#am i reaching
james-spooky · 19 days
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the panopticon came up in my work today and i was like ‘omg tma ref hahaha’ but then… it went on to say ‘carceral archipelago’ which links to what Sam said in ep10… what if the panopticon is still relevant in tmagp? we all thought he was silly for mentioning islands but here we are!!! i’m actually losing my mind because of this… PLUS the guy who came up with the panopticon is called Michael.
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tonyloom · 9 months
I’m finally starting Elden Ring and the first thing I noticed was this...
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I can't stop thinking about Arya with this needle
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jeffdakillax3 · 3 months
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this could be lawlight if u squint
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rayaspookiebear · 7 months
I’ve been wondering this since like the movie came out.
What do the people see when they’re stone ?? 😭
Do they just see darkness bc their eyes are closed ??
Do they just die naturally and go to heaven or wtv ??
Bc the way Raya and Namaari gasped like they saw something while being stone after their stone coating melts is telling me smth
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poisxnivi · 7 months
yo has anyone else ever wondered why Kitty is so terrified of the jabberwock? like, in "a wonderlandiful world" girl literally gets goosebumps at any mention of it. also in "once upon a time" the narrator said that one time they merely said the word "jabberwock" and kitty went invisible for hours
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youregonnabeokay-kid · 3 months
there’s been multiple references to musicals now regarding s7e4 which is also the 100th episode and writers often like to do something memorable for milestones… so… musical episode..???
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readychilledwine · 8 months
I read a little fic / one shot, and I need to talk to you all about how much it had lingered with me.
I've dug through my likes and cannot find it, so if you know which one I am talking about please please please tag the author so I can link it.
**There's some cross Fandom spoilers**
There's 7 sons in both series with a corrupt father who holds a place of high power.
I can't stop thinking about the similarities between the Vanserra Brothers in ACOTAR and the Sons of Feanor in The Silmarillion.
I had not thought about it until I read this piece with Eris and a character in a library late at night where she is reading The Silmarillion, and her and Eris end up in a discussion about how sons are more than just the acts of their father's.
And now we're here.
In the Silmarillion, 2 sons are killed in an act related to their father's rage. He commanded his sons to burn Swan Boats they had stolen. He had not bothered with ensuring his twins were woken up and removed from them, though.
In ACOTAR, 2 sons are killed in an act related to their father's rage. They chased down their youngest brother after an "act of betrayal" only to be slaughtered in the Spring Court.
Maedhros, the oldest brother, is plagued by loyalty to his father, even if he does not necessarily agree with his actions. He is eventually tortured for years. Maedhros, after years of mental turmoil, the lingering weight of his father, and being emotionally plagued on by the oath all 7 brothers took, ends his own life by throwing himself into a volcano.
Eris, the oldest brother, seemingly wears this mask of indifference. Following his father's choices despite how much he disagrees with them. Eris has been tortured for years. He is trapped by his father.
Maglor, the second brother, was seen as a more gentle soul. A minstrel who loved his mother, his brothers, but parts ways with them. While his remaining brothers continued to act on the oath they made with their father. Maglor had adopted two children and a new lifestyle, a more peaceful one. It is unknown what exactly happened to Maglor. It is believed he roams the shoreline, singing songs of his despair.
Lucien, the youngest brother, is a more gentle soul. Preferring the comforts of a book to his father's violence, seeing shame in how Beron runs Autumn. He is driven away from his brothers and adapts a new lifestyle as an emissary in a court where rank isn't enforced. Lucien's story currently involves him having no true home. He is just wandering.
All of the Sons of Feanor die, without the exception of Maglor, whose story is unknown. If there's proof SJM is a Tolkien fan, I'm worried for Eris, I'm worried for Lady Autumn, who shares similarities with the wife of Feanor, and I am terrified for Lucien.
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p-perkeys · 1 year
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Okay. So.
Laura is/was 20 when she met Gabby. Gabby is/was 13. Gabby is the youngest, so Zelda/Bellona were/are probably mid, maybe late teens. So Laura had to be maybe 5 -give or take- when her clones were being created, right? And Kimura was a handler for them, so she was very involved, right?
So, theoretically, would the girls have been here during this run?? Like, if they weren’t an unfinished plot hole? They’re at a facility with Kimura in charge to a degree and they’re working on conditioning Jordan in order to defeat Laura.
So if Marvel didn’t just blatantly ignore their own stories… Bellona, Zelda, and Gabby (plus the other seven) should be in this same facility (they were at Alchemax).
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justyokorebirth5 · 4 months
Isn't azasidstan basically kinda like israel?💀💀
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traggalicious · 7 months
Yall. Withers is totally Jergal, I mean. Besides this, its weird that he can just. Do what he does. Resurrect people n shit.
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But check this out, aint this the question he asked us? And wreathed in gold? Bro’s got jewelry for days! And the nonplussed thing. Like. He’s always so chill. Totally Jergal. Am i reaching or nah
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leoleofitz · 10 months
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With the polaroid frame okay cool cool cool cool cool
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karmasboy · 11 months
what if i just start shitposting
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revengeromance · 2 years
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pinkfridaygirl · 4 months
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I never caught the reference before
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yuyokunoshishi · 11 months
also add in the tags if you want how your tolerance has changed over time!
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dulcecatrina · 6 months
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James Somerton’s Patreon is back. If you were supporting him, make sure to cancel before the end of the month or you will get charged.
There are nearly 3,000 subscribers on his page. It has been scrubbed of all posts, including his last “statements” about the situation, except for two unrelated ones.
He said he had done this so people would have a chance to cancel their pledge, but he has no post describing the plagiarism and why his patreon disappeared or is back.
If you were one of these nearly three thousand subscribers and if you no longer want to support James Somerton, plagiarist, monetarily cancel your pledge.
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