#also- breaking out of the box motif today just for fun
trans-opossum · 4 months
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Amphibiuary day 12: Eat!
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Traditional costumes part 2
Remmember, GN!MC. And stay for a big hollyday surprise!!!
Beel (Chiapas La chiapaneca)
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·         Wearing the typical costume of your state, always made your heart expand in your chest, that night wasn´t the exception, using all the elements of nature made you really happy. That night Lord Diavolo prepare a big dinner to celebrate the exchange students, most likely he just wanted to take a break from the exams that you took a week ago. So you prepare yourself with the very best clothes you had.
·         Beel knocked in your door, saying that it was about time to go out, and he only heard one single scream from you that he panicked and with frenetically movements he opened your door. You were almost done, but usually your grandma would do the last touches for you to be ready, that made you sad. And Beel noticed it.
·         With a silent movement and a soft whisper in your ear he asked what was wrong, and how he might help you.
·         “You know Beel, this is my evening dress, not only because it´s beautiful but… It´s all about the story behind it: This costume was created towards the end of the 1920s, (1926-1927), when a highly successful theatrical company from Central America arrived in Chiapas de Corzo. In her first performance within the state, the lead singer performed a song that was called "Las Chiapanecas", in honor of her audience. The most popular story in terms of the traditional clothing of this state is carried by the Chiapas, who year after year parade showing their wonderful dresses. Characterized by its multiple colors and flowers; generally, on a black background, the traditional dress of Chiapas women represents the different ethnic groups that coexist in their region, such as the Tzeltales, the Lacandones, the Jacaltecos, the Choles and the Tojolobales, among others. Likewise, reference is made to the immense variety of botanical species that exist in Chiapas, since it is a state in which all kinds of ecosystems converge, from the mountainous places of the sierra to the coastal towns. In the case of men, allusion is made to elements such as the sun and rain, so necessary for the fertility of the Earth, and protection against the forces of darkness. The men also remember the Spanish conquerors, imitating certain characteristics of Europeans such as their blond hair; through the headdress that they put on their heads.”
·         Beelzebu wasn´t a man of tons of words like his older brothers, he was a man of actions. He hugged you as tight as he could (without harming you of course) after the hug he just smiled at you. “You are the connection in the three realms, but those are some complicated words that Lord Diavolo usually use, you are all of them for me, the flowers and plants, the mountains, the sierras and the ocean, for me. You are all of them and more.”
·         That made your heart “Doki, doki” yes, maybe that was the last thing you needed, like a magical spell just for you.
Belphie ( Traje Mestizo Quintana Roo) 
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He was sleeping in your room, nothing out the ordinary, most of his weekly routine was staying in your room sleeping, until he sniffed something different. He might be sleeping under your bed when he found out the costume inside the box under your bed. Was it like a good luck item? Or did you just didn´t wanted to see it again? He approached his left hand until he touched the box, he took it out and opened it.
In that moment he understood why you were hiding it, the costume was so beautiful. If someone else saw it, they would sell it, eat it, or use it, even asked you to use it. When you opened the door, and found him with the costume you screamed with full joy. “OH BELPHIE DARLING, YOU FOUND IT! I thought I lost it!” So you weren´t trying to hide it? You lost it? In your own room? Heh what a weird human.
“You know, my great grand mother made this for the generations after her. She would always be telling us Mestizo clothing is particularly representative clothing of Yucatan, and has been associated with Quintana Roo clothing. This is due to the proximity that exists between both states and of course, because both complement each other as tourist poles in Mexico. Particularly, the mestizo woman's costume is made up of a huipil embroidered in cross stitch, whose motifs go on the collar of the garment, the hem and the skirt. While the man's is much simpler and he only wears a shirt and pants made of a raw blanket, matching with a plaid apron, leather espadrilles and a palm hat.” You said with a big smile in your face. “Maybe we could ask her to make you one of it What do you think?”
He nodded, you looked so excited about it, that he almost forgot one little thing, How old was your great grandmother? He panicked just a little, but he recover the posture and with the nicest smile he could use, he said. “Well… But first how about you showing me the costume and then we could ask your great grandmother about it”
You smiled once again and ran into your bathroom, it was going to be an amazing evening.
Diavolo (Sn. Luis Potosí, “Las huastecas.”)
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It was a nice party for you, some of the greatest demons were at the castle, the brothers tried to protect you as much as they could, but they did had their own responsibility’s, being the seven rulers of the Devildom wasn´t a simple task, and you knew it.
Diavolo tried to approach you on multiple times, failing everyone of them. Until a duke actually came and talked to you. It was notorious you were uncomfortable, he was touching your most precious clothing, and making some rude comments about it.
When Diavolo was about to make his intervention, you took the demons hand and with a scary smile, you started. “It might not be as beautiful as you may think, but at least my dressing has a bigger meaning that that tuxedo of yours, my culture is not for you to make fun of, it deserves to have respect.” After that the prince of the Devildom approach to the both of you, as an excuse for you to join him for some drinks.
Both of you went out of the party, the garden was nice and the moon in the Devildom was brighter that night, Diavolo took your hands with his. “You are a brave human.” He started. “And you look delightful tonight, like someone full of dignity that can rule along with me.” He kissed your hands with the respect that he might show to his fiancé.
“You know Diavolo, my culture is a descendant from the Mayas, we use a tangle that reaches a few inches below the knee. It is made of a white blanket or a plain black cloth on the back; the front has four planks. Is held up by a factory-made sash with red and blue speckled stripes and has a braided fringe at both ends. The blouse or loose jacket is made of flowered calico or pink or blue artisela; It has puffed sleeves, high neck and pleated bib, ending at the waist with an olán or loose skirt that covers the girdle. On top of the blouse, we wear a white cotton quechquémel entirely covered with worsted embroidery with cross stitch. I am proud of my culture.”
As soon as you conclude he smiled, and asked you nicely to go for a dance. After that night he will make that duke pay for what he has done.
Barbatos (Oaxaca, Traje de las tehuanas)
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After visiting the human realm your grandfather gave him a nice CD full of music, Barbatos wasn´t the musical type of demon, but he accepted it anyways. After a few months the whole devil castle would have music that was just nostalgic for you.
One day you decided to go on your Huasteca outfit, not the casual one, but the gala. If Barbatos wanted to you could dance for him. When you arrived to the castle there he was, his usually stoic face turned into a surprise one when he saw you enter. His eyes started to shine like a small child when they saw a candy store.
He walked as fast as he could to see you, that was the first time he was close enough to listen to his breathing. He even started to say: “This typical costume was born in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, using it both the Tehuanas and the Juchitecas, it is said that it is a living costume, since they use it in any type of celebration, making it current over the years, even with the countless modifications it has undergone. t was in 1853, when the composer Máximo Ramón Ortiz composed the musical theme known as the Sandunga, that is when the Tehuana costume managed to cement its fame and prestige as a characteristic of the Oaxacan culture.”
You looked at him astonished, he even knew the history behind your costume, with a laugh caught in your throat you smiled at him. “It was a present from my family, sometimes I miss going to the river in Oaxaca, or even talking with my family in Zapotec.”
He was clearly impressed about the details in the costume, he even took your hand and ask you if you could dance with him. With a big smile you nodded and enter the castle.
It was a nice dance between the two of you, he even made your favorite  tea.  
Simeon (Yucatán Terno) 
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He was researching old cultures for his new book, until he found out something he missed while thinking, you were like an expert of the topic, right? Maybe you could tell him more about it, so he ran into the house of lamentation, hoping you could help him.
And there you were, using a beautiful costume, while talking with Satan, his heart started to beat faster, as he heard your story.
“Its origin dates from the time of colonization; When the Spaniards arrived in Mexican territory, they were surprised by the beauty and high quality of the blankets woven by the indigenous people, so they began to create adaptations taking various elements from both cultures to create what we know today as the suit or gala dress. for women and the mestizo costume for men.”
That would help him develop one of his new characters, but when you saw him in the door threshold, immediately your face became red. He notice it and laugh. He actually took your hand, and asked Satan nicely that he needed a piece of advice from you.
“You look stunning Mc.” He said to you while looking right into your clothes. “I must say, this is the nicest surprise of them all. Is it an important day for you to wear it?”
“Not at all, sometimes I only use it so I feel more at home.” With that say the both of you stayed talkig for a while.
Luke (Baja California Sur. Flor de pitahaya) 
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He was with you, watching the nicest video of the whole realms, something about the dance in front him made his heart a happy heart.
“Mc! This is beautiful!!” You looked at him with a warm smile, and told him, it was your mother dancing for a festival.
“You see Luke, my mother is a folkloric dancer, this dance in specific is from our state, and the full outfit has a big meaning and even a history behind it.” When you concluded, he looked at you with those big blue puppy eye of his, you pat his head and started.  “Some people say that this suit was created in 1951 as a result of a summons issued by the government of General Agustín Olachea Avilés, others, that it was in 1955, since there was no suit that represented our state. At that time, "period costumes" were used, since other states had a representative costume since ancient times, that is why this call came out in order to have a "symbol" that represented the roots of the inhabitants of Baja California Sur, being the winner "La Flor de Pitahaya” The Pitahayo is a cactus that grows in Baja California Sur, both on the coast and in the mountains, and when it blooms, it shows an abundance of nutritional wealth with its fruit the Pitahaya that peninsular indigenous people and now inhabitants have enjoyed for years.”
He was amazed, “You know Mc! I´m just a young angel, but listening to the story makes my heart melt, Is it normal?” with a warm smile, you told him: “Well, of course it´s normal, my stories have that magical power!”
After that day Luke would practice his dancing for you to be proud of him, sometimes he even saw you using the dressing for important parties in the castle of Diavolo. It was so nice!
He even saw your performance once, when he went to visit you at the house of lamentation, and he knew, he needed to work harder if he wanted to have an opportunity to dance with you.
Solomon (Nayarit  traje de los wixárikas)
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The both of you went to the Human realm, he needed to know more of you if he wanted to teach you even better, your family actually welcome him with a big surprise and a big meal, your family was known for using the traditional costume almost the whole year, so everybody knew how proud you were with it.
Solomon received  one of the largest lectures you had heard from your father. “The typical costume of Nayarit corresponds to the clothing of the Huichol culture, or as they prefer to be called: wixárikas. Most of these descendants of the Aztecs live in the Sierra Madre Oriental. The female version of the typical Nayarit costume is quite simple, compared to its male counterpart. This includes an embroidered blouse and a skirt, it also includes a cloak embroidered with flowers that serves to cover their heads and a quechquemitl as a complement. The quechquemitl is a triangular garment with a central opening that in pre-Hispanic times was reserved for the goddesses of fertility, or for certain women of the nobility who identified with these deities. Men wear more elaborate garb. All his garments are decorated with beaded embroidery and brightly colored threads: the shirt open on the inside of the sleeves (cuarri), the pants (breeches), the cape (turra), the sashes that hold the cape and the backpack that crosses his chest. They use symmetrical designs loaded with symbolic, mythological and magical elements. For example, a zigzag can represent lightning (associated with rain). These embroideries are, at times, so profuse that they do not reveal the white fabric in the background.” Solomon just stayed astonished when your father finished the lecture, he made it in one breath, that was amazing, and yet he wanted to use the clothing.
After a few days his dream became true, when your grandfather gave him his very own clothing, the old man said that if he was going to teach you, he must use it for now on.
Solomon was a happy little baby, and he would brag about it in front of the demon brothers, and even in front of Diavolo. Maybe the two of you could go into a party with matching clothes, just like your grandma and grandpa do.
After a while he got used to wear the costume your family gave him, and he even have a time record, and if you want to help him, that would make him as happier as a human could be.
He was grateful for the gift and having you in his life.
It is I, the writer behind the headcanons, So! For the hollydays I´m planing to make place for 9 comissions! (Originaly they were 10 but someone won one of the space) So you can ask about culture, romance, comedy etc. Remmember, I usually write for Latin American Mc, but if you have another idea for another MC, we can make that happen! Anyways, thanks for the support! And I will be reading you!!! Happy Hollydays. 
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swedeandsour · 4 years
Anna of the North Speaks on Typography, Being Awkward and Her Love of Billie Eilish
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Words: Peter Quincy Ng
Music is all about connection, and for Norway's Anna of the North, that means honesty in your craft. So for Anna Lotterud, and especially now that she's gone solo and parted ways with her former bandmate Brady Daniell-Smith, that means doing things her way. It's part of the reason why Anna of the North, idolizes Billie Eilish, the industry outlier that showed the world that there is no formula to musical stardom. 
For Anna of the North, being fun, silly and sometimes awkward with her feelings has been no limit to personal success. Previously featured alongside industry heavyweights such as The Chainsmokers, Frank Ocean and Odd Future, Anna knows that it's not about being the coolest girl in the room, but keeping it one-hundred with her music and her fanbase. Speaking to the small-town Norwegian artist about her previous life as a graphic designer, and how she navigates life as the captain of her own ship, the fun and bubbly Anna Lotterud gave us her best answers in a simple and direct way.  
You come from Gjøvik, a quiet town not far away from the Olympic town of Lillehammer.  How has traveling changed your worldview outside the Scandinavian, small town mentality?
I've grown a lot. When you leave a small town you usually go to Trondheim, Bergen or Oslo; and I went to Oslo to study graphic design. That was my first time out of the small town. I was really comfortable, Norway's really safe and I was with my friends and family. Gjøvik’s a really nice place to grow up, but sometimes you need to be challenged and go out, and that's why I'm traveling and making music; you get caught up in new conversations and culture. Traveling has made me who I am, yeah and live my dream.
You have a new record out, and like your last it's also a break-up album. This one's a bit different because it's a solo album, so did you feel a bit naked and vulnerable putting your emotions out there knowing it's all you?
(Laughs) Definitely, well you're out on your own you feel people are going to judge it as your own work and that makes it really hard. But definitely being alone, because when it was me and Brady, you could like blame the other (laughs). Now when you're traveling with the band, it's going to be all me that's going to get all you the, you know (laughs). At the same time writing this album was really important to me and felt really good because I got to be one-hundred percent who I am. Also because you can tell it's inspired by being awkward and that it's a positive record even though (thematically) it’s quite melancholic. You can almost figure out that it's my first record alone because there's this excitement around it and it all feels very innocent. I feel that to be able to allowed to make every decision is super hard but it also allowed myself to push myself and be as creative as possible. It's a really big responsibility, but it was fun and there was no one to tell me, “blah, blah, blah, you should do this!”
There's a lot of otherworldly electronic sounds on your last record, but your music now feels more organic and conventionally more pop these days. Was it a conscious decision to keep things fun, simple and accessible?
They're two different albums and as I just said, it's me alone now. I was just at a different place at my life. “Lovers” was more sad and down and this album is more happy and upbeat. Like I love playing “Dream Girl” live because it has more of a groove to it, but “Playing Games” and “Time to Get Over It” kept some of the old stuff. I don't know what I'll be by the third album. I'll just have to follow who I am. Everything is inspired by me and my feelings and how I'm feeling at the moment, but I guess when I wrote “Dream Girl” I felt more alive at the moment (laughs), I don't know how to describe it.
“Dream Girl”
Well, I think you've proved yourself on SoundCloud as a successful artist. but I heard your friend uploaded your music as a prank. They must be pretty lousy pranksters.
(Laughs) I woke up and I was like, well now I'm an artist! I guess I would have never done it, if I hadn't had that push.
Anna’s first track on SoundCloud “ILYAF 1996″
Since you've lived a previous life as a graphic designer, how important is style and aesthetic to the Anna of the North, especially when people love fitting artists, and especially female artists in boxes and categories?
I think for me it's everything, and I see the same things in (music software) Logic as in Adobe Photoshop. where you create something from nothing. It's the same thing but just as a different medium. For me, I need to feel proud or happy (with the result). To put it simply if I was going to be an actor could never play a role that was really far from my actual self. It would have to be a part of me, as in everything has to be a part of me. I have to be honest to myself and proud of what of I do.
What type of work did you specialize in? And Is Anna Lotterud a Comic Sans girl?
I would say Gotham is my font, but it's been so long since I've done any typography. That was actually my favorite part. I  would have loved to do packaging design and make things more environmental friendly, but I like to play with large titling fonts, I love that.
It's frequently mentioned that you're your own fashion designer.
(Laughs) It's quite simple actually! It's all fonts again! I love everything that's creative but again it's about being comfortable in what I'm wearing and I won't like something that wouldn't represent me, because that would be wrong
One of the motifs on the last record, I see beyond the solid colors and Scandinavian minimalism, is that you love pets. Tell me the story about Anna and the animals?
I mean I just love animals and I can't help it. I mean I just had this idea where I wanted a lot of animals (laughs)!
So, back to your music. You seem to have a humorous element to your music, I think you are a self-described "Weird Ass White Girl". Knowing that your music is all about love and tragedy, has it been a coping strategy to just laugh away the pain?
Yeah, it's always been to not take myself too seriously. You know like dark humor (laughs)? But not too dark! You know life is really hard, and you can knock yourself about everything, and especially on “Dream Girl” more than the “Lovers” album like  was a really heartbroken and, “Oh I don't know what to do with myself!” type of album. “Dream Girl” was more ironic, like my life sucks but I whatever; I'm going to get past this with confidence; like believe in yourself; and fuck everything, I'm going to be happy.
Anna of the North, may be just as well known as a collaborator than the soloist Anna of the North. Tell me how a "Weird Ass White Girl" could partner up with Frank Ocean and Tyler the Creator.
Frank Ocean was the easy part, he was already on the song and I didn't know it. It was all very organic, Odd Future reached out to me. Tyler really liked my voice on “Sway” and wanted me to work on a song with him “911”.
Tyler, The Creator “911 / Mr. Lonely”
You mention, Billie Eilish as an inspiration, on how not having this "perfect", conventionally pretty or cool girl could make out it out there. How important is it in an age where streaming has cut the artist narrative?
I think it's really important that there's something totally different in her. You know how a slow song now can be a radio single? Today there's a recipe or formula for how songs should be and I think it's really cool that she's doing her own thing, and (that) she shows labels, radio and the industry that there are no rules.
I think what makes Anna of the North is so attractive, is that there's an honestly to Anna Lotterud even if sometimes a little weird. Besides, who cares about being cool when you can be alone with a giant ice cream cone like on track "Thank Me Later" right?
(Laughs) I just like to have fun, be creative, you know?
“Thank Me Later”
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asterythm · 5 years
No Winning on Halloween
Title: No Winning on Halloween
Pairing: Nothing in particular. Mostly just platonic fun times with the buddies; maybe a tiny bit of Prinxiety if you squint hard enough?
Prompt: Costume Party
Word Count: approx. 3.4k
General Summary: The Sides’ annual costume party is going perfectly… right up until an unexpected guest shows up.
Warnings: Sympathetic Deceit. Also, there’s a hint of Roman angst? I meant for this to be a fluffy story, I swear!!
Read this fic on AO3
Virgil’s breath caught in his throat as he stared at the abomination lying before him. It had been so beautiful, but now its very soul had been sucked out; the poor, helpless thing had been mistreated horribly and discarded without a second thought. It was awful — terrible — absolutely revolting. Swearing vengeance, Virgil opened his mouth to release a mighty war cry.
“Alright, which one of you absolute cretins had the brilliant idea to take a single bite into this Halloween Kit Kat, without breaking it in half first, and then just leave it on the table?” Virgil demanded.
Patton, who was the only one who heard him over the deafening sound of Spooky Scary Skeletons being blasted at full volume, gasped so hard his Fix-It Felix hat almost fell off and rushed over to where Virgil stood. “What? What kind of monster would do that?”
It wasn’t long before Logan took notice of the two Sides standing around the snack table, and made his way over, inquiring, “Are you two quite alright?” He adjusted his Sherlock Holmes scarf as he spoke.
“No!” Patton wailed, furiously waving his hand at the candy bar at the root of all this trouble. “Someone ate their Kit Kat the wrong way!”
Logan frowned. “I don’t understand. I thought it was merely a wafer chocolate; what about this particular confectionary makes it so special as to have a right and wrong way to consume it?”
“You can’t just bite into both halves of a Kit Kat without breaking it first! That’s… that’s like a crime!”
“But why does it matter? Either way, the Kit Kat gets eaten. I don’t understand what I did wrong—”
“It was you? Oh, Logan, how could you betray me like this?”
Virgil didn’t really care too much about the half-eaten candy, and, listening to their banter, he had to smile. Figures that Logan would know the entirety of Hound of the Baskervilles word for word, but wouldn’t know the proper way to eat a Kit Kat, he thought to himself, shaking his head as he quietly excused himself from the conversation. The anxious side made his way over to Roman, who didn’t seem to realize that he was now alone on the dance floor. Actually, he probably just doesn’t care. Virgil cleared his throat. “Hey, Princey.”
The prince in question turned around. “Virgil.”
“Gotta admit, this party’s actually pretty good. Still mad that you stole my idea to dress up as a Nightmare Before Christmas character, though,” Virgil teased. He didn’t really care how Roman dressed up — he just wanted to get a conversation going.
Roman rolled his eyes. “Well, how was I supposed to know you were going to dress up as Jack Skellington? And besides, I make a fantastic Sally, thank you very much.”
”Yeah, yeah, whatever. You just wanted an excuse to break out your red wig again. You were a pretty good Merida last year, could’ve just stuck with that,” shot back Virgil.
“Excuse me?” Roman put a hand to his chest in mock indignation. “You expect me, the most creative Side of all, to wear the same Halloween costume twice? Never! Never, I say!”
“Okay. That’s what I was hoping you’d say, ‘cause I cut up your Merida dress to make the coattails for my costume. Glad you don’t mind.”
“You what?” Snickering, Virgil winked before running away as fast as his legs could take him. He didn’t need to look back to know that Roman was chasing after him. “Virgil, get back here!”
Dashing through the mind palace, Virgil found himself laughing, really laughing, for the first time in as long as he could remember. He loved fall, of course — how could he not? It was Halloween season! — but Thomas’ “autumn anxiety” had been acting up that year and he’d found himself working harder than usual. He had to admit that it felt great to be able to just relax at the annual costume party that Roman always held, even more so than usual this time.
Or maybe it just felt great to mess with Roman. That, too.
Either way, Virgil was… happy to have a worry-free day where he could just eat candy and drink bad punch and hang out with the other Sides. He had complained when Roman told him that the number one rule for the costume party would be “no overthinking anything” — But that’s what I do best! he’d whined — but he had to admit that he was glad Roman had made him promise. It was nice to know that Roman really did care.
Dashing through the halls of the mind palace, Roman hot on his heels, both of them shouting friendly taunts to each other, Virgil felt almost… carefree. Like nothing could stop him.
Moments later, something stopped him.
Virgil stopped in his tracks and stared. Roman came flying around the corner and crashed into him only moments later. “Hey, what’s the big… idea…”
Roman trailed off as he caught sight of the reason Virgil had stopped so suddenly. His eyes narrowed.
“Deceit,” Virgil hissed.
Indeed, before them stood Deceit. Virgil’s lip curled up in an automatic snarl, but a second glance told him that Deceit was not quite his regular self today.  Instead, he seemed to shrink in on himself. Virgil recognized a lot of Deceit’s body language as mirroring what usually was his own — hunched shoulders, hands gripping the container tighter than necessary, head slightly bowed, eyes darting. He seemed… nervous.
Not to mention his unusual outfit. He was dressed in an odd-looking robe; a colourful mishmash of many different fabrics that was at once regal and eccentric. In his hands, he held — was that a Tupperware container?
“What are you doing here?” Roman stepped forward and pointed an accusing finger. “What’s in the box?”
Roman was expecting a witty remark, a smug smile. He got neither. Rather, Deceit opened the container with a hopeful look on his face. “Er… I brought cookies.”
Virgil and Roman stared.
“Is it the costume? It’s too obscure, isn’t it? I’m dressed up as Prospero. You know, the guy from The Tempest?”
Virgil and Roman stared.
An awkward moment of silence.
Virgil and Roman stared.
Deceit held up the cookies to their faces, seeming to think that the two other Sides had somehow missed them.
Virgil and Roman stared.
“Did I mix up the dates? I thought today was the costume party.”
  “Absolutely not.”
“Sure thing!”
Logan and Patton spoke at the same time. The other Sides turned to Patton, incredulous.
“How can you possibly think this is a good idea?” Logan asked him.
“Well, you said he didn’t seem like he wanted to cause trouble, right?” Patton addressed Virgil, who nodded. “And it is true that Roman sent out an invitation to all the Sides. That includes Deceit.”
“Well, yeah, but I meant all the light Sides! Not that two-faced treacherous toad!” Roman
Logan sighed. “His motif is that of a snake, Roman, not a toad.”
“I’m sorry, I had to make it alliterative.”
Virgil was losing patience. “Guys, can we please focus?” He turned to Patton. “I get that you wanna make Deceit feel included or some dumb nice thing like that, but we can’t trust him,” Virgil insisted. “What if it’s another trick? I don’t understand how you’re so okay with him joining us.”
“Agreed,” Logan chimed in. “Deceit has lied to us before; in fact, it’s at the very core of his being. It’s what he does best.”
“I guess, but… but that doesn’t mean that he always lies! Roman, you mentioned that he was wearing a costume,” Patton argued, “and he brought cookies! Cookies! You can’t possibly say no to cookies, can you?” Roman started to speak, but Patton talked over him. “I get it. You don’t exactly trust him. Honestly, I don’t either. I mean, he stole my identity — not cool. But Deceit just wants to have fun. Can you blame him? Everyone deserves to be able to take a break from time to time. We all know the Dark Sides aren’t the liveliest bunch. Can’t we just let him have this one day?”
Patton’s last words echoed in the room. The other Sides were silent.
Finally, Logan spoke up. “I… suppose… it couldn’t hurt to let Deceit join in on the festivities for a day.”
“What? Logan, you can’t be serious!” Roman objected.
Logan held up a hand, silencing Roman effectively. He continued, “You must admit that Patton has a point. All of us work hard to keep Thomas safe and healthy, and although Deceit’s way of doing so may be… counterproductive… he still ought to be allowed a day of amusement. I’m not saying we need to treat him like a friend, but perhaps we can consider setting aside our differences today and forming a truce.”
The most anxious of the Sides was still apprehensive, of course, but Virgil started to see what Logan and Patton were saying. Slowly, he nodded. “I guess it would be okay, just for today.”
Roman, on the other hand, could hardly believe his ears.
He’d worked so hard for this costume party! He’d put so much effort into making sure it was absolutely perfect. Everything had been carefully thought out, from the party playlist song order to the location and arrangement of all the fake cobwebs to the exact shade of orange icing on the chocolate cupcakes. He knew how excited Patton had been for October to arrive. He’d noticed how Logan had been staying up late to work on Thomas’s videos. He’d seen how Virgil had been even more stressed than normal, trying to keep up with all the unwanted negativity that had arrived with the cold weather.
He’d planned and planned so that they could have the best costume party yet, and then Deceit showed up and just had to ruin it for all of them. They’d been having fun! They’d been relaxing! They’d been happy! And now they just wanted to throw away all of his hard work… for what? To appease a filthy liar?
When Roman spoke, his words were sharp and dripping with venom. “Well. I suppose I understand what you’re saying.”
“Oh! Um, that’s great, but are you sure?” Patton asked, cocking his head to the side. He hadn’t expected Roman to give in so easily.
In fact, Roman wasn’t quite finished. “Oh, I’m sure, all right. I may have spent countless all-nighters pouring my heart and soul into organizing this party for you all, but if making a Dark Side feel good is your priority, well, don’t let me stop you! I completely understand. Who cares about all the hard work I did, right?” Roman laughed bitterly. “Well, go ahead! Go bring the good news to your new best friend! I won’t stop you.” And with that, Roman sunk out.
  “Well, um, I’ve got good news and bad news,” Patton said to Deceit, who had been waiting in the halls where Virgil and Roman had left him. “The good news is, most of us are okay with you spending time with us today.”
“Most of you?” said Deceit quizzically.
“Yeah, uh, Roman… won’t be there, though,” Patton fumbled in response. “But you can still come and have fun with the rest of us!”
Deceit sighed. There was a nasty feeling gnawing away at his gut — guilt. He’d driven Roman away from his own party.
“You know what, Patton? I really appreciate it, but I’ve changed my mind. I don’t think I’ll be attending the party after all.” He gave the Tupperware container to Patton. “You can keep the cookies, though.”
Deceit pretended not to hear Patton’s confused protests as he disappeared from sight.
  A series of gentle knocks on Roman’s bedroom door alerted him to another Side’s presence. Probably Patton.
“Leave me alone,” grumbled Roman. No, please come in. His ego would never let him admit it, but he’d been hoping that someone would come to check in on him. Patton had come faster than he’d expected, though. Usually, the other Sides gave him some time to mope before coming to cheer him up with compliments.
The door opened with a soft click, and Roman was surprised to see that the one standing on the other side wasn’t Fix-It Felix, here to give Roman a tap with his golden hammer and make everything better. It was Jack Skellington, coat-tails and all.
The anxious Side invited himself inside and sat next to Roman on his fancy four-poster bed, fidgeting a little bit. “Hey there, Sally.”
The two of them sat in silence for a couple minutes, until Roman heard a very quiet snort of laughter. He whipped his head around immediately. “What are you laughing at, Hot Topic?”
“I just… I can’t take you seriously with that bright red wig of yours.”
Roman flushed with embarrassment. He’d forgotten he was wearing that. He removed the incriminating hairpiece. Clearing his throat, he asked, “Okay, so did you come up here for a reason, or did you just want to laugh at my hair?”
Suddenly serious, Virgil’s smirk disappeared. “Yeah, actually. I just felt like I owe you an apology.”
  Deceit sat, alone, in the darkscape. Stupid! the darkscape wailed in his own voice. So stupid! What on Earth were you expecting? For them to welcome you with open arms, just because you were all dressed up and baked some cookies? Ridiculous. You’re a Dark Side. They don’t like you.
He closed his eyes tight and tried to drown out the never-ending cacophony. He was used to the whispers that were always echoing through the hallways, but today they were so much louder than usual.
It was no use. Showing weakness had been a bad idea — the voices grabbed hold of him and pulled him down, down, down…
  “...we didn’t really consider your feelings when we made our decision, and that wasn’t fair. All of us really do appreciate how much work went into your party. So… uh, we’re sorry,” Virgil finished. He finally made eye contact with Roman (he’d been staring at his hands for the entirety of his apology) and was surprised to see the Side who had previously seemed so downtrodden was grinning like a fool.
“How many times did you rehearse that apology?” Roman asked.
“Wh— huh?” That was not the answer Virgil had been expecting. He hadn’t even been expecting to be able to get through his entire apology (which, by the way, he had only rehearsed six times, thank you very much!); he’d been sure that Roman would cut him off somewhere in the middle with some kind of snarky comment. When Roman was silent, Virgil had gotten more than a little nervous. Roman was never silent unless he was either angry or touched. And yet, the huge smile on Roman’s face showed that he was anything but angry. So that meant…
Mistaking Virgil’s confusion for concern, Roman hastened to comfort him. “I’m joking. That was very sweet of you, Virgil, and I really do appreciate it. I have to admit that I overreacted a tad bit. It’s just been an exhausting couple of days, you know?”
Virgil listened and nodded. “It’s great that you wanted to take stress off our shoulders with this party, Roman — really, it is — but it seems like you ended up just taking that stress onto yourself. You mentioned that you pulled a lot of all-nighters, huh? I get that you were excited, but come on, Princey. You can’t do that to yourself.”
Roman hated to admit fault, but… “I suppose you’re right, Jack Smellington.”
“Hey! Come on! Again with the name-calling? I thought we were having a heart-to-heart here!”
Roman nudged Virgil playfully. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.” He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. “I suppose that I have some apologizing to do, as well. Come on.” He got up and crossed over to the door, Virgil following close behind.
The two of them walked side-by-side, Side by Side, down the mindscape halls. When they reached the living room, Virgil hurried in first and sat down on the couch between Logan and Patton, who had long since stopped the music and were now sitting in silence, expecting Roman to step in.
Virgil spent a full minute wondering what was taking Roman so long before he got up and went back to check. “Ro?”
The hallways were empty. Roman was nowhere in sight.
  Time was a fluttery, doubtful sort of thing in the darkscape. It was a single silver ribbon that twisted and folded and, every once in a while, even stopped entirely. Sometimes, Deceit might just blink and weeks would flash by. Other times, he would lie down and sleep for what felt like an eternity, and wake to find that it had only been a few minutes he’d been unconscious.
Deceit didn’t know how long he’d been listening to the savage screams tearing away at his very core like vultures descending on a slab of dead meat. He didn’t want to know. At first, he’d wanted to escape to the safety of his room where the darkscape’s words were almost imperceptible, but to do that would be to admit defeat, and Deceit had had enough of that for today. So he sat and let the darkscape do its work, filling him up with bitterness and self-doubt.
Until, suddenly, there was someone’s hand on his shoulder — a grip that was firm and assertive, but not too tight. The whispers that filled Deceit’s mind disappeared with a puff of smoke as he turned to look at the unexpected visitor.
“...Roman? What are you doing here?”
The flamboyant Side spoke as if reciting words he’d already heard once before. “I just felt like I owe you an apology.”
  “What’s wrong, Virge?” Patton asked, voice full of concern.
The panicked Side exclaimed, “Roman was right behind me, and now the idiot’s just run off to who-knows-where!”
Logan got to his feet, alarmed. “He didn’t give you any hints about where he was going?”
“No,” Virgil said. “I just went up to his room to apologize and then he said that he needed to say sorry to you guys too, so we came downstairs and now he’s just gone.”
“You’re quite sure that he desired to talk to us, specifically? Not anyone else who he perhaps may have hurt?”
“Well, yeah. I mean, who else would he need to…” Virgil trailed off as he realized what Logan was implying. “Oh.”
“Yes, oh does seem appropriate for this situation,” Logan agreed.
Patton blinked, not quite catching on. “What? What are you guys talking about?”
“Roman didn’t mean us. He meant Deceit. He’s gone to the darkscape,” explained Virgil. “Oh, man. Why’s he gotta be such a clueless moron all the time? What made him think it would be a good idea to go down there?”
“He’s gone down to the darkscape?” cried an incredulous Patton. “But that’s dangerous! We gotta go bring him back before he gets himself hurt, Virgil!”
“I know, I know, I just… really don’t want to go down there again.” Virgil shuddered, and Patton’s voice grew quiet.
“Oh, I’m— I’m sorry. Er, if you don’t want to, it can just be me and Logan...”
After a moment of quiet focus, Virgil said, “No, I’m coming too. I wanna give him a piece of my mind, anyway. And no one knows how to deal with Deceit better than I do.” Patton couldn’t deny the truth in that statement.
“Alright,” Logan said impatiently. “Well, then, let’s go. We’ve already wasted enough time.”
Taking a deep breath, Patton and Logan stood, Virgil getting up a second later. The three of them had determined expressions on their faces, and stepped out into the halls, ready to run into Roman and bring him back to safety.
They weren’t expecting for that to happen in quite so literal a fashion. As Logan turned the corner, he collided face-first with Roman, who stumbled backwards — right into Deceit.
Patton gasped. “Roman! Behind you!”
Rubbing his forehead, Roman cracked the slightest of smiles.
“Yes, I’m aware. I was just bringing him to the living room so that we could join you guys, but it looks like you decided to meet us halfway, anyhow.”
He lowered his voice. “We’re still not friends. But just for today, we don’t really have to be enemies either, you know?”
(The cookies were delicious, by the way.)
A/N: This ended up being a lot longer and a lot more confusing than I intended. I wanted to write a cute little 500-word fluffy fic and post it the same day I wrote it, but then my hand slipped and before I knew it I was writing a 3k in ten-minute writing sprints in between all my homework. Since I wrote this for the SS Spooky Month, I threw this on here without doing.. uh.. any editing. So yeah -- definitely not by best work, but hey, this is my blog and I’ll post what I want, haha!
PS - Anyone who guesses the reference in the title gets a cookie :P
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sugar-petals · 6 years
Underground Tattoo Artist Yoongi
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Pairing: Yoongi x Reader Warnings: Smut, Yoongi’s sexy voice, fingering, hands/gloves kink, coarse language, protected sex, excessive pouting, tats kink (guess for which body parts), Irezumi, breast-sucking, PIV, handcuffs, D/s, Safeword: Spearmint, kissing, Yoongi being beautiful inside out Words: 2.2k
A/N: JK is a side character as is Hobi. Dedicated to my fellow Yoongi enthusiasts who’ve been with me on this journey for so long. @sugandcream @yoongiscookie @yaseminflames and a new friend, @seesaws-wife . 
Min Yoongi, born in Daegu, now Seoul-based at Genius Studio.
Seems to elicit a polarized response among the people who know him
Or think they do
Regulars, however, value him past how his name is thrown around on the streets
Yoongi is a knowledgeable artist with ten years of experience
His role model is the infamous Jun Cha
Like him Yoongi draws a lot of inspiration from mythology for sleeves mostly
He works hard
But stays humble knowing there are some true cracks out there who can surpass him with ease, those who run more imposing studios with a lot of creative staff
Plus he’s too aware that his time on this planet is limited even if tattoos give the illusion of longevity, even immortality in some strange kind of way
That’s why he likes motives centered all around death and morning
Yoongi knows what loss is like
He himself carries a skull on his right arm, tattooed by Jungkook
His younger, edgy assistant who works in the adjacent room
The studio is less lively nowadays but still doing times better compared to its modest beginnings. Yoongi keeps up the quality.
Probably the only guy around who’s not involved in criminal activities for sheer moral reasons even if big cash could be involved
The drug dealers would make his parlor even sleazier than it already is
At least in terms of reputation and target audience
Hygiene-wise, he won’t half-ass things. And that is his number one forte
Everything sanitized
From machines to needles to markers to aprons to razors to ointment applicators
And of course: The Hands
Yoongi is the cleanest bitch
He takes things seriously and plays by the rules
That’s exactly why he doesn’t fuck clients or gives out his treasured number
Which he’s asked for so so often, particularly by regulars
He’s not as sure as those who tell him he’s so attractive and ask him on dates
Yoongi thinks he’s so-so, just the tattoos make him look cooler 
And maybe the fact that he’s a patient and subdued guy by virtue of his profession
Clients appreciate that
Jungkook thinks they might be a bit disrespectful hitting on him so blatantly
But they arrive on time and pay rampant sums for completed sleeves says Yoongi 
Who schedules some pretty loaded people here and there to rake in the dinero
Clean bitch, rich bitch
He’s that good, but does he realize it?
It is true that a lot of visitors very much over-compliment his rugged, morbid look
Men and women alike
He thinks way too much about it. But what can he do, he’s forever an artist
What he’s confident in is creating solid, mistake-free pieces
That last
He specializes in creating couple tattoos 
The ones that people don’t wanna get rid of when they break up
Yes. He’s that good
Usually working with a lot of diluted ink styles for gray wash, detailed geometrics like JK often does, fine line, portraits with 3D elements
But also realistic nature themes and smaller polygons
The latter being what you schedule an appointment for.
It’s the sternum
The face of goddess Artemis with a crescent in fine lines
A friend of yours got a nice lettering tattoo here last May and recommended you
So you thought okay it’s a small piece why not, that seems fun, a change in looks is very welcome and you love Artemis’ story, it really means a lot
You wait for almost one and a half hours with a funny guy called Hoseok in a worn-out room who tells you the wildest things about his endless, already fading tattoos and where he got them and why and how
Then he comes around with his pouty pout and black clothes, converse, messy hair that shades the eyes
Min Yoongi who just finished a large Celtic design on a leg
Perched in a small corner with countless prints and drawings on the surrounding walls you discuss and plan at length, do the paperwork
You have to control yourself peering at the makeshift sketch you brought and not him in his low-cut tank top looking very, very appealing
Then, after paying, you get your breasts taped, cleaned. He’s fast and economical with it, the wipes are refreshing. His hands are apt in their tight matte black gloves
Yoongi makes sure you’re comfortable on the bench, hydrated, does the shaving, cleans again, applies the stencil, prepares some ointment and water to dip into
The first lines are rough but he encourages you
“Concentrate on my voice. Hurts less”
“Oh, what?”
Well he’s the expert, gotta roll with it, ten years of experience won’t lie right
And indeed
His slowed speech and deep, raspy timbre is soothing the pain a bit
That bedroom gaze of yours speaks volumes in return
You’re pretty certain he notices it, just his bangs are in the way. And he’s stern
Yoongi explains everything about needles and inks to you when he switches them
Shading the finished outlines and coloring flies past quickly and you really don’t want it to end, his fingers are so nice to observe at work
Not because it lessens the sting, but how he guides the machine so smoothly
After removing excess color and applying foam, the motif is revealed 
Artemis gazes with pride, confidence, and a watchful eye from between your breasts
He removes the taping with extra prudence, you pull on your shirt 
Almost finished
You agree to have him take a picture before he applies the ointment and bandaging
As a last instruction, he gives you tips for protection and care, the no-go things. Unsurprisingly to you, on the paper... he writes down his private number with a question mark after it without words. Figured so.
You didn’t need to hit on him. Yoongi already knows. JK always teases that he’s notoriously bad at reading people. But he’s not entirely oblivious like some amateur
Not when he’s being looked at like that, it’s a no-brainer 
The truth is JK is a guy who hoards baby lotion, sucks at making tribal designs, and is afraid of the new microwave in the studio kitchen
Clearly, his judgment can’t be trusted
The appointment finishes quite ill at ease but you manage to ask if he is busy next week with one eye on the phone number. The handwriting is very striking as you expected from a talented hand like that
His answer is everything after Thursday is good and that you should check out the studio’s Instagram by tomorrow or so
You go home holding so tightly onto the paper, you even forget your new tattoo thinking about him and that messy hair, his tank top
The next day you see the photo he took on Insta with a professional caption
Done by @tats_minyoongi at Genius Studio. Stay tuned for Tuesday Walk-In Day small motives only no tribal designs please | Email: [email protected]
But it’s tagged with an ominous but polite “#anytime” 
Savvy. Fucking Yoongi for the weekend it is huh
That got you feeling bold as Artemis
You text him that you really loved coming to him
So why not
Come on him
Smug emoji
Horny emoji
He answers you might like his place and suggests Saturday around 6, contraception provided, bring the handcuffs if you have some, please take care of the tattoo until then as he explained
A short pause...
Shy emoji
He’s an awkward cupcake but he knows the game and that counts
“Bring the handcuffs if you have some”
Accurate guess. It’s an artist thing
You turn up with take-out in a bag at his suburb flat, house No. 23
Which is as artsy, orderly, and dim-lit as you thought it would be, way below his means because Yoongi doesn’t mess around and loses his focus in life
The neat freak paradoxically looks more destroyed than ever even if he’s in his bathrobe at the doorstep with damp hair, fresh out of a warm shower. His breath puffs out in clouds because it’s chilly outside. November does bring out the lovers.
There couldn’t be anything sexier than such a view
Yoongi asks how you feel about the tattoo, is everything okay, are you alright
Half-healed, a bit of fallout, you look at it very often you retort. He did a good job
He’s blushy when you say it makes you think about him
So that Yoongi won’t get cold you quickly close the door behind you with one hand tangled up at his neck. Ready to pull him into a kiss
Those pouty lips. They’re just ideal. He tastes like spearmint
Which you set as safeword for this lovely evening
The food finds a place on the dark kitchen counter to wait for better days
Because you wanna peel Yoongi out of his robe and make those handcuffs go click clack on the metal frame of his bed and put a condom on him
One and a half hours waiting time? No need, not today
But he says you’re first and that he bought what you like. 
Surprise surprise, an actual wrapped present
You thought that could only get cringey because it’s something generic
No, no. It’s a new box of gloves. What level of customer service is he on
Extra matte, extra fitted. They snap around his lithe wrists in no time
The feeling on your skin is... so tingly
The feeling between your legs when he reaches down... even better
While his mouth works on your breasts separately
Carefully avoiding the tattoo but sneaking a peek at it while catching a breath
You love having eye contact now. A deep hazel glimmer. All yours.
The bathrobe comes off before you think your stamina is running out
To reveal his beautiful adorned body with modern, vibrant Irezumi. Scale-heavy Koi fish and flowers, poufy clouds, auspicious birds, branches.
And as the centerpiece on his back, his Chinese zodiac sign he says
A gorgeous red-orange rooster before an ascending sun. What a coincidence!
Elsewhere another cock is rising indeed
“Okay to go on?”
“Oh yes”
And you decide to ditch the cuffs for now, that was a bad idea
You want those hands on your body when he’s inside of you
And oh boy does he slip in easy. Wow, wow. His girth is good. Really veiny. The length fits, feels just right. Now Yoongi’s face goes all shy emoji 
Bless. He’s not a 7.5 in monster. Madam La Cervix is gonna thank ya later
Plus he can’t take his hands off your clit
With those damn squeaky gloves still on. Someone tasted blood
You love watching his inked chest rise and fall under a pretty heavy breath
Tattoo artists don’t do the track in their free time to get 30 laps a day together
They make art 
Which you enjoy seeing on his skin. Yoongi’s perfect eye candy and he can slide so well into you, too
The food gets cold, you wanna relish bouncing and gyrating on him instead
Feel his hands do their luscious work like a hot mess
Make you cum on that tatted dick hard 
Because in No. 23 the house walls are thick enough so the people from No. 25 and 21 won’t be bothered with the noise
Make him fill that condom good with gritted teeth
And your ears with his deep yearning moans
With them sweat drops covering his chest
It looks like there’s dew on the flowers and birds, the branches.
Life isn’t so full of loss and thinking of yourself as so-so when a lady climaxes on you 
He realizes that and is relieved having written down his number even if that’s very much against the rules
That orgasm has you in one hell of a mood afterwards
He cleans up both of you with wipes that leave a really refreshing feeling
Tattoo equipment works well in the bedroom it seems
You microwave that food fast because you wanna return to the sheets so bad
Flavored rice and vegetables with spare seasoning, no onions or garlic cause you want good kisses, and yep, spearmint is not an option 
Waiting until it’s not so hot anymore is a chance to calm down eventually
Yoongi is super hungry now and loves how you feed him 
You huddle up and he makes sure twice that your tattoo is properly covered.
Digging in you feel the urge to trace his chest with your fingers
Sleep comes after he told you the story behind his tattoos, where he learned his craft in Daegu and his first client ever, Hoseok. How the death of his mother inspired him to create a legacy. She raised her own Koi fish, dabbled in classic mythology, made portraits. Some of them, Yoongi keeps in his flat. Her art is just stunning 
Under each skin in the studio but especially his own does it live on
You know it’s what makes him so beautiful to others and you. That’s the secret
It’s easy to sleep next to him understanding that
He looks less wrecked than when he first opened the door
The next morning Yoongi types in a second ‘appointment’ with you into his Android
You say Tuesday afternoon is convenient, same take-out?
He says yes, and the gloves will be safely stored until then. Then hands over an expensive lotion for your chest to apply two times a day, super balmy with rosemary and Castor oil. You reply thanks but didn’t he give you some proper cream yesterday? Oh, that one was different? This is just the cherry on top then, alright. 
He smiles goodbye on the snowy porch with a muttered “Anytime” that leaves you giddy in your coat.
Min Yoongi
Oh well
He’s a clean bitch
From start to finish.
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felicityb-reviews · 6 years
Experimental SHINee - Feature Spotlight
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Hello babies, and welcome to the next Feature Spotlight in the SHINee Spotlight series!! My name is Jace (aka Felicity B), and today we're gonna be taking a slow drive through SHINee's more experimental era. This era in SHINee's career actually features my first SHINee comeback (Dream Girl, dahlings), so I am The Most Excited™ for this FSL!! It feels like Dream Girl dropped ten years ago, rather than just five, but I guess that's what K-Pop does to you.
And in case anyone is wondering why I'm going in reverse chronological order, it's because 1of1 and Misconceptions of Me are my favorite SHINee albums.
Era Spotlight
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So, I cheated. I really should have featured from DxDxD in this list instead of ones from FIVE, but I don't really like DxDxD!?!??! It's literally my least favorite SHINee album, sis. FIVE, to be frank with you all, fit more in line with the '90s 5HINee era, but it also fits in this experimental era pretty well.
The name of the game here is experimental, folks. SHINee must have gotten a little bored after they decided to go RnB again after LUCIFER. The bulk of the songs on this list were released in 2013, a year that SHINee really pushed the boundaries of who they were as a group, and I almost kind of miss it. Granted, I loved the maturity in sound they came back with on Odd and 1of1 (the former more than the latter, tbh), but this experimental phase was just a fun time to be a SHINee fan. This list includes songs from both Misconceptions albums, the Everybody mini album, and the previously mentioned Japanese album FIVE.
Spoiler (Misconceptions of You ~Dream Girl~)
Gurl... SHINee was not fuckin' around with us with Spoiler.
Spoiler is a song that Jonghyun wrote incorporating all the song titles from the Misconceptions series in the lyrics. And sis, I was like, "This is cute, or whatevahs!!" when he spoiled the tracklisting for Misconceptions of You, but when Misconceptions of Me dropped and we found out he spoiled that too?!?!?! My wig wasn't just lopsided, she was free floating in space.
SHINee really fucking Did That™ with Spoiler, sis.
Spoiler sounds like someone took Sherlock, and turned her into a vampire. Spoiler is Sherlock's darker and more seductive older sister. It's kind of interesting how they kicked off the Misconceptions series with Spoiler, a song that starts out like their previous title track, but with a dark twist. It's almost like they were making a statement, sis. This SHINee is New and Improved™ SHINee. This SHINee is Upgraded™ SHINee. SHINee 2.0, if you will. We snatched you with RnB/Funk, we snatched you with EDM, and now we're gonna snatch you with both. Enjoy!!
Symptoms (Everybody)
I imagine sex feels like what listening to this song feels like.
Symptoms is an eletro-RnB song that sounds like it was snatched right from the Billboard Top 40. Which doesn't surprise me, because it was produced by the Underdogs (who also produced EXO's Overdose, another song that's dripping in that Top 40 sound from the time). Symptoms is a song that starts out loud and proud; it gives you Drama™, and it gives zero fucks about it. She looks at you without a care in the world and says, "My name is Symptoms, what did you expect!?!?! A cutesy pop track?!?!?! Boi, if you don't get!!"
And mind you, that's what I love about ha.
I fucking love a SHINee song that gives us all the bells and whistles, because they really don't have to. Look at Odd Eye - she's as stripped back as it gets for RnB midtempos, but SHINee still Shine Bright Like A Diamond!! But here's the thing - these dramatic ass niggas love songs like these. You can't tell me these SHINee boys don't love a beat with all the bells and whistles; the way they always come correct on songs like these says it all.
Become Undone (FIVE)
Speaking of songs that lack bells and whistles, Become Undone is not one of them. You'd have to be a Fool™ to think a song titled Become Undone on a Japanese record could be a toned down track.
These types of songs are usually the most dramatic.
Become Undone is an angsty song. She's a song I can see playing during a scene where an anime protagonist has to make an extremely hard decision. Like, intentionally stepping into a trap to save your friends, or deciding between saving your loved ones or the world (don't look at me like that, you guys have seen Sailor Moon).
The main star of the show here is the chorus. That's true of most pop songs, but especially so for Become Undone. She features The SHINee Specialty™ (their ridiculous ability to blend their harmonies together like fuckin' buttah), the trap beats presented in the verse kicked up 10,000 for Maximum Drama™, and orchestral stabs that tie everything together. Become Undone has one of the most emotionally satisfying choruses I've heard in a pop song. Sis, I'm literally the INTENSIFIES meme listening to this song, it's just so good.
I'm really glad that groups like SHINee have had the pleasure of working with a Japanese team to release music in Japan, because it allows them to play with their sound in a way that they can't in Korea. And that's not to say that SHINee haven't played with their sound in Korea (this FSL is literally on the era they experimented with their sound the most), but there's certain sounds and textures that are specifically J-Pop in feel, and it's really cool to see a group like SHINee tap into that.
Orgel (Misconceptions of Me ~Why So Serious~)
Okay sis, now we're actually bringing it down a notch. Not for long, but I figured y'all could use a break, even if it's short lived.
Orgel is a song that's quite similar to Odd Eye in the fact that it's SHINee driving the song with their vocal performance, and the beat is going along for the ride. Orgel also features a melody that sounds like a something you'd hear in a music box, and while that motif is quite overused in pop music, it doesn't make Orgel feel played out. It's just a really pretty song from five really pretty boys.
Orgel is a really neat song, because even though SHINee are driving the song with their voice, they're really not doing a whole lot on the beat. Their vocal performance on Orgel is subtle in the same way the beat is (or rather, as subtle as these boys get), but they still stand out. It's an interesting experience, sis.
Queen of New York (Everybody)
Now this is A Song™, sis.
Queen of New York feels very lounge cafe, sis; she's very "let me sip my expensive coffee drink while I read the latest copy of Cosmo or OK! Magazine". Queen of New York is also very much something the drag queens are voguing to at the local gay club. Miss Queen of New York is a woman of many moods, okay?!?!?!
Queen of New York was a very fun surprise, because I don't think anyone was expecting a song quite like this on the Everbody mini album. She's very edgy, but in a way that you don't expect songs described as "edgy" to sound. Queen of New York has a very polished feel to her, but there's a dirtiness to her that you can't tame. She's a proper Upper Middle Side woman, but she's not afraid to take a walk on the wild side. She's not afraid to show you how to get down, and I just love that so much.
One Minute Back (Everybody)
This is also A Song™, babes.
One Minute Back is grungy, sis. She's not a proper Upper Middle Side woman, she's a punk rock/biker girl with a flair for the dramatic. Ain't nothin' polished here, ladies!! Well, SHINee's vocals are pretty polished, but that's a given. I've never heard a SHINee song where the vocals weren't produced to a T.
But despite that, Ms One Minute Back and Ms Queen of New York are happily married!!
One Minute Back, like Queen of New York, was a song I was pleasantly surprised to hear on Everybody. One Minute back has such grungy verses, but then the chorus and the bridge are so Funky and so SHINee. BUT THE TWO DIFFERENT VIBES BLEND TOGETHER LIKE IT'S NOTHING!! It's such an aurally pleasing experience, you guys!! The reason I compared One Minute Back to Queen of New Year is that they're both marry these two moods to amazing results. I mean, Queen of New York doesn't fully commit to the grunginess, but there's enough of it lying below the surface that it's worth mentioning.
Ms ABOAB is a Bad Bitch™. She's a Boss Bitch™. She has no time for your games, boo. Ms ABOAB is a brazen ElectroFunk number that makes no apologizes.
If SHINee wanted to make a record like Everybody for the Japanese market, ABOAB would have been the title track/lead single. Miss ABOAB is spicy. She's seductive. Miss ABOAB is full on club bounce, and I McFucking L O V E when SHINee do those kinds of songs. There's just something so sexy about them working that club vibe, sis. I lowkey wasn't ready for ABOAB, but she really didn't care. She mesmerizes with the way she flits between emphasizing her Funk and Electro elements.
And that damn drop with the horn line... BITCH!! My wig has been compromised.
Runaway (Misconceptions of You ~Dream Girl~)
Runaway is another ElectroFunk track, but brighter and poppier in a way that contrasts ABOAB quite nicely. It's no less fun and club ready, tho.
Runaway is mainly driven by a punchy synth stab and SHINee's very fun usage of their vocal harmonies. While Miss ABOAB would whip ha weave in ya face if you ever tried to talk to her, Miss Runaway would make silly faces at you and coax you into doing silly dances. I, always and forever, wanna see SHINee in concert, but I especially wanna see Runaway and ABOAB performed live, because they always do these types of club ready tracks Just Right™.
Hitchhiker (Misconceptions of You ~Dream Girl~)
Because God Knows^™ these boys can't not give us a track that channels the very essence of MJ and his weave.
If Spoiler was too gimmicky of a sequel to Sherlock for you, then Hitchhiker is your song. Hitchhiker, to me, sounds like the perfect representation of this era in SHINee's discography - let's take what we already do well and marry it to a whole new palette of song styles/textures, and see what sticks.
And lemme tell you somethin' - Hitchhiker sticks like fucking glue. Remember what I said about SHINee loving the bells and whistles that comes with doing over the top songs?!?!?! That's in full effect here, sis. Hitchhiker is anthemic as all fuck, and these boys ride that beat like they were made for it. And to be completely, I have no doubt in my mind that they were.
Nothing to Lose (FIVE)
So who else was expecting to get something hella grungy like Natalia Kills' Break You Hard or Seventeen's Clap with how hard that guitar was filtered?!?!?! I can't be the only one here.
Nothing to Lose bait and switches us with that dark n grungy guitar riff, because the majority of the song is rather bright n poppy. But I really can't be mad, because I rather liked the way they transitioned the darker sections into the brighter ones. And Nothing to Lose is pure octane fun. It's kind of a hard song to hate, because it gives zero fucks about how cutesy and cheesy it is.
There's also a rather nice helping of Funk thrown into the mix, but I'm gonna pretend that that had nothing to do with much I like this song. Even though it's what makes me like it the most.
Punch Drunk Love (Misconceptions of You ~Dream Girl~)
Punch Drunk Love channels Love Like Oxygen like SHINee's producers were in the studio intentionally trying to produce a sequel to the song. And if you know anything about me, you know that Love Like Oxygen is literal auditory C R A C K for my black ass. Punch Drunk Love also sounds like SHINee's writers held a seance and channeled MJ's spirit when they were writing the song for the boys.
And y'all already K N O W I'm here for that shit.
Punch Drunk Love is the SHINee Five™ on autopilot, sis. SHINee will never not know how to come correct with a Funk song, and it warms my heart. The attitude, the harmonies (THE BUMBACLOT HARMONIES), the overall feel of the song; SHINee gets it right. If you ever needed a pickmeup, then put on SHINee's Punch Drunk Love, and thank me later. This is another song that is unabashedly cheesy, but gives absolutely zero fucks about it.
Isn't it beautiful!?!?!?
Evil (Misconceptions of Me ~Why So Serious~)
Evil can be summed by in two words - Drama and Killer Harmonies.
That's technically three, but you know what the fuck I meant.
Evil is SHINee at their most dramatic. I remember Shawols losing their collective minds at the fancams from the concert performances where they wore blindfolds.
Yes, you read that correctly. These dramatic ass motherfuckers were performing on stage with blindfolds on. They were, more than likely, see through blindfolds, but never doubt SHINee's collective love of the Drama™. They absolutely would dance completely blindfolded.
Evil starts out slow, but I very much doubt that many of us thought the song was gonna stay that way; SHINee were just building the atmosphere (read - creating the perfect environment to torch our weaves). Evil has an almost musical theater vibe to it, except not nearly as cheesy. Evil is honestly a one of a kind experience that we all need in our lives at some point.
Especially because SHINee were on their harmonic A game the day they recorded Evil. When the drums drop out and it's just the orchestral stabs with their voices?!?!? Fuckin' magic, ladies.
Like A Fire (Misconceptions of Me ~Why So Serious~)
We all Know™ Like A Fire, because of that one performance where Jonghyun, Kibum, and Jinki were having a contest to see whom tf could be the most extra (to be honest, I'd say Kibum won, based purely on the fact that I didn't even know he could wail like that). But Like A Fire stands firm on her own by being a wickedly good Funk song.
(Sidenote - I'm about 90% this list has more Funk tracks than my '90s 5HINee FSL, and I want you all know that that was not on purpose. I wont be changing it, but I swear it wasn't done purposefully!!)
Like A Fire, like Punch Drunk Love, is SHINee on autopilot. I don't know what else to say about this song. It's just so Classic SHINee™, sis!! The verses have a more somber, minor tone to them, but the choruses transition (maybe that's a modulation, I'm not Musically Advanced™ enough to make that call) into a killer major groove that is just so beautiful to listen to. I don't know anyone who doesn't like this song. Liking Like A Fire is a requirement for being a Shawol (especially a Shawol of color). If you don't like Like A Fire, you're invalid.
I need to say something about these harmonies and ad libs, tho. Did the producer of Like A Fire tell the SHINee Boys™ to go HAM the day they were laying down tracks for Like A Fire?!?!?! Did they mean for the harmonies and ad libs to get this over the top!?!?! I'm not complaining, I just wanna know. Because the harmonies and ad libs, especially, are so ridiculous!! I love every second of it, but sometimes it K I L L S how extra this song is!!
Diamond Sky (FIVE)
The first time I ever listened to this song, I cackled like a banshee at how extra that intro was, because it's so SHINee. It's so dramatic, and it suits SHINee to a T. I was expecting the verses to be some Final Dragon type shit, or somethin'!!!
Diamond Sky is pretty standard fare for a J-Pop song, imo. It doesn't stop me from loving SHINee's take on it (and it shouldn't stop you), but it's worth mentioning; SHINee + J-Pop = Love. Like I mentioned above, I'm glad that SHINee were able to continue releasing music in Japan, because this is a style of music that suits them well, but would not do well in Korea at all.
Diamond Sky feels like the theme song for a magical girl anime. The twinkly pianos, complemented by the strings and electric guitar give it an air of grandiosity that would have made it a perfect theme or insert song for Sailor Moon. If they had added a modulation at the end for Maximum Drama™, I'd have lost my shit.
Close the Door (Everybody)
Firstly, if you haven't watched the SHINee World IV performance where Jinki tap dances to Close the Door, I'm judging you. Our sweet dubu leader did not bless us with such beauty and grace for you to ignore it!!
Secondly, Close the Door is the cheesiest love song I've ever encountered in K-Pop. It's got the romantic sounding keys, the strings, it's in 6/8 time (perfect for a waltz, babies), the lyrics are so sugary sweet, and the chord progressions utilize mostly major chords. And you know what, I absolutely fucking love it. I'm a cheesy Romantic Gay™, and I fucking love this cheesy ass love song. It's just so aurally pleasing, especially since these SHINee boys all have voices that blend together amazingly when they harmonize. Sue me.
Sleepless Night (Misconceptions of Me ~Why So Serious~)
SHINee ballads are a wonderful, amazing thing, you know?!?!? Especially when they don't give us the typical classical ballad, but go a little left field into something jazzy or RnB. Which is what they do with Sleepless Night.
This week's playlist features a lot of songs that are extremely over the top, sis. And I mean, we've discussed this; these SHINee boys love the drama of it all. But they also love lowkey songs like Sleepless Night. You'd be able to tell if they didn't with a song this stripped back and bare. Sleepless Night is literally the SHINee boys (and their amazing harmonies), a piano, and some strings. And it's fucking amazing. There are quite a few songs from SHINee that I want to experience live, but I think Sleepless Night tops the list. Well, that and Wish Upon A Star, but I'm sure I'd cry my fucking eyes out listening to that. I mean, I might cry my eyes out to Sleepless Night, but there's less of a chance there.
I've accepted that I'm a boring bitch who lives for a good ballad (the amount of ballads I've had to listen to for my RRUs has definitely proven this), but there's nothing quite like a good SHINee ballad, sis. There ain't never been a SHINee ballad that I didn't like.
And that's all for this week's list, loves!! Please tune in next week for the next era in my SHINee Spotlight series, Contemporary SHINee ver.2!! And don't forget to tune in Wednesday for my next Review Roundup, featuring songs released this week!!
Love you, guys!!
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megumikasume · 3 years
This is your perfect opportunity to learn 선씨티게임 and become a winner #764
Casino games are also available in online casinos, where permitted by law. An important economic theory holds that when the price of something goes up, demand for it tends to fall. The Japanese television series Kamen Rider Blade uses the playing cards and their symbols as an overall motif for the series. These are explained in more detail below and are quite well articulated by the designers in their pamphlet. Secondly, there is an order horizontally within each suit the meaning of which is harder to determine.
When you take a break, leave the gambling area rather that just the immediate game so you can truly break free of the environment. https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=모바일바둑이 In Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, and other ex-Soviet countries, often 36 card Anglo-American card decks are used, with cards 2 to 5 left out, making 6 the lowest value. The kings have very thick beards. They have fallen out of popularity in Germany but are very common in Poland, Austria, the Netherlands, Denmark, and the Baltic states. French card suits in comic deck - notice how the suits integrate with the illustrations! (Cartes à Rire, 19th century). (Guest, Vol. 2)
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For instance, if a patron wished to place a full complete bet on 17, the player would call "17 to the maximum". By “raise” here we mean pay the additional bet after the hands are dealt. In this case, if you are dealt any pair (yes, this includes 22) you should ALWAYS pay the extra bet to face the dealer’s hand. Members are issued credit-card-sized plastic cards, usually with an encoded magnetic strip on the back. The red card in the red-numbered box corresponding to the red die, and the blue card in the blue-numbered box corresponding to the blue die are then turned over to form the roll on which bets are settled.
One can slow, but not eliminate, one's average losses by only placing bets with the smallest house advantage. The certificate holder may pay a Magic Card or Lucky Bonus in accordance with the odds in the following paytable:The rate of progression for the meter used for the progressive payout in paragraph must be in the Licensee's Submission.Set a time limit for your visit to the casino. It is likely that the ancestors of modern cards arrived in Europe from the Mamelukes of Egypt in the late 1300s, by which time they had already assumed a form very close to those in use today. In particular, the Mameluke deck contained 52 cards comprising four "suits": polo sticks, coins, swords, and cups. Each suit contained ten "spot" cards (cards identified by the number of suit symbols or "pips" they show) and three "court" cards named malik (King), nā'ib malik (Viceroy or Deputy King), and thānī nā'ib (Second or Under-Deputy). The Mameluke court cards showed abstract designs not depicting persons (at least not in any surviving specimens) though they did bear the names of military officers. A complete pack of Mameluke playing cards was discovered by L.A. Mayer in the Topkapi Sarayi Museum, Istanbul, in 1939 ; this particular complete pack was not made before 1400, but the complete deck allowed matching to a private fragment dated to the twelfth or thirteenth century. In effect it’s not a complete deck, but there are cards of three different packs of the same style (International Playing Cards Society Journal 30-3 page 139) There is some evidence to suggest that this deck may have evolved from an earlier 48-card deck that had only two court cards per suit, and some further evidence to suggest that earlier Chinese cards brought to Europe may have travelled to Persia, which then influenced the Mameluke and other Egyptian cards of the time before their reappearance in Europe.
Mathematically a player who bluffs with a weak hand will lose 25% more of his ante over the long run than if he folded. Bottom-line - don't bluff! Here is a simple basic playing strategy to get you started.The casino's edge is about 5.2% based on the player's ante wager (or 2.6% based on the ante and call bet). There are 4 legal gaming zones in Russia: "Siberian Coin" (Altay), "Yantarnaya" (Kaliningrad region), "Azov-city" (Rostov region) and "Primorie" (Primorie region).Buy bets are placed with the shooter betting at a specific number will come out before a player sevens out. When most people picture a casino, they will probably imagine one of the megaresorts in Las Vegas—a massive hotel and entertainment complex, blazing with neon lights, games, and fun—however, casinos come in all sizes.
At 5x odds table, the maximum amount the combined bet can win will always be 6x the amount of the Don't Pass bet. Now applied to the entire collection of games, the name craps derives from an underclass Louisiana mispronunciation of the word crabs, which in aristocratic London had been the epithet for the numbers two and three. 먹튀사이트검증 While typical poker games award the pot to the highest hand as per the standard ranking of poker hands, there are variations where the best hand, and thus the hand awarded the pot, is the lowest-ranked hand instead. Party per fesse, 1 Gules a dexter arm hand Carnation armed Argent holding a sword the same hilt and pommel Or between two roundels the same; 2 Azure a goblet Argent.
But remember not to feel pressured just because someone in the group is spending more or playing longer. Know your own limits. Do not take this system for granted, however; a few casinos have signs all of the same color or use different color coding.In either case, it's appropriate to tip the cocktail server -- a couple of quarters or a dollar will do. Individual players, however, will likely define price as the cost of the spin.
An analysis using primarily descriptive statistics indicated both sub-samples had similar viewpoints although Macau residents tended to have higher scores pertaining to the consequences of gambling. One or more players are usually required to make forced bets, usually either an ante or a blind bet (sometimes both).This structure is retained in the simplified game called Pass. All three losing numbers on the first roll of Pass are jointly called the craps numbers. Most recently, in May 2006, petitions were filed containing over 21,000 signatures in order to place the issue on the November ballot; voters again agreed to keep video lottery, by a 66%-34% margin.
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nitrateglow · 7 years
Halloween 2017 movie marathon: The Cat and the Canary (dir. Paul Leni, 1927)
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“You must have been lonely these twenty years, Mammy Pleasant.”
“I don’t need the living ones.”
Driven to near-madness and physical decline by his greedy relatives, eccentric millionaire Cyrus West dies in his gothic mansion—however, he orders that his will not be read for another twenty years. Two decades come and go, and a quirky collection of West’s living relatives gather at the mansion to find out who gets the money. The lucky heir is the sweet-natured Annabelle West (Laura La Plante), but before she can claim her inheritance, she must be examined by a doctor who will certify whether or not she is sane. If so, she gets the money, family diamonds, and Cyrus’s creepy but big mansion. If not, she gets an extended stay at an asylum and the money goes to a mysterious runner-up heir, whose identity is sealed away in another envelope. Annabelle is decidedly the sanest of the lot of her bizarre relations, which include her nerdy and stammering cousin Paul (Creighton Hale), snobby and suspicious Aunt Susan (Flora Finch), (Forrest Stanley), the suave but mysterious Doctor (Arthur Edmund Carewe), and the chic but catty (Gertrude Astor), but as the night wears on, her nerves are subjected to unexplained disappearances, murders, and being stalked through the night by what could either be a ghost or an escaped madman from the local mental hospital. Whether the origins of these occurrences are supernatural or crime-related, it becomes clear someone wants to drive Annabelle insane and take her fortune, but who could it be?
Horror didn’t become a cinematic staple in the United States until the enormous success of Tod Browning’s Dracula in 1931; however, there were a few key Hollywood films during the silent era which paved the way for the terrors to come. The Phantom of the Opera is the most celebrated of them as it teems with suspense and gothic set design-- and that’s not mentioning Lon Chaney’s iconic monster make-up which left patrons screaming in the aisles. The Cat and the Canary is the second-most influential pre-Dracula American horror picture. While not as embedded in the popular culture as Phantom, it was one of the biggest hits of its day and remains a favorite of silent film aficionados. The cast sports a host of character actors familiar to lovers of 1910s and 1920s Hollywood cinema, and the visuals—oh Lord, the visuals are the true star, pure gothic expressionism mixed with innovative camerawork that should strike down the idea that all movies were “filmed stage plays” before Citizen Kane.
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As you can likely see from the plot summary above, the storyline of The Cat and the Canary will likely appear familiar, even creaky, to contemporary viewers. It’s a classic old dark house mystery, with a bevy of strange characters trapped in a menacing setting, freaking out as things go bump in the night. This film and its 1922 stage play source material are often classified as dark comedy, as there is quite a bit of comic relief throughout due to how weird the characters are and how they react to the mayhem around them. However, the horror elements are strong enough to make this more than your standard drawing room murder-mystery: director Paul Leni and cinematographer Gilbert Warrenton create an uneasy atmosphere from the first scenes where we learn about the death of Cyrus West, how he was driven to his grave by his cruel, avarice-ridden relatives. In a symbolic sequence, we see Cyrus in his pajamas dwarfed by large, double-exposed images of cats baring their fangs and swiping at him with large, clawed paws. It sounds corny when I describe it, but the effect it has when you actually watch it is chilling and effective.
After this prologue, we’re treated to a first-person POV tracking shot through the gloomy corridors of the mansion, curtains flapping about in the wind as the camera glides about in the ghostliest manner before we arrive at the safe where the will lies hidden. As you watch this movie, the one motif which resonates throughout is the image of hands. Hands grasping at jewelry or throats, hands tentatively outstretched, hands breaking through locks and windows—even the paws of the giant, expressionistic cats are part of this visual thread. These images help establish the menace of the situation as well as emphasize the greed that motivates so many of these characters. It’s a little bit of a shame that the plot is so basic in comparison to the elaborate cinematography and expressionistic visual symbolism. It isn’t a bad story by any means and there are several suspenseful moments to be found, one just wishes for a bit more meat or a more interesting protagonist to follow.
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Even if the visuals and atmosphere are what make the movie for the most part, The Cat and the Canary is nevertheless a fun and spooky romp, featuring good comic performances from its cast. Laura La Plante was Universal’s most popular female star throughout most of the 1920s, though she is mostly forgotten today; this film remains her most remembered role, if only because the image of the clawed hands grasping at her throat as she sleeps is so iconic. As Annabelle, she isn’t given too much to do other than be bewildered and frightened, though her cool blonde style gives her the feel of a Hitchcock heroine in some scenes. Her thin characterization likely stems from the fact that Annabelle is the de facto everywoman character, the one spot of normalcy among these eccentrics. Even so, one wishes she was allowed to be at least a little bit more unique—though it would be hard to compete with the other actors in this movie. If you’re a silent movie nerd like me, then this movie is a practical who’s-who when it comes to character actors. Creighton Hale, a heart-throb of the 1910s who played Prince Charming in the 1916 Snow White which inspired a fifteen-year-old Walt Disney, plays the nerdy love interest Paul. George Siegmann, most known for his villain parts, is a creepy asylum employee who hopes to get someone in a straightjacket before the night is up. Annabelle’s fashionable flapper cousin Cecily is played by Hal Roach regular Gertrude Astor. My choice for best performance goes to Martha Mattox as the dour housemaid, ironically called “Mammy Pleasant” by the other characters. The only inhabitant of the manor for the past twenty years, she is enamored by her late master and spends much of the time almost savoring the discomfort of the frightened guests. The characters are all broad types rather than fully fleshed out beings, but such an approach fits the material.
The Cat and the Canary was not only a big box office hit, but also a huge influence for later filmmakers, most famously James Whale. Whale’s 1932 horror-comedy The Old Dark House replicates the look of this movie down to the eerie image of curtains billowing in a shadowy hallway. Later on, even Jean Cocteau seems to have mined Leni’s film for visual inspiration in his moody 1946 adaptation of Beauty and the Beast. Just watch that scene where Belle levitates down a corridor with billowing curtains and tell me you don’t get flashbacks to The Cat and the Canary! However, it is Whale’s The Old Dark House to which this film is often compared. To watch the two of them back-to-back could be an interesting experience: the humor in Whale’s film is much quirkier, the inhabitants of the eponymous house far more sinister, and the guests possess more depth on the whole, from Charles Laughton’s bitter widower to Gloria Stuart’s vain yet disillusioned socialite. Still, without Leni’s film, that movie might not be the masterpiece of horror-comedy we know and love now. Whale took the lessons he learned from Leni and pushed them further into weird territory. Yet even so, the camera movements and overlapping imagery in this film are sophisticated, in their own way superior to the later movie. Dammit, both are great—let’s leave it at that!
While the general concept may be dated, The Cat and the Canary is still an impressive film. It’s a lot of fun and the granddaddy of horror-comedy classics to follow, from The Old Dark House to the Evil Dead films. If you wonder why people thought sound films were a fad in the late 1920s, then the dazzling cinematography of even genre pictures like this should give you a good idea as to why.
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carbonjen · 7 years
you are a fantastic author and I always love it when you open up your prompts! and if you're still taking them: dick is the author of a popular book (under a pen name, of course) and Jason is the book store clerk who unknowingly recommends dick's own book to him
I’ll admit, I feel like I’ve been depriving you guys of the JayDick prompt fills you really deserve so today, I decided to write something on the longer side. This was a really fun prompt and could easily become a 10k plus fic. 
Between the Lines
One of the best things about working at a bookstore was that sometimes, if Jason’s boss was feeling really nice that day, he would be able to read the new releases for his favorite series early. Selina, the owner, would close up shop and put Jason in charge of putting out the new books, and as soon as the displays were out, Jason would be curled up in his favorite chair in the break room reading the newest books before anyone else could. 
Selina was especially nice and let Jason read the next book in what was Jason, and apparently the rest of the world’s, new favorite series The Nightwing. Jason didn’t know how John Robins put out so many good books in a row. A series usually lost its steam, and if the series didn’t lose its steam, the author did. Somehow, John Robins knew exactly when to end the series and go on new adventures and the world ate it up. 
So many people, including Jason, wanted to know more about the man, but he was anonymous, only making the occasional post to his social media accounts. The closest thing he’d done to an interview was an AMA on a popular website, and the book world had practically exploded. John Robins behind a keyboard on social media was just as verbose, but he made puns, and jokes! Jason had read over the interview more times than he’d like to admit. 
It was a quiet day in Selina’s shop, there had been a little buzz over the past week when the new Nightwing book had come out. They’d had a small release party and had sold out of all their copies within a few days. The new stock had come in quickly and from what Jason knew, the publishers were working on printing a second edition of the book already. 
Jason was sitting behind the counter sipping tea and reading through one of the week’s new releases. The staff in the shop read through the new books that came out and liked posting little reviews of them on the shelves for the clients in the shop. While The Watermelon Killer was an interesting read, it wasn’t Jason’s favorite. 
“Is that one any good?” A smooth tenor voice asked. 
Jason startled and looked up. In front of him was a handsome stranger. They got attractive people in the shop pretty frequently and Jason had gotten his fair share of phone numbers, but this guy was something else. He had golden tanned skin and bright blue eyes framed by wavy black hair. His features were complimented by a fitted black peacoat and a blue scarf. 
“Uh,” Jason looked at the book. “It’s an interesting concept,” Jason said as he saved his page and set the book down. “But the execution proves that killing people with watermelons isn’t really all that practical.” 
“I haven’t read it yet,” the stranger said. “Does the killer use frozen watermelons at all or just fresh?”
Jason smiled. “You think he would use frozen if he was dropping them on people with the intent to kill them, but they’re all fresh so far.” Jason said. “If you’re looking for a good murder mystery, John Robins took a break between the Birds and Bats series and the Nightwing series and wrote a pretty good mystery novel. It’s probably one of the more popular ones in the shop. 
“Oh really,” the stranger smiled at him and Jason felt like he was missing out on something. “I’ll have to check it out then. What other recommendations do you have?” 
Jason hopped off the stool he was sitting on. “I can show you,” he offered, gesturing to the shop. Normally he wouldn’t do this, but Jason was willing to make an exception today. “We read and write recommendations a couple of times a week,” Jason said as he pointed to the piece of paper on the shelf with the hand written note. There were small notes with reviews from the staff all over the shelves. “What genre are you looking for?”
“Hmm,” the stranger put a hand on his chin. “Fiction.”
“What type of fiction?”
“How about your favorites,” the stranger suggested. 
Jason led the man on a tour of the shop, pointing out his favorite books along with some of the worse ones he’d read. The guy had read a few of the things Jason pointed to, but he also started collecting a small pile in his arms.
“Okay,” the stranger said. “Last question, I promise. What’s your favorite release this month?”
“The new John Robins book,” Jason said. “Hands down. The guy consistently writes really fresh, new stuff, without it being bad. He knows how to write a story, and he knows how to write books,” Jason said. “Which believe me, they’re two different things.” 
“Okay,” the stranger said as he picked up one of the copies that was on display near the register. He put it on top and Jason started scanning the books. “What was your name again?”
“Jason,” he said with a smile. “Jason Todd.”
“Nice to meet you, Jason Todd,” the stranger said. “I’m Dick Grayson.” 
They stood in comfortable silence while Jason finished scanning the books that Dick was burying.
“So,” Dick said when he swiped his credit card. “Would you want to go out sometime?”
Jason looked up and he couldn’t help the smile on his face. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
Dick slid his phone across the counter and Jason put his contact information in while the credit card machine processed the purchase. Dick sent Jason a text and he smiled when he heard his phone buzz under the counter.
“I’ll text you!” Dick said as he took his bag and walked out of the store. Jason watched him as he left. Dick had long legs, clad in dark blue denim, and he looked almost as good from behind as he did from the front. 
“You were right about the whole cat motif,” Dick said as he sipped at his coffee. It was their second time meeting up to talk about books. The first time, they’d gone to lunch and their discussion had gone on for so long that the manager had politely asked them to leave while they prepared for dinner. Jason and Dick had laughed and gone out for coffee immediately after. 
“I know,” Jason said. “Sometimes it’s a bit much with the cat meowing, but I think it was an interesting way to show that someone was about to die. I wish it had been more subtle though.”
“I actually read something once,” Dick said. “Where characters drank water right before they died. It was a more aquatic themed novel though so everything water related was a symbol for something.”
“Wait,” Jason asked. “Was it Flow?” 
“Yeah!” Dick smiled. “I probably read that one three times and I found something new every time. I don’t know how the author packed so much imagery into one book without it feeling overloaded.”
Jason liked his dates with Dick, they talked about everything under the sun, but the book discussions they had were always great. Dick was so expressive when he got excited about something he’d read. Sometimes they went in depth about their favorite parts of a book, and other times, they both laughed over the terrible things they’d both read too. 
“Okay,” Dick said after a few hours. “I don’t know about you, but I’m starving. Want continue this and get some dinner?”
“Yeah,” Jason said. “That sounds great.” 
They decided to go to a local place that bragged they had the best burgers in Gotham. While they walked, Dick’s fingers brushed Jason’s on occasion and Jason took Dick’s hand in his own. Throughout the rest of the night, the casual touches continued, Dick’s fingers brushing his, an ankle brushing under the table, and Dick was looking at him with softer glances than before. 
They left the restaurant and started walking down the street. “This was fun,” Jason said. 
“Yeah,” Dick agreed. “I almost don’t want it to end.”
“It doesn’t have to,” Jason replied, voice soft. Dick looked up at him. 
“Can I try something?” Dick asked. 
“Yeah,” Jason replied as they stopped walking. Dick cupped Jason’s face with his hands and closed the distance between them. Jason’s eyes slipped shut as their mouths slotted together, one kiss turning into two, which turned into three and then blurred into something else before they both pulled away. 
“My place is just a few blocks from here,” Dick offered. 
Dick was just as expressive and passionate in bed as he was about the books he and Jason talked about. His body was tight and beautiful and they whispered sweet compliments to each other as their bodies connected. Jason had fucked people before, but with Dick it felt like something else entirely. 
“That was amazing,” Dick said. His body had a sheen of sweat that made him glow in the faint lighting in the room. 
“Yeah,” Jason agreed. “The thing you did with your…that was incredible, Dick.”
Dick laughed. “Thanks,” he said with a smile on his face. He pressed a kiss to Jason’s lips and they got lost in their bodies again.  
The next morning, Jason woke up and he smiled when he saw the warm body next to him. Dick’s face was slack with sleep, still beautiful even though his hair was sticking up and his mouth was open. Jason pressed a kiss to his forehead and made his way to the bookshelf that lined one of the walls of Dick’s bedroom. He looked over it and he saw a box in the corner that was partially open. Jason knew better than to snoop, he really did. 
He looked over his shoulder and nudged the cardboard over a bit to look inside. He was met with several new copies of the new John Robins novel, all in different languages. On top of the pile was a note that said, “world famous!” and Jason looked back over his shoulder. 
This didn’t mean. Did it? Jason got back in bed, pulling Dick into his arms and going back to sleep for a few more hours. 
Later, while he was making them breakfast and Dick was checking the news on his tablet, Jason couldn’t bear the weight of what he’d seen any longer. 
“Hey Dick?” He asked as he turned around. 
“Yeah?” Dick asked without looking up from the tablet. 
“This is going to sound weird, but why do you have a box full of international copies of the new John Robins novel?”
Dick looked up at him with wide eyes. “I uh..I was…”
“Oh my god,” Jason said. “You’re John Robins, aren’t you?”
Dick smiled awkwardly, shifting in his chair. “Guilty?”
“When were you going to tell me?” Jason asked. 
Dick shrugged. “I wanted to make sure we were serious first,” Dick told him. “I can’t tell every person I date I’m John Robins otherwise the whole anonymity thing will be ruined.”
“So are we?” Jason asked. 
“Serious?” Dick asked. He pushed his tablet aside. “I’d like us to be if that’s what you want, but I don’t want to put any pressure on you. And because you know about John Robins, you’ll have to sign and NDA and I didn’t want you to think I was being an asshole about it because I trust you, but the publisher is-”
Jason cut Dick off with a kiss, smiling when he heard the little yelp Dick made. They kissed until the smell of burning pancakes caused Jason to jump and run over to the stove, scraping the burnt one into the trash. 
“You know I was always wondering why you never talked about the John Robins novels with me,” Jason said as he plated the pancakes. 
“Really?” Dick asked.
“Yeah,” Jason said. “I thought you didn’t like them but you were afraid to tell me.” 
“It feels a bit weird talking about your own book like that.” Dick said. “Trust me, it’s so…odd.”
Jason put the dishes in the sink and sipped at his tea. 
“So,” Jason asked as he put a plate in front of Dick. “Does Brendan Cross make it out of the jungle alive?”
Dick grinned. “I don’t know. I guess, you’ll have to wait and see.”
“Tease,” Jason said as he sat down next to Dick and put syrup on his own pancakes. 
“That’s what writers do best you know.” 
“Oh yeah,” Jason said with a grin. “I noticed last night.”
Dick blushed and slapped his arm, but the smile on his face said it all. 
A few months later, John Robins released a romance novel that shot to the top of the best seller list. 
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nofomoartworld · 7 years
How to Escape the White Cube and Make Your Dreams Come True
This following is an excerpt of the transcript from the panel that took place at the pop-up art exhibit, No Vacancy II, on April 1, 2017:
Marina Garcia-Vasquez, Creators' Editor-in-Chief: Thank you for joining us for Deconstructing the White Cube, a conversation on curating DIY, alternative, and non traditional spaces. When Irina Makarova, Alison Sirico, and Adam Mignanelli asked if I was interested in moderating a panel for No Vacancy, I was excited to delve into the theme, as everyday on Creators we publish articles that are meant to inspire young artists along their way and show the possibilities and freedom found in making contemporary art. We are in what is currently considered an artist neighborhood, in a pre-war commercial loft building that was built in 1931. It is made up of 10,000 square feet, over four floors. It is a gem of a building and an art opportunity that no longer exists in Manhattan-proper. We are here to discuss the realities and possibilities of making art in New York today. This panel is meant to be a resource and a living conversation. The people that make up this panel have learned by doing, wearing many hats, and juggling multiple projects to see their vision out. Their art practice at its core involves creating and curating community.
Ambre Kelly: I am a co-founder of SPRING/BREAK Art Show, and I am also an artist. Andrew Gori: I am also a co-founder of SPRING/BREAK. I am a filmmaker. Irina Makarova: I am a co-founder of Alt+Esc Platform, organizer of the No Vacancy event, and I am also a writer. Alison Sirico: I am also co-founder of Alt+Esc Platform and co-organizer of No Vacancy. Adam Mignanelli: I started the Ballast Projects, a curatorial program. Brian Whiteley: I am New York artist and founder of the Satellite Art Show.
For the sake of anchoring our conversation can each of you tell us what your definition of a traditional art space is and how this reflects the current art world climate?
Ambre Kelly: Traditional at this point seems to be kind of anything because galleries are closing and on the white box is not necessarily a cool thing to do anymore. I started working in the art world when I moved to NYC In 2006. My first job was with Design Miami and Art Basel and it was traditional to me in terms of building up the temporary walls that are typically white and putting artwork on these walls. When I left my job, I wanted to do something outside of that space. For me as an artist and a tiny collector when I can, I don't show art on my walls. They are green and pink and there is a furniture around it, so I think the art is typically not shown on white walls.
Andrew Gori: In an art fair space and culture, we started seeing a white wall as a something that gets equally distracting as anything else because you walk through a traditional art fair and after a few booths you almost can't see an artwork anymore because you are so used to this sanitized consistent space. The idea of traditional is the classic idea of creation which the architecture and environment should not interact with art work unless its installation. Since the use of traditional space became more acceptable that's being potentially contested which is interesting.
Irina Makarova : The idea of the four white walls has been around for a way too long. Even if it is not a white wall, it still contains a commercial angle to it where gallerists and dealers think primarily about sales and forget to think about the public. They don't transform the space to its maximum potential and that's why we started this project to get away from that.
Alison Sirico: The white wall space represents a hierarchy and having to start from the bottom.
Adam Mignanelli: Some of my first experiences with seeing a fancy looking gallery, you think it is a very intangible thing that's very similar to the way that luxury brands treat themselves and making their stores look and it almost becomes like a standard when you put your suit on if you are going to a certain type of job and if you don't do that, you are not taken seriously. Our goal was to counteract that because it doesn't really work. These walls are metaphorically crumbling behind the people. A lot of the exhibitions I have done have various elements to them but it is always in a weird space or something that I was thinking would not be taking seriously but it was. So the world of creativity is starting to follow these trends.
Brian Whiteley: The white wall space doesn't really invite interaction. The idea of exclusivity put people at a distance. Going back to the art fair motif, seeing some art works you love on the walls basically distances you from them completely because you realize that you can love them only from afar. For what we are doing— the people on the panel— we are trying to make it accessible, democratizing it, and letting people go to the work. We are all creators, so we go to each others studio and we talk art. There is a separation between the commerce and creation and we are trying to find a way to bridge that.
For Andrew and Ambre, in 2009, you established the now highly acclaimed SPRING/BREAK Art Show. Can you give us a brief rundown of the work/collaboration you did leading up to the art fair?
Andrew Gori: It started with a space. We were doing one night shows in the church gymnasium in Nolita. With a bunch of friends we made a gallery together. We had no money, so we paid this church $500 for five hours in Manhattan that we got from the entire group of friends and artists. We got to know the parish manager because we originally had done shows in the gymnasium they owned. So he told us that we seem like people who do stuff and bring people to it. So that lead to the first SPRING/BREAK when we had four stories in a school in Nolita where we could whatever we want.
Ambre: Coming back to the traditional art space question, historically the church was one of the commissioners of art and art was shown in that space. The white boxes didn't exist back then. We were given a space from the church because they are the institution that had the resources for us to do things. In 2011 it was our first show in conjunction with the New Museum's launch of the Ideas Festival. We actually partnered with them. Andrew and I curated our first show at the school that year but as not a part of SPRING/BREAK, more like a test. That worked and it was fun. In 2012, we came up with a theme and that's when we understood what SPRING/BREAK would be.
Marina G-V: In an article, Ambre, you are quoted as saying, "The idea was to create a curator-driven art exhibition that could represent a humble 'improvement' on the art fair model. A unifying theme would envelope the numerous exhibitions in the space, the sales of which would be commandeered by this overarching idea rather than simple trade show tradition." How did you develop your business acumen?
Amber: With my experience of working in the art fair system for many years before even considering to launch SPRING/BREAK. I saw the inner workings, the behind the scenes, and got to know basically everything that happens in an art fair. With SPRING/BREAK, we had to figure out how do we this without sponsors when we are not wealthy? The church was donating the space for us which was amazing. When sales started to happen in the initial years, we learned that we could be a resource for artists and curators who are not dealers. We could actually make business where we could provide services.
Andrew Gori: I had zero business acumen. I think what actually helped me is around the time we started to make SPRING/BREAK, we were broke and we started a consultancy, so we actually would do anything for anybody for money. Just the fact that we were desperate, you know, it is kind of good to suffer sometimes. You will actually learn so much.
Alison Sirico, Irina Makarova, and Adam Mignanelli. Photo by Vivian Wang.
Adam Mignanelli, you are an artist, curator, and design director at Vice Media, can you share with us how you manage to balance your participation in the arts and how all of these experiences bring value. Be honest!
Adam Mignanelli: The number one reason I am able to do all of this is because I am single. I don't really do anything else. I work and I do art stuff. I worked at Vice and quit in order to do art stuff and came back again. Once I went to Kinfolk Studios, a coffee shop, bar, and studio space, and I met the guy who opened it. I proposed to him to do an art gallery show at his bar and it worked. This entrepreneurial spirit worked. I've come back to doing my own work.
The founders of No Vacancy. Photo by Charlie Rubin
For Irina and Alison, in creating the Alternative Escape curatorial team and publication, you work to connect rising stars with new opportunities. What is your definition of new opportunities?
Irina Makarova : The important part is connecting people.
Alison Sirico: The opportunities can include gallery representation, a show, a new friendship or a collaborator. Through organizing events, new relationships form. Also, we are a magazine and we interview a lot of artists who have never been interviewed before, so a lot of times, we are one of the first chances artists have to talk about their work in this kind of public sphere.
Satellite art fair has been lauded for it's experiential and performance driven environment outside of the pristine Art Basel convention center. What is the importance of producing a spectacle? How is that a useful attribute for an artist?
Brian Whiteley: In Miami, they don't have the same art culture that NYC has. Putting on younger experiential artists from spaces and performative programming during Basel is pretty vanilla and becomes a spectacle with these people. For us, it is our everyday life. People came in and they didn't know what's going on. This spectacle is what we want to do. I guess it is a lit bit confusing when you start to blur lines for visitors and art lovers. Miami Art Week is a huge international art week. So many visitors coming there, major collectors, news media, it is just a great opportunity for exposure and collecting. For these people an opportunity to see their artistic vision come out and when we don't hold back it is very powerful for them.
Andrew Gori: One of the things that is constant here with SPRING/BREAK and Satellite, the economics behind it is very important. The real estate situation and just the need for money from people who are probably least expected to do that like Catholic church or a hard rocking South Florida dude who has a hotel who could say "Let's go for it." This space and bunch of other places are still in disrepair because their owners can't afford to bring it back up. It is much easier for young people who have vision do something with it. 
Click here to learn more about No Vacancy II. 
London's Young People Respond to the Tate Britain Collection
Artist-Curator Stages a Life Along a Horizontal Line
'Manifesta 11' Proves That Possibilities Are Endless, When Curating Is an Art
from creators http://ift.tt/2oW7ic9 via IFTTT
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anotherler · 7 years
So I kinda binge-read LQ’s blog for several hours last night and today and I’m still not back up to the most recent post...there is so much material on his blog...bless. It’s been an emotional journey so far. I can’t really put my feelings into words sometimes and I just read some parts of his blog quietly but my notes capture some of it.
It’s a little odd, if you ask me for both aproach the blog from an analytical standpoint but be really emotionally invested at the same time. Without further ado, heres part 3.
Part 1 / 2 / 3
113. LQ gets defensive about his surroundings…that’s a bit of a red flag, isn’t it?
114. Oh shit. Oh shit. We’re getting to the part where I voiceacted some of LQ’s lines HAHaha. I kinda…know these posts too well after reading through them aloud and listening to my own recordings…oh boy. Kinda tempted to try my hand at voiceacting again.
115. LQ first mentions the possibility of him being cursed. He later calls HQ his curse…just saying.
117. LQ is a butt pervert
118. Oh dear…LQ thinks that being himself and being alone is all in one…oh man.
119. LQ really doesn’t think he’s worthy of anything…but I think he’d certainly want to be.
120. This really hurts.
121. LQ has probably been taking medication for mental reasons as well…maybe. I remember he had a box of medication given to him.
122. He claims his mother doesn’t like people acting “abnormal”…possibly another reason why he’s so hard on himself and why he tries to hide and excuse his emotions.
123. Suddenly he’s very pale.
124. FemLQ! Spot the diff
125. Poor LQ…he’s pretty uncomfortable and weirded out…
126. I’m…laughing about Mori leaning in with the askbox for the “dressup as my OC” answer. That’s the icing on the cake. Also LQ looks really good in that outfit.
127. Take a shot everytime LQ says fake it till you make it…but on a more serious note, it’s important to keep a positive mind but not good to ignore a problem when you have one.
128. Well well well. If it isn’t Static Oncie.
129. How can you feel nostalgic if you’re living the mentioned great time? (He’s not)
130. TBH I had a theory that Static Oncie became HQ but that’s…kinda incorrect and correct because it was confirmed to me that they are not the same BUT HQ DID come from LQ’s mind like static Oncie did so Static Oncie, LQ and HQ are all one in the same probably.
131. LQ repeating his opening speech. It never gets old.
132. Here we are at the waking up event by the way. Buckle down, folks.
133. Here is the second time LQ cannot read his monitor. Frankly, he probably only doesn’t read it cause he doesn’t want to.
134. He manages to forget entirely for a whole day.
136. Omg I voiceacted this whole part…gosh that was fun…poor LQ though
137. HEALTHY LQ. MY HEART HRUTS….like………bro even his hands are okay this is too much
138. Oh man. I get it…being healthy caused his mind to work properly and he started to remember…oh shit.
139. Strange static formations…do they have anything to do with anything?
140. …Looks like LQ couldn’t find his Mom.
141. LQ comes back covered in blood and makes expressions like he killed someone…not suspicious at all.
142. Another side note. I’ve been thinking about LQ’s static. And it’s been explained before but it does really aid LQ when it comes to selective reading and not “seeing” certain things…the thing is, The static builds up between him and the viewer so he doesn’t really notice it (at first that is. He sorta sees it as normal for him). Like many other aspects of his blog, the static is a manipulation of what is seen.
143. Main reason why that comes up is cause he’s found Dr. L’s medicine and the static covers up the words on the box he finds it in. At the last panel he covers himself in static and tells everyone to go away.
144. The static formations behind him look like a face and it appears as though hands are resting on him. I’ve mentioned the possibility of it being HQ or static Oncie at some point but I think that generally it’s a manifestation of how he wants someone there with him but he’s alone.
145. LQ’s sticky note clad monitor. Golly. Really hard to read…and he’s pressed his bloody hand onto the monitor at some point too.
146. I wonder if LQ ever did sum up the courage to look back at his blog posts.
147. LQ has a major aversion to being called cute hehe
148. Oh shit it’s the crawling AMV. Shout out to Mori for making me cry when I hear that song. All thanks to LQ. But it was a good idea to make a shitty AMV…I couldn’t be happier tbh :” ) Also confession back when I watched this the first time I didn’t know this song had a…reputation. So I kinda took it seriously LMAO
…okay I’m not done talking about it uh. The song kinda fits???? And probably the reason why I took it so seriously was because of the subject matter at some points. The crawling AMV is a cinematographic masterpiece. Fucking fight me.
149. Merry Christmas from the year 2012
150. Tax evasion: just say two very simple words in the English language; “I forgot.”
151. Is…LQ blocking out his blush with static? He probably is
152. Also looks like theres static rising up from those papers he dropped…interesting.
153. aesthetic: floating things (Christmas cards in this case)
154: So it seems that LQ has in mind not to work for his company and have people under him manage the tasks for him with his directive…makes a degree of sense but then again I don’t know how companies work. Then again, I can’t help but think that LQ doesn’t do that work because he doesn’t feel that he can.
155. For someone so insecure He also sounds rather full of himself sometimes.
156. On a side note this is one of my favorite parts of the blog as well…for LQ trying to show that he’s working and the pretty colours the static and distorted picture make.
157.  Another major thing I give this blog a lot of credit for is how complex it is. I’ve been trying to figure out a few things definitively the whole time I’ve been making these notes but I’m still unsure. Things add up but not everything happens with clear reason. It’s very interesting.
158. The GIF effects on this blog are top notch tbh
159. Did Static Oncie (LQ’s subconscious) know the truth about LQ being an aftermath? Because everything he said could be taken in that context to some degree although it mainly pertains to part of the valley’s destruction. However, everything has been adding up to this moment. And the clues are abundant.
160. The moment at the end where the static goes off is apparently the moment LQ’s hope dies. Er…static oncie, that is. I think about that a lot. Was static Oncie only there because of LQ’s hope that things could change? Static Oncie was there to cryptically remind him of the truth when LQ wouldn’t look back on it. And though he was rather agresive, he definitely isn’t as aggressive as HQ.
161.  The truffula on LQ’s lapel…I used to think it withered but maybe he actually tore it off.
162. In addition, when static Oncie says unless you see spirals in his eyes. Like the motif of the seed.
163. I really like the perspective of his lurkim in these panels
164. At this point…I think LQ has started to starve himself just…generally neglect himself. You can understand why.
165. RIP.
166. swone. BODY ONCE TOLD ME-
167. Honestly Swone why did you think mr mc lives in a lerkim would have a functioning oven. Surely you had some other options…orrr maybe you didn’t okay Swone. Now I’m also lowkey gonna talk about Swone cause he’s visiting.
168. wow….this is awkward. Talk about breaking and entering.
169. I’m FUCKING LAUGHING AT SWONE’S BLUNTNESs. Apparently LQ isn’t so easy to fool.
170. Was Swone prepared to bring his cleaning supplies or does he just bring them everywhere he goes???
171. Off topic again but goddamn if Once-lers are a pack of weirdos. Litterally you have two of them in one room at like, neither of them is the straight man (figuratively and literally most of the time). They’ve kinda all got issues to iron out. And yeah, these two are no exception. Swone is a fucking weirdo.
172. LQ has pretty much remembered all sorts of things and why would he push his memories of Swone away? Yeah these two had probably never met till then.
173. ……….it’s not Christmas.
174. Stove-ler.
175. LQ’s gloves got all torn up as well….he may have also lied about wearing his bandages underneath his gloves cause I can’t see em.  Hard to believe I didn’t notice until now. They don’t get like that till he’s dishevelled…it’s hard to think that maybe he did that to himself…hrm..
176: He mentions he can’t take them off so he’s likely neglected the care of his arms.
177: Probably was something of a nightmare for Swone to navigate around LQ’s house…and LQ himself. No offense but he was definitely gross.
178. The posts without any dialogue can be very powerful.
179. HOPESPLODE (sorry that was…uh…RIP Static Oncie)
180. TIME FOR PAIN (specific to this but applies to a lot of this blog cause there is a lot of hurt feelings)
182. o mg I remember the post about the “do you like the colour of the sky” post I actually watched Mori stream the drawing for it aaaa good times UuU
183. Poor LQ…..
184.  LQ arguing against his own existence because new cgi movies hurt his eyes. I have nothing so say about that just. Think about that for a second.
185. Super high quality-ler spffpfff I love this blog
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xx1xx1xx123 · 5 years
The new friend
Short Story
Tanja Feiler
"The New Friend" is the continuation of the short story "Friends", includes "Friends". Little Tigger works in aid for 4 paws shop. Help for 4 paws is a facility for animals in need where androids, veterinarians and freelancers work. A budgie robot flies all day over the city and sends out a signal. Any animal in distress can receive the signal and find the way to help for 4 paws, where it is helped. After work and Little Tigger meets with Bruno, Otty, Lenny, Gretchen, Ronaldo, Toni, Evelyn and Holger. Together they drive into the city and take a picture in a selfie box. Suddenly they are right in the middle of the landscape motif. Hardly back from the city they meet Ottys buddy Tim, who is immediately included in the clique. They go to the city and Tim buys a book. Suddenly the friends are in the next adventure ...
All rights in this book are reserved to the author.
Tanja Feiler
Cover and Images:
Tanja Feiler
Help for 4 paws is a facility for animals in need. Androids - robots, veterinarians and employees work together there. A budgie robot flies over the city and sends a signal with the way to set up. Every animal in need finds the way to help 4 paws, which receives the signal. There are the stars like Dara, Globetrotter, Tramps and Hosenwaggler. You recently opened the help for 4 paws shop. There is everything to buy for animals in need such as food, toys and more. Weltenbummler shows his buddy Tigger the shop. Tigger is thrilled with the range and looks Dara at the sale. He wants to work. Dara explains everything to him and Tigger listens attentively. Then the sales talent of Tigger awakens. Then it's time to leave and his nephew Little Tigger comes to visit. He tells about his adventures. And now Little Tigger is on the road again and meets up with his buddy Bruno to play darts. Bruno has a dartboard in his room. Little Tigger starts and throws an arrow. He hits three times 20. He has 60 points. Also the two next arrows meet. 180 points. Then it's Bruno's turn. He also hits three times 20 three times and has 180 points. They play 301. Now it's going to be exciting. Little Tigger hits the middle: 50 points. Then 20 points and again 60 by the meeting of the threefold 20. Bruno has to make an effort…
Finally, it's Little Tigger's turn. He wins the game and Bruno wants to play again. This time he wins. It is 1 to 1 and the friends get together. They drink lemonade and chat. Then they decide their friends too to meet. They meet in a cafe. The dragon family is also there.
Then Fritz tells about his work with help for 4 paws. Immediately Otty answers, who also works there. They chat about the budgerigar robot, which flies Pet City all day and sends a signal. If an animal is in need, then it finds its way to help for 4 paws. Then Gretchen speaks up. She was in charge of 4 paws shop and admired the assortment. She saw Little Tigger decorating the shelves. Everyone has a lot of fun and chat together. Then Gretchen has an idea. She invites everyone to her home for a game night. Gretchen has many games.
Win Four, Uno, Card Games, Kniffel, Mensch do not fret, Rummy and much more. There are games for everyone. Gretchen has a large dining table with many chairs, so everyone has space. There is a lot of laughter and hot chocolate and cake. Bruno and Otty play mill. Fritz and Little Tigger are playing lady. The Dragon Family, and Schildi play with Gretchen and Lenny Uno. Lenny wins the game. And he suggests playing another game. Mau Mau he plays with Gretchen. The dragon family plays knifes. Lenny also wins Mau Mau. Now it is already late and the friends have to work the next day. Lenny checks in for help for 4 paws store where Little Tigger works. Today he is allowed to sell. Then it's time for a break and Little Tigger visits his buddy Ronaldo. And what is Ronaldo doing? He plays football, of course. Little Tigger and Ronaldo kick together. That is fun. Ronaldo is good at football. Then think Little Tigger and Ronaldo what they could do. They decide to visit her friend Evelyn. They ring Evelyn's door. Evelyn is pleased to see Little Tigger and Ronaldo. She has just put cakes on the table, the friends are just right. The cake is hot chocolate. After dinner, Evelyn talks to Otty, Gretchen, Lenny, Toni, Holger and Bruno and tells them that Ronaldo and Little Tigger are here to visit and if they want to come. All friends agree and come to visit Evelyn. There is still chocolate cake for everyone. There's hot chocolate.
That can all taste good. After dinner, the friends discuss what they can do.
Evelyn has an idea: In the city is a shopping center with many small shops and a huge self-egg apparatus. The group goes by bus to the city in the shopping center. There are two friends in the selfiapparat. You can choose between different wallpapers. Ronaldo and Little Tigger choose a Star Wars motif with lightsabers. Then you can send the picture by email. You send the picture to Little Tigger's email address. Evelyn and
Gretchen choose a motive with a robot, a small video clip. This time they have the clip sent to Evelyn's address. The others opt for a landscape motif. They all stand in front of the landscape motif and then it happens when the lightning goes on: suddenly they are all in the landscape, not in the store in the self-propelled machine, but in the landscape. How can that be? Everyone is asking. There comes a woman and Evelyn touches her heart and asks the woman where they are and how they are coming back. "You came here through the department store. I've been here for an hour, looking for the exit together with my friend. We could work together. "" That's a good idea.”
Little Tigger, Bruno, Otty, Lenny, Gretchen, Ronaldo, Evelyn, Toni and Holger make their way to this mysterious land. They meet the three who are also trapped in this magical landscape. "We are Fritz, Frieda and Ben." "Hello Fritz, Frieda and Ben." Evelyn greets the three friendly. "Are there any others here?" Asks Bruno Fritz. Fritz replies: "So far we have been alone here." The group continues, passing a huge lake. "Let's rest for a moment," suggests Holger. The group sits down by the lake, watching the birds fly over the lake. Suddenly, a big bird appears in front of the group. "Who are you?" Asks the bird. The group names their names individually. "How did you come here?" "We do not know that. We were in a selfie box and suddenly here. "Bruno tells the bird. "Do you know how we get away from here?" Bruno asks the bird. "I do not know, but I can take you to Leo the Lion who knows a lot. He is very wise. "Responds the bird. Said and done. The group follows the bird to Leo, who sits at the bottom of the lake. The bird asks the lion how the group comes home from here. Leo replies that he does not know that. Fritz asks Leo how he got here. Leo says he does not know that. The group continues, the bird stays with Leo. The group comes to a beach and sea with palm trees. They sit under a palm tree and look at the sea. It is very warm, the sun is shining in the sky. "Somehow we have to come home again," says Gretchen. Evelyn gives her right. The group continues along the beach. Fritz, Frieda and Ben talk to their friends. They chat about help for 4 paws and their hobbies. Frieda likes Star Wars as well as the friends. They talk about it. Suddenly the bird comes flying to them, he is excited. "Leo needs your help." He says. Immediately everybody gets up to Leo. When they arrive at Leo, they see that he has fallen into a trap. Carefully, Gretchen frees him from the trap. He is fortunately only slightly injured. "How can that be, I thought we were alone here." Says Leo. The group is at a loss and worried. Who has probably laid the trap and why? Anyway, whoever that was is dangerous. Frieda looks at the friends and says: "its best we split up and meet again in an hour here with Leo." The friends, Ben and Fritz vote Frieda to. The friends go back to the sea, Frieda, Fritz and Ben take the other direction. Little Tigger, Bruno, Evelyn, Otty, Gretchen, Lenny, Toni, Ronaldo and Holger are walking on the beach.
Under a palm tree they rest. "Who did Leo?" The friends ask themselves. They do not know. Half an hour, then they have to go back to meet with Fritz, Frieda and Ben. How could the exit from the selfie box look like? And why are not more people here how did Leo, the unknown and the bird comes here? Questions about questions. The friends have not found an exit, and it's time to go back to Leo and meet with Frieda, Ben and Fritz. So the friends go back the way as they suddenly see a mirror on the way. He is leaning against a palm tree. However, there is no time to see if the mirror is perhaps the output from the selfie box. They meet with Fritz, Frieda and Ben and tell them about the mirror. Quickly everyone goes to the mirror. When they look in the mirror, they do not see themselves, but the selfie box from the perspective of the department store and people who take a snap. They try to warn people, but they have already made their picture. Nobody ends up in the landscape motif. How can that be? And why only you, Fritz, Frieda and Ben landed here? And who are the unknown? Little Tigger examines the mirror more closely. Somehow there must be a way to get home by the mirror. Gretchen also examines the mirror, Fritz, Frieda and Ben look after. But they find no way through the mirror to get home. Little Tigger, Bruno, Otty, Lenny, Gretchen, Tony, Ronaldo, Evelyn, Holger, Fritz, Ben and Frieda continue along the beach. The big bird comes by and asks the group why they are still there. Otty answers as they have not found an exit yet. The bird tells everyone that Leo is feeling better. Suddenly the group hears a voice from the water. Someone is calling them. "Hello. Who are you and what are you doing here? "It is a dolphin calling to them. Lenny tells the dolphin everything. "Do you have any idea how we will get back home?" The dolphin answers that he does not know that, but they should be careful, he has seen strangers. The bird continues talking to the dolphin: "Where have you been all the time? Leo, the lion and I thought we were alone here. "" I hid from the lion. “The dolphin answers. He promises to let him know how the group could get home and continues swimming. Frieda, Ben and Fritz are of the opinion that the group should split up again. The friends agree and continue walking on the beach. They meet again to meet at the mirror in an hour. Ben, Frieda and Fritz go in the other direction.
Little Tigger, Bruno, Otty, Lenny, Gretchen, Tony, Ronaldo, Evelyn and Holger walk along the beach. They rest under a palm tree again and talk. The mirror does not get out of the friends' hands. But they have to realize that he will not bring them outside. So they continue along the beach. "We have not tried the obvious yet. We all have a cell phone with us. "Otty unpacks his phone, but no reception. Nobody has reception from the group. They go on and find shells on the beach. You hear the wind of the sea. Then they go on. Bruno looks at the clock. Half an hour to meet Frieda, Ben and Fritz, i. they have 10 minutes left, then they have to go to the mirror. And still no trace of an exit. The dolphin comes swimming towards them. He waves to them. Otty asks the dolphin if he has got something out. The dolphin tells them that he saw two strangers at the other end of the beach. He did not talk to them. Now the question arises for the friends, whether they should dare to look for the strangers. Maybe those are the trappers. Bruno, Little Tigger, Otty, Lenny, Gretchen, Tony, Ronaldo, Evelyn and Holger go to the mirror and meet Fritz, Frieda and Ben. Ben tells that he has seen two strangers. Otty tells that the dolphin also told them that. The strangers did not see Fritz, Frieda and Ben. They now advise if they should seek contact with the strangers. They're probably the trappers, but maybe they know something. The group sets out to seek the strangers. The big bird flies to them. Fritz asks the bird: "Have you seen the strangers?" The bird answers: "Yes, I'll show you the way." The bird flies forward and shows the group the way. They find the two strangers holding a trap in their hands. Ben addresses the two strangers: "Hello, you know how we got here and back home come?” But the two men answer:" Go on, we have to put the trap down. Here's the lion. "Evelyn gets upset:" That's Leo and he's not dangerous. Please tell us how we get away from here. "The two men look at each other and shake their heads. They place the trap on the ground and hide it in the foliage of a tree. The group goes on, whispering that they are going to catch the trap as soon as possible so that Leo will not hurt again. Lenny says the strangers are always there, like Leo, the bird and the dolphin. The group goes to the trap and buries them deep in the ground. The two strangers have gone further and can no longer see the group.
Little Tigger, Bruno, Otty, Lenny, Gretchen, Tony, Ronaldo, Evelyn, Holger, Frieda, Fritz and Ben go back to the beach. On the way they meet Leo. They tell him about the trap they have buried deep in the ground and about the strangers. The bird flies past, on the beach they meet the dolphin. He has news. "I found out something." Tell the dolphin. "You have to go to the very end of the beach. There is a big gate. I do not know where it goes, but you can find out. I'll show you the way. "And the dolphin shows the group the way. You walk past many palm trees, it is very warm, the sun is shining. They arrive at the gate, which is between two palm trees. It is closed. The door is closed, locked. Now they have to search for the key. The big bird comes to the group. "If you're looking for the key, I can help you. Follow me. "Bruno, Little Tigger, Otty, Lenny, Tony, Gretchen, Ronaldo, Evelyn, Holger, Frieda, Fritz and Ben follow the bird. At the top of the tree hangs the key. The bird brings you the key. They go back to the gate. Ronaldo closes the door and suddenly they are back in the selfie box in the department store. They are happy to be out of the landscape again. But Bruno says that, what everyone thinks. "How come the two strangers, the dolphin, the bird and Leo in the landscape. Where does the gate come from and why have not more people landed in the motive? "Fritz, Frieda and Ben say goodbye to their friends and go home. Little Tigger, Bruno, Otty, Lenny, Gretchen, Toni, Ronaldo, Evelyn and Holger are still in the store. They research and look for answers. They go to a store employee and tell their incredible story. He listens attentively. "It's a magical machine. Only through the landscape have 12 people the opportunity to land there, in the middle of the landscape. That's how he is programmed. You're the first, but after all you tell me, it's all too dangerous. I did not know about the strangers. We will close the machine first. "Bruno, Little Tigger, Otty, Lenny, Gretchen, Toni, Ronaldo, Evelyn and Holger go home.
The next day, Little Tigger goes to work helping for 4 paws shop. Little Tigger sells again today and the door opens. A visitor looks around for food. He asks Little Tigger which feed is best for dogs with a sensitive stomach. Little Tigger has become familiar with the repertoire of the store and recommends a feed. The customer buys the food and leaves the store. Little Tigger calls Bruno. He wants to do something today. Bruno is pleased to hear from Little Tigger. He's already called the others, they want to meet Otty tonight. Otty has a visit from his buddy Tim, whom the group does not know yet. The workday comes to an end and Little Tigger gets ready and goes to Otty. Bruno, Lenny, Gretchen, Tony, Ronaldo, Evelyn and Holger are already here and someone Little Tigger does not know. Otty introduces Tim: "Hello friends, this is Tim, we have not seen each other for some time." And the friends talk to Tim. Otty prepares lemonade and small cheese snacks. The friends like to grab when Otty comes out of the kitchen with a tray of snacks. Tim helps him with the lemonade, distributes the glasses and the friends eat snacks and drink lemonade. Tim has an album of pictures that he takes the other time. You can see Otty and Tim hiking in the mountains. Tim had the pictures printed just recently, they are also stored on his smartphone. Tim feels comfortable in the clique. Otty expresses what everyone thinks, "Tim will be traveling with us more often now. He has moved and now lives a few meters from here. So welcome him to our group. "Everybody welcomes Tim in the group. They tell him about their experience in the city in the selfie box. Tim listens attentively. He is reassured when he hears that the selfie box has been shut down. Tim says, "Next time you go to town, I'll go with you. I do not know all that well yet. "The group agrees, of course. The next day is Saturday, Little Tigger is free, they are planning to go to the city. Tim wants to go to the bookstore and get advice for a book. The next day is meeting point at Tim. He has told everyone exactly where he lives. It is just 10 meters away where Otty lives. Tim is pleased to see Little Tigger, Bruno, Otty, Lenny, Gretchen, Toni, Ronaldo, Evelyn and Holger. He shows the group his two room apartment. He has a living room with kitchen and a bedroom. He lives cuddly, as Evelyn thinks. Then the bus goes to town. A quarter of an hour later, the group is in the city. Tim goes to the bookstore, the others to a cafe. Tim comes after. He is first advised in the bookstore. The others drink hot chocolate and order cake. Tim comes to the others after half an hour. "Well, did you find something?" And Tim nods his head. "Yes. The book is called Mystic Book, with formulas in it. "Tim shows the book to the group. They decide to leaf through it at Tim's home. So pay the friends and go back to the next bus and meet all at home Tim.
It gets tight in Tim's apartment, but the friends all find a place, it's just pulled together. Tim offers his guests lemonade and everyone is looking forward to the book of Tim. Tim sits in the middle of the couch and pulls out the book. Then he passes it on in turn. Little Tigger is the first to look into the book. "Mystic Book" is an apt title, for the formulas in it are unknown to Little Tigger. Below are explanations. The formula that Little Tigger takes a closer look at is intended to make time travel possible. The friends listen attentively as Little Tigger says the formula aloud. Nothing happens. They all still sit in the living room just like they did. Tim looks at the clock, it is an hour later on the clock than just where he looked at the clock. Did you actually travel to the future? The friends talk animatedly. Then the book goes on and Bruno reads out the formula on the next page. Now the clock shows the time again, 5 minutes later when Tim looked at it. The friends are reassured so you can travel with the formula an hour into the future and there is also a formula that makes this undone.
What are these fantastic formulas in the book? Otty next leafs through the book. But the formulas are all ingredient lists for dishes that need to be cooked. What do they do? Otty does not know. Next, Lenny looks in the book. He finds no answer for what the dishes in the book are, if these are just delicious meals. Gretchen and Toni study the book together. Toni, Ronaldo, Evelyn and Holger have a good idea. Why not cook one of the dishes and see what happens? This sounds easier than it is, because the ingredients are not in the supermarket to buy, yes, as it turns out according to search engine, not even in the city or the country. You would have to travel to South America. So this idea is flat, but the friends do not want to give up that fast. At least cooking a dish together, there must be a way to buy the ingredients? So it is studied on the Internet. And they will find, a mail-order company has the ingredients for a dish, so order and wait. According to the internet mail-order company, this takes two working days until everything is there. Tim orders the ingredients and now it's time to wait. Because they ordered the things on Saturday, it will be Wednesday until everything is there, because Sunday is not a working day. On Wednesdays, Tim calls Otty, who then notifies Little Tigger, Bruno, Lenny, Gretchen, Toni, Ronaldo, Evelyn and Holger. Everyone meets at Tim's home in the evening. It's a stew that Tim will cook with the ingredients. The others continue to study the book and now it is Gretchen who asks if they should travel back to the future. But Tim guesses it. First try the dish. It is already smelling in the kitchen and Otty is distributing plates and spoons, the stew of potatoes and the "mystical" ingredients are ready. It tastes good, but nothing happens, not yet. As the friends look closer, they suddenly see a door in the middle of the room. She is there for a moment, then disappeared again. Is this something to do with the food? The friends do not know. Time has not changed, but now everyone wants to travel another hour into the future. So Tim says the formula and the dishes are cleared from the table and washed. The friends laugh and wonder if they should not stay in the future. And if everywhere the clocks are an hour further? A look at the Internet, where time is the old time, not an hour in the future. Strange, says Gretchen. Anyway, Ronaldo says the formula for reversing the journey to the future. It is again normal time, which also coincides with the on the Internet. The plates are on the table, it is still no dishes washed. Everything like an hour ago. Evelyn helps Tim rinse and dry. Meanwhile, the group talks about the mysterious door. During the meal she appeared briefly and then was gone again. What was that? The group is at a loss. Anyway, they want to look at the book later. After Tim and Evelyn are done with the dishes, the book goes back in a row. What do the other dishes produce? I wonder if they are just stews? Anyway, here is an adventurous list of ingredients to find. Now the researchers fever has broken out. Gretchen studies the list of ingredients from other dishes and looks to see if they can be found on the internet. Evelyn and Lenny also enter ingredients in search engines.
But without success. Only with the stew are the ingredients from the online mail order company available. Gretchen and Evelyn have to laugh, but the mystical book has turned out to be a cookbook. Tim has to laugh too. Now the question arises among the friends, what they could do with the future formula. It only concerns the space in which they are, as they have stated. Only then does time change. They discuss with each other.
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tanjafeiler · 5 years
The new friend
Short Story
Tanja Feiler
"The New Friend" is the continuation of the short story "Friends", includes "Friends". Little Tigger works in aid for 4 paws shop. Help for 4 paws is a facility for animals in need where androids, veterinarians and freelancers work. A budgie robot flies all day over the city and sends out a signal. Any animal in distress can receive the signal and find the way to help for 4 paws, where it is helped. After work and Little Tigger meets with Bruno, Otty, Lenny, Gretchen, Ronaldo, Toni, Evelyn and Holger. Together they drive into the city and take a picture in a selfie box. Suddenly they are right in the middle of the landscape motif. Hardly back from the city they meet Ottys buddy Tim, who is immediately included in the clique. They go to the city and Tim buys a book. Suddenly the friends are in the next adventure ...
All rights in this book are reserved to the author.
Tanja Feiler
Cover and Images:
Tanja Feiler
Help for 4 paws is a facility for animals in need. Androids - robots, veterinarians and employees work together there. A budgie robot flies over the city and sends a signal with the way to set up. Every animal in need finds the way to help 4 paws, which receives the signal. There are the stars like Dara, Globetrotter, Tramps and Hosenwaggler. You recently opened the help for 4 paws shop. There is everything to buy for animals in need such as food, toys and more. Weltenbummler shows his buddy Tigger the shop. Tigger is thrilled with the range and looks Dara at the sale. He wants to work. Dara explains everything to him and Tigger listens attentively. Then the sales talent of Tigger awakens. Then it's time to leave and his nephew Little Tigger comes to visit. He tells about his adventures. And now Little Tigger is on the road again and meets up with his buddy Bruno to play darts. Bruno has a dartboard in his room. Little Tigger starts and throws an arrow. He hits three times 20. He has 60 points. Also the two next arrows meet. 180 points. Then it's Bruno's turn. He also hits three times 20 three times and has 180 points. They play 301. Now it's going to be exciting. Little Tigger hits the middle: 50 points. Then 20 points and again 60 by the meeting of the threefold 20. Bruno has to make an effort…
Finally, it's Little Tigger's turn. He wins the game and Bruno wants to play again. This time he wins. It is 1 to 1 and the friends get together. They drink lemonade and chat. Then they decide their friends too to meet. They meet in a cafe. The dragon family is also there.
Then Fritz tells about his work with help for 4 paws. Immediately Otty answers, who also works there. They chat about the budgerigar robot, which flies Pet City all day and sends a signal. If an animal is in need, then it finds its way to help for 4 paws. Then Gretchen speaks up. She was in charge of 4 paws shop and admired the assortment. She saw Little Tigger decorating the shelves. Everyone has a lot of fun and chat together. Then Gretchen has an idea. She invites everyone to her home for a game night. Gretchen has many games.
Win Four, Uno, Card Games, Kniffel, Mensch do not fret, Rummy and much more. There are games for everyone. Gretchen has a large dining table with many chairs, so everyone has space. There is a lot of laughter and hot chocolate and cake. Bruno and Otty play mill. Fritz and Little Tigger are playing lady. The Dragon Family, and Schildi play with Gretchen and Lenny Uno. Lenny wins the game. And he suggests playing another game. Mau Mau he plays with Gretchen. The dragon family plays knifes. Lenny also wins Mau Mau. Now it is already late and the friends have to work the next day. Lenny checks in for help for 4 paws store where Little Tigger works. Today he is allowed to sell. Then it's time for a break and Little Tigger visits his buddy Ronaldo. And what is Ronaldo doing? He plays football, of course. Little Tigger and Ronaldo kick together. That is fun. Ronaldo is good at football. Then think Little Tigger and Ronaldo what they could do. They decide to visit her friend Evelyn. They ring Evelyn's door. Evelyn is pleased to see Little Tigger and Ronaldo. She has just put cakes on the table, the friends are just right. The cake is hot chocolate. After dinner, Evelyn talks to Otty, Gretchen, Lenny, Toni, Holger and Bruno and tells them that Ronaldo and Little Tigger are here to visit and if they want to come. All friends agree and come to visit Evelyn. There is still chocolate cake for everyone. There's hot chocolate.
That can all taste good. After dinner, the friends discuss what they can do.
Evelyn has an idea: In the city is a shopping center with many small shops and a huge self-egg apparatus. The group goes by bus to the city in the shopping center. There are two friends in the selfiapparat. You can choose between different wallpapers. Ronaldo and Little Tigger choose a Star Wars motif with lightsabers. Then you can send the picture by email. You send the picture to Little Tigger's email address. Evelyn and
Gretchen choose a motive with a robot, a small video clip. This time they have the clip sent to Evelyn's address. The others opt for a landscape motif. They all stand in front of the landscape motif and then it happens when the lightning goes on: suddenly they are all in the landscape, not in the store in the self-propelled machine, but in the landscape. How can that be? Everyone is asking. There comes a woman and Evelyn touches her heart and asks the woman where they are and how they are coming back. "You came here through the department store. I've been here for an hour, looking for the exit together with my friend. We could work together. "" That's a good idea.”
Little Tigger, Bruno, Otty, Lenny, Gretchen, Ronaldo, Evelyn, Toni and Holger make their way to this mysterious land. They meet the three who are also trapped in this magical landscape. "We are Fritz, Frieda and Ben." "Hello Fritz, Frieda and Ben." Evelyn greets the three friendly. "Are there any others here?" Asks Bruno Fritz. Fritz replies: "So far we have been alone here." The group continues, passing a huge lake. "Let's rest for a moment," suggests Holger. The group sits down by the lake, watching the birds fly over the lake. Suddenly, a big bird appears in front of the group. "Who are you?" Asks the bird. The group names their names individually. "How did you come here?" "We do not know that. We were in a selfie box and suddenly here. "Bruno tells the bird. "Do you know how we get away from here?" Bruno asks the bird. "I do not know, but I can take you to Leo the Lion who knows a lot. He is very wise. "Responds the bird. Said and done. The group follows the bird to Leo, who sits at the bottom of the lake. The bird asks the lion how the group comes home from here. Leo replies that he does not know that. Fritz asks Leo how he got here. Leo says he does not know that. The group continues, the bird stays with Leo. The group comes to a beach and sea with palm trees. They sit under a palm tree and look at the sea. It is very warm, the sun is shining in the sky. "Somehow we have to come home again," says Gretchen. Evelyn gives her right. The group continues along the beach. Fritz, Frieda and Ben talk to their friends. They chat about help for 4 paws and their hobbies. Frieda likes Star Wars as well as the friends. They talk about it. Suddenly the bird comes flying to them, he is excited. "Leo needs your help." He says. Immediately everybody gets up to Leo. When they arrive at Leo, they see that he has fallen into a trap. Carefully, Gretchen frees him from the trap. He is fortunately only slightly injured. "How can that be, I thought we were alone here." Says Leo. The group is at a loss and worried. Who has probably laid the trap and why? Anyway, whoever that was is dangerous. Frieda looks at the friends and says: "its best we split up and meet again in an hour here with Leo." The friends, Ben and Fritz vote Frieda to. The friends go back to the sea, Frieda, Fritz and Ben take the other direction. Little Tigger, Bruno, Evelyn, Otty, Gretchen, Lenny, Toni, Ronaldo and Holger are walking on the beach.
Under a palm tree they rest. "Who did Leo?" The friends ask themselves. They do not know. Half an hour, then they have to go back to meet with Fritz, Frieda and Ben. How could the exit from the selfie box look like? And why are not more people here how did Leo, the unknown and the bird comes here? Questions about questions. The friends have not found an exit, and it's time to go back to Leo and meet with Frieda, Ben and Fritz. So the friends go back the way as they suddenly see a mirror on the way. He is leaning against a palm tree. However, there is no time to see if the mirror is perhaps the output from the selfie box. They meet with Fritz, Frieda and Ben and tell them about the mirror. Quickly everyone goes to the mirror. When they look in the mirror, they do not see themselves, but the selfie box from the perspective of the department store and people who take a snap. They try to warn people, but they have already made their picture. Nobody ends up in the landscape motif. How can that be? And why only you, Fritz, Frieda and Ben landed here? And who are the unknown? Little Tigger examines the mirror more closely. Somehow there must be a way to get home by the mirror. Gretchen also examines the mirror, Fritz, Frieda and Ben look after. But they find no way through the mirror to get home. Little Tigger, Bruno, Otty, Lenny, Gretchen, Tony, Ronaldo, Evelyn, Holger, Fritz, Ben and Frieda continue along the beach. The big bird comes by and asks the group why they are still there. Otty answers as they have not found an exit yet. The bird tells everyone that Leo is feeling better. Suddenly the group hears a voice from the water. Someone is calling them. "Hello. Who are you and what are you doing here? "It is a dolphin calling to them. Lenny tells the dolphin everything. "Do you have any idea how we will get back home?" The dolphin answers that he does not know that, but they should be careful, he has seen strangers. The bird continues talking to the dolphin: "Where have you been all the time? Leo, the lion and I thought we were alone here. "" I hid from the lion. “The dolphin answers. He promises to let him know how the group could get home and continues swimming. Frieda, Ben and Fritz are of the opinion that the group should split up again. The friends agree and continue walking on the beach. They meet again to meet at the mirror in an hour. Ben, Frieda and Fritz go in the other direction.
Little Tigger, Bruno, Otty, Lenny, Gretchen, Tony, Ronaldo, Evelyn and Holger walk along the beach. They rest under a palm tree again and talk. The mirror does not get out of the friends' hands. But they have to realize that he will not bring them outside. So they continue along the beach. "We have not tried the obvious yet. We all have a cell phone with us. "Otty unpacks his phone, but no reception. Nobody has reception from the group. They go on and find shells on the beach. You hear the wind of the sea. Then they go on. Bruno looks at the clock. Half an hour to meet Frieda, Ben and Fritz, i. they have 10 minutes left, then they have to go to the mirror. And still no trace of an exit. The dolphin comes swimming towards them. He waves to them. Otty asks the dolphin if he has got something out. The dolphin tells them that he saw two strangers at the other end of the beach. He did not talk to them. Now the question arises for the friends, whether they should dare to look for the strangers. Maybe those are the trappers. Bruno, Little Tigger, Otty, Lenny, Gretchen, Tony, Ronaldo, Evelyn and Holger go to the mirror and meet Fritz, Frieda and Ben. Ben tells that he has seen two strangers. Otty tells that the dolphin also told them that. The strangers did not see Fritz, Frieda and Ben. They now advise if they should seek contact with the strangers. They're probably the trappers, but maybe they know something. The group sets out to seek the strangers. The big bird flies to them. Fritz asks the bird: "Have you seen the strangers?" The bird answers: "Yes, I'll show you the way." The bird flies forward and shows the group the way. They find the two strangers holding a trap in their hands. Ben addresses the two strangers: "Hello, you know how we got here and back home come?” But the two men answer:" Go on, we have to put the trap down. Here's the lion. "Evelyn gets upset:" That's Leo and he's not dangerous. Please tell us how we get away from here. "The two men look at each other and shake their heads. They place the trap on the ground and hide it in the foliage of a tree. The group goes on, whispering that they are going to catch the trap as soon as possible so that Leo will not hurt again. Lenny says the strangers are always there, like Leo, the bird and the dolphin. The group goes to the trap and buries them deep in the ground. The two strangers have gone further and can no longer see the group.
Little Tigger, Bruno, Otty, Lenny, Gretchen, Tony, Ronaldo, Evelyn, Holger, Frieda, Fritz and Ben go back to the beach. On the way they meet Leo. They tell him about the trap they have buried deep in the ground and about the strangers. The bird flies past, on the beach they meet the dolphin. He has news. "I found out something." Tell the dolphin. "You have to go to the very end of the beach. There is a big gate. I do not know where it goes, but you can find out. I'll show you the way. "And the dolphin shows the group the way. You walk past many palm trees, it is very warm, the sun is shining. They arrive at the gate, which is between two palm trees. It is closed. The door is closed, locked. Now they have to search for the key. The big bird comes to the group. "If you're looking for the key, I can help you. Follow me. "Bruno, Little Tigger, Otty, Lenny, Tony, Gretchen, Ronaldo, Evelyn, Holger, Frieda, Fritz and Ben follow the bird. At the top of the tree hangs the key. The bird brings you the key. They go back to the gate. Ronaldo closes the door and suddenly they are back in the selfie box in the department store. They are happy to be out of the landscape again. But Bruno says that, what everyone thinks. "How come the two strangers, the dolphin, the bird and Leo in the landscape. Where does the gate come from and why have not more people landed in the motive? "Fritz, Frieda and Ben say goodbye to their friends and go home. Little Tigger, Bruno, Otty, Lenny, Gretchen, Toni, Ronaldo, Evelyn and Holger are still in the store. They research and look for answers. They go to a store employee and tell their incredible story. He listens attentively. "It's a magical machine. Only through the landscape have 12 people the opportunity to land there, in the middle of the landscape. That's how he is programmed. You're the first, but after all you tell me, it's all too dangerous. I did not know about the strangers. We will close the machine first. "Bruno, Little Tigger, Otty, Lenny, Gretchen, Toni, Ronaldo, Evelyn and Holger go home.
The next day, Little Tigger goes to work helping for 4 paws shop. Little Tigger sells again today and the door opens. A visitor looks around for food. He asks Little Tigger which feed is best for dogs with a sensitive stomach. Little Tigger has become familiar with the repertoire of the store and recommends a feed. The customer buys the food and leaves the store. Little Tigger calls Bruno. He wants to do something today. Bruno is pleased to hear from Little Tigger. He's already called the others, they want to meet Otty tonight. Otty has a visit from his buddy Tim, whom the group does not know yet. The workday comes to an end and Little Tigger gets ready and goes to Otty. Bruno, Lenny, Gretchen, Tony, Ronaldo, Evelyn and Holger are already here and someone Little Tigger does not know. Otty introduces Tim: "Hello friends, this is Tim, we have not seen each other for some time." And the friends talk to Tim. Otty prepares lemonade and small cheese snacks. The friends like to grab when Otty comes out of the kitchen with a tray of snacks. Tim helps him with the lemonade, distributes the glasses and the friends eat snacks and drink lemonade. Tim has an album of pictures that he takes the other time. You can see Otty and Tim hiking in the mountains. Tim had the pictures printed just recently, they are also stored on his smartphone. Tim feels comfortable in the clique. Otty expresses what everyone thinks, "Tim will be traveling with us more often now. He has moved and now lives a few meters from here. So welcome him to our group. "Everybody welcomes Tim in the group. They tell him about their experience in the city in the selfie box. Tim listens attentively. He is reassured when he hears that the selfie box has been shut down. Tim says, "Next time you go to town, I'll go with you. I do not know all that well yet. "The group agrees, of course. The next day is Saturday, Little Tigger is free, they are planning to go to the city. Tim wants to go to the bookstore and get advice for a book. The next day is meeting point at Tim. He has told everyone exactly where he lives. It is just 10 meters away where Otty lives. Tim is pleased to see Little Tigger, Bruno, Otty, Lenny, Gretchen, Toni, Ronaldo, Evelyn and Holger. He shows the group his two room apartment. He has a living room with kitchen and a bedroom. He lives cuddly, as Evelyn thinks. Then the bus goes to town. A quarter of an hour later, the group is in the city. Tim goes to the bookstore, the others to a cafe. Tim comes after. He is first advised in the bookstore. The others drink hot chocolate and order cake. Tim comes to the others after half an hour. "Well, did you find something?" And Tim nods his head. "Yes. The book is called Mystic Book, with formulas in it. "Tim shows the book to the group. They decide to leaf through it at Tim's home. So pay the friends and go back to the next bus and meet all at home Tim.
It gets tight in Tim's apartment, but the friends all find a place, it's just pulled together. Tim offers his guests lemonade and everyone is looking forward to the book of Tim. Tim sits in the middle of the couch and pulls out the book. Then he passes it on in turn. Little Tigger is the first to look into the book. "Mystic Book" is an apt title, for the formulas in it are unknown to Little Tigger. Below are explanations. The formula that Little Tigger takes a closer look at is intended to make time travel possible. The friends listen attentively as Little Tigger says the formula aloud. Nothing happens. They all still sit in the living room just like they did. Tim looks at the clock, it is an hour later on the clock than just where he looked at the clock. Did you actually travel to the future? The friends talk animatedly. Then the book goes on and Bruno reads out the formula on the next page. Now the clock shows the time again, 5 minutes later when Tim looked at it. The friends are reassured so you can travel with the formula an hour into the future and there is also a formula that makes this undone.
What are these fantastic formulas in the book? Otty next leafs through the book. But the formulas are all ingredient lists for dishes that need to be cooked. What do they do? Otty does not know. Next, Lenny looks in the book. He finds no answer for what the dishes in the book are, if these are just delicious meals. Gretchen and Toni study the book together. Toni, Ronaldo, Evelyn and Holger have a good idea. Why not cook one of the dishes and see what happens? This sounds easier than it is, because the ingredients are not in the supermarket to buy, yes, as it turns out according to search engine, not even in the city or the country. You would have to travel to South America. So this idea is flat, but the friends do not want to give up that fast. At least cooking a dish together, there must be a way to buy the ingredients? So it is studied on the Internet. And they will find, a mail-order company has the ingredients for a dish, so order and wait. According to the internet mail-order company, this takes two working days until everything is there. Tim orders the ingredients and now it's time to wait. Because they ordered the things on Saturday, it will be Wednesday until everything is there, because Sunday is not a working day. On Wednesdays, Tim calls Otty, who then notifies Little Tigger, Bruno, Lenny, Gretchen, Toni, Ronaldo, Evelyn and Holger. Everyone meets at Tim's home in the evening. It's a stew that Tim will cook with the ingredients. The others continue to study the book and now it is Gretchen who asks if they should travel back to the future. But Tim guesses it. First try the dish. It is already smelling in the kitchen and Otty is distributing plates and spoons, the stew of potatoes and the "mystical" ingredients are ready. It tastes good, but nothing happens, not yet. As the friends look closer, they suddenly see a door in the middle of the room. She is there for a moment, then disappeared again. Is this something to do with the food? The friends do not know. Time has not changed, but now everyone wants to travel another hour into the future. So Tim says the formula and the dishes are cleared from the table and washed. The friends laugh and wonder if they should not stay in the future. And if everywhere the clocks are an hour further? A look at the Internet, where time is the old time, not an hour in the future. Strange, says Gretchen. Anyway, Ronaldo says the formula for reversing the journey to the future. It is again normal time, which also coincides with the on the Internet. The plates are on the table, it is still no dishes washed. Everything like an hour ago. Evelyn helps Tim rinse and dry. Meanwhile, the group talks about the mysterious door. During the meal she appeared briefly and then was gone again. What was that? The group is at a loss. Anyway, they want to look at the book later. After Tim and Evelyn are done with the dishes, the book goes back in a row. What do the other dishes produce? I wonder if they are just stews? Anyway, here is an adventurous list of ingredients to find. Now the researchers fever has broken out. Gretchen studies the list of ingredients from other dishes and looks to see if they can be found on the internet. Evelyn and Lenny also enter ingredients in search engines.
But without success. Only with the stew are the ingredients from the online mail order company available. Gretchen and Evelyn have to laugh, but the mystical book has turned out to be a cookbook. Tim has to laugh too. Now the question arises among the friends, what they could do with the future formula. It only concerns the space in which they are, as they have stated. Only then does time change. They discuss with each other.
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megamanxfanfics · 5 years
“Between Seasons”
Good Morning everyone.  Happy August 15th =)
On my blog’s 4th Birthday, I figured I’d leave an update to say hello and talk about any random news that I can think of in terms of X6.  Because, yes.  There Will be a Season VI.
So, first of all.  Fun facts.  I MOVED AGAIN!
This last week was a blur!!  But I’ve upgraded w/ my Lady to a 2 Bedroom Apartment, where the kitchen is way roomier, the bathroom is cleaner, the living room and dining room are way cooler and the price is absolutely more than fair. Did I mention Washer/Dryer AND Dish Washer??  And Electric is PART of the rent.  That, my friends.. is HUGE.
Anyway, we’re both really happy about our giant life change.  We’re probably gonna be here for a long while.  But as I come off of this high and things normalize, now I can start to focus on my hobbies again.  Other than music.  That’s been really exciting too this month.
I’m in 2 bands.  You could sum up my summer by saying that one band had a show on June 29th, then I somehow finished Season V on July 4th, and since then my other band has been preparing for their show, which will be on August 24th.
Take into account this Crazy Move that happened, right smack in the middle of that and... yeah man. Everything is happening at once.  Really and truly.
To go a step further, we saw our new place on June 17th, and applied for it right away.  We found out within a week that we were the chosen applicants and would be signing a lease once the current tenants closed on their house.  Then, on their end, it took a WHOLE MONTH for their deal to close and what-not.  It was a crazy amount of waiting and wondering what will happen next.
Which takes me back to MMX.  With this exciting unknown deadline on my hands, I knew I had to finish Season V, sooner than later.  Because the move was going to take over my life for at least 2 weeks.  I didn’t mention any of this in the last entry, because I didn’t want to jinx anything.  But yeah.  I had a lot going on in my mind in late June, I guess.  And MMX kept it centered.
Once July 4th hit, it was easy to take a natural break from this.  It was a well deserved break.  I really don’t like that game, and yet.. I did it.  I came out with a Season that hit all the marks, and even delivered a little more in terms of long-term continuity.  I haven’t read the whole Season through yet, but I’ll get to it eventually.  [I actually went back to Season I for kicks, and now I’m up to Season II.  It’s already incredible to see how much X has changed from then to now.]
So... X6 stuff.
I definitely played through the game a few times in July.  Once I was done with Season V, treating myself to some playthroughs was my victory-lap.  A present to myself, which involved frustrating reminders of how broken that game is.  But it also gave me some rewarding insight to things I wanna do.
I don’t wanna/can’t give away too much, here.  But I definitely have a method I want to go by.  There’s certain beats I wanna hit for sure.
Like X going to Commander Yammark first, because that’s just an essential first level for him, I think.
Or the fact that the game has so much exposition that I might honestly.. open up Season VI the way the game opens up.
There may or may not be a Gate Flashback Reminder episode for Character Development/World-building.  Not too far off from what happened in Season V, for Dynamo.
Speaking of Dynamo, I'm definitely looking forward to throwing him in there again, and seeing what more I can do with his character, depending on how many times X meets him...
There’s other things I have to figure out, of course.  Like the true order.  Or how the collecting of Sub-tanks/heart-pieces will logically work.  If I apply that motif at all, any more.
[It’s been 3 weeks.  Did X REALLY get rid off all of his stuff in that time?  Especially when the world is still in turmoil?  I applied this same gimmick to Xtreme 2, due to the timing of everything, and it just made that game So much smoother.  So we’ll see.]
But yeah, man.  I suppose that’s everything for now. Also, Wedding Season is coming up so I’m gonna be Really busy with fun life things, from now through the middle of October.  In terms of X6 planning, besides settling in, itself, I can tell that this will hinder any sort of “progress” toward starting X6, but honestly.. that’s fine.  X6 can wait for now.
Here’s a basic timeline of what happened, and an estimate of what comes next:
6/17 - We check out the new place and apply!
6/23 - S.V - Ep. 16 is posted.
6/26 - We find out we got the place!!
6/29 - Band 1 has an awesome show
7/4 - S.V - Ep. 17 is posted.  Season V ends.
7/5-10 -  X6 is played here, and there.
7/11-13 - My buddy’s Bachelor Party takes place.
7/15-present -  Practices for Band 2 begin weekly.  X6 is analyzed some more.
7/29 - The Lease to the new place is finally signed!!
8/1 - The first snag: Old Tenants are hung up by their bank, but we understand.  We take Measurements of the New Place and get advice from them on how everything works.
8/4 - I buy 3 suits for 3 different weddings! [Buddy, Pal & Bassist] (Moving out Stress ensues, as the Tenants aren’t quite moved out yet).
8/5 - We finally get to leave boxes in the new garage.
8/6 - Technical Day 2 is Paint Night with my good friend and brother.
8/7-8/9 - Boxes boxes boxes and trips to and fro with our cars.  Moving sucks.
8/10 - Big Moving Day w/ the Movers and their truck.  The Professionals were worth every penny, and made this so much easier.  Our friends, too.  Their help was so immense that our new place started to feel like home by the end of the weekend.
8/11-present - The Unpacking Party Aftermath continues.  Bit by bit, the rooms become clear, and are ready for more boxes to be unpacked.
8/17-8/18 - Band 2 is shooting a Music Video!!
8/24 - Band 2′s awesome show
8/31-9/1 -  Traveling to and attending my Pal’s Wedding!
9/20 - Another Amazing show for Band 1
9/21 & 9/22 -  Right after the show, 3 of us are celebrating our Bassist’s Bachelor Party.
9/22 - That same night, my buddy is having a Welcome Dinner for the Wedding Party, which involves myself and the Lady.  Nothing like social conflicts of interest that are out of your control, eh?
9/25-9/27 - Buddy’s Wedding!!
10/6 - Bassist’s Wedding!!!
12/20 - Another cool show for Band 2.
And that’s the laid out estimate for the rest of the year.
With that all written out, I guess I can tell you that some more thoughts for X6 might happen in September, but it’s very likely that I won’t touch this until mid-October. And November, might be a very productive month for writing.  Who knows.  It was last year, for music.
But yeah.  At work, I think about X type stuff here and there. There’s just so much literally happening at once, that I can’t even sit down with any of these ideas.  Today I forced myself to, because of the anniversary.
We’ll see if I made any headway by 9/15.  It’s possible. Ya never know.
If any other groundbreaking ideas pop up before then, you’ll hear from me sooner.
Otherwise, keep it real folks.
Lova ya.
- Metal Man X
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itsworn · 5 years
A 1955 Chevy gasser tribute that’s as fun to drive as it is to look at
The 1955 Chevrolet is, by any measure, a landmark car that profoundly influenced the entire auto industry when it was introduced, and for many years thereafter. Chevy advertising called the completely restyled and V-8–equipped ’55 “The Hot One” and the public certainly agreed. By year’s end, Chevrolet sold a total of 1,802,811 vehicles, which comprised a mind-boggling 24.2 percent share of the entire American market.
The very same traits that made 1955 Chevys so immensely popular when they were new still drive people to lust after them today. Even though a massive quantity were produced, good examples can be difficult to find. That’s why our feature car caught Jeff Barbieri’s eye when he came across it at an Englishtown, New Jersey, swap meet about 10 years ago. The car was super clean, with a lot of original parts and virtually no rust. He connected his friend Billy Chun with the car, and although Chun enjoyed it very much he had to sell it before moving to South Carolina in 2011. Barbieri told his good friend Anthony Romanelli about the car, and after seeing how nice it was Romanelli pulled the trigger even though he wasn’t really looking for another car. “Jeffrey told me it was in extremely good condition,” he remembers. “And that I would regret passing on it, and he was right. The car drove as good as it looked so I could have just left it alone, but I had a plan to upgrade its performance and give it a nostalgic gasser look.”
Working hand-in-hand with his pal Barbieri, and relying on the talents of a varied group of people, Romanelli spent many hours over the next six months transforming his newly acquired ’55 into the car he envisioned. With help from well-known hot rod builder John Flood at J&R Performance, they began by removing the body from the chassis. After refinishing it, they rebuilt the chassis with parts from Don’s East Coast Restorations, including new bushings, front disc brakes, and tubular control arms.
For bodywork and paint, the car went to Romanelli’s cousin, who is also named Anthony Romanelli, at Mid-County Collision in Massapequa, New York. Mid-County did relatively minor bodywork to prepare the car for paint, and shot it with semi-flat Hot Rod Black, followed by several expertly laid coats of low-gloss clear. For the finishing touch Romanelli enlisted the help of Tony at Tony’s Creations to do the car’s artwork and lettering. Tony, who’s known far and wide as The Mouse because his logo is a stylized mouse, added to the nostalgic gasser look by painting the names of everyone who worked on the car onto its body. He also hand-painted Double Nickels on the car in memory of Jeff Barbieri, who passed away suddenly in 2012.
“Jeff was an incredible person and a great friend to me,” Romanelli recalls. “Double Nickels was his nickname because he loved ’55 Chevys so much, and the car is a tribute to him and all the long days and long nights we spent working on it together.” In keeping with the gasser theme, Romanelli knew he had to replace his car’s stock interior but he wasn’t sure which way he wanted to go. Barbieri quickly convinced him to dress up the inside with a period correct diamond and button upholstery motif. Romanelli turned to Sal Puma and Tom Cook at Sal’s Tops & Upholstery in West Babylon, New York, for their expertise. Sal’s covered 1965 Impala buckets and the ’55’s original rear bench seat with custom-sewn Naugahyde covers. They also created new door panels with a matching band of button-tufted diamonds in the middle, installed a new headliner, and modified the rear seat to make room for stereo speakers.
Engine revs are monitored courtesy of a Sunpro Super Tach II mounted to the top of the steering column. Three gauges beneath the dash indicate volts from the 100-amp alternator, water temperature, and oil pressure. The stock instrumentation was left in place, but Romanelli replaced the factory radio with a modern stereo, and completely rewired the entire car.
When Romanelli bought the Chevy it was powered by a perfectly healthy 350 engine, but he wanted something with a little bit more persuasion. To that end, he connected with Big Sal’s Racing Enterprises in St. James, New York. Big Sal Kazalski built a 427-cid small-block that produces a very reliable 500 horsepower and 480 lb-ft of torque on pump gas. The engine was created using a four-bolt main Dart SHP iron block filled with forged parts, including 10.5:1-compression SRP pistons, an Eagle steel crank, and Eagle steel rods. A Comp Cams solid roller cam actuates Ferrea valves in Dart Pro1 aluminum heads.
Induction is old-school, with fuel coming into the engine courtesy of a 750-cfm Holley perched atop an Edelbrock Super Victor aluminum high-rise intake manifold. The height of the manifold necessitated the addition of a 2-inch high riser on top of the car’s stock hood. An MSD 6AL box and MSD coil help light the fire. Waste gases exit via Hooker headers feeding into mufflers and side pipes that tuck under the body, exiting just forward of the rear wheels.
The potent small-block sends its twist to a Hurst-shifted TREMEC five-speed through a Ram clutch assembly. With the TREMEC’s overdrive fifth gear this car is happy to cruise all day long at modern highway speeds without breaking a sweat. The classic Hurst stick mounts in a center console that was borrowed from the same donor as the car’s front seats, a 1965 Impala. A 12-bolt Chevrolet differential outfitted with a 4.11 ring-and-pinion set turns the engine’s spin 90 degrees, and sends it to 10-inch-wide Pie Crust Cheater slicks mounted on American Racing wheels.
Since completing the build about seven years ago, Romanelli has driven and enjoyed his ’55 gasser at every opportunity. “It’s really a great driving car, and it draws a lot of attention out on the road or wherever I go with it. Just as important to me is the fact that the build involved so many of my friends. We shared a lot of laughs along the way, and that means more than I can really explain. The car is even more special to me because of all the time spent working on it with my late friend Jeffrey. It’s very sentimental because of that, and it always will be.”
The post A 1955 Chevy gasser tribute that’s as fun to drive as it is to look at appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network https://www.hotrod.com/articles/1955-chevy-gasser-tribute-thats-fun-to-drive-look-at/ via IFTTT
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maybelleheng-blog · 6 years
7 Tips To Stay clear of Failing In party.
The Fatality Of event.
The children leave candy and delicious chocolate around the house and also the fake blood is actually everywhere. Therefore, the games and printable tasks used at this event should depend upon the variety of visitors that are invited. Much more were stuck when traveling entering the city of Bethel, NY where it was being held. For instance, the event host may eliminate musical notes or saxophones from card supply paper and also link them with each other utilizing string or bow. Be advised, these pirate child birthday celebration event concepts are sure to blow your guests out of the water! You just need to understand that such multi-talented celebration clown would cost you a bit extra for the costs they could assure you that you would obtain the very best services and also the most effective celebration clown you are asking for. It is important that you make a decision the menu depending upon the sort of party you are throwing. Birthday celebration event invites are fantastic means to understand if you have been asked to attend a birthday. Looking after the above stated things will absolutely aid you to organize and hold a successful and also fun St. Patrick's Day party. The celebration is presently in arrangements with Sinn Fein over the control of the Northern Ireland Setting up, which has actually been deadlocked considering that Martin McGuinness resigned as deputy first preacher in January. Speak to your regional grocery store for food ideas or a celebration supply shop for decorating ideas. Go out your ideal Xmas sweatshirt, your preferred party city hours san diego (contosdeexercicios.info) outfit, or your shiniest cufflinks, due to the fact that it's going to be a joyful period. The even more you center the firm event around your employees the much more effective the event will be. As the times are advancing, alter the means you enjoy your feline event by integrating originalities and also including these fun Feline event suggestions to your monthly vacation. Relationships have occasionally been destroyed due to the fact that an event visitor did not understand specifically just what would certainly be occurring at an event, so be extremely clear in your communications. If you are looking for one-of-a-kind celebration invites that will be an excellent match to your children birthday celebration motif, Etsy is the best place to start. Showing 1 to 14 of 14 Articles matching 'brand-new year event at Mumbai' in relevant write-ups.
7 Indicators You're In Love With celebration.
10 Things You Should Carry out in party.
And you managed to hold this fantastic in your home youngsters birthday celebration event plus you are also within your event budget. If your checklist of paintball celebration materials is getting long, it never ever hurts to request a quote to see if a store will certainly offer you a more affordable rate. Obtain whole lots information about new year eve cruise ships to make a different new years eve vacations Make merry with your enjoyed ones by new years eve parties and also events and appearance also for little new year eve celebration for your family. Obtain somebody in order to help you with the party to collaborate these tasks while you attend other host duties. The most important thing about embellishing the party table is the neat setup of the ornamental products. The lower quarter is for food and also beverage things, such as a recipe card, photo of a special recipe or serving piece, and/or a food selection for the party. As most individuals know, party prefers vary depending upon the event or style that has actually been selected. The birthday celebration event is a get-together as well as a chance for socialization and growth. Seafaring, or non-seafaring event guests can all appreciate enjoyable maritime party games during the maritime style event. However, essentially, a selection of various other tasks as well as interactive games will certainly rate at your event. Most of us know that one of the primary purposes behind the company event is to stir up group structure skills and also staff member moral. Laboratory materials with different results (solidified carbon dioxide, tinted water, sampling containers, water beads). Making a Wedding anniversary Event unique can occur with video games as well as activities developed or prepared specifically for the event. If one enjoys to see comics, the city likewise has a variety of excellent comedy bars that include the craziest comics this component of the eastern coast. If you intend to break down excellent celebration prefers yet don't have a great deal of time to prepare then choose the already full sets of Horse Power party prefers birthday celebration party favors box which is only about 5 bucks. LUNCH: Party Store offrirà un lunch ed un coffee break nella seconda metà del corso. There are a variety of candle light birthday event prefers fits like mug cakes, butter cakes, and also ice cream cones. Your visitors could place an image from the party or one more picture as well as area it on the tree. Today, the softhearted crooner continuouslies stray the globe with melancholic pop anthems as well as complimentary hugs for all the celebration individuals. If, on the various other hand, the young guest of honor is rather a young girl who prefers the Disney Princesses, then the host will certainly wish to introduce as numerous princess celebration materials to the mix as possible. A day or two prior to the day of the event take another look at the listing of barking 20s celebration supplies needed for the celebration.
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