#and I'm saying this as a kyman fan
kyuriman · 11 months
Bruh I don't care what anyone else says: Eric Cartman is the gayest of the main 4
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zoot-marimba · 8 days
Just finished up the new special, so here are some bullet points/random thoughts (SPOILERS AHEAD):
-Really nice to see the Main 5 together again. Feels like it's been forever since the last time we saw them do stuff together.
-Also, Butters smiling all throughout the navigating through the health care system is just so sweet.
-Wow, Randy actually being concerned for Shelley? I'll be dammed.
-Also, hey, it's Towelie! He may be the worst character ever, but darn-it, he's OUR worst character ever, and I'm happy to see him again.
-On another note, I will say that Randy does not feel as intrusive as he did in the last special. His role actually made sense and you can see a' organic reason for putting him in that role.
-Also nice to see him actually not being a shitty husband. As much of an idiot as he is, and for as much of a jackass as he can be, it is important to keep that softer side of Randy intact.
-Seeing the cereal mascots as mob bosses was pretty fun.
-Those cereal bombs might be nutritional nightmares, but at least Cartman put milk in there. And not even chocolate or pink milk, just plain white milk.
-Twinkie guy getting cut in half is absolutely horrifying when you stop to think of it, but it's also funny as hell.
-Wait, Kyle said he wouldn't make fun of Cartman again for his weight? Damn, never thought that would happen outside of fanfics, yet here we are. Hell froze over, it seems.
-Never thought that Cartman being an asshole could be weirdly heartwarming, and yet it really was weirdly heartwarming.
Overall, I did enjoy it. Pretty solid as far as commentary goes and I definitely got a laugh or two out of it.
Yeah, Kyman fans are gonna milk this one for sure.
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shut-up-cartman · 10 months
I've never liked when people complain about 'new fans' in Fandoms and how they're 'ruining the fandom' or whatever, but I will say the weirdest thing to come out the 2023 South Park fandom is treating kyman shippers like they're delusional and disgusting. Sure there's been controversy with the ship (obviously), but it's not even a pro-ship and it's been around for years???
Kyman has always been one of my most hated ships but I've never bothered the shippers because there's nothing actually wrong with them shipping it. They're not related, there's not a pedophilic age gap, and believe it or not there actually isn't an unbalanced power dynamic. Sure its not exactly wholesome and I can get why people think it doesn't make sense, but for crying out loud it's shipping it doesn't have to! And if Kyman shippers are saying they see stuff in canon then maybe TO THEM there is, and if there isn't anything in canon that you see then that's fine but that doesn't mean they can't enjoy the show and characters how they want.
I don't know if this makes a lot of sense, I'm not good at writing paragraphs but I just needed to say this cause I've been in this fandom for a few years now and I'm ngl it seems like purity culture is getting worse. Like, you're in the South Park fandom, you of all people do not get to preach about someone else being weird or cringe for shipping. You're in the weird and cringe shipping fandom.
Lord help me it's 2023 and I'm actually fighting kyman vs sp fandom on the side of kyman 😭
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numbknee · 1 year
Why do you think Kyman gets so much hate? I can understand some things about what people don’t like about it but some of the things they say, the harassment is so out of pocket. Especially on Tik Tok! It is like a battle ground out there and they all will shoot you down immediately if you SAY anything. I just wanna love Kyman without it seeming like a punishment 😭😭
Dude I totally feel you. It's so much easier to live and let live so I don't understand how these ppl have the energy to be so aggressively hurtful all the time. This has been said before ad nauseum but for god's sake, it's JUST a fucking tv show. I'm too old for this shit.
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(longer explanation under the cut! like... extremely long lol I'm so sorry my thoughts about this have been building up for a while 😅)
I think the extremely aggressive kyman hate is a symptom of growing poor media literacy and the larger "purity culture" trend that's been present online for a while now. It's very reminiscent of American Evangelicalism or Puritanism, where members of the church have to follow a very specific set of rules for behaving and thinking and if you deviate from those rules in the slightest, you're shot down immediately by the community and shamed for being sinful and blasphemous, all to keep you on the "righteous path" and avoid burning in hell for eternity. This is why so many puritanical christians in the US hate themselves for doing what most of the world sees as normal behavior, and simultaneously force that self-hating worldview onto others to "save" them. (For example see this video by FD Signifier on youtube explaining how hardcore religious ppl/conservatives are doomed to be bad in bed because they see sex as "evil" when in reality it's a normal part of human behavior 😬 It's long but very good).
Though, it's important to note that ppl who think this way may not even be christian themselves, but the behavior is so pervasive in american culture that you absorb it even if you're not a puritanical christian. (for example, to quote Ian Danskin, athiests may think "I don't believe in god, but the god I don't believe in is Jehovah). Tons of the first generation of white USAmericans were exiled British puritans who were kicked out of their home country for essentially being self-righteous assholes and trying to force their shit worldview on everyone else lmao. And I think because so many online spaces are so USAmerican-centric, people from all over the world have started adopting that purity culture as well.
Now, South Park is extremely popular (duh). It's been around for decades so it has a ton of fans both old and new. Unfortunately a lot of new fans, especially young people, follow the show for very different reasons than the average normie/not-terminally-online viewer does. They take the characters out of their original context, use them like dolls to make their own stories and fan content, and ignore all the other blatantly controversial shit that's been going on in the show since day 1 (which is why so many exclusively make blasé creek fanworks imo). They want to keep their thoughts "pure" and only engage with content that's approved by the puritanical online community
It's extremely fitting but also sad that Cartman is the scapegoat for everything wrong with South Park, both in the show and in the real world. Either ppl don't want to acknowledge he exists, or ppl latch onto him and project all of that puritanical hatred toward him or anyone that likes his character. Hell, even I'M guilty of this kind of thinking before I watched the show and understood Cartman's character better.
Kyman in particular is a target BECAUSE it involves Cartman, but also because people boil it down to shipping a nazi with a jew which, at the surface level, seems horrible! But if you've ever actually WATCHED the goddamn show, you know that is an extremely reductive and inaccurate interpretation of their characters. It's horribly poor media literacy. These ppl CANNOT seem to comprehend that you can enjoy watching a character who's a "bad person" without condoning their actions, and that enjoying the shipping dynamic of such characters DOES NOT make you a bad person by proxy.
A huge role of fiction as media is to explore ideas that may be harmful in the real world in a safe way because... *gasp* it's imaginary!! It makes you think and experience emotions you may not have the opportunity for otherwise! However, in the eyes of puritans, the fact you're even thinking about something like that makes you a sinner. It's a thought crime, which is why they consider us mentally "sick" for shipping kyman. So, they send hate at the drop of a hat and publicly vilify kyman shippers to reinforce that behavior with each other, all to say "Hey look at me!!! I'm a Good Person! see how much of a Good Person I am??? I'm gonna go to HEAVEN, and YOU'RE going to HELL". Like I said before, it's not that they necessarily believe in heaven or hell, but that's the general root of the behavior. It's performative puritan dog-piling. Also, because they haven't even fucking watched the whole show, they conveniently ignore all the other horrible shit the show portrays because random kyman shippers online are easy targets while Matt & Trey are gajillionaires who are essentially un-cancellable for things they do on the show at this point because, to quote Trey: For anyone to go up and go "Did you see this thing on South Park? That was really offensive" someone's gonna be like "Dude shut up 😒 that's just South Park".
Geez man this got super fucking long lmao. But my advice is to please take care of yourself because, and this super cliché to say, but FUCK the haters dude 🖕🖕🖕 You're engaging with media that brings you joy and exploring interesting ideas with a community of awesome artists/writers/meta-analysts and more. This is supposed to be FUN!! Anyone who tries to take that away from you or shame you into stopping is a fucking immature, holier-than-thou asshole who needs to get a fucking life. The block button is your friend, so use it early and often. You have the power to curate your own online space, and you shouldn't subject yourself to dealing with these dickheads (this is a big reason why I don't have a tiktok lol)
Good luck dude, and keep on shipping kyman 😎🤘❤️💚
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ommmiiiiiii · 7 days
and no I'm not bitching over the whole kyman special shit this has been happening all the way since s26 and maybe even longer. I'm SO TIRED of seeing this dude either blatantly getting rejected or just straight up CUCKING.
Season 26 episode 1 is where style shipper lost their cherries over jealous Stan.
(sorry I couldn't find the full clip to save the love of me, but u get the point)
"ooooOOOo Stan misses Kyle" or "Style canon now???" BRUH in that WHOLE episode stan just sat around like an edgy pussy ignoring ppl until shit got really bad and he had to "confront" his feelings. hell if cartman wasn't such an understanding person (to a degree) this would probably still be going on.
I don't even think it was fully solved because in the end he ALSO WENT with Tolkien and Kyle on the news. He really had NO REASON to be there topic wise
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(also I love them so much this is so cute)
Like he really has to follow Kyle around everywhere to just not to feel left out.
He also pushed off his relationship with Wendy for being depressed over kyle. And this might be a tiny rant but stan was such an asshole to Wendy in that episode (might dive in more on a different post)
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(these texts and a few more were through the span of feb 8 - feb 14 with some of the others taking place after/during episode 3)
Things seemed to get somewhat better with Stan and Kyle after that, even with Stan hanging out with Tolkien which is "good". but now we have to go back to 2014 and that damnint'
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("They are best friends" KILL ME OMFG. ALSO THERE KYMAN UNDER KYLES 😭😭😭)
Now this opened up a WHOLE NEW problem of stan ACTUALLY like liking kyle (to a point) mega stretch here but this also had a shot from either s15 ep7 or 8 (most likely 8) where stan says he loves kyle.
It was also obvious Kyle only takes these signs as either coincidences or pure friendship. like all the times Stan just straight up stares for no reason or does whatever Kyle does. this shit even gets called out by the show itself.
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I'm not going add screenshots for all the staring moments because half of them are just animation limitations or Kyle being shorter, but there's ALOT of them.
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now how does the correlate onesided style? ehhhh hard to explain but Stan's just kinda there thinking about god knows especially in the new special...
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I felt SO BAD for him this whole entire thing was him just cucking kyman. and you can say, "well Butters and Kenny were staring too." first A. Butters is their weird kyman baby in this thing and B. Kenny always looks like he is just there.
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For that second screenshot, they purposely added Stan in that shot just to show his FACE DROPPING at someone else hugging HIS super best friend. And Cartman of all people. LIKE BRUH AAAAAAAAA
now I might be overreacting for sure and maybe style is only platonic, but its really starting to feel like all Stan does is this. That's why I'm praying he gets more screentime in the next special or has ANOTHER season somewhat involved around him (*cough cough s26)
At the end of the day, I'm glad kyman fans have new content.
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4awny · 2 months
Hi it's @clubcuhnty , it's making me ask from my primary blog so I had to anon because I don't use that anymore </3 just wanted to say thank you for supporting my art because I'm actually such a huge fan of your writing. I didn't realise it was you (who wrote chatroom scandal) I love that fic!! Blessed to have you as a moot xx
Holy shit its you! You do know how crazy talented you are right? underrated as fuck!!! Yeah thats me! Lol we're big fans of eachother and we didn't even know it
Remember me when you're Kyman tumblr famous🥺
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south-park-meta · 10 months
Kyman shippers have the worst takes because they be saying "Stan tries so hard to be quirky, it's annoying. He gets in the way of Kyman". Good,as he should /j
But seriously,they say Style is worse than Kyman because apparently a ship between bffs is worse than pairing that's basically it's a albert einstein x hitler.
Lol tbh the biggest problem I have with Kyman is that in making the ship romantic, Cartman's turned into Stan. That is that being 'leader' and taking up causes is there, but they're now causes Stan would take up instead of Cartman, because that's more morally right. And his mistreatment of Kyle is downplayed to calling him 'Jew' as a pet name. I'm not an enemies to lovers fan on the whole because the dynamic is very off-putting to me on a personal level but I do understand the appeal. Kyman is odd to me because I feel like the enemies to lovers is what people are interested in but very often writers don't want to commit to the part of their personalities that make them 'enemies' and instead want this passionate relationship of big causes and feelings and taking away the foundational enemies part just makes it Style without the development that earned the relationship.
Fwiw the relationship dynamics common in fandom is also my least favorite part of ships I like, including Style. So....idk lol I disagree with a solid 99% of fandom ship takes and find the majority of them low-key gross if not actively harmful if applied to rl opinions. There's a reason I'm not reblogging Style things I see.
With that in mind, on the actual existence of the ship I'm pretty....eh. I think there are real world effects that fandom ignores, but I also don't find abusive/toxic/problematic/etc ships representative of fans mores and opinions irl. But I do think fans often want the ship to be acknowledged as unhealthy in context (such as by Stan going Kyle, wtf) just as a way to make Kyman a Romeo and Juliet relationship that no one understands, without the ship ACTUALLY being written as unhealthy. Not a fan of that.
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mirrorshards · 1 year
I just wanted to say, that I’m very happy for you! It’s so cool when someone gets a job they like! I find out your tumblr not very long ago, but I fell in love with your art style. It’s like an eye candy! (Oh, I just realised that I’ve been subscribed for you on YouTube. Well that’s awkward)
When I see people like you, who doesn’t judge other people for their ships or interests I wanna cry of how refreshing it is. I read so much of your posts and now I think that you’re a so cool person! I really like your headcanons, I like your kyman arts even though I’m not fan of this ship, I love your stenny stories and I like every art that you post! I’m just filled with so much love for you that I can’t hold it iiiiinnnnn!
I’m so happy that tumblr has an anonymous questions and comments function, because I’m too embarrassed to write it directly.
aww geez thank you for one of the most genuinely sweet asks i've gotten ;__;
don't feel awkward, I'm so happy to know you love my art, stories and silly little videos on youtube! it doesn't matter you didn't recognize it at first, I'm just glad my stuff are being loved 💖 I draw like 95% fanart and only like 5% original stuff but my comics and animatics are part of my process as an artist to realize what I really love doing, so every step along the way means a lot to me 🥺🥺
I actually do judge people a little for their ships (i'm only human haha) BUT I don't advertise it. it's my own thoughts that I share with my close friends and that's it. everyone's entitled to their thoughts and opinions, and are allowed to love and hate whatever they want. but there's no point in starting callouts or campaigns over an opinion or an irk- I don't think it's right that people are bothered or harassed for ships when fandom is a hobby in the first place.. like I'm sure we all got bigger problems in our everyday lives, and I'd like fandom to be a fun place for me and my friends.
thank you so much for writing me!! please don't be embarrassed! 🥺🙏
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chaotic-guinea-pig · 5 months
2, 4, 5, 6, 15, 16, and 17 for Cartman
(Ask game here!)
Thank you for the ask!! :] Now, this is a very interesting one!
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
That Cartman has stuffed animals! Though I hate him as a person (but love him as a character), the scene where he had a tea party, and the other where he played toys with Bebe... all strangely endearing.
I'd also say that he is canonically good at singing/rapping. Let's be honest, his rap in 'Put it Down' went hard.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
Total Drama series. There is no real reason for this other than I'd pay good money to see how Cartman interacts with Chris, Heather and Alejandro lmao. He would also do a great job at scheming his way to the million dollars.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
'Poker Face', by Lady Gaga haha.
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Just our love for cats and stuffed animals, that's all. :)
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
I have no idea if this counts, but it's one-sided Kyman from Cartman's side. I stress on the "one-sided" part, because I genuinely can't see Kyle reciprocating at all, and mutual Kyman simply does not spark joy for me. Whenever I come across untagged Kyman in fics, I immediately leave lmao.
Kyle and Cartman is my second favourite dynamic to watch on screen (after Stan and Kyle), not only because their rivalry is funny af, but there's just something so fascinating about Cartman's fucked up obsession with Kyle... and not in the "man this is so cute!!" way, but in the "wow what the fuck is wrong with you. I wanna study you under a microscope" way.
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
Apart from the obvious illegal ships, it's a tie between Heiman (for obvious reasons) and the flavour of Kyman where Kyle reciprocates. I'm also not a big fan of Candy either, though I'll admit that their battle interactions in TFBW made me laugh hard.
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
Although it's a ship I'll never seek out in fanart/fics, probably Kenman. Not something I feel particularly strong about, but if they're a side ship in a fic then I'm cool with it.
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aily-uk · 9 months
The South Park fandom 😭
Honestly I am apart of it and you may consider me as "those South Park fans" since I write fanfiction about them . BUT. PLEASE LISTEN TO WHAT I HAVE TO SAY.
I probably won't be able to change all of your point of view but let me explain mine.
I don't not see anything wrong with minors having crushes on the sp boys . Since , who never had crushes in their lives honestly. And I also must say , aging them up and being a minor having a crush on the boys, DOESN'T MAKE IT WORSE. It litteraly could be way worse. Like a adult having a crush on one of the kids or not making them aged up for the fanfictions and stuff. Also i saw a lot of people saying that making them aged up is not a reason to simp for them... But then wouldn't you shouldn't be able to like the PC versions of them too? Since it's only the aged up version of them , yeah it might be in the show but it's still aged up.
Also the ships , i respect all ships , except the proships of course.(and Kyman) everyone has opinions about ships , but going under a Style post to say "Stendy is better" is just stupid asf.(Coming from a Stendy Shipper)
But some of the ships sometimes just don't make sense to me , and I just won't support it . No need to try and push me into liking it as well.
I also understand that some people may still find it weird that there ships of 10 years olds but there's nothing wrong , ships have always existed for every age and it has never been a real problem , and plus it's only innocent and childhood love exist. Though not everything is love , sometimes they just be friends and some people will see that a romantical love.
I also must talk about the Headcanons people make... I apologize if I offend anyone with this but some don't make sense at all.
Like Butters transitioning to Marjorine,I just cannot see Butters as a female when he is literally one of the biggest misogynistic guy in south park he might even be more than Cartman , also scene Kyle , is just kind of confusing since Kyle would NEVER be the kind of guy to be scene canonically..
Stan being a alcoholic is also a little confusing, though I understand it , but i think we all know how Stan would try to be different from his father and drink less. But I agree that it makes sense with Post Covid Stan . Kenny being gay is also very confusing , when Kenny is litterally one of the straightess character , he is shown to like woman during the whole show , so I don't understand why make him totally gay and not even bisexual or pansexual, which would be more logic. I don't have much to say about the way people Headcanon Cartman .
But for Wendy though I have a few things to say , first, some people always make her bitchy which is very very untrue she is a sweetheart and thought she gets very jealous she isn't the type to be mean to other girls her age , like shown with Lisa , she tried to help her.
Also the way some people make Tweek a small femboy bean and Craig a big bad boy 💀 when we all know that Tweek would totally beat Craig's ass whenever he wants...
Anyways I'm done with that . Love y'all and good byee
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stankvle · 1 year
hi, can you elaborate on why you don't like Hollycomb or what you don't like about her writing? I do like her stuff but this is a very rare opinion so would love to hear more. Not looking for bashing or "it's bad," I am genuinely curious what puts someone off it.
sure, i can explain a bit!! i mean i can't say hollycomb's stuff is "bad," right? authors don't earn such an important place in fanbase history and people's hearts if they're not good at writing, so obviously my distaste is VERY subjective.
first of all, you might have noticed a few other anons describing her fics as "uncomfortable." i don't have specific examples of this, as it's been a while since i've read any of them, but i do agree that some of the content is questionable at best. after a quick glance through ao3, some things that stood out to me as seeming uncomfortable (i.e. i am never going to touch that) were the fics tagged as kyman, a "kink meme" with the slavery AU tag, and how could i forget that novel length mpreg fic in which kyle was treated like a woman? or at least, that's the impression i got based on how everyone talked about it. maybe that observation is more suited for "feminine kyle discourse" or whatever though
and that kind of leads to my other main point, which is that i'm not a fan of the characterization in her fics. i think i've described them as caricatures of themselves, polarized and stereotypical and far too exaggerated for me to enjoy. my perceptions of the characters are just pretty different from what's popular, i guess.
ANYWAYS. like i said, even though i don't care for hollycomb's fanfiction, i could never dismiss it as "bad." technical aspects of her style are solid, and she tells some fantastic stories. notably, the scenic route deserves the acclaim; i would just enjoy it far more if it were a story about original characters instead of ones from south park. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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shortlesstuff · 10 months
southpark shipping
yall know the saying when you make something on the internet its no longer yours its for the people to decide what comes of it its just so true with south park like the shipping is so out of hand I just saw a kyman shipper saying they were gonna off themselves and the comments were like "good" "for shipping that I think you already have" and I knew that people are very protective of their ships but like calm down yall are doing way too much at this point its just psychotic and yall are seeing this ships in glass I swear they arent perfect they arent just all lovey dovey they have problems they fight they are probably shipping with someone else and you don't need to get defensive about that I don't think its a bad thing that people ship kyman like its not the worst ship they arent if like pushing it on to people like the creek shippers oml they go crazy and I ship loads of ships yes some with the same and different people shocking and I think its gotten way worse this year I see storys on southpark au intsagram accs about how they are quitting and they reason is because of the demanding and unhidden floating criticism like oml they don't ship cryde oml they don't ship bunny oml oml oml STOP like its too much like some of my friends who own some southpark aus just quit the southpark fandom all together they still watch it but they arent interested in the comics the reiteration the aus the ships the head canons the people who draw literal minor doing bad things IM LOOKING AT SO MANY PEOPLE WHEN I SAY THIS.
its gross its disgusting like hear let me say it I don't give a fuck if you ship creek if you ship bunny if you ship tyde style kyman tweeny tutters crenny stendy stendyle kyendy I don't care ships and fandoms are for fun like in a fandom the fans just want to have fun I don't get why we need to get mad the second we see a kyman shipper posting an edit btw my favorite comics on edits are like I don't even ship (insert whatever ship in sp) but this is so good like that shits nice fucking dubs I swear so just please enjoy your time here have fun I'm about to post a lil thing with all the ships I like because I want to 🥰
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calclaws · 1 year
1, 6, 13 and 25 for the violence game!
1)the character everyone gets wrong
When it comes to South Park... I really don't think you can get a character wrong as easily because they're little kids in the show and the show is surreal and inconsistent. So a lot of characterization complaints seem to be more about personal preference. But hmm I think a lot of people make Kenny more talkative and outgoing than I see him being. I think he's more mysterious and has a rich inner world. Suddenly he busts out the sexual innuendos but I think he's a quiet boy for the most part. But I also enjoy reading those outgoing Kennys.
6)which ship fans are the most annoying?
um...I know I've said before that it really bothers me how Kyman and Style shippers often say bad things about each other because I ship both and that makes me like :((((((((((( but from what I've seen when Kyman shippers diss Style they call it boring and when Style shippers diss Kyman they say that they're evil and should kill themselves or something and one makes me more upset than the other tbh. I'm sure it's not just Style shippers nfdkldsmfk idk that's just what I've seen around.
13)worst blorboficiation
you know...I'm not usually a complainer about this. I think I'm probably more guilty of it than anything. Although I do think most of the sp kids are often portrayed as nicer than they are in canon. Although even in canon they're nice then terrible. Which is pretty accurate for 4th graders tbh. I can't really say I have a problem with that though?
25)common fandom complaint that you’re sick of hearing
Ugh, the fact that Kyman is controversial. But I think the most ridiculous complaint I've seen is that it's gross to ship them because they're children. I don't want to get into why that's stupid but I will say that I don't think some people in this fandom have actually seen sp because UH
Thank you for the ask!!
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roostertuftart · 1 year
Hi idk if you were asked this before- I'm new to the south park fandom and just wanted to ask what other ships do you like in southpark? (I'm more so thinking about other kyle ships but other ships are fine too ^^) cause you had said in the pinned-post (?) that you were a multishipper
I am a multishipper though style tends to almost always be my personal endgame and is the one I think about the most! As far as Kyle ships, I just about ship him with everyone in some capacity- except for Butters (I REALLY love Kyle and Butters’s dynamic and exploring it, I just don’t really see them as that compatible or interesting as a ship most of the time…). Some of my favorites outside of Style are Kyndy, Cryle, K2, and Tolkyle. I’m also a MASSIVE fan of poly ships as a polyamorous person myself and those usually come into play in my AUs and stories and stuff :)))
And then ofc there’s Kyman, which. I have a very strange relationship to. The ship makes me EXTREMELY uncomfortable as a healthy, both sided thing, but I find it really fun and intriguing as a plot device or when it’s not endgame or whatever. So I wouldn’t say I don’t ship it, but my relationship with it is extremely complicated. Also I’m convinced Cartman has a crush on Kyle even outside of my silly little ship ideas.
Other ships I really like are Stenny, Kendy, Stendy, Stolkien, Bunny (in a specific way)… I don’t know. But honestly, it’d be quicker for me to name the popular ships I see around that I don’t really care for, which would be Steig, Cryde, Tolclyde (I think it’s called that?), clenny, and especially Stary which I. I don’t know I just irrationally despise this harmless little ship lmao (Stary shippers are such sweethearts too!)
But most of the ships I don’t like aren’t even ones I’m particularly opposed to or adverse to. Just not really a match for my preferences or particularly interesting to me for various reasons.
I’ve also got this little relationship chart I made one time of you want to see me go into a bit more depth about some of these!
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swagship-sideblog · 1 year
Pinned! Read for info!!
pro-fiction pro-whatever lolicon cartoon fan. dont like - dont look
[art tag]
The main things I enjoy at the moment are: Ed Edd & Eddy, Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends, Ojamajo Doremi, Mob Psycho 100, Homestuck, and whatever other shit i'm into at the moment
Read more below to see my fav ships & characters!
Current Waifus:
Senoo Aiko - my baby, my one and only, I love her so much........... I relate to her on so many levels and just love her alot... I actually have 2 different narratives in my head for this one, one where my self insert is a cute lil catboy who gets sent to her universe, and one where she magically shows up in mine. I could talk about her for hours but all you need to know is that she's my sweetheart of the whole world and I love her <333
Double Dee - i would do. so many things. i shant say...
Ships I like:
Anything ed edd & eddy - any combination of the characters works for me. I love all of them so much
MobRei - been a fan of this one for years, always been there for me and I quite enjoy it [ageswap AU is my fav <33]. Many of the fics I read of them are very cathartic to me, so these 2 hold a special place in my heart
RitMob - also love this one, it's very very cute, was there for me when I was stuck hanging out with antis but my love for mob could never be fully repressed <3
Rickorty - this one's so fucked up but my brain loves it lmao... the first time I read a fic of them I got suuuuper guilty about it the next day, but unfortunately I find guilt pretty hot so this one latched onto my brain like a virus, huge fan
Stridercest - pretty much all forms of it are right up my alley. Don't post about it as much currently but it's an absolute longtime CLASSIC and I love it. Most recently was on an alpha stridercest kick because I love dom shotas and watching Dave fight for his life
Kris x Spamton - I absolutely love the themes being developed in deltarune so far, and I feel like these 2 characters and their interactions explore the themes relating to control and freedom very beautifully... both Kris and Spamton are characters whose struggles I can relate to easily/empathize with, so some of the fics I read of them can be very cathartic and comforting... alot of complex emotions arise from this ship, and I really love it. its also really hot lol.
SaiGenos - oh man.... cyborgs...... I read a fic where some of Genos' wires get fucked up and he needs Saitama to plug them back in cuz hes basically immobile until they get fixed... and OUGH it's really hot..... I read alot more im addition to this, but this one was REALLY good
Scratch x Molly: I enjoy a veeery specific wholesome flavor of this ship, but not many people draw it the way I like (last I checked), so any fellow shippers feel free to say hi lol
Style (south park) - this one is an ABSOLUTE classic, a childhood favorite of mine, and im glad to say it lives on in my heart after all these years <3
Kyman (just a little) - I can have a little kyman... as a treat :3
And many others......
Other Waifus (for historical purposes):
Bloo: jeeeze louise he's so cute. He's such a little brat I just wanna pick him up and shake him around <3 bloo crying 10 minute compilation on loop
Dirk Strider - had a big phase of liking him lol. He's really cute <3
Eddy - I need to put him in a dress and make him cry tears of pleasure
Eric Cartman - I have a thing for little chubby boys in drag btw
Brobot - yes, the battle robot dirk made in his image. It's hot. I like to imagine giving it a personality <33
Mob - unfortunately I was hanging out with antis during my original Mob Psycho phase, so I didn't really accept my love for him & he didn't register in my brain like that... but I still had dreams of cuddling with him and fantasized of being able to meet him and comfort him (and got really high an pretended to cuddle with him using my cat lol), so I believe he still counts
Reigen. - I had a pretty substantial reigen obsession during my first mp100 phase, I have a 125 image porn collection of him from back them lmfao. He's pretty alright
Hal 9000 (2001 a Space Odyssey) - I fucking love hal
Karkat Vantas - excuse my french but I need his transboy tentacle cock in my mouth he is very cute
Mituna Captor - Mituna.......... yippee!!!
Dave Strider - he's every transmascs favorite character of course I like him... tried writing a self insert kissing practice gone wrong fanfic but I couldn't get his dialogue right so I gave up lol
Charles Calvin (Henry Stickmin) - now I know this one's pretty out of place compared to the rest but uh... yeah he was probably my BIGGEST obsession with a fictional character... like it was detrimental at some points lol. But man I really wanted to fuck this stick figure X] I actually created a Google drive folder with about 230 pictures of Henry stickmin porn, even including a document with all the sources I could find lol. If you recognize me from this information, no you don't
Genos (OPM) - god I was reeeeaaally into him when I was watching one punch man and I LOVED him. I still love him just focused on other characters atm <3
And probably some others
Other fav characters
Hunter (TOH) - bro he's just like me fr fr... quite love him and want to see him happy
Scratch (tgamm) - DUDE he's so silly funny, so goofy silly..... these so underrated and ppl need to appreciate him more >:3
Kyle (SP) - mannnn Kyle is pretty cute, some of these south park characters are nearing the waifu tier, it's going to be very silly goofy
Kenny (SP) - dude kenny is one of my classic childhood crushes, shoutout kenny lol
Spongebob (Squarepants) - another one of my childhood crushes, youll see me occasionally post about him too lol.
+ plenty others lol
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icecoldpeenus · 1 year
My introduction post!!! :3
(DNI included)
You can call me Zach, Stan, Jimmy, Rodrigo or Randy (I'm experimenting with names)
(Zach or Jimmy is preferred)
I use he/pup/pups/pupself pronouns
(He/him preferred)
(They/them is okay but not preferred)
I'm a South Parkie 💔
I'm Mexican 🇲🇽
I'm a Christian ✝️
I am unlabeled and aroace
I am a xenogender+neopronoun user
I am probably neurodivergent
Please interact:
-People with the same interests as me
-South Parkies
-Better Call Saul fans
-Object Show Community
-Pokémon fans
Thin ice:
-Big Mouth fans
-MHA fans
-DSMP fans
-Toxic South Park fans who say shit like "smh these new fans"
-Atheists who invalidate peoples beliefs
-Bakudeku shippers
-People who think blackwashing is a thing
-Lolicons or shotacons (rot in hell p3dos)
-Countryhuman weirdos
-Kyman shippers
-Cartman kinnies
-Neopronoun+Xenogender antis
Basic dni (racism, homophobia, etc.)
Enjoy my silly little blog!
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