#alyssa and janessa are my ocs
thechangeling · 2 years
I wash my mouth out but still taste you
Credit goes to @sandersgrey for this idea
Cw: mentions of sex and sexual themes.
Also thank you so much to @jynxlovesluck for being my beta reader!
Title is from Numbers by Daughter (obviously).
If Kit stopped for even a second to think about what he was doing or how he even got here he was worried he might just pass out on the spot.
Actually if Ty wasn't firmly holding onto his waist he straight up might have already just collapsed when teeth sunk into Kit's neck.
Kit let out a shaky gasp. Ty lifted his head briefly to quiet him with a bruising kiss, pushing him further back against the institute wall. 
Ty is rough and harsh in a way that fits him. He held a knife to Kit's throat when they first met, after all. He was gripping Kit hard enough to leave bruises, but when he licked a line from his collarbone across Kit's neck, it felt like salvation. Like he was being cracked open and pure bliss and ecstasy was pouring into every fiber of his being. Like Ty was seeping into his bones.
He kisses him again and it feels almost like love.
Kit really tries not to dwell on that thought.
They weren't talking about any of it. It was almost like a silent agreement that they had made the moment Kit first arrived in LA.
Not what happened at Lake Lynn, or at Blackthorn Hall. None of it. Kit didn't want to remember. It was way too painful and Ty seemed to agree. Livvy was gone now, that much he had heard from Dru but he didn't really know the details. He didn't want to. In fact, the only words Kit had spoken to Ty since arriving were roughly ten minutes ago in the living room.
Or maybe it had been twenty, thirty minutes ago. Hell it could have been an hour ago. Honestly, who the fuck could tell.
They were the only two still awake. Kit couldn't sleep because of nightmares, again, and he had no idea why Ty was still awake and had been too scared to ask. Kit paced back and forth in the kitchen for a while, wondering what to say, wondering how to say what he wanted to say.
I miss you. I love you. Please touch me-
But when he entered the living room and stood in front of where Ty was perched on top of the coffee table Kit's mind was blank. It wouldn't be the first time. So instead of trying to communicate like a normal person, what he said was,
"Would you fuck me if I asked?"
Nessie was gonna have a field day with this one.
The truth was, he had heard rumors over the years. Rumors circulating in the downworld and among shadowhunters who knew centurions, or even from centurions themselves. Kit never talked to any of them, but boy did shadowhunters love to run their big mouths in public when they were gossiping about those who they viewed as lesser. And Kit listened.
People said that Ty had become one of the best Centurians that the scholomance had ever seen. They also said that he liked to sleep around, usually in not so nice words. Apparently he never slept with a guy more than once to avoid any sort of attachments forming. As far as anyone at the scholomance knew he had never dated anyone.
Kit thought it might make him feel better, knowing that Ty had apparently rejected the romantic declarations of a number of guys, not just him. But, if he was being honest with himself, it didn't.
Ty stared at Kit for a long moment and Kit was starting to plot his escape when Ty finally nodded.
And now here they were making out against the same door Ty once sat in front of for a week, waiting for Kit to come out.
Ty pulled back from creating marks along Kit's jaw and stared at his eyebrows, avoiding eye contact.
"Tell me what you want." Kit could feel his breath catch when Ty spoke. He ran a finger under Kit's chin, lifting it. "What do you want me to do to you?"
Kit's breath hitched. Holy shit. 
Ty had always been blunt, but this? This was a whole different side of him that Kit had never even known existed.
But then again how could he? He hadn't really known Ty for years.
But Kit wanted to. God He really wanted to. He fixed his gaze on Ty's lips, not daring to glance into his eyes.
"Everything," Kit whispered. "I want everything."
Ty's lips were claiming his again in an instant.
"I'm sorry, you did what!?" Alyssa yelled.
Ty winced, grasping his hands over his ears. "Not so loud Aly!"
Alyssa scoffed. "Oh I'm sorry, did you not get enough sleep last night? I'm assuming because you were too busy fucking Kit Herondale's brains out!"
Ty groaned, resting his forehead against his knees. "So it appears in your rage you have forgotten that I am an autistic person with auditory sensory issues."
Alyssa winced. "Shit. You're right I'm sorry." She sat down next to him and he found himself instantly reaching for her hair, twirling strands around his fingers. She smiled solemnly.
"I don't wanna make you feel bad," Alyssa said in a much softer voice. "I just really want you to think about this, okay? Like sleeping with the guy you're in love with is not gonna help you get over him."
"I'm not trying to get over him."
Alyssa looked like she was resisting the urge to yell at him again as she scowled. "So what are you trying to do?"
Ty sighed. He hadn't really stopped to consider it. But if he was truly honest with himself.
"I'm trying to stop Kit from leaving again," he admitted. "I'm trying to get him to stay."
Ally's eyebrows scrunched together. The corner of her mouth crinkled before smoothing out into a frown.
"Ty," she chastised him lightly. There was carefully held tension all throughout her body as she almost froze in place, save for her small breaths. She studied him carefully with a calculating gaze.
Ty couldn't quite tell if she was angry or not, but she wasn't yelling yet. That was a good sign.
"I just," he fiddled with his fingers anxiously, rubbing them together. "I'm not good at knowing what to say. I never say the right thing. I'm not good at being nice. But this is something I can do." He shrugged. "People find me attractive. I know that. This is something I can do to make him stay."
Alyssa shook her head. "Listen to me Sherlock. That is not the only thing you can do. Not by a fucking longshot." She cupped his face with her hand. "You are brilliant and resourceful and resilient as shit. And you are a good person. You are kind. And if Kit or any other man can't see that then screw them!" She paused. "I mean, not like literally."
Ty snorted.
"You're incredible Ty." Alyssa stroked her thumb against his cheek. "Don't forget that."
I love you, Ty wanted to say. Instead he pressed his forehead against hers and bumped her gently.
"You're incredible too, Aly."
She smirked. "Well duh. Of course I am."
Kit swore it would just be a one time thing. After all, Ty never slept with a guy more than once, so he had nothing to worry about.
Or at least that was what Kit thought. Right up until the point Ty was inviting him into his room again three days later.
And what was he supposed to say? No?
Ok fine, he was an idiot.
This time was different though. It wasn't nearly as frantic and hurried. Ty slowly lowered  him down to his mattress and kissed him in a way that felt far too intimate to be just sexual. Ty interlaced their fingers together as he held Kit's hands over his head as their bodies moved together, and Kit fought the urge to cry.
It was such a weird experience. Having him so close and yet still feeling like there are an emotional distance of entire chasms between them. Feeling mindblowing pleasure rip through his body as well as soul crushing despair.
The worst part was he could feel himself getting used to it.
So it happened again, and over and over and over again and they still never talked. Not really. But what was interesting was their bodies were starting to sort of develop their own kind of communication, their own language. They were learning each other, what they liked and didn't like, it was a conversation of sorts.
But Kit still didn't know if Ty still loved Sherlock Holmes, or pancakes, or if his favorite colours had changed. He hadn't been able to tell Ty that he wanted to forgive him and put the past behind them. That he still was in love with him.  But he fell asleep in his arms every night hearing the steady beat of Ty's heart against his ear.
When he finally told Nessie about it while she was making them breakfast, she just gave him one of her infamous deadpan stares and said, "listen Kit-Kat, coming from someone who has had a lot of casual sex this doesn't really sound casual. And you do remember the part where your asexual right?"
Kit rolled his eyes. "Asexual people can have sex Nessie. You're kinda oversimplifying things."
Nessie crossed her arms. "Ok fine, here's the simple part. You're in love with Ty Blackthorn."
Kit avoided her pointed gaze. "Yeah, so what?"
He felt Nessie come closer. "So, this is your fucked up attempt at trying to be close to him without actually being vulnerable because last time you tried that-"
Kit's head shot up to glare at her. "Yeah I know what happened last time, thanks. I was there!"
Nessie narrowed her eyebrows at him. "Hey! Don't get all pissy with me because the only one that's willing to give it to you straight."
Kit felt the corners of his mouth twitch.
"Don't say it."
"You can't do anything straight," he joked.
"I hate you."
Kit plopped himself himself onto her loveseat. "Nah, you love me. Anyways I appreciate you worrying about me Nessie but I know what I'm doing."
Nessie snorted and went back to cooking his eggs. "That's what you always say before shit hits the fan babe. You know somebody's gotta protect you from yourself."
Kit doesn't admit it. But she's right.
"But why?"
The desperation in Ty's voice nearly broke him. But Kit refused to back down. There was no way he was letting Ty come on a mission that didn't even have anything to do with him. He was the one that The Seelies were hunting.
He refused to let Ty get hurt because of him. He continued down the hall to where Magnus was waiting with a portal.
"Why can't I just go with you? It doesn't make any sense."
Kit turned to face him. "Because it's too dangerous."
Ty scoffed. "I'm a centurian Christopher. I can handle myself a lot better than you can."
Ouch. He knew Ty was being honest but it still stung. Kit glared back at him. "You don't have the powers I do. I don't need you."
And why would Ty want to risk his life for the guy he was casually fucking anyways? It didn't make any sense.
Ty's expression was unreadable as he stepped back.
"Fine. I suppose you've proven that haven't you? After all, abandoning me is what you're good at."
"Ty," he protested.
Ty rolled his eyes. "Go on Kit, go be a hero. I won't stop you."
Kit began to protest, but Ty was already storming off in the other direction.
But when Kit came back many hours later, the battle won, but not the war with Seelie blood on his hands, the first thing Ty did was fling his arms around him.
Ty's fingernails dug into his skin as he held him. It was as if he was trying to draw blood.
Kit welcomed the pain.
"Why won't you look at me?" Ty whispered one night.
Kit's breath hitched and he briefly froze in place, tensing his muscles away from Ty's body. Ty gently reached over and placed a hand against his ribs. Kit almost instinctively found himself relaxing.
"I understand if you're trying to avoid making eye contact with me for my benefit and I appreciate that, but you don't always need to look away." he said. "It feels like you're hiding from me. Do you still not trust me?"
Kit sighed and rolled away from Ty, out of his grasp. "I don't know. Maybe." He pauses, then answers honestly.
"I'm scared that if I look at you I won't be able to pretend anymore."
"Pretend?" Ty almost sounded angry.
Kit sat up and turned his body to face him. However he was still looking down.
"I'm scared that if I look you in the eye I won't be able to keep pretending that I'm not in love with you." He dug his fingernails into the sheets. "I'm scared that everything I felt three years ago at Lake Lynn will come rushing back and I'll remember how badly you broke my fucking heart. I'm scared I won't even care." Kit scoffed.
"I'm scared I'll realize how much I missed you."
"I don't understand," Ty said sharply. "You left me. You don't get to miss me."
At that Kit finally lifted his head. The vibrant cold steel of Ty's eyes swallowed Kit whole.
They were also full of tears. The realization was like a punch in the gut. Ty  rarely cried. It wasn't just something he had noticed while living with him, it was something the other Blackthorns repeatedly mentioned.
And yet Kit had made him cry twice.
He shook his head. "Sorry but that's not really how human emotions work sweetheart."
Ty's nose twitched. "Well human emotions are stupid."
Despite the situation, Kit found himself chuckling. "Yeah they kinda are."
Ty wiped his eyes aggressively. "Are you laughing at me?"
Kit gave him a self-deprecating smile. "No, trust me I'm not. If anything I'm laughing at myself. I'm a whole-ass asexual, whose first attempt at sex ended in complete disaster because I hated it so much. And now here I am having supposedly "casual" sex with my ex best friend, currently who-the-fuck-knows what just so I can be close to him because everyone knows he doesn't do relationships!"
Kit threw the covers aside and stood up, pulling on his shirt.
"You're an idiot," Ty uttered with disbelief.
Kit whipped around to face him. "What?"
Ty shook his head. "How on earth could someone so smart be so stupid?"
"Maybe I've been taking pointers from you."
Ty rolled his eyes and pulled one of his knees up to his chest. "Have you ever wondered precisely why I've never been in a romantic relationship? Why I never sleep with the same man twice, but for some reason we've been having sex for weeks?"
Kit crossed his arms definently. "I don't know. I guess I never thought about it."
Ty's eyebrows raised. "You never thought about it? Not once?"
"I guess I just figured this time if you were gonna fuck me it might as well be literally," Kit snapped."
Ty looked like he was about to protest, but instead he paused and took a deep breath, drumming his fingers against his thigh. "Fine. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I did, and for dragging you into it."
Kit was honestly a little shocked Ty was actually admitting he made a mistake. That had to be a first.
"The truth is, I miss you too Kit. That might be a strange thing to say when we've been exchanging bodily fluids for the past several weeks, but I do."
Kit felt the corners of his mouth twitch, fighting to form a smile. Eventually he gave in. Ty's face instantly softened when he saw.
"I'm sorry too." Kit confessed. "I'm so sorry for hurting you, for what I said."
"I miss talking to you. I miss making you laugh, hearing you infodump." Kit shrugged. "I just miss being your friend Ty."
"Is that what you want? To be friends? For things to be like they were?"
Kit shifted uncomfortably under Ty's gaze.
"You said that you were in love with me," Ty said pointedly.
"We don't have to talk about that," Kit muttered. "I know you don't feel the same way."
Ty glared at him. "How? Have you developed the power of telepathy along with your other powers? Can you see inside my brain?"
Kit groaned. "Ty-"
"No," Ty interrupted. "Listen to me. Please." Ty slowly scooted towards him so that he was sitting directly in front of Kit. Even sitting down, Ty was still almost as tall as him. His eyes were level with Kit's chest and he made no move to tilt his head upwards to meet his eyes.
Ty bit his lip, as he seemed to search for the words he needed.
"You always seem to focus on what I don't say. You think that my silence proves I don't care. Or that I don't love you because I haven't said those words. But the truth is, what I feel for you can't be conveyed in phrasal combinations; It either screams out loud or stays painfully silent but I promise, it beats words. It beats worlds," he quoted.
Kit dropped to his knees in front of him. Ty still was avoiding his gaze, but at least this way they were closer.
Ty sighed. "I can't even explain how I feel about you without using quotes. A friend of mine says that's common for autistic people. But it continues to frustrate me that I can never find the appropriate words."
Kit hesitantly took Ty's hands on his, rubbing his thumbs against the callused skin.
"You could just say I love you."
Ty's gaze met his own. "It's not good enough," he whispered.
Kit smiled softly at him, reaching out to trace a line across his cheek bone. "It is for me. It doesn't need to be perfect, I just need you to tell me."
There was an agonizing pause before Ty nuzzled his hand.
"I love you."
Kit's heart soared. It was more then good enough.
It was everything.
The quote "what I feel for you can't be conveyed in phrasal combinations; It either screams out loud or stays painfully silent but I promise, it beats words. It beats worlds," is by Katherine Mansfield.
Also I cannot take credit for, "I guess I just figured this time if you were gonna fuck me it might as well be literally." That one was @sandersgrey 😂
Tagging: @lavender-scented-rat @littlx-songbxrd @sandersgrey @the-wckd-powers @spooky-drusilla @arangiajoan @have-a-holly-jolly-angstmas @amchara @wagner-fell
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The Villians of MY AU
Friday Night Funkin + Mario & Sonic Adventures : 
Marie Amber Rose: BF and GF's love rival
Clara Rossi( Emily Meyers): BF's Evil ex-girlfriend
Mac and Maia: BF's childhood Bullies
Candy( Girlfriend/Ashley's Crazy ex-girlfriend/Friday Night Funkin')
Drake( Girlfriend/Ashley's first ex/Friday Night Funkin')
Cassie West: Pico's ex girlfriend and Shyrell's bully also BF and GF's love rival
The GlamDemons: GF's Middle school Bullies
Princess Alyssa Quarters: BF's evil ex-girlfriend(3rd)
Honey Sickle: Carol's Enemy
The R.A.I.N.B.O.W Fangirls: Drugfriend’s yandere fangirls 
Tiffany(Scrapped then Recovered): Pico's 1st ex girlfriend/BF and GF's love rival
Robo-Phoebe Clones: Robot version of Phoebe that Alucard built but reprogrammed to be evil
Dustin Dark: Piconjo's Enemy
Myra: Otis Fangirl
Giselle Feather: Nene and Cassandra's Enemy
Anitta Sweet/Omega CandyHeart :Pico fangirl
Drake and the Skullgang: Pico and Cassandra's Enemies
Clara’s friends: BF’s middle school bullies
Lindsay Maples( Boyfriend/Cam's Bully/Friday Night Funkin')
Theresa Maples( Boyfriend/Cam's Abusive Nanny/Friday Night Funkin')
Sick Elina the Blonde Hedgehog: Obsessive staker to Sick Boyfriend 
Feika: Faker Sky’s Evil Countertwin
Skydere: Yandere Sky who wants BF and GF dead 
Eclipse Feiko
Tessi: Carrie Sky 
Rebecca Green: Skyblue’s love rival 
Julie the Hedgehog( Mario and Sonic: The lost power crystals)
Princess Dark Star( Evil princess of the Dark Forest)
Elina the Blonde hedgehog( Sonic the hedgehog hated oc/Sonic the Hedgehog)
Daryl and Mandy( Darylstories_YTP) the cringe couple of youtube 
Xirra Smith: Princess Hillaryella and the hybridsiblings’s enemy
Miss Mina: Annie’s Stepmother
Liberita: The villian and the real mastermind of DDLC 
Junko Ai: The Real Mastermind and true villian 
Cordelia: Evil Scientist of PROJECT: TROLLEGE
Princess Daisybelle the Hedgehog : Evil Princess of mobius 
Malphina: Evil Alicorn teamed up with Princess ophelia 
Janessa: Hillyana’s love Rival
Connie Rose: The Manipulative liar 
Warning: Heroes be prepared and Beware 
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thechangeling · 2 years
Terrified with the lights out
Cw: Disassociation, Major character in the processes of dying (but isn't actually dead yet), grief and smoking.
Title is from Alone/with you by Daughter.
Chapter One: Far away
There is something almost sacred about this moment. Kit sitting on Ty's bed, stroking his shivering face. Both of them murmuring to each other in hushed low voices. There is an intimacy to this moment that would almost be sweet in a different context.
But all Alyssa sees now is her friend dying, and everyone is powerless to stop it. She's powerless to stop it.
There is a certain numbness that has taken over. She feels distant and far away from her body, like she could just let go and drift away. Because she refuses to stay here with her emotions.
Alyssa had been getting better at dealing with her intense feelings lately. Therapy helps, so does spending time with members of her community and sharing her experiences. Building friendships with other Autistic QPOC online, especially other Fillipinos was like a lifeline. Talking with people who shared some of her experiences and feelings was like putting a balm on wounds she hadn't even realized she was bleeding from.
She had been hanging out with Jaime more and more, taking him to all her favorite places in New York, to outdoor concerts and festivals. She had taken him dancing and felt his heartbeat race against hers as they moved together along with the defeaning beat that sunk into her skin and tickled her bones.
She had been trying to build a life for herself outside of her relationship with Ty. Because as her therapist had pointed it out, it probably wasn't healthy to put all her eggs in one basket so to speak. Alyssa had a tendency to get fixated on certain people like a special interest. They became the one thing she always thought about and the one person she always wanted to spend time with.
She had been trying to break that cycle and now Ty was dying.
The connection to Livvy to keep her ghost here, tethered to Ty had proven to be too much. Alyssa always knew this day was coming. She tried to talk to Ty, convince him to let her go. But he just wouldn't. He couldn't. And in a way she understood. But at the same time she just couldn't. She wanted to shake him, to scream in his face and make him understand.
She fixes her lip gloss. Alyssa wasn't exactly sure why she decided to dress up to come see her best friend on his death bed. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that she always feels the need to keep her outsides perfectly manicured and presentable to act as armour to distract from the mess with in. Makeup done, hair pulled into a neat braid, a stylish outfit complete with low heels.
Quotes from Buffy the vampire slayer play on a loop in her head. She can hear Darla's voice.
My boy. My beautiful boy.
He's choosing to leave you, the voices whisper. Just like everyone else.
She feels numb and far away, so far away that she hardly resisters the hand on her arm. Then she does and it burns, sending shocks of pain deep into her skull.
She wants to yell, to scream at the person to go away, to stop touching her. But she can't find the energy. It's all been zapped out of her. Far away she can hear a voice talking to her.
"Fuck. Do we need to need to turn you off and on again or something?"
Janessa. Kit's friend. The vampire girl. Alyssa should have sensed it.
"Nessie! Show a little compassion. Her friend is very sick!" Says another voice. Thaís Pedroso, the shadowhunter from Brazil. Janessa's girlfriend.
She hears another voice, this one in her head.
We're not supposed to move the body.
Great episode. 10/10. Sarah Michelle Geller's performance was phenomenal.
"We're not supposed to move the body," she whispers under her breath.
Janessa tries to grab her again. Finally Alyssa finds her voice, race coursing through her as she's jolting back into the present moment.
"Don't touch me!" She screams, yanking her arm away. Janessa looks like she wants to fight, but then seems to decide against it.
Everyone is staring at Alyssa with a mixture of pity and fear. She knows that look all too well.
Except for Kit and Ty still lost in their own little world and Ty far too weak to pay attention to anything more the an inch away from him.
In that moment it all comes rushing back, fear and anger and overwhelming crushing despair. She should be crying shouldn't she? Dru's crying softly in the corner with Ash rubbing her shoulder. Alyssa can hear the sound of the clock on the wall ticking away. Each tick bangs against the walls of her skull.
"Come with me," Janessa says firmly. It takes a moment for Alyssa to realize that she's talking to her. She stares at the wall ahead, there are cracks in the plaster of the institutes walls. She traces them with her eyes, sliding her teeth against each other to match the lines.
He is dying.
Her arms and legs have dissapeared. Oh well.
"Come with me," Janessa says again, her tone contains more bite.
Alyssa digs her nails into her palms and wills herself to come back, wills herself to move.
"Ok," she whispers. Her voice sounds cracked like she hasn't drunk water for days.
Janessa leads her out of Ty's bedroom, down the hall and downstairs and out the door. There is a tense energy to her movements and the way she's carrying herself, as if she's put up a wall.
She knows that she's probably worried about Kit. Kit who hasn't stopped researching and looking for a cure while Ty sleeps, and reading to him softly when he wakes. Ali sees the look on his face when Ty has another coughing fit and blood spatters appear on his arm, or when he shakes and shivers with painful convulsions. Kit can't survive this.
She would say the same thing about herself if she wasn't already broken.
Anush is the same way as Kit. He's still at the scholomance pouring over every resource they have, constantly texting her with updates that she rarely ever reads.
She just can't. Alyssa knows it's false hope. She knows that the universe isn't kind enough to give them a fucking break.
It's cool crisp night with a slight wind and the  strands of hair that aren't in Nessie's half up messy bun flutter around a little.
Nessie. That's what Kit, Mari, Lizzie and Thaìs call her. Like the fucking lochness monster.
Alyssa knows it's short for Janessa, but still.
Janessa leans against the side of the institute putting one foot up against the wall and pulls out a pack of cigarettes.
"Want one?" She holds the open pack out to Alyssa.
Alyssa, feeling like total garbage actually considers it for a minute before shaking her head. "No. You forget, some of us can actually get lung cancer." Janessa laughs, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.
"Your loss babe," she says with a smirk before taking a drag.
Janessa is the kind of person who gives everyone nicknames or pet names. She calls Thaís "angel" and Kit "Kit-Kat" or love, or babes. Alyssa isn't sure whether she likes it or not. However, she's definitely not immune to a hot girl calling her babe.
Janessa blows the smoke out gradually and Ali watches it curl on the wind.
"I'm sorry," she finally says. The words sound so foreign coming from Janessa. "I know this has gotta suck for you. I didn't mean to make it worse." She turns to look at her and Ali finds herself captivated by the piercing gray of her eyes. It makes her homesick. Homesick for the person whose gray eyes she's used to seeing. The person who can make it all better.
It's kind of funny, how she wants Ty to comfort her over his own death.
"I'm not great at the whole comforting people thing," Janessa admits. "But I'm here if you need to vent, or go break shit or whatever I don't know your process." She was waving her hands around while she spoke, creating trails of smoke everywhere.
"But I'm here."
Yeah, she was. And Alyssa didn't know what to make of that or what to say.
They fell into silence again as Janessa took another long drag from her cigarette and blew out the smoke. Alyssa found her gaze settling on Janessa's lips and the way they pursed around the cigarette, her elegant sharp jaw line and muscles of her slender neck.
Janessa was beautiful in that messy way Alyssa liked. In the way she wasn't. She had never found herself overly attracted to the pretty and delicate girls. The ones in magazines with perfect hair and makeup and the perfect smiles or the nice girls who always remembered to say please and thank you. She likes raw and messy and dirty. Brutal honestly from the kind of girl who looked like she could knock her out in one punch. Girls with fire in their eyes who could swallow her whole, eat her raw.
Ok so Alyssa might be a little deranged. She can live with that.
There is a familiar feeling curling in her gut. A welcome distraction. She doesn't think. She doesn't remind herself why this is a bad idea.
She walks forehead and pulls Janessa forward by the hips, kissing her deeply. And for a split second she doesn't react. Ali can taste the tobacco on her breath.
Until Janessa shoves her away with the full strength of a vampire and Alyssa goes flying. She hits the sandy ground hard and distantly registers pain somewhere on her body.
It feels distant though.
"What the fuck is wrong with you? I have a girlfriend remember?"
Such an excellent question. Alyssa wants to apologize but instead she stays there sitting on the dirty ground, staring off into space.
Janessa shakes her head and angrily throws her cigarette butt on the ground, stamping it out with the heel of her Doc Martin. "Look, I know you're grieving, but don't try that shit again. Ever."
Grieving. Alyssa wants to rip her skin off. She wants to scream, to cry.
Instead she lays down. The ground doesn't feel like anything.
Maybe she's dead. Maybe she's dying along with him. She hears the door.
Janessa's probably going back inside. Back to where Ty is. Alyssa knows she should follow.
She doesn't. She stars up at the night sky, at the constellations that she and Ty used to trace with their fingers. She wonders who she'll be when he's dead.
When she is no longer a we.
Tagging: @lavender-scented-rat   @littlx-songbxrd    @have-a-holly-jolly-angstmas @amchara @wagner-fell @sandersgrey @the-wckd-powers @spooky-drusilla @ellexu
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thechangeling · 2 years
Some backround on my tsc OCs for those of you who read my tsc fics and are curious.
Janessa (Nessie) Williams
- Transgender woman and bisexual vampire musician
- She was only turned in 2013 when she was 19
- She pretends to be a lot older then she actually is though for shits and giggles
-Also to seem cooler
- Develops a pretty solid friendship with the LA gang
- Dru introduces her to Thais and they start dating
- She and Kit are kinda like Parabatai, they met in Devon
-She has ADHD
-A very sexual person, has a lot of hook ups and casual relationships before falling in love with Thaís. She is primarily driven by lust.
- She is a 8w7, self-confident, sociable, and pragmatic in her behavior
- She's ambitious and independent
- prefers to follow her own path
- she has a fear of being controlled by others
- Janessa dislikes authority and usually prefers to work alone
- She wants to remain in control of her own life and is an advocate for those less able, people in the downworld especially vampires who are less powerful and unable to stand up for themselves
- She left her band to stay in Devon and be a solo act
- The owner of the bar ended up selling to her for a pretty fair price because Magnus knew her and Nessie knows Magnus
-She makes the bar a downworlder sanctuary and tries to look out for everyone who frequents it
-She tries to protect herself by denying vauneability
- She doesn't wanna seem weak
Alyssa Reyes:
- This girl is having none of your bullshit
- Autistic and proud, also Filipina and Pansexual
-Born and raised in New York
-Alyssa is also a werewolf
- She has a lot of rage and traumaTM but loves and feels very deeply
- She becomes best friends with Ty and Anush after she is assigned to be a downworlder liaison between the scholomance and her pack
- Which makes sense because the scholomance is an organization that deals with downworlders and downworld threats #nothingaboutuswithoutus
- Her special interests are Queen, Muse, dancing and BTVS
-She can can quote entire scenes from Buffy and tell you what season and episode it was from
-She is a type 4. She is very sensitive, self aware and reserved. She's creative, she's a dancer, and emotionally raw. But she can also be very moody and self conscious.
- She has ADHD and C-PTSD
- She has been masking for her whole life and really struggles with her identity and figuring out who she is. She worries that she has no real identity beyond what she projects to different people.
- Aromantic romance repulsed but it takes her some time to figure that one out.
Some of my own person hcs about Thaís Pedroso:
18 in my fanfics
- Afro Brazilian
- Speaks both fluent English and Portuguese
- Thaís is an artist and loves to paint
- She loves the band PVRIS
- Thaís is a lesbian and eventually ends up in a relationship with Janessa
- She's Bipolar, but she lived the majority of her life undiagnosed thanks to dumb shadowhunters but eventually during a manic episode, Dru calls Magnus for help
- Thaís becomes the first shadowhunter to ever be diagnosed with Bipolar
-She has a visceral hatred for Jace Herondale
- She's Demisexual
-Her and Dru are besties
I'm tagging some of my mutuals who read my fics. @littlx-songbxrd @sandersgrey @the-wckd-powers @have-a-holly-jolly-angstmas @amchara @spooky-drusilla
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thechangeling · 3 years
Ok this is me trying to create a master list for my fanfiction. These aren't in chronological order and some of them are really old.
Helen Blackthorn:
I was the one who found him
Ty and Helen oneshot before the ending scene in LOS.
Be wise enough to wonder, be brave and let it go
Helen and Mark reflect on their childhoods.
Helen learns what Jace said in COHF and goes off.
I'm at your mercy
R-rated haline post-date fic.
Don't let the basterds get you down
Helen is having a bad day, luckily Aline is there for her.
I don't care if I'm forgiven
A continuation of the Kiertina infirmary scene.
The lucky ones
Kierarktina proposal fic.
You have found two
Cristina breaks down and Tessa knows exactly what to say to comfort her. Polyam pride y'all.
And maybe one day I'll get around to fixing myself too
An exploration of enneagram Two Cristina Mendoza Rosales.
Six of crows:
I feel safe in the 5 am light
Six of crows Kanej fic.
Kit character peices:
For better or worse, I am alive
Kit struggles with depression.
Say my name or I won't survive
Kit comes out to Jessa as nonbinary.
Kit reflects on his life and his sexual orientation
She burns like rum on a fire
Kit deals with abuse
What's in your head
5 times Kit didn't realize he had ADHD.
Part 2
...and the one time he did.
According to you
Kit struggling with undiagnosed ADHD. Ft. Janessa.
Kitty fics:
When no one's watching part 1
When Kit gets seriously injured, Ty comes to see him.
Part 2
Kit wakes up.
The day the earth stood still
Kitty's first meeting from Ty's pov.
Eutony in a whisper
Genderbent kitty
There's nothing to be afraid of
The first fic I ever wrote when I was 18! Set before QOAAD, Kit goes to see Magnus for help.
The Game: A ten things I hate about you Au.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
The one thing you can never do
Kitty reunion on the roof.
Kitty fluff
Just some sweet morning kitty fluff.
Kitty snippet
Just a snippet, not a full fic.
Out of our heads. Out of our minds.
Ty misses Kit, but he's seeing Anush. Terrible decisions are made.
Ty's letter to Kit
Ty writes to Kit during TWP.
Lost and Found
Kit and Ty reunion. Only Ty gets to say his peice.
No one's gonna take you away from me
Kit and Ty are being adorable, happy and in love, until Julian walks in.
In a world full of chaos, Ty attempts to remain in control. Featuring sex favorable Kit Herondale.
Tell me a story
Ty doesn't believe in fate
But you like her better: Part 1 Part 2
Kit has a new girlfriend. Ty might be jealous.
If I keep my eyes closed: Chapter 1
Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
5 times people saw Ty wearing the Herondale necklace and thought Kit and Ty were dating, and the one time they were actually right.
I will pull you so close
Kitty being adorable and stargazing together. Based on Venus by SAL.
Pitch black, pale blue
Kit's internal struggle as he deals with his feelings for Ty, based on Neptune by SAL.
My armour falls apart
Ty is determined to protect Kit. No matter what.
All I wanted
Kit and Livvy's kiss from Ty's pov.
Terrified with the lights out: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Ty is dying from his connection to Livvy's ghost. But Kit is determined to save him, whatever the cost.
I wash my mouth out, but still taste you
Fwb kitty. These dumbasses do not know how to communicate.
Ty character peices:
The Box
Ty dealing with trauma, disassociation and ableism. Features my OC Alyssa.
Ty deals with some dark shit.
Ty's vows
Ty's wedding vows to Kit. I honestly think this is the best fic I've ever written.
Ty needs to get his mind off of Kit. Features my OC Alyssa.
I used to say that there was no such thing as we
Ty meets another autistic person at the scholomance and they bond.
The island of misfit toys
Christmas at the Scholomance.
The Changeling
Ty and Kieran talk about identity
Tell me I'm wrong
Ty breaks down in front of Livvy
Christopher Lightwood leaves a letter that Ty finds, and quickly realizes it was meant for him.
Not the only freak
Ty has worries. Alyssa eases his mind.
Seven days
Ty's log of his attempts at sobriety.
The wall
Ty learns that he is autistic.
Oh love, I'm sorry if I smothered you
After seeing Kit at Blackthorn hall, Ty breaks down.
Little Girl
Character exploration fic about my OC Alyssa.
Who we've been dying to become
A fic about Alyssa and Kit being enneagram fours and bonding over it.
Me and I are not friends
A character peice on my OC Lizzie
Your heartbeat is disguised as mine
One shot about my OC Janessa and her friendship with Kit.
Friend make sense of me
On her way to meet up with Ty, Alyssa meets Jaime Rosales...
I remember the minute
Janessa opens up to Kit about her past
Alyssa teaches Ty to dance and lets herself love again.
Not gonna write you a love song
Future generation:
Alyssa Reyes is lonely. But not for the reasons people think.
I'll stare directly at the sun, but never in the mirror
Alyssa seeks out Kieran in her time of need.
A story about aged up Mina Carstairs.
Part 2 of Aimless
The Fall
One shot about my OC Gianna, the eldest Kierarktina child.
A oneshot between my OC Janessa and Thaís Pedroso. Janessa and Thaís go on their first date.
Only love
Thais confesses her feelings to Janessa.
The price of this so called perfection
Rule following, self-policing Thaís learns how to stand up for themself. Ft. Nonbinary, enneagram one Thaís.
Thaís' list
Thaís has a lot of things they can't stand about Janessa....
Unbreak the broken
Alastair goes for a late night walk and tries to calm his chaotic mind. Ft. Autistic Alastair.
Wake up
Thomas decides to finally be honest with Alastair, and himself. Enneagram Nine Thomas.
Enneagram fics:
And maybe one day I'll get around to fixing myself too
An exploration of enneagram Two Cristina Mendoza Rosales.
Christopher Lightwood leaves a letter that Ty finds, and quickly realizes it was meant for him.
Who we've been dying to become
A fic about Alyssa and Kit being enneagram fours and bonding over it.
The price of this so called perfection
Rule following, self-policing Thaís learns how to stand up for themself. Ft. Nonbinary, enneagram one Thaís.
I remember the minute
Janessa opens up to Kit about her past.
Wake up
Thomas decides to finally be honest with Alastair, and himself. Enneagram Nine Thomas.
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thechangeling · 2 years
∇ -. old age/aging headcanon for Ty and Kit
I let out a noise when I saw this lol. I usually never think about them aging or dying because that is forbidden territory. Also I have such a hard time imagining them past like 40, partly because shadowhunters don't live very long.
But if I thought about it. I could imagine them eventually moving into their own place together in LA and getting cats. I like the idea of them staying in LA because it's where they met and their story began. @sandersgrey and I like the idea of Kit doing mundane college and studying psychology to become a therapist. He proposes the idea of a shadowhunter therapist for shadowhunters to Alec to improve mental health and actually start treating mental illness instead of ignoring it and he agrees. So that becomes Kit's job.
Ty I don't want to be a centurian tbh because acab so I imagine him being an academic and maybe teaching at the scholomance or the academy? I love the idea of him taking over teaching the dregs and providing disabled students with the right accommodations to succeed. I like the idea of them waiting awhile to get married, like not until their late twenties or maybe not even getting married at all.
I could see them with or without kids tbh. I agree with @sandersgrey that I don't see Kit wanting to have bio kids because of the first heir situation. I could see them adopting or Ty having a bio kid with Alyssa through surrogacy (yes I am including my ocs in this).
@sandersgrey made a joke that the kid will have autism squared 😂
Anyways as Kit and Ty get older they're obviously busy with their jobs but they still make time for their family, settling aside dinner dates under the stars and clue game nights. Sometimes they invite Janessa, Alyssa, Anush, Dru and Thaís over to play as well. Maybe also Ash depending on whether or not they're on good terms (I havent decided).
I'm never sure where I stand on Kit being a good cook but I'm gonna say yes because I just need to project my hatred for cooking onto someone and I choose Ty. So Kit cooks for them and makes all of Ty's same foods and even introduces him to some new ones. He tries to find ways to give Ty vegetables that he'll like or at least tolerate. Eventually they get a house together (don't ask me how) on the beach. At some point they go traveling together also. They go to The Philippines with Alyssa because Ty wants to learn more about her culture and experience it with her first hand. It also gives Ali the opportunity to visit relatives she hadn't seen in awhile. Ty had already gone to the Mumbai institute with Anush for his travel year and he enjoyed it a lot, so he and Kit visit Mumbai as well as Thailand and Nepal. They also go to Amsterdam and Berlin.
They also end up visiting Toronto because Kit wanted to see where Nessir grew up and she convinced him to try poutine. She tells him that if he hates it she'll have to murder him when he gets back.
Ty reads to Kit every night to help him fall asleep, and Kit sings to him.
They spend the rest of their days enjoying each others company and being hopelessly in love until the end.
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thechangeling · 2 years
Ok lil spam but i love hearing about ocs
Thanks so much for the ask Zia! Sorry this took so long to answer.
1. Who was your first OC?
I think my first OC was Janessa. I just remember thinking about how I wanted Kit to have a bestie and I was watching a lot of trans creaters for the first time (I orginally told myself it was for educational purposes lol) and I had the idea to make her a trans girl and then everything just sparked from there.
12. Who is an oc that isn't yours but you really like a lot?
Ummm *frantically tries to remember the names of other people's ocs* I really like your autistic character in particular. I think her name is Neirne? Sorry I'm crap at remembering names. But I really like her.
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you and explain why.
Ok well technically they all mean a lot to me, but I wanna talk about Gianna in particular here. Gianna Blackthorn-Rosales is the eldest daughter of Kierarktina and an absolute mess (affectionate).
My girl has bipolar disorder and a lot of trauma. Being the eldest daughter of such an iconic well known and importent trio as well as being the one mentally ill child out of all the nt kids Kierarktina have has not served her well at all. She's Kieran and Cristina's biological daughter, half fae and half shadowhunter.
She is a very loving and passionate person and she loves music, but she can also be quite temperamental and chaotic. She's a literally similar to Alyssa but more raw? I guess would be the right word? Mostly she just wants to be safe and loved and to not feel so alone or like a burden. I'm not exactly sure what her enneagram is yet.
She means a lot to me because I am also that mentally ill bitch that feels like a burden to their family. ✌
25. The OC that resembles you the most? Probably Alyssa or my version of Lizzie. Although I am not as brave or chaotic as either of them.
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters?
I used to take a lot of inspiration for Alyssa and Ty's relationship from my relationship with my ex. We've always had a muddled line blurring complicated very autistic relationship built on a foundation of "I just need you". We haven't talked in awhile bit we're still friends (I think 😳) and I care about and miss them a lot.
A lot of Alyssa's lines to Ty are things they said to me, especially the jokes and the majority of the fic Enough is based on a real conversation we had. There's a lot of pain associated with their friendship for me because there's a lot of pain surrounding my relationship with my ex, but also a lot of love and joy. And fundamentally Ty and Alyssa is just me bottling love between two autistic people.
Because I can almost never seem to hold onto it in real life. And when I do I always tell myself itself only a matter if time before I screw it up.
But anyways enough trauma dumping lol.
44. What's something that you like about your OCs in general?
I honestly don't think I have a single cishet OC and that's very iconic of me I think.
46. Do people ever accuse you of treating your OCs badly?
Actually surprisingly enough, no. I have gotten multiple "Alyssa go to therapy" comments, which I agree with. But no one has accused me of torturing my OCs. Yet.
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thechangeling · 2 years
First of all thank you for liking my edit of my character dgxkjdnfkfkx I APPRECIATE IT A LOT
Ive always wanted to do it but i get self concious and kinda convince myself od be doing more harm than good.... BUT I CAN TOTALLY EDIT YOUR OCS IF YOU WANT I LOVE ENNEAGRAM EDITING
Are these original story ocs or Alyssa Janessa etc.
I can go for any
I would love that so much omg!! And yeah just Alyssa and Janessa because I don't have any original story OCs because I am a fraud lol.
If you want physical descriptions can I just send you the sims versions of them that I made?
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