#also big lowkey but is there a secret Peter is Alive and Tony and the three babies have to go rescue him plot in here or is it just me
idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #105
AU where Peter is Tony's biological son and his real name is Thomas Stark. When Tony finds out about Spider-Man they have an ugly fight ending with "Peter" disowning himself and dropping off the map. He finds shelter with the Parkers and becomes Peter Parker
Tony tries to find him but Peter knows how to bypass their technology. For almost 20 years Tony thinks he will never find his son beyond pictures of him in costume
One day a social worker and the police show up at his house with three children. They tell Tony that his son died in a car accident along with his wife, and these children are his grandchildren, who will now be in his care
(During the last nearly 20 years Tony moved to a mansion upstate, retired as a superhero, and married. A few months before the police arrived Pepper also died)
The children are 11-year-old twins May and Ben and 5-year-old Annie. Heartbroken at the prospect of his son being dead, Tony tries to get away from these children who remind him so much of his son. Meanwhile, the children explore the Stark estate and its family, and May faithfully believes that her father is still alive and that the accident was a hoax created by someone greater, and clashes with her grandfather to get answers. And, the Ross-funded, post-Sokovia SHIELD tries to encourage and pressure Tony into giving up custody of the children
Tony reflects on his actions as a father and what he could have done better, bringing him closer to his grandchildren
Fic idea submitted by @miranha-on-miranhaverse via message <3
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In January of 2000 some good friends from the scientific community rather than the normal billionaire one of Tony Stark, the Parker’s, approached him about being a donor in order for them to become parents due to some fertility issues that had been discovered in regards to Richard. Tony agreed with little convincing and in August of 2001 Peter Parker was born. Tony was made the boys godfather and when his parents died when he was about 7 months old, he took him in and legally claimed him as his own son. There was a lot of shadow and mystery to the rumors of Tony Stark having a child, no one knew who the Mother was and for years they didn’t even know his gender. As he grew his identify was kept a secret, his Aunt May and Uncle Ben’s address being used for school and occasionally staying with them when his Father was away for longer periods and a nanny was a less practical option. Legally Peter’s name has been changed to “Peter Benjamin Stark” he still goes by Parker in school.
Ned found out that Tony Stark was Peter’s dad when he was half asleep one day after a late night stopping some street thugs when he first got his powers, because in that state when Ned said how cool Tony Stark was in reference to an article he was reading Peter said “you think that but” and told him the lame Dad joke he’d said at breakfast that morning.
Peter steals his Dad’s credit card and used it to send 1 or 2 food trucks to known poor/homeless heavy areas to give out food for free. After Tony get’s back to Earth after The Snap he starts doing this in Peter’s place.
Karen was an AI created much sooner in this AU, and a watch with her programing in it was given to him when he was 9.
Peter was 5 when Pepper became Tony’s assistant and 7 when he accidently called her “Mom” for the first time, he was super embarrassed and Pepper blushed slightly but took it in stride, her and Tony using that to get Peter to do things like clean his room ect by telling him “Listen to you Mother” and it started as a joke but now he just calls her Mom in everyday conversation and it confuses new people but they don’t even bother explaining and usually it’s just accepted.
Peter was 8 when Tony was kidnapped and just has no idea what is going on, all he knew was that Miss. Potts was scared, he was pulled out of school for a few months, Happy wouldn’t leave him alone and his Uncle Rodey had told him that a couple hulking marines were going to be staying close to him until his Dad came home. All he really knew was that he hadn’t see his Dad in what seemed like forever and no one would tell him why, which was weird because Tony tended to make sure to find at least 5 minutes in a day to call him even when he was super busy.
Peter was 11 when Loki attacked the City, he’d just happened to be there visiting his Aunt May and when it happened he had run out of the house and made his way to Stark Tower, the Karen helping lead the way there despite telling him what a horrible idea it was. He barely made it there, ducking behind things and even inside of a dumpster or two. Tony see’s him right before Loki shows up and doesn’t have enough time to get mad, just enough time to force him into a safe room hidden in the wall behind where he was standing when Loki entered. Peter is smart like his Dad though, he managed to get out and sees his Dad fly through the wormhole. He nearly jumped off the edge when he saw him. Erik had been coming to check on him though after Natasha told him to, and grabbed him right before he jumped after his Father.
By 2014 Peter has been bitten and grained powers, try as he might Tony can’t stop his son from fighting bad guys when he can literally just scale headfirst down the Tower. And that’s just before he creates his web fluid and web shooters. This is part of what drives him into wanting to create Ultron. Everything goes wrong though and shit hits the fan, and when it does they can’t find Peter and Tony fears the worst. Then they get to Clints home though and there he is playing with and entertaining the younger kids and the grip of panic that had been holding him dissipated a little.
When the Avengers go to fight Ultron there is a huge argument between him and Tony, he wants to come and help. He has powers and the suit he made, he can help. In the end Tony wins and Peter stays behind at the Farm House, he spends most of the time in Teen Angst Mode and makes Laura dread her own children becoming teenagers.
In Civil War he’s ecstatic when Tony let’s him join the fight and help, though he in all honesty only does it because of the fact he knows none of the others would really hurt him. When he ends up with a black eye though he regrets it, telling him “Go or I’m calling your Mother!”
After Civil War when his Dad got on board with him being a small time neighborhood hero? Peter was very excited, and was more than happy to give both Tony and Happy updates regularly. Though he knew that Pepper wasn’t entirely happy about it? He knew that at least she was glad he was doing it with his Dad behind him rather than behind their backs.
After Peter’s screw up that ended in Tony taking the suit away and telling him he was done with crime fighting until he could grow up and think before he acted? Peter wasn’t all that surprised that Happy shut Ned down when he called him, but he hoped that his Dad would get there to help him sooner rather than later. Instead? He’d had to fight Vulture on his own, and had hidden off to the side when Happy and the other’s got there. He got the other’s attention by hitting him behind the ear with a tiny bit of web fluid and Happy expressed that he was glad Peter was okay but then shooed him off before anyone could notice him since his mask was gone.
After this happened Tony offered to Peter both officially introducing him to the world as Spiderman, and his son. He turned this down however, telling his Dad that he wanted to stay lowkey a while longer. In reality? He hadn’t exactly told his Dad everything that he went through in the battle with Vulture, and he both didn’t want to leave his friends behind as well as wanting more time to process what he’d been through. He already had a therapist he saw once a month, but now he bumped it up to twice a month and when needed weekly with no explanation to Tony.
Eventually at some point between his fight with Vulture and the space ship showing up on earth he asks Tony to come with him to one of his sessions, and finally tells him about everything that happened during that first big super hero battle of his.
When the space ship shows up on earth and Peter joins in on the fight, he nearly listens when Tony tells him to go home. But then he realizes that he didn’t know if he could handle it if his Dad died and he could have done something to stop it, and so instead? He clings onto the space ship and makes his way inside.
This drabble I wrote is 100% tied into my Peter’s story
After The Snap the world finds out who Peter is in regards to him being Tony’s son unless otherwise plotted, a memorial for him being held for him where the truth comes out about his identity like it was for many of those who disappeared. Ned had already known and MJ had her suspicions. But other than that a lot of people started treating him differently, he brushed most of them off but he was also secretly kind of glad that Flash still treated him exactly the same. Being bullied sucked and the guy was an ass, but at least he wasn’t trying to pretend he wanted to be his friend like so many people who had ignored him and/or his being bullied in the past. Because of this, its theorize by a lot of people before the end of his junior year that he is Spiderman because of the fact that Iron Man was his Father and seemed to have taken the younger hero under his wing. By the start of his Senior year the truth about who Spiderman is has been completely accepted, even if not confirmed by anyone who would know for sure.
Within a year of coming back from The Blip, Peter has changed his hero name to Iron Spider in order to honor his Father (or in the case of Tony still being alive, to signify him taking his place in the Avengers)
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