#also sanji being the most caring and protective dad ever
beanghostprincess · 8 months
sanuso parenting has been on my mind all day and it's rapidly consuming all of my braincells
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daughter-of-melpomene · 3 months
Gimme 10 facts about Corvo for the ask game please!
Thank you so much for asking, Hadley!! I’ll also tag @auxiliarydetective, @oneirataxia-girl, and @starcrossedjedis, the One Piece gang. <3
Corvo cannot stand to hear the word monster, said by anyone or in any context. It reminds them too much of their parents and their upbringing, and saying it around them is likely to get you a weapon forged from your attacker’s own blood pointed at your head or throat.
For a while after they and Shanks get together, Corvo gets uncomfortable at any form of affection aside from kisses; they don’t feel like they deserve any soft affection. Eventually, though, Shanks manages to help them get more used to it, and they turn into a big cuddlebug since they are Big Touch Starved.
Though it’s rare, because they try to be as careful as possible, Corvo can sometimes use too much of their blood in battle and get weak or pass out. Since they started travelling together, Mihawk has perfected the routine of helping them get back to normal health, and he makes sure that Shanks knows too once he and Corvo get together.
One of the rare comforts Corvo ever allowed themself during their assassin days was warm, good homecooked meals - even though they told themself it was purely for the nutrients because monsters didn’t deserve food - and that lead to them both having a strong appreciation for it and being a really good cook (not on par with Sanji, but good). It’s something that helps them connect with Luffy when they first meet him.
In part due to their incredible combat skills, Corvo is actually a really good dancer. Shanks isn’t, so much, but that doesn’t stop him from convincing Corvo to give him “lessons,” which mostly just involve them swaying around holding each other.
Corvo can create almost any weapon you could think of with their blood due to their Devil Fruit power, but their favorite to make is a small mace. It’s compact and can do a lot of damage, plus it tends to elicit the best (read: most terrified) reaction out of their opponents when they create it.
Though Corvo doesn’t have much of an appreciation for music, Shanks trying to sing old pirate tunes when he’s a little tipsy is still one of their favorite sounds.
From the moment they meet the Straw Hats, Corvo becomes intensely protective over Usopp - they see a bit of their own childhood in his backstory of being an outcast in his village and not really having anybody believe in him - and would absolutely be willing to maim and kill someone for him if he needed it. Meanwhile Usopp is very extremely terrified of Corvo and remains completely unaware that they would commit unspeakable crimes for him.
Although they’d never admit it in a million years, Corvo genuinely thinks of Mihawk as the only true family they’ve ever had, at least before they met the Straw Hats and Shanks and his crew. And, though he’d never admit it, Mihawk definitely thinks of them as his sibling as well.
And on that note, in the same way he sees Shanks as his dad in a way, Luffy definitely comes to think of Corvo as his stepparent. After he’s known them for a while, he’s always quick to go them for protection if it’s needed, and he definitely gives them a ton of hugs after Shanks tells him they’re getting better with physical affection.
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send me an oc and i’ll tell you ten facts about them!!
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khepiari · 2 years
I am back to give my two cents on the ONE PIECE FILM: RED!
Shanks might just be an adoptive dad to Uta and nothing more!
First of all, I am praying that it is not a fake memories story. I trust Odachii but this trope has been done too many times, Bleach executed it terribly. I think I liked how Gintama pulled this trope well, but most fake memories stories are extremely dicey to execute. And this is One Piece so obviously by rabid mean fangirl nature wants the story to be the best ever version of the trope, if it is used. But also there is a fear that because it has been done so many times, we might get disappointed, and I don’t want to get disappointed. So far I have never been disappointed with any One Piece Films, because they have had amazing villain backstory and solid world building that fits in OP universe naturally.
But current idea in my head is slightly different, it is not out of the blue, I think others have found similar idea by now, but do indulge with me.
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I feel Shanks either found Uta like he did with Luffy. Maybe he rescued her when something tragic happened in the island of Elegia, as Uta seems to be shook by the events, how do I know? See her vlog on U-tube. Another thing may have happened since people are calling Uta a Hime, he might have provided temporary escort and protective services to Uta when Elegia was hit with their tragedy either as a favour or against certain payment from the king or queen of her country. We did see a glimpse of crying Uta being hugged/held back by woman with white hair in 1st teaser.
Whatever the circumstances of their meeting, if Uta traveled with Shanks, the easiest means to hide a princess’ identity is to keep her under a disguise, what better disguise than being Shank’s daughter. We have the examples of Momo and Kin’emon, pretending to be father and son, until they reached Zou.
Pirates have for ages provided refuge to people both historically and in one piece universe, both in manga and filler episodes Strawhats have done it multiple times! From giving ride to Apis in Warship Island Arc later to Vivi and Caru, then Robin, then Caime and Papaug later Momo and Kin’emon,! So did Whitebeard and Roger crews who have given ride to Oden, Crocos and more!
Shanks who definitely was against taking a child onboard, had his reasons to bring Uta along and Luffy may have met her during her fake identity year. Since Shanks is fond of children and cares for younger people, he most probably grew warm to her in that one year they spent as parent and child, he just decided that yeah Uta having been in his care makes her eligible to be my daughter. We know he loves betting on next generation! So maybe his parting words to Uta were: Remember you are my daughter!
Adopted parent-child relationship is not uncommon in One Piece! We have Zeff and Sanji, Corazon and Law, Bellemere and Nami and Nojiko, Dadan and the three idiots. So why can’t Shanks be an adoptive father figure to Uta? A dad doesn’t necessarily have to be a biological dad!
Okay I am fuelled by Shanks cannot be a deadbeat dad, but I know One Piece is full of deadbeat dads too! I just wanted to share my initial thoughts on the One Piece Film Red because, it looks adorable and I want to be successful!
Here is my other theory in case Shanks is the biological dad of Uta!
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Of the strawhats, who would be good parents and who should not have kids?
Good parents:
Usopp, Robin, Sanji, Jinbe, Zoro
Usopp would be a great dad. Hands on with the parenting and teaching his kid everything he knows along with being the best story teller ever.
Robin would be the calm parent that takes everything in stride and is firm but fair.
Sanji wouldn't be too bad but lord help any man that may want to date his daughter.
Jinbe would be an awesome dad and want to take his kid(s) on adventures with him to show them the world.
Zoro would be kinda like Robin, firm but fair but also kinda hands off. He's there and his kids know they are loved and protected but he isn't going to be hovering.
Bad parents:
Luffy, Nami, Brook, Franky,
Luffy - it's Luffy, nuff said
Nami overall wouldn't necessarily be a bad mom in terms of taking care of her child's needs but the morals she would instill would be horrible. This kid would be a master thief at age 5. Like she would use this kid to get things her way.
Brook can't have kids? I'm pretty sure but you never know in the world of One Piece. I think too, he wouldn't want to because he is technically immortal in a sense and doesn't want to watch his kids and grandkids grow old and die before him.
Franky would probably be a little absent minded with any kids. Forgetting that they can't do much for themselves and overestimating what they can and can't do at their age. Would be a great uncle or foster dad to teenagers that most likely wont die if left by themselves for a couple of hours.
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imaeraser · 3 years
I really love your headcannons about Strawhats with Teen reader, that's why...
If you don't mind - Can I ask for Platonic Strawhats with Female! Teen reader that tend to be the quietest in the crew because of her shyness?
I also had and the next idea after this one- but I don't want to overwhelm you with it. Take care of yourself!
Have a nice day!
Sorry for the wait, here you go!
He was intrigued by you
That’s why he forced you onto his ship. And then he realized that instead of having a convoluted backstory, you were shy
And quite honestly it was refreshing
Even though he likes being around Chopper and Usopp and be loud as heck, he likes spending time with you
You balance him out
And even though you’re not an adult, he’ll go to you for advice. This makes the rest of the crew confused (and low-key mad) because he doesn't want their advice
But most of the time he doesn’t take your advice anyways
I think that you two are close, seeing as he is endlessly extroverted and will break through your walls no matter how hard you try
Most of the time he leaves you to your own devices, but he will drag you to large parties and make you feel as welcome as possible
He does the same on the ship, but that was never a problem anyways because everyone likes you
Feels the need to protect you, not only because you’re a member of the crew, but also because you’re the youngest
10/10 I can see him giving you some of his food (only some)
Ultimate big brother vibes
Likes to go to you for a quiet space because the ship can be loud
So he spends a lot of time with you… sleeping
He also half-asks questions to fill up the space and gets to know you pretty well
He also feels a need to protect you since he sees you as kinda weak (but almost everyone is weaker compared to him)
He will also feel the need to shield you from the craziness of the ship
Like sir, it’s nice that you care, but they can take care of themselves too you know?
Doesn't incorporate you into the crew since… he’s mostly sleeping. But he would try, and he would fail because they already like you
Cue him being shocked that he wasn’t your only friend on board, but to be fair he is sleeping most of the time and not watching you
He likes the calmness you bring to the ship, good for his meditation sessions (but I don't think you want to just sit there why he meditates)
I can see you having fun with him and Chopper, maybe play a board game
8/10 calm down sir, they can take care of themselves
She’s like the cool and fun older sister
She likes to dress you up in her old clothes, and then gush about how cute you look (no, not her super tiny bikinis)
She takes it onto herself to guide you through… whatever I guess
Also feels the need to protect you from dudes
I think that she gives good advice, but when combined with Robin the two of them give life-altering wisdom
You can go to her for anything from how to sew to how to manipulate people
Always gives you juice when the crew starts drinking
If the ship starts to get too rowdy she will shout at everyone to keep it down, and then turn to smile at you as if her actions were for you
She will share her tangerines with you
I think that she wants to protect you, but is frustrated at the fact that she can’t be as strong as the Monster trio (but everything works out in the end)
If you borrow money from her, she will reduce the interest (only by a little)
9/10 only downside is the interest (if you ever borrow money)
He was high-key suspicious of you
To be fair he is suspicious of anyone and everything, and seeing as you were quiet he was on the edge
But after you saved his life, he gets all buddy-buddy (really Usopp? You got saved by a teenager)
I think the two of you would get to know each other when he’s working on a new invention, and you guys are having idle chatter
Now he tried to act like a cool older brother. Always ready to swoop in and talk about his “accomplishments”
He will do just about anything to make you laugh
I can see some crazy (but fun) times with him, Chopper, and Luffy
He would give bad advice, but occasionally he does have some piece of wisdom
He would try to protect you, but… yeah
He ends up feeling bad, and incompetent. But tell him that he was amazing or something and he’ll be fine
I think he would get frustrated when you beat him at a game of cards
10/10 he is just so fun to be around
Also acts like an older brother
He tries to protect you from guys, saying that they’re all dogs (but then you point out that he’s a guy)
This also means he tries to limit your time around Zoro, saying that he’s a bad influence
Then the two start to fight and right as they pull you into it, Nami hits both of them and carries you off to eat or something
Gives you more food because you’re still growing
He is a surprisingly good listener and when he chimes in his advice are always good
And like all of the crew, he will try to protect you from danger (ma’am you are still a teen, why are you on this ship? Oh wait, Luffy…)
I said he acts like your older brother, but he also acts like a proud dad sometimes
Like sir, why are you crying? All they did was perform twinkle twinkle little star on the piano (Brook taught you)
He also tries to restrain his pervert tendencies around you, but when they inevitably happen he can’t look you in the eyes for several days (he also smokes more. It gets to a point where you have to confront him)
He also teaches you how to cook
8/10 he can get a little extra sometimes
If things get too crazy on the ship, he likes to go to you
I feel like he would try to act like a big brother, but you would just pet him (sorry Chopper)
I can see Chopper trying to get you to socialize more with the crew. Just drags you out with his tiny Reindeer paws
I can see you confiding in him a lot because it’s kinda like venting to a stuffed animal (again, sorry Chopper)
He gives (almost) child-like advice, but it’s so simple and it always works
I think you would beat both him and Usopp at games, and then they would proceed to chase you around
He would try to protect you, but he also knows that you need to push yourself to get stronger, so he lets you fight some of your fights
When you end up hurt, he always makes sure to be extra vigilant with your care
I believe that you would also try to protect him, but his pride would end up hurt
I think you two would spend a lot of time in his office for a quiet place to read (and for him to do work)
He makes you help him organize stuff
10/10 a great duo
She is the kind older sister
She is such a good listener, and her advice would solve all of the world's problems
If things get crazy on the ship, you go to her. She has the presence of calm around her that just soothes you
I think she would also like to participate in dressing you up with Nami. That means you get to wear Nami’s old clothes and Robin’s old clothes
Robin always has an extra book and cup of tea reserved for you. Tea times are when you two like to ramble about anything and everything. This is also the place where you can vent and the both of you talk about your past
She would like to teach you about world history, while you listen and ask questions
She would try to teach you how to read one glyph, but if it’s too hard she stops (and low-key gets sad)
Robin also lets you help her garden. She enjoys having a person keep her company while she does the things that make her happy
She thinks that you are too adorable, and that also makes her go into a momma bear mode when she thinks you are in danger
She will yell at crew members, and she will annihilate the enemies
Robin sees you in a similar way to Chopper, so if you say something dirty or cuss, her image of you will be ruined
10/10 she is perfection
I see him as a weird uncle figure
He mostly hides in his workshop and creates weird but cool inventions while you watch him and ask what he is doing
I don’t see you two talking about important things, just you two having fun and making jokes
He is fun to watch, but when he tries to get you to participate— it’s even more fun
I can see Robin trying to shield you from him (hey, he says he’s a pervert)
He would share his cola with you (I can see some very fun crew bonding time when everyone gets cola and huddles around Franky’s new invention)
Franky is the opposite of shy, so sometimes it gets to be a bit too much
Like sir, please leave them alone for one second
I think that Franky and Usopp would try to teach you how to make things
And if you like to prank people… they’ve created a monster
Expect all three of you to get yelled at
8/10 pretty good, but he does say some stuff that you don’t get sometimes
Another weird uncle
When he asked to see your panties, both Robin and Nami slapped him so hard, he had flown off
He never asked again
I can see him joining in on the Robin history over tea, and add things in he knows from living during the period (dang he’s old)
He occasionally makes the tea you three drink
I think he would try to teach you how to use a sword, and then get yelled at so he teaches you to play instruments instead
He’s a surprisingly easy-going teacher, if you don’t practice he’s not mad. He just assumes you don't want to learn. That means he won’t teach you, which leads you to practice
He would let you peek inside of his skull and then jumpscare you. It works every time
Brook would tell you about what he did during the two-year time skip, all while you’re laughing at the fact they called him Satan
I think that being around you and Luffy would make him remember his days as a teen
Starts to get all weary like a dad (and just like Sanji)
7/10 rough start, but good ending
He is the dad (not like, is)
He is always concerned for your health, and whether you should be fighting or not
He told Luffy that it was ridiculous to bring a teen on board, but then he realized Luffy is only 19…
Jinbei is always there to make sure you feel included, and will often leave the crew’s festivities just to hang out with you
Honestly, his old man self likes the quiet you bring
If you ask him, he’ll tell you about Fishman history (also over Robin History Tea Times)
100% tries to protect you. I think that can make you frustrated at times, but he has saved you so you can’t be too mad
So he teaches you Fishman Karate (it gets Robin’s stamp of approval because there are no sharp objects)
Jinbei gives the best advice, again dad and old man
He’s able to see different perspectives and tell you the best course of action (that gets annoying when you just want him to take your side, but you have Nami and Robin for that)
Also is proud of you when you achieve something (part of the tears dad group)
10/10 every group needs a parent figure
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one-piece-aus · 3 years
The Seven Caretakers of the Smol Strawhats AU (Headcanons) [Part 1]
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Crocomom anyone?
Mostly takes care of Luffy, Robin, and Vivi
Yes, Vivi is included uwu
I can see him brushing Robin's and Vivi's hair
I just pictured him being good at barbecue
Which is convenient for Luffy since he loves meat
Wears an apron when cooking meals
Maybe he bakes
But he mostly focuses on BBQ or cooking
He lets Sanji help him
This man has a library which is used most by Robin, Nami, Brook and Chopper
The books are of information, not literature
Usopp and Vivi sometimes uses it too
Crocodile will make sure to pick up some more books when goes out because Enel knows they can easily go through books fast
Brook is provided classical instruments
He likes listening to Brook play the violin, it's nice to hear after a long day
He makes them wear nice clothes suited for their taste style but also Croco's aesthetic
Vivi is dressed like the little princess she is uwu
Sanji and Brook has the most formal clothing out of the guys, which Crocodile is grateful for
Franky was the most difficult because he refuses to wear pants
"Doffy, he's your problem"
Luffy likes to dress like Crocodile and intimate him
He finds it amusing and will get a mini tailored version of his suits and coats for Luffy
Proud dad moment, his son wants to be like him
Nami has the most variety of outfits but most of them aren't from him, we'll get to that
He creates a sand pit for them to play in when wants them all in one place so he can sit down
These chaotic children are tiring him out
Might create a sandcastle or two for them
Deep sigh when there's a fight or one of them gets in trouble
"Sir, you need to manage your kids better-"
He just glances at the kids clenching onto his trench coat (Luffy is making a face at Karen) before looking back at the civil
"You have ten seconds to get out of my sight"
They may be brats but they're his brats
And no one is going to tell him how to parent
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Mama Bird
Doffy is good with kids
I mean he had them apart of his family so he can handle the chaotic straw hats
He'll sit down and watch over them
If they ever start talking about stuff he listens
This tall man will be completely fine if the straw hats climb on him
As long as they don't get in the way if he's doing anything
Doflamingo has been seen walking through town with some of them hugging his limbs like a koala
Sudden though but I see him baking with a pink apron and oven mittens (both flamingo themed)
Uses a lot of pink icing and decorates these treats quite nicely
No one's touching these desserts until they're cooled down and finished
Luffy is banned from the kitchen
Sanji is welcomed though
The smol blond is his little assistant
Chopper loves the baked goods he makes
Oh, that's why I see him as a baker, there's a Tumblr of a baker Doffy AU
//Everyone check out @ask-baker-doflamingo
He enjoys shopping for clothes with the kids
Doffy is the one that let's them wear the crazy stuff they wear
Favourite one would probably be Franky
They buy many sunglasses and sometimes match
Doflamingo is probably Franky's favourite too (aside from Jinbei) because the man gets that he has style that he gotta put on
Nami is another one his favourites
She has fine expensive taste and often is the one he prefers to take with when searching for decor or other fashionable needs
The majority of clothing this girl has comes from Doffy
He will shower her with gifts and gold
Doffy is the one to brush Nami's hair
A total daddy's little girl and will literally get away with a murder
"It's your fault for getting in her way"
She is the princess of the king
Yeah, Nami is his favourite overall
Doflamingo will get and do anything for his children but they also got a work for it
He's also a very protective mama bird
"Was this man bothering you?"
No one will dare harm a hair on their head unless they wish for death
But he also wants his little birds to be able to handle themselves when push comes to shove
Uncle Rosinante comes by sometimes his kids; Law, Baby 5, and Buffalo
Baby 5 gets along with the girls
Luffy loves drag Law into whatever he's doing with Zoro and Sanji
Rosinante is best fun uncle
And you already know the straw hats are going to pull pranks on him
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Goth Dad is here
Okay but with Mihawk here, we gotta have the whole spooky goth family
So Perona and Kaku are now here (Yes, Kaku too because I love the AU where he's apart of the fam uwu)
That said, Mihawk's main attention is on his goth children
Zoro, Perona, Kaku, Robin and Brook
You can't deny that the last two are goths
He obviously trains the three boys to become better swordmen
Quite impressed by how unique their techniques are
Their part of the home is decorated with pure goth aesthetic
Chopper gets scared whenever he goes to that side to find Robin
Though each goth child has their own twist to the aesthetic when it comes to their room
Mihawk has his own library but is full of literature
He reads to the children
Most often for bedtime
It came to a point where some of them couldn't sleep without him reading them a bedtime story
Shopping? Of course, he gets clothing for his goth children
But he never takes them all at once
Oh no, he can't handle it
He'll take one, or two at most
On Halloween, that changes because he'll take them all to get their costumes and decorations
Speaking of spooky Halloween, he's not the one to take the kids out for trick or treating
But he is the one who stays home to give out candy while watching horror films with the ones that stay behind
Will be up for watching horror films anytime but also likes to watch other classic films with the kids
If one of the non-goth children get nightmares from watching it, that's their fault not his, they could've just not watched it with them
I can see him watching mystery movies
Which also means he has mystery books along with horror ones
When it comes to cooking, I can see him making meals that you see in fancy restaurants
Not those weird small portion Gourmet, no
He mainly cooks it for the adults since Luffy the children don't like it that much
He likes it when Sanji comes and helps him cook
It's rather nice to have a small break from the usual goth children he takes care of
His only complaint is when the blond bickers with Zoro
And that's why Zoro got banned from the kitchen whenever the two are cooking
Mihawk doesn't need any more headaches
When he does have one, he likes to have a glass of wine and listen to Brook play his music
The violin is soothing to his ears
He isn't one to be overprotective
But if someone did insult anyone of the smol children
"Never speak to me or my children again unless you wish to be buried six feet under"
Shanks comes to visit Mihawk and the others practically every week
It makes Luffy happy because he gets to see Shanks
Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper are always the most excited to see the red-haired man
The Warlords aren't exactly very happy
Except Jinbei
But whenever Shanks comes over well, he'll drink the place dry from its booze
Link to [Part 2]
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onepieceheadcannons · 3 years
So this wasn't requested but I wanted to give some random Headcanons
Now this post definitely isn't for everyone's taste,
Now I know quite a bit about ABO dynamics and I haven't seen any headcanons on what each strawhat would be. Now if you do not like ABO, do not worry this will be my only post with it that isn't requested and I won't be offended if you skip this.
This definitely isn't the most detailed it can go but it's like 3 am for me and I just want these HC's outta my mind.
The Strawhats
This man is an Alpha, I mean how else could he become Pirate King.
Now I mean no hate to omegas, I think they should be highly respected. But based on what a society in ABO is like, it makes the most sense for Luffy to be an Alpha.
He is protective and strong, plus conquerors Haki is very similar to pheromones. He would do anything for his crew and he wants them safe.
He wouldn't be appealed to have an Omega, it wouldn't be on his agenda and he'd handle a rut very privately.
He would fight his way to the top fairly and wouldn't discriminate against betas and omegas.
I'm also down to hear anyone's different opinions on any of these.
I can see him in many different ways, I can see him as an Alpha but I can see Omega with insecurities about it, but my most confident answer is Beta.
The reason why is because his undying loyalty to Luffy. He would fulfill the role as a Beta quite well. He would be able to avoid the hormones of others and be quite unbothered by all of it. He would work slightly harder to be the greatest swordsman especially if Mihawk is an Alpha. He wouldn't of presented before his best friend died but if she began showing signs of an Alpha, he would probably feel the extra competitive edge to be better.
He wouldn't care if someone is an Alpha or Omega, why should that shit matter to him.
And he wouldn't really care about what his partner was.
If he was an Omega, he would use suppressants and be damned if anyone knew. He would probably beat himself up over it and would build a high tolerance to pheromones. He would NEVER let someone help through a heat unless a long term relationship. And he would never be caught in an Mpreg situation.
And if he was an Alpha, he would accept Luffy as overall Alpha. He wouldn't feel like fighting it and he has the serious demeanor. He would protect any omegas but refuse to participate in a heat. He would fight himself a shit ton and never let his guard down.
Beta man, there's no way he'd be an Alpha. I mean he would always feel sad about it most likely, wanting to be brave and strong. He would probably have some lingering thoughts about the system, he wouldn't see Omegas as less than but he would probably assume that Omegas and Alphas are meant together and he has to find a Beta.
Until his crush on Kaya, the caring Omega. He would fight himself internally over it but she wouldn't care if he was a Beta. She probably was told she had to find a nice Alpha but that wouldn't affect her, she really cares about Usopp. She even goes to medical school to fix him up.
He would be disturbed by Ruts and Heats, he would get flustered and stay away from whoever was having one at the time.
Just like Zoro I can see any of them,
But I'm leaning Beta/Omega. No offense if you are like 😡 I want an Alpha Sanji don't disrespect my man's like that
Reason why I can see Omega, he is quite loving and I think he'd make a great dad. He loves ladies so much and being an Omega wouldn't stop him. I mean hey, look how much he likes fiesty women. He definitely wouldn't be against a female alpha, as long as he doesn't know about the extra appendage during a rut.
His family storyline would play into this, his dad would've been pissed if all Sanjis siblings are an Alpha but Sanji was a "weak" omega son. He would definitely be an angry and powerful Omega, training his tolerance to pheromones. And oh my god he'd be so angry if Zoro is a Beta/Alpha.
He would avoid Alpha men, I don't see him ever wanting to date one. I think he may be a little fruity but it's so internalized he would never be okay dating any male. He would probably hope for any female, but preferring an Omega/Beta.
If Sanji is a Beta, he'd be right up there with being a supporter of Luffy. He would definitely offer to help Omegas through a heat (and promptly get turned down) . He would be frustrated anytime an Alpha was in a rut and avoid being near them at all costs. It would piss him off especially if they wanted one of the crew.
His preferences would stay the same as if he were an omega.
And as an Alpha, oh my this man would be the most respectful ever. He would be damned before he let himself with an Omega without consent said before the heat was even close. He would protect his Omega at all costs. And he would let them bite his neck back. And he would defend any omegas in a vulnerable position. He definitely has a savior complex about it though. But he definitely would believe he could only have an Omega.
He is a skeleton, this wouldn't even affect him.
As a human tho, I could see an Omega with his love of the arts and his love for Laboon and his crew. But I don't have much of detailed one for him. Beta, possibly but that's the easiest to presume someone as.
He is a damn reindeer. I just wanted to include my besties name but yeah he is a reindeer no way in hell would this affect him and he'd just make suppressants for everyone. Even with the human human fruit, that wouldn't add abo to his form.
Now there's a chance that now as a cyborg this doesn't affect him. But pre cyborg or if it did, I see him as an Omega.
This man cries his heart out (which I love dearly about him) and he is such a big bro/dad figure.
He wouldn't care what anyone was but as a kid he may have had some trouble with the concept until Tom taught him better. Esp with Ice for Brains, who I could see as an Alpha/Beta so Franky may have felt less than.
Alpha or Beta, but she isn't an Omega.
She holds herself up with an air of stoic and dark humor/themes. She would be quite a helpful Beta and she'd protect any Omega friends. She would feel very strongly about Omegas being seen as the same as everyone else. And she would feel very insecure if she was made to submit to anyone unwillingly.
I can see Alpha tho, (esp Frobin <3), she lets Franky let his tears out and she is such a good friend. She would struggle to let her feelings out which would make her line in Enies lobby even more important. She would be experienced and she would probably offer to help an omega she was very close to but she wouldn't settle down unless you are Franky or a very solid partner to her. She wouldn't care if you were another Alpha or Beta though, she'd love you for you.
Now I don't know if Fish people/men would even be affected but if they were.. he would be...
Alpha, but in a very nonchalant way. He was a warlord, and not just anyone would get that. He wouldn't ever make someone submit and he would fight for rights for everyone esp Omegas in his community. If he did settle down, it wouldn't matter to him. Just as long as he can share his feelings in a safe place.
But beta would work as well, he is quite devoted to his crews and is a loyal person in general and shows alot of care to Luffy during the timeskip.
I also haven't finished Fish man Island yet so I have little to work with.
I did save her for last, this is probably the most biased one. I mean as you guys will learn, she's my girlfriend/wife, so I may see her slightly different than someone else would.
Now I feel like as many of the others, she can fit in all three. I mean everyone is going to show traits to each kind which is why I try to explain myself for each.
Alpha, i can see this. She's very fiesty and she sure as hell wouldn't want to submit to anyone. She would be a little embarrassed during a Rut and she would use suppressants. She would be fine with not being top dog but she definitely wants her respect, she's the entire reason they get anywhere.
She isn't looking for romance but she'd be fine with anyone as long as they were worth it. I think an Alpha male would be her least likely pair though, that person would have to be quite honorable and prove themselves to her as good enough.
If she's an Omega, she would be quite angry about it. She wouldn't want to be perceived as weak and sure as hell would use suppressants and she'd be damned if an alpha helped her through a heat. The only way she would, would be after a super solid relationship where there's extreme trust. She would slap the crap out of Sanji if he tried anything or suggested anything, she wouldn't have any patience especially after she had to deal with the bullshit she heard her entire time with Arlong and other crews stealing treasure.
If she was a beta, she'd probably go after another Beta. Keep thing simple. She would eyeroll at any alphas and she would be over the whole alpha/omega bullshit.
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vemuabhi · 3 years
Hii may I request a Headcanon? Hmm how about Sanji, Sir crocodile, and Ace taking care of their pregnant s/o? 🥺👉🏾👈🏾
Hi! i actually don't like crocodile much but as you asked so cutely, i am not able to resist. here you go!
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(A/N: Awww just look at how chopper goes to Sanji and Sanji smiles as sees Chopper. So adorable!)
When heard that their s/o is pregnant, firstly Sanji would freak-out in a good way. He is happy, exited, thrilled and very much overwhelmed. He would be very grateful for his S/O for carrying his baby.
Also as Sanji was almost rejected by every woman, being with S/O and starting a relationship with them already made him devoted to them, and to think they are carrying his baby, he would cry with happiness and express how thankful he is to have a family with them.
As Sanji didn’t have a happy childhood, he would promise to himself that he would protect and love his child and also his S/O who is making this happen.
He’d make sure S/O gets all the required nutrition they need by creating healthy tasty recipes. He’d always take his S/O to regular health check-ups. He’d take extra care of the health requirements they need.
During morning sickness, Sanji would hold S/O’s hair and shoulder while they threw up. S/O would try to stop him from seeing them in such a mess but it would be futile as Sanji wouldn’t listen to them anyway.
Consider the already less housework done by S/O to be stopped. He would not let his S/O lift anything nor bend to even tie their shoes. Even if S/O assures him that they are fine and could do some work, he wouldn’t listen. They are carrying his baby and needed rest. He treats them like a royal as they deserve, but… he makes them do regular exercise which needs to be done to make sure they are healthy.
Talking about the baby names would make the couple so happy.
He’d buy cute baby clothes as the due date approaches. Learning baby recipes would be Sanji’s new hobby. He would think about S/O and their child all day long. But he’d do his work amazing so his thinking wouldn’t affect his work. But… his best friends would never hear the end of his talking about his S/O and their future child. But still as he is happy they just let it slide and they stay happy with him.
He is very happy to have a baby but at the same time he is kinda scared. What if he wouldn’t be a good father? What if he is not responsible enough? All his insecurities would keep him up some nights. As S/O knows about this, they assure him that everything is going to be fine and they trust him and believe in him that he’d be the best father. Hearing these lovely words from his S/O Sanji slowly believes in himself and let’s go of his insecurities. And guess what… he is the best dad to his child and is absolutely smitten by the baby.
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Ace was shocked and would freeze at the moment his S/O told him that they were pregnant. He was so surprised that he couldn’t talk. He would stay silent for a while. Just at the moment that his S/O feels that he isn’t happy with this, he pulls them towards his chest and slowly and very tenderly says “Thankyou so much”, in his S/O’s ear, making sure only for them to hear.
Ace would become over protective and caring for his S/O from then. He’d make sure S/O not to do anything which harms them or drains them out. He wouldn’t completely stop S/O from doing what they want to do but would keep an eye on them and made sure they didn’t exhaust themselves.
Ace would cuddle with S/O and try to calm them down if they are crying and with all the mood swings are affecting them. He’d rub soothing circles around their back and made sure that they feel safe and comfortable.
He’d slowly fill up the room with baby toys and cute baby clothes. He’d try to read the parent books but would end up falling asleep.
He would wake up during nights and think about how his life is going to change, how his life was going to change for good. He’d be falling in love with S/O more than ever he could imagine.
He makes sure that his S/O would get regular check-ups and is healthy. As the due date approaches he’d be more nervous and would be more protective of his S/O  and the baby and yes! When the baby is born, he is the most fun, playful, still protective dad.
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At first Crocodile didn’t think that his S/O was being serious so he brushed her off by saying he was busy and had no time to make jokes. He knew they were being serious when they held his hand wouldn’t let it go.
His S/O thought he would be angry or even break up with her. But to their surprise he smiled. He was happy and it was genuine. This made his S/O feel relaxed and also happy.
Crocodile doesn’t look like he cares but he is the man of actions but not words, because he never expressed how he really feel with his S/O.
Crocodile brings gifts and mom care items for his S/O. he always makes others do shopping for him, but now he himself he is shopping and making sure they are perfect for his S/O. He definitely doesn’t want his S/O to get sick. But when S/O asks him about this he turns tsundare mode and won’t agree with them, making S/O chuckle.
He makes time for his S/O and spends time with them every day even if he has work. He wants them to stay happy and healthy.
He even takes his S/O out on dates and makes sure she is comfortable and happy. Slowly he says what he feels about this and how much happy he is to have his S/O.
After the baby is born he is the dad who makes sure to take the baby to his work and shows off how cute the baby is. (he is the boss after all) he is totally open about how he loves his baby and becomes the over protective father.
I hope you liked this! please like and reblog if you liked it. im sorry for any mistakes.
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misc-headcanons · 4 years
can i get some headcanons of the vinsmoke siblings finding out their s/o is pregnant?? thank youuuu
She'd be excited, but also worried. The thought of being a mother along with her s/o is indescribable, and for the first time in a very long time she feels a swell of happiness thinking about her family. 
But then...she thinks about the rest of her family. Would her father want to use his grandchild as a test subject like his children? Would her s/o and her child be safe around her brothers? They're emotionless and use violence and intimidation to solve most of their problems; what if they got annoyed by their niece/nephew crying, or if they bullied her pregnant s/o just for fun? 
She'd have a long talk with her s/o and make a plan to run away for good if Judge does end up wanting to "modify" her child, and she tells her s/o to come to her immediately if they start to feel unsafe around her brothers. She'll do what she can to hide her anger and bide her time if that happens, but she'll have no doubt in her mind that she'd leave them behind for good if it meant her s/o and her child would be safe and happy.
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Immediately goes to brag to Judge and his siblings that he's going to be a dad. Probably tries to use it as an excuse to get something like a "promotion" or rewards from his dad, though as the eldest brother and #1 in Germa 66 he really can't get any higher up in the chain as long as Judge is in power.
He likes the idea of a little version of him walking around, and he has the royal tailors make an outfit for his unborn son that's basically "Baby's First Raid Suit". He even has a pair of red-tinted sunglasses made for them so they can match!
Insists on carrying his pregnant s/o everywhere, and is more protective of them, but he says he isn't doing it out of a sense of kindness on his s/o's behalf--it's more about "protecting his property" in a way, since they're "his" AND they have his kid in their body. What can I say, the Vinsmoke brothers aren't very sympathetic. Or caring. Or healthy partners. And even if he did genuinely care for them, he sure as fuck isn't going to tell them that and risk feeling like he's going soft or is weak for having emotions. 
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He's the least "emotional" about it, at least on the outside. He'll brag to Judge and hold it over the others that he made an heir first, but apart from that he doesn't show much attachment to the actual kid in question--at first.
He'd spoil his s/o to "congratulate" them for giving him an heir, and he's as protective and possessive as Ichiji is. He's more openly affectionate though, and will be more willing to do things to make his s/o feel better (even if it's something he doesn't want to be inconvenienced by, like escorting them somewhere or massaging them, he'll still have the servants do that for him)
It doesn't really hit him that he's going to be a father until he feels the baby kick for the first time. And for someone who isn't used to feeling emotions, that little spark of realization...freaks him the FUCK out. He doesn't like feeling like this, so unsure and nervous and heavy in his chest and vulnerable. He keeps wondering why he cares so much about something, despite being modified to not feel shit like that. 
He might even ask Judge to modify his brain a bit to get rid of whatever was going on to make him feel this way, but I think Judge would say it's not needed (he's a huge piece of shit and unsympathetic as hell, but Judge doesn't think there's anything wrong with being pleased at the fact you're going to have a child--Niji's giving the best nation in the world an heir, and has pleased his father! Of course he should feel pleasure from that, as much as his brain allows him to feel things).
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When he hears the news, he's so shocked at first that he just stares up at his s/o. And then...the crying starts--happy tears, don't worry! This is the happiest he's ever been, actually. He's going to have a child with the person he loves. They're going to be parents.. He's going to be a father.
Will wait on them hand and foot to make sure their pregnancy is as comfortable as possible. If ____ thought he was a servant of love before, holy SHIT does he kick it up a notch while they're pregnant. Making all sorts of meals to satisfy even the strangest cravings (making safe-to-eat substitutes if they're craving something like pancake batter or coffee, etc.), drawing them bubble baths and washing them every night, setting all their medical appointments with Chopper and insisting on carrying them to the clinic...____ is treated like a deity now instead of simply royalty like before, lol. He talks to their baby every day through ____'s tummy, telling them about how he can't wait to see them when they're born and how much he loves them, and will even talk about his day (referring to his nakama as the baby's "aunties" and "uncles"...even Zoro, though he's called "Uncle Marimo" or "your dumbass swordsman Uncle")
When he first feels his child kick, he tears up. When he sees them on a sonogram, he tears up. He's a lot more emotional throughout the pregnancy, just because he's so excited and in love and HAPPY. There's so much in his heart that it feels physically heavy sometimes, to be honest. 
Also his ideal name for the baby, regardless of gender, would be Sora 🥲
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The kind of asshole who would make a rude joke about it. ("Ohhh, I was wondering why you looked a little heavier. What, you're not already super emotional, are ya? It was a joke!") 
He's also smug about being the first of his siblings to produce an heir/addition to the royal family, since he knows Judge is going to reward him for it. And he is SO going to hold that over his brothers' heads. They give him shit about being the youngest and thus the"weakest" sometimes (whenever Sanji isn't around), but guess what assholes, I'M the one who made an heir first--Suck it, I'VE got a baby!
Is constantly asking when it's going to be born. No matter how many times his s/o tells him the projected due date, he'll ask almost every day: "When's it gonna pop out?" He refers to his kid as "it" until his s/o or Reiju points out that you probably shouldn't refer to your fucking child as an "it", but he will quit it if it bothers his sister and his s/o that much.
Is constantly talking about the stuff he wants to do with his kid when they're born, even if babies can't...you know, do stuff in general. He's kind of a disaster when it comes to childcare and caring for his pregnant s/o, but he's easily the most enthusiastic and genuinely happy (can he feel happiness? Eh fuck it, "the closest he can feel to happiness") compared to Ichiji and Niji.
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When Brooke awakens his Devil Fruit
Brooke never really thought he could awaken his devil fruit. It’s not like he can turn everything around him to string like Doflamingo. But along his journey and when Luffy becomes King of the Pirates, what he discovers is his awakening allows him to call back the souls of the dead. And he takes full advantage of this.
Brooke specifically waits for the right time to use it for his crew
He waits for Luffy, Sabo, and Garp to be back at their hole town with Makino, Dadan and the other Mountain bandits to have them speak to Ace one last time and tell him he was able to achieve his dream of becoming King of the Pirates. Ace tells Garp that he loves him and that he is sorry for all the pain he has caused him. He is overjoyed to see Sabo alive and thanks him for looking out for Luffy when he couldn’t and Sabo thanks him for the same. Dadan and Makino are overjoyed seeing those three reunited again. Maybe call White beards Soul and Gold Rogers for Ace as well. Roger meeting Luffy and being proud to have someone like Luffy be the next king of the pirates. Luffy made sure to have Shanks and Rayleigh there too so theycan see his old Captain. Roger tells Shanks that he did a job and gave his hat to a worthy man. Rayleigh gets to see his bestfriend one more time and Roger thanks him for helping train Luffy. Roger thanks Garp for taking care of Ace for him and Garp just punches him because he is about to cry (Maybe have Kobe there as a Bonus because Luffy values his friendship and wants to introduce him to his brothers)
They travel to Zoro’s hike town with his sensei and call back Kuina’s soul so he can tell her he achieved his dream and became the worlds greatest swordsman. He tells her that he made sure to take extra care of her sword and that he never forgot their promise to each other and trained hard every day. He even pokes fun at her talking about how Tashigi looks and acts just like her and how she has been chasing him all over the world so it was like Kuina was also chasing after him, trying to achieve her dream which made Zoro train even harder.
They return to Cocoyasi Village to meet up with Nojiko and Genzo and call back Bellmere soo they can talk to her again and Nami tells her she achieved her dream of drawing a map of the entire world. She tells her mom about all her travels and how she found a family that can always make her smile. She even shows her the Tangerine trees in the Sunny saying she grows them exactly the same way to make sure her nakama get to have a taste of Bellmere’s tangerines.
They call Usopp’s mom’s soul at his home town so he can tell her he became a brave warrior of the see like his father. He tells her all the adventures he has been on. He starts off by saying “Hi mom. You came back to us” like he used to say about his father. His Dad standing beside him saying that Usopp keep his promise and became a brave pirate, even more great than himself. He introduces his mom and dad to Kaya. His mom absolutely loves her and is happy he found someone. They bond when his mom tells Kaya that it will be hard to love Usopp since he is a pirate and neve home and Kaya responds saying she knows it may be hard, but if Usopp is free, and happy that is all she could ask for. Besides, that the kind of man she fell in love with in the first place.
They meet up with Zeff at the Baratie and call back Sanji’s mom’s soul to tell her that he became and amazing chef and found the all blue. Sanji’s mom thanks Zeff for looking after her son and for teaching him how to be a great chef. Everyone at the Baratie wonder how someone as annoying and argumentative as Sanji could ever come from such a sweet woman. Then Sanji kicks them and they all laugh. (Luffy asked Nami to contact Reiju and tell them to come because he knew she would want to see her kids again and they would love it so Sanji is with his siblings, Judge, and Zeph. Sanji wasn’t happy about it but he realized they were her family too and he couldn’t just keep them from speaking to their mom one more time. Even if most of them are jerks) Sanji shows his mom his cooking by cooking a special meal for her. A variation of the first meal he ever made for her. She says it’s the most wonderful food she has ever tasted and can tell that she actually meant it (i know I know. How can she eat if she’s a soul? Just go with it) Reiju tells her mom she loves her and how sorry she is for not taking better care of Sanji. Her mom tells her what a wonderful job she did and that she loves her. The other brothers finally show emotion that they never knew they could. Seeing their mom again after she died woke something up in them and they apologize for being dicks their entire life and that they love her. She responds by saying that they are her sons and she loves them no matter what. She tells her children what fine and strong people they became. Judge even apologizes to her for everything he’s done (What Sanji did during the Whole Cake Arc really made them reevaluate their life)
They return to The Sakura Kingdome to see Doctor Kureha and Dalton, where they call back Dr. Hiriluk’s should back to tell him that his son went out to see and became an doctor and travelled the seas as a pirate just like Hiriluk wanted. They also recreate his powder again and show him the cherry blossoms one last time before his soul returns to beyond the grave. Chopper even teacher Hiriluk the new things he learned while at sea and all the different diseases and things he has cured. Hiriluk is happy his son went out to sea and thankful when Chopper tells him what Luffy did for him and his flag even before he really knew chopper.
Even though they cannot return to Robin’s home, they sail the Sunny to where the island used to be located and call back Robin’s mom and the others archaeologists so Robin can see her mother again and tell them about the lost history. She tells her mom about the Poneglyphs and the other ancient cities she found like Skypiea. As a bonus Brooke also calls back Jaguar D. Saul and Robin tells him that she found her nakama who will protect and cherish her and will never leave her. Saul thanks the Strawhats and after hearing what they did for her at Enies Lobby, he knew she found an amazing crew. He even laughed and smiles at the story saying that Robin has joined one crazy crew. Saul took one last long look at the people who would challenge the world if it meant protecting Robin and knew that she would never be lonely and sad again. Her mother gave her a hug and said she’s happy that she survived the buster call and how proud she is for becoming an archaeologist and finding out the lost history.
They return to Water 7 and meet with Granny Kokoro and call back Tom’s soul. Cranky gets to tell him that he created a ship that sailed across the entire world just like he did and is now the shipwright to the new King of the Pirates. Iceberg tells him that he is working on or completed making Water 7 float. Tom is proud of the man iceberg became, and how successful and beloved he is as the mayor of Water 7. Tom takes a look at the Sunny and says it’s even greater than anything he could have built including the Oro Jackson, Roger’s ship. He admires the work and detail Frank put into the ship and could tell that the crew loved their ship very much. Tom meets Nico Robin and apologizing for doubting her and believing she would use her knowledge for evil. Robin smiles and says it’s ok and they talk all night. Tom meets the Franky Family, the people willing to storm Enies Lobby to save Franky. He thanks them and The Strawhats for saving his son hd apologizes to Franky and Iceberg for even putting them through that by passing down the Pluton blueprints. They laugh it off and Franky says he is actually thankful to have had them because without it, he would have never joined the Strawhats and build the ship of his dream.
They return to Fishman island where they reunite with Shirahoshi, and her family. With Jinbe, the recall Fisher Tiger and Queen Otohime’s soul. They get to tell the two that the relationship between fishmen and humans have gotten better. Jinbe can tell Fisher Tiger all he had accomplished including jointing the Strawhats. Shirahoshi and her family can tell Otohime that they returned to they participate in discussions with the world government and other countries and have a good relationship with humans. Shirahoshi tells her mom about how Luffy taught her to be brave. They both leave knowing their species is in good hands and thank the Strawhats for being the gateway to the fishmen co-existing with humans
When they return and see Laboon again, Brooke calls back the spirits of his old crew so they can all keep their promis to Laboon. They play their music for Laboon again so he can hear the real thing instead of the recording (don’t ask me how they can play jules if if their dead just go along with it. It’s sweeter that way). Brooke can introduce his old crew to his new one, telling his old captain not to worry because even with them gone, he has found a new place he can call home.
Vivi: (and the rest of the crew)
If Vivi’s father dies (because it seems like that may happen) They return to Alabasta and Vivi and Karoo get to see the King Nefertari again and maybe her mom too considering I don’t actually know what happened to her. Vivi is happy to meet to new crew members and love how none of them have changed personality wise. Robin apologizes nonstop and Vivi forgives her in a second. She says that anyone Luffy likes is a good person so Robin doesn’t need to apologize anymore. She even thanks her for not telling Crocodile where Pluton is and for all the times she has saved Luffy. While there at Alabasta, he aslo calls back the spirit of the Going Merry. The very same Klabautermann that saved them time after time. They thought about doing this at Usopp’s village but he said that Vivi was once a part of their crew too and deserves the chance to see the Merry again. The spirit of the merry is happy they found a new ship to call home and is thankful to Franky building the ship. It even says that it knew of the ship because part of her spirit is still with them, on the mini merry and thanks Franky for building it out of her wood. This causes every to cry saying how happy they are that the Merry is still with them (yes even Zoro. He tried to not cry but couldn’t help it. He turned around thinking Sanji would make fun of him But Sanji knew that he could never make fun of him for this). Usopp and Luffy immediately says that the mini merry cannot be in the docking stations anymkre and bring her onto the deck. No one disagrees or argues with them.
As a thanks to Trafalgar Law for all his help and everything they’ve been through, they call back Corazone’s soul and he tells him that he loves him and is greatful for everything he did for him. He introduces him to the Heart pirates, named in honor of Corazone and shows him that he made the right decision in saving his life. Law also insisted that Sengoku be there because he loved Corazone like a son. Sengoku at this point is retired and he’s never admit this, but he is happy that Law and Luffy met because it gave him another moment with the man he viewed as a son. (Sengoku also couldn’t help but notice how much alike Luffy and Garp are. Especially when Garp was Luffy’s age and laughs knowing how much trouble Luffy will give the Navy considering the amount of trouble Garp gave the Navy and he worked for them)
They return to Dressrosa and let Rebecca,Kyros, Viola and the other see Scarlett again where she sees that her daughter grew up to be an amazing woman and that Kyros has protected ever since.
They Return to Wano and Momonosuke, Hiyori, kin and the other Samurai can see Oden again and his wife. Momonosuke can tell his father that he is following in his footsteps in order to become a great Shogun to make sure Wano prospers. Hiyori tells her father that she gave his sword, Enma, to Zoro. She thought he’d be mad so she tried to explain to him that he saved her life, Saved Wano, and is a worthy swordsman but Oden stops her midway saying that he doesn’t care about the sword. He’s just happy his family is safe and that if she gave his sword away, he knows that it would have been for a good cause and to someone worthy. The other Samurai get to tell Oden that they avenged him and saved his country like they promised. They even bring back Yasui so his daughter can see him again. Momonosuke also introduce his father to O-Tama and his father likes her and thinks she’s a good math for his son. Momonosuke blushes but Luffy, Kin, Nami, Robin, Sanji, Zoro and honestly everyone agrees and already consider them as a couple. Brooke even brings back Ryuma so they can clear Zoro’s name of stealing Shisui. Zoro spars with Ryuma and Oden. Their fight changes the geography of Wano a bit.
They go to Zou and call back Pedro’s soul so Carrot and everyone can see him. Carrot thanks him and shows him how strong she became. Luffy thanks him for sacrificing himself for him and Pedro is happy knowing the Dawn of the New World that he believed was coming has finally arrived. He never regretted his sacrifice for a second.
I’m assuming there is a 24 hour limit to each soul called back or something like it. But if not consider that after they each have their own individual heartfelt moment with their loved ones that they lost, the Strawhats bring EVERYONE, and yes I mean everyone that was mentioned, to Laugh Tale for a huge party. All the souls of the departed that where mentioned meet each other and celebrate the Luffy becoming King of the Pirates. Roger, Rayleigh and Whitebeard get to see Oden again. Nami ends up punching Gold Roger for doing something stupid on a reflex thinking it was Luffy. It actually really hurts Roger and as Nami apologizes, Bellmere looks proudly at her. Luffy laughs and Nami beats him up twice as hard. Roger, Whitebeard, Shanks, Oden and Fisher Tiger are now scared of her. They know Luffy has the best Navigator in the world, but are wondering if it’s worth it with him much she has punched Luffy in the short time they’ve know her. All while Brooke and the Rumbar Pirates play Bink’s Sake the entire time.
(If someone wants to make art of this, please do and tag me in it so I can see it and cry of happiness)
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blueboltkatana · 5 years
I've been tossing and turning for an hour and coming up with strawhats sexuality headcanons so here we go i guess:
*disclaimer: this is only my personal idea and the way i like to imagine them so i you don't agree please know that it's not canon and definitely wishful thinking of mine.*
Luffy: Asexual, it's more than obvious why i believe. This is the closest to canon I've ever been and will ever be. I don't care if Oda gives him a girlfriend later just to make him hetero. This boy is ace end of the story.
Zoro: Demisexual, i like to think he's demi because similarly to Luffy, in canon, he doesn't seem to have any sexual drive, but i love my Zolu too much lol. He seems like the type to seek trust and emotional connection with potential partners. He's too focused on his "goal" to mind anything else, so in order for him to get in a relationship their partner needs to be someone very special and close to him.
Nami: lesbian. Definitely. I can't even picture her with a man. I don't think she has actually ever complimented a man she wasn't planning to steal from. But she HAS said that she can't resist a girls tears like wot!?! And Oda himself said she has a weakness for cute girls (mood) I'm sorry straight boys but she's a awesome lesbian and that's it.
Usopp: I honesty really want him to be bisexual without a preference. I think he's the kind of functional bi. It's the only thing he's chill about. He gets crushes easily but only falls in love once. He doesn't have much confidence though (unfortunately) so he doesn't make the first move. He's just blushing from the other side of the room looking at their crush. *No i am not projecting stfu*
Sanji: DISASTER Bi. The most disastrous. Absolutely in denial forever. He will be homophobic towards himself. He's the human form of that vine "That's gay... Jared we've been dating for-" it takes him 3 days to accept he likes a boy and 3 years to actually do something about it. *Prefers women but no one is really sure anymore he's a dumbass*
Chopper: he's a baby. He's got not sex drive, he should be watching power rangers or smth. *I hear you yelling he's 17 but my ears are closed and my eyes are blind*
Robin: Distinguished Bi. An absolute icon. She is the bi mom everyone deserves. Will crack homo/bi-phobic people's sculls with her heels. She has actual balls to tell people she likes them first. *Legend says she protects Bis everywhere they are*
Franky: straight ally lmao. He's the kind of straight guy that is super comfortable with himself. He tells his male friends they look absolutely dashing and mean it. He supports his lgbt+ children with all his cola fueled heart. Has and will fight homophobes. *The dude who gives dad hugs during pride for people who don't have dads* i made myself cry.
Brook: Pan. A disaster pan who is too old to give a flying fuck about gender cause everyone with meat on their bones and a working heart is hot end of the story. He was very *ahem* active, when he was alive. Never really gave a shit about gender but death just reinforced it.
Jimbei: i... Don't know... Maybe demi. He's kinda like zoro... I'm honestly lost here. I love him but i can't think of anything that fits him perfectly. I like the idea of him being the chill gay uncle. So yeah. He's the type to get into serious ™ relationships. He either marries them or doesn't get with them at all. Go big or go home am i right?😂
+Vivi because she's a strawhat damnit: pan pan pan pan. I think it fits her a lot. The flags colour even matched het hair and clothes😂😂. But for real she's a pan babe. She saw Nami and immediately became her girlfriend. She's also really cute with Luffy so I'm gonna say she's pan to put my spirit to rest.
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
Trying not to project trans parents leaving in fear of rejection and wanting to protect their family from ridicule and shame but to be reunited with trans child who left the village for the same reason years later on to yasopp and Usopp
Imma just give it to you so you can think about it instead
What if I start crying? What then?
This is such a genius thought, honestly. Thinking about Banchina never telling Usopp about his dad being trans but always saying that if he ever wanted to be more or different than what people viewed him as, that it's perfectly fine (Using this with transmasc Usopp because it's my fav headcanon for him). He never got to tell his mom about him being a boy, but she knew. Looking back at his past now, it was obvious she already knew. After her death, he doesn't see himself capable of anything for a while. The whole village helps him out (people think he's a her. Perhaps just a tomboy, after all. Every time he says he's a boy people think it's just a prank or that he's lying) but he can't be himself completely. The only one who knows about this and believes him is Kaya. Beautiful, wonderful Kaya. She's the only one who supports him. She even gives him clothes because he can't just keep using his dad's old things, and she's the only one with enough money to buy them. Then, the strawhats appear in his life, and he doesn't tell them about... You know... Being a ""girl"" because apparently he passes enough for them to think he's a boy. That, and also that he introduced himself as a boy, and he isn't sure if Luffy is fucking stupid or extremely open-minded or maybe he doesn't care. Either way, he feels like himself with them and sees this as an opportunity to leave the village right away and finally transition without anybody knowing about his past self.
Yasopp sees his wanted poster, then. And he knows that used to be his little girl, and turns out that he was actually his boy. He couldn't be prouder, but there's so much guilt inside of him for not being there for Usopp when he needed it the most... Especially when it turns out he left for no reason at all besides fear. He feels like a coward. That's mainly why he feels so embarrassed to meet Usopp again.
But then they meet again. When Luffy manages to be the king of the pirates and all of them have their own names engraved in history. Yasopp meets his son. And God, he looks so handsome. They even look alike! And he's extremely embarrassed to say anything, and Usopp won't stop crying fearing he won't accept him, and they just end up hugging. Yasopp tells him he couldn't be prouder of his son becoming a better man than he'll ever be. He keeps apologizing over and over again, and Usopp tells him that he understands. That if somebody understands something about running away, it's him. But they're here now and they couldn't be happier.
Also, quick Sanuso mention because it's physically impossible for me not to do it: Usopp introduces his father to Sanji (trans girl, by the way) and,,, Well. She doesn't really like Yasopp for leaving Usopp. She's just like a fucking chihuahua when she meets Yasopp. If you leave her alone with Yasopp she'll probably end up biting his head off. But!!! But Yasopp is amazed because she's genuinely gorgeous and he's like "kiddo, are you sure this is your girlfriend? You're lying to me aren't you-" (he's half joking, don't worry) and it's- It's just so chaotic.
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An examination of LuNa in Strong World
*note: I’ve had quite a few new followers in the past 10 days or so, hooray! But because of that, I just thought I’d give a quick FYI. I occasionally post about LuNa on my blog, so if that isn’t your jam, no worries! Just block the lunami tag so you don’t have to be subjugated to my ramblings on this specific topic 😊. I always tag accordingly, so you don’t have to worry. I hope we can still be friends!*
Let me start off by saying that I don’t consider myself a multi-fandom hardcore shipper. I definitely enjoy certain ships, but on the whole I’d say I don’t particularly care who ends up with who for most of the anime/manga I’m into. However, LuNa is a whole different story. It really is my OTP.
I’ll admit, I resisted becoming attached to LuNa. I wanted to keep an open mind, and honestly, shipping complicates things. It sets you up for monumental disappointment because there’s a chance your ship will not become canon. And if this happens (and it happens a lot), it taints your experience. I’ve never believed you should invest in a story solely for shipping, but the disappointment remains all the same.
For me, Strong World was a big factor in shipping these two. I remember smiling and thinking, “yeah...I want these two to find romance.”  And so, I think it’s high time for me to go through their biggest moments in the movie and why I think they have meaning. Be warned, this gets lengthy!
1. Luffy is Nami’s emotional anchor/ support
This is one of LuNa shippers’ biggest arguments in favor of them finding romance, so I won’t explain why this is a thing, but I think there’s two major instances in the movie.
When Shiki first abducts Nami in the beginning of the movie, Luffy yells for her and his attention is focused on her while everything else is in chaos. She immediately responds by yelling his name back, but it’s too late and he’s knocked away. I think this exchange sets up the movie being about their relationship, and reinforces that their bond is strong.
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The second, and perhaps more potent time, is when Nami hears of Shiki’s plan to wreck the East Blue. She’s napping inside the house when Xaio comes in excitedly because her friend’s dad came home. Shiki is leaving and he’s going to destroy the East Blue. After Nami hears this horrible news, she immediately says, “Luffy” as she gets up and goes to find him. She’s dazed, scared, and there’s a terrifying situation about to happen. Saying his name is completely reactionary because he is her rock.
2. Luffy and Nami find each other
Unlike the other Strawhats who were separated into groups, Luffy is completely on his own. It’s a convenient, purposeful way to give them some time alone when they happen to meet-up. Nami sees the Sunny and she exclaims, “Sunny-go!” And then moments later Luffy runs out of the forest, sees Sunny and also exclaims, “Sunny-go!” Luffy sees Nami and starts running towards her. Some hilarity ensues, but luckily Billy is there to save the day.
3. Luffy’s tenderness toward Nami
Normally, I wouldn’t peg Luffy as a “tender” guy. He’s usually getting into all sorts of trouble, is brutally honest, yells a lot and has a monstrous appetite. In this movie there’s a couple instances where Luffy’s boisterous nature is calmed, and here we can find Luffy focused on taking care of Nami.
After they are reunited, Luffy is cooking up some food and turns toward Nami giving her a tender smile while he tells her to eat. She refuses since it’s scorpion, but I love his moment. That smile is so irresistible.
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Another good tender moment is after they’ve reunited with some of the other crew. Everyone is exhausted and Xaio’s mom invites them to come in and rest. As far as I can tell, it was an open offer, and before anyone has a chance to respond, Luffy says,“Nami. Why don’t you go and do that?” He knows she’s been through a lot, and gives her an opportunity to rest without any other interference. When the crew sleeps outside, Luffy is the one closest to do the door.
This type of quiet caring is the right type of caring. It’s natural, non-intrusive, and has such a lovely feel. Nami is an independent woman, so smothering is annoying to her. I think Luffy cares for her instinctively like this since he’s not the type to do things that are unwanted. For Nami, I feel this works best for her.
4. They’re comfortable with each other
One of things I love about the scene where Luffy and Nami are reunited is how relaxed they are talking to one another. I feel like there’s this common misconception that Nami is yelling at Luffy every waking moment of the day, but that’s simply not true. I bet they talk like this often. While Nami is changing, she’s asking Luffy where everyone is and he responds while cooking his scorpion. Honestly, this feels to me like a couple who has come home from a long day at work. After they’ve been reunited, someone starts cooking while the other gets out of their work clothes. “How was your day?” “oh just fine. It’s been busy at the office since everyone is off for vacation.”
Their comfortability with one another is shown again just a short time later when Nami is riding on Luffy’s shoulders with her hands gently sitting on top of his head. While flying, they’re casually discussing where the rest of the crew might be. I feel like if Nami were in this situation with anyone else, she’d be furious, or at least we would’ve seen her temper flare before accepting her fate.
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Luffy is angry at Nami
This right here is the big one. After Luffy and the others are pulled out of Shiki’s trap, Luffy is somber because he’s lost. Ussop says, “she went with Shiki to save our hometowns” and everyone, including Luffy, heard Ussop say this. Luffy doesn’t react beyond continuing to look defeated.
When they start playing the message Nami left them, Luffy hears Nami’s words about how they (i.e him) isn’t strong enough to face Shiki. And Luffy is furious. His hands start shaking and he starts screaming. It makes him so angry that he goes and punches a rock out of frustration.
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This isn’t like Luffy at all. And interestingly enough, we have something to compare it to. Robin’s departure from the Strawhat’s is over the same circumstance. Robin leaves so that the crew will not die because she believes they aren’t strong enough to face the World Government. After the failed attempt to rescue Robin, the crew explains what happened to Luffy. His response is seen below (also shutout to Luffy+Nami yelling at each other over it hahaha).
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Now, he’s definitely angry but there’s one key difference. Luffy is angry at Robin for not worrying about her own safety, not because Robin doesn’t believe Luffy is strong enough. He isn’t taking her leaving personally.
But he does take it personally with Nami.
This idea of Nami “not believing Luffy is strong enough” fits in the category of things that you absolutely DO NOT say to a man you’re in a relationship with, in real life. This is a thing, and even an implication of  “you’re not strong enough” can be hurtful. I’ve seen this firsthand. But for confirmation I googled “things a woman shouldn’t say to a man they’re in a relationship with” and got a bunch of listicles (some of which were weird, I grant you). However, in the ones written by men, this was close to top. Here’s a random one I found.
From Glamour Magazine:
4. “He’d kick your ass.”
Telling us that anyone--even a grizzly bear or some sort of terminator from the future--- can beat us up is equivalent to us flipping through a magazine and physically pointing out the women we think are betting looking than you. It’s ridiculous, I know, but we like to think we’re tough (true story: an ex told me her friend, a mixed martial artist,could kick my ass--- my response: “not at Jeopardy”).
And absolutely, a couple of men don’t speak for the whole of masculinity, but I think it’s safe to say a lot of men would feel this way. Luffy’s reaction tells me Nami’s words cut. He was expecting the trust he places in her to be reciprocated (to quote Warlordgab). The idea that she didn’t was too much for him and he reacted. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this angry at one of his crew members.
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Luffy protects Nami’s honor
Despite Luffy being furious with Nami, he will not allow her to appear weak in front of Shiki, who makes fun of her sacrifice. “You’re an idiot,” Luffy scowls. “Nami didn’t sacrifice herself, she just came to fight as our vanguard, is all!” before the Strawhats begin shooting up the palace. What’s funny about Luffy’s statement is it’s truer than he thinks. But she was gone and could not defend herself, so he did instead.
Luffy holds a grudge
Luffy’s anger toward Nami isn’t just a gut reaction. He stays angry at her, and when I watched this movie for the first time I was surprised. You can feel his anger when he’s about to beat the crap out of Shiki. “Nami. I’m gonna beat this guy up and then we’re going home.” He can’t talk with her about his anger until later, so he doesn’t even mention it, but it’s written all over his face. Even though he’s angry, he reaffirms to Chopper and Ussop to take care of Nami. Again, I feel like this is an accurate response to how a real man would act if they were in a similar situation.
Luffy scowling while fishing would probably be funnier if the circumstances hadn’t been so serious, but it’s evident he’s been by himself stewing for a while. When Nami is better, Luffy lets Nami know EXACTLY what he thinks. “You said some really mean things! I can’t believe you didn’t have faith in me after all this time!” And it’s then, the truth is revealed.
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Nami is embarrassed at her message
At the very end of Nami’s message, she quietly asks to come be saved and doesn’t want Luffy to hear it now that the situation has been resolved. Sanji says it was “a message of love,” and Nami doesn’t even deny it. She just moves on to the next thing which is..something.
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I think the reason Nami is embarrassed by the message, is that it does show her care for Luffy. Nami says that she directed the message to him because “you’re denser than anyone else”. So Nami, in the middle of Shiki breathing down her neck, is worried that Luffy will be angry by the message she’s being forced to give, and tries to say something so he understands. That she DOES believe in him, and she wants him to come get her. Nami understands Luffy.
What does all of this mean?
Well, that’s a good question. Because at this point in the game, are we really seeing “romantic love” from these two? I don’t think so, despite some of their reactions normally stemming from romantic love. So what is it then?
Recently, a good friend of mine has been going through One Piece. He is extremely analytical to the detriment of him enjoying shows at times. He told me admittedly that he doesn’t care about shipping nor does he pick up on shipping cues. As he’s watched One Piece, shipping isn’t a thing I’ve ever asked him about.
He watched Strong World right after finishing Thriller Bark, and this is what he had to say while giving me his thoughts on the movie.
"Luffy and Nami have a cool relationship. It’s an unstated love that’s purely platonic but incredibly strong. It’s not brought up much but I have sensed it.”
Honestly, I was wowed by his statement. He was able to put into words something I was having a hard time categorizing. The movie makes them feel like more, but at the same time it’s not romantic. This bond, which at the time of Strong World is platonic but strong nonetheless. They care for each other deeply and they have a special relationship.
So how does it progress?
Have you ever fallen in love with your best friend? I have, and I can tell you there was a single moment when everything became crystal clear to me. Afterward, I spent hours trying to sift through my feelings. When, exactly, did my caring for him transition to love? Did I always love him and was incredibly dense? Or was it gradual, and like a flower, it had been growing for some time beneath the surface and had just sprouted?
Yes…I think that was it. The seed; our friendship. The water; our caring for one another. The earth; the time we spent together. The sun; our shared laughter.
I think this analogy best describes Luffy and Nami, too. As my friend picked up, there’s something beneath the surface, something strong and lovely. Will Oda give it a chance to bloom? I don’t know, but I hope so.
I really hope so 😊
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hundredsunny · 6 years
op oc #3: APRIL
im baaaaaaack
u are about to read about my prime DAUGHTER april. the rogue princess. a real pokemon! hahahhahaha she nabbed herself the AURA AURA FRUIT yo this is wild so get ready to learn about ol’ blue eyes!!!!!!!!!!
NAME: april (i dont have a surname for her i cant think of anything and ive had her for 8 years im sorry) EPITHET: “aura shooter” ooOOoOOoOoo AGE: 18 (pre) 20 (post) BIRTHDAY: april (incredible would u have ever guessed) 5th!!!  BIRTHPLACE: nimbasa island in the south blue SEX: female HEIGHT: 5′6″ WEIGHT: 122lbs HAIR COLOR: sandy brown EYE COLOR: blue APPEARANCE: before she escaped her home, she wore an icy blue dress underneath a navy blue cloak and her hair down with a CROWN of course but she hated wearing it a lot. her hair when worn down reaches the middle of her biceps. after she escaped she ONLY wore her hair in a ponytail and she always wore a red bandanna with a white arch atop her head at all times!! it was a gift from her mamma the QUEEN herself. she also wore a white t-shirt with red triangles bordering the collar and the ends of her sleeves. does that make sense? i sure hope. she wore a red sash around her waist and then she popped on some black pants and boots. real piratey. also some of her hair kinda pops out in the front so theres a good chunk that sometimes covers her left side. look at u go princess. AFTER the timeskip she cut her hair so it reaches just above her shoulders, and instead of wearing her hair up and with the bandanna, she wears it down but with a black headband. her bandanna is tied around her left bicep (fashion inspo: zoro). she wears a green sleeveless crop top, and theres a scar that reaches from the back of her shoulder to the end of her collarbone. she earned that shit from her wild timeskip training. oof. shes ok. she wears light-washed pants and some addidas-lookin shoes lmao she also wears a rly loose belt too. also she has gold earrings and thas about it. her eyes are round and just v pretty and blue. her nose turns up at the end just a tad bit and it’s so cute she’s so cute. she has a dimple on the right side of her mouth. her mommas face :’) shes fairly skinny but after the timeskip she gained some muscles made 4 punching douchecanoes  REPRESENTATIVE SMELL: vanilla FAVE FOOD: pasta FAVE DRINK: lemonade  FAVE SEASON: fall REPRESENTATIVE NATIONALITY: australian BOUNTY: initial bounty was 60,000,000 (for being runaway royalty) but after dressrosa she SKRTED up to 155,000,000 DEVIL FRUIT: aura aura fruit a paramecia type. the fruit allows the user to manipulate their energy. with the aura aura fruit, users are able to detect the aura of others, repel the aura of others, and project their own. the power of aura is mood-sensitive and can change a lot. can u believe april is lucario 6 forms of aura: red is physical nature, orange is intelligence, yellow is sheer willpower, green is healing, blue is emotion, vioilet(i THINK) is mental communication. i forgot what i wrote down for the aura types lmaoooo the biggest drawback of this fruit is that the user can only use a limited amount at one time. another drawback is that they cant manipulate other people’s aura??? it’s rly hard to explain this but trust me it makes sense when it’s put into action i promise SKILLS SET: most of her attacks are used with red aura since it relates to physical nature. wild. “aura bullet” is just shootin aura goodbye. i love pokemon. lmao. uh “aura detect” is when she can see what someone else’s aura looks like, so basically she can determine if someone is a bastard or not before they even open their mouth. “aura clone” clones herself with aura and that takes a LOT of effort to pull this one off especially when she wants to use multiple clones. “aura bomb” yo this one is wild she uses it for diversions and escaping since it kinda acts as a smoke bomb but when she uses this thing in battle OOOOH BOY. “starstorm” ok this is like the “im going to die after i do this move” kinda thing. it combines all the damn types of aura and it just RAINS down on ppl. goodbye april. anyways there are more basic moves but i dont rly wanna get too into that rn im sorry PROFESSION: runaway princess lol CREW: straw hat pirates  PERSONALITY: an easygoing girl. v mellow for the most part but there are times where she can get pretty goofy (thanks jack). if the wrong buttons are pushed, she becomes a HURRICANE. she does have confidence issues but since she met luffy, she’s really started to overcome them. shes got a horrible habit of being sarcastic and also she asks a LOT of questions holy SHIT honey. she is TERRIFIED of heights so when franky lays down a good ol coup de burst, her soul leaves her body. g o o d b y e. she was very cold when she first met luffy and the gang bc she lived with the person who killed her mom AND jack left sooooo she was a little bitter. eventually she learned to rly live with the mugiwaras. when she first joined the crew, she was very shy and timid and tried hard to fit in. she was SO intimidated by zoro like he genuinely scared the fuck out of her so she always tried hard to not be a Fool around him but once she got comfortable with everyone she just had a good ol time. “hey grassy ass!! :))” “can u fucking not call me that”. she has the CUTEST laugh oh me oh my. honestly just a rly passionate gal, she just wants to be strong and be able to protect her pals. refuses outside help. bros out with luffy and usopp and chopper sometimes but also judges them from afar like nami does. it all just depends on the day. truly. i once wrote a series of one-shots where each one was an adventure that april had with one other straw hat. luffy was the first one, and THAT was wild. zoro’s was fucking baller. so on and so forth. rly shows off her dynamic with each member. april? shes honestly just a good person and im proud of her bc she works so hard  LIKES: training, traveling, every single animal ever, reading DISLIKES: heights, the marines, the heat, people who walk horrifically slow in crowded places WEAPON(S): aside from her devil fruit shes got a dagger she sometimes uses. jack gave one to her right before he left HISTORY: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO king jed and queen serena had a baby girl. APRIL. that made her the princess. anyways she grew up as any princess would--spoiled. however the spoiling never got to her head bc serena was so good about teaching her things like that. serena was a goddess i love her pls come back. serena was wildly popular with the citizens of the kingdom bc of her caring and friendly personality. she would always take april into the kingdom every day and pay visits to the citizens. out of all the citizens they paid visits to, the most common faces she saw were those of the solo family. cain was jed’s most talented and trusted knight. he and his wife celeste had 2 kids: jack and sho YO. jack was 7 yrs older than sho and 3 yrs older than april. april and jack became fast friends and often explored the kingdom together. regular kid stuff u know. jack’s mom was always like “jack NO u CANNOT take the PRINCESS to the farms thats FILTY” hahahah but they went anyway.  jed? a dark man. idk who hurt him or what made him so murderous. but. he was tired of serena treating the citizens like equals. he believed that royalty should be viewed as gods.  when april was 8 jed killed serena oh god there it is theres the tragic anime mom death. as soon as serena died, the dynamic of the kingdom instantly changed. soon after jed took total control, people began leaving the island. eventually, the island became so empty that only a handful of families remained. jed did not allow april to leave the castle at all, and with that rule, it damaged the friendship that she and jack had. ofc around that time jack’s dad ran off as well so he stopped tryin to visit her for a bit. but then once he got back into his groove hed sneak all about, avoiding the night patrols, and hed just sit outside of april’s window and talk to her.  when april was 11 she discovered a devil fruit hidden away in the trashed artifacts that belonged to her mother. she ate the devil fruit and was like “now im strong, fight me JED” but lol she got her ass whooped poor bby when april was 16 jack left the island, leaving her completely and utterly alone. the exposure to such loneliness began to change april into a more reserved, bitter person.  2 yrs later the STRAW HATS stumbled upon the island. at that time april had started a habit of sneaking out of the castle to roam the empty streets of nimbasa, but during one of her strolls, she encountered robin, franky, and brook. she ended up knocking them unconscious bc she felt threatened. the second group she met consisted of zoro, chopper, and sanji. they had been captured by guards and were brought into the throne room to be interrogated by jed. april was required to be there as well so she kinda sat in her throne and looked mad the entire time. sanji was like “NO WHY DOES SHE LOOK SO MAD SHE NEEDS TO BE HAPPY” and zoro was like “ive never seen someone so happy to see my face” and chopper was just having a crisis bc they were abt to be tossed into the shadow realm at the hands of the king. zoro got mouthy and jed didnt have none of that shit so he told april to kill zoro but she just knocked him out instead. that pissed jed off. THE NEXT person she met was luffy. she only met luffy bc he infiltrated a banquet thing by sitting underneath a cart. classic luffy. she didnt meet nami and usopp until WAAAAY later. yadda yadda yadda shit goes down (i wrote a whole arc for this. it’s called the princess and the pirates lmao original but yes i wrote an entire arc for her recruitment and it’s A Lot) ANYWAYS luffy asked her to join the crew but she declined at first bc she thought pirates were just like her father: power-hungry and murderous. however that obv changed when she was exposed to the straw hats more when luffy defeated jed who ate the ___ ___ fruit (tbh i forgot what fruit he ate im sorry) she KNEW she belonged with the straw hats. :’) she still be sailin with the legends. shes had some wild times obv. her arc comes a bit after thriller bark. woopie!!!!!!! like always, lemme know if u wanna know more about her!!!
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misc-headcanons · 4 years
Can you do a scenario for Law marrying his lover. But the world government wants her only dead, because of her demonic powers. Laws lover told him that she pregnant, but someone told the Marines/world government that Law is married to the girl they want dead and she also pregnant with his child. How would Law/crew/straw hats react to the news, also the marine/world government.
(This became a scenario/HC hybrid, so I hope that’s okay!)
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“…I’m pregnant.”
Law’s eyes widened slightly as he stared at his lover. He wasn’t expecting her to say that first thing in the morning. “Are you…are you sure? Your period could just be late,” he replied.
____ shook her head. “I can sense it,” she said, placing a hand on her stomach underneath the covers of their shared bed. “There’s another presence here. Something that shares my blood, and yours.” She smiled gently at him, and the tips of her fangs peeked through her lips. “Ours.”
Law’s eyes drifted down to her stomach, and a dizzying array of emotions swirled through his head. He was excited, ecstatic even; he was going to be a father. Despite how happy he felt, he knew that his child’s life wouldn’t be easy. Law was constantly targeted by the World Government and after the events of Dressrosa, Kaido also had his eyes on the Surgeon of Death. ____ was also a target of the World Government, only wanted dead because of her demonic powers. If their child had any trace of her abilities, it would just be another reason to want them dead. How can the two of them take care of a child in a situation like that?
____ placed one of her hands on Law’s. “I know it’s a lot to take in,” she said softly. “I just felt it when I was sleeping, and to be honest, I’m still not sure how to feel.” Her hand squeezed Law’s, and he felt her fingernails graze the skin on his fingers. 
Her touch snapped him back to reality a little bit, and he absentmindedly squeezed her hand back. He blinked once and slowly removed his hand to wrap his arms around her, cradling the back of her head with his palm. “I…” He didn’t know what to say. It was rare for him to be speechless, but there were so many things he wanted to say and do at the same time. He wanted to kiss ____, hold her in his arms, and never let her go. He wanted to run through the Polar Tang and shout that he’s going to be a father. He wanted to abandon his quest for the One Piece to give his family a quiet life free of danger. He wanted to find the One Piece and use his freedom as the Pirate King to provide everything his family needed. He wanted to make a plan. He wanted to do something impulsive and spontaneous, without regard for the consequences. 
“Will you marry me?”
____ looked up at Law. “What?”
“I love you,” Law said. He caressed the back of her head as he held her. “You’re the mother of my child. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Not just as lovers, not just as parents, but something more.” 
____ was taken aback by his proposal. She loved Law more than anything in the world, but…she was the Demon Queen; holy matrimony wasn’t exactly something that people seek out with a demonic being, a monster like her. She smiled at Law and cupped Law’s cheek. Then again, Law wasn’t like most people. She moved up to kiss Law and when she pulled away, her eyes were practically shining. “Yes, yes” she replied breathlessly, her face flushed as she beamed at her lover–no, her fiance. “Of course I’ll marry you!”
Despite his best efforts to keep their upcoming nuptials a secret outside of the crew, word eventually reached Marineford after Trafalgar Law’s crew had bought a few curious items at the town they were last spotted in: white-and-silver cloth and a veil from a dressmaker’s shop, a small ring with a dark red gem from a jewelry store, and a bridal bouquet from a florist. His navigator had also been reported to have bought a small stuffed toy from a children’s store (a small stuffed snow leopard with a matching spotted baby blanket). Once the report had made it to Marine HQ, it quickly made its way to Grand Admiral Akainu’s desk and he called a meeting with Kizaru.
“Ohh, so they’re tying the knot?” Kizaru smirked at the report, and Akainu’s dour expression. “How sweet…Hey, maybe we could send them a wedding gift!”
Akainu glowered at his colleague. “Like a pair of Sea Stone handcuffs,” he replied gruffly. “I’m more concerned about what the navigator bought.” His eyes drifted down to the sentence describing the toy and blanket that Bepo had bought. “The marriage is inconsequential, but if she’s pregnant with his child…”
Kizaru leaned back on the couch he was lounging on. “Maybe this is a good thing,” he replied breezily. “If he’s got a wife and a bun in the oven, Law might be hesitant to do anything rash for a while. He’d have to lay low, and he’d be out of our hair for a short time.” 
Akainu shook his head. “And what about the child? It’ll be born with the Will of D, and it’s likely got that witch’s demonic powers.” He stared down at the report on his desk. 
“We could always give the kid their own wanted poster,” Kizaru said with a sarcastic lilt. “Though we’d have to wait a bit until we get a photo of them. Maybe if we ask nicely, Law could send us a copy of the ultrasound.”
Akainu stood up and walked out of his office. “We’ll just raise their bounties for now,” he said firmly. “If they aren’t captured or killed by the time their spawn is born, then we’ll give it an individual wanted poster.”
Kizaru raised an eyebrow as Akainu as he left and called out to him from the couch. “I was joking!”
Once their bounties were raised, rumors spread quickly throughout the seas that The Surgeon of Death and the Demon Queen were expecting. Law received a few packages from various News Coos congratulating the new couple. Rebecca, Viola, and Mansherry each sent him gifts; since he was integral to Dressrosa’s liberation, and because he was a “friend” of Straw Hat Luffy, they were more than happy to send him and his future wife a kind message and a few presents for their baby! Rebecca cut a piece of her gladiator’s cape and lined it with fur to create a soft, warm blanket. Viola sent a silver bath basin and a luxurious child-sized robe, as well as a few silk napkins to wipe up any spit-up. Mansherry sent a hand-made baby mobile made of multiple intertwined flowers (that strangely didn’t seem to ever dry out), as well as a small crystal vial containing some of her Healing Liquid in case the baby was ever hurt and needed it to heal them.
Some of the other Supernovas also sent various notes and small gifts; even if they were all rivals, it was a tradition to congratulate a fellow pirate if they were about to have a child and celebrate a new generation of piracy being brought into the world. Kid sent him a letter of congratulations, saying that even though babies were “fuckin gross squishy goblins,” he knew that Law would be able to protect his kid. (He also said that just because Law was a dad, it didn’t mean that he’d hold back when they inevitably fought again). Bonney sent him a letter demanding to know when the wedding was so she could have some wedding cake; she sent him two boxes of dark chocolates, saying that they were both for his wife in case she had cravings for something sweet. Urouge sent a necklace of wooden prayer beads, meant to bless the new child from “the dark forces that will conspire to harm them.” Apoo sent a “super sick bedtime mixtape”, and the music on it was actually very soothing. Hawkins was actually the first person to send a gift, and determined through a card reading what was happening before the rumors began to spread; he sent a small doll made out of straw, as well as a colored sketch of the cards he’d pulled when doing his reading (The Empress, the Lovers, and the Star, all upright).
Luffy and the rest of the Straw Hats wanted to bring their gifts in-person, and by sheer luck they managed to crash the wedding at the exact island the Heart Pirates were holding it on right before the wedding was about to start. Bonney and her crew were also there since she knew there’d be cake, and Apoo’s crew was there since he’d offered to be the DJ (and refused to take no for an answer). Bepo, Penguin, and Shachi almost killed each other when they had argued who should be Law’s best man, so the three of them were splitting the responsibilities throughout the wedding.  ____ casually asked Robin to be her bridesmaid; she didn’t have many friends, but she felt a bit of kinship with the Devil Child and Robin happily accepted. Every time Sanji got heart eyes and gushed about how beautiful the bride looked, Law would roll his eyes and Shamble him to the other side of the reception.
The ceremony itself was very quiet and intimate. Nami managed to clap a hand over Luffy’s mouth (he kept cheering for Law and would not stop supporting his friend…very loudly), and Bepo proudly officiated the wedding by reading the vows on the back of his paw so he wouldn’t forget what to say. When they finally kissed, Franky was so moved that he launched an array of fireworks from his arms into the sky while sobbing over what a SUPER couple they were.
The reception was loud and raucous as the food and drinks kept flowing. Zoro, Bonney, Brook, and Usopp were drunkenly singing wedding and love songs; Apoo was playing a bomb-ass setlist of wedding songs; Zoro and Sanji got into a dance contest…that they both lost (Franky and Chopper entered the fray and absolutely obliterated them). 
Law and ____ shared their first dance together on the beach while everyone else was distracted by Zoro and Sanji on the actual dance floor. Truth be told, Law preferred it this way. He had a content, lovestruck smile on his face as they swayed together in the moonlight; now, it was just the two of them. Well…the three of them.
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“Luffy had no reaction to Boa...doesn’t that mean he won’t have romance?”
I’ve been debating about posting this blog because I was hesitant about the kind of reaction it would receive. But I think this topic is worth discussing logically.
Alright, so let’s dig into this thing.
If we’re going to understand Luffy and his actions (or not actions) towards Boa, then we have to first understand him as being a character that fits the Battle Shonen archetype. The genre, despite people’s complaints about it, is the most popular type of manga/anime genre there is. And One Piece, for all its glorious writing, world building and character development, is perfectly happy to sit in its genre, with Luffy fitting right into the hero archetype.
Where did this archetype even come from? It may surprise you to learn that Dragon Ball is in fact the grandfather of modern Shonen. You know what kind of stories were running in WSJ as DB’s contemporaries? Big burley manly men who never changed or progressed like Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star.
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 And the antithesis of this is Goku, little innocent Goku who takes this character type and flip it on its head.  (Kid Goku is so cute guys! *cries*)
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Toriyama’s writing absolutely can’t be understated here. Nobody had ever seen anything like Dragon Ball. It became a cultural phenomenon. It became a blueprint for success. 
The classic Shonen Hero archetype has evolved into the following:
clueless when it comes to love
loves to fight/ get stronger
has a catch phrase
wants to protect their “Nakama”
thinks before they act
often stupid or a simpleton
gains power ups through training and other means
Within the archetype you’ve got big hitters such as:
Goku— the OG who was so clueless, he couldn’t tell someone’s gender without slapping them in the crotch. Also obsessed with getting stronger to the detriment of, well, everything
Luffy— the uber innocent muffin who will do anything for his crew, and will go out of his way for people if it concerns their dreams. Aware of his weaknesses more than the others, Also really dumb at first
Naruto--- the misfit who starts out peeping at girls but then ends up taking on the burden of the entire world, because he’s THAT concerned about everyone and everything. Definitely the most selfless, has dumb moments, but smarter than the others
Ichigo--- the lovable grump who literally doesn’t give a shit. Coolest one of the bunch
Natsu--- loves his friends so much he gains power ups in the middle of the battle to win through the power of friendship. Probably the funniest one, takes life one job request at a time
Asta— the new kid on the block. Constantly yells to the point of irritation, believes working hard will solve all problems, doesn’t understand how relationships work and that nuns don’t get married
Deku— I know people will ask. Yes, he is a Shonen Hero, But doesn’t fit into the archetype so be will be left out of the discussion (the kid actually suffers from overthinking...complete opposite than these lovable idiots)
So, for fun, let’s throw all these Shonen Heroes into the same situation Luffy found himself in
All of these heroes fall through the ceiling and into Boa Hancock’s bath where they come face to face with the most beautiful woman on the planet who is naked.
Goku: completely unphased by Boa’s beauty. Asks who Boa is, and when she gets pissed, stands there with a “huh?” Look on his face when she shoots the love beam at him. After it has no effect, Goku puts his hand up with a smile and then says, “see ya!” Before flying off. Probably more concerned with where Vegeta went and if he managed to find a new level of Super Saiyan
Naruto: definitely phased by Boa. Would probably turn to stone ahahahaha
Ichigo: after being annoyed because he fell through the roof, would take one look at Boa, and get flustered out of embarrassment. By the time Boa tries to question him, he’s already left and found the exit.
Natsu: upon falling into the bath, he’d also be completely unphased by Boa. Would most likely take note of her earrings and ask about them. He’d probably also end up saying something Boa would find unbelievably rude, but something I would laugh hysterically at. “Woah?! Is that your guild mark?! Cool!!!” 
Asta: I imagine Asta would most likely cover his eyes out of courtesy, and ask for the way out. When Boa gets mad and asks why he’s not head over heals for her, nor why he’s looking at her body, he’d say something like, “sister Lilly is waiting for me” and then leave. *sigh*
So here’s my point. Three of our boys would have the same exact reaction as Luffy. When it comes to the archetype, lusting after girls simply isn’t in their nature. Natsu’s reaction to a naked Lucy was to cover her boobs with his hands “fine I’ll cover them” he sighs in the dub. No lustful reaction whatsoever. I’m pretty sure any normal guy would, um, not react that way. He looks so bored.
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Asta refused to peep at a girls bath (way to shut that down buddy), and Goku’s seen plenty of naked people and he doesn’t care. He even has the same reaction in Dragon Ball Super, after he’s married, when he accidentally sees another woman naked (who is very beautiful).
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(Harsh reaction there Goku, lmao)
Luffy’s reaction to Boa is completely in line with the archetype. The innocent nature of the main character is extremely important. Oda even says in the SBS that it would just be plain weird for Luffy to get a nose bleed. I agree.
So, do our boys reactions to Boa mean romance isn’t possible for them? Of course not. Goku got married and had 2 kids. Naruto, who is the most interested in women, got married. Ichigo ended up with someone and had a kid. Natsu’s relationship with Lucy isn’t “canon” yet, buuuttt with this sequel coming and all the art Mashima’s been posting, I think we can all just call it and it’ll be happening. As for Asta, the manga is still young so it’s hard to say, but judging how Tabata is treating romance in his manga, I’d say It’s a distinct possibility. Asta does have a low-key herem going on 🤷‍♀️
When Goku was a kid, he came across a foe who could turn evil (ie bad thoughts) into a weapon and kill you. Goku was the only person to ever survive because he has no impure thoughts. It basically works the same way as Boa’s love-love beam.
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This innocence is why Goku can ride his magical flying cloud the Kinto-Un, aka the Flying Nimbus. That innocence in Goku stays with him forever, too. Goku can ride the cloud after he’s gotten married and created spawns. The idea is, sex isn’t dirty. It’s just how you treat it may or may not make it dirty (ie unwarranted advances). Master Roshi, Goku’s perverted teacher, can’t ride the Kinto-Un. Using Goku as an example, our innocent muffins can still have romance/make babies. Their highly innocent nature doesn’t stop them, but normally with these types, they will only have romance/make babies if it’s with one very special person.
This is important to remember; for this genre, romance is a part of maturing and growing up. Most of these shonen heroes end up with someone once they’ve passed a certain point. 
In One Piece Specifically 
When it comes to Oda’s writing specifically, romance between characters doesn’t really play a huge role in One Piece like the way it does in Naruto and Fairy Tail. Everyone who reads OP should recognize this. Whatever ends up happening at the end of One Piece, there aren’t going to be a zillion pairings and those pairings staring off into the sunset. 
There’s that famous line from Oda where he answered a question in the SBS (from chapter 317)
D: Doesn't anyone on Luffy's crew fall in love? Will there never be a tale of on-board romance? (Sanji is an exception in this case) I'm just wondering.
The SBS is a place where Oda jokes around with his readers. I think his answer is a good answer because it’s true, and when it comes down to it, a deflective answer.  And whatever else Oda has said or hasn’t said in magazines or interviews, Oda can change his mind about what he wants to include or not include in his manga.
The reason I think this is worth bringing up is because I can see a storytelling shift which has changed in his manga. Romance in any capacity used to play almost no role in the early story. Just think about the type of characters he was creating. You’ve got Nolan’s descendant who hangs out with guys that look like monkeys. You’ve got the giants of Elbaf, you’ve got the Galley-Law company guys. There’s hardly any blood families in the first half either. Vivi and her Dad are a notable example, but they are the minority, not the majority. The first half of the story was mostly focused on people who were not blood related and were making their own families, like the Franky family. Like the Strawhats. 
Post time-skip and New World, we’ve got a very different story being told. With Kyros and his wife Scarlet, Oda actually gave us the backstory to their romance! Dressrosa was set up a bit for that type of story, but I still find it notable. It wasn’t necessary for character motivations for Kyros. It felt like Oda wrote it because he wanted to.
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You’ve got romance playing a big role in Whole Cake Island, even with Chiffon and Bege. This is a married couple with a young son, and not the type of characters we’d see in the early story. Sanji and Pudding were more of a serious type of relationship, even with Sanji “choosing to feel love” for Pudding. Guys, that’s...mature. We’ve seen a lot more blood ties in the New World, even to the point of the Big Mom pirates, dysfunctional as they are. 
In the end, you write what you know. When One Piece started, Oda was a single guy, now he’s in his early 40′s with a daughter. The types of stories he’s telling now are based on more mature aspects of his own life. 
Does this mean Luffy will most definitely end up with someone? Of course not. There’s a distinct possibility OP will end with Luffy as he is and there be no pairings of any sort.
But to dismiss the possibility of parings based on Luffy’s reaction to women or something Oda said back in some interview, is also too dismissive of a stance to take. Like his Shonen counterparts, romance for Luffy is a possibility. Remember what I said about the genre; romance is sign of growing up and maturing. Luffy is still growing and maturing, so it isn’t out of the cards.
In the end, Only Oda knows. Until One Piece has concluded, we’ll have to wait and see. 
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