#also every future au in my head has a setting similar to bright (the movie) like
ndostairlyrium · 1 year
Funeral girl AU in which Lav is the social media manager of a funeral home, posting silly memes about death on Facebook, mass producing coffin/gravestone-shaped chocolate for every festivity, and is just very annoying online with death related puns
Somewhere in Cullen's apartment there's an old school poster of Nevarra's necropolis that says "It's never too late to fall in love. Or to fall in general." There's a "thinking of you" scribble behind it, because it was originally a gift for Cassandra that she recycled due to obvious reasons. So now it's there, along with a big collection of tombstone keychans and valentine's inspired chocolates with "see ya (on the other side)" written on them in old english font
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adonis-koo · 4 years
Blue Spring
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↳ Summary: Jeon Jungkook, only well known as the youngest (and hottest) dad at the daycare, he’s got it all, the looks, the sweetheart personality, the body, but here’s what gets everyone- he doesn’t wear a wedding ring. The only problem lies in his fickle one year old daughter that hates just about every daycare worker out there...Well...besides you that is. Which of course leads to Jungkook liking you just as much as his daughter...if not maybe a little too much.
Or in other words...You and Jungkook are secretly crushing on one another but too shy to admit it.
↳ Pairing: Single dad!Jungkook/Reader
↳ Genre: Daycare AU, Slice of life, copious amounts of fluff, a hair of angst, future smut
Word Count: 4K
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Seven thirty sharp. Your mind was groggy and you couldn’t stop the yawn that escaped your lips, you had stayed up too late the night before studying due to a test you’d have later today without even thinking about the shift you promised your coworker you’d cover. So here you were at First Steps 7:30 in the morning, coffee in hand and your hair in a messy bun.
You hadn’t even bothered getting changed besides your fitness pants. Outside of that you were still dawned in your oversized university sweatshirt. At least you’d be with the kids most of the day, one of the perks of working at a daycare was you rarely had to get dressed up.
Another perk was during naptime you could squeeze in a little more time to look over your notes, but maybe you shouldn’t get ahead of yourself considering you only slept six hours and currently look like you just rolled out bed.
Opening the door to the entrance you were greeted with the sound of cartoons, a morning routine while all the kids had their breakfast snack and got out their energy while playing. What drowned out the volume however was a familiar loud screech and whine from a little pair of arms that attached herself to the much larger figure.
“Awwwh, poor baby.” You cooed as you kneeled down, your lips quirking into a pout at the all too familiar sight, “Mina! Daddy has to go to work, he’ll be back for you later”
The little one year old suddenly perked up at the sound of your voice making you laugh softly before she quickly toddled over to you as best she could, fat crocodile tears dribbling down her cheeks as she threw herself dramatically against your chest making your lips pull into a big animated pout, “Awh it’s okay baby! Poor thing, it always takes her at least ten minutes to stop crying anytime you go.”
You picked her up, maneuvering her up to your hip as you kept her balanced in one hand, turning to fully face the tall man who you had grown acquainted too, “She’d probably cry the whole time if it weren’t for you Y/n, really thank you.” Jungkook gave an endearing smile as he let his little girl wrap her tiny hand around his finger, tears still dribbling down her cheeks as whines escaped her.
Mina, was a tough one. When new kids came in it was usually guaranteed they’d have a little separation anxiety from their parents, especially if it was the first they had ever done something like this. Usually it was recommended that the parent only leave them for an hour or so at first before they started dropping them off full time but that wasn’t always the case.
Regardless, you were both used to it and trained for it. You could almost always coax a child into looking over at the toy wall to find something they liked, or maybe they liked being read aloud too. And with particularly hard ones, you’d even let them pick out a movie if it was movie hour. But almost always, after a child was initially acquainted to you, they’d let you at least hold them or maybe coax them to play with you.
Mina, was one of the few exceptions. She had major separation anxiety from her dad and did not want any of the workers holding her- even trying to play with her. You had heard plenty about the ‘cryer’ in your work’s group chat as various staff who had worked the days she was here tried to figure out how to handle her. Then, you finally met her.
She looked doe eyed, hugging onto her dad's leg when you kneeled down and introduced yourself with a bright yet sincere smile.
You weren’t sure if it was how you said hello to her, or if it was the way you smelled like your favorite lotion, but for some reason this little girl was stuck to you like glue ever since, “You know you're her favorite right?” Jungkook joked the dimple on his cheek showing as he gave a rather boyish- yet charming smile. He was a sweetheart, through and through, you could tell how much he cared for his daughter and it only added to his charm further.
“Well, it is a part of the job,” You glanced up at him returning a tiny smile of your own as you shrugged.
You’d deny all of your coworkers giggly words and raised eyebrows anytime you were in the same room as them when Jungkook dropped Mina off. You’d also deny that you were almost always flustered in his presence, Jungkook was young, like young. He could have only been five years older than you at most. If not closer to your age.
And it wasn’t like you were blind either, he was obviously attractive. He was the talk of your coworkers day, mainly because he had a child, right? But here’s the thing, he wasn’t wearing a wedding ring.
At first you were the rational one, maybe he just had a girlfriend and they were going to tie the knot eventually? Or maybe they were one of those couples that didn’t believe in marriage. Chloe had proposed that maybe he wasn’t a jewelry type of guy and always forgot to put it on. Or maybe they were a couple that did something unorthodox like wedding bracelets.
It was Lisa who chimed in last, reminding you both that this was the dad who had his ears completely punctured with over four piercings on each side. He was definitely a jewelry kind of guy.
So why wouldn’t he wear whatever jewelry they chose as their wedding bond?
Regardless, the reason your coworkers constantly winked in your direction was because it was obvious Mina had taken a liking to you, which meant Jungkook had as well...Maybe a little too well, according to them at least.
The rest was self explanatory.
“Still, Mina’s a big daddy’s girl. I felt awful leaving her here all day the first few weeks.” Jungkook gave a bashful smile as he set the large backpack down, Jeon Mina labeled on the front which held all her favorite snacks, diapers and any possible blankets or stuffies she’d need or want from home. You usually didn’t go digging around through bags but it usually helped if a parent brought in something from home. Especially for ones like Mina who could really benefit from it.
“Oh I can tell,” You gave a laugh as Mina, as if sensing she was being talked about broke into tears again as her little hand tightened on her dad’s finger, “Oh honey, shhh,” You bounced her a little on your hip with a coo before glancing up once more, “But it’s a transitional stage for her, for any of them who tend to have separation anxiety. You might feel awful but I promise it’s fine, it’s something they all go through and adjust to as they get older. I see it all the time.”
Jungkook smiled a little at your reassurance, something about him just looked so endearingly boyish still despite being a fully grown man, maybe it was the little dimple that appeared on his cheek or the beauty mark just beneath his lower lip, “I know, it still doesn’t make it any easier though,” Just as he said those words he sighed a little as he glanced over at the clock, “Anyways I need to head on to work, I will see you later.”
Mina as if sensing his departure immediately began crying once more as he pressed a kiss on her forehead, your heart speeding up a little at him being so close, the strong scent of cologne meeting your nose before quickly disappearing. Mina had tried her best to hold onto her dad’s finger as he easily pulled away, giving a semi guilty smile at the wallowing drama queen he called his daughter as he gave you another smile and nod before exiting.
Setting your coffee down against the counter you sighed, taking a deep breath as you held Mina in both arms, her little face thrown down against your shoulder as she pitifully cried against you. Nothing like being clung to first thing in the morning before you could even drink a full cup of coffee. God you had so much respect for mothers.
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“I just think, if the opportunity is there, and if he’s single...why not take it?” Lisa raised her brows as she coaxingly tried to convince you of an honestly, unprofessional idea.
Sighing you pinched the bridge of your nose as Mina colored beside you- well, if scribbling with a colored pencil counted as coloring, “Lisa, that’s a horrible idea. We don’t know if he’s single or not, and honestly? It’s none of my business. Besides he’s a dad, I don’t know….” You paused your words as you glanced around before lowering your voice into a whisper, “I don’t know shit about parenting.”
Chloe clacked her tongue as she leaned back in her seat, the tiny cherry red kids chair which almost all of you sat in rather than fight over who got to sit in the big chair, often making kids think they could sit on it in which they’d be disappointed in the result, “Y/n we work with kids everyday.” She cut into the conversation deadpan.
Leave it to Chloe to point out the obvious but working with kids or not that wasn’t even close to the same thing.
“Yeah, but we don’t live with them, Chloe, we don’t have to discipline them everyday, we don’t have to call the doctor when they get sick or- or tuck them in at night or let them sleep with us when they have a nightmare- being a caretaker and a parent might be similar but they aren’t the same.” You tapped your coloring pencil against the page of the coloring sheet Mina had picked out for you, well more like the first one she could find and drag out before slapping it against the table and pointing at a chair. If she could speak you were certain she’d be demanding for you to sit.
Having a tiny child boss you around all day wasn’t the greatest job in the world but it could certainly be worse.
“Honestly, who said anything about parenting? I mean...a flings a fling-” Chloe paused, glancing over at the four year olds who were all playing before lowering her voice and leaning in a little, “You’ve seen his body and he’s clearly interested in you, how can you not see it?”
You could feel your face flush as you looked away from her, scowling at the table. How can they talk about this in front of his daughter! Albeit she was only one years old and looked perfectly happy scribbling her piece of paper, even going as far as to help you color yours as well.
Swallowing thickly you lowered your voice before exasperatedly hissing, “I am not messing with that! It would be different if he was actively trying to talk to me but I don’t think that’s what he’s going for.”
Lisa raised her brows almost looking offended at your words, had it not been for one of the four year olds calling for her you were positive she would’ve went on a massive rant about how dumb you were, “Uh he always talks to you when he’s here? How much more does he have to beg for your attention Y/n?- Coming Wi Joo.” Standing up she huffed before making her way over to where the kids were.
Speak of the devil you were surprised at who had poked their head through the door, Jungkook had stayed behind watching with a soft smile at his little girl happily coloring beside you, tugging on your finger to make you look at her picture as you nodded, leaning in as you whispered, “I think someone is here for you.” Mina glanced up as you pointed your finger to the door.
You had never seen a toddler look so frantic as she cried in happiness, Jungkook never came by this early so it must have been a treat. Unfortunately Mina was still clumsy on her feet and tripped on her way to her dad before dramatically rolling onto her back as she cried.
“Oh my goodness!” Jungkook exclaimed as he walked in with a chuckle as he glanced down with precious eyes at his baby who glanced up at him with foe crocodile tears, purposely acting like she was hurt so he’d pick her up, “Is my babygirl okay?” He leaned down before effortlessly picking her up, her crying immediately stopped as a giggle bubbled on her lips as if feeling she had successfully tricked her dad into picking her up, “Was she good?”
Jungkook had asked as he turned to you, standing up as you rounded the table with a nod, “Oh yeah! A little fussy this morning but I think it was because she hadn’t had a snack yet, not to mention she was pretty upset for you leaving. I think all is forgiven though since you came by early.”
Laughing Jungkook nodded as he shifted her to his hip, “Yeah I only had a half day at work, so I figured I’d take her to get some lunch before dropping her off at her moms. She’ll probably be mad at me again but what can I do?”
“Uh Y/n- Ji Woo puked, you mind getting us some more paper towels?” You cringed as you looked over at Lisa who had pulled a crying Ji Woo along to the bathroom as Chloe hearded the other kids away from the mess.
“Oh she’ll survive. She loves to be a drama queen though, right Mina?” You poked her cheek making a giggle escape her lips as she grabbed your finger with both of her hands, a bubble escaping her lips as if she were trying her hardest to say something, little brows focused, “M…!” You laughed at her cute little focused expression, her doe eyes glancing at you like her little life depended on it, “Anyways, have a good day guys, I’ll see you later.”
You gave a short wave to them both, intending to go and get more paper towels because the sight of the bile was large and it was clear someone had still been motion sick even after the car ride. God didn’t his mom say she’d stop letting him eat in the car before taking him here?
“Oh uh!”
You turned around at the sound of Jungkook’s almost jumbled words, his eyes wide as if he had forgotten something before sharply forcing his voice to sound more calm, “I was uh wondering….” He suddenly looked a little hesitant, eyes glancing down as you raised your brows, “Umm, I...I promised my boss I’d come in on Saturday to help with a project and I really need a babysitter for Mina....Would you mind...if you aren’t busy of course!” He suddenly rushed. You tilted your head at first, mainly because it looked like he wanted to ask you something else but had changed his mind.
Tugging on a strand of your hair you quickly glanced over at the Chloe who had been telling the younger kids to stay away from the mess despite their ignorance, “Uh yeah! No, as long as you don’t mind me studying while watching her, um. I- uh- I...really need to go over and help...Let me uh-” You grabbed one of First Steps business cards before turning it over and using the back to write down your number, “Here, you can send me the details and we can work out pay a little later.”
Jungkook’s eyes lit up before he smiled, grabbing the card from you as he nodded, “Yes- absolutely! Thank you Y/n, I’ll uh,” He gave a small laugh as he glanced over to your frantic coworker, “I’ll leave you to it, say bye Mina.” He grabbed her little arm as he made her wave making you laugh as you quickly ran over to help Chloe.
Maybe...just maybe your coworkers were onto something.
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You swallowed thickly, feeling only slightly intimidated at the size of the house. Jungkook couldn’t have been in his thirties already, right? I mean, you knew he was definitely older than you but still...there was no way someone in their twenties could already afford to live somewhere so nice. Right?
Meanwhile you were stuffed in a small apartment close to the uni with three roommates who all lived on ramen, you included. Fixing the bag over your shoulder you took an inhale before stepping up to the door and knocking, it was only a few moments before the door swung open. Much to your surprise you were met with a wet headed Jungkook, dawned in sweatpants and a loose white shirt that still somehow strapped against his broad shoulders, “Oh good you’re here! Come in.”
Jungkook ushered as he stood aside, carefully you took your shoes off as Jungkook waved you over, “Mina is in the living room right now watching cartoons, she’s never hungry this early in the morning but she has some chocolate milk, um, oh yeah, she’ll probably want breakfast around nine or so. I have some cereal in the dolly if you want an easy way out,” Jungkook had lead you into the kitchen- the very nice kitchen, granite countertops, smooth tile flooring and a spacious middle counter, “But I also have plenty of ingredients if you wanna be adventurous and making pancakes or anything- word of advice she’s picky about eggs.” Jungkook sent a playful wink your way making your face flair up as you gave a laugh- though it felt more nervous than anything.
“Also, feel free to eat as well, I don’t want you to starve while you’re here,” Jungkook continued, eyes genuine as he paused for a moment, making you nod before he gestured you into the living room, the lights were all turned off and the curtains had yet to be drawn making the room much more dark than it appeared except for the TV.
Your heart was ready to melt at the pile of blankets on the couch, Mina was practically buried in them happily, her stuffed bear she always carried with her nestled against her as she sleepily yawned, “I’m not really a restrictive parent when it comes to TV but if it’s grating on your sanity you can feel free to turn it off at any time, she’ll be a little whiney about it but there’s plenty of toys in her room, speaking of,”
You passed into the hallway with Jungkook as he walked all the way down to the end, opening the door into a much brighter and frilly room decked in light princess pink, toys scattered across the floor, “All of her coloring and markers are in her closet, any toy she could possibly need is in here, she might insist it isn’t but trust me- it is. I usually put her down for a nap around after lunch and get her up around three or so before dinner. That pretty much covers everything. Since she’s home she probably won’t cry, I’ll be home around two or so anyways so I’m sure it’ll go by quick for her. Uh do you have any questions or…?”
“No! I mean, it sounds good to me. I wrestle with kids everyday when it comes to nap time so I doubt anything will be any more challenging than that. Uh otherwise I should be fine, I can always call if I have a problem but I’m not worried about it, Mina’s a good kid at daycare so I’m sure she’ll be fine at home. Is there anything you want me to make sure to do?” You asked as you both walked back down the hall
Jungkook gave it some thought for a moment before giving a shrug altogether, “No, I have complete faith you’ll be fine. I know you guys get to deal with a lot of bitchy parents but I’m not really….” he paused for a moment, looking away with a familiar expression to Mina whenever she was focused, “I trust you, that’s all.” Oh...your face flushed a little at his words, both of you paused for a second as you realized how close you were to him at the moment.
Why did this feel so domestic?
Jungkook looked like he just rolled out of bed...and so did you...it almost felt like it another universe rather then coming over to watch his daughter it was like you could be living together- No! No! No! Don’t let your mind go there! Both of you broke out of whatever tranced silence had took over at the gurgle of excitement. Blabber coming from Mina in excitement at the sight of you, her thumb escaping her lips as she dropped her blanket, toddling over to you before hugging your leg, “Awwwh goodmorning honey.” You couldn’t help but coo out, internally squealing at just how cute she was.
God you loved kids.
Picking her up she excitingly bounced against your hip before wrapping her tiny arms around you. Jungkook’s eyes crinkled a little at the sight, “Alright, if you’re set here then I better get going. I’ll be back soon.” He leaned in kissing Mina’s forehead as she cooed softly, clearly in contentment as he smiled once more before exiting the kitchen. Except unlike at daycare she stayed calm the whole time, maybe not even realizing he was gone. Instead, Mina chose to snuggle up against you as you laughed walking back into the living room before carefully sitting on the couch.
Glancing at the entry way you couldn’t help but wonder where Jungkook worked for him to be going in wearing such casual attire. He was usually a little more formal with his clothes, not suit and tie but well fitted jeans and maybe a button up. Clacking your tongue you forced yourself to relax, you were going to be here for over six hours, might as well get comfortable.
The hours did in fact go by fast, you had spent most of the morning studying before going into the kitchen, deciding you’d make plenty of breakfast for both you and Mina while splurging on premade french toast sticks in the freezer while making sausage to go.
Given Mina couldn’t talk yet it had been a little lonely within the hours but it was a good time spent on studying until she was suddenly out of sight and getting into something, or trying to fall off something, or...well...you get the idea.
Naptime was more difficult than you anticipated, especially given how easily she was knocked out at daycare, but then again she also used a lot more energy there when crying. Mina was in the comforts of her home and was not happy to be told it was naptime.
You never could get her in her room but she eventually lost the battle when she cuddled in your lap and eventually fell asleep, your text book in hand as you tiredly rubbed your eyes, yawning before forcing your eyelids back open.
You hadn’t even heard the door open until the sight of Jungkook quietly came into view, he was in silent awe at the sight, you looked picture perfect with Mina sleeping against you, he felt his heartrate spike when you noticed him, giving your own sleepy smile as he sat down next to you, not too close, but enough to get a good look at your tired features, “Was she good?”
You gave a tiny nod as you set the text book down, “Yeah, stubborn about naptime but here we are.”
Jungkook gave a soft laugh, mindful of his voice as he didn’t wanna wake his princess, eyes affectionate as he glanced down, “Sounds about right, I usually get a naptime too when she gets like this. Guess you found out she’s a big cuddler.”
“Oh yeah, she tried to toddle off a few times but she stuck to me most of the day. She’s never been this clingy at daycare but I can understand why.” You carefully shifted in your seat a little, trying to straighten yourself from your sunken position without waking her, it was silent for a moment before you decided to tread carefully, “So uh, where do you work Jungkook? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“Oh no it’s fine, I work as a game developer for Bandai Namco. We’ve been working on a new expansion for the Soul series lately and we’re behind so I’ve been going in extra to try and get us ahead again. I wish I didn’t have too since Saturdays are the only days I get to really spend with Mina…” A twinge of guilt flickered on Jungkook’s face as he pressed his lips together, yet if you looked closer you could see he seemed almost sad, maybe disappointed in himself, “I um, I know you’re studying but...How about you? I’m assuming you’re in university right?”
You gave a small smile as you nodded, “Yeah, I’m studying in nursing right now,” You could tell he seemed a little taken aback by your answer making you laugh, “I know, a lot of people assume I’m in for teaching, especially sense that’s the norm for daycare workers, but…! I am hoping to get in at the children’s hospital, I love working with kids.”
“You’re great with them,” Jungkook hadn’t meant to let it slip from his mouth but it was too late, silence had taken over once more as you gave a shyer smile as Jungkook fumbled, cheeks beginning to dust pink, “I mean...uh! You are! You know how to calm them down and uh…Mina really likes you, so um, that counts for something. She’s really picky with people, you didn’t hear it from me but she really doesn’t even like her mom.”
You tried to laugh yet you couldn’t force it, something felt particularly taboo about laughing at that yet you didn’t know why. You couldn’t help but wonder why Mina’s mom couldn’t watch her. Or why Jungkook seemed so serious despite his joking tone, “Well I think deep down all kids secretly have a favorite parent,” You kept your tone light yet neutral, not wanting to tread on sensitive ground with whatever seemed to be going on with Jungkook’s significant other.
You weren’t sure what the story was but going off his words yesterday at the daycare he must have been divorced if Mina’s mom didn’t live with him. And give his joking- yet serious comment their relations must not have ended kindly.
“Fair enough, maybe it’s just me but I think I’m a pretty awesome dad.” Jungkook boasted with that boyish grin making you stifle your laugh. After the initial ice had been broken you both seemed to hold a conversation easily and before you had knew it the hours had slipped away from you. Mina eventually waking up from her nap only to gurgle in delight at the sight of her dad, crawling into his lap, “Oh I should probably get going,” you had checked your phone only for your eyes to widen at the time, “I promised my friends I’d help get snacks for movie night.”
Shifting in your seat as you stood up, Jungkook mirroring you leaving Mina on the couch with a whine in complaint, “Oh yeah of course! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to keep you…!”
“No! It’s okay,” You rushed out, feeling your cheeks begin to warm as you rubbed your neck, “...I actually enjoyed myself…!” You shuffled in your spot feeling your throat become dry at the silence as you wracked your brain to find something else to say.
Jungkook cleared his throat, feeling a little meek as he rubbed his nose, “W-well um...maybe we can uh...maybe we can do this again sometime?” You felt your face burn at his shy expression, peering up at you hesitantly before continuing, “O-or maybe go out to eat sometime…? With Mina of course!” He rushed, “She’d be a little mad if we left her here.”
You couldn’t help the soft laugh that escaped you despite the nervous butterflies in your stomach, “Of course she would...id...I’d like that a lot..!” Oh god, did he just ask you out? Your brain was wrecked with a million thoughts as you and Jungkook fumbled with your goodbyes. The warm air meeting your lunges with relief as you stepped outside before shoving your face into your hands. He asked you out! Jeon Jungkook, only the hottest dad at the daycare really just asked you out!
Sucking in another breath of air you couldn’t help but let the giddy grin tug on your lips. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea. Jungkook obviously liked you enough to try a date and...and why not not! Maybe your friends weren’t wrong after all.
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Note: thank you all for being so patient with me! I know Blue Spring has been highly anticipated and the wait is over! It was originally meant to be a oneshot but it just got ridiculously long lmao so by popular choice it’s going to be a four part mini series! Please enjoy and let me know what you think!! 🖤
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bonnyskies · 3 years
come back to me [epilogue] ⇢ jjk
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you’re willing to do anything to save your marriage, even if that meant you’d have to sacrifice your own happiness to do so.
pairing — husband!jungkook x malereader
genre — angst, sexual themes, idol au, exes to lovers-ish au, open relationship au, marriage au, parents au
series warnings — infidelity (kinda?), swearing, bisexual!jungkook, jealous!jungkook, insecure!reader, unhealthy relationship, unrequited love-ish, slow burn, use of alcohol, mentions of divorce problems, (more could be added in future chapters)
word count — 2.6k
author’s note — this is officially the end :)
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Two years have passed since your anniversary, and nothing could be better.
Life was great, and you mean it this time. The feeling of waking up every morning and being in Jungkook’s arms created a warmth inside your chest that you never wanted to go away—and it seemed he felt the same way.
“Good morning,” you heard Jungkook whisper against the back of your neck, his voice low and raspy.
“Good morning,” you whispered back, feeling your heart flutter at the feeling of his arms tightening around your waist and placing kisses along your bare shoulder. “Happy anniversary, my love.”
Jungkook smiled against your smooth skin, moving his hand that was resting on your waist up your stomach, fingers dancing gently across your abdomen. “Happy anniversary, baby.”
“So what do you want to do today?” You ask, shuffling around so that you were now facing him, chest against chest, face against face. “We can have a picnic at the park together—you know, the one with that brand new jungle gym and the rope pyramid?”
“That sounds great,” Jungkook agrees while sliding his hands up and down your bare back and pressing tender kisses along your collarbone. “We can go to that deli restaurant across the street from the park and order that meat combo plate we got last time.”
“Yeah, we can!” You instantly nodded vigorously, already feeling your mouth watering at thought of the meal.
“Alright great,” Jungkook shot up from the bed, and you couldn’t help but blush at the sight of the many dark bruises and bright red scratch marks you left on him as he slid a pair of sweatpants and shirt on. “I’ll about go get the kids ready, you call the deli and order the food, okay?
You nodded your head, also getting out of bed and slipping on some clothes—and yes, kids, as in plural.
A week after your anniversary two years ago, Yeonha went into labor and gave birth to a baby girl, and you’re not lying when you say that she is splitting image of Jungkook. Anybody with eyes can easily tell that she is his daughter. They both share many characteristics, like hair and eye color, and they both have the same bunny smile that makes your heart skip a beat when seeing it.
You hate to admit it, but at first you thought it would be awkward when meeting her, especially since she is the child of your husband and his ex-girlfriend, but it wasn’t. You can’t lie and say your heart didn’t flutter when seeing her for the first time when Jungkook brought her into the house, in his arms, sound asleep—and the sight of that made you want another baby if you were being honest, but of course you couldn’t say anything, not when he just had one.
And as for Yeonha, sadly she’s still in your life. Jungkook and her have shared custody over Mina, so that means you have to see her at least twice a week when they meet with each other to get Mina from one another. But luckily you don’t have to speak to her at least.
Again, life was perfect now.
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“Minho, make sure to watch your sister!” Jungkook shouts, watching with concern as the two kids sprinted excitedly to the playground.
“They’re fine, Jungkook. See,” you pointed at Minho who was currently helping Mina onto the swings before pushing her gently back and forth. “Now,” you then unwrapped the meat combo plate you got from the deli and handed Jungkook a slider and a can of strawberry soda. “Let’s enjoy our anniversary, okay?”
“Best anniversary ever,” Jungkook teased, clinging your two soda cans together and pecking your lips softly before taking a small sip.
The two of you then began to dig into the food, taking fairly large bites into the small sandwiches. “This is delicious,” you spoke with a full mouth, “We haven’t had this in like—forever.”
“Yeah,” Jungkook agrees, taking another bite of his sandwich. “It’s been what—two months since we’ve been there, and it’s still delicious as ever.” He then glances over at you, lips curling up at the sight of your ketchup stained mouth and full cheeks. Even now, he thought you were the most beautiful, most handsome man his eyes have ever laid on. “I love you.”
His words were sudden, surprising you and making you stare at him with wide eyes and a full mouth. “W-What?”
Jungkook chuckled at your shocked reaction before repeating, “I love you, and I’m sorry that we can’t have a normal anniversary with just each other, alone.”
“It’s okay, you don’t have to apologize, darling.” You were quick to reassure him by placing your hand on his bicep and giving it a firm squeeze. “It’s your weekend with Mina and I’m okay with that, you know I love her like my own.”
Your words warmed Jungkook’s heart. You were right, you do love Mina as if she is your own child and that makes him so happy.
When Mina was born Jungkook was afraid that you two would start to drift apart again. Because after all, you were helping raise your husband’s child that wasn’t yours, and that can make things complicated.
But you proved him wrong.
The moment Mina became a part of your life you treated as if she was your own without any doubt, and that made Jungkook’s heart swell. He can’t tell how many times he has woken up and found his daughter in the kitchen with you, handing you the ingredients and helping you cook breakfast.
Jungkook thought there was no way he could love you anymore than how much he does now, but he was wrong. As he stood by the stairway, watching you two bond he could feel his heart triple in size inside his chest. You are definitely someone he doesn’t deserve to call his husband.
“You’re the best,” came out of his mouth faster than his mind could comprehend it. You simply shook your head, attempting to dismiss the topic but he continued. “No seriously, you’re the best husband anyone could ever have. Anyone else in your position would’ve left and never turned back but you chose to stay, and I can’t think of a way to show you how grateful I am.”
“I can’t think of a way either,” you agreed with him, smirking as you leaned over and brushed your lips against his teasingly. “It might take me the rest of my life to think of something. Do you mind waiting for that long?”
When hearing the teasing tone of your voice, he then said, “I don’t mind one bit,” before pressing his lips firmly against yours, the kiss being short yet passionate.
The rest of the day was like this, you and Jungkook being in the each other’s embrace, watching both Mina and Minho play together at the playground. It was peaceful, and calm. The four of you stayed at the park until nighttime, where the sun was starting to set and the moon was beginning to come out.
When going home, you were expecting to have a family movie night or something similar like that, because every weekend when you two have Mina it always comes to that—not that you were complaining because you loved family nights. But you definitely weren’t expecting to hear Jungkook say to the two kids to pack their bags and that they are going to stay with your mother tonight.
“W-What are you doing?” You ask the moment you enter the house, Minho and Mina sprinting up stairs to do exactly what their dad told them to. “It’s your weekend with Mina, I told you that I’m okay with spending our anniversary like this—”
“But I’m not,” Jungkook cut you off, placing his hands on your waist and pulling you to his chest. “You deserve the best. And don’t worry, one night won’t hurt—and it’s a three day weekend so I get Mina an extra day.”
You were hesitant at first, but when he started to leave tender kisses along your neck, making you become weak in the knees you couldn’t help but cave in, a hint of blush forming on your cheeks. “Okay, fine.”
“You don’t sound so excited to have the night to ourselves,” Jungkook muttered inside your neck, placing even more kisses down to your slightly exposed collarbone. “You know, it’s been almost a month since we have had time to ourselves—”
“Appa.” The sound of Mina’s loud, cheerful voice caused you and Jungkook to instantly separate, turning to see the two-year-old girl and Minho sprinting down the stairs with their backpacks on. “We’re ready.”
Jungkook licked his lips, trying to hide the swollen signs of them. “well, I’ll go take them to your eomeoni and be right right back, okay?”
“Okay,” you smiled back at him, pecking him on the lips and giving both Mina and Minho a kiss on their forehead. “Have fun you two, love you and behave.”
“Love you too appa,” they both shouted out, running past Jungkook as he opened the door for them and went straight towards the car.
Just as you were about to close the door, Jungkook kept it open with his foot in between the gap. His last words to you before leaving left you stunned and utterly speechless.
“You better be prepped and ready by the time I come home, baby boy.”
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Jungkook couldn’t deny how stunning you were, even while you laid right beside him, both of you completely bare, sweat glistening off your bodies and chest heaving up and down, trying to regain your breath.
He can’t remember that last time you two have went this hard. It’s been half an hour since you two both have reached your release and he could still see you trembling underneath him, feel you clawing at his back and tears of pleasure shining in your eyes as he thrusted deeply into you. The sight was breathtaking.
“This thirty-three year old still got it,” Jungkook spoke up in a raspy voice, making you chuckle as you shifted your body onto your side to face him, running your hand up and down his bare torso.
“Yes you do,” you grinned up at him, leaning down and placing a couple tender kisses along his exposed, sharp collarbone.
A peaceful silence then consumed the bedroom. The two of you enjoyed the calm atmosphere that succumbed you both, savoring this moment since you two haven’t had any time for yourselves ever since the day Mina was born—not that any of you were complaining because she is a gem no doubt, it was just you two are a married couple and still would like to have time for yourselves every once in a while.
You could slowly feel yourself slip into slumber, but Jungkook’s next words made your eyes shoot wide open, nearly bulging out of your head.
“Let’s have another baby.”
“W-What,” you sat up on the bed, leaning back against the headboard and stared down at him. “Have you completely lost your mind? We already have two kids.”
“I know,” Jungkook copied your same position. “But I don’t know, I really want another kid, don’t you?”
“Of course I do—” you tried to say but then he cut you off, continuing.
“Then why can’t we? We both are in a perfect place in our lives,” smiling widely, Jungkook took your hands into his and squeezed them tightly. “You just got a promotion so you now work from home, and BTS is over, we finished our last tour last month so that means I’m going to be home now more than ever. Come on, let’s have another baby, please?”
You remained silent, and when Jungkook noticed your hesitation a frown formed on his lips. “If you don’t want another kid then that’s okay with me, I’m just wondering if you want one as well.”
Your heart clenched when seeing his downed expression, your thumbs immediately caressing the back of his hands comfortingly. “Jungkook, it’s not that I don’t want another kid because I do, but Mina is only two-years-old, don’t you think it is kind of early?”
Jungkook shook his head instantly, “No, I don’t. We always talked about having a big family, and now that we’re both in a comfortable place in our life, what’s a greater time than now?”
His words brought a large smile on your face. “Then let’s have another baby.”
“Really?” Jungkook stared at you with wide eyes, mouth gaped open.
“Yes really,” you quickly nodded, and next thing you knew you felt Jungkook’s lips crashing onto yours, moving his body so that he was now hovering you, hands moving down to your thighs and pulling you flushed against his body.
You couldn’t but moan against his lips when you felt his hands begin grope your ass, squeezing the flesh of your skin. “You do remember I’m a man, right? So that means I can’t get pregnant,” you teased, pulling away from his lips to stare at him.
Jungkook’s lips curled up into a smirk and whispered, “doesn’t mean we can’t try,” before bringing his mouth back down onto yours.
The night was again filled with the sound of your moans, Jungkook’s groans, and his skin slapping against yours.
And when morning, the first thing you did was call the same adoption agency that Minho came from and now, the two of you were officially added onto the list.
Life may be perfect now, but it was only going to get even more better from here on out.
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“Alright Ms. Lee, I’m going to need you to push one more time and the baby should come out,” the male doctor that sat in front of you and Jungkook stated.
The woman that was laying on the hospital bed had tears in her eyes as she nodded her head, releasing a loud cry before doing exactly what the doctor said. And soon, the sound of a baby’s cries filled the delivery room.
“It’s a boy,” the doctor says, handing the baby boy to one of the nurses so that they could clean him up.
“Thank you so much, A-yeong.” You grasped onto the woman’s hand, bowing your head gratefully and at same time Jungkook also asks, “How are feeling?”
“Really tired,” the woman answered, skin shining with sweat and chest heaving up and down from exhaustion.
“Well you only have little time to rest before we have to go again,” the doctor spoke up again, “The second baby should coming out any second now.”
You and Jungkook both froze, “S-Second baby? We were informed that there will be only one.”
“I don’t know what you want me to say,” the doctor shrugged his shoulders. “On the record it says, Lee A-yeong, female, age thirty-one, having twins.”
You turned to Jungkook, eyes wide but shining with excitement. “We’re having twins,” you said, voice trembling out of happiness.
“We’re having twins,” Jungkook repeated your words, sharing the same joyful expression as you before leaning down capturing your lips into a sweet, passionate kiss.
Soon, another baby’s cries could be heard, making you two separate. Your eyes then met the baby’s ones, making your heart flutter inside. “This one is a girl.”
“Oh my god,” Jungkook gasped, hand over his mouth out of shock. “We have another baby girl.”
After the nurses cleaned both babies, they each handed you and Jungkook one. “So, have you two thought about any names?”
“Well, I’m thinking of naming the girl A-yeong,” you suggested, glancing at Jungkook for his opinion while delicately running the tip of your index finger along the baby girl’s chubby cheek.
“I like it,” Jungkook agrees.
A-yeong smiles and bows her head thankfully. “Thank you for naming her after me.” She then asks, “what about about the boy?”
“How about Junghyun?” Jungkook says, rocking the baby boy in his arms gently back and forth.
You instantly nodded your head, “Yeah, it’s cute—definitely suits him.”
“Hello there little ones,” Jungkook gets closer to you so that he can see the baby girl, A-yeong asleep in your arms. “Damn, they’re so precious.”
“Hey, watch your language,” you scolded him, “we’ve got babies right here.”
Jungkook chuckled and pecked your forehead. “Welcome to the world, Jeon A-yeong and Jeon Junghyun.”
Life may be perfect? No, life is perfect.
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the series is officially over, i’d like to thank everyone who has supported me throughout this entire series. i love you all so much, there’s no way i could’ve been able to finish this without you guys.
@xworldwidecutieguyx, @yoongis-soulmate, @jikookvfans, @heartfeltscribblings, @blazedprince, @btsfaris, @sonderkook, @angel-moni, @http-je0n, @magic-fox-555, @moonfairyjoon, @taozibun1, @ephemeralkookie, @thesquiglybumblebee, @httpjazel, @justqueerandhereforthetea, @dreamer95, @singabon-roll, @shaybeans, @fancykoos, @galaxyeyedjungkook, @nlnkm, @you-need-namjesus, @teuteusstuff, @moon-asia, @julia-pacheco-blog, @0minabean0, @pjmislovely​, @polly-wifu, @jinsonaz, @unsolvetheheckoutofit, @multihoneyfairy, @xavi-in-kpopland, @daydreamerblues, @kurochan3
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wetookanoath · 5 years
I don’t know if you’ve ever seen it, but in the first postmortem the boys do, Ryan says that Shane once told him that he [Shane] wants his last words to be “Keep Rolling.” Do you think you could write a fic based on that? I feel like your writing would be perfect for that style fic. If you don’t want to, I understand. I love you ❤️❤️
Originally, this was two fics. One was the answer to this prompt that I started to write almost TWO years ago that then morphed into a parallel story to Like You Want To Be Loved from Ryan’s POV, and the other was a birthday gift for @mercury-skies (I’m so sorry I missed the date!), but then I realized both were pretty similar and said, “fuck it, canon divergence”. Which… is what this is, lol. In this Canon Divergence kinda AU thing, Shane has had Obi since he moved to LA.
Dear Soph, I hope you like this little thingy. I’m so sorry it took so long, I hope your birthday was as wonderful as you. I love you, you are one of the reasons I’m in this fandom still, and one of my best friends. I hope to have you in my life for a thousand years.
PS: It’s not a parallel story to LYWTBL.
(Read on AO3)
I’ll Stick With You, Baby, For A Thousand Years
If you asked Ryan, it all started in the Sallie House.
He had known Shane for almost two years before he asked him to be part of Unsolved. There was a certain amount of nervousness when he did so, and a sweet and almost shy smile on Shane’s face when he said yes without looking at him, pretending to not be excited. 
Ryan knew then it had been a good idea.
In that evil house, he confirmed this thought when he had ran out of the place with his blood rushing through his veins in hot waves, heart pounding crazy in his ears. He couldn’t hear anything but the million ways his brain had told him the demon inside the house was going to kill him if he kept messing with it in there, Shane’s juvenile laugh so far away now that Ryan wondered if he had imagined it.
At first, he also thought he was imagining the man coming out of the house in such a calm manner, it made Ryan feel even more uneasy. But his friend had approached him, asked if he was okay, and when he hadn’t gotten an answer, waited until Ryan was ready to look up at him a few seconds later.
“We have to get back inside, Ryan,” he had said and Ryan had shook his head no, no, no, never. “Look, I know you’re scared but this is our job now, man. We committed to this, we are gonna finish this together.”
“I don’t want to die…” he murmured. Shane chuckled but it didn’t really sound offensive to his ears. In a way, it made him feel a bit better that the man found all this so funny.
Shane was smiling, that was the trick that did it. He smiled at Ryan, bright and kind, finding Ryan’s fear endearing somehow and not shameful. His hands were on Ryan’s shoulders in a heartbeat, his face neutral as he spoke again.
“You are not gonna die, I won’t let that happen. None of us will.” He said. “You are already the bravest of us by deciding to walk in there earlier today, knowing that you believe in whatever could be there.”
“Are you admitting there’s a demon in the house?”
“I’m admitting nothing but the only truth we know for sure: you believe in it, it scares you, and yet you set foot there like a boss.” He smiled again, squeezing Ryan’s right shoulder. “In my book, you’ve already won against that bitch little girl.”
At the time, it had made him laugh. Ryan swallowed and nodded, readying himself to get back into the house when Shane’s hands cradled his face in his big hands. His heart stopped beating and for a second, Ryan wished Shane would kiss him.
The man looked at his face instead, as if searching for something Ryan wasn’t sure was in him. After a few seconds, he smirked.
“Let’s get back in there, little guy.” It was the first time he had called him that and it made Ryan want to listen to him forever. “Let’s finish this job.”
They had gone in there together, Shane behind him, ready to push him into the place if necessary but it wasn’t. Instead, Ryan had tried his best to not piss his pants and let Shane keep laughing in the face of danger like if he wasn’t scared for the soul of his friend.
Shane made things different, Ryan noticed, in a way he hasn’t witnessed before. 
Maybe it was the fact that he didn’t believe that made him brave in Ryan’s eyes, screaming and laughing at empty spaces Ryan thought were filled with evil they couldn’t see. But Shane looked back at him, the tender smile of earlier and Mexico City, and San Jose, and that afternoon at work when he had popped the question, so sweet on his lips, making his face kinder and Ryan had to blink back unknown tears.
“You really are scared, aren’t you?” Shane asked him later as they laid down on the floor.
He had gotten his sleeping bag closer to Shane and the man had laughed, allowing him this as he was allowing him so much lately. Ryan said nothing to his question, thinking it unnecessary when it was so obvious what was happening to him.
Many shadows were taking strange shapes, windows seemed to get darker, and Shane came into view still with all the lights off. Ryan looked at him as the man got closer to Ryan and laid on his side, looking at him.
“Give me,” he said. Ryan frowned and realized he was offering him his hand. Shane was asking for his. “Give me that hand.”
Hesitant, Ryan moved his hand until it was on Shane’s. The man grabbed it like if he was trying to warm it up, keeping it against his in a firm grip without interlocking their fingers or doing anything else, just holding it. Shane sighed, licking between his lips before squeezing Ryan’s hand.
“Nothing you think may be out there is real.” He murmured, Ryan was already aware this was something they were getting cut for the video. “Nothing out there can hurt you, I promise you that.”
“You can’t do that.”
The man smiled. “Don’t contradict me, Bergara, never underestimate my competitiveness.”
Ryan couldn’t help but giggle at that, both of them were certainly assholes when it came to competing against others and against each other. In a way, it was one of the first things that attracted him to Shane, the way he seemed to encourage him into competing with him to be the best new thing in the office. It was insufferable and oddly motivational.
“I’ll keep you safe and alive just so I can say I told you so.”
“I bet you would.”
Shane’s eyes closed, he was still smiling as sleepiness started to call him back into its arms. Ryan swallowed as he thought of leaving again. But as if sensing his thought, Shane squeezed his hand.
“You are safe with me, angel.”
Somehow, it gave him the courage to stay until past the witching hour. Shane had laughed at his inability to stay for the rest of the night but had put his hand on his thigh as they drove away from the house, looking at him with a soft smile.
“I’m proud of you,” he said, and it rang in Ryan’s ears for the rest of the night. He was unable to sleep, even in the comfort of their hotel room.
He thought there, as he tossed around the mattress and the sheets, that Shane was some kind of handsome he hadn’t noticed before. He was cute, always has been. Funny and caring, protective in a way.
And he also had a girlfriend.
“I got one.” Shane said.
“What post-apocalyptic world is the most interesting you’ve seen in a movie?”
Ryan took a deep breath, thinking of his answer as he drove. They were alone in the car, the rest of the crew had taken their own rental with the excuse of wanting to sleep, “the truth is that you two never shut up”, Mark had told them. And Ryan was actually kind of be grateful for it. He enjoyed these 20 Questions sessions more than he cared to admit.
“Maybe Mad Max? I mean, it would be bananas to live in that!” he answered, and Shane chuckled at it. “Ugh, you’re going to say something pretentious like The Matrix or Terminator.”
“What’s pretentious about Terminator?!” Shane kept laughing, his eyebrows high and face surprised.
They laughed together a few more seconds before Shane answered. “My answer is kind of obscure, actually.”
“Holy shit.”
“But that’s not how 20 Questions goes, Ryan.”
“Shit, I don’t give a fuck.” He frowned, then rolled his eyes when he saw Shane looking at him with that shitty grin of his. “Okay then, same question for you.”
There was a shift in the air and Ryan wasn’t sure what to make of it, but Shane was suddenly serious, looking to the road outside the window.
“Children of Men.”
An obscure future for sure. 
Shane smiled at him. “It’s my turn.”
“Oh, come on!”
The man giggled but cleared his throat before answering. “I think it’s something not so far away or impossible.” He said. “And I found it interesting, the way people reacted around the girl and her miraculous child.” Shane licked his lips and swallowed. “Hopeless world suddenly has hope in the form of a young lady and a baby…”
“I always thought it was kind of like the Jesus tale,” Ryan commented. “Mary was just a random young kid having the son of God, the hope that was promised.”
“Oh yeah, like obvious Christian imagery aside, it’s very interesting.”
Ryan sighed, the silence that followed felt oddly charged but none dared to break it. It felt sacred too, like if they had just shared something important and not just an opinion on a movie’s portrayal of the world after its end. 
“You were raised Christian, right?” Shane asked suddenly.
“Catholic,” he murmured. “Even went to a Catholic school, and Grandma Bergara made sure to remind me every Sunday why I shouldn’t wake up early that day. Church ain’t that fun.”
Shane said nothing for a few seconds, then asked: “You think believing in ghost has something to do with your faith?”
Ryan frowned, thinking about his answer again. It was his turn to ask, but Shane’s question tickled in his brain as he thought over his family, the exchange in cultures, all that spiritualism he had absorbed over the years.
He had been a non-believer of the supernatural in his early teens, but had faith. Ryan wasn’t sure if it was actually something he grew up to have or was something he had picked from his parents. Regardless, he wasn’t a religious person but he had faith.
“Maybe,” he finally said. “I have faith there’s something else after death. Sometimes souls don’t pass on and stay here.”
“What about demons and all that, Ryan?”
“Well…” His hands were sweating on the steering wheel, Ryan swallowed before answering again. “If there’s good, there’s evil. One can’t exist without the other.” He repeated what his grandmother once told him. “Why are you asking me this?”
Shane looked at him as if he had been caught doing something wrong. His eyes were wide open and his eyebrows were up again. He recovered soon, clearing his throat and sitting straighter on his seat.
“Well, I don’t believe in any of that. I get curious.”
Ryan looked at him for a few seconds, then back at the road.
“So you’re saying, you don’t have faith?” Ryan asked, Shane blinked. “I mean, not like a religion or something. But, just faith that there may be more.”
“No, I guess I don’t,” he murmured.
There were a million other things Ryan wanted to ask him. Even after so many years, he still had so many questions for the man, and he hoped the roads never ended for them, for their little show to keep giving them excuses to leave town and experience all this together.
In that moment, though, Ryan changed the subject by keeping their previous game with more questions about movies and simpler, sillier things.
Shane’s words still echoed in his head as they kept going and the night approached with their arrival to the hotel. Tomorrow they would be working, but tonight they still had a few minutes to spare with each other, laying together on the same bed of their double room.
“I would really like to believe in something, you know?” Shane said, one arm over his forehead as he looked at the ceiling. “Wrap myself into it, find something beyond what is said and done.”
There was no answer for him, just Shane’s eyes piercing Ryan’s soul as he seemed to be looking for something on his face again. It was then that his free hand moved, fingers holding Ryan’s chin up as Shane kept watching.
“Because it’s terrifying to live in a world so still!” he suddenly said with enough goofiness to distract anyone from the grey shadow that had appeared over him. Ryan blinked a couple of times. “If there’s something else aside from the things we know, well, I gotta know too! Wouldn’t that be something?”
“Yeah.” Ryan answered after a pause. “I guess it would.”
The silence that followed made him think of Shane these past months they’ve spent together, travelling for their show and how it had become theirs after it had been his for what felt like an eternity. Make no mistake; Brent had been a good host, one of his best friends still. But the man was never as present as Shane seemed to be now, so involved and worried for it to be as perfect as possible.
Shane, the perfectionist. Going behind Ryan to edit better, giving him so many great ideas that Ryan didn’t know how else to credit him other than to name him co-parent of this little project that was becoming popular. He wondered for a moment where would Unsolved take them, if it was going to become a monster or an angel.
“I really wanna see a ghost, Ryan.” Shane said suddenly, making him look back to find Shane sitting on the bed. “You better prove me wrong.”
It felt like a promise.
“Oh, you’ll eat your words, sir,” he said, and Shane smiled at him. “You’re gonna kiss my ass soon, we are so gonna get something one of these days.”
They laughed together; it seemed like they were always laughing together about the same shit. Their laughter was bright and obscure, and sometimes it made other people wonder what was it. Maybe that was their own ghost, the thing only they could see.
Shane’s fingers caressed the tip of Ryan’s nose out of nowhere, and he blinked as he saw him wink and stand from the bed, walking towards the bathroom without saying any other words.
He had never seen him act this way with anyone else but his girlfriend. Ryan wondered if he was this open with his closer friends, if Ryan could consider himself one of them now. 
Back then, he wondered so many things that it felt like a never ending game of 20 Questions.
When Ryan first admitted he was in love, Shane was single and drunk in New Orleans.
Each city they visited fell into their laps in a way he had never experienced before, like each place had been waiting for them. Ryan knew it was in part because they cheated shamelessly and chose places were they could visit other touristy ends, have a good dinner with the crew, and sleep well when they weren’t covered in webs and dust.
But New Orleans had magic in the air, on its people, and around each corner.
They had partied with their crew and for the first time, Ryan felt like they were going to be friends forever. He had known these people for years now, but that night, when that they cheered together and promised each other another year of spooks and bad mornings, he just knew. 
Warm beer had never tasted so good.
By the time they made it to their room, they were drowned in laughter, trying to carry each other to their respective beds. They ended laying together on Shane’s, laughing at their inability to stand and walk, drunk out of their minds with Ryan pretended touching Shane wasn’t making him combust on the spot.
He remembered little bisexual Ryan watching his crush play football in high school, how he thought Rod had looked so good under the sun and he would never like anyone else ever. Not the way he had liked Rodrigo that summer when he was fourteen. Time made him braver, steps were given, confessions were made, hearts were broken, and time kept going by.
Now he was looking at Shane, kind and brilliant Shane, who was always smiling and looking out for him. Who was very available now, bathed in neon blue light with his cheeks and nose red, eyes closed before they finally opened and looked at Ryan.
Ryan wished he could take a picture of this. The way Shane was looking at him like there wasn’t anywhere else in the world he wanted to be and no one else in his life he wanted to be with. It made his heart suddenly turn, find a home in his crush that was no longer just a crush.
It couldn’t be. Not when Ryan was sure he would bare himself to this man and reveal his deepest secrets if he wanted, when he would sacrifice everything in exchange for just having Shane’s happiness and he would be grateful. Just like that, he blinked tears away, and he was in love.
His lips parted, but no words were spoken. Shane just looked at him, into his eyes, for what felt like forever, until his eyes started to move around his face as he so often did. Ryan licked his lips and Shane’s eyes were on them immediately.
“I wanna kiss you, angel.”
“Uh, okay.”
“I won’t,” he said. Ryan frowned and felt his heart tense. “We’re drunk, I don’t want to spoil our first kiss like that.”
“Oh.” And just like that, his heart was beating fast. Happy. “I wouldn’t mind…”
“I would. Big time.” He smiled. “It has to be perfect, Ry.” Shane said, putting one hand on Ryan’s cheek. “Like you.”
He wanted to cry, instead he chuckled and watched as Shane fell asleep with his hand on his face. He wasn’t sure when he had succumbed to dreams, but he woke up to Shane gone, from the bed and their room, and the sun burning his eyes like tears.
“Here’s a new one.” Ryan said as they drove to the theater. “Ideally speaking…”
“Mhm.” Shane exclaimed, listening.
“How would you like to die?”
“Ugh, getting dark already and we haven’t even eat anything,” the man said, making both of them laugh as he waited for an answer. “I guess asleep, right? We all want that, the less trouble the better.”
“Just asleep?”
“No old age? Just any time is fine, laid down on the bed and pggghhh– dead.”
“What the fuck was that? Pgggh?” Shane laughed, Ryan smiled as he finally saw the mall building and the slightly small line to enter the parking lot. “Oh man, you already know the answer. Old age is fine, though I’ve been feeling fifty since I was fifteen.”
The car filled with laughs, and they stayed in comfortable silence while Ryan looked around the lot to park. He sighed, reminded himself to be cool, he didn’t need to scare off Shane already on their first non-official date. He wanted to ask him if this movie thing was in fact a date, or if he had dreamed what happened in New Orleans.
But ever since that night, Shane had been especially attentive with him. And Ryan was no liar, he well loved the coffee in the morning, the good night texts, Shane’s jacket around his shoulders when they walked around like a pair of old men in the afternoon. 
Yet, he didn’t have the guts or the will to deal with the answer being no. Ryan reminded silent.
“My turn,” Shane said when Ryan finally parked, he nodded and waited for the question. “What would you like your last words to be?”
“Oh boy.” His eyebrows moved on its own, already thinking of the answer for such a hard question.
“‘Oh boy’?” Shane’s own eyebrows went high, Ryan shook his head and the man laughed. “What? Are you going to be, like, killed by aliens or something?”
“Why aliens? You are watching The X Files again, don’t you?” he frowned, killing the engine as he looked at Shane, whose eyes had closed and become moons as he giggled like a child. “Fuck, I should have never told you about my crush on Mulder.”
“You like spooky boy!” 
“Oh my god, I’m on ninth grade again…”
“I was totally your type in ninth grade, though. A giant nerd.” He answered, the comment made Ryan’s heart beat faster.
“Jesus, that would be like– illegal, you know?” He reminded him. “I was a tiny child, you were a teen and a half!”
“Oh!” Shane seemed to remember. “Holy shit, I’m older!” His hand went to his mouth, he shook his head no and looked at him. “Christ, I’m glad we met as adults. Jesus.”
Ryan smiled at him and sighed before going back to the actual subject they were discussing previous to their latest branch in the conversation. “I think… I don’t know, man. I try not to think of me dying, it gives me… anxiety and stuff.”
“Uh, anxiety and stuff.” Shane repeated. “I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s fine. I think I will have to think about this one for a while and then I’ll get back to you.”
Shane smiled at him. He had unfasted the safety belt but hadn’t made any move to get out of the car. They still had a few minutes to spare, so Ryan said nothing and waited.
“I would like my last words to be something positive,” Shane said, and Ryan nodded, trying not to think of a world were Shane wasn’t there. “‘Keep going.’ Something like that.”
Ryan smiled again, his heart was feeling trapped inside his chest and he didn’t like the sensation. There were walls around him, caging him in the deep, dark and cold sea. If he kept thinking about it, about Shane dying, he would–
“I guess leaving this world on a positive note would be good,” Ryan said, hoping Shane wouldn’t notice the anxiety this small conversation had already given him. “Let’s go, big guy. I want to buy us the biggest popcorn they allow us to.”
Shane chuckled, opening his door and following him into the darkness of the parking lot, the noise of the city and the people walking around in their own private worlds. They walked side by side, the silence a bit forced. Ryan licked his lips, thinking of small conversation before he felt warm fingers on his.
Looking down at his hand, he saw Shane’s own taking it like he did a year ago in Kansas. Back then, he hadn’t interlocked their fingers as he was doing now, and it made Ryan look up at him to find him staring nervously at nothing in particular, front and nowhere else.
Ryan smiled, giving Shane’s hand a gentle squeeze. The silence felt warm even when his friend was too tall to hold hands like normal people do.
Normal was something he didn’t dare to be ever since he left college. It wasn’t what Ryan was, he guessed. And with Shane, he was just real.
He wasn’t sure when one date became many. Ryan wasn’t about to question it, though, he sure as hell was more than happy to keep going with Shane everywhere. 
The man took his hand, let him put an arm around his waist or interlock his arm to Shane’s while walking, and it all felt natural, like if they had been destined to be like this since before they met.
When he got that sappy, Ryan knew he needed to kiss Shane soon and call him his boyfriend sooner. Time had been nice to them and it was time for that payoff he had been waiting since New Orleans earlier that year.
Little after they started to film season 3 of Supernatural, things changed.
The rain had caught them on their way to Shane’s apartment building after they had found parking on the side. 
After the movies, they had gone to dinner and argued about Shane paying more than Ryan had on the cinema earlier the day. Ryan had lost the argument for the time being, but it didn’t matter if it let him see Shane smile, make him look all smug and charming. 
When they entered the lobby, the desk guy gave them a once over and sighed, making them laugh again before Ryan put on his tiptoes and ruffled Shane’s hair, drops going in all directions and making things worse. But the man smiled at him, sweet and open, looking so young it only made Ryan wish they could have this forever, that he could enjoy this man as he was for the longest time.
He kept thinking of a life like this, in which they got together to the same place after a long day of work. Where they could leave their shoes behind the fridge to dry them and their wet clothes spread around the bathroom to then wear comfy pants and old t-shirts, share a cozy bed that smelled of Shane and his chocolate shampoo.
“I can take the cou–”
“Nope,” Shane told him, pushing him in the direction of his bedroom. 
He also had a spare room. None of them mentioned it either.
Shane’s room was a world of its own. Like the rest of his apartment, it had movie posters here and there, books and toys, collection worthy items of shows and films he loved, and his silent cat Obi in the corner, hidden on his Amazon box where Ryan couldn’t reach him.
“He’ll come along, don’t worry,” Shane told him, patting the space at his side on the bed. “I’m not gonna bite you, Ry.”
“Jesus.” Ryan laughed, feeling his cheeks warmth. Once on the bed, he saw Obi peek out the box to watch them settle under the sheets together. “He’s watching us…”
“He’ll come later and sleep over my head. Maybe yours!”
“Uh…” Ryan blinked, hoping the shot he got for his allergies last week worked as it should. “Let’s hope you don’t have to drive me to the hospital in the middle of the night.”
“I can take him out, it’s no problem,” Shane assured him, frowning at the thought of Ryan’s allergies reacting bad around him. 
Ryan smiled at him. “It’s okay,” he said. “First, I got that damn shot and it better work because it actually hurt like a motherfucker. Two, it’s been years since I last reacted badly to being exposed to cat hair, so I don’t think it will be bad. If so, just a few sneezes. I can take those sneezes.”
“Are you sure?” Shane asked, still very serious, and so very close to Ryan’s face.
“Yeah. This is his house, I’m the visitor,” he answered, giving the same thought he always has regarding his dogs. Shane smiled at him this time, taking his chin with his fingers. 
“You’ll be a good stepfather,” he murmured, Ryan swallowed visibly but only nodded. Shane’s fingers moved, his palm now over Ryan’s cheek and he leaned into it, sharing a smile with Shane. “I got it now.”
“‘Keep rolling.’” he said. Ryan frowned and moved his head a little, trying to understand what the man was talking about. “What I would like my last words to be.”
“No, hear me out.” He laid down, making Ryan lay at his side. His hand was still on his face, fingers caressing his cheek lovingly. 
Ryan didn’t had the heart to tell him he didn’t like this conversation, that he had forgotten all about it in the months they had been getting this close and wasn’t looking forward to being anxious on Shane’s bed when it was his first time here. But Shane looked happy as they were, smiling at Ryan as he caressed his cheek gently.
“I either become the next David Fincher,” Ryan laughed at that, knowing exactly where this was going. “Or die by a demon’s paw on location, and you better keep rolling.”
“God, don’t say that!” Ryan begged, feeling his throat close like that time months ago when they had first gone out and talked about this. “I would never let you die on location. Or ever.”
“You are not gonna let me die?” Shane smiled, his thumb caressed Ryan’s skin with care. It made Ryan sigh. “Do you plan on keeping me forever, Bergara?”
If there was a double meaning to this, Ryan took it, nodding without finding his voice to say something else. Maybe something romantic, confess his feelings and how he had them for so long. Instead, Shane’s forehead leaned on his and they shared the same air, his warm breath making Ryan want to close his eyes and lean into those lips.
“I’ll stick with you, you know,” Shane said. Ryan nodded again and this time, he closed the distance between them.
Shane wanted a perfect kiss, he had told him that in New Orleans months ago. If the two of them smelling of rain and Shane’s aftershave, nested on his sheets as his cat purred somewhere on the pillows over their heads wasn’t the perfection he was looking for, then Ryan was willing to spend the rest of his life searching for it as long as it let him kiss those lips.
He softly moved against Shane’s mouth as the man moaned between them, parting his lips to deepen the kiss. Both his hands were now on Ryan’s face, cradling it gently as they kissed ever so slowly, almost scared of somehow ruining the other, like the other was a precious crystal to be kept untouched.
But they were free to touch each other, and Ryan’s hands were reminded of this as he sank his fingers into Shane’s hair while his other hand traveled down his back, and up again, until it went to his waist and held him there to never let him go.
Their lips made a wet sound when they went apart, Ryan’s eyes still closed, unable to come back to a reality where he wasn’t tasting Shane’s mouth. The man’s soft laugh made him finally open his eyes and find him staring back at Ryan with that spark in his eyes, the same one he had seen so many times before, that many people were noticing in their videos and their Instagram posts.
“I guess that’s a yes?” Shane murmured, Ryan chuckled and rolled his eyes, pecking his lips one, two and three times before kissing him long again, more passionate this time. “Such a good kisser, I knew you were gonna rock my boat.”
“Oh, I’m rocking it. I’m rocking it alright. All night if I can.”
Shane’s smile widened, his face getting pink. “Keep rolling, angel.”
If Ryan was dreaming, he better never woke up. 
The morning after he spent the night at Shane’s, he woke up before the man. He watched him sleep for a few seconds, having to get out bed when Obi kept looking at him as if judging him for being a creep. Ryan gave it to the cat, he was maybe being weird, but Shane looked so peaceful and content, it was hard to look away.
He used the bathroom, dressed up in Shane’s button down from last night and his own boxers, and left the room for the kitchen, Obi right behind him, meowing his gratefulness as he ran to the little home office where Ryan knew his scratcher was.
Obi scratched at his toy, the sound filling the apartment in the early morning of the best weekend of Ryan’s life, and he decided right then that he could get used to this and be happy forever.
What had started so long ago felt like it was coming to a friendly end, a thing that initiated something else. Ryan supposed his grandma was right, and every ending, happy or sad, is just a new beginning and this one had left him with purple and reddish marks on his neck, hand prints on his hips, beard burns where only he could see and feel, and a happy smile on his face.
He sighed, very much aware of how he knew Shane’s kitchen as if it were his own, how Shane liked his coffee and what kind of breakfast he liked to have. 
Today was going to be a great morning, no matter what.
Ryan never thought people would pick up on his closeness with Shane by such small things like saying– okay, yeah. Maybe that wasn’t so common, right? To know what your friend wanted his last words to be? He blinked a couple of times, scrolling down the comments section of their first ever Q & A video for their Unsolved episodes.
This had been one of Shane’s strokes of genius, a small video answering questions and comments for each video they got out on Friday. It wasn’t strange at all that management had liked the idea and greenlight it for them to film every Monday to go online on Wednesday.
Looking at the comments, wondering what people would say of their newest addition, Ryan never thought he would encounter praise for their friendship, “they really are that close”, and well. He arched an eyebrow. He would expect so, seeing this was the man he was sleeping with now.
“Stop doing that to yourself,” he heard at his side, Ryan turned to see Shane still driving, looking in front instead of him. “I see you, stop torturing yourself with the comments sections. That’s a strange place and you know it.”
“I just wanted to know what they thought of the Post Mortem thing.”
“You can tell the intern to have a look at that.” He smiled, looking at Ryan for a few seconds before turning his eyes to the road again. 
Ryan sighed, leaning his head on the window as he watched Shane drive, an unusual image that felt like some sort of dream to him. One that came true, he noted. His reality couldn’t be happier now, even if they weren’t ready to put it everywhere on social media yet.
“They say we’re really close.”
“Well, seeing we have dick appointments with each other, I would hope so.”
He chuckled, their laughs echoing in the car before they sank into comfortable silence. 
That day had been actually good. They had gotten the green light on their idea to go to England, have some episodes of Unsolved over there, and enjoy vacations after. It meant not only another step on their growing show, but a step in their relationship.
Vacations with Shane to another country, now that they were together… boy, maybe the fact that they were such good friends before getting into each other’s skin the way they had done was a good thing. It took off some of the initial doubts and awkwardness, let him dive into domesticity and couple life as soon as possible.
“We are really close,” Shane said while they waited on a red light. Ryan looked at him. The man smiled when he looked back. “I don’t think anyone knows me like you do.”
“Oh, come on…” he said with a huge grin, face feeling warm. “I already suck your cock, no need to say those things.”
Shane chuckled and shook his head. “You little shit, I mean it!”
Ryan laughed, leaving his phone aside and looking as Shane’s face turned bright, his happy expression ever so beautiful on him, and it made Ryan feel proud to know he had put that face on him. He sighed as Shane drove again, closer to his apartment now.
“Ry?” he called him. Ryan looked back and waited. “When was the last time you were in your apartment?”
His face felt warmer. If he hadn’t blushed before, he sure was now.
“I, I can take a Lyft–”
“No, no.” Shane looked at him for a couple of seconds, then back to the road. “In fact, you don’t have to go back anymore if you don’t want to.” He said, Ryan’s eyes opened wide. “You know?”
“I’m saying, come live with me. Us.” He said, smiling at him when they stopped on another red light. “I’m sure Obi would love to have you there officially.”
Ryan blinked a couple of times, heart pounding in his chest as he thought of his initial question. When was the last time he was in his own apartment? He couldn’t even remember. And he didn’t have to.
Looking up at Shane, Ryan nodded with a big smile.
“I would love to, big guy.”
The light turned green, and they kept going, closer to home.
“I’m just saying, people know I love you,” Shane said and Ryan looked at him immediately, eyes wide open. But the man kept scrolling down his Twitter feed, distracted. “I don’t think it would be a bad idea for us to just… Get out there and say it.”
“I guess neither of us are out of the closet online, but it’s not like if we have been hiding all this time. Have we?” He finally put the phone down, looking at Ryan with a frown.
He blinked a couple of times, watching Shane act like if he hadn’t just drop a bomb on them with such simple words. It wasn’t even the ‘coming out online’ shit that was about to give him a headache, but the copious amount of times Ryan was to overthink Shane confirming he loved him that had left him mute.
Shane arched an eyebrow, looking behind him, then back at Ryan who was still pretty much in shock. He left his phone of the coffee table and cradle Ryan’s face as he often did.
“You, you said–”
The man blinked, unaware of what was going on. He seemed to be thinking about it, probably going through their previous conversation to understand why Ryan was so still, so into his head to even talk.
Shane’s eyes widened and he looked about ready to panic for just a few seconds, but it was all replaced with a huge grin and that shine in his eyes that melted Ryan in the spot.
“People do know I love you.”
Ryan’s face felt warm, he wondered what color he was blushing. Shane kept smiling at him, caressing his cheeks before kissing him softly, the cat purring somewhere on Ryan’s back, probably rolling his eyes at them being like this once again in his presence, right in front of his whiskas. 
He wanted to yell at himself, so easily distracted from the moment with every thought that passed his head, every sound outside their bubble. Ryan was nervous, Shane chuckled against his lips after he barely responded, probably aware he was just… so anxious for nothing.
“Do you know I love you?” Shane asked, his voice sounding so soft, it made Ryan swallow.
“I… I don’t know…  I do now?”
Shane chuckled again, this time getting closer to Ryan’s face to kiss his forehead. Shane hugged him, letting Ryan lean his head on his shoulder. The vibrations of his laugh made him look up, clearing his throat before cradling Shane’s face. 
The man smiled at him.
“I love you,” Ryan murmured. “I’ve been in love with you for a long time.”
“Mmm.” The man smiled. “I know.”
Ryan laughed, he could easily slap Shane for Han Solo-ing him, but there was just– his eyes and the way he was kissing him, how far they had come. Ryan kissed him softly, deepening the kiss as soon as he could, pushing the man to lay into the couch with him on top.
Shane smiled, pecking his lips once before finally, finally saying: “I love you too, sweetheart.”
If you asked Ryan, things started in the Sallie House.
That night, his attraction to Shane made itself notice in the way Ryan’s heart kept beating fast as the man held his hand between them, laying on the floor as he tried to sleep again. He had taken the footage from the final cut of the video, never spoke about it with the man until years later, when they were more than friends and had started to live together.
Watching it now, how young they were and how much was ahead, it made him smile.
“We were so fucking obvious, holy shit.” Shane murmured at his side, looking through cut footage from many episodes of their show. “You think people will be like ‘we been knew’ when they see this?”
“I think half of the internet already has, Shane.” He conceded. It had been a hilarious couple of years with fans and homophobes alike saying the weirdest, sometimes amazing things on their every platform. “But I think it’s time, don’t you?”
“Ryan, why did you never tell me that you can see my hard on during Goatman’s Bridge?” Shane asked instead, serious with a shine in his eyes that made Ryan’s whole body shiver. “This is the kind of cut shit you should show me more often, angel.”
“You are into such weird shit…” Including him, Ryan wanted to add. Ryan bit his bottom lip, waiting for Shane to answer.
When it didn’t come, he looked up from the tiny video they were doing to “officially” announce their relationship. Shane wasn’t on his side of the bed, and when Ryan looked around to find him, the man had taken away his laptop and tugged at his heels to get him under his body.
“What are you doing, you weirdo?” Ryan asked between laughs, Shane winked at him.
“You know what else is mine aside from that bridge?”
“Oh my God. No, no, get out! We have work to do!”
“You.” He smirked. “You are mine, baby. Until death do us apart. And maaaaybe beyond, right? If your faith can guide us there.”
He felt his cheeks blush, Shane’s smile was too sweet for someone who was about to bone his boyfriend a second time that day. Ryan rolled his eyes, smiling at him when Shane brushed his crotch with his, already getting hard in his pants. 
“You are so fucking corny.” 
“Horny, baby. Horny.”
If you asked Ryan, this was the start of the golden years of their lives together.
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sparrowjaywrites · 5 years
In My Head
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(Soulmate AU: You hear your soulmates thoughts but can’t tell them your name or what you look like.)
(Gender Neutral Reader X Cisco Ramon)
           You’d heard him since your twelfth birthday, your soulmate. People could begin to hear them at any point in their lives as long as both soulmates where over the age of five. No one really understood how it worked or why some people started hearing soulmates on their fifth birthday and some didn’t hear them until they were in their nineties. The only thing anyone knew for sure outside the age requirements is if one could hear their soulmate, their soulmate could hear them. Oh and of course there where the rules.
           Soulmates rules where considered to be as real and unbreakable as the laws of physics, or as unbreakable as they had been before Meta Humans had started running around. Rule One: One could not tell their soulmates their name. Rule Two: One could not tell their soulmate their age. Rule Three: One could not describe themselves to their soulmate. Rule Four: One could not tell their soulmate their location (Discussing future locations could work but no dates or times). Rule Five: One could not block out their soulmate.
           The rules where not the only things making finding ones soulmate hard; people could of course fall in love with people who weren’t their soulmate whether they could hear them or not. It wasn’t uncommon for people to wake up one day able to hear their soulmates only to find their soulmates where happily married and soulmate or not they were not willing to leave their marriage or their kids. Many people who ended on the unhappy side of these situations would end up taking their own lives within the year. This had prompted the invention of a device that could severe a soulmate connection; this severance could end very badly and had been banned in most countries, but some desperate people still found a way when needed.
           You had begun hearing your soulmate at twelve; you’d nicknamed him Westley after learning his obsession with the movie Princess Bride. In response he’d tried to nickname you Buttercup, that hadn’t ended well. After a few weeks of arguing he’d come up with the nickname Starlight, he would never tell you why.
           Westley was an interesting guy, way too smart for his own good sometimes, hilarious, obsessed with pop culture, sassy as all hell, and very good at reading people, even when they were simply a voice in his head. His favorite color is purple although that does tend to change weekly, his favorite Pokémon is Bulbasaur, and he really likes superheroes.
           You had decided not long after meeting him in your head the first time that you would find him someday. Of course the particle accelerator blowing up had put a damper on that for a while. When ones soulmate died the other wouldn’t know it, they would simply stop responding to them.
           When the particle accelerator had blown up, you had been thrown through a window by the dark matter blast, your injuries resulting in a yearlong coma. When you had woken up it had taken a few weeks for the connection to reactivate and Westley had flipped out. He’d thought you had died. You hadn’t told him why you had been in a coma for so long not wanting him to know you were a Meta human, scared of what he’d think.
           You’d woken up a Meta human nearly five years ago now, and had yet to meet Westley in person. He’d dated on and off during that time, hesitantly but excitedly telling you about his current relationship as he always had in high school. You had also dated of course but not as recently. At nearly thirty you just wanted to meet Westley in real life, you had fallen in love with him years ago, although you’d never tell him that. He was your closest friend, for obvious reasons.
           ‘Morning, Starlight, what are you up too today?’ You smile shaking your head as you slip a strand of (H/C) hair behind your ear.
           ‘Coffee at the shop, while I work on my book.’ You respond sipping your medium flash with vanilla bean creamer.
           ‘I’m getting coffee right now, maybe this is the day we’ll meet?’ Westley responds excitedly.
           ‘Of course, you’ll trip and spill coffee on me like in all the cliché fanfictions your always telling me to read on Tumblr.’ You snicker.
           ‘What makes you think I’ll be the one spilling the coffee? Who says it wouldn’t be the other way around?”
           ‘Because for one, I’m sitting down, and two even if I was walking I’m more coordinated then you.’
           ‘Are not! You trip over everything!’
           ‘Exactly and your still a bigger klutz, that’s my point.’
           ‘Well I never.’ He huffs mockingly laughing lightly. You snicker smiling at the laugh. The day passed as usual you spent your morning at Jitters working on your book interrupted every twenty minutes or so by Westley making a joke or asking you something. Your afternoon was spent working on tech for your company, (Y/L/N) Technologies.
           ‘I just looked at the sky and thought of you, my Starlight.’ You let out a small snort at the pickup line you’d heard a million times before.
           ‘I like the line and all Westley, but you need new ones.’
           ‘As you wish.’ You let out another laugh causing people to glance at your; you bow your head with a blush.
           ‘Shut up, you’re making people stare at me.’
           ‘Oh am I?’ That mischievous tone is one you know well, and it spells trouble. ‘Hmm maybe I should just look up something to read to you then?’
           ‘Don’t you…’
           ‘Here we go, the five times Luke walked in on Han and Leia and he one time they walked in on him, this will be a most interesting read wouldn’t you say, Starlight?’
           ‘Westley, I swear to god!’ You groan your face a bright red as you wish for the line to move faster or for your obnoxious soulmate to shut the fuck up.
           ‘Luke was bored, he wanted to go for a ride in the Falcon, but Han was not where to be found. Oh well he would just go for his ride and Han would never need to know… as he entered the Falcon he found something a strange, a random black boot sat in the doorway as if thrown there. Shrugging he steps inside more clothing were spread down the hall leading to the cockpit… oh double meaning!’ Westley reads dramatically clearly getting a huge kick out of your annoyance and protests.
           “A large flash to go with vanilla bean creamer please.” You order doing your best to keep a straight face.”
           ‘Luke’s eyes widened as he froze in place, in the captain’s chair was his twin sister, in far less clothing then he’d ever seen before, on top of her was his best friend in a similar state of dress. “Oh, Han, yes!” Luke quickly turned on his heel running for his life wishing he hadn’t seen that!’
           ‘Westley that’s gross, knock it off!’
           ‘It is pretty badly written, I’m sure you could write it better!’ Westley laughs.
           ‘Would you shut up, you damn idi…’ Your train of thought is derailed as a dagger spins past your face lodging in the counter in front of you. It glowed with a golden orange. You spin around in time to see a person in a black coat with a hood and mask standing in the doorway as people start screaming around you. The person holds out a black clad hand the dagger spinning from the counter into it.
            You take a step back; dropping your coffee clenching your fist silver sparks crackle around it for half a second before suddenly failing. Why weren’t your powers working?
           ‘Starlight?’ Before you can answer the dagger is spinning towards you, just before it can hit you’re tackled to the ground by a dark skinned woman with long black hair.
           “Are you okay?” The woman asks quickly.
           “Y… yeah, I think so.” You nod moving to your feet, pulling your gun from your ankle holder as you do, the dagger spins back across the coffee shop into the monstrous Meta’s hand.
           “It’s time for you to die.” The Meta says stalking towards them. You drag the woman who saved you to the side as the dagger spins towards them again. You raise your gun.
           “Back off.” The Meta throws the dagger again, you open fire, one bullet bounces off the dagger sending it off course, the Meta quickly dodges the other.
           “Are you a Meta human?” The woman from before asks you. “She’s after Meta’s that’s the new Cicada.” You blink at her looking back at the woman firing two more rounds that miss, embedding in the now empty of patrons shop walls.
           “Yes, I am.” You admit.
           “Leave them alone.” A vibrating voice joins the madness as a red steak appears in front of them, less than a foot away stood the Flash. Westley would be having a field day right now if he where there, he loved Meta Heroes.
           “Good, I can kill you too.” A purple blur suddenly shows and the next thing you know you are being set down in what looks like a lab of some type. Computer monitors surround you. The woman from the shop quickly rushes over to a computer talking to the Flash through a headpiece. Moments later XS and the Flash are standing in front of you.
           “Are you okay?” Flash asks gently taking your gun from your hands. You blink still processing where you are.
           “Um… I… uh,” You run a hand through the back of your (H/L) hair nervously, when did your hands start shaking? “I think so… where am I?”
           “This is Star Labs; we brought you here to get away from Cicada.” The woman speaks up. You slowly nod.
           “Okay… why the hell is this Cicada after me in the first place?”
           “She wants all Meta humans dead.” XS explains.
           “How would she even know I’m a Meta? No one and I mean literally no one knew but me before tonight.” You protest crossing your arms.
           “The dagger she was using has the power to block powers, it glows when near a Meta human, you probably were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.” Flash explains. You nod frowning.
           “Then what the hell am I supposed to do?”
           “We’ve gotten most of the Meta’s out of the city and into hiding?” A woman with long brown hair says entering the room followed by a man who you were pretty positive was Harrison Wells, which made no sense as he’d been dead for four years, a tall dark skinned man, the DA, Elongated Man, and Vibe… who was another person you thought was dead.
           “I can’t just up and disappear.” You protest looking around at the super heroes in front of you.
           “Protective custody is your best shot.” The man suggests stepping forwards and showing you his badge, Detective Joseph West, the DA’s husband and the head of the Meta task force at the CCPD, you’d met him once after the particle accelerator had blown up.
           “If this lady is after Meta’s then why haven’t all of you left?” You challenge motioning to the Meta heroes.
           “Because we’re trying to stop Cicada and this is our home.” Elongated Man says.
           “Exactly, this is your home. Central City is my home; I’m not going to run away because some new psycho with a thing for leather and hypocrisy wants me dead.”
           “If you don’t go you’ll die. We can’t protect you all the time.” Flash argues.
           “I can protect myself.” You shake your head.
           “Your powers won’t work around Cicada.” The DA speaks up.
           “I wasn’t referring to my powers, and if powers don’t work against them, then I’m on an even playing field as all of you.”
           “We’re not going to be able to convince you are we?” Flash sighs shoulders slumping a bit.
           “Nope.” Flash shares a look with the woman from Jitters and XS two blurs disappearing down the hall, followed by everyone but Detective West. The two of you stand there awkwardly for a few minutes before the group enters again.
           “I’m Iris, this is Caitlin and Sherloque.” The woman from Jitters introduces herself motioning to the brown haired lady and the Harrison Wells look alike. “That’s Cecille,” She motions to the DA. “And I’m sure you know who the different heroes are?”
           “I do.”
           “What’s your name?” Flash asks.
           “(Y/F/N) (Y/L/N), most people call me (Y/N/N).” You introduce yourself smirking when she sees the Flash’s eyes widen.
           “The CEO and founder of (Y/L/N) Tech?” You nod with a snort.
           “Oh…” XS says eyes wide, looking surprised. A few people look at her questioningly; she shakes her head at them with the universal gesture for later.
           “What are your powers?” Detective West asks.
           “Do I have immunity for anything I say here?” You ask narrowing your eyes at him. “I’m not a criminal but I’d rather not regret this little meeting later?”
           “Of course.” Cecille speaks up, smiling at you.
           “Any of you heard of the vigilante people are calling Starlight?”
           “Yeah.” Iris nods.
           “You’re looking at them.” You gesture to yourself.
           “But you look nothing like them?” Elongated Man says shocked. You snort. You push a few buttons on your watch; thin strands of metal quickly cover your body from your watch, your belt and your glasses. A simple black suit covers you, silver specks shimmering throughout. Metal wraps around your glasses turning them more into a mask. You clench your fists then open them, shimmering silver sparks quickly spread over the suit making the effect look like a shimmering night sky full of stars, your hair floats up a bit turning a shimmering silver, your (Y/E/C) eyes quickly turning a soft silver. “Whoa…”
           “That’s amazing.” Flash laughs. XS is grinning now looking beyond excited.
           “Okay, that’s cool.” Detective West says pointing at you.
           “That’s wicked.” Vibe laughs grinning; he’d been silent so far looking at you as if trying to figure something out. Your eyes snap to him. You knew why he’d been staring at you now… his voice you recognized it… you’d heard it every day since you were twelve.
           “Well since we know your identity it’s only fair.” Flash shrugs looking at the others who nod. He removes his mask, and holds a hand out to you, his brown hair now free from the rubber. “Barry Allen.” You look at his hand having to drag your eyes away from Vibe. You shake his hand.
           “Nice to meet you.”
           “This is Nora, Ralph, and Cisco.” Barry motions in order to XS, Elongated Man, and Vibe. You look Vibe over without his glasses, he was cute, Hispanic, with flowing black hair, a kind smile. You deactivate your suit, letting your powers subside, your hair and eyes quickly changing back to normal.
           “Well, (Y/N/N) if you won’t leave we’ll have to figure something out.” Barry says smiling at you.
           “You could join team Flash?” Nora speaks up stepping forward smiling hopefully at Barry. “You’d make a great addition!” You raise an eyebrow.
           “Nora, a word please?” Iris speaks up. The two step out Barry following.
           “So, Starlight? I see where you get the name.” Cisco approaches you as the rest of the group follow Nora seemingly to join the conversation you can hear getting heated in the hallway.
           “I had the nickname long before I became a Meta.” You eye him up and down. “But I think you figured that out… Westley?” Cisco breaks into a grin.
           “I thought I recognized your voice.”
           “I recognized yours as soon as you spoke.” You laugh. “But to be sure.” You hold your hand out to him. Cisco takes your hand hesitantly. A slight jolt shots up your arm.
           ‘So Westley, my name is (Y/F/N)… holy shit, it is you!’ You think to him slowly grinning as you realize the rules were gone. When a person first made physical contact with their soulmate after their connection was made the rules would break allowing them to talk more freely from then on.
           ‘I can’t believe it’s really you…’ Cisco thinks back grinning just as widely. “It’s wonderful to finally meet you, Starlight. I’m Francisco Ramon, I’m your soulmate.” Cisco says out load.
           “It’s wonderful to meet you too, Cisco.”
AN: And that’s the end of Part One? I may do a few more parts?
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sparrowjaywrites · 5 years
In My Head
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(Soulmate AU: You hear your soulmates thoughts but can’t tell them your name or what you look like.)
(OFC X Cisco Ramon)
           I’d heard him since my twelfth birthday, my soulmate. People could begin to hear them at any point in their lives as long as both soulmates where over the age of five. No one really understood how it worked or why some people started hearing soulmates on their fifth birthday and some didn’t hear them until they were in their nineties. The only thing anyone knew for sure outside the age requirements is if one could hear their soulmate, their soulmate could hear them. Oh and of course there where the rules.
           Soulmates rules where considered to be as real and unbreakable as the laws of physics, or as unbreakable as they had been before Meta Humans had started running around. Rule One: One could not tell their soulmates their name. Rule Two: One could not tell their soulmate their age. Rule Three: One could not describe themselves to their soulmate. Rule Four: One could not tell their soulmate their location (Discussing future locations could work but no dates or times). Rule Five: One could not block out their soulmate.
           The rules where not the only things making finding ones soulmate hard; people could of course fall in love with people who weren’t their soulmate whether they could hear them or not. It wasn’t uncommon for people to wake up one day able to hear their soulmates only to find their soulmates where happily married and soulmate or not they were not willing to leave their marriage or their kids. Many people who ended on the unhappy side of these situations would end up taking their own lives within the year. This had prompted the invention of a device that could severe a soulmate connection; this severance could end very badly and had been banned in most countries, but some desperate people still found a way when needed.
           Kat had begun hearing her soulmate at twelve; she’d nicknamed him Westley after learning his obsession with the movie Princess Bride. In response he’d tried to nickname her Buttercup, that hadn’t ended well. After a few weeks of arguing he’d come up with the nickname Starlight, he would never tell her why.
           Westley was an interesting guy, way too smart for his own good sometimes, hilarious, obsessed with pop culture, sassy as all hell, and very good at reading people, even when they were simply a voice in his head. His favorite color is purple although that does tend to change weekly, his favorite Pokémon is Bulbasaur, and he really likes superheroes.
           Kat had decided not long after meeting him in her head the first time that she would find him someday. Of course the particle accelerator blowing up had put a damper on that for a while. When ones soulmate died the other wouldn’t know it, they would simply stop responding to you.
           When the particle accelerator had blown up, Kat had been thrown through a window by the dark matter blast, her injuries resulting in a yearlong coma. When she had woken up it had taken a few weeks for the connection to reactivate and Westley had flipped out. He’d thought she had died. Kat hadn’t told him why she had been in a coma for so long not wanting him to know she was a Meta human, scared of what he’d think.
           She’d woken up a Meta human nearly five years ago now, and had yet to meet Westley in person. He’d dated on and off during that time, hesitantly but excitedly telling her about his current relationship as he always had in high school. Kat had also dated of course but not as recently. At nearly thirty she just wanted to meet Westley in real life, she had fallen in love with him years ago, although she’d never tell him that. He was her closest friend, for obvious reasons.
           ‘Morning, Starlight, what are you up too today?’ Kat smiles shaking her head as she slips a strand of brown hair behind her ear.
           ‘Coffee at the shop, while I work on my book.’ She responds sipping her medium flash with vanilla bean creamer.
           ‘I’m getting coffee right now, maybe this is the day we’ll meet?’ Westley responds excitedly.
           ‘Of course, you’ll trip and spill coffee on me like in all the cliché fanfictions your always telling me to read on Tumblr.’ Kat snickers.
           ‘What makes you think I’ll be the one spilling the coffee? Who says it wouldn’t be the other way around?”
           ‘Because for one, I’m sitting down, and two even if I was walking I’m more coordinated then you.’
           ‘Are not! You trip over everything!’
           ‘Exactly and your still a bigger klutz, that’s my point.’
           ‘Well I never.’ He huffs mockingly laughing lightly. Kat snickers smiling at the laugh. The day passed as usual she spent her morning at Jitters working on her book interrupted every twenty minutes or so by Westley making a joke or asking her something. Her afternoon was spent working on tech for her company, Sparrow Technologies.
           ‘I just looked at the sky and thought of you, my Starlight.’ Kat lets out a small snort at the pickup line she’d heard a million times before.
           ‘I like the line and all Westley, but you need new ones.’
           ‘As you wish.’ Kat lets out another laugh causing people to glance at her; she bows her head with a blush.
           ‘Shut up, you’re making people stare at me.’
           ‘Oh am I?’ That mischievous tone is one Kat knows well, and it spells trouble. ‘Hmm maybe I should just look up something to read to you then?’
           ‘Don’t you…’
           ‘Here we go, the five times Luke walked in on Han and Leia and he one time they walked in on him, this will be a most interesting read wouldn’t you say, Starlight?’
           ‘Westley, I swear to god!’ Kat groans her face a bright red as she wishes for the line to move faster or for her obnoxious soulmate to shut the fuck up.
           ‘Luke was bored, he wanted to go for a ride in the Falcon, but Han was not where to be found. Oh well he would just go for his ride and Han would never need to know… as he entered the Falcon he found something a strange, a random black boot sat in the doorway as if thrown there. Shrugging he steps inside more clothing where spread down the hall leading to the cockpit… oh double meaning!’ Westley reads dramatically clearly getting a huge kick out of her annoyance and protests.
           “A large flash to go with vanilla bean creamer please.” Kat orders doing her best to keep a straight face.”
           ‘Luke’s eyes widened as he froze in place, in the captain’s chair was his twin sister, in far less clothing then he’d ever seen before, on top of her was his best friend in a similar state of dress. “Oh, Han, yes!” Luke quickly turned on his heel running for his life wishing he hadn’t seen that!’
           ‘Westley that’s gross, knock it off!’
           ‘It is pretty badly written, I’m sure you could write it better!’ Westley laughs.
           ‘Would you shut up, you damn idi…’ Kat’s train of thought is derailed as a dagger spins past her face lodging in the counter in front of her. It glowed with a golden orange. Kat spins around in time to see a person in a black coat with a hood and mask standing in the doorway as people start screaming around her. The person holds out a black clad hand the dagger spinning from the counter into it.
            Kat takes a step back; she drops her coffee clenching her fist silver sparks crackle around it for half a second before suddenly failing. Why weren’t her powers working?
           ‘Starlight?’ Before she can answer the dagger is spinning towards her, just before it can hit she is tackled to the ground by a dark skinned woman with long black hair.
           “Are you okay?” The woman asks quickly.
           “Y… yeah, I think so.” Kat nods moving to her feet, pulling her gun from her ankle holder as she does, the dagger spins back across the coffee shop into the monstrous Meta’s hand.
           “It’s time for you to die.” The Meta says stalking towards them. Kat drags the woman who saved her to the side as the dagger spins towards them again. She raises her gun.
           “Back off.” The Meta throws the dagger again, Kat opens fire, one bullet bounces off the dagger sending it off course, the Meta quickly dodges the other.
           “Are you a Meta human?” The woman from before asks Kat. “She’s after Meta’s that’s the new Cicada.” Kat blinks at her looking back at the woman firing two more rounds that miss, embedding in the now empty of patrons shop walls.
           “Yes, I am.” Kat admits.
           “Leave them alone.” A vibrating voice joins the madness as a red steak appears in front of them, less than a foot away stood the Flash. Westley would be having a field day right now if he where there, he loved Meta Heroes.
           “Good, I can kill you too.” A purple blur suddenly shows and the next thing Kat knows she is being set down in what looks like a lab of some type. Computer monitors surround her. The woman from the shop quickly rushes over to a computer talking to the Flash through a headpiece. Moments later XS and the Flash are standing in front of her.
           “Are you okay?” Flash asks gently taking her gun from her hands. Kat blinks still processing where she is.
           “Um… I… uh,” Kat runs a hand through the back of her short hair nervously, when did her hands start shaking? “I think so… where am I?”
           “This is Star Labs; we brought you here to get away from Cicada.” The woman speaks up. Kat slowly nods.
           “Okay… why the hell is this Cicada after me in the first place?”
           “She wants all Meta humans dead.” XS explains.
           “How would she even know I’m a Meta? No one and I mean literally no one knew but me before tonight.” Kat protests crossing her arms.
           “The dagger she was using has the power to block powers, it glows when near a Meta human, you probably where just in the wrong place at the wrong time.” Flash explains. Kat nods frowning.
           “Then what the hell am I supposed to do?”
           “We’ve gotten most of the Meta’s out of the city and into hiding?” A woman with long brown hair says entering the room followed by a man who Kat was pretty positive was Harrison Wells, which made no sense as he’d been dead for four years, a tall dark skinned man, the DA, Elongated Man, and Vibe… who was another person Kat thought was dead.
           “I can’t just up and disappear.” Kat protests looking around at the super heroes in front of her.
           “Protective custody is your best shot.” The man suggests stepping forwards and showing her his badge, Detective Joseph West, the DA’s husband and the head of the Meta task force at the CCPD, she’d met him once after the particle accelerator had blown up.
           “If this lady is after Meta’s then why haven’t all of you left?” Kat challenges motioning to the Meta heroes.
           “Because we’re trying to stop Cicada and this is out home.” Elongated Man says.
           “Exactly, this is your home. Central City is my home; I’m not going to run away because some new psycho with a thing for leather and hypocrisy wants me dead.”
           “If you don’t go you’ll die. We can’t protect you all the time.” Flash argues.
           “I can protect myself.” Kat shakes her head.
           “Your powers won’t work around Cicada.” The DA speaks up.
           “I wasn’t referring to my powers, and if powers don’t work against them, then I’m on an even playing field as all of you.”
           “We’re not going to be able to convince you are we?” Flash sighs shoulders slumping a bit.
           “Nope.” Flash shares a look with the woman from Jitters and XS two blurs disappearing down the hall, followed by everyone but Detective West. The two stand there awkwardly for a few minutes before the group enters again.
           “I’m Iris, this is Caitlin and Sherloque.” The woman from Jitters introduces herself motioning to the brown haired lady and the Harrison Wells look alike. “That’s Cecille,” She motions to the DA. “And I’m sure you know who the different heroes are?”
           “I do.”
           “What’s your name?” Flash asks.
           “Katrina Sparrow, most people call me Kat.” Kat introduces herself smirking when she sees the Flash’s eyes widen.
           “The CEO and founder of Sparrow Tech?” She nods with a snort.
           “Oh…” XS says eyes wide, looking surprised. A few people look at her questioningly; she shakes her head at them with the universal gesture for later.
           “What are your powers?” Detective West asks.
           “Do I have immunity for anything I say here?” Kat clarifies narrowing her eyes at him. “I’m not a criminal but I’d rather not regret this little meeting later?”
           “Of course.” Cecille speaks up, smiling at her.
           “Any of you heard of the vigilante people are calling Starlight?”
           “Yeah.” Iris nods.
           “You’re looking at her.” Kat gestures to herself.
           “But you look nothing like her?” Elongated Man says shocked. Kat snorts. She pushes a few buttons on her watch; thin strands of metal quickly cover her body from her watch, her belt and her glasses. A simple black suit covers her, silver specks shimmering throughout. Metal wraps around her glasses turning them more into a mask. She clenches her fists then opens them, shimmering silver sparks quickly spread over the suit making the effect look like a shimmering night sky full of stars, her hair floats up a bit turning shimmering silver, her brown eyes quickly turning a soft silver. “Whoa…”
           “That’s amazing.” Flash laughs. XS is grinning now looking beyond excited.
           “Okay, that’s cool.” Detective West says pointing at her.
           “That’s wicked.” Vibe laughs grinning; he’d been silent so far looking at her as if trying to figure something out. Kat’s eyes snap to him. She knew why he’d been staring at her now… his voice she recognized it… she’d heard it every day since she was twelve.
           “Well since we know your identity it’s only fair.” Flash shrugs looking at the others who nod. He removes his mask, and holds a hand out to her, his brown hair now free from the rubber. “Barry Allen.” Kat looks at his hand having to drag her eyes away from Vibe. She shakes his hand.
           “Nice to meet you.”
           “This is Nora, Ralph, and Cisco.” Barry motions in order to XS, Elongated Man, and Vibe. Kat looks Vibe over without his glasses, he was cute, Hispanic, with flowing black hair, a kind smile. Kat deactivates her suit, letting her powers subside her hair and eyes quickly changing back to normal.
           “Well, Kat if you won’t leave we’ll have to figure something out.” Barry says smiling at her.
           “You could join team Flash?” Nora speaks up stepping forward smiling hopefully at Barry. “You’d make a great addition!” Kat raises an eyebrow.
           “Nora, a word please?” Iris speaks up. The two step out Barry following.
           “So, Starlight? I see where you get the name.” Cisco approaches Kat as the rest of the group follow Nora seemingly to join the conversation Kat can hear getting heated in the hallway.
           “I had the nickname long before I became a Meta.” Kat eyes him up and down. “But I think you’d figured that out… Westley?” Cisco breaks into a grin.
           “I thought I recognized your voice.”
           “I recognized yours as soon as you spoke.” Kat laughs. “But to be sure.” She holds her hand out to him. Cisco takes her hand hesitantly. A slight jolt shots up Kat’s arm.
           ‘So Westley, my name is Kat… holy shit, it is you!’ Kat thinks to him slowly grinning as she realizes the rules were gone. When a person first made physical contact with their soulmate after their connection was made the rules would break allowing them to talk more freely from then on.
           ‘I can’t believe it’s really you…’ Cisco thinks back grinning just as widely. “It’s wonderful to finally meet you, Starlight. I’m Francisco Ramon, I’m your soulmate.” Cisco says out load.
           “It’s wonderful to meet you too, Cisco.”
AN: And that’s the end of Part One? I may do a few more parts?
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