raurquiz · 2 months
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#Happybirthday @jenmorrisonlive #jennifermorrison #actress #director #winonakirk #startrek #OUAT #OnceUponATime #House #bigstan #thisisus #TheReport #SuperFly #HIMYM #Warrior #Amityville #TheAwakening #willtrent #sundogs #AllCreaturesHereBelow #Bombshell #RiseofthePinkLadies
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sergeotokar · 2 years
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Les Ghostbusters sont intervenus… La maison est clean maintenant !. #ghostbusters #ghostbuster #amytiville #amityvillehorror #amityville #humour #filmculte #cinema #geek #geekinworld (à Toulon, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjFunlCqhaJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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crumbargento · 8 months
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Amityville II: The Possession - Damiano Damiani - 1982 - USA
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the-mystery-of-christ · 10 months
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🤍🜏🤍 Leviathan cross 🤍🜏🤍
The Evil of man can be calculated finitely... ✡️
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zeroground · 1 year
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ourlittlesister2015 · 2 months
Literally remember Rod Steiger in amytiville horror delivering an academy worthy performance for a movie that didn't deserve it but he for some reason (likely professionalism) decided he was going to rip everyone else apart (except for Margot Kidder) making them all look incompetent and you have poor James Brolin to compare it to🤡🤡
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cattatoir · 5 months
I want to say this amytiville sequel is amytiville but more racist except I can’t remember the first one
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Brad Gray, illustration for Jay Anson’s Amytiville Horror → https://www.instagram.com/p/CsnftpUoSIW/
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michaelcaldeira · 1 year
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O filme de ontem/hoje foi “Terror em Amityville” (The Amytiville Horror), de 1979. A franquia se tornou bem ampla, mas no filme original a família atormentada consegue se livrar no final e vão embora, com cachorro e tudo, da casa amaldiçoada. É raro ver filmes de terror com esse “final feliz”. Achei louvável e reconfortante! O filme está disponível para aluguel no Prime Video. #TerrorEmAmityville #TheAmytivilleHorror #1979 #Horror #Geek #Nerd https://www.instagram.com/p/Cos2z7SuJs5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Alucine: Terror en Amytiville #amytivillehorror #jamesbrolin #margotkidder #1979 #disponible @mgmstudios en @primevideoes #lostrobinsons https://www.instagram.com/p/CoS8Cd4M_t7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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amplesalty · 2 years
Halloween 2022 - Day 12 - The Amityville Horror (1979)
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Talk about your bad dream house...
Thinking about it, this may be one of the biggest horror franchises that I haven’t looked at in any form during this last 10 years. Not just in terms of how notable this movie is but have you looked at how many movies there are with Amityville in the name? There must be like 40 of the damn things and 8 of those came out in 2022 alone! Granted I imagine only a small handful will have any connection but just look at some of these names; Amityville Scarecrow, Amityville in Space and Amityville Vibrator. That last one sounds like it came from the mind of John T. Bone. Actually, that wouldn’t be creative or on the nose enough for him. It’d be The Amytiville Whoreor or The Amityville Gang Bang.
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Right out of the gate this had a couple of stand out appearances to me. Much like C.H.U.D was the meeting of Jon Heard and Daniel Stern years before Home Alone, this sees both James Tolkan and Elsa Raven appear, years before they would both appear in Back to the Future.
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The other big thing for me straight away was, my gosh, James Brolin is just a real dead ringer for Christian Bale. Maybe like 80% Bale with a little Burt Reynolds mixed in. The late Margot Kidder is here too as Brolin’s wife, I know she’s perhaps as infamous for her mental health struggles later in life as she is for playing Lois Lane in the Christopher Reeves Superman movies. She was in the 1974 Black Christmas that we looked on here a few years back and apparently she was in the Rob Zombie Halloween 2 as well?
The movie tells the t ale of a young family who move into the vacant home once occupied by the DeFeo family before 23 year old Ronald DeFeo murdered his parents and siblings by shooting them whilst they slept. It was a rather chilling turn of events, with Ronald actually spending the rest of the day doing his normal things like going to work before raising the alarm. If you’d done that sort of thing and run the risk of being incriminated for it, surely you wouldn’t spend your last day of freedom at work. Or maybe it was a means of keeping up appearances as an alibi of sorts. This film came out only 5 years after those murders, you have people questioning the recent release of the Jeffrey Dahmer show on Netflix and whether it’s in poor taste given that there are going to be relations of those victims still alive to see it. But that is at least giving them some 20+ year gap, this is 5! The bodies of the DeFeo family members are probably still decomposing at that point.
But after the Lutz family movie in, they notice strange things happening, one of the first being a local priest who comes to bless the house and falls violently ill. So too does Kathy’s aunt, a nun, when she comes to visit. Whatever is going on this house it does not like people of the cloth in the slightest. And it’s not just limited to being in proximity of the house, with the priest’s condition rapidly deteriating with every attempt he makes to warn the family about what’s going on in their new home.
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It’s not all just blood pouring from the walls and swarms of flies though, there’s a lot of behavioural changes amongst the family with Brolin’s George Lutz becoming increasingly agetated and quick to anger as the movie proceeds. This is matched with his increasingly ashen face with ever deepening bags under his eyes that seem to pulse red from a presumed lack of sleep. They absolutely nailed the casting with this one, with Brolin really selling George’s descent into madness and has some amazing facial expressions.
The movie feels a little cheap at times with relying on jump scares, early on when the Lutz’s are being shown around the house and they enter each new room, the movie edits in flashbacks of Ronald DeFeo going from room to room to kill his family. There’s one moment where the movie freeze frames for like 3 seconds whilst the eerie music comes in before it then jumps to a flashback. Just seemed a bit strange. The music too, whilst being nominated for an Academy Award, does have a lot of heavy strings to underline the sudden scary moments, Psycho style. There are some moments when it seems fitting, like when one of the kids gets their fingers jammed in a window that the adults just can’t seem to open, but it’s seemed odd to have this crescendo of noise to accompany a swam of flies on a window.
The ending of the movie seemed a little lacklustre as well because, granted you do have George pretty much going Jack Torrence on his family complete with taking an axe to the bathroom door, but the movie doesn’t end on that moment of him being snapped out of it. It just carries for another 5 minutes and doesn’t really have another big moment to end on. They kinda just go to their car and drive off.
Overall the movie is OK but, at least from memory, it feels like Poultergeist took the same concept and improved upon it. Though Poultergeist very much ramped up the supernatural aspet and was a lot more over the top, where things are a bit more subtle here and feel like they could more realistically play out. This idea of this family disturbance playing out during a big house move which is obviously one of the more stressful life events that you can undergo, especially when you’ve got work and kids to juggle along with it. But the movie doesn’t seem to want to live in that subtle zone and wants to ramp things up with the sudden loud noises, musical stings or edits.
Of all of the bajillion sequels, the 2nd movie I’d be tempted to see. That’s a prequel based on the DeFeo murders and apparently has Burt Young, he of Rocky fame as Paulie, playing a violent and abusive father which would be interesting to see having only really seen him in the Rocky films. Paulie is a bit more dopey as the franchise goes on but there is a bit of a darker side to him in those early ones between him and Adrian so seeing that ramped up to the extreme would be cool. Plus I’d be interested to see if they do anything to soften the obvious downer ending of someone murdering their entire family...
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rocketrickster · 2 years
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Fun fact. Jaws is the name of the movie, not the name of the shark. The shark has no name, they are just awesome. (at Amytiville !) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjBmwxsuuhR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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quealboroto · 3 years
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Amityville: El despertar (2017) – Amityville: The Awakening
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Belle y su familia se mudan a una nueva casa, con el fin de ahorrar dinero para ayudar a pagar el costoso tratamiento de su hermano gemelo que se encuentra en coma. Pero cuando fenómenos extraños empiezan a ocurrir en la casa, incluyendo la recuperación milagrosa de su hermano y pesadillas cada vez más espeluznantes, Belle comienza a sospechar que su madre no le está contando toda la verdad y pronto se da cuenta de que acaban de mudarse a la terrorífica casa de Amityville. (FILMAFFINITY)
Hay aproximadamente 16 películas sobre la historia de Amityville. Creo que es una historia que da para mucho y que en ocasiones han sabido plasmarla bien y otras no tanto.
La versión de 2005 “La morada del miedo” (The Amityville Horror) me gustó bastante. La primera vez que la vi, la historia me daba mucho respeto, no miedo, pero sí un agobio incesante que a veces no me dejaba respirar. Creo que también he visto en alguna ocasión algún trozo de alguna de las versiones anteriores y he sentido ese mismo respeto.
En mi opinión, Ryan Reynolds representó la locura de la figura paterna comida por las voces de la casa de una manera admirable, me hizo creérmelo en todo momento. Puede ser que hicieran alguna que otra escena con él sin camiseta para ganar público, pero por todo lo demás es bastante respetable y decente.
 En esta versión de Amityville se nos presenta una familia que se muda a Amityville:
-          La madre, la cual presenta una locura personal inexplicable e irritante.
-          La hija mayor; una rebelde sin causa que busca lo mejor para su seguridad y la de su hermana pequeña.
-          La hija menor; una ricura que esperas que el demonio no mate y, por último:
-          El gemelo de la hermana mayor; que tuvo un accidente y ahora está intubado, con delgadez extrema y sin funciones motoras.
 La película no ha estado mal, ha sido bastante entretenida, me ha gustado que hayan elegido a Bella Thorne (Famous in Love, Juntos y revueltos) como protagonista, creo que puede dar mucho de sí, pero solo la cogen en papeles bastante mediocres. También, comentar el papel del actor que hace de su gemelo, Cameron Monaghan (Shameless US, Gotham), siempre me sorprende, creo que tiene mucho talento y que esto es solo el comienzo de su carrera.
 Quizá, lo único que comentar es que al final se te puede hacer un poco extensa… dura 1h25min pero tarda un poco en arrancar.
En todo caso, si no conoces la historia de Amityville, primero te recomiendo ver la de 2005 (así como más actual) y dicen que la más antigua también está muy bien, ambas son versiones de la historia original: cómo el padre se vuelve loco y mata a su propia familia.
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theartofimagining13 · 3 years
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The White House hid a very dark secret; decades ago, a terrible crime of passion had been committed in one of the many rooms and it is believed that the ghosts of the lovers and their murderer still haunt the place. You and your husband Oscar moved in after he won the elections and became president, but you had never felt any paranormal activity inside the house. Weird things started happening after you began an affair with your husband’s chief of staff Sebastian. Oscar didn’t know and yet he started acting weird and it got worse day by day. He had been possessed by the ghost of the lovers’ murderer and you were all doomed to repeat history. 
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adamwatchesmovies · 4 years
Amityville II: The Possession (1982)
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Does it ever happen that you watch a movie, and classify it as just kind of mediocre but then you learn more about it and you decide it’s even worse than you thought at first? That's my experience watching Amityville II: The Possession, a follow-up so badly handled I was absolutely convinced that it was a sequel and not a prequel as it actually is.
From the flashbacks shown in The Amityville Horror, you'd think you'd know the plot of this film but you don't! It’s about the Montelli family, father Anthony (Burt Young), mother Dolores (Rutanya Alda), teenage/twenty-something son Sonny (Jack Magner), his teen sister Patricia (Diane Franklin) and two younger kids who aren’t really important. They move into the Amityville house, and as you might expect, things start to go amiss.
I really thought it was a sequel. Why? Firstly, the house looks completely different than it did in the original film and the family present, the one we supposedly saw in flashback in part 1, is nothing like the Montellis. It’s as if the people in charge had only a vague recollection of the first movie.
Further baffling is the movie's beginning, which is significantly more exciting than the first film's. It gets right into the ghost stuff immediately, there are some really good special effects (and those come back again towards the end) and the story is nice and focussed. With the family's dynamics, there's much potential. I was excited to see what would happen next.
Even if for some reason you were watching these films in the canonical order and you weren’t comparing The Possession with the original, this would still be as appealing as a bucket of slugs. The Montelli family members are so stupid they're begging to be killed by this evil house. There is nothing subtle about the ghost activity here and yet no one is able to connect the dots! Then, when we get to the titular possession it switches gears to become absolute madness. I don’t want to say too much, but there is a memorable scene between Sonny and his sister Patricia that you have to see to believe. I was picking up the shattered pieces of my jawbone off the floor after it was over. I'll give the movie this: it’s so insane it’s completely unpredictable. No one would ever be stupid enough to make the same mistakes as Amityville II: The Possession.
I almost want to recommend Amityville II: The Possession for its worst scenes. As a movie that’s “so bad it’s good”, you might just have something here. I have no idea what they were thinking but it all adds up to one crazy, awful, memorable haunted house movie. (On VHS, November 1, 2014)
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