#and because of it everyone says i dont 'act autistic' or like 'youre able to work fine so you must not be'
dsgustng · 1 year
I hate that Disability thing where ur disability is.... debilitating and affects ur every day life in extremely drastic ways... but it always feels like you need to be worse to ever get proper help or be taken seriously..
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pears-trinkets · 6 months
#idk what it was but last year there was this weird wave of ONLY COLONIZER RACISTS COMPLAIN ABOUT THEIR NEIGHBORS NOISE tl#it almost made me leave tumblr for good i think some people saw my complete breakdown over it#because yeah complaining about loud foot steps at night might sound dumb to you but im literally losing my mind in this house#but everyone on here was so quick to jump on the THATS PSYCHOPATH BEHAVIOR WHEN YOU LISTEN TO YOUR NEIGHBORS FOOTSTEPS#like autistic people reblogged this without any nuance#like taking sensory and auditory issues aside ?? it fucking sucks!!!!!!!! i dont want to be able to listen to the whole life of my neighbors#and its not their fault our house is made out of fucking cardboard & we all got scamed bc they put fancy expensive floors in w/o insulation#but like my neighbors are out here SCREAMING at 11 pm and not even thinking about trying to be mindful and respectful of others#i literally just stood frozen in like a trauma response in front of my neighbors door because they invited a bunch of people over#and screamed karaoke like theyre about to die#like SCREAMED screamed on a thursday night#and i talked to them before several times and they are sooo sorry every time but still do it regularly#and i dont even share a wall with them and i can hear them screaming and can make out every song theyre singing#like i love karaoke i get it but dont act surprised when i tell you for the 3rd time that its loud when you FUCKING SCREAM AT NIGHT???#i literally begged the apartment company to hang up an info sheet about noise bc the house rules and the law say no loud noise after 10pm#and they put it up yesterday and now people are screaming#i was unable to ring their door bell for a couple of minutes bc i just could not understand how they were screaming asif theyre in a stadium#i havent slept all week because every night someone on the complete oposite of the house under me was playing drums every night#i know life sucks i know the only time we get to ourselves sometimes is at night but????? you cant just whip out drums at night???#just because you want to or dont get to otherwise???#and its not even a cultural thing?? because many countries have the same night time noise rules as germany?#i know its funny to poke fun at germans for being rule loving stoic and how they have smth up their ass and haha but like china has them too#i would love for life to be a big big party but my life is having to get up for work in a couple of hours and i have to work the front desk#which on its own shoves me into a meltdown of having to talk to people and get the phone like every 2 minutes#but i havent slept all week#i havent slept properly the last 5 years#and i have been trying sleeping pills and everything#now im just too groggy to form proper sentences when i have to talk to neighbors when theyre loud and they think im high#people think im crazy either way because to make sure where the noise is coming from i have to walk through all the corridors of 7 floors#and people always see me and to make it less weird i talk to them but that only makes it more weird
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1nm806 · 8 months
nothin prompted this on here but. not to be dramatic but if one more 14 yr old on discord calls me (grown adult man) "kid" ill morph into a lampshade can they just not. it feels so weird when ppl younger than me do that like i get yall do it as endearment but PLEASE im AN ADULT !! /lh who tf r yall gonna call kid in ur life anyway u cant even by energy drinks or go to see the fnaf movie like calm down..
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autistichalsin · 4 months
Okok, so I've been thinking a lot about your post about Halsin always being in love with the player character in good runs and it reminded me of something: Halsin's platonic end in the epilogue proves your point a thousand times over.
So for a little context my tav and Halsin were very flirty with each other throughout the game, but she rejected him in Act 3, as her romance with Gale took first priority for her. (Idk if picking the flirty dialogue options effected his epilogue dialogue, but I dont think it does) So I ended the game with my tav being happily married to Gale and being close friends with Halsin... but it was so obvious that he was still in love with her!
When you platonically hug any of the other characters in the epilogue they'll be like "Oof! Thanks friend! Its good to see you!" But Halsin hits you with the longing gazes and sweet nothings like "Your embrace makes me feel safer than any armor could" and "if only we could stay like that forever"
And his little infodumping about ducks as he gives you the whittled duck he made... I know a neurodivergent expression of love when I see one.
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Like... maybe I just have Halsin brainrot, but THAT, to me, looks like an expression of heartaching longing.
YEAH the epilogue definitely gives STRONG evidence for this- not only because of what you pointed out with the hugs, but then the fact that the dialogue for "player in a poly relationship with Halsin who didn't go to the commune" and "platonic friend" are the same (minus a poly romanced player being able to ask for a kiss), which is why it comes across as so flirty and full of longing- it was written to be applicable to both, but with the result that now, he comes across as still in love with a non-romanced player! And the post-hug lines are the same for everyone, solo romanced, poly romanced, or friendly, hence him having such romantic things to say. And they're tight hugs, since you can say "oof, that's quite a squeeze you've put on me, Halsin!" which gets you a sheepish apology.
And you're SO RIGHT about the duck! That is a "I express affection through my special interests so here have my favorite thing, a duck" if there ever was one. He really just goes "aw fuck it" and stops masking at the epilogue- not getting that "you can say that again" wasn't literal? Being weirded out by the phrase "I'm all ears"? His lil awkward dance that shows he has ZERO rhythm at all?
OH, and, one other thing that is both autistic Halsin AND "I love the player" coded- when he sees you, he says, "you made it! Now the revelry can truly begin!" Showing that he blatantly favors you over everyone else, AND not quite being sensitive enough to realize that maybe that could be worded a little better.
So. Yeah. Halsin is always in love with you unless you raid the grove, and he is autistic AF. And that expression is FULL of longing, it's not just you.
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andiebomb · 5 months
Totally different than my regular posts but fuck u
(TW/ suicidal tendencies, chronic illness, vent)
No one understands type1 diabetes unless you actually have it, I was in the hospital (one time of many) for intentionally putting myself into DKA so that I could lose weight and then die (I’d look so hot in my casket) so the hospital called the crisis guy like how they normally would for an attempt,
but because it was a matter of me just giving up on having to CONSTANTLY monitor and be hyper vigilant of my body (WHICH REGULAR PEOPLE DONT HAVE TO DO) they were kinda clueless on how to effectively help me.
Normally when someone “gives up” it’s on their basic needs like eating, self care and shit like that but for me it was just stopping putting needles in myself, doing math to be able to eat and stabbing the tips of my fingers 20 times a day
I was exhausted, my life is basically being a 24 hour nurse for myself.
Plus I’m fat so having diabetes just means everyone blames my illness on myself, which isn’t how type 1 diabetes works! I didn’t do anything, I never drank soda, I rarely ate sugar but that’s how the general public thinks how people get diabetes! When actually my pancreas is just a little BITCH WHO CANT FIGHT BACK AT MY AMMUNE SYSTEM!
This crisis guy came into my hospital room and started giving a lecture on TYPE 2 DIABETES! I AM TYPE 1 THEY ARE VERY DIFFERENT! And even his lecture on type 2 was bullshit!
His man looks me in my eyes and says “if you wanna be happy lose weight by eating healthy and exercising. Your never going to be normal so stop acting like you are.”
…I am also autistic so I’ve struggled with feeling like a foreign creature, unhuman my whole life.
This man just reinforced every. Single. Reason. Why I wanted to kill myself.
And honestly after he said that I started sobbing. He left the room without guilt and said I was free to discharge.
Hearing that I fully started to laugh my ass off at the absurdity of the situation, this man WHOS JOB IS TO STOP ME FROM KILLING MYSELF just signed my death certificate.
Anywayyyyy hideduo is so cute!
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i think its especially funny when strangers make assumptions about your own personal beliefs on sex just because you're able to recognize that someone else's beliefs from sex differ from your own.
this is where i think everyone here being autistic is almost a hinderance to socialization blogs like aita sometimes because if you know me personally, i think everyone should be slutty ass cunts personally but i can also recognize that OTHERS dont hold that same opinion as me.
I'm not judging the situation based on my own personal beliefs, im judging situations based on what i think each POV feels like in that situation. it was clear from the way that anon was like "i already knew i didnt like her there wasnt a connection there" that the other girl in question does not want to engage in casual sex. in fact, she was probably waiting until she was sure anon girl liked her before she had sex with her.
which is why you should NEVER sleep with someone you've been romantic with when you ALREADY know you don't like them. sex will not make you catch feelings, regardless of what people claim about "not being handle fwbs" there is no known mechanism in sex that causes you to fall in love with your partners. we are not swans. we do not mate monogamous despite what our culture tells us we should be like.
some people will feel better about having sex in relationship contexts only and you have a responsibility to respect your partners' sexual autonomy. if anon girl had told the woman "hey you're fantastic to hang with but i am just not romantically interested in you. i do find you sexually attractive though" then the woman could have made an informed decision about sleeping with that anon with ALL pieces of information.
why didn't anon tell her she wasn't interested in a relationship BEFORE sleeping with her? you're not actually entitled to having sex with people who don't want to have sex with you outside of 1 particular context, actually.
idk yall i just find it hilarious that person was going off about how "sex isn't a holy act" as if i don't already think that 🙄🙄🙄
some of u need to learn that saying about assumptions u feel.
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xxxjarchiexxx · 7 months
i truly feel like the specter of evil fandom nerd has proliferated not because it happens often, because like. every type of fandom person happens often. we are on fandom website. maoists reblog anime, terfs reblog anime, marxists reblog anime, anarchists reblog anime, liberals reblog anime, etc. we all post fandom here for the most part. i think it actually has proliferated due to a mix of
1. harry potter and marvel are the most Fandom Associated fandoms, like when you imagine a fandomie, you picture that, and both are hotbeds of liberal bigots and also
2. the idea of the Bad Faking Autist has spread on here via the idea that the couple liberals saying they spread misinfo because theyre autistic is indicative of everyone who has a focus on an interest on their blog and handles interactions poorly, so the act of misunderstanding a post while having an interest youre attached to is immediately attributed to this stereotype of a person that rarely exists, like think about it if your argument against someone saying "sorry, im autistic so i didnt get it" is "well i know plenty of autistic people that dont act like that and also your blog is about a thing you like so you misunderstanding is a moral failing" than you are assuming about 800 things about this person based on the idea of a person you made in your head.
you have to be able to identify "sorry, im autistic so i didnt get it" from "so you hate autistic people because you corrected me" and also learn to identify people who are actual liberal bigots vs people you assume are because they misunderstood something and read fanfic. sometimes people just have interests and misunderstand things and sometimes you can be ableist or judgemental.
and because i am trapped on bad faith piss on the poor website:
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i feel like a lot of the time my autism struggles get swept under the rug because im so like more able to blend in when i need to but its so apparent To me all the time how different i am when its so hard for me to socialise with other people irl. everyone who talks to me irl im some fiendish freak. and i really did think that that feeling i felt in school where id say something and everyone would look at me like i just confessed to murder would go away but it never did it just got worse because now people (coworkers) outright ignore me when i speak to them because what i say actually has zero value to any of them and theyre not really interested in me at all. and a lot of the time im like its fine its whatever but it happens actually so much that it makes me sad i feel like a soundboard for people to talk over whenever they want to. and ive dealt with that my whole life always being pushed to the side in groups, always being talked over, nobody ever finding me funny, the awkward tension when i would say something and nobody would know what to say back. any attempt at small talk being blown off. some feeling of horrible alienation where i just never fit in well enough with everyone else. and people dont accommodate for your autism, and when you’re not visibly autistic enough they dont even acknowledge you’re autistic in the first place. people forget instead or act like you didn’t tell them in the first place. Nobody actually knows enough about it in the first place to even begin to understand. i know autistic people aren’t the only social group to feel that deep sense of alienation / distance from Other people in society but it eats me up inside the way people talk around me and know that if i tried to fit myself in i’d get told to back out. Laugh out loud. 
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matsuropalette · 2 years
honestly i think im full mad about it now. about leftists-especially ones on here-acting like being disabled is a moral failing but because you acknowledge we exist and say that they dont hate us yall think youte accessible. like so many of you are so fucking ableist because you cant seem to accept that some disabled people are genuinely, honestly, just barely managing to survive. do you actually recognize our struggles? do you understand how broad disability is? do you understand that some of the things you see as viable for everyone are very much not for so many disabled people? not every disabled person can make a phone call (what if theyre Deaf/hoh? what if they have a speech impediment? What if they cant hold a phone up to their ear for that long and speaker mode isnt an option?). not every disabled person can participate in a walkout on something (some of us need shit you would not think of to survive! autistic people. folks with eating disorders. people who need supplements and accessibility items and who cant go somewhere else.). not every disabled person can share posts (STOP SCREENSHOTTING TWITTER POSTS WITHOUT A FUCKING TRANSCRIPTION AND STOP SHARING UNDESCRIBED IMAGES IF YOU WANT DISABLED PEOPLE TO BE ABLE TO YOU KNOW ACCESS THEM). not every disabled person can fold paper or make food or even shit as basic to you as leave the house. and so many of you treat this like a moral fucking failing. like not being able to actively participate in activism is something disabled people are choosing to do to hurt other people.
but since you guys sometimes make sure you have a (probably inaccessible) ramp at your unmasked irl meetups clearly you cant be ableist as hell by refusing to think about disabled people who cant be activists for disability since clearly if we're ever actually hindered by our disability we're not .
and to my fellow disabled people reading this:
if you cant put spoons towards activism because you're just trying to get through the day every day? i love you. we do not have to be useful to society to have worth, and we do not have to be useful to any movement that we're expected to dedicate our spoons to.
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Hello, Autism nonny here with a very negative update :/…
So, after sending the message, I didn’t get a reply until yesterday. She said “Are you serious?? You don’t seem autistic.” I then explained to her that everyone on the spectrum is different and Autism doesn’t have a specific “look”, even though many people believe it does. I won’t go into detail but we had a very long conversation, she was really annoying me and it didn’t even seem like she was trying to understand at all, when I’d put so much effort into writing the message (it took me days). I got angry and she got angry and it turned into an argument (all via text). I said something along the lines of “why can’t you see how hard this is for me” (although in a more heated way) and she replied with “Not my fault you’re a (r-slur).”.....yeah.
Since then, she’s messaged me and apologised multiple times and told me it was something she said in the heat of the moment, when she was angry, she didn’t mean it at all. I want to believe her but, honestly, that doesn’t seem like something you’d say in the “heat of the moment”. And I have a nasty feeling that, in that period of time before she apologised, she said something untrue to my other friends or twisted the words of my first message and made me seem like a freak. (This is one of the disadvantages of everything being online).
I seriously worked myself up about it last night and cried for hours haha (I’m sensitive, okay?) and now I really dunno what to do. I don’t have to see her (or any of my other classmates) in person for at least a month, maybe longer, but I’m really worried. I’m honestly not sure whether i want to forgive her because, even though I dont believe she’d deliberately be ableist or anything, I really don’t trust her anymore. This is basically a repeat of what happened last time and it’s all a huge fucking mess. And, sad as this is, I don’t have many other friends, so now I don’t know where I stand with them. Now I have to go to online school and pretend nothing happened which is gonna be fun...not. I really can’t deal with this on top of everything else I’ve been dealing with and I’m very stressed.... joy.
Right, sorry for ranting again, and sorry to not be able to say anything positive...
Nonny xxx
(referencing this thread)
Hey Nonny *HUGS*
Oh goodness, I am so so sorry that everything went tits up. Unfortunately, this is something I don’t think I should say “you must / mustn’t” other than, do what you feel in your heart is right. 
For me personally, your friend crossed a line and broke your trust when she used re*d as a slur against you, especially after you pouring your heart out, taking time out to explain yourself, only to then turn around and act first like Not-Your-Friend as an initial response after DAYS of having the information, and THEN acting like her outburst was no big deal? I’m sorry, but that’s a dick move, and you have every right to be upset and angry. Google exists, she has no excuse for NOT learning about autism and what NOT to do when a friend tells her something deeply personal.
In my humble opinion, she showed her true colours here. She’s supposed to be your closest friend and she calls you a slur in a fit of rage? Fuck off with that nonsense.
I’m not in the habit of breaking up friendships, and I also react rather badly to someone hurting me, and I MAY have just been overly defensive here. And while I don’t think it’s your job to educate her (again, Google exists), perhaps say “look, what you said hurt me, and broke my trust in you. I’m willing to remain friends but please know that it will take me some time to not feel like you’re always judging me. In the meantime, I politely request you read [insert link to information about your type of autism here] and understand why it hurts me what you did. We’re supposed to be friends, and if I can’t trust you to even accept me, I don’t see how this can ever be resolved.”
Okay, maybe not EXACTLY like that, because it’s still kinda passive aggressive, but you get the picture: let her know you are hurt, feel betrayed and unworthy of her friendship, and offer some education for her. It leaves the ball in her court on whether she wants to be the one to break up the friendship or not.
Which again, will reveal her true colours, and a person like that isn’t worth having in your life. Yes, we are all flawed individuals, and are ALL ignorant of things until we learn more about something, and that’s just being human. What makes one a good human is if one is open to listening and being empathetic to others. That’s important, I think.
I’m so sorry sorry Nonny. I know my word is pointless, but let me say here: You are fine just as you are. I’m sorry you have to go through this... having a crumbling friendship is a terrible thing to go through. Big hugs to you, and I hope for the best for you and that it all turns around <3
Love you Nonny <3
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im mostly just seeking advice and to spill all my thoughts somewhere if thats okay.
okay so, ive had this friend for a while (2 years) and our friendship has been a bit rocky i guess. they're very rude but excuse it with "oh no its okay im just joking its a lighthearted rude" but it still ends up hurting my feelings and they know this. most of our issues come from them saying something really rude and me getting upset about it and then the friend going "its just a joke" (semi relevant- im autistic, they know this, they know i actively struggle with tone and conveying words). anytime i try to bring up a problem, they get defensive and it kinda goes "hey, you did this and it upset me and id like you to apologize" and they respond "ok yeah but you literally didnt tell me you were upset before so its not my fault" (even tho its pretty clear i was uncomfortable) and just blaming me and ugh. im very tired of it because this has happened enough times to where i can basically guess correctly on all the excuses and blaming they put in anytime i bring up anything. other friends of mine have told me that i should just drop them as a friend, but i still care about them. this really irritates me but theyre also a close friend. im mostly struggling with the thought of "is this something worth trying to fix ? or should i just step away for a while" theyve been aware of their problems mostly since like the day i met them and its just frustrating they havent changed but i dont think theyre an awful person. sorry for rambling, i just needed to get all of this out lol i hope this made sense. i hope anyone who sees this has a good day :) -fawn
Hi Fawn,
I'm sorry to hear your friend isn't treating you well!! You deserve to surround yourself with people who lift you up and treat you well.
I understand the hesitancy of cutting off a close friend. But most people you meet aren't meant to be in your life forever. I'm a firm believer everyone you meet is there to teach you something. In this case, I think this friend is teaching you that you don't like to be treated in a "I'm being mean but it's a joooooke" kind of way. And that's fine!! I also hate when people act like that!!
I'm glad to see you're able to speak up for yourself, that's a wonderful skill to have. Unfortunately, your friend does not wish to change to ensure you're feeling safe and comfortable.
When you tell them something upsets you, and they counter with "well you didn't tell me", you can just say "I'm telling you now. Please stop, I don't appreciate the way you talk about me and I'm telling you to stop it." If they don't listen, please please PLEASE reconsider them as a friend!!! 2 years is not that long to be friends, you've spent time and energy trying to be their friend when all they do is act badly and not listen to you.
If you don't want it to be dramatic, just slowly cut them off. Stop answering their messages quickly (or at all), leave them on read, don't make plans, don't engage with them basically. If they ask why, just tell them you're busy. Or you can say it's because of their continued actions towards you.
Whatever you decide, please remember you don't deserve to be spoken to rudely or condescendingly.
Hopefully this helps!!
Mod Soul
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bbq-hawks-wings · 3 years
Who are your fave characters in bnha (aside from hawks) and your least liked. In a "i dont like this one as a character or/and as a person" kind of way or even they're just meh to you.
This is a good and surprisingly complicated question! I'll try to give at least three from each category with my reasoning as I like most of the characters for one reason or other but marking down favorites and least favorites is not as straightforward as I first thought.
I love that most of Horikoshi's characters are either loveable, likeable, enjoyable to hate, or leave a benevolently indifferent impression. There's not really many characters that get on my nerves for just existing.
Except Mineta. He can die in a ditch. But that's too easy for our purposes he doesn't count. This time...
Mina is a character I just really am drawn to every time she shows up. She's described as a people person, and as a cautious introvert who often feels the need to put on appearances to make friends in a "you do not have a high enough friendship level to unlock my tragic backstory" kind of way, I feel like if she were a person I could just relax and enjoy myself around her. She isn't dismissive of people's real fears or insecurities and prefers to let herself be the best she is right now in all of her dumbass glory. I really, really love her even if I don't give her a lot of love often.
Iida is another character I gravitate towards despite not showcasing him often. I'm just always happy to see him and his dorky, admirable self. It's like you could look up "square" in the dictionary and his picture would apply to basically all possible definitions, but it's a good thing. He's conscious and proactive even if he seems overbearing, and it's just his way of protecting his family and friends' security and happiness. It makes me feel like I would be safe and cared for in his presence, you know? Bonus points for his wholesome adoration of his big brother (who is also a majorly underappreciated background character, imo), and I can't help but headcanon him as autistic. I literally can't not see it every time he shows up at this point.
Gotta give the last spot to Fatgum. Another detail about Horikoshi's character writing I adore is that the "obvious" thing about a character usually does not end up taking up the bulk of their characterization or is usually never focused on for too long. They have lives and identities outside of one or two traits. Being huge and fat like Fatgum in a Japanese society that usually runs smaller and thinner than the rest of the world (and that is never canonically shied away from) would usually be focus of his entire character in most other series. Here, it's just a blip on his entire sheet - an important one to be sure, but it's just been embraced as a part of who he is from so far back it's beyond old news for him. Confidence, focus, determination, and enabling others' personal growth is where it's at as far as he's concerned, and I am here for it! He's just so set and comfortable in his skin that he's got more than enough to give others a boost if he can offer it.
Horikoshi has a lot of empathetic characters that feel more like people than tropes (especially in the world of anime overrun with cookie cutter personalities to fill flashy but otherwise empty character designs), so there aren't many characters I just genuinely don't like or care for. That said, there has been a pattern I've been noticing, and wouldn't you know it happens to correlate with traits I don't like in real people, either.
I cannot stand people who can never admit they can be wrong. I mean those people that might say how everyone in their family or all their last group of friends hate them/left them or how their ex was crazy and when you ask if maybe they had any idea why they go, "OMG, I don't know! 😭😭😭 I just can't seem to find anyone who will love me for who I am, warts and all. 😇😇😇"
Sure, Jan.
So about the villains! To be fair, not even close to all the villains fit this bill. Most of them I either unironically love (like Rappa and Gentle Criminal) or love to hate (Dabi and Shigaraki). It just so happens that no "hero" character happens to grate or push my buttons in a way that leaves me either negatively ambivalent towards them or outright hating them. (Save one...)
Toga. Get your pitchforks, folks! BBQ is on the menu! I actually don't hate her or even dislike her. She's just not a character I can have sympathy for for very long. In a situation I couldn't just walk away from and hope to never see her again, she'd get some stern words a la Ochako a long time ago. Especially at her age I get where she's coming from and how she feels, but while asking people to just conform without question under threat of punishment is not inherently good, it's not unreasonable in her case and it's troubling she seemed to one day snap and decide she was being unduly repressed and killed someone when she looked like she otherwise had a normal life. I completely give her some grace for clearly having an "pretend it isn't there and it'll go away" kind of help, but she's capable (at least now) of realizing why people are repulsed by her behavior and that it's not unfounded. She needs much better help than what she got and certainly more than what the League offers.
I have similar problems with Spinner. He has a reasonable-enough justification for wanting to lash out at broader society, but he largely refused to help himself before the League of Villains and he'll always be working with a handicap in my book thanks to that. If he was living with parents and couldn't escape to a larger city with more inclusive attitudes towards heteromorphs I could understand, but it looked like he lived alone and either managed to finance his lifestyle or supplemented with government aid anyway, so points lost there as well. He relies on others to give him meaning, first Stain and then Shigaraki; and even then only acts on it because they give him permission to act out his aggressions in an environment that doesn't hold him accountable for it or ask him to do something constructive to change it. That came out harsher than I intended, but I really am not able to give him much room either way in this case.
Monoma. Ah, yes. The Exception™. Sorry, buddy. It's not like I don't get it. You've got a lot more in common with Bakugo than you probably like, but your brand of inferiority complex is just... Unhinged? Grossly inappropriate and misplaced? My dude, you gotta stop trying to knock others down to make yourself feel better by comparison, you can and will destroy your life doing that. I get that having a quirk that requires you to play second-fiddle is infuriating, but that's where you really need to leverage your individuality and be certain what defines your character in a vacuum. At that point you can find a way to leverage other's quirks in ways even they can't because of the sole fact that they aren't you. I know easier said than done, but I am rooting for you, buddy!
That was fun! Thanks for the ask! It's interesting to break down my gut feelings about the characters like this. I enjoyed it a lot!
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summoner-of-mist · 5 years
i dont care about what your intention but if you say shit like “just act normal” or whatever please know that that kinda shit has always and probably will always be anti-autistic ableist shit
not everyone can so easily “be normal” and the ones who struggle with it the most are mostly ND people and other minority or marginalized groups
the same with calling people “freaks” that shit has always been used against LGBT people, disabled people, and ND people and i dont care what your intention is because this shit is still harming us and you continuing to use it while knowing that is only contributing to it
what is considered “normal” is also very much defined in our society by what cishet white able-bodied NT christian men think we should all look and act like anyways so why do y’all seem to wanna uphold that so fucking badly huh?
and before anyone clowns on this post just fucking dont okay? please?
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unwelcome-ozian · 5 years
.Why do you equate mass shootings with white supremacy? A few have been, sure. Not every shooting is purported by white supremacists. And not every shooting is a choice either. It can result from bullying, abusive parenting, suppressing of gender identity and all kinds of things that eat at them until they are mentally scattered and unhinged.
2 Programming can sometimes contribute. Schizophrenia and dehumanization can contribute. Being forced to live in a society that doesnt accept, having everything monitored to the point of breaking, programming like being drugged out can contribute. It’s not even like all mass shooters are even white. I cant believe you are minimizing trauma and abuse to simply White Supremacy. Yes not all mentally I’ll are violent, no, it’s not all an act of racial violence, even if a few are.
Is there no abuse in society? Is it always simply white supremacy when someone breaks and is very irrational due to not even being able to think with everyone breathing down their damn neck and cant even think without being policed? Is it white supremacy to be abused to the point they are a potential danger to society, maybe they feel like they’ll never be productive or he feels like a defective female and male because he was raised to be that way?Utterly callous and insensitive Nice gaslighting
Also maybe I am completely out of the loop on these things but how is shooting a bunch of other white people an act of white supremacy? How is someone who shoots people he perceives to be bullies an act of white supremacy?
What it is like to almost reach mass shooter status is where you arent allowed to do any physical activity or rough house with anyone and people put shackles on you by abusing neglecting and raping you and potentially even drugging you until your brain breaks and words and actions become like daggers and bats. And that’s because you havent been allowed sleep or adequate portions of food and because you cant let your anger and emotions out they start giving you rashes and in your brain as
as a person with DID you can only see yourself as having scars and black eyes and broken fingers and of you speak someone will cut out your tongue and.. you through windows and criticizing everything and setting traps and.. I’m not looking to get unhinged from this further so Ill stop. Its insensitive to look at an issue that intersects with abuse and bullying as only white supremacy. Maybe it just hit a soft spot from a much rougher time for us Is it not abuse if it occurs in a school setting?
I’m not even finishing my rant because you don’t deserve to hear my story. I’m a strong beautiful survivor who is worth much more than that And my story is much more genuine and importance then you will ever understand. Its not some nazi wet dream. I doubt you care but I wont follow a blog who minimizes abuse of children because its in a school setting instead of a home setting. It’s gross. My healing journey doesnt need ppl like this anywhere near it. I hope you mature one day.
Itsnot because of my RA or because I was abused as an autistic or had my gender identity suppressed and had another beaten into me its because Im a white supremacist and all my pains are invalid and I should quit whining and try to push it down when I cant and doing that makes me break out in rashes and become irrational because I’m so used to doing it. Grow up. No one wants to help eliminate child abuse in schools stop systematic child torture And you are no different. I chose this. Okay.
Okay this is my last message but just to clarify white supremacy as well as banning guns ends all the violence (although it would stop a lot of it) are scapegoats. One shifts the blame away from RA, from our current school issues, the other doesnt address why ppl are turning out the way they are. Anyway. I wont look at this blog anymore. I dont have to, and the content you post is your choice I understand. Its better to speak up than stay quiet though.
Here is the post you are referring to.
Tumblr media
Why do you equate mass shootings with white supremacy? 
 Because there is an association.
In the two weeks since a gunman killed 22 people in El Paso law enforcement officials say they have thwarted at least seven separate mass shootings or white supremacist attacks across the US.
At least four of the alleged foiled plots also appeared to involve men espousing far-right viewpoints and racist ideologies, with echoes of the Texas massacre. Aug 22, 2019
April 2019
1 killed in mass shooting targeting a synagogue in Poway, California, US.
March 2019
51 killed in mass shootings targeting two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand.
October 2018
11 killed in a mass shooting targeting the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US.
October 2018
Man attempted to enter black church before allegedly killing two black people in a supermarket in Kentucky, US.
January 2017
Six people killed during evening prayers at a mosque in Quebec City, Canada.
For a comprehensive list go here: LINK
Not every shooting is purported by white supremacists. And not every shooting is a choice either.
Nowhere in that post did it say EVERY shooting. So you are correct.  In the context of the post yes EVERY shooting is a choice.
Careful using absolutes like; always, all, every, and never. Things rarely are 100 percent, that’s the reason things must be kept in context.  So, throughout this reply, I’m going to continually place things back in context for you by referring to the post that you are upset about.
It’s not even like all mass shooters are even white. I cant believe you are minimizing trauma and abuse to simply White Supremacy. 
Again, out of context, nowhere in that post did it say ALL are white. It says ‘being a white supremacist is not a mental illness, it’s a choice.’
Do you know what a choice is in the context of the post? I’ll explain in this context, it means someone choosing, willfully saying, ‘I choose to hate someone solely based on their race, country of origin, ethnicity, religion and for no other reason.’  That is a choice. 
And again, in the context of the post: White supremacy isn’t a mental health issue. 
Itsnot because of my RA or because I was abused as an autistic or had my gender identity suppressed and had another beaten into me its because Im a white supremacist and all my pains are invalid and I should quit whining and try to push it down when I cant 
For clarification, are you saying you’re a white supremacist? Or….
 Anyway. I wont look at this blog anymore. I dont have to, and the content you post is your choice I understand. Its better to speak up than stay quiet though.
That’s fine, you don’t have to look at this Tumblr, it is your choice. Like being a white supremacist is a choice.
Mental health issues however are not a choice. Depression, not a choice.  Schizophrenia, not a choice.  DID, not a choice. Bi-polar, you guessed it, not a choice. BPD, not a choice. EDs, not a choice. The mental health issues people live with absolutely not a choice. We agree there.
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anarchistsuggestion · 5 years
hey, vaccinate your kids you jerks!!!
thanks for coming to my essay! now that i have your attention, i think we should stop talking about anti-vaxxers like theyre all backwards hyper-religious dumbasses. like, im frustrated too, and i agree that "personal/religious reasons" should not allow someone to keep their kids unvaccinated. furthermore, as an autistic person, i despise the myth that vaccines cause autism. i especially hate that it scares people into avoiding vaccines, because theres nothing wrong with me.
but ridiculing these people will only make the problem worse, and here's why: i think that a lot of anti-vaxxers and their communities are used to feeling like the most important aspects of their cultural identities are universally mocked or demonised (im not qualified to say whether these feelings reflect reality in every case, but either way im just talking about feelings, ie, what people think we believe about their culture). for instance, my only knowledge of amish people comes from jokes ive seen others make about them. yes, none of these jokes were very serious, and its easy for me to laugh at them because im not amish, but despite my low empathy i can understand that it just feels bad to hear a whole bunch of jokes about something important to you. i'll get back to this point in a moment.
anyway, i bring up the amish because in 2014, there were measles outbreaks in some amish communities in Ohio. and i think that a lot of the people who dont vaccinate their kids are used to being ridiculed for their "weird" or "new age" or "hyper-religious" or "unchristian" lifestyles, so they just see our concern as more of that mockery. we all sound the same to them, and cant you see why?
"ughh all these people ignoring science and being stubborn about vaccines because their church said--" you sound like one of those atheists. if you cant say anything productive, please stay out of the discussion. why do you act like ridiculing people will change their minds? we should be reaching out, instead.
we need to make the effort to approach anti-vaxxers in a way that distinguishes us from those who only converse with them to mock them.
i want more people to understand that the best way to change someone's mind when they're defensive is by listening. you need to be willing to accept whatever they might rant about, and respect that, even if their fears seem ridiculous, even if their fears are rooted in ableism, their fears still terrify them. thats why theyre called fears. you can validate someone's feelings of anxiety and confusion without validating their bigotry, and you must be willing to accept that this is work. this is difficult. it's much, much harder than yelling your opinions. it's exhausting, and sometimes it doesn't even pay off. sometimes you just can't convince somebody, and you have to be able to accept that.
if this seems too hard for you, i have good news: you do not have to do it. this kind of thing is not for everyone, and it's okay if you just don't want to. this doesn't have to be your responsibility.
i only ask that you stop making things worse by (performatively, in the case of yall who arent in danger of dying/losing a loved one to a preventable disease) mocking anti-vaxxers, because we are the ones who need something from them. we are asking them to face their fears (which were sometimes instilled in them very early in their childhood) for the good of humanity. i don't know about all of you, but i'd be hesitant at best to face even my third worst fear (spiders) for the sake of strangers who regularly mock my culture and heritage, and i know for a fact that most spiders cannot harm me!
this is natural. this is human. it is easy to dismiss things you dont understand, and it's even easier to dismiss them when all the scientific evidence agrees with you. however, your evidence does not make these people's experiences and fears less real for them. it does not lessen the effect their fear has on their choices. knowing that a tarantula won't hurt me if i follow certain guidelines will not stop me from shaking and having a breakdown if i think too hard about touching one. knowing that nothing bad would happen doesn't motivate me to go over to the science building at my college and ask to hold their fucking tarantula.
there are no shortcuts here. if we want anti-vaxxers to accept vaccines and stop putting so much effort towards keeping their children unvaccinated, we have to convince them that they don't need to be afraid of vaccines. we need to actually address their concerns. telling them their fears are ridiculous is just not convincing no matter how much scientific evidence you have. this discussion has become too performative. people just tell anti-vaxxers to vaccinate their kids, and they dont bother to address the fear that motivates their opponents. they don't care that they're asking people to trust a yelling internet stranger with their child's health.
it is inconsiderate to demand things from people without stopping to think about what you're asking for. please think about it from their point of view. if vaccines were dangerous, and they vaccinated their kids, then anything bad that happened to their kids due to the vaccines would be their responsibility. and remember, these people have not been given a convincing reason to believe vaccines are harmless. okay? they do not want to be at fault for their children getting hurt. yes, they are wrong. yes, they are frustrating. yes, they are endangering immunocompromised people like my dad, but there is a huge difference between being malicious and being misguided. please do not treat them like they set out to hurt you.
also? stop telling them to care about other people when you don't care enough about them to respect that they're doing their best with the resources they have. stop saying "i dont know how to explain to you that you should care about other people" when you really just want them to magically stop being scared. maybe you say it out of genuine frustration and bewilderment, but when everyone is saying it, it comes across like a smug 'gotcha!' phrase that excuses you from spending more energy on the debate. you can just say youre tired and stop.
i am trying to explain to you that you should care that these people have felt scammed/hurt by the medical industry enough times that they feel justified in risking the health of their whole family (assuming they even think vaccines work). you should care that theyve never been given a convincing reason to trust remedies promoted by rich strangers who make claims that sound too good to be true. the government has promoted harmful things to underprivileged people before, like milk (it took me a half hour to sift through unrelated stuff about soy milk to confirm this, so i'll go ahead and link my source). it is logical to mistrust an industry that operates for the profit of people youve never met. not everyone trusts the FDA to keep the pharmaceutical industry in check, and it's actually pretty smart to rely on direct accounts from people you know personally when you aren't sure how well something actually works, and you dont trust the ones selling it to you.
with that in mind, talking to people is probably the best way to tackle this issue, but many of you haven't bothered to compile introductory information about vaccines. you havent bothered to present these resources in a way that doesn't ridicule people who are scared. i am trying to explain to you that you shouldn't debate with people if you won't treat them like humans. i am trying to explain to you that "you dont actually care about others" is a hurtful and manipulative sentiment, and when you say it to people who are trying their best, you become part of the problem. you reinforce their mistrust. i am trying to explain to you that trusting doctors doesnt make you morally superior.
put yourself in their shoes for a moment. imagine that someone comes up to you and makes it clear that they think the choices you've made as a parent are ridiculous. they make claims about your child without offering proof, or the only proof they offer also mocks you and people like you (or they just tell you to "google it"). furthermore, they tell you that unless you give in, something bad will happen to their own children, and it will be your fault.
this is manipulative. even if you are correct, it is manipulative. demanding that someone treat their child in a way that they consider harmful is just ridiculous and i don't know why you expect people to listen to you. do you expect this to be easy? do you honestly believe that if someone isn't converted within minutes, they're just being stubborn? do you think these people know the truth, and only persist out of spite?
these questions are necessary, because many of you talk about anti-vaxxers as though the answer is 'yes.' there is a difference between being correct and treating people right. please be more aware of that line in the future, and do your best not to cross it.
oh, and by the way, if i see any of you using this year's measles outbreaks as an excuse to be hateful towards jewish people, i will block and report you. antivaxxers usually arent malicious, and if you perceive orthodox jewish antivaxxers as being worse than other antivaxxers, you need to rethink your beliefs. they arent rejecting vaccines just to hurt you. maybe theyre tired of being demonised and blamed for everything from climate change to unemployment to dead kids*, and theyre unwilling to trust random people with something as important as the health of their children when a lot of us have never bothered to listen to their struggles. (* ive seen a whole lot of people saying things that border on blood libel without quite involving blood during these discussions, so can we all agree to be careful not to do anything that resembles that shit now that ive provided a handy link about what it is? thanks)
lastly, all of this criticism of anti-anti-vaxxers is very easy for me to say because i have less of a personal stake in the issue. i know it must hurt in a way i can't currently understand to lose someone to a preventable disease. if i have made anyone feel dismissed or invalidated in this essay post, i'm sorry for doing so, and i want to make it clear that it is okay if you hate anti-vaxxers. i know their fear has hurt you, and i wouldn't ask you to pretend otherwise. i dont want to make any of you feel like you shouldn't talk about your experiences and fears. i'm just asking that, before you hit the post button, you read through your post and edit out anything manipulative or guilt-trippy. your contributions to this conversation are valuable, and i want the people youre trying to convince to be able to read them without feeling like they have to defend themselves instead of listening to you. the culture around this debate has become almost hostile, and while we dont all need to work directly with anti-vaxxers to make it better, we do all need to agree to stop making it worse.
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musashi · 6 years
do you have any tips for how to raise your self-esteem? i know that youve been on both sides and i just dont remember the last time i actually liked myself :s
kin a self-obsessed super villainess and every time u hate urself be like “SHIT SHE’D NEVER SAY THAT IM SO INVALID”
no but in all honesty i just fuckin lied to myself until my third eye opened and i realized it wasn’t actually a lie. a lot of it was also metacognition and logical fallacies. like, i only hate people who are mean and horrible, what about ME makes me think i am that? if i could pinpoint something, i would change myself to be closer to the kind of person i would like. but if it was something harmless i hated about myself, i would work on fighting back against whatever it was that made me feel shameful for that harmless thing.
for instance, a flaw i had growing up was that i grew up in an abusive household and thus came out of it a compulsive liar as a survival mechanism. that really fucking annoyed me about myself, because i didn’t even try and i still did it! so i worked hard to unlearn that behaviour, and i felt better about myself knowing i had changed for the better.
something i hated myself over that wasn’t a flaw was, well, being autistic? i hated myself because i talked too much about pokemon and went on longer than anyone wanted to hear about it. i examined that--was i hurting anyone? no, i wasn’t, i was just enjoying myself. so why did i hate myself for it? well, because everyone from my teachers to my peers to my parents told me i needed to shut the fuck up because no one cared. they were clearly in the wrong there--so, i learned to internalize that message. they were wrong. i didn’t hurt anyone. i shouldn’t hate a part of myself if it isn’t hurting anyone.
i did this for everything. deeply examined the things i had been conditioned to loathe, personality and looks. my crooked overbite and my loud voice and my wellspring of mental illness and my fat fat body w my short little legs. i thought about how i wasn’t born hating them, i had learned to from outside influence. i thought about how on anyone else, i would find those traits incredibly attractive. i thought about how if i hated myself so much, why was i also so convinced i was a special exception? like, okay wendy, you really think the universe is so centered around you that you’re somehow the ONLY fat woman in existence who DOESN’T look good in a crop top? take it back a notch, sweetie. you ain’t special.
but what no one tells you is that doesnt always work! if you hate yourself enough logic has no fucking reasoning. so i just fucking lied to myself! i lied to myself every day. i told myself i was beautiful and perfect, a golden goddess above the world, its mercy under my heel. i told myself that not only was i the one standing out in the crowd, i was truly extraordinary, one of a kind. i was over dramatic about it! i overinflated my ego to the a level that was cartoonish in how vain i was pretending to be. i would do something i thought absolutely embarrassing and disgusting and then lean back on my heels with a sly-eyed smile and inform the nearest passerby that i was, in fact, the most gorgeous and elegant creature walking god’s green earth. sarcastically, of course. it was all a joke.
...except eventually, it wasn’t. you see, it turns out that when you build yourself up with positive reinforcement like that, even if you don’t believe it, it actually internalizes itself on its own. your brain’s a weird fucking organ! you can classically condition it to love every single trait you hate about yourself and feel garbage about. it’s just a dumb fucking lump of meat, it can’t tell the difference if you work hard enough at it.
a great motivator is also spite. i’ve had a lot of wrong done unto me and i’m fucking mad about it, so i try to make myself bigger and more present to personally piss off everyone who’s tried to snuff out my flame. loving yourself is a very radical act, especially in a society that values dark and gritty self-loathing. it doesn’t even have to be to spite your enemies. sometimes i think about how white straight cishet males benefit off my suffering and self-hatred and it’s enough to keep me adoring myself for weeks at a time.
another good thing to do is cut out negative people whenever you’re able. i stopped following stupid depression/trauma meme blogs in 2016 and it was really good for my mental health. i stopped saying shit like “i wanna die” and “i hate myself” even in a hyperbolic fashion. i replaced it with, again, sarcastic self-love. if there were any people in my life who made me feel bad about harmless things i did, i shamelessly told them i was fucking off to find better company. your friends should never make you feel bad for who you are if who you are has done no wrong.
and, to tie it back home, doing the wonder woman pose in the mirror every morning and laughing like jessie team rocket really does help. u gotta laugh from the chest. full bodied and confident. like you are absolutely 100% getting that pikachu today. but that part’s optional. mostly. 
sorry this is a wall im really bad at articulating myself but tl;dr: lie to yourself until you believe it, cut out negativity even if you think its insignificant, thrive out of spite for everyone whos’ ever hurt you
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