#also I had ~20 minutes of my 85 minute planning period to myself because I had 2 meetings today.
thelionessandmedusa · 6 months
Oh. No. Revenge bedtime procrastination.
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binkysteebnpewter · 4 years
All of them 😤
Ehehe 😂💗
1. What’s your middle name, and do you like it?
Grace is actually my middle name, and somewhat. I just don’t like it when my family calls me by first and middle together.
2. are you artistic?
3. Have you had your first kiss?
4. What is your life goal?
It’s cheesy and a little cliche, but I want to find Home.
5. Do you have any experiences with a famous person?
6. Do you play any sports?
Not anymore but I used to play football and I was on the wrestling team in HS
7. What’s your worst fear?
I have two that are sort of equal with another but I’m afraid of losing the people I care about and people seeing me the way I see myself.
8. Who’s your biggest inspiration?
My late Nana, Gloria.
9. Do you have any cool talents?
Answered in previous ask
10. are you a morning person?
Not at all
11. How do you feel about pet names?
I love them
12. Do you like to read?
13. Name a list of shows that have changed your life.
NCIS, Criminal Minds, and any marvel movie
14. Do you care about your follower count?
Not really, I’ll celebrate milestones but that’s just to show everyone I appreciate them following my trash pile. I didn’t start writing to have a high following, I started writing to better my skill and also make people happy.
15. What’s the best dream you’ve had?
I don’t remember most of my happy dreams
16. Have you ever kissed someone of your same gender?
17. Do you have any pets?
I have three dogs 🥺💗
18. Are you religious?
No. They only thing I actually believe in is ghosts.
19. Are you a people person?
Not really
20. Are you considered popular?
Nope, and I don’t care to be
21. What is one of your bad habits?
22. What’s something that makes you feel vulnerable?
Opening up my emotions to other people
23. What would you name your children?
No clue
24. Who’s your celebrity crush?
There’s a bunch ig
25. What’s your best subject?
Science and history
26. Dogs or cats?
Dogs, I love cats but I’m super allergic
27. most used social media besides tumblr?
I don’t use a lot of social media tbh, so tumblr is probably my most used unless you count youtube
28. best friends name
29. who does your main family consist of
My friends and my brother. Family isn’t just blood
30. Chocolate or sugar
31. have you ever been on a date?
32. Do you like rollercosters?
Absolutely love them
33. Can you swim?
Yes 💗
34. What would you do in the event of an apocolypse?
Clearly, I’d do what everyone else does. Panic and try to survive.
35. Have you struggled with any kind of mental disorder?
Yes, I struggle with anxiety and depression
36. Are your parents together?
37. What’s your favourite colour?
Dark green and Dark Blue
38. What country are you from/do you live in?
Unfortunately, the U.S
39. Favourite singer?
Uh... there’s too many to list? But my favorite people to listen to is The Oh Hellos
40. Do you see yourself being famous some day?
Nope, I run from being the center of attention.
41. Do you like dresses?
Not really
42. Favourite song right now?
Fly Me To The Moon by Frank Sinatra
43. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
Sort of.
44. How old were you when you first got your period?
No clue, I don’t remember
45. Have you ever shot a gun?
46. Have you ever done yoga?
47. Are you a horror girl?
48. Are you good at giving advice?
I suppose I am?
49. Tell us a story about your childhood.
I don’t have a lot of happy memories but one that sticks out is: I used to go to a private Christian academy and I was in first grade when this boy in eighth grade (the entire school was k-12) came over to me during my lunch. I was super scared and shy as a kid so my schedule was tailored so I was able to eat lunch with my brother whose nine years older than me. Our mom forgot to pack our lunches so we were gonna just get some stuff from the vending machine, well my brother gave me my money to get something and this boy came over to me before I could put it in the vending machine. He hit me and took my money, buying himself something with it. My brother seen it and got into a fight with him.
50. How are you doing today?
51. Were you a cute kid?
I looked like Shirley Temple when I was a kid
52. Can you dance?
I can swing dance and slow dance, but that’s it.
53. Is there anything you do that you can’t remember ever not doing?
I always look for exits and bathrooms when I go somewhere, I’ve always done it 🤷🏻‍♀️
54. Have you ever dyed your hair?
No because I’m a ginger. I can’t just dye it back if I end up not liking the color I dyed it to.
55. What colour are your eyes?
56. What’s your favourite animal?
Answered in previous ask
57. Have you ever made a huge fool of yourself?
Multiple times
58. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
My relationship with my dad is rocky but my relationship with my mother went up in flames a few yeaes ago 🤷🏻‍♀️
59. Do you have good friends?
I have some amazing friends🥺💗
60. Are you close with anyone of the lgbtq+ group?
61. What’s your favourite class?
My favorite class was Psychology
62. List all the tv shows you are watching.
I’m rewatching Criminal Minds right now.
63. Are you organized?
64. What was the last movie you saw? Opinion?
I don’t know if it counts as a movie but I just finished a Ted Bundy Tapes Documentary. I think Bundy was a little bit of an idiot.
67. Which tv character do you relate to most?
Spencer Reid
68. What are some things that stand between you and complete happiness?
Anxiety, Depression, overthinking
69. If you received enough money to never need to work again, what would you spend your time doing?
I would probably still work, I’m not a fan of sitting around and doing nothing for large amounts of time.
70. What would you change about your life if you knew you would never die?
Find a way to die, I don’t want to live forever. That’s just torture 👀
71. What would you do differently if you knew that no one was judging you?
Nothing. I’ll act the same as I always have because I am who I am, there’s no reason to change yourself from when someone is watching and when someone isn’t.
72. If you could start over, what would you do differently?
A lot 😂
73. Would you break the law to save a loved one?
74. When was the last time you travelled somewhere new?
I went to Disney with my Chorus Class in Junior Year of HS, it was my first time to Disney.
75. When you think of your home, what immediately comes to mind?
Nothing, I’m looking for Home. Home will be someone I feel safe with, someone I can be completely myself with— someone I love wholly.
76. What have you done to pursue your dreams lately? How about today?
I— idk?
77. What did you want to be when you were a kid?
I wanted to be a nurse 🤦🏻‍♀️
78. If you dropped everything to pursue your dreams, what would you be risking?
Im not sure
79. When did you not speak up, when you know you really should have?
Ooh... uh, something happened to me all through 7th, 8th, and 9th grade that I should’ve spoken up about but was too scared.
80. Describe the next five years of your life, and your plans, in a single sentence.
I will work hard to love myself and pursue my dream job.
81. What would happen if you never wasted another minute of your life, what would that look like?
No clue tbh
82. If you could live forever, how would you spend eternity?
I don’t want to live forever but I guess I’d find a way to take away my immortality or find someone else who is immortal to love
83. How would you spend a billion dollars?
Id put a lot into important causes and then save some with interest.
84. If you could time travel, would you go to the past or the future?
I’m not sure, I think I wouldn’t go anywhere because I want to live in the moment. Except 2020, fuck 2020.
85. What motivates you to succeed?
Failure motivates me to succeed.
86. What dream that you’ve had has resonated with you the most?
I don’t remember most of my happy dream, I usually can only remember the nightmares 🤷🏻‍♀️
87. Would you rather live in the city or the woods? Why?
Woods, its peaceful.
88. Do you believe in life after death?
I don’t really believe in anything 🤷🏻‍♀️
89. What teacher inspired you the most? How did they?
I had a teacher named Ms Eagan and she inspired me to always be myself.
90. What’s your fondest childhood memory?
Meeting Lily
91. If you could have dinner with any one person, living or dead, who would they be and why?
Lily, because I really miss her.
92. What would you have to see to cry tears of joy?
Anyone being nice to me makes me cry—
93. What is the hardest lesson you had to learn in life?
Sometimes the people you call family don’t truly love you.
94. What do you think happens after we die?
Idk and idrc either tbh
95. What would you do if you would be invisible?
I’d probably scare some people
96. What’s something you can’t do no matter how hard you try?
Speak in public or ask for something at restaurants
97. Would you want to choose the sex and appearance of your offspring?
98. How did your first crush develop?
They were nice to me when no one else was
99. Is there a feeling you are trying to ignore? What is it?
Yes, I’m trying to ignore how upset some people can really make me.
100. Do you live or do you just exist?
I think I’m somewhere in between, where sometimes I’m just existing and sometimes I’m living.
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
1. If you found a baby turtle on the side of the road, would you pick it up and keep it? >> If I found a baby of any species on the side of the road, I’m not going to pick it up and keep it, I’m going to call the appropriate authorities and let them handle it. The fuck am I doing with a baby anything? 2. Did you and your mum ever have a big fight that caused you to move out? >> --- 3. Has the last person you kissed ever been to your house? >> --- 4. Have you had a good day today or was yesterday better? >> It was all right. At least the Sun was out a bit, and I managed to go out for once. Mostly I’m glad to be back in my bed now, lol. 5. Do you have any plans for the upcoming weekend? >> No.
6. How about you, do you have a bf/gf? >> Hm. 7. Could you date someone very attractive, but who thought they were better than everyone else? >> I don’t date, period, but I also wouldn’t hang out with someone who had a superiority complex. 8. So do you have a best friend? >> No. 9. What would you do if your best friend kissed the last person you kissed? >> --- 10. Do you dislike anyone? >> Not really. There are people I don’t really want to be around, of course, but I can’t think of anyone specific that I’m like “fuck that guy in particular” about except for people that have unapologetically hurt me (in which case it’s less “I dislike you” and more “I don’t even want to acknowledge your existence”). 11. Did you message your best friend today? >> --- 12. Do you think you will be in a relationship two months from now? >> I don’t see why not. 13. Do you always feel like you’re making mistakes? >> Yeah, because I have Trauma Brain. But I also know that I don’t make any more mistakes than the average person and most of my mistakes are easily fixed. 14. How do you feel about your hair right now? >> I’m going to need to buzz it again soon. 15. Does anybody have a tattoo with your name on it? >> Maybe someone has a tattoo of my name, because my name doesn’t just belong to me. But no one has a tattoo of my name that is actually about me. 16. Who did you last see shirtless? >> A couple of characters on Carnivale (before one of them got hanged with the word “HARLOT” carved into her forehead, of course. this is Carnivale after all). 17. How would you feel if you got the person you liked? >> --- 18. Do you think you can last in a relationship for six months without cheating? >> *sigh* 19. Do you like to make the first move? >> The first move to what? 20. Do you think you will ever be married? >> I am married. 21. Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? >> Sure. 22. Is it possible to be single and happy? >> Duh? 23. Was the first person you talked to today male or female? >> The first person I spoke to was the bartender at Gardella’s, who is female. 24. Do you remember who you liked on New Year’s? >> --- 25. Are you a morning person or a night person? I’m barely a person. <-- mood 26. Could you go the rest of your life without drinking alcohol? >> Whether I “can” or not is irrelevant because I don’t fucking want to. 27. Have you ever felt like you weren’t good enough? >> Sure. 28. Is there anyone who likes you? >> --- 29. If the last person you kissed saw you kissing someone else, would they be mad? >> --- 30. Do you understand football? >> I understand American football. I don’t know anything about soccer football except the obvious bits. 31. What’s the first thing you heard this morning? >> I don’t know. 32. Who last called you beautiful? >> I don’t know. 33. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? >> No. 34. How many kids do you want when you get older? >> --- 35. Are you the type of person who has a new boyfriend/girlfriend every week? >> Of course not. 36. Ever been called a jerk/bitch? >> Yep. 37. Do you have feelings for anyone? >> Bold of you to assume I have feelings-- 38. If you fell pregnant to the last person you kissed, what would you think? >> Falling while pregnant is dangerous, oof-- 39. What’s your full name? >> *eldritch screeching* 40. Are you young or old? >> Depends on your perspective -- to a child I’m old, to a middle-aged person I’m young, etc. 41. What’s the gender? >> Oh, the gender outside is frightful... 42. How’s your heart been lately? >> You know. Beating and such. 43. Why aren’t you in bed? >> I am, though. 44. Did you do laundry today? >> No. 45. What kind of computer do you have? >> I have an MSI Leopard Pro and a Lenovo Ideapad. 46. Are there always other fish in the sea? >> Not if you overfish. 47. What can your tongue do? >> You know. Lick stuff. Form phonemes. Get chemical burns when I eat too many sour candies in a row. 48. What do you think your mum does when she goes out? >> --- 49. Do chickens have feelings? >> I don’t know anything about chicken neurology/psychology. 50. Do you think the body is the most beautiful thing that was ever made? >> No. 51. So how are you feeling today? >> Neutral. 52. Where is your sister right now? >> --- 53. Name five things you did today? >> Took a bus, drank at a bar, briefly logged into ESO, watched an episode of Carnivale, ate mac n’ cheese with bacon. 54. What kind of phone do you have? >> Moto g6. 55. What are you listening to? >> Nothing. 56. What do you smell like? >> A bit like my roll-on oil and a bit like my whipped shea butter. Mostly just like... clean skin or whatever. 57. What colour are your eyes? >> Dark brown. 58. Have you ever done a Chinese fire drill? >> No. 59. Do you know someone named Betsy? >> No. 60. What colour is your mum’s hair? >> --- 61. Do you have a dog? Breed? Name? >> No. 62. Do you remember singing any songs as a kid? >> I mean, yeah? 63. Are you married? >> Yes. 64. When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings? >> --- 65. Do you play an instrument? >> No. 66. Do you like fire? >> Sure, fire is nice. In moderation. 67. Are you allergic to anything? >> No. 68. Have you ever been to a spa? >> I’ve been to a nail spa because Sparrow works at one. I’ve also been to the Aveda spa that she did her training in years ago. 69. Do you miss someone? >> No. 70. Views on premarital sex? >> I have no views on it. I really can’t fathom having an opinion on whomst other people fuck and when. 71. What is a noise that you cannot stand? >> Face sounds. Any of them. Eating, breathing, sniffling, lip-licking, eugh. Stay away. (Sometimes I can hear myself blinking and I want to rip my eyelids off. It’s bad.) 72. Do you know how to do a cartwheel? >> Yeah. 73. What is the most you are willing to spend on a pair of sunglasses? >> Not much. 74. Does your mum vacuum early in the morning while you’re asleep? >> --- 75. Do you shower naked? >> Do I look like Tobias Funke to you? 76. Does wearing glasses really make people look smart? >> That’s not my interpretation. People with glasses just look like people with glasses. 77. Are you ADD or ADHD? >> No. 78. Do your band-aids have cartoons on them? >> I FUCKING WISH. I was so mad when I needed band-aids for my feet and none of the ones in the size I needed came in cartoon print. The only ones with fun designs were little baby band-aids. I think as an adult I should be able to buy whatever the fuck kind of band-aids I want, including ones with Stitch on them. Fuck you. 79. Have you ever kissed someone you shouldn’t have? >> Probably. 80. In one word, how would you define yourself? >> I wouldn’t. 81. Tell me about a dream you had recently? >> I can’t, I can never remember them anymore. I get vague wispy impressions upon waking, and then even those disappear after a few minutes. I feel disconnected from dream!Mordred and I’m so curious at what it’s been up to. 82. Who’s the funniest drunk person you know? >> --- 83. How did you feel when you woke up? >> Fine, I guess. 84. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning? >> I don’t know, probably something related to Sparrow knocking around as she got ready for work, because that’s my first sensory memory upon awakening. 85. Name something great that happened on Friday? >> It’s Thursday, ask me on Saturday. 86. When was the last time you saw your father? >> --- 87. Do you wish someone would call or text you right now? >> No. 88. Have you ever been kissed by a person whose name starts with J? >> Yeah. 89. Do you crack your knuckles? >> Yeah. 90. What were you doing twenty minutes ago? >> Probably still this survey, since it’s so long. 91. You’re thinking about someone, aren’t you? >> No. 92. Have you held hands with anyone in the past twenty-four hours? >> No. 93. What would you do if your partner still kept pictures of their ex? >> Nothing? That doesn’t affect me. 94. What if your partner went through your cellphone? >> I wouldn’t be with someone that went through my belongings without my express permission. 95. What if your partner was flirting with another girl/boy? >> I’d be glad for her. I hope she gets whatever she’s looking for from that interaction. 96. Ever liked someone you thought you didn’t stand a chance with? >> --- 97. You want someone/something? >> Not really. 98. Is there really a difference between Coke and Pepsi? >> Yeah, which is why many people have a preference. 99. Is there any emotion you’re trying to avoid right now? >> No. 100. Are there any mistakes with your recent ex you wish you could have changed? >> I’m pretty sure the entire situation in itself was a mistake, and it was changed, by us ending up having no contact with each other. 101. Has anyone ever been with you while you were throwing up? >> I mean, sure. 102. Background on your computer? >> Right now it’s a wallpaper with a scene from the movie Interstellar. (My desktop wallpaper is on a shuffle timer.) 103. Have you cried recently? >> Like, within the last week, probably. 104. Who has hurt you the most? >> I don’t know. 105. Are you happy with where you are relationship-wise now? >> Sure. 106. What language do you want to learn? >> --- 107. Your ex’s car breaks down and they ask you for a lift. Your response? >> I mean, I don’t drive, dude. Also, we live in wildly different parts of the country. This is just so many layers of implausible. 108. Would you hit a member of the opposite sex? >> ---
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bohemianrhapsody86 · 5 years
200 Things About Me (originally 200 Things You Can Put In My Ask)
I got this off of @rami-malek-trash - don’t know who the original poster was, sorry if it’s you. I’m bored and cramping and no one usually sends me asks anyway, so I’m just going to answer all of these myself 
200: My crush’s name is: Drew (Now boyfriend, but he was my middle school crush) 199: I was born in: 1986 198: I am really: cool 197: My cellphone company is: T-Mobile 196: My eye color is: green 195: My shoe size is: 9.5/10 194: My ring size is: 9/10 193: My height is: 5′6″ 192: I am allergic to: Nothing 191: My 1st car was: 2001 PT Cruiser 190: My 1st job was: Server at a local pizzeria 189: Last book you read: Startalk: Everything You Ever Need to Know About Space Travel, Sci-Fi, the Human Race, the Universe, and Beyond by Neil DeGrasse Tyson 188: My bed is: Not very comfortable. I need a new mattress, but I need a job first.  187: My pet: A siamese cat named Chico. 186: My best friend: Amanda  185: My favorite shampoo is: I like using Aussie 2-in-1, I also like using Shimmer Lights occasionally so I can keep my gray hairs nice and shiny.  184: Xbox or ps3: PS3 183: Piggy banks are: Cool. I have one that counts my change lol 182: In my pockets: Nothing because they hate putting usable pockets in women’s pants.  181: On my calendar: I marked where I started my period yesterday, and my boyfriends 32nd birthday is next Tuesday.  180: Marriage is: Something I want everyone to have the option for if they want it. 179: Spongebob can: use his imagination 178: My mom: is amazing! 177: The last three songs I bought were? Cool and Sucker by The Jonas Brothers, Don’t really buy many singles, just albums if I’m interested and their cheap.  176: Last YouTube video watched: Brooke Candy - Paper or Plastic 175: How many cousins do you have? Too many to remember 174: Do you have any siblings? Yes, an older brother and older half-sister. 173: Are your parents divorced? Yes, they divorced back in 1999 172: Are you taller than your mom? Yes. We used to be the same height, but gravity has taken a hold of her and squashed her down.  171: Do you play an instrument? I used to play the trombone in middle school, but that was 20 years ago. I’m sure if I ever got my hands on one again, I might remember a scale or two.  170: What did you do yesterday? Went around town job hunting and then bought a maxi dress at a local craft store.  [ I Believe In ] 169: Love at first sight:Yes 168: Luck: Yes 167: Fate: Yes 166: Yourself: Sometimes 165: Aliens: Yes 164: Heaven: Yes and No 163: Hell: We live there now. 162: God: No 161: Horoscopes: Yes 160: Soul mates: Yes 159: Ghosts: Yes 158: Gay Marriage: Yes 157: War: No 156: Orbs: Yes/No 155: Magic: Yes [ This or That ] 154: Hugs or Kisses: Kisses 153: Drunk or High: High  152: Phone or Online: Online 151: Red heads or Black haired: Black haired 150: Blondes or Brunettes: Brunette 149: Hot or cold: Cold 148: Summer or winter: Winter 147: Autumn or Spring: Autumn 146: Chocolate or vanilla:Chocolate 145: Night or Day: Night 144: Oranges or Apples: Apples 143: Curly or Straight hair: Curly 142: McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds 141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Milk Chocolate 140: Mac or PC: PC 139: Flip flops or high heals: Flip Flops 138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: Sweet and Poor 137: Coke or Pepsi: Always been a Pepsi girl 136: Hillary or Obama: Obama 135: Burried or cremated: Cremated and turned into a tree or my ashes made into a vinyl 134: Singing or Dancing: Singing 133: Coach or Chanel: Neither 132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Katherine McPhee 131: Small town or Big city: Small Town 130: Wal-Mart or Target: Target 129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Ben Stiller 128: Manicure or Pedicure: Mani 127: East Coast or West Coast: East Coast - never been to the West Coast 126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Birthday because it sometimes falls on Thanksgiving.  125: Chocolate or Flowers: Chocolate 124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney 123: Yankees or Red Sox: Neither, Cubbies til the day I die.  [ Here’s What I Think About ] 122: War: Pointless 121: George Bush: Better than the asshat in office now. 120: Gay Marriage: If I can get married to my boyfriend, the my friend Jerry should be able to get married to his boyfriend, Josh.  119: The presidential election: I hate that orange buffoon.  118: Abortion: I’m pro-choice.  117: MySpace: Always had trouble figuring out my Top 8 and what background I wanted to use.  116: Reality TV: Only thing I really watch are cooking competitions. Those are the only ones that matter. Not a fan of the Kardashians or the Bachelor/ette bullcrap.  115: Parents: My mom is amazing, my ‘dad’ was never really there.  114: Back stabbers: Asshats 113: Ebay: Hardly use it.  112: Facebook: Good to stay in touch with people you want to/some of the groups on there are awesome.  111: Work: Don’t have a job as of yet. *keeps fingers crossed I hear back from someone soon* 110: My Neighbors: Loud AF and nasty. I live in an apartment and the neighbors upstairs have so many kids and animals up there it’s ridiculous. I wish they’d leave.  109: Gas Prices: Ridiculous, but not as bad as I’ve seen it before.  108: Designer Clothes: Meh, not my style unless I find something in my size at Goodwill.  107: College: Been there, done that. Not really for me. Never graduated.  106: Sports: I like watching them, mainly baseball and basketball. The NFL can go fuck themselves.  105: My family: Love my blood relatives and my chosen family.  104: The future: It’s so bright, I gotta wear shades.  [ Last time I ] 103: Hugged someone: last night when my boyfriend came over and brought me my phone charger.  102: Last time you ate: An hour ago. 101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: At my bestie’s baby shower.  100: Cried in front of someone: Sometime last week 99: Went to a movie theater: When Endgame came out 98: Took a vacation: 2010 97: Swam in a pool: A few summers ago 96: Changed a diaper: 2007? 95: Got my nails done: 2007? 94: Went to a wedding: 1999 93: Broke a bone: Never *keeps fingers crossed* 92: Got a peircing: 2012? 91: Broke the law: I probably broke the speed limit yesterday at some point.  90: Texted: about 2am this morning.  [ MISC ] 89: Who makes you laugh the most: My bestie Amanda and boyfriend Drew 88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my cat. 87: The last movie I saw: Ant-Man  86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: getting a job 85: The thing im not looking forward to: Interviewing for a job 84: People call me: loyal 83: The most difficult thing to do is: finding a job 82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: Yep, 77 in a 55. 81: My zodiac sign is: Sun - Sagittarius, Moon - Leo
80: The first person i talked to today was: If you count texting my boyfriend at 2am, then him.  79: First time you had a crush: Sometime in Elemetary School.  78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: my mom 77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: yesterday 76: Right now I am talking to: myself 75: What are you going to do when you grow up: I have no clue 74: I have/will get a job: soon 73: Tomorrow: Never Comes 72: Today: Is the day 71: Next Summer: Not here 70: Next Weekend: I have no clue 69: I have these pets: 12 year old 17 lb cat named Striper.  68: The worst sound in the world: My cat hacking up a hairball.  67: The person that makes me cry the most is: myself 66: People that make you happy: my mom, brother, sister-in-law, boyfriend, best friend. 65: Last time I cried: sometime last week 64: My friends are: amazing 63: My computer is: pretty cool and loaded up with Sims stuff.  62: My School: I don’t go to school anymore.  61: My Car: gets me there.  60: I lose all respect for people who: disrespect me or my loved one.  59: The movie I cried at was: Endgame 58: Your hair color is: salt & pepper 57: TV shows you watch: Legends of Tomorrow, Worst Cooks in America, Any cooking show really.  56: Favorite web site: Tumblr 55: Your dream vacation: Somewhere away from my town 54: The worst pain I was ever in was: when I had that ovarian cyst. 53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium 52: My room is: messy 51: My favorite celebrity is: too many to list  50: Where would you like to be: in bed 49: Do you want children: nope 48: Ever been in love: yes 47: Who’s your best friend: Amanda 46: More guy friends or girl friends: About the same.  45: One thing that makes you feel great is: music 44: One person that you wish you could see right now: my grandma 43: Do you have a 5 year plan: I don’t even have a 5 minute plan 42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: Kinda, not really 41: Have you pre-named your children: Nope 40: Last person I got mad at: The Dump, but that’s a daily thing.  39: I would like to move to: out of the US 38: I wish I was a professional: crocheter/crafter [ My Favorites ] 37: Candy: Butterfinger Cups 36: Vehicle: Don’t really have one 35: President: Barack Obama 34: State visited: Pennsylvania 33: Cellphone provider: Always been with T-Mobile 32: Athlete: Anthony Rizzo 31: Actor: Tom Hanks 30: Actress: Sandra Bullock 29: Singer: Freddie Mercury 28: Band: Queen 27: Clothing store: Lane Bryant 26: Grocery store: Aldi 25: TV show: Don’t really have one 24: Movie: Too many to count 23: Website: This black hole of a site 22: Animal: Cat 21: Theme park: Don’t really have one. I did enjoy Six Flags over Georgia when I went back in 2002. Dollywood is always fun but it’s been even longer than that since I’ve been there.  20: Holiday: Halloween 19: Sport to watch: Baseball 18: Sport to play: Nothing.  17: Magazine: Entertainment Weekly 16: Book: Harry Potter 15: Day of the week: Thursday 14: Beach: Virginia Beach 13: Concert attended: Jonas Brothers in VA Beach 12: Thing to cook: bacon 11: Food: bacon 10: Restaurant: Hmmm....don’t know that one.  9: Radio station: Classic Hits 102.7...hardly any commercials and they tell you the artist and song title after every song. 70s, 80s, and 90s songs.  8: Yankee candle scent: Don’t have one 7: Perfume: The scented oils from a local curiosity shop have some of my fave scents.  6: Flower: Iris 5: Color: Blue 4: Talk show host: Jimmy Fallon 3: Comedian: I’ve got several 2: Dog breed: Corgi 1: Did you answer all these truthfully? Yes.    
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blazehedgehog · 6 years
I'm curious if at this point you're good enough at writing and video editing, to get reviews out on time, and the gimmick is just held out of legacy. It feels like you could.
There is no gimmick.
This is going to be very “how the sausage is made,” meaning it’s a long post. A very, very long post. So I’m hiding it behind a “read more” tag.
I mean, I guess there kind of was a gimmick, nine years ago when I first started doing video reviews. And that’s because I originally envisioned my video reviews as the same stuff everyone else was doing at the time: older games. I didn’t have a lot of money, so it wasn’t going to be a show for new games. It was going to be whatever I was thinking of and playing at the time, which was universally going to be old games, and usually old games I’d replayed more than once. Astal, Shenmue, Klonoa, etc. Classics and oddities.
Starting with Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing, I started doing video reviews for new games almost exclusively. I’d get a new game at launch, and from the moment it was in my hands, I’d put together a video review for TSSZ. So, it took me six weeks to put together the All-Stars Racing review. Five weeks for the Sonic Lost World review. And so on.  
When I got bold enough to start doing video reviews in HD, things started taking exponentially longer. DKC Tropical Freeze, Mario Kart 8, etc. all took me around 3 months a piece. Part of that was the methods used to create HD reviews, as my crummy Roxio Gamecap HD required huge amounts of time (weeks, sometimes) to transcode footage out of their broken format in to something Sony Vegas would accept. But I also began to incorporate more artwork in to my reviews, because I wanted to utilize a talent of mine that was beginning to atrophy. It was a good excuse to draw again.
The longest video on my channel is my “How Do We Fix Sonic?” video. It’s 30 minutes and 30 seconds long, and took me 14-16 months to put together. It took more than a hundred drawings, and even some animation, something I’d never done before. It was the biggest video project I’d ever undertaken at the time.
For reference, the Sonic Mania video review I published in July is the exact same length – 30 minutes and 30 seconds. Depending on how you count, the Sonic Mania video review was put together in three months – the same amount of time it took for Tropical Freeze, Mario Kart 8, et al.
I say “depending on how you count” because Sonic Mania came out in August of 2017, in a period of time where I was homeless. I technically had a Sonic Mania video review script written by September of 2017, but we did not find an apartment to move in to until November of 2017. And, even then, when we moved in, my desktop PC was damaged – the motherboard and power supply had suffered an electrical surge when I plugged my system in to an unsafe outlet while staying at my brother’s house in the four intervening months. I spent $200+ on replacement parts and had to rebuild the whole system, something I was not keen on doing in the middle of the holiday season in an unfamiliar town, in an unfamiliar state. I’d just left my childhood home, the place I’d spent 24 years of my life in. It was a nightmare. All of this took place a year ago, and I still feel tremendously homesick. I abandoned everyone, everywhere and everything I ever knew.
So I didn’t get my system rebuilt until March of 2018, and didn’t really get to work on the Sonic Mania video until April. April to May, May to June, June to July. Three months. For a video that was the same length as the longest, most difficult video I’d ever put together for my channel.
Tristan wanted to air my video review on the TSSZ Twitch channel on the day Sonic Mania Plus was launching. I was hoping to get it out before then, but in the end, I think I only had maybe a week (or less) between finishing my video and Plus launching. So it goes.
There’s a small lie in there, however, in that Sega offered us an early review copy of Sonic Mania Plus. I recall that I was still putting the finishing touches on the original Sonic Mania video review when I had a copy of Plus sitting here on my desk.
I took a few days to myself, just to rest and recharge, before I dove head first into producing the Sonic Mania Plus video. Except that when Sonic Mania came out in August of 2017, I finished the game once as Sonic & Tails. I started files as Tails and Knuckles, but I hadn’t really played too far with them, knowing I’d need to replay the whole game multiple times for video capture purposes. When Plus came out, I was coming off a stint of having replayed Sonic Mania four times for the capture – as Sonic & Tails (with the emeralds), as Tails, Knuckles, and Sonic alone (without the emeralds). I was not actually in the mood to keep playing it.
So my playthrough of Mania Plus was… sluggish. I think the game had been out for a week by the time I’d finished it as Mighty, Ray, and done a full playthrough of Encore Mode. But, by early August I had a video review script written and production was starting to get underway on the Sonic Mania Plus video review. I had a sketch of what I thought the review would look like in the end (called a “shotlist,” which I have uploaded here) and I was starting to capture the video I needed and whatever else.
There was one problem with this: SAGE 2018. It dropped in the middle of August and upended everything I was doing. It was a tremendous undertaking. I wrote nearly 30 pages of text about 85 games in just six days. I thought I could handle it, and in a lot of ways I did, but it left me absolutely fried. On top of the growing burnout from spending now four and a half months doing two Sonic Mania video reviews back to back.
After SAGE, I was going to take a few days off, maybe a week. It ended up being nearly four weeks. That still didn’t feel like enough. It threw everything off balance.
Getting those gears turning again was a struggle. It was October now, and I had plans to do other videos for October. Halloween videos. I split my time researching potential Halloween videos with capturing the rest of my footage (a week), doing artwork (a week and a half), and getting my voice over in order (another week, as the stress was starting to get to me, and that doesn’t make for a good environment to do voice work).
I actually tried to cut corners on my video capturing. Rather than capture footage from six full-length playthroughs of Sonic Mania, I scaled things way back, hoping I wouldn’t need quite as much b-roll as I usually capture. Instead of playing Sonic Mania to completion six more times, I:
Captured one entire playthrough of Encore Mode, minus collecting the seven emeralds. I already had a completed file with the emeralds, so having two files would let me compare the endings.
Because I wanted footage of Ray and Mighty also in Mania Mode, I split one playthrough in half between them: every three levels, I would trade off. Ray would take Green Hill, Chemical Plant, and Studiopolis, then Mighty would do Flying Battery, Press Garden, and Stardust Speedway before I’d switch back to Ray again for the next three. This gave me half of the game as each character, and one complete playthrough between them.
Similarly, I needed footage of Sonic, Tails and Knuckles in Mania mode, but since I had Sonic Mania Plus on PS4 and my original review was produced using the PC version, my save couldn’t be transferred. Instead, I grinded out Blue Spheres medals until I could unlock Debug Mode, and summarily, stage select. Then I just did the same thing, but every two levels: Sonic would get Green Hill and Chemical Plant, Tails would get Studiopolis and Flying Battery, Knuckles would get Press Garden and Stardust Speedway, etc.
Unfortunately, even with being smart like that, it wasn’t enough, and in the middle of editing everything together, I still had to go back and capture footage of specific moments to fill in the gaps I was missing. The lesson is: though you’ll throw away 99% of it, you’ll never have enough b-roll captured. Never ever.
Which brings us to the end of October, me not getting to do any Halloween videos, and the final, finished Sonic Mania Plus review. This time, 20 minutes of video in four months.
Could I have been faster? I don’t know if that’s for me to say. Even though I took a month off (almost all of September), I was still struggling really hard with burnout on the Sonic Mania Plus video. I work on these videos from home, and I have an incredibly poor work-life balance as a result. Essentially, I wake up every morning, turn on my PC, and work on whatever until I go to bed. The only breaks I take are to eat, go to the bathroom, or run errands (shop for food, help babysit my nephews, etc.)
What this really means is something that’s familiar to people who have struggled with burnout, and that’s days where all you do is sit around and worry about work but not actually do any work. I’m trying to get better about this, to have hard cutoff points in the afternoon where I stop working and let myself relax, but that’s easier said than done when you relax at the same place you also work. It’s a learning process for sure.
So, like, yeah, it could have been done a few weeks earlier, but that’s assuming I wasn’t burnt out from working too hard, which means I wouldn’t have worked super hard to get to that point anyway, so no, maybe it wouldn’t have been done a few weeks earlier. I’m not a robot.
I am, however, incredibly stressed. Still stressed about moving to Nevada, stressed about being so far behind on the videos I promised to put out, stressed out about things I won’t even mention here on tumblr because they’re personal issues.
But I am going as fast as I can. I might even be going faster than is healthy for my body.
You’ll get your videos when I’m actually done with them and not a second sooner.
But for now, I need a lot of rest. It’s time for an extended rest-and-recharge session. I still have the promised Sonic Forces video to figure out, and that’ll get done eventually, but I’m running on fumes, I need to gas back up, and it’s a big, empty tank.
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lalka-laski · 3 years
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? There are so many reasons why that’s an absolute NOPE. 
2. You talked to an ex today, correct? Hell nah 
3. Have you taken someone’s virginity? Supposedly 
4. Is trust a big issue for you? If anything I am TOO trusting. So it’s an issue for me, just not in the conventional sense. 
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently? We live together & spend almost every waking/non-working moment together. And surprisingly never get sick of each other! 
6. What are you excited for? Mexican & margs tonight with my ladies! Also, I’m getting my latest Starbucks addiction when I get out of work: iced oat milk brown sugar shaken espresso. SO GOOD!
7. What happened tonight? Tonight hasn’t happened yet. But see above for my plans^ 
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? I’d be the biggest hypocrite of all hypocrites if I thought that...HA 
9. Is confidence cute? Absolutely. But sometimes I find it off-putting just because I’m salty & jealous that *I* can’t feel that way about myself. 
10. What is the last beverage you had? Ginger & turmeric tea
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? 2-3ish 
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? It’s what I’m wearing right now 
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? That’s tonight 
14. What are you going to spend money on next? Food & drinks tonight  15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? Sure am 
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? Yeah
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? Glenn, my sisters, my best friends 
18. The last time you felt broken? I had a really bad depressive episode a month or so ago. It was awful. 
19. Have you had sex today? Nope 
20. Are you starting to realize anything? Uhh...  21. Are you in a good mood? Yeah, all things considered. I don’t have much to complain about! 
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? No thank you 
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? Yes, although his are more blue and mine are more green.
24. What do you want right this second? My Starbucks drink! And maybe a breakfast sammy while I’m at it. 
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? Oh I would LOSE MY ENTIRE MIND. Good thing that’ll never happen. 
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? Nah, I dye it significantly lighter. 
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? Nah
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? A Tiktok that Nat just sent me 
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? Yes
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? Most of the time, yes. 
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? Considering I live with him & am engaged to him, I’d hope not! 
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? Ha see above 
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? Nah, I wish though. I love sugary drinks. 
34. Listening to? Just my desk fan 
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? Never 
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is? He’s home
37. Do you believe in love at first sight? Not really
38. Who did you last call? Kathleen 
39. Who was the last person you danced with? Glenn 
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? 'Cause I was leaving for the morning & saying goodbye
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? It’s been a minute. I’m not much of a cupcake person. 
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? No, I won’t see them 
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? I embarrass myself in front of EVERYONE 
44. Do you tan in the nude? I don’t tan, period. 
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? No way 
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? No, I went in the bedroom hours earlier than Glenn & just passed out cold. 
47. Who was the last person to call you? Grubhub, lol 
48. Do you sing in the shower? Mhm 
49. Do you dance in the car? Totally 
50. Ever used a bow and arrow? Yes actually 
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? It’s been awhile. But HOPEFULLY we will take our engagement pics soon. 
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? They can be, but it’s part of the fun.
53. Is Christmas stressful? It is but it’s an acceptable kind of stress. For me, anyways. 
54. Ever eat a pierogi? BITCH DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM 
55. Favorite type of fruit pie? Cherry or dutch apple 
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Author & illustrator 
57. Do you believe in ghosts? Mhm 
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? Frequently 
59. Take a vitamin daily? Yep 
60. Wear slippers? Sometimes, but most of the time I prefer to just be barefoot
61. Wear a bath robe? Sometimes. I have a few really cute ones that I should wear more. 
62. What do you wear to bed? Usually just an oversized tee shirt or night-gown. No pants
63. First concert? Teddy Geiger
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? I guess I’d choose Target but I’m not gonna lie. I love walking around a Walmart. Everyone makes fun of me but I don’t care! Plus, you can get some really great deals.
65. Nike or Adidas? No preference
66. Cheetos Or Fritos? Cheetos ALL DAY 
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Neither
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? I really like the song Paper Rings from Lover. 69. Ever take dance lessons? Nope
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? He’s an acupuncturist 
71. Can you curl your tongue? Yep 
72. Ever won a spelling bee? I’ve never been in one. I feel like I should’ve been though? So that’s kinda bogus! 
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Oh OFTEN! 
74. What is your favorite book? I couldn’t possibly just choose one.
75. Do you study better with or without music? Without. Or maybe occasionally something instrumental but even that can distract me
76. Regularly burn incense? Nah, I hate the scent & all incense smells the same to me. 
77. Ever been in love? Yep, currently
78. Who would you like to see in concert? The Killers (again)
79. What was the last concert you saw? Mat Kearney 
80. Hot tea or cold tea? Hot
81. Tea or coffee? Both! 
82. Favorite type of cookie? Chocolate chip or oatmeal! (NO raisins, though) 
83. Can you swim well? Decently. I kinda wanna take lessons to learn some actual strokes though 
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? Yep 
85. Are you patient? Quite the opposite  86. DJ or band, at a wedding? We are leaning towards a DJ just for cost’s sake but I’d LOVE a live band. I’d actually love to have Janine’s band play my reception but she will have too many bridesmaid duties that day- dang it! 
87. Ever won a contest? Mhm 
88. Ever have plastic surgery? No but I have a list of work I’d like done if I could ever afford it
89. Which are better black or green olives? I don’t like either 
90. Opinions on sex before marriage? Do you boo! 
91. Best room for a fireplace? The living room.
92. Do you want to get married? We intend to :)
0 notes
Beginning Thoughts of the Fall Anime Season 2017 . . .
Welp, fall is here, and as usual, it is time for me to do my annual first impressions of the season’s anime titles.  My gods if you thought the amount of shows I checked out last season was a lot, this season’s amount is insane.  This season, so far, I have checked out 22 shows thus far and plan for at least 7 more to pick up.  Insane, right?  So how do they stack up so far?   Let’s see.  Also, please keep in mind, that these are solely based off of the first one or two episodes, and are purely my opinion, so if my opinion is different than yours, then I’d love to here it.   Also, I will try to remain as spoiler free as possible.  
Netojuu no Susume:  Studio Signal.MD
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Dropped.  Alright, so I feel like I have to mention this.   I’m a serious gamer.  More specifically, I love me some MMOs.  How much you ask?   Well, so much so that I actually met my husband on World of Warcraft.  Insane right?  I mean my god you do not want to see our /played time on that game.  So, needless to say, I am a bit critical on gaming anime because of this, because I know what it’s like.   This anime was just. . . . cringey.  I found myself sighing every chance I got and by the 20 minute mark, completely turning it off.  Everything about the first episode was just  . . . bad.  There’s really just no redeeming qualities. . . well, one line said by the Guild Master which was something along the lines of “you have no idea what her irl gender is.”  I laughed.  It’s accurate.  85% of female toons you see on wow are actually guys. Anyways, moving on.   
Evil or Live:  Haoliners Animation
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Dropped.  Mmmm  I had such high hopes.  After reading the summary, I will admit, I was hyped for this show.  On Paper, this show sounds wonderful.  I thought it was going to be some horror psychological thriller that at the end of it left you questioning the very meaning of the world around you or something.  Instead, what happened?   I . . .don’t even know.  The series starts off with massive amounts of Live Action, which, while being completely unexpected, I didn’t mind so much; the series became an instant drop for me when the MC and Co were clearly showing a break from reality and needed actual mental help, was beaten instead.   It wasn’t “horror” or “edgy” it was just poor writing.  Needless to say, I have dropped it.
Just Because!: Studio Pine Jam
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Dropped.  For no other reason that fuck it’s boring.  I fell asleep watching it not once, but twice.  It was that boring.  This series proves that even the prettiest of shows can bore you to death.  
Omiai Aite wa Oshiego Tsuyoki na, Mondaiji:  Studio Seven
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Porn.  With Plot.  Alright, so this is an actual hentai series.  Not like Soft-Core either like Hajimete no Gal was last season.  This is an actual hentai series, and if you could believe it, it’s actually more plot focused and semi-interesting than 95% of hentai out there.. . . Well, as interesting as a hentai series about a female teacher and a student banging and “engaged” can be.  Don’t get me wrong here, it’s totally trash, but hey, each episode is only four minutes, so I’m going to keep watching this trash just a bit longer to see where it goes.  
Sengoku Night Blood:  Typhoon Graphics
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Mmmm Still waiting for the day with they make a good anime based off of an Otome Game.  Alright, so here’s the story.  Girl gets sent back into another world and gains a harem.  A vampire harem.  That’s it.  I’ve saved you the trouble of checking this series out.  You’re welcome.  
Urahara:  Studios Emt^2 and Shirogumi
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Dropped.  Instant Drop.  Jesus Christ that animation is fucking trash.  You have two studios working on this series, and the animation still looks that garbagey?!?!  How?!?!?!  I can’t even with this. . . Ugh, nope, moving on.  
Osake wa Fuufu ni Natte kara:  Creators in Pack
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Yet another series that will probably be dropped halfway through.  Honestly, there’s just nothing that really happens in this series, and I know it’s really hard for anything to happen in a four minute long series, but literally nothing happens.   Wife comes home.  Husband makes her drink.  Wife gets tipsy.  Thank you husband.  I mean the main reason why I’m going to be sticking it out just a bit longer is to keep getting cocktail recipes haha.   
Imouto Sae Ireba Ii:  Sliver Link Studios
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Will probably be dropped.  Is it just me or is this series like Silver Link’s answer to A-1′s EroManga Sensei?  Honestly, this show is meh at best so far.  The art is nothing too great, and the story screams EroManga, and since I wasn’t a fan, I really don’t see myself watching more than three episodes.  
Boku no Kanojo ga Majimesugiru Sho-Bitch na Ken:  Studio Diomedea
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I started watching it with hopes of it doing two things.  One, fill the hole in my heart that was left when Hajimete no Gal ended; and two, explain what the hell a Sho-Bitch is.  In all honestly though, this show is probably going to be dropped.  While the art is generic, the characters are bland and too common; I also the comedy too forced at time and repeatable.  Yes, we understand main waifu really just wants to figure out what Haruka likes, and obviously misinterprets everything, but does that really have to be the joke every single time?
Inuyashiki:  Studio MAPPA
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Ah, the latest from Studio MAPPA.  I have one question:  MAPPA, what the fuck?  Let me clarify.  The opening few minutes of the first episode made me feel.  Fuck, I almost started crying.  It was depressing and yet the story was just relatable and beautiful all at the same time.  I was feeling feels I didn’t want to feel.  It really kept true to the Drama tag, which I love.  I’m a sucker for some hardcore drama filled series.  Then. . . .it got weird.  Some weird like mecha space alien thing weird.  So, again, MAPPA, what the fuck?  Don’t get me wrong here.  I will be continuing to watch this solely because despite the series taking that weird turn, in no way did that make the actual tone any less enjoyable.  Plus, the art style is so unique to the show, I’m curious as to where it can go from here.  
Mahoutsukai no Yome:  Wit Studio
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Alright, I’m a fan.  This has to be a contender for Anime of the Season, and we aren’t even three episodes into it yet.  It’s wonderful, and not only one of my favorites from this season so far, but my favorite thing Wit Studio has ever done, (and yes, that just brought me a ton of hate from SnK fans haha).   I can see and agree with the hype this series has had.   Honestly, check it out.  It’s good  and I can’t wait to see where it goes from here.  
Blend S:  A-1 Pictures
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I found my Moe-Blob for the season, and I’m so happy.  I actually really like this series so far.  It was adorable, and literally just what I want in my seasonal moe-blob.  It’s nothing too driven plot wise, and definitely won’t be anime of the season or anything like that; it’s literally just Cute Girls waitressing in this cute cafe.  Regardless, I’m definitely going to continue to watch it for a bit longer at least.  
Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou:  Studio White Fox
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Keep your eye on this one this season.  It’s probably going to be the Dark Horse of this season.  In all honestly, I became instantly hooked watching the first episode.  The tone at the start was so eerie and grim that I found myself getting literal goosebumps.   Maybe it’s the high I’m on after the Made in Abyss ending, or just wanting to find something to fill the void that series has left me with, but I’m getting serious MiA vibes.  I’m hoping this series is even half as good as MiA was.  Also, I’m a major fan already of how unique the art is for this show.  
Ousama Game The Animation:  Studio Seven
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I’m biased.  Period.  I will be watching this show no matter how terrible it could ever get solely because my favorite Seiyuu is the lead.  Mamoru is a God, and I will watch it religiously every week.  That being said, I can tell you that this show is edgy as fuck, and with it being one of two survival game anime out right now this season, this one is definitely the weaker, edgier of the two.  It is a pretty cool concept though, and I’m already a fan of the survival game concept, that I don’t mind watching this one until the end.  I would also like to warn that this one is definitely gory so if you don’t like that than this isn’t for you.    
Konohana Kitan:  Studio Lerche
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CUTE LITTLE FOX GIRLS.  I REPEAT, CUTE LITTLE FOX GIRLS.  Having read the summary for the series prior,and seeing both the Seinen and Shoujo Ai tag on it and that it would be done by Lerche, it became an instant check out at least, and I’m glad I did.  This series is the calming pallet cleanser.  It’s the show where you can turn off your mind and just watch the cuteness.  Plus, did I mention cute little fox girls?  What more do you need?   
Black Clover:  Studio Pierrot
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Alright, I’m split in two for this.  Part of me wants me to look at this show for what it is:  a stereotypical shounen series, with decent animation, predictable plot and bad voice acting, if you saw the first episode you’d know what I’m talking about.   This show screams Naruto, Fairy Tail and Bleach rip off; and hell, since I hate Naruto, never got into Bleach, and am still VERY pissed at Fairy Tail, combining the three into one really just makes me both cringe and glare at the screen.   Evil Glare.  A glare that if I could, would totally shoot lasers out and everything.  I mean hell, it’s even done by the same studio as Naruto.  Regardless, the tons and tons of shounen I’ve seen makes me just feel like this is repeating it all.   That’s one part of me.  The other part of me enjoys this show, solely for the fact that my husband LOVES the Black Clover manga, so watching it with him makes me at least want to give it a chance.   I do however doubt it will be as big as people hype it up to be, and if it does get big it will be nowhere near as good quality wise as a lot of other shounens, and will take a lot for me to become a fan.  
Juuni Taisen:  Graphinica
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Without a doubt, my favorite from this season.  I’m hooked.  This series has it all:  unique character designs, well executed art, and a killer story line, (pun intended).  Mmmmm this story is wonderful.  It hooks you from the start, which is to be expected since the original source is written by the same original writer for the Monogatari Series.  There’s plot twists and betrayals and just epicness.  It also has one of the best openings and closings of the season.  Side Note:  THE PSYCHOTIC LITTLE USAGI BOY IS BEST BOY AND I WILL FIGHT ANYONE WHO SAYS OTHERWISE, AND IF HE DOESN’T WIN I WILL RIOT.  
Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru:  Washio Sumi no Shou:  Studio Gokumi
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When I first saw that Yuki Yuno was getting another season, I was fucking thrilled.  Yuki Yuno was a magical girl series that I fell in love with not only because of the Madoka Magica vibes it had, but because of the beautiful art and animation and vibrant colors it used.  It’s visually stunning.  So, how is the prequel turning out?  Still just as stunning.  In all honestly, I’m going to love this series provided it stays true to the themes and tones of the first season, and if the opening episodes are anything to say about the rest of the series, then I know it will.  Plus, who isn’t up for Magical Girls this season?
Osomatsu-san 2nd Season:  Studio Pierrot
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I actually genuinely missed this show.  My gods this show is a gift.  This has to be one of the underapprieciated comedy gems to come out in the recent years, and it fills me with joy knowing that it still shines just like the first season did.  I enjoy watching the episodic skits of everyone’s favorite sextuplets.  Seriously, why have you not started this show?  
Shokugeki no Soma:  J.C.Staff
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DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I’VE WAITED TO SEE MY SON KUGA ANIMATED?!!??!  TOO LONG.  This is hands down the best season of Food Wars yet, and we are barely a couple episodes into it.   I love the pacing of this season, and having being a manga reader, I can confirm for you that it’s completely accurate with the manga thus far.  J.C Staff is clearly showing that they still care about Food Wars and aren’t rushing with the season.  Also, thank the gods for the 24 episode season.  THAT’S MORE EPISODES OF MY PRECIOUS KUGA.  
3-Gatsu no Lion 2nd Season:  Studio Shaft
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I cried.  I fucking cried.  Hard.  My god I missed this series.  Everything about the first episode was fantastic.  The music and animation were spot on, but of course nothing out of the ordinary for the phenomenal Studio Shaft, but what did I love most you ask?  Character Development.  MY FUCKING GOD.  Compare Rei to the start of Season one, and you’d never think it’s the same person.  I can’t stress that enough.  If this first episode is a sign on how amazing the rest of this season is going to be then I’m beyond fucking happy.  This is the series I’ve been waiting for since the start of the year.  
Gintama.  Porori-hen:  Bandai Namco Pictures
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Has there ever been like a bad season of Gintama?   Like Ever?  All this season has proved to me is: one, life is boring and dull without Gintama.  Two, Gintama is the king of comedy series.  Three, Gintama is without a doubt one of the greatest series of all time.   This season is hilarious and easily makes me burst out laughing from start to finish.  Thank you Gintama, I’ve truly missed you.  
Ballroom e Youkoso:  Production I.G.
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How is the second half of the season you ask?  *Insert Pouting Face Here*  Fuck you, Chi-chan.  Worst Girl 2017.  THERE I SAID IT.  YEAH, I SAID IT.  WHAT YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT?  #BRINGBACKBESTGIRL2017  Like, don’t get me wrong, I’m glad Tartara has a partner now, but like seriously why her? -.-  Why couldn’t Mako just be his partner forever and they could live happily ever after?  
 So, yeah, those are my thoughts so far on the Fall Anime 2017 season.   Let me know yours, and if there is anything I’m not watching, and should be, then please tell me!  I love recommendations, and I already know of a few that I need to pick up. . . .
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selelunars · 4 years
(1/2) Scariest Roller Coaster Ride.
Here is a big TMI: all roller coaster rides are scary. I think the only ride I can stand is "Alap Alap" which equals to kiddie's ride, but my legs have become too long for me to ride it comfortably. Sad. 
But what I am going to call as "scariest roller coaster ride" is not the literal one. I know we tend to say that life is like a roller coaster ride--sometimes you're going up slowly, then on the next second you sliding down with a speed you never imagine of. However, the past two months really feel like a period where I am sitting on an endless ride, constantly going up and down. The difference with the regular roller coaster? I have no idea when it is going to end. (Spoiler: thank god it already ended now!)
Truthfully, I think the ride started when I entered the final year of university with two final assignments on my way. The end of 2019 was really crazy, as well as beginning of 2020, when I feel like I only came home to take a quick bath and sleep. It was a period when I was drained physically and mentally, with the crazy class schedules, insane amount of workload, and the hours I spend outside that leaves me with so little personal space to charge myself. But that is going to be a story for another day. 
Skipping through the timeline, we all know that Corona pretty much ruined 2020 for all of us--especially for third and final year students. Some people have to postpone their internship, some people can't even continue their final assignments and could only be waiting patiently for miracle to happen. I was the second type of person. As my final assignment required me to do a laboratory activity, being at home was a total let down for me--I was mad that I had to postpone everything after struggling with lots of things, yet I know that I could not do anything about it, not even asking my lecturer because it would be pointless to ask about things no one sure about the answer. We were constantly given a false hope as when would the school be open again. Sucks. 
This crazy ride started when last July, my friend and I gathered courage to ask our lecturer in charge of our final assignment after seeing some of our friends got a "replacement" for their final assignment. At that point we didn't expect anything, we just thought that it was best to have the initiative to ask about the matter first. Because if there was any chance of doing something, we really would do it in a heartbeat. I think it was the peak of our desperation after knowing that we really couldn't went to the lab in July after getting a tiny bit of hope about it, while our super tight rundown said that we HAD to start gathering data on first week of July if we want to make it to September cut-out.  
 My lecturers proposed that we changed our method in doing research to do a literature study. At that announcement, I was like: "YES MAYBE I GOT A CHANCE." Moreover, on the first glance, doing literature study might seem slightly more simple than doing an overnight stay in laboratory ONLY for one data. So right after the said proposal, I started to gather up some papers that could be useful.
It turned out gathering papers were not as easy as I thought it would be, given that we had very specific requirement for the papers to meet our objective. Like, when I thought this paper gave the end-product that was similar to what I wanted to talk about, they didn't use the procedure that fit my thesis and vice versa. It was like doing treasure hunts but make it on steroid, judging how I feel like I turned googled upside down while doing this first batch of papers-hunting. On first week, we only managed to gather less than 20 papers, which I only contributed in half of those amount while feeling like I've read hundreds or so. I mean, just imagine--back then, I spent hours in front of my laptop to see that by the end of the day, only one paper fit the "requirement" we had.
When we started put the data from the table into words and paragraphs, that was when the real struggle begun in this literature-study-in-the-making. At that point, we weren't even sure how would we present the data--were we going to do statiscics? if yes, what were we going to test? So we just started to put the explanations of the data and phenomenons we read on the papers. But here was the thin: you couldn't just compare what happened in paper A to what happened in paper B as the experiments weren't done in same conditions. So the best we could do was trying to find a reason why certain phenomenon happened.
That, too, was a huge struggle. 
When you analyze your own data, you could think of lots of reasons why the experiment didn't turn the way you planned based on your experience. Even more, you could just blame your own inadequancy in doing the experiments or managing the data. But when you did a literature study, it felt as if all the questions and weird phenomenon had to have an EXACT and more detailed answer as it was something that has been researched before. It was a struggle too, because published papers were different from a full report--published papers only cover the main point of the research without telling the reason why such result was obtained. So this part of the research became another batch of treasure hunting. Aha. 
For weeks, we had tried to think about how we could make a statistical analysis possible with the data that was super varied.  On the same time, the lectures had begun for underclass so naturally our advisors get busy--and we were lost. Luckily, miracle happened when my friend found a method that could fit literature study without burning our brains in process. Oh, here was one funny thing, have you ever thought of discussing with your thesis advisor in the middle of the night? I never, but it truly happened to me! I was not ones who stay up late a lot, so it was real struggle but also blessings because we know that there weren't lots lecturers that were as dedicated as mine are. Just in the right time when we found a method, they approved the one we wanted to use as well as giving input on how we could possibly compare the data we have without risking the comparison being invalid.
With the new light and spirit, everything went smoothly as we now had clear direction on what we were going to do with our thesis. 
But of course, just like a roller coaster, the calm phase didn't stay for a long time. I remember it vividly, right on the first day of September, my lecturers suddenly texted us that the deadline for final thesis defense is on 10th so we had to submit our report at 6th the latest. At that point, we were really surprised, considering that our final report was only 80-85% from being done and we were scared that there would be lots of things we had to revise. I think it was safe to say that the next two-three days we were like mad robot trying to meet deadline. I didn't even want to think about the time I spent typing and correcting--what I remember was at some point, reading about fats made me nauseous. HAHA. 
Long story short, we have managed to DRAMATICALLY make it before the deadline. And yes, there were lots of last minute revision but I am not going to talk about it. Wink wonk. Our final defense happened on 9th and I swear that I started getting stomach cramps on the night before from being too nervous. The good thing about online seminars was, when you were the one presenting it to the audience, all you saw on your screen was your presentations--not the one who were in charge to examine you. I thought it was what made me a bit calm when practicing. I just thought it like this: "take it as if you are shooting for something and you only have one shot in doing so!" But on the same time, it was stressing since I was the one presenting, I couldn't have a cheat-sheet on my laptop HAHAHA. 
I tried to make some cheat notes on post its, but I ended up memorizing everything. It wasn't hard, as I've read those words non stop for the past few months. It turned out that my biggest struggle didn't come from me failing to memorize things. It went smoothly and I maintained to keep calm throughout the presentation until I see my camera sensor went off. YES. My internet decided to fail me on important date despite my effort to use the best one available at home. It was really embarrassing especially since it happened during the time I was pointing out something. But other than that, it went smoothly to the point my lecturer even complimented our composure, which was a big accomplishment to me since during practice I was known to talk a beat to fast than I supposed to.
Another compliment that I remember clearly came from my examiner, who first appreciated us for reading 100+ papers during the process of this thesis. He appreciated our effort for making this truly a "proper way" to replace the lab and took the literature study seriously. I think it was one of the highlight since we were pretty nervous that the examiner would find a literature study unamusing. 
I never talk about this out loud, but before my thesis defense, I had lots of issues regarding my confidence and my social skill. I asked myself, "would everyone even notice that I passed huge stone tomorrow?" after seeing the amount of support people give to my friends through social media, knowing I was (am) not the most sociable and communicative person on earth. It somehow made me worried that I might be the only one happy during a faithful day. I thought about telling people too, but I had this knack of being invisible that I would rather stay silent than knowing no one hear my voice.
However, the world told me otherwise. Even since the night before my presentation, people told me good luck and even asked whether they could watch my defense--those whom I thought don't care about me turned out to be the one handing me big amount of support. Some friends gave me encouragement through texts, some even sent me small treats to celebrate the happy days.  I was really happy--the word was even understatement on how I feel. It wasn't the treats that made me happy--it was the support and the fact they cared enough about me to sent me an encouraging messages.
 It turned out that there were more people who cared about me. All I had to do was to be more appreciative of those who care and love me instead of trying to fit with someone who I wanted to be with--who clearly didn't want me in return. I told myself that I should be grateful of people in my life while stop comparing how many friends to I have with the others. This was not a competition and I should stop putting people's life as the standard of feeling happy. That was not healthy at all.  
You too, in case no one told you anything today, you have done well and you are loved by many. 
Ah, do you think the ride ended after my final defense? Sadly, it isn't. But it would be too long if I make this into a oneshot. So I guess, this cliffhanger would work for now. Until then! Let's say... we just finished going down and currently going slowly while making our way up.
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
well....today was overall alright I guess, for a Monday. period days just aren’t very pleasant overall. but today was alright. I woke up to my alarm at 11 to find this morning’s situation I previously posted about (so. much. blood.), took care of that and hooked up my new period pain reliever device thing called Livia. It was on kickstarter months ago, and came a few weeks ago, so I stopped taking bc and here we are. it’s a little square thing that connects to a wire which splits in two and has an electrode attached to a gel pad on each end. you put the electrodes on your stomach (or wherever you’re having cramps) and turn it on, and increase the level until you feel a tingly feeling going on. it operates off the theory of something called TENS, basically with electric nerve stimulation or something like that (I’m a law person, not a science person). But as far as keeping cramps away it’s doing pretty good, I used it for most of the day and was good, so that was good. But yeah, I got ready, had instant mashed potatoes for breakfast because I was out of cereal and didn’t have any other substitutes, then took the bus to the train to the other train because it was in the single digits outside today (brrr). made it to school and stopped in the PAD office briefly to dump my stuff and spend a few minutes on my laptop typing up case briefs for the cases I read on Saturday (when I didn’t have my laptop with me so I hadn’t written briefs for them) because I knew, I just knew I was going to get called on, I can always tell, so I wanted to be prepared. somewhere in between all of this I checked my email and discovered a request for a second interview with the organization I interviewed with back in December and is currently my first choice job option, so I was fairly ecstatic about that. they wanted it to be in person, not over Skype, so I ended up scheduling it for the Friday directly preceding spring break, I’ll fly to NY on Thursday (skipping my Thursday night class) and do it the next day, so I was happy about all of this. I booked flights as well so that’s good to go. I made it all the way to the end of the period, even when he kept coming up with absent people and then had to pick someone else for a chain of like 5 people, and then on the last case of the day I get called on, which was fine because I was prepared, and we only had a few minutes left so I didn’t get any too difficult questions. Went back to the PAD office after that and started working on my Remedies reading for this evening. The reading assignments have always been super long (this week’s was 85 pages) but last week he basically said you don’t have to do all of it, just at least skim the cases, so instead of actually reading I read the case briefs of them off lexis and copied those into my notes, so that worked. Then I worked on the rest of my civil rights assigned reading for Wednesday so I could leave the book at school and not have to lug it back and forth again. I was really craving like, cake or something, but didn’t want to go anywhere outside because it was snowing again and still freezing, so I didn’t do anything until guy who hangs out in the office who has been growing on me came, and I mentioned it, at which point he offered to go grab it for me like I hoped he would and I said I’d buy his coffee, so I ordered the two things from the starbucks app (I got the iced lemon pound cake) and he ran down (the starbucks is across the street) and returned a minute later with them, so I was pleased with that. Class time rolled around, so I went up to class. Sort of tuned in and out for a while, still taking decent notes and keeping up with the conversation at least. Lots of talk about damages, which is to be expected being that it’s a class based on Remedies, and damages make up a huge portion of remedies for cases. So just stuff like consequential damages and liquidated damages and when they can be counted as a penalty that won’t be enforced by the court for being against public policy, and fun stuff like that. He let us out around 7:30, an hour early, because he knew some of us have long commutes (I didn’t raise my hand when he asked; mine takes about an hour but I know those who live outside the city have much longer ones) and he wanted to make sure we all got home okay with the snow, which was of course greatly appreciated. So I took the red line to the brown line, but then when I went to check when the next bus was coming to the brown line stop the next bus was 30 minutes out (they’re only ever supposed to be 20 minutes apart) and I was like oh fuck no, I’m not waiting for half a fucking hour when the remaining distance is relatively small (though would not be a pleasant walk, especially in current conditions, a bit too far for that). So I sucked it up and got an uber for the last mile or two, which got me home at a decent time at least. Got home and got some food, then turned on tonight’s episode of Supergirl, which I thought was super interesting. I loved their whole plot with Julia/Purity and that climax scene when Alex basically talks her down and gets her to fight it off, and suddenly this innocent person is back, and offers herself to save Alex (which, while very noble, sadly played right into Reign’s plan). I then loved Kara’s line at the end about saving them instead of defeating them, because I sooooo badly want that to be the solution to this season and not end up with a dead Sam and abandoned Ruby, so I really hope that’s the path they go down. but yeah, I enjoyed the episode, which is always good. after that I wound up calling my dad, which lead to a somewhat tense discussion over job options, where he was telling me he has connections with the people conducting the interviews at the DA’s office, and I told him I’d really prefer to get a job that I got on my own merit, not his, not like how my brother did, and he wasn’t happy to hear that because he was like “what have I been working my whole life for then?” and like, my dad has made a great reputation for himself. but when people see my last name I want them to think of the things I’ve done to give it meaning, not the things my dad or brother had done. If it works out like that I will take a job in the DA’s office, but I’d much prefer a position that I knew I got on my own merit, not who my father is. because I’m well-qualified, dammit, I worked my ass off to get in the top 15% of my class, working 16 hours a week in addition to being a full time student for a full year to gain the experience and training I needed to excel in the area I want to go into. I want to get offered a job because it’s something I earned, not because I was born into the right family and can get a job through nepotism. There’s a reason I decided to go to law school halfway across the country, where nobody knows my last name, and I have a blank slate where I can make a name for myself. of course, job options in Chi are not looking great right now. I emailed my former prof about a position in the PD’s office in the juvenile division, but I’d have to apply to the general office and then wait to get transferred to the juvenile division once I’d gained enough seniority (it’s relatively low on the rotation, maybe the second or third stop after things like traffic court and DV court) to get to the juvenile division. but of course that also risks the chance that I’d be assigned to the child protection division, where I would have to defend the parents in abuse and neglect proceedings, something I never intend on doing. Like, honestly, I would have no problem defending in criminal cases. I would have no problem defending someone who was guilty of murder. But I will never defend an abusive parent, because the parent’s lawyers are the only players in that system who have an objective that differs from the best interest of the child, and I never ever want to be in a position where it’s my job to argue something that is not in the best interest of a child because it’s what my client wants. So yeah, give me murderers or death row cases, I’ll happily do that defense work (my dad is a criminal defense lawyer primarily after all, so it’s not like I haven’t had plenty of exposure to it), but don’t ask me to defend an abusive parent to the detriment of their child. that I will never do. but anyway. We talked it out a bit and eventually hung up, at which point I decided to start watching Game of Thrones, which I was told to watch as much as I can this week because apparently we’re going to a GoT themed con on Saturday. I tried to get HBO Go to work through my roommate’s apple tv, but the thing is so old it doesn’t function very well and kept stalling on me to the point where it wouldn’t even play the episode i just said fuck it and paid the two bucks to get the episode off Amazon prime video. I’ve been reading Daenery’s page on the game of thrones wiki so I had some idea of what happened with her, but everything else was fairly confusing, though I think I had a pretty good grasp of what happened. Definitely not used to the nudity and the gore (so many beheadings, ick) but hopefully I’ll get better with that. I didn’t realize Sansa was so young at the beginning of the series, I definitely thought she was older. They all looked pretty damn young, and the adorable small child I was informed is named Bran Stark did a great job of being very cute. Daenery’s storyline was of course hardcore cringeworthy, getting married against her will (even if it is to Jason Momoa) after dealing with her gross asshole of a brother, and then getting legit raped on her wedding night was just pretty damn horrifying to watch. I like her character a lot though, so I’m looking forward to seeing how that goes. And yeah, when that ended I started getting ready for bed and here we are. I don’t have to do anything tomorrow until PT at 1, but I’m gonna try to get up at 11 and make a target trip beforehand to pick up a prescription and grab some groceries, because if I wait until afterwards I probably won’t have enough time to do my secured transactions reading and be done in time to watch The Flash and Black Lightning, so I’ll try to be somewhat more productive, even while still sleeping in a while. so hopefully that will go well. And yeah, that’s it for now. Goodnight my loves. Hope your Monday didn’t suck. 
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scifiphan · 7 years
92 Things About Me
tysm @sleepwalkerphan  for tagging me in this! it’s 2am and I’m procrastinating the heck out of writing so this is perfect lmao.
also I’ll put most of the things below the cut so keep reading if ya wanna know 92 fun facts about me
edit: this took me almost an hour to do and towards the end, I basically confess my entire life so have fun reading that lmao. like i seriously have a realisation about how idk what i’m doing with my life hahahaha
1. Drink : Water #stayhydrated 2. Phone call : mum 3. Text Message : a gif of phil being scared in bed (even my irl friends are trash) 4. Song You Listened To : currently listening to Taro - alt-J 5. Time You Cried : On sunday I cried over a renovation reality tv show (??? yeah idk either, bro) the apartments just looked so nice and the team I liked got kicked off the show.
6. Dated Someone Twice : nope 7. Been Cheated On : nope 8. Kissed Someone And Regretted It : YES (smh @ me) 9. Lost Someone Special : thankfully no 10. Been Depressed : i honestly don’t know. i think I have but am so freaking stubborn at admitting I have had depressive episodes in the past 11. Got Drunk And Thrown Up : YES OH MY GOODNESS I HAVE HAD SO MANY BAD TIMES. DON’T DRINK WINE AND THEN A MILKSHAKE AND THEN DANCE ON A BEACH. YOU WILL ONLY END UP THROWING UP IN A GARBAGE BIN OUTSIDE A KEBAB STORE (it wasn’t even after midnight, that’s the most embarrassing thing) 
12. Green 13. Pink 14. Turquoise
15. Made New Friends : yes!! so many new and amazing friends 16. Fallen Out Of Love : nope. 17. Laughed Until You Cried : laughing until I cry is me every time 18. Found Out Someone Was Talking About You : yes (you would think that adults would stop teen behaviours lol) 19. Met Someone Who Changed You : yes, the last year included so much change. 20. Found Out Who Your True Friends Are : Yes. Just gonna put it out there: traveling for an extensive period of time overseas really shows who your true friends are and who are the snakes. 21. Kissed Someone On Your Facebook List : hahahaha yes (too mant rip) 22.How Many Of Your Facebook Friends Do You Know In Real Life :  probably almost all of them (so like 550) only a few on there are my internet friends 23. Do You Have Any Pets : nope and I probs wont get another pet for a long long time 24. Do You Want To Change Your Name : NO!!!!!!! Teddii is a blessing although I would change my last name (it’s two surnames joined together and it makes life difficult because it’s so long) 25. What Did You Do For Your Last Birthday : went out for dinner at a mexican place, won a few dollars on the pokies and then went out clubbing (also i got a fine rip me) 26. What Time Did You Wake Up This Morning: 11am OOPS (i slept in and missed uni) 27. What Were You Doing At Midnight Last Night : probably making a gif 28. Name Something You Cannot Wait For : FINISHING UNI AND MOVING TO THE UK (hopefully to do my masters in global terrorism at the uni of london but if not i really wanna get a 1 year working visa and just do some hospitality work before I start a career) 29. When Was The Last Time You Saw Your Mother : like 4 hours ago when we were watching tv 30. What Is One Thing You Could Change About Your Life : I wish I had a UK passport, it would make life a lot easier for me if I had dual citizenship instead of a boring Australian passport 31. What Are You Listening To Right Now : alt-J, a live performance of Taro  32. Have You Ever Talked To A Person Named Tom : I know so many Tom’s it’s ridiculous 33. Something That Is Getting On Your Nerves : PEOPLE!!! WHO!! THINK!! THAT!! IF YOUR DEGREE!! ISN’T STEM!! THEN IT ISN’T!! HARD!!!! (i’m looking @ every friend who does a stem degree and always laughs at how my degree must be so easy because it doesn’t include math)
34. Most Visited Websites : tumblr, youtube, my uni’s website, facebook 35. Elementary : v great time, got bullied heaps but still had fun 36. High School : problematic fave. honestly my time at high school can fill a 500 page essay. being right next to a beach and river was actually gr8, the endless issues weren’t so good. 37. College/University : it has been a wild ride. I swapped degrees so I still have around 2 years left but uni has been my fave so far 38. Hair Colour : PINK!!!! (naturally ginger) 39. Long or Short Hair : long 40. Do You Have A Crush On Someone : nope (which is a shocker) 41. What Do You Like About Yourself : I like my individuality and independance 42. Piercings : 2x lobes, 1x helix, 1x nose. (i’m thinkng about getting my conch in a few weeks) 43. Blood Type : O+ 44. Nickname : ted, teddii bear, sideshow bob, cotton candy 45. Relationship Status : hella single 46. Zodiac Sign : Cancer (aka my birthday is soon hell yeah) 47. Pronouns : she/her. 48. Favourite Tv Show : STAR TREK: VOYAGER WILL ALWAYS BE MY FAVOURITE 49. Tattoos : crescent moon on my right wrist (i sorta don’t like how it turned out but after a year I have grown to appreciate the meaning) 50. Right Or Left Hand : Left handed (aka another reason why Dan is my spirit animal)
51. Surgery : i got a bunch of teeth removed when I was like 4/5  52. Word : baba or ma  53. Sport : soccer  54. Vacation : i actually can’t remember my first vacation. probs Sydney tbh idk I went a lot of places when I was young 55. Pair Of Trainers : probably something Adidas tbh
56. Eating : nothing 57. Drinking : water 58. Reading : nothing at the moment besides uni textbooks 59. I’m About To : I should say sleep but I’ll probably just watch youtube 60. Listening To : Breezeblocks by alt-J (can you see a recurring theme with my music questions?) 61. Waiting For : GoT SEASON 7 AKA MY BIRTHDAY (honestly feel so blessed to grow older and watch new GoT on the same day) 62. Craving For : MONEYYYYYYY. ya girl is unemployed thanks to the bad habit of planning last minute overseas holidays 63. Do you wanna get married : eventually but at the same time it doesn’t worry me 64. Going To Do When You Get Older : ????? ?????? ????? you would think I would have an idea but tbh idk. I’m studying International Relations and I want to do a postgrad in global terrorism. But career wise I have no bloody idea. I would like to work in the UN or UNESCO or for the Australian Government in an embassy. but at the same time I also want to be a travel photographer and just ignore my degree (idk adult life is hard)
65. Hugs or Kisses : HUGS 66. Lips or Eyes : eyes! <3333 67. Short or Tall : tall guys!!! but short girls are my weakness!! 68. Young or Old : HA haHA HA old 69. Nice Arms Or Nice Stomach : slight preference for nice arms because tummys are cute no matter what 70. Sensitive or Loud : I am both of those things so, por que no las dos? 71. Hook Up or Relationship : relationship (although I can’t relate because i am eternally single) 72. Troublemaker or Hesitant : I prefer when people are upfront instead of hiding stuff from me so I guess that means troublemaker?
73. Kissed A Stranger : yes 74. Drank Hard Liquor : yes (love me some vodka) 75. Lost Eye glasses or contact lenses : not yet thankfully 76. Turned Someone Down : YES! (there is nothing wrong with turning people down.) 77. Sex On First Date : no 78. Broken Someone’s Heart : yes and I still feel bad 79. Had Your Heart Broken : yep 80. Been Arrested : yes (kind of, long story) 81. Cried When Someone Died : yes. although I tend to go more numb instead of crying. idk it’s weird because I cry about everything but death kinda makes me become numb 82. Fallen For A Friend : yes (oops)
83. In Yourself : yes although I need to believe in myself a lot more 84. Miracles : yes 85. Love At First Sight : yes and no. I believe it exists but I feel like a lot of people believe that they are experiencing love at first sight when in reality it is infatuation/lust. 86. Santa Claus : this question conflicts me because the logical side of me says no but the optimistic child side of me refuses to accept the truth 87. Kiss On The First Date : yeah 88. Angels : nah, not for me
89. Current best friend’s name : do i have a best friend? not really. again, it’s a weird time for me when it comes to friends. 90. Eye Colour : um blue with green and grey mixed in (it’s so hard to describe but yeah, those three) 91. Favourite singer/Band : Ed Sheeran, Mumford & Sons, al-J (i love them all a lot.) 92. Favourite Movie : Avatar. yes the blue alien one. It’s lame but I fell in love with the na’vi culture and it kinda helped get me obsessed with scifi.
And that’s a wrap!
If anyone actually read all that I hope you enjoyed my (very) late night confessions. Idk who to tag so if you see this and want to do it feel free to do so! Also, come hit up my inbox/messages if you wanna be my friend after reading this, I wanna make some friends on this hellsite
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simsstuffmarie · 7 years
100 Questions To Invade My Personal Life
I haven’t been tagged by anyone but I just thought I’d give it a go as I’m bored! Found this on @angelisims Simblr 😁
1. What's your middle name, and do you like it? My middle name is Marie and I do quite like it actually...it's pretty common lol
2. Are you artistic? Yeah I love doodling and just drawing random things occasionally
3. Have you had your first kiss? Duhhhhhh! I have a boyfriend!
4. What is your life goal? To be successful in my personal goals
5. Do you have any experiences with a famous person? I met Princess Diana when I was little, and a few years ago when I was doing my family tree I found out that my 5th cousin is Michael Douglas lol
6. Do you play any sports? Only if sleeping is classed as a sport?!?!
7. What's your worst fear? Being unhappy and unsuccessful....oh and spiders and heights
8. Who's your biggest inspiration? Myself....never aspire to be anybody else because it will never make you happy
9. Do you have any cool talents? Not really....I can fit my fist in my mouth! Does that count?
10. are you a morning person? HELL NO!!!
11. How do you feel about pet names? Me and Will have them....so I don’t really care. I never really call people by their proper names anyway 12. Do you like to read? Yes. But I rarely get time to sit down with a good book without being interrupted by someone 13. Name a list of shows that have changed your life. Grey's Anatomy - I’ve loved that show since episode one Band Of Brothers/ The Pacific - Just amazing True Blood - Yeassss Vampire Diaries - Ermmmmm....is their one member of that cast who isn’t hot?!
14. Do you care about your follower count?
I’m not overly obsessed with it, but it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling when I see I’ve got a new follower (love you all btw!!)
15. What's the best dream you've had?
I can’t really remember my dreams
16. Have you ever kissed someone of your same gender?
I always kiss my girlfriends....not in a passionate way, just a little peck! Especially when we’ve been out for the night haha
17. Do you have any pets?
Not personally, but I treat my boyfriends' dog like he is mine
18. Are you religious?
19. Are you a people person?
I get a bit anxious and stressed out/ short tempered if there is a lot of people around in large crowds
20. Are you considered popular?
I don't think so..............
21. What is one of your bad habits?
22. What's something that makes you feel vulnerable
Being around people who “look better” and are in better physical shape than me
23. What would you name your children?
Girl - Raynor Boy - Finn
24. Who's your celebrity crush?
Tom Hardy, Kellan Lutz, Charlie Hunnam, Shemar Moore, Jamie Dornan, Henry Cavill, Tyson Beckford.....I could actually go on forever!! 
25. What's your best subject?
Human Biology, physiology and anatomy
26. Dogs or cats?
27. Most-used social media besides Tumblr?
28. Best friends name
Vikki, Hayley and Nikki
29. Who does your main family consist of?
Me, my mum and my older brother
30. Chocolate or sugar
31. Have you ever been on a date?
32. Do you like rollercoasters?
Only if they have over-the-head supports....not just the lap bars
33. Can you swim?
Yes, but not very well
34. What would you do in the event of an apocalypse?
My boyfriend and me actually always have this discussion and have it all worked out! There's an old prison near where we live and an abandoned army base just up the hill - and the town centre is only 10min walk away! Perfect!
35. Have you struggled with any kind of mental disorder
Anxiety - increasing at the moment.
36. Are your parents together?
Nope - divorced when I was really little
37. What's your favourite colour?
Any warm colour
38. What country are you from/do you live in?
39. Favourite singer?
P!NK, Adele, James Arthur
40. Do you see yourself being famous some day?
41. Do you like dresses?
Yeah, as long as it isn't too tight
42. Favourite song right now?
Thunder - Imagine Dragons Skin - Rag’n’Bone Man
43. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
No, if you’re old enough to do it, you should be mature enough to talk about it.
44. How old were you when you first got your period?
I was quite late starting. I was 15.
45. Have you ever shot a gun?
46. Have you ever done yoga?
47. Are you a horror girl?
I don’t mind them, but they can all be quite similar
48. Are you good at giving advice?
Great at giving it. Crap at taking it!
49. Tell us a story about your childhood.
My dad used to be in the army and we lived several places. When we lived in Cyprus we used to visit the old ruins and amphitheatre and there were loads of lizards that used to hide in the cracks of the old buildings. I decided I wanted one of them to take home so I grabbed hold of its tail, but it was stuck and I kept pulling and pulling and eventually the tail actually came off of the lizard! Immediately I started crying.
One Christmas 9also when we lived in Cyprus actually) I wanted snow on the Christmas tree, but we didn't have fake snow, so I decided to use my mum's expensive face cream and smothered the tree in cream. 
The same Christmas, me and my brother woke up before my mum and dad and decided to “sneak” into the front room to open the presents. When we got to the front room door, the handle had been taken off the door and closed, so we decided to go around the back door, which was also locked. Then tried looking through the windows but they had put bin bags all over the windows and drawn the curtains. We went back in and decided to sit my the front room door until they woke up, but we fell asleep and they found us asleep by the door on the floor.
50. How are you doing today?
Yeah, I’m OK. Thanks for asking
51. Were you a cute kid?
Newborn - yea I think I was Toddler - I was cheeky Child - Scrawny Teen - awkward
52. Can you dance?
When I’ve had a drink
53. Is there anything you do that you can't remember ever not doing?
Breathing? Eating? Drinking?
54. Have you ever dyed your hair?
Yeah quite a few times actually, just not for a long long time now
55. What colour are your eyes?
They change depending on my mood - green/blue/hazel/grey
56. What's your favourite animal?
Hedgehogs - I want one
57. Have you ever made a huge fool of yourself?
All the time!!!
58. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
My mum and I are close (even though she annoys the hell out of me) But me and my dad not really because he left when I was young. We still always saw him, but it sometimes feels like I don't know him properly...IDK....
59. Do you have good friends?
The most amazing friends....
60. Are you close with anyone of the lgbtq+ group?
I know loads of different people...I don’t really label anyone. If you’re decent to me then I’m cool with you...
61. What's your favourite class?
I don’t really have class at university....
62. List all the tv shows you are watching.
Love Island, Big Brother, OITNB, Sons Of Anarchy, Prison Break, Benidorm, Grey’s Anatomy
63. Are you organised?
I try to be
64. What was the last movie you saw? Opinion?
Split....it was actually quite good
67. Which tv character do you relate to most?
I have no clue
68. What are some things that stand between you and complete happiness?
69. If you received enough money to never need to work again, what would you spend your time doing?
Travelling the world
70. What would you change about your life if you knew you would never die?
Nothing....because every decision I made before has made me who I am now
71. What would you do differently if you knew that no one was judging you?
I don’t care if nobody judges me
72. If you could start over, what would you do differently?
73. Would you break the law to save a loved one?
74. When was the last time you travelled somewhere new?
75. When you think of your home, what immediately comes to mind?
My bed
76. What have you done to pursue your dreams lately? How about today?
I got off my arse and got myself into university
77. What did you want to be when you were a kid?
Everything! Nurse, Air Hostess, Vet, Super Model, Ballerina, Solider, Farmer, Roman, Pop Star, Barbie, Nightclub Owner, Architect, Interior Designer..... 
78. If you dropped everything to pursue your dreams, what would you be risking?
Nothing...because real friends and family support you no matter what.
79.When did you not speak up, when you know you really should have?
That's really personal and I don’t wanna talk about it.....sorry.....
80. Describe the next five years of your life, and your plans, in a single sentence
Finish my degree, get a job, buy my own house, get married and have children
81. What would happen if you never wasted another minute of your life, what would that look like?
82. If you could live forever, how would you spend eternity?
Seeing new things, trying new food, living!
83. How would you spend a billion dollars?
Same as above - maybe invest half of it and buy a new house and treats for my closest
84. If you could time travel, would you go to the past or the future?
Future - there is no point in trying to change the past as it got you to the place you are now....Live and Learn
85. What motivates you to succeed?
My family, friends and boyfriend
86. What dream that you’ve had has resonated with you the most?
It was an awful nightmare - about my brother and mum being murdered in front of me
87. Would you rather live in the city or the woods? Why?
The woods - because it's peaceful
88. Do you believe in life after death
89. What teacher inspired you the most? How did they?
They all thought I’d fail. Love proving people wrong. It makes me fight for everything
90. What’s your fondest childhood memory?
Living in Cyprus
91. If you could have dinner with any one person, living or dead, who would they be and why?
My Grandad - I miss the old grumps
92. What would you have to see to cry tears of joy?
Some of these really beautiful videos about people helping in the time of need, really romantic marriage proposals, and probably my first ultrasound scan if I was pregnant
93. What is the hardest lesson you had to learn in life?
You need to make a decision for yourself. Never be pressurised into it. It may be a tough one to start with and it will probably make you cry for years and years to come. But somewhere it was the right decision for you. 
94. What do you think happens after we die?
Life carries on....
95. What would you do if you could be invisible?
Sneak into loads of celebrities houses because I’m nosey
96. What's something you can't do no matter how hard you try?
Roll my tongue and roll my R’s
97. Would you want to choose the sex and appearance of your offspring?
Nope - they'd be perfect no matter what
98. How did your first crush develop?
Not very well lol
99. Is there a feeling you are trying to ignore? What is it?
Anxiousness and regret
100. Do you live or do you just exist?
At the moment I just exist - but I’m trying to live
I’d like to nominate people, but it is actually really long, and took me forever to do. So if you fancy doing it, just tag me because I’d love to read them all.
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ganymedeandcallisto · 7 years
someone asked me for the 100 questions but tumblr is fuckin up so here u go my friend
1. What’s your middle name, and do you like it? a: lea (pronounced lee), it was my grandmas middle name and yes I do love it 
2. are you artistic? a: fuck yeah I am I sing and play instruments and do art 
3. Have you had your first kiss? a: yes 
4. What is your life goal? a: to be happy TBH 
5. Do you have any expieriences with a famous person? a: my dad went to grade school with this guy who won an Oscar! also Bernie sanders came to my high school for a rally which was so so cool 
6. Do you play any sports? a: what is a sport 
7. What’s your worst fear? a: that everyone I love is pretending to like me TBH 
8. Who’s your biggest inspiration? a: Kim from Matt and Kim ngl, also the people in Costa Rica who created the giant dog sanctuary 
9. Do you have any cool talents? a: I play 6 instruments and also I have a really good memory 
10. are you a morning person? a: YES I love getting up early especially when I don’t have to do anything 
11. How do you feel about pet names? a: hate (dyldoge) 
12. Do you like to read? a: YEAH I DO it’s so fun to me 
13. Name a list of shows that have changed your life. a: the office, game of thrones, the walking dead (mostly cause glenn and maggie) 
14. Do you care about your follower count? a: nope unless it’s 420 or 666 
15. What’s the best dream you’ve had? a: probably one where I was either flying or hugging someone 
16. Have you ever kissed someone of your same gender? a: I have not 
17. Do you have any pets? a: YEAH I HAVE TWO BEAUTIFUL BABIES (dogs) 
18. Are you religious? a: I am not 
19. Are you a people person? a: ahahahahaha noooooooooooooooo 
20. Are you considered popular? a: I’m not sure?? TBH 
21. What is one of your bad habits? a: saying yes when I want to say no, also procrastinating 
22. What’s something that makes you feel vulnerable? a: showing music I love to people 
23. What would you name your children? a: *dogs I love all dog names 
24. Who’s your celebrity crush? a: Marcos is the biggest celebrity of my heart 
25. What’s your best subject? a: English/history that uncovers how awful white america is/has been 
26. Dogs or cats? a: both!!!!!!!! but TBH dogs more 
27. most used social media besides tumblr? a: I’m not sure but I’m gonna say chat snaps 
28. best friends name a: Marcos and varla ofc <3 <3 <3 
29. who does your main family consist of a: my sister and my mom and dad and my two beautiful dog children 
30. Chocolate or sugar a: chocolate 
31. have you ever been on a date? a: yes! not formally like “would you like to go on a date with me?” tho 
32. Do you like rollercosters? a: I did……but Marcos and I went to the fair last summer and concluded that we are too old for this and our joints are too stiff 
33. Can you swim? a: yes and I love swimming so much 
34. What would you do in the event of an apocolypse? a: grab everyone I love and live in a Costco 
35. Have you struggled with any kind of mental disorder? a: yes ednos, depression, and trichotillomania 
36. Are your parents together? a: yes they are 
37. What’s your favourite colour? a: green forever and ever 
38. What country are you from/do you live in? a: USA :^) 
39. Favourite singer? a: I’m gonna say my favorite artist is Matt and Kim but there are so many other favorites ahahah 
40. Do you see yourself being famous some day? a: no TBH unless it’s for cooking 
41. Do you like dresses? a: yeah I fuckin love dresses but they are uncomfy sometimes 
42. Favourite song right now? a: poplar street by glass animals or vampire money by mcr honorable mention: planetary [go!] by mcr, well it’s true that we love one another by the white stripes, northeast by Matt and Kim, man on the moon by zella day, the way we move by langhorne slim and the law, when you’re young by Edward sharpe and the magnetic zeroes 
43. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? a: no I actually really like talking about sex! I think it’s healthy to 
44. How old were you when you first got your period? a: like 11 I think lmao 
45. Have you ever shot a gun? a: nope and I don’t really wanna 
46. Have you ever done yoga? a: yes 
47. Are you a horror girl? a: hell yeah give me some of that 😩💯😭���🏽✔️✔️👅💦💦😳👀😍 babadook 
48. Are you good at giving advice? a: sometimes like I know exactly what I wanna say but I talk around it bc I’m bad at explaining things 
49. Tell us a story about your childhood. a: one time when I was 4 my cousin was bothering me and putting a pillow over my face so I bit him so hard it bled and now he’s a trump supporter but I can’t bite him bc I’m an Adult 
50. How are you doing today? a: I’m good!! I had a really great breakfast with my RA Rebecca and my roommate Sydney! 
51. Were you a cute kid? a: there was no kid cuter than me up until like 1st grade when I got glasses 
52. Can you dance? a: when no one is watching TBH 
53. Is there anything you do that you can’t remember ever not doing? a: eating with chopsticks and also wanting to be in love 
54. Have you ever dyed your hair? a: nooooo but I wanna 
55. What colour are your eyes? a: brown 
56. What’s your favourite animal? a: horses and dogs!! 
57. Have you ever made a huge fool of yourself? a: yes I definitely have :^)))) 
58. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? a: I think so!! they support my decision to change my major and I’m so so happy 
59. Do you have good friends? a: like 3 maybe who I never get to see ://// 
60. Are you close with anyone of the lgbtq+ group? a: ya bich it me (also yes!! many of my friends are) 
61. What’s your favourite class? a: this quarter, Asian American studies 
62. List all the tv shows you are watching. the walking dead, westworld, full frontal with Samantha Bee, daily show, game of thrones, I think that’s it? 
63. Are you organized? a: honey………no 
64. What was the last movie you saw? Opinion? in theaters I saw rogue one and I loved it so much THERE WERE POC LEADS 
67. Which tv character do you relate to most? a: I don’t know actually but probably Pam from the office TBH 
68. What are some things that stand between you and complete happiness? a: distance :/ and financial instability :/ 
69. If you received enough money to never need to work again, what would you spend your time doing? a: taking care of dogs 
70. What would you change about your life if you knew you would never die? a: id change the not dying part…….it’s gotta happen sometime just not now 
71. What would you do differently if you knew that no one was judging you? a: I’d dance all the time in public 
72. If you could start over, what would you do differently? a: stand up for myself 
73. Would you break the law to save a loved one? a: is this even a question of course I would 
74. When was the last time you travelled somewhere new? a: in August when me and Marcos went to SLO 
75. When you think of your home, what immediately comes to mind? a: the living room and my dogs greeting me and getting in n out for dinner 
76. What have you done to pursue your dreams lately? How about today? a: I found out I can change my major really quickly 
77. What did you want to be when you were a kid? a: a paleontologist I loved dinosaurs 
78. If you dropped everything to pursue your dreams, what would you be risking? a: not too much actually I dream of being financially stable with my love Marcos and being surrounded by dogs and having my family live not super close but not too far away 
79.When did you not speak up, when you know you really should have? a: in class bc participation is part of the grade 
80. Describe the next five years of your life, and your plans, in a single sentence a: I’m going to finish college with a steady job, hopefully travel a lot, and spend all the time I can working towards The Dream™ 
81. What would happen if you never wasted another minute of your life, what would that look like? a: me: graduates college and gets a masters degree within a year 
82. If you could live forever, how would you spend eternity? a: looking for a way to make Marcos also live forever and then taking care of all dogs 
83. How would you spend a billion dollars? a: I’d buy a big house that has a lot of land for my dogs to run around in and pay for a bunch of kids’ tuition and buy my parents a bunch of vacations and create spaces for dogs everywhere and donate to Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren……that’s kind of a big question 
84. If you could time travel, would you go to the past or the future? a: the past so that I can see all the history white people cover up 
85. What motivates you to succeed? a: The Dream ™ of being financially stable in a nice apartment with a few dogs and the love of my life Marcos 
86. What dream that you’ve had has resonated with you the most? a: I had a nightmare that trump became president 
87. Would you rather live in the city or the woods? Why? a: woods bc city smell like pee and is smoggy 
88. Do you believe in life after death a: kinda but I hope it’s a life where I don’t really have to Do anything 
89. What teacher inspired you the most? How did they? a: my great uncle because he was a professor of English and he loved my great aunt so much and had a house in the middle of nowhere surrounded by forest and deer and it had a greenhouse and a place for bats to roost 
90. What’s your fondest childhood memory? a: making pillow forts with my sister and then destroying them by jumping on top of them 
91. If you could have dinner with any one person, living or dead, who would they be and why? a: I wanna have dinner with Donald trump, specifically so I can stab him in his orange face with my fork 
92. What would you have to see to cry tears of joy? a: not too many things TBH I cry very hard at practically everything 
93. What is the hardest lesson you had to learn in life? a: you shouldn’t have to change something about yourself in order to deserve love (unless ur a neo nazi or a mass murderer or something like that obviously) 
94. What do you think happens after we die? a: party in the afterlife 
95. What would you do if you would be invisible? a: probably steal money from trump but make it look like mike pence or richard spencer did it 
96. What’s something you can’t do no matter how hard you try? a: whistle ahahaha 
97. Would you want to choose the sex and appearance of your offspring? a: all dogs are beautiful 
98. How did your first crush develop? a: my first crush was on Luke Skywalker and it developed by me watching a new hope 
99. Is there a feeling you are trying to ignore? What is it? a: it’s the feeling of That Fuck Shit and i ignore it on the daily 
100. Do you live or do you just exist? a: time is meaningless and none of us Actually exist
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alhexedander-blog · 7 years
1. What’s your middle name, and do you like it? Emre and yes. 2. Are you artistic? Yes. 3. Have you had your first kiss? Yes. 4. What is your life goal? To make movies. 5. Do you have any experiences with a famous person? Yes. But some aren’t particularly interesting and others are very negative and I don’t care to name drop or regale. 6. Do you play any sports? Yeah. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and while it’s not a sport, rather a military system I have started Escrima. 7. What’s your worst fear? I can’t imagine and even if I could I don’t think it would be wise to release it on social media for all to see. 8. Who’s your biggest inspiration? Jackie Chan. 9. Do you have any cool talents? I can draw. 10. are you a morning person? No. 11. How do you feel about pet names? Indifferent. 12. Do you like to read? Yes. 13. Name a list of shows that have changed your life. Perhaps Friends, it made me think about having a social life. I’ve always been a workaholic and after a while I considered maybe dedicating more time to my friends. 14. Do you care about your follower count? Not even a little tbh. I follow who I find interesting and I am grateful that I have so many people that are interested in my content and follow me. But, followers mean very little to me. I have blogs other than this one and there are about 4 followers on one of the ones I am very active on. It’s not about the followers for me. It’s just like an online scrapbook. That’s also why I make new ones, it’s kind of like getting a fresh scrapbook to distract me from my big one haha. 15. What’s the best dream you’ve had? Ah, who knows. I’ve been blessed with many pleasant experiences and therefore pleasant dreams. 16. Have you ever kissed someone of your same gender? Yup. 17. Do you have any pets? My parents have a cat named Lucky. One day I would like to have a Siberian Husky. 18. Are you religious? I am very spiritual but religious, no. I was raised muslim but I converted to buddhism as a child. However, my mum continued to teach me muslim values. Still, I believe her to be an example of a good muslim. She never said that I couldn’t be a buddhist. She believed I would pick up good values from it so she allowed it. As I grew older I looked to science more. I do not believe in a lot of buddhist beliefs such as reincarnation. However, I do believe in the concept of improving mind of matter, inner-peace and connectivity with the world around you through meditation. 19. Are you a people person? There are instances when I have been. But, for the most part I would say no. I can be quite difficult to like at first as I’m a little rough around the edges. It’s just who I am. I was actually raised in a home that has a decent amount of money. Just, as I took to the arts I saw swearing as a means of expression, so I began to swear frequently. I was curious about my military heritage, so I began martial arts. I have been told by quite a few that it took them a while to warm up to me. I feel like it could also be a cultural thing. Being half-Turkish I am very expressive and passionate when I talk at times and it might come across as a bit much or aggressive to someone who isn’t used to me, so I’m trying to improve on that haha. 20. Are you considered popular? Despite all that I just said, yes. I have many friends. I am a nice person, I play big-brother to everyone. I’m just difficult to warm to. 21. What is one of your bad habits? I swear like a sailor. 22. What’s something that makes you feel vulnerable? Ohh. Not much these days. I used to feel very vulnerable if I cried. But these days I’ve recognised that it’s actually just a very healthy form of catharsis. It allows for the relief of stress and since I’ve become more secure about crying and expressing emotion I’ve actually become far more secure in my masculinity and the fragility of my ego has drastically improved.   23. What would you name your children? I have no idea. Not sure I want kids. 24. Who’s your celebrity crush? Where to start? Aly Raisman, Jay Park, Daniel Dae Kim and Ariana Grande. 25. What’s your best subject? Filmmaking, art and sport. 26. Dogs or cats? Both! I’m not deciding. 27. Most used social media besides tumblr? Twitter. 28. Best friend(s) name(s)? Kirsten, Alex, Jay, Lizzie, Sarah, Katie and Emin. 29. who does your main family consist of Myself, Emily, Ezgi, Ata and Emin and Lynsey. 30. Chocolate or sugar? Chocolate. 31. Have you ever been on a date? Yeah haha. 32. Do you like rollercosters? Once I’m on them yes. 33. Can you swim? Yeah. 34. What would you do in the event of an apocalypse? Depends what kind. My brother and I are super well prepared for a zombie apocalypse. We are gonna collect a stockpile of weapons and head into the water cos zombies can’t swim. We will fish for food and in the event we get stranded there will be camping gear including a makeshift electric fence to keep zombies away. 35. Have you struggled with any kind of mental disorder Yeah. Bipolar Disorder. 36. Are your parents together? Yeah. 37. What’s your favourite colour? Blue. 38. What country are you from/do you live in? London, England. 39. Favourite singer? Loads. I love Jay Park and Panic! At the Disco. 40. Do you see yourself being famous some day? Perhaps but I don’t really want it so meh. 41. Do you like dresses? On girls yeah. 42. Favourite song right now? This is Gospel. 43. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? Nope. 44. How old were you when you first got your period? I’m not a girl. 45. Have you ever shot a gun? I wanna. 46. Have you ever done yoga? Yeah. 47. Are you a horror girl? Totes. 48. Are you good at giving advice? Sometimes. 49. Tell us a story about your childhood: I used to do stuff like forge sick notes from my dad and I am dead-ass serious when I say that there was like five spelling mistakes per note but somehow I managed to forge his signature exactly the same way and it’s something that’s baffled all of us to this day. 50. How are you doing today? Good. 51. Were you a cute kid? Yeah I guess. 52. Can you dance? No. 53. Is there anything you do that you can’t remember ever not doing? Basically every time I’m drunk. 54. Have you ever dyed your hair? Loads of times. 55. What colour are your eyes? Green. 56. What’s your favourite animal? Dogs. 57. Have you ever made a huge fool of yourself? Every single time I’m drunk haha.  58. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? Meh. 59. Do you have good friends? Yeah. 60. Are you close with anyone of the lgbtq+ group? Yeah. 61. What’s your favourite class? Film & TV. 62. List all the TV shows you are watching: Doctor Who, Prison Break, OPM, Rick and Morty and American Dad. 63. Are you organised? Yeah. 64. What was the last movie you saw? Opinion? Assassin’s Creed. Shit. 67. Which TV character do you relate to most? Maybe Zuko.  68. What are some things that stand between you and complete happiness? Nothing. 69. If you received enough money to never need to work again, what would you spend your time doing? What I’m doing now. 70. What would you change about your life if you knew you would never die? Nothing. Live hard. 71. What would you do differently if you knew that no one was judging you? Nothing. 72. If you could start over, what would you do differently? Yeah. 73. Would you break the law to save a loved one? Yeah. 74. When was the last time you travelled somewhere new? A year ago. 75. When you think of your home, what immediately comes to mind? My heavy bag. 76. What have you done to pursue your dreams lately? How about today? I edited my screenplay and enrolled in a world-class Escrima academy. 77. What did you want to be when you were a kid? An artist. 78. If you dropped everything to pursue your dreams, what would you be risking? Nothing really, that’s what I’m doing. 79. When did you not speak up, when you know you really should have? These kids were bullying another kid and I knew in my heart I should have stopped them but I didn’t and I kicked myself for the longest time. 80. Describe the next five years of your life, and your plans, in a single sentence: become a filmmaker.  81. What would happen if you never wasted another minute of your life, what would that look like? How I’m living.  82. If you could live forever, how would you spend eternity? Trying to be as happy as possible. Learning to meditate and enjoy life. 83. How would you spend a billion dollars? I’d buy a flat and travel/live comfortably for the entirety of my life. 84. If you could time travel, would you go to the past or the future? Past. 85. What motivates you to succeed? Art. 86. What dream that you’ve had has resonated with you the most? I was a hit-man on a boat and killed everyone including my family. It has me shook to do this day. 87. Would you rather live in the city or the woods? Why? Woods. Because it sounds like an adventure.  88. Do you believe in life after death? No.  89. What teacher inspired you the most? How did they? School has been a prison to me and I long to escape.  90. What’s your fondest childhood memory? I have many. Living in the mountainsides in Turkey strikes a fond chord.  91. If you could have dinner with any one person, living or dead, who would they be and why? Bruce Lee. I’d want to pick his mind. 92. What would you have to see to cry tears of joy? World peace. 93. What is the hardest lesson you had to learn in life? People don’t hand you shit you have to go out and take it and you have to be willing to literally bleed for it.  94. What do you think happens after we die? We decompose and reunite with the earth.  95. What would you do if you would be invisible? Girls’ locker room. 96. What’s something you can’t do no matter how hard you try? Beastiality.  97. Would you want to choose the sex and appearance of your offspring? Yes. Playing God FTW.  98. How did your first crush develop? Basically we were bffls in Primary School and I got a crush on her and she got a crush on me. 99. Is there a feeling you are trying to ignore? What is it? Depression. Well, I’m not depressed now. But after certain events a little while ago I tried to take my life. Since then I’ve pretty much just lived my life in the way that makes me that happiest.  100. Do you live or do you just exist? I live.
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shadyparakoopa · 7 years
All of them
Fuck you :C
1. What's your middle name, and do you like it? “Paul” and ...I guess?
2. are you artistic? I guess so..I should start drawing more
3. Have you had your first kiss? no...
 4. What is your life goal? idk man i just need a job first but I guess I wanna get into animation and stuff and maybe make a game?
5. Do you have any expieriences with a famous person? Not really
6. Do you play any sports? No
7. What's your worst fear? Abandonment, Bees, some shit like that
8. Who's your biggest inspiration? Depends, Steve Purcells a big inspiration between art and writing
9. Do you have any cool talents? I’m good at art and cooking
10. are you a morning person? HHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no
11. How do you feel about pet names? what?
12. Do you like to read? Sure
13. Name a list of shows that have changed your life. MST3K, ATHF, Sam & Max, Venture Bros. Billy & Mandy
14. Do you care about your follower count? Nah
15. What's the best dream you've had? The other night I had a dream I had a job and a relationship...Im not joking. :T
 16. Have you ever kissed someone of your same gender? I havent even kissed anyone.
17. Do you have any pets? Heck ye
18. Are you religious? eh
19. Are you a people person? ehh?
20. Are you considered popular? probably not
21. What is one of your bad habits? Does self doubt and negativity count.
22. What's something that makes you feel vulnerable?  lonliness, lack of motivation
23. What would you name your children? idk
24. Who's your celebrity crush? idunno
25. What's your best subject? science
26. Dogs or cats? Both!
27. most used social media besides tumblr? idk i dont really use much, i got a twitter I suppose
28. best friends name. Tim
29. who does your main family consist of. My mom, my dad (divorced) nd step dad and brother
30. Chocolate or sugar Both
31. have you ever been on a date? No.
32. Do you like rollercosters? Heck ye
33. Can you swim? Yep
34. What would you do in the event of an apocolypse? Fight people  I guess. Sleep. the usual stuff
35. Have you struggled with any kind of mental disorder. Yep
36. Are your parents together? nope
37. What's your favourite colour? Green
38. What country are you from/do you live in? America
39. Favourite singer? idk
40. Do you see yourself being famous some day? I hope so
41. Do you like dresses? *shrug*
42. Favourite song right now? idk
43. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? Not really
44. How old were you when you first got your period? I never even had one 
45. Have you ever shot a gun? yea
46. Have you ever done yoga? No
47. Are you a horror girl? I’m a guy first of all
48. Are you good at giving advice? Sometimes
49. Tell us a story about your childhood. While hiking with a summer camp we stepped on a underground wasp nest and I got stung everywhere. It mad me develop a fear of bees
50. How are you doing today? eh...depressed
51. Were you a cute kid? I suppose
52. Can you dance? No
53. Is there anything you do that you can't remember ever not doing? Idk?
54. Have you ever dyed your hair? No
55. What colour are your eyes? Brown
56. What's your favourite animal? Bats or Raccoons
57. Have you ever made a huge fool of yourself? You dont even know..
58. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? Mostly yeah
59. Do you have good friends? Yeh
60. Are you close with anyone of the lgbtq+ group? Yeah, also I am Bi
61. What's your favourite class? Science
62. List all the tv shows you are watching. None right now since verything is on Hiatus or cancelled
63. Are you organized? No
64. What was the last movie you saw? Opinion? I dont remember, Movies are expensive
67. Which tv character do you relate to most? Rick from Rick and Morty I guess.
68. What are some things that stand between you and complete happiness? Money, having a job, or a relationship. etc Depression
69. If you received enough money to never need to work again, what would you spend your time doing? Trying to improve my skills and animate etc
70. What would you change about your life if you knew you would never die? I dont know. I’ll outlive everyone I care about so thats depressing
71. What would you do differently if you knew that no one was judging you? no idea
72. If you could start over, what would you do differently? try to do better in highschool and try to be more social
73. Would you break the law to save a loved one? Yeah
74. When was the last time you travelled somewhere new? idk a long time ago
75. When you think of your home, what immediately comes to mind? Home?
76. What have you done to pursue your dreams lately? How about today? Nothing
77. What did you want to be when you were a kid? dont remember
78. If you dropped everything to pursue your dreams, what would you be risking? No clue
79.When did you not speak up, when you know you really should have? hell if i remember
80. Describe the next five years of your life, and your plans, in a single sentence. “Try too get a job and relationship and learn to care about myself”
81. What would happen if you never wasted another minute of your life, what would that look like? I dont know geez
82. If you could live forever, how would you spend eternity? Depressed because I out lived everyone
83. How would you spend a billion dollars? Classes, Food, video games, travvelling, gifts for friends
84. If you could time travel, would you go to the past or the future? no idea,I guess future
85. What motivates you to succeed? Motivatioon from friends
86. What dream that you’ve had has resonated with you the most? idk
87. Would you rather live in the city or the woods? Why? Both are cool.
88. Do you believe in life after death. idk
89. What teacher inspired you the most? How did they? I dont knoowwww
90. What’s your fondest childhood memory? I cant think of much rn. Pobabaly going to some fair oor theme park
91. If you could have dinner with any one person, living or dead, who would they be and why? No idea 
92. What would you have to see to cry tears of joy? What
93. What is the hardest lesson you had to learn in life? What?
94. What do you think happens after we die? Why are we a philosophy now 
95. What would you do if you would be invisible? Invisible stuff
96. What's something you can't do no matter how hard you try? Have self confidence
97. Would you want to choose the sex and appearance of your offspring? idk i dont even want kids 
98. How did your first crush develop? Idk
99. Is there a feeling you are trying to ignore? What is it? Depression. Still :T
100. Do you live or do you just exist?  what????????????????
Fuck you anon
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katalyria · 7 years
1. What's your middle name, and do you like it? -Marie, I it’s my second favorite name. 
2. are you artistic? -is water wet?
3. Have you had your first kiss? -ha nope
4. What is your life goal? -To be successful and happy.
5. Do you have any experiences with a famous person? -do voice actors count? I’ve met some pretty cool voice actors like J. Michael Tatum, Vic Mignogna, Brina Palencia, and Trina Nishimura.
6. Do you play any sports? -used to play softball
7. What's your worst fear? -failing at what I want to do the most.
8. Who's your biggest inspiration? -Ed Sheeran, that man knows what life is about. 
9. Do you have any cool talents? -I guess that singing is considered a talent, idk if it’s cool tho.
10. are you a morning person? -mornings can suck my butt
11. How do you feel about pet names? -uhm I like them, just don’t be like weird about it idk;;
12. Do you like to read? -I like the idea of reading but it puts me to sleep cause I suck;;
13. Name a list of shows that have changed your life. -Parks and Rec, Supernatural, Doctor Who, That ‘70s Show, SAO
14. Do you care about your follower count? -not the number, the people yes.
15. What's the best dream you've had? -I had me a mans.
16. Have you ever kissed someone of your same gender? -kinda? idk I was kid and we were playing house so I don’t count it.
17. Do you have any pets? -5 actually, 2 cats and 3 dogs.
18. Are you religious? -fuck no
19. Are you a people person? -I like people but only in moderation
20. Are you considered popular? -absolutely not
21. What is one of your bad habits? -eating when I’m bored
22. What's something that makes you feel vulnerable -talking to someone I have a past with.
23. What would you name your children? -Paisley and I haven’t thought about a masculine name yet
24. Who's your celebrity crush? -Jay Park. boi.
25. What's your best subject? -History and English
26. Dogs or cats? -cats
27. most used social media besides tumblr? -always on twitter @littlebitofkat
28. best friends name -Andrea
29. who does your main family consist of -Mom, Dad, older sister, little brother.
30. Chocolate or sugar -uh sugar?
31. have you ever been on a date? -lets tell the boy I curved that I have.
32. Do you like roller coasters? -indeed
33. Can you swim? -mild aqua phobia, so I don’t go under water.
34. What would you do in the event of an apocalypse? -cry
35. Have you struggled with any kind of mental disorder? -depression
36. Are your parents together? -yup
37. What's your favorite color? -black and white but I also like purple, and red so idk
38. What country are you from/do you live in? -The United(divided) States
39. Favorite singer? -yet again, Ed Sheeran
40. Do you see yourself being famous some day? -actually yes.
41. Do you like dresses? -crying because it’s cold and I want to wear one
42. Favorite song right now? -Bad Things by the one that got kicked out of 5H
43. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? -not really
44. How old were you when you first got your period? -12
45. Have you ever shot a gun? -nope
46. Have you ever done yoga? -yes and it was incredible
47. Are you a horror girl? -idk what that means but it sounds fun
48. Are you good at giving advice? -I try
49. Tell us a story about your childhood. -one time I ran out of my house naked while my neighbor had guests.
50. How are you doing today? -pretty ok
51. Were you a cute kid? -I’m not even a cute teenager.
52. Can you dance? -when my director asks me to
53. Is there anything you do that you can't remember ever not doing? -singing
54. Have you ever dyed your hair? -nope
55. What color are your eyes? -blue/ with a little green in there
56. What's your favorite animal? -cats
57. Have you ever made a huge fool of yourself? -is that even a question?
58. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? -yep
59. Do you have good friends? -the Farquad Star Squad is real
60. Are you close with anyone of the lgbtq+ group? -most of my online friends are gay and I love them 
61. What's your favorite class? -History
62. List all the tv shows you are watching. Parks and Rec (re-watching cause I have no time)
63. Are you organized? -in a messy way that only I understand
64. What was the last movie you saw? Opinion? -god it’s been a long time, probably Finding Dory, it was Gucci 
67. Which tv character do you relate to most? -Ben Wyatt from Parks and Rec.
68. What are some things that stand between you and complete happiness? -my location, my appearance, my financial status, and my skills.
69. If you received enough money to never need to work again, what would you spend your time doing? -helping people
70. What would you change about your life if you knew you would never die? -probably nothing 
71. What would you do differently if you knew that no one was judging you? -speak my mind and act myself around everyone
72. If you could start over, what would you do differently? -learn to keep my mouth shut sometimes, and to be active as a kid
73. Would you break the law to save a loved one? -yeah
74. When was the last time you traveled somewhere new? -went to Hermann MO a few weeks ago
75. When you think of your home, what immediately comes to mind? -my bed and wifi
76. What have you done to pursue your dreams lately? How about today? -today I set goals for my musical passions, yesterday I got my learners permit so I could focus on music without feeling guilty.
77. What did you want to be when you were a kid? - a singer, or a ballerina, or a vet; I can’t remember
78. If you dropped everything to pursue your dreams, what would you be risking? -a high school career, give me another year and then I’ll do it
79.When did you not speak up, when you know you really should have? -so many times
80. Describe the next five years of your life, and your plans, in a single sentence -Taking the road less traveled, hopefully with a passenger.
81. What would happen if you never wasted another minute of your life, what would that look like? -ew stressful
82. If you could live forever, how would you spend eternity? -doing what feels right.
83. How would you spend a billion dollars? -music school, korean college, a nice house; the rest in savings 
84. If you could time travel, would you go to the past or the future? -uh the past, I’d like to see a few things.
85. What motivates you to succeed? -the idea of rubbing it in the faces of the people who didn’t think I could.
86. What dream that you’ve had has resonated with you the most? -dreaming that I was doing what I love
87. Would you rather live in the city or the woods? Why? -city, I already live in a rural area and it sucks.
88. Do you believe in life after death -who knows.
89. What teacher inspired you the most? How did they? -my english teacher and my honors choir teacher, supporting me. 
90. What’s your fondest childhood memory? -fuck I ain’t got time for this question, spending a summer at my friend’s house and doing some weird shit.
91. If you could have dinner with any one person, living or dead, who would they be and why? -hm, Bernie Sanders, that’s my man.
92. What would you have to see to cry tears of joy? -my dreams coming true, hard work being rewarded, love.
93. What is the hardest lesson you had to learn in life? -patience
94. What do you think happens after we die? -you already asked and I don’t really care, we dead.
95. What would you do if you would be invisible? -commit robbery.
96. What's something you can't do no matter how hard you try? -be apolitical
97. Would you want to choose the sex and appearance of your offspring? -no, this isn’t sims.
98. How did your first crush develop? -he was nice to me
99. Is there a feeling you are trying to ignore? What is it? -eh I don’t have feelings for anyone rn
100. Do you live or do you just exist? -exist, hit me up in a few years tho.
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justsayingbylauryn · 4 years
Cathedral Jello by Lauryn Arroyo
I’ll be honest, there are no rules to living life at this moment. The days seem to blend so vividly where morning and night have no distinct line of where one starts and where one ends. I’ll also be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy this frozen moment in society where I can just exist and have no plan for the next day.
At this point my basic purpose is to wake up, eat, make sure I do my homework, and communicate with my family so they can understand I still live in this house, and not just live in my cave of a bedroom. Some days are different than the others, based on the attitudes of the rest of my family and how on edge they are of being in an indefinite lock down. My grandpa gets antsy, as the only connection of the outside world is traveling back and forth to dialysis. Stubborn as a mule, he defies my mother’s request to not go outside and sweep the deck due to the cold weather conditions and his susceptible immune system to pneumonia. He’s 85, and yet with all his life experiences and stories he holds in his head, he retreats to a toddler-like attitude by throwing silent tantrums of raising the radio of Frank Sinatra while my parents are working on the computer and opening unfinished beer bottles, only to resort to drinking his left-over bitter melon tea; all because he is bored in the house. My grandma yells at him for rebelling against my mom, she is his keeper and his mind when he lost it. She spends her time watching Facebook videos of church choirs on her phone (at full volume) and making cathedral Jello, which I am too guilty to say no to, despite my insides churning to the gelatinous substance. My family and I joke that she needs hearing aids because with every response, she injects “Huh? What?” at the front of it, when really, we all hide behind our humor because the reality of it is to unfortunate to process.
My mother, the silent warrior and our provider, dances in the kitchen to “I Know Carina” by Quincy Jones on repeat while cooking and baking. She spends this quarantine by the stove, watching educational videos for work, and dancing to disco like she is 20 again, and the house is her club. She hides behind a mask of concern and control. She won’t show it, but she is terrified. It’s a hit or miss with her, on good day I catch her making jokes and snuggling up to my brothers and I, other days she wakes up early and decides to wake up the household to do a spring-cleaning no.37 and spends her time lecturing into the air of things we already knew like “we need to work hard for our future” and “how spoiled her kids are”. My dad is the same way, except he voices his cabin-fever by telling his kids that we are wasting our time looking at stupid videos on our phone, and complaining to the thin air of being lazy, like we chose this life. But I know deep down that they are not ones to just sit and watch the world spin by, even though everything is put on hold.  
My brothers and I are on the same wavelength. We spend our time with simple tasks. For Michael: it’s conquering FIFA tournaments, for Alex: it’s harvesting turnips to trade on Animal Crossing, for Me: well, I’ve been taking an introspective look at myself, and pinpoint every emotion I am feeling through sketching and writing down thoughts. Ever since the pandemic, time has been put on hold, and although we cannot make most of the spring and the incoming warm weather (due to a virus named Ms. Rona), I believe we get to appreciate every day, minute by minute. I get to appreciate the privilege of staying home, to be grateful to have my health, to be free to dance in my underwear at two in the morning, and to not take it all for granted.  
If there is anything this time period as taught me, it is to be thankful to be alive today. The media surrounds itself on death and the idiotic decisions leaders are trying to make to open the public again due to their chain on capitalism. Medical employees are spending weeks on end away from their children and loved ones due to fear of contamination, and daughters and sons are saying their goodbyes to parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, loved ones through the tiny box of a cellphone, and history is being made every day. But, instead of focusing on how isolated we all are, I focus on being grateful to see another sunrise, and surviving to do my part in staying home, so others won’t have to say their goodbyes to their families.  
If I had learned anything from this strange situation, it is that I’m going to be embracing my life when this is over, hugging every person I meet (with consent), and telling the people around me that I love them. I’m going to flirt with so many people in bars, and malls, and spend long nights with my friends running in fields and looking up at the stars. I’m going to be the rainbow after this thunderstorm, and I’m going to spend my existence on hope for the next day.  
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