#also the way that multiple of these ppl work at a starbucks that i frequent
thotsfortherapy · 1 year
i used to be really nervous about going back to my hometown because ‘what if i run into someone i don’t like‘ but like. the few times that has happened the people who have done be dirty have just 100% ignored me/run away from me. even despite me trying to be like heyyy. lol. which i guess means im a lot more confrontational than other ppl....
#lowkey bothers me though cause im like bruh you were so rude to me in highschool and youre gonna act like im the bad guy........#can you just own up to it and we can get it over with?? now it's awkward!!!#like im so down to have a positive interaction and not have to have this bitter taste in my mouth anymore..#also the way that multiple of these ppl work at a starbucks that i frequent#and had to take my order#LIKE I GAVE YOU MY NAME YOU OBVIOUSLY RECOGNIZE ME#idk i feel like if it were my me i would just apologize and get it over with#cy says stuff#personal#truth is i am a lot better with confrontation than other ppl but that's cause i was forced to learn those skills at a younger age..#it is kind of cringe that ppl don't wanna face their past or own up to their past mistakes ngl#anyways... my friend invited me to go to starbucks tomorrow and i am probably gonna run into the same girl who would spread rumors about me#and constantly update me on my ex despite me asking her not to#and also called me stupid for not doing well on a quiz i literally wasn't there for........#thing is no one liked her i was just nice to her cause i am a nice person.. and then she was so mean to me... like wtf...#and when i told her i didnt want to sit next to her anymore cause she was mean to me she started bawling#like damn girl okay i still dont want to be your friend though cause you kind of suck#and i guess she still holds that against me to this day lol. or at least the last time i saw her which was like. december#anyways im hella jetlagged and i woke up at midnight again. intrusive thoughts go brr#it'll be fine i am strong
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leviathans-watching · 3 years
the brothers at university
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lmao ik some ppl think rad is a uni and if you do that’s cool- this is just what i think the boys would be like at a human university
will likely become the basis for a larger and more cohesive hc/au
rated t | wc: .7k
cw: mentions of drinking/partying, typical college stuff, cursing
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head of the student council and is TA for more than one class (+is in multiple clubs)
overworks himself like a champ
whenever his brothers cause problems, he makes sure there’s a new donation made to the school in the family name
people will ask him if he’s okay and he just gives you this dead look and laughs. he’s not okay
has been RA before and while people thought he’d be an absolute buzzkill he was pretty chill as long as no one was causing trouble/putting people in danger
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is barely skating by in his classes
champion at beer-pong and is known as an epic party thrower- but watch your stuff around him bc he’s been rumored to have sticky fingers
that guy who doesn’t study at all until the night before of finals and pulls all nighters to study
you need to get fucked up? mammon’s the guy to go to, but he’ll also be a willing shoulder to cry on and has suspiciously good advice
has been seen scootering across campus in a pair of lacy shorts- asmo needed pants for his lab and he was the only one who could trade
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the guy who never seems to go to classes or leave his dorm room
you know that shit is nasty and cluttered, with empty monster cans overflowing the trash can
when he does drag his ass out of bed and to class, he’s in three-day-old sweatpants
makes a little extra money streaming, either by himself or with friends- he has a decent following and has missed tests to do 24 hr streams
hangs out with a small group of other gamers and has a great online network. everyone he hangs with speaks very highly of him & he tries to keep them separate from his brothers bc of obvious reasons
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bastard who looks way too put together at 8am classes and claims he doesn’t mind them
thank the lord if he shows up at your study group bc his notes are *chefs kiss*
always makes faces when people ask stupid questions
refuses to go to the campus starbucks bc he’s a tea purist and it’s irritating bc he’ll scoff at your drink & judge you for your order
he has a job in the library and helps categorize and shelve books
secretly helps his inner circle pirate textbooks
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joins the lgbtqia+ club/organization and becomes the go to guy if you’re questioning or want to come out to someone
also in the environment clubs? gives people disappointed looks when they don’t recycle/compost/terracycle
hopped on the vsco trend, as well as any other trend that presents himself, though is often a trendsetter himself
takes gender/sexuality/woman’s studies and refuses to be slut shamed or let others be slut shamed
is almost never in his room-whether he’s at the club, the newest campus cafe, or literally anywhere else, he tries to be out and about, documenting a lot of it
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definitely joins the “do you feel unsafe on campus? allow us to walk you” thing with the rest of the bros
frequents campus gym and makes all the guys hitting on girls just trying to work out stop
also makes ppl drink water at parties. sir, why are you so sweet??
is probably there for a sports scholarship or something, i’m thinking football, and is a crowd favorite
so many ppl like him and have confessed to him but he’s pretty oblivious and can’t really tell when it happens
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the kid who either sleeps through the entire class or never slows up yet always gets a perfect score on the exam
can be found sleeping all over campus (there’s probably an instagram hashtag dedicated to pictures of him sleeping and beel definitely follows it)
walks into the 24-starbucks and orders like 6 shots of expresso at like 3 am multiple times during exam week
sometimes picks up shifts at the indie music store and fits the aesthetic perfectly
doesn’t hang out with many people so when ppl see him with beel they’re a bit confused until they learn they’re twins
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leviathans-watching’s work - please do not repost, copy, or claim as your own
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What i wanted people to see was the scope of this shooting as well as the fact that it was mostly unpreventable without removing guns from the hands of citizens.
Now my information is inaccurate, my searches mostly talk about the scope of events with no detailed lists or maps so i’ve had to piece everything together, despite my horribly triggered boyfriend(who knew a half dozen people in locked down stores) spending hours watching the news ( i suppose we are more informed than most). But i’ve tried to detail a map to show the scope of this
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This is odessa tx (i guess the red line is the city limits). It takes about 20 minutes to drive across it , 20 minutes to drive to midland. it takes me about 15 minutes to use the loop to get to work (which now has a bullet hole in it). 42nd street, which most of the red dots are on, is the biggest and busiest street in Odessa, as it goes straight through and merges with 191 leading to midland.
The red unfilled dot up north is where the main intersection that leads from my house to the middle of the city is blocked off as a crime scene. Allegedly one of the shootings happened here. this is also where Ratliff stadium (from Friday Night Lights, the movie. Where all our football (college and highschool) happen). I couldnt verify this so idk if my boyfriend is wrong, if it was a different shooting or an accident for sure.
The orange unfilled Dot is the cbs news station in the mall. As we watched the news they were evacuated twice. the whole mall was on lockdown. The newscaster shops at my store frequently and my bf’s associate and my brother in law work there. I dont know if the police were worried the shooter was going there, i believe a mall security cop was shot in our dillards.
The Red filled dots are what i’ve heard repeatedly for sure were attacks. the bottom left is Twinpeaks were one of the teenagers were shot and there are two cars i saw this morning blocked off by police tape.. the next three are the car dealership (now taped off) and Home depot , The small dot is Logans Roadhouse which is blocked off by one of the shot up cars. And then there was shots at UTPB across the street. I understand that out to the west several blocks away someone was shot at starbucks. The far right red dot is Best Buy where someone else was shot.
The black X is cinergy where the killer was killed. Over 21 ppl were shot, some on the highway so maybe i’ll keep this map and fill it in as more details come out.
My point is that alot of the discussion is about how these happen at events. that even if a shooting happens in your town that it will be condensed into one area like Ariana’s concert, or a parade. However this guy literally drove around our busiest street shooting random people. Luckily i’m going on vacation because otherwise i’d be having to take a 5 or 10 minute detour to get to work because the main street ppl in north odessa use to get to odessa is blocked off.  Almost every store from starbucks to home depot was closed yesterday afterwords(not my work or walmart of course, HEB was closed so that meant more customers, yay capitalism). The school, 2 of peoples favorite restaurants. the starbucks is very popular and right in front of the petstore our family goes to all the time.
Thats the power of guns. A single man can drive around and terrorize HALF a city, murder over 20 people by himself, terrorize hundreds (how many do you think were in the mall on a saturaday? ). This wasnt a single place attacked it was 1/3 of  a city of 90k. and all of us were impacted. If you dont know someone who was killed you know at least several people who were huddled in a locked store afraid of it. Me and my boyfriend love playing the Dorothy game at Cinergy. that area of the city is basically the heart of odessa with some of the biggest sources of education, food, and entertainment. Over the course of writing this i’ve had to X out this map and reupload it as i remember “oh yea someone was shot THERE too”
But that’s not all.
The evil people of america are already going “we HAVE to have guns” “good guy with a gun” ‘thoughts and prayers”
the 17 month old and the 15 year old killed were waiting with their family when they got shot. A stray bullet hit my work with a good 2 hundred workers and customers inside. one of the victims was a Fed Ex worker doing her job when she was shot in the head. multiple of the victims were just driving.
it wouldnt have mattered if EVERY person was armed. You have to know a gunman is there and that he’s intent to kill you before the possibilty of killing them in self defense comes up. These were driveby’s most of these people didnt see it coming. A car was driving up, maybe recklessly and BAMF someone has a hole in their body.
More cops wouldnt have stopped this, security at every establishment (like the companies would pay for that) wouldnt have stopped it. body armor in all our fashion wouldnt stop it (shot in the head, remember?), “A good guy with a gun” wouldnt have stopped it. Our entire police force and the state troopers were after this guy for a good 2 hours. Understandably we thought that there were 2 gunment when he murdered the mail carrier and stole her truck.
As big as this country is I knew this would keep happening but wiht 500 million people i never thought it would happen here, But it did and it will happen in a town near every American.
Every other country with a better economy and more civil government has stricter gunlaws or no guns at all. It doesnt matter if we get rid of all of them or some of them, if we make it harder to buy guns or ammo.  But the fact is that all the things the Gun Cultist say did not help, would not help and will never help. Everyone in our town was effected in some way and there was no way to prevent this other than making sure ppl like this asshole cant have a gun, let alone one that can can carry more than a few bullets.
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