#also this is my second time posting this cos the previous one's tags got all messed up
hearteyeshayley · 3 months
fic writer meme
the biggest thanks to fic writer queen @vinelark for tagging me :,) <3
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 61!
2. What's your total Ao3 word count? 463,074 so less words than war and peace
3. What fandoms do you write for? for the last two years, Batman (with one unfinished Daredevil matt/foggy fic featuring Spiderman)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
No Hetero (the first Voltron fic I ever wrote, I also remember writing this fic with perfect clarity, like I became conscious of my writer brain when I wrote this)
Tim and Kon v. The World (I actually wrote this in like an hour while procrastinating sleep)
The Failure of Tim Drake (the first Batman fic I ever wrote)
Keith is Broken
Champagne Problems
5. Do you respond to comments? sometimes, when I post a new chapter I'll respond to comments on the previous one. But for every single comment, I get such a comment notification high <3 I've printed out several, too and they live on my bookshelf and provide joy and motivation.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I've never written a sad ending intentionally, but I have so many unfinished fics that end in the middle angst section. Of the fics that I'm pretty sure I'll never finish, I'd say my My Hero Academic fic Date Me (For Justice) which was my first attempt a really long fic and stops on such a mutual pining, getting blackmailed, sad note. Now that I'm writing this, I'm like-- I should finish that.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I love the ending of Sore Loser, and not just because it's a little spicy.
8. Do you get hate on fics? there's such a culture of, "if you don't like it, keep scrolling" so I've never gotten real hate, but I have gotten critique comments that point out places that I didn't get canon right and places where I contradicted the facts of my own story lol those guys are basically my beta readers <3 <3 <3
9. Do you write smut? Yeah, I actually started last year!
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you have written? Yeah, not really for Batman, but I have in the past. The craziest is probably my Wandavision Supernatural crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I think the second fic I ever posted (Spideypool) which couldn't have gotten more than like 1,000 reads, I got a comment that was like, "just so you know someone posted this on Wattpad."
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes, honored that someone translated Tim and Kon v. The World into Chinese!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No but I'm so down for real, that sounds fun!
14. What's your all time favorite ship? You'd think by my ao3 stats, it's TimKon-- but I write fanfic for things I wish were different. There's a lot about their canon dynamic I love, and their fanfic is top tier, but for my favorite canon ship I'd probably say like Percabeth (especially with the Disney plus show, they're so back)
15. What is a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Probably my Daredevil Matt/Foggy High School au. I'm just not that into Daredevil anymore. I have so many Batman WIPs, but when I think of them I'm like, one day I'll finish it, baby!
16. What are your writing strengths? I love how I write banter. I also like to think that I give the supporting cast or characters who might be reduced to comic relief their own interior life and mini arcs-- but that might be more aspirational than actually in my writing as of now lol. I think I also write friend groups really well!
17. What are your writing weaknesses? structure, and related to that pacing. Also, the way I shy away from editing even though writing is rewriting or whatever that saying is. I'd say there's like five fics of mine that I've genuinely edited, but I'm working on it. I've been reading such a great book about writing lately called A Swim in the Pond in the Rain by George Saunders, and I highly recommend it.
18. Thoughts of writing dialogue in another language in fics? I think the only time I've done that was in one of my Supernatural fics. I wrote Eileen, who's deaf. Originally, I put all her dialogue in italics to signify it was being signed. But I got such a kind and helpful comment on that fic being like it's weird and frowned upon to have her ASL lines formatted so differently, so I changed it! I think if I ever did another language again, I would research it more thoroughly first.
19. First fandom you wrote for? it was on fanfic.net and it was Percy Jackson, he and Annabeth were middle aged (which I obviously had great insight into at 15) and the main character was their daughter. Although as a child, I would write my own episodes of my favorite tv shows which was way before I knew what a screenwriter or fanfiction was. I love that one of my oldest instincts is to create the shit I wish I was seeing.
20. Favorite fic you have written? Hm, of my completed fics, I'd say a tie between To All The Vigilantes I've Loved Before and Capture the Flag (to the Death). I like the first one because it's the longest romance I've finished (at 27k) and there are certain scenes I really love. The capture the flag one I like because it feels the most like a real miniseries DC would publish (out of everything I've written) and I'm really proud of the ways I hid each of their flags and all the betrayals.
I'm tagging @thief-of-eggs <3 and anyone else who wants to do this! ~ please tag me in your post because I'm always looking for and loving writer mutuals <3
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unnecessary-feelings · 9 months
Tell me abt the oc u lovingly refer to as "weird arson motherfucker" pls
HI sorry i forgot to answer this, thank you for asking abt her!!! i’m still in the process of fleshing everything out so things might change but she’s my ace attorney OC! i’m putting everything under a read more because this post ended up being longer than i meant it to be and i don’t want this to be a pain to scroll through for anyone on mobile who doesn’t wanna read me rambling about blorbo from my brain, i’m sorry if this is hard to read i have trouble putting my thoughts into words for other people to read hdjdbfbdn, also spoilers for cases 4-1, 6-1, 6-3, and 6-5
i made her because i started wondering what would happen if dhurke and amara had a daughter older than rayfa that was in line to become queen before the khura’in royal residence fire and then i accidentally got carried away with her story lmao
her name is kaba’anyi padma khura’in (i was thankfully able to figure out a name for her after i created her tag, it means something along the lines of “daughter of the sun” because sun motif go brrr. ALSO i got to that name because nyi means sun in tibetan and khura’in is in the himalayas so i figured that link made sense. i’m very proud of her name because i struggle with naming characters so being able to make up a name for a character from a country that doesn’t exist is very big for me), or anyi for short, and she uses she/her pronouns. she was born in 1998 (for the sake of timeline consistency in this version of AA dhurke and amara are around 5 years older than they are in canon because after i had already chosen a birth year for her i realized that dhurke and amara would have been too young at that point in time shdnrhdh) and i played around with the idea of her committing a couple of crimes as a member of the defiant dragons, set a couple of government buildings on fire to get back at whoever tried to kill her and amara (she didn’t know it was ga’ran at the time but since they would have had to have access to the royal palace she knew they would have to have been high ranking and probably still were in that position) which is how i got her tag name but now i’m not sure if i wanna keep that part in or not lmao, now that i have a probably-concrete name for her i might move everything in her tag over to a new one, probably should do that sooner rather than later before the tag has too many posts
anyways, no matter if it was arson-related or simply because y’know, she was the daughter of the man who the country believed had murdered the previous queen, she was arrested, but she broke out and managed to fake her death to avoid being looked for (that part may be subject to change if i can’t figure out how exactly that happened, while i have a good grasp on the rest of her story there’s a gap between the royal palace fire and her moving to the US that is just kind of a loose collection of things i thought would be interesting for now hjsjdjsjfh)
so after that, she moved to the US when she was probably around 21 (still working on a concrete timeline but that’s somewhere around the right age) because of the rebellion. she changed her name to guinevere amos (i chose guinevere because the rest of the WAA except for trucy has mythology themed names so i figured arthurian legend would fit into that even though i’ve gotten all of my knowledge of arthurian legend from the mechanisms lmao, and i just chose amos because it was the first name of the main character of the book i was reading at the time and i’m pretty sure amos is also a last name so i went with it) and ended up joining gavin & co law offices which turned into a very awkward sibling reunion with apollo, i think she would have acted as a second co counsel alongside gavin (pretty sure that happened once in dd so i’m choosing to believe that double co counsels are a normal thing in the aa legal system) during 4-1 and helped apollo and phoenix get kristoph arrested, then she joins the WAA alongside apollo (although i think she would have joined a little bit earlier than apollo as she was quicker to accept phoenix’s invite at the end of 4-1) and then she helps the WAA with the rest of AA4 as well as AA5
as for AA6, anyi decides to go with phoenix to khura’in because it’s been nearly a decade since she was last in contact with her family and the rest of the rebels and she felt it was time to go back even if only for a couple of weeks, since she was now going under a different name she decided that it was safe to go back if she could keep her head low and avoid getting into trouble, obviously that didn’t happen, which marked the beginning of Guinevere Amos AKA Kaba’anyi Padma Khura’in’s No Good Very Bad Vacation, canon shenanigans ensue, you get the idea, when i get around to replaying the AJ trilogy (i’m intending on replaying it when it comes out on the switch but i might end up doing it before then as well) i’m thinking abt doing a liveblog thing (is it still liveblogging if you’ve already played the game in question?) where i also explain how anyi would interact with the events of the games if that makes any sense
after the events of 6-5. she stays behind in khura’in with apollo, and works with him at justice & co law offices, my original thoughts were that she takes back the role of royal priestess alongside being a lawyer and then quits when she becomes queen instead of rayfa but it could also be that she stays a lawyer and rayfa becomes queen like in canon, either way i’d imagine it could be a source of conflict between the two, although i think they would be able to work it out, unlike amara and ga’ran
one last thing, i’m currently working on some art for her and i am so excited to post it here because she is literally GORGEOUS i’m so proud of her design <33
i think that’s everything! i hope this made sense lmao
also is it normal to be nervous talking about your ocs to other people? it feels so weird trying to explain the things that come out of my brain like this
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roxannarambles · 5 months
Hello, saw this floating around and decided to fill it out, since I'm just chilling right now.
I don't really like tagging people, don't want them to feel on the spot, so if you see this, consider yourself tagged if you so desire. ^_^
20 Questions for Fic Writers
1. How many works do you have on A03?
At the moment, 24, but I have more posted to my Tumblr than I do a03. I prefer it here (although the audience is smaller)
2. What's your total A03 word count?
Kind of an odd question. 479,942. I guess this is supposed to be flexing? But I really do feel like it's not the quantity that matters, it's the quality.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
In the past, many. (I didn't write for all of em but here's some of my previous fandoms) Currently I write for Pokemon.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
For complete fics, the top spots belong to some Owl House fics, the next is a short Breath of the Wild Sidlink fic, the next is my Legault/Heath Fire Emblem story, and then a compilation of Moomin stories for a Snufmin Week.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes. In my FF.net days, the norm seemed to be not to respond to comments. But these days, responding to comments seems to be the new norm. Besides, it's nice to thank people for taking the time out of their day to comment and for being such lovely human beings. Even if it IS really hard for me to think of how to thank them without sounding like a buffoooooon (I take a while to get around to it sometimes argh)
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I have never done that. I want hopeful stories because they give me hope. I think the world needs more of that right now.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
How do you even judge that? Sorry I gotta skip this one, I have no clue
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Very rarely. In Owl House fandom, there are two characters who are not biologically related, did not grow up together, do not share a parental figure, and are not familial in any capacity. However, because a large number of fans have decided they have a "sibling vibe," they've concluded that shipping them together is vile and anyone who does so should be witch-hunted, harassed, slandered, doxxed, and worse. So, I got hate for that occasionally! That's about it, though.
9. Do you write smut?
I did once. Never again, lol
10. Do you write crossovers?
I wrote a Moomin/Deltarune crossover for a while. Nobody read it, though. A shame, it was fun.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Why would you steal a fic? Well, it's the internet, I guess you see just about everything online eventually, but I've never even heard of that. Art theft? Sure. Usually so the person can scam folks into commissioning them. Fic theft though? Nope. That's a new one for me. This is not an invitation for folks to try it out, lol
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Somebody asked me permission once to do that! I told them yes. I never heard back from them though.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
A lifetime ago I did a round-robin fic with my friends. I don't think I could co-write a fic now though, honestly. I'm so very picky about my headcanons. I would be horrible to work with.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Man, that's tough. I guess probably Mulder/Scully (see question 19) just because it was my first ship and left such an impression on me.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
'Second Chances.' It was such a cute story and so FUN. People loved it too. And I had it all planned out. But I left Owl House fandom before completing it. I never will return to it, I am too bitter with the final season of the show and the mainstream fans are also very tiresome to deal with.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hmm. I'm getting to be pretty good at outlining things and figuring out the story's structure. tbh ~90% of my story is often done before I even start my first draft, either due to the vivid daydreams I have, trying stuff out and then trying different things out in my head (& the notes I take on said daydreams) or the progressively more specific outlines as I work things out. That said, there's definitely still stuff that simply does not work on paper that seemed so good in your head. And there's a lot of magic that just seems to spontaneously happen while writing the actual draft out, and it's so important to stay open to that. Whoops I am rambling. I guess in summary my strength is finding a satisfying ratio of outlining stuff vs. staying open to ideas and letting the story lead me in the direction it wants to go.
Also I think I'm pretty good at dialogue. Action/scene description is harder for me, but dialogue feels easy.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
My ideas tend to be very Big. I have great difficulty writing shorter stories. This sucks because I do not have limitless time and energy and I can sometimes bite off more than I can chew. I would love to write shorter stories so I can try out a larger number of ideas. I also want to improve my prose, I need some more variety in there, imo.
My primary weakness, though, is I only write as a form of escapism when I feel depressed. I want a healthier relationship with my writing and with fandom. Basically, I need to learn how to do things casually, to not let an interest consume me completely. I'll let you know if I figure out how to do that, no luck so far.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I'm a boring monolingual. I'm not going to write in another language unless I know at least a little about it. Toss in a few phrases or sentences, sure, but nothing more than that.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The X-Files. I was a Mulder/Scully shipper. We called it MSR back then, MulderScullyRomance. I was a young lass back then, and it was my induction to shipping and romance. I loved them because they had fantastic chemistry and a strong partnership built on trust and mutual respect, despite their differing worldviews and interests. Also because I really really liked Scully.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Hmmmmm. Tough to choose. I really like "Acquired Taste" because it was the first really long fan fiction I wrote and finished. (At least, I think? I had a long Stargate fic back in the day but we don't speak of that) And I wrote it after a really long break from writing fic (years and years). It has a very special place in my heart.
Is it my best work, though? Mmm. Not sure. I'm also pretty fond of "Ships That Pass in the Night," my longest work. I put my heart and soul into it and got so many comments/interactions, and it has a lot of happy memories.
I also really like some super short stories of mine, though. This one is 613 words long but I feel like it says everything my longer stories on Julinemo do. I also loved writing Support Conversations for Fire Emblem which force you to tell as much as you can in such an incredibly short format. (GBA-era Fire Emblem) I am so proud of those, they pushed me a lot as a writer.
I also like the fics I've done that are mostly genfic, because again, they involved trying something new. They tend to be my least popular 'cause ships reign supreme I guess. That's fine though, that's just the way fic writing goes.
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twiilys · 8 months
i saw this game on @themarydragon's page and it looked like fun!
Most hits: The (Not So) Subtle Art of Secret Keeping with 8 649 hits! This one was a collaborative Anne With An E story, where we each had to write the point of view of a character discovering Anne and Gilbert were secretly courting (post-canon). It was lots of fun, especially finding out what the previous person had written and working to integrate that! Like "yes and" improv writing thing. I got to write Jerry's POV (❤️) and the title was my idea! It was a nice challenge (time limit and all) and I'm very glad I participated! And that we got so much nice feedback
Second most kudos: what lies ahead with 254 kudos! This is probably the fanwork I'm most proud of, so I'm really glad it showed up on this list. Anne With An E again, with a canon-divergence/fix-it flavour. I love reading it again, and it's my only work above 200, which is really nice
Third most comments: what lies ahead again, with 11 comment threads, 29 total. Wow so it shows up twice! I'm so glad people liked it. There are comments on here that I reread from time to time, especially when I feel bad about my writing. It helps a lot, thanks to the kind souls who wrote them ❤️
Fourth most bookmarks: of late nights and early mornings with 12 bookmarks! This one is very special to me, it's short-ish but I wanted to focus on Anne and Gilbert's points of view rather than a story (with a plotline etc). I like to think I'm pretty good with setting up a certain mood/atmosphere, and that piece reflects that (i think)
Fifth most words: what lies ahead again again, with 7 652 words! Out of 68k ish total (i removed the other writers' parts of Secret-Keeping and my translation of MaryDragon's "Remember the Spring"). For a while it was my longest work but then the Lockwood & Co bug came along and i wrote 10k in about a month (? wild). I also have an unfinished AWAE longfic that I'm hoping to get back to. As well as WIPs that should be veryyy long, but that another story (pun intended)
Least words: kitchen duty with 960 words! finally something other than AWAE lol (which is half of my works). This one is short and sweet, was inspired by a shitpost and displays my favourite trope, found family (Golden Deer house my beloved). Fear the Deer!
that's it! tagging anyone who's interested in diving in their AO3 statistics and wants to share thoughts about their works (@js589 @practicallyasleep @beckybubbles @cateringfears i'd love to read yours!!)
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izzyspussy · 1 year
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I posted 23,652 times in 2022
That's 3,868 more posts than 2021!
3,189 posts created (13%)
20,463 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 22,086 of my posts in 2022
Only 7% of my posts had no tags
#i can queue you with my brain - 4,132 posts
#jack facts - 3,426 posts
#horror tag - 2,986 posts
#ofmd - 2,954 posts
#writing process - 2,776 posts
#reading process - 1,798 posts
#word - 1,563 posts
#please - 1,088 posts
#witch noir - 1,037 posts
#jack chats - 986 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#s: do you think whales have feelings. i: shut the fuck up. go to sleep. e: i bet they do. i think they probably sing love songs to each othe
My Top Posts in 2022:
anyway so basically the crew overhears blackbonnet finally having sex, right, and it's ed's first time vanilla-ing so for the crew members who have overheard him before... sounds different. and everyone also just kind of alsfjasl figured that stede is not great in bed just given his general swaglessness. so ASLFKJASL they assume that ed is faking for him lmaoooo. even izzy is in on this. he hates the "invasion of blackbeard's privacy" BUT he loves the insult to stede and the potential for trouble in pansyboy paradise.
so the crew are all trying to figure this out. they're trying to catch them In It enough to really tell if those noises are genuine (and also, on the part of the black half what the fuck is captain bonnet doing) but at the same time nobody wants to actually have to bear witness. those are their dads.
throughout these hijinks (which mostly consist of gossip), izzy and the black half occasionally mention jack. izzy has the most info about That Whole Thing due to his curse/privilege of having been ed's (best? only? can you be the best if you're the only? much to forcibly not think about) friend previous to all of this. ed and jack had a Thing when they were young, and they usually take it up again briefly whenever they run into each other now.
so of course izzy gets an idea. he's already basically done this once, can't hurt to try again. but the rest of the crew is in on it this time - where izzy is trying to tempt ed and break him and stede up, everyone else just wants a first hand Source.
so izzy contacts jack by way of plot device messenger seagull or whatever and he shows up again (not sure if dead in canon...?). ed isn't as happy to see him this time but he doesn't seem upset either, though he does take jack aside on the first night so he can receive his threat to behave from Blackbeard (TM) without an audience. stede also, uh, has some words of warning for him. the crew (and the audience) know not what stede said, but strangely enough that seems to have been the more effective Talk.
unfortunately for izzy jack's presence does not do fuck or shit to cause drama between ed and stede. on the one hand, ed now has a direct comparison to make between the sex he was having and the sex he is having, and he's coming up preferable toward the present. on the other hand, jack makes stede jealous, which makes him possessive, which makes him get a little less vanilla, so really it's a moot point regardless. co-captain sex gets better/worse, depending which side of the door you're on.
jack, however, has a mission and he's gonna see it through. not izzy's mission, that guy is a fuckin downer (and he himself doesn't really want ed back, never really did honestly). the gossip mill, though. that thing needs fed and by god jack is gonna feed it. least he can do for murdering that bird is to tell everyone if their poncy captain is a hardcore freak or not.
so jack gives up trying to make ed horny - and it's not that this wasn't working, it's just that when ed got horny from, say, seeing jack mess around with that fucking whip, his first thought was always to take that up with stede - and instead just starts asking him things directly.
ed leads ship's business one morning (they alternate who has to get up early) and underneath his steadily growing scruff he looks like he's been fucking mauled. from just under both ears all the way down below the collar of his not especially high cut shirt (and who knows how much further) he's absolutely covered in red-purple hickeys.
"thought you hated being marked up," jack not-quite asks. ed grins at him, uncomplicatedly happy (and that's the real difference innit). he's the epitome of 'bright-eyed and bushy-tailed'.
"nah," he says. "didn't wanna risk being marked up. but i'm fucking blackbeard now, i can do whatever i want."
(now jack would never, ever admit this, not even to himself. but maybe now he's the one who's a little jealous, because-)
"you were blackbeard last time we fucked."
"yeah, guess i was," ed allows, entirely unperturbed. "you didn't try it."
"would you have let me?" jack asks, already knowing the answer perfectly well. ed thinks about it, very briefly, shrugs again.
"prob'ly not."
later, stede calls ed 'darling' on deck. jack asks about this too, and ed simply tells him that stede also calls him 'baby' and 'sweetheart'. sweetheart! he repeats in credulity, shaking his head, pointing at himself.
(jack did attempt to call ed 'baby' - once - and had been told that if he ever said it again he'd have his dick cut off and fed to him piece by piece over a period of several days.)
finally, finally, jack can't take the 'mystery' anymore and, in a tight weed circle with ed and a few lucky crew members one night after stede has long gone to bed, he asks straight up, "so how does he compare?"
it takes ed a moment to realize what the fuck jack is asking, and when he does he laughs out loud. "what, to you?"
and really. that fucking answers that, dunnit.
340 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
"only fanfiction has things like 'enemies to lovers'"
huh. weird. i could have sworn pride and prejudice was a traditionally published book studied academically as a piece of classic literature...
819 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
I hate when I read a good book and it makes me want to write my book good but writing a good book is not nearly as easy as reading one
947 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
Ok final ask from me tonight: who in the crew would be the funniest for Izzy to fake date? I think angstiest would definitely go to Ed but funniest? Idk ~ blackhannet anon
Funniest (and angstiest) if Ed has no earthly clue that this is torture for Izzy. Also very funny that his only point of reference is Stede. Ed, in his mind: so which of us is the wealthy landowner and which of us is the bloodthirsty pirate? He puts himself into the Stede role and treats Izzy real chivalrous and gentlemanly and whatnot, but.... very badly kaslfkjls. He doesn't actually know how to do it.
Stede, in his mind: so which of us is the wealthy landowner and which of us is the bloodthirsty pirate? Can I be the pirate? I wanna be the pirate. I'm going to be the pirate. And Izzy has to figure out how to play along with that or they fail the fucking mission and get killed or whatever.
The extent of what they do to convince their mark is hold hands, poorly. Like Stede and Mary on their wedding day. ...At First. Izzy has been saying what a terrible idea this is since it was suggested, and as soon as it seems like he was right he's gloating even though it means he's failed. And then it's a challenge to Jim, a way to win and also wipe that smirk off of Izzy's face. They start hitting him really hard in the mouth with their mouth for no god damn reason except that the mark is, like, there.
Olu treats Izzy with chivalry, but like, real genuine working class chivalry. Every time Izzy looks into the middle distance, Jim is there, threatening him with great bodily harm. No one else ever sees them.
The plan was not to fake date, but the mark made assumptions and they had to go with it. Lucius has an absolute blast. Izzy's internal rage/sexual tension is pulled so tight it's a miracle he doesn't snap right in half. Lucius is fully aware of this, and the knowledge is 80% of the fun he's having.
Black Pete
Izzy has never been called so many pet names in his life. He's never heard of so many pet names in his life. He attempts to return the favor and sounds like he is trying to speak a language he does not know. The mark falls for the ruse because Pete is very cute despite all obstacles, but they do take Pete aside after their business is done and ask if Izzy has something fundamentally wrong with him.
Somehow this is the most competent combination. Frenchie is adaptable and personable and can manage to fit with Izzy pretty well, even if he wouldn't actually choose to for real. They fall into simple, non-PDA demonstrations of intimacy like walking in sync or anticipating each other's movements. The only fuck up is that Frenchie does accidentally reprise "Jizzy" in front of the mark, and in the name of their cover Izzy has to answer to it.
Izzy thinks this is the least objectionable combination. Buttons doesn't like him, but he's a competent sailor and he hasn't yet caused Izzy any real trouble. Of course, throughout the grift, Izzy is confronted with all the ways Buttons is an absolutely bonkers person who cannot be handled, understood, or even described. Buttons has an alright time, though. He tells the crew after it's done that Izzy is "a fine lad" but not his type. Izzy has no comment, as he has not yet recovered from his experiences.
Roach seems to genuinely think he Needs to know about Izzy's kinks and fetishes to make them believable as a couple. He tells Izzy his without shame or prompting. Izzy cancels the mission.
Wee John
Wee John insists he has to be a woman for this. He's fully aware that couples do not solely consist of one man and one woman. But he insists he has to be a woman for this.
The Swede
The Swede, out loud: so which of us is the wealthy landowner and which of us is the bloodthirsty pirate?
1,349 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
rookie mistake ed made not letting stede and izzy sniff each other through the bathroom door for a week before introducing them smh
1,986 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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captainanndor · 1 year
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I posted 455 times in 2022
That's 335 more posts than 2021!
8 posts created (2%)
447 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 26 of my posts in 2022
#our flag means death - 7 posts
#ofmd - 6 posts
#stede bonnet - 5 posts
#edward teach - 4 posts
#renew our flag means death - 3 posts
#pirates - 2 posts
#i want what they have - 2 posts
#birthday - 2 posts
#blackbeard - 2 posts
#the orange - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 59 characters
#but honestly the most bites i've done are affectionate ones
I sent 1 gift in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
Aww, I knew I celebrated a previous. birthday at a Ren Faire with a bunch of friends, all of us dressed as pirates. Forgot it was my milestone 30th. I rang in my 30s as a pirate & I'll be ringing out the end of my 30s as a pirate as well, cuz I am going to the Royal Feast this summer as a 39th bday treat! Hopefully this time goes smoother, because that was also the same trip where I got pulled over by a state trooper doing 72mph in a 55mph zone (I thought it was 65mph speed limit) and his first question to the car full of gals fully decked out in pirate looks was "you going to the ren faire?" Instead of saying NO for lolz, I said "um, yeah..." like a COWARD. As a "happy birthday" he didn't write me a speeding ticket but still wrote a ticket for my license plate frame because "you'd never get pulled over just for this, but it's technically illegal to have *anything* covering any part of your plate". The ticket was still ~$350 (thanks NYS surcharge). Anyways I got to feed a duck, ride a camel, and spend the day with some of the best people, so it was all worth it and I look forward to a repeat (on a slightly smaller scale, because I am le tired) for my 39th!
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See the full post
1 note - Posted June 22, 2022
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For my 39th birthday, a friend and I made Roach’s 40 Orange Glaze Cake from Our Flag Means Death! We then set up a little scene and did a photoshoot for it. More under the cut!
See the full post
20 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
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I changed the first panel of this meme for a Twitter comment and then immediately had to change the second panel as well. Tumblr I know you will understand this joke.
37 notes - Posted June 15, 2022
And while I’m at it! Putting this energy out there: #RenewOurFlagMeansDeath and cast Kate McKinnon as either Anne Bonny or Mary Read. They already gave us an in with Calico Jack whining he's been mutinied against 3 times recently and they ran with him historically. He’s also already out of the way so there’s no wasted time/boring love triangle drama and we can just have happy badass lesbian pirates co-captaining their own ship.
37 notes - Posted April 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Re-posting this from my own Twitter thread: Oh shit! #OurFlagMeansDeath S2 prediction:  Ed is gonna shoot Stede when they meet again. It’ll be dramatic, Ed’ll cry thinking he killed him, etc.  But the half of the fucking petrified orange Stede's daughter gave him will stop the bullet & save him #RenewOurFlagMeansDeath Or Izzy will shoot Stede, but I think Ed would be more dramatic for the story/reunion and needing to really knock him HARD out of The Kraken.  Ed knows Stede knows how to take a stab, or maybe their sword fight will be a draw or with Stede thinking he won and Ed pulls the gun. Ed never used the gun in the show. Only threatened Stede (and started to load it at the party) OH GOD! Actually, Stede will probs just refuse a sword fight. Ed will want one & Stede will refuse & Ed will threaten with the gun (again).Will the shot be intentional or accidental? (Does it matter?) Stede should never have left but the clean break/forgiveness from his family is what will save his life in the end. After also setting him free to love with no doubts or guilts from his old life haunting him. Knowing he's not a curse or a monster.
48 notes - Posted April 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kolwyntjie · 3 years
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Finally finished this fanart of @musubiki‘s Mochi & Lime. After reading TLMoAL I couldn't resist drawing them, I’m sorry! (...I simply love them your honour.) 
@musubiki thank you for sharing your incredible comics and art with us.
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unforth · 3 years
The 2021 Destiel Favs Survey!
The December, 2020 edition of the Destiel Fan Favorites Survey is now completed! I got 340 submissions, the most I’ve received since the first time I did the survey in 2017 (this is the fifth time). Since the inception of the survey, I’ve received 1372 surveys, reflecting the tastes of those in the fandom at the time they did the survey and completed especially with an eye toward highlighting excellent lesser-known works.
On the latest survey, 336 different authors were listed as favorites! 165 of these authors were added to the list for the first time. Across all five times I’ve given this survey, 700 authors (on the nose!) have been listed as favorites. You can view a list of all those authors, and links to their accounts, here!
On this survey, an astonishing 1,448 stories received a vote!! The majority - 891 works - were added to the collection for the first time, which is absolutely thrilling to me. 253 of the authors of these works had never been listed before, and now know - they’re someone’s favorite. How awesome is that?
Since the inception of this survey, 3,544 stories by 1,365 different authors have been named as someone’s favorite. All of these works are assembled in a collection that you can view on AO3 here! (works that aren’t on AO3 are bookmarked, as are the works of author’s who chose not to accept the invite to the collection; 210 invites are still pending from the 2021 survey; if authors don’t add their works by next weekend, I’ll bookmark them). Alternatively, you can view a list of every work in the collection, and a link to access the work if it’s still available online, here!
By far, the best way to navigate the collection is to go to the AO3 Collection and use the tags searches and filters to find works that appeal to you. That said, I know some people are curious about results. It’s outside my ability to make lists that include every work, and so I do in general compile some of the data and share those who got the “top” results (not in a ranking, only in alphabetical order). If you’re interested, keep reading...
(read more)
if you are having trouble seeing the links on this post, please access it on pillowfort here: https://www.pillowfort.social/posts/1967244
In the past, I've done an annotated "Top 20 Authors" list, where I list (in alphabetical, not ranked) order the authors who received the most votes and every work they have in the collection. I will not be doing that this year. I'll give the top 20 list, but not list all their fics - it's too much, and too many of these authors are the same as previous years. The goal of the Collection is and always has been to highlight the works of authors who don't get as much love and aren't as well known, and I've come to feel the Top 20 list doesn't serve that goal effectively. As such, I will instead be doing a "Rookies of the Year" list, listing 10 authors who have not been on the top 20 list previously, and a "Top New Stories" list, with the 10 most popular stories added to the collection this year.
You can see the past top lists at these links:
January, 2020
June, 2018
March, 2017
I also have done a number of rec lists based on the data, but not since the last two surveys (the collection has grown too big, and I don’t have time any longer). These are also all available on pillowfort.
All lists are in alphabetical order! These are not rankings!
Rookies of the Year! A list ten authors who’ve scored highly for the first time on the survey, and every work they’ve written that received at least one vote in the survey!
After the Darkness (Series) (26,438 words, 6 works). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Canon divergent AU where Dean goes missing.
Angel Bridge (55,944 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Paranormal writer Dean meets Wiccan Castiel.
Autumn in His Eyes (50,452 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Artist Castiel, retreating to seclusion to avoid the paparazzi, meets small-town Dean.
The Bond-Breaker Murders (75,696 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Detective Dean and his partner Castiel hunt a serial killer. 
The Deal (29,094 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Business owners Dean and Castiel meet soon after Castiel’s divorce.
Finding Home (42,828 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Bakery owner Dean and writer Emmanuel aren’t sure what’s drawing them together, but they’re sure something is.
Ghosts (Series) (71,676 words, 2 works). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Paranormal investigator Dean Winchester doesn’t believe in ghosts and definitely doesn’t believe scam artist Castiel.
I'm the Only (25,121 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Professor Dean and tattoo artist Castiel look back on how they meet.
Lojacked (28,393 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Guidance Counselor Dean is kidnapped days before the anniversary of his marriage to Detective Castiel.
Loved You Forever (Series) (98,896 words, 21 works). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Mechanic Dean has been in love with his best friend Professor Castiel since they were children, but has never told.
Parking Lot Confessions (3,820 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Castiel gets hit with a truth spell, and Sam learns far more than he expected.
Remember Me After the Storm (47,425 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. After a car accident, Castiel doesn’t remember the past 13 years of his life with Dean.
Bitch Better Have My Money (Series) (247,834 words, 4 works). Explicit. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Dean’s suburban life goes to hell in a hand basket after he meets a devil with the face of an angel.
The Card Cheat (3,101 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Dean and Castiel are hitmen who hate working together.
Chronicles of a Serial Killer (Series) (52,760 words, 2 works, second is a work in progress). Explicit. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Detective Dean Winchester is intrigued by the newest serial killer operating in his jurisdiction.
Dial "M" for Monster (23,809 words). Explicit. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Baker/Vigilante Dean investigates the haunted rooms at Castiel’s motel.
I Only Come When You Scream (Series) (23,117 words, 7 works). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used, Graphic Depictions of Violence. Three serial killers meet over coffee.
Interview with the Vampire's Wife (6,040 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. A vampire’s wife walks into PI Dean’s office.
Lock Stock and Two Smokin' Winchesters (29,392 words). Explicit. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Boxers Dean and Sam are fucked when they run afoul of Crowley and his prize fighter Castiel.
Murder Ballads (Series) (97,416 words, 3 works). Explicit. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Serial Killer Castiel sets his sites on Dean.
My Whole Existence is Flawed (6,388 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean accidentally flirts with Castiel, with whom he had a relationship in high school.
Number 1 Crush (103,891 words). Explicit. Graphic Depictions of Violence. College friends Dean and Castiel meet up with some college buddies just as Dean’s college stalker comes after him.
Stone by Stone (37,269 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Teacher Castiel and student Dean find trouble together.
Baby Whispering 101 (2,835 words). Gen. No Warnings Apply. Castiel has to bring his daughter to class, but Professor Winchester doesn’t mind.
Bunker Files (30,519 words, work in progress). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Canon Divergent AU, where the British Men of Letters hear more than they bargained for.
Dark Blue, Dark Blue (36,112 words). Mature. No Warnings Apply. Online friends Dean and Castiel come to meet in person after Castiel’s meatspace life puts him in danger.
A Demon Like Him (24,595 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Warlock Dean isn’t sure if he should work with incubus Castiel.
Drunk Texts and Midnight Snacks (4,589 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. College AU. Dean keeps sending Castiel drunk texts...until he stops.
Felix in Aeternum (23,837 words, work in progress). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Castiel meets Dean at a Halloween festival and learns maybe there’s some supernatural in the world after all.
For a Dream's Sake (28,511 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU during season 13. Castiel falls into a djinn dream.
Lonely Eden (Co-written with Threshie) (44,091 words). Explicit. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Dean and Sam deal with the aftermath of the Croatoan outbreak until they meet a lone uninfected man, Castiel.
Profound Magic (Series, Co-written with Trenchcoatbaby) (227,233 words, 2 works). Occult student Dean runs into trouble with his strict thesis advisor, Castiel.
Season Z (by multiple authors). (220,673 words). Explicit. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Canon Divergent AU, post season 14, with zombies.
Undercover Angel (Series) (44,716 words, 3 works). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU where Dean discovers that Castiel has a panty kink.
Departure Strategy (Co-written with choranaptyxic) (39,778 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean and Castiel meet when Mary decides to contact Castiel’s employers for their help assisting her suicide.
Castiel Novak's Office, This is Dean (121,472 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean and Castiel have a one night stand...and then Dean finds out Castiel is his new boss.
Evangelist (334,398 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Wealthy business heir Castiel meets poor Dean.
Five Ways to Wake Dean Winchester (without Getting Shot) (1,598 words). Mature. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. “Sometimes, Dean’s dreams are violent.”
Halloween Horror (Series) (117,399 words, 4 works). Canon divergent AU. Castiel and Dean discover a haunted house while cataloguing a Men of Letters library.
Ipamis Ol Olpri (56,418 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Castiel and Jack need John Winchester’s blood to kill Michael.
On Falling (996 words). Unrated. No Warnings Apply. “He had fallen, further and faster than any angel before him.”
Saint's Hollow (Co-written with sleepinnude) (43,718 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Five years after Castiel and Dean are estranged, they’re forced to meet each other, and their shared past, again.
The Shawnee Trail (166,094 words). Unrated. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Stagecoach messenger Dean and Doctor Castiel have to deal with outlaws in 1887 Lawrence.
All Things in Succession (313,468 words). Mature. No Warnings Apply. A/B/O Dynamics. Omega Prince Castiel is bound to Alpha Knight Dean in an arranged marraige.
At Midnight (8,516 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Dean’s been pining for his best friend Castiel for a decade, and tonight he’s determined to kiss him.
By Any Other Name (6,785 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Dean doesn’t want anyone to see his soul mark...but Sam sees, and tracks down Castiel.
Casicorn (56,649 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Detective Dean gets a new, mysterious roommate.
Expectations (418,319 words). Explicit. No Warnings apply. A/B/O Dyanmics. Omega Castiel is infuriated that his sister is to be wed to the Alpha crown prince Dean, whom they’ve never met.
I'll Be Home for Christmas (3,872 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Castiel’s family has vastly misunderstood his relationship with his college roommate.
Issues (Series) (252,401 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Childhood best friends Castiel and Dean have a falling out that leads to them pretending to date.
Quarantension (129,289 words, work in progress). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. College roommates Dean and Cas quarantine together - strictly platonic, of course (yes, that includes the orgasms).
With Interest (161,935 words, work in progress). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. High School AU. Bad-boy Castiel bets he can make nerdy Dean fall in love with him.
All Been Blown Out (1,908 words). Explicit. No Warnings apply. Stripper Dean and mafioso Castiel have sex sometimes.
Anything You Can Do (21,087 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean, who is definitely straight (right?), is determined to prove by any means necessary that he’s better at sex than Castiel.
Becoming (4,924 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Dean develops a relationship with the android, Castiel, who owns the coffeeshop down the street from him.
Don't You Cry No More (5,094 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. A rewrite of 15x20.
I Leave in My Heart (3,343 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Office workers Dean and Castiel are just friends with benefits...aren’t they?
Make It That Much Better (2,469 words). Gen. No Warnings Apply. Four times people mistook Dean and Castiel for a couple.
The Novak Hickey Mystery (1,540 words). Gen. No Warnings Apply. Professor Castiel’s class isn’t sure how he got a hickey.
Picture Perfect (13,356 words, work in progress). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Castiel is attracted to a man he sees in an old photograph...and then they meet in real life.
You Start to Grow Wings (10,911 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Dean and Castiel have a relationship when they’re young, part ways, and meet against twenty years later.
Beautiful Mess (12,849 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean grows wings, and has to deal with all the issues that arise thereafter.
Dean Winchester: Monster Fucker (30,358 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Cursed Dean finds himself disturbingly attractive to monsters...and Castiel.
Doubting Thomas (40,184 words). Mature. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Two months after disappearing, Dean and Sam appear in Castiel’s garden, and they’ve been made into angels.
Forget the Sky (26,392 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Dean wins big on a scratch off ticket, and he and Castiel go to Japan.
Heart Like a Wheel (24,921 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. College student Dean decides to model for Professor Castiel.
If Love Was a River (17,364 words). Mature. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Orion is missing a star, and Castiel has fallen from the sky.
A Kite (720 words). Gen. No Warnings Apply. “Two gold bands burn a hole in his pocket - he doesn’t think he can wait any longer.”
Lights (2,671 words). Mature. No Warnings Apply. Pre-canon Dean meets season 5 Castiel.
Lonesome Roads (Series) (12,934 words, 2 works). Mature. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Terminally ill Castiel merges with the earth to heal, and returns many years later.
Me in Honey (6,520 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. A/B/O dynamics. Castiel goes into heat, and Dean gets more than he expects.
Rooms to Let (Series) (32,962 words, 2 works). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Hunter Dean finds an angel crucified to a cross.
The Rosary (9,082 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Castiel escapes from a home for stray angels and is found in the forest by a stranger.
The Safest Place (5,312 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. A/B/O dynamics. Dean feels the urge to nest.
Through the Mists of Time (Series) (24,689 words, 2 works). Explicit. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Dean is sent back in time 700 years and lands in the bedroom of the handsome Scottish Lord Castiel.
We Fly By Night (15,672 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. A/B/O dynamics. Business owner DEan can’t get rid of a strange mark on his arm.
We Gave Love a Chance (5,210 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Team Free Will gets a chance to rest on a Florida beach.
Cupcakes and Kittens (73,937 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean finds himself with an abandoned kitten, and Castiel finds himself in a baking class, and fortunately, they also find each other.
Hot Gym Guys (Series) (18,805 words, 2 works). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean can’t keep his eyes of the sexy owner of Healing Hands Spa and Gym.
Interrupted (5,818 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean loves his kids but is ready to do just about anything for some alone time with his husband Castiel.
It's in His Kiss (7,877 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Hockey player Dean gets put on the kiss cam while standing next to his best friend (and secret crush) Castiel.
Netflix and Chills (15,503 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Team Free Will tries to figure out if the coronavirus is Chuck’s next move.
New Holiday (6,258 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. A finale fix-it.
Paparazzi (7,004 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Hockey player Dean Winchester gets caught sleeping with billionaire Castiel.
The Shots We Don't Take (56,534 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. College senior Castiel hooks up with hockey player and playboy Dean.
Stay With Me (Series) (162,055 words, 4 works). Explicit. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Firefighter Dean rescues injured Castiel from his mangled vehicle after a car crash.
What I Need Most (32,397 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Who does Dean really need most? 
Y Tu Dean Tambien (6,909 words). Teen+. Archive Warnings Not Used. Dean has managed to keep his crush secret from absolutely everyone...except his crush, Castiel.
Baby, Baby (728 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Musician Castiel and Engineer Dean meet ugly.
Boneless Wings (4,333 words). Mature. No Warnings Apply. Castiel’s wings aren’t always as sexy as Dean might wish them to be.
Fifty Ways to Lose Your Lover (1,106 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Fix it for 15x18.
Funny Bone (4,933 words). Mature. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Dean would give a lot to know why the posed skeleton is admiring his ass.
Occursus (4,341 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Post-canon/15x20 fix it.
Piledriver (1,815 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. 15x18 coda.
Twenty Questions (1,246 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Castiel and Sam have a chat about Dean.
(Atypical) Love Story (13,360 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. A/B/O dynamics. Castiel is shocked when Dean is attracted to his scent.
Biological Imperatives (or Not) (29,103 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. A/B/O dynamics. Charlie convinces Dean to go on a date with her awkward professor friend.
Deference (9,981 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Criminal Castiel makes torturer Dean kneel.
Epistolary (9,408 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Castiel leaves an unexpected note for Dean.
Intangible (13,927 words). Explicit. Major Character Death. Mechanic Dean loses his soulmate, and gets him back as a ghost.
Koinophilia (Series) (31,139 words, 2 works). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. A/B/O dynamics. Dean refuses to talk about why his heats come so infrequently.
The Neighborhood Watch (Series) (31,628 words, 6 works). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Castiel and Dean are husbands living a happy suburban life.
Nightshade (3,111 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Rowena accidentally feeds Dean a cursed aphrodisiac.
Pigment (1,573 words). Gen. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Dean takes up painting.
South Side Swing (Series) (75,859 words, 6 works). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean, boss of the Chicago outfit, runs into trouble with Castiel, head of the Bratva.
Stripes (Series) (32,368 words, 3 works). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Castiel insists that he and Dean are not soulmates.
Tentacle Husbands (Series) (23,658 words, 3 works). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Octo Castiel and Prince Dean are happily married.
Top 20 authors over all: aeli_kindara, almaasi, bendingsignpost, castielslostwings, Desirae, Duckyboos, EllenofOz, followyourenergy, komodobits, ltleflrt, MalMuses, MandalaRose, NorthernSparrow, riseofthefallenone, saltyfeathers, sharkfish, tiamatv, tricia_16, whelvenwings, xylodemon
All authors who’ve ever been in the top 20: 60r3d0m, aeli_kindara, almaasi, Annie D (scaramouche), anyrei, bendingsignpost, castielslostwings, CloudyJenn, deathbanjo, Desirae, dothraki_shieldmaiden, Duckyboos, EllenofOz, emwebb17, followyourenergy, imogenbynight, jemariel, jhoom, jupiter_james, K_K_TiBal, komodobits, ltleflrt, MalMuses, MandalaRose, microcomets (formerly mishcollin), MittenWraith, museaway, NorthernSparrow, orange_crushed, ozonecologne, pantheon_of_discord, PersephoneShadow, quiettewandering, riseofthefallenone, saltnhalo, saltyfeathers, SaltyWords (agent4hire22), seperis, sharkfish, thepinupchemist, tiamatv, Trenchcoatbaby, tricia_16, unforth, VioletHaze, violue, whelvenwings, WinJennster, xylodemon, youaresunlight
The Top Ten Newly-Inducted Fics in 2021:
The Care and Feeding of Castiel by MalMuses (24,190 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Castiel starts acting strange.
The Courtship of Combat by bendingsignpost (18,250 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. A/B/O dynamics. Castiel lies about his feelings for omega Dean to avoid an arranged marriage by his king.
Cupcakes and Kittens by MandalaRose (linked above)
Bitch Better Have My Money by Duckyboos (linked above)
Fire and Ice by Castielslostwings (189,629 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Firefighter Dean falls into bed with his best friend, EMT Castiel.
A Fish Out of Water by MalMuses (42,966 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean goes undercover at Brock Pleasure Ranch and discovers that merman Castiel is less a monster than he’d imagined.
Ghosts that We Know by dothraki_shieldmaiden (89,411 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Hunter Dean could wish that the best partner he’s ever had, Castiel, wasn’t a ghost.
Option C by followyourenergy (63,310 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean and Castiel fake a relationship during their senior year of college to get rid of their asshole third roommate Vaughn.
Starstruck by peanutbutterjelly-pie (146,461 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Castiel used to live next door to movie star Dean, but doesn’t think much of it...until he does.
Welcome to Pine Shores! by andimeantittosting (20,901 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. After retiring from hunting, Dean and Castiel buy a motel together, and they run it for years, and Dean pines the entire time.
The Top 20 fics of 2021:
And This, Your Living Kiss by opal_bullets
Angel’s Wild by LimonadeGaby and riseofthefallenone
Bitch Better Have My Money (series) by Duckyboos (linked above)
The Breath of All Things by KismetJeska
Cinderwings by bendingsignpost
The Courtship of Combat by bendingsignpost (linked above)
Cupcakes and Kittens by MandalaRose (linked above)
Fire and Ice by Castielslostwings (linked above)
A Fish Out of Water by MalMuses (linked above)
Four Letter Word for Intercourse by bendingsignpost
Not Part of the Plan (series) by Annie D (scaramouche)
Down to Agincourt by seperis
Ninety One Whiskey (series) by komodobits
Riptides by sharkfish
Russian to the Altar by MalMuses
So Says the Sword by komodobits
Stay With Me (series) by MandalaRose (linked above)
A Turn of the Earth by microcomets (formerly mishcollin)
Wild (series) by Castielslostwings
With Understanding by apokteino (not available online)
And may I just say, this is the first year that Twist and Shout didn’t make the top 20 list, and I am thrilled.
All Fics that Have Ever Made the Top 20/Top 10 List:
All Things Shining by Askance (doomcountry) and standbyme
And This, Your Living Kiss by opal_bullets
Angel’s Wild by LimonadeGaby and riseofthefallenone
A Beginner’s Guide to Communing with the Dead by suspiciousflashlight
Bitch Better Have My Money (series) by Duckyboos (linked above)
The Breath of All Things by KismetJeska
Broken Reflections (series) by anyrei and mugglerock
Carnival Oasis (series) by violue
Carry On by TamrynEradani (deleted)
Cinderwings by bendingsignpost
The Courtship of Combat by bendingsignpost (linked above)
Cupcakes and Chlamydia (series) by violue
Cupcakes and Kittens by MandalaRose (linked above)
Dean (and Cas’) Top 13 Zepp Traxx by pantheon_of_discord
The Dean Winchester Beat Sheet by saltyfeathers
The Dick Pic Verse (series) by Dangerousnotbroken
Down to Agincourt (series) by seperis
Fire and Ice by Castielslostwings (linked above)
A Fish Out of Water by MalMuses (linked above)
Flight by NorthernSparrow
Four Letter Word for Intercourse by bendingsignpost
Get a Whiff of This by bendingsignpost
The Graveyard Shift by riseofthefallenone
Hideaway (series) by thepinupchemist
Hooked on Your Love (series) by Ltleflrt
I Wanna Get Outside (of Me) by emwebb17
I’d Do it Over and Over Again (series) by tricia_16
I’d Rather Have You (series) by Ltleflrt
Kiss the Baker (series) by Ltleflrt
The Meaning on My Skin by saltnhalo
Not Part of the Plan (series) by Annie D (scaramouche)
Ninety One Whiskey (series) by komodobits
Oddly Shaped Empty by jemariel
Out of the Deep (series) by riseofthefallenone
Painted Angels (series) by WinJennster
The Path of Fireflies (series) by museaway
Protect and Serve by jupiter_james
PWP: Pie Without Plot by MajorEnglishEsquire and orange_crushed
Redemption Road (series) by multiple authors
Riptides by sharkfish
A Room of One’s Own by NorthernSparrow
Russian to the Altar by MalMuses
Satin and Sawdust by Ltleflrt
So Says the Sword by komodobits
Stay With Me (series) by MandalaRose (linked above)
Traveling Light by sharkfish
A Turn of the Earth by microcomets (formerly mishcollin)
Twist and Shout by gabriel and standbyme
Vagabonds by chevrolangels (formerly amarillogrande)
The Walk (series) by Persephoneshadow
What has Eight Tentacles and Isn’t Allowed to Eat Pie? by Annie D (scaramouche)
Where the Weeds Take Root by deathbanjo
Wild (series) by Castielslostwings
With Understanding by apokteino (not available online)
You Can Keep Holding On by NorthernSparrow
551 notes · View notes
chibinightowl · 2 years
Fanfic Year in Review!
I was tagged by @glaciya! I feel so called out with some of these totals... I write too much.
How many works do you have on ao3?
Too many... 154
What’s your total ao3 word count
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Batman and the associated comics, DCU, Batman Beyond, and a Castlevania crossover.
Are there any new fandoms you want to write for?
I could find myself falling into SpideyPool given the chance to read their actual comic series. And I plan to get into The Witcher, but more as a prompt fill that will involve JayTim.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos
The Dog Days of Summer, Bloodlines, Stray Cat Strut, Masquerade, and The Knight’s Quest (aka Sir Tim).
Which of your fics do you want more attention for?
Can’t think of any!
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I reply to all comments, unless I’m receiving comments on every chapter for a completed fic. When that happens, I usually reply to just the last one.
What sorts of things do you normally write?
Give me AUs or give me death. Also known as taking canon and tossing it out the window.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending
The one ficlet buried here on Tumblr that @nykyrianne and I still laugh/cry about where I misunderstood what hurt/comfort meant. 
What’s a fic that pushed you out of your comfort zone?
This is an older fic, but at the time I (Don’t) Want to Believe was the story that pushed me down creative paths I didn’t realize I was even capable of. It was my first collaboration too, with @strikeyourcolors, and also the first time I’ve ever written something as spooky as that. It was also my first time writing Kon’s POV and a threesome between Tim, Jason, and Kon. And you know what? I take back what I said earlier about not having a fic that should have more attention. This fic deserves a lot more attention than it’s gotten and can be read as a standalone despite it being the second in a series.  
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I’ve written one crossover between Batman and Castlevania, featuring Jason as Father Jason Belmont (technically born Jason Todd) and Tim Drake the thousand year old vampire.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I’ve written a few, but the one that languishes the most is the aforementioned JayTim Cowboy Vampire AU that @glaciya brought up.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Eyes of the Moon God
What are you currently working on?
Umm... I feel like I should link a previous post about my WIPs. The biggest WIP I’ve got going is The Accountant.
What are your writing strengths?
Plot development and dialogue
What are your writing weaknesses?
Scene description and having too many WIPs
What was the first fandom you wrote for? Most recent?
JayTim all the way!
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Oh man, don’t ask me that! Depending on my mood, I’ve got like five of them.
What fic are you most proud of?
Tuesday Nights. I have made some fantastic friends because of that story, a few of whom I’ve met in real life at this point. Although, Casebook will always hold a special place in my heart because one of my most cherished friendships sprung from that series.
Anyone is more than welcome to join in this Not Quite Year in Review (more like several years), but I’ll tag @themandylion, @snowzapped, @generatorcat, @thelonelysatellite, and @crimson--lux
Have fun and Happy New Year to everyone!
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Reluctant Vacation // Charlie Gillespie
Summary: The niece of the infamous Kenny Ortega had its advantages and disadvantages, you received insight on his projects but felt guilty saying no. Kenny seeing the exhaustion pulling you down invites to the set of Julie and the Phantoms where you rediscover your love with the field.
Warning: Swearing and fluff.
 Words 2.2k
A/N: I do take requests. It may take a bit to get to them but I’ll post some.
Please ask to be tagged in my inbox because I can’t promise you will be through commenting on the posts!
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The sigh came from deep in your chest wanting to drop to the floor for an exhaustion induced nap, but an airport wasn’t the best place. Large sunglasses obscured people from seeing the deep bags under your eyes on the way to the film lot. It was coming full circle, the change different from the frantic schedule you had had recently. When Kenny called you hadn’t hesitated in packing and buying a ticket.
“Miss Y/L/N?” The voice pulled you from your thoughts as a man holding a card with your name displayed. He was of Puerto Rican descendent with a young girl beside him with similar features, “I’m Ricardo. This is my daughter Madison.”
“It’s nice to meet you. I’m-“
“Y/N Y/L/N.” Madison supplied with a beaming grin on her face having recognized you from your role as Sabrina in The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina along with movies.
All you could do was send a fragile smile in response after a long sleepless flight to Canada.
Madison’s eyes saddened at the exhaustion you carried, “I can fangirl later. You looked really tired.”
“Kenny saw and asked me to come over the guise of help, but he knows I need a break. He’s lucky I don’t need to be on set for a few weeks.” You replied, covering a yawn as you found yourself at a car, the walk a blur.
Unintentionally you found yourself asleep in the backseat the moment you settled back there for the drive. You had filmed in Vancouver before, so it wasn’t a huge deal, and the Reyes’ duo didn’t have the heart to wake you up.
“We’re here,” Madison whispered with the back-car door opened. Your eyelids fluttering at her voice, giving Madison a closer look at your face.
Walking on set, you saw Kenny giving one of his pep talks before he cut himself off at the sight of you. The actors surrounding him furrowed their brows as the legendary director power walked to a person concealed behind Mads.
“Sweetheart.” Kenny beamed, pulling his niece in for a hug before leaning back to scan her features, “You need a nap.”
“I need to meet your new cast.” You snickered stepping around the man to the three actors he had abandoned to see you. You found amusement in their widening eyes at the sight of the Y/N walking to them.
“Oh, my shit.” Owen gasped freaking out as the actress co-starring in the new Spider-Man trilogy came closer.
Last night Owen, Charlie and Jeremy had hosted a movie night in the rented apartment the first two rented. They had quickly made their way through Captain America: Civil War before watching the following movies with Spider-Man. You had a cameo in Captain America: Civil War before becoming a star in Homecoming and Far From Home.
“We manifested her.” Charlie hissed frantically fixing his set costume growing a blush at the smile you wore. He could feel the hair stylist on standby glaring at his tousled locks.
The girl in question came to a stop before the three guys portraying the phantoms of the show in the second season. You couldn’t help but chuckle at the expressions each one of them had.
“Hello.” You greeted flattered when the tall blonde one turned a blossom pink at the voice of an angel. Charlie and Owen had developed celebrity crushes on you.
In revenge, Tori, a returning choreographer and background character, saw Charlie’s expression along with a familiar girl. After filming season one ended the previous year you had stopped by during the filming process of CAOS to catch up with Kenny. Tori had been there and you two became friends.
“Hey!” Tori grinned, pulling you into a hug, “These three binged your MCU movies last night, and Charlie’s wallpaper is you.”
“This is what you get for telling Booboo about the poster!” Tori called to the Canadian boy jogging out his area. Charlie’s cheek darkened more than Owen’s as your smile grew bigger.
“No worries Ghost. Luke definitely my favourite character and gotta say you should have been on Charmed more than two episodes.” You supplied walking backwards to Kenny once more yearning for a night’s rest after the flight.
“Holy shit.” Charlie choked smacking Jeremy’s arm repeatedly, “She knows me. Oh, oh, OH. She’s seen me-“
 “-Getting it on for a scene.” Jeremy snickered as his friend grew more and more flustered, “That was tame compared to her and Tom going at it.”
Charlie’s face dropped being reminded of the explicit scene you had done with Tom Holland in the movie that came out near the end of 2020. The Devil All the Time was the only film out of the MCU you had done with Tom. You had played the promiscuous daughter of a devout, loyal churchgoer and close friend of the preacher.
“Didn’t they date for a few months?” Owen questioned thinking back to the media mayhem during the virtual press for the film.
Owen was correct with the chemistry between you and Tom it was natural you would do interviews together via shared video chats. Charlie watched every single one that came out with interest. He hadn’t even expected the film to do so dark and explicit, but you had a natural talent.
“English, handsome, actor-“ Charlie started to list off on the English actor with a far more extensive list of credits. Charlie felt like a Canadian child in the city of Los Angeles compared to your leading man.
“-runs a charity with his family.” Jeremy continued raising one eyebrow, “At least he isn’t tall. You’d be fully screwed.”
Charlie shoved his teasing friends away with a smirk of his own as the trio continued on to the film. Charlie put his feelings on the back burner to focus on the storyline and emotions of the scene.
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“Spider-Man Three baby!” The English accent shouted from the phone with only an ocean separating the two actors. Tom hadn’t even greeted you before screaming at the news you both received; despite the scripts from a few weeks prior the sequel had fully been greenlighted
Your head tossed back at the childlike glee on the older adult, clearly displaying the two years really mean he was two years old. After meeting on the set of Civil War along with Harrison, you had become friends. Followed with the following MCU appearances, it had been a surprise to be cast in Devil All the Time.
“Insane.” You started making your way through the set to where Kenny had texted you from. It was closing to the end of your vacation.
In the few weeks, you had reconnected with Tori on her breaks along with becoming good friends with the cast members. Something clicked between you and the core four of the show even if Madison sometimes still got starstruck.
“Did you read the script?” Tom questioned quirking his infamous eyebrow his fans wholly adored. You found it amusing, to be honest, that every character he portrayed had the same eyebrow.
“Not fully. I’m surrounded by people, and unlike you, I prefer not to jeopardize my career with marvel.” You teased glancing up as Charlie and Owen made their way over, “I’ll be flying out in a few days for filming.”
Tom nodded his head, “I got get back. Jacob and Haz are visiting. Remember to film the announcement! Bye Love!”
You gave a thumbs up before Tom ended the facetime glancing up at the duo who each raised their eyebrows. Charlie’s mask nearly breaking at Tom’s goodbye. Charlie could feel the cover of his feelings falling more and more each day.
“Announcement?” Owen questioned, slipping his jacket on over his shoulders having changed from his Alex outfit.
“Nothing.” You waved it off, starting to walk backwards with a smile that Charlie thought made your eyes shine brighter than stars.
The boys followed behind on the walk to the house Jeremy and Carolynn had decided to rent during filming. You had been crashing there as Jeremy didn’t want Carolynn to be alone with his filming schedule. It also gave the perfect place for your plan. Last few nights you had binged the marvel movies again ending with Far From Home.
The living room was decked out by Carolynn with your help from earlier as she was the only know that knew. Everyone settled in the living room with Mr Reyes there as well who had quickly become a father figure to you.
“So, I wanted everyone here for a reason. I’m sure you’ve noticed I’ve been reading a script and I have something to open.” You started thanking Jeremy as he brought in the package, he had no clue of the contents, “Now nobody says any spoilers for season two.”
You turned on the camera Paul Becker had supplied with a small smile having already filmed the opening sequence. You sat on the floor in the camera shot, opening the big box to hand out the smaller boxes to your friends. Charlie, Owen, Jeremy, Madison, Savannah, Booboo and every else glanced at the non-descript red box.
“Open them.” You urged grinning as the room went silent except for the tape ripping off the packages.
In each individual box was marvel themed candy, a plushie of Spider-Man along with signed cards from the Avengers actors and the MCU Spider-Man cast. At the very bottom, all it said was to look up at you. Instead of facing them with their looks of shock, you addressed the camera.
“Tom and I are so incredibly happy to announce that Spider-Man 3 is in the beginning process of filming.” You beamed at the camera listening to the intense noise of your friends screaming, “we can’t reveal anything else about the film, but the script is immaculate as usual. You’ll get to see Harper on the screen once more.”
“WHAT!” The collective scream behind you came as you waited a second before ending the video. You’d have to replay it before sending to marvel for the finishing touches with Tom’s version and then you could post it on Instagram.
“Surprise!” You spoke to the group behind you all in states of excitement, “You don’t know how much I’ve wanted to tell you guys! I got the script a few days before I came.”
“Holy shit.” Owen spoke, laughing at he shook his head, “You managed to get autographs from fucking Iron Man himself.”
“I got connections.” You snorted meeting the gaze of Charlie, “Nah, Downey’s kids came for a visit, and I kept them company. Downey offered to do anything, and I took the favour.”
The surprise wore off as the group mingled, but Charlie’s eyes stayed pinned to your form as you sent a message to Tom. Locking your phone to noticed his eyes.
“Hey Charlie.” You smiled, sitting on the couch next to him. His expressive eyes showing a silver screen of emotions you couldn’t quite decipher.
The corner of his mouth tilted up in response to the way his name rolled off your tongue, sending his heart stuttering. A cold sweat appearing when you grasped his hand in yours in a confident manner.
“So, you leave soon?” Charlie murmured moving closer to hear you among the chatter of the group. Your lips turned down for a split second as you felt the sadness of leaving.
It was refreshing to be on set without the demands of makeup, costumes, filming and choreography. To see the action and magic but not be part of it was a definite change you had needed desperately. But to leave Charlie hurt.
“My call time is in three days. Need to get ready to bring Harper Osbourne back to the big screen.” You replied, loosening your grip on his hand, “I don’t really want to go back. I’m gonna miss you…and everyone else of course.”
Unaware to the eyes watching in anticipation you and Charlie conversed further on the upcoming months. To the great disappointment of the house began to clear out, Owen for an early call time. Savannah was meeting with her brother, and Mr Reyes was taking Madison home.
It left Jeremy and Carolynn to retire to their bedroom while you stayed on the couch with Charlie for longer. The emotions building from the prior weeks, bubbling to the surface. Hearts thudding in their chest Charlie leaned in glancing at your lips; yours glancing at his.
Who moved first couldn’t be known, but as your lips brushed together just barely you felt grounded and peaceful. If he leaned closer, you wonder what the kiss would make you feel.
“I’d like to kiss you.” Charlie murmured startled at the confidence he had gained, “But before I do. Do you have something with Tom?”
“Other than onscreen chemistry? Absolutely nothing.” You spoke barely louder than a whisper to the boy that had become so much more than some actor.
He was Charlie. The goofy boy that put a smile on anyone’s face with an impromptu concert in the middle of a crowded street. He lived life to the fullest without any regrets. He was passionate about his work, music and the environment.
Those thoughts evaporated when lips met another pair of lips in what might be described as the best kiss ever. No fireworks felt as Wattpad would say, but instead, it was the heady warmth of hot chocolate on a cold day; a warm shower after a long stressful day. It was home and perfect.
@safehavenmuse @siennanoelle01 @whiterose291 @mell-bell @blackhood5sos @ficrecsideblog @ifilwtmfc @deadpoolgirl23 @crappy-unicorn @sunsetcurve-h @elioelioeli0 @lovesanimals @popcrone818 @lolychu @deepsleepnat @tenaciousperfectionunknown @aunicornmademedoit @just-a-writer-here @simp4reggie @parkeret @faithiebrock01 @overlyhypedup @differentsoulrascalsalad @aesthetic-lyss @versaceapa @carleywhittaker @lostgirl219 @itsalexx21 @elllaoo4 @merxxleighann @mediocremunge @fantomlovesjuke4ever @dpaccione @oswin05 @kaylinfayezink @aberette13 @faithie-brock-gillespie01 @eharvey0218 @overlyhypedup @benstormy @auriandthepussicats @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @whothefuckstolemykeds @kcd15​ @siriuswvrld​ @princessvader15​ @xoxbloodreinaxox @heimdoodle​ @joshy-obx​ @lovesanimals​ @oopsiedoopsie23​ @am3l1a-24 @flying-solo-without-you​ @jaskiers-sweetkiss​ @lostrandomfangirl​n @must-be-a-weasley-92​ @jatp-holland​ @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @dxlanhxlland​ @dasexydevitt13​ @ifilwtmfc @arianagrandes-things @kinda-really-lost​ @marinettepotterandplagg​​ @ssprayberrythings​​ @morgandamrose @thedarkqueenofavalon​ @zukoshonourr​ @crybabyddl @spooky-season-bitch​ 
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askaceattorney · 2 years
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Dear Anonymous,
Mod Edgeworth: No. We will treat any letter written to the AA characters with the Japanese version of the names like any other letter, but it will be answered in the English dubbed names.
Co-Mod: Someone went back in time and changed everything, Back to the Future-style.  That’s the best I can come up with, anyway.
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(Previous Letter)
(Video in Letter)
Dear Antixanthomonas,
Mod Edgeworth: 
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Yeah, I really shot myself in the foot there. I did fix the letter, so it will reference the Seven Days of Sin Special for The Great Ace Attorney. It’s available in the Special Features, if you preordered the game or on YouTube.
Speaking of the DLC cases, neither will be considered canon. While I do believe that Japan’s side was intended on being canon, I have also discovered that the Masked Apprentice was originally supposed to be a different character and Kazuma was supposed to have remained dead. Combining the two characters was something only brought up in the second game. As a result, there are a lot of inconsistencies in the DLC Case on Japan’s Side that contradict the events of the second game. It was a good DLC game and it’s a shame that we have to not consider it canon, but... alas, it must be done. 
So yes, the DLC cases of The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles will officially be treated as the Asinine Cases. In other words, not canon. The Escapades, on the other hand, are under reconsideration after some thinking. We’ll let you know in the future around January.
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Dear siacatgirl,
Mod Edgeworth: I don’t think so? We do tag major characters to make it easier to find the letters.
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Dear dawsongfg,
Co-Mod: That happens a lot here.  You can make a lot of money fixing or replacing desks in the Ace Attorney universe.
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Dear Anonymous,
Co-Mod: I’d guess Apollo, since he’s one of the younger members and has a bit more of a temper than the others.  Not to mention an “unreliable streak,” according to Phoenix, according to Maya.
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Dear Anonymous,
Co-Mod: There’s only one problem with that...
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We delete the spammy letters we get anyway, so don’t worry about clogging up our queue with them.
Mod Edgeworth: If you’re Dawsongfg, then we shall gladly delete them. 
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Dear Anonymous,
Mod Edgeworth: Actually,  I am considering deleting all of them, since we got an anonymous letter asking us to delete their spam letters. That would be the letter above this one. I suspect it’s from Dawsongfg and, if that’s true, then we’ll delete all of them. If not, oh well.
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Dear pojofi96,
Co-Mod: “Stuff” refers to letters to the characters, or to one of us Mods.  I’m not aware of a second inbox, so if you’ve seen one, please point us to it.
Mod Edgeworth: Submit Letters here is likely the ask box like what you’re using to submit that letter right now.
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(Previous Post)
Dear dawsongfh,
Co-Mod: If you’re referring to the Rick Roll in this post, I was just returning the favor.  One good roll deserves another, right?
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(Previous Letter)
(Links in Letter: Personal Favorite, Mod Edgeworth, Co-Mod, Mod Justice)
Dear Gumshoe “Letty” Fan,
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(A little something I made for my sister’s birthday one time.)
And congratulations on the 1-year anniversary!  I’m super glad we’ve been able to keep someone entertained for that long, and hope we can keep it up for a good, long while.  And thanks a bunch for giving us gifts for your birthday!  You guessed right about my favorite character, but the backflipping Apollo GIF made me crack up.  I can maybe see Trucy doing something like that, but not Apollo, so that was hilariously unexpected.
That’s a nice icon, by the way.  Who wouldn’t want to give poor Gumshoe a pat on the head?
Mod Edgeworth: 
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Happy birthday and love the Miles Edgeworth gif. Him and Kazuma are my two baes, so anything with them is good in my books XD
Mod Justice:
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(What... the... [CENSORED]?!)
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*SNRK* I... guess my time watching SMG4 videos wasn’t enough for me to not react like that... heh heh.
(Come on, Mod Justice... You’ve dealt with worse.)
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Happy early birthday to you, “Gumshoe Letty Fan.” Hope it’s filled with fun and exciting memories!
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(Previous Letter)
Dear Honest Friend,
Co-Mod: You’re welcome, and thank you for your kind words!  It may not be possible to find a place where you’re completely safe from discomfort, arguments, and people with bad attitudes, especially on the internet, but it’s always good to find something that can unite people of different beliefs, values, and walks of life, even if it’s just love for a video game series.  Thanks for reminding us of that truth.
Have a pleasant day yourself!  We can all use one every now and then.
Mod Edgeworth: Thank you and I was pretty upset with Co-Mod’s personal account being out in the open like that. Not to say he’s never revealed his face or anything before, but it was the fact it was done through a private email that bugged me. 
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I was truly afraid they’d dox me out as well, even giving away my true gender. It might be something trivial, but even revealing my true gender is something personal to me, including my sexuality and race. Luckily, they didn’t reveal anything else and called me by they/them pronouns to keep my gender a secret, so I am grateful for that. They also don’t know my race, but not sure about my sexuality. I don’t think they know that either.
Mod Justice: I’m glad everyone can agree on that.
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Although I think this is another one of those incidents that proves the age-old adage regarding political discussion: “Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.”
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([CENSORED] Hell, I hate politics.)
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Regardless, thank you for your generosity. I just hope we can move on from this incident with no other problems.
-The Mods 
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mercuryonparklane · 3 years
Since Taylor released “You All Over Me” last night and also posted the “Love Story” remix lyric video that includes a group picture with Emily in it, I am reposting this from my other blog (because at the time I posted it my other blog was too new to show up in the tags). I’m not necessarily saying that YAOM is about Emily...
Anyway, here is a post about “Breathe” and how it is the only Grammy nominated song of Taylor’s that she has performed just once:
Prior to Lover Taylor had 9 Grammy nominated songs (that appeared on her own records): “You Belong With Me”. “White Horse”, “Breathe”, “Mean”, “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together”, “Begin Again”, “Shake It Off”, “Blank Space”, and “Bad Blood”.
According to Taylor herself, despite multiple requests from fans over the years, she has only sung “Breathe” live one time. She performed it for the first and, so far, only time on August 18, 2018 during her reputation Stadium Tour show in Miami.
I decided to compare this to how many times she has sung her other Grammy nominated songs (I chose not to include anything from Lover or folklore because she obviously hasn’t had the opportunity to perform those songs as she normally would):
(Disclaimer: the data related to the number of times Taylor has played each song comes from setlist.fm, so it may not be 100% accurate, but it is close enough to demonstrate the purpose of this post)
Date of release (as a single): October 23, 2008
# of times Taylor has performed this song live in total: 1
“White Horse”:
Date of release (as a single): December 9, 2008
# of times Taylor has performed this song live in total: 137
“You Belong With Me”
Date of release (as a single): April 26, 2009
# of times Taylor has performed this song live in total: 381
Date of release (as a single): March 13, 2011
# of times Taylor has performed this song live in total: 196
“We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together”
Date of release (as a single): August 13, 2012
# of times Taylor has performed this song live in total: 272 (that # includes 1 time she performed the song as a mashup with “Bad Blood” and 53 times as a mashup with “This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things”)
“Begin Again”
Date of release (as a single): October 1, 2012
# of times Taylor has performed this song live in total: 75
“Shake It Off”
Date of release (as a single): August 18, 2014
# of times Taylor has performed this song live in total: 189
“Blank Space”
Date of release (as a single): November 10, 2014
# of times Taylor has performed this song live in total: 166
“Bad Blood”
Date of release (as a single): May 17, 2015
# of times Taylor has performed this song live in total: 141 (that # includes the 53 times she performed the song as a mashup with “Should’ve Said No”)
As you can see, there is a pretty glaring disparity between the number of times she performed the other 8 songs live compared to the 1 time she performed “Breathe” live.
The song was released as a promotional single in the lead up to the release of Fearless, but wasn’t really a main single. It never had a music video, which means that it was probably never meant to be pushed for the charts. Although, it did spend one week on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, peaking at #87 on the week ending November 29, 2008, following the release of Fearless.
The song was co-written with Colbie Caillat, who also features on the track. Colbie was fairly popular at the time, in particular her debut single “Bubbly” had been very successful the previous year. So, you might think Taylor’s team/label would have wanted to push this song a bit more, but for some reason they didn’t.
The song seemed to be received well by critics too. There were obviously plenty of people who thought the song was good enough to earn a Grammy nomination. Although, it did end up losing to Colbie’s other, more commercially successful collaboration (“Lucky” with Jason Mraz).
So, it has been established that the song was released as a promotional single, it was nominated for a Grammy, and it was a collaboration with a popular (at the time) artist. These three factors combined might make someone wonder why she didn’t perform this song live until almost 10 years after its release. Just to reiterate, Taylor performed “Begin Again”, the song she performed second least out of this list, 75 times compared to the 1 and only time she performed “Breathe” in 2018.
This brings me back to the point that all of these other songs have a music video and were pushed as singles, whereas “Breathe” was only a promotional single and never had a music video.
Perhaps it would be fairer compare “Breathe” with the other promotional single Taylor released in the lead up to Fearless (I am excluding “Change” because it does have a music video and was used during the 2008 Olympics):
“You’re Not Sorry”
Date of release (as a single): October 28, 2008
# of times Taylor has performed this song live in total: 124
Yes, that’s right. Taylor has performed “You’re Not Sorry”, a song that got about the same amount of promotion as “Breathe”, well over 100 times.
Fearless was Taylor’s sophomore album and it was her first tour as a headliner. She had two albums worth of songs, plus a handful of others, to choose from. “Breathe” did not make the setlist. The only other song from Fearless that was not a part of the main setlist for that tour was “The Best Day”, a song that she performed live 6 times between 2009 and 2018, including twice during the Fearless Tour.
So, “Breathe”, again, was:
co-written by and features an artist who was popular at the time
released as a promotional single
nominated for a Grammy
never performed live before August 18, 2018
Which begs the question, why did she wait so long to perform the song live?
It has pretty much been established that the song is about Taylor’s original fiddle player, Emily. Taylor has never named names on this one, but most Swifties, even non-Gaylors, think the song is about her. Colbie Caillat basically confirmed this longtime fan theory in an April 2020 interview, where she says that Taylor “was writing about something she was going through with a band member at the time, and she was pouring her heart out about it”.
Taylor did say in the “making of” video for “Breathe” that the song is about a friend:
“It was total therapy because I came in and I was like, ‘Look, you know, one of my best friends, you know, I’m gonna have to not see anymore and is not gonna be part of what I do and it’s, like, the hardest thing to go through.’ It’s, like, crazy listening to the song cause you’d think it would be about a relationship, but it’s really about, like, losing a friend and, like, having a fallout and just the loss…”
She also adds:
“It’s never specific as to why. That’s my favorite thing about it. It doesn’t talk about why or whose fault it was cause sometimes the hardest time and way to say goodbye is when it’s nobody’s fault. It just has to stop.”
But, again, I’m pretty sure that Taylor herself has never said that it was about Emily. The official story is that Emily left the band to attend law school, but there is a rumor that she was actually fired. More specifically, the rumor is that she was fired when the true nature of their relationship was discovered.
This is all old news to Gaylors, of course. I said in my first post for this blog that I would not go too far into this theory due to the fact that Emily was 21 when she was hired and Taylor was only 16 at that time. I do think it is possible that Taylor had strong feelings towards Emily and maybe those feelings were unrequited or maybe they were reciprocated. Either way, perhaps someone found out somehow and the fallout was Emily getting fired.
It is also not improbable that Emily decided that she didn’t really like being on the road or the business side of being a professional musician and wanted to pursue a different career. If that was the case, then I do wonder why Taylor felt the need to repeatedly sing “I’m sorry” at the end of “Breathe”.
The only thing that would make sense, other than a potential firing that Taylor somehow felt responsible for, is that they had a fight when Emily broke the news to Taylor that she was going to leave the band. Hence, Taylor feeling the need to apologize so profusely.
Even if that is the case (here is where I project a bit/draw from my own experience), it still seems, to me, like Taylor felt a deep connection to Emily that might have blurred the line between platonic and romantic feelings. Maybe Emily is the first woman that she had those feelings for (ignoring “Angelina” and “Me And Britney” for this point) and so when she left it hit her really hard. Thus, she couldn’t bear to sing about it, even by the time the Fearless Tour started almost a year and half later.
That is all speculation, of course. Still, I can’t help but wonder why she would let almost an entire decade go by before she decided to sing a literal Grammy nominated song on stage for the first time. Especially considering the fact that she has performed all of her other Grammy nominated songs well over 100 times, aside from “Begin Again” (which she has still performed 74 times more than “Breathe”).
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antivan-beau · 3 years
Quite awhile back, I was tagged by @dragonologist-phd​ in a fic writing ask meme! Thanks so much for thinking of me <3 
I tagged some people further down in this post, so consider yourself tagged if you’re seeing this notification now! Also if you’re seeing this on your dash and want to do this, sincerely just go for it, toot your own horn.
How many works do you have on AO3?
Sixteen works, including two fics for the 2021 Black Emporium rare pair exchange that were just made un-anonymous ;D
What’s your total AO3 words count?
Holy shit, somehow recently hit over 100k? 100,909 words.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Elder City - Extremely proud of this Zevran & Morrigan character study, not gonna lie.
4. Across a Crow'ded Room - Crowt3 longfic my beloved.
3. Break A Sweat - I’m happy this has so many kudos, since it’s Gen! A fic focused on the Locked Tomb siblings Ianthe and Coronabeth, written for an exchange.
2. Undone by Teeth or Temper - It is porn, so I’m not surprised by its high view count, but it is a femslash rare pair including a pretty widely disliked character, so I have to admit I’m pleased by the high views/kudos ratio.
1. Stupendous Work of a Titty Nature - I got in on the ground floor of the Locked Tomb fandom (pre-ordered GtN because I was a fan of the author’s previous work) and this was one of the earliest fics on AO3 for the series. Also it is silly teenage Gideon/Harrow shenanigans, so I see why people like it.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always! It amazes me when people take the time to comment on my stories, so I like to say thanks and start a conversation if I can :)
Also I met my literal, irl girlfriend through AO3 comments, so ~you never know~
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Considering I love to read angst, I haven’t written much of it. Arguably Test of Faith, which needs a second chapter one day.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Not that many people out there read Discworld fanfic, but No Rest for the Witches, Granny Weatherwax’s Very Stressful Day, is extremely wholesome.
Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve ever written?
Crossovers aren’t my thing.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I live in fear of being cancelled for romanticizing shitty relationships via my Zevran/Rinna/Taliesen stories, but nope, no hate yet. Just for the record: I think their relationship is bad, tragic, and should not be emulated in any form. I am against girlfriend murder!! Also, I think their pain is entertaining and aspects of their story have the potential to be very funny.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I’ve written a modest amount of smut. My only smut fic to ever see the light of day so far is Undone by Teeth or Temper, though.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Thank goodness, no.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope. Hmu if you want to, though!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not officially. But several fics have been brainstormed by me and other people, like many of the jokes in A Little Light Reading were thought up in a conversation with @aubergion​, @rlainarin​, and @m-m-m-myysurana​. And @snarky-warden​ has to hear every single crowt3 thought that enters my head, so she should get some co-credit for those, as well as giving me ideas for the very charming Zevran/Shianni fic I wrote for 2021 Black Emporium.
What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Zevwarden, of course. Zevran/Rinna/Taliesen comes second. Third is “every other conceivable relationship involving two or more dragon age women.”
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I’m a clown who sincerely thinks they will finish all their WIPs one day.
What are your writing strengths?
I think I’m good at consistent character voice, and dialogue overall. It’s very flattering when people say they like my plots and stories, because I work hard at those, but I have a long way to go.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I love a good sword fight but I hate writing sword fights. My greatest weakness, however, is when a character has to stand up from a chair and walk from one place to another. Why is getting characters from place to place so vexing??
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Unpopular opinion but, personally I usually find it cringey. Just say, “She said, in Elvish,” or whatever. I also don’t like using real-world languages as stand-ins for fictional foreign languages. (e.g. French for Orlesian, or Italian for Antivan.) (I do this in my own fic, though, so I am a hypocrite.)
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Uhh technically it may have been Neopets?? But if you count “something I wrote that I mentally classified as fan fiction while I was writing it” I think it would be R.A. Salvatore’s Drizzt books. RIP 2 me.
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
Across a Crow'ded Room <3 What a wild display of hubris and ambition to decide I could write complicated longfic when I had literally never written anything longer than about 1000 words. Still going to finish it, though!
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asunshinepuff · 3 years
Secrets of the Darkened Seas
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🧜🏻‍♀️ Hello! Welcome to chapter five! Please please please give a like and follow to my co-author and best friend Luna ( @epithymiahua ) because this story would not be where it’s at without her help! She’s incredible and deserves so much credit for working on this alongside me cause she works so hard. And I feel horrible that she isn’t getting the credit deserves. Just a small reminder that the next chapter will be posted on Luna’s blog! 
This chapter features a mention of poisoning, it’s quite brief and only about paragraph but nonetheless here’s your warning. Also, if you have any questions about swords and the reasoning behind Min-Jun’s sword having a name, feel free to ask Luna on her blog, she is great at explaining the lore behind it all and very patient to help you understand. 
As always, a reminder that there is some lore included within this, however, it will be explained over time so no worries. There are very subtle mentions of lore within the previous chapters so perhaps read back and see if you can catch it. 
Under the guise of Fantastic Nautical Creatures by Newt Scamander, the included lore on different types of merfolk will as always, be taken from the book “The Secret World of Mermaids” by Francine Rose. We will not take credit for its writing. It’s a childhood book of mine that I adore dearly and sincerely think you should all check out!
Also! Please let me know if you want to be added to the tag list so that you don’t miss a new chapter! Anyways, that’s about it. I hope you enjoy!
If you’ve missed any chapters here’s the link to the masterlist for this story Secrets of the Darkened Seas 🧜🏻‍♀️
Chapter 5: The Sea Serpent’s Venom
Everything happened in a span of mere seconds. Regulus and Tadase both woke up in fear, the crew claimed their weapons, the boys were pulled away by Opal and hidden away, Remus drew his sword, Sirius’ sword clanged against his, and the invading pirates boarded the Dragon’s Pearl. 
Remus glared at the offending man, he stepped back when other pirates began to draw closer. One of the pirates stood next to Sirius Black. He was lean and tall, he wore round spectacles, light skin, the most unruly black hair Remus had ever seen, and a sword at the ready. 
Remus blocked the first to his head, retaliating by swinging his sword. The pirate in spectacles charged at Quinn, who only smirked in response. Easily dancing around the younger pirate, disarming him rather quickly by grabbing the spectacles of the pirate. The man yelled out in surprise, shouting at the unfairness of it all. 
Another pirate, this time a woman with bright green eyes and fiery red hair, charged after Opal. Having just joined the fray, she quickly blocked a blow to her side. She was not amused, nor did she want to deal with practical children, minus Remus of course, trying to steal their ship.
“Where is he?!” Sirius snarled out, his sword pressed against Remus’.
“I don’t know who you’re talking about.” He snapped in return. Pushing his sword down against the Black.
“Don’t play coy, I know your captain kidnapped my brother!” Sirius pulled his sword free and twirled it with his wrist. “Kidnapped?! My captain practically saved him!” Remus widened his stance, putting the hilt of his sword to his chest.
Sirius didn’t even bother to respond to that, only frowning at the answer Remus gave him. He surged forward again, aiming for Remus’ torso. He blocked and began to advance while Sirius began to retreat to the stairs. He was heading for the Captain’s quarters. In a moment of quick thinking, Remus threw his sword. Sirius found himself pinned to the wall- Remus’ sword piercing his sleeve to the wood of the railing.
Sirius tugged his wrist, trying to pull free, he glared at Remus who only offered a smirk in return. His expression falters at the sight of a young lanky man with dusty blonde hair and grey eyes. The young man’s eyes darted around nervously, he quickly ran towards Sirius, handing the object in his arms to him. 
It was Min-Jun’s sword, the one with a dark green sheath with gold accents. Dú hǎi. Remus paled. The lanky boy had snuck into the Captain’s quarters. Sirius smirked, taking the hilt of the sword.
The crew of the Dragon’s Pearl paused, watching Sirius. With all of the attention on him, Sirius spoke. 
“I’ll be taking over this ship, unless you hand over Regulus Black. If you don’t, I’ll have the Dragon’s Pearl kill you all.” The crew merely looked at the Black in confusion.  
Sirius frowns, he lifts the sword up for the crew to see. “See this! This sword controls the ship, and I hold the sword.” 
Remus looked to Quinn, an intense desire to wring the young Black’s neck was clear upon his face. Quinn merely shook his head, sheathing his sword, and leaned against the railing. Remus only looked at Sirius as if he was watching a child wave a stick and calling it a magic wand.  
Sirius’ brows frowned further into frustration at the lack of a response from the crew, in anger, he pulls the sword from its sheath. Instantly dropping the sword, blood dripping to the deck. Sirius clutched his hand tightly, a tiny metallic gold snake with emerald eyes wrapped its body around Sirius’ wrist, its fangs piercing the skin. 
The metallic gold snake released its fangs, leaving two puncture holes, uncoiling its body, and it fell to the floor. Then slithered its way to the hilt of the sword where it fits perfectly to the deep grooves of the metal hilt that had appeared to have lost a large piece. The snake froze and became inanimate once more. Its emerald eyes shimmering. 
Sirius looked to Remus and Quinn. His vision began to fog up around the edges, his mind felt heavy. “What did you do to me? What is that sword?!”
“Us? We’ve done nothing.” Quinn replied with a shrug.
Remus sheathed his sword and walked forward. His expression was neutral as the crew began to drive out the remaining pirates who had grown in fear at the sight of the sword’s snake coming to life. “That sword, is called Dú hǎi.” 
Sirius fell to his knees, he looked up to Remus. “What the bloody hell does that have to do with anything?!” 
Remus remains passive. “Dú hǎi translates to Venomous Sea.” He crouched down next to the pirate. “You were bitten by the spirit of the sword, and now have its venom running in your veins.” 
The pirate glared at Remus. “Give me the antidote!” 
“I don’t have it, only the White Sea Serpent has it,” Remus answered calmly.  
Sirius froze, he had heard that title before. The White Sea Serpent was a man who had vanquished many pirates and had a magical sword that only served one master. “Who is he?! Where can I find him to give me the antidote!?” 
“He’s my captain,” Remus smirked. “Captain Min-Jun Hua. And I doubt he would give someone like you the antidote. He doesn’t take too kindly to trespassers on his ship.”  
Sirius struggled to keep his eyes open, his heart began to slow, he fell to his side. Quinn walked forward. 
“You got bitten by the White Sea Serpent mate. You’ll become legendary if you survive. Which you won’t since its venom is hell without the antidote.” He leans down to grin at the pirate. “You’d best start praying my captain returns soon, eh?”  
Sirius couldn’t respond, he fell unconscious. Quinn tsks, shaking his head. He stood, “Take him to the infirmary, make sure he stays alive long enough for Min-Jun to arrive.” 
The crew gets to work. Remus watches them drag Sirius away, his arms crossed. “Defeated by the captain’s sword when the captain was nowhere in sight. What a terrible way to die. He doesn’t even have the honor to die with the captain present. How tragic.” 
“Well, now you know how it looks in person. This is why no one has managed to take the ship.” Quinn adds, he grabs the fallen sword, speaking quietly to it. A small hiss answers in return, Quinn resheaths the sword.  
“I’ll go check on the children. They got quite the scare.” Remus offered. He personally wanted to make sure the children weren’t harmed during the fight. 
“Alright, try to get some sleep,” Quinn adds as he looks to the ship that was sailing away. “His own crew left him, not that I blame them. They wouldn’t even be able to help him.” Quinn turned to the infirmary. Dú hǎi in his hand. 
When Remus joined the children, Brielle had taken to hiding Regulus as well. She snarled when the cabin door opened, but stopped when she saw that it was Remus. 
“How are they?” Remus asked softly, kneeling on the ground. The mermaid had not spoken once, but it was clear she could understand them. The mermaid only communicated with Remus telepathically, but even then Remus still struggled to understand the complex mer language. 
Brielle simply looked to her right, the children were huddled under a blanket. She looked back to Remus, her eyes turning silver as she spoke to Remus telepathically.
Remus instantly raised his hands to try to stop her, his head shaking. “Alright, I understand. Please stop doing that, it feels so loud my head might burst.” He looks to Brielle who’s shoulders slumped. He sighs. “At least until I know about your language.” 
Brielle looks away, her hair falling over her shoulder. Remus turned his attention to the blanket, lifting it up a tad to peek at the children underneath. Two pairs of wide eyes stared back at him. Remus couldn’t help but smile. 
“Are you both alright?” The boys nod. Tadase crawls out from the blanket, curling up to the older mer’s side. Purring contentedly. Regulus crawled out as well, hesitantly watching the two mers interact, it looked like he wanted comfort too.  
Without warning, Remus pulled Regulus onto his lap, hugging him tightly. Regulus struggled to pull himself free, but gradually came to a stop. The child’s shoulders began to shake, before he began to sob. 
Remus only rubbed his back in an attempt to soothe him. A sigh leaving his lips, he was angry. Regulus had been so small and thin, he hadn’t spoken a single word for nearly all four days. Only flinching whenever someone mentioned the Blacks. What had they done to him?
“He feels abandoned.” Remus snapped his head up, eyes wide as he looked to the mermaid. She had spoken. In english!
Brielle looked undisturbed with her sudden ability to speak. She watched the boy closely. “I feel, loneliness from him. He feels abandoned.” 
Remus frowned. He wasn’t surprised. The Blacks all but unloved the frail boy in his arms. Regulus was neglected for so long, it must have felt like rejection and abandonment. Brielle tilts her head, the mer child in her arms has fallen asleep. Gently, she places Tadase down beside her. She turns to Remus, her arms stretched, reaching for Regulus. 
“I’ll sing. To help him sleep. No more nightmares.” 
Remus’ eyes widened in surprise. “Mermaid’s can be rid of nightmares?” 
Brielle nodded. “Mothers do, for their babies. I will do it for him.” She pulls the boy into her arms, her clawed hands were so gentle, it amazed Remus how such a fierce creature could become so gentle and tender to others. He had much to learn about his fellow mers it seemed. 
Once settled comfortably upon her lap, Brielle began to sing. And her lullaby soothed out the frown on his face, falling deep into sleep. Tadase curled closer to her. Her lullaby seemed to calm the rage within Remus’ own mind, and all the crew slept well for the first time in days. Even Sirius Black who was fighting for his life, the pain seemed to dull. 
Her song reached everyone aboard the Dragon’s Pearl.
Tag List: (Let me know if you wish to be added!)
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dianaburnwood · 3 years
HITMAN 3: First Impressions
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This post is full of SPOILERS. Also, it is LONG, so.... yeah. Be prepared lol 
HITMAN 3. Also known as: Diana’s Game. 
Dear GOD I am in love. 
I’m going to do my best to make this coherent. But. I am still freaking out. And I have SO much more to explore!!!! This won’t be very in-depth because I played each map exactly once so far. There’s so much left to see, conversations to overhear, opportunities to exploit - but, I DO have some first impressions, oh hell yes. 
That menu music!!! I was not expecting that at all. It was a mix of choral and classical with previous themes intertwined, and it reminded me of Blood Money. Speaking of Blood Money, this game is Blood Money. 
Very, very beautiful. Kinda thought Grey made it all about himself lol of course he wanted to say “in your face” to the partners, but it was like 47 was just there to pull the trigger, like he’d not been hurt by them too. But, I really liked it. Trapping them in a room and watching them freak while Grey watched me kill them?? Helloo??? Popping off HARD from the start and I love it.
So - here’s the thing. I don’t get the timing. Diana tells them then that Edwards escaped. Did he escape just before the boys got to Dubai? Or were they unavailable to reach until then? It seems that the message Grey got at the end of HAVEN was after Olivia hacked the HAVEN servers, and then the boys were out of reach so after Diana discovered Edwards was gone, she couldn’t tell them until Dubai? And it was shown to us in a different order to leave us hanging? I dunno. Maybe? It seems weird. 
THE CUTSCENE here omg - once again establishing that 47 and Diana are ride or die. “Diana will make it right, she always does” - BABE. BABE. SWEET BOY. His little face when Grey doesn’t trust Diana. OMGGG.
I went the murder mystery route, of course. I figured it was Emma from her conversation with her husband, but I got all the clues after just to be sure. Can’t believe Carlisle just handed 47 the file on Edwards and then went out alone on the balcony like I wasn’t gonna kill her??? Bitch????? do you forget who i am?????? Anyway, the murder mystery was SO much fun, but I can’t wait to infiltrate this manor in other ways. Lots of Beldingford vibes here.
THE CUTSCENE bdsfgafhlsjfah WAHT????? Ok so HOW did Edwards know where they were? And - ok, so it made for an amazing scene, but Grey is a badass. He is a mercenary genius that duped the ICA and brought Providence to its knees. How did he get himself surrounded in the woods by CICADA? But he did, and it was beautiful, and he literally only shot himself to save 47, and the LOOK in 47′s eyes on his balaclava face - I just bfjKSFasad. I can’t believe he died so early tho. I was very sure he’d die somehow, but SO early. WOW. 
fucking hell. Berlin. fuck. fucckkkk. 
I wanna shout out to Mini (not gonna tag you in case you’re avoiding spoilers) but hot damn girl if you’re reading you were BANG ON about 47 wearing Grey’s coat. I really didn’t think it was his. It was. It is such a beautiful way for 47 to express his emotions about this death without actually saying anything. Omg. It was perfection. I’m crying thinking about it.
BERLIN was where this game really upped its... game. Like WOW. 5 targets, and it’s the ICA. Clearly Edwards went to the ICA board at this stage and was like uhhhh so you need to take these ppl out. HOWEVER I am amazed that the ICA is like “oh, ok”. DO you not remember what happened in SOUTH DAKOTA. 
But going after the ICA is a fucking trip and I love it. I love how 47 says each agent’s name to himself. I love how he listens in and the team handler realises it. I love how she pulls the rest of her team out once you get 5. I love that the ICA agents use disguises too!!! This is truly APEX PREDATOR and I love that they named it that. Y’all think you have the balls to go up against 47??? bitch?????
But the fact that you have to find the targets and none of them are marked is so fantastic. I found 6, but I have no idea how many are actually available - but I’m gonna find out!!! The club is HUGE as well, and lots of throwbacks to Contracts, especially with the biker gang. Amazing. Amazing level. I’m so excited to replay it. 
Also they really addressed the elephant in the room with the ICA agents describing 47 as a caucasian male, bald, average height and ppl being like uh that’s every man here, and then he said yeah but he’s got this big tattoo lmao 
ok this is where I started to think this game was my fanfiction. Inside the ICA? Showing off how truly international it is, and high tech. Hidden in plain sight. Ready to dismantle in 12 hours if needed. SO perfect. This lore builds on Absolution and Blood Money ICA lore in wonderful ways. 
Also, I don’t know why the IOI and DK of the logo looked different in the trailer, they must have been just hard to make out. Cos in the game, the ICA logo is the same as all previous games. 
Also, analysts do client vetting? Intrigue. Always assumed that was part of the handlers’ job. I take it all back Diana, you have never done anything wrong in your life, ever 
I killed Royce by firing the ppl she recommended so she’d get trapped in the data core cleaning. I killed Hush (what a name I love it) as his patient. 
Working with Olivia is really fun. I missed Diana, but Olivia brought a whole fresh perspective. I also really like how neither Grey nor Olivia are as good as Diana - they both fucked up while guiding 47 at least once. 
47 saying “...I will leave you to prepare” to Olivia, I yelled fdagsfa
Also I love how 47 decided to expose the ICA exactly like Diana did in Absolution. Those two. One of a kind. My heart. And his desire to protect her. I love that the files showed their start together. Olivia saying “I can see why you...” and then she stopped herself. We all KNOW what she was gonna say. 
the cutscene - I screamed
“47 has one weakness. Me.” 
I swear to fucking GOD, IO has seen into my soul. I’ve said all along that Diana is 47′s weakness, and he is hers. But to hear it said, aloud, by my girl? WHAT???!!!!!
Ok. OK. OKKKKKK. OK. I can’t even write about this one. This was where I was pretty sure I was hallucinating the entire level. This is my Diana and 47 dreams come true. This is insane. This is EVERYTHING.
So we have OUR MOMENT IN THE SUN. She puts her HAND on HIS HAND and he looks in fucking wonderment at it. ahugarhiewEG;FEJGHEFlejlhsgfes;gjrsgt. I can’t. I can barely get through writing about this. 
Diana - the dress, the Jolie thigh slit, the jewellery, the hair (they finally fixed her fucking hair), SASS. “I have tango fever” omg. 
How do these ppl not have a pic of 47 by now lol 
I followed Diana and Vidal around cos I was entranced by my girl. Diana was fucking amazing each time. So much sass. Little did I know I interrupted them enough times for Vidal to say “ok son let’s talk”. I saw the tango and I was like omg imagine if I could dance with Diana. 
Anyway, got to kill Vidal via her own setup for me, and that was amazing. I wasn’t expecting it at all. I snuck into the house to kill Yates, and overheard him calling Edwards’ voicemail. Also, it is April 2021?? So, yeah. My previous dates were way wrong lol. 
And then, ALL MY DREAMS CAME TRUE. Diana and 47 fucking dancing the tango? I was pissed that I was in a security guard outfit, next time I play he will be in his tuxedo baby. 
Diana’s comments to 47 when he’s in disguise tho, I was freaking. As security “you look like a true professional. I feel so much safer with you gentlemen around” aaahhhh
I am so glad I was right about my baby girl tho. She even told him “you didn’t have a choice” about her parents. Good. I’m so glad I was right about that. But omg it broke my heart to have 47 so, SO, SOOO sure of Diana all along, defending her to Grey and Olivia, knowing, KNOWING that she was on his side, and then, he eventually started to doubt it. 
I was screaming at my screen - this is BLOOD MONEY! SHe is doing what she did in BLOOD MONEY!!!!
But, for a second, 47 wasn’t sure anymore. And Diana played her part well. 
Carpathian Mountains
Ok, what I love most about Contracts was how it gave us an insight into 47′s psyche, and this game upped that tenfold. Him seeing all his targets surround him? Him imagining Diana and the Constant dancing together? Him imagining her say terrible things about him, things he’s thought about himself deep down, always, omg, but he finally snapped out of it. Ironic that thinking about Grey snapped him out of it, when in life Grey had not trusted Diana. But 47 came to the realisation on his own. Diana would never betray him. 
opening that door and finding out you’re on a fucking train?????? I screamed. 
I am a bit disappointed that it turned out Romania wasn’t significant, they just happened to be passing through. But omg the fact that you are “subject 47″ again. I freaked. This is 47′s worst nightmare. 
I love that you have a free pass to kill everyone in this level. I did it in stealth anyway, cos it felt wonderfully tense to sneak through that train. But wow. This is another BIG risk that IO took. The train was straight out of Uncharted, and crafting a silencer for your pistol??? Hello The Last of Us????? But I don’t care. They used those elements super well. 
I think some people will be angry at this game because parts of it (especially the last level) were a departure from how HITMAN and HITMAN 2 worked. But I love it. I love that they took risks to tell the story they wanted to tell, and those risks paid off. 
47′s undying loyalty to Diana, omg. Telling Edwards bye bitch, I’ll never forget who I am again, and Diana thinks you suck. <3<3<3<3<3
OH MY GOD. ONE YEAR LATER????? 47 obviously took some time off cos he fucking needed a break. But he’s back, baby. Ending on “it’s good to be back” was wonderful. The game ended where the 2015 trailer for HITMAN started, and I’m crying. He’s ready to continue with Diana, and not because it’s what he was made to do, not because he doesn’t know what else to do, but finally, because he CHOOSES to do that. 
But one year later? What does that mean? Has Diana rebuilt the ICA like in Blood Money, or will she and 47 work together without anyone else? They’ll need the infrastructure that an organisation like the ICA has though. Diana said she would dismantle Providence from the top down once Edwards was gone, but how? Does that mean dismantling what’s left of the ICA? They were one and the same by the end of the game. All that didn’t just disappear. I’m left with so many questions. 
I was disappointed Diana wasn’t in the cabin when 47 got there. And I wonder why she wasn’t. She knew he was coming, but they are clearly still on good terms. Maybe she wasn’t sure what to expect. But does that mean they hadn’t spoken in a year since??? But she didn’t sound surprised to hear him, and he had coordinates that he was following, so I think they arranged to meet. But her phone was in there when he arrived, and she wasn’t. Maybe he was tracking her phone? Did she come back there to him after????? 
the game 
with 47
And for that I will be forever grateful. 
Ok bye, I need to play it again. RIP work tomorrow lol 
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walker-lister · 3 years
Fic writer review
Tagged by @picnokinesis thank you Taka! 
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
Twelve! (I’ll have to write another to make it 13 lol!)
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
3. How many fandoms have you written for?
Just the one that I’ve posted online- Doctor Who, and specifically Thirteen! 
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Rising Tides (270)- I’m incredibly touched this has the most kudos as this was the first that I put a lot of effort into, I had with my previous works but this one was longer and covered complex themes, so it’s very touching! 
2. Timeless (214)- This is the first fic I wrote! I remember doing it right after the series 12 finale as I was so compelled by the ending! I’m very pleased it’s been appreciated, a very kind way to be welcomed into the writing community!
3. On Hallowed Ground (127)- This one I also find so touching and I’m so pleased this many people enjoyed it as I became consumed by this and wrote it over 6 days so to know so many others also enjoyed something that quite literally consumed me and basically wrote itself is just fantastic! 
4. Ipseity (123)- I have a soft spot for this one, too, my first longer (ish) fic that I planned out and I’m really pleased people enjoyed it! I think it all started because I wanted to see 13 in a leather jacket and was very intrigued by the prospect of her having past lives she didn’t know about! 
5. Heaven Sent (110)- Ahh, I’m so happy this has made it to this list! I’m writing the final two chapters now and it’s been a passion project, my whole heart’s gone into it so to know this many have enjoyed thus far and we’ve still got a while to go (just coming up to halfway!) is really... ahh, I’m chuffed! 
5. Do you respond to comments? Why/why not?
Absolutely, they’re so precious to writers and I really appreciate people taking the time to leave one! Also, it’s nice to chat with your readers and it’s how I’ve made many friends! 
6. A fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm I had to think about this for a while, I don’t really think I’ve got any with an angsty ending, I think bittersweet might be the closest, in which case I’ll say ‘On Hallowed Ground’ as it’s angsty with the circumstances but also hopeful at the end.
7. Do you write crossovers?
No, although sometimes my mind wanders over doing a Doctor Who/Merlin crossover fic, all for the bants of seeing those characters interact (Graham and Gauis immediate besties), but I don’t think I’ll ever write it!
8. Ever received hate on a fic?
I have not, which is nice! 
9. Do you write smut?
hahaha nope! I do include sexual themes in my work, but do that annoying thing where it cuts away before they get to the actual smut bit! I just can’t do it, it’d be terrible, although I know someone who wants me to ( @ivyinspace 😉)
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Wait that happens? 
11. Ever had a fic translated?
Nope but if anyone wants to please don’t hesitate to get in touch!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic?
I have not, although had talks about it!
13. All time fav ship?
All time?! Gotta be the Titanic. Lmao no I’d say Thasmin, although I am partial to some Thoscei 
14. WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I’ll be honest, I don’t think I’ll ever finish Cosmic Fireworks. I wish I’d left it as a one shot tbh but I don’t want to delete the second chapter off ao3. But I can’t see myself finishing it, I wasn’t into it as much as I am normally with my fics, but we’ll see, who knows, perhaps one day I’ll wake up with the inclination! 
15. Writing strengths?
*mind goes blank* 
ermm... I think I’m quite good at taking complex themes and exploring them well- I find that the pieces come together easily in my mind and (provided I write it all out and plan first) it’s like I can lay out a problem and carefully craft the solution. I suppose that might make me good at characterisation? I also think that I’m good at setting the scene and describing places maybe.  
16. Writing weaknesses?
I write way too much, I need to be more concise. Also I think I have a habit of needing my characters to show they’re good people, and that means sometimes my own voice carries over into theirs, and perhaps I could be better at exploring the complexities of characters, if that makes sense (something that goes beyond characterisation is what I mean, like maybe I’m making the point too hard sometimes). I also think that sometimes I need to chill- there doesn’t have to be a big point to scenes sometimes, no great narrative or thing to take away, sometimes it’s just the pleasure of reading something that’s important, even if it’s silly. 
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
I wish I could speak another language, but alas I cannot, otherwise I would, but I would then put translation. 
18. First fandom you wrote for?
It was actually Merlin, I never published it online but it was when I was about 13/14 and first discovered fanfic and was a huge fan of Merlin I thought, ‘that sounds fun let’s do it’! I was already writing little silly stories anyway so it was like a whole new concept which also felt familiar, although they were awful so I’m glad they never went online! 
19. What’s your fav fic you’ve written so far?
Agh idk! In terms of a story I think is good quality and engaging, I’d say ‘On Hallowed Ground’ as it’s concise, the plot and emotions mix well, I think, and overall I’m really proud of it. But in terms of my favourite one to write, I’m not sure if I can pick one. I enjoy writing them all, although tbh with some there are chapters I just have to grit my teeth through to write (by my own fault because I make things way too complicated!), but enjoyment is what it’s about! But maybe I’d single out my aus because they’re more my own invention that the others, in particular Heaven Sent- so that and Rising Tides, final answer! (see, this is what I mean, I write too much jfc...)
This is open to anyone who wants to do it!! 😊
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