#and disguised as zelda on top of that
pitchblackespresso · 5 months
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Not Her
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tenderleavesbob · 6 days
"Did he ever tell you about Sheik?"
"Which Sheik?"
"His Sheik. Princess Zelda's... disguise? Alternate self? I never did get anyone to clear that up for me."
Warriors hummed and held out his glass for a refill. Malon poured him some LonLon moonshine and then refilled her own glass. They quit wine thirty minutes ago. Most of the chain took one glance at them and the bottles surrounding them this afternoon and left them alone. Time and his concussion and his busted leg were sulking in his and Malon's bedroom.
The idiot deserved them gossiping about him, Warriors thought. Time should have known better than to pull that stunt.
"A little bit," Warriors said. He sipped his moonshine. It didn't burn like it had earlier.
"He had such a crush on him," Malon said. Warriors hummed and nodded. He hadn't wanted to say anything if Time hadn't told Malon, but it made sense that he had. He was so happy that his youngest had made such a good relationship with Malon. "It's a little funny. He has a crush on Sheik but not Queen Zelda. I wouldn't mind bringing the queen into our bed, but I can't say Sheik does anything for me."
Warriors paused before taking another sip of his moonshine. He hadn't expected that to come out of this conversation. He mentally shrugged. What better time to discuss it? "He knew my Princess Zelda was masquerading as Sheik. I think it's different for the two, though. I think your queen is sometimes Zelda and sometimes Sheik." He shook his head and smiled. "He actually told her that his Sheik had a better ass. The little shit."
Malon laughed so hard that moonshine came out of her nose. Warriors whistled and got her a towel. That had to sting.
Glasses topped off and mess cleaned up, they sat down again. Voices rose briefly upstairs before quieting again.
"What else did he say?" Malon asked. She leaned over the table toward him. Her eyes were very bright and her cheeks were almost as red as her hair. Warriors wanted to pinch her cheek.
...maybe it was time to start wrapping up.
After another story, maybe.
Warriors leaned forward, too. He grinned and something about his expression made Malon giggle. "He heard all these ridiculous stories from soldiers and Knights about how they romanced their partners back home and he wanted to know what to do, too." He tried to take a drink and almost made a mess when he snickered at the same time. "He told me some of the stories he had heard from his travels and the other people he had seen and decided he didn't like any of it. He wanted my advice. My advice. I didn't want anything to do with flirting. I wanted to know how to make people stop flirting with me."
Malon laughed at him. Warriors stuck out his tongue at her and froze with his tongue still out of his mouth. He really needed to wrap up. As she continued laughing at him, Warriors sniffed and took another drink.
"Want nothin' to do with sex and guess what?" Warriors took another sip. "Turns out your boy knew what every other race did but not Hylians. Next thing I know, I'm the one giving him the full talk." He paused dramatically while he took another drink. His glass was almost empty. When did that happen.
"Well?" Malon demanded. She went to refill their glasses but paused when her hand wavered. She scowled at her hand like it had personally betrayed her.
"Well," Warriors drawled, grinning like an idiot, "he wanted all the details. You know. For when he returned home." He toasted her with his glass before finishing it off. "So he would know how to deal with you and Sheik. Ambitious little shit!"
Malon threw her head back and laughed so hard she fell out of her chair. Warriors gave in and cackled like a fool.
"Wars?" Time's voice floated from upstairs. "What are you telling her? Warriors? What are you telling her?!"
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minty-mumbles · 1 year
Ooh how about “Was too hard on them” with Warriors?
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The "them" Warriors is being too hard on is, in fact, Warriors himself. This man needs therapy
This prompt fill turned out to be pretty light on the whump. I was going to add a part about Warriors having a leg injury on top of being exhausted, but I decided to go easy on him lol
Warriors had been homesick lately. 
When Zelda had called him to her private study and asked him to investigate the strange portals popping up around Hyrule, he’d agreed without hesitation. At the time, he had feared lingering magic from Cia had infected the land and was drawing more monsters from across time and space to this era.
He hadn’t expected the portals to have a different, much darker master. He hadn't expected a portal to drag him in with no warning and snap shut behind him with no chance of return. He hadn't expected to be gone for months with no way to contact his family or the Queen.
He hadn’t known it then, but when he'd been spat out of the portal and into a goat pen with a certain rancher leaning over him, it had been the start of a months-long quest. A months-long quest without a glimpse of his home, his friends, his family. 
Goddess, what he wouldn’t give for a hug from his father or an affectionate hair ruffle from his sister. (Not that he would ever, ever voice that thought aloud, but... still.)
Now that he thought about it, they all probably thought he was dead. He wondered if they’d held a funeral for him, or if they were still holding out hope that he was alive somewhere.
Probably not.
It had been months since he last saw them. Almost half a year. 
He had to admit, he’d been hoping for a break lately. A break that took them to his era, preferably. At this point, the group of heroes had visited everyone’s home era except for his. He was getting sick of entering a new portal and getting his hopes up, only to not recognize the new area the group was dumped in.
Warriors was sure he'd been able to disguise just how tired he'd been lately. Some of the other heroes were catching on, but he thought he was hiding his near-permanent exhaustion pretty well. 
All he needed was some time to relax. Truly relax. 
He wanted good food without having to worry about where to forage or hunt that day. He wanted to sleep without having to set up a watch schedule or pay for rooms in an inn. He wanted to take a bath, for Hylia’s sake, and not have to do it in a freezing cold river.
Of course, the burden of leadership did not only fall to Warriors. For once, he wasn’t the one giving the orders. That was mostly Time’s responsibility. But Warriors was more than used to commanding his men, and he did his best to make sure Time didn’t push himself too far. 
But being dumped into an active war zone was not what Warriors had meant when he’d prayed for the next portal to bring him to his era. 
They were technically in his Hyrule, yes, but not somewhere he’d ever been before, and definitely not anywhere he could relax. 
The latest portal had dumped them in front of an old fortress that was located on the far outskirts of Hyrule. The fortress had been abandoned long before Warriors had been born and it had stayed that way, even throughout the war. It was too far away from Castle Town for either side of the war to see much of an advantage in occupying it. There’d been no need for him to ever go there before.
But now, it appeared that a small contingency of monsters had taken up residency in the fort. The citizens from a nearby village had sent an entreaty to the Queen for intervention, and Zelda had obliged, sending a troop to clear it out.
Warriors had quickly been recognized by the soldiers guarding the front gate, and the heroes were led inside with general excitement from the soldiers.
Apparently, he hadn’t been officially declared dead yet, but the general consensus in the army was that he’d been killed in action. These soldiers seemed pleased that it wasn’t true. They especially seemed pleased that he showed up with reinforcements.
The villagers had evidently underestimated the number of monsters in the fort- a small army was probably the best description- and Zelda hadn’t sent enough soldiers for them to easily be able to take the fort.
These weren't the soldiers that Warriors had led during the war, but he knew the captain that led them and knew her to be a loyal soldier to Hyrule. He had no worries that the soldiers under her command would turn traitor, so that was one less thing for him to worry about.
But there was still too much to worry about for him to relax.
Warriors sighed, staring at the map in front of him. It was a carefully hand-drawn rendition of the fortress. Someone had taken great care to map out all the rooms, marking all the rooms being used as bases and outposts. 
The open-air courtyard at the front of the fortress was currently being used as the base for the allied forces of Hyrule. Thankfully, it was summer, and the weather was clear. There was no need to set up tents. Each entrance was carefully guarded at all times. Bedrolls for all the soldiers lined the walls. One corner was partitioned off and set up with cots, being converted into a small med bay. The heroes had commandeered another corner to set up their own bedrolls. In the third corner stood the makeshift command center, which consisted solely of a table, chairs, and the map Warriors was pouring over. 
The courtyard was as safe as anywhere in the fortress possibly could be, but Warriors had instructed the other heroes to continue setting up a watch every night. That had silently sent the intended message: they weren’t safe here.
Warriors doubted that the monsters would launch a full frontal attack on the allied base, and even if they did, they would have plenty of forewarning. But carelessness killed. The other heroes could deal with continuing to lose a little bit of sleep.
Warriors turned his attention back to the map in front of him. Unsurprisingly, it hadn’t changed since he took his eyes off it. He sighed, leaning heavily on the table. 
The Hyrulian forces currently only occupied the allied base and two of the surrounding outposts. They simply didn’t have the manpower to spread themselves out any further. 
They only had two options. Either send a messenger to Zelda asking for reinforcements and hunker down until they arrive, or try to take the whole fortress in one big push. 
The messenger had already been sent. With them, they carried both a request for backup and hastily penned letters from Warriors for both his family and the Queen. But those letters would take a week to reach Castle Town even with the messenger running on little sleep and pushing their horse as hard as they dared. It would take another week and a half for reinforcements to arrive. 
Warriors and the other heroes couldn't afford to wait for two and a half weeks. They were on their own mission. Then there was the fact that the soldiers hadn’t brought enough food for a siege. They wouldn’t be able to get enough food from the small village nearby. Warriors also doubted the monsters would just wait around for the reinforcements to arrive.
That really left them with no choice. They would have to fight without backup. Warriors had hoped it wouldn’t come to that. It was bad enough that the other heroes had to endure being in an active warzone. Leading them into battle in this way was something Warriors had never wished for. 
But it seemed inevitable now.
All of this required a lot of planning and strategizing. It had only been a day and a half since they arrived, but Warriors hadn’t slept since. 
“Warriors.” The voice from behind him made him startle. He knew before turning around it was one of the other heroes. Everyone else here would have called him Captain Link.
He turned around in his chair to find Time standing behind him, and frowning at him. He must really be tired if he hadn’t even heard the armor-clad hero approach. Warriors stared back unflinchingly, even as he internally quelled under the pressure of Time’s disappointed glare. 
“Don’t you think you could use some sleep?” It was phrased like a question, but Time’s voice was firm.
Warriors groaned. “Time, I'm very busy right now-” 
Time cut him off, not taking any excuses. “Even the other captain is resting. It's thirteen minutes to midnight. Go to bed.” Warriors blinked and finally registered how dark it was. The only thing lighting up the map was the flickering candles set on the table, and the one Time held in his hands.
Warriors rubbed the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath. It probably wouldn’t be a bad idea. He had been feeling a bit light-headed, and he probably could really use a nap. He wouldn't be of any use in a fight if he was exhausted. 
That, and he doubted that Time would give up until he got his way and Warriors slept.
“A quick nap,” He agreed. 
His body must have also agreed. When Warriors stood, perhaps a bit too quickly, he could feel his blood drain into his legs that had fallen asleep after sitting for hours.
For a split second, he teetered unsteadily on his feet, fighting to stay upright and not collapse., He swayed, his head pounding as he reached out blindly for something to steady him. That split second was all Time needed to place a guiding hand on his back. The old man’s stern face had melted away, replaced with a worried one.
“I’m fine.” Warriors protested the unspoken concern, righting himself with the help of Time’s hand.
“Of course you are.” Time agreed, starting to steer Warriors towards the corner where the heroes had set up camp, but somehow it didn’t feel like Warriors had won that argument.  
He couldn’t say he was complaining though, as Time guided him to one of the two empty bedrolls in the heroes’ camp. 
It didn‘t escape his notice that Time had laid him down right next to Sky, who was a notorious cuddler and even more notoriously hard to wake up. Warriors doubted he’d be allowed to get up anytime soon. As Warriors drifted off to sleep, he couldn't say he minded.
Warrior: I am normal and functioning 👍
Time: Nice to meet you, “Normal and Functioning.” Have you met my other son, “Sleepy And Prone to Cudlding?”
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themask-maker · 8 months
Here is yet another WIP! I thought it was WIP Wednesday when in actuality today is Thursday, so that's just how my day is going lol.
This is a rough excerpt from another Zelda-focused chapter in the main TMM fic. Hope you enjoy these little bits amidst my long update drought!
Over a week ago, by the time the sun set on the meeting at Zelda's Roostburrow home, she had already decided exactly what to do. Prior searches had failed, and though the stranger's help had given them a new heading, she wanted success ensured - so she would do what Link had done to find her two years ago. And when she gripped the hilt and pulled, its dormant spirit responded in her mind like a familiar dream, chiming once and expressing nothing more. An automatic greeting to its reborn creator with little conscious thought behind it; both a reassurance of presence and an empty reminder of absence. A reflection of the contrast she often still feels when thinking of Hylia, of herself. That impossible combination of both being and not being. Zelda had known the spirit would still sleep for a long time further. The Master Sword was not to be removed in situations except for an absolute emergency, but given the circumstances, Zelda had felt very strongly that this counted. Such a divine instrument in her hands would confidently pinpoint Link's whereabouts. Given a piece of a person’s aura, the sword spirit could track the owner from any corner of the earth. Before they left on the next day, she calibrated the sword in Link's old dorm, letting Fi attune itself to the missing hero. Then the sword led them across the Sand Sea for days. It parted the Goddess Wall's magical barrier with the ease one would have in drawing a curtain, then guided Her Grace to this very spot, to this very person. Zelda expects to feel relief upon finally seeing her best friend by the end of this long trail. 
In its place, confusion smothers Zelda's mind instead, for Fi points her to someone she doesn't recognize. 
The sword spirit pulses mutely, sending a subtle, confirmatory vibration to the hilt gripped in her hand, and yet, the tip of the Master Sword still points up towards a strange person - no, a demon? - on the second floor balcony of a building. Though they wear a mask and head scarf, the blue horns twisting from the top of their skull betray the disguise easily. Whoever it is, it’s not Link.
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abalidoth · 1 year
Die a Hainly or Live Long Enough to See Yourself Become the Vilia: Gender, Breath of the Wild, and Representational Sterility
Thanks to @start-anywhere for encouraging me to write this essay!
Major spoilers for Breath of the Wild, minor spoilers for Mass Effect Andromeda and Horizon: Forbidden West, as well as the Tears of the Kingdom trailer and H:FW Burning Shores.
cw: transmisogyny.
"Be careful playing the Gerudo segment," I heard from friends. "There's a transmisogynist joke there."
There's a lot I don't remember about 2017. That year was a perfect recipe for dissociation: I was finishing a very fraught and frustrating PhD dissertation and TAing at the same time, with very little sleep. I was constantly worrying about finding a job after graduation, and moving to a new city sight unseen. I spent the first two months of the year away from Emma for a math fellowship, the longest we'd ever been apart.
And on top of that, I was a closeted trans femme living in Laramie, Wyoming, a town famous for a homophobic hate crime, during the first year of the Trump administration. My gender pressure had been building for years, out to friends online but not to anyone in person save Emma. I knew I wasn't a man but the closest I could come to expressing it was wearing skirts at home, and nail polish on the weekends. (Apply Friday afternoon, remove Sunday evening, repeat weekly.)
But I do remember playing Breath of the Wild with Emma.
Zelda is in the DNA of our relationship -- Emma showed me Ocarina of Time before we even started dating, Twilight Princess was one of the first games we played through together, and I proposed to her with a ceramic replica I made of Anju and Kafei's wedding mask from Majora's Mask.
So, getting to play a new Zelda game -- an extremely good one, at that -- with her, during one of the worst years of my life, was an incredible beacon of light.
So the warning about a transmisogynist joke in the Gerudo segment was disappointing, but I kept it in mind as we played.
For those who haven't played the game, here's a quick synopsis of that quest: Link, our hero, needs to access Gerudo Town, a town of all women. (Sorta. Put a pin in that. 📌) You talk to a male shopkeep outside who tells you that he's heard "a man" has been "sneaking" into town, and he's waiting to catch a peek. Other (Gerudo) characters mention an odd human woman, a merchant, who hangs out on the roof of a bazaar a ways outside town. Up there you find Vilia.
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(image source: Zelda Wiki, which correctly genders Vilia unlike some wikis 😒)
If you accuse her of being the "man in disguise" she brushes you off and won't speak to you further. If you compliment her, she'll offer to help you get into town, sell you the Gerudo clothing set (grab another pin 📍) and say how pretty you look, making Link blush. Then the wind will blow her veil aside, which we only see obliquely, but we do see that she has facial hair. Link acts surprised.
Okay. Let's unpack.
First off... Vilia is a trans woman with a beard. I'm just gonna treat that as a fact from this point forward. Everyone who actually interacts with her refers to her as a woman, she refers to herself as a woman, we will set "but maybe she's just a crossdresser" or whatever aside, she's a trans woman. With a beard.
Is that problematic?
A big theme of my evolution as a social justice advocate is that "problematic" is meaningless in a vacuum. The existence of a trans woman with a beard is not, itself, problematic. Otherwise that's pretty bad news for me, a trans femme with a beard.
But her depiction... There are definitely some elements of cultural transmisogyny being upheld here. Stubble is a common feature in popular caricatures of the Gross Tranny. Link's reaction being played for comedy makes Vilia's existence sort of a big joke.
And on a surface level examination, it looks like this is a straightforward "man dresses as woman to gain access to women's spaces" story, straight out of Joanne's Twitter-addled fever dreams.
But other than that, Vilia is pretty well treated by the narrative. All of the Gerudo refer to her as a little odd, but fundamentally a helpful person, and they respect her identity. It's clear when Link runs around Gerudo Town that multiple people clock him, but nobody ever throws him out because they just assume he's a trans woman and therefore implicitly welcome.
Vilia's character model isn't exaggerated in any way I'd consider transmisogynist, aside from the facial hair, and Link in the Gerudo outfit is, well, far from an unflattering portrayal.
And importantly, you cannot progress the main story if you misgender her.
There is no other way to get into Gerudo Town, and thereby the Divine Beast Vah Naboris, if you just say "you're a dude, right?" and don't walk it back. You can technically finish the game without any of the four Divine Beasts, but they make it MUCH easier, and a significant chunk of story is locked behind her quest.
So back in 2017 I played this, went "well that wasn't great but it wasn't as bad as I thought," and went on to wear the Gerudo outfit as much as humanly possible.
Flash forward to my 2023 replay, in anticipation of the sequel. I'm avidly curious to replay this section, given my evolution in my own gender understanding. (The first time around, I id'ed as genderqueer and Definitely Not A Guy but I'm not sure I was comfortable with "trans" yet, and definitely not "situationally a girl".)
Turns out? Vilia fuckin' rules. Gender icon. They hate to see a girlbeard winning.
Ok, I'm exaggerating. (A little.) But there is a reason I'm writing this essay, and I came away with a much improved sympathy for her character and her position in the story. I want to talk about why, but first let's clear a couple of those pins.
📌 The Gerudo are an all-female race. This is historically true in the Zelda games, with the single exception of Ganondorf, an ancient incarnation of evil who is born as the only make Gerudo once in an age. Ganondorf isn't in this game (though he is in the sequel!) so he's not relevant here. There are two things to note here: one, the Gerudo are nonwhite and heavily middle eastern coded. This is something I can't get into, as an Extremely White Person, but their interaction with gender is not without racial context and it would be irresponsible of me to not mention it.
But second, and the thing I will talk about, is that they seldom use the words "man" and "woman", but rather "voe" and "vai". We get these translated for us, but they are just that -- translations. They are gender concepts unique to the Gerudo that get mapped imperfectly to Hylian standards. The Gorons, a race of rock people who all use male pronouns and forms of address, are allowed into Gerudo Town, being "neither voe nor vai". And all of the Gerudo characters treat you differently when you're in the Gerudo clothing, even though it's clear that many of them have the perceptiveness to see through it.
I think it makes perfect sense to interpret "vai" as less "woman" and more "fem presenting". The Gerudo's actions are consistent (arguably, more so) if you do so.
📍The Gerudo armor. There's a few things to talk about here. First, Vilia sells it to you rather than just giving it to you. This seems a bit callous, but there's other similar monetary roadblocks in the game, and she's explicitly a traveling merchant and jewels are (as she says) expensive. I don't blame her.
The Gerudo armor is also, in game, pretty terrible. If you're wearing all three pieces you get a tiny bit of heat resistance, but it has basically no armor and can't be upgraded. There is a purchaseable "voe armor" with similar aesthetics but much better stats, but it can't be used to access Gerudo Town.
This is... Not ideal. I like to run around in the Gerudo armor because Link looks absolutely adorable in it; that was more of a priority back then than it is now that I have my own fem wardrobe, but it's still true. I wish it could be upgraded. I also wish you could just wear whatever armor aesthetically and get a different set of bonuses.
Okay. Now. To explain what it is I actually like about Vilia's portrayal, I want to talk about two other transfeminine characters from open world games: Hainly Abrams from Mass Effect: Andromeda and Wekatta from Horizon: Forbidden West.
Hainly Abrams is a scientist on the planet Prodromos in Mass Effect: Andromeda. In her first conversation with you, you can ask her why she came to Andromeda, and she says she was looking for a fresh start for her transition, and then... weirdly deadnames herself, in a way that feels utterly alien to anyone who's interacted with trans people. BioWare took criticism on this... sort of, and patched that conversation to only happen after you gain her trust by saving her fiance. But it's still extremely jarring. I cannot find information about her voice actress.
Wekatta is a troop leader of the Sky Clan Tenakth in H:FW. Like Vilia, the narrative is actually somewhat cagey as to whether she's a trans woman or not. I don't believe anyone actually refers to her with she/her pronouns, unlike Vilia, and the closest she gets to saying she's trans is
Aloy: And you think he's crazy for trying?
Wekatta: I'm not a fan of that word. When I chose to wear a woman's armor, people called me crazy, too.
Wekatta only shows up for a single minor side quest, and doesn't really get to actually do anything. She is at least voiced by a trans voice actress, Rebecca Root.
Both of these portrayals are mostly free of overt transmisogyny. Hainly deadnames herself in a strange and off-putting way, and Wekatta's portrayal is ambiguous to the point of over-caution, but there's not much that could be read as a transphobic joke like in Vilia's story.
They're also both boring as heck. And neither of them really feels trans.
Both of these characters feel like existing bit-player characters with one "bee tee dubs, I am A Tran" line slapped into their dialog. Sure there isn't anything overtly wrong with that kind of representation, if it's done carefully, but this is "minor character mentions he has a husband" rep, not "on-screen gay kiss with main character" rep. (Side note, though, good for Guerrilla for making Aloy canonically queer in Burning Shores. Haven't played it yet but I'm stoked to. Hell yeah.)
Vilia, as problematic as elements of her portrayal are, feels like a real transfeminine person. She feels more like me. Her gender is kinda messy! She has a girlbeard! She gets to call you out if you misgender her!
And best of all, her interactions with Link (excluding the shocked face at the end, which is pretty annoying) can be read very easily as an older, more experienced trans woman helping a younger trans girl with early transition, giving her her first feminine outfit and complimenting her. There's no wonder why transfem Link is such a popular headcanon. (My personal favorite for Link is some kind of transfeminine genderfluid.)
Vilia isn't perfect, but truly great and realistic trans representation is going to be easier if you start with a Vilia and clip off the overtly problematic bits, than if you start with a Wekatta or a Hainly and try to make them feel more real.
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salamispots · 1 year
I woke up at 3:45 am with shrine music in my brain so I'm gonna yell a little about totk spoilers below fhhhhh mostly about game things no real plot stuff haha
the intRO :'D that mononoke touch ahhhhh idk why but specifically the scene/shot of link's hearts going down from the wiggly worm demon smoke thing is stuck in my brain/makes me feel emotional
also the whole 'I was gone for a bit and the world looks different but sort of the same/everyone moved on' made me feel a little like the evangelion movie when shinji wakes up and he's still the same gives me feeLINGS not necessarily bad; maybe a little bittersweet? idk
I keep giggling at how GOOFY some of the weapons look when they're fused and the names (like...thick stick stick or something LMAO)
the glee of using a rocket for the first time also I'm building the most basic shit hahah I'm not particularly good/creative at stuff like this
ahhhh I loved how there's still those big stone talus in the game and the first one I come across is disguised as a base for bokoblin
the instantaneous fuck off panic of running into those red arm/hands and panicking because you run out of stamina while running away hahah
speaking of tHE MUSIC OH MY GOD I love the shrine music so much? and the first time when you go to the depths when you're falling the tone shift is so eerie
exploring too far into an area where you're too underleveled and getting one hit killed by something haha
when you leave the sky islands for the first time I was hanging out at the very top and was like...surely they're not saying just to jump off? I thought you were supposed to build something to get down but I sorta just fell off for the heck of it and I was extremely charmed by the fact that they said yes you can jump off and just dive into some random body of water from miles above in the sky and again I love the music for that/when you're first introduced to the sky islands
sky islands fun but it's nice being on the ground hahahfg/having a glider now and not constantly breaking into a sweat at hEIGHTS haha like....I went to the top of the temple and crawled all the way around to the other side of the locked doors lmao but the amount of times I slipped and fell of those tiny ledges
I still love freefalling and using the glider at the last second
running into a tree for the first time HAHA and the ominous tiptoeing after you
also yeah controls feel better now/just had to play more but I still definitely keep pressing the wrong buttons for things
I think once I got off the sky islands and to the ground that was kinda when I got fully invested? like again before actually buying the game and playing it I was kinda like ehhh I'll probably play it some point
also the game reigniting my need for link zelda ganon ot3 content :'D
the fondness of having character designs be 3/4 torso ahahha
PURAH I love her ouTFIT
the little detail of chasing fish and the fish trying to escape actually beached themselves on the shore??
LINK HUMMING WHILE COOKING I've only recognized one song so far (saw someone on reddit say they also heard song of storms and it clicked in my brain so now two haha)
oh! I love the amount of nooks and crannies to explore! like all the wells and caves >:0
ngl didn't end up finishing botw (I absolutely did look up the ending before I played totk HAHA >:'D ) because I ended up exploring the majority of the map/got bored after that and I didn't particularly like how the map felt empty/the same after a while? idk if the same thing will pop up again for me in totk but I do like how there's some new enemies and it feels more lively so far? we'll see
ALSO LMAO fighting bokoblins with a moblin and the moblin just straight picking up a bokoblin and throwing it at me??
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totkdaily · 3 months
Day 57: Yiga in Lanayru, and Akkala
The tower I climbed in the Abandoned Lanayru Mine is a forge, and it's manned by a Steward. I think this is the first one I've seen in the Depths, and only the second I've seen outside the sky islands. 
Another Steward asks me to go to the Central Abandoned Mine - if I do that and come back here, it'll give me something. 
There's a Yiga building here with a journal.
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They want to conquer the Depths, but they say they need to find every entrance to do so. The journal ends: "Glory to Master Kohga."
I hope that's just something they say. He fell into- oh. He fell into an apparently bottomless hole. Is he… is he here somewhere?? 
Surely not. But unease follows me as I gather the remains of zonaite in the mine. 
I can't see any more lightroots from here, so I head back to the Ulri Mountain Skyview Tower, thinking to head to Tarrey Town - and spy Dinraal emerging from a chasm! I chase to catch up with him, but I don't have the right gear. I only just grab a shard of his spike and a claw before the heat of his mere proximity threatens my life. 
I drop to the ground and land in the shadows of North Akkala Beach - right next to a shrine! 
I spend the early morning scaling the cliff up to the Akkala Lab. Didn't Robbie say he needed something from here? I don't think I've spoken to him in over a month. Still, I should check it out. I've always loved the Lab. 
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I scale the outside first to enjoy the view from the top, but it's a grey and cloudy day. And… that's weird. There's a frog sitting in Robbie's sun lounger. And… it bears the mark of the yiga. I've got a bad feeling about this. 
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I look for further clues as I head back down the lab. There's boxes of bananas at the base of the telescope. And from the front, it's obvious - frogs and banana crates everywhere. 
I summon the Sages, ready my gear, and knock. 
It's a closer match than I'd like, but I dispatch the Yiga guards. Inside, there's only a fashionista - Konba. It sounds as though he's been forced to work against his will to make the Yiga's outfits. He gives me the Yiga armor he just finished. I suppose I could use it as a disguise, though I dislike the idea of wearing it at all. Konba points out I'd need the whole set before I could pass as a Yiga member anyway. 
There's a Yiga journal here. They're interested in sourcing Zonai devices, as well as Zelda and myself. Even they haven't seen her. They say they're setting up traps to catch me, but I've only encountered the weird cucco prophecy scam, and that hardly seemed aimed at me. Don't pick up bananas on the road? I'd have hoped I would have spotted that one for a trap without the hint. 
There's a map with Yiga hideouts on it, I think. Let's see…
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Here, the Colosseum, somewhere north of Death Mountain and the old hideout in the Gerudo Highlands.
There's also a travel medallion prototype, which I should probably give to Robbie. Was that what he wanted from here?
For now, I head down the hill to the East Akkala Stable, and stop at the shrine on the way. 
Penn's the first person I see at the stable. He mentions the god of horses is near here - I'd forgotten my dream about it! - and the suspicious lab, the mystery of which I think I've probably solved by clearing out the Yiga. But no news here of the Princess, so he's off! That was quick. 
I speak to a few people at the stable. Aya is preoccupied with the monsters on North Akkala beach- I must have missed them, but she'd like me to deal with them, please. Rudi says Malanya's at Bloodleaf Lake, north of here. Rudi would like a picture of Octorok Lake when the water's high and it looks like an octorok. Maybe in the rain? Atin's newspaper says that YunoboCo is restoring Goron City again - that's good. Khini points me towards the horse god, and then goes back to selling buns. I buy and eat one of his Malanya buns, and I feel filled with stamina. 
The korok at the back of the stable wants to go down the hill to meet its friend. I summon Peaches and hook up the wagon for transport. I can probably do this before bed. 
I ignore the blood moon rising behind me as we gallop down the hill. Which means it comes upon me right as I'm fighting off two bokoblins in a cart. 
When the Gloom clears, I reunite the koroks and take the knight's bow the bokoblins had. Then I take both the horses and carts back to the stables to bed.
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changeling-rin · 9 months
kind of funny how Demise spends a moment tearing apart the premise of Super Mario Bros. he thinks MARIO is weird and ridiculous? let's send his ass (and the other villains) to Planet Popstar; that'll teach them the TRUE meaning of "weird" (also I give them about a week tops before they end up in Kirby and the gang's crosshairs)
In all fairness, the premise of The Legend of Zelda is a little bit ridiculous too, sometimes.
"You wake up in a tree, and there's a small ball of light shouting at you. When you go outside, you find more trees. One of them (your grandfather? How does that work???) talks to you. This is not questioned. This tree also has a mustache. This is also not questioned. This tree is also dying. This, thankfully, does get questioned, but only to the extent where it's decided that you should climb inside the tree's mouth in order to see what the problem is. This sequence of events is seen as perfectly logical to everyone involved."
And to think, I didn't even start describing the exposition disguised as a talking owl
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theother9tenths · 1 year
At one point Link follows a lead at Dueling Peaks where someone saw Zelda get “kidnapped” and you find her in a cage on top of the mountain and it was raining when I got there and I just wish it had went like:
“Zelda”: Oh! It’s the hero of Hyrule! Brave, intrepid Link, it is I, your dear Princess! Quickly, let me out of this cage!
Link: *stares silently*
Zelda: ….What are you waiting for? Release me!
Link: *stares for another few seconds before turning and beginning to walk away*
Zelda: Hey! What are you doing?? *Yiga clan member takes off their Zelda disguise*
Yiga member: You’d really leave a Princess in distress?? *stamps foot* That’s messed up! Come back here! I’ll end you-!
*Link watches as the foot stamping and rain cause the cage to start sliding down the mountain*
Yiga member: Wait-! No! WAIT! GLORY TO MASTER KOHGAAAAAaaaaaa….!!!
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onewingedsparrow · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @skyyknights and @traveleorzea ! Forever ago but I'm finally getting around to tackling all these questions. Thank you so much for the tags! :D I decided to answer these questions (mostly) based only on the fics I have posted to AO3 right now. I could have answered some of these questions based on WIP's I haven't posted yet, but I decided to keep it simple. The stupid new format of Tumblr kept screwing up my links, which is part of the reason why it took me so long to post this.
1. How many works do you have on AO3? At the moment, only 43!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 39,225 as of December 30, 2023. I expect this to skyrocket once I eventually post my megafics for Transformers and Fire Emblem. But, it is not this day.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Anything I want to write for 🔥❤️‍🔥🔥The Legend of Zelda, Transformers, Miraculous Ladybug, Fire Emblem, the MCU, Critical Role, and Puss in Boots are the fandoms represented on my AO3 now, but that's only the beginning! I have a few more fics in the works for many other fandoms, including but not limited to Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Mario, Batfam, Honor Among Thieves, and The Stormlight Archive, that simply aren't ready for AO3 yet. I hope to get them up someday, in the years to come. 4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? From the top and descending, that would be: "Let Sleeping Dogs Lie" (Puss in Boots: The Last Wish) I'm genuinely unsurprised this is at the peak. It's held this rank ever since I posted it. Wholesome Team Friendship Fluff, post-movie! "To Bee a Leader" (Transformers: Robots in Disguise 2015) This one always surprises me!!! I never expected it to get so much traction! But I'm so happy it keeps getting hits! I'm so happy people are enjoying / relating to my Prime in Disguise Bumblebee angst + emotional hurt / comfort! "Release Me" (The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom) With the advent of TotK, it is only logical that this shot to the top 5. This is my fic I wrote before the game released, where I theorized: what if the green arm was actually antagonistic? "Watched" (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess) I think the LU fandom finally found this one, because it wasn't this high in the ranks before, lol. It's not technically Linked Universe, but you could certainly read it as either TLoZ or LU, as you prefer. Pre-canon, still in Ordon Village, Link doesn't know it...but he's being watched. "A Name Aptly Chosen" (Bumblebee (2018) / Transformers: Rise of the Beasts) Oh, when did this happen??? When did you hit the top 5? 👀 This is news to me! This makes me so happy!!! This is how I imagine Bumblebee explained to Optimus Prime his name-change from "B-127" to "Bumblebee" ✨
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Most of the time, yes! I love when readers leave comments because I'm excited to hear what in my writing stood out to them. Thus, I try to reply to as many as I can. I hope that if I stay engaged with my readers, they'll feel more comfortable with commenting, whether on my fics or someone else's ✨ That being said, however, when particular comments don't pass the vibe check, I see no need to reward with any response. <3
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Ooh. As of now, that trophy goes to "Where Sorrow Rings" (Fire Emblem: Engage). A close second might be "Out of Tune" (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.) (The even-heavier angst that I write is currently unpublished, because most of it is in my megafics.)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Good question! My first instinct would be Let Sleeping Dogs Lie, but depending on preference, I suppose Welcome Home and Dissonant Echoes could possibly compete with that one.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not much yet (lol), but I figure it'll happen eventually because that's how the Internet works, regrettably. 9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Nope. I don't read it either.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Lol, this is a super funny question for me personally. I crossover so many things, but my best crossovers haven't made it to AO3 yet because I'm still building up the greatness to reach its full potential. I think the only crossover I have right now on AO3 is a Stormlight!AU for TLoZ, The Song of Stormlight. But oh, the crossovers in my mind...! I gotta mention some of them just for fun, in the hopes it'll motivate me to bring them to fruition:
Psych x Transformers Assassin's Creed x Transformers Assassin's Creed x Fire Emblem Fire Emblem x TLoZ Fire Emblem x TLoZ x MCU x MtG x Nintendo-in-general x 신의 x Stormlight Archive x literally anything else I can think of and no I am not joking, this is very much a thing. This is my magnum opus. One of the biggest worlds I'll ever write; one of the biggest projects I've been working on for many years that have already passed, as well as many more years to come.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I hope not. 🗡️🗡️🗡️
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I know of. If someone wanted to translate a fic of mine, I might be truly honored, but I would want them to ask permission first.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Hmm...not seriously. I've collaborated worldbuilding with many people over the years, and done much roleplaying, but I've never co-written a "fic" that wasn't a for-fun "Round Robin" game.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? OoT Zelink. They are my OTP.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? *laughs That could be literally any of my WIP's at any point. I want to finish them all. I plan to finish them all. I hope to finish them all. But, actually finishing them all is dependent upon many factors. I think of ideas faster than I can finish them, and I have many priorities to juggle. I hope I don't abandon my stories, but I make no promises. Even so, I try not to doubt that I'll finish my fics; I strive to keep a positive mindset, because that will lend me the motivation to finish them, even if it takes me years to do so.
16. What are your writing strengths? Dialogue, poetry (I love writing words to a beat even within prose), and coming up with titles, to name a few!
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Finishing
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I think it's delightful when it's executed well, and distracting when it's not. That's why I try to be careful when I attempt to do so. When I do so, I wish to respect the language and the culture the language is a part of; language has much nuance, so I don't just wanna copy-paste something from the Goog's Translate without taking certain linguistic factors into account.
19. First fandom you wrote for? The first fandom I posted for on AO3 was Transformers: Prime. That's not the first fandom I ever wrote for, but I'm not telling you that, Tumblr.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written? This is a cruel question. I could well cheat this question and say "all my fics are my favorite fics I've ever written, because writing is a delight." I would mean that. But, in the spirit of the ask game, I will respond with "Safe With You." 🏍️ Oh, I just realized now I gotta tag people 😂 All rightyyyy, I'm sorry if you've been tagged before, but I'm going to tag @misscrazyfangirl321 @cooking-with-hailstones @clawedandcute and @margindoodles2407 but only if you want to! <3
P.S. This is probably self-explanatory but just in case: if you hop onto this game, please make a new post <3 Thank you in advance, friends!
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crazylittlejester · 6 days
So, the four Swords Manga… cocky young knight is bored, goes on a field trip with Zelda and the Spirit maidens to restore some magic seal. A Shadow creature ( that claims to be the hero) steals Zelda and the Spirit Maidens, wreaks havoc on Castle Town and knightnaps Links father by pretending to be his dying son.
Link picks up some mysterious sword, gets split into four and immediately starts arguing with themselves. Things happen and the four colors get separated. Green goes to a mysterious pyramid dungeon, Blue gets turned into an ice cube and red is far too trusting and his sword gets stolen. He also gets accused of setting fire to a village because the sword thief leaves him with the fire rod he set fire to said village. Meanwhile Vio encounters a shady ( very shady, indeed…) stranger and decides to commit treason.
Red finds and unfreezes Blue, they meet up with Green and set out to rescue Vio, because they think he was kidnapped by Shadow Link ( said very shady stranger) but when they reach the Fire Temple, Vio sits on the Throne and Shadow tells the other Colors that he’s now his best friend and he won’t need the others anymore. Green challenges Vio to a duel on a platform in the Lava, Vio kills Green and Blue and Red are devastated. Vio and Shadow disappear.
Plot Twist: Green isn’t dead 😉 Vio told him he’s just pretending that he’s a traitor to find out about Shadows plans and the Mirror.
Vio finds the Mirror, Shadow finds out that Vio found the Mirror and is very pissed. He ties Vio to a pillar and attempts to throw him into the Lava, Vio is rescued by the other colors.
Shadow and Zelda have a chat on top of a Tower, Zelda tells him that she thinks that he’s also a hero but he doesn’t like hearing about it and walks away on thin air. The Links reach said Tower, un-mindcontrol the knights and get separated from Vio. They find Vio, but now there’s two of them ( one was Shadow disguising himself as Vio, tadaaaa 😉) the fight Ganon and Vaati, Shadow destroys the Mirror to help them and destroys himself in the process. They are all very said, return the Four Sword, become one Link again ( with a very suspicious shadow….)
Ask me for unreliable summaries of Mangas 😂😂😂
10/10 summary, sounds epic
When I get around to reading it ill try to remember to come back and rate it again lmao alskdkdk
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gerudospiriit · 1 year
Brainwashing Headcanons
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☀ During the seven years she spent brainwashed, Nabooru did not spend the entire time as the Iron Knuckle, guarding Twinrova's and Ganondorf's operations at the Spirit Temple. As second in command, Nabooru was a very visible member of the Gerudo tribe, and removing her from daily life at the fortress would raise too many questions among the other Gerudo. Therefore, Ganondorf's instructions to Twinrova was to make her unquestioningly loyal to him while also ensuring she can still convincingly attend to her daily duties as his second.
☀ On top of her usual duties, Ganondorf and Twinrova absolutely took advantage of her background as a warrior and used her for other tasks, likely disguised as the Iron Knuckle to again keep people from asking questions and to continue to keep the Gerudo as a whole uninvolved in Ganondorf's plots. These included leading armies of monsters against rebel factions, guarding the Spirit Temple (though that comes later), and likely even helping with the search to find Zelda. These missions were always performed under the guise of Nabooru being needed away from the Fortress for diplomacy or something similar.
☀ While she doesn't remember any of her time brainwashed, memories from that time do bleed into her mind in waking and in dreams. She doesn't recognize them as her own, and many of them terrify her. They're a constant reminder of the fact that she wasn't in control of her life, her actions, or her freedom.
☀ A memory she does have that is less depressing is that she inexplicably remembers how to adeptly wield a large, two handed axe, a weapon she did not have much experience with prior to being brainwashed. She is also probably a lot more capable in bulkier armors than she used to be as well.
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latealzalost · 1 year
I gotta say, I do applaud Pokémon XD for how like… playable it is? Okay— that sounds weird, but I mean it in terms of like, I got that game loooooong before I ever even got the hint that there was a predecessor to the game, and I remember the ‘Michael’s dad passed away 5 years ago’ plot point and it, amongst the other plot point of ‘the last time Cipher was up to no good,’ I just thought it was like, just more world building stuff (I didn’t really put much thinking into stuff back in the day lol). And I remember being so curious about what was behind the door with the ❌ on it at the top of the ONBS building and what happened to warrant that, so when I finally did put 2 and 2 together, getting to explore behind that door was so super awesome!
I totally know what you mean :D
Beginning backwards is a totally valid way to enter a world's story, in my opinion. That natural curiosity that builds as new details rise before realizing there's a whole other part of the story. I think it's a pretty underrated way to get into a saga honestly. "How did this happen? Why are things like this? Were they always that way?" questions that prompt you to want to explore the past like you're some archeologist or historian.
I remember my first Halo game was Halo 3 and I had no prior knowledge of the story so when I did the single player I just had to imagine what the story up to this point had to be based on what they referenced, but that incomplete telling of the story so far really makes you want to play the prior games if you like the game you're playing right now. Another example is the fractured story telling and jump between Kingdom Hearts I and KH II that confused me as much as it fascinated me to think about. It's an underrated feeling. My brother right now playing Zelda ToTK is curious to know what happened in BoTW now.
The way Colosseum disguised itself as yet another battle simulator must've made this feeling happen to more people like you who started with XD than we think. It's funny to think about.
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golvio · 1 year
Something I noticed during my latest autistic/aspiring critical (as in “critical thinking,” not as in “needlessly negative fan wankery”) essayist note-taking playthrough of BotW:
On the Great Plateau, when Rhoam tells Link what happened to the Ancient Sheikah, he says “Their ancient technology disappeared long ago, or so it is said.”
But when I started making my way towards Kakariko Village as per the game’s recommendation, the second I get to the first sign of civilization, friggin’ Rensa, the stablehand at the horse tent, straight up says “That power put [the Sheikah] at odds with the king of the time, and they scattered across the land.”
The most generous interpretation of this is that Rhoam’s just reciting the super-duper sanitized version of the Royal Family’s history he got from his wife when he married into the family. But without that, well...that passive voice is sure doing an awful lot of convenient heavy lifting for you, old man.
I wonder which version of her courtiers’ history Zelda herself got?
Also, when Rhoam first tells Link about the calamity in his old man disguise, he’s like “For a century, the very symbol of our kingdom, Hyrule Castle, has barely managed to contain that evil. But just barely.”
And the way Rhoam tells you to meet him at the Temple of Time. Like, sure, I get that this is the game’s way of giving you a tutorial about how to solve riddles and puzzles with your map, and the environment basically directs you to come back there if you haven’t figured it out by letting you see Goddess Hylia throwing a rainbow disco rave through the temple windows once you reach the foot of the mountain, but it feels like yet another dancer in the conga line of Rhoam being frustratingly obtuse. Like, we’re coming to the home stretch here and Link’s brain hasn’t exploded from all the cryptic hints you’ve been dropping, so can you please drop the riddles and just be honest and straightforward with me, peepaw?
Now, granted, I am extremely biased against Rhoam because I’d made up my mind to not like him during my first attempted playthrough, plus knowing that his stubborn maintenance of his pride never resolves meaningfuly through something like, oh, I don’t know, his having the humility to appear before his daughter and directly apologize to her for the way he mistreated her? But I digress.
The most interesting thing about this, for me, is that it suggests that the version of her own family’s history she got was extremely sanitized. Either her mom gave both Zelda and her husband an extremely abridged and propagandic version of the whole thing with the Sheikah, which Rhoam himself didn’t think to question either out of disinterest or his own obsession with keeping up appearances as someone who fucked his way to the top and needs to justify his leadership to the people as he’s not officially “of the bloodline” and merely acting as regent until Zelda’s old enough to take the reigns. But even the “nice, polite” version of the Sheikah schism we got from Cado at the gates outside of Impa’s house wasn’t that passive voice, outright saying the king and the kingdom turned against the Sheikah and banished them, even though as the “good guys” the Sheikah took great pains to absolve the crown of its responsibility and blame themselves for their own hubris in thinking they could be more powerful than the king.
Which makes me really, really intrigued about what convinces Zelda in TotK to both figuratively and literally “dig a little deeper.” Was she merely tipped off by her own goddess powers/proximity to Ganon, or is she actively trying to take a peek behind the curtain at the things her mother and father didn’t want her to see, for fear it would ruin their reputation as benevolent fairytale rulers or scar Zelda for life?
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rex101111 · 10 months
mod idea for Zelda BOTW and TOTK in case nobody's done it yet: Every time you're near a Yiga clan member, the song Banana Man by Tally Hall plays. It plays louder the closer you are to the Yiga. Each separate has their own instance of the song playing on top of each other.
When near a Yiga member in disguise the song is very muffled.
Whenever you fight Kogha the song is bass boosted.
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chibanova · 2 years
I'm currently working on the Zelda art right now but I'd love to know some info about them! The idea that they'd have to disguise themselves as regular townsfolk adventurers is such a cool idea and I'd love to see how they play off of each other
Sorry this took so long to write, this is what I’ve got so far!!
Sun (20)
• Very sweet and kind but has a lot of pent up rage from y’know. All the goddess stuff. Think Shinobu from demon slayer, but milder.
• I don’t think she planned for Hyrule to become a monarchy, and seeing how much her vision for a land below the clouds has….changed over the millennia definitely upsets her.
• Actually knows how cook and sew, and is very valuable in terms of keeping the group alive.
• Doesn’t do well with large crowds or strangers, used to the tight-knit community of Skyloft.
• Will not stop talking about her boyfriend Link. Ever.
Disguise: 7/10 she can pass as an adventurer, but as a knight she sticks out a bit. Mostly stays under the radar.
Dot (19)
• I need to reread the four swords manga, but this girl takes no shit. She is the queen of passive aggression.
• As someone who is 5’3 and is going to be 5’3 for the rest of their life, I feel her pain. Strangers mistake her for being younger, people don’t take her as seriously as her companions, and she can be easily overpowered in a fight. This can range from being mildly annoying to setting off the primal short people instinct to go for the knees.
• I don’t know where to place this on the timeline?? Is she minish cap Zelda as well or just four swords adventures Zelda???? I haven’t decided yet.
• Either way her and Link are besties. Absolute partners in crime. Maybe something more in the future but I’ve never though too much about fsa ships.
Disguise: 3/10 it’s just her princess outfit cut short with pants. People can tell she comes from money, but the way it’s presented comes off as odd to most people.
Lullaby (14)
• I sense a gender crisis on the horizon. They haven’t quite realized it yet, but a cis this Zelda ain’t.
• Is aware that either Link or them sent him back in time to prevent the future from happening. He did not tell them and they haven’t seen him since he left Hyrule a few years ago, but they came to that conclusion anyways. This might haunt them a bit.
• Impulsive and a bit too sure of themself; this is the same kid who thought they could outsmart and defeat Ganondorf’s plans at like. 10.
• Is determined to make this inter-dimensional trip an adventure, no matter how life threatening. They don’t know if they even want to go home.
Disguise: 6/10 not bad but the vibrant pink definitely stand out
Dusk (23)
• Sword Lesbian Sword Lesbian Sword Lesbian Sword Lesbian.
• Appears stoic and regal, in reality is barely holding on. This women would love coffee.
• Is incredibly prone to self sacrifice, would die for her companions after knowing them for 2 days.
• Unrelated but I will never get over how she and Link barely knew each other and didn’t get the the chance to know each other. Not in a ship kind of way but like how two people so strongly connected by fate just brushed past each other and went on with their lives.
• Definitely had a thing for Midna. If she stayed Her and Link might have fought over her.
Disguise: 9/10 have you seen how big her cloak is??
Tetra (16)
• The Street Smarts of the gang. Seriously, they would be dead without her.
• She does all the haggling and she’s very good at it. Her intimidation tactics are top notch.
• Knows more cuss words than everyone else, is very happy to share them.
• Has a crush on Link but they are both in HEAVY denial about it.
• Honestly could be in charge if the others didn’t see her as a child.
Disguise: 9/10 it’s just her regular clothes but they’re a tad too beachy for most of Hyrule’s weather .
Phantom (16)
• Her amour was custom made after her adventure, when she was feeling a bit nostalgic for her phantom form (big and tall and could crush enemies with a single strike).
• Link teaches her sword combat. They are inseparable.
• Confident and self assured; she’s done this before
• A bit of hero worship towards Tetra, she tries hard not to spoil what her future holds for her.
• Still afraid of rats.
Disguise: 1/10 she looks so goddamn weird but she refuses to take the horns off.
Fable (19)
• Yes we are incorporating the Fable is Legend’s brother headcanon I just think it’s neat.
• Getting kidnapped by Ganon three times has to mess a person up. She’s paranoid and convinced he’ll return within her lifetime, but represses it with a facade of calmness and over confidence.
• Takes self defense lessons so she feels more prepared.
• I think she’s secretly rather lonely, more so than a lot of other Zeldas.
• Cuts her own bangs.
Disguise: 5/10 the same as Dots but a bit better. She has so much rich girl energy though.
Dawn (17)
• Remember how after the adventure of link, there’s two princesses? Succession crisis.
• Aurora quickly gains popularity with the court and people and uses this to start a coup against Dawn. She escapes into the woods and is sucked into a portal before anyone can catch her.
• She’s always been a bit quiet and timid, but it’s made worse by this
• absolutely shocked at the amount of wealth and life other Hyrules have. Maybe a bit jealous.
Disguise: 4/10 it’s her princess gown repurposed into a shirt and pants, but it still looks ridiculous. Too bad they’re all broke (what kind of princess carries money with them??).
Artemis (34)
• I don’t know who this woman was married to but there was a divorce.
• The best at combat, has killed many people before.
• When she tells stories about the war, she doesn’t lie or sanitize them. She want them all to know what horrors can occur as a warning.
• I don’t think a single Zelda has had their mother survive their childhood, so a lot of them latched on to her.
• She trains them all to improve their combat skill.
• Is used to being an unquestionable authority, is shocked when some of them don’t respect that (Tetra, Sun, Dusk).
Disguise: -1000/10 she has GOLDEN ARMOR.
Flora (18)
• Oh boy trauma. 100 years of it.
• She is a scientist she is an explorer she is a gremlin in the woods desperately trying not to lick her plant samples.
• She has an unmatched temper. Blows up at small things, cries about it afterwards.
• She tells the others about how she decided not to revive the monarchy and nearly gets jumped for it.
• Her and Link share one (1) braincell.
• Suffering because she doesn’t have the Sheikah slate. Has to improvise.
Disguise: 10/10 very normal person look. Wears traveller tunic with hood partly because it’s comfy, partly so she doesn’t get recognized by the Yiga.
And that’s what I’ve got so far!!
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