#also i went and added that disclaimer to all these posts cause i got anxious about it lol
werewolfenthusiast · 7 months
My October Reads
Classic Tales of Horror by Edgar Allan Poe
Series of short horror stories by Edgar Allan Poe. My favourites were Ligeia, Berenice, The Fall of the House of Usher, The Tell-Tale Heart, The Black Cat, The Premature Burial, and The Oblong Box. Overall 4/5 stars
One Shots:
RE: [fwd] the case for young love. by waxing_hiraethh
A Wolfstar oneshot set in the 2000s at a muggle boarding school. Told through emails and messages, it’s hard to explain but it’s such a cool and interesting format for telling a story i’ve never seen anything like it before.
there are portals everywhere by lesvendredisjaunes
Another Wolfstar oneshot told in very cool way, it reads like poetry almost. About Sirius escaping from Azkaban and swimming through the North Sea.
Perfect by Wanderingdonut
Aspec Wolfstar my beloved.
Everything is Right by @de-sire-blog
Asexual Sirius figuring out his identity but it’s the ‘70s so it’s extra confusing. A lot of this was very relatable and sweet and Remus and Sirius’ banter was amazing. James is also the just the best guy in the world.
Petunia’s First Outing by @in-flvx
RITUNIA! I am actually very obsessed with this now and i need to see more of them
never say the word but our eyes always do by beatricelacy
More Ritunia because I am actually obsessed. Unfortunately there’s quite literally no more :/
WIPs Started:
The Terror of Knowing by @alittlebrownbat October 31st 1981 time loop fic from Remus’ POV. Very excited for it I love time loops
Something rotten in Grimmauld Place by @plecotusauritus
Wolfstar Hamlet AU. I’ve never read Hamlet, feels appropriate that this is my introduction to it
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mah-gah-lee · 3 years
be stuck with you - owen patrick joyner x (reader)
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Word Count: 2303
Request: YES, from that sweet @idontcare011​, hope you’ll like it ! 
Summary:  you were late and a random boy comes into the elevator at the last minute. By some incredible force of fate (or pretty crappy weather) you find yourself stuck with the young man in this narrow cabin.
Warnings: panic attack and i think it’s all
disclaimer: I don't know Owen personally or what his life is like. All you will read in this "x reader" is from my imagination. My point is not to invade Owen's privacy. I don't want to offend him or offend anybody else in his life (family, potential girlfriend…I heard maybe he has one, so I don’t know but I don’t want to offend her).  All of this is not the reality
Tagged: @asdfghjkl-fanfics​ @standingtalllove​ @lukeys-giggle​ 
Thanks God, the quarantine was over and everyone could travel again. However, this stupid virus was not completely gone. Since the health crisis, you have adopted new habits, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator. But today, you were in a hurry, so you entered the cabin eagerly. The conference you were due to attend was starting in no less than twenty minutes, and your itinerary had said it would take you 15 to get to your planned location. But with the weather conditions creeping in out there, you were sure you would need a lot longer than advertised. The automatic door was closing when a hand stepped in the way. A young blond man appeared and slipped into the elevator. You grumbled at the action, making you fall a few more seconds behind.
 "Sorry" the boy said through his mask.
 But you didn't answer.
 You had almost ten floors to go down together. You looked in your bag for a while to make sure you had your recorder when you felt an uncontrolled jerk. Your body no longer held you in balance but you caught yourself on a side of the elevator as the young man accompanying you tended to stabilize you. The lights flashed for a while and then went out. Your eyes widened as your heart pounded.
 "oh no no no no no no no. Anything except that, please!" you said, frantically pressing a random button.
 “I think we stuck…”
  "Oh yeah, what makes you think that?" The fact that we weren't moving or that the lights went out? "
 The boy threw up his hands in defense, eyes wide with so much animosity.
 "Hey, I'm in the same situation. You don't have to be aggressive."
You groaned before leaning against one of the elevator walls, peering into the face of your elevator failure companion. He had blond hair; his tips reached the base of his neck. But his expressive blue eyes - seeming constantly anxious - reminded you of someone, but you didn't know who. You have pushed the alarm button to warn the staff that there was someone in the lift.
 “Sorry, it’s seems to be a bad day. I’m late and now I’m stuck in an elevator with a perfect stranger”
 “I’m Owen…Not a stranger anymore”
 “I’m y/n, but yes, you still are”
 Owen laughed at your outspokenness and you gave him a polite smile before you were silent for several minutes.
 After what seemed like forever - when it was only ten minutes - you looked at your phone. No networks. For no obvious reason, when everything seemed to be going well, your heart started to beat faster. The thought of being stuck here forever crossed your mind and ached in your chest. The boy in front of you seemed so calm, which made you even more anxious.
 "How the hell can you stay so calm"
 "Oh ... I'm dying inside, just trying to play it cool"
 You can help with giving him an amused smile, he had been so frank. But this little interaction did not bring you back down from your state. You were breathing harder and harder, your chest was heaving quickly, it was nearly out of control. Owen seemed to notice that and give you a concerned look.
 "Panic attack?"
 You nodded briskly and Owen approached you cautiously. You saw his hands move towards you and your gaze expressed fear but you were paralyzed to do anything.
 "I'm going to take that damn mask off you already."
 Gently, he grabbed the fabric mask and pulled a little on it to lower it, he reproduced the gesture with his own mask.
 "Look at me, just me. There's nothing around us. Take a deep breath. I'll count to 3 and then you'll breathe out. Okay?"
 you nodded and when he shook his to urge you to breathe you took a deep breath, like he told you to.
 You sighed, keeping your gaze on him. You started once more and when the blonde asked you if it was better, you were shaking your head negatively.
 "We're starting over but… take my hands and squeeze them as much as you need. Don't worry about grinding them."
 You grabbed his hands and restarted each step over, crushing his hands. But the contact with matter, your breath and Owen's comforting eyes, help you gently. A soothing silence has settled between you. Owen had helped you through this panic attack when you didn't even know each other. But you could feel deep inside that this man was good. Things seemed to calm down for you and you thanked Owen with a genuine smile.
 “You know how to deal with it ... Thanks for that.”
 “I also suffer from anxiety and panic attack. But the elevator is big enough here that it doesn't cause me one. Although I am a little anxious ...”
 “hey, breathe Owen.” You replied with a smirk
 Owen laughed and shook his head as if to say "that's a good one!" You look at the young man again, staring at him intently. It was very rude but you couldn't put a name on his face anymore. You were sure you knew him. Was he a distant cousin? A neighbor? A guy you knew in high school? Or just a guy you saw in an ad? Maybe the ad for these new cereals!
 “Excuse me but ... I've seen you somewhere before, haven't I?”
 “In an elevator, yeah!” he joked
 You laughed he was funny
 “No, I mean ... I feel like I've seen you before but I really can't remember where.”
 he sighed, as if a little tired of the question. You were surprised at his reaction but Owen answers you anyway
 “Yeah, I don't usually talk about that when I first meet a girl, especially when I'm stuck in an elevator with her but ... I'm an actor. I played some stuff on Nickelodeon and now I'm supposed to shoot season two of Julie and the phantoms, it's a Netflix series.”
 You watched him chattering, you nodded then wide your eyes. This is where you saw it! You had been relentlessly browsing the Netflix catalog and seeing the trailer for the series he told you about, but you had avoided it, the show seemed too childish for you. You first reaction was to make fun of him
 "Again, don't forget to breath Owen. But the way, I didn’t want to bother you with that question."
 He laughed lightly then smiled politely at you. You didn't seem to be a hysteric or a weird person. He had a deep feeling that you were a good person, which is why Owen seemed to relax.
 "It's just ... for a while, I thought you were a fan and I didn't want things to be weird all suddenly "
 "Oh don't worry I haven't seen any of your shows.” you said nonchalantly
 Owen burst into laughter. Once again, it was bafflingly sincere and he was really starting to enjoy being stuck in an elevator with you. You smiled, the energy in the cabin was positive that you almost forgot you were stuck with this young man for almost half an hour. You didn't know when you were going to be able to get out of here but you didn't really care anymore for the sole reason that you wanted to get to know this man. You tilted your head back, resting it against the elevator wall before sighing loudly. Seconds later, your gaze turned to Owen again.
 “So tell me about this series that you’re filming. What is it about?”
 "It's a pretty cool show actually. It's directed by Kenny Ortega, I don't know if you see who he is."
 "Hell yeah ... he's the choreographer of Dirty Dancing"
 "Himself ... So what about the storyboard ... It's about ..."
 And then, you listened to him to tell you about the series. Something like a '90s band dying of food poisoning from a bad hotdog and returning twenty-five years later as ghosts to help a super talented young girl to make music after her mom passed away. It made you laugh; it was probably the dumbest death on TV after Marion Cotillard's in Batman. He couldn't even stop anymore so that he sometimes swapped over a few anecdotes from the set. You even got a little exclusive on season two before Owen stopped in the middle of a sentence.
 "Sorry, I got a little carried away. But when you like your job, it's pretty easy to talk about it."
 You smiled at him and Owen started asking you questions, about your work, your life, your passions and you were giving him back. The conversation was fluid, natural You learned that he was German, that his mother tongue was German until he was about four years old, that he had a sister and had lived with his parents until that year when he moved into his own apartment. Getting to know Owen was really nice and you could feel your stomach twist every time he smiled. He was a boy full of humor but also sarcasm.
 You've been stuck with Owen for an hour and a half now. You ended up sitting on the floor of the elevator. Boredom was really starting to take hold of you. You rummaged through your bag for something, anything. An idea crossed your mind when you saw the small block of post-it notes.
 "How would you like to play a game?"
 "What kind of game do you want to play here?"
 "Who am I?"
 "Obviously you are y/n" he tells you with a smirk.
 You laughed before pulling out your notepad and a pencil to show it to the blonde. He claimed to have understood your intention, which made you smile even more. Of course, Owen knew the game you wanted to play. He nodded, and you'd write a celebrity's name on a sticky note before sticking it on your new friend's forehead. He did the same for you. Fortunately, your two post-its are well stuck. Owen spoke
 "I start: am I a man?"
 "Obviously" you say with a smirk, responding to the blonde's previous joke.
 Owen laughed, catching the tone of your voice.
 “But how funny she is! Is my character a man?” He continued.
 You did several parts. You even teased him when he made you guess Julie and the phantoms, because the game didn't stop only with characters, celebrities but also series, movies, musicals. You were laughing when there was another shake, stronger than the first, the lights came back on and you couldn't help but be disappointed. You looked at Owen and he seemed to have the same gaze as yours. The doors barely opened and you found the hotel staff, patiently waiting to ask if you needed medical assistance, while also offering you a bottle of water. You left the elevator car, hurriedly stuffing the many post-its into your bag. You didn't really know how to act with the blond guy next to you. You had formed a little bubble in that enclosed space and now it seemed to have burst. For some strange reason, it made you sad. Now is the time to part ways with your new friend.
 “well, good-goodbye, it was nice to meet you.”
 you rushed into the hotel lobby a little more, but Owen seemed to catch up with you, his long legs only having to take a few strides.
 "wait, y/n!"
 You turned to him, you could see the embarrassment on his cheeks, asking with a frown what was the cause.
 "I think you let that go"
 "No, I don't"
 You looked at the crumpled white paper. It even looked like a piece of chewing gum. And at first glance, Owen's perfectly white teeth were chewing one.
 "I think you did."
 He handed you the paper with a determination that convinces you. You bite your lip as you look at the series of numbers on the packaging: a phone number. His telephone number. Owen swallowed hard as he looked at you. His eyes never leaving your lips.
 "It's pretty spontaneous of me but ... I won't start filming until next week. I hope you're still here the day after tomorrow ... because I would really like to ask you to come have a drink with me ... "
 Your cheeks turned red, did he really just ask you for a date? You did not know what to answer. The urge to say yes was so present but you were afraid to rush. Perhaps humor was your only defense
 "it depends"
 "about what?"
 "Does this appointment include a blocking session in an elevator? This is the only way it works"
 Owen laughed before giving you a genuine smile, showing his perfectly aligned white teeth. God, what a beautiful man.
 "I can try to fix this and find a faulty elevator."
 "So expect a text from me"
 You smiled back at him and gave him a wink before turning on your heels. Owen's heart skipped a beat and he when he arrived several hours late in the hairdressing section of the set, Charlie laughed at him saying that he had never seen him so happy to have a haircut. hair. But in reality, the blond was only waiting for one thing, and that was to receive a message from you, which arrived in a second.
 (y/n) text : "After being stuck in an elevator, here I am stuck in traffic ... Are you sure you want a date with me, you might just end up stuck with me?"
 Owen couldn't help but smile broadly.
 Owen text : "I'm sure. I'd love to even be stuck with you (again).”
(y/n) text : “Fine, ghost boy. See you soon”
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hollywoodx4 · 4 years
hiiii i saved your "alone zone" post for reference, but also i was wondering if you could breakdown the setup? ive got an almost 2yo who's definitely starting to get feelings that are too big for him. he's a bit delayed in his speech right now, though, and obviously can't read, so i know ill have to make some adjustments
Okay, I spent a good chunk of the morning on this because I am very passionate about social-emotional learning at a young age, but I feel as though I need a disclaimer:
I am young, but I have been a teacher for nine years going on ten. I speak from my own personal experience. I am by no means the only source of information, but I do speak informatively and with research as well. I have worked with many types of kids from all walks of life and ability, and I do feel my information is accurate to my own experience. I am not, however, certified in special education and I am always learning. Take this as it is-my advice from experience, trial-and-error, and a passion to continue learning new things.
The most important thing I’ve found with an Alone Zone is to introduce it slowly, and by example. It’s going to take a little while to actually have the child be able to use the Alone Zone by themselves, but with practice and patience it can and will happen! I think too that a lot of observation is helpful-if you see things in the Alone Zone that your child isn’t using, or doesn’t gravitate to as much, I’d take them out and try a different tool. So a background: I’m in a classroom, I’ve been teaching for 9 years, and I’ve been observing and putting things in and taking them out depending on the group of children I have. The first year, we did not use the alone zone frequently. Last year, my Alone Zone was full almost all day. This year, I have one or two students that use it regularly, and some that use it as needed.  Also, I’ve worked with twos and threes, and although I’ve been with threes for five or six years now, I did spend a good chunk of time with the twos. I also did have an inclusive classroom last year, where this Alone Zone actually ended up being one of my best tools.So, thanks for your patience with the rambling, here’s a break-down.
First off, I really recommend this be set up in a place where your child knows they won’t be disturbed-where they can go and have their moment of privacy. Of course, you’ll be there to help them learn how to use the area and all of its tools properly, and you’ll still have an eye on them, but it’s important that your child feels safe in this space, and that they know they can come to it and have a moment to sort things out for themselves. It’s also important to never use this area as a form of punishment or discipline. It’s important to frame your words so that they know that the space is a way of coping and not a way of “time out.” I always use the term “let’s take a break” when having children step away, and if I’m directing a child to the alone zone, I’ll tell them “we’re going to come here and let our bodies take a break. We can use these things to help ourselves calm down. When you’re ready to talk about it, I’ll be here.”
I also think it’s important to let the child come to you when they’re ready. There are very few times I have set a timer and gotten that specific-it’s a case-to-case scenario…sometimes a child will need a timer so that they’re able to give themselves time to calm their bodies, and other children will be intuitive and know how long they need. Sand timers are a good investment because then the child can see how long they have left, and it’s in a framework that makes sense to them. Digital timers are not recommended because the concept of numerical time is not developmentally appropriate for young children to understand, but a sand timer gives them something they can see. They also come in packs of one minute, three minute, and five minute intervals from what I’ve seen, so if you feel your child would benefit from having a set amount of time in the Alone Zone I’d recommend that!
Second, there’s the emotional learning: I like to use the characters from Inside Out to help my children discuss their feelings. They’re relatable, and they cover the base emotions. I use all except disgust, because I don’t feel that disgust has a place in this zone; but I do use Joy, Anger, Sadness, and Fear (which I typically label using the words nervous or upset, because I have had a lot of experience with children facing anxiety). I suggest finding an emotion chart to start the area off-this helps the child express themselves, and especially with a child who is speech delayed, these charts can help with self-expression and bridge that gap, because speech delays cause a lot of heartache in children who are just trying to express themselves, and feel frustrated when not understood. Here’s some I really like!https://www.totschooling.net/2017/03/emotions-printable-activity.html
(as your child is two, I recommend sorting through the cards and keeping the emotions as simple as possible-happy, sad, angry, upset- as the more complex, compound emotions will begin later on in their development.) This will also help your child learn and understand the language; they may not be able to communicate to you using words, but they will pick up on the vocabulary as they’re using something like a clothespin to pin their feeling, a finger to point, or Velcro to stick their feeling onto a board…this is so important to developmentally delayed child, as I’m sure you’ll see improvement as you’re giving them a way to communicate.
Third: Tools.
*Now, I’m a simple person. I really really love something like a sensory bottle. They’re super easy, and can be made at home and tailored to your child’s interests. Do they love dinosaurs? Stick in some teeny tiny dinosaurs in that bottle. Princesses? Princess confetti, crowns, etc. Tailor it to their interests and it’ll just help them gain more interest in using the tools! Here’s a good base recipe to get you started
I also recommend some stress toys, if you can in varying textures and density. Sometimes it’s just about a sensory craving; they need something for their sensory output, and squeezing a stress ball can help them get their negative energies out without hurting themselves or others. I keep Silly Putty on hand but not in the zone (because of the hazard) and that is one of the top things my students will ask for.
I also keep a set of yoga cards in there as well-my children love yoga, and we work daily on poses. There are a few of my students who choose to go into our Alone Zone when they’re feeling anxious and just do a little bit of yoga. I have a box of cards I bought as we got more into yoga, (https://www.amazon.com/Yoga-Littles-Lana-Katsaros/dp/1683642392) but these printable ones are awesome as well https://pinsviews.com/pin/492229434266737881
I keep a pair of headphones in my alone zone as well; last year, I had a student who faced a lot of social anxiety as well as transitional difficulties and difficulties with anger management. The tool he loved most was the headphones. He’d come to the alone zone angry or upset, ask for the headphones, and sit with his eyes closed listening to classical music or ocean sounds. This was his escape; upon observation I began to notice that this is where he felt safe; he’d often come to Alone Zone after an argument, or after a friend told him they didn’t want to play, and just sit with his thoughts.
I also recommend trying a weighted lap pad, depending on your child’s sensory needs. Some children do not like the added weight, and others crave it. There’s versions with sewing, but this is a no-sew, relatively easy option. https://diyprojects.com/weighted-blankets-diy/
One thing I added last year is just a pair of cut out handprints on the wall. This was a surprisingly largely used thing; I took a class in guided discipline, and discovered this tool from discussion with other teachers who had students with sensory integration difficulties. It’s simple; the pair of handprints on the wall is something you can direct your child to push, and push as hard as they can. This is something I use often with children who have a hard time keeping their hands to themselves-I direct them to the handprints (or, if we’re outside, to the fence) and instruct them to push the hands as hard as they can to “move the wall.” This works to help their sensory output in a way that is not hurting others, and they feel magical when you tell them that they’re working hard to push that wall.
 On -the-go tip: Sensory bags.
Sensory bags can be a life saver. Especially because they’re so portable, and are so easily tailored to the child’s interest. I tend to take these out in moments of transition-when one child is done their snack and the rest are not-it’s a good tool to use when you need a few minutes, or your child seems like they might be teetering on the edge of a meltdown. Here’s a pretty good resource with some easy DIY ideas
One last tip: Daily routine cards
Because you mentioned that your child is non-verbal, I highly recommend a Daily Routine chart of some sort; either something you hang on your wall, or take with you (using Velcro and a small clipboard, a file folder, a Ziploc bag, a soft pencil case….) Last year, I used a daily routine chart with pictures to outline our whole day from start to finish; one of my boys with autism would go to the chart and take down whatever task we just accomplished, and look at the next. He was then able to anticipate what was to come, and accomplish the tasks knowing that he could remove them from the wall as the day went on. A longer, daily chart also helps children with anxiety to be able to see what’s to come, and help that ease-of-transition.
The benefit of a first, then chart is learning the sequence, and helping them to put a picture to a task instead of just a word. This is an opportunity too to practice speech with simple words!
Here’s some printable daily routine pictures
and here’s a chart I’ve used in the past, and the toddler teachers I work cooperatively with use currently with some of their verbally delayed students. A First, then chart teaches the child to anticipate what’s next, and often helps us to get through the daily routine. We often use it to say things like “Potty first, then you can play.” Or “snack first, then outside.” Communication with transitional words, and not as many words, helps tremendously.
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mysteli · 5 years
es in vegas (choices crack series) part 2
A/N: I honestly thought this chapter would SO much shorter than the first one but I’m about to be honest... it’s not. Its longer so good luck. I wanna everyone for all the support and suggestions for this crack series. You all seem to really enjoy it and I’m really happy now you did!
This chapter jumps straight to morning after because that’s where the real plot starts. I’ll be adding in flashback scenes of the night before to show what happened  while the group are trying to figure it out. It’s just better than playing out the night and then helping everyone figure it out when the reader already knows everything. Enjoy!
Warning: the best way to describe this is probably… mature? mainly of the content in it because if it’s just clean then it ain’t really Vegas. this series will feature implied nsfw but not really anything descriptive (mostly just mentions), exaggerations on use of alcohol, strong language and… crazy behaviour? It’s just weird and I’d proceed with caution…
P.S: this is probably the weirdest one yet and a lot of things are gonna be revealed quickly after each other so you gonna have to keep up :D
ALSO, anything in italic is a flashback from the night before
Disclaimer: most of the plot belongs to the Hangover and the characters belong to Pixelberry. I’m just mashing the two together.
Pairings: Jake X MC, Craig X Zahra, Diego X Vaaryn, Aleister X Grace - just the OG pairings for now but things could change ;) -
Tag list: @brightpinkpeppercorn@likethetailofacomet @xo-endlessmayhem-xo@sceptilemasterr @indiacater @chyeahboy@candychoices @zaffrenotes @nicknameking@bailey-choices @szeherezada @whatsernamerps@aries-light @endlessly-searching-for-you@justboredtrash @beckettsattunement@gerrysacushla @mind-reader1 @sweet-honeybird@allykrane @seraxa @violarobics @princessstellaris @mechaspirit
I tagged everyone who liked the post just in case! If you wanna be removed, just let me know!
Let me know if you wanna be tagged! 💗and let me know if the tags work because Tumblr is acting up.
Summary: The next morning finally arrives after many drinks and many weird things that the gang struggle to remember as they wake up. They try their best to remember the events of last night with only their surroundings to help them.
Words: 9301 (sorry)
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A blinding light shines through the darkness that kept Logan asleep and she suddenly feels a sharp pain jolting around her head like a boomerang. Her exhaustion is creeping in on her the moment she’s forced to awaken as the sun dares to reveal itself through the giant window in the room she’s currently in. For some reason, she feels out of place and like she can’t even bring forward the knowledge that she was ever asleep in the first place. Her mind has fallen completely blank and Logan has no choice but to blame that on her current tired state. 
Hesitantly, she moves away the shields of her eyelid that was protecting her from the power of the sun’s rays but now she’s gonna have to fend for herself. Her ocean eyes slowly drift open and the throbbing pain in her head and aches of her body makes it difficult for her to manage to move. Her entire figure is numb and her legs are the weakest they’ve ever been. She swears it feels like five minutes ago, she was accepting to the combined party at the strip club but the last thing Logan can remember is taking those shots. Then everything else is just... empty. It’s like she blacked out almost immediately and lost control of herself for the rest of the night.
Holy shit... who knows what she dared to do or dared to say? What the fuck even happened last night? 
From this information, Logan can easily realise that the pain in her head is due to a miserable hangover but why is the rest of her so weak as well? She swears she can barely move. Blinking away the agony and light, she summons the strength to lift her head and position herself so she’s a little more uncomfortable. That’s when she takes the moment to study her surroundings. 
It’s the bedroom that she was looking at she bought the villa with her friends the day before. Logan and Michelle were fighting over it for a few minutes and they never really came to a conclusion about who would get it. Looks like Lo won that battle. Everything is so messed up and trashed that the room is almost unrecognisable, which only scares Logan about how crazy they truly must have went last night. Hell, this is only one of the bedrooms. Imagine how everything else looks. 
Carefully, Logan guides her gaze around her surroundings, only to find the same thing in every inch of the space. An absolute fucking mess. She lets out a sigh of relief when she senses some of the feeling returning to her body and that’s when she realises... she’s not alone in the bed. 
“Holy shit!” Logan screeches in a harsh whisper but it still projects enough of an echo to wake the person underneath her and it scares them as much as it scares her. However, she calms down a lot when she realises exactly who it is and she’s stunned with herself that she never knew who it was in the first place. 
Jake jolts from his sleep, startled from the volume of Logan’s reaction to seeing him. His cerulean eyes widen and his breath catches in his throat. “What was the actual fucking need for that, Princess?” Jake reacts in a snappy tone and Logan understands. That’s probably one of the worst scares Jake has ever experienced, especially if he’s just as hungover as her. He backtracks a little, rubbing his head out of irritation. “Ow... head rush.” 
Logan takes his slight pause to survey his morning appearance. He looks even worse than he usually does in the morning and usually, he’s a mess when he wakes up. But this is just the I can tell you got wasted last night kind of level. His sandy hair is all over the place, some strands sticking up and some hanging lazily over his eyes like strays. His normally bright eyes have dimmed from the exhaustion and his eyes are watering like there’s no tomorrow. However, Logan’s eyes widen when she spots that Jake has a fucking heavy,  bruised, black eye. 
“Woah Jake... what happened?” Logan asks, cupping Jake’s face caringly and scanning his bruise closely as her eyes flood with concern. 
Noticing her worry, Jake starts to feel anxious himself. “What? Is there something on my face? Is it acne ‘cause I got an assload of it the first time I had a drink!”
“What the fuck? Of course there’s no acne, Jake. You’re 27.” Logan points out correctly. “You’ve just somehow managed to get a black eye.” 
“Oh ok. That sounds more like me.” Jake jokes, forming a weaker smirk because of how tired he is. “Funny though because I don’t remember shit from last night.” He admits.
“Me neither but I...” Logan’s words she stopped short and she glances down at herself, only then realising that she is completely naked and so is Jake. She isn’t too surprised though because they were both drunk and in Vegas so of course they would have had a little or a lot of fun. “Oh... that explains a lot.” Logan mutters to herself, not even realising she said that out loud, as she studies herself curiously. She’s absolutely covered in marks and bites. What the hell did they do? Never mind... no one should answer that. 
Barely catching her words, Jake smirks as he follows her gaze and realises what happened as well. She looks so weak and exhausted but in a good way... a satisfied way. The way that Jake knows he did good. Very good. She bites her lip nervously and runs a hand through her platinum blond hair. She’s plastered in sweat and the room is already hot enough as it is. 
“Looks like I do well when I’m drunk.” Jake points out proudly, raising an eyebrow at Logan in a knowing manor. “Wow... I wonder what we did last night.” He adds with that sarcastic glint in his eyes.
Logan just rolls her eyes, attempting to ignore his little cheeky comment. “Don’t seem like there were any breaks either.” 
“Good point because I can’t seem to fucking wake up, darlin’.” Jake tries to stretch but his hands barely move when he tries to move them, blocked by some kind of force dragging his hands back down to where they were previously. “What the actual fuck...”
Jake tries the action again, only to fail once more. Noticing his frustration, Logan eyes him questioningly. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t even know.” 
Confused, Jake brings both his hands at the same and lifts them out of the covers of the bed so they are now viewable to his eyes, only to be annoyed by the sight he is greeted with. It turns out to be a lot more funny to Logan than it will ever to be to him. “Handcuffs...” is all Jake manages to mutter, scanning the metal item carefully. They’re securely tied to his hands and they sure as hell ain’t coming off without a key. 
Logan struggles to hold back a laugh, feeling like the tables have turned. “Wow... looks like it wasn’t all you last night.” She winks at him in a flirty manor and he just rolls his eyes, pulling at the cuffs as an attempt to rag them off. 
“If last night was that kinky... then we must have used oil or something. Is there any in here?” Jake suddenly questions and Logan seems grossed out by that idea.
“Jake, why the hell do you need oil?”
“To slide the cuffs off otherwise there must have been a key.” 
Logan furrows her brows bewilderedly, seeming to have a different idea of the current situation. “What do you mean? Aren’t they the fake ones that you can just take off without a key?” 
“Nope... these are the real deal, Princess. I would’ve had them off by now if they weren’t real, trust me.” Jake states bluntly, feeling absolute shame for what this has become. 
“Then where did we get real handcuffs from? Pretty sure you can only get those if you steal them from...” Logan stops short when she realises what could’ve happened last night and Jake seems to catch on at the same time. “No... please no.” 
“We couldn’t have been that drunk...” 
“We probably were. It would explain why we can’t remember shit.” 
“This is just too weird. You think one of us got arrested and robbed the handcuffs after getting let off or something?” 
“I wouldn’t put it past us, Jake. Trust me.” Logan scans the handcuffs and notices there’s a little bit of... inappropriate stuff scattered on the metal. “All I know is that the station ain’t gonna want those back.” 
“Well I want them off!” Jake points out, narrowing his eyes at his wife and practically blaming her with a skeptical look. 
“Don’t be blaming me, babe. It’s not my fault.” Logan defends herself, holding her hands up in a surrendering manor. “Blame Nevada. Not your innocent wife.” 
Jake smirks at that and keeps his eyebrows raised. Clearly he’s still suspicious. “Well then, Nevada done messed up. You think the key is in here?” 
“I don’t know. It could be back at a police station.” Logan dares to point out, folding her arms idly. 
Glancing around the junkyard of a room, Jake starts to panic a little when his eyes don’t spot the key to the cuffs. “That’s the last thing we want, Princess.”
“Oh my god...” Logan spots something scattered across the bedpost as she has been busy scanning everything else in the room. All their clothes are resting in all corners of the bedroom but something specific and sudden catches her eye. 
Jake lifts his head at the worry in his wife’s voice, suddenly anxious himself. “What?”
“Jake... there’s two bras in this room.” Logan points out and Jake is annoyed that his worries were brought up like that for nothing. He obviously doesn’t take that revelation seriously.
“Princess, maybe you had the crazy idea to empty your suitcase and all your clothes flew out or something. That’s why there’s to. Cause I refuse to believe you were wearing two bras last night.” 
“I wasn’t...” Logan admits and a horrible idea suddenly reaches her and she shivers at the thought. “Jake, I bet you stole that bra from the strip club or something.” 
Actually offended, Jake leans back and furrows his brows at the crazy insinuation. “Now why would I choose to do that?” 
“You were drunk. You don’t really get to choose.” 
“Whatever. I’m tellin’ you I didn’t steal no stripper bras.” He mutters as he checks the nearest beside table and moves to look at the other one until he freezes when he spots something else strange on the other bedside table. “Oh fuck... not another thing.”
Jake tilts his head towards the odd item. “On the table there. There’s a piece of paper.” He points directly to where the paper is resting on the beside table. “Can you fucking pick it up since I’m... your bitch now?” Jake swallows and cringes at the thought, even though what he said was meant to be a little unfunny joke.
Logan just scoffs and reaches for the note. Once she retrieves it, she can obviously tell it’s a letter directed to them but she can’t seem to recognise the handwriting. “It’s a letter.” She tells Jake before allowing her eyes to skim over the poorly executed letter. Whoever wrote this isn’t the best at writing nicely. The more she reads the words, the more her ocean eyes widen and the more she can’t push away that horrible idea that’s been looming over her mind since she saw that fucking bra on the bedpost. 
This is so bad. “Oh my fucking god...” Logan curses under her breath, face palming hard from the shame. 
“What is it? Show me.” Jake requests and Logan hands him the letter as she tries to process whatever the fuck it is she just read. Jake seems to develop a similar reaction as he reads through the note himself. 
“Oh shit...”
The note was addressed to them from... extra company they must have had last night, the words being: 
‘sorry i took off but ya girl is late for work. i had fun last night. you’re both VERY good and pay VERY nicely’
Logan feels like she’s struggling to breathe since her breath is catching in her throat so much. Jake just furrows his brows, not sure what to make of the situation. 
“Looks like it wasn’t either of us doing all the work last night.” Jake points out at the wrong time, only to be rewarded with a pillow to the face, curtesy of his irritated wife. “Oh come on Lo...” 
“Holy shit... how much did we spend on that bitch?!” Thats Logan’s reaction. That’s the first thing she thinks of. 
“Wow. That’s the thing you’re worrying about?” Jake reacts, clearly amused but also really just as confused as Logan. He’s just better at hiding it. 
“Jake... this isn’t funny. It’s gross. It’s wrong. Someone else was in this bed last night. Touching both of us. Kissing both of us. Fucking both of us. While you were in handcuffs and the worst part is... this was all with our fucking consent!” Logan rants, completely losing her mind and will to stay sane. The ache in her head and body is even worse than it was before and she’s so uncomfortable. Out of nowhere, Logan leaps off the bed and dusts her bare body off, as she dares to think about the thought of someone else having her hands on her that’s not Jake. She hates that so much. It almost feels like betrayal. 
“Lo, what are you doing?” Jake asks, sitting up and watching Logan as she struggles to move across the room, as her legs are undeniably weak and her body isn’t willing to keep up with her. “Baby... you need to calm down.” 
“Calm down?” Logan reacts, as she scans the room for any sort of clothing and when her eyes spot one of Jake’s solid black hoodies, she throws it on as quickly as possible, needing to feel covered in that moment. “I can’t stand that we did something like that Jake. How did I manage to watch someone else touch you and... do other stuff with you when I’m the only one supposed to be doing all that? It just pisses me off, babe.” 
Jake smirks at the true meaning behind her anger. “Oh... so that’s why you’re pissed off?” He assumes, moving so he’s sat on the edge of the bed and closer to Logan, who has now moved back towards the bed and she’s now facing Jake. He wanted to snake his arms around her waist and pull her against him with reassuring intentions but the godforsaken cuffs hold him back.
“And the fact that we spent god knows how much money just for an extra hand which we don’t really need by the way.” Logan corrects, stroking Jake’s bare shoulders and moving closer to him herself since he can’t really guide her. 
“That I can agree with, darlin’.” Jake’s smirk widens as he tilts his head so he can plant a small kiss on the end of Logan’s wrist. Such a sweet movement. “Listen, Princess, let’s just forget about that hooker that fucked us both by the way, not just me so you shouldn’t be complaining too much.” 
Logan narrows her eyes at that comment. “Thin ice, Aragorn.” 
“Got it.” Jake laughs, letting his smirk falter a little as he tries to reassure her. “Whatever happened last night, I don’t even remember it and neither do you so we won’t even know who it was that we invited over? So let’s not panic ok?”
Logan is silent for a moment but she knows she can’t stay hesitant. They still have to figure out what the fuck is going on, especially with everyone else. “Ok... that makes sense. I’m sorry.”
“It ain’t your fault. It’s never your fault.” Jake promises and Logan leans down to bring their lips together briefly. For a moment, Logan feels like her legs are about to give out and she accidentally manages to fall into Jake’s lap, causing that cocky smirk to cross his face one more. “Can you even walk?” 
“Shut up. Remember you gotta walk out there in cuffs until we find the key so we both know who our friends will think the boss was last night.” Logan counters and Jake already knows he’s lost. 
Carefully and cautiously, Jake and Logan exit their bedroom and enter the main area of the villa, probably where some of the gang ended up sleeping. They’re immediately met with all the familiar faces of their group, some awake and some still dozed off. Estela lies propped on the armrest of the couch, rubbing her eyes and exposing her exhaustion like everyone else. Quinn is sat on a kitchen counter with three empty bottles of water scattered around her and half full one placed in her grip. Craig is sprawled on the floor somewhere still sleeping, also snoring so damn obnoxiously and Zahra struggles not to laugh out loud. Diego is curled up at the end of the couch, sleeping soundly and peacefully. Zahra is flopped on a chair for one, her head rolled back and a black coffee in her hand. To everyone’s surprise and undying awkwardness, Sean and Michelle are sleeping closer to each other, as in cuddling with Sean’s arm wrapped around her waist and she’s curled up into his chest. They ain’t gonna be happy when they wake but you can only wanna know what happened to them last night as well. Furball is curled up on the kitchen counter, eyeing a stressed Quinn with concern as he tries nuzzling her to cheer her up. He’s such a precious little fox. Grace and Aleister are also coupled together in one of the beanbag chairs but Aleister doesn’t even look like himself. He looks just as much as mess as everyone else does.
Hm. So much for that no drinking and staying sane pact.
Above all, everyone just looks like they wanna collapse into an eternal sleep and like they can’t figure out what is going on, which sounds about right. The only strange thing is that Raj and Vaaryn are nowhere to be seen. 
Jake and Logan go unnoticed for a while and she can tell that he’s hesitant to go in because of the jokes that will come out since he is still attached to cuffs. Either way, they gotta confront the group. So Logan just shoots Jake a look that tells him clearly to suck it up and move on, which he huffs at but obeys. 
Logan rubs her eyes tiredly but letting her bare feet tap against the wooden floor as she walks towards the group, the sound of her footsteps alerting those who are awake, which is Quinn, Zahra and Estela. Jake follows behind lazily, keeping his attention away from everyone. He knows he won’t dare speak for the next few moments. 
“Morning, guys.” Logan greets everyone, a yawn escaping her the moment she talks. 
“Hey, Lo... sleep well?” Quinn questions politely, forming a weak smile. 
“Honestly... I don’t remember.” Logan jokes but everyone knows she’s been undeniably serious because they all feel the same way. 
“Oh my god. Same... I’ve got the worst headache.” Estela agrees, running her hands through her brunette hair out of stress. 
“I swear I spent most of last night in total darkness.” Zahra jokes, once again with a hint of solemness. 
“Yeah. I woke up this morning and I just didn’t know where I was. Turns out I was on top of the fridge.” Quinn responds, giggling as she chugs the bottle of water in her hand. Everyone watches her strangely as she does it. “For the hangover. Lo, come have a sip. It actually helps. 
Logan takes a quick glance at Jake, who simply shakes his head at her in a pleading manor. He’s stood directly behind her so if she moves, the girls are gonna notice the cuffs.
“It’s fine, Quinn. I’ll pull through.” Logan smiles at her friend’s kindness but decides to protect Jake for the next five minutes. 
“Hang on... something’s off.” Estela points out with a knowing smirk on her face. 
Logan catches Estela’s gaze being fixated on her and she furrows her brows bewilderedly. “What is it?”
“Is Jake okay?” Estela asks, gesturing to the pilot. 
“Why wouldn’t he be?” 
“Well, for one. He’s not talking at all and two... he isn’t touching you at all while he’s talking to us like he’s usually does.” Estela tilts her head to the side and eyes Jake with wariness. “What gives, cabron?”
“Nope,” is all Jake manages to mutter and Logan rolls her eyes and steps simply to the side, revealing what Jake has been hiding since he walked in. The handcuffs. Immediately, Jake narrows his cerulean eyes at his wife. “Wow... traitor.” 
Logan just scoffs, a smirk playing at her lips. “Ssh. You’re on lockdown.” She teases and Jake just huffs at that. 
Estela, Quinn and Zahra gasp at what’s before them, desperately trying to hold back their laughter so they don’t wake anyone up. Yeah it don’t matter about Jake’s precious feelings. He got handcuffs on for crying out loud. 
“Jake... want some advice? Take the damn cuffs off.” Estela advises as bluntly as possible. 
“That’s rude. It’d be like putting down Logan’s pet.” Zahra retorts, scoffing mockingly at Jake. 
“Shut the fuck up, Starbucks.” Jake snaps before turning his attention to Estela and seating himself in an empty space on the couch. “And I would’ve taken the damn cuffs off, Katniss. Trust me... but I can’t.” 
“Aren’t they the fake ones?” 
“Nope. They’re the real deal.” 
“So... we can all figure out what you two did last night then, can’t we?” Quinn assumes, shooting Logan and Jake separate knowing winks. 
“Don’t try and deny anything, McKenzie. All the signs are there.” Quinn stops Jake before he can protest, folding her arms confidently. 
“What fucking signs... aside from the cuffs.” Jake enquires, eyebrows raised. 
“Duh. Logan is wearing literally nothing but one of your hoodies. She’s placed her hair very carefully so that the hickeys and marks on her neck and arms aren’t visible but trust me, Lo, the leg ones are. And of course... the cuffs.” Zahra explains and it’s kinda scary how she knows so much about how to spot sex or whatever. “Looks like we found our local kinksters.” 
“We don’t even remember what we did so it didn’t happen for us.” Logan jokes, her mind drifting back to the revelation from earlier. 
“Oh man. Wonder what else you did then.” Zahra mutters, taking another sip of her coffee and letting out a satisfied sigh after each sip. 
“You don’t wanna know.” Jake accidentally says his thoughts out, alerting everyone awake and causing their eyes to widen a little.
“Wait so you do know something. What...” Zahra questions a little too eagerly.
“You’re not supposed to be interested in mine and Logan’s sex life.” Jake counters firmly but Zahra just rolls her dark eyes.
“If it’s a night in Vegas, everyone is interested.”
Logan just rolls her sapphire eyes and heads for the bedroom, leaving Jake to break the news. Clearly she’s gone to retrieve the note or something but she still left Jake alone and leaving it up to him to tell the group something they would be a little too interested in. 
“Agh, fine but you better shut the fuck up because Lo is having mixed feelings about it and by the way... we were drunk and we don’t remember it but it’s definitely true. Understand?” Jake finally relents, keeping himself calm and collected. Barely, however. 
“We understand, Jake.” Estela accepts the boundaries in a overly exaggerated sarcastic tone. 
“Ok...” Jake doesn’t know how to prepare himself for this. He sucks in a few sharp breaths and exhales as a way to calm himself down but nothing could prepare someone for an awkward moment like this - especially when the three girls are staring at him expectantly. “...last night, me and Princess somehow ended up... sharing a hooker.”
In that moment, everyone loses their goddamn minds, especially Quinn. “You had a threesome?!” Her high-pitched screeched execution of those words causes everyone in their surroundings to awaken and they catch the sound of the words as well so they jolt awake pretty quickly and immediately seem to be aware of where they are, which is much better than Logan’s slow start to the day. Those who were asleep have widened eyes and their jaws could easily be seen as mere memories on the floor, as well as Jake’s brain cells because he just lost them all in those last few seconds. 
Meanwhile, as Michelle begins to get up, she realises how closely she slept to Sean and suddenly, her instincts kick in. 
“Holy shit... what the fuck, Sean? Why is your hand there?” Michelle reacts by jolting up and almost hitting Sean in the face. She quickly brushes off his hand that lingers on her waist. 
“Um... that wasn’t me. That was the alcohol in me.” Sean corrects, yawning as he speaks and exposing he natural exhaustion.
“You can’t be that touchy when you’re drunk.” 
“Let’s just leave this as an awkward moment and move on.” Sean suggests and Michelle simply nods, moving further down the couch and stretching as an attempt to wake herself up.
Jake glances at Quinn with narrowed eyes, as Logan paces back with a confused look on her face to find everyone staring at her with puzzled looks. Jake did tell them to be cautious but Quinn completely tuned those words out. Furball has helpfully clasped his paw over Quinn’s mouth in order to prevent from reacting to anything else and luckily, it helps. 
Logan freezes when she realises what’s going on and she grips the note in her hand rather tightly in order to calm her nerves. She paces over to everyone slowly, noticing that some people are still groggy but they somehow managed to hear the words anyway, even if they haven’t processed them.
“So...” Sean tries to start of the conversation smoothly. 
“Did you guys hire a hooker last night?” Craig chimes in at the exact wrong time. Zahra swiftly whacks him on the head and Logan is just left dumbfounded. “Yo, Jake are those handcuffs? Damn...” Craig pipes up again, only to be silenced by another smack to the head, curtesy of Zahra.
“You need to shut up. 
“Listen... we don’t even know how it happened. We just got this note with handwriting we didn’t recognise that’s talking about the fact we are very good and we pay very well. That’s all I can say because that’s all that’s repeating in my head a fucking million times.” Logan is clearly stressed and she paces over to Estela and hands her the note before walking over to Jake and leaning in to him. 
Everyone passes the note around and reads it over. “Well that’s fun.” Michelle says in an obviously sarcastic tone. At least it better be.
“And it happened. What if the bitch comes back?” Logan is suddenly very panicky and Jake wishes he could help he more physically.
“Trust me, she won’t. What I learned last time I was in Vegas was if you pay her off, she never returns.” Zahra points out randomly and suddenly everyone is confused. “Don’t say anything about it. It’s too much of a story. Just take my advise because it’s good.”
“Well, judging by this, I’m guessing we’re gonna discover just how eventful last night really was. You guys remember anything?” Logan questions with curiosity lingering in her gaze.
“I should remember things but my brain isn’t working. I didn’t drink at all last night.” Aleister claims and it’s a trashy claim at best.
“That excuse isn’t working for you anymore. You probably ended up drinking the most.” Estela remarks, rolling her dark eyes at the Englishman.
“That’s a load of rubbish. I was the most presentable out of all you.”
“Maybe you should look in the mirror, Malfoy.” 
“Wait! You did drink something, Al. I remember something after we took the shots, barely but I remember it.” Quinn announces, a smiling breaking out on her features as she’s pleased with herself since she remembers something. 
Everyone finishes taking the shots and Aleister is already starting to develop a frustration with this entire situation. He just wants to go home and hang out with his soon-to-be-wife. He has no time for social banter, no matter how much he’s lectured about how necessary it is. This is his life and he intends to take control. 
While all the others drink out of their shots, Aleister tosses his behind him, not paying attention to where exactly the alcohol would land and destination is definitely bad. 
“What the fuck?!” A female voice calls out from a distance after feeling a liquid infecting her. Everyone follows the echo apart from Aleister.
“Oh shit, Al. Look what you did.” Michelle points out, gesturing behind Aleister where a stripper has paused her dancing and... well stripping to examine the drink that has spread on she leg. “You hit the stripper.” 
“She probably thinks it’s oil or something.” Craig jokes, taking another shot of the tray and chugging it down.
“Or the sweat of the people watching her so closely.” Zahra joins in with the inside joke and that results to her and Craig high fiving eagerly, proud of their instinctive banter.
“Pretty sure that would be your sweat on her since you two are the horniest in this whole damn club.” Sean retorts, folding his arms and sustaining a knowing smirk on his features. 
“Wait... what? A stripper?” Aleister reacts, tilting his head only to find a stripper on the stage looking down at him, pointing to the liquid on her leg. 
“It’s a little rude to say out loud.” The stripper states solemnly, hands on her hips and a sassy expression fixed on her face. 
“No offence?” is all Aleister manages to respond with. 
“None taken.” The stripper accepts his shitty apology, shrugging her shoulders idly. “Did your drink fall out of your hands or did you disrespect me on purpose?” She suddenly questions, eyebrows raised skeptically.
“I... I had no intention of hitting you. I just didn’t want the drink.” 
“So you had to throw it?” The stripper challenges, tilting her head to the side and it’s clear she isn’t buying it. “So you did throw it on purpose.”
“Excuse me... lady!” Grace pipes up, pointing sharply at the stripper, who looks down at them from the stage, barely clothed. “You have no right to accuse my fiancé of anything.”
The stripper is suddenly intrigued by hearing the word ‘fiance’. “Why you would let your supposable fiancé sniff around strip clubs? It’s a little worse if you join him.”
“You just had to mention the fiancé part, didn’t ya Grace?” Jake calls Grace out on her mistake and she just blocks him out, rolling her chestnut eyes back in annoyance. 
“Maybe you shouldn’t be talking, Aragon.” Logan tells Jake as nicely as possible, resting her finger on his lips for a few seconds before dragging it over his lower lip agonisingly slowly, affecting Jake a little too much.
Jake leans in and nuzzles her neck as revenge. “Looks like were gonna get a little sidetracked. Besides I am booked in for a private show.” He teases, lifting his head and planting a lingering kiss on Logan’s lips.
“Something tells me that I’m before you.” 
Meanwhile, Grace is still attempting to save her own fiancé from getting a drink tossed back at him. He ain’t holding up well. 
“Just don’t assume anything. He’s just annoyed. He didn’t wanna hit you.” Grace defends Aleister once more and the stripper doesn’t seem to interested anymore.
“Whatever... as long as he wasn’t disrespecting my position. I don’t care.” The stripper responds before finally leaving and going back to doing what she does best.
“Pretty sure were only appreciating your position, girl.” Craig exclaims, waving his hands in the air eagerly and Zahra joins in and they it soon escalates into a little dance party. The vibrant colours on his shirt match the rainbow spotlights that are bouncing off his shirt ever so often. 
Once Aleister finally finds the will to speak again, he merely swerves around and says the words they’ve all been waiting for and definitely expecting. “Oh, whatever. I’m having a drink.” Aleister finally relents, swiping the rest of the shots off the tray and chugging them in a matter of seconds.
Who’s ready for a long long long night?
“Oh shit... yeah. Al, you did drink.” Sean remembers... sort of. “Well at least that makes sense since you’re just as much of a mess as we are.”
“I refuse to believe that I would ignore my own oath.” Aleister claims once more, running a hand through his tousled platinum hair. 
“Chill, Malfoy. I don’t blame you. I’d wanna drink if I got owned by a stripper.” Jake jokes but once again, he is the only one laughing. No one is in the joking mood right now. 
“Wait... that stripper. What if it’s the same one you supposedly had a threesome with?” Quinn suggests and that’s actually the smartest thing she’s said all morning.
“Not a bad shout, Ariel, but it’s still something I don’t ever wanna speak of.” Jake retorts, exhaling sharply and everyone understands immediately.
“Can we talk about something else then?” Zahra questions, looking directly at Craig’s face for some reason. 
“Yeah sure.” Diego agrees, finally speaking up. Seems like he’s only just truly woken up. He tilts his head a little, looking as if he’s searching for someone.
“Craig... why do you have a drawn on mustache on your face?” Zahra enquires, barely containing her laughter and everyone is so startled when they realised they’ve only just noticed this now.
“Dude what?! I’m too young to die!” Craig exclaims and it almost makes no sense. He uses his hands to search his face and he almost screams aloud when his fingers finally brush over the moustache and a cringed look overtakes his features. “Oh no... I’m Mario!” 
“No Craig, you’re Inked Luigi.” Estela corrects and rightfully so. 
“I’m ashamed I thought that was real.” Grace mutters under her breath and she facepalms hard. 
“Um... Velma...” Jake begins but Grace raising her eyebrows at the new nickname makes him shut up for a moment. 
“...Velma? Oh my god... it only gets worse with you, Jake. Logan... you poor soul.” Grace exaggerates with sympathy as she lets her shoulders slump back and her apologetic brown eyes dig into Logan’s skull, it almost hurts.
“At least she got one who’s very ambitious when he’s drunk.” Zahra chimes in, raising her coffee proudly towards Jake and shooting him a mocking wink. Jake simply rolls his eyes and tries to ignore the stupid comment. 
“I was gonna point out, Velma, that you have... a tattoo.” Jake points out, his voice a little shaky and everyone suddenly falls silent when they realise it too. 
All of the group are already very aware of how Grace feels about tattoos. They make her anxious and full of worry for reasons no one can really understand. It’s mostly down to her mother and how she would react knowing that Grace has cursed her skin or whatever. It’s obvious that Grace has a habit of overthinking things so no one is ready for her reaction on this particular situation.
No matter what however, she can’t change the outcome. She has a tattoo. It’s actually true. A real tattoo. Worst part is, it rests on the most noticeable part of her body and the group are actually cursing themselves for not spotting it sooner. It’s actually kind of pretty but still, even if it is the most beautiful thing in the world, Grace will hate and worry about it. No one can win. It’s a inked deep red rose engraved on the side of Grace’s forehead, outlining her head shape and edge of her eye. Seems like dark brown, tousled curls have been covering it but since she decided to move them out the way, a more likely chance came of noticing it. 
Now here we are and the reaction is bound to be deadly.
“Oh crap... Jake please tell me this is just one of your pathetic jokes.” Grace pleads, an expected hint of anxiety in her chestnut eyes.  
Jake is slightly offended by her comment, even if that wasn’t the original intention. “Well, shit, Grace. I was actually feeling sorry for you. Not anymore. I even called you by your actual name. Fuck that ever happening again, Lisa Simpson.” 
Estela just huffs at Jake’s pettiness. “In other words, no, this is not one of those pathetic jokes.” 
That’s when Grace starts to panic. She’s about to lose her mind. She leaps out of Aleister’s embrace and rushes towards the nearest mirror and she gasps, startled by the sight before her. It still hasn’t truly hit her yet. That’s not real is all she wants to tell herself. Some of the group are eyeing her with concern but others are just dying to laugh. The sympathetic ones consist of Aleister, Quinn, Sean and Michelle but everyone else can barely contain their laughter. 
Grace grazes her hand over the tattoo, not realising or paying attention to the fact that it actually looks really cute. “Oh my god... this is so bad. My mom is gonna strangle me!”
“Grace, you’re 23. What exactly can your mom say or do?” Michelle dares to ask and Grace narrows her dark eyes at the owner of such a stupid enquire.
“Everything, Michelle! She will judge and mock and bring out a kitchen knife!” Now everyone is aware of Grace’s irrational thinking and they need to find a way to calm her. 
“Darling, I’m sure your mother wouldn’t do that. Maybe she’ll have an opinion but you can always get it removed.” Aleister suggests and when Grace forms a deep scowl, it also practically burns through his skill once she’s glancing at him. It’s like a fucking laser and Grace is pretty damn relentless when she’s angry. 
“But it’s still here now, isn’t it Aleister? If somehow I ended up getting a tattoo and Jake and Logan were provoked to have a threesome, who knows what other crazy shit we got into last night?” Grace explains and she’s clearly not wrong. They could have got into a lot of trouble last night, especially with the possibility that someone got arrested. 
“What about my moustache? You didn’t mention that.” Craig points out and Grace merely rolls her eyes. 
“Maybe she didn’t mention it because it isn’t that crazy for you, Craig.” Michelle responds and Craig shrugs his shoulders, playing with the drawn on moustache that lingers above his mouth. 
“I am pretty proud of it though. I could be the Moustache Man!” Craig exclaims excitedly, throwing his arms in the air and almost knocking Zahra’s coffee clean out of her hands. He was about five seconds from being dead. 
Zahra forms a skeptical glare. “If I lost that damn coffee, you and your precious moustache would be cut up in slices, ready to be served outside a fucking trashy restaurant right now.” Her threat was slowly spoken but still affective.
“Hey, that’s pretty funny though, Drax. I’ll give ya that. That way we can have Moustache Man and Mimosa Man.” Jake counters, his natural smirk forming on his lips and he’s pretty surprised that no one else is making fun of the cuffs he’s still trapped in. They probably are in their heads. Suddenly, Jake realises something as he surveys the room. Someone is missing. “By the way, speaking of mimosas... where the hell is Raj? Thought I would have heard him talk by now.”
Processing Jake’s comment, everyone scans their surroundings, realising Raj is nowhere to be seen. “Oh yeah. How did we not realise?”
“Um... guys. I can’t see Vaaryn either.” Diego points out, concern flooding his gaze as he tries to search for his beloved. 
“Hm... lets look around for them. I mean... they gotta be here somewhere right?” Logan suggests and everyone nods along, hesitantly and slowly rising from where they rest and searching their surroundings for any signs of Raj and Vaaryn. 
It’s pretty clear that they couldn’t have gone far. If they were even half as drunk as everyone else last night then they would be crawling around like everyone else and struggling to even balance their consciousness and keep it together. Their memories are also probably fragmented from all the alcohol they must have consumed but if they get lucky, they might have been sober enough to wake up early and go get everyone food or something even better. No, nothing sounds better than food right now. 
Soon enough, no one has any luck in the living room so they result to checking all the rooms in the villa. They have no success until one member of the group opens a door and finds something shocking on the inside. 
“Ok... me and Quinn are gonna check the bathroom!” Sean announces before idly pacing over towards the bathroom and he carefully grasps the handle and whispers something to himself before he enters. “Please oh please, god don’t let me find Raj or Vaaryn taking a shit or anything because that would just be... traumatising.” 
Barely catching his words, Quinn scoffs mockingly, still carrying a water in her hand. “Sean... just so you know... I’ll never be able to get that image out of my head now.” 
Realising, Sean facepalms hard. “Me neither. Alright I’m going in.” 
Twisting the door knob, Sean swings the bathroom door open, stunned by what he sees inside at first. He doesn’t realise that it’s about to get worse. Sean and Quinn’s eyes widen with confusion at the sight of Raj cowered in the bath, shaking and grasping the edges of the bath as he eyes something in the distance with complete and utter fear. He hasn’t even spotted his friends yet. The dude is paralysed.
Careful and concerned, Quinn approaches Raj and alerts him of her presence. Immediately, he remains silent and doesn’t really know to say. “Hey Raj. Sleep well?” 
Raj runs a hand through the black curls of his hair, struggling to stop his shock from showing. “Quinn...” He begins in a harsh whisper. Meanwhile, Sean watches on, arms folded and mind stacked with confusion. “...I want you to look to your right as slowly as possible and don’t freak out when you see the beast.”
“...What?” Quinn reacts, completely bewidlered. 
“Do it.” 
Hesitantly, Quinn obeys and Sean follows through as well, as both pairs of eyes drift to stare in the right direction and those eyes widen when they see the cause behind Raj’s undying fear. 
“Holy shit.” Sean says in a lowered whisper, since his breath has caught in his throat so he can’t find the strength to react loudly.
“Is that a damn tiger?”
Indeed it is. It’s an actual tiger. Born and bred in Vegas. A tiger. This is just... what the fuck? It’s a tiger resting on the tiled floor of the master bathroom, taking in the luxuries of the villa and just enjoying it. The creature looks relaxed and unfazed by the presence of Raj, Quinn and Sean but they are undeniably concerned and frightened by the presence of this predator.
“Is that... real?” is the only amount of words Sean can muster up and he finds himself shaking at the sight of the tiger. 
“Of course it’s real, dumbass. I don’t see a fucking mascot.” Quinn snaps in a harsh whisper, moving to grab Raj out of the bath and help him out the room. This is why he was so trapped. But he pulls back, clearly too scared to leave.
“No! It can smell my fear.”
“Raj, why didn’t you call us before? We would have helped you.” Sean questions, furrowing his brows. 
“I would have but I was sure you were asleep so I didn’t wanna disturb you.” Raj admits and everyone appreciates his politeness but he still should have said something. “Besides, this thing might have gotten scared and jumped out at me.” 
“Well how about we stop stalling and get the hell out of here instead of giving this tiger more time to swallow us all?” Sean suggests and both Quinn and Raj nod along, with Raj needing extra guidance as he prepares to escape the bath, which is thankfully done without fuss. 
“What do we do now? Run for our lives?” Quinn wonders, shrugging her shoulders as she remains startled by how much the tiger stares them down. 
“Sounds about right.”
With that, they all exit the bathroom as quickly as possible. 
They barely make it out the bathroom without the tiger managing to take a hit at any of them since it seems to now be startled by the fact that they were trying to escape and managed it. They’re all rightfully scarred now and they know that whatever they did last night has to be fucking horrible because how did they manage to get a fucking tiger in the damn bathroom?
On heavy feet and heavy breaths, Raj, Sean and Quinn rally the group back together and try to calm themselves as they try to tell the others about this damn tiger. 
“Guys... first of all we found Raj.” Quinn clarifies before easing the group into the next dangerous part. “Any luck on Vaaryn?”
“No... we may need to retrace our steps to find out where he is.” Estela admits, scratching her jaw thoughtfully and it looks like she’s trying to prepare a plan. 
“We could try visiting a police station. See if they know if any of us got arrested because how else would we have got those cuffs—“ 
“Okay guys, I know this is stressful but we are not done!” Quinn interrupts them but they practically cut her off first.
“Sorry... what else?” 
“Um... Raj could probably the calmest saying it.” Sean suggests and Raj takes that as a compliment but he can’t find a smile.
Raj clears his throat and lets out a heavy sigh before revealing the crazy information. “THERE’S A DAMN JUNGLE CAT IN THE BATHROOM!” Clearly not as calm as everyone initially expected. 
“Wait what? A tiger? A real life tiger? Like the one off the Jungle Book or Aladdin?” Diego reacts, his jaw stranded on the floor. 
“Yes! A real life Sher Khan!” Raj confirms, his hands messing with his dark hair and tousling it even more. 
“Hold on... I need proof. Let me check this out.” Jake points out and he makes his way into the bathroom, the cuffs still attached to his wrists. 
“Remember if he gets you, you can’t save yourself with your hands!” Logan calls out to him and Jake sticks his tongue out at her before entering the bathroom. 
His cerulean eyes immediately widen at the sight and after one second, he comes back out and closes the door behind him, stunned by what he’s just seen but also really amused. 
“Well shit... Abu looks hungry.” Jake makes a joke but it isn’t come off well because of its lack of accuracy.
“Abu’s the monkey in Aladdin.” Diego corrects and Jake rolls his eyes, elbowing Diego in the head as he paces past him.
“Forget about the fucking tiger, you won’t believe what I just found.” Zahra announces, her eyes glued to her phone and everyone immediately eyes her with eagerness and curiosity. 
“What’s so important that we just forget about a jungle cat being in our fucking bathroom?!” Sean questions sarcastically, folding his arms as he wanders behind Zahra and checks out what’s on her phone screen.
“I found messages from the group chat last night from about 3am. Clearly we weren’t all together the entire time. This should give us an idea about what’s going on.” Zahra explains and everyone seems intrigued by the idea so they all gather around Zahra’s phone and she makes sure that everyone can see. “You are not ready for this.” 
Logan: wassup bitches 😉 
Estela: yo lo! 
Estela: ha... i just realised i just made a word 
Estela: yolo! 😝
Jake: well guess we can guess who the most drunk here is 
Quinn: obviously u jake 
Quinn: im not drunk
Jake: that’s what drunk ppl say 
Craig: guys! you won’t be able to guess what i just did 😱
Zahra: everything u do is impossible to guess
Craig: that just says that everything i do is mindblowing 🤯
Aleister: i love u guys 
Jake: i love u too malfoy
Jake: youve always been my fave 🥰
Jake: don’t tell princess 😉 
Logan: wow jake 😂
Diego: catch that betrayal 🤭 
Aleister: i know i say i hate u all but i really love u and grace, u r the most gracious creature on the planet 
Estela: omg aleister is drunk shakespeare 😆
Grace: awww, hun that’s so sweet 💕 ily2
Zahra: ewwww barf 🤮 
Raj: oh come on z that’s true love 😃 
Zahra: my ass 🍑 
Aleister: grace u r my princess 💗 
Jake: woah malfoy too far 
Jake: u can’t go round stealin my nicknames 
Aleister: oh im dreadfully sorry jake 😞 
Jake: its ok ima let it slide cuz ily 😘
Logan: jake r u ok
Jake: yeh princess im coooooolll
Jake: this hooker just gave me her number
Logan: wtf 😯 
Estela: Oooooooo 
Jake: i don’t know what to do with it
Logan: throw it away dumbass 😠 
Jake: but what if i wanna make the sex Darlin
Grace. what is goin on 
Raj: im struggling to figure that out
Logan: you only make the sex with me 🤫
Diego: 😂😂😂😂 yeh jake lo owns u
Jake: oh yeh... btw 
Jake: 🍆 
Logan: wha?
Estela: this is disturbing 
Estela: on the bright side i just found a pretty ladybug
Aleister: jake r u eating an eggplant?
Jake: nah princess is 😉 
Aleister: is it tasty 
Logan: were debating al
Aleister: can i debate with u 
Raj: don’t do that al or I swear u will lose your vision 
Aleister: well im eating chicken so 
Aleister: 🍗 
Craig: guys... i still haven’t told ya bout what I did 🥺
Quinn: sorry craig what did you do
Zahra: i bet it was something stupid 🤔 
Zahra: i was right
Diego: how did you manage that 
Craig: i swallowed it 
Jake: logan is swallowing something rn
Quinn: jake will u stop with that
Estela: srsly or i will cut your eggplant off myself
Aleister: it’s rude to ruin someone’s food 
Aleister: don’t destroy jake’s eggplant before logan gets to eat it 
Logan: itd be nice if we didn’t talk about this guys 👍 
Quinn: ok fine back to craig
Diego: yeh Craig before I meant like how did it happen
Craig: oh this dude dared me to do it and ya’ll know I don’t go back on dares 
Zahra: maybe that’s why your brain don’t work craiggers 
Craig: my brain works fine z 
Zahra: sure 😐
Craig: that emoji looks a little negative 
Zahra: how did you guess
Craig: my brain is just that good 
Raj: where’s meech and sean at
Jake: michelle is out there probably swallowing sean’s eggplant 
Aleister: im sure sean’s eggplant is delicious 
Diego: can ya’ll stop sayin eggplant
Jake: 🍆 
Diego: y jake
Jake: i didn’t say it
Grace: srsly wha if meech and sean are off somewhere together
Quinn: I wouldn’t put it past them 😂 
Quinn: and i just got my fifth phone number tonight
Raj: another one?? 😲
Craig: how are u doin that q?! 😱
Craig: you must have a secret!!
Quinn: nothin much I just think the strippers like me
Zahra: they probably think you’re one of them
Craig: or they think u got good money
Logan: i need jesus 
Jake: I am jesus 
Jake: you already got me 😉 
Logan: nvm i need a new husband 
Craig: pick me! plz!!
Jake: hands off craigslist 
Sean: sup fuckers! 
Estela: rude 
Estela: -brings out machete-
Grace: 😂😂😂
Raj: oh shit estela is armed!!
Sean: sorry estela 
Estela: sure you are��
Logan: where the fuck are you sean
Sean: im at the chapel 😃 
Logan: wtf are you doin at the chapel 🤔 
Quinn: omg is someone getting married 😱
Quinn: i call maid of honour! 
Craig: and i call godfather 
Aleister: craig that’s babies 👶 
Sean: yeh someone is gettin married 
Sean: and I want u guys to watch 😂 
Michelle: hey butches 
Michelle: oh i can’t spell 😂 
Grace: you all need to greet each other cleanly
Raj: you all really do need jesus 
Raj: anything that isn’t jake jesus 
Jake: couldn’t be fucked growin that damn dumbledore beard anyway
Estela: diego’s castaway look is more like a jesus 
Diego: hey! that isn’t how i would describe it
Logan: meech r u with sean 
Michelle: yeh y 
Logan: wtf r u guys doing
Michelle: oh we’re getting married 😊 
Logan: what 😮
Jake: 💀
Quinn: omg can i be your maid of honour
Michelle: sure you’d have to get here quick tho cuz the ceremony is bout to start 😃 
Estela: this is so weird 😑
Sean: im gonna be a daddy
Aleister: once again that’s babies 👶 
Zahra: he’s still technically gonna be a daddy to someone 😂 
Craig: oh my god this is so cool 😎 
Craig: my boi is finally growing up 
Raj: r u sure this is legal 
Sean: yeh it’s vegas 
Diego: I can already see this turning into runaway bride 😂 
Logan: r u sure this is ok and u wanna do that
Michelle: idk
Logan: then y r u doin it
Michelle: for fun?
Sean: can’t talk no more guys the ceremony is about to start 🤫 
Jake: 🍆 
Aleister: 🍆 
“Ok... what the hell is that?” Logan questions, covering her mouth with her hand out of shock. “Michelle and Sean... got married?”
“Oh my god... please tell me that really didn’t happen.” Michelle pleads, running her hands through her ombré hair in order to expose her stress and worry. 
That’s when Raj notices something glimmering on Michelle’s finger, reflected and highlighted by the sunlight from outside which makes it more clear to the naked eye.
“Um, Meech. There’s a ring on your finger.” Raj points out calmly and Michelle immediately moves her finger so the ring is in her sight. It looks very expensive and that’s only one thing that scares her.
“Oh no...” Sean reacts, facepalming hard and burying his face in his hands out of shame.
“Well this is just fucking great.” Grace complains, pacing back and forth with her hands behind her head as she tries to process everything that has happened in the last what 15 minutes? “So let me get this straight... Sean and Michelle got married, Jake and Logan had a threesome, Craig got a drawn on moustache, I got a tattoo, there’s a tiger in the bathroom and we can’t find Vaaryn.” Grace pauses for a moment, out of breath and it gives her a second to realise something. “We’re in deep shit, guys.” 
i just hope this makes sense and isn’t too much too fast. also hope that texting scene wasn’t too long. I think it was and i always appreciate feedback :)
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gutterdreams · 6 years
Honestly [Billy Hargrove]
4.7k word count. 
Warnings: swearing, lite smut/mentions of smut. 
Disclaimer: I do not own the gif. 
Please let me know what you think. I’m excited to write part 2.
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To say your relationship with Billy caused a rift in your friendships would be an overstatement, but a ripple was certainly surging through your platonic relationships because of the California boy. Even when they had tried, they failed to see anything redeeming about him. Between his mullet, inability to button up his shirts, and foul mouth, none of your friends saw anything even remotely decent about Billy Hargrove. Sometimes, you couldn't even defend the issues they took up with him, but he was good to you and, as you liked to tell yourself, that was all that mattered to you.
“I will be there tomorrow, it just won't be until after I'm off work.” Closing your locker right beside Nancy, one of your dearest friends since preschool, you mentioned. She was having a small get together since her parents were out of town due to her dad's business trip and her mom's desperate desire to muddle up some romance between them again.
“Great, great.” Nancy nodded as her voice went up an octave. She exchanged concerned looks with your other friend, Denise, and then sighed. She would regret it if she kept it to herself, “Would it be cool if you didn't, maybe, bring Billy?”
While it was no secret that your friends didn't like your boyfriend, you still looked at them with a widespread stare of disappointment.
“How are you guys ever going to come around to him if you don't hang out with him?” The question felt reasonable to you.
“We're not going to come around to him.” Denise clarified bluntly. Nancy might have been beating around the bush, but as she adjusted her fitted floral blouse that was tucked into her high-waisted pair of Jordache jeans. “Your boyfriend is a psycho. I'm not going to try to understand what you see in him besides his amazing ass.” She could give credit where it was due. They were all just waiting for you to see the light and walk away from him even if they were also scared of what he would do when that day came.
“It's really challenging to be nice to him.” Nancy tried to explain as she turned to lead the three of you down the hall. Even if your schedules rarely collided this semester, you three spent as much time as you could in between classes. She hugged her textbook to her flat chest and cocked her head to the side. It was tiring to always have to talk to you about Billy when she disliked him so contently. She was over trying to convince you that he was no good. It often felt like you weren't talking about the same person. “Especially with how he treats you.”
“That's the thing,” Stopping in front of the door to your chemistry class, you faced them both with a wrinkled forehead. “He's good to me. I know he's flawed and has done really shitty things, but as far as being my boyfriend goes, he's good to me.” It was a line they had heard from you more times than they could count.
Nancy and Denise checked in with one another again, almost decompressing in sync as they returned their eye contact to you.
“He cheats on you, [Y/N].” Denise mentioned. Sometimes, it was so obvious to them that they just assumed you knew and made yourself okay with it. Judging by how narrow your expression went, they realized that you weren't actually clued in. This was the first time you were hearing about it. “After he takes you home,” Your curfew was a nonnegotiable 12:30 AM. “He meets up with someone else.”
“Last week it was Heather O'Malley.” Since you didn't look like you believed Denise, Nancy jumped in and added faces to the story. “And that party at Jared's, he came back and was all over Ashley P.” She nodded along with Denise. “So, if you want to be with him, that's your business, but we can't support it.” She sounded firm and it was the first time that you saw a real resemblance between her and her mother.
On one hand, Denise and Nancy were your closest friends. You couldn't imagine them lying to you or being hurtful on purpose, not after losing Barb. The bond between the three of you had stitched itself even tighter when you lost the other girl in your group. However, you knew how Billy felt at the idea of you being close with someone else. You two talked about trust due to his impulse to crush the skull of any guy who even mumbled your name. You really did give him the benefit of the doubt. If you cheating on him made him feel as horrible as he said it would, you imagined it went both ways. As if on cue, the school bell rang and you could tell Nancy was itching to leave the awkward conversation and head to class.
“I will talk to Billy.” Itching at the hair falling into your face, you told them exasperatedly as you moved to let others past you to get into class. “See you guys later.” Biting down on your lip, you watched them leave with pouts that pitied you and went to find your spot. Of course, your brain couldn't shake what they had said. You found yourself looking for traces of your boyfriend all over the other girls in your class, almost smelling Melissa Godlewinski next to you to see if she carried the aroma of his cologne.
Lunch break required you to assemble yourself like a divorced parent. Some afternoons, you met up with your friends in the cafeteria and hung out or worked on homework and then the others, you stood around Billy's car with his friends or just drove around for the hour with his hand fiddling up whatever skirt you had on. He was leaning against the locker next to yours when you came out of chemistry, waiting for you with an unlit cigarette between his fingers and the sole of one of his shoes against the metal locker.
“Hey, Gorgeous.” He groaned at you through his smirk as you leaned into him, his magnetic pull stronger than your own free will. Instantly, you smiled at his knuckles against your hip and kissed his mouth that perpetually tasted like cigarette ash. It was a flavor you had learned to like. “You ready to go?” He was calling dibs on you this lunch hour.
“Yeah, but can we just hang out you and me?” You asked once your faces were more than a centimeter apart. He flung some of his hair out of his face and looked you up and down, devouring your frame under your chunky red cardigan.  
“Oh yeah?” Both brows wiggling under his curly fringe, he turned his head against the locker and watched you closely as you unlocked your own to put your books away. He was blissfully ignored the freshman who was assigned to the locker beside you, the one he was using as a post to lean on. “You miss me, huh?” He drew his finger, the one against his cigarette, over your ear to tuck hair behind it since your black headband was doing a lousy job at that. It wouldn't have mattered anyway, Billy always wanted to be touching you whether it was both hands leaving fingerprints on the cheeks of your bare bum or just grazing his fingers through your hair. He figured you wanted to hookup and afternoon delight was always worth ditching his friends for.
“Yeah.” Chuckling at his comment, you nodded and shut your locker. His arm was swung over your shoulders almost as soon as your locker was closed. He pushed off the wall and headed slowly down the hallway with you. “I also got to talk to you about something.”
“Is this about that party at Nancy Wheeler's house tomorrow? Because I'm really okay if we skip it.” Just as your friends were uninterested in Billy, he wanted nothing to do with them. Their acceptance meant nothing to him.
“No, it's not that.” You shook your head and wandered through the glass door he held open, releasing you both to a cool November afternoon. “Um...” Billy was already at the bottom of the three cement steps and on the ground while you nervous waited up top. He turned around and impatiently waited for you to join him, his eyebrows connecting above his nose as he observed you and how anxious you appeared. It was a look he only ever saw you wear when you were standing uncomfortably between him and the prudes that were your friends.
“Nancy and Denise and I were talking...” You started through the knot tying itself over and over at the pit of your stomach. As soon as you said the name of your two best friends, Billy's blue eyes rolled to the side and his head dropped back with irritation. “They said they've seen you with other girls before...”
“What do you mean?” His tongue poked into his cheek and he spoke nonchalantly behind his pearly whites, waiting for you to carry on. He wanted you to come right out and say it, accuse him of being the piece of shit everyone knew him to be. “We go to school with other girls. I'm around other female humans...”
“No, like, with them.” Sucking in your stomach, you continued. “And they just - “
“What?” Billy cut you off and stepped back up one stair, his eyes stabbing into yours as he closed more of the space between both of you. “They just what? They just don't want us to be together so they're making up stories? Those bitches would love it if I was cheating on you. They don't like me.” He started to growl, his eyes looking overhead to see if he could spot either of your friends through the windows in the door. He knew where they spent their lunch and had half a mind to go spoil it. “I thought you trusted me, [Y/N].” He pointed his index finger into your chest and pursed his lips together in a protruding frown. “You believe them, don't you?”
“I don't know.” It was the wrong answer and you knew it before you looked up from the toes of your burgundy Keds. Billy let out a burning exhale through his nostrils and it sent your head shaking. “No, I don't. I trust you, I just – it's hard when neither of you guys like each other. I'm in the middle.” Putting up both your palms as if you were caught in a crime by police, you saw the fire threatening to explode in his expanded pupils and tried to calm him down. “I'm sorry.” That was more likely what he wanted to hear. “I shouldn't have even asked. I trust you.” You did even if your friends didn't.
Reluctantly, after a few beats, Billy uncurled his fists at his sides and exhaled deeply from his mouth. He offered you an open hand and linked his fingers between yours before leading you both down the steps. He only unlocked your hands to throw his arm over you again, looking around the parking lot for your friends as he headed to his car. He needed to drive right now. He needed an outlet for his anger. He needed your thigh under his hand as he sped carelessly down an open road. Billy opened up the door to the passenger side of his car and pulled you back just as you were about to enter.
“Don't let them come between us.” He advised in a low tone, hovering his face over you and then kissing you fervently, one hand grabbing your hip and the other behind your neck. “They're just fucking jealous.” He summed up as his lips left yours. Billy stepped back and watched over the hood of his car, looking for the likes of anyone you were close to, and then shut your door behind you. He walked around his beloved Camaro and got in, content to spend his lunch on the go and taking you away from the school he so ardently despised.
* * * *  *  *  * *  
Somehow, Billy felt as if he had won. It was Thursday night and you were in his bedroom, not at your part time job at the nearest Dairy Queen and not listening to pop music in Nancy Wheeler's room. He was smoking like a chimney, letting out long exhales of pungent smoke, while laying with his shirt open on top of his unmade bed. Loudly, Slayer was playing as you sat crossed legged by his feet, using your shut textbook as a makeshift desk as you filled out an application for California State University, this time the Long Beach campus.
He rolled his head to the side of his pillow and watched you, eyes fluttering with adoration as you kept focused on writing your answers with clean penmanship. While it wasn't always easy to work while Billy's loud music bounced off the walls, you had learned how to mostly drown it out. Under his sock, Billy wiggled his big toe against your knee and earned your attention. Looking up slightly, you smiled at his feet and then at him, noting the big grin he had on.
“Seven months and we could be in Long Beach.” From the second you pulled the brochure out of your bag, Billy had begun building a life for you in the California city just like he had on Monday when you were filling out an application for the Bakersfield campus. Each time, he couldn't contain his excitement. It drove him to finish high school in Hawkins, to keep going when his house felt more like a war zone. You two were going to graduate high school and he was going to whisk you away, take you to California, where you could start the life he wanted. 
He thought he had it all figured out. He would work construction while you went to school studying whatever major you finally decided on. You two would rent a bachelor apartment that was just enough room for the two of you until you could afford larger. He figured you could easily find a random waitress job or part time gig at Gap to help pay rent. Billy was even finding himself imagining you with a ring on your finger and a little mullet donning baby bouncing on his knee. Marriage and kids hadn't been in his daydreams before, but when he thought about the two of you ditching Indiana for California, his mind expanded into colorful places it hadn't considered before. 
“You're going to love it out there.” He promised. You two had chatted once before about moving elsewhere, but Billy had his heart set on going back to California and you didn't mind. The college selection out there was large and well-regarded. It wasn't as if you knew what you wanted to study yet anyway. You just knew you didn't want to be serving blizzards out of a drive-thru window much longer.
“I know. You tell me that all the time.” Chuckling, amused, you reminded him as you put down your pen on top of the application – giving the ballpoint and your fingers a short break.
Billy pat the open space under his other arm that was folded behind his hair. You rested the textbook, application, and pen on the floor and laid down beside him with ease. You wished that Denise and Nancy could see Billy like this: relaxed and in his element. This was where you felt closest to him and this is why you could forgive his temper, bad judgement, and lack of manners. Feet crossed together at the edge of his bed and his arm around you while you stared at the ceiling with each other, Billy felt like someone you could be with forever. Of course, you knew your friends would never see him like this. He felt so tense and defensive around them that he would have to be sedated in order to actually relax. Billy's heartbeat never went to a normal rate when he has standing around with your group. It took all of his energy to not start a fight every time.
In an effort to be closer to you, Billy put out his cigarette in the plastic ashtray on the night stand beside him. He turned onto his side and grinned like the Chesire Cat at you before beginning to kiss your neck, right where your clavicle and shoulder met. He tugged at the wide neck of your shirt to make room for his mouth. Both his hands wandered around the perimeter of your body as he nuzzled into you, moaning. Your eyes fluttered open and closed as you squirmed on top of his bed.
“Your stepmom is home.” You reminded him with a small laugh. “And Max.”
“I don't care.” Billy groaned into your neck as his hands slid under your shirt, tugging on it slightly as a clear indicator that he didn't want it on your body anymore. His erection was growing under his jeans and he happily pushed it against your groin. It was a wonder how it didn't split through the front of his denim that he only wore skintight. As you pulled your top overhead, Billy broke away from your body to fiddle with his belt in order to remove his pants. He was watching you as you laid back down, a bra and jeans the only thing left in his way of the body he proudly called his own. Your eyes slid away as you removed your headband to toss it to the ground. It went without saying that when you and Billy fucked he would grip at your hair. Your eyes caught the sight of his open cigarette carton on his nightstand next to the ash tray. A phone number in black cursive was written across it in a style much neater and daintier than Billy's. Underneath it, the name Brenda was written in the same font. Right before you could ask who Brenda was, his mouth was on yours again and he put your right hand on the elastic waist of his boxer briefs, urging you to touch him as he clumsily kissed at your mouth, parting it  with his eager tongue.
Billy slid one hand behind you, wasting no time to play with the clasps of your bra. As much as he liked that you were wearing one with no padding, just white lace, he much preferred the feeling of your bare breasts in his hands. The goosebumps that arose around your nipples when he touched them always turned him on more than he generally was. You arched your back slightly to give him more access and when his hand slid out, you noticed the pack of birth control that slid from under the pillow with it and not the championship smile he was donning over you.
“Whose are those?” Instantly, you sat up and put your arm out to keep space between both you and Billy. You fumbled with raising the straps of your bra over your shoulders as they had fallen as soon as he had it undone.
“They're yours.” He shrugged and lifted his nose upward.
“I take mine in the morning. I've never brought it here.” That was a fact. “And that's a 28 pack and it's Alesse.” You took a 21 pack and by Yaz. Some things, a girl just knew. Some things, Billy Hargrove couldn't charm his way out of. “Oh my god.” Shaking your head as you held it low, you reached behind yourself with both hands and started to clasp your bra back on. “God, I'm so stupid.” Hissing at yourself, you tried to remember to breathe. Billy lied to you. He looked you in the eyes that afternoon and lied to you, made you feel awful for assuming he was cheating on you. Your friends were right and you were the fool.
Dumbfounded, Billy just slid off the bed and stared at you with a look that suggested you were insane. It was his go-to defensive trick whenever you two disagreed.
“How am I supposed to know how it got there? Maybe, it's Max's, or Susan's, or some random girl my Dad's with.”
Once your shirt was over your head, you fixed Billy with a look that silently asked, 'Are you serious?'.
“Why would you step mom's birth control be in your bed?” Your eyes were squinting so tightly together that they were practically shut. You couldn't believe that you even had to ask a question so ridiculous. You knew the birth control wasn't Max's because she was thirteen and you weren't about to entertain the possibility that Neil Hargrove was cheating, not Billy. The fact of the matter was there was birth control pills in Billy's bed and they were not yours. “I'm leaving. I can't be here right now.” You swung your legs over his bed and stood up and Billy had to stop himself from pushing you back down, he stood in front of you and tightly took your wrist in one hand to keep you from moving away from him.
Fear shone evidently through your eyes as a gasp was stuck in your throat, mouth hanging open as Billy shook in front of you with his eyes maintaining a piercing glare at you. He had scared you, just like he did when he sped with his eyes shut. He remembered how shitty he felt when he pulled over,  manically laughing only to see how terrified and upset you were by his side. Billy loosened his grip and slid his fingers over your palm softly until his hands were locked behind his head.
“It was one time, [Y/N].” He confessed and rolled his eyes as soon as you huffed. “It meant nothing. I was drunk. I don't even remember her.”
You didn't know what to think or what to believe because, all at once, the trust between you both that kept your relationship together was broken. It was impossible to know now if Billy was telling you the truth or not.
Your mouth stayed hanging open until you swallowed at the pain forming in your chest and threatening to meet your throat. You bent down to collect your things and pack them up in your school bag. The music you could usually tune out was growing louder and it made the room feel smaller. All you wanted to do was get out. Billy was hovering over you as you unzipped your bag and started stuffing things into it.
“Come on, don't leave. Talk to me. Hit me. Scream at me. Don't fucking leave.” Billy spoke at you, frustration with the situation obvious in his tone. Up until then you had never heard a vocal eye roll.
“I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to hit you. I don't want to - “ Stopping yourself you started looking around his room for your cardigan, not sure where he had pulled it off of you when you first came in an hour and a half ago. “Billy, I can't even think right now. You lied to me today and for however many other days...” Right now, you were in action mode, but your voice was warbling along with your bottom lip and you didn't know how long you could stay there without sobbing. The ache in your chest was beginning to knock loudly and you were seconds away from letting it in.
“One girl! One time. You're going to throw this away because of one fuck up?” He shouted at you, side stepping to stay in your path every time you tried to move past him.
“Was it Brenda?” You asked, thinking of the cigarette carton on his nightstand.
“Who?” He asked right as you saw your knit sweater laying over top of his messy dresser. Billy was confused by the female name you guessed and let you slip over to his dresser due to the distraction. You peeled your arms through each sleeve viciously and then opened up his top drawer, just in case he was lying again. The collection of lacy underthings confirmed in a bevvy of colors that everyone else was right about Billy. You had been played. For a second, you heaved out a laugh and then glanced over your shoulder as you could sense Billy coming closer. His cologne wafted closer, the floor creaked under his socked feet, and his body's warmth was infringing on your back. You spun around and tossed the first underwear you grabbed, a small black crotchless contraption that you had never even considered wearing. It hit his chest lightly and slid down him to the floor, but before he had looked up from his feet he had a handful of other pieces being tossed at him.
“One fucking girl!” You shouted as you threw bra after bra after underwear at him, eyes burning with tears that were rushing out of you in a heavy flood. “One girl!” You screamed. “What did she move in for a week?” You didn't look at the sizes of lingerie, but you could tell they weren't all just from one girl and, if they were, they were not from just one night. Loudly, you began to sob as Billy moved in closer. He took your arms, one by the wrist and one by the elbow to keep you from whacking at him and tried to hold you firmly in one spot. “You don't deserve me!” You screamed in his face, your own violently turning red. Nancy had told you from the night you first went out on a date to the movies with Billy. He didn't deserve you. At the time, it sounded silly, but now you wanted it to be true. You wanted her to be right finally.
“Calm the fuck down.” Billy warned behind grit teeth. He couldn't talk to you if you were so worked up. “[Y/N]!” He groaned bombastically as you tried to wrestle away from him, but before he could carry you over to his bed to sit you down, his bedroom door swung open and his Dad looked angrier than both of you in the doorway.
“Both of you!” He almost roared, holding himself back. You knew that Neil had a temper that inspired his son's, but he had never directed it at you before. He had degraded his son in your presence or raised his voice at Billy, but Neil largely left you out of it. It was no secret that he felt you were too good for his boy. “Stop it.” He growled and instantly Billy let go of you. “Max is going to sleep, you two are being very fucking rude,” He kept going, his glare opening fire on Billy and then bouncing quickly over to you. “turn your music off and shut up!” He shouted before composing himself. His chest fell inward and he took note of the girl's underwear all over the floor behind his son. “[Y/N], it's time for you to go home.” You were only there under the belief that you and Billy were working on homework together. He didn't think that included studying for the debate team.
“Yep.” For once, you agreed with Billy's dad. With one wrist, you wiped at your eyes and then stalked between the Hargrove men to collect your backpack. “I'm sorry, Mr. Hargrove.” The manners your grandmother drilled into you as a little girl won and you couldn't help, but mumble out an apology as you walked by Neil to the door.
“I'll drive you home.” Defeated, Billy sighed and walked around his bed to find his jean jacket and keys. You didn't turn around though, you didn't stop to wait or acknowledge him at all. “It's cold out.” He spoke past his Dad to you, but you walked towards his living room, out of his sight. Leaving him alone to handle his Dad's wrath, not playing the role of his safe haven anymore.
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happy2bmyownboss · 5 years
I was looking back through my posts to see when our last update was and if you don’t include A Series of Unexpected Events, Part 2, and Part 3 then I believe it would’ve been Life Update: A Jacuzzi, A Boy’s Night out, And Why We Don’t ‘Do’ Halloween which seems like it was forever ago.
I know last week I posted 35+ Freezer Meals In One Day! where I did give a couple of updates like Ms. Bella’s birthday:
And then Nanny J also had a birthday where we made her a cute little gift out of items that we had:
A cute teddy bear made from a Norwex Body Cloth, some lotion samples, and a bracelet. In that post I also had some of our budding photographer’s shots… he really loves taking pictures of animals. If you haven’t checked out my Norwex site you should probably go ahead and do that NOW. Make sure to sign up for my newsletter because there are a TON of great sales coming up!
That night we had one of our freezer meals, Ham & Cheese Potato Bake. It was soo good! I got the top a little extra brown and that was Mr. Awesome’s favorite part. We had leftovers for lunch the next day and I had enough for my lunch the day after too! This one is definitely going on repeat for our menu!
The FULL MOON seems to make everything and everyone so crazy around here. I can’t even begin to tell you what happened. A couple of the kids were CRAZY and WILD and Momma was just about to pull her hair out! I do have a post coming up about Lunar Influence.
I don’t remember much of Tuesday except that I was busy trying to figure out where to put all of those freezer meals and I was fighting with the internet. I ended up on the phone with customer service and on chat for 5-6 hours that day BEFORE they finally agreed to send someone out.
The tech came out late in the evening and with the time change, it was getting DARK really fast. He didn’t see any problem at first and was about to give us his personal number so we could call him when it was acting up when it CRASHED again. He found so many errors he said he honestly didn’t know how we even had any internet service at all.
Since it was dark already he said he would come back the next day, if that was OK.
We had some fried pork chops, mashed potatoes, and green beans for dinner that night. Mr. Awesome had been complaining that he missed having fried foods so I made an exception. There were no LEFTOVERS!
We pulled out some of the  Baked Oatmeal Applesauce Muffins for breakfast. Everyone loved them but they suggested that we need to add some raisins to them the next time make them!
The tech returned and again he found numerous errors… more than he had ever anticipated. He was tracing the errors here and there when he finally decided to just start replacing lines.
It appears that part of the problem was because when the previous lines were installed a couple of years ago the original tech had not taken out or unhooked the old wiring. This causes a back feed and was messing with the signal… all I really know is that it is working much better now.
I have been so much more productive online this week and it feels good to actually be able to get a little work done… it was kind of funny trying to explain to the tech what I do and what I need my internet to do but he kinda seemed to understand. I have been AMAZED to see the increase in my blog traffic and Pinterest views since my productivity has INCREASED… CRAZY!
I also worked on getting all of the freezer meals put into the freezers as they had been in the refrigerators. I didn’t have quite enough room without doing some major reorganization so we ate one of them for dinner, Stuffed Shells.
I didn’t fix any sides but some buttered bread. We still had enough leftovers for lunch the next day. This one will be added to the repeating menu as well! Mr. Awesome just suggested that I add a little more cheese to the top… this was one of the meals where I was running short on cheese. I had planned to add more before baking but hadn’t been to the store again yet.
That’s one way to fix something that causing an issue… eat it!
This past Thursday Mr. William had a dentist appointment. He was SUPER anxious because it was a new dentist and he often doesn’t do well with NEW things. I was lucky that Mr. Awesome was able to keep the other kiddos at home so I could FOCUS all of my attention on Mr. William.
He got a bit NERVOUS when they were doing the x-rays but he did fine. His appointment went well and he had NO CAVITIES! He does need to work on his brushing a little bit. We don’t use a ‘traditional toothpaste’ as one of the kids had some issues with Flouride a few years back and switched to this brand. My kids love the lemon flavor!
**This post does contain affiliate links to products and/or services that we use. If you happen to click through a link and make a purchase we may earn a teensy-weensy small commission (at NO EXTRA cost to you) if a purchase is made through these links. These links help to support our family, our blog, and our homeschooling mission. This means that we can keep bringing you great recipes, ideas, and tips for FREE! Click HERE for a full disclaimer.  –Thank you!
Mr. William and I also stopped at the bread store to stock up on a few items. The store was almost completely our of regular loaf bread so we ended up with a lot of wheat bread and just before we finished checking out they had found two loaves of white bread so I grabbed them… sorry folks! After that, we stopped by the post office to pick up a couple of packages. We had some school supplies and some Christmas gifts that had come in. I have probably finished 80-90% of our Christmas shopping although I can’t promise that I’ll be able to find it all if this house doesn’t get here soon!
When we returned home, I made lunch for everyone and sent the kids to their beds for a nap. Everyone has been a little under the weather which has made them super grouchy. This wasn’t the only reason though… we needed to fix the toilet. If the kids were down for naps it would make the job that much easier.
I went to town to grab the parts we needed and when I returned Mr. Awesome and I set to work. The hardest part was to get the bolts off as they were rusted. We ended up using a hacksaw to cut the bolts which was no easy task. Once that was completed we removed the toilet and began to check for the problem… if you follow me on Instagram you probably already know what I found:
Yep, one of the kiddos had indeed flushed part of a hanger down. I managed to fish it out with a coat hanger as it was caught in the bend of the toilet… that was not easy either. We did manage to get everything cleaned out and get the toilet reinstalled well before naptime was over and now we have working toilet again.
The kids were a little worried as they had heard me mention to Mr. Awesome that we needed to clean out the outhouse and get it back in working order… lol. Mr. Awesome did hurt his back during this project so please pray for him!
The bathroom still needs some major work but it will need to wait until we can get moved as we just can’t go without a toilet for the time we need to renovate the bathroom. 
That evening Mr. Awesome surprised me by taking me out to dinner at one of our favorite places, Ballyhoo Grill. We usually just order a few appetizers as our meal because they are so good!
After dinner, we went to one of my favorite stores, Books A Million, and found quite a few interesting books. We also went to Walmart to pick up a few things and then we headed home. While we were out we did see a few things that might make good Christmas gifts as well.
I later found out that something else had been planned for that night but Mr. Awesome’s injury kept him from doing it.
The kids had meatball sandwiches with potato chips for dinner while they were at home with the babysitter. I don’t believe there were any leftovers that night either!
On Friday my son-in-law graduated from his training and that means he and my daughter will be relocating to Kansas soon! I’m trying not to cry as I think about it. I know we have to let go of them at some point but it never seems to be the right time when it happens… you always seem to want to hang on to them just a little bit more.
This was one of my motivations for posting as many new recipes to the blog as I have. My daughter is ALWAYS asking for recipes and it is so much easier to just make a copy and give it to her but she won’t be that close anymore. Now she can check the blog and print it out… something else I’ve been working on as well… and if she can’t find it then she can let me know what she needs and I’ll get it to her. I‘ll probably also share them on the blog as well.
Here are a few of the recipes I’ve posted recently:
Peanut Butter Cookies
Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies
Watergate Salad
Crockpot Pumpkin Butter
No-Bake Cheesecake with Flavor Variations
One thing that I’ve found, as I’ve been updating the recipes to include a printable link, is that some of the links were not working! I don’t really know how many of them are like that on my blog, and I probably never will know for sure, but that is so FRUSTRATING. If you ever happen to find a broken link please let me know in the comments and I’ll work on getting it fixed ASAP!
We also had a square dance that night. We had a babysitter watch the kiddos as they were still a bit under the weather.
I knew it was going to be a busy day so I had planned ahead and pulled out another freezer meal, Beef Stroganoff. I made some green beans and rolls to go with it.  Apparently, everyone really enjoyed it as there wasn’t much left when we got home and all the rolls were gone. I think there may be enough for two or three lunches left.
We had been expecting to see some dirt for the house come this week but so far NOTHING has appeared. The weather has been a bit NASTY as well so maybe that had a part to play in it?
We had planned to go to a big dance on Saturday but some other things came up. Mr. Awesome had to go out of town that morning so I decided to help with a local vendor event, kids in tow, and I had a great time. I did have a little trouble getting everyone dressed that morning though:
We ate some of the loaded breakfast biscuits that morning. They were a hit with all but one of the kids. He ate a banana instead and everyone was happy. We also took some of our PB&Js from the freezer to carry with us for lunch.
I am constantly gathering new ideas for when I can venture out on my own. I really enjoy educating people about Norwex and its mission. I really don’t mind if they don’t buy our products as long as they are learning a little bit about reducing chemicals to improve the quality of their lives and the lives of their family members!
Was taking the kids a good idea? Ehhh… the jury is still out on that one. Some of the kids did really well, one of them was super grumpy, and another was just a MESS. The ones who did really well kept themselves occupied under the table… they pretended to be on a picnic. They all enjoyed looking around the flea market and they got to take their picture with SPONGEBOB!
I also saw some really cute things that I wanted to get but I didn’t… these little snowmen were adorable though:
I completely missed the bears… I might’ve gotten them if I had seen them!
We had still planned on going to the dance that evening but I really wasn’t feeling well and the kids were SUPER GRUMPY! Mr. Awesome got home later than expected and he also wasn’t feeling well so we just decided to stay home because we knew that we had a big day planned for Sunday.
That night we had a simple meal of sweet and sour meatballs with some macaroni and cheese. There are a few leftovers in the fridge… between the beef stroganoff and meatballs I should have lunch covered for today!
Oh man, I woke up feeling MISERABLE. The dog wouldn’t be QUIET and was whining so bad because she doesn’t like to ‘sleep in’. Then it was the kids and all Momma wanted to was SLEEP!
I gave up on my plan and took Ms. Comet for a walk. The good thing about it being so cold is that she gets her business finished quickly. Then I set to work on making some Scrambled Eggs, Cheesy Grits, and toast. I just had a cup of Dandy Morning Coffee and a couple of Ibuprofen.
Shortly after sitting for a while our doorbell rang… guess who it was?
It was big sister, Ana, and her husband, Cody! We had plans to visit the MOSH as one last family outing before they leave. This month they had an astronaut exhibit which the kids really enjoyed. We also got there just in time for an animal talk and everyone got to pet a bearded lizard. Here is a quick slideshow of some of the things that we saw and did:
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After the MOSH we went to visit a couple of my sisters… that’s where things went a little crazy. My one sister lives in a gated subdivision so it took us a minute to get in. When we got to her house she wasn’t there. She called me and ended up having me check her windows to see if any were open… well, I found one that was cracked open a tad and she told me to climb in!
She assured me that it was going to be OK even though I was afraid I’d set off an alarm and be swarmed with cops. After discussing all of the possible outcomes I decided, I should go ahead and just do it as it was pretty cold outside. When I was midway through the window one of my daughters came around the corner… yeah, probably not the best parenting moment for your kid to watch you breaking into a house! When I told big sis Olivia what I had done she didn’t believe me… lol.
I did get inside and unlocked the door, no cops came, and we ended up having a pretty good time. The kids love playing with their cousins and us sisters love running our mouths and catching up. We even added another sister through video chat… lol.
We had a dinner of sauteed veggies, baked spaghetti squash with alfredo sauce, baked chicken breast, and some garlic bread. While it wasn’t a winner with everyone it was pretty good and it was different. I will be trying spaghetti squash again here soon. I think if I put my special spaghetti sauce with it we will get a different reaction.
We had a late night last night and everyone was ready to get home and go to bed. As I am finishing this the kids are still sleeping. I’m feeling a bit under the weather today as I finally gave up fighting this cold last night. I spent the night sitting up in a recliner because that was the only way I could get comfortable and still breathe. As much as I’d love to sit around and jaw with you a bit more, I really think I want to take my hot coffee and snuggle with a blanket for a bit!
I hope you all have a blessed week!
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Life Update: A Full Moon, Spongebob, and A B&E (with permission) I was looking back through my posts to see when our last update was and if you don't include…
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restless-in-paris · 5 years
Getting back to Paris: A how-to guide for Indian interns becoming Salariés
Hello dear readers!
It’s been more than a year since I last wrote on this blog. But finally, one of my most long-awaited dreams has come true. I HAVE FINALLY MOVED TO PARIS. This time, for an indefinite period. My friends and family know how eagerly, desperately and patiently (sometimes, not so patiently) I have waited for this. So here’s to another chapter of blogging, and a new chapter, heck, a new VOLUME of my life. But before we get into it, I’d like to take advantage of this blog post to briefly explain all the work that went into making this happen. I will try to keep this post detailed yet succinct (and hopefully avoid emotional outbursts on the way).
The objective of this post is to make life easier, for all the folks who might find themselves in a similar situation as me. The situation being - you are a student, just about to graduate, and you’ve been offered a job in France - so do you think you can be a salarié? If you’re in a similar situation, this is what it took to work it out.
Remember, this process is NOT for those who have done a masters in France - there are different steps that need to be followed for that, often shorter and slightly easier.
At the beginning of every step, I am also mentioning the month to give you an idea of how long every milestone in this process roughly takes. Also keep in mind, that all of this is from the perspective of the employee-to-be.  There might be steps that I might have not known about simply because it was my employer who took care of it. Having declared this disclaimer, here goes nothing.
Step 0: The proposal - July, 2018
So the first thing you need to have to move to France as a full time worker is, duh, a job offer. A lot of people get their jobs after completing their masters in France, and there are already a lot of resources explaining how that works, so I wouldn’t be getting into that. In my case, I was an Indian student, who was at the end of his Bachelors Program at NID, India and finishing up his graduation project internship at a French design studio. At the end of this internship, after a couple of conversations and discussions, I was offered a full-time job at the studio. I got an official mail from my boss, explaining the details of the offer. And boy, oh boy, was I excited. But hold on, this isn’t even the beginning.
Step 1: Hello Pôle emploi - September 2018
After I confirmed my acceptance of the offer to my studio, the first thing we had to do was - wait for it - put up the job offer on Pôle Emploi. This is the national governmental organisation that helps people find jobs in France. We learned that an internship (stagiaire) visa (the one that I was on during my internship) CAN NOT be directly converted into a SALARIÉ visa (the one you need to legally work in France). And thus began the process of getting a Salarié visa. The first step in this - to be done by the employer - is to put up an ad on pôle emploi with the exact same offer that has been proposed to the foreign employee. In my case, my employer prepared and put up this ad in September, 2018. This mandatory administrative step is to ensure that French employers give top priority to French nationals when looking to hire. Which makes sense, any country in the world would want that. Anyhoo. So, your employer has to prepare an ad for Pole Emploi and post it on their site. They might receive applications in response to this ad which they should be able to turn down - if they REALLY REALLY want you. This ad needs to be up on the Pole Emploi website for a certain period - 2-3 months as far as I remember.
Once the ad period is over, and your employer has not received or accepted any responses to the ad, you can move on to the next step.
Step 2: DIRECCTE, mon amour - December 2018/January 2019
Towards December, it was time to take the ad off the Pôle Emploi website and start preparing the application to the DIRECCTE - the French Labour authority. Using the Pole Emploi ad reference as proof, that they couldn’t find a suitable candidate in France, your employer now needs to prepare an application by including the following documents:
1. Pole Emploi Ad reference
2. The proposed work contract using this form - also available through the service-public.fr website : https://www.service-public.fr/professionnels-entreprises/vosdroits/F22782
3. Your CV
4. Proof of your educational qualifications - since I had not yet had my convocation ceremony, I did not have my actual, final degree. So we had to make do with a provisional certificate from my college instead - stating that I had completed all the requirements for my graduation and that I would be graduating in January 2019. As it turns out, this provisional certificate was enough proof.
5. Scanned copy of your Passport
6. Scanned copy of any previous French visas you may have had
With the above documents, your employer needs to prepare a dossier that is to be submitted to the concerned local department of DIRECCTE. In my case, this was DIRECCTE Île-de-France. The dossier was submitted to them on 15th January, 2019.
Step 3: Wait - January-May 2019
Once the dossier has been submitted to the DIRECCTE you need to wait. And just wait some more. The official minimum waiting period to receive a response from the DIRECCTE on your dossier is 2 months. But, life never plays out according to plan. During this waiting period, once the two months have passed and in case the DIRECCTE has not replied, it is HIGHLY recommended that the HR person in your company keeps checking up on the DIRECCTE via email, telephone, arranging an in-person rendez-vous, whatever means possible. French administration is notoriously slow and unresponsive and you/your employer need to be actively engaged and push them if you want to make this happen. In my case, the first time we heard back from the DIRECCTE after the submission of the dossier, and after several phone calls and email to the DIRECCTE, was in May, 2019.
The response we got was that, the application has been denied in its current state - because the candidate is overqualified for the remuneration being offered to him. Basically, this was DIRECCTE’s way of saying that, if you want this application to be accepted, you need to increase the salary you’re offering. I had a back-and-forth with my boss regarding this, and, thank the lord and bless my boss’s angelic soul, he was ready to rewrite the contract and increase the salary offered. And also, importantly, this delay in the process meant that we also had to shift the tentative starting date of the job. What was earlier scheduled to be in May, was now shifted to September. (BTW, if you’re very anxious and at the same point in the process, and want to find out the salary amount that finally got the application through, send me a DM, I’d be happy to help with that info)
Now that the contract was edited with the changed salary and starting date, it was time to submit it back to the DIRECCTE.
Step 4: Wait some more - May-June 2019
Now that the ball was back in the DIRECCTE’s court, it was time to wait again. And just in case you’re wondering, during this wait period, I had taken up a job at another company in India - because, well - you need money to live. You can’t just wait like a princess in a castle and do nothing until prince charming arrives. You gotta get up on the terrace of the castle and start a damn terrace garden to feed yourself honey.
Anyhoo, getting back to the process, the rewritten contract was submitted again to the DIRECCTE. We waited for 2 more months. My incredibly patient and highly dedicated studio manager kept sending mails and phone calls and even visiting DIRECCTE in person to make sure the dossier gets reviewed on time. And then finally, oh blessed be that day, my employer received a mail containing the cerfa_15187 form that was submitted earlier, STAMPED and SIGNED by the DIRECCTE official, declaring that the employer had obtained a permit to hire a non-european foreign employee for the period declared in the proposed work contract. Phew...
Step 5: Get your documents together - June-July 2019
Now that the DIRECCTE has granted the work permit to your employer, you can heave a huge sigh of relief. And once you’re done heaving, pull up your organisational socks cause now the administrative ball is in your (employee’s) court, baby :p
Following the reception of the granted work contract, my employer sent me a scanned copy of the same. At this point, the third french governmental organisation involved in this employment immigration juggernaut comes into play - the OFII. After the DIRECCTE acccepts the application and grants the employer a work permit, it forwards the dossier to the local OFII. The local OFII office verifies the dossier and once it is done, they forward it to the nearest French embassy/consulate in the country where the candidate resides. It takes about two-three weeks, between the reception of the work permit by the DIRECCTE to receiving another letter from the OFII stating that the dossier has been forwarded to the embassy/consulate. In my case, my employer got the DIRECCTE letter on 12th June, and the OFII letter on 11th July.
Oh, and of course, it goes without saying - your employer needs to keep politely bugging OFII and DIRECCTE via email - to make sure that the process keeps moving. A week after the reception of the DIRECCTE letter, my HR manager sent a mail to the OFII asking them about the status of the dossier and whether it had been forwarded to the Mumbai consulate or not. The next day she got a mail confirming that it had been forwarded to the Mumbai Consulate. Once your employer has received the OFII confirmation letter, ask them to send you a scanned copy of the following: 1) Autorisation de travail stamped by the DIRECCTE 2) Letter from the OFII confirming the forwarding of the autorisation de travail to the consulate in India 3) A promesse d’embauche including all the necessary details such as type of contract, your name, DOB, nationality, number of hours, remuneration proposed etc.
Step 6: VFS application - August 2019
Still with me? great. Now this is the final lap of the marathon, where you need to collect all the documents from your employer’s side, create some from your own, and submit everything in a neatly packaged application to the French consulate in your city in India via the VFS. These are the things you need to get in place to submit your Salarié visa application to the consulate in India: 1. Flight tickets to France 2. Accommodation Proof - a rental lease, attestation de logement at a student residence, etc. (for first 3 months at least) 3. Travel Health Insurance 4. Promesse d’embauche (from the employer) 5. Scanned copy of the DIRECCTE approved Autorisation de Travail (Cerfa 15187*02) 6. Scanned copy of the OFII letter received by your employer 7. Any last visas you have received for France 8. Your CV, copies of qualification proofs (Degrees, Diplomas etc.) 9. A covering letter explaining your reason, motif for the VISA application. 10. An active passport (duh), valid for the next year. 11. A printout of your visa application generated from France Visas portal 12. Two passport size photos as per EU visa photo requirements
Arranging all of this could take up to a couple of months, so submit your resignation papers to the company you’re currently working at (if that is the case) accordingly. And also take this into consideration while fixing your appointment on the VFS portal. Also, since you’ll be fililng out your visa application on the France Visas website portal, you’ll be needing some of the info from the documents mentioned above, such as the accommodation address details etc. So ideally, the best thing to do is:
1. Figure out accommodation as soon as your employer has received the autorisation du travail from the DIRECCTE 2. Ask your employer to send you scanned copies of the autorisation du travail, a promesse d’embauche (ask them to make one if they haven’t yet) 3. Start and submit your application on the France Visas portal once your accommodation is finalised, you can use details from this and your promesse d’embauche to fill out details regarding your address and means of sustenance in France. 4. Figure out all the other documents mentioned in the list above. 5. Once you have all the docs in place, you can take an appointment with the VFS to submit your application accordingly.
Step 7: Submit, wait, pray, get ready and pack your bags.
With all the documents mentioned above neatly arranged in a folder, turn up well in advance for your appointment at the VFS. Submit your documents, pay your application fee and make sure to take a receipt of the payment from them and keep it carefully. Also make sure you give them an active email address/phone number so that you can keep track of your application status. From the day of your application submission to the reception of your passport, it should take between 1-2 weeks. I submitted my application at the VFS Mumbai on 29th July and was granted the Visa on 5th August. _____________________________________________________________ In conclusion, these were all the steps and formalities I completed and the process I followed, to lead up to a successful visa application that was granted in the end. Granted it’s kind of an ambiguous process and there are so many factors to consider, and thus I cannot guarantee if the exact same process/documentation would apply in every case, but if your case is similar to mine, this is what it took. Although it was an enormous amount of admin effort, both on my company’s and my side, it was SOOOOOO worth it. Hopefully this is one of those rare boring, admin related blog posts I have to write, and I look forward to sharing some blissful, learning-filled and joyful moments from my new life here, in my soul city. À bientôt. :)
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happy2bmyownboss · 4 years
So I’ve been trying to get this quick video tour to upload but our internet has been so crappy… well you know how our internet it so it has taken me longer than expected to get this out to you. I’ve also been feeling a bit under the weather and had an ER visit on Sunday where I found out that my potassium was low… sigh… if it isn’t one thing it is another, right? The video tour will be down below but I’ll go ahead and give up a little update on the house since our last update.
This week has been a whole lot of sitting around watching Fixer Upper and other DIY shows plus I’ve been trying to track down a mysterious odor in the house. I thought I had found it yesterday when I finally broke down and unboxed our new vacuum cleaner. I used it to vacuum the couch and small rug which temporarily made the smell disappear but the smell is back with a vengeance… funny thing is that no one else can smell it… ugghhhh!
I really love Shark vacuums and they work so well. Even Mr. Awesome was amazed at the amount of dirt that I picked up in such a small area!
We’ve still been eating on some of those freezer meals that I made last month! I have greatly appreciated all of those ready-made meals this week! I plan to do another mega freezer meal session soon… just as soon as I start feeling a bit better.
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Enough about the old house… let’s talk about the new house. First,  I’ve got a couple of pictures of the view from the back… 
I LOVE the views and have had so much fun watching all of the different birds on the pond already. The boys were really excited to see the view from their room as well! Our current house doesn’t really have a good view of the pond unless you step out on the front porch so it will be really nice to see everything that we’ve been missing out on!
Our house is set up now… well, not completely. The factory people need to come out and finish up the closeup and trim inside as well as finish the closeup and siding on the outside. We also sent in a ton of pictures and a numbered list of things that had been damaged and need to be repaired. Here are a few of those things:
It’s important to document EVERYTHING for future reference in case you need it.
We have fixed the broken windows and will be waiting to install the new windows that the dealer gave us. We also added a few mini blinds to some of the windows as some of the rooms on the front just felt extremely exposed. I did give the windows a good cleaning with one of my handy dandy microfiber cloths, a little bit of water, and a window cloth to shine and BOY you should’ve seen how NASTY the water was! Actually, I should’ve taken a picture so you could’ve seen it but I forgot!
Those microfiber cloths really did a great job getting the dirt, grime, and paint splatters of the glass. Finishing up with the window cloth just adds a little bit of extra shine that you wouldn’t think was possible with just water! I was anxious to go ahead and hang some curtains but Mr. Awesome said I needed to wait on that… pooh!
The setup crew came on Sunday and finished running some of the drains that had been removed for transport so all of that is ready to go when the septic is installed.
According to our last update, on Tuesday, we should see the AC guys, the factory guys, and the steps any day now… nothing so far. We should also have a well and septic before the beginning of next week… nothing there either although they did tell Mr. Awesome yesterday that we would have dirt here today which I haven’t seen that yet either.
We’ve already made our first interest payment and found our that our first house payment will be next month! The dealer wants everything signed off on but we aren’t signing off until each aspect is completed which apparently is causing some delay… but I don’t want to sign off that something has been completed satisfactorily until it is COMPLETED SATISFACTORILY.
The electric company actually sent the engineer out the same day I applied for services and he marked the spot for the pedestal. The electrician, who will also finish up the plumbing, can’t come out until the AC has been brought out… <insert eye roll>… so it is a never-ending cycle. The inspector won’t come out until EVERYONE has finished EVERYTHING has been completed so we are really trying to be PATIENT but it is getting hard when people aren’t showing up as planned! The electric company won’t get turned on until the inspection happens either!
Basically, we could still, possibly, be in our house by Christmas but the timeline is getting really tight. I’ve already told EVERYONE that our tree is going up in the new house and Santa has already sent word that he will be delivering gifts to the new house… this means that electric or no electric our tree is going up SOON!
I just went to check and see if anyone had shown up yet but nope… NADA. I also had the girls give the doggie another bath in hopes that this mysterious smell would go away but NOPE it’s still here… Anybody have a clothespin?
I really have to try to track down this smell because it is really getting to me… before I go though I’ll add the video tour to the post so you can have a quick look at the house as it is now. If you follow me on Facebook then you’ve probably already seen the video but here it is again just in case you haven’t seen it:
  Life Update and A Quick House Tour So I've been trying to get this quick video tour to upload but our internet has been so crappy...
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