#also so quotable
thepenultimateword · 6 months
I meant to post this when I had my annual watch of Over the Garden Wall in October, but then I never did because I think I partly forgot and partly was worried about being annoying. But y’know I still love this show and want to share it, so here you have it.
My favorite Over the Garden Wall moments (at least all the ones I could find in gif form):
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sparkler16 · 5 months
Hey redacted fandom I’m SO curious,
What’s the audio you have almost if not entirely memorized?
Personally mine is the full stealing your hoodie back from guy audio, I love it sm he makes me so happy
(+ Bonus points add your favorites quote(s) if you have one)
(Currently mine might be “oh you are getting close- Hi! Hi baby :) I love youuu~”
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possesseddog · 7 months
snapcube is always the worst of my hyperfixations because it fundamentally changes my vocabulary and I have to send everyone I talk to YouTube clips
for the past week everytime I walk up the stairs I fucking hear “hello everybody my name is markiplier and I am struggling to get up this cliff.” that one isn’t even a popular reference there is just. a certain way it is said that sticks in my brain
every time I have typed “HATSUNE MIKU?” for the past year I do it in the tone of storm’s horrified voice in my head. I see Miku with a gun.
same thing with “something just happened” the energy. the vibes. alone in the oval office. someone is dead and you can Feel It, Mr. President.
but alas. no one knows what the fuck I am talking about
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6th-for-truth · 11 months
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Sorry not sorry that I need this quote on as many pieces of merch as possible.
Smaller font great for a subtle nod on a vehicle or a big bold one on a water bottle like this 😍
Available here on my Etsy!
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mumblingsage · 12 days
Semi-baked thought but recently I have read 3 different professionally published gay romances that were...fine...some more satisfying than others, but what stuck out to me was the extent to which the characterization and dialogue lacked surprises. A bi guy in an M/M romance recommendation thread on reddit pointed out the extent to which published romances gravitate toward a particular flavor of feminine man paired with a particular flavor of masculine man and it's hard not to keep seeing once it's pointed out. In each of the three books the more 'masculine' guy was bisexual. I love bisexuals (it's self-love), I love characters with differing relationships to their gender, but I'm also fighting down thoughts of a drinking game.
It's not the exact same flavor as the original Fandom Ghost but it is a Ghost. [And specific enough that it is a Ghost, not an archetype.]
Perhaps the bigger lacking-surprises issue is a craft one where everyone just Says What They Mean too often, and in rather bland ways. I don't mind the occasional revelation of Truth from the Heart; I am reading romance! But how you do it matters, points can be won for style; there's a low quotability quotient and less satisfaction because, again, it's romance, we know they're going to communicate these particular ideas, we're here to be charmed and surprised by how they do it. (In parallel to the romances, I'm reading Robin Hobb's character-driven fantasy novels, and one thing I will say for her, the characters' dialogue + narrative is a firehose of surprises in a way that often reads as more truly romantic.)
If this was fanfiction of my Blorbos I would be more easily satisfied, or perhaps the generic-ness would be less noticeable because I'd be backfilling richer details from canon. When it's happening to original characters, it leaves a feeling of dissatisfaction.
There's also a thing where the side characters root for the relationship in rather flat/uninteresting ways; I'm willing to admit some of this is Just Me having a higher angst preference than the target audience, but at the same time I've read older romances (old enough that they're standardly heterosexual) which, for all their myriad other sins, give side characters much richer and more complex emotional affects and roles. And I think some of it is approach/style more than content: if I summarize various side characters, they sound perfectly interesting, but on the page they fall flat because they just Say What They Mean in polite and generic ways. [This a flaw that annoys me in fanfiction too. Once you've read enough, you already know what they're going to say, usually, but you want the way they say it to make some impression. "Say" can be broadly construed to include body language and symbolic action - my kingdom for an extravagant gesture.]
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starbirdkitsune · 2 months
Go watch Ramshackle now or I steal your kneecaps (nsrs)
I wanna be friends with these guys so BAD--
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I was starved for content from my other fandoms, so I was browsing other animations (shoutout to Lackadaisy as well) and I found Ramshackle. It's such a cute little animation, that's also hilarious and I'm in fucking love. These four are so amazing and ILLEGALLY AWESOME NO STOP YOU GUYS ARE MAKING ME WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH YOU YOU'RE ILLEGALLY AWESOME STOPPIT---
:D i need to draw them now
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smoresbythefyresyde · 2 months
*looks at my notifs* ... MY GUY HOW MANY HUGS ARE YOU GIVING ME-? /POS
You want hugs. You get hugs <3
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dragon-wisteria · 1 year
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windrixville · 10 months
Top 5 of your fav outsiders quotes lol
hi jay!!! thank you for the ask <3
top 5 outsiders quotes:
You still have a lot of time to make yourself be what you want. There's still a lot of good in the world.
Maybe the two different worlds we lived in weren't so different. We saw the same sunset.
I listened to his heart pounding through his T-shirt and knew everything was going to be okay now. I had taken the long way around, but I was finally home. To stay.
I knew he would be dead, because Dally Winston wanted to be dead and he always got what he wanted.
But I was still lying and I knew it. I lie to myself all the time. But I never believe me.
ask me my top 5 anything!
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weepingfireflies · 1 year
Lines from Epic: The Musical I'm Totally Normal About (<-lying)
The Troy Saga
"This is the will of the Gods" - the Horse and the Infant
"The blood on your hands is something you won't lose / All you can choose is whose" - the Horse and the Infant
"But when does a comet become a meteor? / When does a candle become a blaze? / When does a man become a monster? / When does a ripple become a tidal wave? / When does the reason become the blame?" - Just a Man
"This life is amazing when you greet it with open arms" - Open Arms
Polities 's "See?" in Open Arms
Just Open Arms in general
The Cyclops Saga
"What gives you the right to deal a pain so deep / Don’t you know that pain you sow is pain you reap?" - Polyphemus
"Captain..." - Survive (Polites)
"You've hurt me enough / Six hundred lives I'll take / Six hundred lives I'll break / And when I kill you then my pain is over" - Survive
"Remember them / When the fire begins to fade / For the fallen and afraid / We are not to let them die in vain" - Remember Them
"Finish it / No." - Remember Them
"My friend is dead, our foe is blind / the blood we shed, it never dries" - Remember Them
"When we met, I led with peace / while you fed your inner beast" - Remember Them
"You're alone!" - My Goodbye
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mylittleredgirl · 7 months
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quotable cards are out of control. i don’t know why this is so freaking funny to me. i’m sure henry james of all people was the only person to say “i’m here for you.”
and can we forget the famed line very specific to victor hugo:
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espithewarlock · 1 month
When you make art, you have to make it as a gift. But the wildest thing about it to me is that the person receiving that gift has to give you a gift in return, the gift of their generous, open attention.
-John Green in his YouTube Video, A Secret About Art
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hecksupremechips · 2 months
Which Monster high ghoul is ur fav?
Oh man this is a really hard question hnnnghh well I’m gonna narrow it down to the main ghouls just to keep things simple. Clawdeen was my absolute FAVORITE as a kid I was in love with her every time I saw her I was like CLAWDEEEN 😻 and I gotta be real I’d say 80% of the reason was just because she was purple coded lol and I thought her outfit was really cute I still really want those purple boots alskla
But looking at the characters now i thiiiink I’m gonna change my answer to Cleo. I think she’s really funny lol like my favorite mh movie has always been Friday night frights and in that one she literally contributes nothing to the plot she doesn’t even join the skating team she just inserts herself into the fashion montage and just chills the rest of practice. I also think her story in ghouls rule was really good honestly like there’s just a combination of her being pressured by her family and being kinda forced to push away Deuce because her family doesn’t approve of him and I think there’s just an interesting spin on their relationship in that movie cuz they’re like initially this cliche popular kid couple that you’d think is gonna break up because in the beginning there was hints that Deuce and Frankie were gonna be a thing and Cleo was gonna be the evil mean girl but in ghouls rule it’s really funny cuz it’s just shown that Deuce is literally like friends with everyone walking down the hallway saying sup nonstop and Cleo is shown to actually really really love him but she’s scared of her father so it puts strain on the relationship. It’s also interesting how she sells out her fellow monster to make her family look superior but then she has to learn to break away from their shitty customs cuz hey maybe knocking down the people you should be allying with is bad actually. So yeah she’s pretty funny and slays spectacularly but also she’s just pretty cool too 💙💙
As for other ghouls I really love shoutout to Ghoulia shes my fashion inspiration, Abbey I had a big crush on her, Cupid I liiiiike cant even with how insane I am about her design it’s so fucking cute, Twyla cuz autism yay, Lagoona just cuz she’s really nice and has pretty hair, ROCHELLE + ROBECCA + VENUS THE TRANS THROUPLE OF ALL TIME
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merevide · 6 months
can a gay girl get an amen
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knowlesian · 1 year
key and peele’s tone over text sketch is the platonic ideal of taking a basic premise to its most logical and simultaneously ridiculous conclusion in this essay i will
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nico-the-overlord · 1 year
i need to know your favorite sanders sides quote, or one from each side
Gosh well first that come to mind…
Roman: I am bitterly jittery and not very glittery!
Patton: It isn’t you these thoughts you’re thinking!
Janus: You’re not stuck with a evil snake boy…you’re just stuck with a snek boi (:<
Remus: ah, BITCH?
And I can’t think of one for Virgil…perhaps the witching hour quote or “you tried, you failed, let’s go to sleep”? This has been sitting in my box for a while because idk and I know I am def forgetting so many good lines, hope I’m not misquoting off of memory😭
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