#and Hinata get's his wide-eyed excited face and just yells at the top of his lungs
Just imagine Tendou running full speed with Hinata on his shoulders, Hinata has his arms spread out like he has wings.
I hope you imagine it because it's adorable af
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justauthoring · 3 years
Amongst Them All, I See You
Prompt: Hey! I saw that you’re taking requests, and wanted to toss one out there for you. Hope you don’t mind. by the way, i absolutely LOVE your writing!! it’s always so heartwarming and nicely worded. Anyways, I had this idea for a Tsukishima Kei x reader where maybe basically Him and the reader have a enemies-to-lovers relationship. and maybe it has something to do with yamaguchi? i was thinking it could be some kind of angst 👉👈 but if you don’t write angst that’s perfectly fine!! it doesnt have to be. feel free to twist this any way you want :) Requested by: anonymous (thank you darling!).
A/N: salty beanpole has finally made his arrival ;) Pairing: Tsukishima Kei x F!Reader
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From the moment he met you, Tsukishima didn’t like you.
Now, he couldn’t exactly explain why. There wasn’t necessarily a real reason for it, just a feeling, an instinct if you will, and Tsukishima felt it best to listen to his gut. It’d never failed him before.
“Tsukki! I brought Y/N!”
By now, this is a common occurrence. Yamaguchi was all but determined to make the two of you friends, though Tsukishima couldn’t even begin to understand why, and it didn’t matter who ended up getting dragged along, the two of you found yourself constantly forced to spend time together.
Today, apparently, is no different. And the apprehensive, hesitant expression on your face is the same as always as Yamaguchi holds tightly to your wrist, you two steps behind him as you’ve probably spent the last few minutes trying to desperately convince your friend that it was alright, you didn’t mind eating lunch alone, you didn’t need company, etc. that Yamaguchi basically never listens to.
After all, you are a lot easier to convince then Tsukishima is.
You can never really say no to Yamaguchi’s soft eyes and hopeful smile, it seems.
Yamaguchi forces you to sit, before taking the spot next to you with a pleasant smile, reaching into his bag as if he hadn’t all but forced you against your will there.
And Tsukishima stares for a moment, one, two, before placing the lid back on his bento box. “I’ll be taking my leave then,” he says simply, voice dull, face blank as he moves to stand.
As Yamaguchi rushes to stop him, a hand over his own, practically pleading and spouting something like we’ve never not eaten lunch together -- something Tsukishima could really care less about, he misses the second of hurt that flashes in your eyes. It’s brief, passing with a blink, and then your face is settling into a scowl, cutting Yamaguchi’s begging off;
“Am I really all that awful to be with?”
Yamaguchi glares at him, to which Tsukishima rolls his eyes, finally sitting back down in his seat with a sigh.
And so, lunch continues on as it usually does. Tsukishima sits there silently, maybe putting a word in or two if Yamaguchi looks at him expectantly, while the two of you talk adamantly amongst one another. You’re loud, painfully so, like you always are, and Tsukishima is all but torturously reminded of Hinata, and he can already feel a headache coming.
He doesn’t listen to the conversation, not really at least. He does take note, mainly because he can’t help to, like he always does, that while you always seem to be loud at lunch, or after practice, it’s only ever when you’re with Yamaguchi. In class, you’re quiet. Almost eerily so. And you’re usually alone. 
Scratch that, before Yamaguchi and him, you were always alone.
Tsukishima pretends like he hadn’t noticed, like when Yamaguchi comes bounding up to him one day, excited to introduce you, he didn’t already know who you were. Because, it seemed like lots didn’t. Your presence is often lost amongst the crowd, and for the longest time, Tsukishima felt like he was the only one who did see you.
Head turned down, arms wrapped around yourself, you so purposely tried to avoid attention but Tsukishima always noticed you.
He doesn’t tell people things very often, and even Yamaguchi doesn’t know the things he swears he’ll never tell anyone. So, for the longest time, you’re like this secret he keeps. He notices you, you don’t notice him, and he sees things that no one else does.
He sees the frustration on your face when you open your locker only to find that your books and homework have been ripped. He sees the way you rush from class to class, desperate to be in the halls for as little time as possible. He sees the way that one girl from class, Tsukishima doesn’t care to learn her name, slams you up against your locker one day after school, and hears the low threats thrown your way, ones he can’t make sense of.
And he sees the way you always wear your blazer, even when it’s blazing hot outside. You choose the longer skirt option, and are always wearing knee high socks. Your skin is constantly covered, hiding something.
But then Yamaguchi introduces you to him one day, like he didn’t already know who are you, and you’re all shy smiles and quiet whispers to him but you’re bright eyed and giggly when you turn to Yamaguchi. You speak to him like he’s a friend you’ve had for years, rather then a few weeks, and Tsukishima jealousy bubbles up to hate towards you for some sick, twisted reason he can’t properly explain.
And it’s just been like that for the past two months.
“We don’t have practice after school,” Yamaguchi offers, eyeing Tsukishima before turning to you. “Would you like to hang after school?”
Tsukishima notices, out of the corner of his eye, the way your body straightens at his words, eyes widening slightly in panic. Panic that’s only there for a moment, something that Yamaguchi completely misses.
“Uh, sure. I just have to, um, uh, drop something off quickly after class. I can meet you outside, by the gym?”
Yamaguchi shrugs, “sure.”
And Tsukishima wonders how Yamaguchi didn’t notice how plainly obvious a lie that was.
“Anyways, um,” you move to gather your stuff, quickly, movements stiff. “I have to talk to the teacher before class, so I’ll just meet you guys there, okay?” And you’re standing before Yamaguchi can really say otherwise, waving at him, before your eyes fall on his, as if debating, before turning, rushing off.
Yamaguchi turns back to his food, completely obvious.
“I’ll be late after school too.”
“Oh?” Yamaguchi mumbles, obviously confused. “Is everything okay?”
“Fine,” Tsukishima nods, “just got to grab something.”
“Ah, here you go, Y/N-chan! I’ll need them done by tomorrow!”
Your jaw all but falls to the floor.
“T-Tomorrow?” You whisper, hesitant, voice shaky. “But... this is like three days worth of homework, Suzuki-san, I couldn’t possibly--”
“But you will,” she cuts in sharply, your own eyes falling on her with a blink of surprise, wincing slightly at the deep frown on her lips. “Because you know what will happen if you don’t.”
Fingers tightening around the stack of papers, you sigh, trying to stop the shaking of your limbs as you numbly nod. “Of course, Suzuki-san,” you whisper, “I’ll have them done by tomorrow morning.”
Her hand raises in your peripheral and you flinch, expecting the worst, lips parting to apologize for whatever you did wrong -- but her hand simply falls on top of your head in a mock pat. “Perfect.” And then she’s turning without another word, not even a thanks, and as you watch her walk off, you feel your vision blur.
Your grip on the paper tightens, turning painful as you curse softly to yourself, turning around so your backs against the hall and you hastily rip open your locker to hide yourself the best you can. Luckily, everyone’s most gone off now, so there’s no prying eyes watching you cry to yourself.
Not like anyone ever notices anyway...
“You shouldn’t let her talk to you like that.”
Jumping at the voice, the eerily familiar one, you spin, wiping at your eyes desperately as you peer up at Tsukishima, shocked. “Tsukishima!” You gasp, shaking your head. “You scared me,” you try to laugh off, pressing a hand against your chest and pretend like you hadn’t just been sobbing to yourself seconds prior. “Did Yamaguchi send you to find me? I’m surprised you agreed, but i’m almost--!”
His hand slams against the locker next to yours, causing you to jump once more, blinking up at him as he glares down at you.
“Cut the bullshit.”
Laughing nervously, you shake your head; “I-I don’t know--”
“I saw everything Y/N,” he cuts in, “don’t lie to me.”
And sudden anger flares in you, frustration from before, and frustrated at him, at people constantly interrupting you, walking all over you like you were nothing but dirt. “What do you care,” you hiss, voice low as you turn, ignoring him as you grab the paper, slamming your locker shut. “You hate me.”
And there’s a pause, Tsukishima blinking in surprise that you don’t notice, before the papers ripped from your hands. You spin back around, ready to yell at him, before you notice him moving towards the trash and all but dumping the pile in.
You try to stop him, to no avail, and your eyes widen as you lean over the rim of the garbage can, eyeing the papers that have spread amongst the trash, rotted food and spilled drinks, soiling the paper.
Eyes wide, disbelief flooding your entire system, you turn to Tsukishima. “Why would you do that?” You whisper, shaking your head. “You don’t understand, she’ll--!”
“She’ll what?” He asks bluntly, gaze never wavering.
Swallowing thickly, you shake your head; “it doesn’t matter. Just-Just help me get the paper, most of it might still be okay--”
Tsukishima grabs you by the wrist, halting you from grabbing the papers.
You spin, blinded by your anger, and shove at him in the chest. But Tsukishima barely budges, just staring down at you as you glare at him, the tears now falling once more as you feel your emotions that you’ve been hiding and building up inside of you, finally come pouring out.
“What do you even know!” You yell, voice booming. “Why do you even care? Don’t you hate me? You only tell me how annoying I am every day, constantly, and now she’ll... Suzuki-san...--”
“Y/N,” grabbing both your wrists, Tsukishima pulls gently, pulling your eyes on him. You find yourself surprised at what you see when you meet his gaze, baffled by the softened look in his gaze -- and... is that? Guilt? “Just look at me.”
You fall silent, puzzled.
“You don’t have to worry about her,” he says simply, “she won’t hurt you anymore.”
How does he...?
Lips parting, you try to find the words, bewildered, at a loss of words.
Pushing at his chest, you stumble away from him, shaking your head. Eyes blurred, watering, you glare up at him, while he simply stares back down at you, that same stupid guilty look on his face.
“Tsukki? Y/N...?”
Blinking, you both glance back, Yamaguchi having come to a stop before the two of you, clearly confused.
That seems to snap you out of your stupor. Wiping at your eyes, you turn, “I have to go home,” you whisper, voice quiet. “Sorry Tadashi, but I won’t be able to hang tonight.”
And then you’re taking off into a sprint, desperate to get as far away as possible.
“Tsukki?” Yamaguchi whispers after a moment, turning to look at his friend imploringly. “What happened--?”
Scoffing, Tsukishima just shakes his head. “Nothing.”
“Take your hands off of her.”
Blinking, you shift, enough to glance at the shadow that has fallen over both you and Suzuki, bewildered at the sight of Tsukishima.
But he simply ignores you, keeping his gaze trained on Suzuki who seems just as confused as you, though more angry. It doesn’t phase him however, and he simply stands there, one hand in his pocket, the other clutching his school bag tightly, as the glare on his glasses stares her down.
Suzuki lets go of you, and you crumble to the ground in a heap, turning to Tsukishima with a scoff. “Who are you to tell me what to do?” She laughs, shaking her head with a roll of her eyes. “Besides, this is the girls washroom, you’re not--”
He catches the hand that she waves lazily at him, and it doesn’t take a genius to know his grip is tight. She gasps in response, her face falling in pain as he glowers down at her. “I’d say bullying is worse,” he mumbles, and somehow the drawl, the uninterest in his tone of voice is even more terrifying then him being actually angry. “And I’d wonder how your teacher would feel if she knew all your perfect grades were because of Y/N?”
Suzuki’s eyes widen, clearly scared, before scoffing. “And what proof do you--”
“It’s mine and Y/N’s word against your own, Suzuki.”
She turns to you then, and so does Tsukishima, and your lips part, unsure.
“Like Y/N will say--”
“I’m done with warning you,” she whimpers slightly, and your eyes fall to the grip he stills hold of her, a hand going to your lips. “Either leave and never bother Y/N again, or you will regret it.”
He lets go of her, and there’s a pause in which Suzuki sends one last look at you, before rushing out of the bathroom without another word.
“Here.” Tsukishima’s grabbing ahold of you before you even notice, gently pulling you to your feet, and helping set you against one of the sinks before he turns, locking the bathroom door.
“Thank you,” you whisper when he turns back to you, hugging yourself.
“I told you,” he shrugs, “she won’t hurt you anymore.”
Looking down at your feet, you bite your lip. “How’d you know?”
He blinks, turning to you; “yesterday--”
“No,” you shake your head, turning to him sharply, “before that. How’d you know? No... No one ever notices. No one ever sees. Not even Tadashi.”
And Tsukishima tenses at the mention of him, the way you regard him on a first name basis when you said it right there and then -- he’d never noticed. No one did. But him.
“I noticed,” he whispers, “and I should’ve done something about it earlier.”
“It wasn’t your problem,” you shrug, before letting out a short laugh, “besides, you hate me, right? So it makes sense--”
He’s before you in seconds, shocking you to silence as he stands close, desperately close, but avoids your gaze, head tucked in, shaking his head. “I don’t...” And the words seem hard, forcing them forward, and Tsukishima suddenly seems less scary then and just... awkward.
Like he doesn’t know how to express what he’s feeling.
“I don’t... hate you.”
And you pause, letting the word sink in, before letting out a giggle, one that has Tsukishima glancing up at you in bafflement.
“Well, I’m glad,” you smile at him, the first time you’ve ever smile at him so... genuinely. “Because I don’t hate you either.”
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dearest-kibble · 4 years
How they meet their Darling (Yandere haikyuu!!)
Ushijima and Kageyama
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Kageyama is a man who doesn’t pay attention. To anything really.
Anything but Volleyball, that is.
It’s not until you are sitting next to him in class that he even knows you exist.
You give him a simple poke, and he jerks up, looks at you, and goes to lean back down. 
“Aren’t you the setter for the volleyball team?”
“Yeah, why?”
“I just heard he didn’t pay attention, guess they were right.” You laugh to yourself, roll your eyes and go back to looking at your notes as the teacher drones on. 
Kageyama puts his head back in his arms. 
That was weird.
And the next day, when he’s strategizing for practice in his notebook.
“So what's the rest of the team like?”
“Annoying, why?”
“Just trying to start a conversation.” You sigh, and turn back to your own notebook.
“Ask me when I’m not thinking about volleyball.” 
“Ok.” The conversation ends until Kageyama can stop thinking about volleyball. 
You’ll find him when he does. 
You don’t find him.
Maybe it’s because, contrary to popular belief, Kageyama is in fact, surprisingly, not more emotional or expressive than a brick wall. 
But he’s stopped thinking about volleyball. For a few moments in class. While he’s looking at a tree, or when he sleeps.
Dreams that once were about setting the perfect spike, turn to you sitting in the bleachers, watching him set that damned spike.
That tree he’s looking at? You’re sitting under it, telling him that his form is almost perfect.
And in class?
He almost wants you to ask about how to set. How even you, could become a better volleyball player. 
It gets bad. To the point where you and volleyball are synonymous. He can’t have one without thinking about the other.
He has a problem with you.
Or more, that he doesn’t understand why you aren’t at his games or aren’t under that tree talking about his posture. 
And maybe? It’s a little bit a problem with why you’re always on his mind.
He doesn’t get why he feels warmth sitting near you. 
You aren’t the rush he feels when he’s playing a match.
Yet his heart still beats faster.
He’ll ask you about it. He catches you after school, but he won’t be late for practice, you’ll come with him. 
He finds you by that tree.
“Why do I feel warm when I’m near you?”
“Cause I’m really hot?” It’s a deadpan answer for a deadpan question. “I don’t know, why do you feel warm when I’m near you?”
“You should watch my games.” Your eyes widen and blink twice. 
“You wanted to know what the team was like right?” 
“Sure, I guess,”
“Then come on.”
You sit in on a practice three v three.
It’s pretty intense, Hinata is playing against him, he’s setting some shots to be hit by Tanaka, Noya is rolling his thunder, all in all? A close game.
But Kageyama always comes out on top.
If it wasn’t for his pride, then maybe it was to impress you.
The you, who was now talking to a very excited Nishinoya.
The short Libero had apparently caught your eye with his flashy-as-all-hell style of playing.
But what was the point of you being here if you weren’t going to watch him?
In all his dreams and thoughts, you were watching him.
His chest aches when you don’t pay attention to him.
Kageyama just doesn’t feel complete.
He hears his knuckles crack before he feels it.
“Hey. Come with me.” He glares down at Nishinoya who just smirks right back at him.
You have the audacity to laugh.
“Yeah yeah, I’m coming,” you send a smile to Noya as you try to keep pace with Kageyama’s long legs. “We’ll continue our conversation later, yeah?”
“Yeah!” Nishinoya barely even gets through the word befor Kageyama slams the door to the gym.
No one is around, it’s just the two of you.
Kageyama’s ache goes away and his shoulders realesed tension that wouldn’t be good if they played another match.
“What were you doing in there?!” He’s aware he’s loud, but when isn’t he? This is normal. The only abnormal thing here is you and the way his heart beats around you.
“I was talking to Noya, got a problem with that?”
What didn’t he have a problem with? You were on a nickname basis with Nishinoya, you didn’t look at him at all during the game. And he still didn’t know why he felt so warm around you.
“Why didn’t you look at me?”
“I didn’t know I had to look at his majesty, the king.”
Well shit. It feels to natural for Kageyama to do this, like he’s setting for Hinata and they pull of their quick attack.
He punches you. A little above your gut. He watches as you stumble back and clutch your chest. The way you breath to get air makes him feel a little colder inside. That’s not right.
“What. The. Fuck!” You take a breath after yelling at the top of your lungs. “Kageyama, what the fuck, why’d you hit me?” You take a few more breaths and another step back.
Why are you yelling at him again? Because he tried to let you know that you should look at him? Not Nishinoya?
Looking at him would improve his game. Telling him he was almost perfect would improve his game. Yelling, looking at others and cussing? Oh the cussing would not improve his game. He’s fairly certain that is someone were to cuss loudly as part of a chant, they’d be kicked out of the gym.
And he can’t have that now. You have to watch him.
For the whole game.
“Talk to me asshole! I might be willing to let it slide i-” his arm moves on it’s own, fingers wrap harshly around skin.
You’re relatively light as it so turns out.
“Don’t cuss, it’ll be a shit ton to deal with in games.” Your hands pull at his wrist desperately.
Your eyes are pleading with him and he feels a jolt up his spine as he watches you struggle, mouth open, nostrils flaring.
“And don’t look at anyone else. Got it?” You take a few more gasps. He’s not being to harsh is he? He’s being firm, and that’s good when your talking to people. You nod furiously in response to his demands.
He releases you from his grasp and you immediately drop onto the sidewalk, one of your hands goes to rub at your neck while the other is splayed on the ground. You take shallow breaths as Kageyama just watches.
Eventually you sit up, and the hand on the ground cups the part of your stomach he hit.
“When-” You take a deeper breath the time, exhaling through your mouth. You’re looking at the sky. “When is your next game?”
“February 18th. I’d like you to be there.” He tries to offer a smile, the kind his Sister told him weren’t creepy.
“Ok,” you nod quickly. For a small second, Kageyama’s eyes meet yours.
He feels warmer than he normally did with you, and he can hear his heartbeat.
“Please uhhh,” He can feel the blush on his cheeks. “Call me Ka-Kageyama.”
“Kageyama?” Your eyes aren’t so wide as you look at his shoes.
He nods and leaves for the rest of practice, you don’t follow, but that’s alright. You’ll find him.
You do find him.
And the next day when he doesn’t see a bruise around your neck, he feels a little bad.
You would’ve looked cute with a dark purple handprint on your neck.
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You should’ve gone to Shiratorizawa.
Really, you should’ve.
Being an assistant manager to Kurasuno was just going to drive you insane. When he first saw you, you were in the thick of some team discussion.
They were taking a break in between the sets, and Kurasuno was still bickering over how they were to play the game.
You were trying to act as a voice of reason, talking over the others in a calm manner and asking your team to “please take turns speaking”
In true Crow-like fashion, they continue to caw loudly until their coach yells for their attention.
He thinks you’re cute, how you thank the coach with your embarrassed, red cheeks.
But he has a game to finish and win. And then he can see how cute you are when you comfort Kurasuno.
Shiratorizawa wins easy, between Ushijima and the orange haired kid? Ushijima would clearly come out on top.
Ushijima watches as you look with such empathy in your eyes.
You look like you’re about to hug each of the Team. And then, you do.
He’s right, you really are cuter after he beats the crows.
It’s fucking adorable how you furrow your brow and bite your lip as you comfort someone who’s crying.
He wishes he could hear the tender shush you give the person, and though he hasn’t heard your voice he can picture you so clearly with a child in your arms and singing lullabies. He’s standing in the doorway and you smile up at him.
He smiles back.
And your hugging the Kurasuno boys like he’d want to hold you, so tender and delicate when you catch his smile.
You give an affirmative nod and smile before you hug a teammate.
It almost like he’s being pushed forwards to walk over towards you.
You manage to pat the next boy on his shaved head before you give a little wave, say some words and walk over to Ushijima.
You meet in the middle of the  gym.
“I figured I should talk to you away from the team, I’m sure they’d have a-a reaction, to your being there.” You shoot a worried glance behind you towards the boys who have a similar expression on their faces.
“Yeah, you’re probably right.”
The two of you stand in silence, both of your teams are trying to ignore you.
“So-” You begin to speak before Ushijima rests a large hand on your shoulder.
“You’re cute.” He doesn’t give compliments he doesn’t mean. You are the cutest damn thing he’s ever seen.
“I-oh! Thank you!”
Your teams are a mixed bag of staring at the two of you, and the ceiling.
“Was that all?” You speak up first, and aren’t unkind with your intonation.
“Yes,” Ushijima looks down at you, and once again, gives a small smile.
“My team is eager to play against you next time, good luck,” You have a smile brighter than the sun. “Shiratorizawa is gonna need it!” A laugh that carries lighter than the wind too.
Ushijima just nods again and has to tear his eyes away from your lips.
The team is completely silent before he returns.
Goshiki is starry eyed as Ushijima stands there listening to Tendou’s ramblings and the rest of the team just watches that shit go down.
Soon after, the Kurasuno team starts packing up to leave.
“I’ll run back.”
“Is it because you want to talk to that person?” Semi sounds exhausted.
“More or less.”
Ushijima tunes the white noise from his team yes out for a second, before he hears a sharp “Dissmissed!” From Coach Washijo.
He immediately turns around to try and look for you.
The only people left in the gym are Kurasuno’s setter and the kid with Orange hair. You’ve gone somewhere else.
“Where’s your assistant manager?”
“Oh they’re talking to someone!” Orange hair. “They told you we’d beat you next time, and we will!”
“You won’t.” And Ushijima walks out of the doors of Kurasuno’s gym.
He sets a light jog, maybe once he’d find you he’d ask you on a date?
Or maybe, he’s ask you to be his partner. Regardless, he should sure you get home safely.
He finds you with little difficulty, you’re barely off campus and smiling at your phone as you wait to cross an intersection.
You jump at the sudden intrusion of his voice, and take out an earbud he didn’t notice you had in.
“Oh, hi!” You flash him your third smile of the day. He can feel his heart swell in his chest. “Are you running home?”
“Have a nice run!” And the intersection clears for you to put your earbud back in, and continue on your route home.
He takes a breath, waits a second and jogs at a slower pace behind you.
“So, why are you going this way, isn’t Shiratorizawa the other direction?”
“Yes.” You look at him with wide eyes. “I get more exersize this way.”
“Oh! I get it, like when Asahi goes on his runs and decides to take detours through trees!”
“Who’s Asahi?”
“He’s our Ace, the tall guy with the bun.”
“Enjoy your run, you’re gonna need it for the next time you play against us!” Your wind chime laughter echoes in his ears as you wave him a goodbye.
You’re taking a left.
Ushijima takes a left.
You either hear his footsteps or see his shadow, because you turn around.
Your lips aren’t being bitten, your brow isn’t furrowed but you look like you did during the match.
You look worried.
“Listen, I know you probably didn’t pick up on it and you seem really nice, but I’m not really looking for a relationship right now. Please, stop following me.”
“Ok.” It isn’t a setback. Ushijima will be with you eventually. It must’ve been those rowdy crows. They’re incompetent and altogether too used to roughhousing. Of course you wouldn’t want a relationship when those were the kind of people you were around, it made all volleyball players seem immature.
Ushijima is not immature.
“O-oh!” You smile again, almost like you took off a mask you had been wearing. “Normally that goes a lot less smoothly. Thanks for understanding!”
“Can I walk you back to your home?”
“As friends right?”
“As friends.” The words taste bitter on his tongue but it’s a necessary step. Like getting manure before you plant your crops.
“Thank you again for understanding!”
It’s an easy enough walk, about two blocks away.
Too quickly are you at the door to your home.
Too soon do you thank Ushijima for understanding your situation and close the door behind you.
Too slowly does Ushijima notice the man walking towards your door.
Tall with a bun.
Kurasuno’s Ace.
Whatever his name was.
“Oh uh, hey!” He sounds a little meek.
“I walked them home.”
“Uhh thanks man,” The Ace scratches his neck as he walks by Ushijima. “Have a nice day I guess,” The man emits an awkward laugh, and knocks quickly on your door.
It opens, and your eyes are the sun and moon to him.
You hug the man in front of you, quickly drawing him inside the house with what Ushijima thought was an “I missed you,”
You lied.
Well, Ushijima could live with that, but maybe when he married you, you wouldn’t be allowed to leave the house.
If you lied to him now, at the beginning of your relationship, how comfortable would you be lying to him when married?
And Kurasuno’s Ace.
It wasn’t like he hadn’t beaten him before.
It would be just like last time.
Kurasuno wouldn’t win.
A/N Ok, I've been absent for about two days, sorry about that I hope this is a good tide over till I get my first batch of requests done! I don’t have a time period for when they’re done, but I hope soon! Thank you for reading and have a nice day!
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thesetrashimagines · 3 years
Do you mind?
A Haikyuu!! Imagine (reader insert)
Warnings: none
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GIF is not mine
AN: So I’ve been rewatching a lot of animes recently and...the inspiration is killing me. I might write more of this idea if people like it BUT do not worry our reguarly scheduled (thats a fat lie) ‘The Man’ will continue, part 10 is currently in the works. I hope everybody enjoys this, thanks <3 :)
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Being new sucked, a lot. Especially when you transfer in the middle of the school year. Everybody already had a few months to get to know each other and now here you were sticking out like a lonely thumb.
You walked down the semi-empty halls until you came to a cork board with papers covering it and the words ‘Karasuno School Clubs!’, bolded at the top. There were simple white ones, some blue, a few were yellow, and to your surprise there even was a red one. But the poster that caught your attention was, ‘Karasuno High School Volleyball Club’ You hummed quietly to yourself, ‘Maybe I should check it out.’
You stared the gym doors infront of you, the sounds of thuds against the floor and sneakers squeeking escaped from inside. Taking a breath you climbed the stairs and slid the door open.
The gym was filled with boys.
“Oh,” The group of boys all stopped and stared at you, “is this the volleyball club?” A boy with short brown hair came forward. “Yeah we’re the volleyball club, how can we help you?” You bowed slighty, “My names L/n Y/n and I’m here to join.” The boy in front of you looked shocked for a moment, “Uh, I’m Daichi Sawamura, captain of the boys’ volleyball team.” You straightened up and looked at him surprised, “Boys? There are separate teams?” His eyebrows furrowed for a second, “Yeah we have practice everyday and the girls have practice Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Did you read the club sheet?” Your ears grew hot, “I saw the poster and looked for a gym.” Your eyes went to behind him and you made eye contact with the rest of the team. “So no mixed teams...man that sucks.” You groaned a little.
“Mixed teams?” You jumped lightly and looked to the side where a dark haired boy stood next to a wide eyed ginger. “Oh, uh back at my old school there wasn’t enough kids to split into separate teams so the coaches just made one team.”
“That’s so cool!” You gave a small smile to the boy with orange hair. “Did you play against other teams?” You nodded, “There was only 4 girls on the team so we ended up playing against other boy teams a lot but there was a few times we versed girl teams.” His eyes somehow shined brighter, “Wow! That’s so cool!” A tall blonde boy with glasses scoffed, “You said that already Hinata. Try expanding on your vocabulary.” You bit back the laugh that climbed your throat as the ginger turned to the lanky boy and started yelling at him.
“Wait you were on a mixed team?” This time a boy with grey hair asked as he came up to stand next to his captain, “Yeah we were a pretty small school so the coaches took whoever was willing to play.” His mouth opened a little, “Oh that’s so cool.” You laughed a little, “I guess so.” You scratched the back of your neck, “Well this was embarrassing,” You sighed and looked at the volleyballs littering the floor, you wanted to play so bad. “But if you don’t embarrass yourself once then are you really new?” The two boys in front of you shared a laugh.
“That makes sense why you came to join now rather then at the beginning of school.” You laughed a little at Daichi’s words, “Yeah I was told go to the club board and I saw the words volleyball and I guess got excited since it’s been a few months since I’ve played.”
“Do you wanna practice with us?” Both you and the captain looked at the grey headed boy in surprise, “Wha- I, I mean I would like to but I don’t want to impose or get you in trouble with your coach.” Daichi opened his mouth to speak but the boy next to him waved you off, “Ah don’t worry coach Ukai won’t mind.” Your jaw dropped, “Coach Uk-” You closed your mouth and cleared your throat, “When he shows up I’ll leave,” You turned to the captain, “If that’s okay with you?”
“Let her join Daichi!” “Yeah Daichi let her play!” “Come on Daichi!”
The gym echoed as the team pestered their captian. He let out a chuckle, “You can come practice with us.” You smiled brightly and bowed, “Thank you!”
Since you didn’t have your gym gear you had to borrow a pair of joggers and a spare shirt the boys had found in the club room. You walked back into the gym, “How do they fit?” You pulled the waistband up a little, “They fit alright. Good enough for now.” Daichi smiled, “Alright go warm up and we’ll start.”
Coming out of your stretches the ginger haired boy came up to you, “My names Shoyo Hinata and I’m a middle blocker.” You stood up, “A middle blocker? You must be good at jumping then.” His eyes widened a little, “Yeah! I can jump super high!” He jumped and landed back down. You stared at him in amazement, “Wow you can get super high! Higher then I thought!” The rest of the team watched the two of you.
“He’s gonna be on a high this whole practice.” Asahi looked at Suga and chuckled, “Yeah.”
The team decided to play a few rallies. You were buzzing, the ends of your fingertips tingled as you waited to get in the game. “Okay Y/n you can be on Kageyamas team.” You nodded and walked to his side of the court. On your team there was you, Kageyama, Hinata, and Tanaka. It was a game of 4 on 4. The other team consisted of Asahi, Tsukishima, Nishinoya, and Tadashi.
You and Tanaka took the back row, “Asahi’s serving first.” The ball was passed to him and he got ready to serve.
You took a deep breath and bent your knees. Judging by him being the biggest player on the team, muscle mass wise, you guessed he was the ace, meaning this serve was gonna be fast. Asahi tossed the ball up and began to run, you took a few steps backwards. With a loud slap the ball flew towards you, well more like the back line but you were in the way. If you moved to the side the ball would go out but you wanted to play it, the only problem was that the ball was coming at your chest, it was too high for a bump and too low for an overhand. It would be too low for an overhand if you didn’t jump.
You crouched lowed and jumped off the balls of your feet. Your hands came up to in front of your forehead where they aborsbed the impact and speed of the ball, you took control of the projectile and sent it up with a high arc to Kageyama. “Nice recieve!” You landed on your feet and smiled, “Thanks.”
He tossed it to Hinata who was already in the air ready for the spike and then in split second his hit the ball and smashed onto the court. You stared in shock, “Wow...” Tanaka laughed next you, “That’s our crazy quick attack, pretty cool huh?” You nodded your head figerously, “That was awesome! How’d you do that?” The two boys at the front turned to face you, “I just jump really high and Kageyama sends the ball like WHOOSH and I hit it like BAM.” You looked between the boys in awe, “Wow...Kageyama do you think you could toss me one like that?” The gym went quiet for a moment, “I don’t mean to sound rude but you can’t jump nearly as high as he can.” You deflated a little then gave a look, “You saw me jump once and automatically assumed that was my highest point?” With your hands on your hips you laughed, “You know what, underestimate me cause I’m gonna love the look on your face when I surprise you.”
You walked backwards and stood behind the back line, catching the ball when it was thrown to you. Taking a deep breath you read the court, Nishinoya was their libero so you couldn’t send it to him. Tsukishima naturally walked to front row in the beginning so he had to be a blocker or a setter. Tadashi seemed like he was out of place, not like he didn’t know what he was doing but you could tell that he wasn’t in his usual position and to be honest you didn’t want to aim for Asahi, wheres the fun in going for the ace?
You hit the ball of the ground and spun the ball in your hand four times before you tossed the ball up. You ran then jumped, hitting the ball at a very awkward angle. The ball spun slowly as it zipped threw the air, you watched Tsukishima and Asahi stumble as they tried to decided where the ball was gonna land and what kind of hit to make. But they weren’t fast enough, the ball passed the net and shot down directly at Tsukishimas feet, landing right in between his shoes.
“WAAAAAA WHAT KIND SERVE WAS THAT!?” Hinata and Nishinoya were freaking out. “I don’t know, a normal pin point serve?” Tanaka gaped at you, “That was a pin point serve!? But the way it moved was like a float serve but then the direction-” You broke your gaze with Tanaka and looked to Kageyama who still had the same expression as always, “Nice serve.” You smiled brightly, “Thank you but I still want a toss from you.” He didn’t say anything and turned back to the net.
The game went back and forth for a while before Daichi changed out players. Now you, Daichi, Sugawara, and Ennoshita were on a team. Kageyama, Tsukishima, Tanaka, and Hinata made up the other team. You may have asked to be put against the dynamic duo.
“Hey Sugawara,” You placed a hand on your cheek, covering your mouth, and whispered to the setter, “Could you toss me a ball, just one? please?” He laughed and copied your action, “Call me Suga and yeah I’ll toss you one.” You gave him a smile, “Thanks Suga.”
Tsukishima threw the ball up and hit it over the net. You heard Nishinoya call for the ball and then the ball arced its way up and over to Suga, “Right here!” You threw your hands behind yourself, crouched and took off straight up. You watched as the ball came over to you. You couldn’t go towards Tsukishima because that’s where Kageyama and Tanaka think you’ll go, you’ve been staring at it long enough to give them idea. The back right corner, right next to Hinata, was open but the target was really small. The way Hinata was facing you, his body covered up most of the court but that little sliver of white line gave you hope.
You had jumped with your right hand pulled back but with the decision to send it towards Hinata, you had to turn your palm slightly as you came to the peak of the toss before hitting it. The ball wasn’t as fast or as hard as you would’ve liked but that didn’t matter. Hinata tried to bump the ball but instead the ball went over him and bounced off the top of his head and out of bounds.
“Damn it, I could’ve hit that harder.” You whined, “Did you aim for that idiot?” You faced the net and met Kageyama’s steel eyes, “Yeah obivsouly.” His face scrunched, “Tch-” You giggled, “I know I’m not that impressive Kageyama so, you shouldn’t be so beat up that you couldn’t read me.” You beamed at him, “I even had Tsukishima thinking I was gonna aim for him.” The blonde in the back glared back at you, “That was nothing but pure luck.” You rose your eyebrows teasingly, “Was it?”
You had gotten back in your positions as Ennoshita got ready to serve. The ball made it over then was bumped up to Kageyama by Tsukishima, you watched as Hinata started to run forward but so did Tanaka. ‘A synchronized attack? These guys know their stuff.’ You smiled and took a step off the net then looked to Suga, he glanced at you in confusion for a spilt second but in that split second he could read the message you were sending. You looked to his side of court, taking the hint, he nodded and stepped to the side, leaving the middle wide open.
“What are you doing?!” You ignored Diachi and watched Kageyama set the ball to Tanaka, “Right!” You and Suga jumped up and blocked Tanakas ball. “Yeah!” You and Suga high fived in a celebration. “I didn’t think that would work!” You laughed, “I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t either. You guys are a really good team.” You rubbed the back of your neck.
“Those were some nice rallies.” Everybody spun towards the gym doors, there stood a man with bleached blonde hair and two girls were behind him. ‘Is that their coach?’ He smiled at you, “Where’d you learn to do all of that?” You told him what middle school you went to. “Oh I know your old coaches. We used to be on the same team!” He laughed and walked further into the gym, “I’m coach Ukai.” You introduced yourself, “I was only here to play for a bit, sorry for taking up practice time.” You bowed apologetically, “I’ll be leaving now. Thank you for letting me join in.” You gave the boys around you a kind smile, “It was nice meeting all of you.”
As you went over to your school bag the team huddled around their coach and whispers filled the gym. 
“She’s a really good player, please can she stay?”
“I want her to teach me that serve she did, it was awesome!”
“She tricked Kageyama!”, “Shut up!”
“Pleeeeeeeease coach?”
Ukai looked at the pleading eyes staring at him, “You’re not just asking me cause she’s a girl?” Tanaka stopped mid sentence and coughed, “No why would I? Besides my heart resides with Kiyo-” The rest of the team ignored him.
“She has skill and I want to prove her wrong.” Ukai met Kageyamas eyes and saw Tsukishima nod behind him, “As much as I don’t want to agree with him, she pulled a move I’ve never seen before and I want to stop it next time.”
Ukai nodded and turned to the door where you were about to leave, “Hey Y/n!” You stopped and looked over at the huddled group, “Do you mind staying for practice?”
Your eyes widened, ‘Do I mind? Wha-’ The girl blonde girl from earlier perked up, “Oh that’d be so cool to see you play. You’re really good!”
“Oh uhmm thanks, I’m not that good.” You waved your hand around, “You guys have been giving me way too much praise.” The other girl with glasses joined in, “I know this isn’t the girls practice but,” She looked over her shoulder to the group of boys who were standing there watching you. “They won’t stop unless you stay.” The stare the boys were giving you made a shiver run up your spine, “Yeah I can tell from that look.” You shook off the feeling, “You really don’t mind coach Ukai?”
He shook his head and smiled, “Come on it’ll be fun.”
Guess they didn’t mind after all.
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And that’s that. There’s been so many ideas circling my brain that I needed to write something and who knows if people like it I might write a part 2 😗 Anyways thanks for reading, hoped you enjoyed it! <3
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qilwashere · 3 years
Hinata Shoyo
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Hinata is your neighbor, and you've known each other for the past few years.
You met him near the bathrooms by the water fountains at one of his games, ironically, right after he had gone into the men's room to empty his stomach, since he used to get nervous all the time before a match. Since then he's gotten better, but you still worry for him sometimes.
You always help each other with homework or volleyball, although it's kind of one-sided, since you're super smart and he's very dedicated to being a middle blocker.
You always thought of him as a best friend, nothing more, although over the past few weeks, you'd been questioning yourself about that. He's been hanging out with you less, but youre pretty sure it's just because he's been busier lately. Sometimes your anxiety gets the best of you and you wonder if you did something to provoke him to not want to be around you. Every time this thought pops up in your head you have to take a deep breath to rid your brain of it.
At school his grades have gradually getting worse so you proposed a study date. As soon as you asked him you went red, hoping he didn't take it the wrong way. "I-I didn't mean a real date, it's not like--" you stumbled over your words, but he interrupted you with a laugh and said "Sure, that'd be nice. Whatever day you're free," he smiled at you. You nodded quickly and agreed on a Wednesday. You both parted ways until the set date.
At around 5:40 that Wednesday, you pace around your bedroom waiting for that familiar chime coming from your front door, letting you know that Hinata was there. It never arrives, and your worries that he's trying to keep out of contact with you come flooding your mind once again. You hope that at least he'll text you that he couldn't make it, but no chimes come from your phone either.
The next day, Thursday, at school, you don't see him in any of your usual classes together, which concerns you because he almost never misses a day. Is he sick? you wonder to yourself, and can't get him off your mind until your friend Yachi invites you to her table at lunch to discuss the new club openings that they could join together.
You start to ask her if she's seen Hinata but stop yourself mid-phrase and continue eating.
The days drag along. You haven't heard a thing from Shoyo all week.
You make a last attempt to contact him by texting, "Hey, we missed our study session :p wanna try again tomorrow?" It was a Sunday, so you felt like the next day would be a good time. It surprises you when he responds almost immediately after with "Sure :D See you at school :)". Your heart leaps but you remember that this could all be a set up.
Nah, you reassure yourself, Shoyo's way too nice for that.
For the rest of the day you surprise yourself when your feet guide you to the school gymnasium. You walk in hesitantly towards the door and remember that--
Of course. Why did you think the gym would just be open to anyone? On a Sunday, at that? You bury your face in your hand and turn back when someone comes up behind you-- Yachi.
"Hi Y/N! What are you doing here? I came because I was forgot my bag in here on Friday and never got a chance to get it back. I figured I'd stop by and pick it up before school tomorrow," she says casually. You stare at her wide-eyed. "...Is something wrong?" She asks you. You shake you head no but reply, "I was.. uh, well I was hoping to practice volleyball drills for a bit." Your response surprises you, since you'd been happy to talk with people about it but never really played the sport, or seemed interested in doing so.
"We can't get in without the key, though, so--" you start, but Yachi cuts you off: "Oh, that's no problem, I'm the manager of the volleyball club! I thought I told you... Anyways, let me just make sure I have it on me--" she pauses and pats herself down until she finds a keychain in her pocket, "--we're good!" She says cheerfully.
Your bubbly friend unlocks the key to the Karasuno gym and pulls the basket of volleyballs out of the corner. You grab a ball and toss it up, lace your hands together and face your forearms towards the ceiling, and bend your knees to receive.
The toss was off so you have to shift to the left a little to receive it right, but the feeling of it bouncing off of your arms is so... exciting. You shuffle your feet quickly forward to get directly under the ball again and - POOMF - you hit it up perfectly again. The ball comes down once more and this time when you receive it, you decide to send it over and aim for the left corner of the court. You brace your arms, wait for the point of contact, shrug your shoulders and send the ball flying up... Over... And right inside the left lines on the other side of the net.
You pat yourself on the back for a second and continue doing some volleyball practice. You practice aiming your tosses and have Yachi (attempt to) give you some good sets for spikes. After about an hour and a half, the sun starts to disappear behind the hills. You pick up the balls with the new club manager and say your goodbyes before heading home.
Once you get to your room, you notice that your laptop is open so you decide to check your socials. You try to deny it but you know you're secretly hoping for a DM from Shoyo. As you scroll through your messages you start seeing chats that you hadn't opened in a good while. They don't interest you, though, because you just want to hear from that energetic tangerine-haired boy.
You slump onto your bouncy mattress and it seems to groan in agony as you get comfortable. Eventually your eyelids grow heavy and you decide to rest.
That next day, Hinata comes over to your house,  and you're just hopping into your neatest skirt when you open the door. You're ready for your study date, but before you can stay anything, he grabs your hand and almost drags you down the block to a wide field. As you're jogging beside him on that cloudy day, struggling to keep up, you sneak a glance at him and notice that he's looking happier than you'd ever seen him. You smile to yourself, look down, up again, and run faster to challenge his speed.
"No fair, you got a head start!" He pants, and you laugh.
Eventually you get to a large field with tall grass and a few dandelions.
"I... Need a break," you can barely get out as you bend over and breathe hard. Hinata does the same thing, and after a moment he says, "Hey, (Y/N), see that really tall blade of grass over there?" He says to you. "You mean the one that's taller than you?" You joke, and he scowls. "....Yeah, that one. I'll race you to it!" He taunts, and you gladly accept the challenge. Forgetting about school for a while, you sprint towards the grass towering over all the rest. He beats you, as always, but you don't care because even if you lost, you had more time to spend with him and that's all you needed.
By the time you reach the grass, you're both too weak to stand up, so you lay in the field, next to each other, hands just barely touching, and look at the clouds in the sky. You breathe hard and think about your best friend beside you, and feel yourself blush as you smile to yourself again.
It's quiet so as you push yourself up on your elbows, you try think of a way to start a conversation. "I, uh... I practiced some volleyball yesterday." You stumble over your words, but he perks right up at this, wide-eyed since you're not exactly the athletic type.
"Really?! How was it? Did you hit a spike? Did you practice your tosses? How were your receives? When the ball hit your arm did it go 'poomf?'" He bombards you with questions, doing the same movements he usually would on the court, since this is his area of expertise.
You try to answer him the best you can, "Well, actually, I did try to hit the ball over - Yachi, the new manager, tossed some balls to me - but they always hit the net... My sets were pretty good, and, I could control my receives!" You got excited near the end, almost bouncing, because the few times you practiced with Hinata, strangely, you struggled the most with your receives.
Hinata seems to remember that, because when you mention your improvement, he almost yells, "That's great Y/N! We should practice one day!" You agree with a giggle.
After a few minutes, the world seems to calm down, and so do you. Taking in loads of air at a time, you stare at the sky and try to trace shapes in the clouds.
"I miss you," Hinata says suddenly, almost under his breath. It surprises you and you go silent for a while. "I..I missed you too. A lot," you add, unsure of how to really respond.
He sits up and says, "I'm sorry we haven't talked, it was an accident. I got caught up in volleyball and my failing grades but-- but the few days I haven't seen you made me realize that I want you... More than you, or I, even know..." He trails off, playing with his fingers, and your heart skips a beat.
"I need you, (Y/N)." Hinata mumbles, staring at your bright (E/C) eyes. You nod, not knowing what to say. "Can I.. can I have you?" He asks, embarrassed. You nod again, harder, and grin at him. "Yeah," you just barely whisper, gazing at him as if he were the only thing in the world, and for that minute, he was.
He returns the smile, and it seems like, for that second that he does, the clouds go away, almost like they're making room for the ball of sunshine sitting next to you.
In that moment, with the (real) sun setting, and the dandelions swaying in the slight breeze, you realize that you do love this boy, and that you'd do anything for him. You move your hand slightly to the right so that your pinkie is resting on top of his. You sneak glances at him, and wonder if something's gonna happen.
Shoyo is quiet for the  rest of the time, and you don't kiss, but that's okay because...
Because he's yours. And you're his. And that's a better feeling than any kiss could've granted you.
AHHH I know there wasnt much action lol I just had to do this lol. As always thanks for reading <3
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igirisuhito · 4 years
Title: Afflicted Relationship(s): Kamukura Izuru/Komaeda Nagito Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito Rating: Mature Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / ? Chapter Summary: Monokuma has a fresh new motive! Monomi has been a bit too comfortable lately, so why not let the chains go and let the biggest secret they're trying to suppress manifest within the simulation under the guise of illness? Trigger Warnings: Vomiting, Illness, Personality issues Author’s Note: This fic is an AU of sdr2 chapter 3. Rather slow to update. Can’t tell you how long it will run for but if you like to keep track, I recommend subscribing on Ao3.
[Ao3 Link]
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My body shot up involuntarily, kicking me from my sleep. My breathing was laboured and sweat dripped down my forehead, was that a nightmare? As quickly as it had come, the nightmare had completely dissolved, feeling out of reach in the depths of my mind yet leaving a bad taste in my mouth
My body was hot, unusually so. It's so hot here on tropical Jabberwock Island but I was finally starting to get used to it. This heat was more...feverish. Have I come down with something? Can I even get sick here? Surely not.
…Can viruses travel across water?
Pocketing the thought in my mind to ask Tsumiki later, I buttoned my shirt and lifted myself from the bed. My body was heavy, exhausted, like I hadn’t rested in years. Vertigo made the floor deceptively uneven beneath my feet.
Oh god. Something is wrong.
I picked up my jeans from the floor and pulled them on, stumbling slightly as I tried to balance and get my legs in the right holes. I wrapped my tie around my collar and knotted it loosely before quickly slipping my sneakers on, not even bothering to redo the laces. I really should have had a shower with how sticky with sweat my skin was, but I really had to get to breakfast.
A weird thought floated through the back of my mind, it was almost as if I was…underdressed? This is what I wear every day…?
I stepped towards the door slowly. My heart was pounding in my ears, like I'd been running a marathon. Ohhh something was definitely off.
I turned the knob and stepped outside into the daylight. Crap the sun was bright. With slow steps, I made my way from the cabins to the restaurant where everybody usually met up.
My fingers glided along the banister as I stepped up the wooden stairs. This mundane task felt so much more difficult today. Upon making it upstairs and entering through the diner’s side entrance, I was confronted by the sound of loud sobs.
I assumed it was Saionji or Tsumiki, but the sobs didn't quite match those two. They were louder, less whiny. The sight that appeared before me was Owari leaning into Tsumiki's chest, bawling her eyes out and staining the nurse's white apron. It was such an unusual scene, I found myself glancing multiple times to see if it was actually happening.
"Ah! H-hinata! I-i-is there any ch-chance you could please give- give me a hand here?" The Ultimate Nurse stuttered out, clearly distressed and overwhelmed.
I attempted to step forward to help her with Owari, but my body was frozen, stuck in place.
"My assistance won't make any difference to her condition."
A deep, unfamiliar voice spoke. I snapped my head around the room attempting to find its owner, but there was only there was only the three of us here.
Was that…? No, surely not. I don't talk in such a pretentious way.
I stared at her with what I assumed was panic. Tsumiki flinched and was now clinging to Owari tighter than Owari had been clinging to her.
"Hey, what the fuck is going on here?" A familiar gruff voice broke the tension.
Kuzuryuu emerged from the stairs and looked towards the two girls clinging to each other desperately. He then glanced to me, expectant of an answer.
"At first glance it would seem the stress of Nidai's loss has finally tipped Owari over the edge and into despair, but it's rather something much more sinister."
There that voice was again! I could feel my lips moving and the words coming out, but there was absolutely no thought of these words going through my mind! The Ultimate Gangster appeared shocked as well.
"Wait what the fuck is wrong with you? You sound like fucking Komaeda."
"Huh? Who sounds like me?"
As if on queue, Komaeda arrived to the scene with Nanami in tow. The girl barely looked up from her device before sitting down at a table.
"Oi, say to Komaeda what you said to me!" Kuzuryuu barked at me.
Oh god this is going downhill so fast.
"I see no reason to repeat myself." Desperately seeking her help, advice, anything, I approached the dining table and sat myself next to the gamer girl.
Nanami paused her game to look at me with a wide eyed expression. "Hinata…" Her voice was barely above a whisper.
"Amazing! You've finally developed a personality fit for an Ultimate such as yourself!" Komaeda clasped his hands together excitedly. "What brought this on?"
It seemed whatever had possessed me and myself both agreed to ignore the Luckster.
Soon Saionji and Mioda were entering the room, Saionji giggling nefariously behind her small little hand.
"Hey guys look! Ibuki will do whatever I tell her to today!" Saionji yelled across the dining hall enthusiastically. "Ibuki! Go jump on Tsumiki!"
The colourful girl made a salute "Right away, Hiyoko-chan!" and threw herself at the Ultimate Nurse, who was still cradling Owari. Tsumiki screamed as she hit the floor with both Owari and Mioda on top of her.
"My my what's going on?" Sonia and Tanaka emerged from the stairs with a dejected looking Souda trailing behind.
"A new motive!"
A shrill voice shrieked excitedly. Suddenly, a familiar monochromatic bear popped up at the end of the dining table. Man, way too much is happening too fast, especially when I'm feeling like this.
"Motive?" Komaeda was the first to speak up, sounding almost excited.
"That's riiiight! The motive for the next murder! I've decided to inflict some of you with a bad boy I like to call 'Despair Disease!" Monokuma grinned a toothy smile as he addressed everyone in the room.
"I'm sure you've all gotten a good idea of what's happening by now, but I'll give you a nice little rundown regardless, just so you brainless bastards can understand." Monokuma pointed a furry paw at Owari.
"Akane Owari has Coward Disease."
Then to Mioda. "Ibuki Mioda has Gullible Disease."
Then to me. "Hajime Hinata has Apathy Disease."
I was one of the motives…?
The words left my mouth too quickly once again. "There's no cure then, unless a murder occurs?"
The bear nodded. "That's right my hollow friend! Unless you take advantage of your 'no strings attached' state and kill somebody, you could be stuck like this forever!"
The room got suddenly hotter, forcing me to loosen my tie a bit so I could breathe. My eyes were becoming unfocused and everything was drifting away. The only sounds I could hear were Monokuma's rambles, Owari screaming about her fear of death, and the blood rushing in my ears.
Monokuma had made us the perfect candidates for a killing.
With this thought the world began to spin, even though I was still seated.
"Hinata-san…are you okay?" Chiaki's soft voice was distant as my head became unbearably heavy and the world slipped through my fingers. The last thing I felt was my forehead hitting the wooden dining table.
I awoke to the sensation of my muscles being stretched. Specifically, the ones in my arms.
"...ant…d...t...an…….'s t-...eavy…."
"urel….n…..t-m-t….ike…..you -an…ft another person, Souda!"
"I can't! It's not my fault he's so-"
"Ah! Hinata-kun!"
My eyes slowly fluttered open and I groaned. My head ached and there was sweat coating my body from head to toe. I could feel the hard floor on my back, pressing my shirt to stick damply to my skin.
A mess of fluffy white hair and sunken grey eyes was leaning into my gaze. The very sight of Komaeda made me want to close my eyes again.
The two boys were stood at either end of me, Souda still holding my arms up. His face was twisted into an uncomfortable look.
"You pick up heavy machinery almost daily, Souda. You're only feigning this weakness so that you don't have to carry me, right?" I mumbled, letting out an exasperated sigh and glancing back at the pink haired male.
Souda let go of my arms with a shocked expression, allowing them to fall to my side with a thud. "W-what?! I wouldn't do something like that to my soul-friend!"
I examined his expression closely, Souda wore a nervous smile. "How boring. It's not of any issue, I can walk by myself."
I set my palms down on the floor beside me and sat up. Komaeda reached out and uttered a "Wait" when suddenly I was overcome with an aching pain in my head. A small hiss escaped my lips and I faltered.
"It's so incredibly brave of you to try to move yourself, Hinata-kun! However, Tsumiki-san said you shouldn't try to in your state.” Komaeda spoke, concern apparent in his voice. “Souda and I planned to take you to the hospital, unless you don’t want talentless scum like me carrying you!”
“I don’t. I can take care of myself.” I had another go at lifting myself off the floor. My knees stuttered for a moment, but I managed to stand. My head was still pounding, but it was so much more tolerable than allowing myself to be carried.
Komaeda’s expression morphed into one of hurt, but his eyes gleamed with a whole different emotion; intrigue. “Hinata-kun…”
“Seriously Hinata! You could hurt yourself!” Souda objected, placing a hand on my shoulder.
I swatted his hand away and began to walk towards the stairs of the hotel. “Why are you two looking at me like that? You should have expected this.”
Komaeda and Souda stayed silent as I made my slow descent down the stairs. If my hearing was a little bit worse, I probably wouldn’t have heard the “stubborn bastard” Souda eventually muttered out.
I gripped the handrail tightly once I stepped off the last step, now finding myself in the games room. Son of a bitch- my head hurts so badly. It was almost as if somebody was shoving an ice pick through my brain. My body was still glazed with sweat and my eyes bleary. Whatever Monokuma had inflicted us with, it was pretty unbearable.
I know I’ve always been a prideful person, but even in this situation I should be completely fine with leaving my health in the hands of Tsumiki. Being the Ultimate Nurse, she would definitely be able to relieve my symptoms somewhat. But the very thought of seeking help seemed anything but of interest.
What is wrong with me? I thought Monokuma said I had apathy disease, not ‘huge prick’ disease. I felt like a completely different person. The very thought made my throat dry up.
On another note, what does apathy mean again? It means like...not caring, right? So I surely couldn’t be concerned about what Tsumiki thinks of me...I don’t get it. Something just feels incredibly wrong about putting myself in her, or anyone's, hands.
Shoving those thoughts down, I decided to make my way to the third island. The sun made my fever all the more excruciating and I found myself feeling faint, but I powered on anyway.
I crossed the bridge to the centre island, then took the bridge to the third island. I've never been so incredibly grateful for that red and white building to not be on the other side of the island.
I pushed open the door of the hospital building, finding myself in a small reception room. It was painted a dull blue-green colour, and bore a large white reception desk. There was also a small assembly of chairs, forming what I presumed is a waiting area. Kuzuryuu was lounged in one of these chairs in a seemingly uncomfortable position.
The Gangster jumped up the second he saw me, as it he had been awaiting my arrival. “Dude, did you fucking walk here? Did Komaeda and Souda ditch you?!” “Yes, and no. I left them at the hotel.” I explained, making eye contact with the shorter boy.
“Why the fuck would you do that? You’re sick as a dog! You passed out at breakfast, remember?!”
“I recall.”
“Then why’d you-”
“I don’t need to explain my actions to you.”
Kuzuryuu’s face twisted in a scowl, before he sighed and dropped all emotion from his face. “Man I don’t get this shit. Just go talk to Tsumiki okay? She’s in the first room treating Owari’s fever.”
I nodded and made my way into the hallway past the desk. There were doors on the left, labelled with numbers, patient rooms. On the right were windowed rooms with various…Monokuma displays?
Something about this place made my headache even worse.
I swallowed down the feeling and opened the door to the firsr room, stepping inside and quietly closing the door behind me. The room was filled with the loud sound of Owari sobbing her heart out. At this point, her voice was beginning to break, sounding hoarse and desperate. Tsumiki whirled around to face me, a wet rag in hand.
“H-Hinata! I-I-I’m glad you’re- you’re here. If y-you’d like, um, y-you can go rest in the second room. I’ll be- um, w-with you in a sec!” She stammered out, flashing a forced smile.
“I’ll stay there, as I assume the others will see me as a contagion risk, but I don’t wish for you to treat me.” I spoke sternly.
Tsumiki looked shocked, and then tears began to drip from her eyes. “I-I-I’m s-sorry! I-I didn’t know that- that I-I was in-in-inadequate in my n-nursing!”
I left the room before I had to listen to her cry any further, it was boring to listen to somebody act to so pathetically. As I stepped back out into the hallway, a rush of dizziness and nausea overcame me. I staggered slightly and leant an arm on the nearest wall, squeezing my eyes shut tight and trying to still the room around me.
Jesus Christ I feel like crap.
Light footsteps approached in my direction. I couldn't see who it was, but the sound of metal chain clinking against itself hinted as to who the footsteps' owner might be.
Komaeda's voice sounded cheerful. “Hinata-kun! Kuzuryuu-san told me you made it here okay! Ah, you look awfully-”
“I’m going to throw up.”
“Oh, I understand. It’s only natural for you to have that reaction upon running into somebody like me.” Komaeda laughed at his own self-deprecation.
“No, Komae-” I gagged on my words and quickly pressed a hand over my mouth.
Komaeda’s eyes went wide, followed by a soft “oh”. The boy then grabbed my wrist, pulling me into the second patient’s room. The room had a small ensuite bathroom, much alike most hospitals. I didn’t bother looking around too much, instead opting to make my way into the bathroom as quickly as possible. I spied the toilet and removed the hand from my mouth, opting to lean it against the cistern and sinking to my knees.
I heaved into the toilet, tears pricking at the corner of my eyes as my throat burned and my head screamed. This feeling was utterly...despairing.
After what felt like hours, my stomach had finally begun to calm down. I wiped my mouth with a groan and laid my face on the cool tiles of the floor.
“That’s kind of unhygienic, you know.” A breathy voice spoke from the doorway.
“It doesn’t matter.” I mumbled.
I heard Komaeda’s footsteps come closer, followed by a cool hand being pressed to my forehead. A quiet sigh escaped my mouth in relief.
“You’re incredibly hot, Hinata-kun.” Komaeda paused for longer than necessary, “Hang on, I’ll go get Tsumiki.”
He removed his hand from my forehead and I groaned out in annoyance. “Nooo.”
“Huh? Why don’t you want me to go get Tsumiki.”
“I don’t want to be treated.”
“Wh- why?”
“I want to see what happens.”
Komaeda laughed a wheezy little laugh. "Hinata-kun, normally I'd agree to anything you say, but an Ultimate like yourself shouldn't force yourself to go through something like this."
“Your opinion on the matter isn’t important, Komaeda. I’m just telling you not to get Tsumiki.” I stated firmly. “Besides, knowing the people here, it won’t be long before a murder occurs and I'm free from this.”
Komaeda tilted his head, looking somewhat intrigued by my statement. He had hardly reacted to my harsh words. “Not that I disagree, but why do you think that will be the case?”
I shrugged slightly and pushed myself up from the floor, now sitting up. The room was still spinning dangerously around me. “You’re all psychotic. That’s all.”
This statement seemed to tickle Komaeda, as he laughed and drew a big grin on his face. “It’s surprising how much more honest you are at the moment. Has your new apathetic outlook made you unbothered with hurting people’s feelings?”
I sighed. “You can sit here and philosophise all you like about the despair disease and its impacts. I’m going to go get a drink to calm this migraine."
I pulled myself up, slowly rising to my feet when a shocking pain pulsed through my head again.
My legs went weak and Komaeda reached out, grabbing hold of my torso to keep me from crashing to the floor below.
"You probably shouldn't try to do that." He muttered, gripping my waist tightly.
"No shit. Let go." I hissed, reaching out and latching on to Komaeda's shoulders.
The boy laughed heartily, making no attempt to remove his hands. "You tell me to let go whilst using my body to prop yourself up? You're awfully strange Hinata-kun."
Komaeda moved to my side and, removing one of his arms from my waist and now placing his hand over mine. "Please put your arm around my shoulder, we should just get you to your bed."
I sighed loudly in defeat and placed my arm around Komaeda's shoulder. The boy nodded and slowly started to move forward.
"I really don't need your help for this Komaeda."
"I know. Thankyou for allowing me to assist you, even if garbage like myself isn't worthy to."
I didn't bother to entertain Komaeda with a response. Instead I leaned more of my body weight onto the boy and groaned.
"It's alright, Hinata-kun, you're doing an amazing job." Komaeda breathed in a hushed tone.
The sound of his voice so close to me made me shiver, but it provided a momentary distraction from the pain.
My knees bumped into something hard and I looked up, realising we had made it across the room. Komaeda slipped his hand out from my waist and helped me lower myself to sit on the mattress.
"God I'm so hot." I murmured.
Komaeda pressed a cool hand to my cheek, making me sigh in relief. Using his right hand, he pressed his fingers into the knot of my tie, pulling it further undone from my neck.
"You should probably change into a hospital gown, it would at least be much cooler than wearing jeans." Komaeda spoke in a low voice.
He must be trying to help my migraine by being quiet. How…considerate of him?
"I...you're right." I sighed, bringing my fingers to undo the top button of my shirt.
Komaeda backed off, removing his hand from my face quickly. "Oh, Hinata-kun! Should I leave?"
I undid the rest of my buttons and shrugged off my shirt and tie. "Do what you want."
The boy nodded quickly, his cheeks were slightly flushed. "I-I'm going to get you a gown." And with that, he dashed out of the room, shutting the door gently behind him.
I undid my belt and lifted my hips from the bed, carefully wiggling myself out of my jeans. They were awfully tight on my body, probably from the sweat of the fever.
I discarded my jeans and laid back on the bed with a groan. I probably shouldn't lie down yet, but I'm so goddamn sore and tired. The bed was hard and uncomfortable, but it was so nice to be off my feet for even a moment.
The door opened again and in stepped Komaeda, holding a folded up gown in his hands. "Ah, Hinata-kun, are you okay?"
"No." I mumbled, rolling over so I was now face-down in the pillow.
"I'm sorry, can I get you anything?" Komaeda spoke softly as a weight sat on the edge of the bed, most likely him.
"Can do." The weight disappeared once again. "I left your gown on the bed if you want to change."
"Mhm." I mustered the strength to push myself up before scanning my eyes around the room. Komaeda was gone once again, I never heard the door click when he left, how strange.
I picked up the gown from the edge of the mattress. It was incredibly lightweight, but the linen was soft. I slipped my arms into the sleeves and pulled it up onto my shoulders. I then tied it around the waist loosely and sat back down on the bed.
Komaeda returned a few moments later with a tray holding a jug of water and a cup. He set the tray down on the bedside table and began to pour a cup of water.
"Are you feeling any better, Hinata-kun?" He quizzed, not taking his eyes away from what he was doing.
"I'm less hot." I mumbled.
"That's good." The boy turned to me, holding a plastic cup of water in his outstretched hand. I took it carefully with two hands, raising it to my lips and sipping.
The cool water felt like heaven on my burning throat. I squeezed my eyes closed tight and drank the whole cup, finishing with a pleased sigh.
"Ah, you probably shouldn't drink too fast, you don't want to make yourself sick again." Komaeda smiled and took the cup from my hands.
"That would be exciting though, wouldn't it? To be desperately seeking a release from pain only for it to make things worse? Actually, no, that's so incredibly predictable…" I babbled out, somewhat dazed and sleepy now that the ache in my throat was relieved.
"Haha, you're starting to sound a bit like me. How scary." Komaeda chuckled to himself, pouring another cup of water.
I slowly lowered my body back onto the bed, resting my head against the pillow. "Mmnn...it would be most unfortunate to have a mindset as boring as yours."
Komaeda gave a sad smile and placed the plastic cup onto the tray. "I think I'll go. I need to talk to Kuzuryuu-san about what everybody else is doing. Please call for Tsumiki-san if you need anything."
The last thing I heard was the sound of Komaeda muttering to himself and the click of the door behind him. Fatigue took hold and I found myself falling into a deep sleep.
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srhlsx · 4 years
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Rewritten & Reposted March 23, 2021
MASTER  | Ch. 4 | CHAPTER 5 | Ch. 6
“I believe when we met you said you didn’t play volleyball.”
You finished pulling the stray strands of hair back into the sloppy top-knot you’d been practicing with all day. Smoothing some flyaways from your vision, you looked up to see Bokuto looking at you from the other side of the net. He had a glimmer in his eyes and the way he looked at you immediately made your mind think that you’d do just about anything if it meant he only looked at you.
Get. A. Fucking. Grip.
“No, I said I wasn’t a manager.” You corrected, straightening up to your full height but still needing to direct your gaze upwards to look Bokuto in the eyes. “You technically never even bothered to ask if I played.”
“I’m familiar with the sport.” Bokuto mocked in a high-pitched voice that was definitely not a good impression of you. “Is, I believe, what you told me.”
“Which is not a lie,” You smirked, bending your knees and jumping up a few times to warm up. When you landed, you licked each of your palms and leaned back to wipe at the bottoms of your shoes - an odd habit you had picked up in middle school that gave you a bit of grounding comfort before any match you played. “I am familiar with the sport. Just more than you expected.”
“A lot more if the other night is anything to go off of.” Bokuto nodded, an intrigued smile growing on his face as he watched your little routine. “So what’s on the line here?”
“You mean like a bet?” You asked, looking over your shoulder to see your teammates were prepared to get started. “Doesn’t seem fair to place a bet on something I’m confident I will be winning, Top Five.”
“You keep calling me that and I’m starting to feel like it’s an insult.” Bokuto laughed, shaking his head and crouching down to get in a good position. “How about, when we win, you start calling me by my name? Maybe give me your number while we’re at it?”
“Two prizes? That’s pretty selfish. Besides, I told you it’s a compliment.” 
“Being the highest ranked player you know isn’t much of an accomplishment if you don’t call me by my name.”
“Highest ranking guy,” You corrected, holding up a finger to correct him. He tilted his head slightly to the side as he squinted at you. You looked him straight in the eyes, an unrelenting spark lit up. You extended your hand towards Bokuto before the serve was sent across the court, shaking his quickly. “But you’ve got a deal.”
The numbers glared at you from the side of the court. Kuroo had currently subbed himself out and was manning the scores while Bokuto, Akaashi, and Tsukki (you learned he preferred Tsukishima, but no way were you going to call him that with that knowledge) were on the court playing. They were on a break away, scoring two points in a row and getting ready to serve again for a chance at a third and winning the whole thing.
Somewhere in the middle of the game, a small audience had grown of other players from different teams who were wrapping up their own side practices. Kuroo chatted animatedly with two boys who were particularly eye-catching, one with blazing hair and stars in his eyes and the other with silver hair and a wingspan that a pterodactyl would envy. In particular, Kuroo and the libero from Nekoma who you recognized nagged at the taller of the two and pointed to your movements, instructing their teammate to mimic your defensive work as he watched.
“Rumi, Hana, call it.”
Your friend and the setter for your team looked over at you expectantly. Her hands rested on her hips and she breathed heavily. “Yes, sergeant?”
Hana stepped up to you as well, rotating her shoulder a few times as she looked to you for ideas on how to turn the game around. You looked over at the group of boys on the other side of the net, huddled together and laughing about who knows what, clearly not too worried about the game they were playing. That made you squint your eyes at them in an attempt at being menacing. It seemed to work as they all paused mid-laugh, feeling a drop in temperature, as they slowly looked over their shoulders to see your expression.
“If you leave the line open, he’s going to take it,” You breathed out, narrowing your eyes as you watched Bokuto and the rest of his team get set up for the next round of play.
“But we’ve been blocking the line fine,” Hana stated, unsure if she heard you correctly. “He’s been hitting cross shots all night and you are catching them fine.”
“Yes, and?” You asked her, pointedly look at her. “He will hit where it is open. Trust me.”
“You don’t need to embarrass him.” Rumi said, stretching her arms with a laugh. “He’s pretty confident, sure, but he’s not completely blind, he might catch onto you.”
“Let him try,” You smirked.
You eyed Bokuto as Hana went back to prepare her serve for the next rally. Bokuto walked up to the net, hands up and prepared to go as he looked down at you with a smirk. He’d managed to get a few spikes to blast past you, but not nearly as many as he would’ve hoped in order to show off.
At first, Bokuto thought it was just luck that you were catching each of his shots and eating up the momentum. Even against Yaku and the Nekoma defense he was able to land more shots than he was against you. It was grinding his gears but exciting him at the same time. Every opportunity he had to land a point home, you met his attempts with equal enthusiasm. Somehow, between the blocking from your teammates and your insane reflexes, he scored fewer and fewer points each rally. 
Hana served the ball, sending it easily over the net and to the back of the court where Tsukki was patiently waiting to receive it.  The next few moments slowed down time with blinding clarity, a feeling you looked forward to when you were playing games like this.
As he had been doing all night, Akaashi sent the ball in a perfect arc towards where Bokuto was approaching. Hana and Rumi made it very obvious they were not going to be blocking the line this time and shut down the cross he had been going for.
Bokuto saw the opening, of course, and adjusted his body to be able to take the shot. He was thrilled at the chance to show off, it was wide open and the line was practically calling his name. “All right!” He yelled, winding up and slamming his hand into the ball with as much force as he could muster this late into the night.
Rumi was on the outside of the block and at the last second her hand twitched ever so slightly out of the way of the ball. If you weren’t paying attention, you’d never notice, but Akaashi and Tuskkishima did and immediately knew what they had been set up for. 
You dashed to the sideline, having set up to look like you were prepared for a cross shot. Your arms were extended in front of you, bracing for the impact and sting of the shot, and as soon as the ball hit your arms you twisted them in the direction you wanted it to go and tucked your arms into your body to kill some of the momentum. In the next few moments you watched with heaving breaths as Rumi set the ball in a high arc and Hana leapt into the air. The resounding slam as the ball hit the floor on the opposite side of the next echoed in the space.
You had rolled backwards in trying to kill the speed and force of Bokuto’s shot, finally getting up to your feet as your teammates came up to you after scoring the point to tie everything up. Rumi reached out and ruffled your hair with a knowing smirk on her face.
“Don’t get too beat up about it, Bokuto-san.”Akaashi walked up to where Bokuto was still standing by the net. “I didn’t call it soon enough.”
“They played you.” Kuroo chuckled as he stepped up to them, nudging a grumbling Bokuto who was simply staring at you. “Besides, Shinzen girl’s are a nationals team, you can’t sleep on them.”
“They won the Interhigh final in straight sets,” Akaashi said, his tone flat but knowing. “Simply calling them a national’s team is barely covering it.”
Bokuto continued to keep his eyes on you even as Kuroo handed him a water bottle. Across the gym you were animatedly talking with Yaku and Hinata. 
“That was so cool!” The red haired boy beamed up at you, his hands bunched into fists by his chest as he shook with excitement. “The way you went whoosh and then I thought you’d go bam but instead you went whack!”
“I know!” You matched the boy’s enthusiasm with your own squeal, leaning in closer the more you talked, eyes widening more and more as you jumped on the balls of your feet. “I for sure thought that he was gonna go bomp but instead I was like shoom the other way!”
“Oh my god, there’s two of them.” Rumi said, Akaashi looked at her sideways as she came up to their group and saw a mild look of horror on her face. “She speaks in onomatopoeias when she’s excited, one time she literally only said sound effects for like five minutes.”
Rumi and Akaashi watched as you and the red haired first year continued to talk over some of the plays you had made during the practice game. You waved a hand absently as Hinata imitated a receiving position, Yaku and you both reaching out to correct his arms.
“She’s amazing.”
Rumi glanced sideway in the direction of the voice that had spoken. Even though he was right next to her, Bokuto sounded lightyears away as he simply watched you. His eyes were bright and excited and his body almost looked like it was vibrating in anticipation.
“She is thrilling to watch.” Akaashi commented, also noting the way Bokuto was acting.
“Has…” Bokuto stopped to swallow, his throat suddenly feeling dry. He turned to Rumi, eyes finally tearing away from you a moment later. “Has she always been like that?”
“Like what?” Rumi chuckled. “Intense? Headstrong? Compet-”
“Magnetic.” Bokuto interrupted. He glanced as Akaashi, looking for reassurance that the word he used was appropriate - Akaashi nodded in return. “Has she always been so magnetic? I… can’t stop staring at her.”
Rumi laughed through her nose and simply raised an eyebrow, “You have no idea.” 
“She’s a top three Libero,” Akaashi started, his comment making Bokuto whip his head in his direction. “She’s listed but never does any interviews or specials?”
Rumi chewed at her lip for a moment, thinking about how she wanted to answer. Glancing in your direction and seeing you were still deep in conversation with the libero from Nekoma - only now you had a little bigger of an audience since more players had shown up - Rumi turned back to where Akaashi and Bokuto were both still waiting for her. 
“(Y/n) has… been through a lot in the last year.” She started vaguely, “Between all that happened, our coach really made an effort to make sure reporters and whatever didn’t bother her.”
“What happened?” Bokuto asked.
“That’s not my business to tell.”
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