he rationalized it as just waking up from a nightmare but i didn’t think so, so that night when i went to sleep and saw her i got really upset, yelled at her for it, and woke up right after. then i never saw or heard anything even remotely similar again, like she left or disappeared or something. it’s so weird, and i know how crazy it sounds, but yeah. don’t get me started on the topic of ghosts lmfao. THEN AGAIN, like a year later we had a carbon monoxide scare, but i really doubt the two were related because that would mean there was an entire year that we were breathing it in and the monitor didn’t do anything lol
29. do you believe in aliens ??
no alien story, thankfully, but it just makes no sense not to believe in them to me. like, we probably don’t have them on earth, and we’ve probably never encountered any, but it’s as close as you can get to a mathematical certainty that there’s some other life out there in the universe.
30. do you believe in true love ??
like, people who are just meant for each other, like romantic soulmates? nah not really. but i believe that two people can grow to truly love one another. whether it’s based off an initial attraction/infatuation, or a friendship, or both. i’d actually argue that’s a simple explanation of the biological science behind the feeling of love, but that’s an essay i’m not gonna write lol. but there’s apparently a lot of different types of love, so i guess “true love” is suggestive? 
also slightly unrelated but i don’t-quite-believe-in-but-am-open-to-the-idea-of soulmates, not necessarily as two souls who are just meant for each other romantically and always end up together, but more as two or more souls that gravitate toward each other to make up the important people in each other’s lives, like family members, lovers, or close friends. but that’s more of a theoretical idea/possibility than an actual belief of mine.
31. do you hold grudges ??
um, yes. lol i try not to, and i really do want everyone to be their best/happiest selves, but some people man… some people can take a long walk off a short pier lmao
32. do you have any obsessions right now ??
PO KE MON GOTTA CATCH EM ALLLLL. also… life is strange (thanks dani lol). supernatural. stranger things (thanks dani & steph) the 100 / clexa / becho  (thanks steph). lucifer. captain marvel (thanks dani). the song “creep” by radiohead and all its covers (tom ellis, haley reinhart, etc). cyberpunk 2077 (thanks dani). as you can see, i’m easily influenced lmfao.
33. do you drive & if so, have you ever been in a crash ??
nope i don’t drive, precisely because i’d definitely end up in a crash lol
34. do you like the smell of gasoline ??
uh that’s a big fat no from me, chief
35. do you prefer writing fluff, angst, or smut ??
i like it all equally, i think. i just really like writing & rp in general. i did run a smut rp once in the past tho. it gets old quick tbh and is the one of the three i can live without lol
36. are you in a relationship ??
bahahahahahahaha no.
37. grab the nearest book to you and turn to page 23, what is the 17the line ??
❝  “and why would that be?” kronos’s golden eyes glittered.  ❞
— the last olympian by rick riordan.
38. put your playlist on shuffle and list the first four songs that pop up:
1. season of the witch – donovan 2. riot van – arctic monkeys 3. busta rhymes – qveen herby 4. der kommissar – after the fire
also i gotta cheat because it’s too perfect that the next two are
5. stay – mac miller (one of my favorites ever that i forgot to mention above) 6. only in america – riff raff (i just love this ok. the video is hilarious but tw james franco for those that don’t like him)
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Previously, cult horror-related tv series such as The Night Stalker, Dark Shadows, and the Outer Limits have been examined. Even though Doctor Who is primarily a science fiction tv series, over its 55 year history it has delved into horror many times. After Darren McGavin’s The Night Stalker series was cancelled in 1975, I sadly still tuned in at the same day and time in case it ever came back (see 2015: #5-GUIDE TO THE NIGHT STALKER). Weepers! Eventually it was recommended to me to watch this Doctor Who show, but I was not interested in another Marcus Welby, MD series at age 6. I tuned in anyways to find an argumentative older man yelling at people, and I soon became bored and quit watching the series. However, I was encouraged to persist and watch further episodes, so I did. One twenty-two minute episode was shown a day. A few episodes later and the older argumentative man was now in an apocalyptic world with people devolving into monstrous green werewolves! It was terrifying! I was hooked!
Doctor Who was scheduled to premier on November 22, 1963, but it was delayed until the following day due to the assassination of President Kennedy. It features an alien, a Timelord, who can change its body, and currently the Doctor’s latest body is female as played by Jodie Whitaker, with her debut episode appearing for the first time this Sunday afternoon! This alien serves often as the savior of the Earth as well as the closest the universe has to being a good, near-godlike force. The original series ran from 1963-1989 featuring the Doctors’s first seven bodies or “regenerations.” In 1996 Doctor Who returned in a U.S. production with a new regeneration of both the Doctor and his primary villain, the Master. In 2005 the new series continued with a new regeneration, but in later seasons it is revealed that one regeneration was skipped between the tv movie and the new series. This regeneration, technically the ninth, played by John Hurt, renamed himself the War Doctor. The new series has also featured the Eleventh Doctor, played by David Tennant, who consumed a regeneration to heal himself, and eventually the Doctor used all of his thirteen regenerations. But he got more, and he even doesn’t know how many.
There are a variety of rare facts about Doctor Who. A spacesuit costume from the series was reused in the Empire Strikes Back and worn by the scaly bounty hunter, Bossk. Peter Cushing starred as Doctor Who in two movies in the 1960’s (see 2018: #1-GREAT HORROR FILM ACTORS). The two color movies are remakes of popular televised stories featuring the evil alien race, the Daleks. One of the films, 1966’s Dalek’s Invasion Earth 2150 AD, included British comedian Bernard Cribbins as a police officer, and he joined the tv series in 2007 as another character. The movies differed from the tv series by Cushing portraying the character as a human, not an alien. There is an original pilot of the series from 1963 that had a significant scene removed from the first story, An Unearthly Child. The First Doctor, portrayed by William Hartnell, shares that he and his granddaughter are from the year 5,000 and may be humans. By cutting that from the final broadcast, it made alien bodily regeneration a much more plausible concept. The Doctor also is not always the benevolent good guy. In An Unearthly Child, the Doctor prepares to cut the throat of an unconscious caveman because he is annoyed and wants to leave prehistoric Earth. In Doctor Who canon, there is still at loose a future evil incarnation of the Doctor, once known as the Valeyard. Big Finish has dozens of the continued audio adventures of previous regenerations of the Doctor including many of the surviving actors who played the Doctor as well as supporting cast members.
There is much written about Doctor Who, but for the purposes of Halloween we are primarily interested in horror episodes as well as potential crazy costumes that could be made based on aliens in the series. If you have a spare plunger and a box, you can make a Dalek costume. Dressing as one of the regenerations of the Doctor is easy if you have any of the specific costume elements. The easiest is probably to dress as the Third Doctor with a velvet smoking jacket. A lot depends upon if you require your costume to be widely recognizable to not. Don’t dress as the Doctor’s time and space vehicle, a blue police box, the Tardis; that is stupid. The three best aliens to create costumes for include: Alpha Centauri, appearing as a green, hermaphroditic, one-eyed Beholder from Dungeons & Dragons with a high pitched voice (see 2015: #3-STRANGE MONSTERS FROM DUNGEONS & DRAGONS). Alpha Centauri is one of the few characters from the original series that have reappeared in the new series. Another amusing costume option is the Face of Boe, a large sleepy head resembling a Japanese Nuppeppo yokai (see 2018: #10-YOKAI). Or perhaps an alien from the planet Vortis which are large, vaguely humanoid insects, such as the Menoptra bee/butterfly people. Doctor Who is a series that offers cosplayers a huge amount of possible costumes as well. The series is a wealth of creativity.
Doctor Who has a lot of episodes, and out of the entire series, here are the ten best horror-related stories:
10-The Chase: features the First Doctor encountering Dracula and the Frankenstein monster.
9-The Unquiet Dead: Christopher Eccelston, technically the Tenth Doctor, finds zombies and dead ghost-like aliens possessing bodies.
8-The Pyramids of Mars: the Fourth Doctor, Tom Baker, has major problems with an Egyptian god and his mummy servants.
7-The Brain of Morbius: Baker’s Frankenstein episode, but featuring a Hitler-like Timelord trying to be more than just a brain in a jar.
6-Midnight: Tennant in a tense, claustrophobic episode about a telepathic thing outside of a stalled tour bus on a deadly planet.
5-State of Decay: Baker versus a giant vampire, the ancient enemy of the Timelords, on a planet ruled by vampires.
4-The Daemons: The Third Doctor, Jon Pertwee, dealing with a giant horned demon running across the English countryside, summoned up by a satanic cult led by The Master.
3-The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit: Tennant discovers the physical, Godzilla-sized body of the Devil himself, a being from the universe that existed before this one.
2-The Seeds of Doom: Baker meets The Thing, including in a polar setting.
1-Inferno: Pertwee popped into a parallel world and is faced with a dreadful apocalypse with the planet rapidly being destroyed, people devolving into green werewolves, the world is ending and there is nothing he can do. This scared the crap out of me when I was six years old. The episode set a Guinness Book of Worlds Record for the longest drop by a stuntman. It is also one of the longest complete stories.
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There are many other Halloween-worthy episodes of Doctor Who. The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances are two very popular episodes with Eccleston in WW2 investigating very creepy unexplained phenomenon, and he also meets John Barrowman’s very popular assistant, Captain Jack, in that story. The Caves of the Androzani is an acclaimed Phantom of the Opera story with the Fifth Doctor, Peter Davison. Werewolves appeared in Tennant’s second story, Tooth and Claw. An infamous mummy appeared in Mummy on a Train with the Thirteenth Doctor, Peter Capaldi. Many of Patrick Troughton’s episodes, who is the Second Doctor, are lost and missing. But there is surviving footage of his stories versus the Abominable Snowmen, who were quite frightening skulking about in the London sewers. A prehistoric lizardman species is discovered on Earth in Pertwee’s The Silurians, and an aquatic version of the species is encountered in Pertwee’s The Sea Devils, one of my all-time favorite stories of the series. The Master as virtually an undead lich appears in Baker’s The Deadly Assassin (see 2013: #10-LICHES). Baker’s The Horror of Fang Rock flows just like a horror film, with people barricaded in a lighthouse to escape a prowling monster. The largest monster that has appeared in the series was a tentacled, Lovecraftian swamp monster the size of a city in Baker’s The Power of Kroll. Doctor Who tends to be at its best when delving into horror.
There are some noteworthy Doctor Who stories that were planned or written, but they were not made. The adventures that almost happened! Pertwee’s Third Doctor was planned to start the tenth season with “Deathworld.” It was about the President of the Timelords basically playing chess with Death, and he summoned up the first three Doctors to be pawns in his game. The Doctors were to materialize in the Underworld to face the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse as well as personification of the Seven Deadly Sins. Content from the plot seems to have drifted into the stories: The Three Doctors and The Five Doctors. Pertwee’s final story had to be changed because the actor portraying the First Master, Roger Delgado, was killed in a car accident. “The Final Game” was planned to reveal that the Doctor and the Master just were not brothers, but they were the same person – divided into two halves – with the Doctor effectively being a Freudian ego and the Master as the id. Both the Master and the Doctor were planned to die in “The Final Game.” The Master was going to permanently die saving the Doctor, yet the Doctor would regenerate. There was also a second U.S. tv movie planned with McGann’s Eighth Doctor which would have included a major redesign of the Daleks. A third Peter Cushing film was planned but cancelled, Daleks vs. Mechons, based on the story, The Chase.
I have attended some science fiction conventions and have had correspondences with some of the stars of the series. I met Pertwee several times, including once with Elizabeth Sladden, aka the assistant, Sarah Jane Smith, at the Granada Theatre in Chicago in 1989. I met and chatted with Tom Baker who is really tall, about the various death scenes he had in various roles. But I spent an entire morning with Peter Davison, Sandra Dickinson, his then wife who appeared in The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, and the series producer, John Nathan Turner, wearing a bad Hawaiian shirt. We all sat together with less than ten others and watched Davison’s excellent Cyberman story, Earthshock, more than a year before it aired in the United States. There is nothing better than sitting next to the lead actor in Doctor Who and watching them star in the series in a great story. I had correspondence with the Sixth Doctor, Collin Baker, who wrote me that he was not sure how much longer the BBC would keep him in the role, and he was fired shortly later. I also ran into the enigmatic Seventh Doctor, Sylvester McCoy at a bar the night before a convention. I was sitting with the stars of the cult British science fiction series, Blakes 7 including Gareth Thomas, Paul Darrow, and Brian Blessed (see 2011: #7-SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTIONS). Over the shoulder of Gareth Thomas could be seen Sylvester McCoy sitting at the bar by himself, silently and sadly meditating on his ale. I had correspondence with another Master, Anthony Ainley, one of my favorite actors in Doctor Who, and he wrote back to me on his wonderful Master stationery.
Doctor Who offers a wealth of treasures for Halloween. If not costume ideas, then sheer entertainment. I am very much looking forward to the new season starting this weekend. Not only has the lead actor changed but so has the entire production team, sets, producers, etc. I was totally turned off by the previous Steven Moffat production team, so I am looking forward to the new Chris Chibnall team. It’s one of the only series that regularly reinvents itself, and few series exceed being fifty years old. Just about anything goes in Doctor Who, from very odd aliens to all sorts of monsters – even McCoy’s Seventh Doctor encounters a dragon in one story (on Monday see 2018: #3-DRAGONS)…
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the-desolated-quill · 6 years
Empress Of Mars - Doctor Who blog
(SPOILER WARNING: The following is an in-depth critical analysis. If you haven’t seen this episode yet, you may want to before reading this review)
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Well... at least it’s not as bad as Sleep No More.
Yes it seems Mark Gatiss decided to spare us the agony of a sequel to his derivative, found footage schlock in favour of a return visit to the Ice Warriors. And this time, we’re going to the Red Planet itself.
I can’t say I was optimistic going into this. Gatiss’ last attempt at an Ice Warrior story was a bit of a letdown and I’ve never exactly been a big fan of the Ice Warriors anyway. They’re not bad, just not very interesting. Despite 1972′s The Curse Of Peladon setting the stage for a more complex and engaging path for the Ice Warriors to take, Doctor Who has frustratingly never taken it. Instead forcing them to tread the same alien invasion route again and again.
In some ways Empress Of Mars serves as a prequel to The Curse Of Peladon (there’s even a surprise cameo appearance from Alpha Centauri at the end with Ysanne Churchman reprising the role). In theory this could have been a great opportunity to give the Ice Warriors the depth they desperately need and that Who has stubbornly refused to capitalise on until now. Depict how the Ice Warriors went from being a race of nomadic conquerers to the noble peacekeepers of the Galactic Federation.
Sadly it isn’t.
So it’s 1881, and already I’m confused. If the Ice Warriors join the Galactic Federation in 1881, why did they try to invade Earth in The Seeds Of Death? Were they another rogue chapter like the ones in The Monster Of Peladon? That doesn’t seem likely. But anyway, it’s 1881 and it’s the Martians vs the British Empire. Like H.G Wells, only not as good. These Victorian soldier guys have fixed an Ice Warrior’s spaceship (how they did that I have no idea) and have come to claim Mars in the name of Queen Victoria. God save the Queen, tally ho and all that bollocks. But thanks to a cockney tea leaf who can’t keep his hands off a shiny thing for five fucking minutes, the Ice Queen has been resurrected and now it’s a war... unless the Doctor does something... which he doesn’t. In fact that’s one of the many problems with this story. The Doctor seems to be almost superfluous to the plot. He doesn’t actually do anything, merely being a spectator. Same with Bill, although she does get some good moments, like when she confronts the Ice Queen. The other main problem is that Empress Of Mars is titanically dull.
It looks as though Mark Gatiss’ ideas bucket is getting very empty. Not only is this set in the Victorian era again, a lot of the plot feels like its been borrowed wholesale from the previous Ice Warrior story Cold War. You’ve got the Doctor pleading ineffectually at the Ice Warriors to show mercy, a one dimensional traitor who wants to fight the Ice Warriors despite all the evidence demonstrating why this is a spectacularly stupid idea, and the Ice Warriors themselves being little more than angry, ranting, shouty brutes with almost non-existent motivations.
Also, like in Cold War, Gatiss seems to be borrowing liberally from the Silurians, but it doesn’t work for two reasons. The first is the context. Both humans and Silurians share the same planet and have an equal claim to it. Here, the humans are invading Mars. The Ice Warriors are clearly in the right here. Quite why Friday and the Doctor want the two to form an alliance I don’t know. I fail to see what humanity could possibly offer the Ice Warriors. Yes Mars is a dead world now, but the Ice Warriors still have far superior tech. They don’t really have anything to worry about. The second is the complexity, or rather the lack of it. It’s not possible to sympathise with either side of the conflict because both sides are portrayed in a ludicrously over the top fashion. The Ice Queen does the usual shouting, warmongering nonsense, whereas Friday is portrayed as being so nice to the point of being delusional. He believes that humanity could help rebuild Mars (why does he believe this?! Someone explain this to me!), and even when the soldiers start attacking, he still insists on defending them. He’s just such a flat character with no depth or personality whatsoever.
The humans on the other hand are somehow even worse. Man, don’t you just hate the British Empire? With their imperialist colonialism and racist arrogance? Yes! Of course we do! But do you know what would be more interesting? Exploring why someone would willingly buy into that kind of elitist entitlement. No one is racist just because. Why do they feel superior? Why do they look down on others? Then while you’re answering those questions, use the opportunity to take them down a peg or two. But no. It’s all tea and scones and over the top RP accents. They’re little more than caricatures. 
Only two characters stand out. Traitor guy and Captain Coward (I can’t remember their names and I bet you can’t either). Traitor guy is so one dimensionally evil, it borders on comical. He declares war on the Ice Warriors for no reason other than he’s British and they’re ‘savages’ (snort), and when that doesn’t work, he scarpers off and takes the Ice Queen hostage after the Doctor threatens everyone with a giant gun (yes. A giant gun. That’s bound to help calm things down, you fucking moron). Again, no idea why he decides to threaten the Ice Queen. He reckons she can fly the spaceship, but why does he think that? That would be like kidnapping Queen Victoria because she knows how to ride a horse. And then there’s Captain Coward. A deserter who was hanged, but survived and so his executioners just shrugged it off and allowed him to rejoin the army.
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Then once he’s shot Traitor guy and the Ice Queen has praised him for sacrificing the bastard without gaining a tactical advantage (I would have thought stopping a traitor from half-inching your spaceship and only means of escape was a tactical advantage, but hey ho. You say tomato, I say this is a shit script), Captain Coward promptly forgets about the Queen and country he pledged to serve and instead joins the Ice Warriors instead. Presumably he’s going to help rebuild Mars by making the tea.
And then we end with the Master showing up and being all concerned about the Doctor’s wellbeing, which would have been more impactful if we had seen her growth and development over the course of the series instead of it happening entirely offscreen. Also am I the only one starting to detect a whiff of Moffat style sexism here? Can you imagine a male Master doing this? Please don’t tell me the only reason the sex change occurred was just to make the Master yet another one dimensional female character to prop up the Doctor? Don’t we already have enough of those?
So that was Empress Of Mars. Cliched, dull, unoriginal and painfully unsubtle. If you want a Victorian era sci-fi story that criticises imperial colonialism and features Martians, read War Of The Worlds instead.
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ao3feed-ateez · 4 years
by Wonho-BEBE (Eccentric_Bambi)
Alpha Centauri. An alien world just like Earth. Perfect and shining, but plagued by mystery and corruption under the dark influence of hidden greed. Four hundred years after The Great Merge, the joining of Earthling and Centauran. Fifteen boys born on different parts of the planet find themselves together in one place, but at odds with one another as two strong forces opposing one another for control. Yet they are forced to come together to save their planet from conspiracy, tragedy, and the literal end of the world.
A great and terrible invasion threatens the peace of the new World. Draconians. A slave running and destructive species infamous for destroying planets from the inside. And they have their eyes set on Alpha Centauri.
Can the two groups put aside their differences in time to save the planet?
Words: 1763, Chapters: 1/11, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of NSFW KPOP ENTRIES
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS, ATEEZ (Band)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Park Jimin (BTS), Jung Wooyoung, Kim Namjoon | RM, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Kim Taehyung | V, Jeon Jungkook, Min Yoongi | Suga, Park Seonghwa, Kim Hongjoong, Jeong Yunho, Kang Yeosang, Choi San, Song Mingi, Choi Jongho
Relationships: Jung Wooyoung/Park Jimin (BTS), Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Seokjin | Jin, Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Min Yoongi | Suga, Kim Hongjoong/Park Seonghwa, Choi Jongho/Kang Yeosang, Choi San/Jeong Yunho, Choi San/Jeong Yunho/Song Mingi, Choi San/Song Mingi, Jeong Yunho/Song Mingi, Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin, Choi San/Jung Wooyoung
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Space, Aliens, Alien Culture, Alien Planet, Planets, Terraforming, Outer Space, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Drama, Gangs, Violence, Gunshot Wounds, Conspiracy Theories, Revolution, End of the World, Saving the World, Angst and Romance, Action & Romance, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Smut, Eventual Smut, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Minor Character Death, Top Park Jimin (BTS), Bottom Jung Wooyoung, Switch Park Jimin (BTS), Switch Jung Wooyoung, Gratuitous Smut, Shameless Smut, Porn With Plot, Porn with Feelings, Dom/sub Play, Teasing, Wax Play, Sex, Rough Sex, Rough Kissing, Sex Talk, Come Swallowing, Dirty Talk, Aftercare, Alien Sex, Alien Biology, Rare Pairings, Crossover Pairings, Alien Romance, Alien Character(s), Alien Park Jimin (BTS), Human Jung Wooyoung, Alien Jeon Jungkook, Human Kim Hongjoong, Hybrid Kim Taehyung | V, Hybrid Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Human Min Yoongi | Suga, Alien Kim Seokjin | Jin, Hybrid Kim Namjoon | RM, Past Relationship(s), Break Up, Post-Break Up
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writinginobscurity · 4 years
Obscure Non-Spoiler Reviews “14″
“14″ by Peter Clines (Part Two)
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What I don’t love about this book:
There isn’t much of anything I don’t like about, “14,” which isn’t to say that it’s a perfect work of literature—I don’t believe perfection is possible. Subjectively, for me, all of its constituent elements of plot and character development work in a way I find pleasing. I often find myself picking a random moment in the story and relistening to the rest of the book from there—yes, sometimes that’s the very beginning—in an attempt to inhabit that headspace I experienced the first time I read the novel. Now I get that this is starting to sound like more reasons why I love this book, dear probably no other human being ever until aliens from Alpha Centauri are sifting through the wreckage of our collapsed society and only come across my blog to ascertain what our culture was like reader. But, where I’m going with this is with great familiarity inevitably you can’t help but see little defects.
First off, as much as I love the dialog between characters, there are a few kitschy moments. The major one I’m thinking of is one character mentions Torchwood—which I’ve never seen, and I’m sure is a lovely program—but nobody in a group of people greater than three, who vary wildly in demographics, such as age group, asks, “what’s that again?” Everyone gets it, and the banter continues without missing a beat, which was probably a conscious decision by the author to keep the flow going, but I’d argue it feels a tad inauthentic.
This leads to my next point, every character, who are the protagonists—or orbit the protagonists in a friendly way, share essentially the same sense of humor, a light form of sarcastic gallows, which if you’ve read the preceding paragraphs you’ll understand why it resonates with me. Groups of friends do tend to have similar senses of humor, but are less likely, to have the exact same sense of humor, differences in experiences make that sort of thing unlikely. This means that how the characters talk doesn’t always sound exactly like how people actually talk. I would also argue that in fiction we don’t really want characters to talk precisely how people actually speak in the real world, because real-world people do things like, um, you know add words and things improbably, and like, um, incorrectly, and repetitively, while sorta babbling on, stalling for time, because they sorta drift off, forgetting their original, you know, point they were driving at, at the beginning of their run-on sentence.
Want more? Get my full review here:
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itssiennatheasian · 4 years
26 Best Sci-Fi Fonts (Science and Retro Styles)
The font you use in a project helps to set the tone for the work, and when it comes to science fiction, it's critical to use a sci-fi font for your project that will help your audience buy into the time, place, and ideas you are representing in your work. 
Visit Envato Elements to find wonderful Sci-Fi fonts like Dreamscape featured here.
That's why today we're covering a list of the best sci-fi fonts you can find at Envato Elements and GraphicRiver. Take a look! There's bound to be a sci-fi font here that you can't do without. 
Unlimited Futuristic Font Designs at Envato Elements
Envato Elements offers a number of amazing sci-fi fonts created by the most talented designers in the field. You can download as many as you want, as often as you want, for one flat monthly fee.
One low monthly fee = unlimited access to the best sci-fi fonts available on the internet today. What's more, that monthly fee also allows you to access and download thousands of premium digital assets like logos, graphic templates, mockups, photos, business card templates, and much more.
Let's take a look at the best sci-fi fonts on offer at Envato Elements, and you'll see what I mean.
15 Best Sci-Fi Fonts
1. Centauri - Futuristic Font
First up is Centauri, a bold sci-fi futuristic font that brings a cool edginess to your projects. The clean, minimalist font includes uppercase Latin letters, numbers, and basic punctuation, as well as alternate letters.
2. Dreamscape
Check out this beautiful sci-fi futuristic font, Dreamscape. The font comes in two styles, Dreamscape and Dreamscape Sans. Use it to create eye-catching movie titles or for poster design, album covers, or T-shirts.  
3. UAV31
If you need highly legible text, UAV31 shouldn't be your first choice, but if your text is short and simple, then this retro sci-fi font is a great choice. Stylish and attention-getting, this decorative geometric font is great for logos, posters, and other short titles when impact is what matters. 
4. Kusanagi - Futuristic Font
Take Kusanagi for a spin and create visually engaging text for your next project. This awesome sci-fi futuristic font mixes sharp and round corners and uses narrow spacing between letters to accommodate the wide characters. A perfect font for titles, posters, and various covers.
Looking for a clean and modern font for branding projects, titles, and display text? Then Skywave is a great choice. The vintage sci-fi font comes in four weights—light, normal, bold, and heavy—with additional italic and outline versions in all weights. 
6. Cyber
How about Cyber, a sci-fi font inspired by digital technology? Use this all-caps font to create your movie titles and posters, flyers, website headers, and more. 
7. Polygon Technology Font
Looking for an awesome sci-fi futuristic font? Check out Polygon, an abstract grid technology typeface with a futuristic feel. This all-caps display font is an excellent choice for large-scale projects.
8. Voyager Typeface
Voyager is a retro sci-fi font with a rounded aesthetic. It's great for sci-fi logos and UI elements. Voyager comes with alternate characters that can be toggled with caps lock and includes two weight options. The font family includes uppercase characters, numbers, punctuation, and some multilingual support.
9. Flare - Futuristic Science Font
This retro sci-fi font is all you need when you want to create stunning movie titles, posters, branding materials, and other stand-out media. With that Alien movie vibe to it, Flare is a perfect choice for technological, sci-fi, and all kinds of futuristic projects you can come up with.
10. Alpha - Futuristic Display Typeface
Say hello to Alpha, a bold vintage sci-fi font for those times when no ordinary font will do. Use it to create riveting movie titles, posters, and other branding materials. The retro sci-fi font includes upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and punctuation. 
11. Galaxy Font
Inspired by the cosmos, Galaxy is a cool font for sci-fi projects. Use it for your logos, posters, film titles, and advertisements, and take your projects to outer space.
12. Halcyon Typeface
Fancy a tall, cool font for your next project? This elongated and rounded sci-fi futuristic font would look great on movie titles, posters, T-shirts, and much more. The type comes in two weights, and the alternate letters can be toggled using the caps lock.
13. Cebo Font
Cebo is a sci-fi font for Photoshop and other popular software. It includes five different styles: light, twin, shadow, bold, and expand. The all-caps type is an excellent display font for posters, titles, logos, banners, and other large-scale projects.
14. Hyperion Typeface
Hyperion is a high-quality futuristic font for sci-fi projects, from film to book covers. The clean all-caps type includes three weights—light, regular, and bold—and you can access alternate characters by toggling the caps lock.
15. Stargaze Typeface
How cool is this 50s sci-fi font? It's the perfect choice when you need a big, bold, vintage sci-fi font for your movie titles, posters, branding projects, signage, etc. Stargaze includes uppercase Latin and foreign language letters, numbers, and punctuation. 
More Premium Sci-Fi Fonts From GraphicRiver
GraphicRiver is another service that offers thousands of premium Sci-Fi fonts for Photoshop and other software, but it works differently from Elements. 
While Elements is the best source when you want to buy many fonts and other resources, GraphicRiver is better for those who are on a budget and only want to buy one font at a time. 
So if you're interested in purchasing just one font for your sci-fi projects, instead of experimenting with several, then Graphic River is a better choice for you. You can download a single font for one-time use for a low fee. 
Let's take a look at some of the best sci-fi fonts at GraphicRiver. 
11 Best Sci-Fi Fonts
1. Zeniq
When it comes to super cool fonts for sci-fi projects, Zeniq is at the top of the league. This modern, clean, tech-inspired font offers four style variations: normal, hype, nano, and tech. An excellent choice for logos and brand identity projects. 
2. Nebula Sci-Fi Font
An awesome name for an awesome font, Nebula is a sci-fi futuristic font inspired by science fiction movies and books. Offered in three styles—regular, bold, and outline—this elegant font is perfect for movies, posters, logos, labels, etc. 
3. Dynamic Font
Sometimes clean, bold, and simple is all you need, and that's certainly what Dynamic has to offer. This vintage sci-fi font is reminiscent of early computer text and includes uppercase Latin and foreign language characters, numbers, and punctuation.
4. Melting Point Sci-Fi Font
A clever font for sci-fi projects, Melting Point has an effect of ice melting in parts of the font's stems. This stylish science font includes uppercase Latin characters, numbers, punctuation, and several foreign language characters. It comes in six different styles: regular, light, bold, italics, bold italic, and light italic. 
5. Equinox Typeface
Equinox is a modern sci-fi font for Photoshop and other software. It contains uppercase Latin and foreign language characters, numbers, punctuation, and alternate letters. This versatile font comes in two weights: regular and bold. 
6. Teratur Typeface
Check out Teratur, a clean and minimalist sci-fi font that offers two stylistic choices when you toggle the caps lock on and off. The all-caps font also comes in three weights: thin, regular, and bold. Mix and match the font variations to create text that is uniquely yours. 
7. Blank Fonnt
Blank is a wonderful sci-fi font that captures the essence of a futuristic font design while preserving legibility. This innovative font includes both a regular and italic style and comes in three weights: thin, regular, and bold. A great choice to add a cool edginess to your next project. 
8. Station Futuristic Font
Station is a superb science font that contains over 300 glyphs, including uppercase Latin and foreign language characters, numbers, punctuation, and a host of other characters and symbols. The font is offered in three styles: light, regular, and stencil. Use this display type for signs, titles, and logos.
9. Etheriq Typeface
Etheriq is a fabulous sci-fi futuristic font that would look equally great used in larger or smaller sizes. This clean, sans serif type offers uppercase characters, numbers, and punctuation. A great font for sci-fi titles, posters, T-shirts, branding, logos, etc.
10. Nevan
If you're looking for a sci-fi futuristic font for a book or movie title, Nevan is a great choice. This bold, eye-catching font is strong and solid and will stand out clearly to call attention where you most need it. The font includes uppercase Latin letters, numbers, and punctuation. 
11. Exodar – Futuristic Font
Inspired by all things futuristic and sci-fi, Exodar is a great font to have in your toolbox. This strong font with rounded corners includes uppercase characters, numbers, and punctuation and is a reliable powerhouse you can use in your posters, web design, branding, and more. 
Choose Your Favourite Sci-Fi Fonts Today
Envato Elements is an excellent resource for stunning sci-fi fonts for Photoshop and other software. If you regularly need mockups, icons, and other design resources, Elements offers unlimited downloads for one low monthly fee. 
Alternatively, if you just want to buy a single sci-fi font, GraphicRiver is an excellent resource for high-quality fonts. Head over to either site to download your favourite sci-fi font today.
And finally, if you want more information on other terrific font styles, check out these really helpful articles below: 
39 Best Futuristic Fonts
Nona Blackman
35 Best Block Fonts (Ready to Download Now)
Nona Blackman
28 Best Art Deco Fonts
Nona Blackman
21 Best Small Fonts (Pixel & Tiny Fonts to Download Now)
Nona Blackman
34 Best Fun Fonts (Download Now to Use)
Nona Blackman
29 Best Monospace Fonts
Nona Blackman
from Envato Tuts+ Design & Illustration https://ift.tt/2WY4vQr via http://www.webmasterforum.ws/rankwyz-discount-code-2015-coupons/
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artemis-entreri · 7 years
Hey mun! Imagine a hitchhikers guide to the galaxy version of entreri!
[[ Hi Anon, sorry about the delay in responding to this question. The truth is, I’m somewhat ashamed to admit that I’ve never read The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and don’t have any immediate plans to do so. XD;; I have seen at least one movie iteration of it (that I can remember anyway), but the impression that I’ve gotten from fringe awareness of the book is that it’s far too complex and involved to really be done full justice to (or explained) in one movie. I’ve tried reading the Wiki about it, but I felt much the same way as I did when I watched the movie: that it was something so intricate that its nuances could really only be fully appreciated and understood through multiple readings of the book. My confusion and subconsciously-formed higher regard for the Hitchhiker’s Guide could just be due to my having associated with a group of people that at times seemed truly to believe that the book contained the answer to life, the universe and everything (which I suppose it does literally, as it mentions the number 42 multiple times ;P). Joking aside, I don’t feel qualified to explore this particular thought experiment, as I’m too unfamiliar with the context, especially as the context seems to be monumentally huge. That being said, I will try to the best of my ability to address this somewhat, especially as it’s taken me so long to respond, and to do this, I’ll focus on the one premise in the book that I do know reasonably well: the destruction of the main character’s home planet for the sake of a larger-scope project. I’m not familiar with all the details about how that event colors his specific reactions to the other characters that he meets and the nuances of how those specific interactions go on to affect his position and perspective. Thankfully however, it seems quite obvious that Artemis Entreri is a very different character from Arthur Dent, and Toril/Abeir-Toril is even more different from Earth.
First, I need to first clarify, then put aside, the fact that the destruction of Entreri’s home planet would be very very difficult, if not nigh impossible. While it is the case that the destruction of Toril has been threatened more than once throughout the history of the Forgotten Realms, what always seems to end up happening is that the entity or entities driving that motion gets thwarted by the pantheons of gods, demi-gods, ancient beings, other extremely powerful entities, the teamwork of a large amount of not-as-powerful entities, and/or some combination of all of the above. Then there’s the issue of the countless planes and their respective layers, among which is Toril’s duality with its twin Abeir in the Prime, all of which would further complicate the total destruction plan, which isn’t to say that it is completely impossible. However, given the power levels involved in vaporizing all of that, we’d be talking about the pantheonocide of deities, an event so catastrophic that it’d be extremely difficult for a (more or less) mere mortal (especially one without a towel) to escape from. If he did, it would be even less likely for there to be another more-or-less mundane creature to rescue him. Being adrift in the empty vacuum of space would grant a quick death indeed, hence rendering the premise of this whole topic null and void (no pun intended ;P). Now if the improbablity drive were being used nearby, obviously all bets would be off, however I’m not sure I want to explore that particular scenario.
So let’s say then that Abeir-Toril is destroyed, and Entreri manages to get away because a Spelljammer ship happened to be in the vicinity and there’s someone on it with a vested interest in saving him from total annihilation for whatever reason. I really can’t see Jarlaxle not also getting away from the destruction of their homeworld, in which case what would follow would basically be The Sellswords, but IN SPACE! However, for the sake of this thought experiment, we’ll say that didn’t happen and Entreri is the only former Torilian to have survived the planet-destruction catastrophe. Whew, what a mess, and poor poor assassin! He’s already got such a hard time handling his familiar surroundings, and even there he doesn’t have a concept of security and peace, so literally tossing him into space with all of his pre-existent issues would be a very difficult thing for him to bear (yet sadly appropriate because he seems to be the go-to character for extreme and/or prolonged torturous experiences). I think that, given how he’s tired of living that the thought to terminate his life would certainly cross his mind, but his self-preservation instincts are so ingrained that he’d have a hard time actually doing so. Entreri would want to die on his terms alone, but pitched into a totally different environment none of the conditions would be his own, and his sensibilities wouldn’t allow himself to give in to a situation like that. Not to mention in a completely foreign environment, the sense of perpetual danger would be great, which would trigger his competitive survival tendencies, leading him to be caught up in a huge endeavor to try to create some semblance of security for himself before he even realizes it. In his struggle to fight to have things on his terms, or more importantly, to not be on someone else’s terms, he would inevitably get himself stuck in an endless feedback cycle until he becomes what he’s always been no matter where he goes: a respected and feared entity that is given a wide berth.  
There’s of course the question of personal attachments, and where Hero left off, we’re supposed to believe that Dahlia is Entreri’s soulmate and their relationship is his Happily Ever After. I find this highly unlikely, but it wouldn’t be unreasonable for Entreri to be romantically involved with someone as well as having other attachments at the point of the conjectured destruction of his world. Upon losing those connections, so suddenly and compounded by the loss of everything that he’d ever known, he would despair, I mean who wouldn’t? It might come close to breaking him, but he’s gone through so many outrageously traumatic things in his life that “coping” mechanisms would kick in automatically even if he doesn’t will it consciously. In his anger, he might consider killing whomever destroyed his life as he knew it, but he would also quickly realize the impracticality of attempting such, for whom or what ever is capable of destroying an entire planet and its gods could squash him like a bug. He’d be giving up his life for something pointless as well as dying on someone else’s terms, and while Entreri has his pride and vengeful nature, he’s also not stupid. It’s true that the being directly responsible for destroying Earth, and presumably Toril in our thought experiment, is the equivalent of a construction worker who would be an easy target for Entreri to hit if Entreri could get to him, Entreri would also realize that there’d be very little point to trying to kill an individual that he knows nothing about in a society in which he has to relearn everything. So let’s say that Entreri eventually learns that the people who ordered the destruction of his planet are not warriors or mages and would be as vulnerable to his deadly blades as any commoner on the streets of Calimport, there would be little point in exacting revenge against them because hostility was nowhere near their motives when they destroyed the planet (they even put the paperwork on file and warned the Earth/Toril, it’s not their fault that the people of Earth/Toril didn’t go to Alpha Centauri to read those notices). The entire situation would be horribly ironic and Entreri would most likely be stuck in a state in which he wouldn’t know whether to laugh or rage. Rather than losing himself to impotent rage and the lack of a viable target to exact vengeance against, he’d more or less resign himself to reality, even if it would take a while. Entreri’s a very old man by human standards, and although his body hasn’t aged, it’s very apparent that he feels it on an emotional level. Most of his years have not been kind to him, inflicting on him way more mental scars than physical ones, so he probably feels a perpetual state of tiredness. This is in direct tension with his competitive drive, but I think that long term, he would (continue to) suffer from depression and PTSD, but he wouldn’t lose his edge. He’d try to make the most of everything in the way that he does, which isn’t healthy nor exemplary, but it’s what he does: spend a lot of time listening to conversations in space taverns and nursing all sorts of alien brews. It wouldn’t be out of the question for him to become one of those Sci-Fi space mercenaries/assassins garbed in fantasy medieval-esque cloak and leathers but dual-wielding energy blades, always managing to dwell ominously in the darkest corners despite the pervasive phosphorescent lighting. He could even become a dual-wielding gunslinger, as he prizes efficacy and efficiency, and melee weapons fall short when dependable range weapons exist (blunderbusses exist in the Realms, however are very unstable and undependable, hence why guns never caught on there). However, that’s a separate subject entirely
To my understanding, one of Arthur Dent’s biggest struggles with what happened to him is that his homeworld was a simple one-sentence notation in the annals of the universe. Abeir-Toril wouldn’t be that way, but even if it were, I don’t think Entreri is attached enough to it to really care about just how significant others found his world. I could see him finding some grim sort of amusement if it turned out that his world and all of its gods were in fact insignificant in the grand scheme of the universe/multiverse, since that’s sort of in line with his personal outlook. Entreri’s insignificance both disheartens him and allows him to draw some sort of twisted satisfaction from simply being insignificant. It rubs him the wrong way, but he also recognizes at least subconsciously that he can’t change that no matter how hard he tries and something that would prove that sort of defeatist mindset might bring him a strange sense of validation. And certainly, few things would prove a single entity’s total insignificance than some master race bulldozing over their planet as though it were nothing. So because of this warped satisfaction/validation, Entreri would be able to live on and adapt like he’s always done.
I apologize for the disjointed nature of my answer, my ignorance on this subject matter makes it pretty hard for me to answer, but hopefully I was able to entertain you at least a little. XD ]]
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