#also note how Poppy says 'they' in referring to a future partner- not 'he' :)
marinerainbow · 9 months
11, 15 and 21 for Poppy! 😊
Yay!! More OC POV asks! :D
11. What is your favorite type of media (TV, movie, books, etc)?  Name some specific favorites (which shows, movies, books, etc do you like)!
"Oh, I love a good mystery novel!" The rabbit chirped excitedly. Her fingers drummed on the coffee mug she was holding, "I'm actually reading this book about a murder case that takes place in a mansion! There are six suspects, and they all have their own motivation to kill the man. And it's up to the butler to figure out who killed him, and where, and with what weapon!"
Realizing she got a little loud, Poppy cleared her throat before offering a sheepish smile, "Sorry, that probably sounds morbid. I also like romance and historic fiction novels. I don't own a television myself, but I do enjoy going to the theater. And my friends have their own TV's, so I can watch movies with them. And one friend in particular is warming me up to horrir movies. Just last night, we watched Night of the Living Dead together. I do own my own radio, too. I can't pick just one genre of music, though; it all depends on my mood!"
She hummed to herself as she took a sip of her beverage before answering the last question, "I can't think of too many specific titles that I enjoy. At least not at the moment. There are too many, really. But the ones I can think of right now are Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Phantom of the Opera- the novel and the musical. And this more recent fantasy movie called Legend. Have you heard of it? It's a little dark, but it has a happy ending." The rabbit looked very happy right now. Not a single strand of her fluffy black hair was out of place in that toony way to show stress.
15. Do you play any instruments?  Which ones?  How long have you been playing?
This new question made Poppy nod, still wearing her smile on her face, "Yes, I do! Not many, though. I can only play the piano. I even used to own one in my old house, during my life as an actress..."
At this, the light in her eyes diminishes somewhat before she let out a small sigh, "It's gone, now... My first boyfriend took it with him... It's ok!" She raises a hand then, quick to assure you to not worry about her, "That was years ago. If I had a bigger place, I would get another one. I do want to try to move into a house again for that reason... I miss playing, even if it was just for myself." She breathed another sigh through her nose before taking another drink of her drink.
21. Describe your ideal partner.
This time, the question caused her to almost choke. Mostly because it caught her off guard. Poppy had to grab a napkin to cover her mouth and regain her composure. After clearing her throat, she looked to you again. She was smiling again, but there was a hint of nervousness behind it too, "You're really interested in my taste?" This conversation was starting to feel a little too much like the kinds she would have with Shiny.
Once you confirmed you really were, Poppy nodded and glanced away. Not to avoid your gaze, but to ponder her answer. You could tell by the way her nose twitched occasionally- that was always a sign she was thinking about things, "Hm... Well, respect is most important. For both parties. I'd want a partner who wouldn't take advantage of me. I've already had enough of that... I'd also like a partner who can help me be more... Outgoing? Confident? I know I struggle with that sort of thing on my own. But won't try to force me to do things that make me uncomfortable, you know?"
The horror toon was silent for another moment, before nodding her head with a soft smile, "That's what's most important to me. I don't care what they would look like, or where they came from. I just want a kind, understanding person."
(Girl has dated a homeless fox, a former villainous wolf, and a drunkard rabbit. I think it's safe to say that she ain't picky XD)
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
Hi, I'm Poppy! I'm 21 years old and I'm in the central timezone. I've been in and out of the roleplay scene, but I'd love to find some flexible writing partners (preferably 20+) to have a bunch fun! I love chatting ooc to get to know my partners better am very open minded when it comes to different ideas so please feel free to contact me on either platform if interested!
Discord: starlord.#9245
Style: Third person and past tense (sometimes present tense), multi-para/novella. Activity is low, but planned and will respond to you at LEAST twice a week (I'm always busy T.T) however I always reply fast when ooc!
Versatility: Can double, and will play any type of character, species, sexuality, or gender. M/M, F/F, M/F, etc. are all welcome! I can play canon characters as well as oc, and I welcome either in return.
Slice of Life
Fairy Tale/Fantasy
Just about anything else you can think of! 
** Smut to plot ratio: 70/30 but not required.
Nier Automata
My Hero Academia
Mystic Messenger
Yuri!! On Ice
The Arcana
Black Butler
Ouran High School Host Club
Death Note
K Project
The Wolf Among Us
** No real life faceclaims. Anime or art reference highly preferred!
**** Any show/series in which we write with the underage characters will not involve nsfw/smut. It may happen with the adult charas, but I refuse to rp pedophilic topics. Thank you.
Toilet play
Plots/Pairings: (some pulled from writing rec blogs)
mafia boss/civilian
mafia boss/second hand
age gaps (within reason)
forbidden love/taboo relationships
noble or nobless/servant
arranged marriages
fake dating
muse a is a barista who is sweet, and kind.. and a serial killer. muse b is a detective that is involved in more ways than one. as muse b falls deeper in love, the body count rises. will muse b choose their job and take down muse a? or they choose love and do anything in their power to protect their loved one, no matter how many more innocents die in their wake?
a vampire finds a girl lying in an alley of rough city, left for dead. He decides to spare and turn the girl, but when she awakes she’s not too keen on the new life he had laid out for her. But with no where else to turn, the girl is forced to stay with the man who turned her, to learn the ropes of her new life.
royal/commoner plot; every year the royals hold a ceremony. the ceremony is a chance for the prince, muse a, to find his “mate”; also known as the future queen. the guards go to every village and pick out twenty-five names from the ballot of each pack. only the girls ranged from fifteen to twenty have to put their names in the ballot. the guards send the chosen girls to the palace where they will be prepared for the ceremony. during the ceremony, muse a will have to choose one girl. if he doesn’t choose someone that year, he will have to wait till next year. muse b is nicknamed “child of the forest”, ever since muse b was little, she spent more time wandering through the magical forests than she did at home. muse b doesn’t want to fall in love with a prince and doesn’t want to live behind the castle walls. muse b wants to be free. what happens when muse b is called out and taken to the capitol to attend this so-called “ceremony”? and what happens when muse a picks muse b as their mate and the future queen? will muse a try to stand up for herself? will she keep pushing muse b away until he’s forced to let her go? or will she start to fall for muse b? who is kinder, more gentler, than the princes she knows?
muse a is this bad boy who just moved into this tiny village and he drives a motorbike and wears leather jackets and is usually a sarcastic jerk but then this small group of four crazy friends kind of adopt him and he starts to occasionally hang out with them cos they’re kind of cool, and also because muse b is the tiny and super shy, kind, gentle soul of the group who keeps gaining his attention because he just wants to know more about her so he starts going out of his way to drive her home on his bike but says it’s only cos he has nothing else to do in such a boring place but then whoops he kissed her and suddenly they’re just a thing and they don’t label it but everyone just kind of accepts it BUTBUTBUT GIVE ME movie nights with the whole group and muse a and muse b are sharing a blanket so he starts teasing her under it and she’s just there burying her head against his neck trying not to make a sound AND THEN if he gets into fights she just kind of stands in between him and the other and tells him to calm down and he just does because it’s her and she let’s him be calm AND THEN if the other person says jack shit about it she turns around and punches them dead in the face because he makes her brave.
muse a is this complete naive and innocent daddy’s girl who’s fallen for muse b who’s this complete jackass of a guy who drinks and smokes and her parents are sO disapproving at first bUT they give him a chance and invite him over for dinner and muse a is so shocked cause he shows up all smartly dressed and his hair all perfect in place and hes sO CHARMING and muse a just sits at the dinner table completely dumbfounded and doe-eyed like what happened to my boyfriend until obvs his hand starts travelling up her thigh while they try to hold a conversation with her parents and she’s like thERES my actual boyfriend.
“i’m the head detective on a serial murder case and you’re the pesky reporter that’s always showing up at the crime scenes to try and catch the story before anyone else. i’m surprised one day when i find you in my office–turns out that the mayor wants a spotlight on the case, and my boss has decided to assign me to show you around and let you shadow me while i work. i can’t get rid of you so just stay out of my way, okay?”
Be 20 or over, 19 at the absolute least
Be okay with mature and/or dark themes. I am okay to explore any type of taboo topics not listed in my limits, and am open to discuss any mature plots.
Have decent grammar
Be patient with my slow replies, as I will be with yours
Be open minded and communicate!!
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mechaspirit · 7 years
Their Lives Are Important, Even Through the Midst of Chaos (Hero Verse)
Author’s note: Okay, my first Choices prompt, and it’s supposed to be for Choices Creates, round 28, Crossover. For those who play Endless Summer, I’m sure most of you have already gone through the recent chapter of book 2, and it inspires me at the last second to write this. And I’m sure some of you may have one of the idol scenes where it has the Hero reference. I tried combining these two stories together, but it ended up being too long, so I have to put it into two separate parts. Also, this verse will be kinda AU-ish because we haven’t gone that far in Hero, yet (plus, I’m starting to miss it since it’s on hiatus). Let’s see if I can do this justice. Thank you @ladyashtonofcordonia and @holly-park for hosting this round. And stay tuned for Endless Summer Verse!
Pairings: slight MCxKenji, slight MCxGrayson, and a third pairing that is involved in another Choices book. See if you can find them. ;)
Rated: T
Summary: AU. After surviving an unfaithful event in a chaotic future and harsh battle with Silas Prescott, Alex/Nightfall and Kenji/Talos managed to reactivate the Prism Gate and head back to their time in the present, only to find out that not everything had not turned out to be expected. This ultimately broke Alex’s spirit until she comes across somethign that helps her regain it.
“Uh…Alex? Are you sure we’re back in-“
“Northbridge? Yeah. I think so. But…why is everything like this?”
“There you two are! I was so worried that I thought you guys are trapped in that Prism Gate for eternity! You’ve been gone for almost a year!”
Saying that Alexandra Hoang Nguyen was in a state of confusion in a midst of chaos was a complete understatement. No, it was more of that she failed…she failed her friends, her family, and all the other people in Northbridge. As Nightfall, her superhero persona, she and Kenji Katsaros, aka Talos the Man of Bronze, were both trapped inside the Prism Gate, where they both experienced the future devastation of their homes.
Silas Prescott, who was also trapped inside the gate and has similar supernatural powers as Alex (only more deadlier), created this Prism Gate in order to ‘renew’ the world by ending hardships, but turned out that his actions are less than ideal and only has been doing it for his own selfish reasons. Despite the rough setbacks, both Nightfall and Talos were able to defeat him and returned home by reactivating the Prism Gate using part of their powers they got from the effects of the Prism Crystal.
However, everything turned out to be less than expected. When they returned, they found out that Northbridge was in the state of ruins just like the way the two heroes saw it in the future, much to their despair. And it’s not just Northbridge. The entire states...the entire country are in the apocalypse state. Hell, there was even rumor that there was a volcano in the middle of Hartfeld University. Neither of them were able to find any survivors until they managed to find their friend, Dax Darcisse, who appeared to be fine for the most part, except he was in the state of distress as much as everyone else. Not only that, Dax told them that since the disaster struck he couldn’t find Poppy Patel or Grayson Prescott anywhere, which definitely devastated Alex.
The dark hair woman thought she did everything she can to help out the people in the city, only to find out that things did not work out the way she expected. Of course, she knew that being a hero was never easy, and she learned that the hard way when Kenji almost died protecting her from the fire guy. Now, her home was destroyed and she already lose her two closest friends and possibly her mother. She wasn’t sure what to do anymore.
Just then, Alex felt a strong arm gently wrapped around her shoulder which made her turned her head to find a familiar dark-hair man next to her. He just demorphed from his bronze form and has a worried look on his face.
“Hey, we’ll find them,” Kenji reassured her, even though his voice is laced with uncertainty. He understood how vulnerable Alex is feeling right now, and he felt the same way since he still doesn’t know where his mom is or the matter of the fact if she’s alive.
“I hope so,” Alex replied, resting her head on his shoulder. She took off her black mask and could feel tears running from her face, “They’re really important to me, Kenji. I’m…I’m afraid that once I found out what really happened to them, I…I don’t think I can forgive myself.”
“Alex, don’t beat yourself like that. This isn’t your fault. You did everything you could. Neither of us expected all of this to happened,” Kenji told her, “Besides if anything, that bastard Prescott was the one who started all this mess! Man, I really hate to see Grayson’s face right now. It must’ve been a shock for him to find out what his dad really did.”
Alex nodded in agreement. She knew Grayson and Silas have a rocky father & son relationship because of their different views on business society, but finding out about Silas’s true motive for the project took it to a whole another level. The dark hair woman knew Grayson is a kind person who doesn’t take secrets like that very well. Just wonder how would he react if he finds out that Alex is actually Nightfall.
Suddenly, Alex felt something cracked underneath her foot and looked down, only to find an antique, silver picture frame. The glass on the front had already cracked, thanks to her stepping on it. She knelt down, picked up the broken frame, and dust off the ashes and the remaining shards on the front, revealing a man and woman in formal outfits holding onto each other, smiling. The man happened to be dark-skinned with a goatee wearing a dark blue tuxedo while the woman has a slightly lighter skin tone with dark hair with light brown highlights wearing a glittering light blue and silver dress. They appear to be very happy, loving couple, especially the way they gazed at each other.
On the photograph, Alex could tell that the couple seems to be around college ages, mainly because she could make out the scenery that was usually held for a spring formal dance at the Hartfeld University, the university that she, Grayson, and Poppy used to attend to. A small smile formed on the dark hair woman’s face, remembering the time on her senior year when Poppy convinced Alex to go to the dance with Grayson, saying that she should have fun once in a while. The fashionista even offered Alex to wear one of her best dress so that, as she put it, “all eyes will be on her”.
Now, it made Alex wondered if the couple in the picture or anyone else like them are victims of chaos. Or that they managed to survived but are scared for their lives. They probably don’t know what to do, or where to go.
People like them don’t deserved this, she thought. Determination spread across her face.
“Kenji, I think it’s best that as Nightfall and Talos, we should lay low for now.”
Kenji stared at her in shocked, “Wait, are you saying-“
“I’m not saying we should give up,” Alex countered, “I’m saying that we should focus on what we can do now. And that is finding and helping out any other survivors. There’ll be time when we’ll need our masks, or in your case, armor again, but now’s not the time. I’m just hoping that you’re with me.”
Kenji gave out his usual smirk his partner and held out his fist, “Are you kidding? I trust you, Alex. And whatever you do, I’m with you. All the way.”
The woman grinned and fist-bumped him.
“All the way.”
Because whether they’re friends, families, or strangers…Their lives are important even through midst of chaos.
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